Assessment Primary Science

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Name:____________________________________ Date:__________________________________ Topic:______________________________________

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Natural Disasters (Volcanos, Earthquakes and Tsunamis)
Jake 
Bob 
Emma 
Steve 
Natural Disaster Board Game Rubric
Design & Creativity Everything is neatly Game board is Game board is Most of the directions There is a game board,
created, and excellent, but some complete, but 1 or 2 were ignored and the but it is not coloured,
directions were parts are a little elements are missing, board is sloppy. and no extra efforts
followed completely. sloppy. and it could be neater. were made at
Format & Purpose The purpose of the The purpose closely The purpose partially The purpose slightly It is unclear what the
game relates directly relates to the natural relates to the natural relates to the natural purpose and topic of
to natural disasters. disasters. disasters. disasters. the game are from the
Directions Directions make it Directions are typed There are more than 3 Errors in grammar Many steps are
perfectly clear how to but have 2-3 minor errors. Directions are interfere with missing or incomplete
play the game. They grammatical errors. unclear and 2-3 steps understanding of the and it is very difficult
are neatly typed with They are somewhat could be added to directions. Much to understand how to
minimal grammatical unclear, or 1 step is clarify. revision is needed. play the game.
errors. missing. Complete revision
Content & Difficulty Questions and rules of Rules of play are age Game is a bit too Game is very simple, Game is not
play are of an appropriate, but some simple for the grade and most questions appropriate for the
appropriate level-- not questions are too easy level and some are too easily grade level and
too difficult and not or too difficult. questions are too answered. questions are too easy
too easy. easy. or too difficult.

Name: _______________________________________

Design Brief Rubric
Excellent Very Good Good Pass
All content directly related to the Content directly related to Had difficulty explaining Presentation did not relate to
Oral Presentation topic. Content was thoroughly the topic. Included many how the content and topic. Included few details and
Content: Relates to developed and demonstrated details that demonstrated topic relate. Many relied heavily upon
topic, detailed, and detailed knowledge of the topic. knowledge of the topic. opinions were not unsupported opinion.
Opinions were supported by fact Most opinions were factually supported.
wherever possible. supported by facts
Student independently generates Student independently Student generates, with Student generates, with
Design Ideas at least 4 design ideas that are generates at least 3 design some adult help, at least considerable adult help, 1
creative to pursue when doing the ideas to pursue when doing 2 design ideas to pursue design ideas to pursue when
research. the research. when doing the research. doing the research.
Drawing is expressive and Drawing is expressive and Drawing has few details. The drawing lacks almost all
detailed. Drawing is labelled. somewhat detailed. Drawing Few labels are missing. detail OR it is unclear what the
Sketching Student has great control and is is labelled however one Student needs to improve drawing is intended to be.
able to experiment a little. missing. Student has basics control. Student needs to work on
but had not "branched" out. control. Drawing has no labels.
Prototype The prototype is excellent and The prototype is very good The prototype is good No prototype been produced.
been tested to address the natural and been tested however lacks most details.
disasters design brief. lacks some detail.

Name: ________________________________


Natural Disaster Board Game Rubric
Design & Creativity Everything is neatly Game board is Game board is Most of the directions There is a game board,
created, and excellent, but some complete, but 1 or 2 were ignored and the but it is not coloured,
directions were parts are a little elements are missing, board is sloppy. and no extra efforts
followed completely. sloppy. and it could be neater. were made at
Format & Purpose The purpose of the The purpose closely The purpose partially The purpose slightly It is unclear what the
game relates directly relates to the natural relates to the natural relates to the natural purpose and topic of
to natural disasters. disasters. disasters. disasters. the game are from the
Directions Directions make it Directions are typed There are more than 3 Errors in grammar Many steps are
perfectly clear how to but have 2-3 minor errors. Directions are interfere with missing or incomplete
play the game. They grammatical errors. unclear and 2-3 steps understanding of the and it is very difficult
are neatly typed with They are somewhat could be added to directions. Much to understand how to
minimal grammatical unclear, or 1 step is clarify. revision is needed. play the game.
errors. missing. Complete revision
Content & Difficulty Questions and rules of Rules of play are age Game is a bit too Game is very simple, Game is not
play are of an appropriate, but some simple for the grade and most questions appropriate for the
appropriate level-- not questions are too easy level and some are too easily grade level and
too difficult and not or too difficult. questions are too answered. questions are too easy
too easy. easy. or too difficult.

Name: Bob Smith

Feedback: I can see you have put a lot of effort into the natural disaster board game, the purpose is clear, directions are clear however few errors in

instructions. Rules are age appropriate however some questions are too hard for a year six standard.
Design Brief Rubric
Excellent Very Good Good Pass
All content directly related to the Content directly related to Had difficulty explaining Presentation did not relate to
Oral Presentation topic. Content was thoroughly the topic. Included many how the content and topic. Included few details and
Content: Relates to developed and demonstrated details that demonstrated topic relate. Many relied heavily upon
topic, detailed, and detailed knowledge of the topic. knowledge of the topic. opinions were not unsupported opinion.
Opinions were supported by fact Most opinions were factually supported.
wherever possible. supported by facts
Student independently generates Student independently Student generates, with Student generates, with
Design Ideas at least 4 design ideas that are generates at least 3 design some adult help, at least considerable adult help, 1
creative to pursue when doing the ideas to pursue when doing 2 design ideas to pursue design ideas to pursue when
research. the research. when doing the research. doing the research.
Drawing is expressive and Drawing is expressive and Drawing has few details. The drawing lacks almost all
detailed. Drawing is labelled. somewhat detailed. Drawing Few labels are missing. detail OR it is unclear what the
Sketching Student has great control and is is labelled however one Student needs to improve drawing is intended to be.
able to experiment a little. missing. Student has basics control. Student needs to work on
but had not "branched" out. control. Drawing has no labels.
Prototype The prototype is excellent and The prototype is very good The prototype is good No prototype been produced.
been tested to address the natural and been tested however lacks most details.
disasters design brief. lacks some detail.

Name: Bob Smith

Feedback: Your presentation linked directly to the natural disaster and the task you were given, you generated 4 different designs and

sketched one in detail however one label was missing. Prototype was amazing and tested to ensure reliable.

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