Direcția Generală Educație Tineret Și Sport Instituţia Publică Liceul Teoretic ,,vasile Vasilache''

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Instituţia Publică Liceul Teoretic ,,Vasile Vasilache’’
MD-2004 str. A. Corobceanu 16,tel (022) 23-54-94, lic_v.vasilache@mail.ru

Student details
Full Name Isac Daniel Date of birth 05.11.2000
Programme of study Economics and Business Economics
Language of study Romanian

How long have you known the applicant and in what connection?
I met Daniel 2 years ago when I became his mathematics teacher and his class master as well. I got to
know him better and noticed what a positive person he is. Since our encounter, my lessons with his class
were never dull.

Please evaluate the applicant in relation to others of similar age and experience in terms of the
following qualities: Intellectual capacity; Ability in oral expression; Analytical ability; Creativity
and originality; Ability to work with others; Persistence and drive; Overall potential.
I highly recommend Mr. Daniel as a great candidate for your Bachelor’s degree as he is extremely
motivated to overcome any impediments for achieving his objectives. Being a clever and a very
hard-working student, I think that he will be able to face all the challenges that he may stumble upon
during his university experience. During my classes, for the last 2 years, I perceived a lot of uplifting
qualities of Mr. Isac in individual and group work, showing great flexibility through any circumstances and
ardently trying to find out new things and make new connections. Daniel approaches every problem with
an open mind, which leads to him resolving numerous conflicts between individuals who do not share the
same opinion, by finding a common ground. Although he is dogmatic about certain things he is competent
to accept suggestions and criticisms. Including all that, I strongly believe that working in a team is his
strong point, as well as speaking in front of a big audience which lead to him being the presenter for all
activities organised in the premises of our lyceum. Starting the geometry chapter is what made me
understand what a creative person Daniel is, mainly because he would always suggest new ways of solving
a given exercise.I got a strong feeling about him, as he always reached all of my expectations.

Taking an overall view, what do you consider to be the applicant’s major strengths?
Mr. Daniel’s drive and motivation allowed me to understand the way of his thinking and I formed the
conviction that every of his fails is just a new reason for improving his skills, making him to be greatly
respected by all his colleagues for being obliging and supportive.

If you wish to amplify your responses, or to add any further information which you consider
might be relevant, please do so here.
Based on the last 2 years, Daniel proved that he is proficient at enrolling at your university and doing his
best to keep up a good work.

Referee’s details
Full Name Mereuta Svetlana Organisation Theoretical Lyceum “ Vasile
Vasilache I.P “
Contact telephone +37369724119 E-mail sveta.anestii@yahoo.com
Organisations address Anatol Corobceanu, 16 Street, Chisinau
Your position Mathematics Teacher in Theoretical Lyceum Organisations stamp, if
“ Vasile Vasilache I.P ” applicable

Your signature

Data signed

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