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financial planning

14 The Economic Times Wealth September 23-29, 2019

Why we all must save a little

The only way to deal with uncertanities of the future is to save persistently, says Uma Shashikant.
The inequality in income rankles many
who posted on Twitter. They find earlier
generations have not only become very
rich, but have also eliminated many tra-
ditional jobs that paid a steady income.
They do not see themselves necessarily as
entitled, but blame the earlier generation
for the excesses and the lack of jobs across
the spectrum. The gig economy, where
every paying job is a risky contract, is not
their making, they argue. They see it as a
response to the excesses of the capitalist
and consumerist economic models. The
leaning of a significant number of millen-
nials to somewhat socialistic models stems
from their view that this inequality needs
serious correction.
Health is a big concern, expressed in vari-
ous ways in which it affects the millennials’
lives. They worry about the lack of ethical
selling in the food industry; they see them-
selves as being afflicted by lifestyle dis-
eases, as they keep long hours and eat errati-
cally; they find themselves short of money
and time to address any health issues that
may arise; and they worry about falling ill
and losing their jobs. The highest level of

pessimism is about aging and being afflict-
ed with some disease that needs money and
prolonged care. They don’t see themselves
prepared, nor do they see solutions.
The distaste for savings is to my mind the

ast week, the hashtag paying off loans. They disapprove of the con- core problem. There isn’t any other easy so-
#MillennialRetirementPlans was servative approach of baby boomers, though lution to an uncertain future. Not the strin-
trending on Twitter. The tweets many of them think they may fall back on gent saving that kills, or the erratic saving
offered humour, pragmatism and a inheritance or their parents’ incomes if all that is indisciplined, but a small and per-
range of emotions. It was interest- else fails. The primary marker for the mil- sistent saving as a habit. The modern times
ing to see the need to break away from norms lennials are that they are not in the formal are not easy, and the millennials’ stories
of the earlier generations. The young were workforce by choice; they like the gig econ- about uncertain jobs are real. How would
persistent in pointing out that what worked omy instead. Working wherever their skill you solve a problem you do not control?
earlier won’t work now. Maybe, maybe not. is sought, or starting small businesses that It is the nature of economic cycles to not
Should we be in charge of our retirement may or may not work, is how their work life reveal the trends until we are well into
or let the government provide retirement pans out. They increasingly don’t own homes it. The conservative baby boomers would
FOR INVES TMENT benefits and social security? This debate is and cars, for they find loans burdensome. not have imagined themselves on top of
EDUC ATION AND LE ARNING old, and we have lived through the cycles of They blame the older generations for putting a wealth pile. If they did, they would not
one school dominating the other. The baby them through expensive but useless educa- have been so frugal. Gen X would not have
boomers (born 1946-64) broke away from tion and for advocating savings and owning taken loans, spends and job changes with
handouts and expected their governments to assets, when their income itself isn’t stable. abandon, if they knew their jobs will get
only provide the framework for retirement What would an educated generation that redundant. The confused milliennials do
security. The focus moved from benefit to works hard, but finds the amount of uncer- not know how their creative solutions to
contribution. People began to save early, tainty they have to deal with is too high do? uncertainty, their determination to set the
The distaste for invest without touching the corpus, and al- Retirement would be the last thing on their wrong right, will make a better world for
savings is to my lowed it to grow and fund their retirement. minds. The traditional answer to an uncer- everyone. While we argue for what we see
Generation X (born 1965-1980) stepped into tain future was savings. The baby boomers as effects and consequences, we discount
mind the core
their work lives during the period of boom denied themselves the luxuries to save for what we do in action to enable change.
problem. There
and bust, making money or losing jobs into the future. They saw the savings as their in- That one ground rules remain unchal-
isn’t any other
their adulthood. They were the consumerist surance against unexpected events. lenged through this churn—the precious
easy solution to an
generation. They got themselves into debt The millennials do not have that world merit of our little savings that have been
uncertain future. Not
for homes and used credit cards happily, and view. They do not divide their work lives invested to protect us when in trouble.
the stringent saving lived with the confidence of finding a job to into compartments. The idea that you would The millennials need not kill themselves
that kills, or the do through their lives. They worried when earn, save and retire seems not just staid, but to save; but holding back on one spend a
erratic saving that is conversations turned to retirement, felt difficult to pull off in their times. Their view day will go a long way. Put aside the cost of
indisciplined, but a guilty about not doing enough, but hoped to of their finances revolves around the balance one meal a day, you will be surprised how
small and persistent begin to save sooner than later. They wished between spending and earning. Since they it grows with time. Old fashioned, but im-
saving as a habit. the government offered some social security. are currently struggling to get past this basic mensely doable.
The millennials (born 1981-96) are not sure equation of comfort, their ability to have a
what the long term holds. Many joke about long term view is limited. Many remain pes-
Please send your feedback to
not living long enough, or spending half simistic about their future, their longevity,
their lives finding a job and the other half their retirement and their wealth.

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