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Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 1

1. Inadequate treatment of middle 6. A patient complains of pain in the thorax

ear inflammation (mesotympanitis) has during breathing, dyspnea, restriction of
resulted in suppurative inflammation of coughing movements, hiccup. What respi-
the cells of temporal bone mastoid process ratory muscles are affected?
(mastoiditis). The abscess has erupted into
the bed of sternocleidomastoid muscle. A. Diaphragm
This pathological process is localised in the B. External intercostal muscles
following cervical fascia: C. Serratus anterior muscle
D. Internal intercostal muscles
A. Lamina superficialis fasciae colli propriae E. Abdominal muscles
B. Fascia colli superficialis
C. Lamina profunda fasciae colli propriae 7. Having lost significant amount of body
D. Fascia endocervicalis weight, a 70-year-old patient complains of
E. Fascia prevertebralis dull pain in the lumbar area. In the result of
examination he was diagnosed with floati-
2. When examining the oral caity of a ng kidney. What part of kidney supporting
22-year-old patient, the dentist noticed a apparatus is most likely to be damaged?
destroyed medial tubercle on the cutting
edge of the right maxillary first molar. This A. Сapsula adiposa
tubercle is called: B. Capsula fibrosa
C. M. Iliopsoas
A. Paracone D. Lig. Hepatorenalis
B. Metacone E. M. quadratus lumborum
C. Mesocone
D. Hypocone 8. Examination of a 23-year-old patient
E. Protocone reveals that when his tongue is protruded,
its tip deviates to the side. This is caused
3. Alveolar bleeding has been detected by the dysfunction of the following tongue
following the extraction of the maxillary muscle:
second premolar. What artery causes this
kind of bleeding, when damaged? A. Genioglossus
B. Hyoid
A. Middle superior alveolar artery C. Superior longitudinal
B. Posterior superior alveolar artery D. Inferior longitudinal
C. Inferior alveolar artery E. Styloglossus
D. Palatine artery
E. Anterior superior alveolar artery 9. A patient has air embolism as a result of
a skin injury in the middle portion of the
4. A female patient has referred to a sternocleidomastoid muscle. Which cervi-
dentist with complains of bruise and cal vein was injured?
swelling around her eye. Anamnesis is as
follows: several days prior her 1st premolar A. External jugular vein
tooth had been extracted, with infraorbital B. Anterior jugular vein
anesthesia administered; several days later C. Internal jugular vein
hematoma appeared in the area of foramen D. Posterior auricular vein
intraorbitale. Branch of the following artery E. Transverse cervical vein
was damaged: 10. Otopyosis has caused tympanic cavity
A. Maxillary artery roof to be broken by pus. From tympanic
B. Facial artery cavity pus spreads to the following cranial
C. Superficial temporal artery fossa:
D. Superior labial artery A. Middle cranial fossa
E. Masseteric artery B. Posterior cranial fossa
5. A patient has lost his ability to recogni- C. Anterior cranial fossa
ze objects by their characteristic sounds D. Orbit
(clock, bell, music). What part of his brain E. Sphenopalatine fossa
is damaged? 11. A 33-year-old patient complains of an
A. Lobus temporalis impairment of skin sensitivity in the medi-
B. Lobus occipitalis al part of the dorsal and palmar surface of
C. Lobus frontalis hand. Which nerve is damaged?
D. Lobus parietalis
E. Insula
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 2

A. N. ulnaris
B. N. radialis A. Cervical mucocytes of glands
C. N. medianus B. Parietal exocrinocytes of glands
D. N. musculocutaneus C. Principal exocrinocytes of glands
E. N. cutaneus antebrachii medialis D. Endocrinocytes
E. Mucocytes of the gland body
12. A 2-year-old child has congenital spastic
contraction of muscles on one side of neck, 18. Microscopic examination of a CNS body
that is torticollis. What muscle is affected? revealed the gray matter with three layers
of neurons, namely molecular, ganglionic
A. Sternocleidomastoid and granular layer. What are the neurons
B. Subcutaneous constituting the second layer?
C. Sternohyoid
D. Sternothyroid A. Piriform
E. Omohyoid B. Basket
C. Small stellate
13. Nucleoli of nuclei have been damaged D. Large stellate
due to tissue culture nuclear irradiation. E. Granule cells
Regeneration of the following organelles
becomes hampered in cytoplasm: 19. A histological preparation of lower jaw
shows dentin being formed. Collagen fibers
A. Ribosomes synthesized by odontoblasts are thin and
B. Lysosomes situated perpendicular to dentinal tubules.
C. Endoplasmic reticulum What fibers are being produced in dentin?
D. Microtubules
E. Golgi apparatus A. Tangential fibers
B. Radial fibers
14. A histological preparation shows organ, C. Parallel fibers
where lymphocytes form three types D. Sharpey’s fibers
of lymphoid structures: lymph nodules, E. Perforating fibers
medullary cords and lymphatic sinuses.
What organ is it? 20. Normal implantation of human embryo
is possible only if uterus endometri-
A. Lymph node um undergoes certain changes, with the
B. Spleen following type of endometrium cells
C. Thymus increasing in number:
D. Tonsil
E. Red bone marrow A. Decidual cells
B. Macrophages
15. An electron microphotograph of C. Endotheliocytes
duodenal epithelium clearly shows a cell D. Fibroblasts
with electron-dense granules in the basal E. Neurons
pole. What cell is it?
21. There is a large amount of effusion
A. Endocrine in the pericardial cavity of a patient wi-
B. Prismatic with a limbus th exudative pericarditis. What cells cause
C. Poorly differentiated such a phenomenon when their functional
D. Goblet activity is disrupted?
E. Parietal
A. Mesotheliocytes
16. As a result of a development anomaly a B. Fibroblasts
newborn has malformation of major sali- C. Working cardiac myocytes
vary glands. This anomaly is caused by D. Cardiac conduction cells
the damage of the following embryonal E. Endotheliocytes
22. Stimulation of the peripheral segment
A. Ectoderm of chorda tympani in an experimenal ani-
B. Splanchnotom mal resulted in the discharge of the followi-
C. Somites ng secretion from the parotid salivary fi-
D. Entoderm stula:
E. Mesenchyme
17. The effect of some harmful factors
caused focal damage to the gastric epi-
thelium. What cells are responsible for its
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 3

A. A lot of liquid saliva of polyphagia (abnormal desire to consume

B. A small amount of liquid saliva excessive amounts of food) in test ani-
C. There is no saliva mals. Electrodes have been inserted in the
D. A small amount of viscous saliva following brain structures:
E. A lot of viscous saliva
A. Lateral nuclei of hypothalamus
23. A 40-year-old patient was revealed B. Ventromedial nuclei of hypothalamus
to have blood clotting time of 2 minutes C. Supraoptic nuclei of hypothalamus
under a stressful condition. It is primarily D. Adenohypophysis
caused by the following hormon affecting E. Red nuclei
29. Experimental studies revealed
A. Catecholamine steroid hormones to have an effect on
B. Cortisol proteosynthesis. They influence synthesis
C. Aldosterone of the following substances:
D. Somatotropin
E. Vasopressin A. Specific messenger RNA
B. Adenosine triphosphate
24. Sharp decrease of lungs surfactant acti- C. Specific transfer RNA
vity has been detected in a patient. It will D. Guanosine triphosphate
result in the following: E. Specific ribosomal RNA
A. Alveoli will become prone to deflation 30. A female patient has scalded her hand
B. Airways resistance decreases with boiling water. The affected skin area
C. Respiratory muscles work decreases became red, swollen and painful. This effect
D. Pulmonary ventilation increases is caused by accumulation of the following
E. Hyperoxemia substance:
25. A 38-year-old female patient has been A. Histamine
brought into admission room with uterine B. Lysine
bleeding. What will be revealed by blood C. Thiamine
test? D. Glutamine
E. Asparagine
A. Decrease of packed cell volume
B. Eosinophilia 31. Mother had noticed her 5-year-old chi-
C. Decreased erythrocyte sedimentation ld’s urine to become dark in colour. Bile
rate pigments in urine were not detected. The
D. Leukocytosis diagnosis of alkaptonuria was made. What
E. Increased color index of blood pigment is deficient?
26. The patient’s lower pair of A. Homogentisic acid oxidase
mesencephalon quadrigeminal bodies has B. Phenylalanine hydroxylase
been damaged due to hemorrhage. What C. Tyrosinase
reflex is lost? D. Oxyphenylpyruvate oxidase
E. Phenylpyruvate decarboxylase
A. Aural signals orienting response
B. Light signals orienting response 32. Biogenic amines, such as histamine,
C. Tactile stimulation orienting response serotonin, dopamine and others, are highly
D. Statokinetic reflex - ocular nystagmus active substances affecting various physi-
E. Head-righting reflex ological functions. What transformation
process of amino acids results in biogenic
27. There is high content of proteine and amines being produced in somatic tissues?
erythrocytes in urine. This can be caused by
increased: A. Decarboxylation
B. Deamination
A. Permeability of renal filter permeability C. Transamination
B. Effective filtration pressure D. Oxidation
C. Hydrostatic blood pressure in glomerular E. Reductive amination
D. Hydrostatic pressure of primary urine in 33. There are various diseases that cause
capsule sharp increase of active oxygen, leading to
E. Oncotic pressure of blood plasma cell membranes destruction. Antioxidants
are used to prevent it from happening. The
28. Certain brain structures of test animals most potent natural antioxidant is:
have been subjected to electrostimulation,
as an experiment, resulting in development
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 4

A. Alpha-tocopherol A. Leukopoiesis suppression

B. Glucose B. Increased granulocytes transfer into
C. Vitamin D tissues
D. Fatty acids C. Increased leucocytes disintegration
E. Glycerol D. Disruption of mature leucocytes emergi-
ng from bone marrow
34. In the process of metabolism human E. Autoimmune process development
body produces active oxygen forms,
including superoxide anion radical O2 . 39. A patient with liver cirrhosis has been
This anion is inactivated by the following given intravenously 500,0 ml of 5% glucose
enzyme: solution along with other drugs. There is a
high risk of the following water-electrolytic
A. Superoxide dismutase balance disruption:
B. Catalase
C. Peroxidase A. Hyposmolar hypohydration
D. Glutathione peroxidase B. Hyperosmolar hypohydration
E. Glutathione reductase C. Iso-osmolar hypohydration
D. Hyposmolar dehydration
35. A 34-year-old patient has low E. Hyperosmolar dehydration
endurance of physical loads. At the same
time skeletal muscles have increased 40. A 32-year-old patient has purulent
concentration of glycogen. This is caused wound in the lower third of forearm. Smear
by the reduced activity of the following of purulent wound content has been made.
enzyme: What cells will be generally detected, if it is
stained using Romanovsky-Giemsa stain?
A. Glycogen phosphorylase
B. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase A. Neutrophil
C. Phosphofructokinase B. Eosinophil
D. Glycogen synthase C. Lymphocyte
E. Glucose-6-phosphatase D. Erythrocyte
E. Basocyte
36. A patient has been prescribed pyridoxal
phosphate. What processes are corrected 41. A patient has oliguria caused by acute
with this drug? renal failure. What daily amount of urine
corresponds with this symptom?
A. Transamination and decarboxylation of
amino acids A. 100-500 ml
B. Oxidative decarboxylation of keto acids B. 1500-2000 ml
C. Deaminization of amino acids C. 1000-1500 ml
D. Synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases D. 500-1000 ml
E. Protein synthesis E. 50-100 ml
37. A 60-year-old man consulted a doctor 42. A 7-year-old child suffers from acute di-
about an onset of chest pain. In blood sease. A pediatrician observed the followi-
serum analysis showed a significant ng during examination: pharynx mucosa is
increase in the activity of the followi- hyperemic, edematous, swollen, cowered
ng enzymes: creatine kinase and its MB- with large amount of mucus. Buccal mucosa
isoform, aspartate aminotransferase. These has whitish discoloured spots. On the next
changes indicate the development of the day the child came out in rash with large
pathological process in the following ti- spots covering the skin of his face, neck and
ssues: torso. What kind of inflammation causes
changes in pharynx mucosa?
A. Cardiac muscle
B. Lungs A. Catarrhal
C. Skeletal muscles B. Serous
D. Liver C. Serofibrinous
E. Smooth muscles D. Fibrinous
E. Hemorrhagic
38. A nuclear power plant disaster fi-
ghter had absorbed radiation dose of 5 43. Histological examination of the grayish-
Gy; in a week he was diagnosed with pink elastic nodule of 0,3 cm in diameter
blood agranulocytosis. What pathogenetic found by a surgeon at the root of the
mechanism is principal in its origination? extracted tooth shows granulation tissue
with cords of stratified squamous epitheli-
um. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 5

blood vessels revealed orange sudanophi-

A. Granulomatous periodontitis lic droplets that completely obstructed the
B. Eosinophilic granuloma vessels of microvasculature. What compli-
C. Granulating pulpitis cation caused the death of the patient?
D. Acute apical periodontitis
E. Granulating periodontitis A. Fat embolism
B. Gas embolism
44. Histological examination of a lymph C. Drug-induced embolism
node removed from the posterior triangle D. Microbial embolism
of neck of an 18-year-old patient revealed E. Thromboembolism
some cell agglomerations that included si-
ngle multinuclear Reed-Sternberg cells, 48. A female patient with heavy poisoning
major Hodgkin’s cells, minor Hodgki- caused by sepsis has died. "Tiger heart"was
n’s cells and many lymphocytes, single revealed during autopsy. Microscopic
plasmatic cells, eosinophils. What is the investigation allowed to detect lipides in
most likely diagnosis? the cardiac myocytes cytoplasm. What
morphogenetic development mechanism is
A. Lymphogranulomatosis the main cause of this kind of dystrophy?
B. Nodular lymphoma
C. Burkitts tumour A. Decomposition
D. Lymphocytic lymphoma B. Infiltration
E. Chronic lymphoid leukosis C. Transformation
D. Pathological synthesis
45. Autopsy of a man who died from intrai- E. -
ntestinal hemorrhage revealed necrosis of
grouped and solitary follicles, dead tissues 49. A paitent, who works as a milkmaid,
imbibed with bile and blood in the ileum; has made an appoinment with a dentist wi-
sequestration and rejection of necrotic th complaints of aphtha-shaped rash on the
masses with defect formation in the lower mucosa of oral cavity. The doctor detected
segment of the intestine. Which of the rash on her hands in the area of nail plates.
following diagnoses is most likely? What agent causes this disease?
A. Typhoid fever, ulcerative stage A. Foot-and-mouth disease virus
B. Typhoid fever, "clean ulcer"stage B. Cytomegalovirus
C. Typhoid fever, necrosis stage C. Vesicular stomatitis virus
D. Abdominal typhoid salmonellosis D. Herpesvirus
E. Crohn’s disease E. Coxsackie B virus
46. An autopsy of the body of an aged man, 50. Bacterioscopy of nasopharyngeal mucus
who was suffering from acute intestinal di- taken from a 2,5-year-old child with
sorder during his last 2 weeks, has revealed nasopharyngitis revealed gram-positive di-
the following change in the rectum and si- plococci looking like coffee grains. What
gmoid colon: brown and green film coveri- organs of the child are most likely to be
ng the mucosa is detected. The itestinal affected if these microorganisms penetrate
wall is thickened; the cavity sharply narrows the blood?
down. Microscopy reveals mucosa necrosis
of varying depth, necrotic tissue is pierced A. Brain tunics
through with fibrin threads, leucocytic infi- B. Cardiac valves
ltration is observed. What diagnosis is most C. Renal glomeruli
probable? D. Urogenital tracts
E. Lymph nodes
A. Fibrinous colitis
B. Catharrhal colon 51. A pregnant woman complains of vaginal
C. Ulcerative colitis mucosa irritation, itching and genital tracts
D. Follicular colitis secretion. Bacterioscopy of vaginal smears
E. - revealed large gram-positive oval oblong
cells that form pseudomicelium. What is
47. A 28-year-old patient had been di- the most probable channel of infection?
agnosed with multifragmental fracture of
the right hip. On the third day after the A. Endogenous infection
injury he began to complain of pain in the B. Sexual transmission
right side of chest, difficult respiration. A C. Contact infection
day later the patient died of progressive D. Vector-borne transmission
heart and respiratory failure. Histologi- E. Wound infection
cal study of pulmonary and cerebral
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 6

52. There are several cases of children A. Anti-inflammatory drugs

from boarding school suffering from sore B. Narcotic analgesics
throat. Microscopy of tonsil smears stained C. Antidepressants
according to Neisser method has revealed D. Antibiotics
thin yellow bacilli with dark brown grai- E. Sulfonamides
ns on their ends placed in the shape of
Roman numeral five. What infection can 57. A patient being treated for tuberculosis
be suspected in this case? is suffering from hearing deterioration.
What drug causes this complication?
A. Diphtheria
B. Infectious mononucleosis A. Streptomycin
C. Listeriosis B. Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (Isoniazid)
D. Tonsillitis C. Kanamycin sulphate
E. Scarlet fever D. Ethionamide
E. Rifampicin
53. A patient has been hospitalised wi-
th provisional diagnosis of hepatitis B. To 58. A 55-year-old mae patient with acute
make a diagnosis, serological reaction is heart failure has been administered a
used, which is based on antigen reacting wi- quick-relief cardiac glycoside. Which of the
th antibody chemically bound with peroxi- following drugs has been given to the pati-
dase or alkaline phosphatase. What is the ent?
name of this serological reaction?
A. Strophanthin
A. Enzymoimmunoassay B. Adonisidum
B. Radioimmunoassay C. Digitoxin
C. Immunofluorescence test D. Celanid
D. Complement binding assay E. Milrinone
E. Immobilization test
59. A patient complains about retrosternal
54. To perform conduction anesthesia a pain, dyspnea and palpitation. After exami-
patient had been administered a drug nation he was diagnosed with coronary
used in dental surgery. It was followed heart disease and prescribed verapamil.
by the symptoms of poisoning: central What is the mechanism of its action?
nervous system excitation with followi-
ng paralysis, and acute cardiovascular A. It blocks calcium channels
B. It blocks α-adrenoreceptors
insufficiency (collapse). Additionally there C. It blocks β -adrenoreceptors
were allergic reactions (itching, swelling, D. It blocks potassium channels
erythema). Name this drug. E. It blocks sodium channels
A. Lidocaine 60. A doctor has prescribed clonidine for
B. Suxamethonium chloride rapid relief of hypertensic crisis. What
C. Thiopental sodium group does this drug belong to according
D. Tubocurarin chloride to its mechanism of action?
E. Pipecuronium bromide
A. Central α2 -adrenoceptor agonist
55. A patient in a collaptoid state has been B. α-adrenergic blocking agent
given an injection of mesatonum for the C. Nonselective α-adrenoceptor agonist
correction of blood pressure. What is the D. Selective α1 -adrenoceptor agonist
mechanism of this drug action? E. Selective β1 -adrenergic blocking agent
A. It stimulates α-adrenergic receptors 61. Examination of the oral cavity of a
B. It stimulates β -adrenergic receptors 19-year-old patient revealed a small gap
C. It blocks α-adrenergic receptors between the maxillary and mandibular inci-
D. It blocks β -adrenergic receptors sors. There was no contact between the
E. It stimulates α- and β -adrenergic front teeth. Specify the type of occlusion
receptors in this patient:
56. A 42-year-old female patient consulted A. Open occlusion
a doctor about pain in the knee joi- B. Orthognathia
nts. Objectively there is swelling, redness, C. Edge-to-edge occlusion
hyperthermia in the region of these joints. D. Closed bite
Laboratory testing revealed positive acute E. Prognathism
phase reactants. What drugs should be used
to treat this patient? 62. A 39-year-old patient has been sufferi-
ng from gastric ulcer for the last 4 years.
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 7

His condition exacerbates in spring and A. Endocrine disorders

autumn: he suffers from pain in epigastri- B. Stress effects
um, heartburn, nausea, constipation. What C. Hypersalivation
nosological term can be applied to the peri- D. Violation of swallowing
od between two exacerbations? E. Malnutrition
A. Pathological state 68. A 38-year-old man died all of a sudden.
B. Pathological process Autopsy revealed myocardial infarction in
C. Pathological reaction the posterior wall of the left ventricle. What
D. Typical pathological process are the most likely alterations in myocardi-
E. Good health ocyte structure that can be revealed mi-
croscopically in the infarction focus?
63. A patient has sustained a traumatic
injury of the greater pectoral muscle. This A. Karyolysis
resulted in a decrease of: B. Adipose degeneration
C. Carbohydrate degeneration
A. Inspiratory reserve volume D. Calcification
B. Expiratory reserve volume E. Protein degeneration
C. Tidal volume
D. Residual volume 69. A patient at the early stage of diabetes
E. Functional residual lung capacity mellitus was found to have polyuria. What
is its cause?
64. Denture installation has caused excessi-
ve salivation in patient. It is caused by the A. Hyperglycemia
following reflexes: B. Ketonemia
C. Hypocholesterolemia
A. Unconditioned D. Hypercholesterolemia
B. Conditioned E. Hyperkaliemia
C. Conditioned and unconditioned
D. Local 70. Microscopy of perianal folds scrape
E. - has revealed colourless eggs in the shape
of asymmetrical ovals sized 50x23 mi-
65. A 53-year-old patient with a long history crometers. Name the kind of helminth.
of nephrolithiasis underwent nephrectomy.
The kidney looks as a thin-walled sac filled A. Pin worm (Enterobius)
with urine. Renal parenchyma is atrophied. B. Ascarid (Ascaris lumbricoides)
Specify this complication of nephrolithiasis: C. Hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale)
D. Whipworm (Trichuris)
A. Hydronephrosis E. Dwarf tapeworm (Hymenolepis nana)
B. Pyelonephritis
C. Pyonephrosis 71. A female patient presents with the
D. Multicystic kidney disease ovarian hyperaemia, increased permeabi-
E. Nephrosclerosis lity of the blood-follicle barrier with the
development of edema, infiltration of the
66. Microscopy of smear preparation stai- follicle wall with segmental leukocytes. The
ned with methylene blue revealed baci- follicle is large in volume. Its wall is thi-
lli with clublike expansions on their ends ckened. What period of the sex cycle is the
similar to C.diphteriae. What additional described situation typical for?
method of staining should be used to verify
this assumption? A. Preovulatory stage
B. Ovulation
A. Neisser C. Menstrual period
B. Kozlovsky D. Postmenstrual period
C. Ziehl-Neelsen E. Period of relative rest
D. Zdrodovsky
E. Aujeszky 72. The total number of leukocytes in
67. A patient from Prykarpattia (at the foot patient’s blood is 90 · 109 /l. Leukogram:
eosinophils - 0%, basophils - 0%,
of the Carpathian mountains) with endemic juvenile - 0%, stab neutrophils - 2%,
goiter consulted a doctor about suppurati- segmentonuclear cells - 20%, lymphoblasts
on of gingival angles and loosening of teeth. - 1%, prolymphocytes - 2%, lymphocytes -
What is a major factor of periodontitis 70%, monocytes - 5%, Botkin-Gumprecht
development in this case? cells. Clinical examination revealed
enlarged cervical and submandibular lymph
nodes. Such clinical presentations are typi-
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 8

cal for the following pathology: child to prevent asphyxiation. This operati-
on was caried out in the following neck tri-
A. Chronic lympholeukosis angle (trigonum):
B. Acute lympholeukosis
C. Lymphogranulomatosis A. Omotracheale
D. Infectious mononucleosis B. Caroticum
E. Chronic myeloleukosis C. Omoclaviculare
D. Submandibulare
73. A 67-year-old patient has atherosclerosis E. Omotrapezoideum
of cardiac and cerebral vessels. Exami-
nation revealed hyperlipidemia. What 78. A histological preparation of
class of blood plasma lipoproteids is most cerebellum transverse section shows large
important in atherosclerosis pathogenesis? number of multipolar neurons in the grey
matter. What morphological feature allows
A. Low-density lipoproteids to identify them as multipolar?
B. Chylomicrons
C. α-lipoproteids A. Number of cellular processes
D. High-density lipoproteids B. Length of cellular processes
E. - C. Shape of axon terminals
D. Shape of perikaryon
74. A 42-year-old patient with tetanus E. Cell size
developed an acute respiratory failure.
What type of respiratory failure occurs in 79. A patient is diagnosed with seborrheic
this case? dermatitis caused by vitamin H (biotin)
deficiency. Observed is activity disruption
A. Disregulatory impairment of alveolar of the following enzyme:
B. Restrictive impairment of alveolar venti- A. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase
lation B. Pyruvate decarboxylase
C. Obstructive impairment of alveolar C. Alcohol dehydrogenase
ventilation D. Aminotranspherases
D. Perfusion impairment E. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase
E. Diffusion impairment
80. Human X chromosome contains a
75. A patient, who has been suffering from dominant gene that is reponsible for normal
severe injury of thorax, went into shock blood clotting. An autosomal dominant
followed by symptoms of acute renal fai- gene plays a similar role. Lack of any of
lure. What is the primary mechanism of these genes leads to the coagulation di-
acute renal failure development in this sorder. The form of interaction between
case? these genes is called:
A. Arterial pressure drop A. Complementarity
B. Disruption of urinary outflow B. Epistasis
C. Increase of pressure in glomerular C. Polymerism
capsule D. Codominance
D. Increase of pressure in renal arteries E. Pleiotropy
E. Decrease of oncotic blood pressure
81. A 56-year-old female patient is regi-
76. A histologic study of a red bone marrow strated in a psychoneurologic dispensary
puncture sample had been conducted in the due to her suffering from epilepsy, specifi-
course of examination of a 35-year-old pati- cally, minor attacks (pti mal). What drug is
ent, and significant megakaryocyte number most efficient in this case?
depletion was detected. What peripheral
blood changes will result from that? A. Sodium valproate
B. Phenobarbital
A. Thrombocytopenia C. Trihexyphenidyl
B. Leukocytosis D. Levodopa
C. Thrombocytosis E. Phenytoin
D. Agranulocytosis
E. Leukopenia 82. Glucose content of blood stays at suffi-
cient level after one week of starvation.
77. A 5-year-old child with diagnosis of di- Is it caused by activation of the following
phtheria has been hospitalised in severe process:
condition in a contagious isolation ward.
Tracheostomy had to be performed on the
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 9

A. Gluconeogenesis the patient has urethral obturation caused

B. Glycolysis by pathology of the surrounding organ.
C. Glycogenolysis Name this organ.
D. Tricarboxylic acid cycle
E. Glycogen phosphorolysis A. Prostate
B. Testicle
83. As a result of a trauma a patient has C. Seminal vesicle
developed traumatic shock. The patient is D. Spermatic cord
fussy, talkative, pale. AP- 140/90 mm Hg, E. Epididymis
Ps-120 bpm. This condition is consistent wi-
th the following shock phase: 89. A patient underwent lobectomy of the
right middle lobe of a lung. What segments
A. Erectile of the lung were affected?
B. Latent
C. Terminal A. Lateral and medial
D. Torpid B. Apical, anterior
E. - C. Basal medial and anterior
D. Basal posterior and lateral
84. A 60-year-old patient with a history of E. Apical posterior and anterior
bronchial asthma has had several attacks
during the day. What is the optimal drug to 90. A patient was taken to a hospital wi-
be used for their prevention? th dizziness, dry mouth, mydriatic pupi-
ls, accommodation disorder, tachycardia,
A. Salbutamol difficult urination, intestinal atony. These
B. Isadrinum symptoms might have been caused by
C. Adrenaline hydrochloride overdose of the following drug:
D. Dobutamine
E. Methacinum A. Atropine sulfate
B. Furosemide
85. A 12-year-old child is of short stature, C. Clonidine
has disproportionate body structure and D. Captopril
mental retardation. These characteristics E. Prazosin
might be caused by the hyposecretion of
the following hormone: 91. A connective tissue preparation stained
with hematoxylin-eosin shows isogenous
A. Thyroxine cell groups surrounded with basophi-
B. Insulin lic intercellular substance. No fibrous
C. Cortisol structures detected. What type of connecti-
D. Somatotropin ve tissue is it?
E. Glucagon
A. Hyaline cartilage tissue
86. An injured person with a wound of B. Elastic cartilage tissue
forearm radial surface has been brought to C. Dense fibrous tissue
a surgical department. Venous bleeding of D. Loose fibrous tissue
the wound is observed. What blood vessel E. Splenial bone tissue
is damaged?
92. A patient has addressed a doctor wi-
A. V. cephalica th complaint of gastric ulcer exacerbati-
B. V. basilica on. The following membrane cytoreceptors
C. V. intermedia cubiti should be blocked in the course of the pati-
D. Vv. ulnares ent’s complex therapy:
E. Vv. brachialеs
A. 2 -histamine
87. A patient has been diagnosed with baci- B. 1 -histamine
llary dysentery. What drug of those listed C. α-adrenergic receptor
below should be prescribed? D. β1 -adrenergic receptor
E. β2 -adrenergic receptor
A. Amoxicillin
B. Benzylpenicillin sodium salt 93. A 36-year-old patient consulted an
C. Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (Isoniazid) ophthalmologist about eye ache. The
D. Itraconazole examination revealed the erosion of the
E. Acyclovir cornea, that is the lack of superficial and
spinous layers of the epithelium. What cells
88. A patient with acute retention of uri- will provide regeneration of the damaged
ne has been brought to an admission room. epithelium?
During examination a doctor found out that
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 10

of avitaminosis when excreted with urine?

A. Cells of the stratum basale
B. Cells of the stratum corneum A. Pyruvic acid
C. Cells of the the stratum granulosum B. Malate
D. Cells of the stratum lucidum C. Methylmalonic acid
E. Cell of the stratum superficiale D. Uric acid
E. Phenylpyruvate
94. A 25-year-old woman has died when
giving birth. The histological study of her 99. As a result of treatment of viral RNA
kidneys has revealed the following in the with nitrous acid, UCA triplet mutated
epithelium of nephron tubules: condensati- to UGA triplet. What kind of mutation
on of nucleus chromatin, nuclei breaki- occurred?
ng down into lumps, and lysis, along
with plasmorrhexis and cytolysis. What A. Transition
pathologic process was revealed in the epi- B. Nucleotide deletion
thelium of kidney tubules? C. Missense
D. Nucleotide insertion
A. Necrosis E. Inversion
B. Hydropic degeneration
C. Amyloidosis 100. To prevent possible negative effect
D. Fatty degeneration upon the gastric mucsa a patient with
E. Hyalinosis rheumatoid arthritis was administered a
nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug - a
95. A 43-year-old female complains of wei- COX-2 selective inhibitor. Specify this
ght loss, hyperhidrosis, low-grade fever, drug:
increased irritability. She has been found
to have hyperfunction of the sympathetic- A. Celecoxib
adrenal system and basal metaboli- B. Analgine
sm. These disorders can be caused by C. Acetylsalicinic acid
hypersecretion of the following hormone: D. Butadion
E. Ibuprofen
A. Thyroxine
B. Somatotropin 101. A 46-year-old patient consulted a
C. Corticotropin doctor about pustular rash on the skin of
D. Insulin the limbs. What antiseptic should be admi-
E. Aldosterone nistered to the patient?

96. A 30-year-old driver complains of A. Alcohol solution of iodine

allergic rhinitis that usually excerbates in B. Insulin
spring. He has been administered an anti- C. Prednisolone
histamine drug with a slight sedative effect D. Sibazon
and 24-hour period of action. Which of the E. Heparin
listed drugs has been administered?
102. As a result of dysfunction of protein
A. Loratadine synthesis in liver a patient with hepatic
B. Dimedrol insufficiency has disturbed synthesis of
C. Heparin procoagulants, prothrombin, fibrinogen.
D. Vicasol Which of the listed syndromes can be
E. Oxytocin expected in this patient?
97. A patient suffers from a severe life- A. Haemorrhagic
threatening generalised septic infection. B. Portal haemorrhagic syndrome
What group of chemotherapeutical drugs C. Hepatolienal syndrome
should be prescribed in this case? D. Acholia syndrome
E. Cholaemia syndrome
A. Cephalosporines
B. Tetracyclines 103. A patient suffering from stenocardia
C. Sulfanilamides takes 100 mg of acetylsalicilic acid daily.
D. Chloramphenicol group What is the effect of acetylsalicilic acid in
E. Macrolides this patient?

98. A patient, who had been eating

only polished rice, developed polyneuri-
tis caused by thiamine deficiency. What
compound can be indicative of this kind
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 11

A. Inhibition of thrombocyte aggregation A. Lower part of precentral gyrus

B. Inhibition of blood coagulation B. Lower part of postcentral gyrus
C. Dilatation of coronary vessels C. Upper part of precentral gyrus
D. Prothrombin rate reduction D. Upper part of postcentral gyrus
E. Cholesterol rate reduction E. Inferior frontal (Broca’s) gyrus
104. A 49-year-old male patient with 109. A 12-year-old male patient has tetanic
myocardial infarction has been admitted to convulsions. Which gland function may be
the cardiology department. What changes impaired in this case?
in the peripheral blood cells are induced by
the necrotic changes in the myocardium? A. Glandulae parathyroidae
B. Hypophisis
A. Neutrophilic leukocytosis C. Glandula thyroidea
B. Monocytosis D. Thymus
C. Eosinophilia E. Glandula pinealis
D. Thrombocytopenia
E. Lymphopenia 110. A 45-year-old female patient has
neurosis with irritability, insomnia, amoti-
105. In the area being the epicenter of the vational anxiety. What tranquilizer will be
registered rabies cases among wild animals able to eliminate all symptoms of the di-
a 43-year-old man presented to a clinic and sease?
claimed to have been bitten by a stray dog.
He was given a course of anti-rabies vacci- A. Diazepam
ne. This preparation relates to the following B. Paracetamol
type of vaccines: C. Piracetam
D. Caffeine-sodium benzoate
A. Attenuated E. Levodopa
B. Inactivated
C. Molecular 111. A patient presented to a hospital wi-
D. Toxoids th complaints about quick fatigability and
E. Synthetic significant muscle weakness. Examinati-
on revealed an autoimmune disease that
106. In Western Europe nearly half of all causes functional disorder of receptors in
congenital malformations occur in the chi- the neuromuscular synapses. This will result
ldren conceived in the period when pesti- in the disturbed activity of the following
cides were used extensively in the region. mediator:
Those congenital conditions result from the
following influence: A. Acetylcholine
B. Noradrenaline
A. Teratogenic C. Dopamine
B. Carcinogenic D. Serotonin
C. Malignization E. Glycine
D. Mutagenic
E. Mechanical 112. A preparation of endocrine gland
demonstrates cortical and medullary
107. Tooth extraction in a patient with substances divided with connective tissue
chronic persistent hepatitis was compli- layer. In the cortical substance parenchyma
cated by a prolonged bleeding. What is the cells make up three zones: they form
cause of hemorrhagic syndrome? rounded clusters in the superficial zone,
parallel strands in the middle one, and in
A. Decreased production of thrombin the deep zone cell strands form net-like
B. Increased production of thromboplastin structure. What gland is it?
C. Decreased production of fibrin
D. Increased synthesis of fibrinogen A. Adrenal
E. Increased fibrinolysis B. Thyroid
C. Hypophysis
108. A patient has been hospitalized wi- D. Epiphysis
th skull trauma. His examination establi- E. Hypothalamus
shed absence of volitional movements of
his head and neck muscles. What part of 113. Orthodontic treatment of a child
brain can cause this effect if damaged? proved to be ineffective due to the chronic
mouth breathing since the nasal breathi-
ng is impaired. This is caused by the
hypertrophy of the following tonsils:
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 12

A. Pharyngeal A. Lysyl oxidase

B. Tubal B. Monoamino-oxidase
C. Lingual C. Prolyl hydroxylase
D. Palatine D. Lysyl hydroxylase
E. Palatine and tubal E. Collagenase
114. A patient complains of feeling of 119. After the transfusion of the
pain in his upper jaw and teeth. Physical concentrated red blood cells the patient
examinations reveals painful feeling when developed posttransfusion shock. What is
supraorbital incisure area is pressed. What the leading mechanism of acute renal fai-
nerve is damaged? lure in this case?
A. The 2nd branch of trigeminal nerve A. Glomerular filtration disorder
B. The 1st branch of trigeminal nerve B. Tubular reabsorption disorder
C. The 3rd branch of trigeminal nerve C. Tubular secretion disorder
D. Trochlear nerve D. Urinary excretion disorder
E. Facial nerve E. Impairment of the renal incretory functi-
115. A patient with mandibular osteomyeli-
tis shows the signs of plexus dentalis inferi- 120. A 50-year-old patient has been
or damage and innervation disruption of referred for treatment of neck lymphadeni-
his mandibular teeth and gums. What nerve tis. His individual penicillin sensitivi-
provides this innervation with its branches? ty was tested. In 30 seconds full-body
fever raised in the patient and his arteri-
A. N. alveolaris inferior al blood pressure dropped to 0 mm Hg,
B. N. maxillaris followed by cardiac arrest. Resuscitation
C. N. lingualis was unsuccessful. Autopsy revealed acute
D. N. buccalis venous hyperemia of viscera. Histological
E. N. facialis study revealed mast cells (tissue basocytes)
116. A patient has some vesicles on the degranulation in the skin (at the area of
mucous membrane of the oral cavity, li- injections), myocardium and lungs. What
ps and nose. A dentist suspected vesicular kind of hypersensitivity reaction occurred
stomatitis. What analysis will allow to confi- in patient?
rm the diagnosis? A. Anaphylactic
A. Recovery of virus from the vesicular fluid B. Delayed-type hypersensitivity
B. Allergy test C. Complement-mediated cytotoxic
C. Recovery of bacteria from the vesicular D. Immune complex-mediated
fluid E. -
D. Contamination of animals with the vesi- 121. A young man has the followi-
cular fluid ng symptoms: purulent acne on the
E. Microscopy of the vesicular fluid face; wrinkled, hyperemic skin; eyebrows
117. Periodontitis induces the development and eyelashes are falling out. A doctor
of lipid peroxidation in the periodontal has made a diagnosis of demodicosis
tissues, as well as an increase in (demodectic mange). What preventive
malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide measures can be recommended?
concentration in the oral cavity. Which of
the following enzymes provides antioxidant A. Maintaining personal hygiene
protection? B. Protection from mite bites
C. Repellents
A. Catalase D. Processing premises with insecticides
B. Amylase E. Donor blood check-up
C. Maltase
D. Lactase 122. An oncological patient had been admi-
E. Invertase nistered methotrexate. With time target
cells of the tumour lost sensitivity to this
118. Osteolaterism is characterized by a drug. At the same time the change in
decrease in collagen strength caused by gene expression of the following enzyme
much less intensive formation of cross-links is observed:
in the collagen fibrils. This phenomenon
is caused by hypoactivity of the following
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 13

A. Dehydropholate reductase
B. Thiaminase A. Aphthous stomatitis
C. Deaminase B. Hypertrophic stomatitis
D. Pholate oxidase C. Herpetic stomatitis
E. Pholate decarboxylase D. Catarrhal gingivitis
E. -
123. A patient has secretory dysfunction
of the submandibular salivary galnd. Whi- 128. An irregular-shaped dense grey and
ch nerve is responsible for its vegetative white focus has appeared on the pati-
innervation? ent’s oral cavity mucosa, raising above
mucosa surface. The patient considers it
A. Сhorda tympani to be denture-caused damage of mucosa.
B. N.auriculotemporalis Microscopy has revealed the following:
C. N.mandibularis hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis,
D. N.petrosus major acanthosis of stratified epithelium of
E. N.petrosus minor mucosa; underlaying connective tissue
has lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. What
124. A patient complains of decreased abi- pathology is it?
lty to produce proper pressure with his
masticatory muscles. What method of study A. Leukoplakia
allows checking the patient’s complaint? B. Candidosis
C. Ichthyosis
A. Gnathodynamometry D. Syphilitic papula
B. Dynamometry E. Lupus erythematosus
C. Electromyography
D. Sphygmography 129. After restoration of maxllary incisors
E. Masticatiography with artificial crowns a 44-year-old female
was found to have a brownish overgrowth
125. A child is 6 years old. The permanent in form of a node of 15 mm in diameter.
teeth have started to take the place of the Histological study revealed that under
primary teeth. What teeth are the first to the stratified squamous epithelium of gi-
emerge? ngiva there was a connective tissue mass
A. Lower first molars with numerous sinusoidal vessels, oval-
B. Lower first premolars shaped mononuclear cells forming osteoid
C. Upper first premolars substance, and polynuclear giant cells that
D. Upper medial incisors destroyed the alveolar ridge of the upper
E. Lower canines jaw. What is the most likely diagnosis?

126. Examination of the oral mucosa A. Giant cell epulis

revaled a small nodule with papillary B. Fibromatous epulis
surface. Histological examination revealed C. Angiomatous epulis
conjugate papillary proliferations of strati- D. Gingival fibromatosis
fied squamous epithelium without cellular E. Eosinophilic granuloma
atypism and underlying stroma represented 130. A rounded whitish-pink tumor node
by thin-walled vessels and loose connective with diameter of 6 cm has been removed
tissue. What formation has developed in a from uterine cavity. Microscopy revealed it
patient? to consist of chaotically arranged smooth
A. Papilloma muscle fibers with large amount of stroma
B. Fibroma threaded through with nerves and blood
C. Fibrolipoma vessels. What diagnosis is most probable?
D. Epithelium hyperplasia A. Ffibromyoma
E. Basal cell carcinoma B. Granular cell (Abrikosov’s) tumor
127. A 9-year-old child has multiple lesions C. Desmoid
of the oral mucosa in form of small painful D. Hibernoma
hyperemic sores with a white deposit in the E. Rhabdomyoma
center; enlarged and painful submandibular 131. Wilson’s disease is a disorder of copper
lymph nodes. Microscopic examination of transport which leads to the accumulati-
the affected region revealed a superfici- on of this metal in brain and liver cells.
al defect covered by fibrin; edematic and It is associated with a disturbance in the
hyperemic submucosa with inflammatory synthesis of the following protein:
infiltration. What is the most likely di-
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 14

A. Ceruloplasmin 137. A patient is diagnosed with acute

B. Metallothionein morphine hydrochloride poisoning. Choose
C. Transcobalamin the oxidant drug to be prescribed for gastric
D. Haptoglobin lavage.
E. Siderophilin
A. Potassium permanganate
132. The patient’s examination in a hospital B. Chloramine
specialised in diseases of nervous system C. Sulfocamphocainum (Procaine +
has revealed absence of light-induced mi- Sulfocamphoric acid)
osis. It is caused by damage of the following D. Cerigel
brain structures: E. Chlorhexidine digluconate
A. Vegetative nuclei of the 3rd pair of 138. After arriving in the polar region,
cranial nerves researchers from Australia have complai-
B. Red nuclei of mesencephalon ned of nervous disorders, loss of appeti-
C. Reticular nuclei of mesencephalon te, aggravation of chronic diseases for 6
D. Hypothalamus nuclei months. What process has been disrupted
E. Reticular nuclei of medulla oblongata in extreme conditions?
133. A patient with pituitary tumor A. Adaptation
complains of increased daily diuresis B. Tolerance
(polyuria). Glucose concentration in blood C. Tachyphylaxis
plasma equals 4,8 mmol/l. What hormone D. Stress
can be the cause of this if its secretion is E. Reparation
139. Microelectrode technique allowed
A. Vasopressin to register a potential following "all-or-
B. Aldosterone none"law and being able of undecremental
C. Natriuretic hormone spreading. Specify this potential:
D. Insulin
E. Angiotensin I A. Action potential
B. Excitatory postsynaptic potential
134. During AB0 blood grouping by using C. Rest potential
coliclons (diagnostic monoclonal antibodi- D. Inhibitory postsynaptic potential
es), haemagglutination did not occur wi- E. Receptor potential
th any of the coliclons. What is the blood
group of the patient under examination? 140. A woman with A (II), Rh-negative
blood had a child with B (III), Rh-positive
A. 0 (I) blood. The child was diagnosed with
B. A (II) congenital anaemia of newborns. What is
C. B (III) the most likely cause of its development?
D. AB (IV)
E. - A. Rhesus incompatibility
B. Hereditary chromosomal pathology
135. A newborn boy has been diagnosed wi- C. AB0-incompatibility
th hydrocephalus. Doctors consider it to be D. Intrauterine intoxication
caused by teratogenic factors. What germ E. Intrauterine infection
layers are affected by teratogen?
141. Throughout a year a 37-year-old
A. Ectoderm woman periodically got infectious di-
B. All embryo germ layers seases of bacterial origin, their course
C. Endoderm and mesoderm was extremely lingering, remissions were
D. Endoderm short. Examination revealed low level of
E. Mesoderm major classes of immunoglobulins. The di-
rect cause of this phenomenon may be the
136. During ventricular systole the muscle following cell dysfunction:
does not respond to additional stimulation
because it is in the phase of: A. Plasmocytes
B. Phagocytes
A. Absolute adiaphoria C. Neutrophils
B. Relative adiaphoria D. Macrophages
C. Increased excitability E. Lymphocytes
D. Subnormal excitability
E. - 142. A patient is diagnosed with pancreatic
diabetes with associated hyperglycemia.
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 15

Glycemia rate can be assessed retrospecti- in increase of its body temperature. What
vely (4-8 weeks prior to examination) by substance of those named below acts as a
measuring concentration of the following secondary pyrogen that is a part of fever-
blood plasma protein: inducing mechanism?
A. Glycated hemoglobin A. Interleukin 1
B. Albumin B. Pseudomonas polysaccharide (Piromen)
C. Fibrinogen C. Histamine
D. C-reactive protein D. Bradykinin
E. Ceruloplasmin E. Immunoglobulin
143. When examining a patient with a suspi- 148. Phenylketonuria is a disease caused
cion of food toxicoinfection, a doctor on by a recessive gene that is localized in the
duty has detected symptoms characteristic autosome. The parents are heterozygous for
of botulism. The patient named the meals this gene. They already have two sons with
he had eaten the day before. What is the phenylketonuria and one healthy daughter.
most probable cause of infection? What is the probability that their fourth chi-
ld will have the disease too?
A. Homemade canned meat
B. Custard pastry from private bakery A. 25%
C. Sour cream from local dairy factory B. 0%
D. Strawberries from suburban vegetable C. 50%
garden D. 75%
E. Fried eggs E. 100%
144. A histological preparation of multi- 149. X-chromatin test of somatic cells
rooted tooth reveals polygonal cells with is used for quick diagnostics of heredi-
processes in the root bifurcation area. What tary diseases caused by variations of
cells and what dental tissues are characteri- sex chromosomes number. What is the
sed by these morphologic features? karyotype of a male, whose cells mostly
contain one X-chromatin body?
A. Cementocytes, cement
B. Odontoblasts, enamel A. 47, ХХY
C. Enameloblasts, enamel B. 45, Х0
D. Fibroblasts, pulp C. 46, ХY
E. Cementocytes, dentine D. 48, ХХХY
E. 49, ХХХХY
145. A 26-year-old woman at 40 weeks’
gestation was admitted to the maternity 150. A 32-year-old patient has B2 hypovi-
ward. Examination revealed that the cervix taminosis. The specific symptoms such as
was open, but uterine contractions were epithelial, mucosal, skin and corneal lesions
absent. The doctor gave her a hormonal are most likely to be caused by the defici-
drug to induce labor. Specify this drug: ency of:
A. Oxytocin A. Flavin coenzymes
B. Hydrocortisone B. Cytochrome a1
C. Estrone C. Cytochrome oxidase
D. Testosterone D. Cytochrome b
E. ACTH E. Cytochrome c
146. A patient consulted an immunologist 151. A female patient suffering from
about diarrhea, weight loss within several coronary artery disease has been prescri-
months, low-grade fever, enlarged lymph bed amiodarone that has antianginal acti-
nodes. The doctor suspected HIV infecti- on. What other action does this drug have?
on. What immunocompetent cells must be
studied in the first place? A. Antiarrhythmic
B. Analgesic
A. Helper T-lymphocytes C. Local anaesthetic
B. Suppressor T-lymphocytes D. Anti-inflammatory
C. B-lymphocytes E. Anti-shock
D. Monocytes
E. Plasma cells 152. In order to prevent massive
haemorrhage in the region of oral cavity
147. Pyrogenal administered to a rabbit, floor it is required to ligate an artery which
in the course of an experiment, resulted is located within Pirogov’s triangle. What
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 16

artery is it? A. Increased secretion of hydrochloric acid

by the stomach glands
A. Lingual artery B. Reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid
B. Superior thyroid artery by the stomach glands
C. Facial artery C. Reduced motility of the gastrointestinal
D. Ascending pharyngeal artery tract
E. Maxillary artery D. Reduced salivation
E. Biliary dyskinesia
153. Histological study of a microslide of
human skin found only dense irregular 158. A 60-year-old patient has taken a drug
connective tissue. Which layer of this organ to relieve angina pectoris attack; in several
was analysed? minutes pain felt in the breastbone area
abated, but it was followed by feeling of
A. Reticular dermis vertigo, headache, tinnitus, and hyperemia
B. Papillary dermis of face. What drug has he taken?
C. Subcutaneous adipose tissue
D. Epidermis A. Nnitroglycerine
E. Basal layer of epidermis B. Validol
C. Nifedipine
154. A patient has been preliminarily di- D. Verapamil
agnosed withf paragonimiasis. This di- E. Amiodarone
sease is caused by lung flukes. The causati-
ve agent entered into the patient’s body 159. A young couple has a child wi-
through: th encephalopathy. A doctor determined
this disease to be caused by mitochondri-
A. Eating half-cooked lobsters and crabs al DNA disorder. In what way are mi-
B. Eating unwashed vegetables tochondrial pathologies inherited?
C. Contact with an infected cat
D. Eating half-cooked or dried fish A. From mother to all her children
E. Drinking raw water from open reservoirs B. From mother to son
C. From father to daughter
155. A shepherd who has tended sheep D. From father to son
together with dogs consulted a doctor about E. From both parents to all their children
pain in his right subcostal area, nausea,
vomiting. Roentgenoscopy revealed a 160. When examining a female patient a
tumour-like formation. What kind of helmi- doctor observed the following: misshapen
nthiasis might be suspected? auricles, elevated palate, teeth growth di-
sorder; mental retardation; no disruption
A. Echinococcosis of reproductive function. Provisional di-
B. Ascaridiasis agnosis is the "super woman"syndrome.
C. Enterobiasis Point out the karyotype of this disease.
D. Taeniarhynchosis
E. Taeniasis A. (47, ХXХ)
B. (47, ХXY)
156. A preparation of intestine reveals C. (47, YYY)
complex branching tubuloalveolar glands
with their ends in submucous layer. What D. (47, ХYY)
organ is it? E. (45, Х0)

A. Duodenum 161. A patient has temporal bone fracture

B. Jejunum caused by an accident. What muscle functi-
C. Ileum oning is disrupted?
D. Colon A. M. masseter
E. Cecum B. M. temporalis
157. After examining the patient the C. M. pterygoideus medialis
doctor recommended him to eliminate rich D. M. pterygoideus lateralis
meat and vegetable broth, spices, smoked E. M. risorius
products from the diet, since the patient 162. Peripheral nerve trauma causes muscle
was found to have: atrophy; bones become porous and brittle;
sores appear on skin and mucosa. What
function of nervous system is damaged?
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 17

A. Trophic
B. Motor A. Gamma-carboxyglutamic acid
C. Sensory B. Gamma-aminobutyric acid
D. Vegetative C. Gamma-oxybutyric acid
E. Higher nervous activity D. Hydroxyproline
E. Mono amino dicarboxylic acids
163. Diphtheria exotoxin had been treated
with 0,3-0,4% formalin and kept in a 168. Tooth temperature increases during its
thermostat for 30 days at a temperature of preparation due to dental borer friction,
40o C . What preparation was obtained as a which may cause painful sensations. What
result of these manipulations? is the threshold of teeth thermal sensitivity?
A. Anatoxin A. 51-60 0С
B. Antitoxin B. 41-50 0С
C. Diagnosticum C. 10-20 0С
D. Therapeutic serum D. 21-30 0С
E. Diagnostic serum E. 31-40 0С
164. A patient with acute cardiac failure 169. A patient suffering from pericardi-
has been taking cardiac glycoside drug for tis with rapid progression has developed
a long time. He has developed the followi- acute cardiac tamponade. What regulation
ng symptoms: nausea, fatigue, extrasystole. mechanism is most likely to compensate for
What is the cause of this symptoms? this pathology?
A. Material cumulation A. Tachycardia
B. Idiosyncrasy B. Heterometric
C. Acquired tolerance C. Homeometric
D. Functional cumulation D. Inotropic effect of catecholamines
E. Drug addiction E. Vasoconstriction
165. Preventive examination of a 55- 170. A patient with incised wound of
year-old patient revealed type II diabetes trapezius muscle has been referred to a
mellitus. An endocrinologist revealed traumatology department. What cervical
an increase in body weight and liver fascia forms sheath of this muscle?
enlargement. The man is non-smoker and
doesn’t abuse alcohol but likes to have a A. Lamina superficialis
good meal. Histological examination by B. Muscular part of lamina pretrachealis
means of diagnostic liver puncture revealed C. Visceral part of lamina pretrachealis
that the hepatocytes were enlarged mostly D. Lamina prevertebralis
on the lobule periphery, their cytoplasm E. Vagina carotica
had transparent vacuoles showing posi-
tive reaction with sudan III. What liver 171. A 64-year-old male patient died with
pathology was revealed? symptoms of acute cardiovascular failure.
Autopsy results: the section of the anterior
A. Fatty hepatosis wall of the left ventricle showed a yellowi-
B. Acute viral hepatitis sh flaccid 1,5-2 cm focus surrounded by
C. Chronic viral hepatitis a reddish rim. The convoluted coronary
D. Alcohol hepatitis arteries had lumen irregularly narrowed
E. Portal liver cirrhosis by 75%. The vessel intima was thickened,
dense, covered with whitish plaques,
166. Squamous part of temporal bone and crunched when cut. What disease can you
the artery situated on its inner surface have think of?
been damaged in the result of inflicted
gunshot wound. What artery is it? A. Acute myocardial infarction
B. Continuously recurrent myocardial
A. Middle collateral artery infarction
B. Middle temporal artery C. Postinfarction cardiosclerosis
C. Superficial temporal artery D. Microfocal cardiosclerosis
D. Anterior deep temporal artery E. Recurrent myocardial infarction
E. Posterior deep temporal artery
172. A 36-year-old patient underwent tooth
167. Activation of certain hemostasis extraction at a dental clinic. After two
system factors is done through calcium ions weeks the stratified squamous epithelium
attachment. What structural component regenerated at this site. What organelles
allows this attachment? were involved in the restoration of the
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 18

mucous membrane?
A. Recurrent verrucous endocarditis
A. Ribosomes B. Acute verrucous endocarditis
B. Centrosomes C. Fibroplastic endocarditis
C. Postlysosomes D. Diffuse valvulitis
D. Smooth EPR E. Polypous-ulcerative endocarditis
E. Mitochondria
178. Autopsy of a dead 6-year-old child
173. A dentist has detected symptoms revealed a marked edema of the soft tissues
of parodontosis in a patient. What anti- of neck and enlarged tonsils. Pharyngeal
protozoal drug should be prescribed? mucosa was covered with numerous dense
whitish-yellow pellicles exposing deep
A. Metronidazole ulcers after their removal. Histological
B. Levamisole examination of the pharyngeal mucosa
C. Griseofulvin revealed necrosis of the upper epitheli-
D. Mykoseptin al layers, impregnation of the mucous
E. Furazolidone memrane with the fibrinous exudate and
moderate leukocyte infiltration. What
174. A 36-year-old patient had had a infectious disease caused the death of the
traumatic brain injury which caused a child?
swallowing impairment. Which part of
brain was affected? A. Diphtheria
B. Parainfluenza
A. Medulla oblongata C. Scarlet fever
B. Mesencephalon D. Whooping cough
C. Diencephalon E. Measles
D. Reticular formation
E. Thalamus 179. A patient was suffering from primary
tuberculosis 5 years ago. Radiography has
175. A 43-year-old patient has acute revealed a sharply marginated nodular
pancreatitis with concomitant disruption of shadow with diameter of 4 cm in the
common bile duct patency. What condition 2nd segment of the right lung. Focus was
can it result in? surgically removed. Histological study has
A. Mechanical jaundice revealed the following: the focus of caseous
B. Hemolytic jaundice necrosis surrounded by the thick capsule of
C. Hepatocellular jaundice connective tissue. What kind of secondary
D. Hepatic coma tuberculosis has occurred in patient?
E. Portal hypertension A. Tuberculoma
176. An inflammatory process in tissues is B. Acute cavernous tuberculosis
characterised by hyperemia and edema. C. Fibro-cavernous tuberculosis
What leukocytes situated in connecti- D. Caseous pneumonia
ve tissue provide for vasodilatation and E. Cirrhotic tuberculosis
increased blood vessel capacity under these 180. When examining the child’s oral cavity,
conditions? a dentist has noticed growth of the child’s
A. Basocytes first permanent canines. How old is the chi-
B. Neutrophils ld?
C. Eosinophils A. 13
D. T-lymphocytes B. 10
E. B-lymphocytes C. 9
177. Postmortem examination of a patient D. 7
with a long history of rheumatism revealed E. 6
thickening and shortening of the mitral 181. Calcification of dental tissues is signi-
valve leaflets with abundant thrombotic ficantly influenced by osteocalcin protein
deposits. Histological examination of the which has an ability to bind calcium ions
valve leaflets confirmed sclerosis and due to the presence of the following modi-
revealed multiple foci of connective tissue fied amino acid residues in the polypeptide
disorganization in form of mucoid and fi- chain:
brinoid swelling, as well as deendothelizati-
on foci. Endothelium defects were covered
with thrombotic deposits of 1-2 mm. What
type of valvular endocarditis is the case?
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 19

A. γ -carbon glutamine 187. A histological specimen represents an

B. Alanine organ whose wall consists of the mucosa,
C. γ -aminobutyric submucosa, fibrocartilage and adventi-
D. Carboxy aspargine tious cartilage. The organ is lined by
E. δ -aminopropionic pseudostratified ciliary epithelium, the
muscular layer of the mucosa is absent, the
182. A 47-year-old male patient consulted submucosa contains seromucous glands.
a dentist about difficult mouth openi- Hyaline cartilage C-rings are present. What
ng (lockjaw). The patient has a history organ has the described morphological
of a stab wound of the lower extremity. characteristics?
What infection can be manifested by these
symptoms? A. Trachea
B. Bronchiole
A. Tetanus C. Secondary bronchus
B. Brucellosis D. Terminal bronchiole
C. Whooping cough E. Larynx
D. Anaerobic wound infection
E. Tularemia 188. Continuous treatment of cancer pati-
ents with methotrexate over time reduces
183. An autopsy of the body of a 56-year- the target cell’s sensitivity to the drug. In
old man, who was suffering from secondary this case gene amplification of the followi-
tuberculosis, has revealed large areas of ng enzyme is observed:
sclerosis in the I-II segments of the right
lung. Tissue surrounding affected areas is A. Dihydrofolate reductase
pale, soft, convex; crunches when cut; does B. Thiaminase
not recede. Specify the changes occuring in C. Deaminase
the tissues surrounding sclerosis focus. D. Thioredoxin reductase
Thioredoxin reductase
A. Focal emphysema E. -
B. Bronchiectasis
C. Pneumothorax 189. To conduct serum diagnostics of
D. Atelectasis typhoid fever a test is carried out, when di-
E. Abscess agnosticums of three types of microorgani-
sms are being added into different soluti-
184. Microscopy of dental plaque revealed ons of patient’s serum; then agglutinate
unicellular organisms. Their cytoplasm had formation is checked. Name the author of
two distinct layers, barely visible core, wide this kind of test.
pseudopodia. The patient is most likely to
have: A. Widal
B. Wassermann
A. Entamoeba gingivalis C. Ouchterlony
B. Lamblia D. Wright
C. Trichomonas tenax E. Sachs-Witebsky
D. Entamoeba histolytica
E. Entamoeba coli 190. In course of an experiment researchers
stimulate a branch of a sympathetic nerve
185. The patient’s condition after blood that innervates heart. What changes in
transfusion has been aggravated by cardiac activity should be registered?
posttransfusion shock. Name the type of
allergic reaction causing this pathology. A. Increase in heart rate and heart force
B. Decrease in heart force
A. Cytotoxic C. Increase in heart rate
B. Anaphylactic D. Increase in heart force
C. Immune complex E. Increase in arterial pressure
D. Delayed-type hypersensitivity
E. Receptor-mediated 191. A patient has chronic rhinitis. Nasal
cavity mucosa swelling causes disruption of
186. Patient’s eye accomodation process has the olfactory nerve receptors placed in the
been disrupted. What muscle is damaged? nasal cavity olfactory region. What formati-
on allows for olfactory nerve endings to
A. Musculus ciliaris enter into anterior cranial fossa?
B. Musculus sphincter pupillae
C. Musculus dilatator pupillae
D. Musculus rectus superior
E. Musculus rectus inferior
Krok 1 Stomatology 2015 20

A. Lamina cribrosa os ethmoidale A. Creatine phosphokinase

B. Foramen ethmoidale anterior B. Lactate dehydrogenase4
C. Foramen ethmoidale posterior C. Aspartate aminotransferase
D. Foramen sphenopalatinum D. Lactate dehydrogenase5
E. Foramen incisivum E. Alanine-aminotransferase
192. Ability to divide is characteristic of 197. A 54-year-old patient with viral hepati-
procariotic and eukaryotic cells. Procari- tis has complication of hepatic coma caused
otic cell division is different from that by massive necrosis of liver epithelial cells.
of eukaryotic, but there is one molecular What kind of hepatic coma is it characteri-
process that is the basis of both types of di- stic of?
vision. Name this process.
A. Parenchymatous
A. DNA replication B. Shunt
B. Transcription C. Mixed type
C. Reparation D. Porto-caval
D. Translation E. Ketoacidotic
E. Gene amplification
198. A 9-month-old infant is on bottle feedi-
193. An isolated heart of a mammal has had ng. Formula used in feeding has insuffici-
diastolic arrest in the process of perfusi- ent content of vitamin B6 . The infant has
on with an ion-rich solution. Solution had seizures possibly caused by disruption in
excess of the following ions: production of the following substance in
the body:
A. Potassium
B. Sodium A. Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)
C. Chlorine B. Serotonin
D. Magnesium C. Histamine
E. Calcium D. Dopamine
E. β -alanine
194. A patient with hypoparathyreosis
has multiple carious lesions of teeth. This 199. Novocaine acts as an anesthetic by
pathology is caused by insufficiency of the making nerve fibers unable to conduct
following hormone: stimulation. What mechanism of action
regarding membrane’s permeability to ions
A. Calcitonin does this drug have?
B. Thyroxin
C. Triiodothyronine A. Sodium ion-selective channels blockade
D. Thyroid-stimulating hormone B. Potassium ion-selective channels
E. Somatotropin blockade
C. Calcium ion-selective channels blockade
195. As a result of a rapid change from D. Sodium-potassium pump blockade
horizontal to vertical body position a 16- E. Sodium-proton pump blockade
year-old girl lost consciousness. What is the
reason for it? 200. There is a 7-year-old child with
complains of cough, lacrimation, rhinitis,
A. Decreased venous return skin rash, photophobia and three-day-long
B. Increased venous return fever as high as 38o C . Physical examinati-
C. Heart rate decrease on has revealed the following: conjunctivi-
D. Arterial pressure rise tis; bright red maculopapular rash covering
E. - the skin of face, neck and torso; hyperemic
pharynx; serous purulent secretions from
196. A patient has myocardial infarction. the nose; dry rales in the lungs. What is the
The first several hours of such medical most probable diagnosis?
condition will be characterized by signifi-
cant increase of activity of the following A. Measles
enzyme in his blood serum: B. Scarlet fever
C. Rubella
D. Adenovirus infection
E. Chicken pox

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