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B.V.Sc. & A.H. 2013-14
Course No.: VMD-412
Course Title: Veterinary Preventive Medicine-I (Bacterial, Fungal & Rickettsial Diseases)
Time Allowed: 2 Hrs Credit Hrs: 2+0=2 Maximum Marks: 50
Name of Student: Roll No.:

Q. 1: Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word (s). (15x0.50=7.5)

1. The ‘Ascoli’s test’ is done for the diagnosis of the disease ……………………………
2. ‘Shipping fever’ is caused by the organism………………………………………………..……..
3. ‘Rose-thorn/rose-gardener’s’ disease is caused by……………………………………… ………
4. …………………………….. (name of disease) is by far the most common cause of abortion in
cattle and abortion usually takes place from 6 months onward i.e last trimester of pregnancy.
5. Bovine (cattle) tuberculosis is caused by …………………………………………………….
6. The etiological agent of the ‘Circling disease’ is …………….................................................
7. Causative agent of ‘Calf scour/white diarrhoea’ is …………………………………….
8. ‘Dimond skin’ lesions are found in disease ………………………………………………..
9. ‘Burkholderia mallei’ causes the disease ………………………………………………
10. Limber neck/Lion disease is caused by the ingestion of toxin of ………………………................
11. ‘Clostridium chauvoei’ causes the disease ………….…………………………..
12. ‘Cave disease/Darling’ disease occurs due to …………………………………………..
13. Aflatoxins are the toxic substances produced by the fungi ………………………………………
and ………………………………………………..
14. Moniliasis is a muco-cutaneous disease caused by fungi of the genus ……………………………..
15. The anthrax infected carcass should not be opened because ………………… are formed while the
anthrax organisms are exposed to air (oxygen).

Q. 2: Choose (“”) the most suitable answer. (15x0.50=7.5)

1. Anthrax is also known as:

a. Wool sorter’s disease
b. Charbon
c. Splenic fever
d. All the above
2. ‘Undulant fever’ in cattle is caused by:
a. Pasteurella multocida
b. Brucella abortus
c. Mycobacterium bovis
d. All the above
3. Dose of Anthrax spore vaccine in cattle, horse, sheep and goat is:
a. 1 ml
b. 2 ml
c. 3 ml
d. 5 ml

Veterinary Preventive Medicine Paper-I (VMD-412) Page 1

4. An example of zoonotic disease is:
a. Leptospirosis
b. Tuberculosis
c. Anthrax
d. All the above
5. B.C.G. vaccine provides protection against:
a. Brucellosis
b. Black quarter
c. Tuberculosis
d. All
6. The most cardinal clinical sign of ‘Johne’s disease’ is:
a. Pneumonia
b. Fever
c. Diarrhoea
d. All the above
7. ‘Wooden tongue’ is caused by:
a. Actinobacillus lignieresii
b. E. coli
c. M. tuberculosis
d. All
8. The disease ‘Black Quarter’ is also known as:
a. Black leg
b. Quarter ill
c. Symptomatic anthrax
d. All
9. The clinical sign of tetanus is:
a. Lock jaw
b. Prolapse of the third eye lid
c. Saw horse stance
d. All the above
10. ‘Pulpy kidney disease’ is caused by:
a. Cl. Perfringens type-A
b. Cl. Perfringens type-B
c. Cl. Perfringens type-C
d. Cl. Perfringens type-D
11. The most toxic of the aflatoxins, also a potent liver carcinogen is:
a. Aflatoxin M1
b. Aflatoxin G1
c. Aflatoxin D1
d. Aflatoxin B1
12. Following treatment can be given to feed material for destruction of aflatoxins:
a. Ammonia/sodium hypochlorite/propionic acid treatment
b. Thermal treatment
c. Microbiological treatment (Saccharomyces cerevisiae @ 0.05-1 % of feed)
d. All the above
13. Diagnostic method for dermatophytosis is:
a. Microscopical examination
b. Cultural examination
c. Skin test
d. All the above
14. The disease ‘Vibriosis/Epizootic abortion’ is caused due to:
a. Vibrio cholerae
b. Trichomonas foetus
c. Campylobacter foetus
d. None

Veterinary Preventive Medicine Paper-I (VMD-412) Page 2

15. Which statement is right regarding the disease ‘Anthrax’:
a. This was the first disease found to be caused by a bacterial agent (Bacillus anthracis)
b. This was the first disease against which Pasteur made classical study to evolve an attenuated
c. Algerian sheep are resistant to anthrax
d. All the above

Q. 3: Attempt any fifteen out of the following twenty questions. Answer in 2 to 3 lines. (15x1=15)
1. Preventive Veterinary Medicine:


2. Oral thrush:


3. Milk ring test (MRT):


4. Milliary tuberculosis:


5. ‘Anergic animals’:


6. Rice field worker’s disease:


Veterinary Preventive Medicine Paper-I (VMD-412) Page 3

7. Silage disease:


8. Colibacillosis:


9. Lumpy jaw:


10. Strauss reaction:


11. Dermatophilosis:


12. Farcy:


13. Strangles:


Veterinary Preventive Medicine Paper-I (VMD-412) Page 4

14. Three types of tetanus toxins:


15. Trismus:


16. Toxoid:


17. Mastitis:


18. CBPP:


19. Tinea incognito:


20. ‘Brooder’s pneumonia’:


Veterinary Preventive Medicine Paper-I (VMD-412) Page 5

Q. 4: Attempt any five out of following seven questions (Short notes). (5x2=10)

1. Enlist differential diagnosis of Anthrax:


2. ‘Double intradermal test’ for bovine tuberculosis:


3. Allergic tests for ‘Glanders’:


Veterinary Preventive Medicine Paper-I (VMD-412) Page 6

4. Treatment of ‘Tetanus’:


5. Define the term ‘Sub-clinical mastitis’ and enlist various indirect tests for the detection of SCM:


6. Define ‘Wood’s light method’ and write broad classification of ‘Dermatophytes’ (explain in 1-2
lines also):


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7. Define ‘Ringworm’ and write line of treatment for ‘Ringworm/Dermatophytosis’:


Q. 5: Answer any two of the following questions in 1-2 pages. (2x5=10)

1. Write in detail about the etiology, mode of transmission, clinical findings, diagnosis, treatment
and immunization for the disease ‘Haemorrhagic septicaemia’ in cattle.
2. Explain in detail the etiological agent, transmission, diagnosis, treatment and vaccination for the
disease ‘Brucellosis’ in cattle.
3. Describe the etiology, transmission, clinical findings, diagnosis, treatment and control of the
disease ‘Aspergillosis’ in animals in detail.

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