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Deep Belief Network enhanced Intrusion Detection System to Prevent Security Breach in the Internet of Things

Journal Pre-proof

Deep Belief Network enhanced Intrusion Detection System to

Prevent Security Breach in the Internet of Things

Nagaraj Balakrishnan, Arunkumar Rajendran, Danilo Pelusi,

Vijayakumar Ponnusamy

PII: S2542-6605(19)30195-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iot.2019.100112
Reference: IOT 100112

To appear in: Internet of Things

Received date: 17 June 2019

Revised date: 10 September 2019
Accepted date: 11 September 2019

Please cite this article as: Nagaraj Balakrishnan, Arunkumar Rajendran, Danilo Pelusi,
Vijayakumar Ponnusamy, Deep Belief Network enhanced Intrusion Detection System
to Prevent Security Breach in the Internet of Things, Internet of Things (2019), doi:

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Deep Belief Network enhanced Intrusion Detection
System to Prevent Security Breach in the Internet of

Nagaraj Balakrishnan
Karpagam College of Engineering, India, mailto:nagaraj@kce.ac.in,
Arunkumar Rajendran
Karpagam College of Engineering, India, mailto:arunece.r@gmail.com, Danilo
University of Teramo, Italy, mailto:dpelusi@unite.it, Vijayakumar Ponnusamy
Karpagam College of Engineering, India, mailto:vijay.pvk72@gmail.com


Internet of Things (IoT) is a new age technology, developed with the vision
to connect and interconnect all the objects everywhere. This technology en-
ables an overwhelming smartness, which helps the humankind in many ways.
Connecting the objects around us, make them communicate with each other
towards a mission of intelligent healthcare, safety, Industrial processing appli-
cations. As the Internet of things involved in many various entities and diverse
applications, that the vulnerability to unauthorized access is much higher. To-
day, cyber-attacks faced by the communication networks are very strong and
critically alarming. This research represents an intelligent technique or method-
ology to defend the security breach, developed with the enhancement of Deep
Learning algorithms(Deep Belief Network), i.e., Deep Belief Network. This in-
telligent intrusion detection methodology scrutinizes the malicious activity that
is active inside the network, and one tries to get its entry. In this paper, the
investigation of embedding the Deep learning methodology is discussed. The
DBN enhancement to the security network is compared with standard DGAs
and IDS algorithms, and the results are analyzed.

✩ Fully documented templates are available in the elsarticle package on CTAN.

Preprint submitted to Journal of LATEX Internet of Things September 17, 2019

Keywords: Deep Learning algorithms, DBN, IDS, Security breach, internet of

1. Introduction

. Internet of Things technology plays a vital role in the revolutions of building

a new world where the device communicates with each other for the welfare of
humankind. IoT is a potential candidate for the process of building a smart
5 environment [1]. IoT devices involved in the process consist of, communication
modules(Internet), Locating modules (GPS), decision-making module (Proces-
sor), and more[2]. Through this device enhancement, IoT can be used directly
in applications such as supply chain management, healthcare, smart home, and
retails [3]. The recent survey conducted by Cisco Systems states that about
10 50+ billion devices can connect the IoT, the year 2020, and the revenue in-
volved in the sensor manufacturing, hardware, and software[19]. IoT Devices
are getting along with the various type of sensors such as thermostats, intra-
body sensor, accelerometers, actuators, cameras and more. Also, the survey
reports that the revenue model of IoT exceeds 470 Billion USD soon[5]. IoT
15 comprised of both hardware and software to create practical embedded appli-
cations. The scalability towards the security available on the Internet is limited
compared to the growth of IoT technology. The potentials of the cyber attack
and the cyber threat is a question, as the IoT includes more device day by day
and establish its connections for communications [6]. The viability to expose
20 to the danger, losing information, controlled by an unauthorized user is high.
As the things around us including mobile phones, computers, medical sensors
used for the real-time human diagnosis and other necessary devices which evolve
around us are connected, the chances of a security breach to getting affected
by an intruder are viable [7]. It may lead to an unimaginable disaster, might
25 physically and mentally affect people, system, and entity. Entrusting the lives
and wealth of humankind to utilize smart technologies is not acceptable. Thus
the privacy and security of the IoT network should have the top priority, and

zero vulnerability to the cyber-attacks should be ensured. Even many govern-
ment departments (Department of Homeland Security) is concerned about the
30 security in IoT [8, 9, 10]. They prescribed the manufactures to imply many
security protocols. The greatest challenge in front of manufacturer, technicians,
and users to implant and tighten the security protocol is the nature of the IoT
technology. It is heterogeneous the end system interconnected have different
characteristics which take the contract of one device to misfit to others(each
35 method has its security levels and permissions). IoT manufacturers often man-
ufacture the machines for the specific application and technicians, or end-user
decides where to use them, which creates a gap between the manufacturer and
the end-user towards privacy management[10]. Many industries are manufac-
turing the IoT components with the concern of quality and not in a single
40 standard, which is also a significant reason behind the complexity[12]. Also,
the critical factor behind this difficulty is that the security process is expensive
in terms of computation requirements [13]. However, the nature of IoT imple-
mentation is its low computation and memory consumption (including battery
backup utility)strategies [14]. The threats such as injection, spoofing, denial of
45 services, and many more attacks use the wireless networks for its action [15].
These threats are highly dynamical, which tends to steal, control the things
and entities connected with it. Attacking an IoT platform which is available, is
not much of a difficult task for these threats, as the flexibility of IoT towards
is hardware and software is high [16]. This paper represents the research on
50 a different approach to equip the security and privacy needed for the entity,
network, and the end-user an investigation of the usage of machine learning
methodology to detect threats or unusual activities (anomalies). Recently the
machine learning approach has a breakthrough which enables the research to-
wards a new dimension such as the algorithm entitled Deep Learning Methods
55 [3]. Section-II gives the literature survey on the IoT its security enhancements.
Section -III provides the details on Deep Belief Network (DBN), Section-IV de-
scribes Systematic operation of the DBN in cyber-attack Control and Section-V
gives the details on the results and its discussions.

2. Literature Surey

60 . IoT is a profoundly transformative technology which has high security and

privacy concerns. Vulnerability to be getting attacked is ease. As the IoT de-
vices manufactured without any standards, the security flaws in each device
produced by different manufacturers have severe deficiencies in terms of secu-
rity. In 2016 October, an attack on Dyn DNS and Web Application provider,
65 which resulted in the massive blackout of many famous sites [17]. The intruder
made a DDoS attack on the weak point of the network. The incident is a clear
example of what happens when an intruder found one soft spot in a massive
IoT Network. The primary concentration to stop this security problem is by
keeping the network in check [30]. As a general approach, the Android malware
70 detected with the usage of static and dynamic intrusion detection mechanism.
The magnetic system is capable of detecting and executing prevention mechan-
ics; however, the static method is not capable of doing it; instead, it follows the
rules predefined. Le, A et al. investigated a study on countermeasures of the
QoS Security proposed in the year 2012, which state the experts to define the
75 rules of the framework manually to stop several new phase attacks happening
[19]. Kasinathan, Prabhakaran, et al. proposed the methodology to detect the
Denial-of-Service (DDoS) by 2013, which gives the way to suppress the attack
by the early detection of the attack with the help of Lower false positive rate
[20]. Danda et al. proposed a framework for the network to intelligently identify
80 internal threats. This method consists of a set of predefined rules through which
the attacks are early detected [21]. This methodology needs frequent updates
from the board which monitors the cyber attack since these set of law need to be
changed as per the trend. This method has a huge limitation that the adapta-
tion towards a new attack is challenging and depends on the database signature
85 updates. Along with many intrusion detection mechanisms, the machine learn-
ing method has been used to simulate the detection of malware. These machine
learning methodologies are trained with security issues that occur in the cloud.
Once the training of these algorithms is performed, the trained network can

analyze the anemology and take decision accordingly [22]. The author used the
90 Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) to detect the anomalies occurring.
On the other hand, the Fuzzy logic is also used to prevent the attack, in which
the membership function was formed according to the issues happening. Nowa-
days, the cloud environment has become more convenient that is build which
highly secured protocols which can be utilized for the IoT storage and analytics
95 [23]. Also, some researchers proposed a methodology and developed the IDS to
use machine learning platform, which is sufficient; however, resource consuming.
An immune system designed with this action in sacrifices of more power con-
sumption along with the usage of high computation power[24]. The limitation
of IDS is suppressed by the Feature Dimension detection methodology and the
100 Clustering algorithms (such as Fuzzy C Means algorithm) [25].
As per the above literature survey, it is clear that the uncertain nature is
so high as the personal attacks the network. The usage of machine learning
may solve the problem of, but still, the performance of standard ANN is not
enough to solve the problem. So to avoid the hazard of being attacked, stolen,
105 and controlled by strangers, the Deep Learning method can be used, which is
more advanced and capable of taking the best decision that the traditional ANN

3. Deep Belief neural network (DBN)

. Deep Learning is the advancement of the machine learning process derived

110 and formulated form the ANN (Artificial Neural Network). Deep Learning al-
gorithms are the most significant breakthrough of the century, which drives
much application towards A.I. (Artificial intelligence) [26, 27, 28] These algo-
rithms are capable of extracting the features as like human eye and brain works.
DL algorithms are built with the stage by stage ANN and massive connections
115 of neurons, which can do high-level abstractions of data feature extraction. The
feature learned by the single neuron is analyzed and determined by its 1000s of
sub-neurons, which results in the complete classification. The traditional ANN

Figure 1: Graphical structure of Restricted Boltzmann Machine

is cable of handling the nonlinear situations, but the lack is deciding as confident
as the human brain, whereas the DL algorithms are developed to understand
120 the features and make a decision like human-brain. There are many types of
DL algorithms, but in this case, the Deep Belief Network is used for the classi-
fication as its nature of classification process suits the applications. During the
process of training and learning the data in the input, the DBN preprocess the
data to filter its noises fits the data, which is invariant ranges. The process of
125 normalization avoids the decision to be misguided. DBN can use the strategy
of probabilistically reconstruct the inputs, so the layer itself represents those
feature detectors [29, 30, 31].

. DBN is stacked with many layers, including RBM (Restricted Boltzmann

Machine) which are arranged in a multi-stage[32]. DBN consists of hidden layers
130 in 1 number to make the process of learning faster. RBM is designed based on
MRF (Markov Random Field) also called as log-linear. The energy function
in the RBM has its free parameters to boost accuracy. Therefore, one RBM
communicates with other RBM next to it, to exchange the learning features[33].
RBM follow the principle of the probability distribution to complete its learning
135 cycle. The energy function of the hidden unit is given as
E (V, HL) = −b0 V − c0 HL − HL W V (1)

Figure 2: Architecture of Deep Belief Network (DBN)

. Through the energy function, the free energy formulas are derived given by
F (V ) = −b0 V − log eHLi (Ci +Wi V ) (2)
i Hi

140 . Where W is weighted acts as connecting medium for hidden layer and visible
layer. b, c are assigned as an offset of visible as well as hidden layers respectively
The hidden layer is always independent of other layers in any condition When
RBM follows the probability distribution functions, the nature of the signal can
be sinusoidal
145 P (HLi = 1—V ) = sigm (ci + Wi V ) (3)

P (Vj = 1—HL) = sigm bj + W 0j HL (4)

. Finally, the free energy of the hidden layer is simplified as

F (V ) = −b0 V − log 1 + e(Ci +Wi V ) (5)

150 . With the equ. (5), the hidden layer is capable of capturing the directional
information of the data (higher order correlation), where the edge extracted data
can be used for any application training process. As the RBM communicates the
features and learning knowledge to the other RBM, the network deeply learns
the direction information of a data[28].

Figure 3: Systematic flow of DBN for Intrusion Detection

155 4. Systematic operation of the DBN in cyber-attack Control

. Deep Belief Neural (DBN) is a promising algorithm which takes the dataset/
cases of the attack to get trained and decision accordingly. In general, the ANN
consists of directed and Undirected graph during the training process inspired
by biological neuron with synapses and neurons. In which DBN follows the
160 same procedures

. A shown in fig.3 the systematic flow of DBN for the intrusion detection has
the output target layer (Also known as binary - classifier layer). As per the
DBN architecture, the inputs are taken with the preprocessing that fetches the
relevant primary data. The training process involves the process of feeding the
165 experience of the network, such as the details on the attack were used. After
the first input layer, the features are recognized into different forms and fed
to the next hidden layer. The number of the hidden layers depends on the
application, and the default section can be modified suitably to the use before
the training starts. Like the second layer, the third layer also fetches the data for
170 the process of learning[35]. The output layer maps the target decision provided
through classification. As the output layer of the network is binary decision
network, logical 0 assigned for the secure network and the logical 1 mapped
for the intrusion detection. This binary classifier confirms the activity of the

stranger who enters the system. The binary cross-entropy reduces the total cost
175 of the network. Until the satisfactory results are achieved, the DBN is trained
with different values. The training of the systems is made with separating the
data set into 60 percent for qualifying the network, 30 percentage for testing
the web, and finally ten percentage for validation. If the performance is not
achieved after a long training process, the Cross-Validation is made with the
180 different combination of mixing training and testing data[36, 37, 38, 39, 40].

• The Features, collected from the input of the anomalies and normal con-
ditions. Pre-processing is made to normalize the data and to extract the
significant features from the raw. So that maximum dimensions of the
data can be reduced.

185 • From the Selected features the partition is made for the separation of the
T raind ata and T estd ata.

• Initiating the compile binary model of cross-entropy is made to classify

the output for the Deep Belief Network.

• Using the T raind ata, the training for the DBN is started, and the recursive
190 iterations are made until the required performance is achieved.

• Using the T estd ata, the testing process is initiated to understand the
performance of the trained network.

• Until the system reaches the required performance, a mitigation phase is

conducted. Thus the training for the DBN classifier is simulated so that
195 the trained model can understand and predicts the intrusion or any other
cyber attack. Not only the symptoms that the network is trained but also
the anomalies that the systems face[37]

. As per the architecture, the IDS keeps the attacks in check using the knowl-
edge learned by the DBN.

Figure 4: Architecture of IDS with DBN

200 5. Results and the Discussion

. The IDS methodology enhanced with DBN algorithm is trained under var-
ious situations of the attack and evaluated for its performance analysis. The
parameter of concern for maintaining security and privacy is Recall, Precision,
and F1 Score. There three mandatory metrics have to be analyzed to decide
205 the quality of the methodology. The Precision is given by P, which is given by
the Miss and False hit ratio of the proposed method.
T ruepositive
P = T ruepositive +F alsepositive

. The Metric Recall is given by TPR, which gives the fraction of positive clas-
sification that is labeled correctly plotted in P.R. Space.

T ruepositive
T ruepositive + F alsenegative

210 . Finally, F1 Score, which defines the balance between the Precision and the
recall also represents the harmonics of the IDS towards the performance of the

Figure 5: Classification by IDS Based DBN for various attacks

detection system.

2 × P × TPR
F1 =
(P + T P R)

Table 1: Classification by IDS Based DBN for various attacks


Dos Attempt 0.9976 0.9978 0.9977
Overflow Attempt 0.9921 0.9943 0.993199
SSH Brute Force Login 0.9919 0.9823 0.987077
Suspicious DNS query 0.9901 0.9545 0.971974
Cache Poisoning attempt 0.9804 0.9471 0.963462
Malware infection 0.9913 0.9291 0.959193
Other attacks 0.8621 0.7461 0.799916

. With the analysis for various attacks, it is found that IDS (as shown in fig.5)
give promising results when it comes to the standard attacks and lacks minimal
215 deviation for another type of attacks. Here the Precision and Recall metrics
of the attacks are measured using the abovementioned formulas. The F1-Score
calculated based on the miss and false hit ratio. As the Dos attacks are very
familiar to many of the prevention algorithms, the accuracy of that increased
and lacks for other types of attacks. The proposed algorithms are compared

220 with the existing methodology DGA (Domain Generation Algorithms) for the
accurate measurement for the same kind of attacks.

Table 2: Comparison of the proposed with existing DGA


Dos Attempt 0.9977 1 0.96563 0.85785 0.99876 0.98765 0.96642
Overflow Attempt 0.993199 1 0.96772 0.86543 0.99342 0.98453 0.96537
SSH Brute Force Login 0.987077 1 0.96785 0.88321 0.99822 0.98223 0.93456
Suspicious DNS query 0.971974 0.99786 0.96889 0.86142 0.99118 0.97986 0.96472
Cache Poisoning attempt 0.963462 0.99926 0.96453 0.85396 0.99181 0.97556 0.96941
Malware infection 0.959193 0.99896 0.96271 0.85492 0.99102 0.97121 0.96343
Other attacks 0.799916 0.99699 0.96824 0.84973 0.99112 0.97201 0.96221

. As shown in table-2, The demonstration for the various DGA is made on the threats
such as Dos Attempt, Overflow Attempt, SSH Brute Force Login, Suspicious DNS
query, Cache Poisoning attempt, Malware infection and compared with the proposed
225 algorithm. Most of the DGA’s F1 Score is above 0.85. During the comparison, it is
found that the proposed algorithms need improvement, which processed by improving
the data set used for the training. As per the nature of the DBN, the dataset used for
the training can improve the performance.
Thus the IDS-DBN is compared and analyzed with various algorithms for the new
230 generation secured IoT Devices.

6. Conclusion

Even though the Internet of Things (IoT) emerges as the new generation technol-
ogy, its limitation in terms of security and privacy is high. To utilize an overwhelming
smartness around the humankind, the IoT needs to be secured, and it should assure the
235 users that the technology to be safe. There are many algorithms, protocol, and soft-
ware to secure the network, but still, the system seems vulnerable to the cyber-attacks.
In this paper, we proposed an algorithmic hybridization of IDS with DBN. The process
enables a new possibility to drive the network securely, even in an uncertain situation.
This intelligent intrusion detection methodology scrutinizes the malicious activity that
240 is active inside the web and tries to create a diversion or breaching it. After the analy-
sis through comparison, it is noted that the proposed algorithm needs to be improved

for the standard as well as unpredicted breaches. In the future, the collection towards
many anomaly datasets is collected to train the DBN for more promising outcomes.


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Deep Belief Network enhanced Intrusion Detection
System to Prevent Security Breach in the Internet of

1. Conflict of Interest

. We declare that we have NO affiliations with or involvement in any orga-

nization or entity with any financial interest (such as honoraria; educational
grants; participation in speakers’ bureaus; membership, employment, consul-
5 tancies, stock ownership, or other equity interest; and expert testimony or
patent-licensing arrangements), or non-financial interest (such as personal or
professional relationships, affiliations, knowledge or beliefs) in the subject mat-
ter or materials discussed in this manuscript.

? Fully documented templates are available in the elsarticle package on CTAN.

Preprint submitted to Journal of LATEX Internet of Things June 14, 2019

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