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Major Project Synopsis


Submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the certificate



Computer Engineering

Green Hills Polytechnic

Nahan Road, Gandhigram, Kumarhatti P.O. Baholi,, Solan, Himachal Pradesh

Submitted To: - Submitted By: -

Er. Ankita Priyanka Rana

(H.O.D.) (7152004). C.E

1. Introduction.
2. Objective.
3. Scope.
4. Requirement specification
5. Problem definition.
6. Bibliography.

In today’s time, computer has became an important part of our life, without computer, we
cannot solve million of calculation at one time. So I make an website regarding all the
components of the computer. My website contains all the information about computer parts.
So my website can be useful for those who are searching for a good knowledge about the
computer and computer parts.
I got the idea from internet because there was no other website related to the computer
components. I collected some useful data by myself, all the pictures were taken by me all the
data was collected by me and some little information was taken from internet.

The objectives of this website are: -
 Time efficient.
 Reduced operational time.
 Increased accuracy and reliability.
 Increased operational efficiency.
 Becoming an authoritative resource.
 Improved visual design and content.
 Improve interaction with existing and potential customers.
 Easy for the users to navigate to every section of the site.
 This site is user friendly for the users to achieve the desired knowledge.
 Reduce Website Management

 A future-proof website is not only beautiful but is highly functional, and has longevity
 I used only the latest web technologies such as HTML5, progressive enhancement
through CSS3 for styling and JavaScript to add more control to the website.
 In future I will add some more places to visit, some advanced information in this
 Later I will also connect my website to the database server and will also do the SEO
(Search Engine Optimisation) of this website so that each and every user can access
this website from any location all around the world.

Requirements Specifications

Platform used: - this project is produced in the windows platform. We use the latest
windows to build a convenient project because the working is simple and easy to manipulate.

Hardware used: - Building a website has become a much more feasible task for the
average user with the availability of free website creation software and services. With the
software readily available, the only other things required are a few key hardware components.

 Computer system (minimum requirements):- Windows XP, 512MB RAM, 40 GB

HARD DISK, no graphics card/sound card required.

Software used: -
 HTML: - HTML is a mark-up language used for structuring and presenting content
on the World Wide Web.
For example:- HTML5.
 CSS: - CSS is a language that describes the style of an HTML document. CSS
describes how HTML elements should be displayed.
For example:- CSS3.
 JavaScript: - It is a high-level, dynamic, weakly typed, object-based, multi-
paradigm, and interpreted programming language commonly used to create interactive
effects within web browsers.
 Web browser: - A web browser (commonly referred to as a browser) is a software
application for retrieving, presenting and traversing information resources on the
World Wide Web.
For example:- Google Chrome, Firefox.
 Text editor:- A text editor is a computer program that lets a user enter, change, store,
and usually print text (characters and numbers, each encoded by the computer and its
input and output devices, arranged to have meaning to users or to other programs).
For example:- sublime text, notepad, notepad++.
 PHP:- (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open
source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web
development and can be embedded into HTML.

Problem definition
 There was no other single website of schools and details of schools was not properly given.
 I observed that some websites had not contained sufficient data which was not enough
so that user had to move on other websites which consumes some extra time.
 Some websites were not user friendly.
 There are websites which have sufficient information but we have to create an
account to access those information.
 Some websites contains a lot of advertisement which consumes a lot of time to access
the website.

I visited some website to search my topic in depth and in detail, these websites are listed as


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