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NPM ; 17188203018

a) A. PHONES : A speech sound, phones are a representativewith phonetic syimbols that

give some resemblence to a letter in an alphabets language like english
eg ; / SKIlz/

B. PHONEMES ; the smallest contransitive unit of language that of language that may
change the meaning of morpheme, as a persuant a word.
eg ; /p//b//d//

B. ALLOPHONES ; variant of phoneme

Eg ; ( ph ) ; as a pin
( p ) ; as a spin
b) Manner of articulation : plassive / stop
Voice ; voiced as consonant
Point of articulations ; /b/ p ; bilabial
/g/ ; velar
/ d/ ; alveolar
b. manner of articulations ; /l/ ; fricatives
/8 /; fricatives
/t3/ ; arricates
Voice /l/./8/ ; voiced
t3 ; voiceles
c. point of articulations ; /9/ ; dental
t3 ; post alviolar
s ; past alveolar
d ; nasals
voice ; d ; voiced
J ; voiced
I ; voiced
c) A. Evacuated victim ; /i’vaeksveited / viktim /

b. learned skills ; / l3;nt / / skilz/

c. overlapped authorities ; ,auva’laept/

d.taightly wrapped packages ; / taitli’ //raept//’paekid3iz/

e. unballanced teams ; /An’baelanst//ti;mz/

a) / f/ and /v/ ; fan –van
;fine – vine
Fast –vast

b) /k/ and /g/ ; pick – pig

Dock – dog
Frock – frog
Muck – mug

c) /ei/ and /i;/ dale – deal

Haek – peak
Paint – peach

d) /t/ and /8/ ; boot – both

Fate – faith
Taught – thought

e) /i/ and / ei / ; lid – raid

Sit – shade
Still – shale

f) /d/ and /t/

Down – town
Die – tie
Door - tose

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