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If you want to be happier…

1. Talk with a positive person.

2. Express gratitude by writing down three good things that happened to you each day. (This gratitude journal

can help you.)

3. Laugh – even if you have to force it. The mere action of laughing releases endorphins. If you get stuck, here

are 27 funny podcasts you can listen to.

4. Get some sun (or a happy light, if it’s a gray day.)

5. Move your body (walk, exercise) for 20 minutes or longer. In fact, you can build a great habit by starting a

walking routine.

6. Walk a dog or pet an animal.

7. Ask for a hug from one person a day.

8. Call an old friend or relative.

9. Invest 30 minutes a day doing a hobby you enjoy and find relaxing. To get started, here are hobbies for

men and hobbies for women.

10. Buy something new (even something small, like a new type of coffee.)

If you want to be more confident…

1. List three things you genuinely like about yourself. Read those three things out loud. Do this daily.

2. Stand up straight. Let your hands hang naturally at your sides.

3. Dress in clothes that flatter you.

4. Outline your thoughts/words before you enter an intimidating situation. Being prepared will help you feel more

confident. Bring cheat notes if acceptable.

5. Refuse to fidget. Instead, go to a private place (car, restroom) where you can stretch and get out the jitters.

Then focus on relaxing.

6. Pay attention to the other person instead of your own insecurity.

7. Repeat a mantra in your head. Here is a list over 1,000 positive affirmations you can add to your daily routine.

8. Take a small risk daily. Find something that makes you a little nervous, like talking to strangers, and strive to

do it one time every day to build your confidence.

9. Ask for compliments from a trusted friend or relative.

If you want to make a new friend…
1. Make a conscious effort to smile — even if you have to fake a smile.

2. Make eye contact with someone new.

3. Introduce yourself to someone new.

4. Ask open-ended questions about this new person’s preferences.

5. Talk about common ground issues.

6. Find a way to laugh together. Tell a joke, make a self-deprecating statement or engage in an activity that

makes you both laugh. Laughter is bonding. And if you're not a naturally funny person, this article can help.

If you (men) want to be perceived different…

1. Stand tall (straight posture.)

2. Roll your shoulders back.

3. Initiate a gentle touch without hesitation. Brush up against her; touch her arm during the conversation. Touch

the small of her back as you hold the door open for her.

4. Wear slightly dressier clothing than is required in each situation.

If you want to gain muscle…
1. Make protein the focus of every meal. We recommend trying one of these five protein powders.

2. Perform a set number of squats every morning before work. Increase the number of squats every week.

3. Perform a set number of pushups every morning before work. Increase the number of pushups every week.

4. Lift a set number of weights each morning before your shower.

If you want to start your own business…

1. Invest 15 minutes a day on building a portfolio of work samples.

2. Carry business cards with you everywhere.

3. Introduce yourself to someone new each day. Networking requires meeting a lot of people. Keep an eye out for

potentially important connections. Look for potential clients, coworkers, inspiration, resources and financial


4. Review your business plan every night before bed.

5. Spend 15 minutes each day learning about the business (reading a book, participating on an online forum, or

listening to a webinar.)

6. Devote 15 minutes each morning to one action item that moves your business forward (write a blog post,

comment on a forum, return a phone call, make one cold call.)

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