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Lee la siguiente conversación y luego responde las preguntas

de forma correcta.

Anastasia: Tomorrow is Raul’s birthday.

Rebecca: Isn’t it next week?
Anastasia: No, I looked at his Facebook profile and confirmed that it is
Rebecca: We must do something to celebrate his birthday.
Anastasia: Yes. How about a surprise party on Friday?
Rebecca: Great idea. What time?
Anastasia: I think at 7 pm it is fine.
Rebecca: I think it is too early, how about at 9?
Anastasia: OK. But I have to work early on Saturday, so I can’t stay for
the whole party.
Rebecca: No problem. And whom should we invite?
Anastasia: Well, his wife and his parents.
Rebecca: We should also invite his friends from work.
Anastasia: Sure, where is the party?
Rebecca: Well, it will be in your house, right?
Anastasia: I do not know. I should ask John first.
Rebecca: OK. Let me know as soon as possible to start organizing

1. -Do Anastasia and Rebecca know Raul?

-¿Anastasia y Rebecca conocen a Raul?

o No, they don't

o Yes, they do
o They haven't met him before

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