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for Candidates
Message from the Vice Chancellor
Swinburne University of Technology prides itself on the quality of its teaching and learning,
the excellence of its research, the achievements of its graduates and the strong outcomes
that it delivers for industry and the community.

More than 100 years ago, Swinburne opened its doors with By joining our community of academic, teaching and professional
a simple premise in mind: to provide education to a section services staff, a job at Swinburne can set you on a fulfilling career
of society otherwise denied further education. pathway. Our people drive our culture; we embrace values and
behaviours that make a difference to the way we work and the
More than a century later, we continue to persevere in our community around us.
commitment to transform education, through strong industry
engagement, social inclusion, a desire to innovate and above all, I am proud that Swinburne is a leader in diversity and inclusion
a determination to create positive change. As a world-class initiatives. In 2013, we were the first university in Victoria to make
university, excellence is at the core of everything we do. all our campuses smoke-free. In 2015, Swinburne became the first
university in Australia to declare its support for marriage equality
Our research is internationally recognised and ranked. We are and in 2017, we were the first university in Australia to launch
in the top 3% of universities around the world, as assessed by a Charter of Cultural Diversity.
the Academic Ranking of World Universities, and ranked in the
Top 100 universities under 50 by the Times Higher Education World As a Swinburne employee, you will have access to flexible working
University Rankings. arrangements that can support your individual needs. We also have
a range of family support services that enable you to make the most
We are a large and culturally diverse university with students from of your career and family life.
more than 100 countries. This diversity of backgrounds, coupled with
our focus on personalised education, research with impact and work As we embark on a journey to deliver our 2025 strategy – to be a
integrated learning programs, creates an institution that grows and world-class university creating social and economic impact through
evolves every year. science, technology and innovation – it is an exciting time to be part
of the Swinburne community.
We are focused on the student experience and Swinburne is
consistently ranked above the national average for student Professor Linda Kristjanson
satisfaction in the Quality Indicators of Learning and Teaching. Vice-Chancellor and President
Swinburne University of Technology
About the university
Swinburne is an innovative and inclusive university
characterised by high-quality, career-oriented
education and strong engagement with industry
and the community.

Our vision is to be a world-class university creating

social and economic impact, through science,
technology and innovation

In recent years, Swinburne has become one of the

world’s leading universities, ranking within the top 3%
of universities around the world, as assessed by the
Academic Ranking of World Universities, and ranked in
the Top 100 universities under 50 years of age by the
Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

Established in 1908 by the Honourable George

Swinburne, a former Mayor of Hawthorn and member
of the Parliament of Victoria, the first Swinburne
students were enrolled the following year.

In 1992, Swinburne received university status and

began a significant period of growth and innovation Swinburne also provides pathways and vocational
that continues today. education (PAVE) courses for practical skills or an
opportunity to progress another qualification.
Swinburne’s main campus is in the Melbourne suburb They are offered through five departments:
of Hawthorn. Our other campuses are at Croydon and
Wantirna and we have a branch campus in Sarawak, • Department of Business and Finance
Malaysia, which connects us to one of the most rapidly • Department of Design, Media and ICT
growing regions of the world. Swinburne also offers • Department of Foundation and Pathways
a range of qualifications online through Swinburne • Department of Health, Science, Education
Online and Open Universities Australia. and Social Services
• Department of Trades and Engineering Technology
Swinburne creates future-ready graduates by taking
students outside of the conventional classroom, Swinburne performs well in the Good Universities
introducing then to new and different ways of Guide, with high ratings for graduate satisfaction,
learning and thinking. teaching quality, staff qualifications and employability
skills. We place a strong emphasis on building
Higher Education is delivered through three career-ready graduates.
faculties at Swinburne:
• Faculty of Business and Law
• Faculty of Health, Arts and Design
• Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology

Our close ties with industry provide students
with opportunities for authentic workplace
experiences during their studies, through
the Swinburne Advantage.

We are a university that is engaged with

the communities we serve. We advance our
research through partnerships with industry,
our communities and other universities in
Australia and internationally, to achieve results
that are relevant to industry and society.

Council is the governing body of the University

and is responsible for the general direction and
superintendence of the University. The Chancellor
is the chair of Council. The primary responsibilities
of Council and its powers and functions are listed
in the Swinburne University of Technology Act 2010.

Research at Swinburne
Swinburne is committed to undertaking world-class research that creates impact. Our research
addresses issues and problems that relate to contemporary challenges facing our industries
and societies. While the research and innovation strategy is focused on transforming industries,
shaping lives and communities, we are also focused on deep research and discoveries that
contribute to our understanding of the world we live in and of the universe that surrounds us.

Our focus on creating concentrations that foster • Top 450 universities in the world by QS
research excellence has been acknowledged both World Rankings 2017
nationally and internationally. In the most recent • Top 100 universities (ranked 61) under the age of 50
Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) outcomes, years of age Times Higher Education World University
Swinburne was awarded an ERA 5 rating – well above Rankings 2017
world standard – for Astronomical and Space Sciences, • Ranked 65 for Space Science by US News 2016.
Optical Physics, Physical Chemistry, Materials • Top 100 for Art and Design in the world by QS
Engineering, Nanotechnology and Neurosciences. World Rankings 2017
We were awarded an ERA 4 rating – above world
standard – in Quantum Physics, Chemical Sciences, We keep our research focused so that we can deliver
Computer Software, Engineering, Civil Engineering, significant results at an international standard.
Electrical and Electronic, Mechanical Engineering, We operate in niche and developing markets,
Technology, Communications Technologies, and we have a reputation for innovation and
Psychology, Language, Communication and excellence in applied research that creates both
Culture and Communication and Media Studies. economic and social impact. Swinburne prides itself
on its collaboration with local and international
Swinburne’s research excellence has also been industry, and our research innovation and excellence
independently confirmed by the world’s most often results in novel translational outcomes and
prestigious university rankings, including: commercialisation of new products and services.
• Top 500 universities in the world by the
Academic Ranking of World Universities 2016 Our Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) students are
• Top 75 in Civil Engineering by the Academic undertaking novel research programs with embedded
Ranking of World Universities 2016 research and innovation management coursework and
• Top 100 in Physics by the Academic Ranking industry placements that aim to make them ready and
of World Universities 2015 competitive for careers within and outside of academia
• Top 200 in Natural Sciences and Mathematics both nationally and internationally. This deeply engaged
by the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2016 and innovative approach to research training is com-
• Top 400 universities in the world by the Times plemented by our Joint Research Centres established
Higher Education World University Rankings 2017 offshore in partnership with the most prestigious
• Top 100 most international universities by international universities. This provides access to
the Times Higher Education World University international experiences through offshore presence
Rankings 2015-2016 and mobility, and further avenues for engagement with
international industry and business.

Our new Innovation Precinct brings together design These are exciting times, with many social, industrial
innovation, manufacturing innovation and digital and environmental challenges. Universities of the
innovation to create a hub of interdisciplinary future must continue to undertake deep research
collaboration for students, staff, mentors, community, that addresses fundamental questions, but must
and industry (with business innovation at its core). also be prepared to translate new knowledge to
The impact of our research will grow through create real impact through applied research that
research-led innovation and industry collaboration, transforms industries, and shapes lives and
and by using research to translate knowledge and communities. Swinburne is well positioned to do this.
produce commercially viable products and services
that contribute to economic development. For more information about our Research
& Innovation Strategy visit:
Swinburne’s research institutes foster interdisciplinary
collaboration in our focus areas of strength that are au/research/docs/pdfs/Research-and-innovation-strat-
aligned with industry growth sectors. They link faculties, egy-2020.pdf
research centres, research groups and researchers
with industry, business and community to maximize
research impact by tackling grand challenges and
opportunities. Their approach is outward oriented,
and outcomes and impact focused.

The five research institutes are:

• Data Science Research Institute
• Iverson Health Innovation Research Institute
• Manufacturing Futures Research Institute
• Smart Cities Research Institute
• Social innovation Research Institute

The deep discipline-focused research is developed

within our research centres that are embedded within
faculties to ensure alignment between research and
academic strategy. Research Centres are responsible
for producing high quality research outcomes that
support our ERA assessments of research excellence
in our chosen disciplines. For more information on our
research centres visit:

2025 Strategic Plan
Our vision is to be a world-class university creating
social and economic impact, through science,
technology and innovation. To fully realise our vision
we will build our capability, investing in our people,
processes and systems – these are the enablers
that allow us to effectively execute our strategic
initiatives and best serve our communities.

Technology is part of our DNA

Swinburne was born as a technical college and
technology continues to be a core driver for our Future-Ready Learners
organisation. Our heritage places us well to tackle To stay relevant and truly deliver our core function
the pace of technological chance and challenge old as a university, we need to make sure our students
ways of thinking; to create more flexible and innovative enter the workforce with the education, skills and
ways of learning ; adapt to a world where information experience they need to succeed in a fast-changing
is more readily than ever; and continually evaluate world. That means focussing on student-centred
our roles and responsibilities as academics and learning and making sure the courses we offer
education providers. will provide our students with what they need
to be industry ready and able to make life-long
Innovation is not simply the latest buzzword contributions that positively impact society.
Innovation was a key driver for our founder. More than
100 years later we continue to embrace an innovative Our transforming learning strategy spans
and entrepreneurial spirit. Swinburne has excelled refreshing curriculum, to fostering active
in innovation in learning, research, and the way we learning and supporting employability outcomes.
approach our business and we are known for our
willingness to innovate and collaborate.
Research with Impact
We are inclusive As a trusted and respected world-class leader in
Swinburne is known for who we include, rather than research excellence, we are determined to make
who we exclude. We value and embrace the great a real difference to the communities we serve.
value that diversity brings and celebrate the way Every day, our research has a positive impact on
it enriches experiences, fosters understanding, people’s lives. Whether it’s a healthcare breakthrough
and drives innovation and impact on a global scale. improving someone’s quality of life or a digital
discovery delivering real-world benefit, our research
We are a challenger makes a difference. We want to continue solving the
Our people think and do things differently, big challenges we face our country and world through
unencumbered by expectations of what a excellence in research.
university should be. Backed by our willingness to
tackle problems that are beyond a typical university, Swinburne’s five research institutes will continue
we strive to see our students graduate with an to facilitate collaboration with multidisciplinary
entrepreneurial and enterprising mindset, and inter-disciplinary research teams for economic
confident and ready to take on their future.. and social impact. The five institutes are:
• Data Science Research Institute
Our strategic framework focuses on three key areas: • Iverson Health Innovation Institute
• Future-ready Learners • Manufacturing Futures Research Institute
• Innovative Enterprise • Smart Cities Research Institute
• Research with Impact • Social innovation Research Institute

The Innovation Precinct will bring together design,
manufacturing and digital innovation to create a
hub of interdisciplinary collaboration that will include
students, staff, mentors, community and industry.
It will focus on design-led thinking and leverage
off Swinburne’s state-of-the-art facilities.

The Swinburne Innovation Precinct extends across

the whole university, but our front door and
headquarters will be located in the former Fire Station
on William Street, adjacent to our Hawthorn campus.
This is currently being redeveloped and will be
completed by mid-2017. The station dates from
1910, just two years after Swinburne was first
established as a technical institute.

Innovation Enterprise
To be world class we must perform like a world-class
university. That means being agile and responsive
to the evolving demands of a fast-changing world.
We want to continue innovating so that we are
in the best possible position to deliver Future
Ready Learners and Research with Impact.
This includes expanding our global capability
and digital transformation.

Global capability sees us expanding our international

presence and competitive product portfolio to
prepare our students to graduate as truly global
citizens. Digital transformation is about continually
creating digital experiences and capabilities that meet
the demands of a dynamic digital future.

About the Faculties
There are three faculties within Swinburne’s
Faculty of Health, Arts
Higher Education organisational unit, offering
a range of undergraduate and postgraduate and Design (FHAD)
coursework and research programs. FHAD is broad and innovative Faculty that emphasizes
• Faculty of Business and Law industry engaged teaching and research. It equips
• Faculty of Health, Arts and Design students to take up active and innovative roles in the
• Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology world as knowledge leaders and managers of health,
design, media, education, technological and social
change. Our close industry links bring a real-world
Faculty of Business focus to our courses. The teaching and research
and Law (FBL) activities of FHAD occur within three distinct schools:

The Faculty of Business and Law supports advance

business innovation and social impact through our School of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
career-ready graduates and our industry-engaged • Centre for Urban Transitions
research. It equips students with the practical skills • Department of Education
and knowledge needed for a successful career through • Department of Film and Animation
strong industry connections and focus on job skills. • Department of Media and Communications
The Faculty has a strong reputation for innovation and • Department of Social Sciences
entrepreneurship and School of Law that focuses on School of Design
creativity and intellectual property, equipping students • Centre for Design Innovation
for the future workforce. The teaching and research • Department of Communication
activities of FBL occur within two schools: and Digital Media Design
• Design Factory Melbourne
School of Business • Department of Interior Architecture
• Centre for Social Impact and Industrial Design
• Centre for Transformative Innovation School of Health Sciences
• Centre for Urban Transitions • Centre for Forensic and Behavioral Sciences
• Department of Accounting, Economic and Finance • Centre for Human Psychopharmacology
• Department of Business Technology • Centre for Mental Health
and Entrepreneurship • Department of Health and Medical Sciences
• Department of Management and Marketing • Department of Health Professions
School of Law • Department of Psychological Sciences
• Department of Statistics, Data Science
and Epidemiology

Faculty of Science, Engineering
and Technology (FSET)
The Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology School of Science
encompasses Highly renowned and well established • Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology
courses and research programs in the fields of • Department of Mathematics
• Department of Physics and Astronomy
engineering, science, ICT and Aviation. The alignment
School of Engineering
of STEM disciplines in one faculty provides innovative
• Department of Aviation
synergies and opportunities for collaboration, • Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
excellence and growth. FSET is at the forefront of the • Department of Mechanical Engineering and Product
university’s focus on developing innovative solutions to Design Engineering
real-life problems. We create graduates who are trained School of Software and Electrical Engineering
• Department of Computer Science and
and motivated to make an immediate contribution to
Software Engineering
the workplace. The teaching and research activities of
• Department of Telecommunications, Electrical,
FSET occur within three schools: Robotics and Biomedical Engineering


Higher Education 39,880
Pathways and Vocational Education 18,114


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