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1. Title of the project:

College Railway Concession Application

2. Objective of the project:

This general railway concession application which helps users to enroll
for concession through the application. This app also allows to renew the pass
status, if expired. This application also includes a notice board where all latest
notice will be displayed or sent to user through notification.

3. Project category:
The Project category is Android based developed in Android Studio with
Google Firebase Database Server.

4. Language and software tool used:

● Front End :
● Back End :

5. Modules:
The software has different modules which help it to achieve its
objectives, those are:
● Main Screen: Will have two sub modules as
○ Railway Concession
○ Notice Board
● Railway Concession: Will have a sub intended screen consist of
Two buttons as:
A) New Concession
B) Renew Existing
A) New Concession:
A textbox that will take admission number and roll number of students and after
click on show(submit) button it will recollect the information (name and stream)
of student specified
and it will ask for from which station user want to take concession and also ask
for pass type as “First Class” or “Second Class” and again it will ask for
duration of pass “Quarterly or Monthly”.
Then after clicking on “Submit” button an OTP will appear in dialog alert box
to user.
B) Renew Existing:
A textbox that will take admission number and roll number of students and after
click on show (submit) button it will recollect the information (name and
stream) of student specified
and it will ask user for last railway pass details (like VCH No, Station, Ticket
No, Pass Type, Duration, Last Issued Date) and after this
it will ask for from which new station user want to take concession and also ask
for pass type as “First Class” or “Second Class” and again it will ask for
duration of pass “Quarterly or Monthly”.
Then after clicking on “Submit” button an OTP will appear in dialog alert box
to user.
● Notice Board:
Notice board sub module will include a text-area which will deliver the latest
updates, news, notices, alerts published by college. This can also be in form of

6. System Requirements:
● Minimum android system version JellyBean (4.0) or above.
● Ram 120mb or more.
● Internal or Secondary Storage 90mb minimum or more.
7. Software Requirements:
● Android Studio
● Google Firebase Server

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