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Annex C

Bureau of Internal Revenue


(Taxpayers )
Job Aid
March 2012
Training Management Division
BIR National Office, Diliman, Quezon City
BIR Electronic Sale Reporting System (eSales)
Job Aid-TP User Enrollment on BIR
eSales System

User Enrollment on
BIR eSales System

It is assumed that the taxpayer had already received a notification of
approval as the authorized user of the eSales System after submission of
a duly notarized letter to the concerned LTS Office/RDO that has
jurisdiction over the taxpayer.

1. From the Windows desktop, double click the Web Browser (e.g., Internet
Explorer version 7 or higher, Mozilla Firefox version 3.6, Google Chrome version
7 or higher, etc.). On the address bar type to go to
BIR web page.

2. Select the eSales icon to go to the BIR eSales Information page.

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA eSales – Page 1
BIR Electronic Sale Reporting System (eSales)
Job Aid-TP User Enrollment on BIR
eSales System

3. Click on the eSales icon to go to the log-in page.

☜ Click here

4. Click on the Enroll link to go to the User Enrollment page.

Forgot Password

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Training Management Division JA eSales – Page 2
BIR Electronic Sale Reporting System (eSales)
Job Aid-TP User Enrollment on BIR
eSales System

5. In the User Enrollment page, fill-up all the mandatory fields (TIN, Branch
Code, Username, Password, Authorized Representative information, Security
Question and the Answer).
Note: The <Username> and <Password> must contain a minimum of
eight (8) to a maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters.
Then click on the Submit button.

Note: All fields are mandatory.


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Training Management Division JA eSales – Page 3
BIR Electronic Sale Reporting System (eSales)
Job Aid-TP User Enrollment on BIR
eSales System

The system will prompt “User enrolled successfully”.

User enrolled successfully

6. Click on the Login link, user will be taken to the Login Page. User may now start
uploading their Sales Report or may access to other links in the navigation pane
to perform other transaction from the eSales.

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BIR Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)
Job Aid -TP Log-in / Log-out

to BIR eSales Webpage

1. From the Windows desktop, double click the Web Browser (e.g., Internet
explorer version 7 or higher, Mozilla Firefox version 3.6, Google chrome version 7
or higher, etc.). On the address bar type to go to
BIR web page.

2. Select the eSales icon to go to the BIR eSales Information page.

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA eSales – Page 1
BIR Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)
Job Aid -TP Log-in / Log-out

3. Click on the eSales icon to go to the Login page of eSales. User has to enroll
first to create his own eSales account.

☜ Click here

4. Enter your <Username> and <Password>. (Username and Password must

contain a minimum of 8 to a maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters.)
5. Click on the Submit button or press the Enter key to go to the eSales Home

Forgot Password

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Training Management Division JA eSales – Page 2
BIR Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)
Job Aid -TP Log-in / Log-out

6. The eSales Home Page welcomes the user to the eSales reporting system.
It contains the links for reporting sales. (See list of links in the Navigation

Report Sales
Retrieve MIN
Display Reported Sales
File Upload

7. To exit from the system, click on Logout, the system will prompt “You have
been logged out” or user may select another transaction or link in the
Navigation Pane.

Forgot Password

You have been logged out.

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA eSales – Page 3
BIR - Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)

JOB AID - TP Report Sales


A. Online Encoding

This functionality is recommended if taxpayer wishes to submit sales

report for only a few machines (example: Less than 20)

1. In the eSales Home Page, click on Report Sales link in the Navigation pane to display
the Report Sales input page.

Report Sales
Retrieve MIN
Display Reported Sales
File Upload

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA eSales Page - 1
BIR - Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)

JOB AID - TP Report Sales

2. Encode the MIN, Monthly Sales and the End Range (End of ORs# issued for the
month). The user should encode the MIN in nine (9) digits; Monthly Sales amount
should be in two (2) decimal places and without the comma (,) sign.

Submit Add Cancel

Note: Initially, this page displays ten (10) rows. Click on the Add button and the system will
display additional five (5) more rows. However, the number of rows is limited to a
maximum of twenty (20) rows.

3. Click on the Submit button to direct the user to the Report Sales confirmation page.
The system will prompt “Are you sure all entries you made are correct”.

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Training Management Division JA eSales Page - 2
BIR - Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)

JOB AID - TP Report Sales

Read the note indicated below the Report Sales Confirmation Page, before clicking Yes or No.
“Rows highlighted in GREEN are found to have an existing report for the month of ________.
Submitting the form will amend the existing reports. Conversely, rows highlighted in RED are
considered late submission.”
Note: As per Revenue Memorandum Circular 92 – 2010, Section IV (Reporting of Monthly Sales) in C -
#5 “ eSales report shall be on a staggered submission based on the last digit of the 9-digit TIN.
Those ending in even number shall submit on or before the 8th day of the following month,
while those ending in odd number shall submit on or before the 10th day of the following month

Yes No

4. Click Yes, if entries are correct. The System will prompt “Sales successfully recorded”. The
system will generate the Sales Report Number (SRN).

Print Save Report Again

5. User can Print or Save the Sales Report Number (SRN) by clicking the Save or Print
6. To report another sale, click the Report Again button.
7. To exit, click on Logout button or user may select another transaction or link in the
Navigation Pane.

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Training Management Division JA eSales Page - 3
BIR - Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)

JOB AID - TP File upload

B. File Upload

This functionality enables the taxpayers to submit sales report for numerous
machines, the required format of which is CSV (Comma-Separated-Values).

In the preparation of CSV file, follow the given procedures below:

1. Download the CSV (crm_sales.csv) template at the bottom part of the BIR
eSales Information Page by clicking the CRMSales link.

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA eSales Page - 1
BIR - Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)

JOB AID - TP File upload

2. A dialog box will be displayed on the screen. Click on Save button to save the file.

3. Open the downloaded crm_sales.csv. CSV files will automatically open in Excel .

4. Change all Cell Format from General to Text and then enter data in the prescribed format,
wherein the MIN has nine (9) digits, MONTH with two (2) digits, (e.i., January = 01) and
YEAR with four (4) digits. Report the Gross Monthly Sales indicating the sales amount with
two (2) decimal places but without the comma (,) sign. Example 25000.00 or if without
sales 0.00;

5. Save the file to CSV (Comma delimited)(*.csv) as:

POS <space> SALES <space> [TIN] <space> MMYYYY <space> F[Series or nnn].CSV

TIN = 9-digit TIN plus 3 or 4-digit Branch Code
MMYYYY = month and year of sales report
Series or nnn = sequential number of files submitted

Example: POS SALES 123456789000 112010 F001. CSV

Note: File uploading shall follow the file name above and each file shall be limited to 1,000 lines / rows
ONLY or approximately less than 1 MB.

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA eSales Page - 2
BIR - Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)

JOB AID - TP File upload

6. Return to BIR eSales Instruction Page and click on the eSales Icon to log-in and
then upload your csv file.

To Upload a CSV file:

1. In the eSales Home Page, click on File Upload link in the Navigation pane to display the
File Upload Page.

Report Sales
Retrieve MIN
Display Reported Sales
File Upload

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA eSales Page - 3
BIR - Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)

JOB AID - TP File upload

2. Click on Browse to locate the CSV file that contains the monthly sales report to be


3. Select the file you want to upload , then click on Open. The selected CSV file will
automatically appear in the File to Upload box

POS SALES 123456789000 112010 F001. CSV

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA eSales Page - 4
BIR - Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)

JOB AID - TP File upload

4. Click on the Upload File button. A message that “File was successfully uploaded” will
appear. User may view the system generated SRN a day after uploading the file. It can be
viewed by accessing the Display Reported Sales.

File POS SALES 123456789000 112010 F001. CSV is successfully uploaded

Back to file Upload Print this page

5. Click on Print this Page button for your reference or click on the Back to file upload
button to upload another file.

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA eSales Page - 5
BIR Electronic Sale Reporting System (eSales)
Job Aid-TP Display Reported Sales
Display Reported Sales
(Note: It is assumed that the user had already Logged in to the eSales Home Page )
1. In the eSales Home Page, click on Display Reported Sales link in the
Navigation Pane to go to the Display Reported Sales page.

Report Sales
Retrieve MIN
Display Reported Sales
File Upload

2. In the Display Reported Sales Page, enter the Branch code and Dates “from
and to”. Click on the drop down arrow for the selection of the branch code and
where :
“Date from” : date when the Sales Report was submitted.
“Date to”: default date or current date.


3. Click on the Submit button to display the Reported Sales and the SRN.

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA eSales – Page 1
BIR Electronic Sale Reporting System (eSales)
Job Aid-TP Display Reported Sales

4. Click on Print this page button to print the Reported Sales with the
corresponding Sales Report Number (SRN) for your file. The SRN serves as a
confirmation or Acknowledgement Receipt of your sales report generated by the


Print this page

5. To exit from the system, click Logout , the system will prompt “You have
been logged-out” or the user may select another transaction or link in the
navigation pane.

Forgot Password

You have been logged out.

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA eSales – Page 2
Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)

JOB AID -TP Retrieve MIN


1. In the eSales Home Page, click on Retrieve MIN link in the Navigation pane to display the
Retrieve MIN Page.

Report Sales
Retrieve MIN
Display Reported Sales
File Upload

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA e Sales Page - 1
Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)

JOB AID -TP Retrieve MIN

2. Encode the Serial No. and/or the Permit No. for each machine. Press Enter to continue
or if the MIN to retrieve is more than ten (10), click on the Add button to add rows.

3. Click on the Submit button to go to the Retrieve MIN confirmation page. The system will
prompt “Are you sure all entries you made are correct?”

4. If all entries are correct, click Yes. The system will prompt “MIN retrieval is successful.”

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA e Sales Page - 2
Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)

JOB AID -TP Retrieve MIN

However, if you find some Retrieve MIN with this message, “UNAVAILABLE: Machine not yet
enrolled”, its either the Serial Number or Permit No. was not properly encoded or was not
registered in the eSales System.

In case machines are not yet enrolled go to icon and register online the
machine to secure a permit and MIN. Please refer to RMO No. 10-2005 - “Policies and
Procedures in the Accreditation of CRM, POS, other Sales Machines including Sales
Receipting System Software and Registration for the use thereof, pursuant to RR No. 11-
2004 – “Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation, Registration and use of CRM, POS and
/or Business Machines Generating Receipts / Invoices.”

5. Click on the Retrieve Again button, to go back to Retrieve MIN input page. Re-encode
the correct serial/permit number / register the machine for the Permit and MIN

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA e Sales Page - 3
Electronic Sales Reporting System (eSales)

JOB AID -TP Retrieve MIN

6. If you want to Print or Save the MIN, click on the Print or Save buttons.


7. To Retrieve MIN for another set of machines, Click on the Retrieve Again button.

8. To exit, click on Logout or the user may select another transaction or link in the
Navigation Pane.

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA e Sales Page - 4
BIR Electronic Sale Reporting System (eSales)
Job Aid-TP Forgot Password

Forgot Password

1. In the eSales Login Page,click Forgot Password link in the Navigation Pane to
display the Forgot Password page.

Forgot Password

2. In the Forgot Password Page, enter the TIN, Branch code, and Username and
then click on the Submit button.


Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA eSales – Page 1
BIR Electronic Sale Reporting System (eSales)
Job Aid-TP Forgot Password

3. In the Forgot Password Page, type the answer to the Security Question. Click
on the Submit button.


4. A window will pop up showing the TIN, Branch Code, Username and the
New Password created by the system.


Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA eSales – Page 2
BIR Electronic Sale Reporting System (eSales)
Job Aid - TP Change Password

Change Password
(Note: It is assumed that the user had already Logged in to the eSales Home Page )
1. In the eSales Home Page, click on the Profile link in the Navigation Pane to go
to the User Profile page.

Reported Sales
Retrieve MIN
Display Reported Sales
File Upload

2. In the User Profile Page click on Change Password button to go to the

Change Password Page.

Reported Sales
Retrieve MIN
Display Reported Sales
File Upload

Change Password

(Note: The user may change / update the E-mail address, Security Question
and the Answer, before clicking on the Update button. )
Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012
Training Management Division JA eSales – Page 1
BIR Electronic Sale Reporting System (eSales)
Job Aid - TP Change Password

3. In the Change Password Page, enter the Old Password, New Password and
then Confirm the New Password. Click on the Submit button.

Reported Sales
Retrieve MIN
Display Reported Sales
File Upload


4. The system will prompt “Password changed successfully”. Click on Logout

to exit from the system.

Reported Sales
Retrieve MIN
Display Reported Sales
File Upload

Password changed successfully.

Bureau of Internal Revenue V 1.0 – March 2012

Training Management Division JA eSales – Page 2
BIR Electronic Sale Reporting System (eSales)
Job Aid - TP Change Password

5. The system will prompt “You have been logged-out” or the user may select
another transaction or link in the navigation pane.

Forgot Password

You have been logged out.

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Training Management Division JA eSales – Page 3

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