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(note: it seems like a lot, but trust me: you’ll eventually forget how to play and need an all-inclusive


True American
“It’s 50% drinking game, 50% life-size Candy Land… it’s actually 90% drinking and
then it’s got a loose Candy Land-like strucutre to it.”

**WARNING: You will get drunk/hammered during this game. Drink water as needed,
eat drinking game-friendly foods beforehand, and play smart. Stop gameplay at any sign
of alcohol poisoning or if someone lands themselves in dangerous territory. It’s better to
abandon a game for the sake of safety than to continue playing with a risky scenario on
your hands **

-deck of cards
-group of friends/drinking buddies
-open space
-handle of liquor
-2-4 beers per person

AP = PAWNS (beer)

K = KING (liquor)
AP = access point
Basic Set-up:

1. Place KING (liquor) in center of middle table and surround with PAWNS (beer).
Place your desired number of access points around the table (usually 1-4). Place
cushions/pillows/chairs/etc in a trail connecting the access points.
2. Assign a meaning to each card in the deck. Creativity is highly encouraged!
• EX.
1 - rhyme ……
2 - waterfall Jack - colors
3 – give a beer Queen – swap spots
….. King – finish the lyrics
3. Assign a CARD READER. Turn order can be determined at random or from
oldest to youngest.
4. The game begins with all players surrounding the center table and an unopened
drink in hand. Start the game with a shotgun contest or by using “JFK! FDR!”
rules (see below)
5. On each person’s turn, the player moves forward 1 space and completes the
task chosen from the deck by the CARD READER.
• Ex. Ashley moves forward 1 space on her turn. The card reader pulls a
king from the deck. Ashley must start singing a lyric and whoever finishes
the lyrics first gets to move forward 1 space.
• Ex. Stuart is given a one from the deck. Stuart must say a word and
everyone goes one-by-one trying to rhyme with the original word. If a
rhyme can’t be made within 5 seconds or if a word is repeated, that
person must take a sip and move back a space.
6. THE FLOOR IS LAVA! If you touch the floor at anytime you must go to timeout
and finish your drink
7. Players can share (and will end up sharing) spots! Don’t be a dick and throw your
spot partner into the lava- “True American” is meant to be a fun game of
friendly and drunken competition.
8. When a player reaches an access point, they must take a pawn from the center
9. You can only have up to THREE (3) beers in your possession at a time. If you are
caught w/ zero beers or more than three, you must go to timeout and finish a
drink. You must grab a new beer when re-entering from timeout
10. When your drink is empty proudly yell “ALL TRASH BELONGS-” and everyone
responds with “-IN THE JUNYARD!” (safely) throw your empty drink in the
11. Play continues until all pawns have been removed from the table. If a player
reaches an access point, finishes their final drink at the access point (or, if all
players have finished all of the beers in the game the final drink can be had
anywhere on the “board”), they make take a drink from the king and declare
themselves the TRUE AMERICAN!
True American is an ever-changing whirlwind of a game. These are just the
basics we have followed in the past that have proven to be effective. Adapt
these rules to fit your friendgroup/playing area. Be good people and drink

Many alternative rules exist- here’s some we’ve used for drunken game nights:
§ To start the game, all players surround the middle table and grab a
beer. The card reader yells “1-2-3 JFK” and all players respond
with “FDR!” and run to their first spot.
§ The card reader counts to 3 and all players put their hand on their
forehead, showing any number from 1-5. Those with the same
number on their forehead are on the same team. No matches? Play
as a team of one or band together as a group of misfits.
§ When playing in teams, you can share/give beers to your
teammates as needed to avoid being sent to timeout.
§ Ex. If you have 3 beers and move forward to an access
point, your teammate can take one or more of your beers
so you aren’t penalized for having more than 3 beers at a
• CLINTON RULES (not for the shy, easily embarrassed, or faint of heart)
§ Each player chooses another player to be their “intern”. Anytime
you are forced to drink by a card or another player, your intern
must remove an item of clothing OR drink 3 times. When an intern
is down to their underwear they must go to timeout, finish their
drink, and re-dress before re-entering them game.
§ Due to the nature of the CLINTON RULES, try to come to a
consensus amongst players before choosing this path. Again, don’t
be a dick to anyone if they prefer to drink instead of stripping or if
they prefer to play with the original set of rules.

Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes.

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