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A. Server-side scripting refers to the dynamic generation of Web pages

served up by the Web server, as opposed to "static" web pages in the
server storage that are served up to the Web browser. In other words,
some part of the content sent in response to a HTTP request is determined
on-the-fly by a program that executes on the server after the HTTP
request has been received and generates content as a result of the

Website surfing on your smartphones has become a cakewalk these days,

thanks to highly advanced web development technologies sweeping the
online landscape.

Bolstered by high-speed internet and smart tools, many of the latest web
application technologies such as AI, chatbots, Voice User Interfaces,
Motion UI, among many others have become an indispensable part of web
app development.

2019 brings fresh ideas, modern innovations and new initiatives in web
development we deserve; from the current developments on AI through
Machine Learning to Blockchain and Cryptocurrency influencing the
global economy
Below are 8 Top Server Side Web Technologies Trends in 2019.

1. AI and ChatBots

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence displayed by machines to

mimic human intelligence and perform cognitive functions like the ability
to learn, collect data, analyze information, understand emotions or solve
challenging problems. The need for AI-enabled communication, multi-task
automation, and analytics solutions will become more prevalent this year.

As early as now we can see how AI’s chatbots, virtual assistants (like
Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana) and voice bots
helped businesses engagement and transformed social interaction.

Think back to the last time you chatted online with a customer service
agent. Maybe you were complaining about receiving the wrong item in
your order. It’s highly possible that the person on the other end trying to
solve your problem wasn’t a person at all. You might have been speaking
with an artificial intelligence chatbot, essentially a talking robot.

Artificial intelligence has made chatbots more lifelike than ever before, and
they are becoming pervasive. Talking bots are taking pizza orders,
reserving hotel rooms, and scheduling appointments. In short, these
robots are all around us.

With the help of Machine Learning (ML) development and Artificial

Neural Network (ANN) researches and studies, AI might achieve its
coveted goals – to successfully simulate genuine human empathy and
demonstrate common sense knowledge.
2. JavaScript

JavaScript is still the most popular language for the last six years, and it
continues to develop according to Stack Overflow 2018 report. The
evolution of its frameworks, libraries, and designs for the past years
proved that it has lots to offer in the market. No wonder it’s developer’s
top pick language for it provides a whole new experience of flexibility,
challenge, and power.

3. Progressive Web App

Progressive web apps are websites that look and feel like an app. This
means users can access all information and capabilities without
downloading a mobile app. Instead, progressive web apps use
modern web technology to deliver app-like experiences to users, right in
their browsers.
Lately, there's been a lot of buzz around PWAs with many claiming it to
be future of web development, especially in terms of mobile devices. At
its core, a Progressive Web App (PWA) is simply a web application that
uses modern web techniques to deliver a native app-like experience to
PWA is user-friendly, installable and hassle-free which enhances the
existing web technologies—thanks to its service workers and other built-
in features. It can be shared via a URL and can re-engage users with web
push notifications

4. Single Page Application

Single-page application (SPA) is a web application based on Javascript

which works well among user devices. It boosts performance, minimize
interruptions due to page reloading and decreases web development time
by responding to navigation actions without creating a request to fetch
new HTML from the server side.

5. Mobile-Friendly Website

Mobile-friendly websites are websites that work well on smartphones.

They use touch controls and can fit on small screens for quick navigation.
Furthermore, they load fast due to their fantastic features which reduce
data entry.
In 2016, Google’s A-Team created its own first mobile-optimized search
index. It’s one of Google’s best approaches to give their smartphone
visitors the same quality of user experience when delivering search results
regardless of the device they’re using.

Although hardware and user-interface are different between desktops and

mobile devices, many companies adopted the strategy to start digital
traffic and increase their website marketability. It’s a wise move for the
number of mobile phone users in the world. And it is expected to pass the
five billion mark by 2019 according to

6. Motion UI

With a great demand for interactive web design, Motion UI will still be
trending this year for its dynamic graphics, amazing animation and real
impacts on usability. It showcases the developer’s ability to tell a visual
story while communicating to the viewer using a variety of tools and
Motion UI is a sustainable library that allows the seamless transition
effects on the user interface. It’s one of the most rapidly gaining popularity
libraries because it enables developers to animate content as easy as
possible even without having a solid foundation in JavaScript
or jQuery library.

7. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is an open and distributed ledger, notorious for its secured

design, decentralized consensus, and modified-resistance blocks. It’s
designed to lower the financial business cost, reduce the frequency of
transaction settlement and improve cash flow backed up by transparent
Below Image shows the cycle of Blockchain

It is more secure and faster because it is a “chain” of records that can’t

be changed or stolen. It’s a peer-to-peer network of interconnected
computers that operate free of any central authority that would normally
act as overseer.
Below Image shows the Growth of Blockchain Technology.

Blockchain is already used outside of cryptocurrency. The technology has

been used for voting, food safety and shipping, for example, and big
brands like Walmart, IBM and Amazon are exploring ways to capitalize on
the technology. Industries are looking to blockchain to streamline
processes in fields such as supply chain, medical data and administration,
and narrower applications of the technology are already in use.

8. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a hot topic for organizations across every industry.

Securing networks, hardening systems, and protecting data from cyber
threats has become more important than ever, as cyber incidents are on
the rise.

Ever since data breaches, cyber threats, website hacking, and data theft
are the terrible menace that lurks on the darkest shadows of technological
advancement and scientific progression, and 2019 is no exemption.
Cybersecurity or information technology security (IT security) is the
computer protection systems against theft, service disruption or
misdirection as well as on hardware, software or electronic data damages.
IT security experts envisage that those cybercriminals won’t stop to look
for vulnerabilities and victims. With that in mind, individuals, companies,
communities, and industries need to strengthen their security system to
protect their private info, servers, and databases. Therefore, tenacious
solutions are necessary to battle the cyber challenges of the
contemporary world.

The web development industry is doing a great job coming up with new
frameworks, design trends, and mobile web app developments to satisfy
the incessant demands and expectations of mankind. And despite some
setbacks and flaws, it continues to thrive, flourish and improve.

A. Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is one of the most widely preferred

server-side programming languages used to develop Static websites or
Dynamic websites or Web applications. Being an open-source, extensible
and platform-independent programming language, it is simple to use, and
easy to understand and learn. Since PHP is open source, developers do
not need to wait till the next update is released

PHP programming language helps to develop web applications that are

complex, reliable and faster. Based on your business requirements,
hosting plans, experience level, app needs, and development timeframes,
there are a large variety of PHP frameworks to choose from.

 If Facebook were about to be built today, which technology would

Mark Zuckerberg and its company would think to back its web
application development with?
 If the world’s biggest social networking site was meant to be built
today, which technology would be powering it?

Answer is PHP.

PHP would be the first thing to strike in mind when it comes to dynamic
web development. After all, it’s one of the majorly used platforms
for dynamic website development that sends huge chunks of data back
and forth from the database without degrading website’s performance.

In present days, it’s quite hard to name the websites that aren’t built on
PHP rather than naming the ones that are backed by PHP framework.
Facebook, Wikipedia, WordPress, Tumblr, and Flickr – All these websites
are built using PHP and it simply means that PHP app developers have
not faced a recession as far as PHP development is concerned.

Released before 21 years, PHP is still one of the most popular server-side
scripting languages that is highly in use for dynamic web development and
web service development. Evolved through a total of 7 versions, it
surpassed its major competitors ASP.NET and slowly shifted from being
a procedural language to object-oriented language.
Research undertaken by recognized entities with respect to the
comparative study amongst server side programming languages for

Below is comparative study with few Server Side Programing Languages



There has always been a conflict when it comes to choosing between

ASP.Net and PHP for web development.

PHP is one of the widely used scripting languages, and developers are
addicted to it. On the other hand, we have ASP.NET language that has
Microsoft as its backup bearer and can be operated across any .NET
supported language.
Both PHP and ASP.NET has broad bases. They are used by huge number
of developers and this makes it difficult for the new developers to choose
either one of them. In one hand, PHP is a general scripting language on
which developers rely to a great extent and on the other hand, ASP.NET
has a brand like Microsoft attached to its name.

There is no doubt that both ASP.NET and PHP frameworks are great
frameworks to work with but one may have few advantages more than the


When it comes to the performance of a framework there is a

misconception that the language of the framework determines its
performance. However, this is not completely true. The performance of
any framework depends on the way the coding was done.

The performance of ASP.NET is comparatively better than that of PHP.

This statement may not be believed by PHP developers for the fact that
many great websites have been built using PHP.

Market Share

The biggest difference between ASP.NET and PHP is the usage and
market share. The chart below clearly shows that PHP has more usage
popularity than ASP.NET. The websites built with PHP has been ranked
among the Top 10k sites, Top 100k sites and Top 1M sites. Whereas
ASP.NET hasn’t been awarded any titles that can beat PHP’s.
Another huge difference between ASP.NET and PHP is the security
options they both provide. Both the platforms provide security features to
the developers however ASP.NET has built in security features such as
SQL injection. In other words, ASP.NET automatically does the work for
you whereas PHP only provides you with the tools.

Since it has been said earlier in the article that websites that used PHP
has been ranked top as compared to ASP.NET built websites here are
two lists to compare ASP.NET vs PHP websites:

Websites built using PHP

 Facebook
 Wikipedia
 Flickr
 Yahoo!
 iStockPhoto
 Tumblr
 Mailchimp

Websites built using ASP.NET

 StackOverflow
 Microsoft
 GoDaddy
 Visual Studio
 Wild Tangent
Cost-wise which is better, ASP.NET or PHP?

In this area, PHP is a clear winner for the reason that PHP is an open
source development framework whereas ASP.NET charges some fee
for hosting. The fee charged by Microsoft owned ASP.NET is not high
but when compared to PHP’s free usage, it can make developers
skeptical towards ASP.NET.

Community Support: ASP.NET vs PHP

It’s a given that PHP has a larger community than ASP.NET because it’s
free. But that is not the only thing to say about a good community.
ASP.NET community consists of highly dedicated developers who are
supportive of their community even though the numbers is not as high as
PHP. Of course the PHP community regularly comes up with the solutions
to the challenges faced during PHP web apps development process.

As this debate of ASP.NET vs PHP comes to an end its time to decide

which one is better than the other. Both the development frameworks are
exceptionally great in the work they do and developers freely choose
between them as per the need of the development process.

In many cases PHP has proved to be a stronger framework but has also
had some weaknesses that can affect the development process to a great
extent. We have also seen a completely separate section for the
advantages in ASP.NET development which consisted of strong points of
benefits for the developers.

PHP has a huge community and is a free framework to work with. On the
other hand ASP.NET is likely to have more scope in the future since it has
a huge company name Microsoft behind it.

PHP is free to use. PHP is widely used general purpose scripting

language that is especially sulted for Web development and can be
embedded into HTML. PHP trend has 7293450 websites. According to
Top 10K sites PHP market shares are leading with 14.03%, Top 100K
sites with 20.24%, Top 1M sites with 25.007% and The Entire Web with

PYTHON is free to use. Python is widely used for general-purpose, high

level programming language. Its syntax allows programmers to express
concepts in fewer lines of code. It has 136135 websites. According to Top
10K sites Python market shares are leading with 1.02%, Top 100K sites
with 0.83%, Top 1M sites with 0.602% and The Entire Web with 0.195%.


NODE.JS is free to use. Node.Js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s

V8 JavaScript engine. Node.Js uses an event-driver, non-blocking I/O
model that makes it lightweight and efficient. . It has 150162 websites.
According to Top 10K sites Node.Js market shares are leading with
3.34%, Top 100K sites with 1.83%, Top 1M sites with 0.905% and The
Entire Web with 0.215%.
PHP is free to use. PHP is widely used general purpose scripting
language that is especially sulted for Web development and can be
embedded into HTML. PHP trend has 7293450 websites. According to
Top 10K sites PHP market shares are leading with 14.03%, Top 100K
sites with 20.24%, Top 1M sites with 25.007% and The Entire Web with


With the above study we can clearly see why PHP is considered as a
widely used programming language. It is certainly the most sought after
technology in the world of web, and that too over a couple of decades
now. There is no question mark about the recognition and magnetism of

If we talk about the web world, in the last couple of years, PHP has
emerged as one of the most chosen A-list programming language that has
been leading programming landscape altogether. PHP is not only popular
and developer friendly but also robust in nature. The entire Facebook,
which is considered to be the coolest thing , is based upon PHP, thus
speaking about its user friendly platform.

PHP is used for banking, research, e-commerce, social media, etc.

In spite of having some downsides, it is the most widely used

programming languages for websites, with more than 81.6 percent
websites being constructed upon the string foundation of PHP.

Being, a language that is particularly intended for web programming with

integrated open source database My SQL, PHP has its own set of
strengths also.

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