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Arranged by :

Festia Dwi Cahyani (2018710076)

Gema Ariyanda Syarif (2018710078)

Ina Annisa (2018710088)

Lutfiyana Aulia (2018710102)

Mega Rizki Utami (2018710107)





Healthy behavior is an action carried out by individuals to maintain and improve

to maintain and improve their health, including prevention of illness, personal hygiene
care, maintaining fitness through sports and eating nutritious food, because according
to Islam hygiene and health are interrelated and inseparable.

Al-Quran and As Sunnah explains that healthy living is important and how to
obtain health must be careful, not to fall into the practice of polytheism. Maintaining
health as part of the way to give thanks to Allah is a characteristic of good Muslims
and the capital to obtain health is to live cleanly. The Messenger of Allah has said and
is very popular in the Islamic world environment "An-Nadaftu minal faith" (Clean is part
of faith. Clean must be related to health, and health is part of faith. On the other hand,
true faith requires that life is clean and the fruit of a clean life is healthy.

As for healthy behavior in Islam such as stirrup usage, young marriage diet and body
piercing, but all of that is permissible in terms of health but in terms of Islam some say
it is allowed or not allowed.

I. The use of stirrup according to Islamic views

Dental braces are actually intended for people who have problems with the
appearance of their teeth, or in medical language is called an orthodontic problem.
Orthodontics is a technology in the field of dentistry that aims to correct the
arrangement of teeth that are less presentable. So that if this is allowed to happen, it
certainly will cause a less attractive appearance.

Regarding orthodontic installation, even to the method of jaw bone surgery, there
is still a difference of opinion. What's more, it said that it was classified as an act that
was not in accordance with the Shari'ah. What is often used as a basis is QS. An Nisa:

"And I will truly deceive them and will raise up empty dreams of them and order them
(cut off the ears of cattle), then they will completely cut them off, and I will send them
(change God's creation), then they really changed it. Whoever makes shaitan be a
protector other than Allah, then surely he suffers a real loss.”

Orthodontics is categorized as an act that changes the creation of Allah SWT.

Often scholars who forbid the installation of orthodontics refer to this basis. Moreover,
it is reinforced by the hadith of the Prophet (PBUH) which clearly forbids the use of
stretching teeth. This is in accordance with the hadith of Rasulullah SAW as reported
by Al Bukhari and Muslim.

"For telling us, Uthman has told us Jarir of Mansur of Ibrahim of Alqamah, Abdullah
said; "Allah curses those who are tattooed and those who ask for tattooing, people
who shave off their eyebrows and stretch their teeth for beauty by changing the
creation of Allah Ta'ala, why am I not cursing those who are cursed by the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam while in the Book of Allah has been stipulated" And
something who come from the apostle, then take it "(QS Al Hasyr; 7)." HR. Bukhari
and Muslim

The above hadith specifically has forbidden someone to make changes to the shape
and composition of the teeth. So the law is clearly haram. But specifically, there is a
reason why the change is forbidden, namely because it is for the purpose of beauty.
While orthodontics is not just to beautify themselves.
Medically, this opinion is supported by the impact or risk that can be caused
after the installation of orthodontic aircraft. On the other hand, orthodontics also has
risks that affect patient care. Some risks or adversity that can arise due to orthodontic
installation are decalcification (the appearance of plaque on the tooth surface in the
gaps between orthodontic planes), root resorption (causing broken teeth and problems
in the blood vessels in the gums and the nervous system that is connected to the
teeth), gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) due to the movement of teeth with a certain
pressure causes the gums to become inflamed, pain in the teeth caused by strong
orthodontic plane pressure, and can have a more severe impact such as the position
of the teeth that are too forward or vice versa or the position of the inclined tooth.

Some Muhammadiyah scholars who categorized orthodontic installation as a

means of beautifying themselves included acts that were redundant. All of that if
outside of urgent medical needs are categorized as acts of tabzir (wastefulness) and
isrof (excessive) for the sake of prestige, lifestyle (lifestyle) and just showing off that is
not commendable in Islam because the wire will not bring any effect on tooth growth
furthermore but instead wasting money on something unnecessary and tends to be
excessive (israf) and lavish who hated and cursed Allah Almighty.

In Islam, dental care is recommended by Rasulullah SAW. Teeth cleaning is the

sunnah recommended by the Prophet Muhammad. Rasulullah SAW used to clean his
teeth with siwak. Islam also understands that maintaining oral health will greatly
determine the quality of human life.

In general orthodontic treatment aims to improve the lives of patients by

overcoming psychosocial difficulties related to the appearance of the face and teeth.
Therefore as much as possible the installation of orthodontics for aesthetic purposes
in the absence of more important goals should be avoided. Nothing else is to avoid
acts that are prohibited by the Shari'ah so as not to bear sin.(1)

II. Body piercing in the angle of view of Islam

Definition of Piercing

Piercing in Arabic means translucent or hollow, while in English it is known as

perc or piercing which means sharp or piercing. Body piercing usually refers to piercing
human body parts with the use of jewelry. Body piercing is a form of body modification.
Opinions of the Ulema About the Law of Ear Piercing and Piercing Other Than
the Ear

According to Ust. Muhammad Hasyim's piercing phenomenon is not a culture

that originated from Islam or jewelry that originated from Islam, but piercing had
existed before the Prophet. In this case, there is a hadith which implies that it is
permissible, but in the case of piercing in addition to the ear, there is no narration of
the hadith or the Koran that explains it. According to Ust. Muhammad Hasyim's ear
piercing may be permanent if the piercing in the ear exceeds one unlawful piercing of
his law because in the time of the Prophet there was only one piercing. Whatever the
original law piercing jaiz or may. As for the piercing law other than the ear, there were
also differences of opinion among the Ulama:

Some Ulama are of the opinion that piercing in addition to the ear is prohibited.

According to Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Haytami in the Book of Fathul Mu'in believes that
piercing other than the ear is absolutely haram for women or men.

In conclusion, some rules about the prohibition of nose piercing apply because
there is no need allowed in this matter. And it doesn't matter that it's been a jewelry
while still a child due to the fact that you don't actually have to use jewelry.(2)

III. Diet according to Islamic and health views

Diet according to health

Food is a medicine to stimulate the growth of brain cells, improve its function,
improve memory and concentration. According to Aji Budi Darmawan quoted in the
journal Hanjaya Siaputra et al, food becomes a human need for energy to carry out
activities and provide endurance in the face of disease. However, food that tastes good
on the tongue if it is continually and excessively, it will have a bad effect on body
health. In principle, a healthy eating pattern must pay attention to J4A factors, namely
the number, type, schedule and cooking stance and most importantly also regular
physical activity that helps the process of healthy eating results by producing an ideal
and healthy body shape.

Diet According to Religion

Islam is very careful in health, one of which is in terms of food in terms of halal
haram and good. Halal is something that is allowed in religion, while good is something
that basically does not damage the physical and mental, and must meet the
requirements in terms of cleanliness.

Basically what is known is that food is the maintenance of life, all living things
created by Allah. on the surface of the earth, absolutely need it. Food gives him the
essential power of his life, to supply the elements that will form his body's cells and
renew damaged ones.

Nutrition according to Islam comes from the Arabic language "al-Gizzai" which
means food and its benefits for health, can also be interpreted as a juice that is
beneficial to health. Nutrition is a process of organism using food that is consumed
normally through the process of digestion, absorption, transportation, storage,
metabolism, and release of substances that are not used to maintain life, growth and
normal function of organs and produce energy.(3)

IV. Young marriage in the perspective of Islam, health, and law in


Understanding Young Marriage is marriage limits the relationship between women

and men, whose age range is under 20 years. What is done to avoid one of the big
sins in Islam is adultery. What is stated in the verse al-Quran:

"And do not approach adultery, verily adultery is a cruel act and a bad way." (Q.S Al-
Israa '32).”

Indirectly, the Qur'an and the Hadith acknowledge that maturity is very
important in marriage. The age of adulthood in fiqh is determined by physical signs
that are signs of general baligh, among others, the perfect age of 15 (fifteen) years for
men, iḥ tilām for men and menstruation in women at least at the age of 9 (nine) years.

Early marriage occurs because of several encouraging factors that we often

encounter in our community, namely:

a. The economy

The economic burden on families often encourages parents to quickly marry off their
children in the hope that the economic burden on the family will decrease.
b. Education

The low level of education causes a tendency to marry off minors without thinking
about the consequences and impacts.

c. Customs

According to the customs of marriage often occur because from childhood children
have an arranged marriage by both parents.

This underage marriage suggests that the bride and groom are too in a hurry
to enter domestic life. They do not pay attention to physical and psychological
readiness which is the main asset of the marriage. Such conditions are very vulnerable
to the risk of underage marriages, including:

a. Physical aspect

From a physical point of view, male actors are not yet capable of being burdened with
a job that requires physical skills to earn an income and meet the economic needs of
his family.

b. Mental aspect

They often experience mental turmoil because they still have an unstable mental and
emotionally immature. Such as anxiety, dissociative disorders (multiple personalities)
and psychological trauma of PTSD.

c. In terms of health

Viewed in terms of health, this couple is vulnerable to risks related to reproductive

health such as :

 maternal death and infant death due to giving wrong parenting to children due
to limited knowledge of the nature of psychological motherhood because
underage women do not enter the ideal age of pregnancy or even giving birth
because of high risk.
 HIV disease
This is because they do not have the strength and the way to communicate well
in married life and the characteristics of puberty are not completely finished.
1. Impact on husband and wife
It is undeniable that a married couple who enters a young marriage cannot fulfill
or do not know their rights and obligations as husband and wife. This arises
because their mental and physically immature, so it tends to have a high
selfishness. Such as Disputes relating to financial problems that are too
wasteful or a husband who does not submit the results of income properly to
his wife, causing his household life is not pleasant and not harmonious.(4)

Marriage Law in Indonesia

Relating to the applicable marriage law at Indonesia, then according to
Law Number 1 Year 1974 regarding Marriage, namely: Marriage as a spiritual
bond between a man and a woman as a husband with a purpo,se make a happy
family (household) and Ketal based on the Almighty God.
Meanwhile according to Indonesian law or positive discuss in the Civil Code
(Civil Code) prior to the existence of Law Number 1, The year 1974 regarding
Marriage has drawn boundaries marriage age. Code of Civil law (Civil Code)
Article 29 states that men are haven't reached age women who have not
reached the age of fifteen full, no marriage can be held.
One of the principles adhered to by the Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning
Marriage is a principle prospective bride's maturity. The maturity of the bride
and groom is implemented with age restrictions on marriage. Law Number 1 of
1974 concerning Marriage Article 7 paragraph (1) states that marriage is only
Can be accepted if men have reached the age of 19 (nine twelve) years and
the woman has reached the age of 16 (sixteen years. At that age, both men too
women are assumed to have reached the minimum age to hold a marriage with
all its problems. In addition, the Marriage Law also specifies an age limit other
than the 16 year stipulation for women and 19 years for men. Marriage law
Article 6 paragraph (2) quotes it to proceed with someone who has not reached
the age of 21 (twenty-one) year must get parental permission.

That according to the Islamic view of the use of stirrup is allowed for medical or
health, but for non-medical or aesthetic it is not allowed. As for piercing or body
piercing in Islam's view, it should only be done in the ear but apart from being done in
the ear is forbidden. There is also about diet according to the Islamic view is allowed
as long as not to torture yourself or to starve. As for early marriage in the view of Islam
is allowed but has a large impact on health.

1. How to diet in Islam other than fasting? (karimah azzahra Group : 9)

Eat in moderation, eating with too many portions will certainly make our
body weight out of control. Therefore eat enough food, don't overdo it
because Islam itself doesn't like excessive things. Even in Islam itself
recommends eating before being hungry and stopping before being full.
Because when we are hungry we will tend to eat in large quantities,
likewise if you eat must wait until the stomach feels full before stopping.
Even though our stomach part not only has to contain food, we have to
leave it to collect water and air to digest food and to function other organs
2. What if someone is not strong enough to hold his lust but economically
he is lacking, and he wants to get married to keep him away from
adultery? (Himmatul Ulya Group : 12)
It's better to get married even if it's economically lacking, than to commit
adultery. Because when married the sustenance will come by itself.
3. What is the ruling in Islam if someone wears dentures? (Dinda Pratiwi
Group : 2)
Installing artificial teeth is a necessity / need for people who no longer
have teeth, to chew food before swallowing or to aid digestion. The
installation of artificial teeth does not include changing the creation of
God; in fact, it is really needed to chew food and talk, so the installation
of artificial teeth that are intended for treatment and not for style is
allowed. (5)
4. In Islam, beautifying yourself in front of a husband is permissible while
in Islam it is also not allowed to change it. So what is the law? (Haina
Maulani Group : 11)
In Islam, beautifying yourself is permissible, but don't change limbs that
are intended solely to beautify yourself and make you young because it
is not allowed and the law is haram. (6)
5. Is early marriage legal or not? and what about the law of his child?
(M.Fanny Afriansyah Group : 6)
Early marriage is legal, but see first whether he is married in religion or
6. What is the ruling on dieting to torture yourself? (Hanna Maulida Group
: 11)
The law should not be because we go on that diet so that we carry out
worship to God there is no obstacle, but if we go on a diet with no food
at all, it will be an obstacle to us worshiping God because later we could
be affected by illness if we go on a diet with torture yourself. (7)
7. What is the law on the prayer of men who use piercings? (Hilda Nurul F
Group : 10)
The prayer law is valid, but wearing earrings because of the need to
decorate it shows that piercing is a characteristic of women. So that
includes not allowed. And something that is characteristic of women,
should not be imitated by men. the scholars forbade piercing for men.
Imam Ibn Abidin in his Hasyiyah said,
Imam Ibnul Qoyim also said,

‫يجوز فال دنيوية وال دينية مصلحة ال أعضائه من عضو قطع وهو فيه له مصلحة فال الصبي ثقب وأما‬

"Piercing a baby boy is of no use, even though it cuts off some of its
limbs, there is no benefit to the religion, or the world. Therefore, it is not
allowed. "(Tuhfah al-Maudud, p. 210). (8)
8. What do you think about early marriage, is early marriage destructive?
(Hilda Muthiah Group : )
In our group's opinion, early marriage does not damage it either.
Because with early marriage we can avoid adultery and so on,
9. What is the impact of orthodontics? (Klarysa Group : )
 Decalcification (the appearance of plaque on the tooth surface in
the gaps between the orthodontic planes).
 In the use of orthodontic aircraft with excessive pressure can
cause tooth roots to become resorbed (broken / broken).
 Inflammation of the gums due to movement of the teeth with
certain pressure causes the gums to become inflamed, Pain due
to movement of the teeth caused by the pressure of a strong
orthodontic plane causing pain in the teeth. (1)
10. There is someone who uses stirrup, while he has died and his family
forgot not to remove the stirrup. How is the law? (Elsya Zaina E. Group
: 3)
Allowed if indeed the intention is for medical or health. But if only for
beauty it is forbidden. The scholars stressed that it is not compulsory to
take foreign objects in the body of the deceased. The meaning is not
mandatory, meaning the existence of the item in the body of the
deceased, does not have any impact on the deceased. The existence of
that thing, does not cause the deceased to be restrained by his deeds
or he is not calm, or similar beliefs.
In al-Inshaf, al-Mardawi al-Hambali (d. 885 H) says,

‫الفصول في قال‬: ‫ ذهب من خيطا فأعطاه بذهب أسنانه ربط إلى محتاجا رآه لو وكذا‬، ‫فهو له فهو هه فرنه ذهب من أنفا أو‬
‫فهثي له‬

"In the book of al-Fushul it is stated, if there are people who need to tie
their teeth with gold, then their teeth are given gold wire. Or he needs a
golden nose, then he is given a golden nose and tied up, then he dies,
then it is not required to be removed and returned to the owner. Because
taking it off causes a corpse to slash the body. "(Al-Inshaf, 2/555).
The same thing was conveyed by Ibn Qudamah,

‫ فجبر بعظم عظمه جبر وإن‬، ‫ مات ثم‬، ‫طاهرا كان إن ينزع لم‬. ‫ألنه ؛ أزيل مثلة غير من إزالته فأمكن نجسا كان وإن‬
‫مضرة غير من إزالتها على مقدور نجاسة‬. ‫يقلع لم المثلة إلى أفضى وإن‬

"If someone's bones are patched with another animal's bones, then
covered, then he dies, then it cannot be removed, if the couple's bones
are sacred. But if the couple's bones are unclean, and it is possible to
be removed without cutting the dead, they are taken. Because this
includes unclean objects that can be removed without harm. But if you
have to slash the dead, you don't need to take it off. "(Al-Mughni, 2/404).
From the information above, in principle releasing objects in the corpse
is not permitted, unless there are two considerations.
There are great benefits to taking the object, for example because of its
expensive value or because the object in it is unclean but does not
endanger the deceased, for example, does not cause the need to cut the
dead. Besides, it is not allowed to take it.
11. How does the law whiten teeth? (Irawati Wulandari Group : 4)
Ulama agree to do taflij al-Asnan with the aim of beauty, the law is
haram. Both the perpetrators and their customers. Likewise with the law
of teeth whitening. Basically, teeth whitening is done without any act of
filing between the teeth, the law is permitted. In the fatwa syabakah
islamiyah stated, teeth whitening is an action to make teeth become
bright. and the law of origin of this kind of action is permissible, until there
are conditions that cause it to be prohibited. However, if the act of
whitening teeth is done by means of filing between teeth, so that the
teeth do not look tight, the law is prohibited. (5)
12. How to prevent young Islamic marriage, how to avoid divorce because
of early marriage? (Nabilah Nur H. Group : 7)
Must see again how the marriage consists of conditions determined by
shar'i (Islamic sharia), if it has met all applicable conditions, then it is
permissible. And the conditions specified in statutory regulations : 11
Terms. There are 4 shar'i, namely:
1. Terms of the contract
a. terms of shighah: double meaningful pronunciation, council of
consent and qabul must unite, qabul agreement with consent using
speech concise without replacing the consent with the pronunciation
that shows the time front.
b. The conditions of the two people who have the intention:
 Both are sensible and mumayyiz
 Both of them hear consent and qabul, and understand the
purpose of consent and qabul is to build mahligai marriage
because basically the willingness of both parties.
c. Terms of the bride and groom:
 The husband is required by a Muslim
 A wife is not required for an unlawful woman to be married, such
as; mother, daughter, sister, aunt of the father and of his mother.
 Required to marry a woman who has confirmed her femininity, not
2. Legal requirements for marriage
a. prospective wife is not forbidden to marry a prospective husband.
b. Testimony to marriage
c. The pronunciation (shighah) of a marriage contract is eternal
d. Terms of Implementing Contract (Penghulu)
3. The point is that the person who becomes the leader in the contract
is a person who has the right to do it.
a. Every husband and wife is sensible, baligh and independent.
b. Every person who is committed must have the characteristics of
shar'i: authentic, representative or guardian of one of the bride and
4. Luzum Conditions (must)
a. People who marry people who do not have the ability people who
are known to be able to choose a good partner, like family or close
b. The husband must be equal to the wife.
c. The dowry must be as big as the dowry or proper.
d. There is no deception regarding the ability of the husband.
e. Prospective husband must be free from the bad qualities that cause
permitting separation claims (divorce).
13. How is the law to use extensions, eyebrows and embroidery? (Nabilla
Putri J. Grup : 5)
In the authentic hadith narrated by Muslims:

‫ال والمتفلجات والمتنمصات والنامصات والمستوشمات الواشمات هللا لعن قال هللا عبد عن علقمة عن إبراهيم عن‬

Meaning: "from Ibrahim bin Alqomah from Abdillah Ra. said God curses
women who put up tattoos, people who ask for tattooing, who removes
hair from his face, who asks for hair removed from his face and who
thinks of his teeth to beautify and change his creation "
The issue at issue in the practice of eyebrow embroidery is that it
resembles a tattoo, hurts, and changes God's creation. The above hadith
also explains the forbidden practice of the aforementioned practices due
to the purpose of changing God's creation. (9)
14. A pair of pregnant teenagers out of wedlock. how do they get married do
they have to wait for the child to be born first or get married right away?
(Lingga Rizarni Group : )
In Islam it is explained if there is someone who is pregnant out of
wedlock, if a man wants to marry a woman then that man must wait for
a woman to give birth, because when a woman is pregnant then a man
may not marry her.
15. What is the status of children born outside of marriage? (Jovita Melvira
Group : 13)
The status of a child out of wedlock is recognized by the state and
religion, but in religion he will not be able to get an inheritance because
he is not a child of legal marriage. As explained by
16. How is the law using piercings even though the size is bigger than the
usual size? (Muchafith Kurniawan Group : 3)
Using piercing the law should not be for men, piercing is small or large.
As explained by Imam Ibn Abidin in his Hasyiyah, said Imam Ibnul Qoyim
also said, piercing a baby boy had no benefit, even though it cut off part
of his limbs, there was no benefit to the religion, or the world. Therefore,
it is not allowed. (Tuhfah al-Maudud, p. 210). And something that is
characteristic of women, should not be imitated by men. The scholars
forbade piercing for men. (2)

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