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Communication is a way for human to share their idea or feelings. There

are many ways to do communication, verbal or non-verbal. But, the most human
often communicate with verbal. Verbal communication produces a language.
Therefore language is one of the important part to be learned.

English is the world language that is used for communication around the
world. As an international language, English relates some important sectors such
as business, economy, science, or even education. Therefore each country needs to
put English in an important part to develop its human resources.

Indonesia basically puts English as a foreign language. English in

Indonesia does not use in daily life, but only some particular person use English
for their necessary. It is taught at every school. However English is an
international language, so every single person in Indonesia at least should be able
to speak English whether good or not.

However, teaching English is not as easy as we think. There are a couples

particularly ways of teaching and assessing a language. Assessment and
evaluation are needed to conduct the language as well.

1|Language Assessment

Review of Related Literature

2.1. What Is Test and Assessment

Test is identically with something to evaluate the students’ skill. Therefore

sometimes it makes the students scare of facing the test itself. But, test is surely
something that must be conducted by the teachers to know where specifically the
students need to be taught.

2.1.1. Definition of Test

A test, in simple terms, is a method of measuring a person ~ ability,

knowledge, or performance in a given domain. Let's look at the components of
this definition. A test is first a method. It is an instrument-a set of techniques,
procedures, or items that requires performance on the part of the test-taker. To
qualify as a test, the method must be explicit and structured: multiple-choice
questions with prescribed correct answers; a writing prompt with ;t scoring rubric;
an oral interview based on a question script and a checklist of expected responses
to be filled in by the administrator (Brown, 2004).

2.1.2. Definition of Assessment

Assessment is a popular and sometimes misunderstood term in current

educational practice. You might be tempted to think of testing and assessing as
synonymous terms, but they are not. Tests are prepared administrative procedures
that occur at identifiable times in a curriculum when learners muster all their
facilities to offer peak performance, knowing that their responses are being
measured and evaluated. Assessment. on the other hand, is an ongoing process
that encompasses a much wider domain (Brown, 2004).

2|Language Assessment
2.1.3. Type of assessment

Brown (2004) mentions several categorizes of assessment:

1) By its formality, they are:

a. Informal assessments including comment and response, coaching and

feedback to the students. For example, giving “Nice job!” as a
b. Formal assessments are systematic and planned sampling techniques
constructed by teacher to appraise students’ achievement. Portfolio and
exam can be counted as it.

2) By it functions, they are:

a. Formative assessments which focuses on evaluating students in the

process of their competencies and skills.
b. Summative assessments which focuses on how well the students has
accomplished objectives

3|Language Assessment

3.1. Research Method

This research uses qualitative descriptive. It is one of the method to
describe the characteristic of the data.
3.2. Participants
Participants are one of the important thing to implement the test.
Participants are our object of assessment. In this research writer decide to choose
the tenth grade students as participants.
In this opportunity, researcher used an instrument test. The test consists of
4 multiple choices and 1 essay, which the best score could be up to 100 and the
lowest is potentially zero.

3.3. Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of evaluating data using analytical and logical
reasoning to examine each component of the data available.

The analysis of data in modern science involves the application of

various statistical techniques, such as correlation, regression,
analysis of variance (ANOVA), t-tests, and chi-square tests. These
techniques provide a way of drawing inductive inferences from
data and distinguishing any real phenomena or effects from
random fluctuations (Shamoo & Resnik, 2009: 69).

Savenye and Robinson in Begum and Ahmed (2015) state that qualitative
research data analysis includes statistical procedure, analysis often becomes an
ongoing process where the data is collected and analyzed almost synchronously.
Indeed, researcher generally analyze for patterns in observations through the
entire data collection phase.

4|Language Assessment
3.4. Data Procedure

The test was conducted in the middle of internship Magang III. These are
some steps of conducting the test :

a. The writer was located in the grade science-two Mekar Arum High School
to conduct the internship
b. In the middle of teaching, the writer asked permission to conduct the
assessment research in the class that the writer taught
c. The test was finally conducted during internship
d. After the test was given, writer gave score for each participants within a

5|Language Assessment
Chapter IV

Finding and Discussion

4.1. Discussion

Cognitive level
No. Material Total
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6

1. Teks undangan resmi (identification) 1 1

2. Teks undangan resmi (generic

1 1

3. Teks undangan resmi (generic

1 1

4. Teks undangan resmi (purpose) 1 1

5. Teks undangan resmi (unsur

1 1

Total 2 1 1 1 5

Indicator :

1. Students are able to identify kind of text that they read

2. Students are able to identify the generic structure of formal invitation text
3. Students are able to identify the generic structure of narrative text
4. Students are able to identify the purpose of formal invitation text
5. Students are able to create formal invitation text

4.2.Index of Difficulty

6|Language Assessment
Khan, Ishrat & Khan (2015: 179) explain that Facility Value (FV) or Index
of Difficulty (ID) and is a measure of how easy or how difficult a question which
is given to students, the higher the FV / DI, the easier is the question is. Arikunto
in Fajar Furqon (2013) classifies a value around 0.500 is measured to be ideal, 0.3
to 0.7 would be considered as acceptable Furthermore, Arikunto in Fajar Furqon
(2013) also use this following formula to calculate the index of difficulty of an
item. In accordance to this study, this calculation measure multiple choice items
𝐵 P = Facility / Index of difficulty
P = 𝐽𝑆
B = The number of correct answers

JS = The number of students taking the test

To measure essays, writer used this modified method to match the value
𝑡𝐵 P= Facility / Index of difficulty
P = 𝑚𝑎𝑥⁡𝐵
tB = Students’ accumulated score in an item

max B= All students’ maximum score

4.3. Discrimination Index

Khan, Ishrat & Khan (2015: 179) explain that Item Discrimination (ID) or
Discrimination Index (DI) determines the significance of a question to
discriminate between a higher and a lower ability student.

This study is able to find out the DI in multiple choice items by conducting
this calculation:

1. Arranging students’ total score and dividing the score into three groups in by
equal size (top thirds, middle thirds, low thirds).
2. Discarding middle thirds to find out the most powerful test items in
discriminating between high and low ability.

7|Language Assessment
3. Counting the number of students in the upper group who answer each item
correctly, and counting the same with lower group.
4. Subtracting the number of correct answers in the upper group with the lower
5. Dividing the total correct answer by half of total participants in upper and
lower group combined.

This following formula is used to calculate the discrimination index of an


DI = 1/2⁡𝑋⁡𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙⁡𝑜𝑓⁡𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟⁡𝑡𝑤𝑜⁡𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑛⁡𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝𝑠

(Brown, 2004: 59)

However, to calculate the DI of essay items, writer modified the formula

to match the value above:

DI = 1/2⁡𝑋⁡𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙⁡𝑜𝑓⁡𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟⁡𝑡𝑤𝑜⁡𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑛⁡𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝𝑠

After collecting the test result, classification of index of difficulty and

discrimination index would be applied to the table below.

Furthermore, writer used this formula in scoring this test:

Score = (total multiple-choice correctness × 20) + ((total essay score × 2))

within the minimum criteria of mastery learning for tenth grade is 75.

4.4.Test result

Table 4.3.1 and table 4.3.2 on next page shows the result of the test given:

Table 4.3.1. result of multiple choice (1-4)

No Name Questions no. Total

8|Language Assessment
1 2 3 4
1 Afif Rizalulhaq
2 Annisa Salsabila 4
3 Ayuri Nanda Mentari 3
4 Bayu Pratama 2
5 Besti Nur Suci
6 Destiani Dwi Pujasmara 3
7 Dewi 3
8 Deya Kornelia 4
9 Dhiya Fildza Miruhi 4
10 Dinda Citra Iswari 4
11 Fadiyah Mustika Sari 3
12 Faishal Miftah. N 2
13 Melisa Sofiani 4
14 MuhammadRivan Ramdhani 4
15 Muhammad Surya Fadilah 3
16 Neng Annisa Kania 3
17 Novia Nuraeni 4
18 Raihan Ramadhan 3
19 Ramadhan Sopian 4
20 Reksa Deni Fortuna 4
21 Religia Rizkiawi Ramadhan 4
22 Rimba Caesario 2
23 Rizki Bagja Septiana 2
24 Rossa Anita 4
25 Salma Suciani Putri 4
26 Satrio Rullty Pryambodo 4
27 Selvia Novia Nursyaman
28 Sendi Hamid Maulana 4
29 Syifa Damayanti 4
30 Tio Herdiansyah 3

9|Language Assessment
31 Tuti Haryati 3
32 Vani Isma 3
33 Vellen Tesalonika Pelle 4
34 Wiliamsyah 3
35 Witria Yuwandari 4
36 Johan Y 4
37 Tesar Awaludin Ramadhan 2

4.3.2. Result of the essay test

No Name Ques Total

1 Afif Rizalulhaq
2 Annisa Salsabila 10 10
3 Ayuri Nanda Mentari 10 10
4 Bayu Pratama 10 10
5 Besti Nur Suci
6 Destiani Dwi Pujasmara 10 10
7 Dewi 8 8
8 Deya Kornelia 10 10
9 Dhiya Fildza Miruhi 10 10
10 Dinda Citra Iswari 10 10
11 Fadiyah Mustika Sari 7 7
12 Faishal Miftah. N 10 10
13 Melisa Sofiani 10 10
14 Muhammad Rivan Ramdhani 10 10
15 MuhammadSuryaFadilah 8 8
16 Neng Annisa Kania 10 10
17 Novia Nuraeni 10 10
18 Raihan Ramadhan 10 10
19 Ramadhan Sopian 8 8

10 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t
20 Reksa Deni Fortuna 10 10
21 Religia Rizkiawi Ramadhan 5 5
22 Rimba Caesario 6 6
23 Rizki Bagja Septiana 7 7
24 Rossa Anita 10 10
25 Salma Suciani Putri 10 10
26 Satrio Rullty Pryambodo 8 8
27 Selvia Novia Nursyaman
28 Sendi Hamid Maulana 10 10
29 Syifa Damayanti 10 10
30 Tio Herdiansyah 7 7
31 Tuti Haryati 9 9
32 Vani Isma 10 10
33 Vellen Tesalonika Pelle 10 10
34 Wiliamsyah 7 7
35 Witria Yuwandari 10 10
36 Johan Y 10 10
37 TesarAwaludin Ramadhan 5 5

11 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t

No. Name M Essa

C y Inf.
PG x20 Essay x2 Score
Afif Rizalulhaq
Annisa Salsabila 4 10
2 80.00 20.00 100.0 L
Ayuri Nanda Mentari 3 10
3 60.00 20.00 80.00 L
Bayu Pratama 2 10
4 40.00 20.00 60.00 TL
Besti Nur Suci
Destiani Dwi Pujasmara 3 10
6 60.00 20.00 80.00 L
Dewi 3 8
7 60.00 16.00 76.00 L
Deya Kornelia 4 10
8 80.00 20.00 100.0 L
Dhiya Fildza Miruhi 4 10
9 80.00 20.00 100.0 L
Dinda Citra Iswari 4 10
10 80.00 20.00 100.0 L
Fadiyah Mustika Sari 3 7
11 60.00 14.00 76.00 L
Faishal Miftah. N 2 10
12 40.00 20.00 60.00 TL
Melisa Sofiani 4 10
13 80.00 20.00 100.0 L
MuhammadRivan Ramdhani 4 10
14 80.00 20.00 100.0 L
MuhammadSuryaFadilah 3 8
15 60.00 16.00 76.00 L
Neng Annisa Kania 3 10
16 60.00 20.00 80.00 L
Novia Nuraeni 4 10
17 80.00 20.00 100.0 L
Raihan Ramadhan 3 10
18 60.00 20.00 80.00 L
Ramadhan Sopian 4 8
19 80.00 16.00 96.00 L
Reksa Deni Fortuna 4 10
20 80.00 20.00 100.0 L

12 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t
ReligiaRizkiawiRamadhan 4 5
21 80.00 10 90.00 L
Rimba Caesario 2 6
22 40.00 12 52.00 TL
Rizki Bagja Septiana 2 7
23 40.00 14.00 54.00 TL
Rossa Anita 4 10
24 80.00 20.00 100.0 L
Salma Suciani Putri 4 10
25 80.00 20.00 100.0 L
Satrio Rullty Pryambodo 4 8
26 80.00 16.00 96.00 L
Selvia Novia Nursyaman
Sendi Hamid Maulana 4 10
28 80.00 20.00 100.0 L
Syifa Damayanti 4 10
29 80.00 20.00 100.0 L
Tio Herdiansyah 3 7
30 60.00 14.00 74.00 TL
Tuti Haryati 3 9
31 60.00 18.00 78.00 L
Vani Isma 3 10
32 60.00 20.00 80.00 L
Vellen Tesalonika Pelle 4 10
33 80.00 20.00 100.0 L
Wiliamsyah 3 7
34 60.00 14.00 76.00 L
Witria Yuwandari 4 10
35 80.00 20.00 100.0 L
Johan Y 4 10
36 80.00 20.00 100.0 L
37 Tesar Awaludin Ramadhan 2 5
40.00 10.00 50.00 TL

13 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t
Table 4.3.2 Classification of the test

Item Number Index of difficulty Difficulty degree

2 Difficult items

4, 3 Moderate items

1 Easy items

The result of calculation shows that 1 item was categorized easy, 2 items
were also moderate, and 1 item was counted as the difficult one.

Table 4.3.3 Classification of discrimination power index

Discrimination Index Interpretation


Table 4.3.4 Classification of discrimination power index

Items DI score Classifications

2 Poor

4, 3 Moderate

1 Good

The result of calculation shows that 1 item was considered as poor, 2 items
were moderate, and only 1 item was counted as good to determine students’
reading skill.

14 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t


The writer takes a conclusion based on the result above that the most of
the students passed the test and only a couple students don’t pass the test. Most of
students seemed don’t have any difficulties of doing this test. However there are
still a couple students that need more study about English.

The teachers itself must support the students to expand their English
knowledge and threat them to read a lot. Because of some students may not like
reading at all.

15 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t

16 | L a n g u a g e A s s e s s m e n t

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