Manuscript Format in Systems Analysis and Design

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Manuscript Format in Systems Analysis and Design


Project goals and objectives

Expected outcomes, deliverables and beneficiaries

Project description

Definition of the problem and project background

Proposed solution
Strengths, weaknesses, reliability, scalability, security of the proposed solution
Project scope / parameters
Business area(s) affected eg where the project work will be undertaken, where the benefits will arise
Key project components eg software, hardware, database, network, business process re-engineering
(BPR) requirements
Conformity to organisational technology strategies and standards
Technical impact of project and compatibility with existing infrastructure
Summarised business and user needs
Sponsor and stakeholder acceptance of the proposal


Expected benefits from the project including

 tangible benefits, cost savings or income,

 intangible (soft) benefits

How the project enhances / replaces the existing system, the benefits of a new technology system


Expected costs for the project. Broken down and analysed: system selection phase, implementation
phase, ongoing costs, total budget required, budgetary limits

Business case

Business case justifying the project, based on the expected costs and benefits including ROI, Payback


System selection methodology

Outline of how the proposal will be undertaken
Proposed project implementation methodology / technical approach
Project constraints eg system architecture, critical dates
Project plan

Outline project plans – for both system selection and system implementation.
Plans to show key activities, dates, and deliverables
Milestones and measurements / metrics of the outcomes

Time scales

Start and end dates

Interim milestone dates.

Project management

How the project will be managed

How work will be organised / supervised


Resources for system selection in some detail, but only in outline for the implementation
Project team, roles, and responsibilities
Resource plan, allocation
Resource details, qualifications, experience, skills
Training requirements


Entity Relation Diagram

Intial ERD
Final ERD

Data Flow Diagram

Context Diagram of DFD
Level 0, DFD


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