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Life Saving Rules

Permit To
Always read, understand and adhere
to PTW requirements

A Permit to Work describes what must be done

to stay safe
• Obtain a valid Permit to Work for the task, if required
• Read, understand and adhere to the Permit to Work requirements
• Do not begin the task until the person in charge confirms that it is
safe to start
• Obtain a new Permit to Work if the task changes
• Clear the Permit to Work once the task is completed

Safe behavior prevents injuries

and save lives
Life Saving Rules

Never work on live equipments–
unless trained to do so

Isolation separates and protects individuals from

electrical and other dangers
• Understand the isolations that protect you from danger
• Wear appropriate personal protective equipment
• Confirm that the correct isolation mechanisms are in place before
starting work
• Do not begin the task until the person in charge confirms that it is
safe to start

Safe behavior prevents injuries

and save lives
Life Saving Rules

Working At
Use appropriate fall arrest equipment for
work at height above 1.8m

Fall Protection equipment prevents fall when

working at heights
• Obtain authorisation to work at height outside
a protective environment
• Use appropriate fall protection equipment
• Check the fall protection equipment beforehand
• Do not begin the task until the person in charge confirms that
it is safe to start

Safe behavior prevents injuries

and save lives
Life Saving Rules

Lifting & Rigging

Follow safe lifting operations and never
walk under suspended loads

Working or walking immediately under a suspended

load is unsafe
• Never cross a barrier controlling an area with a suspended load,
unless authorised
• Always follow lifting and rigging instructions
• Never allow anyone to walk under a suspended load

Safe behavior prevents injuries

and save lives
Life Saving Rules

Working In
Confined Spaces
Never enter a confined space without
authorisation and prior gas testing

Confined spaces may hold unseen dangers

• Obtain a valid Permit to Work to enter any confined space
• Confirm gas testing is done in the space before
• Never enter a confined space without a qualified standby person
• Have means of communication with people in the confined space
• Do not begin the task until the person in charge confirms that it is
safe to start

Safe behavior prevents injuries

and save lives
Life Saving Rules

& Safeguarding
Never remove or work without appropriate
barricades and safeguards

Be aware of safety-critical equipment in the

• Never override/disable safety-critical equipment
• Never remove barricades and safeguards, unless authorised
• Only authorise overriding/disabling safety-critical equipment when
safe to do so
• Implement temporary measures when safety-critical equipment is

Safe behavior prevents injuries

and save lives
Life Saving Rules

Hazardous Substances
& Molten Metal
Know how, before working with hazardous substances
and molten metal

Proper procedures protect against the dangers of

hazardous materials
• Never work with hazardous substances or molten metal,
unless trained
• Wear appropriate personal protective equipment
• Follow the procedures for handling hazardous materials

Safe behavior prevents injuries

and save lives
Life Saving Rules

Never use your mobile phone
while driving

Using a mobile phone while driving is against the law

• Never text on a mobile phone while driving
• Never make calls with a mobile phone while driving
• Never take calls from a mobile phone while driving
• Mobile phones are not allowed in Operational areas unless officially
permitted for job purposes

Safe behavior prevents injuries

and save lives
Life Saving Rules

Fit For Work

& Stay Hydrated
Take charge of your health, including hydration,
to be fit for work at all times

Your health is paramount for your safety

• Never come to work under the influence of alcohol
• Never come to work under the influence of drugs
• Be aware of the side effects of prescription medication
• Stay hydrated for optimum physical and mental functioning

Safe behavior prevents injuries

and save lives

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