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The Deteriorating


Careful observation and CONTENTS

appropriate action can save lives 3 Changing praCtiCe

Using supported learning to
ensure nurse recruits are skilled
Deterioration in acutely unwell patients can happen to care for acutely ill patients
quickly and have catastrophic effects, so observations must 5 researCh report
be recognised as a fundamental rather than basic task How student nurses’
supernumerary status affects the
way they think about nursing
When patients come into hospital they put their 40% said that staff using observation technology 9 praCtiCe review
trust in the professionals caring for them. They were not always trained to do so. How to ensure patient
assume they are being monitored and that any There are many reasons for the situation observations lead to effective
deterioration in their condition will be detected revealed by the survey. For example, increasing management of patients with
and acted on quickly. Unfortunately, this is not nurse workload means they must delegate tasks pyrexia
always the case – hospital mortality statistics to unqualified staff and increased reliance on
reveal that disturbing numbers of patients die technology means manual skills are lost. As the 12 praCtiCe review
simply because staff failed to spot or act on article on px illustrates, newly qualified staff How to ensure patient
changes in their condition. often lack confidence in fundamental acute care observations lead to prompt
Patients might assume that hospital procedures skills, while the research report on page X identification of tachypnoea
ensure all patients have the right observations suggests that students may be socialised into
taken at the right by the right professionals. seeing observations as basic tasks reserved for 15 praCtiCe review
However, a survey undertaken by Nursing Times HCAs rather than fundamental nursing skills. How to ensure patient
in late 2009 found that these assumptions are Whatever the causes, nursing needs to take observations lead to effective
often wrong. Its findings make sobering reading control of the situation and ensure patients are management of tachycardia
for nurses and other healthcare professionals, adequately monitored and any deterioration in
and chilling reading for patients.
17 praCtiCe review
their condition is quickly acted upon. This
Over 830 nurses responded to the survey, and supplement looks at seven signs of deterioration, How to ensure patient
one in three could recall at least one situation in their significance, and the nurse’s role in observations lead to effective
the previous month where staff had not noticed detecting and managing them. We hope it will management of bradycardia
that a patient’s condition was deteriorating - one provide a useful reference resource and teaching 20 praCtiCe review
respondent said he had seen at least 20. Only aid that will help nurses to ensure patient How to ensure patient
27% of respondents said that agreed procedures observations detect deterioration in its early
observations lead to prompt
were always followed in their place of work when stages and that significant changes are acted
identification and management
signs indicated that a patient was deteriorating upon appropriately.
– one in five said such procedures were rarely or of hypotension
never followed. 23 praCtiCe review
Our survey also revealed that respondents How to ensure patient
believed observations were being left to people Jenni Middleton
ALASTAIR MCLELLAN observations lead to effective
without the skills to interpret and act upon the Editor,
Editor Nursing Times management of altered
findings- almost half were either not confident or
only fairly confident that staff undertaking
observations had these skills. In addition, almost 25 praCtiCe review
How to ensure patient
observations lead to effective
management of oliguria
27 guided learning
Prompt and aggressive
management of sepsis gives
patients the best chance of

2 Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement

practice changing practice
Keywords AcuTe cAre | coMpeTeNce | recruiTMeNT | TrAiNiNg

Using supported learning to ensure nurse

recruits are skilled to care for acutely ill patients
Nurses often lack the necessary skills to care for patients with acute illness. A trust
set up a programme to enable applicants to train before taking up posts
AUthors Linda Chapman, Msc, PGCEA, for in busy wards. Although the transition
Bsc, rGN, is education lead; Julie Blackman, from acute care to primary care has been Practice POiNtS
PGDip, Bsc, rGN, is head of clinical skills; supported elsewhere (Clegg et al, 2006), The acute care training programme has helped
both at royal United hospital Bath trust. there is no documented evidence of a nurses to develop confidence and competence
ABstrACt Chapman L, Blackman J (2010) specifically designed programme for nurses when caring for patients in acute settings.
Using supported learning to ensure nurse to gain skills in caring for acutely ill patients Close working between clinical and
recruits are skilled to care for acutely ill in an acute trust. educational staff and students has helped
patients. Nursing times; 106: 11, 10-11. overcome the many challenges of developing
recruiting registered nurses to acute care thE ACUtE CArE ProGrAMME a new programme.
wards can be difficult as applicants often The programme provides an opportunity for An assessment day involving an interview,
lack the necessary skills to work with acutely registered nurses to undertake up to six clinical skills test and team management
ill patients. to overcome this problem the months of supported learning to enable exercise is vital to nurses successfully
royal United hospital Bath trust set up an them to meet the needs of patients with completing the programme.
acute care training programme. through acute illnesses. Flexibility is essential to enable each student
partnership working between managers, A partnership approach is used to develop to learn according to their personal learning
clinical, education and human resource staff, and implement the programme, which needs and the demands of their workplace.
it provides an opportunity for nurses to includes clinical and education staff who An emphasis on students as self directed
develop confidence and competence to meet design the content and implement training learners is vital for their ongoing development.
the needs of the acutely ill. and HR staff who organise the contractual
arrangements. These include a fixed term
INtroDUCtIoN contract for the length of the programme trust, and facilitate work based learning
A shortage of competent nurses could and a substantive band 5 post on successful sessions. These sessions promote the sharing
jeopardise the government’s plans to completion. of incidents from practice, encourage
modernise the NHS. Nurses are central to During the programme each student is reflection and provide opportunities for
delivering healthcare and a crucial resource allocated a learning partner, who is an learners with similar concerns and
(Maben and Griffiths, 2008). The changing experienced nurse working with acutely ill difficulties to come together and support
profile of acute care requires nurses who are patients, and an educational coach from the each other.
competent to respond effectively to the education department; they jointly supervise The programme places significant
needs of acutely ill patients. and support students. emphasis on students being self directed
Like many acute trusts, the Royal United The learning partners’ role is to provide learners. For the first two weeks, they have
Hospital Bath Trust faces a challenge in guidance and enhance clinical skills supernumerary status and are given
recruiting enough registered nurses who are development. They identify learning needs protected learning time to attend study days
up to date and confident in meeting these by considering students’ experience and the and undertake independent study and work
acute needs. The trust’s recruitment strategy needs of the workplace with the aid of a experiences. This is essential to enable them
group recognised that many nurses were put learning contract (Knowles et al, 2005), to complete the required clinical
off applying for jobs in acute care, or were which helps individualise each student’s competences and collate evidence for the
unsuccessful at interview because they did learning. Learning partners give their development portfolio, which is assessed.
not have the skills necessary to work with students feedback on progress as well as Students are expected to be proactive in
very sick patients. constructive comments on aspects of seeking learning opportunities such as
To recruit suitable staff, the trust’s nurse practice that need further development. e-learning, in-house training or working in
recruitment group commissioned a working Students are encouraged to express alternative teams for short periods.
group with representatives from education, difficulties and skill gaps that are identified They are also responsible for
human resources and nursing practice to in the workplace. demonstrating they have achieved their
develop an acute care training programme. Educational coaches help students and agreed competences and skills by completing
This training offers supportive learning to learning partners understand the a learning contract and portfolio of evidence.
enable registered nurses to change their area requirements to pass the programme Those who do not complete the required
of practice, and develop knowledge and skills successfully. They organise a schedule that competences are not offered a substantive
to meet the needs of acutely ill patients cared includes taught sessions, led by experts in the post at the end of the programme.

Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement Nursing Times 23 March 2010 Vol 106 No 11 3
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Challenges and solutions outComes and benefits

The working group had to resolve several Box 1. CompetenCes to Complete The acute care programme has been running
during aCute Care programme
difficulties before and during for a year and two cohorts of five students
implementation of the initial programme. Trust induction programme, including basic each have participated, with more planned
Choosing candidates who are suitable for life support; for autumn and spring.
work in the hospital and motivated to four compulsory competences: Through the evaluation process, learning
develop skills is a major challenge. Sisters l Physiological measurements; partners and students have the outlined
and matrons prefer to choose candidates l Discharge arrangements; benefits of the programme on professional
who are suitable to work in their areas, based l Medication administration; development. Students have appreciated
on matching their past experience and l Infection control. being given the support and time to adjust to
preferences to the requirements of the post. Two further options relevant to students’ area changes in practice and the pace of acute
There is an assessment day for each cohort, of work and own development gap. for example: care nursing, in particular in developing
which aims to enable candidates to supporting patients through the process of their clinical practice and ensuring they are
demonstrate their knowledge and potential dying; carrying out extended feeding techniques working to current policies.
to develop. It also enables clinical staff to to ensure nutritional and fluid intake; Before undertaking the training, most
assess candidates’ suitability for their practice intravenous and subcutaneous therapy students expressed apprehension and a lack
areas, which involves one to one interviews workbook; blood transfusion. of confidence in being able to nurse in an
with ward sisters. An assistant director of acute setting. They have been surprised at
nursing gives a presentation on the trust’s how their confidence has grown and how
expectations and a member of the education students and their learning partners. This quickly they have been able to achieve their
team outlines the programme’s structure. allows competences to be met according to competences.
Candidates participate in activities such as patients’ needs. The required competences Flexibility in the programme enables
a clinical skills test and team management to complete as part of the programme are students to complete it in 3-6 months,
exercise. These give them an opportunity to summarised in Box 1. depending on their ability and work
demonstrate their problem solving and The use of the NOS competences has patterns. After successfully completing it, all
teamworking qualities. To encourage as proved successful in helping students improve have been given permanent work contracts.
many potential applicants as possible to performance and as an assessment tool. So far, most students have completed the
attend, these days are held on Saturdays. A nurse working with the student witnesses programme within 3-4 months, and only
As applicants have a wide variety of the achievement of each competence and two have taken nearer to six months. Two
experiences and skills, learning has to be learning partners and educational coaches left during the early stages of training
flexible to meet their individual needs and check that portfolios reflect students’ because of unexpected changes in their
the needs of the areas where they will work. achievements. Although the portfolio is not personal circumstances.
In developing the programme, education assessed at higher education institution level,
staff considered the difficulties in assessing there are opportunities to gain credits towards ConClusion
work performance and clinical skills. Clinical an academic qualification within the trust. The success of the acute care programme
staff do not want to have to complete long relies heavily on learning partners and
and complex documentation as evidence of other obstacles managers, education and HR staff and the
students’ skills. Some ward sisters and charge nurses are determination of students themselves.
National Occupational Standards apprehensive about accepting acute care The trust is fortunate to have dedicated
competences, developed by Skills for Health students onto wards with staff shortages. staff who provide excellent support for this
(2010), are already used in the hospital to It is difficult for staff to provide additional programme.
assess practitioners, so many clinical staff are support as busy wards do not have time to As it is proving to be a positive factor in
familiar with them. facilitate learning and skills development for supporting recruitment to our nurse
The working group identified four newly recruited staff. workforce, the programme continues to be
compulsory competences from within the To overcome this, two students undertook offered twice a year with cohorts of up to
NOS that they felt all staff should achieve their acute care training on a ward that had 10 students at a time. l
when working in acute care. Additional sufficient staff to support them, then moved
optional competences are discussed between to another ward of similar specialty towards RefeRences
the end of their training period before they
began their substantive posts. clegg A et al (2006) becoming a community matron: the
BaCkground To allow students to settle in to the transition from acute to primary care. British Journal of
Many acute trusts struggle to fill vacant nurse ward, get to know team members and Community Nursing; 11: 8, 342-344.
positions in acute care because of a shortage of observe new skills and practices, two weeks Knowles M et al (2005) The Adult Learner: the Definitive
candidates, in terms of both number and calibre. of supernumerary practice is included. For Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource
The introduction of the acute care programme some, this has proved insufficient, especially Development. elsevier: london.
is part of a local strategic approach to recruit for those who work fewer than three days a Maben J, Griffiths P (2008) Nursing in Society: Starting
sufficient nurses. week. The programme is therefore not the Debate. london: King’s college london.
nurses need colleagues’ support to enable suitable for students who cannot commit to nursing-society
them to develop necessary skills. working at least three days a week in clinical skills for Health (2010) Competences. bristol: skills for
practice while undertaking training. health.

4 Nursing Times 23 March 2010 Vol 106 No 11 Nursing Times Leadership Supplement
practice research report
Keywords superNumerary sTaTus | sTudeNT Nurses | Nurse educaTioN Nurse | TraiNiNg

How student nurses’ supernumerary status

affects the way they think about nursing
Identifying the mismatched views of student and qualified nurses on what
nursing is and what students need to learn from their time on the ward
autHors Helen therese allan, Phd, Pgde, Bsc, of Nursing and Midwifery, due to be Literature review
rnt, rn, is senior research fellow and director; published early next year, show that nurse Supernumerary status means that student
Pam a smith, Phd, Msc, Bsc, rnt, rn, is gnc education remains a topical, political issue nurses are additional to the clinical
professor of nurse education; both at centre for (Commission on the Future of Nursing and workforce and undertake a placement in
research in nursing and Midwifery education, Midwifery, 2009). clinical practice to learn, not as members of
Faculty of Health and Medical sciences, university Gordon Brown said nursing was a staff (NMC, 2004).
of surrey. “profession where you work with your head, This does not mean that students do not
aBstract allan Ht, smith Pa (2009) How heart and hands at the same time”. He work while on placement; they are expected
student nurses’ supernumerary status affects the argued that it should be able to develop and to learn through supervised participation in
way they think about nursing. Nursing Times; still remain a caring profession. clinical work (Arkell and Bayliss-Pratt, 2007).
105: 43, 10-13. David Cameron said: “There’s no better The level of supervision depends on the stage
Background giving students supernumerary way to learn about these things [nursing] of training and experience; the role of the
status fundamentally shifted the way the than by putting down the textbook and supervisor or mentor is crucial to learning
profession thought about student nurses’ clinical getting practical training with living, (Donaldson and Carter, 2005; Spouse, 2001).
learning, but it has not been without its critics. breathing human beings. But too many of Supernumerary status in nursing
aim to examine how supernumerary status today’s placements don’t give student nurses education should have fundamentally
affects the way students think about nursing. the practical experience they need. They’re changed student nurses’ role in clinical areas
Method a qualitative study over two years included stuck in the role of observer, feeling more like after it was introduced in the early 1990s.
a literature review, consultation and focus groups a spare part than a helping hand. We’ve got to However, studies show that it is not always a
with stakeholders, formal and informal interviews find a way to make training more practical…” reality and the apprenticeship model still
with student nurses and clinical stakeholders, and In this statement, he implicitly criticised how exists (Elcock et al, 2007). This may be
observation in clinical areas. student nurses learn in clinical areas today, because supernumerary status becomes
results and discussion we suggest there is an that is, they no longer work as apprentices difficult to sustain when mentors’ focus is
increased division of labour between registered but undertake a supernumerary role. on working rather than student learning,
and non-registered staff, so student nurses observe We suggest that the consequences of leading to arguments for improved clarity of
healthcare assistants performing bedside care and introducing supernumerary status may have their role (McGowan, 2006).
rns undertaking more technical tasks. this leads changed student nurses’ understanding of Attitudes to supernumerary status can be
students to reject bedside care as part of nursing. nursing. Gordon Brown’s aspiration that positive and negative (O’Callaghan and
our data suggests that being associated with such nurses think, feel and undertake practical Slevin, 2003). For example, it is viewed
work in their supervised practice may lead to work may no longer be a reality for students. negatively by mentors in clinical areas
students feeling stigmatised. this can then leave because of the associated increased workload,
them feeling unprepared for their future role as Background and positively because using students as
qualified nurses who do not have time to perform Cameron focused on the experience of being co-workers enables the clinical team to get
such tasks. a student now that student nurses are no through the work (Hyde and Brady, 2002).
conclusion there is clearly a mismatch between longer key to the NHS workforce. They are Negative attitudes to supernumerary status
qualified and student nurses’ views of what university students who work in placements can affect patient care, as Pearcey and Elliott
nursing is and what student nurses need to learn. supernumerary to workforce numbers. (2004) found. A negative attitude to patients
As a result of this, bedside or essential care generally affected the ward learning culture
introduction has increasingly been devolved to healthcare and resulted in poor patient care and
In this article, we use findings from a assistants who have, since the early 1990s, student learning.
qualitative study of nurse education and replaced the student apprenticeship Spouse (1998) gave a more positive view of
training to assess how supernumerary status workforce. supernumerary status in her discussion of
affects the way students think about nursing. This change occurred as a result of the “legitimate peripheral participation” – this is
It was prompted by Gordon Brown and Project 2000 curriculum introduced in the the process by which student nurses are
David Cameron’s speeches to this year’s late 1990s (NMC, 2004) and the fitness for “allowed” to observe clinical care performed
Royal College of Nursing Congress (Brown, practice curriculum (UKCC, 1999), and at by others, either registered nurses or HCAs.
2009; Cameron, 2009). These speeches, and the same time as nurse education moved Increasingly, because bedside care is
the report of the Commission on the Future into higher education. delivered by HCAs, students observe HCAs

Nursing Times Leadership Supplement Nursing Times 3 November 2009 Vol 105 No 43 5
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delivering this care and registered nurses bedside care) was recognised by participants
delivering drugs or other care where it is practice points across the sites. This is illustrated in the
necessary to be qualified (Mackintosh, 2006). Students need to feel part of a ward nursing following exchange from a focus group
We argue elsewhere, in an unpublished team and a wider profession. between practice development nurses and
report, that staff have clear expectations that They need to be included in the nursing work practice facilitators:
students should learn through working, and which qualified nurses perform.
that legitimate peripheral participation was Students need to observe and participate in Participant 1: “We’ve changed from
not considered appropriate for student bedside care as well as more technical work, to being the doers of care to the prescribers
nurses in general, acute clinical areas. learn how to supervise “care”. of care so, in that sense, I think we need
We note that McGowan (2006) and Bedside care, as well as the technical aspects to be more advanced in what we think
McCormack and Slater (2006) suggested of nursing, can contribute to learning. and what we do. I just sometimes feel in
that views about supernumerary status vary despair that by the time students become
according to nursing specialism. For qualified they still haven’t gained some of
example, attitudes are positive among Results the practicalities and common sense, and
students and staff in intensive care. There have been profound changes for both stuff that we would have learnt as a
student nurses and staff who teach, mentor student – things like time management,
Aim and work with them in practice and in the basic assessment skills – that we would
Our study investigated how changes in higher education setting. Changes include have automatically been doing on our
nursing leadership roles have influenced those in nurses’ education, such as the move first ward. OK, we may have only done
how student nurses learn in practice settings into higher education, and workforce the washing, but we had to get them all
in the NHS, given the move to higher changes in nursing, such as the changes to done at a certain time; therefore we had
education and other changes such as the students’ and HCAs’ roles, brought about time to manage.”
introduction of supernumerary status and partly by supernumerary status.
substitution of student nurses’ labour with Student learning in clinical practice has Participant 2: “Because some students
that of HCAs. become uncoupled from theoretical don’t perceive doing nursing care as
learning. For students, one of the signs of nursing, but the healthcare assistants do
method this has been that their supernumerary status so much work that we as students used to
The study was in two stages over two years has become a hurdle. The more successful do, they don’t see themselves as learning
and included: are able to negotiate this to learn effectively any more.”
l Consultation with stakeholders and a in practice. Students who do not negotiate
literature review to evaluate clinical learning this may find learning difficult and that their Participant 1: “I think that’s a big
and leadership in the NHS to produce status as students becomes a barrier to difference. If they’d just done basic
an evidence-based conceptual framework learning in a ward team. nursing care, it’s not basic, but washing,
to generate questions for focus groups whatever, they [say they] haven’t learnt
and interviews; What is nursing? anything all morning. And I think ‘Well,
l Formal and informal individual The work students were asked to perform actually you have. You’ve worked very
interviews with a sample of student nurses was a source of dispute between students hard all morning and you’ve given
from first, second and third year groups in and qualified staff and this led to discontent what you’re supposed to be giving –
each case study site. In total, 24 students among both groups. Staff felt that students nursing care.’”
were interviewed; should be learning to deliver what they had
l Focus group and formal and informal themselves learnt to deliver as students, that Participant 3: “I think you’re quite right
individual interviews with a sample of key is, bedside care. However, nurses were often there because I have staff coming to work,
clinical stakeholders, including practice unable to deliver bedside care because of the permanent staff coming to work, they’re
development facilitators, placement busy nature of the clinical areas so students so keen to get to know how to do all the
coordinators, ward managers, mentors, did not see them perform this type of care. advanced practice care, that the basic
senior nurses and link lecturers in each Some staff were aware of the difference stuff that you have to have a good
case study site; in total, 55 participants between what they encouraged students to grounding in before you can advance on
were interviewed; learn and what they themselves practised. As to the more difficult tasks, the more acute
l An online ward learning environment O’Connor (2007) found, the HCAs’ role was tasks, they just don’t want to do.”
questionnaire survey was distributed to a key to understanding what students saw as
randomised sample of the total population the nature of nursing. If they observed HCAs Participant 2: “They don’t perceive it
of each student nurse cohort in each case delivering hands-on care and qualified as nursing.”
study site; 4,793 surveys were distributed, nurses involved only in more technical
generating a response rate of 20% (n=937), aspects of care and the organisation of the Student nurses were well aware that
which is within the normal range for an ward, they understandably aspired to the trained nurses did not deliver bedside care
online survey; more technical and organisational roles. and resisted attempts from staff to direct
l Observation of participants in clinical This difference between what qualified their work which interfered, as they saw it,
areas over three weeks totalling 60 hours was nurses actually do (drugs and coordinating with their learning. We recorded the
undertaken where informal interviews with ward work) (Mooney, 2007), and what following in our field notes from a morning
clinical staff and students took place. they expected students to do (deliver accident and emergency shift:

6 Nursing Times 3 November 2009 Vol 105 No 43 Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement
practice research report
“I had come on at 7.30 and watched the practice opportunities match. It does Senior tutor: “The patient had a urine
handover and then walked out with the take quite a bit of convincing to show a drainage bag and the student put it on the
‘minors’ team, including two students. student that actually if they look at the top rail of the cot’s side and the staff nurse
The night staff nurse handed over a lady learning outcomes more broadly they can saw this happen, she didn’t say anything
from a care home who’d fallen over, be achieved in almost any practice to the student, she didn’t observe it. It
was mildly concussed and needed learning environment.” wasn’t until I said to her that you ought to
rehydrating. She said: ‘That elderly lady tell the student to put it a bit lower for
needs this tea,’ and pushed the beaker Senior tutor: “I think things need to be drainage purposes, but she didn’t even
towards the two students; neither of them clear about what it is they get out of a recognise that there was a problem. And
moved. I then went and gave the tea. Later placement. We have students doing a it is their experience, I think, that is a poor
that morning, the student and I went up portfolio, and it’s trying to tease out and role model for the students.”
to watch a scan and I was explaining the help the student to identify how they can
physiology behind this to her; she meet this learning outcome.” Senior lecturer: “The other thing is that
observed that this was helpful and she’d the staff nurses in that [unit] like the idea
learnt something. She then said had I Senior lecturer: “That does really stand of giving out medication… rather than
observed her not giving the elderly lady out when someone goes to a care home trying to think about a very difficult
that beaker of tea? Of course I said ‘Yes’ and all they can see, in inverted commas, area… about how you get somebody out
and she then went on to say: ‘I keep being is ‘basic nursing care’. They’re stuck, they of bed when they’re really angry. It’s
asked to do things which won’t help me don’t know what nursing is, and some of unusual to have someone focus on that
learn – clear up poo, mop up blood, give them really resent having to do that type at any level other than care assistants. At
patients tea and toast. I realised that I of work. But I think there’s always been a the end of the day, if it’s the healthcare
needed to be more focused to learn and I sense of that. I couldn’t tell you whether assistants caring… [students] may think
don’t do those sorts of things now. I that’s worse or better, but students don’t that’s not what we [nurses] do.”
hadn’t learnt anything today – I’ve expect to deliver practical nursing care for
observed triage, which had lasted five very long at all.” Discussion
minutes, transferred someone to There were many incidents in the data which
discharge (10 minutes) – I’ve refused to do One tutor and two lecturers felt that led us to ask why students rejected what to
an ECG as I spend all my time doing that.’” students did not consider bedside care to be qualified nurse participants was the crux of
part of nursing because there was a lack of nursing: bedside care. Perhaps this is not
This student nurse was working within the leadership and supervision. surprising, given the skills that students
parameters of supernumerary status – she observe nurses performing.
did not see helping a patient with a cup of Nurse lecturer: “I have seen very little The data suggests that qualified nurses
tea as a learning opportunity. However, supervision of students, I have seen focus on tasks that only they can do, while
none of the nurses pointed out what could students walking around aimlessly, I’ve students continue to deliver unqualified
have been learnt from that task; neither did seen students doing bad practice, I have care, now supervised by HCAs. This
they challenge her. But these student nurse seen students doing illegal or dangerous concentration and division of labour
choices have consequences. If they do not do acts. But those are the issues, things not between qualified and unqualified workers
bedside work, they risk alienating qualified being filled in, things not being done, very has led to a division by students of nursing
staff, and they may be perceived as lacking basic things like people not washing work into high and low status work (as
common sense and practical experience. hands or using handgel are not picked up. described above), a position similar to that
But that’s leadership – people owning the identified by Ousey (2006).
Learning opportunities clinical experience in their environment Scott (2008) argued forcibly that the
Nurse lecturers and tutors believe bedside or not.” workforce orientation of the NHS in both
nursing is a learning opportunity for nursing practice and education has produced
students, and part of nursing practice, as this Senior tutor: “I think the junior sisters do a concentration on skills and competencies
extract from our interviews confirms: not have sufficient experience to pass rather than on caring, which focuses on the
onto the students. They’re not patient and is built on a good relationship
Researcher: “Do they ever come to you comfortable enough in their role to be (relational caring). She said that this new
and say: ‘This ward hasn’t been good for able to support students efficiently.” form of instrumental caring puts obstacles in
my learning?’” the way of achieving patient-focused care
Researcher: “And is that what you’ve and egalitarian nurse-client relationships.
Nurse tutor: “Oh yes, a lot of them feel observed?”
very frustrated, saying they can’t learn What is nursing?
what is needing to be learnt on that ward Senior tutor: “Yes, that’s what I’ve These findings have led us to ask a
because the ward is just not a good observed. And they don’t necessarily fundamental question: what is nursing? This
learning environment. I think some of know how to tackle student problems or is a question that has bedevilled nursing as
that stems from the modular framework things that students do that are not right.” an occupation since its inception (Baly,
that we have in their programme where 1995), and on which there is little agreement.
set learning outcomes have been Researcher: “And have you got an For example, Goddard (1953) argued that
identified and they don’t feel that observation of that in mind?” nursing could be defined as technical,

Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement Nursing Times 3 November 2009 Vol 105 No 43 7
affective and basic work. Subsequent studies “Doctors see their students as junior them, they are given low status “care” which
(for example, Alexander, 1983) found that colleagues whereas nurses see students is believed not to need supervision. The
nurses and student nurses valued these as labour.” effect on students is to make them feel
components differently; each was assigned devalued, marginalised and “stupid”.
low or high status. This is borne out by more If bedside care continues to have a low
recent work by Allan (2007) and Smith et al status, then doing it may lead to students ConClusion
(2006) into the delivery of caring work by feeling stigmatised and could leave them Both Gordon Brown and David Cameron
overseas-trained nurses. feeling unprepared for their future role as argue that professional nursing skills and
Our data suggests that students value qualified nurses who do not have time to bedside care are not mutually exclusive. We
technical work more highly than caring perform such tasks. hope that the Commission on the Future of
work because they see qualified nurses The relationship between the low status of Nursing and Midwifery considers some of
undertaking technical work. While these bedside care, the role of qualified nurses and the issues raised here that concern how
nurses may value caring work, their values stigma is complex and may be interpreted in student nurses learn in their supernumerary
are not being transmitted to students who a variety of ways. Students may be made to role, which in turn affects how they think
feel devalued because of the work they do on feel outsiders to the ward nursing team and about nursing.
the wards. This is partly because students do in particular the professional nurses they There is clearly a mismatch between
not feel they are treated as members of ward aspire to be. They may feel that because the qualified and student nurses’ views of what
teams. As one of our interviewees said: team does not have the time to supervise nursing is and what students need to learn. l
Alexander Mf (1983) Learning to Nurse: Integrating unrealised ideal. Nurse Education in Practice; 7: 1, 4-10. O’connor sJ (2007) Developing professional habitus: a
Theory and Practice. London: Churchill Livingstone. Goddard HA (1953) The Work of Nurses in Hospital Bernsteinian analysis of the modern nurse apprenticeship.
Allan HT (2007) The rhetoric of caring and the recruitment Wards: Report of a Job Analysis. London: Nuffield Nurse Education Today. 27: 748-754.
of overseas nurses: the social reproduction of a care gap. Provincial Hospitals Trust. O’callaghan n, slevin e (2003) An investigation of the
Journal of Clinical Nursing Special Edition; 16: 12, Hyde A, Brady D (2002) Staff nurses’ perceptions of lived experiences of registered nurses facilitating
2204-2212. supernumerary status compared with rostered service for supernumerary nursing students. Nurse Education Today;
Arkell s, Bayliss-Pratt L (2007) How nursing students diploma in nursing students. Journal of Advanced Nursing; 23: 2, 123-130.
can make the most of placements. Nursing Times; 103: 38; 6: 624-632. Ousey, K. (2006) Being a Real Nurse. Paper presented at
20, 26-30. nursing and Midwifery council (2004) Standards of RCN International Research Conference York, UK.
Baly Me (1995) Nursing and Social Change. London: Proficiency for Pre-registration Nursing Education. Pearcey PA, elliott Be (2004) Student impressions of
Routledge. London: NMC. clinical nursing. Nurse Education Today; 24: 382-387.
Brown G (2009) PM’s speech to the Royal College of Mackintosh c (2006) The impact of Socialization on scott s (2008) New professionalism: shifting relationships
Nursing. Student Nurses’ Ability to Care: a Longitudinal Qualitative between nursing education and nursing practice. Nurse
cameron D (2009) David Cameron: Speech to the Royal Descriptive Study. Paper presented at RCN International Education Today; 28: 240-245.
College of Nursing. Research Conference, York, UK. smith PA et al (2006) Valuing and Recognizing the
commission on the future of nursing and Midwifery Mccormack B, slater P (2006) An evaluation of the role Talents of a Diverse Healthcare Workforce.
(2009) Nurses and Midwives Will Take Centre Stage in of the clinical placement facilitator. Journal of Clinical diverse-workforce. Guildford: University of Surrey.
Delivering Tomorrow’s Healthcare. Prime Minister’s Nursing; 15: 2, 135-144. spouse J (2001) Workplace learning: pre-registration
Commission Sets out its Vision for the Future. Press McGowan B (2006) Who do they think they are? nursing students’ perspectives. Nurse Education in
notice October 2, 2009. Undergraduate perceptions of the definition of Practice; 1: 149-156.
Donaldson JH, carter D (2005) The value of supernumerary status and how it works in practice. Journal spouse J (1998) Learning to nurse through legitimate
role-modelling: perceptions of undergraduate and diploma of Clinical Nursing; 15; 9, 1099-1105. peripheral participation. Nurse Education Today;
nursing (adult) students. Nurse Education in Practice; Mooney M (2007) Facing registration: the expectations 18: 345-351.
5: 353-359. and the unexpected. Nurse Education Today; 27: UKcc (1999) Fitness for Practice (Peach Report).
elcock Ks et al (2007) Supernumerary status – an 840-847. London: UKCC.

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8 Nursing Times 3 November 2009 Vol 105 No 43 Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement
practice review
Keywords pyrexia | feVer | paTieNT obserVaTioN

how to ensure patient observations lead to

effective management of patients with pyrexia
There is considerable debate about the management of this common clinical
condition. It is vital to know about treatment options to ensure optimal care
author phil Jevon, pgce, Bsc, rn, is Background produced in the body and
resuscitation officer/clinical skills lead, The human body maintains Practice Points heat lost to the environment.
manor hospital, Walsall. a normal temperature of Patients who develop pyrexia The most active organs,
aBstract Jevon p (2010) how to ensure about 37ºC, despite must be closely monitored such as muscles, liver and
patient observations lead to effective variations in metabolic following the airway, breathing, digestive organs, produce the
management of patients with pyrexia. activity and environmental circulation, disability, exposure most heat. Skeletal muscle
nursing times; 106: 1, 16-18. temperature (Pocock and (ABCDE) approach (Resuscitation produces heat particularly
pyrexia is defined by the national institute Richards, 2006). Recordings Council UK, 2006). following strenuous exercise
for health and clinical excellence as an of body temperature provide The cause needs to be and also during shivering.
elevation of body temperature above the an index of biological identified and treatment of this, if The liver is particularly active
normal daily variation. a sudden rise in function and are a valuable indicated, started. following a meal.
temperature usually indicates infection, indicator of patients’ health Strategies to promote heat The majority of heat loss is
although there are many other non- (Dougherty and Lister, 2008). loss may be required. through the skin and this
infectious causes. this article outlines Abnormal body depends on: the difference
the causes of pyrexia and discusses temperature, particularly between the body and
management options. pyrexia, is common in illness. However, a ambient temperature; the amount of body
temperature >40ºC is considered life surface exposed to the environment; and the
threatening (Hussein, 2004) (see Box 1). type of clothes worn. This heat loss can be
controlled. Small amounts of heat are also
grades of pyrexia lost during expiration, and in urine and
There are three grades of pyrexia: faeces and this cannot be controlled (Waugh
l Low grade (normal to 38ºC): indicates an and Grant, 2006).
inflammatory response due to mild Fluctuations in body temperature can
infection, allergy or disturbance of body occur naturally as a result of circadian cycles,
tissue such as surgery, injury or thrombosis; age, exertion/exercise, menstrual cycle,
l Moderate to high grade (38-40ºC): can ingestion of food and ambient temperature
be caused by an infected wound or soft (Marcovitch, 2005).
tissue injury; The maintenance of body temperature is
l Hyperpyrexia (40ºC and above): causes essential for health and is achieved through
include bacteraemia, injury to the
hypothalamus or high ambient temperature
(Dougherty and Lister, 2008). UsefUl definitions
Pyrexia: is an elevation of body temperature
related anatomy and above the normal daily variation (NICE, 2007).
physiology Core temperature >37.5ºC is considered a
Humans are described as homeothermic or pyrexia (Leach, 2009).
having a core temperature that remains Hyperpyrexia: temperature >40ºC (Dougherty
constant within a specific range, in spite of and Lister, 2008).
environmental changes (Dougherty and Fever: an abnormal rise in body temperature,
Lister, 2008). Normal body temperature usually accompanied by shivering, headache
ranges from about 36-37.5ºC. Different and, if severe, delirium.
regions of the body have different Hyperthermia: is a body temperature
temperatures: for example, core temperature which is significantly above that of normal
(temperature of the brain and organs within range.
the thorax and abdomen) is the highest, Malignant hyperthermia: is a rapid rise of
while surface temperature (the skin) is the temperature to a dangerous level (usually
lowest (Pocock and Richards, 2006). Core 41-45ºC) (Leach, 2009; Marcovitch, 2005).
temperature is the balance between heat

Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement Nursing Times 12 January 2010 Vol 106 No 1 9
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This arTicle has beeN double-bliNd peer-reViewed

negative feedback, so that any (feeling hot, sweating profusely).

variation produces a physiological Fig 1. negative Feedback mechanisms that General principles of care include
increase heat production
response to bring it back to a set the following:
point (around 37°C). The centre for l Assess patients following the
regulating body temperature is in the 1. Some stimulus (stress) disrupts airway, breathing, circulation,
hypothalamus of the brain (Fig 1). homeostasis by causing decrease in disability, exposure (ABCDE)
This set point can be reset by approach advocated by the
substances called pyrogens (fever- Resuscitation Council UK (2006). If
producing proteins) released by 2. Controlled condition necessary, summon expert help,
Body temperature
monocytes and macrophages administer high concentration oxygen
(phagocytic cells responsible for the and treat life threatening problems;
body’s defence system). These act on l Ensure early warning score (EWS)
3. Receptors
the thermoregulation centre in the Thermoreceptors in skin and hypothalamus
charts (or similar) are completed
hypothalamus, causing the release of following local protocols; local EWS
prostaglandins which reset the 7. Return to
escalation policies should be followed;
hypothalamic thermostat to a higher when response l Monitor vital signs;
Input Nerve impulses brings body
level. This triggers mechanisms to temperature l Monitor fluid balance, ensuring
conserve and generate heat such as 4. Control centres condition) back patients remain adequately hydrated.
vasoconstriction and shivering, Preoptic area and heat promoting to normal Observe for signs of dehydration,
until the new set point temperature centre in hypothalamus particularly a prolonged capillary
is reached (Waugh and Grant, refill time of three seconds or longer,
Nerve impulses and a
2006). This results in the Output hypothalamic releasing hormone cool extremities and reduced urine
development of pyrexia (Royal output (RCN, 2008);
5. Effectors
College of Nursing, 2008). l Try to make patients as
Vasoconstriction Adrenal medulla Skeletal muscles Thyroid gland
decreases heat releases hormones contract in a releases thyroid comfortable as possible. If they feel
Causes of pyrexIa loss through
the skin
that increase repetitive cycle
cellular metabolism called shivering
hormones, which
increase metabolic
hot or are sweating profusely,
There are many causes of pyrexia rate consider gentle physical cooling
including: methods to make them feel more
l Infection: 50% of pyrexia cases are comfortable, for example, careful use
due to infection (Leach, 2009); of a fan (see below). If patients are
6. Response
l High ambient temperature: heat Increase in body temperature
shivering, add a blanket to assist heat
and humidity in the environment conservation (Brooker and Waugh,
can reduce the amount of heat lost Source: Tortora (1997) 2007). Cool, fresh and dry bedlinen
through the skin; and clothing/nightwear usually help
l Drugs: amphetamine derivatives, for l Increased metabolic rate, increased to make them more comfortable;
example, methylenedioxymethamphetamine oxygen consumption (10% rise with each l Consider offering mouthwashes and ice
(ecstasy) and anaesthetics, can induce 1ºC increase in temperature) and increased to suck;
malignant hyperpyrexia (Leach, 2009); production of carbon dioxide; l If patients have life threatening
l Stroke: leading to injury to the l Hypovolaemia due to sweating, hyperpyrexia, administer physical cooling
hypothalamus; dehydration and vasodilation; methods (Leach, 2009; Wyatt et al, 2006;
l Increased muscular activity: following l Metabolic acidosis; Brooker and Nicol, 2003);
strenuous exercise (particularly in a hot l Epileptic fit; l Do not routinely administer antipyretic
environment) and fitting; l Neurological impairment; drugs (see below);
l Endocrine: for example, thyroid storm; l Renal failure; l Try to establish the probable cause of
l Myocardial infarction; l Rhabdomyolysis (rapid breakdown of the pyrexia.
l Pyrexia of unknown origin: is a muscle tissue);
consistently elevated body temperature l Death (Leach, 2009; Hussein, 2004). Investigations
>37.5ºC persisting for over two weeks with Adverse effects are usually only associated One approach to identifying the cause of
no diagnosis despite investigations (Boon et with hyperpyrexia (>40ºC). pyrexia is to check the six Cs:
al, 2006). In 15% of cases either no diagnosis l Chest: does the patient have a chest
is made or the pyrexia resolves NursINg Care aNd maNagemeNt infection?
spontaneously (Boon et al, 2006). Pyrexia is abnormal and should be l Cannula: is the cannula site infected?
considered an adverse sign. It is an l Calves: do they have a deep vein
adverse effeCts assoCIated important component of early warning thrombosis?
wIth pyrexIa scoring systems and can be associated with l Catheter: do they have a urinary tract
Temperatures above 37.4°C or a trend of serious life threatening illness. Nursing care infection?
increase towards this level should prompt and treatment will be dictated by the severity l Cut: do they have an infected wound?
appropriate reporting, in line with early of the pyrexia and its probable cause, l CVC: do they have an infected central
warning scoring systems. patients’ condition, prognosis, local venous catheter?
Adverse effects linked to pyrexia include: protocols and whether they are symptomatic It may be necessary to send off sputum

10 Nursing Times 12 January 2010 Vol 106 No 1 Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement
practice review
and urine samples for microbiology, culture view that these methods can make patients number which could be reduced by
and sensitivity. Blood tests may be taken for feel more comfortable (Fisher and Roper, improving the recognition, evaluation and
inflammatory markers. 1987). There is no doubt that a cool fan (not treatment of febrile illness (NICE, 2007).
directly on patients) or cool flannel on the The treatment of pyrexia in infants and
Cooling methods face can be very welcome when feeling hot. children is beyond the scope of this article.
Opening a window or using a fan can make If necessary, make patients more However, national guidance is available,
pyrexial patients feel more comfortable. comfortable by reducing the amount of which includes a recommendation that a
The routine use of physical cooling clothing and bedding. “traffic light system” is used to identify
methods, such as tepid sponging and serious illness (RCN, 2008; NICE, 2007).
fanning, are controversial. If the body’s AntipyretiCs
natural defence mechanism to combat Antipyretic medication can be administered iMportAnCe of ACCurAte
infection is to raise body temperature, why (British National Formulary, 2009). teMperAture MeAsureMents
try to reduce it? Physical cooling methods However, it is unlikely to be helpful (Leach, Core body temperature measurements are
may actually increase body temperature: 2009) and can mask the symptoms of illness. taken to assess for deviation from the normal
they can stimulate a compensatory response The routine use of antipyretics is therefore range, which may indicate disease,
by the hypothalamus, initiating heat not recommended (Wyatt et al, 2006). deterioration in condition, infection or
generating activities such as shivering, which reaction to treatment.
can compromise unstable patients by pyrexiA And neutropeniC There has been much debate over the
depleting their metabolic reserve (Brooker pAtients accuracy of different sites for temperature
and Nicol, 2003). Neutropenic patients are particularly prone measurement compared with the gold
There is no evidence to support the routine to bacterial infections (reduced neutrophil standard pulmonary artery catheter, which is
use of tepid sponging in temperate climates count results in reduced ability to fight only used in a small group of critically ill
such as the UK and it does not produce a infection), and will usually be actively patients (Trim, 2005). There are differences
sustained drop in temperature. It can cause treated with broad spectrum antibiotic between sites and these are not necessarily
vasoconstriction, which can result in a therapy if they develop a temperature (Boon consistent or predictable. Nurses should be
further rise in patients’ temperature et al, 2006). Local guidelines and protocols aware of any influences on accuracy of the
(O’Connor, 2002). If it is performed too should be followed. method used and should ensure both
quickly, it can cause them to shiver, which method and site are consistent and
will increase metabolic rate and subsequently MAlignAnt hypertherMiA documented to help ensure accuracy and
core body temperature (Glasper and Malignant hyperthermia is a rare but reliability. An in depth discussion of these
Richardson, 2006). It is also time consuming. potentially fatal complication of anaesthesia issues can be found on page 10.
NICE (2007) stipulated that tepid and is characterised by a rapid rise in
sponging should not be used in children temperature, increased muscle rigidity, ConClusion
under five years. tachycardia and acidosis. It is treated with The management of pyrexia depends on the
However, some authors recommend that dantrolene administered by rapid IV severity, cause and patients’ degree of ill
physical cooling methods should be used if injection (BNF, 2009). health. Antipyretic drugs and physical cooling
patients have potentially life threatening methods should not be used routinely.
hyperpyrexia, heat stroke or malignant pyrexiA in infAnts And Children Hyperpyrexia is life threatening, usually
hyperthermia (Leach, 2009; Brooker and Pyrexia is a common symptom in infants, requiring aggressive and prompt
Nicol, 2003). children and young people, often indicating management to reduce temperature. Nurses
It could be argued physical cooling methods a self limiting viral infection, rather than a should be familiar with the underlying
can make patients feel weak, particularly bacterial or serious illness (RCN, 2008). physiology of temperature control and the
during the early stage of pyrexia when However, every year 100 infants aged causes of pyrexia so they can provide
temperature is still rising. Others support the between 1-12 months die from infection, a appropriate and informed care. l

British National Formulary(2009) BNF 57. London: BMJ Hussein A (2004) Thermal disorders. In: Bersten A, Soni N Oxford University Press.
Group and RPS Publishing. (eds) Oh’s Intensive Care Manual. Oxford: Butterworth Royal College of Nursing (2008) Caring for Children with
Boon N et al (2006) Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Heinemann. Fever: RCN Good Practice Guidance for Nurses Working with
Medicine. London: Elsevier. Leach R (2009) Acute and Critical Care Medicine at a Infants, Children and Young People.
Brooker C, Nicol M (2003) Nursing Adults: The Practice of Glance. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Resuscitation Council (UK) (2006) Advanced Life Support.
Caring. Edinburgh: Mosby. Marcovitch H (2005) Black’s Medical Dictionary. London: A London: RCUK.
Brooker C, Waugh A (2007) Foundations of Nursing and C Black. Tortora GJ (1997) Introduction to the Human Body. Harlow:
Practice: Fundamentals of Holistic Care. Edinburgh: Elsevier. NICE (2007) Feverish Illness in Children: Assessment and Addison Wesley Longman.
Dougherty L, Lister S (2008) The Royal Marsden Hospital Initial Management in Children Younger Than Five Years of Trim J (2005) Monitoring temperature. Nursing Times; 101:
Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. Oxford: Blackwell. Age. London: NICE. 20, 30-31.
Fisher M, Roper R (1987) Fever in the intensive care unit. O’Connor S (2002) Antipyretics in the paediatric A&E Waugh A, Grant A (2006) Ross and Wilson’s Anatomy and
British Journal of Hospital Medicine; 38: 2, 109-111. setting: A review. Paediatric Nursing; 14: 3, 33-35. Physiology in Health and Illness. London: Elsevier.
Glasper E, Richardson J (2006) A Textbook of Children’s Pocock G, Richards C (2006) Human Physiology: Wyatt J et al (2006) Oxford Handbook of Emergency
and Young People’s Nursing. London: Elsevier. The Basis of Medicine (Oxford Core Texts). Oxford: Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement Nursing Times 12 January 2010 Vol 106 No 1
practice review
Keywords TachypNoea | respiraTory raTe | criTical illNess | paTieNT obserVaTioNs

how to ensure patient observations lead to

prompt identification of tachypnoea
Tachypnoea is one of the first signs of patient deterioration. To prevent further
decline it is essential to know how to assess and manage a high respiratory rate
aUthor phil Jevon, pgCe, Bsc, rN, is dioxide and water. Fig 1 (on the surface of the
resuscitation officer/clinical skills lead, shows the structure of the practice points medulla oblongata) mainly
Manor hospital, Walsall. respiratory system. Breathing Nursing staff (including respond to hypercapnia.
aBstraCt Jevon p (2010) how to ensure is controlled by the healthcare assistants) who Hypercapnia is the main
patient observations lead to prompt respiratory centre in the measure respiratory rates should respiratory drive. Hypoxia is
identification of tachypnoea. Nursing Times; medulla oblongata in the be able to identify abnormal the respiratory drive for
106: 2, 12-14. brain. Higher centres in the values, record the results and people with chronic
tachypnoea is one of the first signs of cerebral hemispheres can assign a trigger score. respiratory disease such as
patient deterioration and accurate voluntarily control Senior nurses should be able emphysema and chronic
measurement of respiratory rate is a respiratory rate so that to interpret respiratory rate obstructive pulmonary
fundamental part of assessment. this article breathing can be temporarily measurements and respond disease (COPD). This is
aims to describe the assessment and stopped, slowed or increased appropriately following local sometimes referred to as
management of tachypnoea. (Marcovitch, 2005). early warning score (EWS) hypoxic drive rather than
The respiratory centre escalation protocols if needed. hypercapnia. Administering
A normal respiratory rate is 12-20 breaths generates the They should alter the frequency high concentrations of
per minute in adults (Resuscitation Council basic rhythm of breathing; of the EWS observations if supplementary oxygen to this
UK, 2006). Tachypnoea is defined as a fast the depth and rate can be required and be able to intervene group may lead to respiratory
respiratory rate, that is, greater than 20 altered in response to the with basic treatment measures. depression and even
breaths per minute (Resuscitation Council body’s requirements, mainly respiratory arrest.
UK, 2006). It can be a normal physiological by nervous Source: Department of Health Those who need to increase
response, for example, during strenuous and chemical control (2008) respiratory effort will use
exercise, but in the healthcare setting it is (Dougherty and their accessory muscles of
usually one of the first signs of patient Lister, 2008). respiration
deterioration (Jevon, 2009a). (sternocleidomastoid muscles), together
Accurately measuring respiratory rate is a Nervous control of breathing with the diaphragm and intercostal muscles,
fundamental part of patient assessment and Nervous control of breathing is via the to maximise the capacity of the thoracic
an important baseline observation. It is a phrenic and intercostal nerves, which cavity (Waugh and Grant, 2006). The use of
main component of the Resuscitation activate the diaphragm and intercostal accessory muscles of respiration is an
Council UK’s systematic airway, breathing, muscles respectively. Stretch receptors in the indication that patients may be in respiratory
circulation, disability, exposure (ABCDE) thoracic wall generate inhibitory nerve distress.
approach to the assessment of critically ill impulses once the lungs have inflated
patients (Resuscitation Council UK, 2006). (Hering-Breuer reflex), which are then CliNiCal sigNs of CritiCal
Nurses are expected to be competent in the transmitted to the respiratory centre via the illNess
accurate measurement and interpretation of vagus nerve (Waugh and Grant, 2006). Pain, Regardless of the cause, the clinical signs of
respiratory rate (Department of Health, emotion and anxiety can lead to an increase critical illness are usually similar because
2008) but monitoring of this vital sign is in respiratory rate. they reflect a compromise of the respiratory,
poor (National Patient Safety Agency, 2007). cardiovascular and neurological functions
Local policies should reinforce the Chemical control of breathing (Nolan et al, 2005). These are usually:
importance of measuring respiratory rate, Generally, the effects of chemoreceptors are l Tachypnoea;
and early warning scoring (EWS) systems to increase ventilation in response to: l Tachycardia;
should identify patients who develop l Hypercapnia (high levels of carbon l Hypotension;
tachypnoea to be at risk of deterioration dioxide); l Altered level of consciousness (indicated
(unless proven otherwise) (NICE, 2007). l Hypoxaemia (low levels by lethargy, confusion, restlessness or falling
of oxygen); level of consciousness) (Resuscitation
related physiology l Acidosis (Shahid and Nunhuck, 2008). Council UK, 2006).
Breathing or respiration is the process Peripheral chemoreceptors (in the carotid Tachypnoea is the most common clinical
whereby air passes into the lungs so the and aortic bodies) mainly respond to abnormality found in critical illness (Goldhill
blood can absorb oxygen and excrete carbon hypoxaemia, while central chemoreceptors and McNarry, 2004). It is an important

12 Nursing Times 19 January 2010
Nursing VolDeteriorating
Times 106 No 2
Patient Supplement
deteriorating patient series

FIG 1. THE STRUCTURE OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Thoracic Society (2008a) has published
guidance on the use of emergency oxygen in
adults, which have been endorsed by the
National Patient Safety Agency (2009).
Arterial blood gas analysis is important in
Nasal Functions of the respiratory sick patients and particularly those with
cavity system chronic respiratory disease;
1. Provide for gas exchange ● Attempt to establish the cause of the
Larynx intake of 02 for delivery to tachypnoea. If possible, treat the
body cells and elimination underlying cause, for example, administer
Trachea of C02, produced by body cells.
nebulised salbutamol to those having a
Right 2. Contains receptors for the severe asthma attack. Monitor the response
primary sense of smell, filters inspired to treatment;
bronchus air, produces sounds, and helps ● Monitor patients’ vital signs and complete
eliminate waste. an EWS chart following local policies
3. Respiration takes place in protocols. It is important to adjust the
three basic steps – pulmonary frequency of the EWS observations as
ventilation, external (pulmonary) appropriate for individuals, following
respiration, and internal (tissue) local protocols.
Anterior view
Source: Tortora (1997) It is sometimes appropriate to assess
the extent of breathlessness and how it
affects activities of daily living. This will help
indicator of at risk patients (Goldhill et al, Measurement of respiratory rate is central identify existing and/or undiagnosed
1999). Studies have shown a high respiratory to the comprehensive ABCDE assessment of respiratory problems. Ask patients if they
rate (>27 breaths per minute) occurs in 54% patients who are critically ill. Tachypnoea become breathless when at rest, talking,
of patients in the 72 hours before cardiac can result from a problem with A, B, C, D or eating, dressing, walking upstairs/uphill.
arrest (Fieselmann et al, 1993). E, but a description of all aspects of the The following questions explore
assessment is beyond the scope of this article. underlying factors that may indicate
CAUSES OF TACHYPNOEA However, it is helpful to describe the respiratory disease (Docherty and
There are many causes of tachypnoea, assessment of B (breathing). McCallum, 2009; Jevon, 2009a):
including anxiety, emotional distress, pain, When assessing breathing, follow the look, ● Do you smoke? If so, how many cigarettes
fever and exercise. It is also a common listen and feel approach (see Box 2). do you smoke per day?
finding in many acute illnesses, including: ● Does your position affect your breathing?
● Asthma; MANAGING PATIENTS Orthopnoea and having to sleep in an
● Pulmonary embolism; Assess patients following the ABCDE upright position propped up with pillows
● Pneumonia; approach to ascertain whether they are suggests a cardiac cause for breathlessness;
● Acute respiratory distress syndrome; critically ill and ensure appropriate help is ● Do you live in a damp home?
● Anaphylaxis; called if necessary:
● Heart failure; ● Establish oxygen saturation monitoring;
● Shock. ● Ensure patients have a clear airway; BOX 1. INDICATIONS FOR
Nurses must be familiar with the common ● Ideally, sit them upright (to maximise
causes of this condition (DH, 2008). chest movement); Indications include:
Indications for measuring respiratory rate ● If patients are critically ill, administer at Critical illness: it is an important component
are listed in Box 1. least 10L of oxygen via a non-rebreathe of the airway, breathing, circulation, disability,
mask (Resuscitation Council UK, 2006); exposure (ABCDE) approach;
MEASURING RESPIRATORY RATE particular caution is needed in those with Ascertaining a baseline respiratory rate
Measurement of respiratory rate should chronic respiratory problems as high for comparison;
be undertaken meticulously, following concentrations of oxygen can lead to Monitoring changes in oxygenation or in
local protocols and EWS guidelines. It respiratory depression. With this group, aim respiratory rate;
is necessary to count the number of for oxygen saturations of 90-92% (PaO2 Evaluating response to treatment, for example,
respirations in a minute. If patients realise of 8kPa or 60mmHg) (Resuscitation following administration of a beta2 agonist in the
their breathing is being watched, the rate Council UK, 2006). However, if patients treatment of asthma.
may actually increase. To avoid this, with COPD are acutely breathless,
healthcare professionals can pretend to administer high concentrations of oxygen Sources: Docherty and McCallum (2009);
check the radial pulse while, at the same as they are more likely to suffer adverse Dougherty and Lister (2008); Jevon and
time, counting the respiratory rate effects from hypoxia than respiratory Ewens (2007)
(Jevon, 2009b). depression (Smith, 2003). The British

Nursing TimesTimes
Nursing 19 January 2010
Deteriorating Vol 106
Patient No 2
practice review
Edition. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Box 2. MeasureMent of respiratory rate
Fieselmann J et al (1993) Respiratory rate
To assess breathing: predicts cardiopulmonary arrest for internal medicine
patients. Journal of General Internal Medicine; 8: 354-360.
Note patients’ general appearance: breathless people usually look anxious; Ford M et al (2005) Introduction to Clinical Examination.
Observe their colour: central cyanosis is a severe adverse sign; Oxford: Elsevier.
Talk to patients: breathless people may experience difficulty talking (being unable to complete Goldhill DR et al (1999) The patient-at-risk team:
sentences in one breath is considered a severe adverse sign during an asthma attack) (British Thoracic identifying and managing seriously ill patients.
Society, 2008a); Anaesthesia; 54: 853-860.
Count the respiratory rate; Goldhill D, McNarry A (2004) Physiological
Look at patients’ posture: for example, those sitting upright supported by pillows may suffer from abnormalities in early warning scores are related to
orthopnoea (shortness of breath when lying flat); mortality in adult inpatients. British Journal of
Evaluate chest movement: chest movement should be symmetrical; unilateral chest movements Anaesthesia; 92: 6, 882-884
suggest unilateral pathology, for example, pneumothorax, pneumonia, pleural effusion (Smith, Jevon P (2009a) Clinical Examination Skills. Oxford:
2003). Observe for use of accessory muscles of respiration, as this may indicate respiratory distress; Wiley-Blackwell.
Evaluate depth of breathing: only marked degrees of hyperventilation and hypoventilation can be Jevon P (2009b) Practical procedures: assessing
detected; hyperventilation is associated with metabolic acidosis or anxiety and hypoventilation may be breathing. Dental Nursing; 5: 10, 554-556.
seen in opiate toxicity (Ford et al, 2005); Jevon P, Ewens B (2007) Monitoring the Critically Ill
Evaluate respiratory pattern: Cheyne-Stokes breathing pattern (periods of apnoea alternating with Patient. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
periods of hyperpnoea) is associated with brain stem ischaemia, cerebral injury or severe left ventricular Marcovitch H (2005) Black’s Medical Dictionary.
failure (Ford et al, 2005); London: A & C Black.
Note the oxygen saturation (SaO2) reading: normal is usually considered to be 97-100%. A low SaO2 National Patient Safety Agency (2009) Oxygen Safety
could indicate respiratory distress or compromise; in Hospitals: Rapid Response Report. London: NPSA.
Listen to the breathing: normal breathing is quiet. Rattling airway noises indicate the presence
of airway secretions, because patients are unable to cough sufficiently or are unable to take in a deep National Patient Safety Agency (2007) Safer Care
breath (Smith, 2003). The presence of stridor or wheeze indicates partial, but significant, airway for the Acutely Ill Patient: Learning from Serious
obstruction; Incidents. London: NPSA.
Feel for signs of breathing: in some situations it is necessary to feel for signs of breathing to help NICE (2007) Acutely Ill Patients in Hospital: Recognition
confirm whether patients are breathing normally or not. of and Response to Acute Illness in Adults in Hospital.
Some senior nurse practitioners may undertake additional respiratory assessment and: London: NICE.
Check the position of the trachea: deviation of the trachea to one side indicates mediastinal shift Nolan J et al (2005) European Resuscitation
(pneumothorax, lung fibrosis or pleural fluid); Council guidelines for resuscitation 2005: Section 4.
Palpate the chest wall: to detect surgical emphysema or crepitus (suggesting a pneumothorax until Adult advanced life support. Resuscitation; 675S,
proven otherwise) (Smith, 2003); S39-S86.
Percuss the chest: abnormal percussion notes can indicate pathology; Resuscitation Council UK (2006) Advanced Life
Auscultate the chest: to detect air entry and additional sounds such as wheeze (indicating narrowing of Support. London: Resuscitation Council (UK).
the airways associated with, for example, asthma) and crackles (usually indicates excessive fluid in the Shahid M, Nunhuck A (2008) Crash Course: Physiology.
airways associated with conditions such as pulmonary oedema) (Jevon, 2009a, 2009b; Resuscitation Oxford: Elsevier.
Council UK, 2006). Smith G (2003) ALERT. Portsmouth: University of
During the assessment of breathing, it is important to quickly diagnose and treat any life threatening Tortora GJ (1997) Introduction to the Human Body.
breathing problems such as acute asthma (Resuscitation Council UK, 2006). Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman.
Waugh A, Grant A (2006) Ross and Wilson Anatomy
and Physiology in Health and Illness (10th edn).
l Did you, or do you, work in an REFERENCES Edinburgh: Elsevier.
occupation that may have caused damage to
your lungs? British Thoracic Society (2008a) BTS guideline for
l Have you recently returned from a emergency oxygen use in adult patients. Thorax; 63: (Suppl
foreign holiday or trip? Tuberculosis is
common in the Indian subcontinent;
l Are you coughing up sputum? If so, what
6), 1-68.
British Thoracic Society (2008b) British Guideline on
the Management of Asthma. London: BTS.
Stay up to date with the
latest Practice advice,
is it like? Is it blood stained or purulent? asthma-guidelines Nursing
all Times
double Learning is a new
blind peerway
Department of Health (2008) Competencies for for you to update your knowledge and
ConClusion Recognising and Responding to Acutely Ill Patients in
skills. Our articles
online learning units are
Tachypnoea could indicate critical illness. Hospital. London: DH. written by experts using case scenarios.
Always assess patients using the ABCDE acute-illness
approach and administer oxygen if needed. Docherty C, McCallum J (2009) Foundation Clinical nursing-practice
For an online learning unit on Arterial
Complete the EWS charts following local Nursing Skills. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Blood Gas Interpretation go to:
policies and protocols, ensuring escalation Dougherty L, Lister S (2008) The Royal Marsden
protocols are followed if required. l Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. Student

14 Nursing Times 19 January 2010
Nursing VolDeteriorating
Times 106 No 2
Patient Supplement
practice review
Keywords Tachycardia | PaTieNT obserVaTioNs | PaTieNT deTerioraTioN

how to ensure patient observations lead

to effective management of tachycardia
Tachycardia could indicate serious illness. It is essential that nurses promptly
identify and act on this significant sign of patient deterioration
author Phil Jevon, Pgce, BSc, rn, is chronotropic action by increasing heart rate.
resuscitation officer/clinical skills lead, It is particularly active in periods of praCtiCe points
manor hospital, Walsall. emotional excitement, exercise and stress.
aBStract Jevon P (2010) how to ensure Competencies required
patient observations lead to effective SinuS tachycardia When measuring heart rate, nursing staff
management of tachycardia. nursing times; Sinus tachycardia can be defined as a sinus (including healthcare assistants) should be able
106: 3, 16-17. rhythm >100bpm; the ECG has the same to identify an abnormal pulse rate, record the
tachycardia is a normal physiological characteristics as sinus rhythm except that result and assign a trigger score.
response to exercise but in the healthcare the QRS rate is >100bpm (Jevon, 2009b). Registered nurses should be able to interpret
setting it is considered to be an adverse sign, Sinus rhythm and sinus tachycardia are the heart rate measurement and respond
indicating possible serious illness such as illustrated in Figs 1 and 2. appropriately following local early warning score
shock. the condition can also be associated Sinus tachycardia can be a normal (EWS) escalation protocols. They should alter the
with a life threatening cardiac arrhythmia. response to a physiological stimulus such frequency of EWS observations if required and be
this article aims to help nurses understand as exercise. However, if it persists, it is able to intervene with basic treatment measures.
how to manage it. usually an indication of pathophysiology Nurses should be able to use a cardiac
(Jevon, 2009b). It is common in critically monitor and start ECG monitoring if necessary.
Tachycardia is defined as a heart rate >100 ill patients.
beats per minute (Resuscitation Council There are many causes of sinus tachycardia Source: Department of Health (2008)
UK, 2006). It is often one of the first signs including: anxiety; emotional distress; pain;
that a patient is beginning to deteriorate fever; drugs such as salbutamol, and
(Jevon, 2009a). stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine. indicationS for meaSuring
The clinical signs of critical illness are Tachycardia is also a common finding in heart rate
associated with compromised respiratory, many acute illnesses including: Nurses are expected to be able to measure
cardiovascular and neurological functions l Heart failure; and interpret heart rate accurately
(Nolan et al, 2005). Adverse signs are: l Pulmonary embolism; (Department of Health, 2008). Early warning
l Tachypnoea; l Pneumonia; scores (EWS) should identify patients at risk
l Tachycardia; l Acute respiratory distress syndrome; (unless proven otherwise) when they have or
l Hypotension; l Anaphylaxis; develop tachycardia (NICE, 2007).
l Altered consciousness level (Resuscitation l Heart failure; Measurement of heart rate (pulse) should
Council UK, 2006). l Shock; be undertaken following local protocols and
l Thyrotoxicosis (Jevon, 2009b). EWS guidelines. It is a fundamental part of
related PhySiology
The heart rate is controlled by the
cardiovascular centre in the medulla Box 1. assessing pulse
oblongata through the autonomic nervous
system (the parasympathetic and palpate the radial pulse: indicate septic shock. old age (Resuscitation Council
sympathetic nervous systems) (Waugh and measure the pulse over one Check the colour and UK, 2006).
Grant, 2006; Green, 1991): minute. A rate >100 is temperature of hands and Measure blood pressure:
l Vagus nerve (parasympathetic nerve): tachycardia. fingers: signs of cardiovascular a systolic BP <90mmHg
acts as a brake on the heart. The greater the identify whether the pulse compromise include cool and suggests shock.
vagal activity, the slower the heart rate: if is regular or irregular: an pale peripheries. establish whether the
vagal activity diminishes, the heart rate irregular pulse may indicate Measure the capillary refill patient has chest pain:
increases (Jevon, 2009b). If the vagal tone atrial fibrillation. time (Crt): a prolonged CRT central crushing chest pain
is completely blocked, the heart rate assess the volume of the (>2 seconds) could indicate poor is suggestive of an acute
increases to around 150 beats per minute pulse: a weak, thready pulse peripheral perfusion, although coronary syndrome.
(Green, 1991); suggests a poor cardiac other causes include cool
l Sympathetic nerve: sympathetic nerve output. A bounding pulse may ambient temperature and Source: Jevon (2009a)
activity (“fight or flight”) has a positive

Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement Nursing Times 26 January 2010 Vol 106 No 3 15
deteriorating patient series

patient assessment and a main component

of the Resuscitation Council (UK)’s (2006) FIG 1. SINUS RHYTHM
systematic airway, breathing, circulation,
disability, exposure (ABCDE) approach to R
the assessment of critically ill patients. The
assessment of pulse is described in Box 1.
Indications for measuring heart rate include: T
● Critical illness; P
● Recording a baseline rate for comparison;
● Evaluating response to treatment, for Isoelectric line
example, following a fluid challenge in
suspected circulatory shock; Q S
● Monitoring for adverse reactions to a
blood transfusion;
● Monitoring the effect of certain medicines
such as beta-antagonistic therapy.

Assess patients using the ABCDE approach
to identify signs of critical illness. Ensure
appropriate senior help is called if necessary,
following EWS escalation protocols: FIG 2. SINUS TACHYCARDIA
● Ensure patients have a clear airway and
are breathing adequately;
● For those who are critically ill, administer
oxygen as prescribed – see part 2 of this
series (Jevon, 2010);
● Monitor vital signs and complete the EWS
chart following local protocols. It is
important to adjust the frequency of EWS
observations following local protocols;
● Try to identify the cause of the
tachycardia. For example, observe for signs ● If necessary, take steps to relieve pain and REFERENCES
of pain, anxiety and pyrexia. Check if monitor the effects of interventions such as Department of Health (2008) Competencies for
medication that might cause tachycardia has analgesia and repositioning as appropriate; Recognising and Responding to Acutely Ill Patients
recently been administered; ● Lie patients flat if they are hypotensive or in Hospital. London: DH.
feeling lightheaded. Intravenous fluids may acute-illness
be prescribed to increase circulating volume Green, J (1991) An Introduction to Human Physiology.
of fluid; Oxford: Oxford Medical Publications.
● Start ECG monitoring if appropriate and Jevon P (2010) How to ensure patient observations lead to

Nursing Times Learning is a new way
record a single lead ECG strip. If indicated,
record a 12 lead ECG; this will help to
establish the correct interpretation of the
prompt identification of tachypnoea. Nursing Times; 106:
2, 12-14.
Jevon P (2009a) Advanced Cardiac Life Support. Oxford:
for you to update your knowledge and ECG rhythm (Nolan et al, 2005). Wiley Blackwell.
skills. Our online learning units are The Resuscitation Council (UK) (2006) Jevon P (2009b) ECGs for Nurses. Oxford: Wiley
written by experts using case scenarios provides guidance for the effective and safe Blackwell.
to discuss
Choose healthcare
from overrelated30
CPD so management of patients with a NICE (2007) Acutely Ill Patients in Hospital:
units is linked directly
including to on
units tachyarrhythmia (fast atrial fibrillation, Recognition of and Response to Acute Illness
everyday situations and clinical narrow complex tachycardia and broad in Adults in Hospital. London: NICE.
practice. They areManagement.
an ideal way to complex tachycardia). The algorithm is CG50
demonstrate 5 Units FREE with
your professional a
updating available at Nolan J et al (2005) European Resuscitation Council
subscription or pay
or to show your commitment to new only guidelines for resuscitation 2005: Section 4. Adult
areas of practice.
£10+VAT per unit. CONCLUSION advanced life support. Resuscitation; 675S: S39-S86.
Tachycardia could indicate critical illness. Resuscitation Council (UK) (2006) Advanced Life
an online learning unit on Arterial Nurses should always assess patients using Support. London: RCUK.
Blood Gas Interpretation
learning go to: the ABCDE approach and administer Smith G (2003) ALERT. Portsmouth: University of oxygen if needed. They should complete the Portsmouth.
bloodgas EWS charts following local systems, Waugh A, Grant A (2006) Ross and Wilson Anatomy
ensuring escalation protocols are followed
Al Grant

and Physiology in Health and Illness. Edinburgh:

if required. ● Elsevier.

16 Nursing Times 26 January 2010 Vol 106 No 3 Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement
practice review

How to ensure patient observations lead to

effective management of bradycardia
Bradycardia can be an indication of life threatening heart block or impending
asystole. It is vital that nurses can detect and respond to this clinical sign
AUTHOR Phil Jevon, PGCE, BSc, RN, is CLINICAL SIGNS OF CRITICAL respiratory, cardiovascular and neurological
resuscitation officer/clinical skills lead, ILLNESS functions (Nolan et al, 2005). Although less
Manor Hospital, Walsall. Tachypnoea, tachycardia, hypotension and commonly associated with critical illness,
ABSTRACT Jevon P (2010) How to ensure altered level of consciousness are the adverse bradycardia may also be a sign of
patient observations lead to effective signs usually associated with critical illness, deterioration and cannot be ignored.
management of bradycardia. Nursing Times; reflecting compromise of the body’s It is, therefore, important to be able to
106: 4, 12-14.
Bradycardia can be a normal physiological FIG 1. SINUS RHYTHM
sign in fit young adults. However, in acute
illness it may indicate life threatening heart
block or precede asystole. This article R
outlines the assessment and management of
patients with this condition. T
Isoelectric line
Bradycardia is defined in an adult as a heart
rate of <60 beats per minute (Resuscitation
Council UK, 2006). Although it can be
a normal physiological finding – for
example, in fit young people (Gwinnutt,
2006) – and therefore require no treatment,
in the healthcare setting it should always
be considered abnormal until proved
In acute illness bradycardia may be a
feature of potentially life threatening
atrioventricular (AV) (heart) block or a
precursor of asystole (when the heart stops
beating) (Resuscitation Council UK, 2006).

When measuring heart rate, nursing staff
(including healthcare assistants) should be able to
identify abnormal values, record results and
assign trigger scores.
Registered nurses should be able to interpret FIG 3. THIRD DEGREE AV BLOCK (COMPLETE AV BLOCK)
heart rate measurements and respond
appropriately following local early warning score
(EWS) escalation protocols if needed.
They should be able to alter the frequency of
EWS observations and intervene with basic
treatment measures.
If electrocardiogram monitoring is indicated,
nurses should be competent at performing it
(including knowledge of how the ECG machine
works) (Department of Health, 2009).

Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement Nursing Times 2 February 2010 Vol 106 No 4 17
deteriorating patient series

accurately measure and assess patients’ increases, the heart rate slows, and when these medicines have been prescribed.
pulse/heart rate. This is a main component vagal activity diminishes, the heart rate The heart rate is ultimately controlled
of the Resuscitation Council UK’s (2006) increases (Jevon, 2009). by the cardiac centre in the medulla
systematic airway, breathing, circulation, During sleep, vagal activity increases, oblongata. Damage to this as a result of
disability, exposure (ABCDE) approach to sometimes resulting in a normal hypoxia or cerebral insult, such as a stroke,
assessing patients who are critically ill. bradycardia. Stimulation of the vagus nerve, can lead to bradycardia.
Sinus bradycardia has the same for example, during tracheal suction, can There are many bradycardia related
electrocardiogram characteristics as sinus also result in bradycardia. cardiac arrhythmias including sinus
rhythm (normal ECG rhythm), except that The sympathetic nerve is involved in bradycardia and AV block. AV block is
the rate is less than 60 beats/min (Jevon, the “fight or flight” response and has the when the conduction of the cardiac impulse
2009). Figs 1, 2 and 3 show sinus rhythm, effect of increasing heart rate. Beta- through the AV junction is delayed or
sinus bradycardia and AV block. adrenoceptor antagonists (beta-blockers) blocked. There are varying degrees of AV
such as atenolol and bisoprolol, shield the block: first, second and third (complete).
CAUSES OF BRADYCARDIA heart from excessive sympathetic activity, Other causes of bradycardia include:
The vagus (parasympathetic) nerve has an which can result in bradycardia (often a ● Myocardial infarction;
important role in controlling heart rate. desired effect). When patients present with a ● Hypothermia;
Continuous vagal activity (vagal tone) acts as slow heart rate, it is prudent to check their ● Hypoxia;
a brake on the heart: when vagal activity medication history to see whether or not ● Hypothyroidism;
● Hypovolaemia;
FIG 4. ADULT BRADYCARDIA ALGORITHM ● Raised intracranial pressure (Jevon, 2009;
Gwinnutt, 2006; Wyatt et al, 2006).
(Includes rates inappropriately slow for haemodynamic state) MANAGING PATIENTS WITH
If appropriate, give oxygen, cannulate a vein and record a 12-lead ECG BRADYCARDIA
Adverse signs? ● Assess patients following the ABCDE
• Systolic BP < 90mmHg -1 approach to ascertain whether they are
YES • Heart rate < 40 beats min NO critically ill. Ensure appropriate senior help
• Ventricular arrhythmias is called if necessary, following early warning
compromising BP
score (EWS) escalation protocols;
• Heart failure ● Ensure patients have a clear airway and
are breathing adequately;
500mcg IV ● If patients are critically ill, start prescribed
emergency oxygen (see part 2 of this series,
Jevon, 2010);
Satisfactory YES ● Monitor vital signs and complete the
response? EWS chart following local protocols. It is
Risk of asystole? important to adjust the frequency of EWS
NO • Recent asystole observations as appropriate;
YES • Mobitz II AV block ● Try to identify the cause of the
• Complete heart block bradycardia. In particular, check medication
with broad QRS history. If patients have been prescribed a
Interim measures: • Ventricular pause > 3s
• Atropine 500mcg IV beta-adrenoceptor antagonist seek medical
repeat to maximum of 3mg advice. It may be necessary to withhold the
• Adrenaline 2-10mcg min-1 drug until they are medically reviewed;
• Alternative drugs * ● If patients are hypotensive or feel
or lightheaded, it is important to lie them flat;
• Transcutaneous pacing ● Start ECG monitoring if appropriate and,
Observe if possible, record a single lead ECG strip
from the monitor; this will help the clinician
to accurately interpret the ECG rhythm;
Seek expert help ● Prepare for intravenous cannulation
Arrange transvenous pacing to administer drugs such as atropine, if
*Alternatives include ● Record a 12 lead ECG; this will help to
establish the correct interpretation of the
Dopamine ECG rhythm (Nolan et al, 2005);
Glucagon (if beta-blocker or calcium-channel blocker overdose) ● If necessary, assist medical staff with
Glycopyrrolate can be used instead of atropine interventions such as administering atropine,
pacing to raise the heart rate and monitoring
Al Grant

Source: Resuscitation Council (UK) 2006

the effect on pulse rate (Jevon, 2009).

18 Nursing Times 2 February 2010 Vol 106 No 4 Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement
practice review
A comprehensive account of the treatment BOX 1. TREATING BRADYCARDIA Bradycardia could indicate critical illness
can be found elsewhere (Jevon, 2009). The The ABCDE approach will identify patients and/or a risk of asystole. Nurses should
main points are outlined in Box 1. who are critically ill (see Fig 4). always assess patients following the ABCDE
In most patients, the presence of certain approach. They should also complete EWS
Resuscitation Council UK adult adverse signs and symptoms will determine charts following local protocols, ensuring
bradycardia algorithm whether treatment is indicated and its urgency escalation protocols are followed if required.
The Resuscitation Council UK’s (2006) adult (Resuscitation Council UK, 2006). These include: If necessary they should start ECG
bradycardia algorithm is designed to help hypotension; excessive bradycardia (typically a monitoring and record a 12 lead ECG. ●
non-specialist healthcare professionals heart rate of <40, although higher rates may not
provide effective and safe treatment in be tolerated by some patients); heart failure
emergency situations (see Fig 4). (see Fig 4); Department of Health, Adult Critical Care, Urgent and
Treatment is indicated if there is a risk of the Emergency Care (2009) Competencies for Recognising
Atropine bradycardia deteriorating into cardiac arrest and Responding to Acutely Ill Patients in Hospital. London:
If adverse signs associated with bradycardia and asystole, even if no other adverse signs DH.
are identified following assessment, atropine are present. Gwinnutt C (2006) Clinical Anaesthesia. Oxford:
is the first drug treatment (Wyatt et al, Blackwell Publishing.
2006). Atropine blocks the action of the Jevon P (2010) How to ensure patient observations lead
vagus nerve with the aim of increasing the through a vein into the right ventricle to pace to prompt identification of tachypnoea. Nursing Times;
heart rate. The initial dose is 500mcg IV; it the heart. While waiting for the appropriate 106: 2, early online publication.
can be repeated every 3-5 minutes up to a expertise and facilities to be arranged, interim Jevon P (2009) Advanced Cardiac Life Support. Oxford:
maximum of 3mg (Jevon, 2009). measures to help prevent deterioration and Wiley Blackwell.
improve the patient’s condition include: Nolan J et al (2005) European Resuscitation Council
Transvenous pacing ● Transcutaneous pacing (pacing electrodes guidelines for resuscitation 2005: Section 4. Adult
If patients do not respond to atropine and applied to the patient’s skin to pace the heart); advanced life support. Resuscitation; 675S, S39-S86.
remain unstable and/or there is a risk of ● Percussion pacing (gentle blows over the Resuscitation Council (UK) (2006) Advanced Life
asystole, transvenous pacing will usually be pericardium); Support. London: RCUK.
required (Nolan et al, 2005). Transvenous ● An adrenaline infusion (Resuscitation Wyatt J et al (2006) Oxford Handbook of Emergency
pacing is the insertion of a pacing electrode Council UK, 2006). Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement Nursing Times 2 February 2010 Vol 106 No 4 19
practice review
Keywords HypoTeNsioN | Blood pressure | paTieNT oBserVaTioN | sHocK

how to ensure observations lead to prompt

identification and management of hypotension
Hypotension is one of the first signs of patient deterioration. Knowing how to
identify and act on this observation quickly may prevent further deterioration
Author phil Jevon, pGCe, bsc, rn, is The clinical signs of critical illness –
resuscitation officer/clinical skills lead, tachypnoea, tachycardia, hypotension and practice points
Manor hospital, Walsall. altered consciousness – indicate a CompetenCies relating to assessment
AbstrACt Jevon p (2010) how to ensure compromise of the body’s respiratory, of blood pressure
patient observations lead to prompt cardiovascular and neurological functions Nurses and healthcare assistants measuring
identification and management of (Resuscitation Council UK, 2006; Nolan et blood pressure must be able to record the
hypotension. Nursing Times; 106: 5, 14-16. al, 2005). result, assign a trigger score and identify
hypotension is blood pressure that is Accurate measurement of blood pressure abnormal values.
abnormally low and is a medical emergency, is a fundamental part of patient assessment Nurses should be able to interpret blood
requiring rapid treatment and identification and is a main component of the pressure measurements in the context of
of the cause. failure to manage this clinical Resuscitation Council UK’s (2006) patients’ conditions and should respond
sign can lead to a poor prognosis. this systematic airway, breathing, circulation, appropriately following local early warning score
article describes the causes and management disability, exposure (ABCDE) approach to (EWS) escalation protocols.
of hypotension. the assessment of critically ill patients (Jevon, They should alter the frequency of EWS
2007a; 2007b). observations if required.
Nurses and HCAs should be able to assess
Definition of blooD pressure cardiac output clinically using the colour of skin,
Blood pressure can be defined as the capillary refill, skin temperature, presence of
pressure of blood in the circulatory system. sweating and level of consciousness, and alert
Systolic blood pressure is the peak pressure senior staff if an assessment indicates
in the artery following ventricular systole inadequate cardiac output (Department of
(contraction), while diastolic pressure is the Health, 2008).
level to which the arterial blood pressure falls
during ventricular diastole (relaxation)
(Talley and O’Connor, 2001). a history of chronic hypertension (Adam
Blood pressure is determined by cardiac and Osborne, 2005). In addition, it is
output and vascular resistance (Waugh and important to place blood pressure readings
Grant, 2006): in the context of what is normal for each
l Cardiac output: is the amount of blood individual patient; for example, a blood
ejected by the heart per minute; pressure of 90/60mmHg may be well
l Vascular resistance: resistance to the flow tolerated, and indeed normal, in a fit young
of blood, determined by the tone of the adult (Gwinnutt, 2006).
vascular musculature and the diameter of However, in practical terms, if the systolic
the blood vessels. The smooth muscle in the blood pressure is <90mmHg, the patient
arterioles is controlled by the vasomotor is considered to be hypotensive (Wyatt
centre in the medulla oblongata in the et al, 2006). This is reflected in many
brain. The muscle is in a state of partial EWS systems (for example, Goldhill et al,
contraction caused by continuous 1999). The causes of hypotension are listed
sympathetic nerve activity, often referred to in Box 1.
as “sympathetic tone”.
A fall in cardiac output, vascular resistance effects of hypotension
or both can lead to a fall in blood pressure Hypotension has the following effects on
(Smith, 2003)(Fig 1). organs of the body:
l Renal system: decreased renal perfusion
Definition of hypotension leads to a fall in the glomerular filtration rate
It is difficult to define hypotension because it and oliguria (poor urine output). Acute
depends on the patient’s clinical condition renal failure may develop;
and pre-morbid state, for example, if there is l Brain: reduced cerebral perfusion can

14 Nursing Times 9 February 2010
Nursing VolDeteriorating
Times 106 No 5
Patient Supplement
deteriorating patient series
This arTicle has beeN double-bliNd peer-reViewed

fig 1. negative feedback control of blood pressure box 1. causes of hypotension

Causes of hypotension include:
Hypovolaemia: dehydration and/or inadequate
intake of fluid, haemorrhage, severe vomiting
1. Some stimulus (stress) disrupts and/or diarrhoea, extensive burns;
homeostasis by causing a decrease in… Cardiogenic: acute coronary syndrome,
cardiogenic shock, cardiac arrhythmias;
Drugs – such as opiates, beta-blockers;
2. Controlled condition
Spinal shock;
…blood pressure Pulmonary embolism.

Source: Jevon (2008)

3. Receptors lead to altered level of consciousness

Baroreceptors in arch including symptoms of lightheadedness,
of aorta and internal drowsiness, confusion, agitation, syncope
carotid artery are and coma;
stretched less l Heart: decreased coronary perfusion can
lead to myocardial ischaemia and acute
Input Decreased rate
coronary syndrome;
of nerve impulses l Gastrointestinal tract: decreased
perfusion can lead to bowel ischaemia;
l Skin: poor skin perfusion leads to pallor
4. Control centre Return to homeostasis and cool peripheries. Peripheral ischaemia
when increased cardiac can develop (Adam and Osborne, 2005;
Cardiovascular centre in
output and increased Smith, 2003).
medulla oblongata
systemic vascular Hypotension is a symptom of shock and
resistance bring blood is common in critically ill patients. Shock is a
pressure (controlled complex physiological phenomenon and a
condition) back to normal life threatening condition. If left untreated, it
leads to cell starvation, cell death, organ
dysfunction, organ failure and eventually
Output Increased sympathetic, decreased
parasympathetic nerve impulses death (Jevon, 2008).
Increased secretion of epinephrine It is usually caused by hypovolaemia,
and norepinephrine by adrenal medulla
which can respond well to timely and
appropriate resuscitation with intravenous
fluids (Jevon, 2008).
5. Effectors The presence of shock is best detected by
looking for signs of compromised end organ
perfusion (ABCDE approach) (Graham and
Parke, 2005). For example, poor cerebral
perfusion can lead to an altered level of
consciousness such as drowsiness, confusion
Increased heart stroke
volume and heart rate
and agitation.
lead to increased
Hypotension is often a late sign of shock
cardiac output. (Smith, 2003), occurring when the
Vasoconstriction of compensatory mechanisms such as
blood vessels peripheral vasoconstriction and an increase
in heart rate activated in response to
hypoperfusion, are overwhelmed (Graham
and Parke, 2005).
If there is a delay in starting effective
6. Response
treatment, organ failure can occur. In A&E,
catherine hollick

Increased blood pressure non-traumatic related hypotension is

Source: Tortora (1997) associated with a higher risk of in-hospital
mortality (Jones et al, 2006).

Nursing TimesTimes
Nursing 9 February 2010Patient
Deteriorating Vol 106 No 5
practice review
Hypotension should be considered a BOX 2. TREATING HYPOTENSION
medical emergency (Smith, 2003). The main
aim of initial treatment is to buy time to Assess patients following the ABCDE approach Blood should be taken for full blood count,
stabilise the patient’s condition, make a (Resuscitation Council UK, 2006). Monitor vital urea and electrolytes, glucose, liver function
diagnosis and request expert help signs, complete EWS charts following local tests, lactate and coagulation screen (Wyatt et al,
(Gwinnutt, 2006). The main objectives of protocols and ensure senior help is requested if 2006). If haemorrhage is suspected, a blood
management are to: necessary. It is important to adjust the frequency of transfusion may be required (Jevon, 2008).
● Identify and treat the underlying cause; EWS observations as appropriate for each patient Blood cultures will be necessary if sepsis
● Maintain tissue oxygenation by ensuring following local protocols. is suspected.
adequate cardiac output and adequate Ensure patients have a clear airway and are A rapid fluid challenge (over 5-10 minutes) of
arterial oxygen saturation; able to breathe adequately; administer high 1L of warmed crystalloid solution (Resuscitation
● Maintain tissue perfusion pressures by concentration oxygen – use a mask with a Council UK, 2006) such as 0.9% normal saline
increasing systemic blood pressure (Adam non-rebreather bag and high flow oxygen should be prescribed. Care should be taken with
and Osborne, 2005). (15L per minute). Patients with COPD should be patients who have cardiac failure (Gwinnutt, 2006;
A suggested plan for treating hypotension carefully assessed (for details, see Jevon, 2010). Wyatt et al, 2006) and a smaller volume (for
is outlined in Box 2. Monitor the pulse (rate, regularity and volume), example, 250ml) of IV fluid should be administered
blood pressure, capillary refill time, peripheral skin to them (Gwinnutt, 2006). These patients should be
CONCLUSION temperature and fluid balance (DH, 2008). closely monitored using the ABCDE approach.
Hypotension is associated with critical illness Consider nursing patients in a supine position; it Chest auscultation after each fluid bolus and
and nurses must ensure that patients’ vital may be helpful to raise their legs by tilting the bed central venous pressure monitoring may be
signs are monitored and the EWS chart to increase cerebral perfusion (Resuscitation required to assess for signs of fluid overload
completed following local protocols. Council UK, 2006). (Resuscitation Council UK, 2006). If signs and
They should ensure that senior help is If the hypotension is drug induced, stop the drug symptoms of fluid overload occur (for example,
requested if necessary and that patients are (if appropriate) and administer the antidote if dyspnoea, increased heart rate and pulmonary
managed appropriately. ● indicated. For example, naloxone may be required crepitations on auscultation), the fluid infusion
if hypotension is thought to be opiate induced. rate should be reduced and a doctor informed
Attach appropriate monitoring devices such as a (Jevon, 2008).
cardiac monitor and pulse oximeter – be aware Monitor vital signs regularly; the target blood
Adam S, Osborne S (2005) Critical Care Nursing that if peripheral perfusion is poor, it may not pressure is the patient’s normal or, if this is
Science and Practice (2nd edn). Oxford: Oxford detect a pulsatile flow or provide an oxygen unknown, >100mmHg systolic (Resuscitation
University Press. saturation reading (Smith, 2003). Council UK, 2006).
Department of Health (2008) Competencies for A large bore (14G or 16G) IV cannula should be Administer further IV fluids if patients show no
Recognising and Responding to Acutely Ill Patients inserted as they have the highest flow rate and signs of improvement. Continue to interpret fluid
in Hospital. London: DH. allow rapid infusion of drugs and IV fluids balance status (DH, 2008).
acute-illness (Resuscitation Council UK, 2006). A second large If necessary, insert a urinary catheter and
Goldhill D et al (1999) Physiological values and bore cannula may need to be inserted to provide monitor urine output.
procedures in the 24 hours before ICU admission from an additional route for administering drugs and If possible, identify and treat the specific cause
the ward. Anaesthesia; 54: 529-534. IV fluids. of hypotension (see above).
Graham C, Parke T (2005) Critical care in the
emergency department: shock and circulatory support.
Emergency Medicine Journal; 22: 1, 17-21. Nolan J et al (2005) European resuscitation council
Gwinnutt C (2006) Clinical Anaesthesia. Oxford: guidelines for resuscitation 2005: Section 4.
Blackwell Publishing.
Jevon P (2010) How to ensure patient observations lead
Adult advanced life support. Resuscitation; 675S:
to prompt identification of tachypnoea. Nursing Times; Resuscitation Council UK (2006) Advanced Life Nursing Times Learning is a new way
106: 2, 12-14. early online publication. Support. London: Resuscitation Council UK. for you to update your knowledge and
patient-obs-tachy Smith G (2003) ALERT. Portsmouth: University of skills. Our online learning units are
Jevon P (2008) Treating the Critically Ill Patient. Oxford: Portsmouth.
written by experts
Choose fromusing case scenarios
over 30 CPD
to discuss healthcare related topics so
Wiley Blackwell. Talley N, O’Connor S (2001) Clinical Examination: units isincluding
information units
linked directly to on
Jevon P (2007a) Blood pressure measurement. Part a Systematic Guide to Physical Diagnosis (4th edn). everydayNursing
and clinical practice.
1: taking a manual reading. Nursing Times; 103: Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Get 5 Units FREE with a
18, 26-27. Tortora GJ (1997) Introduction to the Human Body.
Jevon P (2007b) Blood pressure measurement. Part Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman.
For an or pay
online learning unit on only
Arterial Blood Gas per unit.
2: using automated devices. Nursing Times; 103: Waugh A, Grant A (2006) Ross and Wilson Anatomy
Interpretation go to:
19, 26-27. and Physiology in Health and Illness. Edinburgh:
Jones A et al (2006) Emergency department Elsevier.
hypotension predicts sudden unexpected in-hospital Wyatt J et al (2006) Oxford Handbook of Emergency learning
mortality: a prospective cohort study. Chest; 130: 4, Medicine (3rd edn). Oxford: Oxford University
941-946. Press.

16 Nursing Times 9 February 2010
Nursing VolDeteriorating
Times 106 No 5
Patient Supplement
practice review
Keywords AlTered coNsciousNess | PATieNT obserVATioNs | PATieNT deTeriorATioN

How to ensure patient observations lead to

effective management of altered consciousness
Altered consciousness is a sign of patient deterioration. It is essential that nurses
are capable of promptly identifying and acting on this significant observation
autHor Phil Jevon, Pgce, Bsc, rn, is l Hypotension;
resuscitation officer/clinical skills lead, l Altered consciousness level (Resuscitation Box 1. causes of altered
Manor Hospital, Walsall. Council UK, 2006).
aBstract Jevon P (2010) How to ensure Observing level of consciousness is an causes include:
patient observations lead to effective essential part of patient assessment, and a Hypoxia;
management of altered consciousness. main component of the Resuscitation Hypercapnia (high levels of co2 in the blood);
Nursing Times; 106: 6, 17-18. Council UK’s (2006) systematic airway, cerebral hypoperfusion;
altered level of consciousness is common in breathing, circulation, disability, exposure medications such as sedatives or analgesics;
critically ill patients and is associated with (ABCDE) approach to the assessment of Hypoglycaemia;
potentially life threatening airway patients who are critically ill. Drug overdose;
compromise. as problems with airway, stroke;
breathing or circulation can lead to an Definition of altereD subarachnoid haemorrhage;
altered level of consciousness, the initial consciousness convulsions;
priorities are to ensure a clear airway, and Level of consciousness has been described Alcohol;
that breathing and circulation are adequate. as the degree of arousal and awareness Head injury.
this article aims to outline the management (Geraghty, 2005).
of altered level of consciousness. Altered level of consciousness is considered sources: Jevon (2008); Resuscitation council
an adverse sign and may be an indication UK (2006)
Patients who are critically ill usually display that the patient is critically ill (Jevon, 2009).
the following clinical signs that indicate It can present in a variety of different ways
compromised respiratory, cardiovascular including confusion, drowsiness, vagueness glasgow coma scale
and/or neurological functions (Nolan and aggressive behaviour. The causes are The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS, see Table 1)
et al, 2005): listed in Box 1. was originally developed to grade the
l Tachypnoea; The onset of altered level of consciousness severity and outcome of traumatic head
l Tachycardia; may be sudden – for example, following an injury (Teasdale and Jennett, 1974). It
acute head injury – or it may be gradual as a assesses the two aspects of consciousness:
practice points consequence of medical problems such as l Arousal or wakefulness: being aware of
competencies hypoxia or hypoglycaemia (Geraghty, 2005). the environment;
nurses and healthcare assistants should be l Awareness: demonstrating an
competent to use the AVpU (alert, voice, pain, assessing consciousness level understanding of what the nurse has
unconscious) and Glasgow coma scale. they Level of consciousness can be assessed by said through an ability to perform tasks
should be able to record observations, assign a observing patients’ behavioural response to (Jevon, 2008).
trigger score and identify abnormal values. different stimuli (Waterhouse, 2005). A The 15 point scale assesses level of
they should recognise acute confusion as a variety of scales have been designed to assess consciousness by evaluating three
possible sign of acute illness and carry out these responses. behavioural responses: eye opening, verbal
investigations such as blood glucose During the initial rapid assessment of response and motor response (Waterhouse,
measurement and pulse oximetry to exclude critically ill patients it is helpful to use the 2005). It should be used as part of a full
possible causes. AVPU scale (Box 2), together with an patient assessment to more specifically
nurses should be able to identify the danger of examination of the pupils, to determine the measure level of consciousness (Smith,
airway obstruction associated with reduced level of consciousness (Jevon, 2008). 2003). It should also be used when assessing
consciousness and take remedial action, such as Any abnormal changes in pupillary patients with head injuries (NICE, 2007).
placing patients in the recovery position. reaction, pupil size or shape, together with
nurses should understand the clinical other neurological signs, are an indication of Managing altereD level
importance of an abnormal AVpU and Gcs score raised intracranial pressure and compression of consciousness
and respond using local escalation protocols. of the optic nerve (Mooney and Comerford, Nurses should:
2003). Raised intracranial pressure can also l Assess patients following the ABCDE
source: Department of Health (2008) lead to a fall in respiratory and heart rates approach to ascertain whether they are
and a rise in blood pressure. critically ill;

Nursing Times 16 February
Times Deteriorating 2010 Vol 106 No 6
Patient Supplement 23
deteriorating patient series
This arTicle has beeN double-bliNd peer-reViewed

l Ensure they have a clear airway (see Box 2). Record the GCS if blood glucose measurement. Nurses should
and assess whether breathing is box 2. aVPU scale they have a head injury (NICE, have the knowledge to interpret the blood
adequate (normal rate, depth and Alert 2007) and, if necessary, as part glucose value and should, if necessary,
rhythm). The most common Responds to voice of the full patient assessment to initiate the local protocol for hypoglycaemia
cause of airway obstruction in Responds to pain provide a more specific (DH, 2008). Administering oral glucose may
hospital is altered level of Unconscious measurement of level of be sufficient to manage the condition but in
consciousness, leading to consciousness (Smith, 2003); some situations, intravenous dextrose will be
structures in the mouth (for Source: Resuscitation l If the patient has altered level required (Smith, 2003). It is also important
example, the tongue and Council UK (2006) of consciousness, consider to exclude hyperglycaemia as diabetic
epiglottis) blocking the airway placing them in the lateral ketoacidosis can lead to altered level of
(Jevon, 2008); (recovery) position. This will consciousness;
l For those who are critically ill, administer protect the airway from occlusion by the l Exclude reversible drug induced causes.
oxygen as prescribed (see Jevon, 2009); tongue, regurgitation of gastric contents or Administer the appropriate antagonist if one
l Monitor vital signs and complete the early debris in the mouth (Jevon, 2008); is available such as naloxone for opioid
warning scores (EWS) chart following local l If the patient is unconscious an toxicity (Resuscitation Council UK, 2006).
protocols, calling for senior help if necessary. oropharyngeal airway may be inserted.
It is important to adjust the frequency of Tracheal intubation could be required; ConClusion
EWS observations as appropriate for each l If the patient is semiconscious and having Altered level of consciousness is a common
patient following local protocols; difficulty maintaining a patent airway, a clinical sign associated with critical illness.
l Review airway, breathing and circulation nasopharyngeal airway may be inserted; Since it can be potentially life threatening,
(Wyatt et al, 2006). A compromised airway, l Examine the pupils (size, equality and the initial priorities are to ensure a clear
inadequate breathing or inadequate reaction to light). Interpret the pupillary size airway, that the patient’s breathing and
circulation can lead to altered level of and response to light; it is important to circulation are adequate and, where possible,
consciousness. Exclude or treat hypoxia, understand the clinical significance of to identify and treat the underlying cause. l
hypercapnia and hypotension (Resuscitation abnormal pupil size and response to light
Council UK, 2006); reflex and react according to local escalation
l Initially assess the patient’s level of protocols (Department of Health, 2008);
consciousness using the simple AVPU scale l Exclude hypoglycaemia; perform bedside Department of Health (2008) Competencies for Recognising
and Responding to Acutely Ill Patients in Hospital. london: dh.
Table 1. glasgow coma scale Dougherty L, Lister S (2008) The Royal Marsden
scoring activities of the Glasgow coma scale. scores are added, with the highest score 15 indicating Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. oxford:
full consciousness wiley-blackwell.
Eye opening Scored 1-4 Geraghty M (2005) Nursing the unconscious patient.
Nursing Standard; 20: 1, 54-64.
spontaneously 4 eyes open without need of stimulus Jevon P (2009) Advanced Cardiac Life Support. oxford:
To speech 3 eyes open to verbal stimulation (normal, raised or repeated) wiley blackwell.
Jevon P (2008) Treating the Critically Ill Patient. oxford:
To pain 2 eyes open to central pain (tactile) only
blackwell publishing.
None 1 No eye opening to verbal or painful stimuli Mooney GP, Comerford DM (2003) Neurological
Verbal response Scored 1-5 observations. Nursing Times; 99: 17, 24-25.
NICE (2007) Head Injury: Triage, Assessment,
orientated 5 able to describe accurately details of time, person and place
Investigation and Early Management of Head Injury
sentence 4 can speak in sentences but does not answer orientation questions correctly in Infants, Children and Adults. london: Nice.
words 3 speaking incomprehensible, inappropriate words only
Nolan J et al (2005) european resuscitation council
sounds 2 incomprehensible sounds following both verbal and painful stimuli
guidelines for resuscitation 2005: section 4. adult
None 1 No verbal response following verbal and painful stimuli advanced life support. Resuscitation; 675s: s39-s86.
Motor response Scored 1-5 Resuscitation Council UK (2006) Advanced Life
Support. london: resuscitation council uK.
obeys command 6 Follows and acts out commands, for example lifts up right arm Smith G (2003) ALERT. portsmouth: university of
localises 5 purposeful movement to remove noxious stimulus portsmouth.
Teasdale G, Jennett B (1974) assessment of coma and
Normal flexion 4 Flexes arm at elbow without wrist rotation in response to central painful stimulus
impaired consciousness: a practical scale. The Lancet;
abnormal flexion 3 Flexes arm at elbow with accompanying rotation of the wrist into spastic posturing 2, 81-84.
in response to central pain Waterhouse C (2005) The Glasgow coma scale and
extension 2 extends arm at elbow with sonic inward rotation in response to central pain other neurological observations. Nursing Standard; 19:
None 1 No response to central painful stimulus 33, 56-64.
Wyatt J et al (2006) Oxford Handbook of Emergency
source: dougherty and lister (2008) Medicine. oxford: oxford university press.

18 Nursing Times 16 February 2010
Nursing TimesVol 106 No 6 Patient
practice review

How to ensure patient observations lead

to effective management of oliguria
Oliguria can be a sign of hypovolaemia and acute renal failure. Fluid balance must
be accurately monitored so deficits can be corrected and complications prevented
AUTHOR Phil Jevon, PGCE, BSc, RN, is Fluid balance is essential for condition commonly
resuscitation officer/clinical skills lead, normal functioning of the PRACTICE POINTS associated with critical illness
Manor Hospital, Walsall. body. It helps to maintain COMPETENCIES (Gwinnutt, 2006).
ABSTRACT Jevon P (2010) How to ensure body temperature and cell Nurses and healthcare assistants
patient observations lead to effective shape, and assists in the should be able to record fluid MONITORING FLUID
management of oliguria. Nursing Times; 106: transportation of nutrients, input and output accurately. BALANCE
7, 18-19. gases and waste products Registered nurses responsible Fluid balance is defined as
Fluid balance is essential for normal (Docherty and Coote, 2006). for patients should be able to: the appropriate balance of
functioning of the body. Oliguria (poor Disturbance in fluid Interpret fluid balance; fluid input and output over
urine output) is usually associated with low balance during episodes of Administer intravenous fluids 24 hours.
circulatory blood volume (hypovolaemia), critical illness occurs for a as prescribed; The fluid input over 24
and can be a sign that a patient is acutely ill number of reasons, Insert a urinary catheter. hours in an average person
and deteriorating. Early warning scoring including: should be approximately
systems should identify the condition so that ● Disruption to normal Source: Department of Health 1500-2500ml as liquid, 800ml
appropriate interventions can be physiological mechanisms (2008) in ingested food and 200ml
undertaken to restore urine output and such as hypernatraemia as a by-product of food
protect renal function. (elevated sodium levels in the blood); metabolism. Fluid output should be the
● Disease processes, for example acute same volume – 1500ml urine, 800ml of
renal failure; insensible loss such as sweating, and 200ml
● Side effects of treatment, for example in faeces (Marcovitch, 2005).
diuretic therapy. During critical illness, fluid input and
Oliguria (poor urine output) is a common output should be monitored following local
sign of critical illness and is associated with EWS protocols and the following should
poor fluid intake or excessive fluid loss. This be recorded:
article discusses the assessment and ● Oral intake;
management of oliguria associated with ● Urine output;
hypovolaemia (low circulatory blood ● Wound and nasogastric drainage;
volume). ● All drug and fluid infusions (Adam and
The condition is defined as the production Osborne, 2005).
of abnormally small amounts of urine – A positive fluid balance occurs when input
100-400ml of urine in 24 hours (Smith, exceeds output. This can occur when a
2003). Definitions of abnormal urine output patient’s IV fluids administration regimen is
are listed in Box 1. It can be a sign that the increased to rectify fluid volume deficits and
IF YOU COULD patient is acutely ill and deteriorating (Jevon, dehydration.
DO ONE THING 2008) and is usually associated with A negative fluid balance occurs when
PATIENT hypovolaemia (low circulatory blood output exceeds input, for example following
SAFETY, volume) caused by restricted fluid intake or treatment of fluid overload with diuretics
WHAT WOULD excessive fluid loss (Docherty and Coote, (Brooker and Waugh, 2007).
IT BE? 2006). The causes of oliguria are listed in It is important to monitor fluid balance
Box 2. accurately in critically ill patients so that
The Change One Early warning scoring (EWS) systems deficits in fluid balance can be corrected and
Thing campaign is should identify oliguria so that timely and further complications prevented.
collating ideas to share across the NHS. The appropriate interventions can be carried out
results will be used as a new interactive part of
to re-establish urine output and protect MANAGING OLIGURIA
the Patient Safety Congress
renal function (Jevon, 2008). This may It is important to identify the cause of
on 25 and 26 May 2010 at Birmingham’s ICC.
prevent further deterioration and oliguria as early as possible so the most
progression to acute renal failure (Ahern and appropriate treatment can be instigated
Philpot, 2002), which is a life threatening before complications occur (Jevon, 2008).

Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement Nursing Times 23 February 2010 Vol 106 No 7 25
deteriorating patient series
This arTicle has beeN double-bliNd peer-reViewed

The most common cause in the critically ill

patient is hypovolaemia. Box 1. Definitions of aBnormal Box 2. Causes of oliguria
Absolute anuria is rare and is most likely to urine output
be caused by a blocked catheter (Ahern and Oliguria: 100-400ml in 24 hours; Requirements for normal urine output
Philpot, 2002). Anuria: <100ml in 24 hours; include the following:
Occasionally, oliguria can occur because Absolute anuria: 0ml in 24 hours. Adequate renal perfusion (Smith, 2003);
patients have difficulty passing urine in Normal renal function;
hospital due to embarrassment and this Source: Docherty and Coote (2006); Smith (2003) No obstruction to the flow of urine (Jevon,
should be considered when other causes 2008).
have been eliminated. Absolute anuria is rare and is usually associated
Patients should be assessed following the with a blocked urinary catheter (Adam and Causes of oliguria
Resuscitation Council UK’s systematic Osborne, 2005; Ahern and Philpot, 2002). Pre-renal: for example, hypovolaemia,
airway, breathing, circulation, disability, hypotension;
exposure (ABCDE) approach to the Renal: for example, acute tubular necrosis;
assessment of critically ill patients l In patients with a urinary catheter, ensure Post renal: for example, ureteric stone,
(Resuscitation Council UK, 2006) to ascertain the oliguria is not caused by a mechanical retention of urine (Jevon, 2008).
whether they are critically ill. Ensure that problem, for example blocked or kinked
appropriate senior help is called if necessary, catheter tubing;
following local EWS protocols. The l Exclude retention of urine as the cause of l Blood tests should be taken to monitor
following should be carried out: oliguria (Gwinnutt, 2006); serum sodium, potassium, urea and
l In critically ill patients, start prescribed l Arrange for IV cannulation to administer creatinine levels. It may be necessary to
emergency oxygen (Jevon, 2010a) and an intravenous fluid challenge and monitor measure the urine volume over 24 hours
ensure they have a clear airway and are its effect on urine output. It may be necessary so that fluid and electrolyte balance can
breathing adequately; to repeat the challenge (see Box 3); be assessed;
l In hypotensive patients, position them in l Attempt to establish the cause of the l Regularly monitor fluid balance in
a supine position if this is tolerated (Jevon, oliguria. Perform a urinalysis – dark combination with vital signs. Complete
2010b); concentrated urine and a high specific the EWS chart following local protocols;
l Insert a urinary catheter to monitor gravity (SG >1.030) are features of volume l Ask the doctor to review the use of
output (Smith, 2003); deficit (Brooker and Waugh, 2007). nephrotoxic drugs, for example, non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), gentamicin and ciclosporin as
Box 3. fluiD Challenge these may need to be discontinued;
l Seek medical advice for patients on
Oliguria caused by be carried out while expert help with very little remaining in the diuretic therapy as this may need to be
hypovolaemia can be reversed if is being sought (Gwinnutt, 2006). circulation (Gwinnutt, 2006). omitted if they are hypovolaemic.
a fluid challenge is immediately A fluid challenge (usually
administered (Smith, 2003). Procedure points 500ml) is administered over ConClusion
This is an important treatment An isotonic crystalloid such approximately 15 minutes; the Oliguria could indicate critical illness and it
intervention aimed at preventing as 0.9% normal saline is patient is closely monitored for is important to assess the patient following
acute renal failure in the general normally infused (Docherty and signs of improvement, for the ABCDE approach and maintain an
ward setting (Docherty and Coote, 2006). example, increased urine output, accurate fluid balance chart. Nurses should
Coote, 2006). Fluids containing dextrose are decreased respiratory and pulse be aware of other causes of oliguria,
The aim of a fluid challenge is not used for initial resuscitation rates, a rise in blood pressure including blocked catheters or urinary
to produce a significant and because they are rapidly and improved level of retention, and exclude these during initial
rapid increase in plasma volume distributed throughout the consciousness (Gwinnutt, 2006). assessment of the patient. If no other causes
which will stabilise the patient’s intracellular and extracellullar The fluid bolus may need to of oliguria can be identified, patient
condition. This procedure should fluid compartments in the body, be repeated. embarrassment about urination while in
hospital may be causing the condition. l
Adam S, Osborne S (2005) Critical Care Nursing: Docherty B, Coote S (2006) Fluid balance monitoring Nursing Times; 106: 5, 14-16.
Science and Practice. oxford: oxford Medical publications. as part of track and trigger. Nursing Times; 102: 45, obs-hypo
Ahern J, Philpot P (2002) assessing acutely ill patients on 28-29. Jevon P (2008) Treating the Critically Ill Patient. oxford:
general wards. Nursing Standard; 16: 47, 47-55. Gwinnutt C (2006) Clinical Anaesthesia. oxford: blackwell publishing.
Brooker C, Waugh A (2007) Foundations of Nursing blackwell publishing. Marcovitch H (2005) Black’s Medical Dictionary. london:
Practice. oxford: elsevier. Jevon P (2010a) how to ensure patient observations lead a & c black.
Department of Health (2008) Competencies for to prompt identification of tachypnoea. Nursing Times; Resuscitation Council UK (2006) Advanced Life
Recognising and Responding to Acutely Ill Patients 106: 2, 12-14. Support. london: resuscitation council uK.
in Hospital. london: dh. Jevon P (2010b) how to ensure observations lead to Smith G (2003) ALERT. portsmouth: university
acute-illness prompt identification and management of hypotension of portsmouth.

26 Nursing Times 23 February 2010 Vol 106 No 7 Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement
practice guided learning
KeyworDs sepsis | NursiNg maNagemeNT | resusciTaTioN

prompt and aggressive management of sepsis

gives patients the best chance of survival
Poor knowledge can result in a missed or delayed diagnosis of septic shock or
severe sepsis, as well as inappropriate or delayed patient management
author Kirsty Lovick, BSc, is senior staff IntroductIon SurvIvIng SepSIS
Learning outcomes campaIgn
nurse at emergency assessment and The management of patients
discharge unit, James paget university has become more complex Understand and differentiate Worldwide, sepsis kills more
hospital, gorleston, great Yarmouth. in general as they are between sepsis, severe sepsis people than lung cancer, and
aBStract Lovick K (2009) prompt and becoming older, sicker and and septic shock. more people than bowel and
aggressive management of sepsis gives more dependent. This Identify the initial treatment breast cancer combined. Its
patients the best chance of survival. nursing places an increased pressure required in managing septic incidence is rising at a rate
times; 105: 47, 20-22. on healthcare staff patients. of 1.5% per year (Daniels,
this one part unit explains why it is (Smith, 2003). 2009). Concern about these
important to recognise the signs and Evidence suggests that figures led to the launch of
symptoms of sepsis and the action to take if nurses’ knowledge about the signs of acute Surviving Sepsis in 2004 – an international
patients become septic. illness and their response to these signs campaign to improve survival. Although
are poor (Robson et al, 2007). Gaps in now officially concluded, the campaign
knowledge can result in a missed or delayed demonstrated that it was possible to change
diagnosis of septic shock or severe sepsis clinical practice and improve patient
and lead to inappropriate or delayed outcomes using evidence based guidelines.
management; prompt treatment is crucial The campaign’s main aims were to
to survival. improve the management, diagnosis and
There is evidence that up to 50% of treatment of sepsis. These aims were met by:
patients admitted to intensive care units l Increasing awareness, understanding and
received suboptimal care before referral knowledge;
because of a failure to identify signs of l Changing perceptions and behaviour;
deterioration and lack of skills in responding l Influencing public policy;
to acute deterioration (National Patient l Defining standards of care (Dellinger et
Safety Agency, 2007). al, 2004).
Doctors also appear to have poor The campaign concluded that the greatest
knowledge. Poeze et al (2004) interviewed improvement to patient outcomes had been
1,058 doctors and found that only 17% made through education and changing the
agreed on a definition of sepsis, but 83% process of care for patients with sepsis.
agreed it was frequently missed.
Lack of clarity about the definition of sepsis defInIng SepSIS
may contribute to delays in diagnosis and Sepsis typically starts with systemic
early treatment and increase the risk of inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS).
patient deterioration and mortality (Ziglam This is the cascade of inflammatory events
et al, 2006). that are part of the body’s response to an
It is estimated that patients with sepsis take insult in an attempt to maintain homeostasis
up 45% of intensive care bed days and 33% (Lever and Mackenzie, 2007).
of hospital bed days in the UK (Padkin et al, SIRS is defined by the presence of two or
2003). Forty per cent of intensive care more of the following symptoms:
budgets are spent managing sepsis and the l Temperature >38ºC or <36ºC;
average cost of treating a patient admitted l Heart rate >90 beats per minute;
to hospital is £10,000 (Dellinger et al, 2004). l Respiratory rate >20 breaths per minute;
Nurses have a key role in identifying l White blood count >12,000 or <4,000
patients with sepsis or septic shock and per ml (Levy et al, 2003).
providing appropriate treatment. As such, Sepsis is defined as a known or suspected
they need to be knowledgeable about sepsis infection accompanied by evidence of two or
and nursing guidelines that provide a format more of the SIRS criteria (Robson and
for systematic assessment and management. Daniels, 2008). It is a continuum from a

Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement Nursing Times 1 December 2009 Vol 105 No 47 27

simple uncomplicated infection to severe

can be subtle and early indicators of sepsis
can be missed. Careful and frequent
assessment is the key to spotting
deterioration. Respiratory rate is considered Pancreatitis
to be one of the most sensitive indicators of Bacteria
critical illness, yet it is a vital sign that is often
neglected (Stevenson, 2004).
Signs and
Severe sepsis Virus Infection SEVERE
Severe sepsis is the presence of sepsis with SEPSIS
organ dysfunction, hypotension or poor of Infection
perfusion (Peel, 2008). All organs, including Burns
the cardiovascular system, lungs, liver, Fungi
kidneys and brain, can be affected.
Signs include: Other
● Hypotension: a systolic blood pressure of Parasite
<90mmHg or a mean arterial pressure of
<60mmHg. Changes in blood pressure may
be a late indicator of deterioration as the Source: Daniels et al (2007)
body has compensatory mechanisms to
maintain it. Fluid resuscitation must be given
with the aim of improving blood pressure combination of hypotension, slow blood ● An unexplained metabolic acidosis;
and cardiac output (Dellinger et al, 2004); flow, hypoxaemia and metabolic acidosis ● Decreased capillary refill time: >2 seconds
● Altered mental state: the AVPU system will interfere with normal clotting (Lever and Mackenzie, 2007). This indicates
(A – alert; V – responsive to voice; P – mechanisms. Microthrombi form in small poor perfusion.
responsive to pain; U – unresponsive) or the vessels, interfering with blood flow to the
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) can be used to tissues and the organs, which, combined with EARLY IDENTIFICATION OF
assess patients’ neurological status rapidly. hypotension and hypovolaemia, can cause SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
Consciousness levels may be decreased due organ failure (Robson and Newell, 2005); Early identification and treatment within the
to hypoxaemia, hypoglycaemia or cerebral ● Raised serum lactate: >2mmol/L. Raised “golden hour” is the key to reducing
hypoperfusion due to shock or medications lactate is a sign of severe sepsis and indicates mortality (Dellinger et al, 2004). The first six
such as sedatives or analgesics; that tissues are not receiving enough oxygen hours after diagnosis present a small window
● Hyperglycaemia in the absence of and have to rely on anaerobic metabolism, of opportunity in which to reverse tissue
diabetes: this results from the metabolic and producing lactic acid. hypoxia and prevent established organ failure.
hormonal changes that are part of the stress The Surviving Sepsis campaign produced a
response (Ruffell, 2004). It occurs in critically SEPTIC SHOCK six hour resuscitation bundle (Dellinger et
ill patients and insulin treatment may be Septic shock is defined as severe sepsis with al, 2004); aspects of patient care that can be
required to maintain normoglycaemia; hypotension that does not respond to carried out at ward level are known as the
● Hypoxaemia: oxygen saturations <93% intravenous fluid resuscitation of 500- “sepsis six” (Box 1).
or PaO2 <9kPa on an arterial blood gas 2,000ml given rapidly (Dellinger et al, 2004).
analysis. Pulse oximetry must only be used Hypotension is not always a reliable NURSES’ ROLE
as a guide as the saturation recording may indicator of shock, as some patients may By increasing their own knowledge and
not be a true reflection of gaseous activity. maintain a systolic blood pressure above awareness of sepsis, nurses are in an ideal
British Thoracic Society (2008) guidelines 90mmHg, so further signs and symptoms position to ensure patients are reviewed,
recommend that arterial blood gases should need to be considered before a diagnosis of thereby preventing deterioration into severe
be checked in all critically ill patients; septic shock can be made. These include: sepsis or septic shock. For every hour’s delay
● Acute oliguria: urine output of <0.5ml/ ● A positive fluid balance; in beginning treatment, a patient’s risk of
kg/hr. Poor urine output is an early sign that death increases by 7.6% (Kumar et al, 2006).
a patient’s condition may be deteriorating. The process of increasing awareness of
Urine output is a sensitive measure of blood BOX 1. SEPSIS SIX sepsis needs a proactive, multidisciplinary
flow to the kidneys and other organs. It is Give high flow oxygen approach. Educational programmes have
essential that patients have an adequate Take blood cultures the potential to increase awareness as well as
circulating blood volume; the presence of Give intravenous antibiotics identify advocates, such as link nurses, to
hypotension, tachycardia and cool Give intravenous fluid champion sepsis awareness.
peripheries may indicate that extra fluid is Measure lactate and haemoglobin The critical care outreach team has a
Catherine Hollick

required (Smith, 2003); Insert urinary catheter and monitor urine pivotal role in supporting nurses to identify
● Coagulopathy: International normalised output hourly and manage sepsis, and in facilitating
ratio (INR) >1.5 or platelets <100. The escalation of care (Carter, 2007).

28 Nursing Times 1 December 2009 Vol 105 No 47 Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement
practice guided learning
By developing and using a sepsis Fig 2. nursing management oF sePtiC Patients
screening tool (Fig 2), nurses can use patient
observations to identify whether patients have
sepsis, severe sepsis or septic shock. Using the Are any two of the following present and new to the
“sepsis six” (Box 1) will empower nurses to patient? (Systemic inflammatory response syndrome
take action and ensure patients are promptly (SIRS) criteria)
reviewed and management is initiated. Temperature >38ºC or <36ºC
• Heart rate >90bpm
• Respiratory rate >20bpm Treatment of sepsis
ConClusion • Immediate ABCDE assessment
• White blood count >12,000 or <4,000/m
Introducing the concepts of sepsis If yes, this is the systemic inflammatory response • Refer to junior doctor for review
pathophysiology and treatment using an syndrome, which can be caused by any major insult • Consider supplemental oxygen
evidence based approach increases to the body • Give fluid challenge as per PGD
awareness of sepsis, leading to reductions in • Give IV antibiotics as prescribed
mortality, length of stay and cost. It creates • Hourly observations
a sense of responsibility so that the problem • Reassess for severe sepsis hourly
is addressed through early identification Is the history suggestive of a suspected or known
and treatment. infection? If yes, and two of the above SIRS criteria are
present, the patient has sepsis
Increasing nurses’ knowledge and
awareness of sepsis will help to improve Treatment of severe
recognition and prompt aggressive sepsis
management, ensuring that patients are • Immediate ABCDE assessment
Are any of the following present and new to the patient? • Refer to senior doctor for review
given the best possible chance of survival. l • Blood pressure <90mmHg • Commence ‘sepsis six’:
• Altered mental state • High flow oxygen as per PGD
• Hyperglycaemia in the absence of diabetes • Take blood cultures (two sets)
• Saturations <93% or <9kPa on ABG • Give IV antibiotics as prescribed
• Urine output <0.5mg/kg/hr within one hour
• INR >1.5 or platelets <100 • Give fluid challenge as per PGD
online CPD • Serum lactate >2mmol/L
If yes, the patient has severe sepsis
• Catheterise and monitor hourly
• Measure lactate and haemoglo-

Portfolio from
Pages contain over
activities that30 CPD bin
correspond to the learning objectives in on • Call critical care outreach team
units including units
the unit. They are presented in a
Nursing Management. Does the patient have any of the following?
convenient format for you to print out or • Blood pressure <90mmHg despite fluid resuscitation
Get 5 Units FREE with a
work through on screen and can be filed • Immediate ABCDE assessment
• A positive fluid balance
in your professional portfolioor
subscription pay only
as evidence • Unexplained metabolic acidosis • Ensure urgent senior doctor
of your learning per unit.
and professional • pH <7.35, bicarbonate <20mmol, base deficit review
development. >-2.5mmol • Start ‘sepsis six’ if not already
For the Portfolio Pages corresponding • Capillary refill time >2 seconds • For critical care review and
If yes, the patient has septic shock transfer for further management
to this unit, and forlearning
other Guided Learning
units, go to


British Thoracic Society (2008) Emergency Oxygen Use in Levy M et al (2003) International sepsis definitions Robson WP, Daniels R (2008) The sepsis six: helping
Adult Patients. London: BTS. conference. Critical Care Medicine; 31: 1250-1256. patients to survive sepsis. British Journal of Nursing;
Carter C (2007) Implementing the severe sepsis care National Patient Safety Agency (2007) Recognising 17: 1, 16-21.
bundles outside the ICU by outreach. Nursing in Critical and Responding Appropriately to Early Signs of Robson W, Newell J (2005) Assessing, treating and
Care; 12: 5, 225-230. Deterioration in Hospitalised Patients. London: NPSA. managing patients with sepsis. Nursing Standard; 19:
Daniels R (2009) Defining Sepsis, Severe Sepsis and 50, 56-64.
Septic Shock. Padkin A et al (2003) Epidemiology of severe sepsis Ruffell AJ (2004) Sepsis strategies: an ICU package?
Dellinger RP et al (2004) Surviving sepsis campaign occurring in the first 24 hours in intensive care units in Nursing in Critical Care; 9: 6, 257-263.
guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Critical Care Smith G (2003) ALERT – Acute Life-Threatening Events
shock. Critical Care Medicine; 32: 3, 858-873. Medicine; 31: 2332-2338. Recognition and Treatment. Portsmouth: University of
Kumar A et al (2006) Duration of hypotension before Peel M (2008) Care bundles: resuscitation of patients with Portsmouth.
initiation of effective antimicrobial therapy is the critical severe sepsis. Nursing Standard; 23: 11, 41-46. Stevenson T (2004) Achieving best practice in routine
determinant of survival in human septic shock. Critical Care Poeze M et al (2004) An international sepsis survey: a observation of hospital patients. Nursing Times; 100:
Medicine; 34: 1589-1596. study of doctors’ knowledge and perception about sepsis. 30, 34-35.
Catherine Hollick

Lever A, Mackenzie I (2007) Sepsis: definition, Critical Care; 8: 6, 409-413. Ziglam HM et al (2006) Knowledge about sepsis among
epidemiology and diagnosis. British Medical Journal; 335: Robson W et al (2007) An audit of ward nurses’ training-grade doctors. Journal of Antimicrobial
879-883. knowledge of sepsis. Nursing in Critical Care; 12: 2, 86-92. Chemotherapy; 57: 5, 963-965.

Nursing Times Deteriorating Patient Supplement Nursing Times 1 December 2009 Vol 105 No 47 29

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