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Reading Explorer Foundations

Target Vocabulary Definitions

action (n.) something done or performed; act; deed

actually (adv.) used to refer to what is true or real
adult (n.) a living thing that is fully grown or developed; grown-up
agree (v.) to have the same opinion
ahead (adj.) in or to the front of
alternative (n.) one of the possible things or options
among (prep.) in the midst of
amount (n.) quantity; measure
apologize (v.) to express one’s regret or remorse for some fault
area (n.) a section of space
assess (v.) to evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of
attempt (n.) an act of trying to do something
basic (adj.) forming or relating to the first or most important part of something
beach (n.) an area covered with sand or small rocks that is next to an ocean or lake
behavior (n.) the way a person or animal acts or behaves
birth (n.) the act of bringing forth a baby from the parent
blame (v.) to feel or say that (someone or something) is at fault or wrong
calm (adj.) not showing or feeling nervousness, anger or other strong emotions
careful (adj.) using care; making sure that things are done correctly, safely or without
causing damage
carry (v.) to support and move (someone or something) from one place to another
catch (v.) to trap; capture
chance (n.) a favorable time; opportunity
characteristic (n.) a distinguishing feature or quality
clearly (adv.) without doubt, obviously
clue (n.) something that helps a person find something, understand something or
solve a mystery or puzzle
comfortable (adj.) causing no worries, allowing you to be relaxed
compare (v.) to look at (two or more things) closely in order to see what is similar or
different about them
condition (n.) the state in which something is in
contain (v.) to have as contents or parts; include
cook (v.) to prepare food for eating, especially by means of heat
cost (v.) to have a price of
couple (n.) two people who are married or have a romantic relationship
cover (v.) to put something on top of or in front of (something) in order to protect or
conceal it
dangerous (adj.) full of risk; unsafe
death (n.) the act of dying; the end of life
decide (v.) to choose whether or not to believe (something) after thinking about it
definitely (adj.) without doubt
deliver (v.) to give forth
design (n.) a plan or drawing made to show the look and function or working of a
building, or other object before it is made
detailed (adj.) including a lot of information
difficult (adj.) not easy
direction (n.) a course along which someone or something moves
dirty (adj.) not clean
dish (n.) food that is prepared in a particular way
distant (adj.) existing or happening far away in space
dream (n.) something that you have wanted very much to do, be, or have for a long time
drive (v.) to operate and control the direction and speed of a vehicle
drop (v.) to fall suddenly
electricity (n.) a form of energy that is carried through wires and is used to operate
machines, lights, etc.
emotion (n.) any of the feelings of joy, sorrow, fear, hate, love, etc.
enjoy (v.) to take pleasure in; to experience with joy
enough (adj.) to the degree that is needed
enter (v.) to come or go in
expensive (adj.) very costly; high-priced
experience (v.) to do or see (something) or have (something) happen to you
expert (n.) a person who is very knowledgeable about or skillful in a particular area
expression (n.) the act of making your thoughts, feelings, etc. known by some method
factory (n.) a building or group of buildings where products are made
figure (out) (v.) to discover, determine
finally (adv.) in the end
finished (adj.) not needing more work; done or completed
flat (adj.) having a level surface, without raised areas
float (v.) to be carried along by moving water or air
follow (v.) to go or come after or behind (someone or something)
force (n.) strength, or power exerted upon an object
forecast (n.) to say that (something) will happen in the future; to predict
frequently (adv.) regularly; often
function (n.) the purpose for which something is designed or exists; role
further (adj.) at or to a more advanced point; to a greater extent
future (n.) the period of time that will come after the present
germ (n.) a small living thing, especially one which causes disease
get (along) (phrase) if two people get along, they have a friendly relationshi
grocery (n.) food bought at a store
hero (n.) a man of courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds
hole (n.) an area where something is missing; a gap
hungry (adj.) having an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach because you need food
image (n.) a picture that is produced by a camera, artist, mirror, etc.
imagine (v.) to form a picture or idea in your mind of something that is not real or present
impossible (adj.) not able to occur, exist, or be done
increase (v.) to become or make greater in size, amount or degree
ingredient (n.) one of the things that are used to make a food, product, etc.
instead (adv.) in the place of; as a replacement or substitute
invent (v.) to create or produce (something useful) for the first time
item (n.) an individual thing; a separate part or thing
join (v.) to go together with
kill (v.) to cause the death of
knowledge (n.) information, understanding or skill that you get from experience or education
laboratory (n.) a room or building equipped to conduct scientific experiments or research
last (v.) to go on or continue in time
laugh (v.) to show that you are happy or that something is funny by smiling and making
a sound from your throat
leader (n.) a person who guides or directs a group
lean (against) (v.) to rest on for support
legend (n.) a story from the past that is believed by many people but cannot be proved
to be true
letter (n.) a written or printed message addressed to a person or organization
lift (v.) to move (something) upward from the ground to a higher position; to raise
list (n.) a simple series of numbers or words (such as names)
local (adj.) relating to or occurring in a particular area, city or town
loss (n.) the harm resulting from having something taken away or destroyed
lost (adj.) unable to be found
material (n.) a substance from which something is made or can be made
means (n.) an action or system by which a result is achieved; a method
measure (v.) to ascertain the extent, quantity, etc. of (something), especially by
comparison with a standard
metal (n.) a type of material (such as gold, tin, or copper) which is typically hard and
shiny, is a good conductor of electricity and heat
mirror (n.) a reflecting surface
mistake (n.) a wrong judgment
movement (n.) an act of moving
natural (adj.) coming from nature, not made or caused by people
occur (v.) to happen; take place
on its own (phrase) not accompanied by others; alone or unaided
ongoing (adj.) continuing to exist, happen, or progress
operate (v.) to use and control (something)
painful (adj.) feeling or giving pain
parent (n.) father or mother
passion (n.) a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for or about doing something
pay (v.) to use give over (a certain amount of money) in exchange for something
perfect (adj.) excellent, without any flaws
perhaps (adv.) used to express uncertainty or possibility
period (n.) a length of time
personal (adj.) of or relating to a particular person
piece (n.) an instance or example
plant (n.) a living thing that grows in the ground, usually has leaves or flowers
poor (adj.) having little or no money
possible (adj.) that may or can be
predator (n.) an animal that naturally preys on others
prepared (adj.) ready for something
probably (adv.) very likely; almost certainly
problem (n.) something that is difficult to deal with and is a source of trouble, worry, etc.
program (v.) to insert or encode specific operation instructions into (a machine or
project (n.) a planned piece of work that has a specific purpose and that usually requires
a lot of time
promise (n.) a declaration that you will do something or that a particular thing will happen
purpose (n.) the reason for which something exists or is done
reach (v.) arrive at; get as far as
recently (adv.) not long ago
related (to) (v.) being connected to in some way
relationship (n.) the way in which two or more people are things are connected
rely (v.) to depend on
remember (v.) to keep in mind; to not forget
report (v.) a written or spoken description of a situation, event, etc.
research (v.) to investigate carefully
result (n.) something that happens as a consequence; outcome
return (v.) to come or go back to a place
rise (v.) to move from a lower to a higher position; move upward
rough (adj.) having a coarse or uneven surface
rush (v.) to move with speed
save (v.) to stop (someone or something) from dying or being hurt, damaged or lost
secret (n.) a fact or piece of information that is kept hidden from other people
sequence (n.) the order in which things happen or should happen
several (adj.) more than two but not very many
sign (n.) something which shows that something else exists, is true, or will happen
similar (adj.) almost the same as someone or something else
simple (adj.) not hard to understand or do
situation (n.) all of the circumstances of a particular time and in a particular place
size (n.) the physical magnitude or dimensions of something
solid (adj.) of good substantial quality
solve (v.) to find the answer, explanation or solution
space (n.) an empty area between things
special (adj.) better, greater or otherwise different from what is usual
spend (v.) to use up or pay out
sport (n.) a physical activity (such as hunting, running, tennis, etc.) that is done for
stare (v.) to look fixedly or vacantly at someone or something, especially with eyes
wide open
step (n.) the distance made by one movement of the foot when walking
strange (adj.) unusual or surprisingly; difficult to understand or explain
strike (v.) (of a disaster) to occur suddenly and have harmful or damaging effects on
structure (n.) something built or constructed, such as a building
support (v.) to hold up or serve as a foundation or prop for
supposedly (adv.) claimed to be true or real
surrounding (n.) the area that is around the outside edge of something
take care of (phrase) keep (someone or something) safe and provided for
take turns (phrase) (of two or more people) to do something alternately or in succession
tasty (adj.) having good flavor; pleasant to the taste
technology (n.) a machine, piece of equipment, method, etc. that is created with the use of
temperature (n.) a measurement of how hot or cold something is
therefore (adv.) as a result
touch (v.) come into or be in contact with
tourist (n.) a person who travels to a place for pleasure
toy (n.) an object for children or others to play with; a plaything
tradition (n.) a way of thinking or doing something that has been used by the people in a
particular group for a long time
trail (n.) a path through a forest, field, etc.
travel (v.) to make a journey, typically of some length
treatment (n.) medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury
trust (v.) believe in the reliability, truth or ability of
uncomfortable (adj.) feeling physical discomfort or uneasiness
useful (adj.) able to be used for a practical purpose
vanish (v.) to disappear from sight, especially quickly
various (adj.) of different kinds
vehicle (n.) a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a
car, lorry or cart
village (n.) a small community or group of houses in a rural area
warning (n.) something that tells someone about possible trouble or danger
weird (adj.) strikingly odd or unusual, especially in an unsettling way; strange
well-known (adj.) known by many people
wild (adj.) living in nature without human control or care
worried (adj.) anxious or troubled about something bad that has happened or could

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