2.Pdms Gridline Creation Manual

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1. Site Creating
On Menu bar, click “Create” button, then choose “Site”.

 Set its name: /GRID/PROJECT_NAME (EX: /GRID/ABC)

2. Zone Creating
On Members Window, stand on Site “GRID/ABC”,

On Menu bar, click “Create” button, then choose “Zone”.

 Set its name: /GRID/ZONE

3. Stru Creating
On Members Window, stand on Zone “GRID/ZONE”,

On Menu bar, click “Create” button, choose “Structure”,

 Set is name: /GRID
On Members Window, stand on STRU “GRID”,
Type in Command Line:
- Function ‘STORE’
- Purpose GRID
 Press Enter button.

4. Gridline Creating
On Menu bar, click “Utilities” button, then choose “Reference Data”.
After seeing Reference Definition Application Window, we click “Create”
button, then choose “Gridline”, next, choose “Grid”.

At Name row, we type the name of Grid (Example: GRID/1FL+0).

Then click “CE” button to set origin of Gridline at E 0 N 0 U 0.

At Gridline row, first, we choose “X” (horizontal axis), then type value at
Key row and Position row. (Key: the name of horizontal axis gridline, Position:
distance between 2 horizontal gridlines – follow millimeter unit).
After typing in both rows, we choose “Insert After” to finish each turn, then
continue with next turn.
For example:

Key 1 2 3 4
Position 0 1000 2000 3000

We continue with “Y” value (vertical axis) at Gridline row. The same way
with “X” value
(Key: the name of vertical axis gridline, Position: distance between 2 vertical
gridlines – follow millimeter unit).

For example:

Key A B C D
Position 0 1000 2000 3000
Finally, we pick “Elevation” at Gridline row. At this level, we can choose
distance between 2 floors (follow millimeter unit).

This button is used

to move values up
or down, to copy
and also replace.

Then, we click “Control” button, choose “Build” to finish.

We choose “Display” -> Gridlines to set properties of Gridlines.

(Display Gridlines Window)

At Display Gridlines Window, we click on “El 0.00 – 1FL”, then choose
“Key” at “Tag with” row. We also can choose the colour of Gridlines by
clicking on Colour button.
Finally, we click “Add” button (on Display Gridlines window) to show all
Gridlines on PDMS Design Model.

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