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Software Lab Rubric for Assessing In-Lab Performance

Student Name:___________________________________________________ Course Title:____________________________________
Student Registration:_____________________________________________ Instructor Signature:_____________________________

Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectation Developing Unsatisfactory Score

Criteria (10) (6-9) (2-5) (0-2) (10)

Student was familiar with the Student was familiar with the
Student demonstrated little or no
software and was able to use software and required Student demonstrated an ability
ability to perform expeiment and
Ability to use software additional features of the minimal help from the to use the software but required
required unreasonable amount of
software that were not available instructor to perform the assistance from the instructor
assistance from instructor
in instruction set. experiment

Student followed the instructions

Student had difficuty reading the
with no assistance Student followed instructions Student had difficulty with some
procedure and following
in the procedure with little or of the instructions in the
student performed additional no assistance procedure and needed
experiments or tests beyond clarification from the instructor
Ability to follow procedure if procedure was not provided,
those required in instructions if procedure was provided,
and/or design a procedure for student was incapable of
the student was able to if procedure was not provided,
experiment designing a set of experiments to
if procedure to accomplish an determine an appropriate set the student needed some
satisfy given lab objective
objective in not provided, the of experiments to run to direction in deciding what set of
student developed a systemati produce usable data and experiments to perform to
the data taken was essentially
set of tests to accomplish satisfy the lab objectives satisfy the lab objective

Student developed a good

Student demonstrated the
systematic procedure for testing
ability to test software code in Student was able to identiy the
software code that allowed for Student demonstrated little or no
Ability to troubleshoot order to identify technical problems in software code but
quick identification of problems ability to troubleshoot software
software problems, and was able to required some assistance in
code for the lab.
solve any problems with little fixing some of the problems
student good at analuzing the
or no assistance

Able to explain program design able to explain most of the able to explain some program unable to explain program design
Q&A and fundamental concepts program design and relevant design and relevant fundamental or answer relevamt fundamental
correctly fundamental concepts concepts concepts

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