Higher Surveying

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College of Engineering

Sample Field/Laboratory Reports of Some Topics in

Higher Surveying

BAHOY, Josh Howell G.




1. Data

Distance (m)
a: ___5___ b: ___10___ c: __15___ d: ___15___ e: __20____
2. Sample Computations

Stadia Interval
S = Upper – Lower
= 1.337 – 1.118
= 0.149

Stadia Interval Factor

K = (D-C)/S
= (15-0.305)/0.149
= 98.6292

Stadia Interval Factor ( No C)

K (no C) = D/S
= 15/0.149
= 100.6711

Percent Difference
%DIFF = Calculated/Actual
= 14.94227/15
= 99.6%
3. Illustration

4. Data Analysis
Other than the data gathered from Point A, other data that was taken were
consistent enough to gain a definite conclusion to the value of the stadia
interval constant. This may have been a reading error as the other data were
consistent with each other, garnering a 98% to 98% accuracy. Through there
were little variations in the data gathered, consistency can still be seen.
However, having a point A, the closest to the instrument, become an error is

Other sources of possible error may also stem from other human errors such
as unsteady handling of vertical stadia rod, misreading, and so on.

If the stadia constant is removed for the calculations, the constant become ore
consistent with each other, as can be seen from the table. The data gets
relatively close to 100 exactly. This would entail that the instrument is
internally focusing and thus don’t require a constant.

5. Conclusion
From this experiment, we can conclude that utilizing the stadia interval is an
effective and rapid means in determining horizontal distances. The
determination of the distance is of course more calculations based than tape
measurements. However, this helps lessening errors in measurement,
especially with tape measurement as it has several disadvantages when it
comes to measuring.

In the figure, the difference in elevation between observed points A and B is

15 m and the horizontal distance between them is 35 m. With transit at Sta.
O, additional information was obtained as shown in the table. Determine the
stadia intervals at A and B. Assume K
= 100 and C = 0.
1. Objective
The objective of this exercise is to make use of the engineer’s transit or
theodolite in determining the horizontal and vertical stadia distances and the
difference in elevation of given stations from inclined stadia sights.

2. Background
In stadia surveying, most stadia sights encountered in the field are inclined
because of the varying ground surface elevations, however the stadia
intercept is still read with the stadia rod held vertical. Figure 2.1 shows the
typical setup of a transit and it is desired to determine the horizontal (H) and
vertical (V) stadia distances of a stadia rod from a given position under
inclined stadia sights.

Fig. 2.1 Inclined Stadia Sight

Figure 2.2 Detail of the stadia intercept for inclined sights

From Figure 2.2,  is known to be 017’, which is the angle subtended by the
projection of the middle cross hair and either the lower or upper cross hair.
The angle  is however neglected and the angle at corner F is assumed to be
equal to 90 degrees.
Considering Figure 2 and Figure 3, and relating it to horizontal sights
D = KS’ + C (2.1)

Considering triangle AFE, since AE is half of AB equal to S/2 and FE is half

of FG equal to S’/2

Cos  = (S’/2)/(S/2)


S’ = S cos  (2.2)

Substituting Eq. 2.2 to Eq. 2.1,

D = K S cos  + C (2.3)

In Figure 2.1, consider  OEJ

cos  = H / D

H = D cos  (2.4)
Subs. Eq (2.3) into Eq. (2.4)

H = (K S cos  + C) cos 

H = K S cos2 + C cos  (2.5)

And, sin  = V / D

V = D sin  (2.6)

Subs. Eq. (2.3) to Eq. (2.6)

V = (K S cos  + C) sin 

V = K S cos  sin  + C sin 

But cos  sin  = (1/2) sin 


V = (1/2) K S sin 2 + C sin  (2.7)

If an external focusing telescope (C = 0) is being used, Eqs. 2.5 and 2.7
would become

H = K S cos2 (2.8)

V = (1/2) K S sin 2 (2.9)

3. Instruments and Accessories

1 Engineer’s transit or theodolite
1 100-m tape
1 stadia rod
1 Set of marking pins
2 range poles

4. Location
Any level open surface

5. Procedure
a. Select a sloping ground surface with clear distance of around 50
meters. Drive a hub into the ground at one end of this distance and
designate this as point O (See Figure 2.3) A marking pin may be used
to mark point O if a hub is not available.
Fig. 2.3

b. Set up and level the surveying instrument over point O.

c. With the telescope horizontal, measure and record the height of
intrument (HI) using the stadia rod.
d. At any point P, direct the rodman to hold the stadia rod vertically. By
setting the lower stadia hair on a whole meter mark on the rod, take and
record the foresight reading on the rod. Read and record the vertical
angle (+ for elevation and - for depression).
Note: Alternatively, set the middle cross hair to the mark on stadia rod equal
to HI, i.e. RR = HI. By doing this, calculations for DE can be simplified since
HI and RR cancel each other so that the difference in elevation DE is readily
equal to the vertical stadia distance V.
e. Repeat step 4 at two (2) other rod stations
6. Computations

Considering Pt. A
HA = KS cos^2θ
= 100(SA) cos^2(12)
= 95.677 Sa Eq. 1
Va = (1/2)KS sin 2θ
= (1/2)(100)Sa sin [2(12)]
Va = 20.337 Sa Eq. 2

Considering Pt. B
Hb = KS cos^2θ
= 100(Sb) cos^2(10)
= 96.985 SB Eq. 3
Vb = (1/2)KS sin 2θ
= (1/2)(100)Sb sin [2(10)]
VB = 17.101 Sb Eq. 4
From the Figure,
Ha – Hb = 35 Eq. 5
Substituting Eqs. (1) and (3) to Eq. 5
95.677Sa – 96.985Sb = 35 Eq. 6
Va – RRa – (Vb – RRb) = 15
20.337Sa – 1.863 – 17.101Sb + 1.500 = 15
20.337Sb – 17.101Sb = 15.363
Sa = (15.363 + 17.101Sb)/20.337 Eq. 7
Eq. 7 into Eq. 6,
95.677[(15.363 + 17.101Sb)/20.337] – 96.985 Sb = 35
72.2906 + 80.4688Sb – 96.985Sb = 35

Sb = 37.2906 / 16.516 = 2.258 m ANS.

Sb into Eq. 7
Sa = [15.363 + 17.101(2.258)]/20.337
Sa = 2.654 m ANS

7. Conclusion
From the problem we therefore conclude that ou are using an
internallyfocusing instrument. In this case, the instrumentconstant is zero
and can be disregarded. This is the advantage of an internally focusing


Differential leveling is the process used to determine a difference in
elevation between two points. A Level is an instrument with a telescope that
can be leveled with a spirit bubble. The optical line of sight forms a
horizontal plane, which is at the same elevation as the telescope crosshair. By
reading a graduated rod held vertically on a point of known elevation (Bench
Mark) a difference in elevation can be measured and a height of instrument
(H.I.) calculated by adding the rod reading to the elevation of the bench
mark. Once the height of instrument is established, rod readings can be taken
on subsequent points and their elevations calculated by simply subtracting the
readings from the height of instrument.

To learn how to run differential levelling, to learn how to determine the
elevation of points by differential levelling, to learn how to adjust the
differential levelling.

Stadia rod, engineer’s transit/theodolite, steel tape

1. A reference point of known elevation was designated. This point was

called as BM1.

2. The instrument was set up and leveled at a convenient location. A back

sight was taken and recorded on BM1.

3. A turning point (BM1 and TP1 are NOT necessarily to be in straight

line) was established, a foresight on TP1 was taken and recorded. The
back sight and foresight distance was kept equal to minimize error.

4. The instrument was transferred and leveled at any convenient distance

beyond TP1.

5. A back sight on TP1 was taken and recorded.

6. Another turning point (TP2) was established at a convenient distance

ahead of the instrument.

7. A foresight to TP2 was taken and recorded.

8. Procedure 4 –7 was repeated until BM1 was reached (this is taking a

foresight to BM1.)
Results and Discussion:

The table above shows the results in differential leveling. The elevation at
BM1 is known to be 30.8 meters, and we need to know the elevation of BM2.
The level is set up at a point near BM1, and a rod reading taken. The height
of instrument (HI) is calculated by adding the elevation of the benchmark and
the backsight. And then a rod reading to a turning point (TP1) is taken. The
reading of the foresight is subtracted from the height of instrument to obtain
the elevation at TP1. The rod stays at TP1, the level moves ahead and the rod
at TP1 now becomes the backsight. This procedure was repeated until the
final foresight to BM2 was obtained which has an average of 12.84 meters.
I conclude that to run differential leveling, we have to know first the
benchmarks of the said elevation and need to get the basksights and
foresights from the first benchmark down to the last and then calculate the
height of instrument by adding the elevation of the station and the backsight.
Then finally, elevation is computed by subtracting the foresight from the
height of instrument.


In case of plane table survey, the measurements of survey lines of the

traverse and their plotting to a suitable scale are done simultaneously on the
field. Following are the cases in which the plane table survey is found to be

1. Compass survey cannot be carried out with success in industrial areas

of the town. Plane table survey will be the best alternative in such
2. For preparing plans on a small scale, plane table survey proves to be
speedy, easy and accurate.
3. The city or town has expanded within two or three decades and it is
required to plot the developed area on the previously plotted plan of the
existing area.

Instruments required:
Alidade, Drawing board, Plumbing fork, Spirit level and Trough compass
Temporary adjustments of plane table:
Following three distinct operations at each survey station are carried out for
the temporary adjustments of a plane table.

1. Centering
The legs of tripod are well spread out to get the convenient height for
working on the board. Then, the operation of centering is carried out by
means of plumbing fork or U-frame and plumb bob. This process ascertains
the fact that the point on paper represents the station point on ground. The
pointed end of the plumbing fork is kept on point on paper and at the other
end, a plumb bob is fixed. The table or board is shifted bodily till the plumb
bob hangs exactly over the peg of the station.

2. Leveling
The process of leveling is carried out with the help of spirit level and it
consists of making the table level either by ordinary tilting the board or by
ball and socket arrangement or by adjusting the legs of tripod.

3. Orientation
The process by which the position occupied by the board at various survey
stations are kept parallel is known as the orientation. Thus, when a plane
table is properly oriented, the lines on the board are parallel to the lined on
ground which they represent. The methods of orientation are:
i. Orientation by magnetic needle: In this method, the magnetic north
is drawn on paper at a particular station. At the next station, the
trough compass is placed along the line of magnetic north and then
the table is turned in such a way that the ends of magnetic needle are
opposite to the zeros of the scale. The board is then fixed in position
by clamps. This method is inaccurate in the sense that the results are
likely to be affected by the local attraction.

ii. Orientation by back sighting: In this method, the orientation is

carried out by the back sighting of a particular line. Suppose a line is
drawn from station A on paper representing line AB on ground. The
table is centered and leveled at station B and then the alidade is
placed along the line ba. The table is turned till the line of sight
bisects the ranging rod at A. The board is then clamped in this
position. This method is better than the previous one and it gives
perfect orientation.
Methods of plane table survey:

Following are the four methods by which an object might be located on paper
by plane table:

1. Radiation
This is the simplest method and it is useful only when the whole traverse can
be commanded from a single station. The procedure is as follows:

i. Select a point P so that all the corners of the traverse ABCD are
ii. Carry out the usual temporary adjustments of centering and leveling.
Mark the north line on paper.
iii. Put the alidade on point P and dram a line of sight for station A.
iv. Measure the distance PA on ground and put this length to a suitable
scale on paper which will give point a.
v. Similarly, obtain points b, c and d on paper by drawing lines of sight
for stations B, C and D and measuring the distances PB, PC and PD
on ground respectively.
vi. Join points a, b, c and d on paper, as shown in figure.
vii. For checking the accuracy of work, measure the distances AB, BC,
CD and DA on ground and compare them with the lengths ab, bc, cd
and da respectively on paper.
2. Intersection

This method is useful where it is not possible to measure the distances on

ground as in case of a mountainous country. Hence, this method is employed
for locating inaccessible points, the broken boundaries, rivers, fixing survey
stations, etc. The procedure is as follows:

i. Select two stations P and Q so that the points to be located on paper

are easily seen from them.
ii. Plot the line pq, which is known as the base line, on paper. This can
be done in one of the two ways:
a. The table can be centered and leveled at station P and then after
orienting at station Q, the distance PQ can be accurately
measured and put up to some scale on the paper.
b. The line pq can be drawn to some scale on the paper and then the
board can be adjusted from station P by back sighting at station
iii. From station P, draw rays for stations A, B, etc.
iv. Shift the table to station Q and after proper orientation, take rays of
stations A, B etc.,
v. The intersection of rays from stations P and Q will give points a, b
etc. on paper, as shown in figure.
vi. For checking the accuracy of work, measure the distance AB on
ground and compare it with its corresponding length ab on paper.
MEASUREMENT OF DISTANCE ( Plane table survey sample field work)

The accurate determination of the distance between two points on any surface
is one of the basic operations of plane surveying.
Any unknown distance may be approximately calculated by determining
one’s pace factor and by multiplying it by the mean number of paces (Paced
Distance=Pace Factor × Mean Number of Paces).

. To measure distance by pacing and taping over a smooth and level ground.

Determining Distance by Pacing
A. Look for a place having a level ground of unknown length and
designate the end points as point A and B.

B. Walk over the course at natural pace with either heel or toe and count
the paces made from point B to A, then A to B, until you reach five
trials. Record the paces made in your engineer’s field notebook.
Determining the distance by taping
A. In a group, a head tapeman, a rear tapeman, a rodman and a recorder
were chosen among the members. A line of unknown length of almost
level ground was called as endpoints A and B.
B. Range poles were placed behind each point. The rear tapemen with one
(1) pin station stayed at the point of beginning while the head tapemen
took the zero end of the tape and moved forward to the other end of the
line to be measured. When the head tapemen was near to a full tape
length, the rear tapemen signalled “okay” to stop the head tapeman.
The last mark of the tape was held by the rear tapemen and aligned it to
the other end of the tape held by the head tapeman on the range pole
behind the end point.
C. The rear tapeman signalled “okay”, with the last mark at the starting
point and when the head tapeman was aligned on the line of sight. The
tape taut was pulled by the head tapeman and a chaining pin was
sticked on the ground to mark the zero (0) mark end of the tape.
D. The chaining pin was picked-up by the rear tapeman and the tape was
pulled forward by the head tapeman . The process was repeated for the
next full tape length.
E. When the end of the line was almost reached and the last full tape
length had been measured, the remaining partial length was then
measured. The tape was held by the rear tapeman until its full meter
mark was at the chaining pin while the tape taut was pulled by the head
tapeman and took note of the fractional measurement read from the
tape end.
F. . A second measurement was made along the opposite direction after
the measurement of the whole line was completed. The mean of the two
measurements was taken as the most probable value of the length of the

Results and Discussion:

The easiest and quickest way to measure distance is to walk or pace the
distance and record the number of paces. Pacing consists of counting the
number of steps, or paces, in required distance. A pace is defined as the
length of a step in walking. It may be measured steps; and if the steps are
counted, distances can be determined if the length of a step is known. Pacing
furnishes a rapid means of checking measurements taken by other methods. It
is suitable in determining approximate distance in situations where a low
precision of measurement is sufficient. Distances by pacing are sufficiently
accurate for small-scale mapping, for locating details and traversing with the
plane table, and in reconnaissance surveys. It is also used for many purposes
in geology, forestry, engineering, and agriculture.
The second field work done last Monday, June 11, 2012, is all about
determining a distance by pacing in which we are asked to layout the steel
tape and as the procedure directs, we measured an unknown distance in

Therefore, to measure a distance by pacing, you just have to multiply the
mean no. of paces by your pace factor while in measuring distance in taping,
you simply measure using steel tape or any measuring device. It can also be
concluded that it is still more accurate to use any measuring device than
pacing. Furthermore, pacing is one of the most essential techniques for
measuring distance because it allows a person to work quickly and accurately
without an assistant.


100 Foot steel tape

2 plumb bobs
Range pole
Field book
No. 3 drafting pencil


A traverse is a series of connected lines of known length related to one

another by known angles. For short distances, i.e., distances less than 100 ft,
lengths are most often determined using steel tapes. The angles formed by the
intersection of two courses at a traverse station can be determined indirectly
using a steel tape. Recall that the angles at a traverse station can be
designated as interior angles, deflection angles, or angles to the right. The
student should be familiar with and understand these terms.
In general, there are of two types of traverses. The first type of traverse is a
closed traverse. Here the traverse begins and ends at the same point, or the
traverse begins and ends at points whose horizontal positions are known.
Closed traverses are known respectively, as loop traverses and connecting
traverses. A loop traverse forms a continuous closed circuit such as a traverse
that describes a property. A connecting traverse begins and ends at widely
separated points whose horizontal positions have been previously determined
by a survey of at least equal and preferably higher accuracy.
The second type of traverse is a open traverse. An open traverse will begin at
a point of known, or assumed, position and will terminate at a station whose
relative horizontal position is unknown. No means are available, therefore,
for calculating closure for this type of traverse. Traverses of this type are
generally used when making preliminary highway surveys.
The quality of taped measurements can be specified as having an accuracy
expressed by some fraction, say 1/15,000 of the length. This would constitute
a tolerance of ±0.007 feet per 100 feet. Stipulating an accuracy would imply
that from time to time the tape be compared with a standard length, suitable
corrections be applied for temperature effects, and that due attention be given
to other sources of error, especially slope, plumbing and marking. The
importance of good taping cannot be overemphasized. It is the major factor
affecting the accuracy of transit-tape traverses. Taping is also the most
important element affecting the productivity of the transit-tape survey party
and hence, the cost of the traverse survey.
The interior angles at each traverse station can be computed once certain
distances are measure in the near vicinity of the traverse station. The
horizontal angle measured at a traverse station serves basically to express the
difference in the directions of the two lines at that point. Although the transit
or theodolite are most often used to measure angles, it is possible to calculate
an angle from tape measurements.

Taping distances
In theory taping is the simplest surveying method. But taping requires more
skill and practice than any other surveying method. Accuracy of the data
collected by means of taping depends more on the surveyor’s field technique
than on the equipment used. The laboratory instructor will identify all
stations of a closed traverse. The student survey crew will establish the
distance between each traverse station with steel tapes. In a later lab the
student survey crew will resurvey the same distances using an EDMI
(electronic distance measuring instrument). The survey point where tape
measurements begins is towards the back of the survey crew, and
measurements proceed forward to the next survey point. The individual at the
back is referred to as the rear tape man, and the individual at the front is the
head tape man. Any point on the straight line between the two survey points
is on line. If a point is not on line it is right or left looking forward from the
Measure all lines between traverse stations by taping in both directions and
averaging your measurements. Be sure to maintain the tape horizontal and
make the necessary tension corrections if specified by the lab instructor. Note
that tape measurements are not made with the tape held on the survey points.
Good practice dictates that each end of the tape is held above the survey
points by means of a plumb bob attached to a string and gammon reel. A
range pole is held, or stuck into the ground, just beyond the survey point
ahead. This enables the rear tape man to keep the head tap man on line.
Be sure to use at least two ties for each survey point (bench mark) in the
traverse. Also note the direction of north in your field book sketch and make
your sketch approximately to scale. Make tape corrections if your tape is
other than standard and make temperature corrections if necessary. This
requires you to observe the temperature when taping a distance.
Taping angle data
The student survey crew will determine the necessary line segments that must
be measured in order to calculate the interior angles at all traverse stations.
Verify your proposed plan with the laboratory instructor. Two methods of
measuring an angle with a tape are depicted in the figure below. In Figure (a)
angle A lies at the intersections of lines AB and AC. Points B and C' are laid
off an equal horizontal distance from A, as shown, and the horizontal chord
B′ C′ is measured as well. Because AB′C′ is an isosceles triangle the bisector
of A must also bisect line B'C'. From the diagram.
sin(A/2) = (B'C′/ 2)/AB’
= B'C/2AB'
A/2 = sin^-1 (B'C'/2AB')
Because angle A is twice the half angle A/2, then
A = 2sin^-1[(B’C’)]/[(2AB’)]
In figure (b) point E' is laid out a convenient horizontal distance from D, a
perpendicular is erected at E', and point F' is established at the intersection of
the perpendicular with line DF. In the resulting triangle DE′F'
tan (D) = E′ F′/DE′
from which is obtained
D = tan^-[(E’F’)]/(DE’)
Be sure to maintain the tape horizontal and make the necessary tension
corrections if specified by the lab instructor. Note that tape measurements are
not made with the tape held on the survey points. Good practice dictates that
each end of the tape is held above the survey points by means of a plumb bob
attached to a string and gammon reel. A range pole is held, or stuck into the
ground, just beyond the survey point ahead. This enables the rear tape man to
keep the head tap man on line.
Following are some examples of field notes which can be used as examples
for recording traverse data. The student is also advised to consult the text
book used in CVE 211.
A similar set of field notes can be used to record data for later use in
calculating the angles at each traverse station, e.g.,

In conclusion, this is our 2nd fieldwork which is traversing. In this fieldwork
we were required to carry out a closed loop of traverse survey. The angles are
usually obtained through the equipment provided. But we were unable to
obtain the reading 360 degrees. But when you focus on your thing you can
actually less errors in the field.


A graphic scale is a ruler printed on the map and is used to convert
distances on the map to actual ground distances. This may be drawn at a
convenient place on the chart and subdivided into nautical miles, meters,
etc. The graphic scale is divided into 2 parts. To the right of the zero, the
scale is marked and is called the primary scale. To the left of the zero, the
scale is divided into tenths and is called the extension scale. Most maps
have 3 or more graphic scales, each using a different unit of measure.


Too learn how to construct graphic scales for topographic maps


Triangles graduated straight edge, paper, pen, pencil

i. The group was given 4 problems. Designed and constructed
equivalent graphic scales according to specifications
prescribed for each problem with the use of the drawing
ii. The primary scale unit should be converted into cm and the
equivalent length is computed to be portrayed in the scale
by means of ratio and proportion.
iii. The total length to be portrayed on primary scale
wassubdivided by the primary scale unit’s length.

iv. One must add another scale unit from the primary scale
unit called the extension scale. And the extension scale
will be subdivided from the number given in the problem.


In constructing a graphical scale, it should be constructed using rulers or

any drawing materials that are graduated or has calibrations. The graphic
scale is made up of the primary scale (to the right of the zero), the
extension scale (to the left of the zero), and the zero that is found between
the extension scale and the primary scale is also called as the index point.
After this indoor laboratory exercise, the group was able to construct the
four (4) different graphic scales given its fractional scale, primary scale
unit, total length to be portrayed on primary and extension scale, and the
number of divisions on extension scale. In the first problem, since 1 cm on
the map represents 1,000,000 cm on the ground, then it can simply be
worked out using ratio and proportion, as follows;
And since the total length need to be portrayed on primary and extension
scale is 100km (10 cm on the map), and 50km (5cm on the map)
respectively, a line with a total length of 15cm long had to be drawn. The
extension scale was then divided by 5 subdivisions which will now have a
length of 1 cm each division on the map. The desired graphic scale was
then completed by labeling the extension and primary scales, and drawing
two closely spaced parallel lines with shaded alternating segments.

Therefore, in constructing graphic scales for topographic maps, ratio and
proportion is used or just simply solve the problem analytically. Just be
sure to use the correct scale for the unit of measure desired to avoid any


An experiment was conducted to explore the use of an orifice meter and

manometer for predicting fluid discharge through a pipe. Fifteen sets of
measured discharge and manometer readings were obtained. Discharge was
measured by volumetric methods. The calibration equation was fit to the
observations. Discharge predictions from both the fundamental discharge
relationship and the calibration equation were evaluated and compared. Both
equations appeared to be suitable for predicting discharge. The calibration
equation provided predictions with less than 2% error while the fundamental
discharge relationship had errors as high as 8%. While the calibration
equation appears to be more accurate, the fundamental discharge relationship
has the advantage of being applicable for fluids other than water. The higher
errors associated with the fundamental discharge relationship may have been
caused by improperly zeroing the manometer. Measured values of the orifice
coefficient K were within 10% of published values.

Discharge in a pipe can be measured with an orifice meter composed of an

orifice plate and a manometer. The orifice causes a pressure loss across the
plate that increases as flow increases. The manometer provides a means of
measuring the pressure loss and predicting the flow. This application of
orifice meters was explored through achieving the following three objectives:

1. Verify the applicability of Eqs. 1 and 2, and compare the resulting

2. Measure the dependence of K on Reynolds number in the apparatus and
compare it to published results.
3. Determine the uncertainty (using least squares analysis) in the
measured values of K, assuming that the uncertainty in K results from
uncertainty in both the manometer readings and the information used to
determine discharge.

According to Potter and Wiggert (1997) the fundamental discharge

relationship for an orifice meter is 0.5


Here the pipe discharge Q (m^3/s) depends on an orifice coefficient K, the

orifice area Ao (m^2), the gravitational constant g and the pressure-head
drop. In Eq. 1 the pressure-head drop is determined by the product R(S-1)
where R is the manometer reading in meters and S is the specific gravity of
the manometer fluid. The derivation of Eq. 1 depends on three assumptions:
1. The Bernoulli Equation applies to this situation.
2. The pressure measured at the side of the pipe downstream of the orifice
plate provides an accurate means of determining the pressure at the
centerline of the pipe at that cross section.
3. Coefficients can be introduced into the equation to compensate for the
-That the conditions required for application of the Bernoulli Equation
are not met;
-That the pressure at the downstream pressure tap does not allow
accurate determination of fluid pressure on the central streamline at that
cross section.

Experiments have shown that the coefficient K depends on two

dimensionless numbers—the ratio of the orifice and pipe diameters (Do/D),
and the Reynolds number Re of the flow. For any fixed diameter ratio, K
only depends on the Reynolds number of the flow and tends to a constant
value at large Reynolds numbers. As the diameter ratio increases, the
variation in K with Reynolds number increases. Eq. 1 may be used to predict
flow without calibrating the specific meter if the meter is constructed and
operated according to established criteria. In this case K must be obtained
from published relationships.
The calibration equation Q = C[R(S-1)]^m (2)
yields the relationship between pressure drop across the orifice plate and flow
rate. Here again the pressure drop is determined by the product R(S-1). To
determine the constants C and m one must measure discharge and manometer
Determining the coefficients in Eq. 2 by the method of least squares gave the
following calibration equation
Q = 0.0102R^0.4609 (3)
Evaluating the uncertainty δK in measured values of K was accomplished by
assuming the primary sources of error were the values of Q and R. With that
assumption, uncertainty δK could be calculated with the following equation


Here δR and δQ represent the uncertainty in measured R and Q.


The apparatus consisted of a pipe equipped with an orifice meter, a

differential mercury manometer, and a discharge control valve. A pump at the
upstream end of the apparatus supplied energy to the water in the pipe to
make high flow rates possible. A calibrated measuring tank, used to measure
water volume, was located at the pipe outlet. A digital stopwatch was used to
measure time.

Orfice meter used in this experiment

The following procedure was used to obtain the basic experimental data:
1. Close all operating valves.
2. Turn on the pump that supplies water to the pipe with the orifice meter.
3. Open the valve on the discharge side of the pump.
4. With no flow in the pipe loop, open the appropriate manometer valves
and adjust the manometer reading to show zero pressure drop.
5. Adjust the flow in the pipe by opening the valve at the measuring tank.
At this time the flow is diverted directly into the lower reservoir.
6. Divert the water into the measuring tank and measure the time required
for a specific volume of water to accumulate.
7. Record the following:
-water levels at the start of the timed period and at the end of the
-the time interval,
-and the observed manometer reading.
8. Collect data for 10 to 15 different discharges.

The basic data collected, calculations from published values, as well as
properties of the system, appear in Tables 2, 3, and 4 in the Appendix (p 10-
11.). Z is water surface elevation in the measuring tank, t is time that it took
the water surface to rise from Z1 to Z2, and R is the manometer reading in
meters of mercury. Q is the measured discharge that was determined from
measurements of Z and t; Q=At(Z1-Z2)/t. Here At is the cross-sectional area
of the measurement tank (Table 1), Re is the Reynolds number of the flow
(Re=4Q/(πDν)), and K was calculated with Eq. 1 using the measured values
of Q and R.
Fig. 2. Comparison of Eg. 3 and Measured Relationship Between Discharge
and Manometer Reading
The relationship between measured discharge and manometer reading and the
relationship described by Eq. 3 are shown in Figure 2. For practical purposes,
these two relationships are identical.
Eq. 1 was also used to establish a relationship between Q and R (Table 2 in
Appendix). Here K was found using the published relationship between K
and Re by a trial and error process described by Potter and Wiggert (1997).
The relationship obtained with Eq. 1 is compared to the measured
relationship in Figure 3. Eq. 1 shows increasing deviation from published
values as the manometer reading gets smaller.
Fig 2. Comparison of Eq. 1 and Measured Relationship Between Discharge
and Manometer Reading

Measured values of K (Figure 4) were determined from the experimental data

using Eq. 1. Values of K depended on the Reynolds number of the flow. As
the Reynolds number increased from 41,100 to 137,000 the value of K
decreased from 0.784 to 0.710.
Fig. 4. Values of the Orifice Coefficient K vs Reynolds Number ( Do/D=0.7)
Table 1. Comparison of Measured and Predicted Discharge

Errors δQ were assumed to be due to errors in Z. The absolute errors of

±0.001 m in ∆Z and ±0.0005 m in R were assumed on the basis of least count

Eqs. 1 and 3 can both be used to predict flow for manometer readings ranging
from 0.011 to 0.148 meters of mercury. Eq. 3 predicted the measured
discharges with errors less than 2%; Eq. 1 was in error by less than about 8%
(Table 1). Eq. 3 should provide predictions with less than 2% error so long as
the mercury manometer can be kept zeroed at the same position that was used
during the experiments. If the greater error observed with Eq. 1 is the result
of an error in zeroing the manometer during the experiment then it may be
possible to improve the results that can be obtained with Eq. 1. This
possibility may be worth exploring because Eq. 1 has a significant advantage
over Eq. 3 in that it permits the meter to be used for fluids other than water at
16 C.
The measured values of K fall within about ±10 % of the published values
(Fig. 4). This is reasonable agreement. Furthermore, these values show a
tendency to decrease with increasing Reynolds number just as the published
values show.
Standard error propagation methods showed that measured values of K were
subject to an uncertainty that ranged from about 2% at Reynolds numbers of
4.1(10)4 to less than 0.5% at Reynolds numbers of 1.4(10)5. The calculated
uncertainty δK (Table 4 in Appendix) was used to construct error bars around
each measured value of K (Fig. 4). This analysis suggests that the values of K
grow more uncertain as the Reynolds number of the flow decreases.
Nonetheless, within the range of the measured values, the uncertainties in R
and Q do not appear to explain the observed differences between the
measured values of K and published values.
The values of K best agree with reported values at high Reynolds numbers,
and they show an increased deviation from reported values as the Reynolds
number decreased. This consistent deviation suggests a bias in the results. A
likely explanation, although it must be verified by experiment, is that the
manometer was not properly zeroed during the experiment. The improved
agreement obtained by assuming a small (0.003m) zeroing error is shown in
Fig. 5 (in Appendix). To discover the true values of K in the apparatus
requires that the experiment be rerun to verify the cause of the observed


This experiment yielded the following conclusions:

- Eqs. 1 and 3 can both be used to predict flow in this system for
manometer readings ranging from 0.011 to 0.148 meters of mercury.
- Measured values of K fall within ± 10% of published values, a result
acceptable for all but the most carefully designed and executed
experiments. Measured values of K show the best agreement with
published values at high Reynolds numbers. That agreement decreases as
the Reynolds number decreases, but this effect does not entirely explain
the disparities. Eq. 3 will provide more accurate predictions if the
mercury manometer can be kept zeroed at or near the same position that
was used during the experiments.
- If the greater uncertainty in predictions with Eq. 1 is the result of an error
in zeroing the manometer during the experiment, then it may be possible
to improve the accuracy of predictions with Eq. 1. Further experiments to
resolve this issue may be worthwhile because Eq. 1 has a significant
advantage over Eq. 3 in that it permits the meter to be used for fluids
other than water at 16° C.

Table 2. Experimental Data and System Properties

Table 3. Q vs R From Published values of K

Table 4. Error in K
Fig. 5. Values of the Orifice Coefficient vs Reynolds Number (Based on
Adjusted Values of R).


The method of surveying called triangulation is based on the trigonometric
proposition that if one side and two angles of a triangle are known, the
remaining sides can be computed. Furthermore, if the direction of one side is
known, the directions of the remaining sides can be determined. A
triangulation system consists of a series of joined or overlapping triangles in
which an occasional side is measured and remaining sides are calculated from
angles measured at the vertices of the triangles. The vertices of the triangles
are known as triangulation stations. The side of the triangle whose length is
predetermined, is called the base line. The lines of triangulation system form
a network that ties together all the triangulation stations.
1. To establish the control points for a low order triangulation system
(consisting of a single quadrilateral) needed to stake out a site for a
short-span bridge.
2. To learn how to apply the approximate method of adjusting a
quadrilateral and how to determine length of the bridge and the lengths
of other unknown sides of the quadrilateral.

Engineer’s Transit, Stadia rod, Chaining pins, and Hubs or Pegs

1. The two end points defining the length of a proposed (or imaginary)
bridge was established and two other points within the vicinity of the
bridge site in order to form a triangulation figure in the shape of a
quadrilateral. These points were called A, B, C, and D with line AB
defining the length and centerline of the proposed bridge. Pegs or hubs
were used to mark these points.

2. Lines AD and BC were designated as the base line and check base,
respectively. Their respective lengths were measured accurately twice
and the mean measurements were recorded as the actual length of each

3. The instrument was set up and leveled at A and each horizontal angle
about the station was measured in two repetitions. The observed values
were recorded accordingly.

4. . In a similar process, the horizontal angles at stations D, B, and C were

also measured.

5. The observed and calculated values were then tabulated accordingly.

Table 1. Data for Station Adjustment

Sum = 284 o35’20” + 60 o30’20” + 14o54’20” = 360 o
Discrepancy = 360 - 360 o = 0
Correction = 0
Table 2. Data for figure adjustment

Sum = 60 o30’20” + 14 o54’20” + 15 o33’46.67” + 84 o44’46.67”
+ 77 o12’6.67 + 18 o54’26.67”+ 19 o40’40” + 68 o14’40”
= 359 o45’6.68”
Discrepancy = 360 - 359 o45’6.68” = 14’53”
Error = 14’53” / 8 = 1’51.67”
Table 3. Data for Adjustment of Opposite Angles

Table 4. Trigonometric Condition

In Angle 2:
Log Sin<2 + 10
Log Sin(60 o 35’6.68”) + 10 = 9.940061474
diff in 1” = [logsin(<2 + 1”)]-[logsin(<2) + 10]
= [logsin(60 o 35’6.68” + 1”)]-[logsin(60 o 35’6.68”) + 10]
diff in 1” = 1.1871 x 10^-6

Table 1 and 2 shows the station and figure adjustment, respectively. In the
first adjustment, all the observed horizontal angles about a station were just
added. The sum was then subtracted from 360o. The difference was then
divided by the number of angles about the station. The resulting value is then
added algebraically to each angle in order to make the sum of all angles about
each station equal to 360o. While in the second adjustment, the sum of the
interior angles of the quadrilateral must be equal to (n-2)180o, where ‘n’
represents the number of sides. In the third table, the opposite angles at the
intersection of the diagonals should be equal. The values of these angles were
previously adjusted in earlier adjustments and were compared and the
difference between them was divided by 4. The computed correction was
then added to smaller pair of angles and subtracted to the larger pair. In the
last table, it shows the trigonometric condition. It was satisfied by the means
of computations involving the sines of the angles. The angles were adjusted
so that the computed length of an unknown side opposite a known side will
be the same regardless of which of the four routes is used. In this manner,
route 1 and 3 were computed and its average will then represent as the
computed distance of BC or the check base.
Therefore, the control points for a low order triangulation system
(consisting of a single quadrilateral) needed to stake out a site for a short-
span bridge was established. The application of the approximate method
of adjusting a quadrilateral was also learned, so as to determine the length
of the bridge and the lengths of other unknown sides of the quadrilateral.

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