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EDU 401

Assignment I (Spring 2019)

Total Marks: 20
Lectures: 1-12


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Q. 1: What is peace education? How peace education can be added at Higher Education
level?. Marks (2 + 8 = 10)
Peace is when humans are able to solve problems without violence and can work together to
promote peace and live peace so thts why in education peace is very neccessary work When we
start education from nursery level then from that class we learn peace to our students so they can
build up by positive minds.
In education peace is very important asset because without giving peace education we can't
survive our lives with peace.
So peace education is the study of ethics , discipline , develop attitudes , skills and behaviours to
live in harmony with oneself and stay away from denominationalism.
We can add peace education at higher level education
1). Pass this constituition in Supreme Court to approve this. So that's why this must compulsory
for every higher education department to add in the curriculum.
2). We want to promote peace education telling through stories of islam.
3). Every students needs peace education to stay away from discrimination of society if we all
belongs to any religion then every religion in world teach peace and harmony, but islam is on the
top of list becausedon't teach islam in such way to our student,just like it is completely focussed
on oxford english.
4). Arrange trainning sessions for students to learn peace and invite Ambassidor of Peace Like
Teachers, Professords etc.
5). Promote peace in every instituites , add peace curriculum in the courses that offer in school ,
college and universities.
6). In modern era, give Public service message through social media, bill boards, and
advertisements. So every student get in touch with peace education easily.
7). Solution of this problem is that add this type of curriculum "Islamic curriculum on Peace &
Counter-Terrorism " in syllabus that is written by Dr Tahir ul Qadri, he is a well known Islamic
Scholar, former professor of Law and Head of Department of Islamic Jurisprudence and
Legislation at the Univresity of Punjab.
8). Because all problems comes from terrorism so if we learn and teach peace in the light of
Islam with proof of Quranic Verses and Hadees Qudsi so we know that Islam give the message
of Peace.
9). The curriculum design in such a way in accordance varying mentals levels of different people
of the society , keeping in view the particular needs and requirements of different professions
such as lawyers, teachers, law enforcement agencies, islmaic scholars, securty instituition and

Q. 2: Describe at least five benefits of open and accessible education in Pakistan. Marks
Open education means people should produce, share, and build from anywhere in the world and
it access to every country For example Learn differnt courses,material online without worrying
of going anywhere. Promoting collaboration is cental to open education " Sharing is probably the
most basic characteristics of education" .Education is sharing knowledge , insights and
information with others, upon which new knowledge,skills,ideas and understanding can be built.
- Open Education has access to high quality education from anywhere in the world
- Internet Connectivity hepls us to seek knowledge without any hesitation or problem.
- You can learn different things online without any cost i.e if u want to cook tarditional biryani
then search on google it can show you video or in text form so in that learning is very easy
- We can easily attend webinars of different professionals like google webinar , microsoft
- Learn new theories from online video courses just like udemy,coursera and digiskill in which
highly professionals record videos and we access to video in every time, so we easily learn
without the barrier of distance from home.
- Google always show Updated Knowledge So whenever we search its show new results tjis will
help us to understand the latest material. i.e In Development Side every time new updates
appears so it can help us alot.
- Open Education help everyone to access knowledge and learn new things from different
- Pakistan has provide facility of open education for all in which they organize elearn who don't pay the tution fee he/she learn subjects from there.
- Virtual unicersity also an example of open education, if ones can't register in virtual univresity
then they acces to course videos, and naterial related to the subject it can help many students to
learn without paying any fees
- Open Education provide extra recources we can learn from home or anywhere without any time
boundation, manage other work and education simultaneously
Q. 3: What knowledge, skills and attitudes do students need to promote peace? Marks (5)
Student need to promote peace whenever they attain knowledge and skill.. In Islam Hazrat
Muhammad Mustafa (S.AW) says that
"Convey from me even if it is one verse" then this verse shows that spread knowledge whenever
possible. So student need to share and spread knowledge to other ones to promote peace.
We can't learn complete without taking world education , when an illeterate person seek
knowledge of Quran then they put fatwas in society without the complete understanding of
Islam. If person who take islamic education and world education both simultaneously then they
convey peace message of Islam efficiently and effectively with the reference of Quran o Hadees.
- Student must have quranic and world knowledge both together, to clear others in the light of
- Show Positive attitude for understanding anypoint to other.
- Student arrange functions for promoting peace
- They make societies or clubs in which they teach other students the message of peace.
- Motivate student to think positively and exclude negative thinking from their minds because
when negative thinking in mind then we do improper works.
- Islam teach us that stay away from violence, so student ignore words of anyone who is abusing
with you.
- In school ,teacher must give lectures on peace , then student will know that peace is very
important in our daily life.
- If we want to live happy life then share peace message with others.
- Student need just positive mind to spread peace message. Even he/she is engineer , pilot, doctor
in every profession we need peace to live healthy life.

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