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Job Number Sheet

Job Title
Software Consultants (Pty) Ltd Client
E-Mail : Calcs by Checked by Date

Retaining Wall Design : Ver W3.0.03 - 06 Apr 2016

Title : Gravity wall
Input Data

Wall Dimensions Unfactored Live Loads General Parameters Design Parameters

H1 (m) 5 C (m) 1.0 W (kN/m²) 10 Soil frict f (°) 6 SF Overt. 2
H2 (m) 0 F (m) P (kN) 0 Fill slope b (°) 0 SF Slip 1.5
H3 (m) xf (m) xp (m) 3.8 Wall frict d (°) 6 ULS DL Factor 1
Hw (m) 0 At (m) 1 L (kN/m) 0 r Conc kN/m3 25 ULS LL Factor 1
Hr (m) Ab (m) 2.5 xl (m) 6.2 r Soil kN/m3 15 Pmax (kPa) 600
B (m) Cov wall mm 25 Lh (kN/m) fc' (MPa) 12 Soil Poisson u 0.5
D (m) Cov base mm 25 x (m) 0 fy (MPa) 250 DLFac Slide/Ovt 1

Seepage allowed
Active pressure applied on back of shear key for sliding

Theory : Coulomb
Wall type : Cantilever


Seismic Analysis ON/OFF:OFF

Hor Accel. (g) 0.02

Vert Accel. (g) 0.01
Include LL's Y


Active Pressure coefficient Ka :0.886
Passive Pressure coefficient Kp :1.369
Base frictional constant µ :0.105


All forces/moments are per m width

FORCES (kN ) and their LEVER ARMS (m )

Description F Horizontal Lever arm F Vertical Lever arm
left (+) down (+)
Destabilizing forces:
Total Active pressure Pa 148.621 1.667 74.281 2.000
As a result of surcharge w 39.632 2.500 19.808 1.937

Stabilizing forces:
Passive pressure on base Pp 0.000 0.000
Weight of the wall + base 237.500 1.013
Weight of soil on the base 45.000 2.000
UDL of 10.0 kPa 15.000 1.750


All forces/moments are per m width

1.Moment Equilibrium

Point of rotation: bottom front corner of base.

For Overturning moment Mo calculate as follows:

Mo = Sum(hor. forces x l.a.) - Sum(vert. forces x l.a.)
For Stabilizing moment Mr calculate as follows:
Mr = -Sum(hor. forces x l.a.) + Sum(vert. forces x l.a.)
where l.a. = lever arm of each force.

September 26, 2019



PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 2

Table of Contents

1. General Information .................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Geometry..................................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Structures .................................................................................................................................................... 6
4. Mesh data .................................................................................................................................................... 7
5. Material data ............................................................................................................................................... 8
6. Calculation phases ..................................................................................................................................... 11
7. Load system A............................................................................................................................................ 14
8. Results for phase ....................................................................................................................................... 15
9. Results for phase 1 ................................................................................................................................. 178
PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 3

1. General Information

Table [1] Units

Type Unit

Length m

Force kN

Time day

Table [2] Model dimensions

min. max.

X -8.000 8.000

Y -6.000 4.000

Table [3] Model

Model Plane strain

Element 15-Noded
PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 4

2. Geometry

Fig. 1 Plot of geometry model with significant nodes

Table [4] Table of significant nodes

Node no. x-coord. y-coord. Node no. x-coord. y-coord.

86 -8.000 -6.000 1222 8.000 0.000

983 8.000 -6.000 170 -8.000 3.800

38 -8.000 -1.000 1289 8.000 4.000

1185 8.000 -1.000 1283 8.000 3.800

711 0.000 -2.000 780 0.000 4.000

13 -8.000 0.000 779 0.000 3.800

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 5

Fig. 2 Plot of geometry model with cluster numbers

Table [5] Table of clusters

Cluster no. Nodes

1 86, 983, 38, 1185, 711, 13, 1222, 170, 1289, 1283, 780, 779.
PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 6

3. Structures

Fig. 3 Plot of geometry model with structures

Table [6] Beams

Plate no. Data set Length Nodes


1 D2 6.000 711, 779, 780.

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 7

4. Mesh data

Fig. 4 Plot of the mesh with significant nodes

Table [7] Numbers, type of elements, integrations

Type Type of element Type of integration Total


Soil 15-noded 12-point Gauss 153

Plate 5-node line 4-point Gauss 8

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 8

5. Material data

Fig. 5 Plot of geometry with material data sets

Table [8] Soil data sets parameters

Linear Elastic 2


Type Non-porous

unsat [kN/m³] 15.00

sat [kN/m³] 15.00

kx [m/day] 0.000

ky [m/day] 0.000

einit [-] 0.500

ck [-] 1E15

Eref [kN/m²] 1200000.00

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 9

Linear Elastic 2


 [-] 0.300

Gref [kN/m²] 461538.462

Eoed [kN/m²] 1615384.615

Eincr [kN/m²/m 0.00


yref [m] 0.000

Rinter [-] 0.700

Interface Impermeable


Mohr-Coulomb 1 3

Lesson 5 - Clay CLAY

Type Undrained Undrained

unsat [kN/m³] 15.00 16.50

sat [kN/m³] 18.00 20.00

kx [m/day] 0.000 1.000

ky [m/day] 0.000 1.000

einit [-] 1.000 1.000

ck [-] 1E15 1E15

Eref [kN/m²] 4000.000 6000.000

 [-] 0.330 0.300

Gref [kN/m²] 1503.759 2307.692

Eoed [kN/m²] 5926.581 8076.923

cref [kN/m²] 16.00 12.60

 [°] 0.00 7.00

 [°] 0.00 0.00

Einc [kN/m²/m 0.00 0.00


yref [m] 0.000 0.000

cincrement [kN/m²/m 0.00 0.00

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 10

Mohr-Coulomb 1 3

Lesson 5 - Clay CLAY

Tstr. [kN/m²] 0.00 0.00

Rinter. [-] 1.00 1.00

Interface Neutral Neutral


Table [9] Beam data sets parameters

No. Identification EA EI w  Mp Np

[kN/m] [kNm²/m] [kN/m/m] [-] [kNm/m] [kN/m]

1 D2 6.619E6 88253.00 18.00 0.20 1E15 1E15

2 F2 4.4678E7 5.9571E5 9.60 0.20 1E15 1E15

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 11

6. Calculation phases

Table [10] List of phases

Phase Ph-No. Start Calculation type Load input First step Last step

Initial phase 0 0 - 0 0

<Phase 1> 1 0 Plastic Staged construction 1 12

Table [11] Staged construction info

Ph-No. Active clusters Inactive clusters Active beams Active Active anchors

0 1. 1.

1 1. 1.

Table [12] Control parameters 1

Ph-No. Additional steps Reset displacements Ignore undrained Delete intermediate

to zero behaviour steps

1 250 No No Yes

Table [13] Control parameters 2

Ph-No. Iterative Tolerated Over Max. Desired min. Desired Arc-Length

procedure error relaxation iterations max. control

1 Standard 0.010 1.200 60 6 15 Yes

Table [14] Incremental multipliers (input values)

Ph-No. Displ. Load A Load B Weight Accel Time s-f

0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Table [15] Total multipliers - input values

Ph-No. Displ. Load A Load B Weight Accel Time s-f

0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 12

Ph-No. Displ. Load A Load B Weight Accel Time s-f

1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

Table [16] Total multipliers - reached values

Ph-No. Displ. Load A Load B Weight Accel Time s-f

0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

Fig. 6 Plot of geometry with loads & boundary conditions

Table [17] Node fixities

Node Sign Horizontal Vertical Node Sign Horizontal Vertical

no. no.

86 # Fixed Fixed 13 || Fixed Free

983 # Fixed Fixed 1222 || Fixed Free

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 13

Node Sign Horizontal Vertical Node Sign Horizontal Vertical

no. no.

103 # Fixed Fixed 170 || Fixed Free

229 # Fixed Fixed 1289 || Fixed Free

387 # Fixed Fixed 1283 || Fixed Free

445 # Fixed Fixed 997 || Fixed Free

599 # Fixed Fixed 1107 || Fixed Free

815 # Fixed Fixed 67 || Fixed Free

825 # Fixed Fixed 93 || Fixed Free

993 # Fixed Fixed 177 || Fixed Free

38 || Fixed Free 1249 || Fixed Free

1185 || Fixed Free

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 14

7. Load system A

Table [18] Point loads A

Node Fx Fy

[kN/m] [kN/m]

780 0.000 0.000

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 15

8. Results for phase

Table [19] Step info phase no: 0

Step no: 0

Calculation type INITIAL

Extrapolation factor 0.182

Relative stiffness 0.026

Table [20] Reached multipliers phase no: 0

Multipliers Incremental value Total value

Prescribed displacements 0.0000 1.0000

Load system A 0.0000 1.0000

Load system B 0.0000 1.0000

Soil weight 0.0000 1.0000

Acceleration 0.0000 0.0000

Strength reduction factor 0.0000 1.0000

Time 0.0000 0.0000

Table [21] Staged construction info phase no: 0

Staged construction Incremental value Total value

Active proportion of total area 0.000 1.000

Active proportion of stage 0.000 0.000

Table [22] Realised tunnel contraction info phase no: 0

Tunnel* Increment [%] Total [%]

* Tunnels are referred to by lining chain number

Table [24] Active point forces A phase no: 0

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 341

Fig. 123 Total displacements in beam (plate no: 1)

Extreme value 76.51*10-3 m (phase: 1)

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 342

Fig. 124 Horizontal displacements in beam (plate no: 1)

Extreme value 74.71*10-3 m (phase: 1)

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 343

Fig. 125 Vertical displacements in beam (plate no: 1)

Extreme value -16.48*10-3 m (phase: 1)

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 344

Fig. 126 Total displacement increments in beam (plate no: 1)

Extreme value 1.13*10-3 m (phase: 1)

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 345

Fig. 127 Horizontal displacement increments in beam (plate no: 1)

Extreme value 1.09*10-3 m (phase: 1)

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 346

Fig. 128 Vertical displacement increments in beam (plate no: 1)

Extreme value -286.95*10-6 m (phase: 1)

Table [50] Table of beam displacements phase no: 1

Node x-coord. y-coord. Ux Uy dUx dUy

no. [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]

711 0.000 -2.000 -1.7360E-02 -1.6460E-02 -3.0931E-04 -2.8689E-04

679 0.000 -1.793 -1.5027E-02 -1.6460E-02 -2.6678E-04 -2.8690E-04

680 0.000 -1.586 -1.2692E-02 -1.6461E-02 -2.2425E-04 -2.8690E-04

681 0.000 -1.379 -1.0352E-02 -1.6461E-02 -1.8169E-04 -2.8689E-04

685 0.000 -1.171 -7.9979E-03 -1.6462E-02 -1.3902E-04 -2.8689E-04

685 0.000 -1.171 -7.9979E-03 -1.6462E-02 -1.3902E-04 -2.8689E-04

686 0.000 -0.964 -5.6228E-03 -1.6463E-02 -9.6177E-05 -2.8689E-04

687 0.000 -0.757 -3.2177E-03 -1.6464E-02 -5.3065E-05 -2.8689E-04

688 0.000 -0.550 -7.7342E-04 -1.6465E-02 -9.5999E-06 -2.8689E-04

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 347

Node x-coord. y-coord. Ux Uy dUx dUy

no. [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]

763 0.000 -0.343 1.7196E-03 -1.6466E-02 3.4300E-05 -2.8689E-04

763 0.000 -0.343 1.7196E-03 -1.6466E-02 3.4300E-05 -2.8689E-04

747 0.000 -0.136 4.2709E-03 -1.6467E-02 7.8709E-05 -2.8689E-04

748 0.000 0.071 6.8896E-03 -1.6468E-02 1.2370E-04 -2.8690E-04

749 0.000 0.279 9.5847E-03 -1.6469E-02 1.6934E-04 -2.8690E-04

753 0.000 0.486 1.2365E-02 -1.6470E-02 2.1565E-04 -2.8690E-04

753 0.000 0.486 1.2365E-02 -1.6470E-02 2.1565E-04 -2.8690E-04

663 0.000 0.693 1.5237E-02 -1.6472E-02 2.6268E-04 -2.8691E-04

664 0.000 0.900 1.8208E-02 -1.6473E-02 3.1043E-04 -2.8691E-04

665 0.000 1.107 2.1284E-02 -1.6474E-02 3.5890E-04 -2.8692E-04

669 0.000 1.314 2.4469E-02 -1.6475E-02 4.0809E-04 -2.8692E-04

669 0.000 1.314 2.4469E-02 -1.6475E-02 4.0809E-04 -2.8692E-04

670 0.000 1.521 2.7766E-02 -1.6476E-02 4.5795E-04 -2.8693E-04

671 0.000 1.729 3.1177E-02 -1.6477E-02 5.0845E-04 -2.8693E-04

672 0.000 1.936 3.4700E-02 -1.6478E-02 5.5952E-04 -2.8694E-04

737 0.000 2.143 3.8334E-02 -1.6479E-02 6.1112E-04 -2.8694E-04

737 0.000 2.143 3.8334E-02 -1.6479E-02 6.1112E-04 -2.8694E-04

728 0.000 2.350 4.2076E-02 -1.6480E-02 6.6319E-04 -2.8694E-04

729 0.000 2.557 4.5919E-02 -1.6481E-02 7.1568E-04 -2.8694E-04

730 0.000 2.764 4.9856E-02 -1.6481E-02 7.6853E-04 -2.8695E-04

727 0.000 2.971 5.3879E-02 -1.6482E-02 8.2171E-04 -2.8695E-04

727 0.000 2.971 5.3879E-02 -1.6482E-02 8.2171E-04 -2.8695E-04

721 0.000 3.179 5.7978E-02 -1.6482E-02 8.7514E-04 -2.8695E-04

722 0.000 3.386 6.2139E-02 -1.6482E-02 9.2879E-04 -2.8695E-04

723 0.000 3.593 6.6351E-02 -1.6482E-02 9.8259E-04 -2.8695E-04

779 0.000 3.800 7.0597E-02 -1.6483E-02 1.0365E-03 -2.8695E-04

779 0.000 3.800 7.0597E-02 -1.6483E-02 1.0365E-03 -2.8695E-04

783 0.000 3.850 7.1626E-02 -1.6483E-02 1.0495E-03 -2.8695E-04

782 0.000 3.900 7.2655E-02 -1.6483E-02 1.0625E-03 -2.8695E-04

781 0.000 3.950 7.3685E-02 -1.6483E-02 1.0756E-03 -2.8695E-04

780 0.000 4.000 7.4715E-02 -1.6482E-02 1.0886E-03 -2.8695E-04

Max: 7.4715E-02 -1.0000E-20 1.0886E-03 -1.0000E-20

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 348

Node x-coord. y-coord. Ux Uy dUx dUy

no. [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]

Min: -1.7360E-02 -1.6483E-02 -3.0931E-04 -2.8695E-04

Fig. 129 Axial forces in beam (plate no: 1)

Extreme value -40.92 kN/m (phase: 1)

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 349

Fig. 130 Shear forces in beam (plate no: 1)

Extreme value -186.92 kN/m (phase: 1)

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 350

Fig. 131 Bending moments in beam (plate no: 1)

Extreme value -239.80 kNm/m (phase: 1)

Table [51] Table of beam forces phase no: 1

Node x-coord. y-coord. N Q M

no. [m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m]

711 0.000 -2.000 -23.479 14.504 0.000

679 0.000 -1.793 -14.812 40.154 5.759

680 0.000 -1.586 -18.147 60.269 16.252

681 0.000 -1.379 -24.192 75.070 30.366

685 0.000 -1.171 -23.658 84.776 47.002

685 0.000 -1.171 -25.375 84.363 47.002

686 0.000 -0.964 -29.107 90.813 65.156

687 0.000 -0.757 -32.094 95.336 84.504

688 0.000 -0.550 -33.581 96.892 104.457

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 351

Node x-coord. y-coord. N Q M

no. [m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m]

763 0.000 -0.343 -32.814 94.440 124.356

763 0.000 -0.343 -34.724 96.175 124.356

747 0.000 -0.136 -37.399 92.655 143.915

748 0.000 0.071 -38.977 88.042 162.675

749 0.000 0.279 -39.383 81.594 180.271

753 0.000 0.486 -38.543 72.566 196.291

753 0.000 0.486 -40.916 71.402 196.291

663 0.000 0.693 -39.613 62.694 210.261

664 0.000 0.900 -38.736 50.557 222.010

665 0.000 1.107 -38.073 36.415 231.073

669 0.000 1.314 -37.408 21.696 237.074

669 0.000 1.314 -39.327 23.189 237.074

670 0.000 1.521 -35.180 4.000 239.805

671 0.000 1.729 -33.670 -12.820 238.924

672 0.000 1.936 -31.897 -29.780 234.483

737 0.000 2.143 -26.963 -49.386 226.375

737 0.000 2.143 -26.837 -46.493 226.375

728 0.000 2.350 -25.794 -65.574 214.708

729 0.000 2.557 -22.263 -82.415 199.379

730 0.000 2.764 -18.075 -98.408 180.615

727 0.000 2.971 -15.066 -114.945 158.557

727 0.000 2.971 -12.712 -116.307 158.557

721 0.000 3.179 -10.622 -131.444 132.915

722 0.000 3.386 -8.209 -147.071 104.064

723 0.000 3.593 -4.929 -162.975 71.953

779 0.000 3.800 -0.240 -178.940 36.545

779 0.000 3.800 19.246 -175.553 36.545

783 0.000 3.850 0.813 -182.044 27.569

782 0.000 3.900 -1.792 -183.469 18.436

781 0.000 3.950 3.650 -183.779 9.237

780 0.000 4.000 9.357 -186.924 0.000

Max: 19.246 96.892 239.805

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 352

Node x-coord. y-coord. N Q M

no. [m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m]

Min: -40.916 -186.924 0.000

Fig. 132 Axial forces envelop in beam (plate no: 1)

Extreme value -40.92 kN/m (phase: 1)

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 353

Fig. 133 Shear forces envelop in beam (plate no: 1)

Extreme value -186.92 kN/m (phase: 1)

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 354

Fig. 134 Bending moment envelop in beam (plate no: 1)

Extreme value -239.80 kN/m/m (phase: 1)

Table [52] Table of beam force envelops phase no: 1

Node x-coord. y-coord. Nmin Nmax Qmin Qmax Mmin Mmax

no. [m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]

711 0.000 -2.000 -23.479 0.000 0.000 14.504 0.000 0.000

679 0.000 -1.793 -16.631 0.000 0.000 40.154 0.000 5.759

680 0.000 -1.586 -19.428 0.000 0.000 60.269 0.000 16.252

681 0.000 -1.379 -24.194 0.000 0.000 75.070 0.000 30.366

685 0.000 -1.171 -26.444 0.000 0.000 84.776 0.000 47.002

685 0.000 -1.171 -26.149 0.000 0.000 84.363 0.000 47.002

686 0.000 -0.964 -29.107 0.000 0.000 90.813 0.000 65.156

687 0.000 -0.757 -32.094 0.000 0.000 95.336 0.000 84.504

688 0.000 -0.550 -33.581 0.000 0.000 96.892 0.000 104.457

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 355

Node x-coord. y-coord. Nmin Nmax Qmin Qmax Mmin Mmax

no. [m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]

763 0.000 -0.343 -33.032 0.000 0.000 94.440 0.000 124.356

763 0.000 -0.343 -34.760 0.000 0.000 96.175 0.000 124.356

747 0.000 -0.136 -37.399 0.000 0.000 92.655 0.000 143.915

748 0.000 0.071 -38.977 0.000 0.000 88.042 0.000 162.675

749 0.000 0.279 -39.383 0.000 0.000 81.594 0.000 180.271

753 0.000 0.486 -38.543 0.000 0.000 72.566 0.000 196.291

753 0.000 0.486 -40.916 0.000 0.000 71.402 0.000 196.291

663 0.000 0.693 -39.613 0.000 0.000 62.694 0.000 210.261

664 0.000 0.900 -38.736 0.000 0.000 50.777 0.000 222.010

665 0.000 1.107 -38.073 0.000 0.000 39.285 0.000 231.073

669 0.000 1.314 -37.408 0.000 0.000 29.450 0.000 237.074

669 0.000 1.314 -39.327 0.000 0.000 29.212 0.000 237.074

670 0.000 1.521 -35.180 0.000 0.000 20.614 0.000 239.805

671 0.000 1.729 -33.670 0.000 -12.820 12.240 0.000 238.924

672 0.000 1.936 -31.897 0.000 -29.780 4.606 0.000 234.483

737 0.000 2.143 -26.963 0.000 -49.386 0.000 0.000 226.375

737 0.000 2.143 -26.837 0.000 -46.493 0.000 0.000 226.375

728 0.000 2.350 -25.794 0.000 -65.574 0.000 0.000 214.708

729 0.000 2.557 -22.263 0.000 -82.415 0.000 0.000 199.379

730 0.000 2.764 -18.075 0.000 -98.408 0.000 0.000 180.615

727 0.000 2.971 -15.066 0.000 -114.945 0.000 0.000 158.557

727 0.000 2.971 -12.718 0.361 -116.307 0.000 0.000 158.557

721 0.000 3.179 -10.622 0.000 -131.444 0.000 0.000 132.915

722 0.000 3.386 -8.209 0.740 -147.071 0.000 0.000 104.064

723 0.000 3.593 -4.929 1.425 -162.975 0.000 0.000 71.953

779 0.000 3.800 -0.240 0.183 -178.940 0.000 0.000 36.545

779 0.000 3.800 0.000 19.281 -175.553 0.000 0.000 36.545

783 0.000 3.850 0.000 2.979 -182.044 0.000 0.000 27.569

782 0.000 3.900 -1.792 0.882 -183.469 0.000 0.000 18.436

781 0.000 3.950 0.000 3.655 -183.779 0.000 0.000 9.237

780 0.000 4.000 0.000 9.890 -186.924 0.000 0.000 0.000

Max: 0.000 19.281 0.000 96.892 0.000 239.805

PLAXIS 8.x Professional version 356

Node x-coord. y-coord. Nmin Nmax Qmin Qmax Mmin Mmax

no. [m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]

Min: -40.916 0.000 -186.924 0.000 0.000 0.000

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