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NBDE Decks: Biochem

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1. 2 types of intrafusal fibers: nuclear bag bag = fast 15. In which part of the adrenal Zona Glomeruloas
and nuclear chain. which is fast / slow chain = slow cortex are the following Zona Fasculata
produced: Zona Reticularis
2. ADH, Angiotensin II in epithelial cells, cAMP
Calcitonin, Catecholemines (B-
receptor), FSH, Glucagon, LH, PTH,
Androgens & Estrogens ACA
TSH, Secretin, and Somatostatin us
ewhat 2nd messenger system? 16. The LEFT vagus nerve AV node
innervates which node of the
3. Angiotensin II in vascular cells, IP3 and DAG
Catecholemines (A-receptors), GHRH,
Oxytocin, TRH, Vasopressin use what 17. Lobes of the cerebral cortex: -Frontal: motor,
2nd messenger system? Function of each language, reasoning
-Frontal and judgement
4. Anterior horn of spinal cord: Motor
-Temporal -Temporal: hearing,
transmits what kind of impulses
-Parietal understanding
5. Are all amino acids in proteins D or L L -Occipital language, memory
configuration? -Parietal: Pain and
6. At wheat temp does the body begin to 37* Temp, touch
sweat -Occipital: Vision

7. The Bainbridge reflex (in which HR the Atrial 18. mitral valve has _____ cusps; 2; 3
increases as a result of high BP) is AKA Reflex all other valves have _____

8. body temp is regulated primarily thru Hypothalamus 19. Most reabsorbtion in kidney Proximal tubule
what gland takes place where

9. Compliance is the ability of a hollow veins (due to 20. Multiple P waves is indicitive of Partial Heart block
organ (vessel) to distend and increase thinner walls) 21. Normal Daily GFR 150-250 Liter per day
volume with increasing transmural
pressure. Which has a higher 22. Oral Contraceptives inhibit LH
compliance: Arteries or veins? what hormone (preventing what Ovulation
10. Contraction caused by an action Longer
potential in Cardiac Muscle is 23. Parotid gland secretes what Parotid = serous
(shorter/longer) than in skeletal Sublingual gland secretes what Sublingual= mucous
muscle 24. Posteriorhorn of spinal cord: Sensory
11. Does eip/ noreip affect blood glucose Yes transmits what kind of
levels? impulses

12. Functions of Grey Matter and White Grey = 25. Production of what is TSH
Matter Processing stimulated by TRH
White = 26. Releasing hormones are Hypothalamus
Communication produced int the
13. How is acid regulated in the kidney? Acid (H+) 27. The RIGHT vagus nerve SA node
secreted innervates which node of the
Bicarbonate heart
28. Spatial Summation Spatial is Simultaneous
Temporal Summation (Temporal is 2 rapid
14. If the SA node and AV node both fail, Ventricular Which is 2 inputs inputs)
what will take over, what is the name of conducting simultaneously
the bundle in this system, and how system
29. True \ False: there is collagen in False
many beats per min will it cause the Bundle of His
heart to beat 30-40
30. TSH is produced in response to cold
exposure to (cold/heat)?
31. Under high BP, what happens to Decreases
venous compliance
32. What 2 amino acids are Arg 47. What is the most abundant IgG
found in his tones? Lys immunoglobulin
33. What 2 structures does Hypothalamus 48. What is the most important buffer Bicarbonate
cortisol act on? Anterior Pituitary system in the bod buffer system
34. What AA is Tyrosine 49. What is the most potent mechanism the shivering
catecholamines body has for increasing body heat
synthesized from
50. What is the reflex called that reduces Enterogastic
35. What blood condition is Respiratory Acidosis motility and closes the pyloric relfex
caused by blockage in sphincter?
blowing off CO2?
51. What makes up the Brain Stem Pons
36. What blood condition is Metabolic Alkalosis Medulla
caused by excessive loss Oblongotta
of acid ( vomiting )? Midbrain
37. What blood condition is Respiratory Alkalosis 52. What makes up the Hindbrain Cerebullum
caused by Pons
hyperventilation? Medulla
38. What enzymes are Cholecystokinin (most
triggered (3) when the important) 53. What part of the brain communicates Basal Gagnlia
low pH acid of the Secretin with the corticospinalsystem to control
stomach contents hit the GIP (GAstric Inhibitory Peptide) motor movements?
small intestine? These Enterogastrones
54. What part of the brain controls Hypothalamus
enzymes are known as
homeostasis and the autonomic
nervous system?
39. What GI enzyme is Gastrin
55. What part of the brain does memory Hippcampus
stumulated by stomach
and learning take place in?
56. What part of the brain relays ALL Thalamus
40. What gland controls T4 Pituitary Gland
sensory info (except olfactory) to the
production in the
57. What supplemental AA do people with Tyrosine
41. What is caused by Metabolic Acidosis
PKU need to take
overproduction of acid
or failure of the kidneys 58. What type of collagen found in bones type 1
to remove acid? 59. What type of liver cells release Glucagon Alpha Cells
42. Whatis missing from Hydroxyproline Insulin Bets Cells
collagen in scurvy 60. What type of neauron innervates Alpha motor
patients Extrafusal Fibers neuron
43. What is the Facilitates the concentration of 61. What type of neauron innervates Gamma motor
"countercurrent urine in response to elevated Intrafusal Fibers neuron
mechanism" and where plasma
in the kidney is it located osmolarity;hyperosmolar urine 62. What type of vessel conrtiubtes the most Arterioles
is secreted. It occurs in a to total resistance
capillary bed called the VASA 63. Where are plasma proteins made Liver
RECTA, located in the medulla.
64. Whereas most GI secretions are Neural
44. What is the first IgM controlled hormonally, saliva is
immunoglobulin to controlled by
appear after entigen
65. Where does fatty acid breakdown Mitochondria
occur? (where E is
45. What is the "go"signal Gastrin (G=Go) Where does fatty acid synthesis occur? needed)
for the stomach? cytosol
46. What is the Lactic Acid Cori Cycle 66. Where in the kidney does Aldosterone distal tubule
Cycle AKA act
67. Where is aldosterone produced Adrenal Medulla (NOT
the kidney)
68. Which of the 3 GI enxymes causes marked increase in INSULIN production( in anticipation of GIP
the blood's glucose levels rising)?
69. which side of the heart is the mitral valve on left

70. Which substance is monitored in a GFR test? INulin

71. Which (T3 or T4) binds to the TH receptor? T3

72. Which (T3 or T4) is produced in greater quantity? T4

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