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Career decision making

Variable measure

 Career decision status  CDDQ

 General intellectual functioning  IPIP Five-Factor Domain Scale
 Interests  Shipley Institute of Living Scale
 Personality  IDEAS Interest Inventory
 Motivational factors  Personal Attributes Questionnaire
 Career decidedness  CDDQ, Slovene version
 Impulsivity  Big-Five Inventory, Short,
 Rational  Self-regulation Inventory, Short
 Availability  Satisfaction with life scale
 Expressed Difficulties Questionnaire
 Expressed career decision-making difficulties  Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale
 Career decision-making self-efficacy  Vocational Decision Style Indicator
 Vocational career decision-making  Psychometric Entrance Test
 Degree of decidedness
 Cognitive and scholastic ability
 Occupational aspiration
 Contextual support
 Career barriers
 Self evaluation
 Adaptive behavior
Relation between career decision difficulties & emotional intelligence
Intellectual Functioning
Intellectual functioning—also called intelligence—refers to general mental capacity, such as learning,
reasoning, problem solving, and so on.

One way to measure intellectual functioning

Adaptive Behavior
Adaptive behavior is the collection of conceptual, social, and practical skills that are learned and
performed by people in their everyday lives.

 Conceptual skills—language and literacy; money, time, and number concepts; and self-direction.
 Social skills—interpersonal skills, social responsibility, self-esteem, gullibility, naïveté (i.e.,
wariness), social problem solving, and the ability to follow rules/obey laws and to avoid being
 Practical skills—activities of daily living (personal care), occupational skills, healthcare,
travel/transportation, schedules/routines, safety, use of money

Career Decision Status

In this study, career decision status is used to describe the range of decidedness with which an individual
presents and, as stated, can range from undecided to declaring one main choice. Sampson et al. (2004)
stated that career decision status has been conceptualized as falling into one of three categories, which
includes decided, undecided, and indecisive statuses.


The career decision making process requires you to think carefully about your interests, talents, abilities
and values. Usually what you are good at indicates your career interests


Differences in career decision-making according to personality characteristics. ... Furthermore,

undergraduates with both high and low efficient personalities are similar in the way they give
equal importance to career opportunities and difficulty of the university studies
when making their decisions.

Motivational factor

Motivating factors include achievement, advancement, autonomy, personal growth, recognition,

responsibility, and the work itself.

career decidedness

Career decidedness refers to the level of confidence or certainty about intended career paths individuals
would like to pursue and develop after leaving school

impulsivity refers to a personality trait that leaves you prone to acting on your impulses over
thinking things through and considering the consequences. This means you have a tendency to
make rash decisions, say things you wish you hadn't, and indulge in risky behaviours


A rational decision-making style, characterized as making. decisions deliberately, systematically, and

logically, has been found to be. associated with career maturity.

Expressed career decision

Career is our journey through life; an expression of what is meaningful and important to us. ... The
process of good career decision making includes - knowing yourself (what motivates you); knowing
what's out there (where the opportunities are) and making a choice to pursue a particular role.

Vocational career decision-making

If you're learning a skill that could lead to a specific job,Vocational means "related to a career."
A vocation is a job or career, so something vocational is related to a specific kind of work.


That's why job availability is very important to future students. Before choosing their career path,
graduates should measure the ratio of available candidates for job openings. These ratios change during
time. ... That's why it is important to choose an occupation that can easily adapt to future changes on the

Cognitive and scholastic ability

Your scholastic achievement or ability is your academic achievement or ability while you are at
school.Cognitive abilities are aspects of mental functioning, such as memorizing and remembering;
inhibiting and focusing attention; speed of information processing; and spatial and causal reasoning.

Occupational aspiration

Occupational aspirations are the the thoughts, feelings, fantasies and goals that people have about their
work, that affect their motivation and decision making in respect of their occupational choice and
subsequent participation in their occupation

Self evaluation

Self-evaluation is critical in career decision since it enables the possibility to choose your career in the
light of unique personalities, abilities, interests, and qualities. This step done at an early stage can help
you prevent unnecessary frustration that can come your way while picking a career

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