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When describing an argumentative composition, you have to support your view with examples
and figures if any. Some questions require you to take a stand while other questions require
you to present a balanced account of the issue by giving points for and against the topic and
finally, taking a stand in the conclusion.

Guidelines in Writing Argumentative Compositions

Read the question and state your viewpoint.
Some questions require you to discuss the good and bad of both sides of the issue.
Jot down notes for your arguments.
Quote the words of famous personalities and figures if needed.
Arrange the notes according to importance.
Present your points clearly and logically.
You can present them as first, second, moreover, besides and finally.
Support your opinion with strong arguments.
Every new paragraph should express a different point.
Restate your viewpoint in the conclusion

Continuous Writing
Eating home cooked meal is better than eating outside food.
Do you agree?
Model Answer
Eating home cooked meal is better than eating outside food. Do you agree?
In today's modern and busy world, people always think i that preparing our own food is a
waste of time since we can conveniently buy food outside. But I agree with the statement that
it is much better for individuals and the family to eat home cooked meals than to eat out at
restaurants, canteens, food courts or hawker food stalls. There are several reasons why I agree
to this matter. Home cooked meals is cheaper, you can cook your favourite dish besides it
being more healthy and hygienic.
Firstly, it is cheaper to cook and eat at home than eat out Eating out at restaurants is
expensive. When you cook and eat at home, you do the cooking. You can buy your own fresh
vegetables, meat, fish and other fresh products at the supermarket or wet market and stock up
the dry ingredients. You pay the same price as the restaurant or food outlet operators and
need not add the cost of labour charges and rental to the expenses. An individual or family
spends less when cooking and eating at home.
Secondly, you can cook and eat your favourite dishes. Family members can request for
favourite dishes from the family chef. If someone in the family likes a particular dish, it can be
cooked and shared by everyone. In a restaurant, some dishes can be pretty expensive. Raw
fish can cost as much as RM100 a dish: If you were to order a fish dish, you may have to pay
double the price whereas if you cook a fish dish at home, it would cost you just the price of the
fish! Then, if you enjoy your mother's cooking, you will not get it at the restaurant Sometimes
food stalls which sells pre-cooked food may be cold and tasteless or even stale
Thirdly, it is healthier and more hygienic to cook and eat at home. The fresh ingredients are
properly washed, cleaned and prepared. Other ingredients like cooking oil are of better
quality. The dishes promise a more balanced diet with less sugar, salt and oil. At the outlet,
food operators may slack off when preparing food due to possibly insufficient workers and too
many orders. In addition, the ingredients may not be of the best quality when compared to
those used at home. Usually when mothers want to cook for the family, they will choose the
best quality product. Besides, a restaurant cook is more concerned with taste rather than the
health aspect of the dishes. At home, parents are more careful when serving a healthy and
balanced meal.
I do agree that it is fun and a treat to eat out at times. I believe that it can be exciting to eat out
at restaurants and food courts but only sparingly. I prefer cooking and eating at home because
it is cheaper and the food is more appetising, healthier and more hygienic. I enjoy my father's
(who is a great chef) and my mother's cooking. Nothing beats their cooking!

Do’s and Don’ts

Have a good grasp of the topic.
Express your viewpoint in the introduction if you are asked to state your view.
Support your viewpoint with reasons and examples.
Stick to your viewpoint all throughout your composition.
Conclude your composition by restating your viewpoint.
Choose the topic if you do not know how to argue for your opinion.
Express your viewpoint only at the end of your composition.
Forget to support your viewpoint with reasons.
Change your view from supporting the topic to going against. This will confuse the readers.
End your composition without a satisfactory conclusion.

More Examples
Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic.
Playing computer games has harmful effects on young people. Do you agree?

-popular form of entertainment - not harmful - brings some benefits
-an affordable and cheap form of entertainment — good way to relieve stress - many types of
computer and Internet games
-need a software package and permit users - young people gain some skills - engage the eyes,
mind and other senses
-skills in problem solving and co-ordinating - reading skill - lot of reading to do in video
-every reviews usually contain a lot of reading and new words
-teaches young people useful skills - does more good than harm - if discipline is exercised

Model Answer
Computer games have become a popular form of entertainment among young children,
teenagers and even adults. Many of them spend hours every day or every week playing
computer games. In review, playing the games is not harmful to these people. In fact, it brings
some benefits. Of course, the benefits are only reaped if the young people do not spend to
much time on playing the computer games.
As an activity-, playing computer games is an affordable and cheap form of entertainment. It
is a good way to relieve stress too. It can be done in the comfort of the home and at one’s
own free time. All is needed is a personal computer and the proper software. In this way,
playing computer games is a good way to pass time.
There are many types of computer and Internet games - games played by e-mail, games that
can be played directly in the browser at a website, text-based games and graphical video
games that need a software package and permit users to play with or against each other over
the Internet. The video games also come in many forms. New games are introduced every
once in a while in the market.
From playing the computer games, young people do gain some skills. While playing, the
games engage the eyes, mind and other senses of the players. In this way, the playing
improves hand-to-eye coordination, encourages critical thinking and facilitates problem-
solving skills among the young people.
As the games proceed, the players must be able to control the outcome of the game. They must
think and plan their strategy ahead most of the time. By doing all these, they learn to solve
problems that arise from the games and coordinate their skills. These skills in problem solving
and coordinating can be applied to everyday life situations.
Some parents have even said that playing video games has improved their children’s reading
skills. This might be true. There is a lot of reading to do in video games. In every video game,
there are menus. The children must read the menus in order to proceed with the game. Even
before buying a game, young people either look up reviews online or in magazines to learn
more about the latest games and how to improve their gaming skills. In this way they improve
their reading.
Since playing computer games teaches young people useful skills which they can use in other
situations, I think it does more good than harm. Of course, the benefits are only realised if
discipline is exercised in playing them. One cannot be playing them the whole day and night at
the expense of one’s studies and health.

Vocabulary Guide
Reaped - acquired
Relieve - reduce
Facilitates - assists
Reviews - appraisal
Expense - cost

-You have to say whether you agree or disagree with the statement. In this case, the response
is to disagree.
-Since the answer is that computer games are beneficial, the arguments must support this
-Do not change your view half way through the answer. Stick to the same view.
-Give examples of benefits which are skills learnt from playing the games.
-Do not end the conclusion abruptly. Instead reiterate your stand.

Model Question
Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic.
To keep a dog or a cat as a pet is a choice given to you. Which pet would you choose and why?

-enjoy companionship of cats - affectionate - snuggle up and want to be petted
-can be trained - just like with a dog - civilised members of the household - cats do not bark or
make other loud noise
-do not often mess up the place - easy to care for
-cats are more particular about personal cleanliness - differ from dogs- mess themselves up
-can be left home alone for a few hours without fear - will not destroy the furnishings when
left alone
-low maintenance civilised companions - small living quarters - less time for pet care should
appreciate these characteristics of cats

Model Answer
To choose a dog or a cat as a pet, that is interesting. I remember this saying A dog is man’s
best friend’. That common saying may contain some truth, but to me, a cat is a better friend. I
am one of those people who enjoy the companionship of cats.
Firstly, cats are affectionate. I like my pets to be affectionate. They will snuggle up and want
to be petted or scratched under the chin. If I have a pet cat, I cannot resist doing that. I just
love a purring cat. I can think of nothing more interesting than playing with cats. They are
generally quite playful. They love to chase balls and feathers or just about anything dangling
from a string. They especially enjoy playing when their owners are participating in the game.
Contrary to what people think of cats as being impossible to train, cats can be trained. Bv
using rewards and punishments, just like with a dog, a cat can be trained to do what we want
it to do. It can be trained to avoid unwanted behaviour or perform tricks too. Cats can even be
trained to fetch our newspaper, for instance.
Moreover, cats are civilised members of the household. Unlike dogs, cats do not bark or make
other loud noise. They generally lead a quiet existence. Cats also do not often mess up the
place. Mother cats train their kittens to use the litter box and most cats will use it without fail
from that time on.
One of the most attractive features of cats as housepets is that they are easy to care for. Cats
do not have to be walked. They get plenty of exercise in the house as they play and they do
their business in the litter box. Cleaning a litter box is a quick and painless procedure.
As cats take care of their own grooming by licking themselves especially after a meal, bathing
a cat is almost never necessary. In fact, cats are more particular about personal cleanliness
than people are. In this aspect, they differ from dogs. Dogs like to run around and mess
themselves up with the garbage outside homes. For this reason, I find them dirty animals.
Another benefit of keeping cats is that they can be left home alone for a few hours without
fear. Unlike some pets, most cats will not destroy the furnishings when left alone. They are
content to go about their usual activities until their owners return.
Finally, cats are low maintenance civilised companions. People who have small living quarters
or less time for pet care should appreciate these characteristics of cats. Cats do have claws and
owners must make provision for this. A tall scratching post in a favourite cat area of the
house will often keep the cat content to leave the furniture alone.
So considering these benefits of keeping pet cats, I prefer to choose them as pets. I always tell
my friends this: no pet dog for me.

Vocabulary Guide
Affectionate - loving
Dangling - hanging
Procedure - process
Content – happy
Provision - allowance
-You have to make a choice of pet. In this case, you choose a cat as a pet.
-In your answer, you have to give reasons to support your choice. This means arguing for a cat
as a pet.
-Be convincing in highlighting the benefits of keeping cats.
-End the answer by summing up the points and reiterating your viewpoint.

Model Question
Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic.
People are turning to electronic publications instead of printed books. Discuss the pros
and cons of these two forms of publications.

-some would go for an e-book - some still prefer the hard printed book
-electronic publication - are part of our age of technology - rising costs of printing on paper -
lowered costs of electronic publishing
-changes to an electronic publication easy to make - quicker to obtain - download it
-printed books on many subjects can become dated very quickly - e-books can be easily and
quickly kept up to date
-printed reference books are already dying out - are already being released in digital format
-printed book has its advantages too - stand-alone object that can be carried and used alone -
needs no electric outlet, no batteries - still very much preferred

Model Answer
If having to make a choice between reading an e-book or a printed book, which would most
people choose? Some would go for an e-book while some still prefer the hard printed book.
Electronics publication, be it in the form of e-books or downloadable PDF documents, are part
of our age of technology. Technology improvements coupled with rising costs of printing on
paper plus lowered costs of electronic publishing have caused a great rise in the use of them.
It is undeniable they do have benefits. For one, changes to an electronic publication are
relatively easy to make. They are quicker to obtain. If you want specific information and it is
available in a book, you can purchase an e-book and download it immediately. Instead of
waiting for a printed book to be delivered, you can assess this information now.
E-books are more easily updated and upgraded. Information changes rapidly today.
The printed books on many subjects can become out dated very quickly. On the other hand, e-
books can be easily and quickly kept up to date. You usually get far more than just the e-book.
Most e-books are sold with bonuses and related information that usually do not come with the
purchase of a printed book. Moreover, they take up less space. Instead of a bulky library, you
can fit literally thousands of books on your computer. It also makes it easier to share this
information with family and friends.
Printed reference books are already dying out. When was the last time anyone purchased a
printed encyclopaedia set for use at home? A generation ago that was common as parents
often purchased printed encyclopaedias and even bookshelves to hold them in order to
provide the necessary tools for their children’s studies.
It is a fact that reference books of all sorts are already being released in digital format today
and are selling well, usually being viewed on Windows or Macintosh computers, often as web
pages. As improved handheld readers become available, sales in electronic format will only
For nearly twenty years, futurists have been predicting the imminent demise of printed
books. The conventional wisdom has been that digital e-books were on the verge of replacing
paper books. However, this has not been the case. A printed book has its advantages too. For
one, it is a stand-alone object that can be carried and used alone. It needs no electric outlet, no
batteries, nothing. On the other hand, e-books will always require some form of support that
the printed book does not need.
I believe that that online publishing has not taken off because people want real books. What is
being published online more and more are pamphlets and things that really do not need to be
in print. These are stuff that people throw away afterwards. More often, people do not want to
read a book on the computer. What could be better than a paper book? It lasts a long time.
These books are designed to last a long time without degrading.
To sum the pros and cons up, there is no denying that the printed book is still very much
preferred over its digital cousins. Reading electronic publications is just not the same when it
comes to books. People are still very interested in real books and not e-books on the

Vocabulary Guide
Coupled with – together with
Assess – obtain
Upgraded – improve
Literally – factually
Predicting – foretelling
Imminent – about to happen
Demise – end

-The question does not require you to make a preference. Instead vou have to consider both
types of publications.
-Do not just talk about the E-books. You have to mention that people are still using the
printed books.
-Compare both publications by pointing out the benefits of both.
-Conclude by summing up the points and stressing on the use of both types of books.

Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic.
The digital camera is an innovation in the field of photography.
Why is it preferable to the film camera?

-film and digital capture are completely different media - obvious preference now is the digital
-people get better results with digital cameras — film not only takes much more work, many
ways things can go wrong with making prints
-captured, digital photographs - already in a format that makes them incredibly easy to
distribute and use - can also see our images on a small LCD screen on the back of most
cameras - small digital camera easy to carry
-saves us money - saves us time too - instantly show us how our pictures look
-things we can do to a digital image are almost endless — improve an image by eliminating or
reducing its flaws.
Film and digital capture are completely different media. They are used for similar purposes.
Other than this common feature, they are completely unrelated to each other. The obvious
preference now is the digital camera.
Firstly, most people get better results with digital cameras. On the other hand, film not only
takes much more work, there are so many ways things can go wrong with making prints from
film, especially from the negative. The printing of films is usually done by labs. Many make
awful prints from film. The prints from negatives are at the mercy of the eye of the person
making the print.
Once captured, digital photographs are already in a format that makes them incredibly easy
to distribute and use. For example, we can insert digital photographs into word processing
documents, send them by e-mail to friends, or post them on a website where anyone in the
world can see them.
We can also see our images on a small LCD screen on the back of most cameras or we can
connect the camera to a television and show them much like a slide show. Some cameras can
even be connected to a microscope to display dramatically enlarged images on a large-
screen television.
A small digital camera is easy to carry so that we can have it when we see things we never
expected to see. In addition, going digital saves us money in the long run bv not buying rolls
and rolls of film and paying for development. It saves us time too because we do not have to
make two trips to the store to drop ofF and then pick up our picture?.
The greatest benefit is that digital cameras instandy show us how our pictures look so we will
no longer have those disappointments a day or two later when our film is developed. Since we
can view images before thev are printed, if we do not like what we see, we can edit them to
perfection or delete them.
Using a digital camera means we do not have to wait to finish a roll before having it processed.
Once we have captured an image in digital format, we can easily distribute, organise, store
and edit it. In addition to displaying and distributing photographs, we can also use a photo-
editing program to improve or alter them. For example, we can crop them, remove red-eye,
change colours or contrast and even add and delete elements. It is like having a darkroom
with the lights on and without the chemicals. So the things we can do to a digital image are
almost endless. In some cases, we improve an image by eliminating or reducing its flaws.
To sum it all up, I would say that film and digital do different things better and complement
each other. Neither is going away although film will decline in areas where digital excels, like

Vocabulary Guide
Unrelated - not connected
Awful – not nice
Incredible – unbelievably
dramatically - noticeably
flaws - errors
complement - balance together

-The question asks you to explain why people prefer the digital camera.
-You have to highlight the benefits of the digital camera. At the same time, you point out the
disadvantages of the film camera.
-Stress on the winning points of the digital camera over the film camera such as convenience
and low cost.
-As conclusion, you can express your view that the two types of camera can be used to
complement each other.

Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic.
Tuition centres are mushrooming everywhere in the country. What are the reasons for this
craze for private tuition?

-private tuition goes by various names - home tuition, private tuition, personal tuition, small
group tuition and individual tuition
-why considered the most preferred form of coaching - private tutor could go through each
and every step
-often teach the students short cut methods to solving problems - makes school lessons more
-teaches according to your pace - not in a rush to finish the syllabus
-many parents think that a private tutor is capable of providing that extra push - school
teachers have too many classes and too little time for individual attention
-effectiveness of private tuition is especially realised - send him or her to a tuition centre -
one-to-one tuition, for maximum effect

Model Answer
Private tuition goes by various names, such as home tuition, private tuition, personal tuition,
small group tuition and individual tuition or more popularly known as one-to-one tuition,
individual tuition. The form of private tuition smaller than a class is called small group
Why is private tuition considered the most preferred form of coaching? The personal attention
of the tutor can be invaluable for some subjects such as mathematics whereby a weak
student can benefit from a step-by-step guidance. A private tutor could go through each and
every step of the solution and point out where the student went wrong.
Another plus point about private tutors is that they often teach the students short cut methods
to solving Mathematics problems. This gives the students an extra advantage over their peers
and makes school lessons more interesting as they can compare their own superior methods
against the conventional methods taught by teachers in class.
Students are no longer bored during class when they know the answer before anyone else.
This is also another factor in favour of private tuition because the tutor teaches according to
students’ pace and is not in a rush to finish the syllabus as the class teachers are. If the student
is tied down in a particular topic, the tutor will concentrate on it until it is cleared up.
Conversely, if the student races through a section, the tutor can provide an extra impetus by
teaching beyond the textbooks.
Many parents think that a private tutor is capable of providing that extra push when needed
because school teachers have too many classes and too little time for individual attention. This
is especially so when it is a year of major examinations. Burdened by a large class size,
individual attention is an extremely rare commodity in schools. On the other hand, students
who cannot keep pace with the school lessons may also be reluctant to delay the class’s
progress with incessant questioning that forces the teacher to repeat the lessons.
The effectiveness of private tuition is especially realised when the student concerned is
extremely weak. Such cases have frustrated many parents, who have exhausted all other
avenues to remedy their children’s academic plight. When faced with a non-performing child,
most parents would first send him or her to a tuition centre. When that proves inadequate,
they will turn finally to private tuition. And this will usually take the form of one-to-one
tuition, for maximum effect.
Whether private tuition is worth the time and money spent depends on the result; achieved.
In cases of students who have improved in studies in terms of results and attitudes, private
tuition is doing good after all.

Vocabulary Guide
Invaluable - useful
conventional - old, traditional
impetus - something which encourages a
particular activity
major - important
Incessant - continuous
Exhausted - used up completely

-The question require? you to highlight the benefits of private tuition.
-Arrange the benefits according to their importance.
-It would be more convincing to compare the benefits of private tuition to the limitations of
-Conclude your answer with the last few lines on the effectiveness of private tuition.

Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic.
Many parents feel that including sports and games in the school curriculum is a waste of
students’ time and energy.
Do you agree?

-sports are an important part of school life - compulsory curriculum in schools
-role in developing the values in students - builds up leadership skills in students
-provide a healthy avenue for students to exercise and relax - minds are recharged and they go
back to their books in a better frame of mind
-turn up to be good in certain games - may even develop career in sports
-learn to be a good sport in both situations - experience academic success and graduate from
high school
-playing it is fun - positive body image and higher self-esteem

Model Answer
It is undeniable that games and sports are an important part of school life. In fact, some
people feel that sports should be made a compulsory curriculum in schools. The role of
schools is to produce young people who are academically good.
I disagree with the view that students should not waste time on sports.
Firstly, sports plays a more meaningful role in developing positive values in students. It
builds up leadership skills in students who are active in games and sports. Every game
requires a leader or captain. The leader or captain gets good training on leadership skill by
leading the team. Playing games or sparts also requires teamwork, initiative and a sense of
Moreover, games and sports provide a healthy avenue for students to exercise and relax after
a bout of studies. As they play, they get to release tension and stress. After a game or match,
their minds are recharged and they go back to their books in a better frame of mind.
Students who are not so academically good might end up to be good in certain games. If that
is the case, participation in sports in school can help them develop their interest and ability in
sports. They may even develop a career in sports. This would be a good option to those
students who cannot obtain degrees in academic courses.
Students who play sports quickly learn that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. They
learn to be a good sport in both situations. It also helps them learn to deal with
disappointment and go on.
Statistics show that kids who are active in sports while in high school are more likely to
experience academic success and graduate from high school.
The best part of sports is that playing it is fun. It gives the child something to do and a group
to belong to. Students have a group of friends that has the same goals and interests. Young
people who play sports are more likely to have a positive body image and higher self-esteem.
They are also less likely to take drugs or smoke because they realise the impact that these
destructive activities can have on their performance.
In my view, schools should make sports an important activity in the school curriculum. By so
doing, they are not neglecting their mission in producing young people who are academically
good. Every school should encourage sports. Through participation in games and sports,
schools teach students good traits and values. Of course, good values can also be instilled
during class lessons. However, if these values can also be instilled through playing sports,
then sports is definitely not a waste of time and energy.

Vocabulary Guide
Meaningful - having an important effect
Avenue - opportunity, way
Goals - objectives
Impact - influence

-You have to take a stand on the topic of sports being worth the time spent on it.
-Having supported the usefulness of sports in the students’ lives, you have to argue for your
-Stress on the benefits of sports in the students gaining good traits when playing it.
-Sum up the benefits of sport; in the conclusion and mention about sports being made an
important curriculum in schools.

Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic.
Should public exams be abolished? Give reasons for your viewpoint.

-students are required to sit for public exams after secondary education - in Malaysia,
students sit for three public exams
-are necessary - nation needs qualified people to work in different fields
-good way of assessing students’ level and ability - can pay more attention to non- academic
areas like sports, music and art
-when preparing for examinations, students are forced to revise their lessons - students are
awarded a certificate
-useful to the interviewers who are recruiting new employees - helps them in the selection
-abolition of exams might lead to adverse results - not do their homework or study their
lesson notes

Model Answer
In most countries, students are required to sit for public exams after secondary education. In
Malaysia, students sit for three public exams, the UPSR, PMR and SPM. I think public exams
are good for the students. So they should not be abolished.
In fact, I have to say that public examinations are necessary. Schools play many roles in
educating and producing well- adjusted young people who can contribute to the labour
market. The nation needs qualified people to work in different fields. Otherwise, the nation
cannot progress. Preparing students to sit for a public examination is one of these roles.
Exam, including school and public, is a good way of assessing students’ level and ability. The
examination results show whether the students are good or weak academically. If they are
weak, teachers and parents can help students in the subjects they are weak in. Moreover,
academically weak students can pay more attention to non-academic areas like sports, music
and art. They can work towards a career in these disciplines.
Moreover, exams show what subjects the students are better at. In Malaysia, after the PMR
results are out, schools put students in the Science or Commerce or Arts stream based on the
results. However, if exams are abolished, there is no way to find out the students’
inclinations. Schools are in the dark about how to stream in Form Four. So exams enable
schools to find out their strengths or weakness.
When preparing for examinations, students are forced to revise their lessons. Of course, the
lazy ones do not. This is shown in their examination results. If they fail, they have to repeat
another year. This is good for them for they will study harder the second time.
Based on the performance in exams, students are awarded a certificate. Awarding them with
a certificate showing the exam results is a good way of showing their academic performance.
The certificates are useful to the interviewers who are recruiting new employees. It helps
them in the selection of the people as staff of their companies.
On the other hand, the abolition of exams might lead to adverse results. For one, many
students will not do their homework or study their lesson notes. They feel there is no need to
since they do not have to sit for any public exam. As for teachers, they will not work hard to
finish the syllabus for the public exam. It is a case of no one winning. With so many benefits of
public exams, I am all out for them.

-You have to take a stand on the topic of public exams as being needed and so should not be
-Having supported the importance of exams, you have to argue to support your viewpoint.
-Stress on the usefulness of exams to the students and society.
-Sum up the benefits of exams in the conclusion and mention that abolishing exams can lead
to disastrous effects.

Vocabulary Guide
Contribute - give back, impart
Assessing — evaluating
Disciplines - subjects
Inclinations - preferences, leanings
Awarded - given, presented
Recruiting - employing, hiring

Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic.
Which do you prefer: studying locally or overseas?
Support your choice with arguments.

-choice is to study locally - no need to go overseas to pursue a tertiary education
-have good facilities - lecturers being qualified and experienced do not lose out to the ones in
overseas universities
-parents will not have to spend so much on my education - fees are affordable to them - have
to adjust to the new learning environment - more difficult if were in another country
-Malaysia offers a wide range of study options - that are more cost-friendly than other
countries in the world
-offer foreign tertiary qualifications that students can pursue locally with the establishment of
university branch campuses from United Kingdom and Australia
-have been granted university status by the Minister of Higher Education - can confer the
award of Bachelor degrees and other higher qualifications

Model Answer
Given a choice, do I want to study locally or overseas? Of course, my choice is to study locally.
These days with so many local universities and colleges in the country, there is no need to go
overseas to pursue a tertiary education.
I have several reasons to opt for studying locally. For one, the local universities and colleges,
be it government or private, have good facilities such as a good library and lab facilities. The
lecturers being qualified and experienced do not lose out to the ones in overseas universities.
Besides, when I study locally, my parents will not have to spend so much on my education.
Local college fees are not as high as those in overseas colleges. If I were to study overseas,
paying my fess would be a burden to my parents.
Studying in a college or university is different from in a school. I have to adjust to the new
learning environment. I have to make new friends and move around independently. I am sure
that the adjustment would be more difficult if I were in another country. This might make me
miserable as miss my family so much. But by staying back to study in a local college or
university, I can adjust easily and at the same time, still be near my family. Even if I study in
the city away from my hometown, I can still make a trip home every month.
Local universities and colleges in Malaysia offer a wide range of study options that are more
cost-friendly than other countries in the w rid. With strong support from the Government of
and qualifications from world-renowned university partners, the nation’s education arena
today ensures students can reap maximum benefits for their future career path. It is more
than just an education hub providing courses tailored to satisfy the local market’s needs and
The local colleges offer foreign tertiary qualifications that students can pursue locally with the
establishment of university branch campuses from United Kingdom and Australia. Several
twinning courses have been introduced to enable students to complete their final year of a
foreign degree programme ii, Malaysia without having to go to the off-shore host university.
As for private universities in Malaysia, they are owned and established by financially sound
corporations. They have been granted university status by the Minister of Higher Education,
empowered under the Private Higher Educational Institutions Act 1996. They can confer
the award of Bachelor degrees and other higher qualifications. These private universities
provide an alternative choice for students to acquire first degree and higher degree
qualifications at a competitive education cost.
With such availability of local college or university education, I do not see the need to study in
an overseas college or university to pursue higher education. So I would rather study locally.

Vocabulary Guide
tertiary - post-secondary
burden - trouble
inancially sound - have enough cash
empowered - authorised
confer - grant

-You have to make a preference for where you would like to pursue tertiary education.
-Having made your preference to study locally, you have to argue for your viewpoint.
-Emphasise the benefits of studying in a local college or university compared to studying
-Sum up the advantages of studying locally and reiterate the preference to study locally.

Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic.
The government should not continue with compulsory national service. Do you agree?

-implement for 18 year-year-old school leaves – good way of for them to spend the three
month break while waiting for their examination results.
- trainees learn a lot of things like national ideology and history - instil in them qualities like
loyalty, tolerance of others and living in harmony in a multi-racial society.
-becoming more independent, disciplined and patriotic — channel their energy, especially
while waiting for their SPM results.
-school-leavers who seldom mix with other races - their chance to do so - take it as a challenge
-sense of discipline, courtesv, and civic consciousness - certainly is not a waste of time

Model Answer
Compulsory’ national service in Malaysia is implemented for 18-year-old school leavers. In
my opinion, national service is good for them. For one, it is a good way for them to spend the
three month break while waiting for their examination results.
During the programme, the trainees learn a lot of things like national ideology and history.
The objectives are to instil in them qualities like loyalty, tolerance of others and living in
harmony in a multi-racial society . The trainees will come out of the three month’s national
service stronger and much more thoughtful.
At home, they tend to take their home comforts and family members for granted. During the
training, they live in camps away from their family. While at the camps, they gain a lot in
terms of becoming more independent and disciplined. These are good traits to acquire. And
such traits will stay with the young people.
One cannot deny that national service is a great way for Malaysian youths to channel their
energy, especially while waiting for their SPM results. After all, three months is not a long
time compared to Singapore, whose government implements their national service for two
years. Our government has worked hard to make national service a success. Moreover, it
provides them with essential skills in life. Not only will they learn more about their own
country, but it will also build their confidence, teach them to cooperate in a group and mix
with people of other ethnic backgrounds.
To those school-leavers who seldom mix with other races, this is their chance to do so. They
should take it as a challenge. After all, the whole idea of National Service is not so much to
instil a sense of patriotism but more a sense of discipline, courtesy and civic consciousness,
which is very lacking in a lot of young Malaysians.
As for the argument that school-leavers are going to college three months later, this is rather
insignificant. Many school-leavers do not join a college straight away after leaving school.
Moreover, the trainees learn a lot of skills and knowledge during the national service. It
certainly is not a waste of time.
In fact a very good experience for school leavers before the proceed to colleges for a tertiary
Considering these benefits of compulsory national service, I am convinced that it should not
be stopped. What should be done instead is to improve the period of training to include a
more challenging curriculum which our youths really need.

-You have to take a stand on the topic of compulsory national service and its benefits.
-Having supported the need for national service, you have to argue for your viewpoint.
-Point out the benefits of national service and how it is good for school-leavers.
-Sum up the benefits of national service in the conclusion and reiterate your view that it is
good for the nation and people.

Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic.
Advertising is not good for us as consumers.
Do you agree?

-advertisements are necessary - can be good for consumers - refrain from giving false
information in their advertisements
-know about new products in the market - more choice - choose the brand that suits them or
the one that they like
-competition exists when companies advertise - maintains or even improves the quality of the
-know about the offers, special discounts or free gifts - can stretch their dollar
-positive role to play in modern society - makes us plan to buy food, clothes, gifts and go for
entertainment in a healthy way
-evolved into a major industry that goes beyond informing - levels of advertising

Model Answer
I do not agree with the statement that advertising is not good for us as consumers. In fact, I
think that advertisements are necessary and can be good for consumers. Of course, this is only
true if advertisers refrain from giving false information in their advertisements or including
their advertising costs in the prices of their products.
Through advertisements, consumers can know about new products in the market. They can be
household, food or even more expensive items like cars and houses. This gives consumers
more choice. From a variety of brands, they choose the brand that suits them or the one that
they like. If not for advertisements, they will not know about the different brands.
Moreover, due to advertisements, competition exists when companies advertise. This is good
for it maintains or even improves the quality of the products. If there is no competition,
quality of the products may drop. Through advertisements, consumers also come to know
about the offers, special discounts or free gifts given during sales. This is useful to consumers
who can stretch their dollar especially considering today’s rise in the costs of almost
evervthing in the market.
Advertising does have a positive role to play in modern society, helping us choose between
competing goods. Many advertisements are drawing our attention to products with new
features, for example more powerful computers, telephones which are also cameras and
music players, or tood with added vitamins. Others try to compete on price, helping us seek
out the cheapest or best value products. In most cases advertising does not just make us go
shopping. Instead, it makes us plan to buy food, clothes, gifts and go for entertainment in a
healthy way. What advertising does is to help us make better decisions about how to spend
our money, by giving us more information about the choices available.
Over the years, advertising has evolved into a major industry that goes beyond informing to
persuading, influencing and in some cases even brainwashing. It has actually become a type of
culture with ardent followers. One cannot walk down the street, ride on a bus, watch
television or read your email without seeing advertisements.
The fact is that the presence of some unethical advertisers does not mean that the whole
basket is bad. Generally, advertisements do more good than harm.

Vocabulary guide
refrain - abstain
maintains - upholds
stretch their dollar - spend more with their money
evolved - changed
ardent - enthusiastic
unethical - unprincipled

-You have to take a stand on the topic of advertisements and that they are good for the people.
-Having supported the benefits of advertisements, you have to argue for your viewpoint.
-Mention the benefits of advertisements and give examples.
Sum up the benefits of advertisements in the conclusion and stick to the view that generally
they are good for us.

Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic.
Do you think that the Internet should dose ill online chat websites?
Support your viewpoint.

-Internet is a means of getting to know people from other countries - the cheapest means of
-chatting online — sex, race and background no longer matter — complete freedom
-gives a wider knowledge of global even?' - deeper understanding of the local and
international events — sociable activity - meet new friends and establish relationships
helpful in developing social skills
-some risks - made up of a wide array of people - targets of crime and exploitation in this
as in any other environment
-know the services their child is using - must never allow the child to arrange a face- to-face
meeting with another computer user

Model Answer
Many young people and even adults indulge in online chatting. The Internet is a means of
getting to know people from other countries. In fact, it is the cheapest means of
communicating. In my opinion, online chatting should be continued.
Chatting online can be good for people who face discrimination due to their shyness or
physical defects. Shunned by friends, they are lonely. But through online chatting, they make
friends. When chatting online, their handicaps are not revealed. Every user chats on an
equal basis. Sex, race and background no longer matter. The lack of physical and face- to-face
contact gives them confidence to make new friends. It is a case of users making friends and
exchange ideas with complete freedom.
Since chatting online is a global occurrence, chatting to overseas friends gives a wider
knowledge of global events and a deeper understanding of the local and international events.
Though far apart, they exchange their views and share knowledge and experiences while
chatting online. Many teenagers have enriched their experience in this way.
It is not fair that just because some users have committed abuse in using the chat websites,
online chatting is considered completely bad. As a sociable activity, chatting online is a good
way for young people to meet new friends and establish relationships. In this way, it can be
helpful in developing social skills among the users especially the young ones.
Most people who go online have mainly positive experiences. But, like any endeavour, be it
travelling or cooking or attending school, there are some risks. The online world, like the rest
of society, is made up of a wide array of people. Most are decent and respectful, but some may
be rude, obnoxious, insulting, or even mean and exploitative. Children get a lot of benefit
from being online, but they can also be targets of crime and exploitation in this as in any other
This explains why some online services allow parents to limit their children’s acces- to certain
services and features : tch as adult-oriented chatrooms and bulletin boards. There may be an
area set aside :ust for children where there is no possibility of them stumbling onto
inappropriate material or getting into an unsupervised chat. Parents should do their part in
protecting their children when surfing the Internet. They should remind their children not to
give personal information to strangers such as home address, school name or telephone
number in an online chat.
What they should also do is to get to know the services their child is using. And they must
never allow the child to arrange a face-to-face meeting with another computer user without
their permission. If these steps are taken, online chatting will be safe.

Vocabulary Guide
Discrimination - prejudice, unfairness
Handicaps - inadequacies
Enriched - improve
Endeavor - attempt
Obnoxious - repulsive, not likeable
Inappropriate - not suitable

-You have to take a stand on the topic of online chatting and if it should be continued by the
-Having supported the benefits of online chatting, you have to argue for your viewpoint.
-Stress on the benefits of online chatting and point out that it can be abused.
-Mention that safety measures be taken to prevent abuse and when that is done, chatting
online is good for the users of this service.

Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic.
Which would you prefer, to be a boss or an employee? Support your response.

-certainly prefer to be my own boss - am employed by a company, I am guaranteed a
paycheck. However, when I am self-employed, my income or payments might be more
-doing my own business - have plans for how to improve - work for a company, my ideas
might never be respected or put into practice
-easier to r an independent thinker or problem-solver - will be in charge
-will re responsible for myself, my business and the staff under me
-have more control of my time and my life - can work until three in the morning all week and
then, take four days off to go for break
-comes financial advantages — more influence over business expense deductions

Model Answer
As to whether I prefer to be a boss or an employee, I c 'tainly prefer to be my own boss. I have
reasons to be my own boss or to be self-employed.
The major difference between being self-employed and working for someone else is the
paycheck factor. If I am employed by a company, I am guaranteed a paycheck every month.
However, when I am self-employed, my income or payments might be more sporadic. Despite
this risk, working for a boss might not be challenging enough for me. So my preference is to be
my own boss.
When doing my own business, I can have plans for how to improve the business in many
ways. But if I work for a company, my ideas might never be respected or put into practice.
Conversely, I might have a great idea, but then that idea becomes no longer mine for the
company will take the credit for its success. Working for oneself is easier for an independent
thinker or problem-solver like me.
There is one thing that may make self-employment scary. However, it is also what makes the
work attractive and adventurous. Nobody will take care of me, but instead of dwelling on that
as bad news, I think it is a good thing. This means I will be in charge. I like this. I will be
responsible for myself, my business and the staff under me. Nobody above me is going to tell
me what to do, how to do it and when to do it nor can he fire me.
As a boss, I will have more control of my time and my life. As an employee, I may have to work
late at night. But I still have to go in to work every day. However, as a boss, I can work until
three in the morning all week and then, take four days off to go for a break.
If I have a great idea, I can try it. If it does not work, I am responsible for that too, but then I
can make changes and improve my idea without the need to play company politics with the
sales department. Moreover, self-employment comes with financial advantages. I can have
more influence and control over business expense deductions. My business expenses are
actually deductible. I will have more flexibility in how much tax I pay and when to pay it. I
can distribute income to my family members by hiring them as employees.
Of course, working for oneself and working for a company both have their pros and cons. If I
choose to be my own boss, I must know my benefits, insurance and scheduling in order to
help me maximise my job satisfaction.

Vocabulary Guide
Guaranteed - endured
Credit - praise
Scary - frightening
Break - rest, vacation
Flexible – suppleness
Hiring - employing

-You have to make a prefrence of working as a boss or as an employee.
-Having made your preference, you have to argue for your choice.
-Stress on the benefit being a boss and compare this to the limitations of being an employee.
-In your conclusion, reiterate about preferring to be a boss and mention how you can go about
being one.

Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic.
What career would you choose after leaving school or college?
Give reasons for your choice.

-desire to follow - footsteps of mv parents - teachers - mother was my English teacher -
make our lesson so captivating - I wanted to be a teacher like her
-children who do not receive enough attention — lower income families - can push them - give
them a better future
-help students - teaching them compassion, motivation and real life skills - opportunity that is
sometimes not offered at home
-communication is the most important skill — one to ensure a better academic experience for
language-disordered children
-move around and mingle with children - job that would keep me young at heart - job always
changing - using his imagination constantly
-produce future doctors, lawyers, politicians and other various important people - help a
distraught child and keep them from becoming our future criminals and abusers

Model Answer
It is my desire to follow in the footsteps of my parents. Both of them are teachers. Like them, I
want to be a teacher too. My best memories are of my mother teaching in my primary school.
I was in Year Four then. My mother was my English teacher. That lesson, she went to the
greatest lengths to make our lesson so captivating. We got to play, sing-a-long as she played
on the piano and read stories. I believe it was then I wanted to be a teacher just like her. I
would make my students laugh and sing, like she did.
One strong factor that made me decide on a teaching career is my realisation that often,
children who do not receive enough attention are in the lower income families. These children
often lack the drive to succeed. As their teacher, I want to be the one who can push them. By
giving them the right guidance in class and outside, I can change their lives. I strive to give
them a better future.
Everyone must be given a chance to do well in life. As a teacher, I will help my students by
teaching them compassion, motivation and real life skills. These last with them for a
lifetime. In class, I would try my best to give each child the opportunity that is sometimes not
offered at home.
As our country keeps pushing for more progress, it is becoming imperative that students are
successful in education. Communication is the most important skill one can possess to be
successful in education. As a teacher, I could be the one to ensure a better academic
experience for language-disordered children.
Generally, I like the lifestyle that a teacher lives. As a teacher, I move around and mingle with
children. I love to be around them and to be a part of their maturation. Children are so
naive that it helps me to remember that life does not have to be completely serious. I cannot
imagine another job that would keep me young at heart.
Moreover, a career in teaching does not end one’s education. A teacher is a professional
learner and that too appeals to me. In the educational setting, the methods in which we as
teachers perform our job are always changing. A teacher is never done with learning. He is
always adapting his point of view and using his imagination constantly.
To me, choosing a career in teaching is the most important job one can hold. Teachers are the
people who produce future doctors, lawyers, politicians and other various important people
that make our society as powerful as it is today. Teachers may also be the only people that can
help a distraught child and keep them from becoming our future criminals and abusers.
No matter the background of the child, his race, his gender, or his societal worth a teacher is
able to give a child a chance at future success. That is a gift of a lifetime that no other career
can provide. So to me, the best career for me is as a teacher.

Vocabulary guide
Drive - desire
Compassion - sympathy
Imperative - necessary, important
Maturation - developing mentally and physically
Adapting - changing to suit

-As it is an argumentative essay, you have to support your stand in the introduction. In this
case, you choose a career you want and support your choice.
-In the first paragraph of the body, you mentioned the person who has influenced your choice.
It is your mother.
-You give convincing arguments in the following paragraphs on why you choose a teaching
-Make sure you do not end your composition abruptly. Instead, write a good conclusion to
stress on your choice.
More Examples
Argumentative/Persuasive Essays
These essays often require a presentation of both facts and opinions. It is a challenging choice,
but a candidate able to present his/her points lucidly and logically will do well.
To score high marks in your argumentative essay, follow these guidelines:
Read the question carefully. Are you asked to give only one side of the argument, or can you
present both sides?
Even if you are allowed to give both sides of the picture, you must make your own stand
clearly, so that your reader knows whether you are for or against the topic.
Have one main point in each paragraph (usually expressed in your topic sentence), and
support the point with a few facts or reasons.
Link your paragraphs smoothly with suitable transitional words and phrases. (Note the
effective use of these ‘linkers’ underlined in Model Essays 2 and 4 here.)
Since the tense in argumentative essays is usually in the present, make sure that your
agreement between subject and verb is correct.

What is your opinion about attending tuition classes?

Model Answer
In today’s competitive world where a good education is fundamental to success, many parents
believe that sending their children for tuition classes is very important. Ask any class of
secondary students what they would be doing after school and eight out of ten will say that
they have tuition.
These tuition classes for upper secondary students are conducted mostly by school teachers
and normally last for two hours. My opinion about tuition classes is that some tutors do help
improve the students’ grasp of a particular subject. I must, however, admit that most tutors
merely hold tuition classes to supplement their income.
Some are even so unscrupulous as to promote their tuition classes by hinting that they will
give tips for the school exams during these sessions. As a result, some over-zealous students
join these classes so that they will not be at a disadvantage, but what they get is revision which
they can very well do on their own.
Surely, the whole point of tuition is to reinforce the students’ knowledge of the subject. I feel
that if the students are conscientious at school and their teachers are concerned enough,
assignments set by their subject teachers are more than enough to reinforce what has been
taught and learnt.
Also, some tuition classes have as many as 50 students per session. Good students can
manage with this overcrowding and the dilution of the tutor’s attention, but they are the ones
who do not really need the extra tuition. The weaker ones in the tuition group who do need
the extra attention, are the ones who will not get it in such a large class. In such cases, I
definitely feel attending tuition is just a waste of time and money.
In addition, tuition might also be ineffective because students spend about eight hours a day
in school. When they reach home, they will feel tired physically and mentally, and going for
tuition will only add to their fatigue. Studying when one is exhausted and when one’s brain is
saturated serves no purpose at all.
What they say about all work and no play is certainly true with me: I learn best when I am
well-rested as my brain revolts against remembering anything when it is overworked. I know
many students who go for tuition, not because they really need it to improve their
understanding of a particular subject, but only because their parents expect them to, or
because their friends are also in the tuition class.
In conclusion, let me say that tuition is something I can do without. Personally, I learn well
because I have good teachers, but as a disciplined student, I also study well at home because I
pay attention in school and believe in self-motivated study.

Vocabulary Guide
grasp of - understanding of
supplement their income - get money from an extra job
unscrupulous – dishonest
conscientious - diligent, hardworking

Do money and possessions necessarily bring happiness?

Model Answer
It is common for almost everyone to strive to earn as much money as possible, so this would
imply that money is the principal factor in bringing about a happy life.
After all, money and possessions provide us with comfort and give us a higher standard of
living. With money, we can afford modem appliances such as the washing machine, the
television and the computer. These things help make our housework easier, entertain us and
let us manage our school or office work more efficiently and conveniently.
Thus, despite a fast-paced world, these possessions allow us to have more free time to spend
with our loved ones and be more rested and relaxed. This surely leads to happiness because
closer relations within the family are forged and enhanced.
Furthermore, with enough money, we need not worry about the basic necessities of life such
as food and shelter. We know where our next meal is coming from and we know that there is a
nice warm place we can go home to, so we can lead comfortable lives. Without money, we
would be starving and homeless, which would surely be considered an unhappy state of
Another reason I think money is important in bringing happiness is from the viewpoint of
parents. Money enables parents to provide their children with better educational materials
(such as books, tuition, IT equipment etc). This means that their children are more
advantaged than their less affluent classmates and are more likely to do well.
Affluence also means these parents can afford better food for their children so that they grow
strong and healthy. They do not have to worry unnecessarily about their children succumbing
to fatal diseases or losing their eyesight or hearing because of malnutrition.
In addition, they can afford to send their children for tertiary education, usually overseas. This
in turn leads to better job prospects when they start working, so their parents feel secure and
happy about their future.
Nevertheless, though money does bring a comfortable lifestyle and freedom from want and
worry, it does not automatically guarantee happiness. What is wealth without health, for
instance? Or love, peace of mind or self-esteem? And certainly all the money and possessions
in the world are useless when war is raging, or when ruthless people want to kidnap the
children of very rich people for ransom. This definitely does not lead to happiness!
In conclusion. I would say that while money and possessions do not automatically guarantee
happiness, they can considerably ensure a comfortable life.

Vocabulary Guide
forged - created or built up affluent-wealthy
ruthless people - people who will stop at nothing to get what they want
Note: Underlined words are linkers - see notes on page 168.

Model Answer
Are co-educational schools better than single-sex schools?
I attended a single-sex primary school and am now doing my secondary studies in a co-
educational school. Having experienced both types of schools, I have weighed the pros and
cons and have decided that without a doubt, co-educational schools are better.
The main advantage of a co-educational school, better known as a ‘co-ed’ school, is that it
encourages competition between boys and girls. Both sexes naturally will compete against
each other in exams and that competitive spirit will encourage everyone to do their best.
When everybody is vying to be the best, even the lazy pupils will pull up their socks as they
would not want to be left behind. As everybody is working harder to obtain better grades, the
school will see dramatically improved results. The main source of motivation for students to
work hard is when they see that everyone is progressing ahead, and if they do not go along,
they will lose out.
Besides this, I feel that a student studying in a ‘co-ed’ school will benefit from exposure to the
other sex. Studying in the single sex school would not benefit a student much in terms of
obtaining social skills. In a ‘co-ed’ environment, both sexes get to interact with each other.
They therefore get a different perspective of things as well as learn to understand one another
better. With the interaction in class, even the shyest student will feel comfortable with the
opposite sex and can soon work together normally.
I feel that, due to a lack of exposure, some students from single sex-schools tend to have a
warped view of the opposite sex as they do not understand the opposite sex well enough.
Being in a ‘co-ed’ school does not mean socialising only with the opposite sex. It means that a
student can maintain a balance when choosing friends and learn to treat everyone the same.
Also, I really think being in a ‘co-ed’ school promotes better behaviour. Boys are naturally
rough by nature and girls more gentle. When both sexes interact, the boys tend to tone down
their behaviour so that the girls will be friends with them. I feel that some boys in single-sex
schools do not know how to behave when they meet girls. Some act like hooligans and make
catcalls when, in fact, if they were in a ‘co-ed’ school, they would be above all that. Therefore, I
think that students from ‘co-ed’ schools will be more mature and behave in a more politically-
correct fashion!
In conclusion, I must stress that I was the recipient of all these advantages. By studying in a
‘co-ed’ school, I have matured in many ways and I can vouch that co-education is more
beneficial than being in a single-sex school.

Vocabulary Guide
a warped view - a twisted opinion
hooligans - undisciplined, rowdy troublemakers

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of studying overseas.

Model Answer
Though Malaysia now boasts a fair number of universities, the limited number of places
means that every year, many of our successful A-level students go abroad to study. Those who
have come back with overseas degrees cite various advantages in going abroad for further
For one thing, many of them feel that there is a greater choice of courses open to the
Malaysian undergraduate overseas, whereas here, the student is often not permitted to do the
desired course because there are too many people applying for it or because of the quota
Furthermore, studying overseas means that students are separated from the comforts of home
since they cannot afford the time and the money to come back every month or so. Being on
their own without parents or the maid to attend to their needs usually encourages these
students to become more independent - they learn to organise their time efficiently as they
have to study as well as keep house and cook their own meals.
On the other hand, overseas education often comes at great cost. Many families sacrifice a
great deal and live frugally so that they can send their children to pursue their studies
abroad. The students themselves might suffer initial pangs of homesickness and find difficulty
in adjusting to a new environment.
Also, there is the fear that these youngsters, unsupervised by their elders and mixing mainly
with people their own age, might be easily influenced by the laxity of lifestyle which is so
prevalent overseas. They might get hooked on drugs, be corrupted by strange ideas and
eventually become alienated from their own culture.
However. I personally feel that an overseas education is a broadening experience. Malaysians
studying overseas get to meet, not only students of the host country, but also other foreign
students like themselves. They become familiar with other cultures on a more intimate level
and not just from reading about them. This allows them to compare the different lifestyles and
ways of thinking. Thus, when they return to Malaysia, they will be more global in their outlook
and not be so blinkered in their views.
Besides, studying abroad can be enriching in other ways. Take, for example, the case of a
cousin of mine who won a scholarship to New Zealand. Though academically brilliant, she was
diffident in the company of strangers, but there, she took part in various cultural activities,
such as International Night, to promote Malaysian culture. Gradually, she became more
confident and less shy and now, she has many overseas friends with whom she is still in close
In conclusion. I believe that, while a few Malaysian students may ‘go astray’ overseas, many of
our undergraduates abroad make the most of their experiences.
(Adapted from The Star, 3 Sept 2000)

Vocabulary Guide PHRASES

frugally - prudently, dealing carefully with money
prevalent - commonly occurring, widespread
become alienated from - to be estranged from
blinkered in their views - narrow-minded in their opinions
diffident - lacking confidence

Hosting international sports events is a waste of time and money.
Do you agree?

Model Answer
There are people who say that hosting international sporting events such as the Olympics, the
Commonwealth Games and the SEA Games is a waste of time and money. I do not agree, as I
feel many benefits can be derived from organising these events.
For one thing, the country which has won the bid to host the event will experience a boost in
tourism while the Games are being held. Foreigners who come to the country to watch the
Games will also take the opportunity to visit other places as well.
Historical towns as well as holiday areas will gain more recognition. Tourist facilities will be
upgraded and more hotels will be built to accommodate foreign spectators, supporters,
officials and journalists. This spells job opportunities for locals in the tourism sector.
If an international sporting event is well organised, the country will profit and increase its
revenue, as income is obtained from the sale of tickets, sponsorships and media rights. With
this revenue, the country can channel some funds to other sectors such as education and
agriculture. As a result, productivity levels in these sectors are improved, which will further
boost the country’s economy.
Hosting such an event will also help boost the host country’s ‘visibility’ factor by putting it on
the world map. Through the cultural dances and displays which are often showcased in the
opening and closing ceremonies, foreign media will get the chance to experience the country’s
culture and traditional heritage. As they send reports back home, many people around the
world will be more aware of the country’s existence.
If the sporting event is a success, the country will gain even more respect and recognition
from the world community. Its image will be enhanced and it will attract more visitors.
Foreign investors will be keen to invest in the country after seeing the country’s advanced
infrastructure and political stability.
Aside from that, preparing and organising a huge event requires experienced personnel, and
the building and improving of the venues for the various games. This in turn requires a large
task force, thus opening up job prospects in many areas. As more and more people are
employed, the unemployment rate will decrease proportionately.
Perhaps the most important benefit of organising sporting events is the forging of
friendships between people from different parts of the world. When they meet at these Games,
they interact with one another closely and find out more about other countries and cultures.
This promotes better understanding and goodwill among themselves, which in turn leads to
more harmonious relationships all over the globe. This, I feel, is the best reason for hosting
international sporting events.

Vocabulary Guide
derived - obtained, got
boost - increase
venues - places
forging - building, development

Taking part in extra-curricular activities is a waste of time.
Do you agree?

Model Answer
Extra-curricular activities are non-academic activities conducted outside the classroom.
Extra-curricular activities, more commonly abbreviated to ECAs, cover a wide range of
activities, from sports to athletics to uniformed societies.
Some people feel taking part in extra-curricular activities is a waste of time, but I think there
are many advantages in participating in these activities.
Firstly, uniformed units such as Girl Guides, Boy Scouts and the Red Crescent Society teach
their members basic survival skills. This enables members to be prepared for any tough
situation. These uniformed organisations contribute a lot to society each year through
donations and social work. Those active in such units learn to be caring and helpful towards
others. Furthermore, societies such as the Red Crescent Society and St John’s Ambulance
teach their members first aid which will come in handy when someone is injured and requires
immediate medical attention.
Through group activities, members learn to respect and co-operate with one another. Many
members are also given a chance to head an activity or a group project. This ensures that their
leadership skills are honed. These leadership skills are important after one leaves school and
starts working because one is then equipped to deal with different types of people.
Besides the uniformed units, students can choose whatever club or society they are interested
in. Clubs such as the Drama Club or the Maths Club enhance their members’ ability in those
particular fields. Doing well in ECAs is important because employers do not only look at your
academic qualifications alone. Students active in ECAs show their potential employers that
they have extra abilities acquired outside the classroom.
Sports is also a part of ECAs and can improve or maintain one’s health or well-being. People
who participate in sports are more active because the flow of oxygen to the brain is increased.
Therefore, participating in sports also ensures better thinking skills and alertness in the
classroom. Sports such as swimming and athletics tone the body and keep it fit, so that the
person will not succumb to illnesses so easily.
Sports also instils discipline in students. Those who take part in sports have to stick to a daily
timetable and watch what they eat. Students are required to listen to their coaches or risk
getting injured. Those who are in competitive sports need to have more self-discipline and
In fact, sports and other ECAs help to develop strong character, promote basic moral values,
instil discipline and independence and respect for peers and elders which cannot be learnt
from any textbook. Because of this and the other factors given, I conclude by decisively
saying that taking part in extra-curricular activities is not a waste of time.

Vocabulary Guide
honed - sharpened, polished
instils - puts or plants a (good) feeling or quality in a person
perseverance - determination
decisively - strongly, firmly

Monthly tests and examinations are necessary.
What do you think?

Model Answer
I think most secondary school students in Malaysia would agree with me that monthly tests
and examinations cause a lot of stress. However, we must not forget that these tests and
examinations are part and parcel of our education system. No matter how much we loathe
them, we need them to assess how much we have learnt and to evaluate our academic
Indeed, this is the main reason why any test is given, or any examination is held. Through a
series of tests and examinations, teachers and examiners can gauge the academic ability of
Students, too, can benefit as they will know their own strengths and weaknesses. At school,
their teachers point out how they can improve their grades in the tests, and tell them where
they have gone wrong in their answers.
On a national level, examinations are administered fairly and marking is done without
considering race, colour or creed. Thus, they are the best measure of a student’s academic
ability and potential.
Tests and examinations are also good ways to keep students focussed on their studies because
nowadays, students face too many distractions. If there were no testing system at all, some
students would laze the whole day. Others would probably learn but this learning would be
either haphazardly wide, or else focussed on one thing only. This is not good as our future
working lives require a variety of specific skills.
Furthermore, with testing and examinations, students learn to be disciplined, learn how to
schedule their day and to compete with themselves and with others. Also, they have to think
deeply, to write out their thoughts and to use their brains regularly.
Thus, testing and examinations make studying more interesting and challenging. Man is by
nature competitive, so having regular tests and examinations keeps students on their toes.
They are forced into studying hard to perform well vis-a-vis their peers. To me, it would
defeat the point of going to school if nobody cared how much you had learnt, or how well you
had fared.
Nevertheless, I realise that some students might not perform as well in government
examinations as they should, because they happen to be sick during the examination period or
they have just lost a loved one. Thus, it seems unjust to have their whole life badly affected by
low grades in one examination.
A fairer system of examination testing would be a combination of marks taken during the
course of the school year and the final examination score. That way, students still learn for
various tests and examinations, but they would not be too stressed because they know what
they have achieved through the year also counts.
For all these reasons, I believe in our education system with its reliance on tests and
examinations. So, when people say, “Let’s do away with tests and examinations,” I say no
because I really believe that they are necessary.

Vocabulary Guide
gauge - assess, test creed - set of beliefs
haphazardly wide - without any proper focus
vis-a-vis - in relation to, compared with

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