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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

1. Find the transfer function

G1 + G2
1 - (G1 + G2 )(G3 + G4 )

G1 + G2
1 + (G1 + G2 )(G3 - G4 )

1 + G1G2G3G4

1 - G1G2G3G4

2. An LTI system with input as r (t) =α u(t) produce response c (t) = (1 - e-2t )u(t) is cascaded
1 1
with another system whose response is c (t) = 4e u(t) for input r (t) = βδ(t)
2 2

When these two system are connected in cascade the overall transfer function is
1 then the value of  is _______
G (s)G (s) =
1 2 (s +1)(s + 2)

(A)4 (B)6
(C)2 (D)8
3. Consider the signal flow graph below. Obtain the closed loop transfer function using
mason’s gain formula. =___________________

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

4. The transfer function of LTI system whose output y(t) and input u(t) are related by the
t -3(t-τ)u(t)]dτ
following equations y(t) =  [(2+(t - τ))e

2e-2s s+2
(a) (c)
s+3 (s+3)2

(d) 2s+72
s+3 (s+3)

5. Find the transfer function of the system shown below.

Where G(s) is the V0 (s) of the circuit shown below as R=1  , C=1 F
V1 (s)

(b) 0
S +1


The block diagram is represented in its equivalent form as

Then the X and Y values are

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

(a) X = G2 Y = (1+G1 )

(b) X = G Y = G1

(c) X = G1 Y = G2

(d) X = (1+G2 ) Y = (1+G1 )

7. A system transfer function is

(a) Ratio of time domain output and input function
(b) Ratio of frequency domain output and input function
(c) Ratio of the maximum of output and input in time domain
(d) Ratio of the minimum of output and input in frequency domain

8. Normalized response of a dynamic system refers to the

(a) Characteristic features of response due to a specific excitation irrespective of its

(b) Response of dynamic system divides by its maximum value
(c) Response of dynamic system divides by a standard value
(d) None of the above

9. Consider the signal flow graph of a system

of the system is __________________

(a) 8 (b) 4
(c) 2 (d) none

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

10. Consider the signal flow graph shown below

is ________________.

11. A feedback or closed loop system is one

(a) Which is closed on both sides

(b) In which systems are tightly connected
(c) In which input and output are not compared with each other
(d) In which input and output are compared with each other

12. Time domain information is not considered in block diagram representation of dynamic
system because

(a) Output cannot be directly obtained by multiplying the time domain input with the
response function
(b) It is difficult to get physical issues using time domain response
(c) It is difficult to give time domain input
(d) None of the above

13. Consider the system shown in figure below

The system (1) is stable for -9 < K < 9

Then the system (2) is stable for -3 < K < ________ where ‘K’ is the gain of the system

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

14. Introduction of integral action in the forward path of a unity feedback system will result
(a) Marginally stable system.
(b) System with no steady state error
(c) System with better speed of response
(d) System with increased stability margin.

V0 (s)
15. In the electrical circuit shown below, The ratio of is
Vi (s)

s  4s  2

(b) 2 s
s  2s  1
(c) 2 2s
2s  2s  1
(d) 2 s
s  3s  1

16. The block diagram of a system is shown below

In order to reduce the effect of noise element:

(a) The feedback gain should be increased.
(b) The forward gain G1 should be increased.
(c)The forward gain G2 should be increased.
(d) Both the gain G1 and G2 should be increased.

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

17. Consider the system shown in below figure

If T = 1, the steady state output sensitivity to the variation of K will be reduced by

(a) Decreasing ‘K ’ value
(b) Increasing ‘K ’ value
(c) First decreasing then increasing
(d) First increasing then decreasing

18. A forcing function (t 2  2 t)u(t  1) is applied to a linear system. The Laplace transform of
the forcing function is
2  s 2s  1  s2   s
(a) e (b)  e
s3  s 
1 1  2  s2 
(c) es  2 e2s (d)  3  e s
s s  s 
19. For the given feedback system, the forward path does not affect the system output if KG
(a) Very small
(b) One
(c) Negative
(d) Very large

20. A control system with certain excitation is governed by the following mathematical
equation d x2  1 dx  1 x  y . Where y is the input and x is the output. The sum of the time

dt 2 dt 18
constants of the response of the system is _______sec.

21. A feedback control system is shown below

If the forward path gain is 400 and feedback gain is 0.05. The percentage change in closed
loop gain for 10% change in G is ________.

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

22. For the input to the system as 10sin t , the response obtained is 20cosωt . For input of
20cosωt the response would be
(a) - 40sinωt (b) 20sinωt
(c) 40sinωt (d) -20sinωt

23. The phase contribution in radians of transfer function KesT would be

(a) T (b) T 

(c) T  (d) 0

24. The transfer function of the following system is

G1G3  G2G3 G1G3  G2G3

(a) (b)
1  G1  G1G3G4  G2G3G4 1  G1  G1G3G4  G2G3G4
G1G3  G2G3 G1G3  G2G3
(c) (d)
1  G1  G1G3G4  G2G3G4 1  G1  G1G3G4  G2G3G4

25. In the signal flow graph shown below

The number of individual loops in the signal flow graph is _______________

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

1 1 
26. Unit step response of system is c(t)    e t  e2t  for t>0 The transfer function of
2 2 
system is
1 2(s 2)
(a) (b)
(s 1)(s 2) (s 1)
2(s 1) 2
(c) (d)
(s 2) (s 1)(s 2)

27. Consider the signal flow graph. The number of two non-touching loop pairs are ________

28. A comparator in a general closed loop control system performs

(a) addition of input and feedback signal only
(b) only subtraction of input and feedback signals
(c) addition as well as subtraction between the inputs and feedback signal
(d) differentiation of input signals only

29. Introduction of negative feedback in an open loop control system

(a) may change a stable open loop system into an unstable closed loop system (or) an
unstable open loop system into a stable closed loop system.
(b) leads to unstable operation always
(c) leads to stable operation always
(d) results decrease in system bandwidth

30. Match the list-I and with List-II by using corresponding alphabets and numbers
A. Negative feedback 1. Applied only to LTI systems
B. Signal flow graph 2. Reduces the bandwidth
C. Feedback Block 3. Increase the bandwidth
D. Positive feedback 4. Highly sensitive to the parameter
variations in the block.

(a) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2 (b) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
(c) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2 (d) A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

31. Two gain block with individual transfer functions G1 (S) and G2 (S) are connected in
cascade configuration and found that the block-1 is loaded by the block-2. The overall
transfer function is

Y2 (s)
(a) G1 (s)G2 (s) (b)
X 1 (s)
G1 (s) Y1 (s)
(c) (d)
G2 (s) X 1 (s)

32. The overall gain of the control system represented by the following signal flow graph

33. The sensitivity of overall transfer function T(S) against the variations in the feedback
function H(S) for a system represented by the following diagram at   2rad / sec ,

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

34. The overall transfer function of a closed loop system with the following block diagram
representation is

1  G1G2  G 4 G5  G1G2G4G5   G1G3G4G6
1  G1G2  G4G5  G1G2G4G5

G7  G8 1  G1G2  G 4 G5  G1G2G4G5   G1G3G4G6
1  G1G2  G4G5  G1G2G4G5

G7  G8 1  G1G2  G 4 G5  G1G2G4G5   G1G3G4G6
1  G4G5  G1G2G4G5

1  G1G2  G 4 G5  G1G2G4G5   G1G3
1  G1G2  G6G5  G1G2G4G5

35. Find the overall transfer function of the system, whose block diagram is as shown in the
following figure.

Y G1G6 (G2G4  G3G5 )

(a) 
R 1  (G4  G5 )(1  G1H1 )(1  G6 )  (H3  H4 )G1 G6 (G2 G4  G3 G 5 )
Y G1G6 (G2G4  G3G5 )
(b) 
R 1  (G4  G5 )(1  G1H1 )(1  G6 )  G1G6 (G2G4  G3G 5 )

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Y (G2G4  G3G5 )
(c) 
R 1  (G4  G5 )(1  G1H1 )(1  G6 )  (H3  H4 )G1G6 (G2G4  G3G 5 )
Y G1G6 (G2G4  G3G5 )
(d) 
R 1  H2 (G4  G5 )(1  G1H1 )(1  G6 )  (H3  H4 )G1G6 (G2G4  G3G 5 )

36. To convert a given block diagram

To a unity feedback system

G1 should be
2G 2G
(a) (b)
1  2G  GH 1  2G  2GH
2G G
(c) (d)
1  G  2GH 1  G  GH

7 3 1
37. The step response of a system is given as y  1  e t  e2t  e4t . If the transfer
3 2 6
(s a)
function of this system is then a+b+c+d is_____________.
(s b)(s c)(s d)

38. For an initially relaxed system, the input r(t) and output c(t) are related by the equation.
d2 c(t) dc(t)
5  6c(t)  r(t) , then the impulse response at t=10 microsecond is
dt 2
(a) 9.99  106 (b) 9.99  103
(c) 2  106 (d) 6  106

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

39. The overall transfer function of the signal flow graph shown in the figure below is:

G1G2G3G4  G1G6 G7 G3G4H4

1  G1H1  G3H2  G1G2H3  G7G8H4  G2G5G8H4  G1G3H1H2
G1G2G3G4  G1G6 G7 G3H4
1  G1H1  G3H2  G1G2H3  G7G8H4  G2G5G8H4  G1G3H1H2
G1G6 G3G4  G1G6 G3G6H4
1  G1H1  G3H2  G1G2H3  G7 G8H4  G2G5G8H4
G1  G2G3G4  G1G6 G7G3H4
1  G1H1  G3H2  G1G2H3  G7 G8H4  G2G5G8H4

40. The transfer function corresponding to the signal flow graph shown in the figure is

12s  12 12s  10
(a) (b)
5s2  4s 4s2  s
12(s2  s  1) s  10
(c) (d) 2
5s2  4s s  10s  2

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

41. In general, Traffic light is ___________ system.

(a) Open loop (b) Closed loop

(c) Open loop but can be made closed loop (d) Can't say

42. The value of C  R  of the following figure is _______________.

43. Find the graph determinant of the following figure.

(a)   1  G2H1  G1G2G3H2 (b)   1  G2H1  G1G2G3H2

(c)   1  G2H1  G1G2G3H2 (d)   1  G2H1  G1G2G3H2

44. Find transfer function of the figure below, using state flow graph.

G1G2  G3
1  G1G2H1  G3H1
1  G1G2H1  G3H1
1  G1G2H1  G3H1
G1G2  G3
1  G1G2H1  G3H1

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

45. The number of feedback loops and number of forward paths respectively are _________.

(a) 4 and 2 (b) 4 and 1

(c) 2 and 2 (d) 4 and 4

46. Which of the transfer function has multiple open loop poles?

1 1
(a) (b)
S2 S  2S  2

(c) (d) none
S2  2S  1

47. Calculate the transfer function for signal flow graph shown below.

(a) A
1 B
(d) A+B

48. An electromechanical device which actuates a train of step angular movements in

response to a train of input pulses on one to one train is
(a) Synchro control transformer (b) LVDT
(c) Stepper motor (d) Tacho generator

49. Self-loop is term related to_______________.

(a) Signal flow graph (b) Block Diagram
(c) Transient response (d) None

50. In which system, error detector is not necessary?

(a) Open loop (b) Closed loop
(c) Forward loop (d) B & C

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

51. Find the SGF for block diagram shown below.




(d) a and c
52. Open loop transfer function is given by G(s)H(s)  . The type of system is ________.
s (s 2)

53. For a first order control system, what is the time response for unit step input function?

t t
(a) c(t)  1  e T (b) c(t)  t  T  t e T
1 Tt
(c) c(t)  e (d) c(t)  1  e T

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

54. Consider the block diagram shown below. Find out .

s 1
G(s)= and H(s)=
 s  2s  4  s

s2  6s  8
s2  6s  9
s  6s  8

s  6s  9

s2  6s  9
s2  6s  8

55. Consider the block diagram shown below. Find out .

s 1
G(s)= and H(s)=
 s  2s  4  s

s2  6s  8
s2  6s  9
(b) 2
s  6s  8
(c) 2
s  6s  9
s2  6s  9
(d) 2
s  6s  8

56. Magnitude and phase of S is

(a)  , 45 (b)  , 90
2 0 0

(c)  , 450 (d)Can’t be determined

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

57. Transfer function of a transportation lag is eST . If lag is small compared with time
constant of the system. It can be approximated by

(a) sT (b) 1+sT

1 1
(c) (d)
1  sT 1  sT

58. Transfer function of the SFG shown below is

2s  5
s  4s2  5s  2

2s2  6s  5
s3  4s2  5s  2

2s2  6s  5
s3  2s2  5s  2

3s2  5s  2
s3  2s2  5s  2

59. As shown in the figure below, find out the overall system gain in approximately.

(a) 100  10%

(B) 1000  10%

(c) 100  1%

(d) 1000  1%

60. ____________is the value of for the system given below, if G1 =5, G2 =8 and G3 =4, H1

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

61. The closed loop gain of the system shown below is

(a) -2
(b) 6
(c) -6
(d) 2

62. The overall transfer function C/R of the system shown below will be

(a) G
1  H2H1  H2
(1  H1 )(1  H2 )
1  H1  H2H1

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

1. Ans: (b)
Soluion: The block diagram after rearranging

C(s) G1 +G2
R(s) 1+(G1 +G2 )(G3 - G4 )

2. Ans: (d)
1 1 
C (s)  - 
1 = G (s) =  s s+2 
R (s) 1 1
1 α
2 1 
G (s) = 
1 α  s+2 

C2 (s) 4
= G2 (s) = s +1 =
R 2 (s) β β(s +1)
The overall transfer function of cascade configuration is
2  1  4  8
    =
α  s+2   β(s+1)  αβ(s+1)(s+2)
1 8 1
By comparing with G1G2 = => =
(s+1)(s+2) αβ(s+1)(s+2) (s+1)(s+2)
αβ = 8

3. Ans: 0.83-0.84
Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula
Y(s) 4 1 +2 1 + 4 1
= = 0.833
R(s) 1- -1- 4 - 2- 4 

4. Ans: (d)
Solution: y(t) = x(t) * u(t) where x(t) = (2+t)e
Y(s) 2 1 2s+7
= X(s) = + =
U(s) s+3 (s+3)2

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

5. Ans: (d)
Solution: V = s = VI
A 1 S+1
V - V VB - V0
B I+ =0
1 1
2VB - VI = V0
I -V =V
s+1 I 0 VA - VB  0
 1- S 
V  =V
I  1+S  0
V (s) 1 - s
 0 =
V (s) 1+s
The overall transfer function is
G(s) 1- s
C G(s) 1-s 1-s -1
= s -1 = = s+1 = = =
R G(s) s -1+G(s) (1 - s) s2 -1+1 - s s(s -1) s
1+ (s -1)+
s -1 (s+1)

6. Ans: (a)
Solution: From block diagram is
Apply mason’s gain formula
C G G +G G G +G G (1+ G )
= 1 2 2 1 2 2 = 2 1
R 1-[-G - G G ] 1+ G + G G 1+ G (1+ G )
2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1
By comparing with =
R 1+ XY
X=G Y = (1+G1 )

7. Ans: (b)
8. Ans: (a)

9. Ans: (d)
Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula
C 24 6
 
R 1  (( 2)(2)  ( 2)(4)) 13

10. Ans: 0.19-0.23

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula

C 4(1  0)
  0.21052
R 1  (( 4)  ( 2)  ( 4))  ( 2)( 4)

11. Ans: (d)

12. Ans: (a)

13. Ans: 3
9 9
Solution: Range of ‘K’ for stability with the third loop becomes K  i.e -3 < K < 3
3 3

14. Ans: (b)

15. Ans: (d)

Solution: The loop equations considering the Laplace transform of the network is
sI1 (s)  I1 (s)  I2 (s)  V1 (s)

(s  1)I1 (s)  I2 (s)  V1 (s) ...........(i)

And I2 (s)  I1 (s)  I2 (s)  sI2 (s)  0

I1 (s)  (s 2)I2 (s) .............(ii)

Substituting equation (ii) in equation (i),

(s 1)(s 2)I2 (s)  I2 (s)  V(s)

Vi (s) sVi (s)

I2 (s)  Also, V0 (s)  sI2 (s) => Vo (s) 
s  3s  1
s  3s  1

Vo (s) s

Vi (s) s  3s  1

16. Ans: (b)

Solution: The transfer function for the given block diagram is
 N(s) 
G1 (s)G2 (s)  1  
C(s) G1 (s)G2 (s) N(s)G2 (s)  G1 (s) 
  =
R(s) 1  G1 (s)G2 (s)H(s) 1  G1 (s)G2 (s)H(s) 1  G1 (s)G2 (s)H(s)

Thus, in order to reduce the effect of noise element the gain G1 (s) should be increased.

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

17. Ans: (b)

C(s) K.K1
Solution: Here,  T(s) 
R(s) 1  K.K 1  sT

T K 1  sT
SKT = . 
K T 1  K.K1  sT

For s=0 and T=1,

SKT = -
1  K.K1

In order to decrease the sensitivity ‘K’ should be increased.

18. Ans: (d)

Solution: f(t)  (t 2  2 t)u(t  1)  [(t  1)2  1]u(t  1)  (t  1)2 u(t  1)  u(t  1)

2e s e s =  2  s  e s

F(s)    
 s 
s3 s

19. Ans: (d)

Solution: T(s) 
1  KGH

KG 1
C(s)  R(s)  R(s)
1  KGH  1 
  H
 KG 

If KG>>1; then C(s) 

20. Ans: 9
X(s) 1 18 6 6
Solution:    
Y(s) s 1 18s  9s  1
1 1
s2   s s
2 18 6 3

Taking inverse Laplace transform

1 t 1 t
T(t)  6(e 6 e 3 )

 T1  T2  6  3  9sec

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

21. Ans: 0.30 to 0.50

G 400
Solution: T  
1  GH 21

 10%  0.1
T G 1
SGT   
T G 1  GH
T 1
  0.1  100  0.476%
T 21

22. Ans: (a)

Solution: T.F =
L[input] zero _initial_ condition

For input 10sin t , response is 20 cos t .

L[20 cos  t] s  2
2 2s
So, the T.F= = =
L[10 sin  t] 10 
s 
2 2

2s 2s s 40.s2
L[response]  T .F L[input] =  L[20 cos  t] =   20  2 =
  s  2 (s2  2 )
put,s  j ,

L[response] 
s2  2
 40 
response  L1  2
 40 sin t
s   

23. Ans: (a)

Solution: TF  KesT  Ke jT

Phase angle = T radian

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

24. Ans: (a)

Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula
Forward path 1 : G1G3
Forward path 2 : - G1G3
Loop 1 : -G1
Loop 2 : -G1G3G4
Loop 3 : +G2G3G4
C 1
  P  ; where PK =path gain of t he K th forward path
R  K K K

  1   Pm1   Pm2   Pm3  ............

m m m

K = the value of  for the path which is not touching the K th forward path we get
C G1G3  G2G3

R 1  G1  G1G3G4  G2G3G4

25. Ans: 3
Solution: There are 3 loops in the signal flow graph, they are 1 , cj and dek

26. Ans: (a)

Solution: Can be obtained in two ways
Method 1
 1 
C(s) 1 1 1 s s  (s 1)(s 2)  s(2(s 2))  s(s 1)
T(s)  s    2      
r(s)  2s s  1 s  2   2 s  1 2(s  2)  2(s 1)(s 2)
 
2 1
T(s)  
2(s 1)(s 2) (s 1)(s 2)

Method 2
Differentiating c(t)
h(t)  c(t)  et  e2t
1 1 s  2  s 1 1
H(s)    
(s 1) s  2 (s 1)(s 2) (s 1)(s 2)

27. Ans: 3
Solution: There are three non-touching loop pairs
“be” and “dg”, “be” and ”1” and “cf” and “1”

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

28. Ans: (b)

29. Ans: (a)

30. Ans: (a)

31. Ans: (b)

Solution: Since there is a loading of Block-I by Block-2 the transfer function is derived by
Y2 (S)
X1 (S)

32. Ans: 128 to 129

Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula

h (1 2  3  4  5  6)(1)  (1 1 6  1)(1  3  4  0.5)  48

  128.347
a 1  [(1 0.25  1)  (4  5  0.25)  (2  3  1)  (3  4  0.5)]

33. Ans: 101.5 to 102.5

T 100
 GH 100
 T   S  3S  2
Solution: Sensitivity , SHT  2
H 1  GH 100 S  3S  102
1 2
H S  3S  2
SHT   1.02
982  62

SHT =102%

34. Ans: (b)


Y G1G3G4 G6
 G7  G8 
X (1  G1G2 )(1  G4 G5 )


 
G7  G8 1  G1G2  G 4 G5  G1G2G4G5  G1G3G4G6
X 1  G1G2  G4G5  G1G2G4G5

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

35. Ans: (d)

Solution: Let transfer function of the inner blocks is ‘M’.

M can be represented by

The overall transfer function is

 G1  1 G6
   G2G4  G3G5 
Y  1  G1H1  1  H2  G4  G5  1  G6

1  (H3  H4 )G1G6
 G2G4  G3G5  1
1  H2 (G4  G5 ) (1  G1H1 )(1  G6 )

Y G1G6 (G2G4  G3G5 )

R 1  H2 (G4  G5 )(1  G1H1 )(1  G6 )  (H3  H4 )G1G6 (G2G4  G3G 5 )

36. Ans: (b)

2G G1
Solution:  => 2G  2GG1  G1  2GHG1
1  2GH 1  G1
G1 
2GH  1  2G

37. Ans: 15
Solution: Impulse response =
Step response
7 3 1
y  1  e t  e2t  e4t
3 2 6
dy 7  t 3 1
h(t)   e   ( 2)e2t    ( 4)e4t
dt 3 2 6
Taking Laplace transform

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

73 3 23 (s 8)
TF    
s  1 s  2 s  4 (s 1)(s 2)(s 4)
a  b  c  d  15

38. Ans: (a)

d2 c(t) dc(t)
Solution: 5  6c(t)  r(t)
dt 2

Taking Laplace transform on both side, and making all initial conditions to zero.
s2C(s)  5sC(s)  6 C(s)  R(s)

C(s) 1 1 1 1 1
 2    
R(s) s  5s  6 (s 2)(s 3) (s 2)(s 3) (s 2) (s 3)
 
g(t)  e2t  e3t u(t)
Impulse response at t  106

 6
g(10  106 )  e21010  e31010
 u(t)
g(t)= 9.99  106

39. Ans: (a)

Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula

Forward path= G1G2G3G4 and G1G6G7G3G4H4

Loop gain= G1H1 , G3H2 , G1G2H3 , G7G8H4 , G2G5G8H4

Gain product of Two non-touching loop = G1G3H1H2

G1G2G3G4  G1G6 G7 G3G4H4

T(s) =
1  G1H1  G3H2  G1G2H3  G7G8H4  G2G5G8H4  G1G3H1H2

40. Ans: (c)

Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula
Forward path,
1 1 12
P1  6  2    2 ; 1  1
s s s
 1 1
P2  6  2  1  12; 2  1      1 
 s s
Loop gain,
1 1
L1  2;L2   ;L3   ;L 4  2( 1)( 1)( 1)  2
s s

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

Gain product of Two non-touching loop

 1 2
L1L3  ( 2)    
 s s
 s2  s  1 
12  
P1 1  P2 2  s2  12(s2  s  1)
Transfer function=  
1  L1  L 2  L3   L1L3  1 1  2 5s2  4s
1   2    2 
 s s  s
41. Ans: (c)
Solution: Open loop but can be made closed loop. Traffic light system is not dependent on
the number of vehicles. (No feedback)

42. Ans: 20
Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula
Forward path,
P1  2  1  3  4  24; 1  1
P2  2  1  2  4  16; 2  1
Loop gain,
L 1  1
  1  L1  2
C P1 1  P2 2 24  16 40
     20
R  2 2

43. Ans: (b)

Solution: Loop gain,
L1  G2H1 ; L2  G1G2G 3H2 ;

  1  L1  L2 

  1  G2H1  G1G2G 3H2

44. Ans: (a)

Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula
Forward path
P1  G1G2
P2  G3
Loop gain
L1  G1G2H1 ; L2  G3H1

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  1  G1G2H1  G3H1

1  1; 2  1
G1G2  G3
1  G1G2H1  G3H1

45. Ans: (a)

Solution: Loop gain
L1  G3H1 ; L2  G1H2 ; L3  G1G2G3G4H3 ; L 4  G1G5G4H3
Forward path
P1  G1G2G3G4 ; P2  G1G5G4

46. Ans: (b)

G 1 1
Solution: Pole is defined for open loop transfer function  2 G
1  G S  2S  2 (S 1)2

47. Ans: (c)

 A 
Solution: X 2  AX1  BX 2  X 2    X1
1 B 

48. Ans: (c)

49. Ans: (a)

50. Ans: (a)

51. Ans: (d)

52. Ans: 2
Solution: Order : Total power of s; Type: Number of poles at origin

53. Ans: (d)

Solution: c(t)  1  e T

Input Function Time Response

Unit Ramp t
c(t)  t  T  T e T
Unit Step t
c(t)  1  e T

Unit impulse 1 Tt

c(t)  e

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

54. Ans: (a)

E(s) 1 1 (s 2)(s 4) s2  6s  8
Solution:    
R(s) 1  G(s)H(s) 1 s s2  6s  8  1 s2  6s  9
1 
s (s 2)(s 4)

55. Ans: (c)

C(s) G(s) (s 2)(s 4) s s
Solution:    2  2
R(s) 1  G(s)H(s) 1 s s  6s  8  1 s  6s  9
1 
s (s 2)(s 4)

56. Ans: (a)

  2 
Solution: S j     e 2     e 4
 
 

57. Ans: (d)

58. Ans: (b)

Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula
Forward path
1 1 1
P1  , P2  , P3  2
s s s
Loop gain,
2 1 1
L1   ; L2   ; L3  
s s s
Product of Two non-touching loop gain
2 1 2
PL1  2 ; PL2  2 ; PL3  2
s s s
Product of three non-touching loop
PL1   3
 2 1 1   2 1 2   2  s3  4s2  5s  2
 1        2  2 + 2    3  
 s s s s s s   s  s3
1 3 2  1 2 1 1 2
1   2   1   2   2 1  
s s s  s s s  s  s 2s2  6s  5
 T.F   
s3  4s2  5s  2 s3  4s2  5s  2

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

59. Ans: (c)

1000 1000 G
Solution: TF    100  ………………………….(1)
9 10 1  GH
1  1000 
TF 1 G
  TF  …………………………………………………………(2)
G (1  GH) 2
(1  GH)2
 10%or 0.1
From equation (1) & (2)

TF G 1 1
   10  %  1%
TF G (1  GH) 9
1  1000 
Overall system gain= 100  1%

60. Ans: 4
Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula
Forward path
P1  G1G2 , P2  G3
Loop gain,
L1  G1H1
C G1G2  G3

R 1  G1H1
Given G1 =5, G2 =8, G3 =4, H1 =2.
C 4  8  5 44
  4
R 1  2  5 11

61. Ans: (c)

6 6
Solution: CLTF for a positive feedback system    6
1 1

62. Ans: (c)

Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula
Forward path
P1  G
Loop gain
L1  H,L2  H2

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

Product of Two non-touching loop gain

L1L2  H1H2 , 1  1
T(s)  =
1  H1  H2  H1H2 (1  H1 )(1  H2 )

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

We recommend you to take the Chapter Test first and then

check the Solutions.

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

Chapter Test Solutions

1. Ans: (a)
Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula
C 2α - 2 1
= 2 - 2 = =
R 1 - [-α2] 1 + α2 2

2( 2   2 ) = 1  2
4 α - 4 = 1+α2
2  5     2.5

2. Ans: (b)
Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula
X (1 + c) 1
3 X1 1[1 - [-c]]
= = =
X X 2 1[1 - [-b - c]+[bc]] (1 +b)(1 + c) 1 +b

3. Ans: (c)
Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula
R(s)D(s)G(s)+ W(s)N(s)
Y(s) =
1 - D(s)G(s)H(s)
Y(s) N(s)
W(s) R(s)= 0 1-D(s)G(s)H(s)

4. Ans: (d)


sC sC
H (s) = 1
and H2 (s) = 2

1  sC1R1  
1  sC2R 2 
1 1
E c sc s
4 = 1 2
E  1 1  1  1 
1 R  +R + + R + 
1 c s 2 c s c s  2 c s
 1 2  1  2 

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

E (s)
It is not equal to = H (s)H (s)
E (s) 1 2

5. Ans: (a)
Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula

C 23  2[1  ( 2)]

R 1  [( 2)  ( 2)  ( 2)  ( 2)]  [( 2)( 2)]

86 14
  1.0769  1
1  8  4 13

6. Ans: 0.83-0.84
Solution: M 
1  GH

M H GH 10(0.5) 5
H       0.833
H M 1  GH 1  10(0.5) 6

7. Ans: (c)
Solution: C(s)  1 and R(s)  (Given)
R(s) 1  sT s
1 1 1 1 1
 C(s)     
(1  sT) s  1 s  1
Ts    s s  
 T  T
Taking inverse Laplace Transform both side, we get
c(t) =(1  e T

8. Ans: (b)
Solution: d y2  3 dy  2y  x(t)

dt dt

s2 Y(s)  3sY(s)  2 Y(s)  X(s) and x(t)  2u(t)

X(s) 
 (s2  3s  2)Y(s) 
2 1 1 2
Y(s)    
s(s 2)(s 1) s s  2 s  1

y(t) = (1  e  2e )u(t)
2t t

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

9. Ans: (b)
Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula
Forward path(P) and Loops(L) are
P1  G1G2G3 ; 1  1
P2  G1G2 ;  2  1
L1  G1G2G3H1H2
L 2  G2
L3  G1G2H2
L 4  G1G2H1H2

using Mason’s Gain formula,

C G1G2  (1  G3 )
R 1  G2  G1G2H2 (1  H1  G3H1 )

10. Ans: (b)

Solution: Signal flow graph

Apply mason’s gain formula

P1  G1G2 ; 1  1

P2  G1 ; 2  1

L1  G1G2H1

L2  G2H2

L3  H2

G1 (1  G2 )
Also, T(s) 
1  G1G2H1  (1  G2 )H2

11. Ans: (c)

1 1 1 
  
3 S S  3  1  3  1
Solution: H1 (s)    
1 3  S  3  (S  3)

For cascaded system H(s)  H1 (s)  H2 (s) 
(S  3)(S  4)

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Control Systems (Transfer Function)

12. Ans: 2.5 to 3.0

Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula

R (2  3  5) 30
   2.79
C 1  3  (2  3  0.5)  (3  5  0.25) 10.75

13. Ans: (a)

Solution: The transfer function of the network is

 
Vo (s) 1  sRC 12  2 (RC)2 1  10  4  103  10  10 6 1.16
     0.84
Vi (s) 1  2sRC 1.64
1  42 (RC)2
 
1  4 10  4  103  10  10 6

RC= 4  103  10  106  40  103  0.04sec

Phase angle     tan1 RC  tan1 2RC  tan1 10  0.04   tan1 2  10  0.04 
 = 16.850

14. Ans: (b)

Solution: Apply mason’s gain formula
Forward path
P1  G1G2 , P2  G1G3
Loop gain,
L1  G1G2H1 ; L2  G2 ; L3  G3

C G1G2 (1)  G1G3 (1) G1G2  G1G3

 
R 1  ( G2  G3  G1G2H1 ) 1  G2  G3  G1G2H1

15. Ans: (d)

Solution: C(s)  R(s)  G1 R(s)  G2  R(s)  R(s) 1  G2  G1G2 
T(s)   1  G2  G1G2

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