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NBDE 1: exam 7 (micro)

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1. Anemia found in iron Microcytic 8. Beta-thalassemia results in: B Microcytic,

deficiency is of which type? A. microcytic cells with excess beta insuff. Beta hg
A. Macrocytic hemoglobin
B. Microcytic B. microcytic cells with insufficient
C. Normocytic beta hemoglobin
D. Hyperchromic C. macrocytic cells with excess alpha
2. Anthrax is caused by bacteria Bacillus anthracus
D. macrocytic cells with insufficient
of the genus:
alpha hemoglobin
A. Neisseria
B. Clostridium 9. Biological monitors, used for D. Bacterial
C. Bacillus autoclave testing, are composed of: Spores (very heat
D. Corynebacteria A. Viral spores resistant, so if
E. Mycobacteria B. Mycobacterium tuberculosis they die then all
C. Live bacteria others will
3. Antiseptics differ from 4. Applied to viable tissues
D. Bacterial spores
disinfectants in that (kill bacteria but less
E. A combination of viruses, fungi
antiseptics caustic than
and bacteria
1. sterilize. disinfectants)
2. kill pathogens. 10. By definition, which of the following Clarithromycin
3. are bacteriostatic only. antibacterials specifically retards the (the only
4. are applied to viable tissues growth of organisms eventually bacterioSTATIC
leading to the death of the organism? drug mentioned
4. Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG) B. Vaccine (for
A. Acyclovir here)
is best described as a(n): tuberculosis)
B. Cefixime
A. antibiotic
C. Clarithromycin
B. vaccine
D. Levofloxacin
C. antitoxin
E. Penicillin
D. tuberculin test
E. passive immunity 11. Corynebacterium diptheriae is often GP rod
associated with tonsillopharyngeal
5. Bacterial capsules usually Polysaccharides
infections; this bacteria can be best
consist of
classified as a(n)
1. chitins.
A. anaerobic bacteria
2. celluloses.
B. gram negative rod
3. polypeptides.
C. gram positive cocci
4. polysaccharides
D. gram positive rod
6. Bacterial flagella are: D. Entirely Protein E. virus
A. similar in structure to
12. Crohn disease most commonly Ileum and Colon
eukaryotic flagella
involves the:
B. composed of a 9+2 filament
A. duodenum and jejunum
B. jejunum and ileum
C. composed of microtubules
C. ileum and colon
D. composed entirely of
D. colon and rectum
13. Difficulties in controlling B. Mycobacteria
7. Bacteria with high lipid Bacterioides
mycobacterial growth with antibiotics are NOT quick
content in their cell walls
are due to all of the following growing. All
include all of the following
EXCEPT: others are true.
A. mycolic acid is present in cell walls
A. corynebacteria
B. mycobacteria are quick growing
B. mycobacteria
and dividing
C. nocardia
C. mycobacteria are intracellular
D. bacteroides
D. mycobacteria may be found in
Ghon complexes
14. Disseminated miliary tuberculosis results Bloodstream 17. Hashimoto The correct answer is choice B. NOT
from spread of the tubercle bacillus by thyroiditis nervousness and heat sensitivity
way of is associated . Hashimoto thyroiditis is probably
1. the lymphatics. with all of autoimmune-related and is more common in
2. the bloodstream. the following patients with other autoimmune diseases
3. the air passages. EXCEPT: (choice E). Histologically, lymphocytic and
4. direct extension. A. goiter plasma cell infiltrates (choice C) are noted.
5. none of these B. The gland enlarges (goiter) (choice A) but
nervousness produces little thyroxin due to damage to the
15. Ethylene oxide sterilization procedures 8-10 hours
and heat secreting cells. and so all symptoms are those
usually require exposure times of:
sensitivity of hypothyroidism. Therefore, the patient is
A. 20-30 minutes 20-30 mins
C. plasma often cold and lethargic, rather than hot and
B. 1-2 hours = steam
cell infiltrate nervous.
C. 2-3 hours 1 hr = dry
D. increased
D. 8-10 hours heat
E. 24 hours 24 hr = cold
16. Factors that predispose susceptible High with
erythrocytes to sickling include all of the Glucose autoimmune
following EXCEPT: diseases
A. high glucose
18. Hemophilia Factor IX (9)
B. low oxygen
B is an X-
C. low pH
linked A=8
D. dehydration
recessive B=9
where there
is a
deficiency of
which of the
A. Factor
VIII antigen
B. Factor
C. Factor IX
E. Vitamin K
19. HSV 1 assoc. Oral
w/ Genital
HSV 2 assoc.
20. Impetigo is a superficial infection of Group A 26. An individual with Addison's disease is Hypoglycemia
the skin most commonly caused by most likely to experience which of the
A. Group A streptococci following?
B. Staphylococcus aureus A. Decreased ACTH levels
C. Streptococcus agalactiae B. Hypernatremia
D. Streptococcus mutans C. Hypoglycemia
E. Streptococcus pyogenes D. Water retention
E. Weight gain
21. In addition to Neisseria meningitidis S. Pneumoniae
which of the following is a significant 27. Insufficient numbers of circulating Leukopenia
cause of meningitis? polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs)
A. Streptococcus faecalis is best described as:
B. Streptococcus pyogenes NBDE Part I released questions -
C. Streptococcus pneumoniae Microbiology-Pathology
D. Staphylococcus aureus Insufficient numbers of circulating
E. Staphylococcus epidermidis polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs)
is best described as:
22. Inadequate immobilization atter a Pseudoarthrosis
A. leukemia
bone fracture is likely to result in
B. neutropenia
1. lipping.
C. leukopenia
2. a pannus.
D. pancytopenia
3. pseudoarthrosis.
E. leukocytosis
4. Heberden's nodes
28. Kwashiorkor is defined as Sufficent
23. An increased serum acid phosphatase Prostatic
calories but
level is clinically significant and aids in carcinoma with
the diagnosis of which of the following bone metastasis
1. Paget's disease of bone 29. Lecithinases are produced by Clostridium
2. Primary hyperparathyroidism 1. Bacillus anthracis.
3. Secondary hyperparathyroidism 2. Clostridium perfringens.
4. Breast carcinoma with bone 3. Salmonella schottmulleri.
metastasis 4. Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
5. Prostatic carcinoma with bone 5. Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
30. Lysozyme can attack bacterial cells by 4 breaks the
24. An increased serum alkaline Paget's 1. degrading their flagella. bond in cells
phosphatase level is clinically 2. inactivating their ribosomes. walls
significant and aids in the diagnosis of 3. preventing the transpeptidation
which of the following conditions? reaction.
1. Paget's disease of bone 4. breaking the bond between N-acetyl
2. Primary hyperparathyroidism glucosamine and N-acetyl muramic acid.
3. Secondary hyperparathyroidism
31. Malignant epithelial cells have an Laminin
4. Breast carcinoma with bone
increased number and wider
distribution of which of the following
5. Prostatic carcinoma with bone
A. IL-1
25. An individual that presents with D. Sjögren's B. Laminin
keratoconjunctivitis, parotid gland syndrome C. Histamine
enlargement and a positive Rh factor is D. Complement
most likely to be diagnosed with E. Immunoglobulin
A. Polyarteritis nodosa
32. n Goodpasture syndrome, antibodies Kidney and
B. Reiter's syndrome
are directed against the basement Lung
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
membranes of both the:
D. Sjögren's syndrome
A. heart and lung
E. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
B. liver and kidney
C. kidney and lung
D. kidney and pancreas
E. liver and pancreas
33. An oral lesion that may appear as an ulcer, a nodule or a vegetative process and is often mistaken Histoplasmosis
for squamous cell carcinoma is a manifestation of
1. candidiasis.
2. trichinosis.
3. sporotrichosis.
4. histoplasmosis
34. Osteomyelitis is most commonly caused by S. Aureus
1. Actinomyces bovis.
2. Borrelia vincentii.
3. Nocardia asteroides.
4. Staphylococcus aureus.
5. Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
35. Prolonged tx w/ what drug will cause Pseudomembranous colitis Clindamycin

36. Pseudomembranous colitis is caused by a toxin secreted by Clostridium difficile

37. Rheumatic fever caused by B-hemolytic step

38. The spores known as endospores are formed primarily by what 2 genus of bacteria Bacillus and
39. Syphillis is caused by Treponema pallidum. How does it affect the OC? Peg laterals
Mulberry molars
40. What is the Biomarker for Prostate Cancer PSA (prostate specific
41. What kind of infection can cause salpingitis Chlamydial

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