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1) You cannot simply put something new into a place. You have to absorb what you see around you,
what exists on the land, and then use that knowledge along with contemporary thinking to
interpret what you see. – Tadao Ando
2) You have to have endurance in this profession. You start a project as a young person and then at
the end you are another person. You are ready to go for your passion. – Santiago Calatrava
3) A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars, it’s where the rich ride public
transportation. – Enrique Peñalosa
4) I hate vacations. If you can build buildings, why sit on the beach? – Philip Johnson
5) Architects spend an entire life with this unreasonable idea that you can fight against gravity. –
Renzo Piano
6) A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines. -Frank
Lloyd Wright
7) Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, of forms assembled in the light. -Le
8) The architect who really designs for a human being has to know a great deal more than just the
Five Canons of Vitruvius. – Richard Neutra
9) If you think you can’t make the world a better place with your work, at least make sure you don’t
make it worse. – Herman Hertzberger
10) We live in a time of renaissance… cities are coming back to life, after a long neglect. – Daniel

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