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Mataganas, Jaecelle Angela V.

12- Our Lady of Good Voyage


A good neighbor is someone who respects other people and helps

them if necessary. In my own perspective a responsive or good neighbors
are rare and some people do not even know who their neighbors are. In
our 10 commandments, the second one is “You shall love your neighbor as
you love yourself”, it means that we are existing to love. Jesus said on the
Bible that the greatest among many things that man could do is to love.
To love God wholly and totally with one’s heart soul and mind and to
love one’s neighbor are the greatest commandments of all. Jesus said that
to love is to serve. To serve lovingly our brothers and sister especially
those who are in our midst. Being a responsible member in our
community is a must since we are all created with a purpose. As a person,
I think that all of us should not choose whoever we will help but also
those who are needed the help.
I had many experiences when my neighbors helped me in my critical
situation. As an example, when I need to go to the supermarket and my
parents wasn’t here to give me money, they give me money without any
expectation. In my situation when my neighbor helped me, I think that It
is the way of him in showing his love for others. As time passes by, our
compound was being our family compound because now, my relatives was
in here and I can call them as my neighbors now. Now, we always help
each other and showing our love towards each other by means of helping
them when an chaotic things happen. Sometimes in our family, it occurs
but, with the help of everyone it is easy for us to solve it because everyone
of us is participating and giving their best to be genuine. As God created
all of us, He want us to love neighbor as you love yourself. Before, we had
neighbors that are not related to us but we treated them as part of our
family since they are kind and responsive.
Mataganas, Jaecelle Angela V. July
12- Our Lady of Good Voyage


As a children of God, we must be proud to be an honest being.

We must raise the honesty and stop the sinful doings that we are
committing through saying words which is not true. We should keep
in our mind that by saying the truth, it promotes authenticity because
honesty is a reflection of our own thoughts and feelings. If you want
people to know who you are, be honest in your self-expression. Being
true with other person creates circle of love. Honesty sets an example
that invites other to imitate. We must always remember that honesty
is the center of everything. It is only the one thing that we can adopt
to our self to be a good creation of good. Being a true person can catch
others attention because if one person is honest, other person can also
adopt honesty in their system.
There’s a part of my life when I realize that being honest is an
overwhelming feeling. I’ll be honest that before, I always said untrue
things about myself because I am afraid the no one will accept me If
I’ll tell them my real attitude. As time passes by, I am starting to
show them who really I am and they are enjoying it that’s why I’m
also happy to see them happy because of me. As I am talking to
someone, I often said offensive words but for me it was a joke but
since they adopted my attitude, they didn’t take it too seriously as a
said words that can offend them. I feel happy when I can be able to
show my real self to others. Being true shows maturity and self
acceptance. There can often be hurt and pain associated im being true
or honest. A mature person conveys honest expression in a style that
minimizes painful impact and that is what I’ve learn in being true to

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