Tank Farm: Dyke Wall Height Calculation, Piping Layout For Tank Farm-Part 2

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Farm- Part 2

Tank Farm: Dyke Wall Height Calculation, Piping

Layout for Tank Farm- Part 2
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Tankfarm part 1
I. Dyke Wall Height Calculation:
Area of Dyke : 21582.5 M2
Height of Dyke Assumed : ‘H’ = 1.2 M
Height of Foundation ‘h’ which is 0.9M
Diameter of Foundation : ‘D’ = Diameter of Tank + 1.5 M
Number of Tanks : ‘n’
Fire wall dimensions : 200 MM Thk. X 600 MM High
Dyke enclosure vol. ≥ Working capacity of Largest tank + Dead volumes
A ≥ B + C
A) Dyke enclosure volume = Area of Dyke X Dyke Height
= 21582.5 X 1.2 =25899 M3
B) Working capacityof Largest tank = 17304 M3
C) Dead volume = All tanks foundation volume + Liquid volume of tanks (other
than the largest tank) upto the Ht. of the enclosure + Dead volume of Fire wall
1) All Tank foundation volume:
Volume of a tank foundation = π/4 D2 X h X n
Let ,
D1 : Fdn Dia of 300 tank = 37.5 M; D2 : Fdn Dia of 250 tank = 26.5 M; D3 : Fdn Dia of 210 tank
= 22.5 M
n1 : Number of 300 tank fdns = 2 nos; n2 : Number of 250 tank fdns = 4 nos; n3 : Number of 210
tank fdns = 6 nos;
Volume of all tank foundations = π/4 D12 X h X n1 + π/4 D22 X h X n2 + π/4 D32 X h X n3
= π/4 X 37.52 X 0.9 X 2+ π/4 X 26.52 X 0.9 X 4 + π/4 X
22.5 X 0.9 X 6

= 1988.04 + 1985.56 +2147.08

= 6120.68 M3 …………………………………………………..(1)
2) Liquid volume of tanks (other than the Largest Tank) above Fdn upto Dyke Ht:
Liquid volume of tank above Fdn upto Dyke Ht. = π/4 d2 X (H-h) X n= π/4 d2 X (0.3) X n
Where, d : Dia of Tank
n : Number of tank
Total Volume of all tanks (other than the Largest Tank) above Fdn upto Dyke Ht:
= π/4 d12 X (0.3) X n1 +π/4 d22 X (0.3) X n2+π/4 d32 X (0.3) X n3
= π/4 X (36)2 X (0.3) X 1 +π/4 X (25)2 X (0.3) X 4+π/4 X (21)2 X (0.3) X 6
= 305.36 + 589.05 + 623.45
= 1517.86 M3 …………………………………………………..(2)
3) Dead Volume of Fire wall = 0.2 X 0.6 X (56 + 199+ 77.5 + 77.5 + 77.5 + 77.5 + 77.5) = 77.1
= 100 M3 (Min Dead Volume of Sleepers & Crossovers) ……………..(3)
C) Dead volume = (1) + (2) + (3)
= 6120.68 + 1517.86 + 100
= 7738.54 M3
B+C = 17304 + 7738.54
= 25042.54 M3
A = 25899 M3
A > B+C
Dyke height (1.2 M) assumed is OK.
As per OISD, 200 MM free board is to be added to Dyke height
Dyke Wall Height = 1.2 + 0.2
= 1.4 M

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