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no. 180
c. 2


John Harris

Reprinted From
Canadian Paint and Varnish,
Vol. 37, No. 2, February 1963, p. 22
Vol. 37, No. 3, March 1963, p. 42

Research Paper No. 180

o f the
Division o f Building Research

Price 25 cents April 1963 NRC 7371
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A study of house paint properties
What is the real role of moisture in blistering?

e Failures of exterior house paints By JOHN HARRIS for blister box tests. It was assumed
by peeling and blistcring constitutc a Research officer, Organic Materials that these tests would provide mois-
serious problem that nceds cxplana- Section, National Research Council, ture conditions siniilar to those that
tion in terms of sonie of the basic Division of Building Research might arise at critical times on the
properties of the paints and their rela- siding of a house. T h e results of the
tion to conditions that may prevail in tests were compared with the indi-
Experimental paints representative
servicc. At thc same tinie a knowledge vidual properties as measured.
of existing and potential house paints
of these properties and the niethods Tensile properties were measured
as well as a series varying in pignient
nf determining thcni would be useful by means of a Gardner Tensile Tester
volun~e were prepared. F o r n i ~ ~ l a t i o n
in evaluating house paints in ordcr to modified to provide mechanical niag-
dctails arc shown in Table I. A num-
select those most likcly to providc nification for the lower 20% portion
ber of actual coniniercial house paints
good performance. of the scale. Strips of paint 1 by 3.75
wcre also obtained for examination
It has been the aim in this work in. and about 1.5 mils in thickness
in a similar way.
to choose and study both separately were used. These were evaluated f o r
and in relation to each othcr thosc A series of four paints with increas- elongation and breaking strength after
properties that are believcd to play ing pignient volume were based on thc laboratory aging of 2 weeks and ir-
an important role in determining the conventional oil house paint formula. radiation exposures of 5, 1 0 and 15
durability of a paint applied to an They were prepared with pigment days in a fadeometer. Several groups
exterior wood surface. These are ad- volumes up to 7 0 % to provide in- of commercial paints were tested at a
hesion, tensile strength and clonga- formation on film properties ranging later date and because of unavailabil-
tion, water absorption, swelling, and beyond the critical pigment volunie ity of a fadeometer an X W type was
permeability not only in the original concentration. These were not con- used. These measurements were dif-
state of a freshly applied coating but sidered practical paints, but were used ficult because of the fragile nature of
also after a period of curing equiva- to show the effect of decreasing water the film, especially after irradiation.
lent to natural weathering. The rela- absorption and increasing perme- Great care had to be exercised in the
tion between these properties has becn ability. preparation of the strips and in their
examined and the b e h a v i o ~ ~ofr thc Meas~irementsand tests were car- handling. Even with care niany speci-
paints applicd entirely by themselvcs ried out on free films and on panels. mens were lost by tearing and crack-
as well as in systems consisting of a Frce films wcre uscd for the meas- ing, and there was high variability in
priming coat differing from thc top urcnicnt of tensile properties, water the measurements so that an adequate
coats, in both cascs subjected to sonic absorption and pcrmcability. Thcy number of strips had to be provided.
of thc conditions that niay prcvail wcrc prcparcd by a spccial procedurc Ten strips wcre prepared for each
during thc ~ l s cof a paint. Whitc housc prcviously tlcvclopcd, which provided paint and each trcatment and this
paints, which arc also thc basis of a rcxly supply of largc quantities of ~ ~ s u a l l provided
y for at lcast s e w n
niany of thc tint and light colours, frcc fillii. dcterniinations cxcept in thc case of
havc hccn chosen sincc they form thc I"~intcd woodcn panels wcrc uscd sonie of the very brittle films.
no st important class of house paints Laboratory aging for these speci-
and one in which difficulty frcq~lcntly tens and for the other tcsts was done
OCCLI~S. First of t w o p a r t s under controlled tcmpcraturc and


C F I L M T H I C K N L S S 0 . 0 0 1 IN.

L O A O . GM

FIG. 1. Tensile tests on an alkyd paint. FIG. 2. Tensile tests on alkyd-oil paint.
humidity conditions at 22 dcg C and
50% relative humidity.
F o r water absorption rneasure-
ments, free films wcre cut to 2 by 2 EXPERIMENTAL PAINTS
in. for weight gain measurements and
2 by 0.3 in. for dimensional change Paint- Pigmentation Vehicle Per Cent PVC
~neasurements. Dimensional change
specimens were cut in both the direc- N R P 566 Ti0,-BCWL-ZnO-Mg Sil Raw and Bodied 33.6
Linseed Oil
tion of drawdown of the film and
N R P 659 Mediulii Oil 19.6
across it. T h e strips were ininicrsed in Length Alkyd
boiled distilled water in trays at 22 Extra Long 29.7
N R P 785
deg C for periods of %, 1, 2, 4, 8, Oil Alkyd
16, 28, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144 and 168 N R P 786 Ti0,-PbZn-Mg Sil Extra Long Oil 35.4
hours (1 week); at the end of each of Alkyd: Linseed
these intervals a separate strip was Oil 1:l
removed for measurement. Weight N R P 787 Ti0,-ZnO-Mg Sil Extra Long Oil 34.5
gain films were blotted with tissue Alkyd: Linseed
and weighed quickly. Dimensional Oil 1:l
change strips were measured while N R P 788 Isophthalic 31.4
still wet on an accurate steel rule un-
N R P 842 BCWL Linseed Oil 3 1.O
der a low power microscope to 1/ 100
NRP 843 BCWL-ZnO-Mg Sil Linseed Oil 29.1
in. A number of paint films were also
NRP 828 Ti0,-BCWL-ZnO-Mg Sil Raw Linseed Oil 39.8
tested in this way after a period of Bodied Linseed
arc irradiation. Oil
Permeability determinations were N R P 829 Ti0,-BCWL-ZnO-Mg Sil Raw Linseed Oil 49.8
made on free filnis using ASTM Bodied Linseed
specification E 96-53T, procedure A
NRP 830 Ti0,-BCWL-ZnO-Mg Sil Raw Linseed Oil 59.9
carried out at a temperature of 22 Bodied Linseed
deg C and relative humidity gradient Oil
from 50% outside to 0 % inside the NRP 831 Ti0,-BCWL-ZnO-Mg Sil Raw Linseed Oil 69.9
cup. Pernieances were obtained as Bodied Linseed
perms and converted to permeability, Oil
i t . , perms per mil film thickness.
Blister box conditions were main-
tained with a temperature difference
of approximately 15 deg C (55 deg C
on thc huniid side and 40 dcg C on
thc painted exterior side of the panel) TABLE I I (a)
to givc rapid saturation of pancls and
devclopnient of effects. Thc tenipcra-
tilrcs wcre recorded and adjusted Film Irradiation, Days, Fadeometer
when therc was a nccd to d o so. Di-
niensions of thc panels and their 0 5 10 15 20 25 79
weights were taken before and at thc Paint mil
conclusion of thc tcst. Standard qua]-
ity red cedar and white pinc panels
% in. thick werc used. Thcy wcrc
given three coats of paint at approxi-
niatcly 600 sq. ft. per gallon spread-
ing rate for each coat. Experimental
paints were applied in three ways:
(1) self-primed, (2) with white lead :
: Based on two strips-remaining 7 strips lost due to brittleness
prinier and two top coats, and (3) .,..,. .,. No determination possible due to brittleness of paint film strips.

with flat alkyd prinier and two top

coats. The ends of pancls were sealecl
but thc backs were not. After at lcast
two weeks' aging thcy were subjected changes in properties to a low rate lief that this amount of irradiation
to the blister box test. A similar set of and to bring thesc properties to a would approximate a spring to fall
panels were irradiated in a weathero- condition coniparable to that ultimate- outdoor exposure in the Ottawa area.
meter operated continually with two ly attained outdoors. N o absolute re- Panels from the series of commer-
arcs for 24 hours per day with a rcl- lationship betwccn this irradiation and cial paints werc prepared using thcir
ative humidity of 50% for a period an cqilivalent one outdoors has bcen own primers, but otherwise trcatcd in
of 20 days. This cxposurc was con- tlcvcloped, but previous cxpcricncc thc sanie way.
sidered long cnough to reduce with outdoor exposure lcd to thc be- Resl~lts of Tensile Properties Meas-
NRP 659
-0.6 0 W I D T H CHANGE I N % -0.5

-0.8 I I I I I I I I - 0.7
10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170

FIG. 5 . Water absorption of free films-alkyd paint.

L A 8 . NO. 11410

0 5 10 15 20 25

FIG. 3. Elongation at break with varying exposure.

0 I I I I I I I I I 0
0 20 40 60 80 I00 120 140 160 I80 200

FIG. 6. Water absorption of free films-latex paint.


FIG. 4. Water absorption of free films-oil paint. FIG. 7. Water absorption of free films.
urements-Initial elongation and the
way this changed with irradiation
varied considerably for the experi- TABLE I l (bi
mental paints made up for these Extensibilities of various types of commercial paints
studies. Two graphs (Figs. 1 and 2)
illustrate the elongation versus load- including those used in blister box experiments
ing curves for two of the paints. The
Per Cent Elongation at Break
change in elongation at failure with
increasing periods of irradiation is
shown for eight of the experimental
5 days*
paints in Fig. 3. Elongations at break National 5 days**
and breaking strengths are given for Lab. No. Type Original Weatherometer Fadeometer
eight experimental paints in Tables 1141 1 Oil 6.8 4.9
II(a) and 111. Extensibilities of groups 11416 10.6 5.0
of three types of commercial paints 11436 11.4 7.4
1 1443 10.1 7.2
before and after irradiation are shown 11425 9.4 4.4
in Table II(b). It may be noted that 11421 13.3 8.2
the paints formulated in this experi- 11420 12.7 3.0
mental work with only alkyd resins as 11413 13.5 4.7
a vehicle ( N R P 659, N R P 785) o r 11418 24.6 21.5
11414 Alkyd 26.4 32.5
alkyd resin as the major portion of 11488 38.2 22.7
the vehicle (NRP 788) had higher 11489 36.2 18.8
original extensibility and higher ex- 11410 Latex 7.8 4.4
tensibility after irradiation. Part of the 11423 38.4 38.2
11435 45.2 17.3
superior extensibility of N R P 659 may 11442 76.6 56.1
be attributed to the higher proportion 11452 19.0 8.5
of vehicle as this paint was formulated 11453 19.2 8.3
to a pigment volume concentration of 11458 11.8 4.9
19.6%. N R P 785 and N R P 788 had 'Approximately 18-hour exposure to arc per day
pigment volumes almost the same as ...... 24-hour exposure to arc each day
those of N R P No. 566, 786, 787, 842
and 843, but showed better tensile
properties. This would appear to
demonstrate a basic difference be-
tween the synthetic alkyd vehicle and
conventional oil vehicles, or those TABLE Ill
that contain a high proportion of oil,
with respect to level of extensibility BREAKING STRENGTH OF PAINT FILMS
and degree of retention of extensibil-
ity. White lead linseed oil paint, show-
Grams load per inch width
ing high extensibility initially, did not Film Irradiation, Days, Fadeometer
lose this as rapidly as the mixed pig-
ment-linseed oil paint although it con- 0 5 10 15 20 25 79
tinued to depreciate. Alkyd paints 659 Paint mil
156 250 284 :">"; ......
and 785 levelled off in rate of loss of 566 1.0

extensibility, and 788 showed an in- 659 1.0 242 326 465 496 536 494 528
crease in the interval of test. N R P 785 1.6 278 375 485 556
397 513 c::'::: .,....
..,,. ....,.
786 1.6
659 was exposed for seventy-nine 24- 787 1.8 373 437 391 414 :::::::>
hour periods of irradiation in a fadeo- 788 1.6 350 264 437
meter after which time its extensibility 842 1.6 244 333 313 476 390
was still 14%. Commercial latex 843 1.7 338 386 468 :%:$:$

paints varied widely. Some showed :":Based on two strips-remaining 7 strips lost due to brittleness
large values of extensibility and re- ::'::'::: N o determination possible due to brittleness of paint film strips
tained a large measure of it after ir-
radiation; others had lower original
extensibilities and low values after
Breaking strengths generally in- 4, 5 and 6. These indicate water up- gain and increase in length and width.
creased with exposure for all the take and the corresponding changes Water absorption and its relation to
paints studied, but the changes were in dimensions for a conventional oil- formulation are shown in Tables IV,
not as large proportionately as those based house paint, an alkyd paint and V, VI, a n d V I I (page 40). Water ab-
for decrease in extensibility. a latex paint at various stages of im- sorption varied from low values of the
Results of Water Absorption Meas- ~nersion up to one week. Values for order of 1% increase in weight to
urements-A number of typical water eight experimental paints are plotted high values of the order of 50 to
absorption curves are shown in Figs. in Figs. 7, 8 and 9, showing weight 70%. These extremes correspond
Per Cent Water
Pigment Absorbed Length Width
Volume Per Cent Increase Increase .
Paint Pigment Vehicle Concentration by Weight Per Cent Per Cent
N R P 659 TiO, Alkyd 19.6 2.0 1.3
N R P 785 Ti0,-My Sil Alkyd 29.7 24.8 5.9
N R P 786 Ti-Pb-Zn-Mg Sil Oil-Alkyd 35.4 29.7 8.8
NRP 787 Ti-Zn-Mg Sil Oil-Alkyd 34.5 47.8 9.7
N R P 788 Ti0,-Mg Sil Isophthalic 3 1.4 12.9 1.8
N R P 566 Ti-Pb-Zn-Mg Sil 011 33.6 47.0 12.1
N R P 828 Ti-Pb-Zn-Mg Sil Oil 39.8 30.0 9.7
N R P 829 Ti-Pb-Zn-Mg Sil Oil 49.8 17.7 4.5
N R P 830 Ti-Pb-Zn-Mg Sil Oil 59.9 20.0 2.3
NRP 831 Ti-Pb-Zn-Mg Sil Oil 69.9 18.8 0.9
NRP 842 BCWL Oil 3 1.O 9.7 7.0
N R P 843 BCWL-ZnO-Mg Sil Oil 29.1 48.2 23.6
Maximum values attained on film aged 14 days at 22" C , 50 per cent relative humidity.
Length increase was measured in the direction of film drawdown.
Width increase at right angles to this direction.

to alkyd and latex paints that have creases varied fro111 a few per cent to pigment volume concentration when
low absorption and oil-based paints 20 to 4 0 % for oil paints. porosity developed as shown by the
that have high absorptions. Intermedi- High water absorption by weight, permeability results given later in
ate values were obtained from ad- coupled with low dimensional change Table IX. Thereafter, the weight of
mixtures of alkyd and oil vehicles. would appear to arise from absorp- water absorbed did not continue to
Dimensional changes parallel the tion into voids between pigment par- decrease but there were appreciable
varying amounts of water absorbed. ticles (paints 830 and 831, Table IV). dimensional changes which decreascd
They were not equal in all directions, The series of paints (paints 566, in direct relation to the amount of
as may be seen from differences hc- 828, 829, 820, 831, Table IV) formu- vehicle present.
tween length-wise and width-wise lated with gradually increasing pig- Aging by irradiation brought about
swelling. Swelling was greater at right nicnt volume showed decreasing water a decrease in water absorption as
angles to the direction in which the absorption with increasing pigment shown in Table VIII (page 41). This
paint was applied. Diniensional in- volume to the point of the critical was generally quite large for oil paints,

0 566
0 786
m 785
a 788
1 659
0 842
0 843

0 A
1 A i T 1' 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 ZOO 220

FIG. 9. Water absorption of free films.

FIG. 8. Wafer absorption of free films.

which in one case dropped from 62 to cases changes wcrc not as large or pigmentation, pigment volume and
21% for weight of water absorbed occurred more slowly. the extent to which the paint was
and from 22 to 25% to 6 and 9% for Water absorbed depended there- irradiated.
the dimensional changes. In other fore on the type of vehicle ~ ~ s e don, It is interesting to note that of ninc



Oil-Based Top Coat over Oil-Based Primers : Blister Box and Water Absorption
Water* Length* Width*
Lab No. Irradiated Absorption Change Change
Not 4 8 0 hr Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent
Primer Top Coat Irradiated Double Arc by Weight Original Original
1141 1 1141 1 Blisters Cracks 44 9 (96):::::: 19.1 22.8
11415 11416 Blisters Cracks 6 1.8 (72) 25.7 36.8
11431 11436 Blisters Cracks 66.3 (72) 23.8 35.4
11445 11443 Blisters Cracks 58.8 (120) 15.9 43.9
11424 11425 Blisters Cracks 60.7 (28) 21.6 34.4
11422 11421 Blisters Blisters 68.3 (48) 22.7 31.4
11419 11420 Blisters Cracks 66.5 (72) 3 1.O 40.0
11413 11413 Blisters Slight 48.5 (96) 20.0 22.8
11419 11418 Slight Slight 61.9 (144) 2 1.9 24.8
Blistering Blistering
N o Cracks
':: Maximum values attained for top coat films aged 14 days at 22' C, 50 per cent relative humidity
...... Figure in bracket denotes time required to attain stated value

Alkyd Top Coats With and Wiihout Oil Primers: Blister Box and Water Absorption
Water* Length* Width*
Lab No. Irradiated Absorption Change Change
Not 4 8 0 hr Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent
Primer Top Coat Irradiated Double Arc Bay Weight Original Original
11414 11414 Tough film Tough film - ::' :::
8 .9 (77) 3.8 4.0
No deleterious No deleterious

, 14 1 '
" :: :: 11414
Few blisters
Tough film
ef fccts
Very few blisters,
Tough film
No Gther dele- No other dele-
terious effects terious effects
1 1445:::::: :> 11444 A few blisters Toush film 1.7 (2) 2.2 (16) 1.9
Tough film No deleterious
NRP 659 N R P 659 Very tough Very tough 1.1 (4) 1.3 1.O
No effects No effects
N R P 785 N R P 785 Tough Tou,zh 24.8 (48) 5.9 11.9
No effects No effects
N R p 494:":: :: N R P 659 Blisters Tough 1.1 1.3 1.O
No effects
N R p 494:::::: ': N R P 659 Blisters Tough 1 .I 1.3 1.O
No cff:cts
* Maximum values attained for top coat films agcd 14 at 22"C, 50 pcr ccnt relative humidity
... .:.
...... Figure in bracket denotes time required to attain stated value
::::: ::: Oil-based primers


Latex Paints over Oil-Based Primers: Blister Box and Water Absorption
Water* Length* Width*
Lab No. Irradiated Absorption Change Change
Not 480 hr Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent
Primer Top Coat Irradiated Double Arc by Weight Original Original
11409 11410 Slight N o dele-
softening terious effects 5 2 (16):::::: 1.5 (1)'::
11432 11435 N o dele- N o dele-
terious effects terious effects 3.7 (72) 3.0 (%)
11445 11442 Slight N o dele-
softening terious effects 0.9 (4) 2.7 (1)
11422 11423 Slight N o dele-
softening terious effects 1.6 (Vz) 2.0
" Maximum value attained for top coat films aged 14 days at 22°C and 50 per cent relative humidity
., .,.
...... Figure in bracket denotes time required to attain stated value



240 Hours Double-Arc Exposure
Max. Water Absorption Max. Length Change Max. Width Change
Per Cent by Weight Per Cent Per Cent

Paint Original Exposed Original Exposed Original Exposed

11417 Blister-proof 19.0 9.0 6.7 2.9 10.4 6.0
11418 Oil 61.9 21.1 21.9 6.1 24.8 9.0
11420 Oil 66.5 74.7 31.0 13.0 40.0 23.7
11421 Oil 68.3 62.7 22.7 14.7 31.4 21.0
N R P 785 Alkyd 24.8 1.8 5.9 1.9 11.9 2.4
N R P 787 Oil-Alkyd 47.8 20.1 9.7 4.0 18.6 7.7
N R P 788 Alkyd-Oil 12.9 4.5 1.8 1.O 3.0 1.5
N R P 659 Alkyd 1.1 -.-
7 7 1.3 2.5 1 .o 5.0

commercial house paints examined tion of drawdown of film in compar- white lead paint which is based en-
all showed high water absorption and ison with measurements at right tirely on an oil vehicle had remark-
correspondingly high dimensional angles to the drawdown. ably low water absorption in corn-
change. There were large differences parison with other oil paints formu-
in expansion measured in the direc- It is also interesting to note that a latcd with mixed pigments.
Second of two parts

study paint properties

What is the real role of moisture in blistering?

(In the first article irz these series, By JOHN HARRIS a flat alkyd primer with low water
MI'. Harris set ollt his S ~ L ~ ( / Japproac.17.
J Research officer, Qrganic Materials absorption characteristics was ~ ~ s e d .
Here he reaches curzcli~.sions-Erl.) Section, National Research Council, Paints that inherently tend to blister
Division o f Building Research resisted blistering when appliecl over
Results of Permeability Measure-
mental paints on wood in relation to the flat alkyd primer. A conventional
ments - Experimental paints for
individual properties. Results are given house paint, which showed a marked
which thc pigment volumes have been propensity to blister by itself and over
calculated and commercial solvent- in Table XI for the experimental
paints and Tables V, VH, and V1II a white lead primer, did not sufr'er
based house paints presumed normal this effect when used over a flat alkyd
in pigment volume showed very little for the commercial paints. The fol-
lowing observations werc made: primer, perhaps because the primer is
variation in permeability until thc a barrier to liquid water. The flat
region of critical pigment volun~ewas 1. Paints with relatively largc water
alkyd primer used, however, did not
approached. At this point thcrc was a absorption values (25% absorption or
changc the cracking behaviour of top
very large increasc in permeability. more by weight at 22 deg C) blistered
Permeability values below critical pig- when used alone on wood (white pinc
4. Adhesion to wood did not appcar
ment volume were of the order of 2 and red cedar). Blistering has always
to be the only or even thc most im-
to 5 perms per mil of paint under been associated with the presence of
portant factor in the initial develop-
conditions of test. Three of the latex free water in cxccss of the fibre satur-
ment of paint defects under moisture
paints examined had pcrmeabilities of ation point of thc wood to which the
conditions. It varied a n d was often
an intermediate value. High pcrme- paint film is attached. Oil-based paints
adequate or quite good evcn to wct
abilities associatcd with critical pig- had high water absorption values and
M I O O ~ a n d generally improved with
ment volumes (about 45%) wcrc showed concomitant blistering cven,
usually 40 perms and morc. Perrne- in some cases, when extensively modi-
abilities are shown in Tables IX and X. fied with synthetic resins. Paints with
Results of Blister Box Tests-Blister absorption values lower than about
box tests were most useful in rcveal- 25% by weight had, when usctl by
ing the behaviour of various cxperi- then~selves, no blistering tendencies Dry cup
cven under contlitions consiclercd cx-
trcme with rcgard to wetness of the permeability of
wood. commercial paints
TABLE IX 2. Paints agecl by irradiation dim-
inished in blistering tendency, if this
Number Type Permeability "
Dry cup 11411 Oil 4.8
was originally present, so that in most
permeability of cascs the tenclency eventually disap- 11413 Oil 5.0
11416 Oil 5.1
experimental paints peared, probably due to decreasc in 11418 Oil 1.7
capacity for absorbing watcr. Crack- 11420 Oil 3.5
% Perme- ing oftcn developed in paints that 11421 Oil 5.4
Paint Pigment Volume ability ':' showed large loss of extensibility with 11425 Oil 4.6
N R P 659 19.6 3.6 11436 Oil 3.8
irradiation. Oil-based paints followed Oil 4.0
N R P 785 29.7 3.2 11443
this pattern of blistering in the early 11414 Alkyd 5.6
N R P 786 35.4 2.9
N R P 787 34.5 3.8 stages and cracking in later stages. 11434 Alkyd 4.3
N R P 788 31.4 2.5 Occasionally both prevailetl at the 11444 Alkyd 2.4
N R P 842 31.0 5.2 samc time. Alkyd type paints uscd 11423 Latex 13.7
NRP 843 29.1 4.1 and those basetl on latex did not show 11435 Latex 18.4
NRP 566 33.6 3.6 1 1442 Latex 27.6
blistering originally and did not suffer 11410 Latex 3.3
N R P 828 39.8 4.0
N R P 829 49.8 40.2 any dclcterious effects such as crack- 11412 Peel-proof 242.8
N R P 830 59.9 251.7 ing aftcr the aging period uscd in 11417 Blister-proof I. I
N R P 831 69.9 430.9 thesc experiments. 11433 Valvct Flat 3.6
::' Grains per sq ft per hr for I mm 3. Blistering occurred whcn white Grains per sq ft per h r for 1 m m
Hg vapour pressure difference per [cad in oil was used as the primer, H." V"POUr pressure difference per
n:~l thickness even with paints considcrcd blister mil thickness
resistant. No blistering occurrcd when

Experimental Paints over Various Primers*
Before and After Irradiation* *
Self-primed White Lead Oil Primer - Flat Alkyd Primer

Not Not Not

Paint Effect lrradiated lrradiated lrradiated lrradiated lrradiated lrradiated
NRP Blisters Dense Slight Dense Dense None None
566 Cracks None Dense None Dense None Dense
Adhesion Poor Very good Poor Fair+ Fair Very good
NRP Blisters None None Medium+ None None None
659 Cracks None None None None None None
Adhesion Good Good Poor Good Poor Very good
NRP Blisters None None Dense None None None
785 Cracks None None None None None None
Adhesion Good Very good Poor Very good Good Very good
NRP Blisters Medium None Dense Dense Few None
786 Cracks None Dense None Dense None Dense
Adhesion Good Very good Poor Good Fair Very good
NRP Blisters Dense None Very dense Dense Very few None
787 Cracks None Dense None Dense None Dense
Adhesion Good+ Very good Poor Very good Fair + Very good
NRP Blisters None None Few None Very few None
788 Cracks None None None Few None None
(red cedar)
(white pine)
Adhesion Good+ Good+ Poor Very good Very good
Blisters None None - - -
Cracks None Dense - - -
Adhesion Good Very good - - -
NRP Blisters Dense Dense - -
843 Cracks None Dense - -
Adhesion Very poor Very good - -
"'Two top coats over one prime coat at 600 sq ft/gal
'"':'480 h r double arc (twin arc weatherometer) exposure

irradiation. Determinations of adhe- and 1.5% for western red cedar (30 The paints examined in this work
sion by testing blisters with a knife measurements; range 0.36 to 2.92%). that were based on alkyd vehicles,
showed that weak regions in a paint These extensions exceed the extensi- both of laboratory nunufacture and
coating system were often not at the bilities of thrce of the experimental from commercial sources, produced
wood interface but within one of the oil-based paints after irradiation, when tough elastic films which showed no
layers of paint, usually that which had their extensibilities in free film form tendency to crack under the experi-
the greatest water absorption. had decreased to about one. T h e n~ental conditions employed. They
T h e incidence of weak regions in three paints showed c r a c k i n g o n possessed extensibilities of sufficient
various layers may be deduced from panels subjected to blister box condi- nlagnitude even after irradiation to
the results in Table XII. tions. hline commercial paints show- withstand the dimensional changes of
Discussion of Tensile Properties- ed similar cracking after irradiation; swelling wood. Commercial latex
Tensile properties of house paints their tensile properties were similar to house paints also showed the ability
must be considered in relation to the those of the three experimental oil- to withstand similar strains.
wood surface to which they are ap- based paints. Another comnlercial Cracking phenomena observed in
plied. Measurements of expansion in paint showing high extensibility even the course of these experiments d o
the dimensions of panels used in the after irradiation resisted cracking on not alone explain paint peeling since
blister box tests (conditioned at 23 the blister box. Unaged oil paints have no peeling was observed even after
deg C and 5 0 % relative humidity) enough capacity for elongating to ac- long exposures (running to 11 months)
show crossgrain expansions with in- commodate the expansion of the wood to accelerated weathering.
creased moisture content up to fibre when it becomes wet. Aging under Cracking similar to that obtained
saturation point to average 4.1% of the influence of irradiation rapidly on panels in laboratory tests com-
original for northern white pine (41 depletes this accommodation t o ex- monly occurs in areas of wood readily
measurements; range 2.53 to 6.16%) tension. susceptible to watcr absorption. i.e..
exposed end grain of boards, window must still be determined. ed wood, and that is blistering. Rather
ledges and trim. In such cases the Elastic and plastic properties, to- severe laboratory conditions involving
cracking is closely spaced and de- gether o r separately, are needed substantial temperature differences
lamination is slow. Flaking eventually to accommodate the dimensional across the board have been required
results. I n contrast, peeling usually changes of wood brought about by to produce blistering. Isothermal con-
develops quite rapidly over much changes in moisture content in serv- ditions d o not appear to favour thc
larger areas. I t is believed that crack- ice. Stresses may be relieved by elastic accumulation of water beneath paint
ing occurs when the strains imposed extension or plastic deformation. films, a prerequisite f o r blistering. It
by dimensional changes in the sub- Paints to be used on wood should be has been necessary to establish a tem-
strate exceed those the film is capable selected from those that will have ade- perature of 55 deg C o n the back of a
of withstanding; the adhesion of the quate extensibilities throughout their panel and 40 deg C o n the painted
paint may be quite good, as has been intended life. The simple laboratory face in order to produce conditions
observed on cracked paints from measurements of extensibility of paint that encourage blistering in less than
blister box tests. filnis are related to the behaviour of 24 hours. When the backs of the pan-
The flaking of paint between stress the paint on wood and can provide a els were subjected to a temperature
cracks may be a slow gradual process logical standard of selecting paints for of 36 deg C leading to a temperature
of swelling and shrinking at the edges wood to eliminate at least one pos- at the painted surface of 24 deg C,
of small islands of cracked paint and sible type of failure. blistering development was greatly re-
a working inward. Peeling appears to Discussion of Blistering-The effect duced in rate, size and density, and a
result from a general destruction of of water transmitted through the number of days were required before
adhesion over a relatively large area. wood substrates to the back of paint blisters appeared. F o r blisters to form
None of the paints studied in this coatings was studied. Such water con- in the laboratory either large teniper-
program showed such loss of adhe- ditions are said to be the cause of ature differences must exist if short
sion during the length of time used many paint failures. Only one defect periods are involved or relatively
for the tests. Although adhesion un- has ever been noted in the laboratory, long periods of lower temperature
der some circumstances was low, however, that is attributable to the differences must prevail. Such condi-
complete loss was not observed. Fac- moisture condition created by water tions are not likely to exist in the case
tors causing complete loss of adhesion transmitted through the back of paint- of house paints on wood.


Observations of regions of easiest separation in paint

coatings applied to wood and exposed on blister box
Region of Easiest Separation Incidence

Type of Primer Type of Top Coat Region Not Irradiated Irradiated

Oil Oil Primer 20 21
Oil Alkyd Primer 5 7
Lower layer 2 -
of primer
At wood 8 2
Not evident -3 2
Oil Latex Primer 6 6
Lower layer 2
of primer
A t wood 2
Alkyd Oil Primer 3
A t wood 'I
Not evident 3
Alkyd Alkyd Primer 1 1

At wood 2 -
Not evident 2 - ?

None Oil Primer 6

Lower layer 2
of primer
At wood 1
None Alkyd Lower layer of 4 1
first coat
At wood 2 I
Not evident 1
Vinyl (solution) Vinyl (solution) At wood 2 2
The description "not evident" means good adhesion and cohesion throughout so that any assessment of
location of weakest stratum is not possible by the simple subjective procedures used.


FIG. 10. Temperatures across exterior clapboard of insulated wall.

Calculations have been made of struction practice. Field observations house paints for their efficacy in cop-
temperature differences that may exist do not bear out the common belief ing with accumulating moisture in
between the back and front of a % - that blistering of painted siding is ex- walls of houses to which the paints
in. board used as siding on an insu- tensive. Peeling of paint is prevalent are applied. I t was the purpose to
lated wall of a heated house with but this appears to be a separate learn what relationships existed be-
light and dark coloured paint for phenomenon not related to blistering. tween the measurements obtained by
summer and winter conditions and Discussion of Permeability - Paints the dry cup procedure and t h e be-
western and southern exposures (see that have been formulated in the haviour of paints on wet wood. It
Fig. 10). These have shown that only nornlal pigment volume range, in- appears that there may be a limited
small temperature differences of a cluding the experimental alkyd and use for measurements obtained in this
few degrees occur over a M-in. sid- oil types and a number of similar way in interpreting the behaviour of
ing thickness and that those differ- con~mercial latex paints, have not paints on wood, but it should always
cnces considered most favourable to shown marked differences in their be kept in mind that the dry c u p test
water accumulation occur mainly dur- values of dry cup permeability. These conditions are limited to the lower
ing the wintcr and are intermittent. permeabilities are usually all relatively half of the humidity range.
Part of the time the differences are in low, ranging from 2 to 5 perms per The transmission of water through
the reverse direction to that required mil thickness of film, and have not a material is usually represented by a
for water to move to the outsidc sur- shown any systematic variation of simple flow equation incorporating a
face. It is believed that similar tem- permeability with the different types coefficient of permeability. I t is
perature differences but under steady of paints investigated (see Tables IX known that such a coefficient is itself
conditions in laboratory tests would and X). These small differences in a function of several variables and
not produce blistering, especially since permeability may be effective in pre- may vary widely with temperature,
at lower temperatures the water ab- venting the accumulation of water be- temperature gradient and relative
sorbed by the paint is decreased. It hind paint films when the transmission humidity. F o r many materials perme-
has been shown that laboratory blis- of water through wood is low and of ability increases with relative hum-
tering is related to the water sensitiv- the same order of magnitude. This idity under isothermal conditions. Wet
ity of the paint as revealed by water will be the case when small tempera- cup tests comn~only show higher
absorption and swelling tendencies. turc differcnces prevail. Should con- permeabilities than do dry c u p tests
It does not appear likely that condi- ditions arise to increase the rate of for the same material. There is some
tions for thc formation of blisters on watcr transfer thc ability of thc paint evidence that water sensitive materi-
exterior wooden surfaces would occur films to prcvent accunlulation may be als can show extreme differences. The
cxcept under circumstances that differ readily excecdcd. wet cups sometimes used do n o t pro-
markedly from the example (used in A dry cup method has been used duce the conditions a paint m a y en-
these discussions) of the wall con- for measuring permeability. This counter in use, i.e., involving actual
sidered to follow good normal con- method is sometimes used to assess contact with water, temperature dif-
ferences and cycling conditions. A of "breathing" characteristic is a safe more relevant to blistering than is ad-
further complication may arise from practice, although it may be possible hesion to wood, at least in the early
the combination of the paint and the with certain kinds of latex. stages of the life of a paint system.
wood. Since there has been found a de- Discussion of Systems-Under study
It is evident that dry cup measure- pendence of blistering on level of the paints showed a wide range of
ments should not be used to draw con- water absorption of all the paints water absorption, swelling and tensile
clusions that are too general about the studied, oil, alkyd, and latex, it is con- properties. The dissimilarities may be
working permeabilities of paint and sidcred that greater advantage may expected to lead to varying degrees
that a procedure more closely simu- be gained by formulating paints in of incompatibilities when the paints
lating actual conditions would be the normal permeability range, choos- are used together in systems. Besides
useful. ing vehicles that will provide low differences in properties because of
It was found that when experinlen- water absorption together with good the use of these different types of
tal conditions that provided a water tensile properties. It has been found paints, differences may arise from the
vapor pressure difference of about 2 0 that the alkyd and latex paints studied relative aging of the respective layers
mm H g (back of panel wet 31 deg C, have these properties initially and re- in a paint system, since they d o not
front of panel 28 deg C at about 5 0 % tain them when subjected to acceler- all receive the same exposure and d o
R.H.) the water vapor transmission of atcd weathering. not respond equally to the same treat-
paint studied (permeabilities 3-5) was Discussion of Adhesion - Observa- ment. It is probable that even with
not sufficient to prevent the eventual tions made on adhesion during the paints of the same composition in-
accun~ulationof free water. blister box experiments are reported compatibilities arise because of time
The accun~ulation of water may, in Tables X I and XII. Adhesion, de- intervals between applications of coats
however, be reduced by markedly in- termined by the knife test, was in and the more rapid changes occurring
creasing permeability through in- many cases quite good, and even on in top layers by weathering. The influ-
creased pigment content. This was those panels where it was relatively ence of water with respect to the in-
done by progressively raising the pig- poor it was still substantial. I n no case compatibilities in a system would b e
ment volume of a set of paints (NRP st~ldiedwas there complete separation expected to be important. Whether
566, 828, 829, 830, 831, Table I). of paint from the undersurface. Ad- water arises from the back o r the
Permeability was affected very little hesion was often good even o n areas front of the paint coats, differential
until a pigment v o l u n ~ e exceeding between blisters and o n wood that stresses may be produced in the vari-
40% had been reached and the paint was sat~lratedwith water. ous strata having unequal swelling a n d
became porous. The permeability in- Adhesion improved when the paints shrinking characteristics and differ-
creased suddenly (as for N R P 829) applied to wood were subjected to ir- ences in blistering tendencies because
and continued to d o so markedly. radiation in a weatherometer. Since of differing response t o absorbed
These paints have permeabilities of this treatment also reduces the water water.
a magnitude sufficient to prevent absorption of the paints, it was One example of incompatibility
water accun~ulation even with the thought that there is some relation- found in the expcrinlents occurred
large water vapor pressure difference ship between adhesion and water ab- when an alkyd paint was applied over
(estimated at 5 0 mm) crcated by a sorption. The point was clarified by a white lead primer. T h e alkyd paint
temperature diffcrencc of 15 deg C closcr observation of blistcrs and rc- showed no blistering when applied di-
(55 to 4 0 deg C across thc pancl). gions of easicst separation during the rcctly to wood o r ovcr an alkyd
Thc paints fornlulated to produce perforn~anccof the knife test. Blisters primer having similar water absorp-
these high pern~eability propcrties fornicd in most cases within the paint tion propcrties. Whcn applied ovcr a
howevcr, lost their desirable tensilc film rather than at thc paint and white lead in oil priming paint with
propertics and were very subject to wood boundary and could occur in grcatcr watcr scnsitivity, however, t h c
cracking when the wood to which various strata, depcnding probably on system blistcrcd.
they wcre applied absorbed water. It their rclative water sensitivity. Ideally, it may be presurncd that
is bclievcd that with conventional Probing with a knifc also revealed the various coats of a paint systcm
paints there is little possibility of in- that weak regions in paint coatings on should be selected for such properties
creasing pcrmeability without risking wet panels could vary and could oc- as watcr absorption and tensile prop-
brittle paints. cur in different strata of the paint erties, not only for the initial period
A number of commercial latex system and at times at the paint and of the life of the coating system but
paints have dry cup permeabilities in wood interface (see Table XII). It also for the more advanced stages
the intermediate range without any would appear that in many cases the which may be reached at different
sacrifice in tensile properties. There weakest rcgion of a paint system on rates. Thcse properties should also be
are latex paints, however, whose wood subjected to wetness from the matched to the wood surface to which
permeabilities did not excecd those of back and possibly from thc front is they a r c applied.
the conventional oil o r alkyd types within the paint itself rather than at Conclnsion-A number of properties
measured. the surface of the wood. Dissimilari- of conventional and experimental
Paints having highcr than normal ties in paints from eithcr formulation house paints have been studied o n
permeabilities (2 to 5 perm) were o r aging may determine the layer of free films. These have included water
susceptible to stain and rcsin cxuda- greatest watcr sensitivity and conse- absorption with corresponding dimen-
tion from thc wood. qucnt softcning. It may bc within such sional changcs, cxtcnsibility and
It docs not appear that the inlprovc- weak laycrs that blistcrs most readily brcaking strength, and pcrmcability.
lucnt in blister rcsistancc of oil and form; and it may be presumed that All but thc last were investigated after
alkyd type paints through adjustment cohesion and intercoat differences arc both nornlal laboratory aging and a
nominal period c;f irradiation in a low critical values for use on wood pccling. Pceling is considered to be a
weathcronietcr as well. The rclation- and cracking occurred when wood ex- scparate phenomenon not necessarily
ship between values obtained for panded w ~ t hwatcr absorption. Irradi- related to blistering and one which
nieasurcment of these various propcr- ation in a weathcrometer reduccd ex- may arisc froni factors o r conditions
ties of the various paints used and tcnsibility values of free filnis. not observed o r included in this study.
their behaviour on wood subjected to There wcre marked differences It is believed that the measurement
~iioistureconditions was examined. It among the types of paints with respect of water absorption and tensile prop-
was found that for the paints studied: to the rate of loss of extcnsibility. Oil crties and their changes under the in-
( I ) Laboratory blistering of a paint paints after irradiation wcre found to fluence of accelerated weathering as
occurred in direct proportion to its rcacli low levcls quickly. Alkyd and carried out in this study can provide
water absorption. latex were found to retain a large useful information for the selection
(2) Irradiation in a weatheronieter measure of extensibility and lose it of house paints. It is evident that
reduced water absorption of free n i ~ ~ c niorc
h slowly. Oil paints that niore knowledgc is required on ad-
filnis. Those paints that originally had had been applied to wood and sub- hesion, and its rclationship to these
relatively high water absorption and jectcd to irradiation werc found to be oiher physical properties.
blistered on wood when subjected to susceptible to cracking when thc wood
tests improvcd in blister resistance swelled. Acknowledgements - The author is
after irradiation. (5) N o systcniatic rclationship could grateful to his colleagues B. F. Staf-
(3) Cracking of paints on wood sub- bc found between dry cup pernie- ford, R. C . Seeley, J. J. Wood and
jccted to thc expansions produced by ability and thc various types and C . St. Jacques for their assistance in
wctting of thc wood can be related to formulations of paints pigmented in carrying out the experimental work
the extensil~ility of the paint nieas- the normal pigment range. and to Dr. D. G. Stephenson for the
ured by a siniple procedure. Cracking (6) Blistering is not necessarily gov- calculations relating to temperature
was avoided when extcnsibility valucs crned by adhcsion. Adhesion to wood differences across exterior cladding of
cxceeded the dimensional changes in is not necessarily destroyed by water. houses, and to Dr. N. B. Hutcheon
wood. Wealcnesses and blisters in thc cases for his vcry valuable assistance in re-
(4) Oil- and alkyd-bascd paints in studied developed mainly within tlie viewing and discussing this paper.
the normal pigment concentration p3int system rather than at the wood This paper is a contribution from
rangc and latex paints exanlined in- bo~mdary. the Division of Building Research.
itially possessed sufficient extensibility (7) N o effects wcre obscrvcd in the National Research Council, and is
to avoid cracking on wood. Excessive course of thc tests that would cxplain published with the approval of the
pigmentation reduced extensibility be- coniplete loss of adhcsion lcading to Director of thc Division.

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