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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Division of Davao Occidental
Lawa National High School-Nueva Villa Extension

Second Quarter Examination

Name : ________________________________________ Grade/Section: __________________________

Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Select the best answer from the four choices. Blacken the circle of the number
that corresponds to your answer. You have one-hour to finish the test. GOOD LUCK!

Decode meaning of unfamiliar words with affixes.

1. Rico cheated on the test. He is fraudulent.
untruthful disobedient disrespectful unfaithful
2. Eduard got mistakes in his composition. He needs to modify it.
return resist review revise
3. Erica broke the glass. She is sloppy.
not careful full of care caregiver carry
4. On my birthday, Liza gives me one gallon of ice cream. She is thoughtful.
selfish greedy arrogant kind

Learn some common idioms.

5. Mrs. Morgana’s garden has lots of flowering plants and vegetables. She has a green thumb.
Her thumb is green. She loves green color.
She eats plant. She has lots of flowering plants and vegetables.

6. Victor is very angry. He got up on the wrong side of the bed.

He wakes up late. He wakes up too early.
He is very angry. He smiled.

7. Tony is a good cook. Catering at parties is his bread and butter.

He loves to eat. It is delicious.
He eats bread and butter. It’s his livelihood.

8. I cannot contact the coordinator in our job fair, please tell her to give me a ring.
To buys a ring for him. To please him.
To call the coordinator To look for a job.

9. The billboard has a big bold announcement “No Jaywalking”. That’s a tall order from metro Manila Development Authority or
It is the policy from MMDA. You should pass on the pedestrian lane.
They ordered MMDA. They have joy walking.

Match the parts of speech in Column B with the words given in CLOUMN A.


10. If ____________A. adjective
11. kegs ____________B. conjunction
12. brandy ____________C. common noun
13. other ____________D. preposition
14. at ____________E. verb
15. tried ____________F. adverb
Directions: Please highlight the following paragraph according to the colors listed below.
Students will highlight declarative sentences pink. Students will highlight interrogative sentences yellow.
Students will highlight exclamatory sentences green.
First Day of Third Grade
On the first day of school, I meet my teacher. My teacher’s name is Mrs. Wong. She is so nice! We talked
about the rules and she asked many questions. These are some of the questions she asked our class. What would
you like to learn this year? Are you excited about third grade? What is your favorite thing about school? What are
some of the things you are interested in? After answering these questions we began reading a book by Beverly
Clearly. I loved the book! I was very interested in the main character. She hated cursive! Then we had circle time and
talked about some of the things we will learn in third grade this year. I really enjoyed the first day of school!

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