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School of Computer Science and Engineering

Lovely Professional University


Expert System for Career Guidance

(Mid Term Report)

We hereby declare that the case study entitled “Expert System for Career
Guidance” submitted at Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab is
an authentic work and has not been submitted elsewhere.
We understand that the work presented herewith is in direct compliance with
Lovely Professional University’s Policy on plagiarism, intellectual property
rights, and highest standards of moral and ethical conduct. Therefore, to the
best of our knowledge, the content of this case study represents authentic and
honest effort conducted, in its entirety, by us. We are fully responsible for the
contents of our case study report.

It is our privilege to express our sincere regards to our Professor Sanjay Kumar
Sharma for her valuable inputs, able guidance, encouragement, whole-hearted
cooperation and constructive criticism throughout the duration of my project.
We deeply express our sincere thanks to her for encouraging and allowing us
to present the Project on “Expert System for Career Guidance”. We pay our
respect and love to our parents and encouragement throughout our case study.
Last but not the least we express our thanks to our friends for their cooperation
and support.
Project Description

The project is to create an Expert System for Career Guidance using fuzzy logic
in Python Language using Scikit-Fuzzy library which implements many useful
tools for projects involving fuzzy logic, also known as grey logic.

Task Involved

1.Collecting Data
2.Creating Logic using data
Task 1 : Collecting Data

For creating a fuzzy logic, we first need to collect data from various students
regarding their decision in career after completing their +2 based on their +2
subject stream, marks in +2, financial conditions, duration of degree. The
following information has been collected using Google Form from students of
various stream.
The following snaps shows the form and the response collected from students:
In spreadsheet:
Task 2 : Creating Logic Using Collected Data

Now the data has been collected, the next task is cleansing data and removing
ambiguity from data.
Further task is to design a logic for fuzzy system that act as career guidance expert

Observations made from data collected:

1. Maximum of the student choose Non-Medical in their +2 standard.
2. 50% of the students who took educational loan for their bachelor’s degree
B.Tech or BCA were having 61%-80% in their +2.
3. Most students choosing BA and LLb are having 61%-70% in their +2.
4. None of the student opting MBBS has taken loan and most of them having
above 91% in their +2.
5. Students opting for Non-Medical has percentage range from 71-91 in their +2.

Steps involve are:

1.Input +2 marks, financial condition, stream in +2, no of years for their bachelors
2. Set range as good, average and poor for marks obtained.
3.Guiding them for their career.
Flow chart for their guidance:

Stream in +2

Commerce Non Medical Medical

Marks in +2 marks in +2 Marks in +2

below 70% 70% to 90% above 90 below 60 less than 80 More than 80 less than 80 more than 80

years in year in Years in BA LLB BCA BA LLB

financial Financial
bachelors bachelors bachelor
BCA BCA+MCA condition B.Pharms condition
degree degree degree

3 5 3 5 3 above 4 good medium good medium

BBA MBA BBA + MBA willing to take want to take

BA LLB CA loan loan

no yes no yes

B>Tech B.Pharms MBBS

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