Hubert2017 Article DereplicationStrategiesInNatur

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Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

DOI 10.1007/s11101-015-9448-7

Dereplication strategies in natural product research: How

many tools and methodologies behind the same concept?
Jane Hubert . Jean-Marc Nuzillard .
Jean-Hugues Renault

Received: 2 September 2015 / Accepted: 13 November 2015 / Published online: 19 November 2015
 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

Abstract The development of new drugs will cer- acceleration of bioactivity-guided fractionation pro-
tainly benefit from an ever improving knowledge of cedures. In other cases dereplication is fully integrated
the living beings chemistry. However, identification of in metabolomic studies for the untargeted chemical
drugable molecules within the immense biodiversity profiling of natural extract collections or for the
of forests, soils or oceans still requires considerable targeted identification of a predetermined class of
investments in technical equipments, time and human metabolites. Finally a quite distinct dereplication
resources. An important part of this process is the approach mainly based on gene-sequence analyses is
quick identification of known substances in order to frequently used for the taxonomic identification of
concentrate the efforts on the discovery of new ones. A microbial strains.
range of ‘‘dereplication’’ procedures are currently
emerging to meet this challenge as key strategies to Keywords Dereplication  Natural products 
improve the performance of natural product screening Metabolomics  Drug discovery  Taxonomic
programs. Initially defined in 1990 as ‘‘a process of classification
quickly identifying known chemotypes’’, dereplica-
tion is today a not so univocal concept and has evolved
over the last years in different ways. The present
review covers all dereplication-related sudies in Introduction
natural product research from 1990 to 2014. Its
writing brought to light five distinct dereplication Living beings provide a unique diversity of secondary
workflows that can be characterized by the nature of metabolites that can be exploited for the discovery of
starting materials, by the selected analytical technique, new drugs, cosmetic ingredients, nutraceutics or bio-
and above all by the final objective. Dereplication can sourced materials. The performance of natural product
be used as an untargeted workflow for the rapid screening programs remains however strongly limited
identification of the major compounds whatever their by the equipment, labor and time investments required
chemical class in a single sample or for the for isolation and structural elucidation of novel
metabolites with potent biological properties. Signif-
icant advances have been made over the last decades
J. Hubert (&)  J.-M. Nuzillard  J.-H. Renault to improve the resolution and sensitivity of analytical
Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de Reims (UMR CNRS
methods for the study of small molecules in natural
7312), SFR CAP’SANTE, UFR de Pharmacie, Université
de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France extracts. Very efficient hyphenation systems between
e-mail: separation and spectroscopic instruments now enable

56 Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

the identification of highly complex molecular struc- But what exactly lies behind the term ‘‘dereplica-
tures even within complex mixtures of compounds. tion’’ more than 20 years later? Is this definition still
Despite these efforts, very serious issues, such as the relevant today within the context of natural product
frequent rediscovery of known compounds after time research? What does a dereplication process involve in
consuming purification and identification steps, the terms of methods and techniques? For what purpose is
redundant investigation of taxonomically ambiguous such a strategy really useful? On which natural
microbial strains or the investigation of irrelevant ressources is it currently applied? How much progress
crude materials regarding a selected biological appli- has been made in dereplication workflows over the last
cation, still result in a considerable waste of time. years?
Consequently, many pharmaceutical companies have In the present review, we would like to address
considerably slowed down or even terminated their these points by presenting a state-of-the-art report on
natural product research activities. the various dereplication approaches that have been
Nevertheless, the search for novel chemical struc- used until now for the chemical profiling of natural
tures within natural resources continues to be a crucial products. A literature survey, covering the period
strategy for the discovery of novel biologically active 1990–2014, for the topic ‘‘dereplication’’ or ‘‘de-
substances. Moreover, remembering that more than replication’’ in the Web of Science database revealed
300,000 secondary metabolites have been identified so 358 hits. Upon closer examination, it emerged that the
far from the biodiversity, it is obvious that new research areas covered by the matching studies not
biological activities of known metabolites can still be only include pharmacology/pharmacy, chemistry, or
put to light. Some of these known metabolites have plant sciences, but also molecular biology, biotech-
only been structurally elucidated but never evaluated nology, microbiology, and food science technology.
biologically. Among those that have already been Another important fact is the huge increase of
engaged in one or even more specific bioassays, it is published items every year, particularly since 2012,
certain that a wide majority have not yet revealed all as well as the exponential growth of annual citations
their biological potential, just because it remains (Fig. 1).
impossible to test every compound on every known The literature survey was rigorously scrutinized in
biological target in a reasonable amount of time. order to assess the function and usefulness of modern
Furthermore, most in vitro bioassays are not relevant dereplication strategies for bioactive natural product
to in vivo or clinical conditions regarding either the discovery. Of course, the goal of this review is not to
activity or bioavailability of the compound under impose a definition or a specific way to perform
examination, not to mention that a metabolite having a natural product dereplication, but to highlight as
specific activity as a pure compound may show a objectively as possible that, depending on the natural
different activity when present within a mixture. resources under examination and on the final objec-
Innovative strategies are therefore needed to sig- tives, dereplication does not correspond to a single,
nificantly reduce the timeline of bioactive natural clearly defined step-by-step procedure. In the 358
product discovery. All evidence suggests that the most references found, 14 not dealing with natural products
promising workflows for the chemical profiling of and 30 meeting abstracts were not taken into account.
natural products should involve, at least in part, a After a brief outline of the most common separation
dereplication procedure. Historically, the first defini- and analytical tools used for natural product derepli-
tion of the term ‘‘dereplication’’ was given by Beutler cation, the critical role of natural metabolite databases
et al. in (1990) as ‘‘a process of quickly identifying and microbial strain libraries will be discussed. The
known chemotypes’’ (Beutler et al. 1990). Their goal studies covered by the literature survey have been
was to evaluate the activity of a range of terrestrial and organized in five distinct dereplication categories
marine plant extracts by using a simple phorbol (annotated from DEREP1 to DEREP5), all involved
dibutyrate (PDBu) receptor binding assay and to in the search for novel bioactive substances of natural
rapidly identify compounds responsible for this activ- origin, but each following a particular workflow based
ity without investing time in traditional bioassay- on different starting materials, different separation
guided fractionation or full structure elucidation and/or analytical procedures and different structural
procedures. elucidation approaches.

Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95 57

Fig. 1 Citation report obtained with the topic ‘‘dereplication’’ or ‘‘de-replication’’ from Thomson Reuters web of science. The latest
20 years up to December 2014 are displayed. Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved

A comparison chart summarizing these five cate- cases dereplication is fully embedded in untargeted
gories (Table 1) shows that natural product dereplica- metabolomic studies for the chemical profiling of
tion can be performed as an untargeted workflow for the natural extract collections (DEREP3) or for the targeted
rapid identification of the major compounds whatever identification of predetermined compounds (desired or
their chemical class in a single natural sample undesired) in natural samples (DEREP4). Finally a
(DEREP1). Frequently, this first strategy is also directly distinct dereplication category mainly based on gene-
combined with biological assays to accelerate bioactiv- sequence analyses is increasingly used for the taxo-
ity-guided fractionation procedures (DEREP2). In other nomic identification of microbial strains (DEREP5).

Table 1 Summary of the particular features distinguishing from DEREP1 to DEREP5 dereplication workflows
Identification of the Acceleration of Chemical profiling Chemical Taxonomoic
major compounds in a activity-guided of crude extract profiling of identification of
single extract fractionation collections target microbial strains

Targeted chemical No Yes No

Biological assays Independent Yes, Independent
Samples Single extract Extract collection Single extract or Extract collection
Fractionation step In most cases Yes Yes No (direct sample In most cases No No (direct sample
analysis) analysis)
Analytical tools LC/MS, GC/MS and/or NMR Mostly LC/MS Gene-sequencing
Computer tool and May include Yes, systematically May include Yes, systematically
statistics for data
Identification Metabolite database Gene database

58 Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

Technical considerations (HSCCC), centrifugal partition chromatography

(CPC), supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) or
As dereplication refers to the rapid identification of capillary electrophoresis (CE) are less commonly used
known secondary metabolites, it is obvious that analytical-scale separation system, and therefore will
reliable, robust, rapid and sensitive analytical methods not be detailed here.
are required to perform an efficient dereplication Among post-chromatographic hyphenation possi-
procedure. With the remarkable developments of bilities, simple ultraviolet (UV) or photodiode array
separation sciences, spectroscopic techniques, and (DAD) detectors remain limited to the interpretation
high-throughput analytical technologies, valuable of peak retention times or UV spectral fingerprints, but
resources now exist to structurally characterize natural can nevertheless be employed in dereplication strate-
products, not only as pure compounds, but also within gies for both identification and quantification purposes
complex mixtures such as crude plant extracts or by using standard molecules as references (Wolfender
microbial culture media. This review will start by 2009). With the help of chemometric tools, LC/UV–
presenting the most common analytical tools used for DAD data can be processed by chromatographic band
the dereplication of natural products. Since many deconvolution, resulting in a significant improvement
detailed reviews are available for each technique, we of chromatographic resolution. This method was
will only briefly describe their strengths and weak- recently used to identify several C-glycosylflavone
nesses and focus on their benefits when applied to isomers in the traditional herbal medicine Jatropha
natural product dereplication. gossypifolia (Pilon et al. 2013). However, due to the
very limited structural information recovered from
Analytical chromatographic systems simple UV or DAD detection systems, other more
and hyphenation possibilities powerful instruments are generally required to assess
the structural diversity of natural products. Among
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) them, mass spectrometry (MS) and nuclear magnetic
remains by far the most commonly used technique to resonance (NMR) described in the next section remain
separate natural compounds at the analytical scale. by far the favourites.
HPLC is robust, easy-to-use, and applicable to a wide
diversity of compounds, even starting from materials MS and NMR-based detection in natural product
of complex chemical composition. More recently, dereplication workflows
ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC)
has enabled a remarkable decrease of separation times Mass spectrometry is a sensitive, rapid and accurate
while improving sensitivity, resolution, and repro- high throughput detection technique frequently used
ducibility as compared to conventional HPLC. Both for the dereplication of natural products. The charac-
techniques, referred to as ‘‘LC’’ in the present paper, terization of natural metabolites is established on the
are currently applied to natural product analysis for basis of exact mass, elemental composition, adducts
various purposes including quality control, chemical and fragmentation patterns. Due to their high sensi-
characterization of crude plant extracts or high tivity, MS-based methods also enable the rapid
throughput fingerprinting (Wolfender et al. 2010a, b; detection of trace-level compounds, meaning that
Eugster et al. 2011). Thin layer chromatography (TLC only small amounts of materials is required for
or HPTLC) is another chromatographic technique successful analyses. LC coupled to high-resolution
frequently used for the preliminary analysis of natural mass spectrometers such as Time-of-Flight (TOF),
extracts or for the rapid identification of known Fourier Transform (FT) or Orbitrap devices currently
compounds within simplified mixtures obtained after constitute the most powerful ‘‘high-throughpout
the prefractionation of a crude natural sample (Hook screening’’ platforms for the on-line identification of
et al. 1997; Hook 1998; Tan et al. 2011). TLC-based metabolites in natural resources (Strege 1999; Wol-
bioautographic methods also enable the rapid local- fender et al. 2000a, b; Shin and van Breemen 2001;
ization of biologically active metabolites directly on Harrigan and Goetz 2005; Bitzer et al. 2007; Moss
TLC plates (Hostettmann et al. 2005; Adhami et al. et al. 2007; Sashidhara and Rosaiah 2007; Nielsen
2013) High speed counter current chromatography et al. 2011; Sarker 2012; Smyth et al. 2012a, b; Carter

Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95 59

2014). Regarding hydrophobic or volatile small BLAST which is based on the use of a fragmentation
molecules, GC/MS is a more appropriate coupling, tree database.
as demonstrated for instance for the dereplication of Molecular networking is also a promising com-
fatty acids (Stavri et al. 2004) or flavor and aroma puter-based approach to visualize and organize
constituents (Molyneux and Schieberle 2007). tandem mass spectrometry datasets and to automate
Although MS is recognized as a key technology for database search for metabolite identification within
the identification of natural products, some pitfalls still complex mixtures (Garg et al. 2015). Such a tool relies
exist and these problems have to be solved to make on the observation that structurally similar metabolites
MS-based dereplication methods more efficient (Cech share similar MS/MS fragmentation patterns. After
and Yu 2013). The major drawback arises from the collection of MS/MS spectra from a natural sample,
important variabilities in the raw datasets obtained the method consists in the construction of a molecular
from one mass analyzer to another, which strongly network by measuring the correlations within the
hampers the creation of exchangeable MS/MS data- produced dataset and establishing a Cytoscape visual
bases. The ionization processes taking place at the representation of the chemical similarities between
input of MS systems to desolvate and charge the metabolites. Because structurally similar metabolites
analytes are also particularly critical because they vary share similar fragmentation patterns, molecular fam-
with the type of ion source (electrospray or atmo- ilies tend to cluster together within a network (Nguyen
spheric pressure chemical ionization, for example), et al. 2013; Yang et al. 2013). The chemical investi-
and may also vary through ionization suppression or gation of natural resources by molecular networking
enhancement under matrix effects. A high hetero- has already proven to be a very useful complement to
geneity has been reported after the construction of a current MS-based dereplication strategies, for instance
collision-induced-dissociation MS/MS spectral to highlight the chemical diversity among marine
library of ubiquitous flavonoids using either hybrid cyanobacteria (Winnikoff et al. 2014), to automati-
quadrupole time of flight (Q-TOF) or Ion Trap (IT) cally detect structurally related nonribosomal peptides
under various CID energy conditions (Wolfender et al. in filamentous fungi (Klitgaard et al. 2015), or to
2000a, b). Perfect control of the parameters used to investigate interkingdom molecular interactions and
generate informative MS/MS spectra is thus needed metabolic exchange processes within microbial com-
for an efficient use of MS detection in the dereplication munities (Moree et al. 2012).
of natural products. Another promising data mining workflow based on
The interpretation of MS data is another critical MS2 precursor lists and targeting only signals related
issue that limits the speed of dereplication strategies. to bacterial metabolism was recently developed to
Efforts are currently underway to develop the com- characterize myxobacterial secondary metabolites
puterized treatment of mass spectral data. Software (Hoffmann et al. 2014). Even direct MS infusion can
dedicated to the pre-processing of LC–MS data are be used for natural product dereplication if assisted by
now available and very useful for peak picking, ion computer tools. Such an approach was applied to the
extraction, organization and classification of data. chemotyping of filamentous fungi strains from culture
They include for instance Bruker Data Analysis and collections, and to subsequently classify unknown
Bruker Profile Analysis for Bruker, MassHunter for samples, thus avoiding redundancies in the selection
Agilent, MarkerLynxTM for Waters or publicly avail- of samples to be further investigated (Larsen 2005).
able software such as XCMS, MZmine, and MET– Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is the other
IDEA which can handle data from different instru- predominant detection technique used for the derepli-
ments. Among the computer tools that assist metabo- cation of natural products. It remains by far the most
lite identification, four data mining software are for efficient to unambiguously elucidate complex struc-
instance described in a recent review (Hufsky 2014): tures of individual small molecules. With the advent of
MetFusion which uses substructures to assess spectral high field magnets, capillary and cryogenic probes, the
and chemical similarities, ISIS which is based on the lower sensitivity of NMR as compared to MS-based
prediction of fragmentation patterns for spectra com- analytical methods has been progressively counter-
parison, FingerID which compares molecular struc- balanced, and even the structure elucidation of minor
tures after prediction of structural features, and FT– compounds within mixtures becomes possible (Hu

60 Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

et al. 2008). In addition, sophisticated hardware and for 13C and 12 ppm for 1H), what also significantly
software products have been introduced in recent reduces the occurrence of signal overlaps. Here again
years to promote high-throughput NMR analyses, such with the technical improvements of NMR spectrom-
as NMRbot Python scripts (Clos et al. 2013). As eters and the emergence of promising methodologies
described in a recent review, these technical improve- such as dynamic nuclear polarisation, it becomes
ments along with hyphenation possibilities and their possible to acquire 13C spectra of metabolite mixtures
combination with computational treatments is pro- with high resolution, good sensitivity, and in a
gressively bringing NMR to the front of the powerful reasonable time. In fact, an increasing amount of
resources used in natural product dereplication strate- work using 13C NMR for the analysis of natural
gies (Halabalaki et al. 2014). products is emerging (Clendinen et al. 2014; Hubert
It should nevertheless be emphasized that solvent et al. 2014; Yona et al. 2015).
and pH effects induce significant chemical shift Particular attention must also be paid to LC/NMR
variations across samples and are important draw- or LC/SPE/NMR methods, which combine the sepa-
backs of NMR-based methods. These effects can ration performance of liquid chromatography, the
strongly influence the efficiency of natural product concentration effect of SPE, and the structural infor-
dereplication procedures, as demonstrated for instance mation provided by NMR. In the case of LC/SPE/
in a study investigating the molecular structures of NMR, the main advantage is that peak trapping on
caffeoyl quinic acid derivatives (Pauli et al. 1999). The SPE cartridges significantly increases analyte concen-
limited spectral dispersion and the complexity of tration and thus provides access to 2D NMR data in a
signal patterns, particularly in 1H NMR spectra are short time. The use of LC/NMR has rapidly expanded
also a major NMR challenge. In this sense it was over the last years for the dereplication of natural
pointed out in a recent paper that unambiguous 1H products, especially for the direct comparison of
NMR analyses for dereplication purposes require metabolite profiles in small extracts using 1H NMR
adequate precision when reporting chemical shifts or before further investing in more laborious preparative-
H–1H coupling constants from 1H spectra, what is not scale isolation processes. Such strategy greatly helps
so that easy when working with spectra of natural to avoid re-isolation of already known extract con-
product mixtures (Pauli 2014). Diffusion ordered stituents. Several reviews published since the mid
spectroscopy (DOSY) was proposed as an efficient 1990s have detailed LC/NMR technical developments
alternative to simplify interpretation of NMR spectra and their applications in the field of natural product
of natural mixtures (Williamson et al. 2000; Stessman research (Bobzin et al. 2000a, b; Wolfender et al.
et al. 2002). It has been shown for instance that 1D- 2001; Wolfender et al. 2003; Jaroszewski 2005a, b;
DOSY when combined with 1D or 2D NMR exper- Wolfender et al. 2005, 2006; Queiroz 2009; Brkljaca
iments enables the acquisition of full spectral data of and Urban 2011; van der Hooft et al. 2013).
high molecular weight polysaccharides directly from
crude hot water extracts of mushroom species without The crucial role of natural product databases
the need of any purification step (Politi et al. 2006) and computer tools
Although natural organic compounds also contain
carbon atoms, the use of 13C NMR for the analysis of The success of a dereplication procedure to achieve
natural extracts remains largely underutilised, mainly the rapid characterization of known compounds
because the low abundance of the 13C isotope (1 %) greatly depends on the availability and quality of
and its low gyromagnetic ratio (25 % of that of 1H) natural product databases or strain libraries. Many
considerably reduce its detection sensitivity. Yet 13C commercial or public databases of low molecular
NMR presents several strong advantages for the weight metabolites have been developed over the last
analysis of natural mixtures: carbon atoms constitute 20 years (Corley and Durley 1994; Lopez-Perez et al.
a significant part of all organic molecules, and each 2007; Blunt and Munro 2013; Valli et al. 2013). The
C position in a molecular structure corresponds to a more comprehensive databases include the Dictionary
single resonance on a broadband 1H decoupled 13C of Natural Products (DNP) containing over 260,000
NMR spectrum. In addition, the 13C NMR spectral molecular structures, the Dictionary of Marine Natu-
width is significantly higher than that of 1H (220 ppm ral Products containing around 48,000 molecular

Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95 61

structures drawn from marine organisms, the ACD/ tools, preferably organized into databases. The utility
Labs NMR and ACD/Spectrus databases providing of pattern recognition tools for natural product
structural and spectral data of many thousands of dereplication was for instance demonstrated for the
synthetic and natural compounds, the UCSD Natural chemical characterization of a diverse array of marine
Products Database containing a large repository of and terrestrial microbial samples using a MS-based
microorganisms and exosymbionts, the Human Meta- method (Yang et al. 2013a), or for the chemical
bolome Database, Napralert, the NuBBE database characterization of plant extracts using 13C NMR
dedicated to the Brasilian biodiversity, the Uni- combined to hierarchical clustering analysis (Hubert
ProtKB/Swiss-Prot protein sequence database, Knap- et al. 2014).
Sack which is a comprehensive plant species-
metabolite relationship database, and MarinLit, An-
tiMarin, AntiBase or Seaweed Metabolite databases Dereplication and metabolomics: Where to draw
dedicated to marine and/or microbial molecular the line?
structures. This is not to mention all the locally-built
libraries fragmented and scattered in many laborato- Before entering the literature survey, some thought
ries worldwide. There is a crucial need today to should be given to the term ‘‘chemical profiling’’ as
expand and standardize these natural products well as to the obvious connection between dereplica-
databases. tion and ‘‘metabolomics’’. Of course each of these two
A number of studies found in the literature survey terms alone deserves detailed discussion, as their use
were performed with the sole objective of database can be ambigous depending on the context. For the
construction and implementation. Many of them were sake of clarity, we would like to define the meaning of
based on molecular structures, while others were ‘‘chemical profiling’’ within the context of the present
focused on MS fragmentation patterns, bioactivity or review, and also to highlight that a range of
taxonomic data (Fredenhagen et al. 2005; Konishi metabolomic studies are fully associated with natural
et al. 2007; Liu et al. 2008; Overy et al. 2008; Rojas- metabolite dereplication workflows.
Cherto et al. 2012). The term ‘‘chemical profiling’’ will be defined here
In addition to databases, computer tools and in a very broad sense as the systematic detection and/
multivariate statistics have considerably improved or identification and/or quantification of a range of
the automation of analytical data processing and have natural compounds. Depending on the final purpose
substantially contributed to the current enhancement and on the analytical technique available, chemical
of natural product dereplication strategies (Hansen profiling can be performed as a fingerprint analysis or
et al. 2005; Wolf and Siems 2007; Jarussophon et al. as a targeted profile. A fingerprint analysis represents a
2009; Ng et al. 2009; Khosrokhavar et al. 2010; global analysis where all detected metabolites are not
Wolfender et al. 2010a, b; Chlipala et al. 2011; Eugster necessarily identified. In a targeted chemical profiling
et al. 2014; Kokkotou et al. 2014). Strong advances in approach, a predefined number of compounds or a
the area of computer-assisted structure elucidation particular chemical class of compounds is investigated
(CASE) systems, which combine artificial intelligence and the molecular structures are identified.
software with spectroscopic data to automatically Metabolomics, which is defined as the qualitative
generate molecular structures, have also dramatically and quantitative analysis of the whole set of low
accelerated structure elucidation procedures and have molecular weight metabolites present in a biological
improved the reliability of dereplication results (Jas- system (Fiehn 2002; Zhang et al. 2012), also falls
pars 1999; Steinbeck 2004; Elyashberg et al. 2009). within the scope of a chemical profiling. However,
Finally, spectral pattern recognition strategies more specifically, metabolomics is an interdisci-
based on the organization of spectral data according plinary field that combines high resolution analytical
to chemical similarities are also powerful comple- systems, multivariate statistics and data mining tools,
ments to natural product dereplication workflows. In chemical and biological knowledge, and sometimes
this case spectroscopic data of metabolite mixtures are metabolic network modeling in an attempt to under-
required along with spectra obtained from known stand metabolic pathways, gene-function relation-
standards, well-characterized organisms or prediction ships, or states of an organism in response to

62 Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

environmental changes, drug perturbations, phy- dereplication studies would also be useful for the
logeny, genotypic or phenotypic variabilities. Meta- natural product research community.
bolomics workflows are strongly context-dependent
and have been used over the last years in so many
different fields that a range of experimental design Dereplication of natural products: one concept
methodologies have been developed with specific involved in different strategies
lines regarding sample preparation, data analysis or
metabolite identification strategies. To keep it simple, Rapid identification of the major compounds
we will only distinguish ‘‘targeted’’ from ‘‘untar- in a single natural extract regardless of chemical
geted’’ metabolomics studies. Typically, a targeted class (DEREP1)
metabolomic approach is used to analyze a set of
defined metabolites in a sample, while a much more A very common way to perform dereplication of natural
comprehensive ‘‘untargeted’’ metabolomics approach products today is to establish the chemical profile of a
consists of the detection and/or quantification of as single natural resource using a hyphenated analytical
many metabolites as possible without a priori knowl- system and to directly compare the obtained spectro-
edge of metabolite targets. In this latter case, samples scopic data with libraries of natural metabolites. This
and metabolites are generally classified according to dereplication approach will be annotated ‘‘DEREP1’’ in
spectral patterns. In the field of natural product the present review and is illustrated in Fig. 2.
research, both targeted and untargeted metabolomic The starting natural resource is most often frac-
approaches have already demonstrated strong poten- tionated before the analytical step and the dereplica-
tialities, mainly for the quality control of herbal tion procedure can be achieved independently from
medicines, for the determination of chemical markers bioassay experiments. In this way, a global view of the
in plant species, or to assess the correlations between main chemical classes present in a natural species can
bioactivity and composition (Fiehn 2002; Yuliana be easily obtained and theoretically the major known
et al. 2011; Sheridan et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2012; compounds rapidly identified. Among the published
Cox et al. 2014; Seiber et al. 2014). Of course the use works mentioning the term ‘‘dereplication’’ between
of metabolite databases for the identification of the
metabolites was a key aspect of all of these studies,
and although not commented on explicitly, a derepli-
cation process was in fact involved in the metabo-
lomics study every time that a known metabolite was
identified with the help of a database. It must be
mentioned here that in dereplication, metabolite
identification is often only a putative identification.
Several articles have suggested different ways to
evaluate the level of confidence in metabolite identi-
fication (Dunn et al. 2013). For instance the Chemical
Analysis Working Group of the Metabolomics Stan-
dards Initiative (http://msi-workgroups.sourceforge.
net) has defined four different confidence levels,
with level 1 corresponding to confidently identified
compounds by comparing multiple physicochemical
properties of a pure standard to those of the metabolite
of interest, level 2 corresponding to putatively anno-
tated compounds, level 3 corresponding to putatively
annotated compound classes and level 4 correspond-
Fig. 2 DEREP1: an untargeted dereplication workflow aiming
ing to unknown compounds (Sumner et al. 2007; at the rapid identification of the major known compounds
Creek et al. 2014). Implementation of such levels in whatever their chemical class in a single natural sample

Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95 63

1990 and 2014, 50 studies summarized in Table 2 called bioactivity-guided fractionation procedures, in
were based on a DEREP1 workflow (16 % of the total which pharmacological or biological assays are per-
examined articles). More than two-thirds of these formed to target the isolation of active constituents.
studies were carried out on plant extracts, while a They were initially developed to avoid wasting time
minority delt with marine sponges, brown algae and and resources in considering inactive, thus arbitrarily
cyanobacteria extracts. This distribution is logical implying ‘‘uninteresting’’ compounds, and focusing
considering that databases containing spectroscopic only on the fractions or metabolites with a predefined
data of plant-derived metabolites are substantially biological activity (Agarwal et al. 2014). Once frac-
more developed than those related to less explored tions obtained from a crude extract have been revealed
marine or microbial species. The analytical tools active by biological assays, classical separation and
involved in these studies were mainly based on high analytical techniques are applied to isolate and
resolution LC/MS or NMR, and molecular structure identify the individual active substances (Duarte
assignments were usually performed by directly et al. 2012; Smyth et al. 2012a, b). Such procedures
entering spectral data (exact mass or molecular are currently very common in natural product
formula in MS, chemical shifts in NMR, UV spectra research, and a range of chemical, enzymatic, and
or log P-based estimation of the chromatographic in vitro biological tests (antioxidant, antimicrobial,
retention time in LC/DAD) into a database for antifungal, anti-inflammatory…) are routinely avail-
automatic search. In several studies the strength of able in many laboratories (Hostettmann et al. 2001;
the procedure was reinforced by combining the Cos et al. 2006).
analytical step with computational treatments in order However, the identification of new compounds by
to detect spectral patterns before searching molecular bioactivity-guided fractionation procedures requires a
structures into metabolite databases (Boudreau et al. multi-step workflow, and often a great deal of work is
2012; Hubert et al. 2014). done to purify the bioactive fractions and finally
It can also be noted from Table 2 that, even if discover previously known compounds (Agarwal et al.
flavonoids and phenolic acids remain by far the most 2014). Consequently, dereplication also constitutes a
investigated compounds, a diversity of other chemical key approach to overcome this frequent issue of
classes including anthrones, iridoids, terpenoids or known compound rediscovery in bioactivity-guided
fatty acids have also been successfully identified in fractionation procedures.
these DEREP1 studies. Another advantage is that In the literature survey, 52 studies (17 % of the total
although dereplication does not provide original examined articles) were dedicated to the identification
information on novel chemical structures, previously of natural metabolites on the basis of bioactivity-
known compounds can still be identified in genus or guided fractionation procedures. These approaches
species in which they are not a priori expected. For will be annotated DEREP2 in the present paper. It is
instance, flavonoid glycosides already known in a obvious that DEREP1 and DEREP2 workflows are not
range of plant species were identified for the first time that different, except that DEREP2 ones are system-
in the genus Lasiopetolum by using a LC/NMR-based atically focused on active natural samples as deter-
DEREP1 procedure (Timmers and Urban 2011). Of mined by biological assays. These studies are
course, the efficiency of such dereplication approach summarized in Table 3 and their common global
strongly depends on the quality of spectral libraries. workflow is illustrated in Fig. 3.
As mentioned above, significant efforts are currently Among these studies, a vast majority was again
being to develop and especially to standardize com- focused on plant extracts and a minority on marine and
prehensive databases containing structures and spec- microbial extracts. In some cases, dereplication was
troscopic data (MS or NMR) of natural products. performed at an early stage in an attempt to rapidly
distinguish known constituents from those presenting
Dereplication workflows involved in bioactivity- novel or unusual spectroscopic features before under-
guided fractionation procedures (DEREP2) going multi-step isolation procedures. From an ana-
lytical point of view, DEREP2 workflows are most
A widely used strategy in the search for new bioactive often based on LC/MSn and/or NMR to analyze
molecules among natural products consists of the so- biologically active fractions obtained after the pre-

64 Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

Table 2 Dereplication strategies published from 1990 to 2014 using a DEREP1 workflow (from oldest to most recent)
Identified chemical classes and natural sources Analytical technique References

Representative set of 46 plant and microbe- ESI–MS, API-MS Zhou and Hamburger (1996)
derived metabolites
An alkaloid and a sesquiterpene previously NMR, computer-assisted Bradshaw et al. (2001)
purified identification using the DNP
Three pentaketides and four fungal pigments 1D and 2D NMR Gautschi et al. (2004)
from a deep water marine-derived fungal
Ent-labdane diterpene glycosides from polar LC/MS, LC/MS2, LC/UV, LC/ Waridel et al. (2004)
extracts of Potamogeton species NMR
Enantiomeric 1-acetoxychavicol acetates and Chiral Lanthanide shift reagents in Jaki et al. (2004)
carvones NMR
Flavonol glycosides and cardenolides from LC/DAD/SPE/NMR Clarkson et al. (2005)
flower, leaf, root, and stem extracts of Kanahia
Aspirochlorine and two new antifungal LC/UV/ELSD/MS, NMR Klausmeyer et al. (2005)
derivatives from Aspergillus flavus
Cyclic peptides from a crude fungal extract LC/UV, HSCCC Dalsgaard et al. (2005)
Senkyunolide A, butylphthalide, neocnidilide, LC/UV, LC/MS, LC/NMR Zschocke et al. (2005)
Z-ligustilide and several phthalide dimers from
the TCM Ligusticum chuanxiong
Ursene triterpenes from Diospyros dendo with Capillary-scale NMR Hu et al. (2006a, b)
antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas
Panel of 179 natural standard molecules H and 13C NMR Dunkel and Wu (2007)
Huperzine A and a Lycopodium anti-Alzheimer H NMR, spectral prediction Niemitz et al. (2007)
drug lead alkaloid
Naphtodianthrones, phloroglucinols, flavonoids LC/DAD/SPE/NMR, LC/UV/ESI– Tatsis et al. (2007)
and phenolic acids from Greek Hypericum MS
Several bioactive compound from the Chinese LC/DAD/MS, computer-assisted Liu et al. (2008)
herbal formula Qi-Xue-Bing-Zhi data processing (WiseProcessor)
and library
Flavonoids, sesquiterpene lactones and phenolic LC/DAD/MS and MS2 Gobbo-Neto and Lopes (2008)
acids from Brasilian Lychnophora ericoides
Pentaprenylated p-quinol from an antitumour LC/MS, LC/NMR Dias and Urban (2009)
extract of the marine sponge Dactylospongia
Bastadins, 19-Hydroxyaraplysillin-I-N20- FTICR/MS, MSn Motti et al. (2009)
Sulfamate and Araplysillin-I-N20-sulfamate
from the marine sponge Lanthella
Oxy-polyhalogenated diphenyl ethers from NMR, X-ray crystal Calcul et al. (2009)
Dysidea sponges
Potent antiplasmodial quinolinone alkaloids LC/DAD/MS/SPE/NMR Staerk et al. (2009)
from Haplophyllum acutifolium
Fatty acids from the antifouling marine sponge TLC, GC/MS, NMR Castellanos et al. (2010)
Cholla delitrix
Chlorinated cylindrocyclophanes from a Nostoc LC/UV/MS Chlipala et al. (2010)
cyanobacteria collected in a parkway of
Chicago with antiproliferative activity

Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95 65

Table 2 continued
Identified chemical classes and natural sources Analytical technique References

Five cyclic tetrapyrrolic photosensitisers from TLC, LC Tan et al. (2011)

Phaeanthus ophtalmicus leaves
Spiro compounds and tracheloside from HPLC/DAD/MS/SPE/NMR Johansen et al. (2011)
Carthamus oxyacantha
719 microbial natural product and mycotoxin LC/DAD/TOF–MS, MS/MS under Nielsen et al. (2011)
standards different ion-source settings
Linear polyketides and tubercidin from 1D and 2D NMR Zhao et al. (2011)
Actinopolyspora erythraea
Quantification of structurally diverse standard ELSD Adnani et al. (2012)
natural products
Tiliroside derivatives (on-line) and flavanoid On-line LC/NMR, off-line LC, Timmers and Urban (2011, 2012)
glycosides (off-line) from Lasiopetolum NMR, MS
Alkaloids, amides or esters of hydroxycinnamic LC/MS Nikolic et al. (2012)
acid and betain from Cimicifuga racemosa
(black cohosh)
Phenolic allopyranosides, amide allopyranosides, LC/NMR, LC/MS Yim et al. (2012)
and phenolic compounds from the rhizomes of
Cimicifuga heracleifolia
Stem-specific metabolites including three HPTLC/MS Cakova et al. (2012)
stilbenoids from Vanda
coerulea (Orchidaceae)
Beilschmiedic acid derivatives from the leaves of Micro-CryoProbe NMR Williams et al. (2012a, b)
a Gabonese Beilschmiedia species
Hectochlorin derivatives and several MS2 Boudreau et al. (2012)
jamacamides from the cyanobacteria Moorea
Iridoid and triterpenoid glycosides from Premna LC/DAD/MS Niu et al. (2013)
fulva leaves and stems
Phenolic glycosides, dimeric phenylpropanoid LC/DAD/MS, NMR Abbet et al. (2013)
glucoside, saponins, and fatty acids from
Phyteuma orbiculare leaves
Two known naphthocoumarins and one new HPLC–PDA/LC–MS combined to Jain et al. (2013)
naphthocoumarin from Streptomyces DNP, 2D NMR
Resorcinol and two polyene derivatives from the LC/NMR Urban and Timmers (2013)
brown algae Cystophora tondosa
Spiro compounds from Carthamus oxyacantha LC/NMR Johansen et al. (2013)
(wild safflower) and griseofulvin and
analogues from the endophytic fungus
Penicillum namyslowski
Leporizines from an Aspergillus sp. strain NMR Reategui et al. (2013)
Phenolic glycosides, monoterpene lactone, LC/DAD/MS, microprobe NMR Abbet et al. (2014)
spermine derivatives and fatty acids from
Cirsium spinosissimum
Isomeric butanoates and pentanoates of long- GC/MS Radulovic et al. (2014)
chain 1-alkanols from the essential oil of
Scandix pecten-veneris
Triterpenes, saponins, phenolic acids, flavonoids C NMR, HCA Hubert et al. (2014)
and ellagic acid derivatives from the bark of
Anogeissus leiocarpus

66 Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

Table 2 continued
Identified chemical classes and natural sources Analytical technique References

Polyketides, non-ribosomal peptides, terpenes, LC/DAD/QToF–MS, MS/MS Kildgaard et al. (2014)

meroterpenoids and four novel isomers of the
known anticancer compound asperphenamate,
from marine-derived strains of Aspergillus,
Penicillium, and Emericellopsis
Hydroxylated fatty acids, antimycin compounds LC/MS Viegelmann et al. (2014)
and three butenolides from a sponge-derived
Streptomyces sp. with antibacterial and
antifungal activities
Indole and naphthoquinone derivatives from a MS, NMR Jansen et al. (2014)
novel myxobacterial strain isolated from
compost in Germany
Diplosporin, coriloxin, mellein and agistatine LC/MS Ibrahim et al. (2014)
derivatives from a Xylaria sp. isolated as an
endophyte from a surface-sterilized Concord
grape leaf (Vitis labrusca)
Dioxomorpholine, okaramine, and aflavinine LC/DAD/MS, NMR Petersen et al. (2014)
derivatives and three novel structures of mixed
biosynthetic origin named aculenes A-C from
the black filamentous fungi Aspergillus
Four macrotetrolides homologous to nonactin MS, LC/MS2 Crevelin et al. (2014)
and three related linear dimers from
Streptomyces sp.
Six major depsides from the lichen Pseudevernia C NMR, HCA Oettl et al. (2014)
Ten known compounds, including angucycline, NMR Dashti et al. (2014)
diketopiperazine and b-carboline and three
novel derivatives produced in the culture
medium of Actinokineospora sp. EG49 grown
in co-culture with Nocardiopsis sp.

fractionation of the crude extract. As described in procedures to rapidly set aside undesired constituents.
Table 3, the resulting molecular masses, fragmenta- For instance, the dereplication of sulphated polysac-
tion patterns or NMR chemical shifts are then charides was achieved in two studies investigating
compared to data from the literature or submitted to new potent anti-HIV compounds, because many of
commercially available or in-house natural product them were already extensively described in the
databases for the identification of known compounds. literature as having an anti-HIV activity and thus
Analytical data that does not correlate with any known were not considered as interesting compounds (Beut-
compound thus theoretically corresponds to novel ler et al. 1993; Harnett et al. 2005). In this way, the
molecules that can be further investigated and ulti- tedious isolation of undesired constituents could be
mately find application as new active substance. For avoided, so that isolation, structure determination, and
example, this strategy was thoroughly described in a pharmacological investigations could be carried out
study investigating antibacterial substances in the only on bioactive and novel compounds.
leaves of Melicope vitiflora by using an in vitro It must be pointed out that most bioactivity-guided
biological assay in combination with a MS-based fractionation procedures are based on the theory that
dereplication method (O’Donnell et al. 2009). More the activity shown by a mixture of metabolites results
indirectly, dereplication was also reported useful when directly from the sum of activities of individual
combined with bioactivity-guided fractionation metabolites. However, it is becoming evident that

Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95 67

Table 3 Dereplication strategies published from 1990 to 2014 using a DEREP2 workflow (from oldest to most recent)
Natural materials Biological assays Compounds identified Analytical References

Lyngbya majuscula Phorbol dibutyrate (PDBu) Debromoaplysiatoxin in Lyngbya HPLC/UV Beutler et al.
(filamentous receptor binding assay majuscula and a complex of (1990)
cyanobacteria) and potent phorbol esters in Croton
Croton cuneatus cuneatus
Marine invertebrates HIV inhibition test Sulphated polysaccharides (for Precipitation Beutler et al.
removal) method (1993)
Thevetia ahouia Cytotoxicity against a panel of Cardenolide glycosides UV, IR, MS, Decosterd et al.
(wood) human cancer cell lines NMR (1994)
Marine sponge In vitro radioreceptor binding Agelasines NMR deVries et al.
Agelas axifera assay on protein kinase C (1997)
Azadirachta excels Cytotoxicity against KB cell lines Meliacin-type limonoids LC/ESI–MS Cui et al.
(stem bark) (1998)
Semecarpus Cytotoxicity against a panel of Alkenyl catechols HPLC/ESI–MS Shin et al.
anacardium human cancer cell lines (1999)
Five crude plant Radioligand Receptor Binding Galanthamine, theobromine, CPC, TLC Ingkaninan
extracts Assays; AChE Inhibitory caffeine, fatty acids, phenolic et al. (2000)
Activity; in vitro anti-asthmatic acids and flavonoids
Acnistus arborescens Cytotoxicity against a panel of Withanolides NMR, MS Minguzzi et al.
(leaves) human cancer cell lines (2002)
Kielmeyera Cytotoxicity against KB cell lines Coumarins LC/MS Scio et al.
albopunctata (bark) (2003)
Plant extract spiked Continuous-flow enzymatic assay Phosphodiesterase (PDE) LC/fluorescence Schenk et al.
with 2 naturally inhibitors (2003a, b)
occurring PDE
Artocarpus kemando Cytotoxicity against KB cell lines Prenylated flavonoids HPLC/ESI–MS Seo et al.
(stem bark) and DNA strand-scission (2003)
Plant extract spiked Continuous-flow enzymatic assay Phosphatase inhibitors LC/MS Schenk et al.
with tetramisole (on-line) (2003a, b)
In vitro marine Antifungal activity against Griseofulvin ESI-IT/MS and Petit et al.
culture of the strain Candida albicans MSn (2004)
waksmanii Zaleski
Humulus lupulus Antimycobacterial activity against Fatty acids NMR, GC/MS Stavri et al.
Mycobacterium fortuitum (2004)
Macrococculus Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition test Dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans NMR, MS Su et al. (2004)
pomiferus (stems) and seven known compounds
Punica granatum Estrogen receptor binding assay Luteolin, quercetin and LC/MS (on- van Elswijk
(peel) kaempferol line) et al. (2004)
Sutherlandia HIV inhibition test Sulphated polysaccharides (for Precipitation Harnett et al.
frutescens and removal) method (2005)
Antibacterial lead Live/Dead bacterial viability kit Nine known antibiotics and 14 Fluorescence Singh (2006)
compounds containing two fluorescent novel lead compounds microscopy
nucleic acid stains

68 Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

Table 3 continued
Natural materials Biological assays Compounds identified Analytical References

Cleistopholis patens Antibacterial activity against Three new and five known Capillary-scale Hu et al.
Staphylococcus aureus acetylated oligorhamnosides NMR, ESI– (2006a, b)
Six Terminalia In vitro antifungal activity (C. Non-polar antifungal compounds Bioautography Masoko and
species albicans, C. neoformans, A. Eloff (2005)
fumigatus, M. canis and S.
Dracaena Anti-mycobacterial test Three compounds (ergosterol-5,8- TLC Case et al.
angustifolia endoperoxide, linoleic acid and (2007)
(leaves) E-phytol)
Alangium longiflorum Inhibition of transcriptional Tubulosine and two derivatives NMR Klausmeyer
activation pathway in human et al. (2008)
cancer cell lines
Ophiorrhiza Inhibition of transcriptional Camptothecin and three analogues LC Klausmeyer
trichocarpon activation pathway in human et al. (2007)
cancer cell lines
Parthenium hispitum Inhibitory activity against Five new and four known LC, capillary- Hu et al. (2007)
hepatitis C virus oxygenated hydroxy- scale NMR
Petiveria alliacea Cytotoxicity against several tumor 13 possible known compounds LC/MALDI- Uruena et al.
cell lines TOF–MS (2008)
Distephanus In vitro antiplasmodial assay Chlorogenic acid analogs, steroid HPLC/DAD/ Pedersen et al.
angulifolius saponins and sesquiterpene MS, SPE/ (2009)
lactones NMR
Albany Molecular In vitro activity against multi-drug Mutactimycin E NMR Hopp et al.
Research Inc. resistant Staphylococcus aureus (2008)
(AMRI) natural and counter screening for
product library cytotoxicity against the human
HepG2 cell line
Melicope vitiflora Antibacterial activity against 12 known compounds TLC/ESI–MSn O’Donnell et al.
methicillin-resistant- (2009)
Staphylococcus aureus and
Micrococcus luteus
Cimicifuga racemosa Serotonergic activity using a Cimicifugic acids NMR Goedecke et al.
5-HT(7) bioassay (structure- (2009)
based spin-
Myxobacterial Bacterial bioassay based on a Inthomycin A TLC, LC/MS, Kreiss et al.
extracts whole-cell bioluminescent LC/NMR (2010)
reporter gene assay
Aegle marmelos Inhibition of transcriptional Two protolimonoids NMR Li et al. (2011)
(Bael tree) activation pathway in a human
breast tumor cell lines
Cacospongia Cytoskeletal profiling, Twelve known and four new LC/MS/UV/ Johnson et al.
mycofijiensis cytotoxicity and antiparasitic compounds ELSD (2011)
(marine sponge) activity
Syzygium polyanthum Photocytotoxicity Two new phloroglucinol Data not found Har et al.
leaves derivatives and five known (2012)

Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95 69

Table 3 continued
Natural materials Biological assays Compounds identified Analytical References

Medicinal plants In vivo zebrafish bioassays Anticonvulsant and Microflow Challal et al.
applied on microfractions antiangiogenic compounds NMR, (2012)
Diospyros peregrina 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl Luteoline-40 -methyl-ether-7-O- TLC- Sahu et al.
fruits (DPPH) radical scavenging glucoside and quercetin-3-O- bioautography (2012)
assay (glucosyl)- glucoside
Ficus coronata Antibacterial activity against Skimmianine, HPLC–ESI– Smyth et al.
methicillin-resistant- 7-hydroxycoumarin, MSn and ESI– (2012a, b)
Staphylococcus aureus and dihydrocoumarin, bergapten, MSn
Micrococcus luteus chalepin, rutamarin, suberenol
Marine-derived Cytotoxicity One unknown and one known microprobe Mahyudin et al.
Streptomyces sp. compounds NMR, ESI- (2012)
culture MS
Elaeocarpus Cytotoxicity against a human Epoxycucurbitacin derivatives LC/MS Pan et al.
chinensis colon cancer cell line and cucurbitacins (2012)
Seven most active In vitro bioactivity towards Ophiobolins LC/DAD/MS, Bladt et al.
among 289 fungal leukemia cells explorative (2012, 2013)
extracts SPE
Tanacetum In vitro membrane permeability Corydaline, Vincamajine, 11,13- NMR, LC/MS Konczol et al.
parthenium, Vinca assay for the blood brain barrier dihydroparthenolide, (2013)
major, Salvia tetrahydropalmatine, majdine,
officinalis, and parthenolide, methyl carnosate,
Corydalis cava epiisorosmanol
Aglaia perviridis Cytotoxicity against a human Eight new compounds, and 16 LC/MS Pan et al.
colon cancer cell line known compounds (2013)
Vulcanodinium Cytotoxicity test against Neuro2A Nakijiquinone A, N-carboxy- MS Geiger et al.
rugosum and KB cell lines methyl-smenospongine and (2013)
(dinoflagellate) stachybotrin A
Carteriospongia sp. Antiproliferative activity against Homoscalarane-derived UV, IR, NMR Harinantenaina
and another similar three cancer cell lines sesterterpenes et al. (2013)
Lipophilic extracts In vitro anti-malaria and Polyketides, lipids, LC/MS, NMR Calcul et al.
from Chinese cytotoxicity diaporthochromones, (2013)
mangrove mycotoxins lipids
Culture extract of In vitro antimicrobial activity Benzoic acid derivative TLC, LC/DAD/ Rakshith et al.
Xylaria sp., an against human and MS (2013)
endophytic fungus phytopathogenic bacteria and
from Ficus pumila fungi
Premna odorata In vitro antimycobacterial test 1-heneicosyl formate, b-sitosterol, GC/MS Lirio et al.
leaves stigmasterol and diosmetin (2014)
Three active plant In vitro anti-fungal activity Betulinic acid MS, NMR Bertrand et al.
extracts from against Candida albicans (2014)
French Polynesia
Premna odorata In vitro antimycobacterial activity 1-heneicosyl formate, p-sitosterol, GC/MS, NMR Lirio et al.
Blanco leaves (from stigmasterol and diosmetin (2014)

70 Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

Table 3 continued
Natural materials Biological assays Compounds identified Analytical References

Eriodictyon In vitro ependymoma cell line Flavonoids and diterpenoids LC/MS/ELSD/ Yang et al.
angustifolium and bioassay DAD database (2014)
Thuja occidentalis
Piptocoma antillana In vitro antiproliferative test Two novel goyazensolide-type MS, NMR Liu et al.
leaves and twigs against ovarian cancer cells and and two known sesquiterpene (2014)
antiparasitic assay against lactones
Plasmodium falciparum
Trigonella foenum- In vitro SIRT6 (histone Orientin and seventeen other LC/MS Singh et al.
graecum seed deacetylase involved in age- compounds (2014)
extract associated metabolic disorders)
binding test

Fig. 3 DEREP2: A
dereplication workflow for
the acceleration of
fractionation procedures

the biological effects of a natural extract most likely discovery of novel bioactive molecules among natural
result from a multi-component synergism (Pavana products are thus progressively re-evaluated to con-
et al. 2009; Wagner 2011; Yuliana et al. 2013). sider more than one active constituent within natural
Another limitation reported for bioactivity-guided resources (Wang et al. 2012).
fractionation is the irrelevance of most in vitro
bioassays as compared to in vivo or clinical conditions Dereplication procedures directly applied to crude
regarding the efficacy and bioavailability of the extract collections (DEREP3)
samples under examination (Houghton et al. 2007).
Potentially interesting compounds may also be missed The ability to directly identify molecular structures
just because they are not active on the selected within crude extracts of natural products has become a
biological assays. Research strategies for the critical step, either to cope with potent synergistic

Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95 71

effects between constituents during biological evalu- known lanosol (2,3-dibromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl

ation, or even just to ensure that the material under alcohol) and four of its derivatives.
examination presents an interest before going further A range of untargeted metabolomic studies fit
with fractionation or purification steps. Here again, at perfectly with DEREP3 strategies and provide inter-
the earliest stage of natural resource analysis, derepli- esting perspectives especially in the chemical profiling
cation strategies have proved their value. It is obvious of underexplored marine or microbial extracts. Inves-
that the quick identification of known compounds tigation of marine species and microbes are indeed
directly in crude extracts is very ambitious because of developing at an exponential rate, mainly based on
the highly complex mixtures of non-fractionated phylogenetic analyses for drug lead discovery, but the
samples. However, with the recent analytical vast array of available species and strains together
advances, mainly in terms of resolution improvement with their unusual metabolite profiles as compared to
and hyphenation capabilities, a range of efficient plant species make it difficult to evaluate their
analytical systems are available today for the detailed metabolite composition (Rocha-Martin et al. 2014).
analysis of complex mixtures (Funari et al. 2013; It was reported in 2012 that the investigation of
Michel et al. 2013; Carter 2014; Halabalaki et al. filamentous fungi for anticancer drug leads resulted in
2014). We will note as ‘‘DEREP3’’ all studies the isolation and characterization of only 140 com-
(n = 50, 16 % of the total examined articles) found pounds over the four previous years, and that only
in the literature survey in which natural product 30 % of these represented new chemical entities (El-
dereplication consisted of the direct analysis of crude Elimat et al. 2012). Dereplication of microbial culture
extract collections, either in combination with bioas- collections using DEREP3-based metabolomic proce-
says or not, but in all cases without fractionation or dures can therefore be helpful to classify strain
isolation of individual constituents. These studies are collections via a chemotyping approach. Moreover,
summarized in Table 4 and their workflow is illus- DEREP3-based strategies should accelerate the eval-
trated in Fig. 4. uation of metabolite diversity, mainly by avoiding
It emerged from the literature survey that different redundancy in the identification of metabolites pro-
objectives could be reached by means of DEREP3- duced by the species under examination and by
based workflows. Many of them aimed at the chemical maximizing microbial natural product libraries that
profiling of crude extract collections by using pattern can be generated from collections of microorganisms
recognition tools or statistical treatments in an attempt (Berdy 2005; Larsen et al. 2005; Silver 2006; Liu et al.
to facilitate the visualization of either known or 2012; Tawfike 2013; Ito and Masubuchi 2014). The
unusual spectroscopic features. In this way a substan- direct analysis of fungi directly in fermentation
tial amount of time can be saved by focusing only on extracts using LC/MS, pattern recognition tools and
novel substances. It was reported that a hierarchical databases was reported in several papers as an efficient
clustering analysis of GC/MS data obtained from 500 alternative to discover novel molecules with unknown
bacterial isolates allowed the selection of samples with activities (Martin et al. 2012; El-Elimat et al. 2013). In
a high probability of containing unknown natural another example, a metabolomic approach combining
products while avoiding the unnecessary analysis of HR-FTMS and NMR spectral data to PCA, HCA and
samples of similar composition (Boroczky et al. OPLS-DA statistical treatments was used for the
2006). In another interesting study, a collection of 30 dereplication of metabolites in antitrypanosomally
New Zealand algae extracts were analyzed by a 2D active sponge-associated bacterium Actinokineospora
NMR method based on the addition of HSQC spectra sp. obtained from four different fermentation condi-
to construct a ‘‘stacked HSQC digital mask’’ display- tions, the main objective being to identify the best
ing strong similarities between spectra as intense culture one-strain-many-compounds condition for the
peaks (Popplewell and Northcote 2009). In order to isolation of novel bioactive metabolites (Abdel-
enhance the unique signals present, implying poten- mohsen 2014).
tially novel compounds, the mask was substracted Other interesting studies performing ‘‘co-cultures’’
from each individual HSQC spectrum. In this way a of microorganisms to enhance the diversity of
new bromophenol, colensolide A, was isolated from metabolite production via the activation of silent
the red algae Osmundaria colensoi together with the genes have followed a DEREP3 workflow to rapidly

72 Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

Table 4 Dereplication strategies published from 1990 to 2014 using a DEREP3 workflow (from oldest to most recent)
Natural sources and strategy Goal References

Screening of a collection of 116 marine Extract prioritization Antonio and Molinski (1993)
sponges, ascidians, and cnidarians for their
antifungal activity against Candida
Screening of a collection of aqueous extracts Extract prioritization Cardellina et al. (1993)
of terrestrial plants, cyanobacteria, and
marine invertebrates for their AIDS-
antiviral activity
Screening of 38,000 extracts from plants and Early identification and elimination of Ramakrishna et al. (1999)
microorganisms for antibacterial activity. known compounds
Four promising extracts were retained after
chemical dereplication
LC/MS analysis of a plant extract library Acceleration of bioactive compound Schobel et al. (2001)
combined on-line to an estrogen receptor characterization
binding assay
Curie-point pyrolysis MS and numerical Taxonomic classification Colquhoun et al. (2000)
taxonomic analysis of 44 deep-sea
Rhodococci, clustering according to PyMS
fingerprints and comparison with
conventional microbial systematic
Single quadrupole LC/MS discrimination of Early identification and elimination of Gilbert et al. (2003)
novel from known compounds in crude known compounds
biologically active extracts
Screening of fungal metabolites and Early identification and elimination of Nielsen and Smedsgaard (2003)
mycotoxins in cultured extracts using a LC/ known compounds
UV/MS micro-scale method and a MS-
Screening of 16 Penicillium species grown in Evaluation of strain chemical diversity Nielsen et al. (2004)
different matrixes, and evaluation of
produced metabolites via a chemo-diversity
Use of the ChemGPS database for a set of Investigation of correlations between Larsson et al. (2005)
natural products exhibiting structural features and bioactivity
cyclooxygenase-1 and/or -2 (COX-1/2)
Screening of 456 bacterial isolates from Rapid selection of strains representing Dieckmann et al. (2005)
marine sponges by using Intact-Cell rare species for subsequent chemical
MALDI-TOF–MS and proteometric characterization
clustering of the strains into 11 groups
corresponding to particular species
Analysis of four different collections of the Search for anticancer compounds Dijoux et al. (2005)
sponge genus Zyzzya and comparative
testing of these compounds in the National
Cancer Institute’s 60 human tumor cell
Analysis of 500 bacterial isolates by GC/MS Early identification of known compounds Boroczky et al. (2006)
combined to HCA
Development of a simple method for high- Removal of promiscuous inhibitors and Appleton et al. (2007)
throughput prefractionation of crude interference compounds during enzyme/
extracts protein-based assays

Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95 73

Table 4 continued
Natural sources and strategy Goal References

MALDI-TOF-imaging of intact marine Characterization of the spatial distribution Esquenazi et al. (2008)
cyanobacteria (Lyngbya majuscula 3L and of natural products
JHB, Oscillatoria nigro-viridis, Lyngbya
bouillonii, and Phormidium species) and
Analysis of myxobacterial metabolites in Investigation of potentially novel natural Krug et al. (2008)
nine Myxococcus species using LC/ESI- products, prioritization of candidates
TOF combined to PCA
Chemical profiling of fungal or bacterial Demonstration of the discriminating Lang et al. (2008)
extracts using an HPLC bioactivity power of H-1 NMR as a dereplication
profiling/microtiter plate technique in tool
conjunction with capillary probe NMR
instrumentation and databases
Rapid determination of log P using UHPLC Implementation of dereplication database Eugster et al. (2009)
profiling gradients on a representative for crude plant extract profiling studies
library of natural products and investigation
of the relations log P– log k at different pH
and UHPLC conditions
Monitoring of different substrate utilization, Microbial drug discovery, dereplication Singh (2009)
growth, secondary metabolite and of fungi and differentiation of closely
antimicrobial profiles of some common related variants within one species
filamentous fungal cultures using the
Biolog FF MicroPlate, LC/MS and
antimicrobial assays
Screening of aqueous and ethanol extracts of Removal of non-specific undesired Klos et al. (2009)
5 South African medicinal plants for tannins and polysaccharides
activity against HIV
NMR analysis of 30 New Zealand marine Extract prioritization Popplewell and Northcote (2009)
algal extracts, addition of all HSQC spectra
to construct a ‘‘stacked HSQC digital
mask’’ and substraction of this mask from
each individual HSQC spectrum to enhance
the unique signals
Metabolomic analysis of crude extracts Identification of novel microbial Crevelin et al. (2010)
obtained from actinomycetes in differents metabolites
cultivation medium by direct infusion MS
and LC/MS
Monitoring of aerial spore mass, pigment Bioprospection and ecological study Antony-Babu et al. (2010)
colours formed on oatmeal agar and
capacity to produce melanin pigments of a
range of alkaliphilic Streptomycetes
isolated from a beach and dune sand
system. Computer-assisted method for
colour-grouping and comparison to PCR-
LC/DAD/MS and NMR analysis of active Understanding molecular relationships on Castro-Gamboa et al. (2010)
crude extracts from Abarema dynamic natural matrixes
lusoria and Calea pinnatifida and
comparison with in silico databases
Explorative solid-phase extraction and ion- Extract prioritization, mapping of Mansson et al. (2010)
exchange chromatography for the chemical biological activities
profiling of microbial extracts

74 Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

Table 4 continued
Natural sources and strategy Goal References

Chemical screening of thirteen antibiotics Identification of novel potent antibiotics Kamenik et al. (2010)
and four cultivation broths by LC/DAD and among microbial metabolites
fingerprint analysis based on polarity, UV
spectra and acid–base properties
High-throughput LC/MS analysis of 16 025 Investigation of extract chemical diversity Ito et al. (2011)
microbial extracts, binning by nominal
mass and retention time, data visualization
by scattered plots and elimination of the
ubiquitous peaks to focus on unique
Analysis of 249 unidentified bacterial isolates Comparison of the taxonomic resolution Ghyselinck et al. (2011)
retrieved from the rhizosphere of potato obtained by different techniques for a
plants using MALDI-TOF MS, repetitive broad diversity of bacteria
PCR or 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis
and cluster analysis of the profiles obtained
from the different techniques
Analysis of fungal secondary metabolites in Search for novel potent anticancer El-Elimat et al. (2012)
culture extracts using LC/DAD/MS with compounds before engaging in isolation
MS/MS spectral database process
Metabolomic analysis of marine-derived Strain prioritization in a drug discovery Hou et al. (2012)
bacterial natural products using LC/MS program
with PCA
Molecular virtual design using NMR analysis Exploring Brazilian biodiversity Castro-Gamboa et al. (2012)
of highly active crude extracts from
Cerrado and Atlantic Rainforest specimens
and endophytic fungi and microorganisms
derived from specific rizhosphere habitats
Chemical profiling of Thymus Investigation of extract chemical diversity Pieri et al. (2009, 2012)
vulgaris extracts using LC/SPE/NMR and
PCA to determine the discriminating
Chemical profiling of 15 extracts of various Early identification of known compounds Eugster et al. (2011), Funari et al.
organs of six Lippia species using LC/ (2012a, b)
DAD/TOF–MS, MS spectral databases and
HCA to highlight discriminating
metabolites among species
Chemical profiling of 15 extracts of six Early identification of known compounds Funari et al. (2012a, b)
Lippia species by LC/DAD, comparison
with standard compounds and PCA
Investigation of eight marine-derived Identification of novel potent bioactive Vansteelandt et al. (2012)
Furcatum and Penicillium strains grown on compounds
six different culture media using LC/DAD/
Screening of non bioactive fungal extracts Discovery of novel molecules with Martin et al. (2012)
fermented in 8-medium nutritional arrays unknown activities
using LC/MS combined to an in-house
Chemical profiling of 22 phenolic extracts of Rapid identification of bioactive Roldan et al. (2013)
extra virgin olive oil using LC/MS and compounds directly within crude
in vitro cytotoxicity bioassay. Correlation extracts
analysis between the activity and LC/MS
data and development of a model to predict
the activity with further new samples

Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95 75

Table 4 continued
Natural sources and strategy Goal References

Metabolomic analysis of Streptomyces Discrimination of microbial strains and Forner et al. (2013)
isolated from geographically varied identification of novel compounds
environments using LC/MS combined to
bucketing and presence-absence
standardization strategy, PCA and HCA
Dereplication of Penicillium strain extracts Assessment of toxigenic risks associated Geiger et al. (2013)
grown on various media using HPLC–UV/ to fungal strains
LC–MS-based metabolomic analysis of pure Identification of novel metabolites Bertrand et al. (2013a, b)
strain cultures and co-cultures of induced by fungal interaction
Trichophyton rubrum and Bionectria
Metabolomic analysis of 600 fungal co- Identification of novel metabolites Bertrand et al. (2013a, b)
cultures in solid media using UHPLC– induced by fungal interaction
TOF–MS, statistical comparison with the
metabolite profiles obtained from mono-
Screening of filamentous fungi cultured Early elimination of extracts containing El-Elimat et al. (2013)
extracts for the discovery of anticancer drug known compounds
using LC/DAD/MS and MS/MS
Chemical profiling of 22 African propolis Rapid identification of discriminating Zhang et al. (2014)
samples using LC/UV/ELSD, LC/MS, GC/ metabolites
MS, LC/DAD/MS2, heat mapping LC–UV
and ELSD data, PCA and exact mass search
in the DNP
Morphological and chemical characterization Chemical investigation of Fusarium Short et al. (2013)
of Fusarium keratoplasticum sp. and species
Fusarium petroliphilum
Characterization of the pigment profiles of Taxa discrimination and identification of Stafsnes et al. (2013)
400 bacterial isolates using MALDI-TOF– novel carotenoids with UVA-Blue light
MS dendrograms absorbing properties
Screening of a library of 3120 natural Biological screening of novel potent Wong et al. (2013)
extracts with potent antibiotic properties, antibiotics
clustering of bioactivity profiles
Metabolomic analysis of 278 extracts from Prioritization of extracts potentially Samat et al. (2014)
Malaysian biodiversity using LC/MS containing novel photosensitizers
combined to PCA.
Metabolomic analysis of antitrypanosomally Identification of the best culture one- Abdelmohsen (2014)
active sponge-associated Actinokineospora strain-many-compounds conditions
sp. obtained in four fermentation conditions
using HR-FT-MS and NMR combined to
Chemical profiling of 77 bacterial extracts Acceleration of strain prioritization Macintyre et al. (2014)
isolated from cold water marine
invertebrates from Scotland using LC/MS
combined to PCA and NMR (1H and
Dereplication of Aspergillus carbonarius and Screening of novel bioactive metabolites Klitgaard et al. (2014)
Penicillium melanoconidium extracts using
LC/DAD/ESI–MS, overlay of
automatically generated extracted-ion
chromatograms to visualize novel peaks

76 Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

showing an activity against a breast cancer cell line

were also identified by applying a correlation analysis
between particular spectral features and the observed
activity. From this method a model was estimated to
predict the activity of new samples (Roldan et al.
2013). Optimization of such strategies in future
research efforts could significantly accelerate the
discovery of novel active substances and help our
understanding of natural products with respect to
structure–activity relationships.

Dereplication and targeted chemical profiling: two

terms coming down to the same approach

As mentioned above, in a targeted metabolite profiling

Fig. 4 DEREP3: a dereplication approach fully embedded in approach a predefined number of compounds or a
untargeted metabolomic analyses of natural extract collections particular chemical class of compounds is investigated
and the molecular structures are identified. Remem-
determine the presence of novel compounds while bering that the literal definition of dereplication is ‘‘the
leaving aside those already known (Butler et al. 2012; rapid identification of known compounds’’, and
Bertrand et al. 2013a, b). For example, ten known assuming that the range of compounds investigated
compounds were identified by dereplication in a crude in targeted chemical profiling studies can also be
extract of the sponge-derived actinomycetes Actinoki- known, it can be considered that both concepts are
neospora sp. while three unexpected natural products quite similar in many cases and that a targeted
not detected in the single culture were identified when chemical profiling is necessarily a kind of dereplica-
Actinokineospora sp. was grown in co-culture with tion, even if in contrast dereplication does not always
Nocardiopsis sp. (Dashti et al. 2014). correspond to a targeted chemical profiling approach.
Another interesting aspect of DEREP3 strategies In the literature survey, 57 studies (18 % of the total
arises from the possibility to directly correlate bio- examined articles) involving dereplication were used a
logical properties to chromatographic and spectro- targeted chemical profiling approach. These studies
scopic features of the crude analyzed samples. In this are summarized in Table 5 and are noted as DEREP4
case, the purpose is to link the chemical characteristics strategies. Their global workflow is given in Fig. 5.
of natural compounds to a specific biological activity. The main objective of DEREP4-based studies is
With the help of the ChemGPS-natural product either to analyze a particular group of molecules
database, it was shown that the inhibition of cyclooxy- presenting a biological interest or on the contrary to
genase enzymes involved in inflammatory processes is identify potentially toxic or undesired constituents of
frequently correlated with the presence of at least one crude natural extracts. For example, the dereplication
ring in the metabolite structure. Fragments exhibit of free sugars and polyols was performed by GC/MS in
structural rigidity, and compounds have a relatively a study investigating novel natural sweeteners. Among
large molecular volume (Larsson et al. 2005). In the sweet-tasting species analysed, the extracts con-
another example, a screening technology combining taining high levels of these compounds were regarded
on-line biological analysis with the resolution of LC/ as lower priority leads and thus directly removed from
MS for structure elucidation was developed to directly further consideration, enabling a significant time gain
analyze estrogen-receptor binding compounds in (Chung et al. 1997). DEREP4 approaches are also
complex mixtures of a large plant extract library commonly used to assess the quality of botanical drugs
(Schobel et al. 2001). LC/MS signals of compounds that must be checked for authentication, contamina-
from 22 phenolic extracts of extra virgin olive oil tion, and identification of active substances or safety

Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95 77

Table 5 Dereplication strategies published from 1990 to 2014 using a DEREP4 workflow (from oldest to most recent)
Targeted compounds and natural sources Analytical technique(s) References

Cucurbitacins in Iberis amara, Begonia plebeja and Computer-assisted recognition Fuller et al. (1994)
Gonystylus keithii of cytotoxicity profiles
Elaiophylin and geldanamycin in a range of CPC/DAD, LC–MS Alvi et al. (1995)
microbial broths
Two known antibiotics teicoplanin and LC/UV/ESI–MS/MALDI-MS Ackermann et al. (1996)
phenelfamycin in several microbial crude extracts
Bastadins from Lanthella basta H NMR Franklin et al. (1996)
Free sugars and polyols in six sweet-tasting plant GC/MS Chung et al. (1997)
Flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides using an LC/MS and CID for Constant and Beecher
aqueous extract of Eugenia jambos as a model fragmentation patterns (1995, 1997)
Potentially interfering polyphenols during the LC/UV/MS Kinghorn et al. (1995),
biological screening on in vitro cytotoxicity Cordell and Shin (1999),
bioassays of 3000 plant extracts from tropical Kinghorn et al. (1999)
rainforests against a panel of human cancer cell
Seven destruxins in the fungus Metarrhizium HPLC/ESI-TOF–MS Potterat et al. (2000)
Taxoids from Taxus wallichiana MSn Stefanowicz et al. (2001)
C-glycosidic flavonoids LC/MS/MS using Q-TOF and Waridel et al. (2001)
IT under various CID energy
Sesquiterpenes from two Indo Pacific sponges NMR Stessman et al. (2002)
Lendenfeldia frondosa and Hyrtios sp.
Trichothecenes from seven microbial Trichoderma LC/UV/vis and ESI–MS Nielsen et al. (2005)
species grown on several solid and liquid media
Betaxanthins from yellow-orange cactus pear fruits C NMR Stintzing et al. (2006)
and yellow Swiss chard petioles
High molecular weight polysaccharides from several DOSY-based NMR Politi et al. (2006)
mushroom extracts
Pentacyclic triterpenoids as their methyl esters GC/ESI–MS Gu et al. (2006)
(oleanolic acid, betulinic acid and ursolic acid)
with potent anti-tubercular activity
Saponins and acyclic sesquiterpene oligoglycosides LC/UV/ESI–MS, MS/MS Murgu and Rodrigues
in the fruits of Sapindus saponaria (2006)
Anti-inflammatory compound vicenin-2 in LC/ESI–MSn de Moraes et al. (2007)
Leucopogon ericoides
(?)-psymberin and a new brominated cyclic peptide ESI–MS, NMR Robinson et al. (2007)
(-)-psymbamide A from the sponge Psammocinia
aff. bulbosa
Novel phenolic compactin analogue from UV-guided strategy, NMR, MS Larsen et al. (2007)
Penicillium solitum
Valerenic acid in a valerian extract and other HPLC Kim et al. (2008)
GABA(A) receptor ligands in plant and fungal
Streptothricin-like compounds in the fermentation Ion-pair LC/ESI–MS Ji et al. (2008)
broth of Streptomyces qinlingensis
Polyprenylated xanthones in Garcinia On-line LC/ESI-QTOF–MS3 Zhou et al. (2008)
Alkaloids in several Colchicum species LC/MS, LC/UV/DAD Alali et al. (2008),
Gharaibeh et al. (2012),

78 Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

Table 5 continued
Targeted compounds and natural sources Analytical technique(s) References

Secoiridoid glycosides in Sarracenia alata Capillary-scale NMR, ESI–MS Hu et al. (2009)

Plumeran indole alkaloids in a stem bark extract of ESI-MS/MS Aguiar et al. (2010)
Aspidosperma spniceanum
Bufadienolides in the TCM toad skin UHPLC/ESI-Q-TOFMS Liu et al. (2010a, b)
Bromotyrosine-derived metabolites in 14 specimens UV, LC/DAD/MS Silva et al. (2010)
of Aplysina spp. marine sponges
Heterocyclic nerolidol derivatives from the anti- H NMR with focus on spin– Inui et al. (2010)
tuberculosis active fractions of the inner stem bark spin coupling patterns
of Oplopanax horridus
Macrocyclic trichothecenes from different fungal UV spectra, 1H NMR Sy-Cordero et al. (2010)
Bastadins from the marine sponge Ianthella NMR Calcul et al. (2010)
Phenolics in propolis and lyophilisate of some LC/ESI-QTOF Gomez-Romero et al.
vegetables selected for their antioxidant properties (2011)
Stilbenoids in several species of the Orchidaceae MicroCryoProbe NMR Williams et al. (2012a, b)
Pregnane glycosides and genins from the TCM HPLC/ESI-MSn McGarvey et al. (2012)
Marsdenia tenacissima
Aporphine and oxoaporphine alkaloids from Direct infusion in ESI-IT-MS da Silva et al. (2012)
Unonopsis guatterioides
Active photosensitisers possessing a cyclic LC–DAD–MS Tan et al. (2012)
tetrapyrrole in 15 plant extracts
Nonribosomal peptides MS/MS, chemoinformatic Ibrahim et al. (2012)
Bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids from the fruit of UV, MS Klausmeyer et al. (2012)
Gyrocarpus jacquinii
Annonaceous acetogenins from Annona muricata LC/LTQ-Orbitrap Le Ven et al. (2012)
170 known triterpenes from Actaea species H NMR and predictive model Qiu et al. (2012)
using classification binary
Aliphatic alkaloids from Huperzia selago and LC/SPE/NMR Johansen et al. (2012)
bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids from Triclisa
Minor cytotoxic chlorinated valepotriates from HPLC–PDA-MS, TLC, NMR Lin et al. (2013)
whole plants of Valeriana jatamansi
Steroidal alkaloids in complex plant extracts of ESI-TOF–MS/MS Musharraf et al. (2013)
Buxus species
Thiazolyl peptides from Miniaturized 96-well SPE, HR- Singh et al. (2013)
FT LC/MS and library
Lasiodiplodins from a cytotoxic extract obtained ESI–MS, NMR Sultan et al. (2014)
from Lasiodiplodia theobromae, an endophyte
from the root tissues of Mapania kurzii
Ubiquitous flavonoids and related plant constituents Q-TOF, IT and MS2 library Wolfender et al. (2000a, b)
Rhizoxins and rhizonins in different Zygomycetes LC/DAD/HR-MS Jennessen et al. (2005)
grown on a range of semisynthetic and natural
Stilbenoids in wine fractions LC/DAD/MS, LC/NMR Pawlus et al. (2013)
Flavonoids and benzophenone derivatives from HPLC/ESI–QTOF–MS/MS Neto et al. (2013)
Qualea grandiflora and Qualea cordata extracts

Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95 79

Table 5 continued
Targeted compounds and natural sources Analytical technique(s) References

Isoflavonoids from a stem bark of Amphimas UHPLC/MS, MS/MS Tchoumtchoua et al. (2013)
Pyrrolamide compounds including congocidine and Genome scanning and Hao et al. (2014)
distamycin in fermentation culture of Streptomyces precursor ion scan MS
Triterpenes from various Actaea species 2D-NMR barcoding Qiu et al. (2014)
Trace-levels of acetogenins in an Annona cherimolia LC/HRMS with postcolumn Le Ven et al. (2014)
fruit-based alcoholic beverage infusion of lithium iodide
Surfactin-type lipopeptides in Bacillus cultures from LC/HRMS Juola et al. (2014)
commercial Japanese foods

validation. Such procedures are based on the fact that approaches. For instance, a range of taxoids were
all natural extracts, although highly complex, contain successfully identified in a crude extract of Taxus
secondary metabolites which are specific to the wallichiana with the help of a MS library containing
species under study. During analytical data capture, fragmentation spectra of 3 taxoid standards and
the set of signals corresponding to these specific substructure spectra of 139 previously reported tox-
metabolites becomes a chemical fingerprint and the oids (Stefanowicz et al. 2001). Similarly, it was found
most characteristic signals are called ‘‘chemical that retro-Diels–Alder rearrangement occurring dur-
markers’’. For instance three major concentrated ing the MS fragmentation of a xanthone skeleton
stilbenoids quickly identified by a HPTLC/MS-based produce characteristic fragment ions which could be
dereplication approach and exhibiting skin-anti-age- used to target prenylated xanthones in plant extracts
ing properties were reported as relevant markers of a such as Garcinia plants (Zhou et al. 2008). The
range of orchid species (Williams et al. 2012a, b). Of fragmentation pattern of flavonoids and their gly-
course, concentration variability of these chemical coside derivatives is also commonly used to derepli-
markers in natural raw materials is inevitable due to cate this class of compounds in crude natural extracts
inherent factors such as genotype variability, growing through targeted chemical profiling approaches (Con-
conditions, and climate or soil type. By tracking stant et al. 1997; Waridel et al. 2001; Tchoumtchoua
chemical markers over different steps of the manu- et al. 2013). Mass accuracy and isotopic patterns are
facturing processes, the DEREP4 approach can assess other data recovered from MS and MSn acquisition
this variability and minimize the potential composi- that can be used to build up libraries of natural
tion heterogeneity of the final ingredient from one metabolites for dereplication purposes (Gomez-
batch to another. This procedure forms an integral part Romero et al. 2011).
of the standardization of botanical drugs, a major task It can be supposed that NMR-based metabolite
which is necessary to adjust the concentration of the profiling strategies are less efficient to perform the
active substances and ensure a reproducible quality of targeted chemical profiling of a predefined set of
the final products. compounds, mainly because of the strong NMR signal
In the vast majority of targeted chemical profiling overlaps observed when analysing a group of struc-
studies, natural metabolites were analyzed by mass turally related molecules. However, several studies
spectrometry. This can be explained by the fact that a have demonstrated that this issue can be overcome by
group of targeted compounds generally comprises focusing on specific NMR signals of the targeted
structurally related molecules, consequently exhibit- molecules. The screening of several brominated
ing very similar fragmentation patterns. The use of tyrosine derivatives named bastadins in a crude extract
MS-based libraries containing fragmentation spectra of the marine sponge Lanthella basta was performed
and substructure data of the targeted compounds is for instance by 1H NMR detection of their character-
thus very useful in the case of such dereplication istic methoxy signals (Franklin et al. 1996). In the

80 Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

Genetics and metabolic engineering are currently an

integral part of these dereplication strategies. In recent
years, the exploration of new taxa or ecological niches
through metagenomic approaches have provided
access to a large number of gene sequences that can
now be investigated not only in well-studied bacteria
but also in microorganisms that were previously
neglected as natural ressources. The metagenome
can be defined as a ‘‘collective genome’’ including
isolated microbial DNA of all microorganisms present
in a particular habitat (Handelsman et al. 1998).
‘‘DEREP5’’ will thus denote all studies (n = 22, 7 %
of the total examined articles) found in the literature
survey that involved a genetic approach for the
dereplication of microbial strains. These studies are
all included in Table 6 and their workflow is illus-
Fig. 5 DEREP4: a targeted dereplication workflow focused on trated in Fig. 6.
the identification of a predefined group of known molecules It must be specified that many DEREP5 studies
were performed on microbial strains or isolates ‘‘as a
same way, diagnostic 1H NMR signals of epoxide and whole’’ and did not systematically include a detailed
conjugated diene moieties have been used to derepli- analysis of the metabolites produced by the selected
cate macrocyclic trichothecenes in filamentous fungal microorganisms. Nevertheless, such approaches have
species in the context of new anticancer lead discovery already led to the construction of extensive taxonomy-
(Sy-Cordero et al. 2010). guided microbial natural product libraries, and thus
Finally, it should be mentioned that targeted enables for instance biodiversity surveys, strain prior-
chemical profiling approaches not only enable the itization, spatial distribution characterization, biosyn-
identification of previously known compounds, but thetic pathway elucidation, discovery of untapped
also promote the discovery of additional novel sources of natural products, and detection of uncom-
metabolites, often corresponding to structural analogs mon genera or species among microbes. Most of the
of the predefined class of targeted compounds. current protocols for the taxonomic dereplication of
microbial strains involve 16S rDNA gene sequencing
Molecular genetics and taxonomic dereplication or PCR-fingerprinting of large collections of isolates
of microbial strains (DEREP5) followed by clustering analysis in order to correlate
phylogenic similarities or to highlight discriminating
Microbial natural products are a major resource for the strains. Once microorganisms have been taxonomi-
development of novel drugs in pharmaceutical indus- cally identified and revealed as promising leads, more
try. However, the chemical characterization of micro- sensitive analytical tools can be implemented to
bial secondary metabolites is currently hampered by investigate metabolite profiles and potentially identify
the laborious isolation processes when working with novel bioactive compounds. Strategies for in silico-
culture broths, and by the limited availability of guided identification of secondary metabolites by
structural and spectral libraries for microbial metabo- genome mining have been highlighted in several
lites. In addition, microbial culture collections are reviews (Zerikly 2009; Helfrich et al. 2014a, b). Such
extremely diverse, and thus a major challenge in their strategies seem promising, but although novel com-
rational exploitation is the reduction of unnecessary or pounds have been revealed in activity-driven screen-
redundant testing of strains. In this sense, a range of ing of gene libraries, the frequency of the identified
dereplication tools mainly based on phenotypic char- compounds is relatively low (Novakova and Farka-
acteristics or genetic differences have been developed sovsky 2013). Research efforts are currently being
to select microbial isolates at the species level. reinforced to better understand microbial and

Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95 81

Table 6 Molecular genetic-based strategies developed for the taxonomic dereplication of microbial natural products (DEREP5)
Strategy General goal References

Investigation of unusual strains of actinomycetes and Detection of uncommon genera of soil Donadio et al. (2002)
filamentous fungi by reconstruction of gene clusters microbes
from small segment of cloned DNA and preparation of
large-insert libraries
Identification of 26 closely related Streptomyces soil Discrimination between morphologically Ritacco et al. (2003)
isolates using rDNA sequencing, MIDI fatty acid similar strains
analysis, and LC–MS profiling of fermentation extract
Screening of 20 Micromonospora isolates from UK Investigation of strain diversity Zhao et al. (2004)
coastal sediments, taxonomic classification by rDNA
sequencing, fluorescent amplified fragment length
polymorphism (AFLP), and Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy (FT-IR)
Targeted analysis of polyketide synthases and Characterization approach for Ayuso et al. (2005)
nonribosomal peptide synthetases amplified sequences Actinomycetes
in a collection of wild-type Actinomycetes isolated
from tropical soil samples evaluated for the
production of antimicrobial activities
Dereplication of microorganisms collected in 12 Investigation of biodiversity and Huys et al. (2007)
aquaculture sites in Southeast Asian and using PCR environmental distribution of
fingerprinting chloramphenicol-resistant (CmR)
mesophilic heterotrophs
Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity and sub- Investigation of Actinomycetes from the Hakvag et al. (2008)
grouping of 217 streptomycetes isolates from the water surface microlayer as a source of
water surface microlayer in Norway by phylogenetic new antimicrobial agents
analysis and 16S rDNAs sequencing. 7 isolates with
identical 16S rDNA sequences were further studied
for the presence of PKS type I genes
RNase P RNA gene (rnpB) sequencing of 50 Development of RNase P RNA gene Monciardini et al. (2008)
myxobacteria strains for the faster and cheaper (rnpB) sequencing as a tool for
discrimination of similar strains as compared to 16S molecular dereplication
rDNA sequencing
Isolation of Micromonospora strains on the basis of Taxonomical classification Maldonado et al. (2008)
typical colonial and pigmentation features and 16S
rRNA gene sequencing analyses and correlation with
molecular fingerprinting
Dereplication of 127 lactobacilli isolates by (GTG)(5)- Investigation of lactic acid bacteria strain Solieri et al. (2012)
PCR fingerprinting, phylogenetic analysis of the 51 diversity in 31 ripened Parmigiano
resulting genotypes using a combined amplified 16S Reggiano cheeses
rDNA restriction analysis (16S-ARDRA), species-
specific PCR assays and 16S rRNA gene sequencing
ITS1 and ITS4-rDNA sequencing of four endophytic Investigation of new potent cytotoxic Hazalin et al. (2012)
fungi extracts evaluated in parallel for their cytotoxic fungal extracts
activity, identification of known compounds using an
UV library
Multigene analysis, combined with phenotypic Taxonomic classification of penicillin- Houbraken et al. (2012)
characters and extrolite profile of Penicillium producing strains
sect. Chrysogena species
Development of a web-based bioinformatics platform Development of bioinformatic tools for Yu et al. (2006)
(FastGroupII) to dereplicate large 16S rDNA libraries the analysis of high-throughput 16S
and application on a set of 16S rDNA sequences from rDNA sequencing databases
coral-associated bacteria

82 Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95

Table 6 continued
Strategy General goal References

Automated ribotyping of 157 isolates following Dereplication of a large collection of Sheffield et al. (2006)
restriction enzyme digestion, classification into 23 phenotypically ambiguous bacterial
ribogroups representing a 85 % reduction of the isolates
number of isolates in the library
16S rRNA, gyrB and recA gene sequencing of thirteen Selection of strains for antibiotic Vynne et al. (2012)
P. luteoviolacea strains to determine whether discovery
chemotype and activity profile can be reflected by
phylogenetic clustering
Dereplication of 433 Danish surface-ripened cheeses Phylogenetic analysis of bacterial Garcia-Descalzo et al.
bacterial isolates using (GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting, diversity in Danish cheeses (2013)
and identification of 217 bacterial and 25 yeast
isolates by 16S rRNA gene sequencing
Characterization of microbial eukaryotic populations Phylogenetic analysis of microbial Garcia-Descalzo et al.
associated with Pyrenean glaciers using molecular eukaryote diversity in icy regions (2013)
18S rRNA-based approaches, amplifying community
DNA and constructing clone libraries with 18S rRNA
Taxonomic identification and phylogenetic Assessment of bacterial isolate diversity Stets et al. (2013)
reconstruction of 138 cellular extracts of wheat-
associated bacterial isolates using 16S rRNA gene
sequencing and whole cell MALDI-TOF–MS analysis
DNA expression array analysis of Aspergillus nidulans Elucidation of biosynthetic pathways of Andersen et al. (2013)
in combination with legacy data to form a fungal secondary metabolites
comprehensive gene expression compendium and data
clustering to identify cross-chemistry between
physically separate gene clusters
Development of a two-pronged approach for the Rapid identification of the site and mode Orelle et al. (2013)
characterization of inhibitors of protein synthesis of action on the bacterial ribosome
(ChIPS) by engineering antibiotic-hypersensitive
Escherichia coli strains that contain only one rRNA
operon and elucidation of the mode of antibiotic
action by monitoring drug-induced ribosome stalling
on mRNA
PCR analysis of 100 strains randomly selected from an Extract prioritization by biosynthetic Xie et al. (2014)
actinomycete collection to evaluate their ability to potential survey
biosynthesize aromatic polyketides, reduced
polyketides, nonribosomal peptides, and diterpenoids
Investigation of a collection of Aspergillus nomius Characterization of Aspergillus species in Massi et al. (2014)
strains from Brazil nuts including morphological Brazil nuts
characters, RAPD and AFLP profiles, partial b-tubulin
and calmodulin nucleotide sequences, aflatoxin
patterns, as well as tolerance to low water activity in
cultured media
Investigation of Streptomyces lavendulae phenotypic Identification of potentially novel and Sladic et al. (2014)
cluster for production of lipstatin-like lipase inhibitors useful industrial Streptomyces strains
using a taxonomy-based dereplication with a public
collections of strains and in vitro assays

chemical ecology, improve microbial culture condi- 2010; Baltz 2010; Penesyan et al. 2010). Improve-
tions, high-throughput cultivation and performance of ments in sequencing capabilities would also contribute
large-scale biological screening assays (Ashforth et al. to this area, particularly regarding primer design,

Phytochem Rev (2017) 16:55–95 83

clearly reveals that five different dereplication strate-

gies have been gradually developed to meet specific
objectives. The common denominator between these
studies is the willingness to accelerate the discovery of
biologically active substances by improving charac-
terization methods of natural resources. Most derepli-
cation workflows have addressed this issue by using
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