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Chapter # 1
Technical Writing & its Contingent Errors
Technical Writing:

Definition: Technical writing is communication written for and about business and industry,
focusing on products and services: how to manufacture them, market them, manage them, and
use them.


Technical writing is a type of writing where the author is writing about a particular subject that
requires direction, instruction, or explanation. This style of writing has a very different purpose
and different characteristics than other writing styles such as creative writing, academic writing
or business writing.

Technical writing is written:

 In the work environment (in the office, from 8:00 to 5:00).

 For supervisors, colleague, subordinates, vendors, and customers.

Technical writing, which must be understood easily and quickly, includes:

Memo  Letters  Reports  Instructions  Brochures and newsletters  The

job search  Web pages  Fliers PowerPoint presentations  Graphics
In each case, the technical document must be quantifiable, precise (‫)صحیح‬, and easily

Uses for Technical Writing: Technical writing is straightforward (‫)سیدھے‬, easy to understand
explanations and/or instructions dealing with a particular subject. It is an efficient and clear way of
explaining something and how it works.

The subject of technical writing can either be:

 Tangible - Something that can be seen or touched, such as a computer or software

program, or information on how to assemble a piece of furniture.

 Abstract - Something that involved a series of steps that aren't related to a tangible object.
One example of this might be steps required to complete an office process.

Some examples of technical writing include: The most common examples of technical writing
1. User Manuals: User manuals are documentation that accompanies various consumer
electronics such as televisions, cellular phones, or gaming consoles (Remote).

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2. Software Installation Guides: Computer software must be equipped with documentation to

guide the user through the installation process. Often, the programmers automate the process
and the writer just authors alert boxes and the Read Me file.

3. Service Level Agreements (SLA)

An SLA is a binding contract between a provider and a customer. It outlines services,

guarantees, warranties, and other negotiated items between the two parties.

4. Annual Reports

Companies must provide annual reports to inform their shareholders about the prior year's
stock performance and other financial information. Some non-profit organizations also prepare
annual reports. The technical writer spends a great deal of time compiling (‫)ترتیب دینا‬
information and then presenting it in an attractive and comprehensive manner to shareholders.

Some Real Life Example of technical writing

1. Example of topic-based writing

2. Example retaining information

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3. Example reasonably foreseeable misuse

3. Example declaration of conformity

4. Example ISO 7010 symbols

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Example Table of Contents

What is Memorandum?

A memorandum is a written report that is prepared for a person or committee in order to
provide them with information about a particular matter.
A memorandum is a short official note that is sent by one person to another within the
same company or organization.
A memorandum, more commonly known as a memo, is a short message or record used for
internal communication in a business.

Purpose of Memos: Memos can be used to quickly communicate with a wide audience
something brief but important, such as procedural changes, price increases, policy additions,
meeting schedules, reminders for teams, or summaries of agreement terms, for example.

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Writing Memos: Communications strategist Barbara Diggs-Brown says that an effective memo
is "short, concise, highly organized, and never late. It should anticipate and answer all questions
that a reader might have. It never provides unnecessary or confusing information."

Format: Start with the basics: to whom the article is addressed, the date, and the subject line. Start the
body of the memo with a clear purpose, state what you need the readers to know, and conclude with
what you need readers to do, if necessary. Remember that employees may just skim the memo
upon receipt, so use short paragraphs, subheads, and where you can, use lists. These are "points of
entry" for the eye so the reader can refer back easily to the part of the memo that he or she needs.

Don't forget to proofread. Reading aloud can help you find dropped words, repetition, and awkward

Memos: Functions and Audience: Short for “memorandum,” a memo is a type of document used to
communicate with others in the same organization. Memos (or memoranda) are typically used for fairly
short messages of one page or less, but informal reports of several pages may also employ memo
Sample Format

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Memos are distinguished by a header that includes DATE, TO, FROM, and SUBJECT lines. Other
lines, such as CC or BCC, may be added as needed. An RE (“Reference”) line may be used
instead of SUBJECT, but this use is becoming rarer as “RE” is often mistaken as “Reply” because
of its use in email.

 DATE: List the date on which the memo is distributed.

 TO: List the names of the recipients of the memo. If there are several recipients, it’s
acceptable to use a group name, such as “All Employees” or “Personnel Committee
 FROM: List the name and job title of the writer(s).

 SUBJECT: Think of the SUBJECT line as the title for the memo. Make it specific so that
readers can immediately identify the topic.

These headings may be double- or single-spaced, and the SUBJECT line is often in all capital
letters. Furthermore, the order of the items can vary. Many organizations have their own style
preferences on these issues. If not, the order listed above, double-spaced, is the most

The text of memos typically uses block format, with single-spaced lines, an extra space between
paragraphs, and no indentions for new paragraphs. However, if a report using memo format
stretches to a few pages in length, double spacing may be used to improve its readability.

Organization or How to write a Memo

Professional communication forms are organized according to one of two strategies: Direct and

 The direct organization strategy presents the purpose of the document in the first
paragraph (sometimes the first sentence) and provides supporting details in the body.
 The indirect organization strategy opens with relevant, attention-getting details that do not
directly state the purpose of the document. The purpose is revealed in the body of the
message, usually sandwiched between supporting details.

The direct approach is used for good news or routine communication; the indirect approach is
used for persuasive (‫ حمایت حاصل کرنا‬- ‫)مائل کرنا‬, sales, or bad news messages.

A directly stated purpose is welcome in good news or routine messages but could be viewed as
abrupt or insensitive in a bad news or persuasive message. When the audience is not receptive
to the message, it is best to lead up to the purpose gradually.

In both types of organization, action information (such as deadlines or contact information) or a

courteous (‫ شائستہ‬٬‫ خوش اخالق‬٬‫ )مہذب‬closing statement is placed in the last paragraph.

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Sample Direct Memo

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Sample Indirect Memo

Writing Short and Long Report:

Short Report: A short report can be defined as an organized presentation of relevant data on
any topic – money, travel, time, personnel, equipment, management – that a company or
agency tracks in its day – to – day operations.

Report shows that work is being done, and they also show your boss that you are alert,
professional, and reliable.

Long report: A long report is a major study that provides an in-depth view of the problem or
idea. The implications of a long report are wide – ranging for a business or industry. The long
report examines a problem in detail, while the short report covers just one part of the problem.

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Difference between a Long Report and a Short Report

A short report and a long report are two major forms of report classification based on the
length and formality of the report. There are certain major differences between these two
forms. Those differences are discussed below table:
Points Long (Formal) Report Short (Informal) Report
Length A long report is never possible to be A short report is very short in size.
complete in a page or two.
Nature Subject of the long report are not A short report deals with the routing
routine type. matters.
Format A long report is always written in a Many short reports are written in
manuscript formal. memorandum and letter formats.
Style A formal long report is written using Personal writing styles are used in
impersonal. writing a short report.
Formality A long report being formal needs a Short reports being informal do not
careful planning before it is written. require extended planning and contain
varieties of formats.
There are some distinctions. We have got between analyzing two reports. But both reports are
very helpful for any organization.

Editing for Errors in Sentence construction:

Grammar involves using words correctly to construct both written and spoken sentences. The
words chosen and how they are put together will communicate thoughts and information, so
it's vital to use them right. When writing sentences, it's also important to use correct
punctuation to ensure that the written words convey their intended meanings.

Improper punctuation can cause sentences to run together or not be

complete. Proofreading involves reading written text to find and correct mistakes. Some
mistakes can be obvious, while others can be harder to spot or can involve grammar rules that
often cause problems.

Word Choice Errors: Many mistakes occur when the writer chooses the incorrect word. These
words often have similar spellings and pronunciations; however, they have very different
meanings. For example, the words your and you're sound the same and have similar spellings.
However, the word your is a possessive form of the word you. The word you're is a contraction
that combines the two words you and are.

The words than and then have similar pronunciations and spellings, too. However, than is used
to compare things, and then is a reference to a point in time. Careful proofreading will help
catch these spelling errors, but spell-checking software may not.

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Sentence Construction Errors: Writers also make errors as they construct sentences. Writing
sentences incorrectly can make it difficult for readers to understand the information and
thoughts presented. A comma splice is a common error in sentence construction. Comma
splices involve the incorrect placement of a comma to join independent clauses. Because both
clauses can stand independently as sentences, it is not correct to join them with a comma. One
way to fix a comma splice is to replace the comma with a period to make two separate

The sentence fragment (‫ )ٹکڑے ٹکڑے‬is another common structure error. This problematic clause
may seem at first glance (‫ ) نظر‬to be a complete sentence, but it is missing an integral (‫)پورا‬
component, such as a subject or a verb. To fix a sentence fragment, the writer must add the
missing element or incorporate the fragment into another sentence.

Pronoun Errors: Some grammar rules cause significant confusion for writers. A common issue
for many people is the use of pronouns as the subject or the object in a sentence. The subject
of a sentence is the person or thing that performs an action, and the object of a sentence is the
person or thing that receives the action. Subject pronouns include the words I, you, and we.
Object pronouns include the words me, you, and us.

It can also be difficult to decide whether to use the word who or whom in a sentence.
Remember that who is always a subject pronoun and whom serves as an object pronoun. The
word to use depends on whether you will use it as the subject or object of the sentence.

Punctuation Errors: Choosing between a comma and a semicolon can also cause confusion for
writers. Use a semicolon to join two independent clauses when a conjunction is not used. Use a
comma between independent clauses when you also use a conjunction such as and or but.

Contextual Errors: Grammar rules can be strict. However, some writing, such as email
correspondence, is more informal. This type of writing adopts a more casual style, and some
artistic license allows for the bending of grammar rules. For example, a common grammar rule
involves not ending a sentence with a preposition, such as of or up. To avoid this, the writer
must rearrange the sentence, which can result in awkward wording. Some writers will choose
to break this rule to avoid writing clunky sentences.

Another common grammar rule involves not beginning a sentence with a conjunction, such
as and or but. While this practice should often be avoided in formal writing (such as an essay
or formal letter), starting a sentence with the word and can be an effective way to pull in the
reader's attention in more casual situations.

When deciding whether to break standard grammar rules, consider the audience and purpose
of the writing. An informal or colloquial (‫ )لعام بول چا‬writing style may actually require the
bending or breaking of some grammar rules and conventions.

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