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Process VS Results -The Process vs. Results. ...

While being focused on a specific result is good, being

emotionally attached to it can be bad. When you're too attached to something, what happens when you
don't achieve it or make it happen? You often get upset, frustrated, disappointed, and often times will give
up. This is known as being a dabbler. A dabbler is the type of person that expects results too fast and
depends their level of success purely on whether or not they achieved something. When results come too
slow, they throw in the towel to pursue something else that will hopefully give them quicker results. They're
always looking for short-cuts and aren't willing to fully commit to something and go through the process
necessary to achieve what they want.

example of this is when I used to be a dating coach. I'd have guys coming to me wanting to learn how to
get a date, but were unaware that they had to learn all the steps before that to be able to get that date. In
order to get a date, you'd need to learn how to overcome the fear and anxiety to approach the woman that
you want, be able to start a conversation, hold the conversation while keeping it interesting and fun, be able
to spark attraction with that woman, close the deal for the phone #, follow up with her on the phone, get her
out on the date


PLANNING PHASE – planning is the most vital phase of total quality management. In this phase
employees have to come up with problems and queries which need to be addressed. They need to come
up with the various challenges.

The Project Planning Phase is the second phase in the project life cycle. It involves creating of a set
of plans to help guide your team through the execution and closure phases of the project.
The plans created during this phase will help you to manage time, cost, quality, change, risk and issues.

DOING PHASE – in the doing phase employees develop a solution for the problems defined in planning
phase. Strategies are devised an implemented to overcome the challenges faced by employees the
effectiveness of solutions and strategies is also measured.

Examples include legislation, working-condition regulations and approval requirements. These
requirements cannot be influenced from within the project. The programmers created the application in
Firefox, because they worked with the browser themselves and because it had a number of functions that
were particularly useful during the development. Because most of the websites that are made for Firefox
also look good in Explorer, the difference was initially not noticeable. Near the end of the project, however,
the customer began to complain that the website didn’t look good. The programmers, who had been
opening the site in Firefox, did not understand the complaint.
CHECKING PHASE - is the stage where people actually do a comparison analysis of before and after
Data to confirm the effectiveness of the process and measure of results.


study the result, measure effectiveness, and decide whether the hypothesis is supported or not. you
analyze your pilot project's results against the expectations that you defined in Step 1 to assess whether
the idea has worked or not. If it hasn't worked, you return

ACTING PHASE – in this phase employees document their results and prepare themselves to address
others problems.


This is where you implement your solution. But remember that PDCA / PDSA is a loop, not a process with a
beginning and an end. This means that your improved process or product becomes the new baseline, and
you continue to look for ways to make it even better for your organization or customers.

PUTTING QUALITY FIRST – alos talks about improving performance in terms of three dimensions which
are quality cost and delivery the firm should always put quality cost and delivery. Delivery refers to bringing
the necessary quantity of product in the right place at the right time.


Quality First. Kaizen requires that quality is a primary objective, more than timeliness or even cost. Kaizen
recognizes that without a quality product, organizations will not be able to compete.

SPEAK WITH DATA – kaizen is a problem-solving process since kaizen deals with addressing problems or
limitation evey situation must be correctly understood. Kaizen has no room for seat of pants operations in
order to correct the problems in a process.

Once a large corporation felt that; it’s time for a shakeup and hired a new CEO. The new boss was
determined to rid the company of all slackers. On a tour of the facilities, the CEO noticed a guy leaning on a
wall. The room was full of workers and he wanted to let them know that he meant business.

THE NEXT PROCESS IS CUSTOMER – the last concept of kaizen is that next process is the customer this
means that all workers think that next process is the customer. So all workers in any process on no account
pass on flawe parts.

Kaizen promotes the concept of internal and external customers. By regarding every process in a series as
a "customer" of the preceding process, every stage of production can be focused for a quality outcome. If
every internal customer is delivered high quality goods, the external customer will have a high quality
product to purchase.

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