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Ability to influence something else

Power is one of the most important concepts in political science. In fact, some political
scientists see it as a defining element of the discipline.2 Power affects how resources are
distributed, how countries interact, whether peace or war prevails, and how groups and
individuals pursue their interests; that is, power affects the myriad of topics studied by
political scientists. Ironically, however, power is one of the most difficult concepts to define.
What is power?
At its most fundamental level, power is an ability to influence an event or outcome that
allows the agent to achieve an objective and/or to influence another agent to act in a
manner in which the second agent, on its own, would not choose to act.
In terms of the first meaning, an interest group, for example, could be said to have power if
it succeeded in reaching its financial goals.

The interest group, in this case, would have achieved its objective if its assets increased to
meet its stated aims. Significantly, this type of power may or may not involve exercising
power over another agent. Conceivably, the interest group could use its assets wisely and
build up its revenues without enacting power over any other interest group, political party,
politician, and so forth.
However, in regard the second meaning, having power means having power over another
agent.5 For example, one country can be viewed as exercising power over another if it can
influence the second country to act in a manner favoured by the first country but not
favoured by the second country.

Types of power
1. Reward
2. Coercive
3. Expert
4. Legitimate
5. Referent
 Reward: what is meant by the reward is controlled over value resources, the value
resources always pay it. Hence, reward is also important in the concept of power
(giving award, blessing about something).
 Coercive: related to punishment (ranges, police, teacher, parents and so on). Who
have merely ability to punish you economically, politically, and religiously, ability to
exercise power.
 Expert: it is related to knowledge. If you have superior knowledge, more power you
have (folk knowledge, knowledge of making something, expert in computers and so
 Legitimate: it is formal rank of position. It is related to position, by virtue of status
 Referent power: it is relate to subject reference. When someone knows you
through someone else (status of father, Benazir daughter of Zulfiqar Bhutto)
Power of culture
Definition: The measure of person’s ability to control the environment around them
including the behaviour of other people is a cultural power.
- Human being can effect environment and environment related to culture ‘’ power is
cultural usage’’

Jeffery Pfeiffer said that, power also can be found, in cultural and it regulates inside the
institutions (norm values) of culture.
While, Charles hardy argues that the resources of power are very important likewise,
physical, financial, expert of personal resources (attitudes)
A power, for him, is about influence other. Power comes from to be able to do something
that ‘’other’’ does not want or having something that ‘’other’’ person wants.

- Three parameters of cultural power are 1. Consent 2. Corporation 3. Obedience

Social power
A capacity to produce effect through others frame()
Social power divided in to two categories ascribed and achieved.
1. Ownership: is a kind of power, when you own, you have power to control and use or
abuse it. In social power one can use or abuse the power by exercising. (Right to spoil,
destroy, invest, buy or can be changed in the circle of power of ownership)
2. Power of position
It is an authority related to a specific position.
- Being student of QUA, you had an authority to use the power of student.
- Social as well as administrative position
- Informal and formal (lecturer, police) position, in formal position boundaries are
limited to certain rules and regulation. As well as hierarchal positions, while in
informal position one can get power and prestige.

3. Access
- Access mechanism which controlling the power e.g. access to the social occasion or
to knowledge and ceremonial event.
4. Knowledge
- The people who have knowledge expertise, possess power and when they exercised by
appropriate mechanism. Therefore, knowledge being use for own advantages and others
disadvantages. E.g. technical knowledge.
5. Power of skill
- It is related to knowledge but is the ability/ capacity to use knowledge.

Forms of power
1. Obligation: obligations are based on the norms and traditions (respect of women)
and social rules, basically rules of obligation.
2. Trust: trust is earned kind of power, which gives you authority to ask someone for
thing, protection or elements of safeguard.
3. Character or Ethics: it is depend upon the usage of ethics related to society, like
social power of ethics or rules or principles.
4. Punishment: punishment is basically to create an negative impact.
5. Gender: kind of power like patriarchy and matriarchy, suppose; ‘’ there become a
turning point when a women casually touched a men’s hand or arm to make a point
during her intermingle’’. Example: power of wife, sister, daughter and mother.
6. Powerlessness: needless; one can be extremely powerful if he has nothing to lose,
and it makes more vulnerable. in this way, source of power depends upon exercise, if
one exercise his/her powerlessness, will be more powerful. (suicide, suicide
7. Charisma or personal power: one who have personal skills, ability, attribute, have
power. Leadership qualities, passion and confidence also determine as personal
8. Lack of desire: the more you interest in something, ore you are powerless, so desire
makes you powerless. Lack of desire related to negotiation.
9. Money: main source of exchange but rely on exercise then money comes at the
point of power of exchange. Money in any form is powerful.
10. Social class: hierarchy among societies, social class determinism, people gain social
power regardless his/her attributes, achieved or ascribed.

Power of persuasion
Persuasion is a nonphysical type of power in which the agent using power makes its
intentions and desires known to the agent over whom power is exercised. Person A
persuades B by explaining A’s desires, choices, and will and then produces a change in B in
conformity with A’s desires, choices, and will. B is altered from his or her preferred course
(that is, power has been exercised over B), but B has not been acted on physically
(restrained, assaulted, picketed, boycotted, and so on). B has been presented with A’s will
and has responded by consenting to follow A’s will.

Persuasion is a major part of politics. Lobbying, speechmaking, debating, writing letters,

issuing position papers, making proclamations in the form of court decisions, executive
orders, laws, and policies are examples of persuasion. In each instance, an agent spells out
its will with the intention of producing a response in compliance with that will from other
agents. Persuasion, like other types of power, may fail, but when it works it can be an
impetus to political and social change.
Shirin Ebadi understands such power. In 2003, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for
her ability to use language in such a manner as to prompt people to rethink political and
legal boundaries. Ebadi’s adult life has been devoted to the cause of using persuasion to
work for human rights in her home country of Iran. A lawyer, teacher, judge, and writer, she
has used persuasion to uphold the rights of women, children, and political prisoners. She
has also argued the case that Islam, human rights, and democracy are compatible and
reinforcing ethical perspectives.
One can look to her work as an attorney to discern her persuasive acumen. In one of her
most famous legal cases, Ebadi represented the mother of the late Arian Golshani. Arian
was a 9-year-old girl murdered by her father and stepbrother. Under Iranian law, fathers
cannot be convicted for murder in the death of their own children. Undeterred by what
many would have called a hopeless venture, Ebadi called upon the public to affirm justice
for Arian Golshani and to oppose the law. Go into the streets and toss white flowers onto
the ground, she urged her fellow citizens, if you are persuaded that the law is wrong. The
street in
question became white with flowers in response to her appeal. With persuasion, words
matter—words can change lives and can further change, Ebadi and her supporters hope, the
Iranian legal and political system. When persuasion is used successfully, the agent over
whom power is exercised knows of the power. Persuasion is felt and experienced by the
recipient of the power. Moreover, the recipient is aware not only of the act of power but
also of the intentionality of the act.

- Idea should base on rationality and on logic.

The ability to persuade, which is highly desire of everyone, and everyone wants to be
good in persuasion. Similarly, every society has some persuaders and these are
considering as important person of the society (maliha lodhi)
Persuader is more trustworthy in the society. (Religious, shamans, political leaders)
- Good persuader is who, who is good in negotiation (options), better negotiation has
more options.
- Marketing persuasion
- Development persuasion (gender equality)
There are certain professions, which are highly, rely on persuasion.

- Basic tips of persuasion

- Non-controversial statements
- Convincing people
- As many points as you can (mentioning and showing points), giving strength to
- Sense of humorous (being humorous to harsh critics)
- Colourful language (jugglery of words)
- Truthly honest: present yourself openly detailed about life, people believe them
- Play the other as well: if someone is taunting or favouring, gave response.
- Do not bother with reason: do not expose the personal agenda or never ever try to
go heads of the people, try to over minds to the people.
- Demonstrate that you love them, like them; respect their desires, Likelihood for
- Power of fame: multiplicity of sources is a fame; it has multiple effects, sheds,
money, high social class; large variety.

Power of tradition
The long of thinking and practicizing; there are number of thoughts and practices are known
as traditions.
Tradition, which cannot live long, cannot give positive power.
While, all those traditions serving to the humanity considered as positive. The role of
religion plays an important role in strengthen the traditions. The concepts of good and bad-
true and dis-true. As a result, every concept produces a tradition.

Myth and superstitious power: it is controlled by the specific individuals, they contin
power through myth and superstitious thoughts.
Coercive and bargaining power: common form of social form is coercive power,
generally it is negative power and considered as choosing among the negative choices. It is
also describe as applying certain strategies to prove that they have to choose certain things.
Simply, making people to do, what people do not want to do. Generally, in coercive power,
choices are given to one to choose, while these choices are negative for the one. The smart
coercer is who, who used to give choices which are similar with one and other and strong at
the same time. Best example we can count is culture, because in culture one is supposed to
do or behave in a certain or given manner. While Bargaining is positive power, in this, two
things are exchange related to promises, hopes social, economic exchange. Every social
action effect and impact is power with the context of bargaining through social behaviour.
in this context, bargaining is a way of exchange positive resources. One want exchange for
the sake of other want, directly related to comfort.
- Both work through another shelf
- Both involve in two alternative interest which are connected to one another
- Coercive involves in negative and bargaining involves in positive
- In coercive, one can generate negative interest in cause and other select/collect
another desire. In bargaining, one generates positive to cause another positive and
to select connective desirable value.
- In bargaining, entry and exit is voluntary whereas in coercive entry and exit is not
Altruistic power
One of the omnipotent power, art, poetry, philosophy contains power of love. It is
oldest and ever existent power. During love exchange, power also being exchange
and it is used as positive. Power of love gain through interaction and affection,

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