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Foundation of

Dr. Eko Pujiyanto , S.Si., M.T.

Prodi Teknik Industri - Universitas Sebelas Maret

• Introduction
• Definitions Of Hypothesis
• Assumption, Postulate and Hypothesis
• Nature of Hypothesis
• Functions of Hypothesis
• Importance of a Hypothesis
• Kinds of Hypothesis
• The Three Steps to Writing a Good Hypothesis
• Characteristics of a Good Hypothesis
• Variables in a Hypothesis
• Sources of Hypothesis
• Hypothesis v.s. Thesis
• Contoh Hipotesis
• References
Prodi Teknik Industri - Universitas Sebelas Maret

Prodi Teknik Industri - Universitas Sebelas Maret

• The second step in the research
process of social study is to formulate
• The hypothesis is a tentative solution
of a problem.
• The research activities are planned to
verify the hypothesis and not to find
out the solution of the problem or to
seek an answer of a question.
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• It is very essential to a research worker
to understand the meaning and nature
of hypothesis.
• The researcher always plan or
formulate a hypothesis in the begining
of the problem.

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Meaning Of Hypothesis
• Hypo + thesis = Hypothesis
• ‘Hypo’ means tentative or subject to the
• ‘Thesis’ means statement about solution
of a problem.

Prodi Teknik Industri - Universitas Sebelas Maret

Definitions Of Hypothesis
• “ An idea or theory that is not proven
but that leads to further study or
discussion “ – Merriam-Webster
• “It is a tentative supposition or
provisional guess which seems to
explain the situation under
observation.” –James E. Greighton
Prodi Teknik Industri - Universitas Sebelas Maret
Assumption, Postulate and Hypothesis

• Assumption: Assumption means taking

things for granted so that the situation is
simplified for logical procedure.
• Postulate: Postulates are the working beliefs
of most scientific activity.
• Hypothesis: A hypothesis is different from
both of these. It is the presumptive
statement of a proposition which the
investigator seeks to prove.

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Nature of Hypothesis

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Nature of Hypothesis
• It is conceptual in nature
• It is a verbal statement in a declarative
• It has the empirical referent.
• It has a forward or future reference.
• It is the pivot of a scientific research.

Prodi Teknik Industri - Universitas Sebelas Maret

Functions of Hypothesis
• It is a temporary solution of a problem
concerning with some truth which enables
an investigator to start his research work.
• It offers a basis in establishing the
specifics what to study for and may
provide possible solutions to the problem.
• Each hypothesis may lead to formulate
another hypothesis.

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Functions of Hypothesis
• A preliminary hypothesis may take the
shape of final hypothesis.
• Each hypothesis provides the investigator
with definite statement which may be
objectively tested and accepted or rejected
• Leads for interpreting results and drawing
conclusions that is related to original

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Importance of a Hypothesis
• Hypothesis as the Investigator’s“Eyes”
• It Focuses Research
• It Places Clear and Specific Goals
• It Links Together
• It Prevents Blind Research
• As a Sort of Guiding Light

Prodi Teknik Industri - Universitas Sebelas Maret

Kinds of Hypothesis
• Question form of Hypothesis
– Is there a significant interaction effect of
schedule of reinforcement and extroversion on
learning outcomes?
• Declarative Statement
– There is significant interaction effect of
schedule of reinforcement and extroversion on
learning outcomes

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Kinds of Hypothesis
• Directional Hypothesis
– Extrovert learns better through intermittent
schedule of reinforcement whereas introvert
learns through continuous schedule of
• Non-Directional Hypothesis
– H0 : There is no significant interaction effect of
schedule of reinforcement and extroversion on
learning outcomes.

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Kinds of Hypothesis
• Non-Directional Hypothesis
– This form null hypothesis is a statistical
hypothesis which is testable within the
framework of probability theory.
– A null hypothesis accepted is tentatively to stating
that on the basis of evidence tested it could be
that there is no difference.
– If the null hypothesis is rejected, there is a
difference but we do not know the alternative or
the differences

Prodi Teknik Industri - Universitas Sebelas Maret

Kinds of Hypothesis
• General hypothesis is second step and null
hypothesis is the fifth step of research
• Null hypothesis provides the basis of
accepting or rejecting the general hypothesis.
• Null Hypothesisis a statistical hypothesis
which is used in analysing the data.
• It assumes that observed difference is
attributable by sampling error and true
difference is zero.
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Kinds of Hypothesis

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Characteristics of a Good
• In agreement with the observed facts.
• Does not conflict with any law of nature
• Stated in the simplest possible term.
• Permits of the application of deductive
reasoning which is known to be true.
• Shows very clear verbalization
• Ensures that the methods of verification are
under control of the investigator.

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Characteristics of a Good
• Guarantees that available tools and
techniques will be effectively used for the
purpose of verification.
• Takes into account the different types
controls which are to be exercised for the
purpose of verification.
• Ensures that the sample is readily
• Indicates clearly the role of different variables
involved in the study.
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Characteristics of a Good

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The Three Steps to Writing a
Good Hypothesis

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The Three Steps to Writing a
Good Hypothesis
1. The general hypothesis states the general
relationship between the major variables.
2. The directional hypothesis refines the
general hypothesis by stating the direction
of the difference or relationship.
3. The measurable hypothesis finalizes the
direction in more specific terms and uses the
correct If...then...because format.

Prodi Teknik Industri - Universitas Sebelas Maret

The Three Steps to Writing a
Good Hypothesis
• Example :
Anne has noticed that 8th grade girls seem to
get better grades on organizational skills tests
such as notebook quizzes.
• Anne writes a general hypothesis which
"Boys and girls receive different grades on
organizational skills tests.“

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The Three Steps to Writing a
Good Hypothesis
• Anne later writes a directional hypothesis
which states:
"Girls get better grades than boys on tests of
organizational abilities."
( This hypothesis is not measurable in its
current form )

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The Three Steps to Writing a
Good Hypothesis
• Anne finally writes a measurable
hypothesis in the correct
"If eighth grades girls take written quizzes,
then they will receive significantly higher
grades than eighth grade boys because
eighth grade girls have better writing skills."
– The difference in scores on written quizzes
between 8th grade boys and 8th grade girls.
– You should also see that the hypothesis is specific
to 8th graders.

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Variables in a Hypothesis
• A hypothesis is made testable by providing
operational definitions for the terms or
variables of the hypothesis.
• For a testable hypothesis there are two
important things :
1. Variables, and
2. Operational definitions.

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Variables in a Hypothesis

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Sources of Hypothesis
• Specialization of an educational field.
• Programme of reading: Pubished studies, abstracts
reearch journals. Hand books, seminars on the issue,
current trends on the research area.
• Instructional programmes pursuaded.
• Analyse of the area studied.
• Considering existing practices and needs.
• Extension of the investigation.
• Offshoots of research studies in the field.

Prodi Teknik Industri - Universitas Sebelas Maret

Hypothesis v.s. Thesis
• A hypothesis is a statement that can be proved or
disproved. It is typically used in quantitative
research and predicts the relationship between
• A thesis statement is a short, direct sentence that
summarizes the main point or claim of an essay or
research paper. It is seen in quantitative, qualitative,
and mixed methods research. A thesis statement is
developed, supported, and explained in the body of
the essay or research report by means of examples
and evidence.

Prodi Teknik Industri - Universitas Sebelas Maret

Contoh Hipotesis ( S1 )
• Pernyataan "Jika-Maka“
Jika pegawai mengalami tekanan dalam bekerja yang
lebih rendah, maka mereka akan memperoleh
kepuasan kerja yang lebih tinggi.
• Hipotesis Non dan Alternatif
H0 = Tidak ada pengaruh signifikan kenaikan gaji
terhadap kinerja pegawai
H1 = Ada pengaruh signifikan kenaikan gaji terhadap
kinerja pegawai
• Hipotesa Directional dan Nondirectional
Ada hubungan langsung variabel gaya kepemimpinan
dengan ketidakpastian lingkungan bisnis.
Prodi Teknik Industri - Universitas Sebelas Maret
Contoh Hipotesis ( S3 )
Hypothesis to Thesis No. 3
It can be elaborated a cost calculation model that is
adaptable to the practical circumstances and is suitable
to determine the total cost balance of the design and
launching process with taking the risks and interactions
into consideration when some resources, being for
certain elements at disposal, are omitted or taken into
account only on limited level.

Prodi Teknik Industri - Universitas Sebelas Maret

Contoh Hipotesis ( S3 )
Thesis No. 3
A cost calculation method was elaborated on basis of
several functions (estimations) that is suitable to
determine the expectable economic results for various
design strategies. This model respects the sources
being at disposal for the individual elements of the
design process, the risks and interactions of cases when
certain elements are omitted or used only on reduced
level. This calculation model is suitable to be reparatory
operation for strategic decisions before performing the
design process itself.

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Contoh Hipotesis ( S3 )
Berdasarkan teori-teori dan premis-premis di
atas, untuk menjawab sementara masalah-
masalah penelitian maka dirumuskan hipotesis
sebagai berikut:
1. Proses sintesis gipsum lokal menjadi serbuk
HAg dapat dilakukan.
2. Karakteristik kimia, fisis dan sitotoksisitas
secara in vitro serbuk HAg diketahui dan
mempunyai karakteristik yang mirip dengan
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Contoh Hipotesis ( S3 )
3. Karakteristik proses deposisi serbuk dan
sintering untuk memproduksi bone graft
sintetis yang berfungsi sebagai scaffold
(scaffold sintetis) diketahui.
4. Karakteristik kimia, porositas, kekuatan
tekan dan sifat sitotoksisitas secara in vitro
bone graft sintetis yang berfungsi sebagai
scaffold (scaffold sintetis) diketahui dan
memenuhi sebagian karakteristik scaffold.

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Contoh Hipotesis ( Jurnal )

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Contoh Hipotesis ( Jurnal )

Prodi Teknik Industri - Universitas Sebelas Maret

• Singh, Y.K., 2006, Fundamentals of Research
Methodology and Statistics, New Age
International (P) Ltd., Publishers. [ Chapter 4
Foundation of Hypotheses ]

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