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CHEN20011/CHEN64011 – Process Design and Simulation

Assessed Coursework – counts 25% of overall mark for course

Intended learning outcomes: Students should be able to...
 Describe in words and represent graphically a process design
 Set up and explain process models
 Model process mixtures, unit operations and overall flowsheets using a process simulator
 Evaluate the process economics of a design
 Apply simulation software to improve the performance of a design
 Analyse modelling and simulation results in the context of design decision-making

Design problem
In an existing plant, a stream, denoted ‘Vent gas’ in this brief, currently has value as a fuel. Instead
of burning the organic material this stream contains (i.e. acetone), it is proposed that some of the
organic material is to be recovered as a liquid. The vent gas stream is to be partly condensed using
refrigerated cooling to allow the organics to be recovered in the liquid phase. The remaining vapour
can still be used as a fuel.

Vent gas
Separat ion

Recovered Liquid

Heat from process

Refrigerat ion cy cle

Heat t o cooling wat er

Figure 1 Block flow diagram (created using Dia software and exported in .emf format)

In this assignment, you will set up a process simulation, evaluate the performance of the process
economically and identify economically attractive operating conditions. You will need to evaluate
the performance of the associated refrigeration system using a simplified approach to evaluate its
costs, and you will also need to simulate the refrigeration cycle to verify the estimate.
Process data are presented in Table 1. Economic data are presented in Table 2.
You will need to submit a report (via Blackboard in the Assignments section) by the assignment
deadline: 9 am, Monday 22 November 2010. Your report should be a maximum of 8 pages in
Your report should address the questions below point by point (i.e. indicating clearly which
question is being addressed). Sufficient information should be presented to allow your work to be
independently reproduced and/or for your results to be checked.
Table 1 Feed data

Flow rate (kmol/h) 5

Temperature (°C) 35
Pressure (kPa) 100
Molar composition
Air 0.65
Acetone 0.35

Table 2 Economic data

Value of vapour feed & product Fuel value * £3.6 /GJ

Value of liquid product Acetone £25/ kmol
Utilities Power £0.06 / kWh
Cooling water ** £0.01 / kWh
Economic evaluation Project life 10 years
Interest rate 10 %
Annual operation 8000 h / year
* based on lower heating value (LHV): information available in HYSYS (Stream Properties)
** cooling water available between 25 and 30 °C

Table 3 Process constraints and additional data

Suitable refrigerants (below 0 °C). Minimum Propylene, Ammonia

refrigerant temperature -35°C
Compressor for refrigeration cycle Centrifugal; use default
isentropic efficiency (75%)
Capital cost of small compressor (£) as a function Cost = 13,500 W + 37,000
of compression work, W, where 2 < W (kW) < 10 *
Maximum compression ratio per compression 4
Mass of vapour-liquid separator (carbon steel) ~ 650 kg
Overall heat transfer coefficient in heat exchangers ~ 700 W m–2 K–1
(shell and tube type)
* extrapolated and updated from EPA Air Pollution Control Cost Manual, 2002

Question 1 [5 marks]
Explain what physical properties model(s) you have used to model the mixtures involved when
simulating the process, supporting your choice of model. Hint: You may wish to use different
property packages for the separation and refrigeration systems.
Question 2 [10 marks]
Using the data presented in Table 1, prepare a mass and energy balance of the cooling and
separation process, assisted by process simulation. Note the important design variables. Initially
select values using relevant experience, heuristics or rules of thumb.
Present your simulation approach, providing evidence and rationale, and noting the key
assumptions, inputs, specifications. You should present results that are relevant to subsequent

Question 3 [5 marks]
Set up and apply a simplified model of the refrigeration system (see L02- 42 in the lecture notes) to
identify suitable operating conditions. Explain your approach and assumptions, and present your
results clearly.
Question 4 [20 marks]
For the initial set of operating conditions applied in Questions 2 and 3, estimate the operating costs
and the capital investment required for the overall flowsheet (including the refrigeration cycle). You
may use simple cost models. Provide references and explain your working. Note: You do not need
to develop detailed designs of the equipment.
Question 5 [10 marks]
Using the economic data presented in Table 2 and your answer from Question 4, estimate the Total
Annualised Cost and Payback Period for your flowsheet. You may ignore taxes.
Question 6 [20 marks]
Carry out simulations to investigate the effect of at least two important design variables on the
economic performance of the flowsheet. You will need to vary the value of these design variables,
within sensible limits, in order to improve the flowsheet performance. Hence determine the
operating conditions of the most attractive process option.
Carry out a simulation of the refrigeration system at the selected conditions; explain your simulation
approach, including key inputs and assumptions and present your results clearly. Hint: You may
wish to ‘tear’ the recycle stream and/or use ‘Adjust’ objects (see Section 1.2.10 Optional Study in
the Gas Processing Tutorial) to represent the refrigeration cycle, as shown in the diagram below:

Evaporat ion Com pression Condensing
let -dow n Sam e propert ies
as feed
St ream pressure select ed
t o give sat urat ed liquid at
t em perat ure allowed by CW

Question 7 [10 marks]

Describe the overall flowsheet (including the refrigeration cycle) and represent it diagrammatically
as a process flow diagram (PFD), including appropriate stream data, as selected in Question 6.
Note: You should use a drawing package such as Dia or Flosheet to create your PFD.
Question 8 [10 marks]
Report the economic performance of the most attractive design case and use this information to
make and support a recommendation about whether the proposed project should go ahead, based on
the information you have been given.
Presentation [10 marks]
Your report should communicate your method, results and conclusions clearly and effectively,
addressing the above questions point by point and paying attention to presentation, spelling,
punctuation, grammar and layout.

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