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Supreme Court
on National Anthem

RIP Amma
A roadmap 1948 - 2016

to cashless
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PREFACE ............................................................................................. 5

Pick of the Month ............................................................................... 6

National ........................................................................................... 20

International .................................................................................... 63

Economy ........................................................................................ 119

Science & Technology ..................................................................... 144

Environment & Ecology .................................................................. 164

States ............................................................................................. 176

Summit|Conference ....................................................................... 202

Report|Survey................................................................................ 203

Corporate ....................................................................................... 210

Sports ............................................................................................. 216

Defence|Security ........................................................................... 244

At a Glance ..................................................................................... 249

Awards|Honours ............................................................................ 285

Exam Boosters ................................................................................ 302

Exam Quiz ...................................................................................... 307

Sarkari naukri alerts ....................................................................... 316

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The Current Affairs January-2017 eBook covers the current events that happened in the month
of December. Current Affairs is a crucial component of any competitive exams including
IAS|PCS, SSC, Banking and MBA. The Current Affairs play the bigger role in many competitive
and government exams. It holds the power of making or breaking your chance of success.
Therefore, the candidates should cover the Current Affairs thoroughly and smartly.

However, there are huge numbers of student who are often confused about how to prepare
the current affairs section of the different competitive exams. To clear such doubts and
confusion, Jagranjosh.com has come up with eBook concept. Although current affairs section
per se is very wide to be covered, yet we have tried to cover all the possible current affairs for
the month of December 2016.

The Current Affairs January-2017 eBook is divided into different section keeping in mind the
need of various exams. The sections covered namely are International, National, Economy,
Ecology and Environment, Science & Technology, Corporate, Sports, States News Makers and
few others.

Every news item in each section is arranged date wise, so that while reading students should
connect the dot and make a sequence of events. Highlights of the issue are Supreme Court
Decision on National Anthem, A roadmap to Cashless Economy, Disability Bill-2016, Vardah
Cyclone etc. Presentation of the given current affairs has been planned meticulously. It has
been planned in such a way that it remains in the minds of readers for a longer duration.
Wherever necessary each news item is presented along with a background and analysis so as to
help candidates contemplate all the important current events at the time of exam in an
effective way.

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The Supreme Court of India ordered on 30th November that the national anthem should be
sung or played in cinema halls across the country before the beginning of a feature film. The
Supreme Court said that there must be National Flag on the screen when the National anthem
is played.

The order also clarified the protocols to be followed when the national anthem is played or
sung in cinema halls. This order was passed on a writ petition filed under Article 32 of the

The petition was filed by Shyam Narayan Chouksey who is a retired engineer from Bhopal.
Chouksey filed a petition in the Madhya Pradesh High Court alleging producer-director Karan
Johar of insulting the national anthem in his movie ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham’. Chouksey
alleged that a scene in the movie showed the national anthem in poor light.

Further, he argued that the people in the cinema hall did not stand when the anthem was
played. The Court had ordered that the movie shall be withdrawn from all theaters and could
not be shown unless the producer removed the scene showing the national anthem in contrary
to the national ethos and an anathema to the sanguinity of the national feeling. This order was
abrogated by the Supreme Court in 2004.

Afterward, on a review petition filed by Chouksey, the Supreme Court recalled its 2004 order
and agreed to reconsider various questions of law entailed in this matter.

The main argument of the petition was that sometimes the National anthem is sung in diverse
circumstances which are not permissible and can never be countenanced in law. The Supreme
Court considered petitioner’s argument that it is the duty of every person to show respect
when the National anthem is played or recited or sung.

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However, the order has prompted a debate among the intelligentsia and law experts of the
country. There is also a lot of confusion over the implications and content of the order.


We have tried to explain the order by dividing it into five points which would be helpful to have
clarity over this whole order. The order says:

1) Before the National anthem is played or sung in the cinema halls on the screen, the entry and
exit doors shall remain closed, so that no one can cause any kind of disturbance which will
consist of disrespect to the National anthem. The door can be opened after the National
anthem is played or sung

2) National anthem or any part of it shall not be printed on any object and also never be
presented in such a manner at such places which may be contemptible to its status and
tantamount to disrespect. It is because when the National anthem is sung, the belief of
protocol associated with it has its inherent roots in National integrity, National identity and
Constitutional Patriotism.

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3) No commercial exploitation of the national anthem shall be allowed to give a financial

advantage or any kind of benefit. To explain, the National anthem should not be utilized by
which the person encompassed with it either directly or indirectly shall have any commercial
benefit or any other benefit.

4) No dramatization of the National anthem shall be permitted and it should not be entailed as
a part of any variety show. It is because when the National anthem is sung or played, it is
essential for everyone present to show due respect and honor. To think of a dramatized
exhibition of the National anthem is absolutely implausible.

5) All the cinema halls in India shall play the National anthem before the feature film starts and
all present in the hall are obliged to stand up to show respect to the National anthem.


As we know, the national anthem was written by India’s first Nobel laureate Rabindranath
Tagore in 1911. It’s first of five stanzas were adopted as the country’s national anthem in 1950.
The last order of the Supreme Court came after the China war in 1962, which stated that the
national anthem shall be played in cinemas. This practice was discontinued in 1975 because
most movie goers ignored it.

In a recent order, the Bench said it is the duty of every person to show respect when the
national anthem is played or sung under the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act of
1971. In India, existing laws don’t penalize or mandate any person to stand up or sing the
national anthem.

According to the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971 whoever deliberately stops
the singing of the Jana Gana Mana or causes disturbances to any assembly engaged in such
singing shall be punished with imprisonment for a term, which may extend to three years, or
with fine, or with both.

The most famous case related to the national anthem which caught the attention of general
public. It was the case of punishing someone for not singing the national anthem. And the
punished were three children from Kerala. The school students were expelled for not singing
the national anthem, although they remained standing in 1986. At the time, the Supreme Court
had observed that there is no provision of law which obliges anyone to sing the National
anthem nor is it disrespectful to the National anthem if a person who stands up respectfully
when the National anthem is sung does not join the singing.

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The Maharashtra Assembly issued an order mandating the playing of the national anthem
before the start of a movie in 2003.In 2015, A Home Ministry order stated that whenever the
Anthem is sung or played, the audience is required to stand to attention. And in case, when
Anthem is played as a part of the film, it is not expected of the audience to stand as standing is
bound to interrupt the exhibition of the film and could create disorder and confusion rather
than add to the dignity of the Anthem.


As we know that the order was passed by a division bench of Justice Dipak Misra and Justice
Amitava Roy on a writ petition filed under Article 32 of the Constitution. The directions are
issued on the basis of love and respect for the motherland. It was stated by the court that love
and respect get reflected when one shows respect to the National anthem as well as to the
National Flag. Apart from this, it would also inculcate a sense of committed patriotism and

In this regard, clause (a) of Article 51(A), Fundamental Duties occurring in Part IVA of the
Constitution can be taken as a reference. Article 51A, states that it shall be the duty of every
citizen of India to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National
anthem, and the National Flag.

As mentioned in the constitution, it is the sacred obligation of every citizen to abide by the
ideals engrafted in the Constitution. One of such ideal is to show respect for the National
anthem and the National Flag.


There are mixed views on the order of Supreme Court about the national anthem. Many legal
experts have argued that people should not be forced to stand for the national anthem in
cinema halls. Some have mentioned that it would be eccentric for people to stand for the
national anthem before the start of say an adult or x-rated film. Many legal experts say that
feeling of love and respect for the country should come to a citizen from within and something
as sacrosanct as the National anthem should be played or sung only on special occasions.

There have been other mixed reactions from legal experts. A few termed it as “judiciary’s over-
enthusiasm” and others said playing the national anthem and respecting it won’t cause any
harm. Former Attorney General and noted lawyer Soli Sorabjee commented courts cannot
direct the public to stand up and do anything. Many other senior advocates were of the view

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that this order could lead to problems like law-and-order as it would be difficult for cinema hall
owners to make people stand especially elderly viewers and children or those who are
physically challenged. It was believed by many that the Supreme Court can give directions to
the executive government to amend the acts. But it can’t give directions by themselves to stand
up, to do this, do that. Some experts also mentioned that the court just dictated the law which
is mentioned in the Prevention of Insults to National Honor Act.


The confusions caused by this order of the apex court can be sorted by considering similar case
law from other countries.

United States

The Supreme Court of the United States struck down a law prohibiting the desecration of
certain venerated objects, including state and national flags in a 1989 United States case, Texas
Vs Johnson. It prohibited the state from punishing or criminalizing any action that did not
satisfy the majoritarian concept of either allegiance to the state or respecting national honor.

The court maintained that these acts were protected by the First Amendment, which protects
the freedom of speech of the citizens. American law does not mention a “reasonable
restrictions” clause on these freedoms, as Indian law does. In the US, the law says that
whenever the national anthem is being played, all individuals should stand at attention with the
right hand over their hearts. In that case, when the National Flag is not available at the
occasion, they should face the source of the National anthem. But the country does not
discipline people for not following this.


Italians are not publically strict on their National anthem as it is not played in any public places
except during formal state ceremonies, sporting events, and at public rallies attended by the
President. Neither they have to sing along nor is mandated to behave in any particular way.
They are only required, however, to stand and show respect to any national anthem.


In Mexico, the country’s Law of the Coat of Arms, National anthem and Flag makes it
mandatory for all schools and universities to honor the flag on Monday mornings. The
beginning and end of school terms involve a pledge and the National anthem. Apart from it,

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many schools in the country also expect children to wear a different uniform on Monday,
generally all white, out of respect for the anthem and flag.


The Japanese passed a law which officially established their national flag and anthem in 1999.
The Act on National Flag and Anthem made no provisions for treatment or usage. Local area
representatives are free to make their own regulations. This may be a result of the country
being uncomfortable with apparent displays of nationalism since World War II.


Thailand has gone further than the Mexicans. Thailand plays the national anthem every day on
television at 8 am and 6 pm. Students are all required to assemble in front of the National Flag
at 8 am and sing the national anthem. The national anthem is also played in government offices
and movie theaters regularly. But all this is an unofficial convention. The country does not have
an official law regarding its National anthem.


A cashless economy is an economy where cash is not used or least used. In cashless economy,
digital money is used instead of cash, and transactions are made by digital devices such as
mobile phones, ATMs etc. Cashless economies have been existed in past too. They were based
on barter and other methods of exchange, and cashless transactions have also become possible
using digital currencies such as Bitcoin.

In India, the government’s decision of demonetizing Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes raised
some obvious questions about the validity of cash in Indian economy. As a solution, the use of
plastic money in the form of credit and debit cards was touted as the way forward. The
government is also propagating cashless transactions to enable people to get by. The
government has also announced incentives like reduction on service charge and other levies on
debit/credit card transactions. The government’s strategies over the past year or so have been
centered on promoting e-payments, cashless payments, and plastic transactions. It is, indeed,
the future of the Indian economy.

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Indian Governments initiatives for making India- a cashless economy are given below.

1. Jan Dhan Yojna, Aadhar, and Mobile:

The government pushed the country in the cashless direction for people to move towards
digital transactions right from the launch of the Jan Dhan Yojana to JAM (Jan Dhan-Aadhaar-
Mobile) and other initiatives, including the Micro Units Development & Refinance Agency Ltd.
(MUDRA) Bank. With Aadhar acting as an important link between the people and the
government, the common citizens need no longer do the bidding of unscrupulous and corrupt
officials to secure what is rightfully theirs. A Moody’s report has shown that the impact of
electronic transactions to 0.8 per cent increase in GDP in emerging markets as against 0.3
percent increase in developed markets. People need to make full use of electronic payments as
they are faster and easier to trace.

There are various other options which are instrumental in moving the economy towards a
cashless or less-cash economy. These are Unified Payments Interface (UIP), ATM, Bank Card,
prepaid cards, using various cards at any PoS (point of sale)/, Aadhar-enabled payment system
(AEPS), Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) based mobile banking, and e-wallet or
digital wallet.

2. Enhancing Online Transactions

Demonetization of the currency notes will have positive effects on Indian economy when it
comes to pushing it in cashless direction. There will be three major impacts of this
announcement of demonetization. Firstly, the digital payments will increase exponentially and
e-commerce transactions were paid by cash on delivery (COD, will now reduce drastically. The
third impact would be the number of credit cards will also go up. Earlier, the income tax
regulations had imposed a rule of scrutiny for transactions above Rs.2 lakh through credit cards
in a year and the customers were reluctant to show electronic payments. Now this limit will be
extended further. Payments Council of India (PCI) of India released a statement in which it said
that overall growth rate of digital payments has already been around 40-70% between different
payment products. Debit cards are growing at the rate of 40%, credit cards at 15-20% but with
the growth in the overall spend, and cash was also growing. Now it’s the beginning of a new era
and the cashless industry is all set to expand at the rate of 100% in the next two years. This is a
positive sign for the Indian economy to move in the cashless direction.

3. Idea of India Digital

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As we know well that still, India’s more than 70 percent population lives in rural areas. So, the
main challenge before the government is to develop plans for creating required infrastructure
in rural India. India has already begun the process of digitizing the economy. Mobile internet
penetration at grass root level is crucial since PoS works over mobile internet connections. Also,
the low literacy rates in rural areas along with the lack of internet access or even basic utilities
in many places, it becomes very difficult for people to adopt the habit for digital transactions. It
can be said that till the time this penetration for online payments doesn’t reach local stores, the
transition will never be truly effective.

4. Financial Security

Finally, financial security over the digital payment channels is imperative for pushing the
cashless economy idea. When recently, the data of lakhs of debit cards was rather easily stolen
by attackers, the ability of Indian financial institutions to safeguard electronic currency and
exchanges came into question. Also, a big reason why people prefer cash as financial fraud has
become too common and complicated for the common person.

5. Learning from other cashless Economies

India can take into considerations the model of those economies which have already moved
towards being cashless economies. Uruguay has put in place incentives for merchants to prefer
digital payments. India may need to think about doing so too. Sweden is another example. Even
after full scale-up, a fully financially digitized economy like Sweden still conducts about 20% of
its money transaction in cash.

6. Financial Inclusion

India still has a huge disadvantaged and low-income segment of society which is bereft of any
financial services. Without the financial inclusion of this section of the society, the goal of a
cashless economy cannot be achieved. Thus, financial inclusion is a fundamental step towards a
cashless economy.


India economy continues to be run by the use of cash. Overall less than 5% of all payments
happen electronically. This happens due to the paucity of access to the banking for a large part
of the population as well as cash being only means available to many. Both large and small

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transactions continue to be performed in cash. Even those who can use electronic transfers use

So let us examine the status quo of all those factors which are sin qua non for cash less
economy one by one. It will give us a panoramic picture of the present scenario of the Indian
economy which will help us to make a precise point of view about a possibility of the cashless
economy in India.

1. Cards and POS

RBI showed in July 2016 that banks had issued 25.9 million credit cards and 697.2 million debit
cards to customers after deducting canceled or cards. The number is huge. But it is quite
obvious that cards alone can’t turn the economy into a cashless one. While keeping the number
of the card in mind it is important to note that a number of cards does not equal number of
individuals carrying those cards. The cards are used more in numbers by urban residents and
now this trend is visible in rural areas as well. The number of cards in use is not the reflection of
the number of Indians using these cards as a large number of people, especially in urban India,
have multiple cards. Further, there are only three main purposes for which cards are used.
These are making online payments, withdrawing money from ATMs, and making online
payments and swiping for buying or payments at the point of sale (POS) at merchant outlets
like restaurants, shops, fuel pumps etc.

Another RBI data showed that India had a total of 1.44 million POS terminals established by
various banks across different places at the end of July. Axis Bank, SBI, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank,
and Corporation Bank account for 1.16 million POS terminals. Four of these five banks are
substantially urban.

2. ATMs

The stark fact is that in a country of over 1.2 billion people, we currently have only 2.12 lakh
ATM machines and 1.3 million point-of-sale card machines. People may want to shift to the
digital mode of payment now that their trust in cash has been shaken, but shortage in the
bandwidth and uncertain power supply in most of the parts of the country make reliability of
the digital systems a big challenge.

3. Mobile

Paying through phones may be attractive but phones must first be connected to the internet.
In the month of July, a total of 881 million transactions across India took place through debit

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cards at ATMs and POS terminals. About 85% of these transactions were done to withdraw cash
at ATMs. In terms of value, 92% of all debit card transactions were at ATMs. This only suggests
that debit cards are used less for purchase and more as a means to withdraw cash.

In Uttar Pradesh alone there are approximately 150,000 to 200,000 telecom recharge counters.
This figure is referred only to telecom retailers and cannot be used to figure out the total retail
universe, either in the state or in India. And by keeping the population of Indian in mind it
becomes clear that the POS terminals available at present are not sufficient to make India a
cash transaction free country.

4. Internet

At present only 13 out of every 100 Indians in rural areas actually have internet access and the
quality of internet is not up to the standard. And bringing all the rural Indians within the
cashless system would demand a reliable internet network which would be a gargantuan

5. Other Reports:

A.T. Kearney did a survey of consumer behavior at malls, it figured out that close to 90%
transactions happened by cash. E-tailers still continue with the cash on delivery (COD) facility to
spread consumer base. While the proportion of people looking for COD is decreasing, it still
accounts for 60% of transactions. Apart from it, even the luxury retail segment of the market
sees most transactions in cash.

A report created by the Google India as well as the Boston Consulting Group revealed that
around 75 per cent of transactions in India were cash-based in last year while in developed
countries like the US, Germany, Japan, France etc it was around 20-25 per cent. Due to
demonetization business for mobile or e-wallet companies has grown up to 4 times and the
figures are keeping up.

However, in the long run it would be interesting to see the impact of cashless-ness in India. It
will give the entire transaction trail to the authority which will control the tax evasion and
round tripping. We need to put our fingers cross to see which side the camel sits. How India will
approach this change and how people embrace this change? If all goes perfectly to the plan-
this may very much change the condition of finance in India.

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“The Right of Persons with Disabilities bill- 2016” was passed by both houses Rajya Sabha and
Lok Sabha. The Disability Bill replaces the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities,
Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.

The bill was pending in the Rajya Sabha since 2014, which was drafted under the Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment on the recommendation of committee headed by Sudha Kaul.

This bill covers 21 conditions instead of 7 disability conditions specified in the Act. It also opens
up doors for the government to notify any other condition as a disability. This bill was
introduced in 2014. At that time the bill had included 19 conditions as a disability.

The 21 disabilities which are covered under this bill are given below:-

Blindness, Low-vision, Leprosy Cured persons, Hearing Impairment (deaf and hard of hearing),
Locomotor Disability, Dwarfism, Intellectual Disability, Mental Illness, Autism Spectrum
Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Chronic Neurological conditions, Specific
Learning Disabilities, Multiple Sclerosis, Speech and Language disability, Thalassemia,
Hemophilia, Sickle Cell disease, Acid Attack victim, Parkinson's disease

The Census of 2011 shows that the total number of disabled in India is around 2.68 crore or
2.21% of the population. The Bill is expected to make a larger number of people eligible for
entitlements and rights by reason of their disability since it covers more disabilities as
compared to the 1995 Act. Besides this, the Bill has also adapted to the UN Convention on
Rights of Persons with Disabilities as according to the World Bank estimate overall about 15
percent of world’s population are affected by some of the disabilities.

Total 119 amendments were brought by the government to the Bill. The legislation of the bill
has been pending in the House since February 2014. The adaptation to the UN Convention on
Rights of Persons with Disabilities, this Bill substitutes the Persons with Disabilities (Equal
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.

The bill has provision of two- year jail term and a maximum fine of Rs 5 lakh for any kind of
discrimination against differently-abled persons. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill was
passed by a voice vote after rare unanimity was witnessed among the Opposition and Treasury
benches in the House.The bill was moved in Upper House earlier in December by Social Justice

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Minister Thaawar Chand Gehlot. The bill also considers the United Nations Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities and related matters.

The amended version of the bill also recognized two other disabilities, which were not
considered in the previous bill. These are- Parkinson’s disease and disability due to acid.
Persons with at least 40 % of a disability are eligible for reservation in employment and
education and priority in government schemes.


1. One of the most significant parts of the bill is the addition of a penalty for violating the rules
of the Act. The 1995 Act itself did not have penal provision. The 2014 Bill had maintained that
violation of any provision of the Act would be punishable with fine of Rs 10,000 and/or a jail
term of up to 6 months. It also maintained that subsequent violations could attract a fine of Rs
50,000 to Rs 5 lakh and/or a jail term of up to 2 years. The current amendments to the Bill
propose to remove the jail term entirely, and only keep fines for breaking the law.

2. Another point of the new bill is that it recognizes 19 conditions, instead of seven disabilities
specified in the 1995 Act. The 7 disabilities were blindness, leprosy-cured, low vision, hearing
impairment, mental retardation, locomotor disability, and mental illness. The 2014 Bill covered
19 conditions including hemophilia, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, thalassemia and autism
among others. The amended version also recognizes two other disabilities which are
Parkinson’s disease and acid attacks. The new bill has also stated provisions to allow the central
government to notify any other condition as a disability.

3. This bill provides several rights and entitlements which include disabled friendly access to all
public buildings and establishments. The amendments were made to include private firms in
the definition of ‘establishments’, which was referred to only government bodies in the
previous bill. All such establishments have to make sure that persons with disabilities are
supported with barrier-free access in buildings, transport systems and all kinds of public

4. The Bill also has a provision that individuals with at least 40 percent of a disability are
permitted for benefits like reservations in education and employment. And preference would
be given to them in government schemes and others. The 1995 law had only 3 percent
reservation for the disabled in higher education institutions and government while the 2014 Bill
increased the reservation to 5 per cent. The amended bill restricted it to 4 percent.

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5. The Bill has also laid down provisions in the issues of guardianship of mentally ill persons.
The Bill states that the District courts may award two types of guardianship. First is limited
guardian who is to take joint decisions with the mentally ill person. The second is the plenary
guardian who is to take decisions on behalf of the mentally ill person, without consulting them.

6. There is an only controversial point in the bill that Section 3(3) of the bill has a clause which
states that discrimination against a disabled person can be allowed if it is “a proportionate
means of achieving a legitimate aim”. And the term “legitimate aim” seems open to the
subjective interpretation of the bureaucracy.



A cyclone is a large volume air mass that revolves around a strong center of low atmospheric
pressure. They are usually distinguished by inward spiraling winds that rotate. All large cyclones
are centered on low-pressure areas. Cyclones can also be defined as an atmospheric system in
which the barometric pressure plummets progressively to a minimum level at the centre and
winds blow spirally inward from all sides towards the center, resulting in a lifting of the air and
eventually in clouds and precipitation. Hurricanes are also cyclones, that originate in the tropics
with windspeeds beyond 64 knots (= 74 mph, 113 km/h).


The name Vardah, which means red rose, was originated by Pakistan. The name was originally
part of a standby list that is used to replace retired names in the original list. Cyclone Vardah
made landfall in Tamil Nadu and coastal Andhra Pradesh on 12 December evening. Heavy
rainfall and high wind speeds measuring over 90 kmph were witnessed in Chennai. It was
downgraded from very severe cyclone to severe cyclone by the Indian Meteorological

The practice first began to help people easily remember them instead of identifying a storm
with a specific number based on its latitude-longitude. Also it is easy to issue alerts, and for the
media to report the developments. This simultaneously increases the community preparedness

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and heightens interest in the event, according to WMO. Names are ideally retired in case there
is massive damage to property and loss of human lives. Example: Hurricane Sandy, Katrina that
hit America under the Obama and Bush administration respectively were retired.


Tropical cyclones passing over the northern part of the Indian Ocean are named by eight
countries in the region, namely India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Myanmar,
Oman and Thailand. The process only began in 2004, fours years after World Meteorological
Organization agreed in principle to allow them to name cyclones originating in the Bay of
Bengal and Arabian Sea. The alphabet system is used to designate the name of a cyclone, which
means the name of the year’s first cyclone begins with A. Previously, till 1979, cyclones were
only given female names. Male names were only introduced in the same year. World
Meteorological Organization (WMO) maintains the database of cyclone/hurricane/typhoon
names. There are six lists of names used in rotation and they are recycled every six years. The
names are picked from this pre-designated list and are usually familiar with the people living in
the region. India has so far contributed the following names: Agni, Bijli, Akash, Jal, Lehar, Megh,
Sagar and Vayu.


A low pressure area created in Malay Peninsula and adjoining north Sumatra region because of
the influence of tenacious area of convection on December 3. It caused the emergence of a
tropical disturbance in the following days as the low pressure area was moving slowly towards
southeast Bay of Bengal. This led to the formations of this cyclone which struck Andaman and
Nicobar Islands as well as South India. This was the fourth cyclonic storm of the annual cyclone
season. The storm was deputed a depression on December 6. It gradually escalated into a deep
depression the following day, staving off the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. And later it
intensified into a cyclonic storm on 8 December. It maintained a generally westward track
afterwards and got consolidated into a severe cyclonic storm on 9 December. Eventually it
peaked as a very severe cyclonic storm with winds crossing 130 km/h (80 mph) and a minimum
central pressure of 982 hPa (29.0 inHg) on 11 December. The following day, the cyclone was
converted into a severe cyclonic storm before making landfall over the eastern coast of India
close to Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Thereafter, it speedily weakened into a depression due to land
interaction on 13 December. The depression also propelled overnight rainfall in Southern
Karnataka on December 13, but did not cause any damage.

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The Supreme Court on 30 November 2016 ordered status quo on land acquired for the
construction of the Sutlej-Yamuna Link (SYL) canal’s stretch in Punjab.

Moreover, the court also appointed Union Home Secretary, Chief Secretary of Punjab and the
Director General of Punjab Police as receivers in the dispute between Punjab and Haryana and
sought a report from them by 15 December on the present status of the land.

A bench comprising Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose and Justice Amitava Roy also made it clear
that receivers cannot take over the possession of the land meant for the SYL canal project. They
have been appointed only for the purpose of submitting a report on the ground situation.


Earlier in November 2016, a five-judge bench had set aside the Punjab Termination of
Agreement Act, 2004, which unilaterally terminated the 1981 water-sharing pact with Haryana.

Following this, Punjab government denotified the land acquired for the SYL canal project with
immediate effect and returned it to the owners free of charge.

The controversial 1981 water-sharing agreement came into force after Haryana was carved out
as a separate state from the former state of East Punjab in 1966. For effective allocation of
water, the SYL canal link was planned and both the states were required to construct their
portions in their territory.

Haryana had already constructed the portion of the SYL canal in its territory by June 1980.
However, Punjab stopped the construction in July 1990. In 2004, the Congress government
formulated Punjab Termination of Agreement Act with an intention to terminate the 1981
agreement relating to sharing of water of rivers Ravi and Beas.

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The Union Cabinet on 30 November 2016 approved the Mumbai Urban Transport Project
(MUTP) Phase-III. The estimated cost of the project is Rs 8679 crore with completion cost of Rs
10947 crore.

The project is expected to be completed in the next 5 years during 13th Plan period.

How Mumbai Urban Transport Project (MUTP) Phase-III will be beneficial?

• Western Railway is running suburban services on the existing busy double line between Virar-
Dahanu Road which is a part of main line Mumbai–Ahmedabad or Mumbai–Delhi route.

• Main line is already congested and there is no scope for supplementing suburban services on
this line.

• Construction of additional double line between Virar-Dahanu Road will address the demand
of commuters in this region.

• This will provide an extension to suburban services from Churchgate to Dahanu Road.

• While, Panvel-Karjat double line suburban corridor will cater to the significant urbanization
and population growth.

• This will also provide an alternate route from Karjat to CSTM via Panvel which will be shorter
by 23 Km than the existing route via Kalyan and will reduce travel time by 35 to 40 minutes.

• Presently, passengers commuting from Kalyan to Panvel or in reverse direction, have to get
down at Thane and take Trans-Harbour link. This results in congestion at Thane.

• Airoli-Kalwa corridor will reduce congestion at Thane station and will also save time as these
passengers can travel bypassing Thane.

• Procurement of new coaches will enhance the quality of service and reduce congestion.

• The work proposed under trespass control at 22 locations will reduce trespassing and will
provide safer environment for the public.

• The areas covered by this project are Thane, Palghar, Raigad and Mumbai districts of


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• The Mumbai suburban railway network on Central and Western Railways has 376 route kms.

• There are five corridors, two on Western Railway, two on Central Railway and one on Harbour
Line of Central Railway.

• Every day, approximately 8 million people travel in suburban section on more than 2900 train

• Due to geographical constraints, spread of the population and location of business areas, the
rail network will continue to be the principal mode of mass transport in Mumbai.

• To meet the demands of commuter traffic, new suburban corridor between Panvel-Karjat (28
Route km), new elevated corridor between Airoli-Kalwa (3 Route km), quadrupling of Virar-
Dahanu Road (63 Route km), procurement of 565 new coaches have been included in Mumbai
Urban Transport Project (MUTP)- Phase III.


The Union Cabinet on 30 November 2016 approved the rehabilitation package of Rs 2000 crore
for around 36384 displaced families from Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir (POJK) and
Chhamb under Prime Minister's Development Package for Jammu & Kashmir 2015.

The refugees from West Pakistan, mostly from PoK, are settled in different areas of Jammu,
Kathua and Rajouri districts. However, they are not permanent residents of the state in terms
of Jammu & Kashmir constitution.

Under the package of Rs 2000 crore, Rs 5.5 lakh cash benefit will be disbursed to each displaced
families to enable them to earn an income and subsist their livelihood.

The amount will be initially released to the State Government of Jammu & Kashmir to be
disbursed to eligible families through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).


In the aftermath of Indian partition in 1947, thousands of families from Pakistan occupied areas
of Jammu & Kashmir migrated to the Jammu & Kashmir. Later, during Indo-Pak Wars of 1965
and 1971, a large number of families were displaced from Chhamb Niabat area of Jammu &
Consequently, from time to time, series of relief and rehabilitation packages have been
extended by the Union Government and Jammu & Kashmir government to lessen the hardship
of displaced persons from PoJK and Chhamb areas.

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In January 2015, the Modi government approved certain concessions for the refugees from
West Pakistan settled in Jammu & Kashmir after considering the problems being faced by them.

The concessions included special recruitment drives for induction into paramilitary forces, equal
employment opportunities in the state, admission for the children of refugees in Kendriya
Vidyalayas, among others.


The Union Government on 30 December 2016 gave its approval for the inclusion of 15 new
castes and modification of 13 others in the Central Other Backward Castes (OBC) list.

The amendments were approved by the Union Cabinet in the presence of Prime Minister
Narendra Modi. This move follows the proposal put forward by the National Commission of
Backward Classes (NCBC).


 It suggested 28 changes with respect to 8 states including Maharashtra, Jammu &

Kashmir, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, and

 In the 28 changes, 15 were new additions, 9 were synonyms or sub-castes of the already
existing castes and 4 were corrections.

 These amendments will enable people belonging to these newly added castes to avail
the benefits of reservation in both Government services and Central Educational

 These people will also be entitled to enjoy the benefits of various welfare schemes
launched by the Union Government.


 Established on 14 August 1993, it is an Indian statutory body that examines requests for
inclusion and exclusion of any class of citizens in the backward class lists.

 Its recommendations have to be considered by the government as per Section 9(1) of

the NCBC Act, 1993.

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 The commission comprises five members including a Chairperson (Judge of SC or HC), a

social scientist, two people with expert knowledge on matters related to backward
classes and a Member Secretary who has served as a Secretary to the Government of

 The term of all five members is three years.

 Overall, the NCBC has suggested over 2,479 entries for inclusion in the Central List of


The Supreme Court on 3 December 2016 approved Graded Response Action Plan of the Union
Government to deal with the different levels of pollution in Delhi-NCR region.

The court also directed the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) to upgrade its existing
infrastructure and set up additional monitoring stations in Delhi-NCR within six months.

It also asked the Union Government to examine the harmful effects of petroleum coke and
furnace oil used in industries and power generation plants in NCR within four weeks.

The ruling was delivered by the bench comprising Chief Justice TS Thakur and Justices AK Sikri
and SA Bobde.


 It will be implemented under the aegis of Environment Pollution (Control and

Prevention) Authority (EPCA).

 It recommends closing of brick kilns, hot mix plants, intensifying public transport
services and stone crushers.

 It also suggests increase in frequency of mechanised cleaning of road and sprinkling of

water on roads to tackle problem of pollution.

 It proposes common pollution code for Delhi-NCR to provide graded response to the
health emergencies that are caused by toxic air.

 The code classifies the pollutants present in the air into four categories- moderate to
poor, very poor, severe, very Severe or emergency depending upon the level of
pollutants in air.

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 The pollution level will be termed as 'severe' when the particulate matter is above 250
to 430 micrograms per cubic metre in the ambient air.

 If the air pollution level reaches the alarming situation, immediate steps will be taken
like ban on construction activities and implementation of road space rationing schemes.

 The proposed new thermal power plant standards must come into force as soon as
possible to reduce pollution load significantly by installing the pollution control devices
without any further delay.


The Union Tribal Affairs Minister Jual Oram on 5 December 2016 launched the ‘Stanpan
Suraksha’ mobile application to promote breastfeeding and keep a check on inapt promotion of
baby food items in the country.

The mobile application was developed by the Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India


• It is first-of-its-kind app that aims to promote breastfeeding and baby food promotion
reporting mechanism.

• If anyone comes across any inapt promotion of baby food, he or she just has to click a
photograph of inappropriate baby food promotion and send it to BPNI.

• It also has a city-wise database of trained breastfeeding counsellor to educate and provide
assistance to mothers during antenatal and postnatal period.

• Moreover, it provides sign up option for mothers who wish to become a breastfeeding

• It will also be able to gather incremental evidence on promotion of baby foods from remote
locations as well.


• Undermining of the breastfeeding practices has spread in the country in the recent times
mainly due to cultural barriers and myths associated with breastfeeding.

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• Around 79 percent of the babies are delivered in institutions and out of this, only 45 percent
are given breast milk in the first hour.

• To address this problem, Union Government launched MAA (Mothers Absolute Affection)
programme to promote breastfeeding.


The Supreme Court (SC) on 5 December 2016 held that the income earned by the erstwhile
rulers of a princely states or by their heirs by renting out a portion of the residential palace is
not taxable.

Moreover, the court also smacked the Income Tax department for registering such case despite
their income being exempted under Section 10(19A) of the IT Act, 1961.

The ruling was made by a bench of Justices Ranjan Gogoi and Abhay Manohar Sapre.

The court was hearing a plea of the ruler of the former princely state of Kota, now a part of
Rajasthan, challenging the high court order for bringing his income from rent in the Income Tax
net. The ruler owns two residential palaces known as Umed Bhawan Palace and the City Palace.

The ruler is using Umed Bhawan Palace for his residence and a portion of it was rented out to
the Ministry of Defence in 1976.


 In 1950, the Union Government declared residential palace of an erstwhile ruler as his
inalienable ancestral property to be exempted from levy of income tax. But in 1984, the
IT department initiated proceedings for assessment of income earned from renting out
a portion of the palace.

 The IT department contended that IT exemption was given for personal use and income
earned from the rent was taxable. However, the Commissioner of Income Tax and
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal turned down the plea of the IT department which later
moved the Rajasthan High Court.

 The High Court ruled that as long as the ruler continued to remain in occupation of his
official palace for his own use, he will be entitled to claim exemption but if he let out
any part of his palace, he becomes disentitled to claim the benefit of exemption.

 Quashing the HC order, the Supreme Court held that Section 10(19A) uses the term
'palace' for considering the grant of exemption to the ruler and income earned from
renting out a portion of the palace was also exempted.

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 The government incorporated Section 10(19A) in the IT Act to exempt to former rulers.


Indian Railways on 5 December 2016 announced that the reservation of rail tickets for senior
citizens will be directly linked to Aadhaar or Unique Identification (UID) cards from 1 April 2017
onwards on a mandatory basis for availing concessions at both counter and e-tickets.

This Aadhaar-based ticketing system for senior citizens will be implemented in a two-phase
manner. Accordingly, from 1 January to 31 March 2017, requirement of Aadhaar verification for
getting concessional tickets for senior citizens will be optional.

However, from 1 April 2017, such a requirement will become mandatory.


 It is seen as a valuable measure designed to restructure the reservation process for

people in 'Senior Citizen' category.

 This will put an end to fraudulent bookings and curb cases of impersonation.

 Passengers in the senior citizen category shall carry the original documents including the
Aadhaar card for the purpose of identity proof.

 However, there will be no change in procedure with regard to concession for senior
citizens in unreserved ticketing.

 It will stop unauthorised agents from booking tickets in fake names and then selling
these at a higher price.


 The first and foremost task is to log-in using User ID and password on the IRCTC
ticketing website.

 Then, you need to click on 'Master List' under 'My Profile' Menu.

 While adding new senior citizen passenger in the Master List, one needs to provide
correct and complete details like name, date of birth and gender as mentioned in the
Aadhaar Card.

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 Thereafter, you need to select Senior Citizen concession option as Yes/No, ID card type
and provide Aadhaar number.

 Hence, passenger will be then added to the Master List by just clicking on the 'Add
Passenger' button.


Earlier, Indian Railways also made it mandatory for senior citizen to undergo advance
verification through Aadhaar card by submitting Aadhaar card details online on the Indian
Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) website with effect from 1 December 2016


Dr BR Ambedkar’s birthday, 14 April, will be observed as
“Water Day” across India. The day will be observed to mark
Ambedkar’s contribution in water resource management of
the country.

Union Minister for Water Resources, River Development and

Ganga Rejuvenation Uma Bharti announced the same while
addressing a National Seminar on marching ahead on Dr
Ambedkar’s path of water resources management for inclusive
growth. She was the chief guest of the seminar that was
organised by Central Water Commission in New Delhi.

The seminar was organised on 6 December 2016 to mark the

61st death anniversary of Dr Ambedkar.

The day will be observed with an aim to sensitise people about managing water resources,
which is a precious resource for life.


 She pitched for bringing reforms in the management of water resources across the
nation and also suggested punishment for those who misuse water.

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 It’s time to know whether treated water is required for all purposes and people should
know how to use treated and non-treated water.

 She referred to the Dr Mihir Shah report on restructuring of the Central Ground Water
Board and the Central Water Commission (CWC) but said that the reforms should be
acceptable to all.

 She highlighted her ministry’s 99 Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP)

scheme, whose completion would help in irrigating about 80 lakh hectare additional
land. AIBP project will be completed by 2020.

 She also called for redefining the flood management system in India, which would be
taken in a positive direction.

 During the seminar, the contribution of Dr Ambedkar in the field of water management
and the way forward for ensuring inclusive growth of all sections of the society was


In the PETROTECH-2016, 11 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) were signed among various
companies. The PETROTECH meet was held in the month of December 2016.

Among these 11 MoUs, a consortium agreement was signed between IOCL, BPCL and HPCL to
set up India’s biggest oil refinery cum petrochemical complex with around 60 MMTPA capacity
along the western Coast of India in Maharashtra.


MoU signed MoU Title Purpose


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IOCL, BPCL and Consortium This intends to set up India’s biggest oil
HPCL Agreement between refinery cum petrochemical complex with
Indian Oil Corporation as around 60 MMTPA capacity along the western
the Lead member and HPCL coast of India in Maharashtra. The parties will
& BPCL in relation to pre- enter into a Consortium Agreement with
project activities for Indian Oil as the lead member and HPCL &
establishment of West BPCL as other partners.
Coast Refinery and
Petrochemicals Project by
creating a joint venture
company amongst the

Oil India Limited MoU with IIT, Guwahati for Under this MoU, Technology Incubation
and Technology supporting OIL’s start-up Centre (TIC) of IIT-G will serve as an incubator
Incubation initiative with respect to housing and mentoring start-
Centre, IIT ups as per Oil India Limited Start-Up initiative.

ONGC and IIT MoU with IIT, Mumbai for This MoU intends to prepare a roadmap for
Mumbai supporting ONGC’s Start- ONGC’s Start-Up Initiative which will work on
Up Initiative problems related to the energy sector and for
enhancing the operational capabilities of

ONGC and SoU between ONGC and The purpose of this Summary of
Halliburton Halliburton Understanding (SoU) is for production
enhancement contract in Kalol field in

ONGC and SoU between ONGC and The purpose of this SoU is for production
Schlumberger Schlumberger enhancement contract in Geleki field in
Assam. The terms are primarily governed by
suggested Hydrocarbon Vision 2030 for North
East India.

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IOCL and Praj Binding MOU for This is a cost sharing agreement between IOCL
Industries Ltd development of Ligno- and Praj Industries Ltd. IOCL is planning to set
Cellulosic Ethanol Plants. up a 2G biomass to ethanol plant at Dahej,
Gujarat with a capacity of 100 KL/day.

IOCL and Praj Binding MOU for This is also a cost sharing agreement between
Industries Ltd development of Ligno- IOCL and Praj Industries Ltd. Under this, IOCL
Cellulosic Ethanol Plants. is planning to set up a 2G Biomass to Ethanol
plant at Panipat, Haryana of 100 KL per day

BPCL and Institute MoU for technology BPCL is setting-up 2G Biomass Ethanol Bio-
of Chemical transfer for setting up of 2G refinery in Bina, MP with a capacity to process
Technology Biomass Ethanol Bio- 400 tonnes/day of Biomass. The plant will
refinery at Bina, M.P. provide indirect employment to 1000 people
and the plant is expected to be commissioned
in December 2018.

BPCL and Praj MoU for technology BPCL is setting-up 2G Biomass Ethanol Bio-
Industries Ltd transfer for setting up of 2G refinery in Bargarh, Odisha with a capacity to
Biomass Ethanol Bio- process 400 tonnes/day of Biomass. The plant
refinery at Bargarh, Odisha is expected to be commissioned in December

HPCL and MoU for setting up 2nd A 100 KL per day capacity second generation
Department of generation ethanol bio- Ethanol plant is proposed to be set up by
Investment refinery HPCL in Bhatinda, Punjab. The plant will help
Promotion, Govt. in abatement of environmental concerns due
of Punjab to burning of Biomass in state.

HPCL and Institute MoU with technology The purpose of this MoU is to explore
of Chemical provider for 2 Generation technology tie-up for the proposed second
Technology Ethanol Bio-refinery generation Ethanol plant at Bhatinda.

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Allahabad High Court on 8
December 2016 declared ‘Triple
Talaq’ as unconstitutional. The
single judge bench of Justice Sunit
Kumar observed that no Personal
Law Board is above the

The verdict was pronounced while

deciding two separate writ
petitions that the ‘Triple Talaq’
practice, sanctioned under the
Muslim personal law that governs
marriage, property and divorce -
violated the rights of Muslim women.

Incidentally, the practice of ‘Triple Talaq’ has been challenged in the Supreme Court of India by
several women. The Union Government has told the top court that it supports gender justice,
equality and the Constitution. It had said that the issue of the validity of triple talaq, polygamy
and nikah halala should be considered in accordance with the principles of gender justice as
well as dignity and equality.

The All India Muslim Personal Law Board has slammed Allahabad Court’s order stating that it is
against Shariat. The board said that the order will be studied by its legal committee and
challenged in the Supreme Court.

Comment: Triple Talaq is an Islamic practice of divorcing a woman in which the male
counterpart of the woman pronounces the word talaq, three successive times. This judgement
can be termed as a major boost for women right.


The Union Government on 8 December 2016 announced a package of incentives and measures
for the promotion of digital and cashless economy in the country.

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The move came following the cancellation of the legal tender of old Rs 500 and Rs 1000
notes, as since then, there has been a surge in digital transactions through use of credit/debit
cards and mobile phone applications as well as e-wallets.


 The Petroleum PSUs will offer incentive by providing a discount at the rate of 0.75
percent of the sale price to consumers on purchase of petrol/diesel, if the payment is
made through digital means.

 To expand digital payment infrastructure in rural areas, NABARD will extend financial
support to eligible banks for deployment of 2 POS devices each in 1 Lakh villages with
population of less than 10000. This will benefit farmers of one lakh village covering a
total population of nearly 75 crore.

 NABARD will also support Rural Regional Banks and Cooperative Banks to issue Rupay
Kisan Cards to around 4.32 crore Kisan Credit Card holders to enable them to make
digital transactions at POS machines/Micro ATMs/ATMs.

 Railways, through its sub urban railway network, will provide incentive by way of
discount of up to 0.5 percent to customers for monthly or seasonal tickets from January
2017, if the payment is made through digital means.

 Passengers buying online tickets will be given free accidental insurance cover of up to Rs
10 lakh. With this, nearly 11 lakh passengers will be covered in a day under the
accidental insurance scheme.

 Railways will provide a discount of 5 percent for paid services like catering,
accommodation, retiring rooms etc., if payment is made through digital means.

 Public sector insurance companies will provide incentive of up to 10 percent of the

premium in general insurance policies and 8 percent in new life policies of Life Insurance
Corporation sold through the customer portals, if payment is made through digital

 The Union Government Departments, State Governments and Central Public Sector
Undertakings will ensure that transaction fee/MDR charges associated with payment
through digital means shall not be passed on to the consumers and shall be borne by
them only.

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 In Public sector banks, merchant should not be required to pay more than Rs 100 per
month as monthly rental for PoS terminals/Micro ATMs/mobile POS in order to bring
small merchant on board the digital payment eco system.

 No service tax will be charged on digital transaction charges/MDR for transactions upto
Rs 2000.

 For the payment of toll at Toll Plazas on National Highways using RFID card/Fast Tags, a
discount of 10 percent will be available to users in the year 2016-17.


The Supreme Court of India on 9 December 2016
modified its order on the National Anthem and
exempted physically handicapped persons from
standing before screening of a movie in cinema halls
across the nation.

It also clarified that its direction to close the entry

gates of cinema halls when the national anthem is
played did not amount to bolting the door.

The previous order of 30 November 2016 was modified by a bench comprising of Justice Dipak
Misra and Justice Amitava Roy. The previous order was modified, while the bench was hearing a
plea seeking a recall of its order mandating playing of the National Anthem before films.

Highlights of the Modification of the order

 A physically challenged/handicapped person need not stand up if he is incapable of

standing, but he/she must show such conduct which is proportionate with respect for
the national anthem.

 To define the term physically-handicapped persons, the court highlighted Sections 22(i)
and 2(t) of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and
Full Participation) Act, 1995.

The Acts Section 2(i) defines disability as low vision, blindness, hearing impairment, leprosy-
cured, loco motor disability, mental illness and mental retardation. However, Section 2(t)
defines a ‘person with disability’ as somebody suffering from not less than 40 percent of any
disability as certified by a medical authority.

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Besides, the Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi informed the apex court that the Union
Government will issue guidelines within ten days on how physically challenged persons should
show respect to the National Anthem.

The court posted the application for recall of its November 30 order for detailed hearing on 14
February 2016.

Earlier on 30 November 2016, the apex court ordered that all cinema halls across the nation will
have to play the National Anthem before screening of a movie. It said that everyone present at
the moment will have to stand in respect of the Anthem. In its direction, it said that the practice
would instil a feeling of committed patriotism and nationalism.


The Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) on 12
December 2016 announced that the consumers can
now avail a discount of 0.75 percent on petrol and
diesel fuel purchases, if the payment is made using
digital means.

The 0.75 percent discount on payments made using

credit/debit cards, e-wallets or mobile wallets will be
converted into a rebate of 49 paisa per litre on petrol and 41 paisa per litre on diesel.

The discount will be credited to customer's account by way of cash back within maximum three
working days of the transaction.

This will come into effect from 13 December 2016.


Nearly 4.5 crore consumers buy petrol or diesel every day and collectively contribute around Rs
1800 crore in transactions. Usually, only 20 percent of these transactions are digital, but in
November, these cashless transactions rose to 40 percent due to the cash crunch.

Earlier in December 2016, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced some measures including
discounts on online payments for insurance policies, rail tickets and highway toll charges with
an aim to promote digital cash post demonetisation.

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All these measures and moves have been undertaken to resolve the cash crunch in the country.
This cash crunch was an outcome of the Union Government's decision to ban Rs 500 and Rs
1000 currency banknotes with effect from 9 November 2016.

This decision of the government wiped off around 86 percent of the liquid money in the


The Union Cabinet on 14 December 2016 approved India’s approach to Climate Change
Negotiations at the Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCC) which was held in Marrakesh, Morocco in November 2016.

India’s approach was aimed at safeguarding the interest of vulnerable groups by emphasizing
on adaptation, loss and damage, and protecting the development space. It integrated the
interest of all strata of society in the country.

It also outlined the achievement of the goal and also addressed the adaptation needs of the


The Conference of the Parties (COP 22) was held in Marrakech, Morocco from 7-18 November
2016. It was the twelfth session of the COP serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto
Protocol (CMP 12), and the first session of the COP serving as the meeting of the Parties to the
Paris Agreement (CMA 1).


The Union Cabinet on 14 December 2016 approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
between Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and United States Geological Survey (USGS)
for Cooperation in the use of US Land Remote Sensing Satellite Data.

This MoU is aimed at enabling ISRO to receive USGS's Landsat-7 & 8 in India. On the other hand,
USGS will receive ISRO’s Resourcesat-2 data of US region.

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ISRO has always been pursuing space cooperation actively with many organisations of United
States including National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States
Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

ISRO first received the Landsat data during 1984 to 2001 through its ground station at
Shadnagar. Data from Landsat series of satellites that are operated by USGS was used by Indian
scientists during the foundation of Indian remote sensing programme.

Consequently, when the USGS launched Landsat -8 satellite in February 2013, ISRO expressed
its interest in direct reception of the Landsat-8 data in India. While in return, USGS expressed
interest in obtaining data from ISRO's RESOURCESAT-2 satellite.


Union Cabinet on 14 December 2016 approved signing of a Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) between India and Kyrgyzstan on cooperation in the field of agriculture and food related
industry. The agreement was proposed by the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers


• It covers various activities in the field of agriculture including exchange of information, animal
breeding, Avian Influenza and Food & Mouth Disease (FMD), veterinary medicine, plant
growing, production and certification of seed and information technology on efficient use of
food processing.

• It provides for cooperation in the field of protection of plant variety rights, agricultural
research & education, food safety, agricultural, food trade and horticulture, aquaculture and
fisheries, etc.

• It provides for setting up of a Joint Working Group of representatives from both the countries
which will prepare plans of cooperation and will provide solutions to the problems arising
during the implementation of this MoU.

• The agreement will enter into force on the date of its signing and it will remain in force for
five years.

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• The time duration of the agreement can also be automatically extended for a subsequent
period of five years unless and until any of the side gives written notice to terminate the
agreement at least six months before its expiration.


Union Cabinet on 14 December 2016 approved the protocol for amending the agreement
between India and Tajikistan for avoidance of double taxation.

Moreover, the agreement also aims at the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on

Once the protocol enters into force, it will enable sharing of information, that is exchanged
under Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA), with other law enforcement agencies for
non tax purposes.


• The bilateral relations between India and Tajikistan have usually been close and cordial. These
ties have been strengthened from time to time through high level visits between the two

• In September 2009, President Pratibha Patil paid a visit to Tajikistan and in September
2015, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj visited Tajikistan for the Council of Heads of
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit in Dushanbe.

• From the Tajikistan side, President Rahmon visited India in September 2012 for the fifth time
after making the visits in 1995, 1999, 2001 and 2006 and Foreign Minister Sirodjidin Aslov
visited India in May 2015.


The Indian Ministry of Home Affairs in an alert on 13 December 2016 alleged that Pakistan
intelligence agencies are spying on Indian security forces using four mobile applications.

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The Home Ministry stated that these intelligence agencies are sending malwares through
gaming, music and entertainment apps like Top Gun, Mpjunkie, Bdjunkie and Talking Frog to
steal confidential information.

The Ministry also added that when users having these apps use mobile banking on their
smartphones, chances of cyber crime become higher. So, in order to prevent such a fraud these
apps should be deleted immediately.

A similar alert was issued by Minister of State for Home Affairs, Haribhai Parathibhai Chaudhary
during Lok Sabha proceedings earlier in May this year. At the time, he had said that the Indian
security forces have been made aware of such fraud applications and a set of guidelines have
been issued to all ministries and departments to prevent such cyber attacks.

Chaudhary had also added then that the Pakistan’s spy agencies are attempting to lure ex-
servicemen into spying for them by bribing them with job opportunities and financial aid. He
said that at least seven ex-servicemen have been arrested for the same between 2013- 2016.

In addition to it, India recently expelled a Pakistani high commission official after detaining him
on charges of spying. This initiated a diplomatic spat between the two nations.


• It is short for malicious software used to disrupt regular computer or mobile operations in
order to gain access to classified information.

• It refers to a variety of hostile software like computer viruses, worms, spyware and Trojan
• Once it infects a device, it damages it completely.


Union Government on 15 December 2016 launched Lucky Grahak Yojana and Digi Dhan Vyapar
Yojana to promote digital payments in the country.

These schemes are aimed at increasing the overall transparency in the economy and removing
the influence of cash on the political and economic system.


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• Under these schemes, government will be giving cash awards to consumers and merchants
who utilize digital payment instruments for personal consumption expenditures.

• The National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) will be the implementing agency of these

• The primary aim of these schemes is to incentivize digital transactions so that electronic
payments are adopted by all sections of the society, especially the poor and the middle class.

• It has been designed keeping in mind all sections of the society and their usage patterns.

• The schemes will become operational with the first draw on 25 December 2016 and will lead
up to a Mega Draw on Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti on 14 April 2017.


• Under this scheme, government will offer daily reward of Rs 1000 that will be given to 15000
lucky consumers for a period of 100 days.

• Consumers, who use the alternate modes of digital payments, will be awarded with the
weekly prizes of Rs 1 lakh, Rs 10000 and Rs 5000.

• This will include all forms of transactions- UPI, USSD, AEPS and RuPay Cards but will exclude
transactions through Private Credit Cards and Digital Wallets.


• Under this scheme, the government will award prizes to merchants for all digital transactions
conducted at merchant establishments.

• They will be awarded with the weekly prizes of Rs 50000, Rs 5000 and Rs 2500


• The Union Government on 14 April 2017 will announce three mega prizes Rs 1 crore, Rs 50
lakh, Rs 25 lakh for consumers for digital transactions that are held between 8 November 2016-
13 April 2017.

• It will also announce three mega prizes of Rs 50 lakh, Rs 25 lakh, Rs 12 lakh for merchants for
digital transactions between 8 November 2016 to 13 April 2017.

• The winners will be shortlisted through a random draw of the eligible transaction IDs by a
software that is especially being developed by NPCI for this purpose.

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• The estimated expenditure on the first phase of the scheme is around Rs 340 Crores.


The Supreme Court on 15 December 2016 ruled that the Indian Air Force (IAF) personnel
cannot sport a beard on religious grounds.

The judgment was pronounced by a bench comprising the Chief Justice of India TS Thakur,
Justice DY Chandrachud and Justice L Nageswara Rao.

In the judgment, the bench reasoned that the personal policies on appearance are not intended
to discriminate against religious beliefs but to ensure uniformity and discipline which are
indispensable to every armed force.

The bench further observed that for the effective functioning of a large combat force, the
members must bond together by a sense of esprit-de-corps. There should not be any
distinctions on the basis of caste, creed, colour or religion.

The bench concluded that while on duty, every member of the Indian Air Force is required to
wear the uniform and not display any sign distinguishing one from another.


• By a 26 August 26 2005 communication, the IAF directed that an airman was not permitted to
have a beard on religious grounds.

• Two Muslim personnel of IAF - Airmen Mohammed Zubair and Ansari Aaftab Ahmed filed a
petition against this directive in the Punjab and Haryana High Court.

• The litigants appealed in the court for quashing the directive of the IAF.

• The court ruled that there was no merit in the appeals as the litigants were unable to show
that their case falls within the ambit of Regulation 425(b).

• The regulation says that the personnel whose religion prohibits the cutting of the hair or face
shaving will be permitted to grow hair or retain beard.

• The litigants appealed in the Supreme Court against the order of the High Court

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The Union Power and Renewable Energy Minister
Piyush Goyal on 15 December 2016 announced that
the government sanctioned over Rs 30 crore for solar
cities programme.

The funds were sanctioned between December 2014

and November 2016 to 21 states and union territories


• It is also called as the Development of Solar Cities Programme.

• The programme aims to consolidate all the previous initiatives of the Union Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy to address the energy problem of urban areas in a holistic manner.

• It is designed to support and encourage Urban Local Bodies to prepare a road map to guide
their cities in becoming renewable energy cities.

• A solar city is defined as a city which achieved a minimum 10% reduction in the projected
demand for conventional energy.

• The goal is achieved through a combination of enhancing supply from renewable energy
sources in the city and adopting energy efficiency measures.

• In a solar city, all types of renewable energy based projects like solar, wind, biomass, small
hydro, waste to energy etc. may be installed.

• The city is identified based on city population, potential and commitment for the adoption of
renewable energy and energy conservation in the city activities.

• The cities may have a population between 50000 to 50 lakh. However, relaxation could be
considered for North-Eastern and hilly States, Islands and UTs.

• A total of 60 cities will be developed under this programme. At least one city in each State to
a maximum of five cities in a State may be supported by the Ministry.

• Up to Rs 50 lakh per city is provided depending upon population and initiatives decided to be
taken by the city administration.

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The seventh edition of EKUVERIN commenced on 15 December 2016 at Kadhdhoo, Laamu Atoll,
Maldives. The exercise will conclude on 28 December 2016.

The Exercise EKUVERIN is a 14 day platoon level joint military exercise between the Indian Army
and the Maldives National Defence Force. The exercise is conducted on a yearly basis.


 The exercise aims at conducting military training with emphasis on amphibious and
counter insurgency/ counter terrorism operations.

 It also aims at enhancing interoperability between the two armies.

 The contingents taking part in the exercise comprises of platoon strength from BIHAR
Regiment and a similar strength of the Maldivian National Defence Force.

 The previous edition of the exercise was held in India at Trivandrum, Kerala. It was held
for fifteen days between 31 August and 13 September 2015.


Sushma Swaraj, the Indian Minister of External Affairs was named a ‘2016 Global Thinker’ by
Foreign Policy magazine for her 'novel Twitter diplomacy'.

Swaraj’s name featured in the ‘decision makers’ category

along with the names of other world-renowned leaders
such as US Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, former UN
Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and German Chancellor
Angela Merkel.

The major credit of the Minister’s inclusion in the list goes

to her prompt twitter responses since she took office. The
magazine recalled a particular instance when Swaraj had
tweeted about the huge food crisis faced by thousands of
Indian workers in Saudi Arabia due to sudden job layoffs.
Swaraj had treated the situation with great swiftness,
launching a week-long operation on social media, giving

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migrants all the required information that would keep them properly fed and get them back
home safely.

The magazine especially praised Swaraj for her ability to reach out to people abroad, be it
Indians or non-Indians. From helping Indians evacuate from war-torn Yemen to more recently
providing a passport to an Egyptian woman suffering from a rare disorder so that she can get
her treatment done from India, the Minister has immediately come to the rescue of those
seeking her help.

Apart from Swaraj, other Indians to feature in the Foreign Policy list are Gursaram Prasad
Talwar and Anupama and Vineet Nayar. While Talwar is an immunologist who has developed a
vaccine for leprosy, Anupama and Vineet are co-founders of Sampark Foundation, who have
been selected for their work towards revamping of rural India’s primary education system with
the help of basic teaching tools.


The Supreme Court (SC) on 15 December 2016 ordered the State and the Union Governments
to remove all liquor shops located 500 metres or less from national and state highways.

However, the Bench, headed by Chief Justice TS Thakur, ruled that the existing licence-holders
could continue their business till 31 March 2017.

The ruling was based on recommendations by Punjab, Haryana, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry


 The Bench advised the State and the Union Governments to take into account both road
safety and government revenue.

 It had allowed representatives of public interest litigants in these cases to attend the
meeting between the Union and the State Governments.

 The states pleaded for exempting state highways from the ban on liquor shops.
However, the Bench stated that “if it is valid for national highways, it is valid for state
highways also. What is good for the Centre is good for the states as well. It is a good
idea not to allure highway users into drinking and driving. If there is a reasonable
method which the governments want to adopt, we have no difficulty in approving it. At
the end of the day, it is for the good of society at large.”

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 The top court also stated that closing down liquor shops on highways would not
adversely affect the tax revenue to a great extent.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 19 December 2016 unveiled first ever Indian Institute of Skills
at Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh.

On this occasion, Modi also launched Kaushal Pradarshini to portray major skill development
initiatives of the Union Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE).


• The institute at Kanpur is the country’s first ever Indian Institute of Skills.

• The primary objective of the institute is to empower India’s youth to be more employable and

• The institute has been conceptualised by the Prime Minister during his visit to Singapore’s
Institute of Technical Education.

• The institute is inspired by the Singapore model of training and would adopt various best
practices from the country.

• The plan is to set up six such institutes across the country in coming years.


• It is a skill exhibition for the youth of Uttar Pradesh.

• The exhibition showcases state-of-the-art vocational training practices across different


• It will remain open for public view at the Railway Grounds in Kanpur between 19 December
2016 and 22 December 2016.

The Indian Institute of Skills and Kaushal Pradarshini initiatives were launched in line with the
vision of making India the Skill Capital of the World.



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• The Union Budget 2016-17 identified Education, Skill Development and Employment as one of
the nine pillars to transform the Indian economy.

• The objective is to provide quality education, better skills and employment opportunities.

• In March 2015, the Union Cabinet approved Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana to impart
skill training to youth at an estimated cost of 1500 crore rupees.

• National Mission for Skill Development was launched in July 2015 to train a minimum of 300
million skilled people by 2022.


The Union government has taken the call of setting up a single committee to hear all the inter-
state river water disputes.

The step would merge all existing tribunals into one single body and by doing this, the centre
hopes to fasten the process of water dispute resolution. Apart from this central body, the
government has also proposed to create some benches to look into disputes as and when
required. These benches will not be permanent like the Tribunal and will be dissolved once the
dispute is solved.


• The government has proposed the creation of one permanent Tribunal. It will be chaired by a
retired judge of the Supreme Court.

• In comparison to earlier tribunals that took very long to deliver the final verdict, this tribunal
will be expected to deliver its verdict within three years.

• Apart from this, the government has also proposed to set up a Dispute Resolution Committee
(DRC) comprising experts and policy makers.

• The DRC will be expected to handle the water disputes before they go to the Tribunal.

• The DRC will be formed by the centre at the request of a state. Most disputes will be expected
to be solved at the DRC level itself.

• In cases where the state is not satisfied with the DRC judgment, they would be allowed to
approach the Tribunal. Tribunal’s verdict will get notified automatically.

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The government is proposing to create these committees by amending the Inter-State Water
Disputes Act, 1956.The decision to amend the act was taken during a Union Cabinet meeting
last week. The amendment will most likely be introduced in the Parliament’s next session.

As of now, there are eight Tribunals in the country including those for Cauvery, Ravi and Beas,
Mahadayi, Krishna and Vansadhara rivers.


Lanura, a village in Budgam district of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), became the first village in the
state to go cashless.

As per reports, at least one member of every household in the village has been trained to use
the Electronic Payment System (EPS) and so far, 150 people were trained for the purpose.

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An official spokesperson said, the feat was achieved due to the efforts of the National
Informatics Centre (NIC) and the CSC e-Governance Services India Limited under the objective
of Digital Financial Inclusion. The government has been pushing for digital transactions since
the demonetisation move that was announced on 8 November 2016 by Prime Minister
Narendra Modi.

Lanura village is located some 30 kilometres away from Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu
and Kashmir. The village falls in Panchayat Bugroo-B in block Khansahab of the district.


• Budgam was created as a district of the state in 1979.

• Prior to its creation, it was part of Srinagar district, before that Budgam was a part of
Baramulla district when Srinagar itself was a constituent of the Anantnag district.

• It is one of the districts in Kashmir with a majority Muslim Shiite population.

• According to the 2011 census, Badgam district has a population of 735753, roughly equal to
the US state of Alaska or the nation of Guyana.

• It had a sex ratio of 883 females for every 1000 males and literacy rate of 57.98 percent,
which was an increase of 39.54 percent recorded in 2001.


It is an economy in which almost all transactions are done digitally or by using cards and the
circulation of physical currency in minimum. Under the present government led by Prime
Minister Narendra Modi, India is trying to switch itself to a cashless economy. Till date, India’s
economy was mainly dependent on cash transactions.


The Union government on 17 December 2016 formed a high-level inter-ministerial task force to
look into all the strategic aspects of Indus Water Treaty (IWT) with Pakistan.

This task force will be headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Principal Secretary Nripendra
Mishra. The other members of the team include NSA Ajit Doval, Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar
and Secretaries in Ministries of Finance, Environment, Power and Water Resource.

Besides, Chief Secretaries of Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab will be invitees in the task force.
Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab are the states from where the six Indus system rivers flow.

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• The committee was formed following the review meeting in September 2016 on the 56-year-
old water distribution pact with Pakistan. The meeting was held after India witnessed a series of
cross-border terror strikes including Uri attack.

• It was also decided in that meeting that India will utilise the maximum water of Pakistan-
controlled rivers including Jhelum.

• Pakistan in September 2016 approached World Bank citing that the Kishenganga project was
not in line with the criteria laid down under Indus Water Treaty.

• Following this, World Bank decided to send an expert to discuss with India and Pakistan about
their versions on designs of Kishenganga and Ratle projects being constructed by India in
Jammu and Kashmir.

• World Bank is also a member of the Indus Waters Treaty that was signed between India and
Pakistan in 1960. It has a specified role in the process of resolution of differences and disputes


The Minister of State for AYUSH Shripad Yesso Naik on 22 December 2016 formally inaugurated
the North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda and Homoeopathy (NEIAH) in Shillong, Meghalaya.

The objective of the NEIAH is to provide good quality medical graduates in traditional medicine
generate employment and promote tourism in the North East.


• It is an autonomous Institute under Union Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy,

Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH).

• With this inauguration, the institute has become the second Ayurvedic College in the North
East Region with a Homeopathy college.

• It is the only Central Academic Institute of AYUSH in the North East Region.

• Its primary aim is to produce quality human resource in the area of AYUSH in general and the
Ayurveda and Homeopathy in particular.

• The establishment of this Institute will solve the problem of scarcity of doctors in remote
areas of the North Eastern regions to a great extent.

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• The institute will suitably help in implementing and improving the execution of national
health policies.

• The NEIAH helps in preserving folk and traditional health practices of the region which is
home to rich flora.

• It helps in scientific validation of these health practices based on ethnobotanical and scientific
research with practical suitability for clinical practices.

• The research and development activities of the institute will help in the development of
herbal-agro based industry which ultimately promotes the cultivation of medicinal plants in this

• The establishment of the institute is a boon for this region which is most climatically suitable
for a large number of medicinal plants from high altitude to mid-level altitude of the hilly areas.

• The NEIAH will also work with priority to popularize Panchakarma and Yoga along with the
production of skilled para-medical staff.

• Promotion of Panchakarma therapy for curative, preventive and promotional areas boost
health care sector as well as promote health tourism industries.


Union Minister of Power Piyush Goyal on 20 December 2016 launched the GARV-II mobile app
with an aim to provide village-wise and habitation-wise base line data on household
electrification for all the states.

This GARV-II mobile app is an upgraded version of the GARV mobile app that was launched in
October 2015 for the efficient monitoring of the village electrification programme. This version
has till now mapped the data of only 18452 un-electrified villages.


• Data of about 6 lakh villages having 17 crore people has been mapped in the app for tracking
progress on household electrification in each of the habitations of the villages.

• Status of village-wise works sanctioned under the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana
and release of funds to the states for these projects has been mapped in the app to monitor the

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• All the data will be made available in the app to ensure transparency and enhance
accountability of various stakeholders along with facilitating view of real time progress.


• The Union Ministry also launched the Citizen Engagement Window SAMVAD with an aim to
enhance the participation of public at large.

• This window will take in the feedback and suggestions from the people which will be then
automatically forwarded to the concerned Managing Director and Superintending Engineer.

• The information will be given through SMS and e-mail for online monitoring and further

Moreover, on the same occasion, the Ministry presented awards to the best performing
Grameen Vidyut Abhiyanta (GVAs). It also presented the Digital India Award 2016 to GARV
mobile app for getting featured in the Top 3 best Mobile Apps that played revolutionary role in
bringing Good Governance.


The Union Cabinet on 21 December 2016 approved the creation of Indian Enterprise
Development Services. A decision in this regard was taken at a Cabinet meeting headed by the
Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


• The service was created by subsuming 11 trades, recruitment to which had been done
differently following different rules.

• Subsuming of the 11 trades into one umbrella service is also indicative of the government’s
emphasis on promoting ease of doing business.

• These 11 trades were created in the 1950s and 1960s when there was a prevalence of a
license, permit and quota raj in the Indian economy.

• The new service will be created in the Office of Development Commissioner (MSME) of the
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME).

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• It will help in achieving growth in MSME sector through a specialised and dedicated cadre of
technical officers.

• The service is expected to boost the capacity and efficiency of the MSME.

• The Indian Enterprise Development Services will have initial cadre strength of 617 officers.
Among them, 6 officers will be having joint secretary level status.

• These officers will oversee the functioning of 72 field offices of the Development
Commissioner as well as the headquarters in New Delhi.

• Out of these 72 field offices, 30 are MSME development institutes and 28 are branch


• The Indian MSME sector provides maximum opportunities for both self-employment and
wage-employment outside the agricultural sector.

• The sector generates around 100 million jobs through over 46 million units situated
throughout the geographical expanse of the country.

• With 38% contribution to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 40% and 45% share
of the overall exports and manufacturing output respectively it plays a key role in our economy.

• Besides the wide range of services provided by the sector, the sector is engaged in the
manufacturing of over 6,000 products ranging from traditional to hi-tech items.


The Union Cabinet on 22 December 2016 approved the ordinance amending Payment of Wages
Act, 1936 for allowing certain business and industrial establishments to pay salaries and wages
through cheques or through the electronic mode.

With the Payment of Wages (Amendment) Bill, 2016, employers will also have the option to pay
wages in cash.

This ordinance is valid for the period of six months only and the government is required to get
the bill passed in Parliament within this period only.

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The Bill was introduced by the Labour Minister Bandaru Dattatreya amidst the ruckus over the
demonetisation issue that has engulfed the whole country with the cash crunch.


• It seeks to amend Section 6 of Payment of Wages Act, 1936 to enable employers to pay wages
to employees through cheques or by crediting the salaries to their bank accounts electronically.

•It will allow the State Governments to specify industrial or other establishments that adopt
cashless way for salary payments.

•The new procedure will serve the objective of digital and cashless economy.


Currently, wages were given through cheque or transferred to his or her bank account with the
written authorisation of an employee as per the Payment of Wages Act, 1936.

The Act had come into force on 23 April 1936 to provide for payment of wages in coin or
currency notes, or in both. However, it was in 1975, that the provision for payment of wages by
cheque or crediting it into bank account after obtaining the requisite authorisation of employee
was inserted into the Act.

At present, the Act covers all those employees in certain categories of establishments whose
wage does not exceed Rs 18000 per month.



President Pranab Mukherjee on 23 December 2016 gave his

assent to the Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation)
Fifth Ordinance 2016.

The ordinance will guard against claims of succession or

transfer of properties left by people who migrated to Pakistan
and China after wars.

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The ordinance seeks to amend the Enemy Property Act, 1968. Some of the important
amendments proposed by the ordinance are –

• Once an enemy property is vested in the Custodian, it shall continue to be vested in him
irrespective of whether the enemy, enemy subject or enemy firm has ceased to be an enemy.

• The law of succession does not apply to an enemy property.

• There cannot be a transfer of any property vested in the Custodian by an enemy or enemy
subject or enemy firm.

Enemy property: It refers to any property belonging to, held or managed on behalf of an
enemy, an enemy subject or an enemy firm.


• The ordinance was proclaimed for the first time on 7 January 2016 by the President Pranab

• It was passed by the Lok Sabha on 9 March 2016 with a voice but. It was subsequently
referred to the Select Committee of the Rajya Sabha for review.

• As the Rajya Sabha’s approval for the bill got delayed, the government decided to resort to
the ordinance route to extend the life of the bill.

• Accordingly, the President re-promulgated the ordinance for four times i.e. in April 2016, May
2016, August 2016 and December 2016.


• It empowers the President to promulgate ordinances during the recess of Parliament.

• An ordinance promulgated under this provision shall have the same force and effect as an Act
of Parliament.

• However, the ordinance ceases to operate at the expiration of six weeks from the reassemble
of the Parliament.

• The ordinance also ceases to operate even if both houses of the Parliament approves
resolutions disapproving it.

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The Union Government on 24 December 2016 launched ‘Smart Consumer’ mobile App to
provide speedy redressal of consumer grievances.

Besides, the government also launched an Online Consumer Mediation Centre (OCMC) and a
helpline number 14404 for redressal of consumer related grievances. These initiatives will
benefit the consumers in the digital world.

The government also launched a microsite based on the theme 'Digitally Safe Consumer
Campaign' to help consumers for being vigilant and not falling prey to cyber frauds.

All these launches were made on the occasion of National Consumer Day that is observed on 24
December every year.


• The OCMC was launched in association with Bengaluru based National Law School of India
University (NLSIU) to provide speedy redressal of consumer grievances.

• It will encourage consumers and companies to go for pre-litigation and will also provide them
with an option to settle disputes harmoniously.

• Initially, the OCMC will only deal with cases related to e-commerce companies.

• It will also facilitate online and physical mediation between consumers and companies.


• The campaign will be launched in January 2017 by Google India in partnership with the Union
Ministry of Consumer Affairs.

• This year-long campaign will be focussed on building capacities of consumer organisations

and counsellors on internet safety and related issues.

• The campaign will reach out to over 1200 consumer organisations as well as consumer affairs
department of every state across the country.

• It will also feature write ups, posters, interactive quizzes and audio-visuals to educate users
about the challenges of internet safety and security.

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• This campaign will add to Google’s existing campaigns guiding users to navigate the web and
manage their digital lives safely.

• Google will also work towards advocating digital security and privacy needs through
workshops training about 500 people.


The Union Government on 24 December 2016 notified that the registration fees for Hindus and
other minority community people as Indian citizens have been reduced from Rs 15000 to Rs

The new rules will be applicable to minority communities from three neighbouring countries
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh living in India on long term visa. These minority communities
are Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians.


• For minority community people from countries other than Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
the fees will be Rs 10000 for registration in India and Rs 15000 if they are registered elsewhere.

• The minority members from the neighbouring countries will be required to take oath of
allegiance as an Indian citizen in front of Sub-Divisional Magistrate, in case if the Collector,
Deputy Commissioner or District Magistrate are absent.

• The power of citizenship has been delegated to the district collectors in Chhattisgarh, Gujrat,
MP, UP, Maharashtra, West & South Delhi and Rajasthan also.

• The changes were made after amending various provisions of the Citizenship Rules, 2009.



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National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog, the think tank of Union Government,
launched a Performance on Health Outcomes’ index.

The Health Outcomes’ index developed by NITI Aayog and Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare was launched to rank states on the basis of their performance on measurable health

The Aayog in a press release said,

“The index is meant to capture the
annual incremental improvements
by States, rather than focusing on
historical achievements”.



The index was developed with the

inputs from international and
domestic experts, including
academicians and development
partners as well as feedback from
states. Before finalisation and
launch at India level, the
indicators of the index were
tested in two states.


• The index includes indicators in

the domains of health outcomes
governance and information as well as key inputs and processes.

• The index also includes the monitorable indicators, which is a part of the Sustainable
Development Goal in Health.


• It envisions bringing required improvements in social sector outcomes, which have not kept
pace with the economic growth of the country.

• It will be used to take actions in the states that are required to improve the health outcomes
and improve data collection systems.

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Besides, the guidebook of the first exercise of the regional workshops, which will be conducted
across India in series until February 2017, was jointly released by CK Mishra, Secretary-Health
and Amitabh Kant, CEO NITI Aayog.

The series of key activities involved in this entire process of assessment is mentioned below
along with timelines:

S. No. Description Timeline

1 Presentation and dissemination of the health index to December 2016 to

January 2017
States in various workshops organised by NITI Aayog

2 States to submit the data February to March 2017

3 Validation of data by the independent agency April to July 2017

4 Finalising the data and preparation of composite index August 2017


ranking of States by the independent agency

5 Uploading of rankings and related data on web portal September 2017

The workshops will be conducted to disseminate the features of the index and methods of data
submission to the states.

Participants of the exercise include

• Technical assistance from the World Bank

• Mentor agencies to hand-hold States (if required)

• Third party organizations, who will validate the data submitted prior to calculation of the

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The results of the data that is entered into the index will be published on a web portal hosted
by NITI Aayog.

It is believed that the index will help in monitoring the performance at state level, which will act
as an input for providing performance-based incentives and improvement in health outcomes.

Besides, the release also said that a similar exercise has also been launched for the education
and water sectors.


Union Minister for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Uma Bharti
on 26 December 2016 released the funds of Rs 1981 crore for Polavaram irrigation project to
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu.

These funds were issued by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
(NABARD). Other than Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra were also sanctioned 463
crore and 830 crore rupees respectively.


• Polavaram Project is also known as Indira Sagar Project.

• Polavaram project is aimed at irrigating additional 80 Lakh hectares of agricultural land.

• It is a multi-purpose project with an assessed Cultural Command Area of 2.91 lakh hectares
and power generation potential of 960 Mega Watt(MW) .

• It also has a provision to supply 23.44 thousand Million Cubic Feet (TMC) of water as drinking
water supply to Vishakhapatnam city and other areas.

• An inter basin transfer of 80 TMC water annually to Krishna River Basin was also envisaged.

• The project was given investment clearance by the Planning Commission of Rs 10151.04 crore
in 2009. The current cost of the project at 2010-11 level is Rs 16010.45 crore.

• The project was under construction with Central Assistance under Accelerated Irrigation
Benefits Programme (AIBP).

• The expenditure of around Rs 5135.87 crore was incurred on the project till March 2014
including the Central Assistance of Rs 562.469 crore provided under AIBP.

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• Since the declaration of the Polavaram project as National Project in 2014, Rs 950 crore has
already been released to Polavaram Project Authority till date.

• In order to meet the expenditure balance of Rs 2981.54 crore, arrangement of funds from
NABARD was made.

• The project is expected to be completed by the year 2019.


The amount released is a part of the loan from NABARD that was sanctioned from the Long
Term Irrigation Fund (LTIF) under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY).

Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in his budget speech 2016 announced the creation of this
dedicated Long Term Irrigation Fund (LTIF) in NABARD with an initial corpus of Rs 20000 crore.


The Department of Posts under the Union Ministry of Communications on 26 December 2016
released the special stamp on freedom fighter Gaya Prasad Katiyar.

Moreover, the government also released a set of eight Commemorative Postage Stamps on
'Personalities Series: Bihar'. The postal department also launched a Commemorative Postage
Stamp on Hardayal Municipal Heritage Public Library to honor it as a one of the few oldest
library of the country.

The Ministry released the postage stamps on these following eight personalities of Bihar:

• Sachchidananda Sinha

• Karpoori Thakur

• Dashrath Manjhi

• Vidyapati

• Kailashpati Mishra

• Kunwar Singh

• Phanishwar Nath Renu

• Krishna Sinha

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• Gaya Prasad Katiyar was one of the most dedicated soldiers of India’s freedom struggle.

• He was born at Jagadishpur, UP and joined Hindustan Socialist Republican Association in


• He got connected with Chandra Shekhar Azad and Bhagat Singh during his freedom struggle.

• He participated on Lahore Conspiracy Case and was arrested from Saharanpur in 1929.

• Later he was transported to Cellular jail in Andaman and again he participated on hunger
strike there.

• He was repatriated in 1937 but again arrested and transported to cellular jail from where he
was released in 1946.


• It is situated in the heart of Chandni Chowk and is one of the very few oldest buildings that
have been able to withstand the onslaught of modern times.

• The library was set up in 1862 and has a unique collection of more than 170000 books in
Hindi, English, Urdu, Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit.

• This is one of the few Libraries in the world with a collection of at least 8000 rare books.


The Union Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on 25
December 2016 launched the Twitter Seva for
providing passport and consular services.

The initiative was launched by the Union Minister of

State for External Affairs Vijay Kumar Singh in New


• Twitter Seva seeks to resolve queries related to visa and passport services in a speedy

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• The service acts as an umbrella platform for all the MEA-affiliated Twitter handles.

• It is supported by 198 Twitter accounts of India’s Missions and High Commissions abroad and
29 Regional Passport Offices (RPOs) spread across India.

• Through its Twitter handle @MEAIndia, the MEA will use this service to strengthen its primary
relationship with Indian citizens by providing fast, efficient and real-time public services.

• It will enhance scalability and speed up the process while dealing with requests by Indian and
global citizens.


• The global roll-out of Twitter Seva will enable simple, timely and transparent response to
citizen Tweets in real-time.

• It engages with citizens in the country, non-resident Indians (NRIs), persons of Indian origin
(PIOs), tourists and business travellers directly.

• Under this service, both Indians and non-Indians can register their relevant query simply with
their tweet with MEA Twitter account.

• The request will activate the concerned office nationally or across the world and address the


• Similar to the present initiative of the MEA, the Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry
launched its own version of Twitter Seva on 21 April 2016.

• The Twitter Seva of commerce ministry seeks to address issues and grievances of start-ups,
exporters and importers and other stakeholders.

• Twitter Seva initiatives of the MEA and the commerce ministry were launched as part of the
Digital India initiative.

• The Digital India initiative was approved by the Union Cabinet on 26 August 2014 to transform
Indian economy into a digitally empowered knowledge economy.

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The new £5 note issued by the Bank of England has angered vegetarians after it was revealed
that it contains traces of animal fat.

The note entered circulation in September 2016 but the information regarding the presence of
the meat substance emerged on 28 November 2016 following a tweet by the Bank of England
confirming the existence of the controversial substance.

Key Highlights

• The new five pound notes are printed on polymer- a thin plastic film, which is more durable
and safer.

• Present within the polymer pallets used in the creation of the thin polymer is a substance
called ‘Tallow’, which is derived from animal fat.

• It is mostly used in the manufacture of candles and soap.

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The Protest

• An online petition demanding a ban on use of such substances in currency production has
gained more than 90,000 signatures. It was initiated by Doug Maw.

• The petition calls the inclusion unacceptable to millions of vegans, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and
other vegetarian communities living in the UK.

• According to the petitioners, the presence of the substance completely disregards the goal of
most vegetarians to avoid harming animals.

• People are also upset about the fact that it took the authorities two months to come out
clean on the matter.

However, the new note is not the only one that is based on the polymer. New polymer notes of
£10 and £20 are also scheduled to come out in 2017 and 2020 respectively. The decision to shift
from paper to polymer was taken in order to ensure that the notes last longer, stay cleaner and
are harder to copy. According to bank estimates, the new notes will last 2.5 times longer than


Ukraine began its two-day military drill over the Black Sea on 1 December 2016, putting Russia
in a combat mode. The drill involves testing of surface-to-air missiles.

This missile test drill is the first-ever for Ukraine. The testing location is extremely close to the
Russian- annexed region of Crimea, which has escalated tension between the two nations.


• The drill was conducted in the Kherson region, on the coast of the Black Sea.

• It involved S-300 medium-range missiles.

• In total, sixteen missiles were launched and all of them reached their targets.

• Although the missiles came within 18 miles of the Crimean airspace, Ukraine’s military
assured that this exercise posed no danger to the residents of Crimea.

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The main purpose of the drill is to build Ukraine's air defence. While Russia has sent several
letters to Kiev protesting against the drill, calling it a violation of the International law and
sovereignty of Russia, Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko maintained that the tests are
taking place in full accordance with the International law.

However, Ukraine is prepared for any kind of development and Russia has already positioned
its warships off Crimea’s western coastline and has threatened to shoot down any missile that
enters the Crimean airspace.


• Crimea was formerly a part of Ukraine.

• In 2014, masked Russian troops captured the Supreme Council of Crimea and other significant
places, which eventually led to the installation of a pro-Russian government in Crimea.

• Then in a referendum in March 2014, a large majority of Crimean voters favoured separation
from Ukraine and chose to return to the Russian Federation.

• UN, however, called the referendum invalid and passed a resolution asking all International
and State organisations not to recognise Russian annexation of Crimea.

• Russian President Vladimir Putin defends the move and opposes the ‘annexation’ tag.


The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 1 December 2016 apologised for the
first time to the people of Haiti for its role in the 2010 cholera outbreak in the country.

The Secretary-General expressed deep regret for the loss of life caused by the disease. He
stated, “On behalf of the United Nations, I want to say very clearly: we apologise to the Haitian


 As per the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the ongoing Haiti cholera
outbreak is the worst epidemic of cholera in recent history.

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 The country has been dealing with a cholera outbreak since October 2010, some nine
months after it suffered a devastating earthquake.

 The outbreak began in mid October 2010 in the rural Centre Department of Haiti.

 The outbreak occurred ten months after a powerful earthquake which devastated the
nation's capital and southern towns on 12 January 2010.

 It is widely believed to have been introduced by Nepalese peacekeepers from the UN.

 The peacekeepers lived on a base that often leaked waste into a river, and the first
cholera cases in the country appeared in Haitians who lived nearby.

 The outbreak has affected an estimated 788000 people and claimed the lives of more
than 9000 people in the country.


The United Nations Security Council on 30 November 2016 voted to tighten sanctions on North
Korea in response to the country’s fifth and largest nuclear test.

The council unanimously approved the sanctions resolution following months of diplomatic
arguments over how best to respond to North Korea’s latest nuclear test in September 2016.

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The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has been under UN sanctions since 2006 over its
nuclear and ballistic missile tests.


 The new sanctions target North Korea’s hard currency revenues by placing a cap on coal
exports, cutting them by at least 62 per cent.

 In total, the sanction will cut down at least USD 800 million per year in the hard currency
that the country uses to fund its prohibited weapons programs. The prohibited weapons
programmes constitute a full 25 percent of North Korea’s entire export revenues.

 The sanctions would also put a ban on the country’s exports of non-ferrous metals and
sanction 11 government officials as well as 10 entities linked to the country’s nuclear
weapons program.

 They also include an array of other measures cracking down on North Korea’s access to
the international banking system and on its export of statues.


India on 30 November 2016 signed a $750 million government-to-government deal for 145 M-
777 Ultra-Light Howitzers with the US. The deal was signed under the US Foreign Military Sales

The deal signed after years of negotiations is the first major artillery deal signed by India after
Bofors scandal of the late 1980s. The two nations were discussing the deal to buy BAE Systems´
M777 ultra-lightweight guns since 2012.

As per the deal, the manufacturer BAE Systems will deliver 25 guns in ready-to-use condition
and the remaining 120 guns will be assembled in India. Earlier in February 2016, BAE Systems
said that it had chosen Mahindra Group of India as its local offset partner.

The deal was finalised during the 15th India-US Military Cooperation Group (MCG) that was
held in New Delhi between 30 November and 1 December 2016.

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India-US MCG is a forum established to progress Defence cooperation between HQ Integrated

Defence Staff and US Pacific Command at the strategic and operational levels. It will be used by
the army’s mountain artillery divisions along India’s high-altitude frontiers.


 The gun is manufactured by BAE Systems' Global Combat Systems division.

 It is a howitzer with a maximum range of 30 kilometres (17 miles).


Last time, India purchased howitzers in 1986 was in the form of Bofors by the Swedish arms
giant AB Bofors. Later, the Rs. 1500 crore deal was caught in corruption allegations. Allegations
were that the company paid kickbacks to Indian politicians including the then Prime Minister
Rajiv Gandhi for selling artillery guns to the Indian Army. But till date, no Indian Court has
established that there was a scandal in the deal.


The Congress of Colombia on 30 November 2016 approved the revised peace deal with the
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebel group.

The lower house voted 130-0 to approve the text adopted earlier by the Senate.

The approval comes after Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia, and Rodrigo Londono,
the leader of the FARC signed a revised peace agreement on 24 November 2016.

The revised accord was Colombian Government’s second attempt to end Latin America’s
longest-running conflict, which has killed around 220000 people.

The previous deal, which was signed in September 2016, was rejected narrowly by the citizens
of Colombia in a popular vote held in October 2016.


• The Colombian Government and the FARC had signed the historic peace accord on 24 August
2016. However, the deal was rejected by the Colombian voters in a referendum.

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• The peace agreement was reached after the two sides earlier in June 2016 signed the bilateral
ceasefire agreement.

• Over the past four years, peace negotiators have managed to reach agreement on six areas
and they are land reform, political participation for ex-rebels, justice for victims of the conflict,
fighting drug trafficking, disarmament and the implementation and monitoring of the accord.


Thailand named its crown prince Maha Vajiralongkorn as its new king on 1 December 2016; 50
days after the passing of King Bhumibol Adulyadei.

Dressed in white, prince Vajiralongkorn ascended the throne and accepted his new
responsibilities at the invitation of the National Legislative Assembly’s (NLA) President in his
Bangkok Palace amidst the whole of Thai media. The ceremony was attended by several senior
officials like the chief of NLA, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and the head of the privv
council, Prem Tinsulanonda.


• The Prince became Rama X, the 10th king of the Thailand’s Chakri dynasty. The dynasty was
established in 1782.

• His official title will be - King Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun.

• Originally, Vajiralongkorn was supposed to take the throne the very day his father passed
away but he asked for the ceremony to be postponed so that he could have time to mourn

• The responsibility of handling the throne matters for the time went to the head of the privv
council, 96-year-old Prem Tinsulanonda.


• He died on 13 October 2016 at the age of 88, following a long span of illness.

• He ruled for 70 years. He named his only son Vajiralongkorn, as his successor way back in

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• Though his rule wasn’t an easy one, as it was hit by communist insurgency, coup and street
protests; he played a significant role in bringing stability to the nation and restoring faith in the

• For many Thais, he was the only consistent force in an era of rapid change and violent political

The new king definitely doesn’t enjoy the same respect and reputation as his father before him.
His personal life especially, is very controversial. He has been divorced thrice and has a very
flamboyant image. He is also known to spend a lot of his time at his property in Germany.

While Vajiralongkorn has been named as the new king, his official coronation will take place
next year, following the cremation of the late king.


Venezuela on 2 December 2016 was removed from the South America’s trade group Mercosur
over the country’s failure to comply with the pact’s democratic principles and trade bylaws.

Mercosur’s member states, in a letter addressed to Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Delcy

Rodriguez, stated that the “oil-rich country had been stripped of membership rights immediately
and that it will be required to renegotiate its membership.”

On the other hand, the Government of Venezuela stated that it is being unfairly targeted by
right-wing regional leaders and that it complies with the bylaws.


In 2013, Paraguay had objected to Venezuela's inclusion in the trading bloc. The reason given
by Paraguay was that a new member can only be included after a unanimous vote. The country
also argued that such a vote should not have been held while Paraguay was suspended.

In August 2016, the presidents of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay met to discuss Venezuela’s
suspension from Mercosur. The three countries were in doubt regarding Venezuela’s
compliance with the union's requirements for full membership. In fact, Venezuela was rejected
from assuming the presidency of Mercosur by those three countries.

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On 21 November 2016, Eladio Loizaga, Foreign Minister of Paraguay, announced that Venezuela
would be suspended in December 2016 after the nation was given a three-month period to
reform its laws to abide to Mercosur requirements. Mercosur had noted that "rules governing
trade, politics, democracy and human rights" needed to be overhauled in Venezuela.


• Mercosur is a sub-regional bloc.

• Its full members are Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.

• Its associate countries are Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Suriname, while the
observer countries include New Zealand and Mexico.

• The purpose of the bloc is to promote free trade and the fluid movement of goods, people
and currency.

• The official languages of the bloc are Spanish, Portuguese and Guarani.

• The motto of the bloc is "Our North is the South."


In a surprising move, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, John Key announced his resignation during
a weekly press conference in Wellington on 5 December 2016. He cited family reasons for his
sudden exit.

Key will be leaving the post after almost eight years of

service. Explaining his decision, he stated that there
was no way he could have sat through an entire
fourth term. He, however, does plan to stay long
enough to avoid by-election for his seat.

About John Key

• He started his career as a foreign exchange dealer

and then went on to become the head of global
foreign exchange at Merril Lynch in 1995.

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• He was also appointed as a member of the Foreign Exchange Committee of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York.

• He entered politics through New Zealand National Party. He was one of the few new National
members of Parliament in the 2002 elections.

• He was appointed as the Finance Spokesman of the party in 2004 and two years later, he
succeeded Don Brash as its new leader.

• After serving as the leader of Opposition for two years, Key led his party to victory in 2008
elections and became the 38th Prime Minister of New Zealand

• His winning streak continued into the next two general elections as well, which were held
subsequently in 2011 and 2014.

Overall, Key’s governance was well appreciated, especially in the way how he steered New
Zealand’s economy out of deep crisis following the recession in the late 2000s and a major
earthquake in the country’s second largest city, Christchurch.

His resignation will be effective from 12 December 2016. The National Party would be
convening on the same day to decide his successor. The most likely candidate for the role
would be current deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Bill English.


India and Qatar on 3 December 2016 signed four agreements to boost the bilateral relations
between the two nations.

The agreements were inked in New Delhi after delegation level talks between Prime Minister
Narendra Modi and Prime Minister of Qatar Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser Bin Khalifa Al Thani.
Emir Al Thani was on a two-day visit to India.

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 Agreement on the exemption from visa requirement for holders of diplomatic, special
and official passports: The agreement allows holders of diplomatic, special and official
passport of the two countries to travel visa-free between the two countries.

 Protocol on Technical Cooperation in cyber space and combating cyber crime: This
Protocol adds an important dimension of bilateral technical cooperation in cyber space
and combating cyber crime to the existing framework agreement in the field of security
signed on 10 November 2008.

 Letter of Intent regarding negotiations on an Agreement on the grant of e-Visa for

businessmen and tourists of the two countries: This allows negotiations on an
agreement on the grant of e-visa to businessmen and tourists of the two countries.

 MoU between Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy of Qatar and Confederation
of Indian Industry: This MoU will provide the framework to project experts from Indian

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companies in Qatar, through participation in infrastructure projects in Qatar undertaken

for the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

Besides, an MoU for collaboration and exchange in the field of national ports management was
inked between Qatar Ports Management Company "Mwani Qatar” and Indian Ports Global
Private Limited (IPGPL).


The Supreme Court of the UK has begun the much-awaited hearing that will decide whether or
not Parliament’s consent is required before the government initiates the Brexit negotiations.

In a first, the hearing was attended by all 11 Supreme Court justices. It follows an appeal by the
British Government after a bench comprising three senior judges of the High Court passed a
ruling in November stating that the Theresa May government must seek approval from the
parliament before starting the EU exit procedures.

The government has a lot of hopes riding on the current hearing, as May had promised that
efforts towards Brexit would commence by the end of March 2017 but if they have to gain
consent from the Parliament, which was largely against the referendum then chances of the
process getting delayed are high.


 Brexit is an acronym for UK opting to exit the European Union (EU).

 The decision was made following a referendum in June 2016, when almost 52% votes
were cast in favour of Britain leaving the EU while only 48% voted to remain.

 Immediately after the shocking result, Prime Minister David Cameron who was against
Brexit resigned from his post and Theresa May took over.

 In order to formally leave the European Union, UK has to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon
Treaty, according to which both sides will be given two years to decide the terms of the

 Brexit has had a deep effect on UK’s economy and also on its currency- Pound, which
has hit a 30-year low.

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UK joined the European Economic Community (EEC), the predecessor of European Union in
1973 and became its full-time member in 1975, following a referendum that saw 67% votes
cast in favour of the move.

UK’s choice to leave the European Union had created ripples of shock all over the world, with
many eminent personalities condemning the move. In fact, US President Barack Obama also
spoke against Brexit and urged Britons to vote to remain with the during his three-day visit to
the nation right before the referendum.


The Prime Minister and acting President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev was elected the
country's president in the presidential election, which was held on 4 December 2016.

As per the Central Election Commission of Uzbekistan, Mirziyoyev won the election with an
overwhelming vote. He garnered 88.61% of the votes, which is much above the minimum
requirement of over 50% of valid ballots to become a president.

The other three presidential candidates were: the National Revival Democratic Party’s Sarwar
Otamuratov, who scored 2.35%, Hotamzhon Ketmonov of the People's Democratic Party scored
3.73% and the Justice Social Democratic Party’s Narimon Umarov scored 3.46% of the votes.


 Born on 24 July 2016, Shavkat Mirziyoyev has been the Prime Minister of Uzbekistan
since 2003.

 He was appointed by the Supreme Assembly as interim President of Uzbekistan on 8

September 2016 following the death of President Islam Karimov.

 He graduated from the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration and also holds a
Candidate (PhD) degree in Technological Sciences.

 From 1996 to September 2001, he served as the governor of Jizzakh Region, then as
governor of Samarqand Region from September 2001 until his appointment as Prime
Minister in 2003.

 On 12 December 2003, he was nominated as Prime Minister by President Islam Karimov.

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At least 54 people are died and several more were grievously injured after an earthquake with a
magnitude of 6.4 hit the coast of Aceh, a province located at the northern end of Sumatra,

It is the same province that was worst-hit by the devastating 2004 earthquake and tsunami,
which also tore apart several areas in India, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. A total of around 170,000
people were killed in Aceh alone and around 500 had become homeless at that time.


 The quake hit in the early hours of the morning. The initial quake was followed up by
five aftershocks

 The district closest to the epicentre, Pidie Jaya has suffered the maximum loss. The
regency is about 110 km away from Aceh’s capital city, Banda Aceh.

 A total of over 200 homes and shops have collapsed. Several mosques have also been
severely damaged along with one school and a local hospital.

 Many people were feared to be trapped inside the rubble, causing frantic rescue efforts.

 At least 54 people are feared to be dead and 70 or more injured. Several children are
reported to be among those who have lost their lives.

 According to Indonesia’s meteorological agency, there was no risk of a tsunami after the

 Many people left their homes and are now reluctant to go back.

 Earth movers being deployed to clear rubble and rescue victims trapped beneath the

 Though power is out in several parts of the region, the Aceh International Airport is
functioning normally.

The rescue operation is being led by the National Search and Rescue Agency with the support of
Indonesian police and military personnel.

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The European Union (EU) on 6 December 2016 approved Microsoft’s USD 26 billion acquisition
of LinkedIn Corporation.

The Executive Arm of the European Commission stated that it was clearing the deal on the
condition that, Microsoft, post merger will allow other professional networking sites access to
programming commands for its office applications and cloud-computing services for the next
five years. The EU also said that Microsoft must also grant computer manufacturers the option
not to install the LinkedIn shortcut on desktop devices.

The EU’s clearance was the final hurdle to closing of the deal, following approvals in the U.S.,
Canada, Brazil and South Africa.


 Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology company.

 It is headquartered in Redmond, Washington.

 The company develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software,
consumer electronics and personal computers and services.

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 The best known software products of the company are the Microsoft Windows line of
operating systems, Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer etc.

 It was founded by Paul Allen and Bill Gates on 4 April 1975.


 LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking service.

 It was founded on 14 December 2002 and launched on 5 May 2003.

 As of 2015, most of the site's revenue came from selling access to information about its
users to recruiters and sales professionals.


 Software giant Microsoft had announced its deal with LinkedIn on 13 June 2016.

 As per the agreement, Microsoft will acquire LinkedIn for USD 196 per share in an all-
cash transaction valued at 26.2 billion dollar, inclusive of LinkedIn’s net cash.

 As per the deal, LinkedIn will retain its distinct brand, culture and independence.


The interior minister of the French Government, Bernard Cazeneuve has been named as the
new Prime Minister of the nation, succeeding Manuel Valls.

Cazeneuve’s role has been especially significant

for the French government, as he oversaw all the
operations of the French security forces following
the Paris and Nice terror attacks. He will take
charge of the Socialist government until the
parliamentary elections, which are scheduled to
be held in June 2017.

With just five months remaining until the final

vote, Cazeneuve is not expected to make many
changes in the government.

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 He started his career as a legal adviser in the Groupe Banque Populaire.

 He first rose to popularity when he was elected as a deputy of the National Assembly
representing Manche in 1997 and then as a Mayor of Cherbourg in 2001.

 His first government position came when he was appointed as the spokesman of the
Socialist government in 2012.

 A Hollande loyalist, Cazeneuve was appointed as the Minister of State for Budget after
Jerome Cahuzac was forced to resign following a tax fraud scandal.

 In 2014, he was made the interior minister, a post similar to that of the Home Minister.

 His sober and composed way of tackling the terror situation was deeply appreciated by
the French public during these last two years.

Bruno Le Roux, leader of the Socialists in the National Assembly, has been named as the
successor of Cazeneuve as the Interior Minister of France. It will be Roux’s first appointment in
a government post.

Former Prime Minister Valls exited the office to compete in the French presidential race. If he
succeeds in winning the presidential primary in January 2017 then, he would be pitted against
Francois Fillon and Marine Le Pen in the first leg of the competition in April next year.

Valls’ announcement came after current French President Francois Hollande declined the offer
of seeking a second term in office. This is the first time in French history that a president has
refused to seek a second term.

The Presidential elections will be held in two rounds spanning over the months of April and May
followed by legislative elections in June.


The international financial institution, World Bank has cancelled a $100 million loan to Pakistan
that was meant to be for a natural gas efficiency project.

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The loan was cancelled, as the gas distribution company that was responsible for the project,
failed to make any progress in achieving its developmental objectives and showed very less
interest in the project overall.

The company in question is Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) and it was supposed to initiate
the project in its distribution areas located in Karachi, Balochistan, and interiors of Sindh. The
main aim of the project was to increase the supply of natural gas in the designated areas by
reducing gas loss in the pipeline system.

However, it failed to complete its procurement process in time due to bureaucratic processes
and the management of SSGC stated that delay in the procurement process led to the failure of
the project.

According to a report by the World Bank, failure of the project resulted in its closure. With it,
the level of unaccounted-for gas (UFG) increased in the country. UFG mostly arises from broken
or leaking pipelines and gas theft, which happens through tampered metres and illegal

So, instead of sanctioning the originally decided amount of $200 million, the World Bank just
handed over $0.25 million. Apart from this, the international institution also stated that the
company should have been more cautious and the country should not have initiated such a
project in the first place when the company-in-charge itself showed such less interest.


The 2016 World Power Language Index (PLI) in the first week of December 2016 announced
that English language is the most powerful language in the world. The index was published by
World Economic Forum (WEF).

The Index ranked English first in the top 10 most powerful languages in the world. Hindi
language was ranked 10th in the 2016 PLI.


 English language is the dominant language of three G7 nations (USA, UK and Canada).

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 As per the WEF, the British legacy has given English a global footprint. It is the world’s
lingua franca.

 Eight of the 10 global financial centres are English-speaking/proficient cities.

 Four of the 10 most competitive economies have English as an official language. The
remaining six have high share of English speakers and/or a high proficiency in English,
with the exception of Japan.


Rank Language Score

1. English 0.889

2. Mandarin 0.411

3. French 0.337

4. Spanish 0.329

5. Arabic 0.273

6. Russian 0.244

7. German 0.191

8. Japanese 0.133

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9. Portuguese 0.119

10. Hindi 0.117

Key facts

 The top six languages in the ranking are the official languages of the United Nations.

 The remaining four languages include the two other BRIC languages (Portuguese and
Hindi), and the tongues of two economic heavyweights (Germany and Japan).

The basis for ranking the most powerful languages

 The Power Language Index uses 20 indicators to measure the influence of language.

 It measures the usefulness of a language to a representative human being.

 It is not meant to apply to any particular person with their own set of conditions,
preferences and geography.

 The index is not a measure of the beauty/merit of a language or its associated culture(s).


India on 8 December 2016 was formally designated as a ‘Major Defence Partner’ of the United
States. It was announced in the India-US joint statement on US Secretary of Defence Ashton
Carter’s visit to New Delhi.

Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar had invited US Secretary of Defence Ashton Carter to
India. It marked the seventh interaction between the two leaders.

Now what?

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 The designation is a status unique to India and institutionalizes the progress made to
facilitate defence trade and technology sharing with India to a level at par with that of
the United States’ closest allies and partners.

 The designation also ensures enduring cooperation in future.

 However, the two sides, in the joint statement, did not specify details of the benefits
that will accrue to India under the designation.


 India’s Major Defence Partner status has been made a part of the India Amendment in
the National Defence Authorization Act, 2017 (NDAA), approved by the US Congress to
allocate funds annually to the US military. This Bill is expected to be passed shortly,
which will put an official stamp on India’s status.

 Under the India Amendment in the NDAA 2017, the USA will inform the review of
requests to export defence articles, defence services or related technology to India
under the Arms Export Control Act. It will also inform any regulatory and policy
adjustments that may be appropriate.

 Also, an American official will be designated to ensure the success of the Framework for
the United States-India Defence Relationship, which was signed in 2015. The designated
associate will approve and facilitate the transfer of advanced technology, and will also
strengthen the effectiveness of the US-India Defence Trade and Technology Initiative
and the stability of the India Rapid Reaction Cell in Pentagon.


The United States had recognised India as a Major Defence Partner during Prime Minister
Narendra Modi’s trip to Washington in June 2016. The joint statement issued then had
acknowledged the US-India defence relationship as a possible “anchor of stability.”

Union Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar had given a non-paper to Carter during his visit to
Pentagon in August 2016. The visit was followed by negotiations between the two sides on the
exact contours of this designation. There were differences between the two sides about the
level of technology transfer and cooperation permissible under the Major Defence Partner
status. India was seeking benefits granted to the closest allies of the US, such as Australia and
the UK which the Pentagon was hesitant to concede.

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To enhance the bilateral ties between the
two nations, India and Vietnam on 9
December 2016 signed a civil nuclear
cooperation agreement. The agreement
was signed in New Delhi in the presence of
Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan and
visiting President of Vietnam's National
Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan.

Ngan is the first woman to head the

National Assembly of Vietnam.

The MoU on civil nuclear cooperation was

inked by Secretary of Department of
Atomic Energy Sekhar Basu and Deputy Minister of Science and Technology of Vietnam Pham
Cong Tac.

This is the second nuclear pact signed by India within a month. Earlier in November 2016, India
signed a similar civil nuclear agreement with Japan.

Vietnam is the 14th country with which India signed acivil nuclear deal.

Apart from this civil nuclear agreement, the two nations also signed three other agreements to
enhance aviation links, to jointly work in the area of energy efficiency and promotion of
parliamentary cooperation.

Besides, Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan also called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi.
During the meeting, Modi welcomed increased Parliamentary interactions between the two
countries and called for instituting an exchange programme for young parliamentarians.

Comment: The bilateral agreement on cooperation on peaceful use of Atomic Energy will
strengthen the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the two nations, namely India
and Vietnam.

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China on 9 December 2016 launched a new cargo service connecting Tibet and Nepal. On the
occasion of the launch, dozens of trucks carrying goods worth 2.8 million dollars left the Tibetan
border port of Gyirong en route to Kathmandu.

The trucks complete 870 kilometre of the journey, carrying goods to Gyirong and then to the
final stop in Kathmandu, Nepal's capital.

Besides, a train carrying several products like clothes, shoes, furniture, hats, appliances,
electronics’ and building materials travelled the 5200 kilometer distance between Guangzhou,
the capital of Guangdong Province, and Xigaze in Tibet.

The new rail and road cargo service that connects Guangdong, Tibet and Nepal, was launched
with the objective to enhance trade with the South Asian neighbour in line with China's Belt
and Road (Silk Road) initiative.

This was the first consignment that was sent to Nepal by China after the Prachanda government
took over the charge from former Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli. The transit trade deal was
signed between Nepal and China in March 2016 during Oli’s tenure as Prime Minister of Nepal.
The deal was signed to end India’s hegemony with regard to Nepal’s dependence on trade.

During the signing ceremony of the agreement, China agreed to Oli’s request of building a
strategic railway link between the two nations from Gyirong and Nepal. Gyirong is the last
Tibetan county, which shares its border with Nepal.


Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, on 9 December 2016 announced that his
government and the majority of Canada’s provinces had agreed on a national carbon pricing

PM Trudeau has been working on a national carbon pricing plan with the provinces for months.
He termed the framework agreement on the carbon tax as a historic pact. However, Canada's
10 provincial leaders are not unanimous in agreeing to Trudeau's carbon tax.

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Brad Wall, Saskatchewan Premier, had refused to agree to the tax, while Manitoba’s premier
said he hasn’t signed on yet because it wants more money for health care. On the other hand,
British Columbia Premier Christy Clark hesitated at first before reaching a compromise.

As per reports, Trudeau wants to impose a national carbon tax which would amount to
Canadian dollar 50 (USD 38) by 2022.

Comment: Trudeau’s plan to come up with the national carbon pricing is being haunted with
worries that the US is heading in an opposite direction. Worries are about the incoming
administration of Donald Trump who once called global warming a hoax. Trump said that he
carries plans to abandon the US’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions as part of the
international agreement signed in Paris in 2015.


India and Indonesia on 12 December 2016 released a joint
statement in New Delhi. The statement was released after
extensive talks between the Indian Prime Minister
Narendra Modi and the President of Indonesia Joko

Joko Widodo is on a two-day visit to India on the invitation

of Narendra Modi. This is the first bilateral visit to India by
the Indonesian President.


• Strategic Engagement: Both the leaders agreed to hold

annual summit meetings, including on the margins of multilateral events.

• They also welcomed the submission of a Vision Document 2025 by the India-Indonesia
Eminent Persons Group (EPG).

• The group had begun their work in early 2016 to suggest ways and means to deepen the
strategic engagement up to 2025 and beyond.

• Defence and Security Cooperation: They directed the two Defence Ministers to explore
collaboration between defence industries for the joint production of equipment including
capacity building cooperation.

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• The Leaders highlighted the importance of the maritime domain to their respective countries,
the surrounding regions, and the world.

• Comprehensive Economic Partnership: The Indian Prime Minister briefed the visiting
President about the business opportunities provided by the initiatives such as Make in India,
Digital India, Skill India, Smart City, Swachh Bharat and Start-Up India.

• President Widodo welcomed Prime Minister Modi’s initiatives in the area of renewable
energy, particularly the establishment of the International Solar Alliance.

• They welcomed the signing of the MoU between the Indonesian National Standardization
Agency (BSN) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) on Standardization Cooperation.

• Cultural and People-to-People Links: Both sides agreed to enhance cooperation on youth
affairs and sports and in this regard welcomed the signing of an MOU on Cooperation in Youth
Affairs and Sports.

• Cooperation in Responding to Common Challenges: The two leaders agreed to cooperate on

common challenges such as terrorism, the threat to freedom of navigation, an early conclusion
of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership negotiations, UNSC reforms, etc.



India and Indonesia on 12 December 2016 signed three agreements to boost the bilateral
relations between the two nations. They also resolved to deal with terrorism.

The agreements were signed in New Delhi after delegation-level talks that were held between
the two nations during the visit of Indonesian President Joko Widodo to India. President
Widodo was on a two-day visit to India from 12 December to 13 December 2016. This was the
first bilateral visit of an Indonesian President to India.



• MoU on Youth and Sports Cooperation: It was signed between the Union Ministry of Youth
Affairs and Sports and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Indonesia.

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• MoU on Standardization Cooperation between the Bureau of Indian Standards and the
National Standardization Agency of Indonesia.

• Joint Communiqué on the Voluntary International Cooperation to Combat Illegal, Unregulated

and Unreported (IUU) Fishing and to promote Sustainable Fisheries Governance between the
Union Government and the Government of Indonesia.

Beside these agreements, the two world’s most populous Muslim nations, India and Indonesia
also released a joint statement. The statement focuses on strategic engagement, defence and
security cooperation, economic cooperation, the culture of people to people link and more.


Italy’s Foreign Affairs Minister Paolo
Gentiloni was invited by President Sergio
Mattarella to form the new government on
11 December 2016. The decision comes in
the wake of Matteo Renzi’s resignation
following a referendum defeat in the

Renzi, whose term had almost neared three

years, took the decision to resign on 4
December 2016 after voters rejected the
constitutional reforms proposed by him.

Gentiloni, a close aid of the outgoing PM, will

now have to put together his own new
centre-left team before the parliamentary
confidence vote, which is due on 14 December 2016. He was chosen after the opposition
turned down the possibility of a national unity government and the President rejected
opposition’s demand for an immediate election.

It is vital that Gentiloni succeeds in assembling a government, as Italy has a lot of issues that
need immediate attention including international, economic and social issues. The state of the
country’s banking sector is also dwindling and instant action is also required to assist the

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ongoing relief efforts following a series of deadly earthquakes that shook the nation in August
and October.


• Prior to entering politics, Gentiloni had made a career in journalism.

• It was while serving as the director of an ecologist newspaper that he met Francesco Rutelli,
former mayor of Rome and became his close aid.

• His official career in politics started with his election as a Member of Parliament in 2001.

• He was elected as the Minister for Communications in 2006 under the Romano Prodi

• His true breakthrough came, when Matteo Renzi appointed him as the Foreign Affairs
minister in 2014 despite the fact that he lacked the international experience required for the

• If elected, he will become Italy’s fifth premier since 2011.

Though next general elections are due only in 2018, chances of Gentiloni surviving in the office
till then are very low, as many major opposition parties are demanding early elections as soon
as the new electoral law is approved by the Parliament. In fact, one Italian party Five Star
Movement has stated that it would boycott the upcoming confidence vote.


The world’s longest tunnel, Gotthard Base
Tunnel (GBT) in Switzerland was opened for
regular rail services on 11 December 2016.

It got a ceremonial wave off in June this year

with top European leaders like German
Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President
Francois Hollande hopping on to experience the
very first ride through the marvel. It will be
carrying passengers under the Swiss Alps from Zurich to Lugano.

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Key details

• With a length of 57 kilometres and a

depth of over 2300 metres, GBT is the
world’s longest and deepest tunnel.

• It is the first flat low-level route

through the Alps Mountain and is a
part of Swiss government’s New
Railway Link through the Alps (NRLA)

• It has not only outdone the 50.5

kilometre long Channel Tunnel
connecting Britain and France but has
also beaten Japan’s 53.9 kilometre long
Seikan tunnel.

• It took 17 years to reach completion

and its total cost amounts to around
US $11.8 billion.

• It comprises two single-track tunnels

that connect the municipalities of
Erstfeld and Bodio in Switzerland.

• In comparison to earlier 180, now

260 freight trains would be able to pass
through the Gotthard mountain range
each day.

• The ambitious project is Swiss-funded and was made possible through advanced tunnel-
boring machines.

The main purpose behind the construction of the tunnel was to do away with the cultural and
trading barrier that the Alps posed as in Europe since centuries. Though the opening of the
Gotthard road tunnel in 1980 made it possible for goods to be transported by road, fatal
accidents and adverse environmental effects led the authorities to come up with the plan of
building two base tunnels under the NRLA programme.

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While GBT is the second tunnel to be built under the programme, the first was the 34.6
kilometres long Lotschberg base tunnel, which was opened for commercial services in
December 2007.


New Zealand’s National party has chosen Bill English as
the country’s 39th Prime Minister. He will be
succeeding John Key, who announced his surprise
resignation last week.

English’s name was confirmed for the role during a

National Party meeting, which took place early on 12
December 2016. He was formerly serving the nation as
the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

While Paul Bennett will be replacing English as the new Deputy PM, senior Cabinet minister
Steven Joyce has been named as the new finance minister.


 He has been a politician for 26 years. He entered politics in 1990 when he was elected to
the Parliament as a National Party candidate.

 Prior to it, he was a farmer and a public servant with degrees in commerce and

 He was first appointed as the Finance Minister in 1999 but he couldn’t complete even a
year in office, as his party got defeated in the elections held in the same year.

 He replaced Jenny Shipley as the leader of the National Party in 2001. However, he was
replaced by Don Brash in 2003 following the party’s worst election defeat in 2002.

 In November 2006, he was named deputy under John Key’s leadership and after the
party’s 2008 win, he was sworn in as both Deputy PM and MoF, a role which he
continued to handle until 2016.

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 Under his leadership, the country saw a commendable growth in its annual GDP and a
fall in the unemployment rate.

English’s name was suggested for the role by outgoing PM John Key himself, as a result of which
he won the nomination unopposed. The two other contenders, Health Minister Jonathan
Coleman and Corrections Minister Judith Collins, conceded defeat last week itself.

In his new role, English will get to decide the date of next year’s general election. An early vote
is much expected. Outgoing PM John Key, who was widely expected to win his fourth straight
election next year, explained his sudden resignation by saying that he wanted to spend more
time with his family and couldn’t have possibly sat through an entire fourth term.


The agreement was signed by Cuban Foreign Minister
Bruno Rodriguez Parilla and EU Foreign Affairs Chief
Federica Mogherini.

Significance of the Agreement

• It seeks to normalise ties between the 28-nation

European Union and Cuba.

• Under its policy since 1996, the EU declined to continue ties with Cuba due to its poor record
on human rights front.

• The agreement facilitates EU’s continuous support for the economic and political
modernization efforts in Cuba.

• It also enables greater cooperation between the two entities to face common challenges such
as terrorism, climate change, WTO trade negotiations including the Doha Development Agenda,

• Assistance from a powerful trade and economic bloc like EU is necessary for the island nation
to save itself from the threat of climate change.

• For the European Union, global cooperation is necessary to tackle the menace of terrorism.

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• The political dialogue and cooperation are expected to give a boost to trade ties. At present,
the EU is the largest trading partner for Cuba outside the Latin American Region.

• Globally, the European grouping is the 2nd largest trading partner and a significant foreign
investor and provider of cooperation funds to Cuba.

• This is the first such a normalisation agreement signed by Cuba after the death of its iconic
leader in November 2016.

• During his tenure, Fidel Castro strongly opposed the USA and capitalist countries and
maintained the country’s economic system on the socialistic lines.

• The agreement also assumes much significance in the backdrop of Donald Trump’s recent
election victory as the President of the USA.

• Trump during his election campaign and even after the election showed his reluctance
towards normalization of relations with Cuba.

• Due to the close cooperation and strategic ties between the EU and the USA, it is expected to
see how the EU will continue its momentum vis-à-vis its relations with Cuba.


To tackle the world’s worst inflation, Venezuelan Government announced demonetisation of
Bolivar Fuerte 100 banknotes. The demonetisation will be effective in next 72 hours.

President Nicolas Maduro on 11 December 2016 announced that the Bolivar 100 banknotes,
worth only two US cents on the black money, will be withdrawn from the market on 14
December 2016. He also gave 10-days time to Venezuelans to exchange the notes at the central
bank of the country.

In addition to this demonetisation of the country’s biggest banknotes, Venezuelan President

also ordered the closure of the border with Colombia for 72 hours. This closure would help him
in cracking down on currency smuggling by what he has called mafias trying to destabilise the
socialist-run economy.

The border closure comes as Maduro is trying to curb Venezuela's galloping inflation and roll
out a new range of bank notes after announcing that the government would pull from
circulation a 100-bolivar bill.

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He warned that people would not be allowed to bring back bolivar 100 notes from outside
Venezuela to convert them in new bank notes.

Economic consultancy Ecoanalitica estimates suggests that at present Venezuela’s inflation rate
is estimated at 500%. This inflation has led to shortages in food and medicine in the country of
30 million population.

Bank data of the country’s central bank released in November 2016 suggests that more than 6
billion Bolivar 100 notes are in circulation in the country.

Apart from this, Maduro government will be introducing six larger notes and three new coins
from 15 December 2016. Of these, the largest will be of Bolivar 20000, which will be less than
USD 5 in the market.


A black civil rights leader Viola Desmond will appear on the new Canadian $10 banknote. The
announcement was made by Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau in December 2016.

She will be the first Canadian woman to figure on a banknote. She replaced the Canada's first
Prime Minister John A Macdonald. Macdonald will now move to a higher bill when new
banknotes will go into circulation in 2018.

Desmond is popularly known for her struggle against anti-black segregation and racism in
Canada in the 1940s.


• Businesswoman from a middle-class family, Desmond is best known for refusing to give up
her seat in the 'whites only' section of a cinema in Canada's eastern province of Nova Scotia in

• Eventually, she was thrown out of the segregated cinema by police and was held in prison
overnight along with imposition of penalty only for refusing to move to the upstairs balcony
reserved for black people.

• She was also illegally charged with not paying a small tax that was applied on a downstairs
ticket. But instead of letting the matter rest, Desmond decided to fight her conviction in court.

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• Her case was the first known legal challenge by a black woman against segregation laws in

• She had the support of local black community leaders and the Nova Scotia Association for the
Advancement of Coloured People.

• In 2010, she received a posthumous pardon from the province of Nova Scotia.

• She passed away in 1965.

A black civil rights leader Viola Desmond will appear on the new Canadian $10 banknote. The
announcement was made by Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau in December 2016.

She will be the first Canadian woman to figure on a banknote. She replaced the Canada's first
Prime Minister John A Macdonald. Macdonald will now move to a higher bill when new
banknotes will go into circulation in 2018.

Desmond is popularly known for her struggle against anti-black segregation and racism in
Canada in the 1940s.


• Businesswoman from a middle-class family, Desmond is best known for refusing to give up
her seat in the 'whites only' section of a cinema in Canada's eastern province of Nova Scotia in

• Eventually, she was thrown out of the segregated cinema by police and was held in prison
overnight along with imposition of penalty only for refusing to move to the upstairs balcony
reserved for black people.

• She was also illegally charged with not paying a small tax that was applied on a downstairs
ticket. But instead of letting the matter rest, Desmond decided to fight her conviction in court.

• Her case was the first known legal challenge by a black woman against segregation laws in

• She had the support of local black community leaders and the Nova Scotia Association for the
Advancement of Coloured People.

• In 2010, she received a posthumous pardon from the province of Nova Scotia.

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• She passed away in 1965.


The fifth edition of the India-Arab Partnership Conference concluded on 15 December 2016 in
Muscat, Oman. The two-day conference focused on devising strategies to boost economic
partnership between India and Arab League.

Highlights of 5th edition of India-Arab Partnership Conference

• The theme of the conference was - Partnership towards innovation and cooperation in
Information Technology.

• It was organised by the Oman Foreign Ministry and Arab League Secretariat in partnership
with the Union Ministry of External Affairs of India.

• The participants in the conference deliberated on means and ways to enhance the flow of
investments, accelerate the investment projects of prioritized sectors and export promotion.

• They also discussed several important topics in fields of technology, innovation, health,
pharma sector, clean technology, renewable energy, food security, education, skills
development and tourism sector.

• The 500 participants of the conference include officials from the Arab League, the Indian
Government, businessmen, investors and academicians.

• Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and Oman Chamber of
Commerce coordinated the conference.

• Other partners of the conference were Federation of Arab Businessmen (FAB) and the
General Union of Arab Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Agriculture (GUCCIA).

About Arab League

• The Arab League is a regional organization of Arab countries in and around North Africa, the
Horn of Africa and Arabia.

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• The League was formed in 1945 by 6 countries. At present, it has 22 members.

• It plays key a role in coordinating the foreign policies of the member states.

• Key member States of the league are – Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq,
Jordon, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia,
Sudan, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

• Its administrative centre is located in Cairo, Egypt.


The United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) on 13
December 2016 accorded the
World Heritage Site Status to
the Brazilian city of Rio de

The city has been registered as

Carioca Landscapes between
Mountain and Sea on the
UNESCO world heritage list.


The UNESCO announced World

Heritage Status to Rio de Janeiro on 1 July 2012. Subsequently, the city administration was
given four years time to report on their plans to protect landmark places such as Sugarloaf
Mountain, Flamengo Park, Copacabana beach, Botanical Garden and Tijuca forest, etc.

Upon reviewing these plans, the UNESCO authorities finally approved the World Heritage Status
to the city.


• It is also known as Marvelous City.

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• The city was founded by the Portuguese in 1565 primarily as a trade centre.

• At present, it is the second-most populous city in Brazil and the sixth-most populous city in
the American Continent.

• The city hosted the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup and 2014 FIFA World Cup.

• It also hosted the 2016 Summer Olympics and the 2016 Summer Paralympics.

• The city is better known across the world for its extraordinary fusion of man-made and
natural beauty, soaring granite cliffs, urban rainforest and beaches.


• The UNESCO accords the ‘Heritage Site’ tag to those sites that have special cultural or physical

• The World Heritage Sites List is maintained by international World Heritage Programme.

• The programme is administered by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.

• The committee comprises of 21 UNESCO member states that are elected by the United
Nations General Assembly.

• At present, Italy with 50 sites is home to the highest number of World Heritage Sites.


India and Tajikistan on 17 December 2016 signed 4
agreements to boost bilateral relations. The
agreements/Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs)
were signed in New Delhi during the State visit of
Tajikistan president Emomali Rahmon.

Details related to the agreements/MoUs

1. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed

between the Committee of television and radio of Tajikistan and the Prasar Bharati for
cooperation on broadcasting in exchange of audio visual programs.

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Prasar Bharati is the public service broadcaster of the country that manages All India Radio and

2. A protocol was signed that seeks to amend the agreement between Tajikistan and India for
the avoidance of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on

3. A MoU was signed between the Financial Intelligence Unit of India and the Financial
Monitoring Department of Tajikistan concerning cooperation in the exchange of financial
intelligence to deal with crimes related to money laundering and financing of terrorism.

4 . An agreement was signed to initiate bilateral investment treaty between both the countries.
The treaty will improve ease of doing business environment in India.


• Relations between India and Tajikistan have been close and cordial since the formation of
Republic of Tajikistan from the erstwhile Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) in 1991.

• India and Tajikistan elevated their bilateral relations to the level of a strategic partnership
during the visit of Tajikistan President Emomali Rahmon to India in 2012.

• The strategic partnership encompasses cooperation in a wide spectrum of areas, including

political, economic, education, health, human resource development, defence,
counterterrorism, science and technology, culture and tourism.

• Tajikistan played a supportive role in India’s accession to the Shanghai Cooperation

Organisation (SCO) in June 2016.

• Tajikistan is supportive of India’s permanent membership to the United Nations Security

Council (UNSC).


In an interesting new project, British Library- the national library of the United Kingdom- is
going to digitise 4000 early printed Bengali books, amounting to almost 800000 pages.

The project is being conducted as a part of the UK-India Year of Culture plans for 2017. It is also
a part of a wider project titled ‘Two Centuries of Indian Print’, which is an international

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partnership headed by British library to digitise all unique reading material from its South Asian
printed books collection.

The collection features books that are highly popular, covering almost 22 South Asian


• It will explore how digital research methods and tools can be applied to the unique digitised

• It will make South Asia’s rich literature accessible to everyone

• It has received a funding of almost 500000 pounds from Newton Fund.

• The publications that are going to be digitised include rare ones that do not survive in other
libraries and so, are in huge demand.

• It will see collaborations between the British Library and Indian institutions in order to
encourage the flow of knowledge and skill and to help the Indian institutions to build a research

• It will deliver digital skills workshops and training sessions at Indian institutions in order to
support innovative research within South Asian studies.


• It is the second largest library in the world, located in St Pancras, London.

• It is a major research library with almost 150 million reading pieces from countries across the

• The reading material stored in the library covers almost all languages and can be found in
various formats such as books, journals, newspapers, magazines, play-scripts, databases, maps,
drawings and sound recordings.

• Overall, the library has a stock of around 14 million books along with historical data and
manuscripts dating back to almost 2000 BC.

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The US Electoral College on 19 December 2016 formally elected Donald Trump as the President
of the nation. Six weeks after winning the polls, the Republican Candidate Trump was able to
secure the 270 votes needed to formalise his

In the voting by 538 electors across the country,

Trump comfortably crossed the 270 majority mark.
At the end of polling, he was able to secure 304
electoral votes, while Hillary Clinton garnered 227

While the result will be officially announced on 6

January 2017 in a special joint session of Congress,
he will assume the office on 20 January 2017.


• The Electoral College is a process, not a place.

• The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of

the President by a vote in Congress (direct election) and election of the President by a popular
vote of qualified citizens (indirect election).

• The college assigns each state certain number of electors that is equal to its total number of
members in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

• Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the District of Columbia is allocated 3
electors and treated like a State for purposes of the Electoral College.

• There are 50 States in the USA and the Electoral College consists of 538 electors in total.

• Though the number of members in the House of Representatives from each State varies, the
number of Senators from each State is two.

• A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President.

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• Each candidate running for President in a particular State has his or her own group of

• The electors are generally chosen by the candidate’s political party, but state laws vary on
how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are.

• Most states have a winner-take-all system that awards all electors to the winning presidential

• However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of proportional representation.


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on 19 December
2016 unveiled the landmark Charter on Citizen’s Rights
in Tehran.

The charter was unveiled to counter the accusations of

Western nations about Iran’s ongoing human rights
violations, including brutal practices such as public
execution, torture, violence against women and
discrimination against minorities.


• The charter is primarily aimed at restricting the powers of State agencies vis-à-vis citizen’s civil
and political rights.

• The charter guarantees a number of rights such as right to a fair trial, freedom of speech and
freedom f movement.

• The charter also provides for equality of law and non-discrimination on the basis of
nationality and religion.

• Though all these rights are provided in the post-Islamic revolution constitution of 1979, it is
for the first time a clear list is provided by the authorities.

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• However, it is still unclear that how far the institutions such as the judiciary and the
Revolutionary Guards are bound by this charter.

• Since the 1979 Islamic revolution, these powerful institutions are in the hands of
conservatives who are not answerable to the President of Iran.

• The hardliners argue that their priority is to protect the revolution against dissenters and
outside interference.


• He is the seventh president of Islamic Republic of Iran

• He assumed the office on 3 August 2013.

• He has been a member of Iran's Assembly of Experts since 1999 and also a member of the
Expediency Council since 1991.

• He is a member of the powerful Supreme National Security Council since 1989.

• In 2013, TIME magazine named him in its list of the 100 Most Influential People in the World.


The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on 19 December 2016 voted to deploy UN
observers to Syrian city Aleppo to monitor evacuations and report on the fate of civilians.

The council unanimously adopted a French-drafted resolution 2328 (2016) that marks the first
show of unity in months among world powers on the issue.

The measure tasks the UN with carrying out “adequate, neutral monitoring and direct
observation on evacuations from eastern Aleppo and other districts of the city”.


 Take note of the efforts to carry out evacuations of civilians and fighters from Aleppo.

 The evacuations must be conducted in accordance with international humanitarian law

and principles.

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 Ensure the voluntary, safe and dignified passage of all civilians from the eastern districts
of Aleppo under the monitoring of and coordination by the UN.

 All parties shall allow complete, immediate, unconditional, safe and unhindered access
for the UN to ensure that humanitarian assistance reaches people through the most
direct route.

 The Secretary-General must take urgent steps to make arrangements to allow the
observation by the Un of the well-being of civilians.

 The Secretary-General shall report to the Security Council on the implementation of this
resolution within 5 days of adoption of this resolution.


 Aleppo, the largest city in Syria, is seeing a major military confrontation (also known as
Battle of Aleppo) between the Syrian opposition in partial cooperation with the Army of
Conquest and the Syrian Armed Forces of the Syrian Government, supported by
Hezbollah and Shiite militias and Russia. The Army of Conquest includes Al-Nusra Front,
formerly al-Qaida's Syrian branch.

 The battle began on 19 July 2012. It is a part of the ongoing Syrian Civil War.

 The large scale devastation of the battle led combatants to name it the "mother of
battles" or "Syria's Stalingrad".

 The battle caused catastrophic destruction to the Old City of Aleppo, which is a UNESCO
World Heritage site.

 The battle represents one of the longest sieges in modern warfare and one of the
bloodiest battles of the Syrian Civil War.

 The battle left an estimated 31000 people dead, almost a tenth of the overall war
casualties, which is estimated to be at least 400000.

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Weeks after India demonetised its high-value currencies, Pakistan’s Senate on 19 December
2016 passed a resolution that seeks withdrawal of high denomination Rs 5000 currency notes.
This currency note will be withdrawn in a phased manner.

The resolution was passed with an aim to curb the flow of black money in the nation.

As per reports, the currency notes will be withdrawn in three to five years and this time period
will help the government to purge markets of the notes.

The resolution was tabled in the upper house of Pakistani Parliament by Senator Usman Saif
Ullah Khan of Pakistan Muslim League. His resolution was endorsed by the majority of

As per reports, the resolution said, the withdrawal of bank notes of Rs 5000 will encourage the
use of bank accounts. It will also reduce the size of the undocumented economy.

Zahid Hamid, a lawmaker, said that this withdrawal would create a situation of crisis in the
market and people will resort to foreign currencies in absence of banknotes of Rs 5000.

At present, 3.4 trillion notes are available in the market of Pakistan of which 1.02 trillion notes
are of Rs 5000 denominations.


The resolution and its aim hint that the move is inspired by India’s demonetisation, which was
announced on 8 November 2016 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. After the announcement,
banknotes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 were pulled out from circulation.

Earlier on 11 December 2016, Venezuelan government also announced the demonetisation of

Bolivar Fuerte 100 banknotes. He gave 10-days time to Venezuelans to exchange the notes at
the central bank of the country. Amid protests and looting, this time period of 10 days was
extended up to 2 January 2017.

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India and Kyrgyzstan on 20 December 2016 signed 6 agreements/Memorandums of
Understanding (MoUs) to boost bilateral cooperation.

The agreements were signed in New Delhi during the State visit of Kyrgyzstan President
Almazbek Atambaye.


1. MoU on cooperation in the field of Tourism: It was signed between the Ministry of Tourism
of India and the Ministry of Culture, Information and Tourism of the Government of Kyrgyz
Republic. Its objective is to mutually develop tourism as a major engine for economic growth
and employment.

2. Agreement on cooperation in the field of Agriculture and Food Industry: Its objective is to
facilitate cooperation in this field. The agreement also boosts trade opportunities for India in
agriculture commodities.

3. MoU on cooperation in the field of Youth development: The agreement was signed
between the Union Ministry of Youth Affairs and the state agency of Youth Affairs, Physical
Education and Sports of Kyrgyzstan.

The MoU facilitates deepening of mutual understanding between the representatives of the
younger generation of both countries and developing programmes for young entrepreneurs.

4. MoU on cooperation between Foreign Service Institute, MEA, New Delhi and Diplomatic
Academy of MOFA of Kyrgyzstan: The agreement will promote contacts and exchange of
students, faculty members and experts in the field of diplomacy.

5. MoU in the field of cooperation in youth exchange between NCC of India and Military
Lyceum of Kyrgyzstan: It seeks to have a country to a country exchange of cadets/youths to
participate in youth activities.

It also creates an increased awareness and appreciation of socio-cultural and socio-economic

realities prevailing in each other’s countries among the cadets.

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6. MoU on cooperation in the field of Broadcasting and exchange of audiovisual

programmes: The MoU was signed between Prasar Bharati of India and Public Broadcast
Corporation of Kyrgyzstan.

It strives for development and strategy of mutual friendly relations and strengthening of
cooperation in the field of broadcasting and exchange programmes in the field of education,
science, entertainment, sports and news of common interest.


Queen Victoria’s last letter to India has been put on display for the first time at the Victoria
Memorial, one of the finest monuments dedicated to the memory of the monarch. It is located
in Kolkata, the capital of Indian state, West Bengal.

The three-page letter, handwritten by the queen almost a month before her death, was
revealed for all to see on 16 December 2016 at the monument’s Prince hall.

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• Dating back to 14 December 1900, the 116-year-old letter bearing the Royal Seal was
addressed to the then Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon.

• It is a significant piece of historical evidence of the correspondence between Britain and

British India.

• It was gifted by Lord Curzon in 1904.

• It was written by the queen in response to an earlier correspondence with Lord Curzon who
had expressed his condolences on the death of one of her grandsons, Prince Christian Victor,
eldest son of the queen’s third daughter.

• It mostly contains references to the young Prince’s death. Prince Christian died on 29 October
1900 while fighting in the Second Boer War in Pretoria, South Africa.

• As the handwritten letter is over a century old, a typed version of it is also on display for the
convenience of visitors.


• She was the Queen of the United Kingdom from 20 June 1837 till her death on 22 January
• Fifth in line, she inherited the throne at the age of 18 after the death of her grandfather,
father and all his three elder brothers who left no surviving legitimate children.

• She was married to her first cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and had nine
children with him. Prince Albert passed away in 1861.

• She received the title of Empress of India on 1 May 1876, following the dissolution of the
British East India Company and transfer of powers from the company to the state after the
Indian revolt of 1857.

• The queen unlike the company was more balanced with her view of the conflict and
condemned the atrocities committed by both the sides.

• Her reign, which lasted for 63 years, is referred to as the Victorian era.

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The decision of building a memorial in the memory of the queen was taken within a few weeks
of her death. The Queen’s grandson and the then Prince of Wales, King George V laid the
foundation stone for the Memorial on 4 January 1906 and it was formally opened for public in
the year 1921.


United Kingdom’s Queen Elizabeth II will be stepping from her position as the patron of a
number of charities at the end of her 90th birthday year.

The decision was announced through a statement released by the Buckingham Palace,
residence and administrative headquarters of
the queen.

Key Highlights

• The queen, who is currently handling more

than 600 organisations, will step down as
patron of 25 charities.

• The patronage of these organizations will be

passed on to the other members of the Royal

• Some of the organizations include Holocaust

Day Memorial Trust, Blind Veterans UK,
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Children, Royal Navy and Royal Marines
Children’s Fund and Wimbledon.

• The transition will be smooth, as many of

these organizations already have a Royal Family member as a vice-patron or president.

• Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburg had also similarly resigned from a number of patronages when
he had turned 90 in 2011.

According to the palace’s statement, the queen will continue her work as patron to hundreds of
charities and institutions but will now just share the workload with her family.

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While acclaimed lawn tennis organisation, Wimbledon will go to Kate Middleton, the Duchess
of Cambridge who is a huge tennis fan, the Children’s charity Barnardo's will go to Camilla, the
Duchess of Cornwall and the patronage of Rugby Football Union will be taken over by rugby fan
Prince Harry. The names of patrons of other organisations are yet to be announced.


The White House in the fourth week of December 2016 permanently banned all new oil and gas
drilling in the US-owned waters of the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans.

This ban is being termed as a final effort to lock in environmental protections before current
President Barack Obama hands over his office to president-elect Donald Trump.

To implement the ban on the two Oceans, an area that is roughly equal to the size of Thailand
or Spain on Arctic and 31 sea canyons in the Arctic, Obama used a law of 1953 under which a
president can block the mining and sale of new offshore drilling rights. The law makes it difficult
for his/her successors to reverse the decision.

The ban was jointly announced by Obama and Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister.


Outgoing President Obama’s decision comes at a time of his departure from his office holds its
ground. It holds ground because of his difference, in relation to policies related to the
environment, between him and the president-elect Trump.

Obama, who signed the Paris climate agreement in 2015, supports the ambitious plan of
reducing the global warming. But Trump had a different opinion on the agreement and has
threatened to cancel the Paris climate agreement. The president-elect has said that he will use
the untapped energy reserves of the country and exploit its fossil fuels.

This decision of Obama will act as a blockade for Trump and his dream of exploiting the fossil
fuels of these two oceans. For revocation of the ban, Trump will have to challenge the action in
the court.

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The action came at the backdrop of demand of climate scientists, who urged incumbent-
President Obama to come up with some regulations or executive order that can protect his
climatic legacy. They term Trump’s presidency as a disaster to the planet.


Hong Kong, the special administrative region of China has withdrawn its previous visa-free
facility for Indians. The announcement was made by the Hong Kong Immigration Department
on its official website.

According to the Immigration department’s statement, all Indian tourists will have to complete
a pre-arrival registration in order to gain permission to enter the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region (HKSAR).


• The pre- arrival registration for Indian Nationals will be implemented from 23 January 2017.
Its online service has already been opened.

• The registration will not be required for Indians in direct transit by air and those who will not
be leaving the airport transit area.

• This new rule is a setback for millions of Indians who travel to the region for trade, business
and leisure purposes.

Earlier, Indians with valid passport were permitted to enter Hong Kong for a period of 14 days
without having a visa. The facility has been reportedly revoked due to the rise in the number
Indian asylum seekers.

According to some Indian officials, Hong Kong is just using the excuse of asylum seekers to deny
visa-free entry to Indians who are among the largest spenders, contributing heavily to the local
economy. There are also reports that suggest that the move has been brought on due to
increasing pressure from China.

Ma Chi-ming, Assistant Director of Hong Kong’s Immigration, who is in charge of visas and
policies, stated that this newly introduced system will undergo a review after its launch.

Among the current 10,335 refugee applications in the region, about 80 percent are from India,
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Vietnam and except for Indians, all others require visas to

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enter the country. The number of asylum seekers is especially high in Hong Kong due to its
liberal procedures.

While this announcement is definitely disheartening, there is some relief for Indian tourists, as
Thailand on the other hand, has halved the visa on arrival fees for Indian tourists.


Nepal is all set to hold its first-ever military exercise with China on 10 February 2017. The
decision to initiate this new level of bilateral engagement was taken during Nepal’s Army Chief
General Rajendra Chhetri’s visit to Beijing in March 2016.

The military exercise called Pratikar-1 will focus on training Nepali forces in dealing with
extreme situations like hostage situation involving international militant groups. This will make
Kathmandu more prepared in dealing with terror attacks like the one that happened in Dhaka’s
Holey Artisan bakery in July 2016, causing the death of numerous innocent civilians.

Nepal has conducted similar military drills with India as well.

Though this new relationship between Nepal and China does not violate the 1950 Indo-Nepal
Treaty of Peace and Friendship, it does not stand well for India either due to its strained
relationship with the latter.


• The region of Tibet has played a huge role in straining the relationship between the two
- India’s move of providing a safe haven to Tibetan leader Dalai Lama invited a lot of flak from
the Chinese government, leading to the Sino-Indian war of 1962. Lama was allowed to be in
India on a condition that he will not be involved in any political activity.

• Apart from this, the two nations share a very sensitive border relation:
- One major area of dispute is the Aksai Chin region in Ladakh. At present, Aksai Chin is under
the administration of China.

• China’s growing closeness with Pakistan is another issue of contention for India.

Despite the ongoing tensions, both the nations have successfully developed good trade
relations and also extended their strategic and military relations.

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Initially, Nepal too shared a strained relationship with China over the Tibet issue. However,
their relationship has improved significantly over the years. In March this year, both the nations
signed a transit trade treaty and very recently on 9 December 2016, China launched a new
cargo service connecting Tibet and Nepal.


China’s parliament on 25 December 2016 passed a law levying specific environmental
protection taxes on its heavy industry, effective from 1 January 2018. The law, first of its kind, is
an effort by the nation to renew its fight against pollution.

The move follows the utter failure of the government in tackling with issues related to pollution
including air, water and land pollution. Recently, a dangerous smog had enveloped almost
whole of northern China.

According to China’s finance ministry, tax revenue is an important economic way to promote
environmental protection.


• The tax rate would be 1.2 yuan per unit of atmospheric pollution, 5 yuan per ton of coal
waste, 1.4 yuan per unit of water pollution and 1000 yuan per ton of hazardous waste.

• Apart from this, 350 yuan will be levied per month on Industrial noise polluters if they cross
the limit by 1-3 decibels, 700 yuan for crossing 4-6 decibels and 11200 yuan for crossing the
limit by 16 decibels or more.

• This new law will replace all the earlier miscellaneous charges levied on emissions, which have
been regarded as too low to deter polluters.

According to the Chinese Environment Minister Chen Jining, the new policy has not been
created to increase the tax burden on enterprises but instead to improve the system and
encourage them to reduce emissions. From now on, the more these enterprises will emit the
more they will have to pay and the less they emit the less they will have to pay.

The law was passed after a series of delays as other departments of the Chinese Ministry –
Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration and local governments were worried
about losing revenue once the earlier charges on emissions got replaced.

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Apart from this, some government researchers have pointed out the clear omission of carbon
dioxide from the levying list despite the fact that it is one of the major contributors to global


The Union Cabinet on 28 December 2016 gave its ex-post facto approval for ratification of ISA’s
Framework Agreement of International Solar Alliance (ISA) by India.

The approval was given at a meeting of the cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in
New Delhi.


• It is an alliance of 121 nations that are primarily situated between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic
of Capricorn launched on 30 November 2015.

• The International Solar Alliance (ISA) was jointly launched by Indian Prime Minister Narendra
Modi and France President Francois Hollande in Paris on the sidelines of the Conference of
Parties 21 (CoP21) of the United Nations climate change conference (UNFCCC).

• It is considered as first international and inter-governmental organization mooted by India.


• It tries to improve living standards by facilitating greater access to energy.

• The ISA works with partner countries to formulate projects and programmes to accelerate
development and deployment of existing clean solar energy technologies.

• It also develops innovative financial mechanisms to reduce cost of capital.

• It is also instrumental in spreading knowledge about solar energy through knowledge e-


• It facilitates capacity building for promotion and absorption of solar technologies and
research and development activities among member countries.
• It encourages multilateral bodies like the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the

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International Energy Agency (IEA) and agencies of the United Nations to contribute towards
enhanced use of solar energy.


• Its governance structure consists of an Assembly, a Council and a Secretariat.

• The Assembly will provide guidance, direction and advice to the Secretariat for undertaking
the activities.

• Its headquarters is located in Gurugram, Haryana.

• The Framework Agreement was opened for signature on the sidelines of 22nd CoP of the
UNFCCC meeting at Marrakesh, Morocco.

• The agreement invokes the Paris Declaration on ISA and encapsulates the vision of the
prospective member nations.

• UNDP and World Bank have already announced their partnership with the ISA.

• So far, 25 nations, including India, have signed the Framework Agreement.


Nepal rejected India’s ‘open sky’ proposal at a meeting held at New Delhi on 20 December
2016. The proposal was to allow unlimited flights between the two countries.

Nepal explained its decision by saying that it was not ready for the agreement and might
consider it two years later. Currently, airlines of both the nations are allowed to operate only
30000 seats from each side.


• India and Nepal signed a memorandum of understanding to create a joint technical

committee, which will be responsible for looking into Nepal’s request for developing new air
routes and entry points at its Bhairahawa, Janakpur and Nepalgunj airports.

• The committee would convene in the first week of February 2017 to check the feasibility of
the requested routes.

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• Nepal has been looking to ease congestion on its existing air routes since long to save time
and cost for its passengers. To enable the same, the nation is building a major international
airport at Bhairahawa in Lumbini, western Nepal. Another airport at Pokhara is also being
developed to reach up to international standards.

• The topic of increased air routes and service was raised in the joint statement issued by India
and Nepal during the visit of Nepal’s Prime Minister, Pushpa Kamal Dahal.

According to the National Civil Aviation Policy, which was approved by the Union Cabinet earlier
this year, India plans to initiate the ‘open sky’ agreement with all the SAARC countries and even
those located beyond 5000 km radius from New Delhi.

Nepal to hold military exercise with China

India has already signed agreements with countries like Sri Lanka, Guyana, Czech Republic,
Jamaica, Spain and Finland to allow airlines to employ unlimited flights to Indian cities such as
Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Kolkata.


• Generally, countries sign air agreements to decide the number of flights that airlines can fly
between them.

•‘Open sky’ agreement, however, means relaxation of all the rules and regulations. Under the
agreement, there would be no restriction or limit on the number of flights and seats.

• India currently doesn’t have any ‘open sky’ agreement with Nepal, Pakistan and Afghanistan
among the SAARC countries. It does though allow unlimited flights from Maldives and
Bangladesh at 18 of its domestic airports, from Sri Lanka at 23 airports and from Bhutan at all of
its airports.

Hence, Nepal’s rejection to the proposal comes as a huge blow to India, especially since it was
looking to counter the nation’s recent engagement with China for a military exercise and earlier
this year for a transit trade treaty.

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India and Bhutan in December 2016 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for
extending technical cooperation in infrastructure engineering.

The MoU was signed between the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) of India and
Bhutan’s Department of Engineering Services in Thimpu.


• Promoting sustainability in the built environment

• Capacity building through training of Bhutanese manpower

• Benchmarking in building and road sectors

Besides, the CPWD also deploy engineering experts in Bhutan to achieve the above objectives.


• CPWD came into existence in July 1854 when Lord Dalhousie established a central agency for
execution of public works.

• The central agency was named as Ajmer Provincial Division. It was later renamed as the
Central Public Works Department.

• It has the professional expertise in disciplines including architecture, engineering, project

management coupled with comprehensive experience in building construction and

• In the last 162 years, the agency has executed priority of works in difficult and demanding
geographical and climatic conditions.

• It is a comprehensive construction management department, which provides services from

project concept to completion, consultancy and maintenance management.

• It is headed by Director General (DG) who is also the Principal Technical Advisor to the Union

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• The regions and sub-regions are headed by Special DGs and Additional DGs respectively, while
the zones in all state capitals are headed by Chief Engineers.

• It has a pan-India presence and has the ability to undertake construction of complex projects
even in difficult terrain and maintenance in post construction stage.

• It had been involved in construction of stadiums and other infrastructure requirements for
Asian Games 1982 and Commonwealth Games 2010.

• The CPWD successfully completed the construction of Afghanistan Parliament building in a

hostile environment.

• The landmark project was inaugurated by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in December

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The Central Statistical Office (CSO) on 30 November 2016 announced that India’s Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) growth accelerated to 7.3 percent in the second quarter (July-
September) of 2016-17 financial year from a provisional 7.1 percent expansion in the previous

On the other hand, the Gross Value Added (GVA) increased to 7.1 percent. While GDP growth
accelerated in the second quarter from the 7.1 percent seen in the April-June quarter, GVA
growth slowed from the 7.3 percent registered in that period.

Both GDP and GVA growth were slower in Q2 of this financial year as compared with the Q2 of
2015-16. The Q2 of 2015-16 showed a GDP growth of 7.6 percent and GVA growth of 7.3


• The agriculture sector maintained the overall growth by registering a 3.3 percent GVA growth
rate in Q2 of this financial year in comparison with 2 percent in Q2 of 2015-16.

• The manufacturing sector saw a significant slowdown as it registered a GVA growth of 7.1 per
cent in Q2 of this financial year as compared with 9.2 percent in Q2 of 2015-16.

• The mining and quarrying sector slowed down by 1.5 percent in Q2 compared with the
contraction of 0.4 percent in the first quarter and a growth of 5 percent in Q2 of 2015-16.

• Output in sectors such as manufacturing, electricity, mining, services and others show a fall in
the September quarter because they are not supported by demand.

• There was a drop in outputs across all sectors except for agriculture, construction and public

• Gross fixed capital formation was only 29 percent of GDP in Q2 of this financial year as
compared with 32.9 percent in Q2 of 2015-16.

• On the other hand, Government final consumption expenditure was 13 percent of GDP in the
second quarter of this financial year compared with 12.1 percent in the previous year.

• Government final consumption expenditure (GFCE) grew 18.8 percent in Q1 of FY 2016-17

and 15.2 percent in Q2 of FY 2016-17.

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• Union Government’s Capital Expenditure (Plan and non-Plan) declined 12.81 percent to Rs
124959 crore in the quarter against Rs 143329 crore in the year-ago period.


GDP growth numbers for the first half of the current fiscal year revealed a good and consistent
performance but lot of uncertainty remains on the outlook for the second half of the year with
the implementation of demonetisation plan of PM Narendra Modi.

With the scraping of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 banknotes as a part of the attack on tax dodgers and
black money launderers, the outlook for upcoming quarters is not encouraging as this decision
has removed 86 percent of the currency in circulation in a country where most of the
transactions are done in cash.

Supply chains of all sectors have already crumbled up. Trucks are stuck with no money for fuel,
farmers have run out of cash, workers and labourers are not loading goods for free and the
distributors are unable to make payments. Moreover, the Wholesale markets in many cities are

At this point of time when India remains the world’s fastest growing major economy ahead of
6.7 percent GDP of China, uncertainties hover over India's ability to hold on to the accelerating
growth following the demonetisation drive.


NITI Aayog, under the banner of the Union Government, on 30 November 2016 constituted a
13-member committee to promote cashless economy.

The committee will be headed by Andhra Pradesh

CM Chandrababu Naidu.

The committee will be formed by Chief Ministers of

various states representing different political
parties to examine and promote the use of digital
payment systems across the country.

It will formulate a roadmap to approach the

cashless-ness in India.

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Chandrababu Naidu (Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh) Convener

Naveen Patnaik (Chief Minister of Odisha) Member

Shivraj Singh Chouhan (Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh) Member

Pawan Kumar Chamling (Chief Minister of Sikkim) Member

V. Narayanasamy (Chief Minister of Puducherry) Member

Devendra Fadnavis (Chief Minister of Maharashtra) Member

Arvind Panagariya (Vice- Chairman of NITI Aayog) Member

Amitabh Kant (CEO of NITI Aayog) Member Secretary

Nandan Nilekani (Former Chairman, UIDAI) Special invitee

Janmejaya Sinha (Chairman, Boston Consulting Group) Special invitee

Rajesh Jain (Managing Director, netCORE) Special invitee

Sharad Sharma (Co-founder, iSPIRIT) Special invitee

Jayant Varma (Professor (Finance) at IIM Ahmedabad) Special invitee

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• The committee will identify the best global practices for implementing an economy primarily
based on digital payment.

• It will identify and outline measures for rapid expansion and adoption of the system of digital
payments like cards (Debit, Credit and pre-paid), Digital-wallets, internet banking, Unified
Payments Interface (UPI), banking apps, etc.

• It will develop an action plan to reach out to the public at large with the objective to create
awareness and help them understand the benefits of switching over to a digital economy.

• It will prepare a roadmap for the administrative machineries in the States to facilitate
adoption of digital modes of financial transactions.

• It will identify and address problems and indicate solutions pertaining to adoption of the steps
required to move towards a digital economy.

• It will associate with the key stakeholders for implementation of the suggested steps.

• It will examine and address any other associated issues which are not specifically mentioned
and will devise its own procedures for conducting business, meetings or even constitution of


The Competition Commission of India (CCI) in the last week of November 2016 approved the
merger of Bharatiya Mahila Bank Ltd (BMBL) with the country's largest lender State Bank of
India (SBI).


• The combination is in the form of amalgamation whereby the business of BMBL, including its
assets and liabilities, will be acquired by SBI.

• While SBI has global presence, including offices in 37 countries, BMBL is a nascent bank set up
in November 2013.

• In the case of BMBL, 44231510 shares of SBI would be swapped for every 100 crore shares of
face value of Rs. 10 each.

• Post merger of the six entities, including BMBL, the consolidated entity will add Rs. 8 lakh
crore to SBI's assets.

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• On 17 May 2016, SBI had informed the Bombay Stock Exchange that it is seeking in-principle
sanction of the Union Government to enter into negotiation with its 5 subsidiaries and
Bharatiya Mahila Bank for acquisition.

• The five subsidiaries are:

1. State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur

2. State Bank of Hyderabad
3. State Bank of Mysore
4. State Bank of Patiala
5. State Bank of Travancore

• State Bank of Saurashtra was the first associate who merged with SBI in 2008. Two years later,
in 2010, State Bank of Indore was merged.

• The board of SBI had cleared the merger of BMBL and that of five associate lenders with itself
in August 2016.


Raj Bhawan of Himachal Pradesh on 30 November 2016 adopted the cashless system for all
kind of payments. Governor Acharya Devvrat has directed Raj Bhawan’s officials in Shimla to
use a cashless system or cheques for all kind of payments.

The direction was issued after the Prime Minister’s appeal in this regard.

As per the reports, the payments of Raj Bhawan would be made online, through cheques or
other mode of e-payments.

Apart from this, Governor Devvrat has also appealed students, teachers and NGO are to make
common people aware about the cashless system.

Possibly, Himachal Rajbhawan is the first in the country to adopt such cashless techniques so

Beside Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh is also planning to launch a mobile wallet with the
name 'AP Purse' to help the public in the adoption of cashless payments. The plan was
announced by Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu. He said that his government would be the
first state in India to switch to digital transactions.

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Prakash Javadekar, the Union Minister for Human Resource Development, on 1 December 2016
launched ‘Vittiya Saksharata Abhiyan’. The Abhiyan aims at making people aware about the
cashless economic system.

The programme was launched in line to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s appeal to youth in
Mann Ki Baat, where Prime Minister called for spreading awareness among people about digital
economy and cashless modes of transactions.

For creation of a cashless economy, Javadekar appealed to the faculty and especially young
students to come forward and join Vittiya Saksharata Abhiyan. They, the youth and teachers,
can help in encouraging people around them to use a digitally enabled cashless economic
system for transfer of funds.

For participation of youth and faculty, HRD Minister also launched a webpage where students
can register themselves. They can also provide their feedback and suggestions on the initiative
as well as upload the progress of their work.

Comment: At present, India is undergoing transformational shift towards digital economy and
youth can be an agent of change in this process of transformation.

Besides, the HRD Minister also appealed to higher education institutes to receive nothing in
cash (fee/fines/deposits) and pay nothing in cash (wages/salaries/vendor payments). He asked
these institutions to develop a cashless campus (canteens/covering shops/services)


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 4 December 2016 announced that it will issue new Rs 50 and
Rs 20 denomination banknotes.

However, the old Rs 50 and Rs 20 notes will also continue to be legal tender.

Features of Rs 50 denomination banknotes

• These notes of the Mahatma Gandhi Series-2005 will not have inset letter in both the number

• It will bear the signature of Dr Urjit R Patel, Governor of Reserve Bank of India.

• The year of printing that is '2016' will be printed on the reverse of the banknote.

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• The design and security features of these banknotes will be similar to the banknotes of old Rs
50 denomination with the ascending font of numerals in both the number panels and without
intaglio print that was issued earlier in Mahatma Gandhi Series- 2005.


• The new Rs 20 denomination currency notes will be printed with inset letter ‘L’ in both the
number panels.

• It will bear the signature of Dr Urjit R Patel, Governor of Reserve Bank of India.

• The year of printing '2016' will be printed on the backside of the banknote.

• The design and security features of these banknotes will be similar to the old banknotes of Rs
20 with the ascending font of numerals in both the number panels and without intaglio print
that was issued earlier in Mahatma Gandhi Series- 2005.


TO RS 2000
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 6 December 2016 relaxed the norms for Additional Factor of
Authentication (AFA) for online card transactions of up to Rs 2000.

However, only authorised card networks will provide such payment authentication solutions for
online CNP (Card Not Present) transactions.

Customers opting for this facility will go through a one-time registration process by entering the
card details and additional factor authentication by the issuing bank. Thereafter, the registered
customers will not be required to re-enter the card details for every transaction at merchant
websites or apps.

However, the relaxation in the process of online card transactions comes with some
conditions. Have a look:

 Only authorised card networks can provide such payment authentication solutions with
participation of card issuing and acquiring banks.

 Customers’ consent shall be taken while making this solution available to them.

 The relaxation for AFA for such solutions shall be applicable for card not present
transactions for a maximum value of Rs 2000 per transaction across all merchant

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 Banks and card networks are free to facilitate their customers to set lower per
transaction limits.

 If the transaction limit goes beyond Rs 2000, then the card not present transaction will
be processed as per the extant instructions with mandatory AFA; this is also applicable
for the transaction value of below this limit.

 Banks and card networks will decide the number of such small value transactions in a
day, week or month.

 There will be no change in the existing chargeback process.


 To make customers aware that this solution is an optional facility for CNP transactions of
up to Rs 2000 only and they are free to make payments using other forms of AFA as

 To educate the customers about the use of this means, risk involved in it and the
mechanism for customer grievance redressal and how they can report complaints
through multiple channels.

 To indicate the maximum liability that falls on the customer's part and the responsibility
of the customer to report any frauds while transacting.

 To bear the full liability in the event of any security breach or compromise in the
authorised card network.

This move will surely boost the digital transactions at this crucial time of demonetisation. This
will certainly encourage more users to switch to online payments. Moreover, it will enhance
consumer convenience so that they can use cards more often.


A Joint Communique was issued at the conclusion of the two-day BRICS meeting of Revenue
heads and Tax experts at Mumbai, India.

The meeting was held on 5 & 6 December 2016 with the primary objective of discussing
potential areas of cooperation in tax matters and to initiate an exchange of ideas, opinions,
relevant knowledge and experience regarding the same.

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It was attended by the Revenue heads of all BRICS countries including Brazil, Russia, India,
China and South Africa.


All heads vowed to continue their support to all actions and international initiatives taken
towards achieving a universally transparent tax system.

They also reasserted their commitment towards actions taken to ensure fairness of the same
system, especially in the case of prevention of base erosion, shifting of profits and exchange of
tax information and capacity building of the developing countries.


 The leaders expressed extra concern on the process of erosion of the tax base due to
aggressive tax practices including incomplete disclosure of information and committed
to eliminate the concern by working in solidarity with each other.

 They also acknowledged that profits should be taxed in those regions where activities,
which are leading to their origin in the first place, are being performed.

 They welcomed the measures mentioned in the action points of the Base Erosion and
Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project and urged timely implementation of the project across as
many jurisdictions as possible.

 They reaffirmed their commitment towards exchanging ideas and sharing best practices
that would help in preventing base erosion and profit shifting.


 They reaffirmed their support for the global common reporting standard for automatic
exchange of information and set 2018 as the deadline for its implementation.

 They also acknowledged the importance of the exchange of information between

authorities in order to prevent cross-border tax evasion.


 The leaders acknowledged the fact that issues of the international tax agenda can only
be effectively resolved when many more countries join in.

 For the same, they are aiming to create an inclusive framework that would encourage
other developing nations also to engage in the international tax cooperation.

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 Apart from this, they also showed firm support towards efforts made by the
international community to provide assistance to the developing nations in overcoming
the challenges that come with fighting tax evasion.


 The heads jointly declared their continued commitment towards the promotion of
closer cooperation on issues of mutual concern and interest.

 They also recognised the importance of the economic and commercial links that are
established between the BRICS nations and spoke about the need to strengthen these
links further.

 Lastly, the leaders reaffirmed their commitment to work towards the creation of a
framework of cooperation between the administrations of the BRICS nations in order to
contribute to their further economic growth.


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 6 December 2016 announced that it will issue Rs 100
denomination banknotes in the Mahatma Gandhi Series-2005.

 The new notes will be printed without inset letter in both the numbering panels.
Moreover, the notes will bear the signature of Dr Urjit R. Patel, Governor of Reserve
Bank of India.

 The year of printing, that is '2016', will be printed on the reverse side of the banknote.

 The design of these banknotes will be similar in all respects to the previous Rs 100
banknotes in Mahatma Gandhi Series- 2005. The previous notes had ascending size of
numerals in the number panels, bleed lines and enlarged identification mark on the
obverse side.

However, the old banknotes in the denomination of Rs 100 issued by the Bank in the past will
continue to be the legal tender.

Rs 100 denomination banknotes with the ascending size of numerals in the number panels but
without bleed lines and enlarged identification mark will also continue to be in circulation along
with the banknotes being issued now.

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Earlier this week, the Reserve Bank of India has also announced to issue new Rs 50 and Rs 20
denomination banknotes as well.

Issuance of these small value currencies will be a big relief for the people who are finding it
difficult to meet their daily requirements after the ban on old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency

These small value notes will not only deal with the cash crunch but will also enhance liquidity in
the country at the time when almost 86 percent of the cash has been wiped off from the
market after the implementation of the demonetisation plan.


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 7 December 2016 released the fifth Bi-monthly Monetary
Policy Statement 2016-17, the first policy review post-demonetisation.

The key announcement under the policy was that the Repo Rate under the Liquidity
Adjustment Facility (LAF) was kept unchanged at 6.25 percent. This decision was taken on the
basis of an assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic situation.

 Reverse Repo Rate: Consequently, the Reverse Repo Rate under the LAF remains
unchanged at 5.75 percent.

 Marginal standing facility (MSF) Rate: The MSF rate was also kept unchanged at 6.75

 Bank Rate: The Bank Rate also stands at 6.75 percent.

The policy decision was taken by Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of Reserve Bank of India.


 Global growth picked up modestly in the second half of 2016. Activity in Advanced
Economies (AEs) improved following the recovery in the US economy.

 In the Emerging Market Economies (EMEs), growth was moderate, but policy stimulus in
China shored up momentum.

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 International financial markets were strongly impacted by the result of the US

presidential elections 2016 and incoming data raised the probability of the Federal
Reserve tightening monetary policy.

 Following the election results, the surge of the US dollar from late October intensified
and resulted in considerable depreciation in currencies around the world. Gold lost its
safe place to the increasing US dollar. Crude prices firmed after the OPEC’s decision to
cut output.

 On the domestic front, the growth of real Gross Value Added (GVA) in Q2 of 2016-17
turned out to be lower due to the slowdown in industrial activity. Manufacturing slowed
down consecutively. Gross fixed capital formation contracted for the third consecutive

 In Q3, the Committee felt that the assessment is impacted by the withdrawal of
specified bank notes (SBNs) under the demonetisation plan. The agriculture sector
showed the robust performance in Q2. By contrast, industrial activity remained weak.

 Among the core industries in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP), the output of coal
contracted in October due to less demand, while the production of crude oil and natural
gas contracted under the binding constraint of structural impediments.

 The production of cement, fertilisers and electricity continued to slow down. On the
other hand, steel output recorded nonstop expansion following the application of
countervailing duties.

 The demonetisation plan could momentarily interrupt some part of industrial activity in
November-December due to delay in the payment of wages and purchases of inputs.

 In the services sector, the outlook is mixed with construction, trade, transport, hotels
and communication impacted by demonetisation effects.

 While public administration, defence and other services would continue to be sustained
by the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) award and one rank one pension (OROP).

 Retail inflation measured by Consumer Price Index (CPI) eased more than expected for
the third consecutive month in October, driven down by a sharper than anticipated
deflation in the prices of vegetables.

 The elevated prices of sugar and protein-rich items, along with an upturn in the prices of
cereals, pulses and processed foods pushed up the momentum of food prices.

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 In the fuel category, inflation eased with the decline in LPG prices on an annual basis
and a fall in electricity prices from a month ago. Inflation excluding food and fuel
continues to show strong persistence.

 Although housing and personal care inflation diminished marginally, the steady rise in
inflation with respect to education, medical and health services, transport and
communication imparted stickiness to inflation.

 Liquidity conditions underwent large shifts in Q3 so far. Surplus conditions in October

and early November were overwhelmed by the impact of demonetisation from 8
November 2016. Currency in circulation fell by Rs 7.4 trillion up to 2 December 2016.

 Consecutively, deposits surged into the banking system leading to a massive increase in
its excess reserves. The RBI scaled up its liquidity operations through variable rate
reverse repo auctions of a wide range of tenors from overnight to 91 days, absorbing
liquidity of Rs 5.2 trillion.

 In the external sector, India’s merchandise exports rebounded in September and

October. After a prolonged fall for 22 months, imports rose in October on the back of a
sharp rise in the volume of gold imports and higher payments for POL imports.

 Net Foreign Direct Investment remained reasonably good with more than half going to
manufacturing, communication and financial services.

 The level of foreign exchange reserves was 364 billion USD on 2 December 2016.


 The withdrawal of SBNs (demonetisation) may result in a possible temporary reduction

in inflation of the order of 10-15 basis points in Q3. The headline inflation is projected at
5 percent in Q4 of 2016-17 with risks tilted to the upside but lower than in the October
policy review.

 The full effects of the house rent allowances under the 7th Pay Commission award are
yet to be assessed.

 The outlook for GVA growth for 2016-17 has turned out to be uncertain after the
unexpected loss of momentum by 50 basis points in Q2 and the effects of
demonetisation which are still playing out.

 Downside risks in the near term could travel through two major channels- short-run
disruptions in economic activity in cash-intensive sectors and aggregate demand
compression associated with adverse wealth effects.

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 The supply disruptions in the backlash of currency replacement may drag down the
growth this year. Moreover, volatility in crude prices and the surge in financial market
turbulence could put the inflation target for Q4 of 2016-17 at some risk.

 It has become prudent to look through the momentary but uncertain effects of the
withdrawal of SBNs while setting the monetary policy stance. Accordingly, the policy
repo rate has been kept unchanged in this review.


Union Information and Technology Minister Ravishankar Prasad in December 2016 launched
Digishala TV Channel. Digishala TV is a free-to-air channel which will educate people about
digital payments and is available on DD free DTH service.

The channel was launched with an aim to encourage people to use digital payments in their
everyday life. It will be airing shows targeted at the rural and suburban population to inform
them of various aspects of using digital transaction services like UPI, e-wallet, AADHAAR, USSD
and usage of cards through talk shows and demonstrations.

Apart from Digishala TV Channel, the minister also launched Digi Dhan Abhiyan. The Abhiyan
seeks to enable every citizen, small traders and merchants to adopt digital payments in their
everyday financial transactions. During the campaign, citizens will be informed about various
modes of digital payments. People will be educated to download, install and transact through
digital platforms via their mobile.

While launching Digishala TV Channel and Digi Dhan Abhiyan, the minister said digital mode of
payment has witnessed an unprecedented upsurge from four hundred to one thousand
percent. According to him, since demonetisation, the number of e-wallet transactions has gone
up to 63 lakh from 17 lakh transaction per day. Transactions through Rupay cards have also
gone up from 3.85 lakh to 16 lakh per day.


For the first time since 2001, non-OPEC countries on 10 December 2016 agreed to join the
supply cuts in order to overcome the major obstacle for a global agreement to curb output. The
decision was taken during a meeting of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEC) in Vienna.

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These eleven oil-producing countries, who are not members of the OPEC oil cartel, include
Azerbaijan, Oman, Mexico, Sudan, South Sudan, Bahrain, Malaysia, Equatorial Guinea, Bolivia,
Kazakhstan and Russia.


 The non-OPEC countries agreed to reduce their oil production by 558000 barrels a day.

 OPEC members also confirmed their commitment to reduce the oil supply by 1.2 million
barrels a day.

 Together OPEC and non-OPEC countries will cut the oil production by about 1.7-1.8
million barrels a day.

 The agreement is designed to speed the end of the oil downturn by controlling the
excess supplies and boost prices, providing some relief to resource-rich nations.

 It will accelerate the stabilisation in the markets.

 A committee was also constituted to monitor producers’ cuts that will start from 1
January 2017 for six months. It will consist of three OPEC members and two non-OPEC


 Russia to cut 300000 barrels a day

 Mexico to cut 100000 barrels a day

 Kazakhstan to cut 50000 barrels a day

 Oman to cut 45000 barrels a day

 Azerbaijan to cut 35000 barrels a day

 Malaysia to cut 35000 barrels a day

 Bahrain to cut 12000 barrels a day

 Equatorial Guinea to cut 12000 barrels a day

 South Sudan to cut 8000 barrels a day

 Brunei to cut 7000 barrels a day

 Bolivia to cut 4000 barrels a day

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 Sudan to cut 4000 barrels a day

About OPEC

 Formed in 1960, OPEC coordinates the energy policies of member countries who
produce about one-third of the world's oil.

 Its members include Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Venezuela.

 A number of other major oil-producing nations such as the United States and Russia are
not OPEC members.


The Union Government on 12 December 2016
announced that around 23 percent of Jan Dhan
Accounts are without balance even after

This development is a worrying factor for the policy

makers because it can be considered as an indication
of low-income capacity and purchasing power among
the lower strata of the society.


• These are zero-balance accounts specifically meant for bringing below poverty line population
under the ambit of financial inclusion.

• They are opened as part of the Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana which was launched on 28
August 2014 by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

• The Jan Dhan Accounts provide a variety of financial services including insurance, debit card
and credit facilities to the account holders.

• Within five months of its launch, the around 11.5 crore accounts were opened under the
scheme covering 99.74% of targeted household.

• Since its inception, around 25 crore Jan Dhan accounts were opened across the country till 7
December 2016. And, a total of Rs 74609 crore was deposited in these accounts so far.

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• After the demonetisation announcement on 8 November 2016, the government expected

that even poor people who are using these accounts will be driven towards using these
accounts on a large scale.

• However, it was revealed that these accounts are used by black money hoarders.

• Jan Dhan Accounts became an important part of JAM trinity of the Union Government since
2015. The JAM stands for Jan Dhan Accounts, Aadhaar and Mobile connectivity.

• Significantly, around 14 crore bank accounts have been seeded with Aadhaar numbers so far.

• The JAM is an important instrument for the government to provide direct cooking fuel
subsidies under the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme.


The Union Government on 11 December 2016 announced that a helpline number will be
launched to promote digital payments.

The number of the toll-free helpline will be 14444. It is officially called as Cash Mukt Bharat
Abhiyan Helpline Number.


• Its primary purpose is to educate people about various modes through which they can switch
over to cashless transactions.

• The project will be executed by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT).

• The National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom) will assist the DoT in
rolling out the helpline.

This helpline number is in addition to other two initiatives viz., DigiShala and CashlessIndia
launched by the government in early December 2016.


• It is a satellite television channel managed by the government-owned Doordarshan.

• The free-to-air channel is aimed at nurturing awareness among people about the necessity of
cashless financial transactions.

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• The target audience of this television is rural and suburban population among whom the
financial literacy is very low.


• The website was launched as part of the Digital India campaign of the Union Government.

• Its vision is to transform India into a digitally empowered knowledge-based economy.

• It provides content on various digital payment methods such as mobile banking, point of sale
(POS), unified payment interface, internet banking, mobile wallets, etc.

• Other activities of the website include - raising awareness about cyber security related
measures in relation to digital payments and digital payments among citizens.

• Apart from the National Informatics Centre (NIC), the RBI, National Payments Corporation of
India (NPCI) and Computer Emergency Response Team India (CERT-IN) are the active partners in
its development.


Nitin Gadkari, the Union Minister for Road Transport, Highways and Shipping laid the
foundation stones for 17 road projects on 11 December 2016 during two functions held at
Jiribam and Imphal. The project’s overall cost is estimated to be around Rs 1152 Cr.

Also present in the function at Jiribam was the Union Minister of Human Resource
Development- Prakash Javedkar along with other BJP leaders. The function at Imphal, on the
other hand, was attended by the Chief Minister of Manipur, O Ibobi.

Key Highlights

• Gadkari announced that the Union Government will be handing over the responsibility of
Imphal-Jiribam highway (NH 37) to National highways and infrastructure development
corporation Limited (NHIDCL) from the Border Roads Organisation of Indian Army.

• The national highway was until now maintained mostly by transporters and people of

• The repair work will mainly focus on two bridges on the highway-Barak and Makru, as they
aren't strong enough to support heavy trucks and vehicles.

• The whole project is expected to be completed within three years at a cost of about Rs 141

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• The Ministry-owned NHIDCL will also take over the Ukhrul -Toloi-Tadubi projects that cover a
stretch of 115 km, costing about Rs 64 Cr.

• Other projects that will be handed over to NHIDCL include Churachandpur- Singhat- Sinzawl-
Tuivai project and Tamenglong-Khongsang road. While the former covers a stretch of 162 km
with a total estimated cost of Rs 168 Cr, the latter covers 40 km at a cost of about Rs 19 Cr.

Besides this, the Ministry will also take up various other projects in the state through its Public
Works Department. Some of them include roads like Mao gate to Imphal city covering a stretch
of 90 km, Tipaikumkh, Imphal-Ukhrul-Jessami that stretches almost to about 71 km and
Khumbong-Nambol-Mayang Imphal-Kakching-Lamkhai that covers 15 km.


BILL, 2016
The Union Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 14 December 2016
approved the Major Port Trust Authorities Bill, 2016. The bill replaces the Major Port Trusts Act,

The purpose of the legislation is to reform and improve the efficiency of major ports by giving
greater autonomy and reforming the institutional structure.


• It is more compact in comparison to the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 as the number of
sections was reduced from 134 to 65 by eliminating overlapping and obsolete sections.

• The new Bill has proposed a simplified composition of the Board of Port Authority. The bill
reduced the number of board members from the 17-19 members to 11 members.

• The Boards of the Port Authority have been delegated full powers to enter into contracts,
planning and development of ports.

• The bill empowers the Board to make its own master plan in respect of the area within the
port limits.

• It empowers the board to undertake construction of pipelines, telephones, communication

towers, electricity supply and transmission equipment in port limits.

• The board is empowered to lease land for port-related use for up to 40 years and for any
purpose other than the purposes specified in section 22 of the Act for up to 20 years.

• The role of Tariff Authority for Major Ports [TAMP] has been redefined.

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• Under the bill, the authority will be given powers to fix tariff for purposes of bidding for
public-private partnership (PPP) projects.


The bill is a part of the government’s efforts to achieve port-led development under Sagar Mala
initiative. Under the Sagar Mala project, the emphasis is on port modernisation,port-led
industrialisation and development of coastal communities.


The Supreme Court of India on 16 December 2016 referred cases against note ban to a
constitution bench. The ruling was given by a bench comprising the Chief Justice of India (CJI) TS
Thakur and justices DY Chandrachud and AM Khanwilkar.

The primary responsibility of the constitution bench will be to review -

• The constitutionality of the demonetization scheme

• Procedural irregularities in its implementation if any

• Violation of citizen’s right by the cap on cash withdrawals from ATMs and bank counters

The bench further framed nine questions for the consideration of the bench. The proposed
bench will start functioning in January 2017.

The nine questions framed by the Supreme Court are –

1. Does the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has the power to issue the 8 November 2016
notification to scrap Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes?

2. Does demonetization violate a citizen’s right to property provided by the Article 300A of the

3. Does demonetization violate a citizen’s fundamental right to equality provided under Part III
of the constitution?

4. Does capping withdrawal limit have a basis in law?

5. Does the demonetization have the procedural basis?

6. Is Reserve Bank of India’s power to scrap notes an outcome of excessive delegation of power
by the Parliament?

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7. What is the scope of the judicial review vis-à-vis fiscal and monetary policy?

8. Can a political party file a writ petition in the Supreme Court against a government policy?

9. Is the decision barring district cooperative banks from handling cancelled currency notes

However, the court refused to provide the interim relief sought by the petitioners.

Senior counsel and former Union Ministers P Chidambaram and Kapil Sibal appealed for an
extension of the time limit to use the scraped notes for certain essential payments and allowing
district cooperative banks to accept the banned currency notes.


The Union Ministry of Finance on 19 December 2016 announced various measures to improve
ease of doing business in the country.

The objective of these measures is to improve country’s ranking in the World Bank’s report on
Ease of Doing Business.

Some of the major decisions announced are –

• eBiz portal shall be mandated for starting a business which shall include three services of
Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Registration for PAN and TAN and also for EPFO & ESIC.

• Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Ministry of Labour and Employment will work towards
reducing the number of procedures for starting a business to 4 and the number of days to start
a business also to 4.

• Shram Suvidha Portal shall be the only portal for filing returns, challan and making online
payment for EPFO & ESIC contributions as well as other filings and payments.

• Department of Revenue and Ministry of Shipping shall work towards increasing the number of
direct delivery consignments to 40 percent by end of this month.

• These Departments shall also ensure that the cost and time to export and import gets
reduced substantially to bring India within top 50 ranks.

• Ministry of Corporate Affairs shall work with the concerned stakeholders so that the
provisions recently enabled under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code are implemented.

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• To further improve the country’s rank in the indicator ‘Getting Credit’, Department of
Financial Services and Ministry of Corporate Affairs shall work towards integrating CERSAI
database with ROC Registry of Charges to create a single registry of assets.

• The initiative of eCourts should be expedited for electronic filing of complaints, summons and


Indian Railways, National High Speed Rail Corporation and Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA) on 21 December 2016 signed a Memorandum for General Consultancy.

Under the tripartite consultancy agreement, JICA promotes smooth implementation of the
Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Railway Project.

Highlights of the Memorandum for General Consultancy

• The general consultancy involves providing design and bidding assistance for the public works
and systems required for the construction of the project.

• The JICA will bear the cost of general consultancy up to 2020.

• The memorandum is an outcome of the Japan-India Summit level talks in December 2015.

About Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Railway Project

• It is India’s first high speed railway line project.

• It is a 508 km line project linking Mumbai and Ahmedabad.

• Out of the total project cost of Rs 97636 crore, Japan offered an assistance of over Rs 79000

• The project is expected to be completed by 2023.

• Apart from the general consultancy, Japanese agencies will be involved in a wide range of
other services like human resource training, technology transfer, etc.

About Japan International Cooperation Agency

• It is a governmental agency of Japan that coordinates the official overseas development


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• It has 4 missions viz., addressing the global agenda, reducing poverty through equitable
growth, improving governance and achieving human security.

• To achieve these missions the JICA follows 4 strategies viz., integrated assistance, seamless
assistance, promoting development partnerships and enhancing research and knowledge-

• It is playing a key role in strengthening bilateral relations between India and Japan.

• In India, the JICA is actively involved in infrastructure development and poverty alleviation

• JICA is providing assistance to realize Japan-India cooperation such as the Delhi-Mumbai

Industrial Corridor (DMIC) and the Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC).

• It is involved in strengthening Japan-India academic-industry networks and human resources

development for industries such as manufacturing.

• JICA is extending its assistance to contribute to stronger relations between Japan and India.


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 19 December 2016 announced to issue Rs 500 denomination
banknotes in Mahatma Gandhi (new) series with inset letter 'R' in both the number panels.

These new notes will bear the signature of Urjit R Patel, Governor of Reserve Bank of India. The
year of printing '2016' will be printed on the reverse side of the banknote.

The design of these notes will be much similar in all respects to the Rs 500 banknotes in
Mahatma Gandhi (New) Series which are currently in legal tender.

However, all Rs 500 bank notes issued earlier after 8 November 2016 in the Mahatma Gandhi
(New) series will continue to be a legal tender. These banknotes came with the inset letter 'E' in
both the number panels. Swachh Bharat Logo was also printed on the reverse side of the note.


Earlier in the first week of December 2016, the Reserve Bank of India announced to issue neRs
100, Rs 50 and Rs 20 denomination banknotes as well.

Issuance of these small value currencies acted as a big relief for the people who were finding it
difficult to meet their daily requirements after the implementation of the demonetisation plan
of the Union Government, that is the ban on old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes.

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These small value notes along with the new Rs 500 currency notes will not only deal with the
cash crunch but will also pour in liquidity in the country at the time when almost 86 percent of
the cash has been wiped off from the market.


India’s first Digi Dhan Mela was held on 26 December 2016 in Gurugram, Haryana. The mela is a
first of its exercise in the country and is meant to promote cashless transactions in the post-
demonetisation period.

Highlights of Digi Dhan Mela

• The mela (fair) showcased the government’s efforts to promote digital financial transactions.

• It educated the people on how to use mobile phones and AADHAR for making payments

• Dedicated counters were set up to issue AADHAR cards.

• In the mela, 15000 winners of the Lucky Grahak Yojana daily reward were also drawn.

• The winners were being identified through a random draw of the eligible Transaction IDs
which are generated automatically as soon as the transaction is completed by software
developed by National Payments Corporation of India.


• The scheme was launched by the Union Government on 15 December 2016.

• Under this scheme, the government will offer a daily reward of Rs 1000 that will be given to
15000 lucky consumers for a period of 100 days.

• Consumers, who use the alternate modes of digital payments, will be awarded the weekly
prizes of Rs 1 lakh, Rs 10000 and Rs 5000.

• This will include all forms of transactions- UPI, USSD, AEPS and RuPay Cards but will exclude
transactions through Private Credit Cards and Digital Wallets.

Along with Lucky Grahak Yojana, Digi Dhan Vyapar Yojana (Merchants) was also launched by
the government to promote cashless transactions at retail counters.

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Under this scheme, the government will award prizes to merchants for all digital transactions
conducted at merchant establishments. They will be awarded the weekly prizes of Rs 50000, Rs
5000 and Rs 2500

Both the Lucky Grahak Yojana as well as the Digi Dhan Vyapar Yojana (Merchants) are
implemented by the National Payments Corporation of India to attain the broader objectives
set forth by the Digital India campaign.

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North-Eastern Space Applications Centre (NE-SAC) of the Indian Space Research Organisation
(ISRO) recently used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to collect land details of areas that have
been damaged by natural disasters.

The space agency, which is based in Shillong, conducted the first drone test on 1 November
2016. It will be solely designing and assembling all the UAVS and the data collected from the
survey will be added to that of ISRO’s remote sensing satellites.


• Use of drones reduces the physical work of ground surveyors.

• It is especially significant for disaster-prone or physically inaccessible areas.

• Drones can quickly assess the amount of damage caused to an area by disasters such as
landslides, floods or earthquakes and enable timely relief measures.

• They have been used to map the area along Meghalaya’s main highway- NH40, which was cut
off last year due to landslides triggered by heavy rainfall.

• They were also used to assess the extent of damage caused by pests to paddy fields in
Assam’s Naramari village.

• The NE-SAC was also able to create a land use map of Meghalaya’s Nongpoh town and a 3D
terrain model using images provided by these unmanned vehicles.


• Usage of drones to collect land details is a new method and hence, only confined to the
North-Eastern states. It could be extended to other states of the country depending on the

• The areas assessed by drones are smaller in comparison to those assessed by the satellites
from space.

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• Another problem with the drone-based study is the storage and processing of a large amount
of data provided by these vehicles.

The NE-SAC is a regional space centre that was established in 2000. It was created to provide
Space technology-based support to the North East region and promote its overall growth.


The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will launch 83 satellites into space in one go,
aboard a single rocket in January 2017.

This announcement was made during the proceedings of the lower house, Lok Sabha on 30
November 2016. Amoung the 83 satellites, 3 belong to India while the other 80, weighing 500
kg belong to five foreign nations including Israel, Netherlands, Kazakhstan, Switzerland and the
United States of America.

The launch of these foreign satellites by India is a part of a commercial agreement signed
between these countries and Antric Corporation Ltd, which is the commercial arm and Public
sector undertaking of ISRO.

The three Indian satellites that are going to be launched include:

1. Cartosat – 2 series, weighing 730 kg as primary payload

3. INS-1B

The second and third satellites in total weigh 30kg.

Going by the size of the project, this mission would be the first of its kind in ISRO’s space
history. The last mission that comes just close to this event is when ISRO launched 20 satellites
with the PSLC-C34 launch. Similarly, then also the launch included foreign satellites from
countries such as Canada, Germany, Indonesia and the United States of America.


ISRO successfully launched its own earth observation satellite Resourcesat-2A on 7 December
2016. The observation satellite Resourcesat -2A was launched with PSLV C36/ RESOURCESAT-2A
from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.

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The PSLV-XL variant rocket standing 44.4 meters tall and weighing 321 tonne tore into the
morning skies at 10.25am with a reverberating sound breaking free of the earth’s gravitational
pull. The Resourcesat-2A weighing 1235 kilograms was injected into an 817 km polar Sun
Synchronous Orbit (SSO) at around 20 minutes into the destination.


RESOURCESAT-2A is a Remote Sensing satellite intended for resource monitoring.

RESOURCESAT-2A is a follow on mission to RESOURCESAT-1 and RESOURCESAT-2, launched in
2003 and 2011 respectively. RESOURCESAT-2A is intended to continue the remote sensing data
services to global users provided by RESOURCESAT-1 and RESOURCESAT-2

RESOURCESAT-2A carries three payloads which are similar to those of RESOURCESAT-1 and
RESOURCESAT-2. They are a high resolution Linear Imaging Self Scanner (LISS-4) camera
operating in three spectral bands in the Visible and Near Infrared Region (VNIR) with 5.8 m
spatial resolution and steerable up to ± 26 deg across track to achieve a five day revisit
capability. The second payload is the medium resolution LISS-3 camera operating in three-
spectral bands in VNIR and one in Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) band with 23.5 m spatial

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resolution. The third payload is a coarse resolution Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS)
camera operating in three spectral bands in VNIR and one band in SWIR with 56 m spatial

RESOURCESAT-2A carries two Solid State Recorders with a capacity of 200 Giga Bits each to
store the images taken by its cameras which can be read out later to ground stations.

PSLV-C36 / RESOURCESAT-2A was successfully launched on December 07, 2016 at

10:25 hrs (IST) from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota.

Launch Mass:

1235 kg

Launch Vehicle:


Type of Satellite:

Earth Observation






Earth Observation

Orbit Type:



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The PSLV rockets are a four stage engine rocket that is powered by solid and liquid fuel
alternatively. It is a four stage engine rocket powered by solid and liquid fuel alternatively. In
this flight, the 'XL' version of PSLV with six solid strap-on motors was used.

PSLV is ISRO’s versatile launch vehicle that is used for launch of multiple satellites in polar SSOs,
Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO), Low Earth Orbits (LEO) and sub-GTO. It has been used
for launching satellites for international customers.

Since 1994, PSLV has been used for launching 121 satellites of which 79 were from other
countries and 42 were Indian satellites.

Besides, the Director of the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre Dr Shivan said GSLV MK 3 D1; the
heaviest form of the satellite will be launched by 20 January 2017. In addition to this, Director
of ISAC Dr M Annadurai said that 12 more satellites will be launched in 2017 and work has been
stepped up to launch Chandrayaan 2.


A team of researchers from University of Illinois discovered the existence of hot atomic
hydrogen (H) atoms in an upper layer of Earth's atmosphere, known as the thermosphere.

The finding was recently published in the report titled Nature Communications.

The discovery significantly changes current understanding of the distribution of hot atomic
hydrogen and its interaction with other atmospheric constituents.


 The discovery was enabled by the development of new numerical techniques and their
application to years' worth of remote sensing measurements acquired by
NASA's Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED)

 Atomic hydrogen efficiently scatters ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun. The
amount of scattered light sensitively depends on the amount of Hydrogen atoms that
are present in the atmosphere. As an outcome, remote observations of the scattered H
emission can be used to probe the abundance and spatial distribution of H.

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 In order to extract information about the upper atmosphere from such measurements,
one needs to calculate exactly how the solar photons are scattered.

 The researchers, under support from the National Science Foundation and NASA,
developed a model of the radiative transfer of the scattered emission. This was done
along with a new analysis technique that incorporated a transition region between the
lower and upper extents of the H distribution.

 The analysis of the TIMED data led to the counter-intuitive finding that the temperature
of the H atoms in the thermosphere increases significantly with declining solar activity.
The finding is in contrast to the ambient atmospheric temperature, which decreases
with declining solar activity.

 It was also found that the presence of such hot H atoms in the thermosphere
significantly affects the distribution of the H atoms throughout the entire atmosphere.


Hot H atoms had been theorized to exist at very high altitudes, above several thousand
kilometres. However, the new finding suggests that they exist as low as 250 kilometres. The
origin of such hot H atoms, previously thought not to be able to exist in the thermosphere, is
still a mystery.

The ongoing atmospheric escape of Hydrogen atoms is the reason why Mars has lost the
majority of its water.

H atoms play a critical role in the physics governing the Earth's upper atmosphere. Also, it
serves as an important shield for satellites in low-earth orbit against the harsh space


Researchers from the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB),
Delhi in the month of December 2016 discovered a novel route to ascertain new drug targets
and potential drugs.

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These new drug targets route and potential drugs are particularly for the parasites such as Loa
loa nematode (roundworm) and Schistosoma mansoni platyhelminths (flatworm) that cause
several diseases.

These parasites are the major cause of diseases in African countries. They have limited
treatment options and are also drug resistant.

Moreover, pharmaceutical companies lack the interests in developing drugs for these diseases
as they do not turn out to be that beneficial commercially as expected.


 Researchers took the Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) of the two parasites instead
of blindly screening molecules, which is expensive and takes a long time.

 They picked up one of the enzymes that contribute to protein synthesis and
authenticated it as a drugable target.

 They then studied the crystal structure of the enzyme with cladosporin, a drug that
targets these parasites.

 It showed the acquaintance of the drug within the active site of the enzyme.


 These are essential enzymes that decode the genetic information and enable protein

 The enzyme family of aaRSs has 20 members and each enzyme contributes to protein

 If one of 20 enzymes is missing then, the protein synthesis cannot happen.


A team of scientists from the United States have created a Nanoceramic material that can be
used to produce safer and economical nuclear reactors. The team included Fabio Di Fonzo and
Kumar Sridharan and others.

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The research was published in the Nature journal Scientific Reports in September 2016 with the
title Radiation endurance in Al2O3 nanoceramics.

Highlights of the Nanoceramic material

• This new material is made of aluminium oxide nanoceramic coating.

• It can withstand high temperatures and the harsh effects of radiation.

• Moreover, it also becomes tougher under radiation.

• It can be used in next-generation nuclear reactors that will operate at higher temperatures
and radiation fields to produce more energy efficiently and economically.


Traditionally, water was used as the primary coolant in reactors for absorbing the heat released
from fission reactions which poses risks of corrosion damage to materials. It also limits the
temperatures up to which water-cooled reactors can operate.

Due to the temperature limitation, it was not feasible to use it in advanced reactors.


China in December 2016 successfully launched the advanced weather satellite Fengyun-4
satellite into geostationary orbit. The satellite was launched onboard of Long March-3B carrier
rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in
Sichuan Province.

This launch marked the 242nd mission of China’s Long

March series of rockets.


• Fengyun-4 Series is China’s second-generation

geostationary meteorological satellites series after
Fengyun-2 satellite series.

• It is also the country’s first quantitative remote-

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sensing satellite in highest orbit.

• It was launched with an aim to make high time, spatial and spectral resolution observations of
atmosphere, space environment and clouds of China and its surrounding regions.

• It will extensively help in improving capabilities of weather and climate forecasts and will also
improve the accuracy of forecasts.

• Its attitude is three-axis stabilized to improve the time resolution of observations and regional

• It is fitted with vertical atmospheric sounding and microwave detection capabilities to tackle
3D remote sensing at high altitudes.

• It also carries equipment for solar observations for extreme ultraviolet and X-rays to enhance
weather watch and warning capability.

• It's main task will be to obtain the multi-spectrum and high-accurate quantitative images of
the earth and clouds to measure the humidity parameter of atmosphere.

• It carries Advanced Geosynchronous Radiation Imager (AGRI), Interferometric Infrared

Sounder (GIIRS), Lightning Mapping Imager (LMI), Space Environment Package (SEP), Solar X-
EUV imaging telescope (SXEUV) and Data Collection Service (DCS).

• It will be primarily used by the China Meteorological Administration (CMA).


The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in December 2016 signed an agreement with a
consortium of six companies to deliver India's first industry-built satellite by late 2017.

The agreement was signed between M Annadurai, Director of ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) and
the consortium lead Alpha Design Technologies P Ltd.

ISAC assembles India's satellites for communication, remote sensing and navigation. It is for the
first time that ISRO outsourced the construction of entire satellite.


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• It includes assembly, integration and testing (AIT) of two spare navigation satellites in a row in
around 18 months.

• The consortium is led by Alpha Design Technologies P Ltd, a defence manufacturing


• The others in the consortium are Newtech Solutions, Aidin Technologies and DCX Cables of
Bengaluru, Vinyas Technologies of Mysuru and Avantel Systems of Hyderabad.

• The development work will start around January 2017 and the first satellite will be out in
around nine months.


This outsourcing of the manufacture of two navigation satellites will provide India a generous
opportunity in becoming a market leader in space technology.

ISRO also aims to facilitate greater participation of Indian industries and for this purpose, it has
already passed on 300 technologies to industries in various fields- electronics, speciality
polymer chemicals and materials, electro-optical instruments, etc.


The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) of the United Kingdom (UK) on 15
December 2016 approved the 3-parent technique.

A 3-parent baby contains Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from three parents. This technique
allows parents with rare genetic mutations to have healthy babies by replacing a mother's
faulty mitochondrial DNA (mDNA) with another woman's mDNA.

With the present approval, the UK has become the first country in the world to legally approve
the controversial medical advancement.

Though Mexico became home to the first baby with this technique in September 2016 itself,
the country has no explicit legal stance on this issue so far.


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• Mitochondria are structures in cells which generate vital energy and contain their own set of
genes called mDNA.

• Mitochondrial diseases are passed through the mother and cause symptoms ranging from
poor vision to diabetes and muscle wasting.

• The technique involves in vitro fertilization of both the mother's egg and a donor's egg with
the father's sperm.

• Before these two fertilised eggs begin dividing into an embryo, the unhealthy mother’s egg
nucleus is replaced with egg's nucleus of a healthy donor.

• This gives the doctors with a fertilised egg with a healthy donor mitochondria and the
mother's DNA in the nucleus.

• This fertilised egg with the donor’s healthy mitochondria will be implanted in the mother’s


• After years of research, the 3-parent baby technique proved to be the only viable therapy for
parents with rare genetic mutations to have healthy babies.

• However, replacing a mother's faulty mitochondrial DNA is not that simple. The technique has
been criticised because of the ethical dimensions involved in the process.

• Firstly, the pro-life believers argue that the technique involves the destruction of life. They
maintain that the technique is not foolproof as it is not sure that every fertilised egg is healthy.
Hence, the undesirable eggs are destroyed before they reach the mother’s womb.

• Secondly, there are apprehensions among the scientific community that the technique may
open the way to creation of designer babies.

• A designer baby is a genetically engineered baby with specially selected traits such as gender,
appearance, intelligence, etc.

• Though the designer baby technology is aimed at developing a healthy human being, it is
vulnerable to misuse with far-reaching social, economic and political consequences.

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Researchers have found that Zika-linked abnormalities, that occur in human fetuses, are more
severe than previously thought and other birth defects are more common than microcephaly, a
condition in which babies are born with very small heads.

The findings of the research were published in the New England Journal of Medicine in
December 2016.


• Microcephaly is not the most common congenital defect from the Zika virus as per Karin
Nielsen, senior author of the study and Professor at David Geffen School of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles.

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• However, the absence of this condition does not mean that the baby will be free of birth
defects as there are problems that are not apparent at birth and such difficulties may not be
evident until the child attains the age of six months.

• The damage during fetal development from the mosquito-borne virus can occur throughout

• Zika infection during pregnancy is associated with fetal death, fetal growth restriction and a
spectrum of central nervous system abnormalities.

• 42 percent of infants, born to the Zika-infected mothers, were found to have microcephaly,
brain lesions, or brain calcifications in imaging studies, lesions in the retina, deafness, feeding
difficulties, and other complications.


• The study was based on a sample size of 345 women who were enrolled from September
2015 through May 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

• The researchers evaluated 125 women infected with Zika and 61 who were not infected with
the virus and had given birth by July 2016.

• There were nine fetal deaths among women with Zika infection during pregnancy, five of
those in the first trimester.

• Fetal deaths or abnormalities in the infants were present in 46 percent of Zika-positive

women, contrasted with 11.5 percent of Zika-negative women.


The National Green Tribunal has decided to impose a fine of Rs 50000 on the airline whose
aircraft empties its human waste tank while still being in the air.

The direction came on 20 December 2016, following a plea by a retired Lt. Gen Satwant Singh
Dahiya who sought strict action against airlines for splattering human waste on houses near the
IGI airport while landing. He termed the act as a health hazard and a violation of the Prime
Minister’s ‘Swachh Bharat’ drive.

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• The NGT has directed the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to issue notices to all
the involved airlines to pay Rs 50,000 as compensation and to ensure that they do not release
any waste from the tanks anywhere near the terminals of the IGI Airport.

• The decision was taken by a bench chaired by NGT chairperson Swatanter Kumar.

• Though normally, the collected waste from the aircraft is disposed of by the ground staff after
the plane lands, there are cases when there is a leak in the lavatory.

• To ensure the implementation of the same, the DGCA will be conducting surprise inspections
in airplanes once they land to check whether their human waste tanks are empty or not.

• The aircraft found violating the direction will be subjected to pay the compensation amount.

The DGCA would be required to submit a quarterly report on their findings and also set up a
helpline number to address similar complaints. The amount collected from these fines will then
be deposited with the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) to be used for the purpose of
environment protection.

Apart from this, the NGT has also directed CPCB to send a senior environmental engineer to
inspect the petitioner’s house and collect samples of human waste if there is still any left for
further analysis.


The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change on 14 December 2016 notified
the Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2016.

These rules replace the Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2010 and seek to
address the issues related to the conservation and development of wetlands in a
comprehensive manner.


• The wetlands shall be conserved and managed in accordance with the principle of ‘wise use’
for maintaining their ecological integrity.

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• Wise use of wetlands means preserving the ecological character of wetlands through the
implementation of ecosystem approaches.

• However, the strategies adopted to preserve wetlands should be within the context of
sustainable development.

• The rules prohibit any diversion or impediment to natural water inflows and outflows of the

• Activities having or likely to have an adverse impact on the ecological character of the
wetland are also prohibited.

• Wetland Authority will be set up by the State Governments or UTs to deal with wetland
conservation, regulation and management.

• In a state, the authority will be headed by the respective Chief Minister.

• For the purpose of managing wetlands having multiple issues, the concerned State
Government or UT Administration may, if required, constitute a specific Wetland Authority.

About Wetlands

• Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of 1971 defines wetlands as - “Areas of marsh, fen, peatland
or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or
flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide
does not exceed six metres.”

• In simple terms, a wetland is a land area that is saturated with water, either permanently or
seasonally. This definition brings ponds, lakes, estuaries, reservoirs, creeks, mangroves and
many more water bodies under the ambit of wetlands.

• It is estimated that India has about 757.06 thousand wetlands with a total wetland area of
15.3 m ha or 4.7 percent of the geographical area.


China on 22 December 2016 launched TanSat satellite, a global carbon dioxide monitoring
satellite, to understand the climate change.

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This 620-kg satellite was put into orbit by Long March-2D rocket from Jiuquan Satellite Launch
Centre in northwest China's Gobi Desert. China is the third country to monitor greenhouse
gases through its own satellite after Japan and the US.

This was the 243rd mission of the Long March series rockets. Besides TanSat, the rocket also
launched a high-resolution micro-nano satellite and two spectrum micro-nano satellites for
agricultural and forestry monitoring.


• The chief designer of TanSat is Yin Zengshan who works at the Chinese Academy of Sciences

• The satellite was sent into a sun synchronous orbit about 700 kms above the earth.

• It will monitor the concentration, distribution and flow of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the

• It has a very good vision and can distinguish as small as 1 percent changes in atmospheric

• It will help understanding the climate change and will provide China's policy makers with
independent data.

• On a three-year mission, the satellite will systematically observe global carbon dioxide levels
every 16 days in such a manner that that the observances are accurate to at least 4 ppm (parts
per million).

• It will enable China to obtain emissions data at first-hand to share it with researchers
worldwide. It can trace the sources of greenhouse gases and will help evaluate whether the
countries are fulfilling their commitments or not.


The satellite was launched after the country lifted a week-long red alert for the worst smog that
surrounded around 40 cities in the country.

The red alert was lifted as the cold air dispersed the smog that had been affecting the city since
17 December 2016.

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US-based scientists have developed a bacteria-powered battery (bio-battery) on a single sheet
of paper that is capable of powering disposable electronics. The research was published in the
journal Advanced Materials Technologies in the second week of December 2016.

A team of researchers at Binghamton University, the State University of New York, created this
bacteria-powered battery. The research was supported by two different grants from the
National Science Foundation (NSF).


• The paper-based design is part of a new field of research called Papertronics, which is a fusion
of paper and electronics.

• This battery made on a single sheet of paper can power disposable electronics.

• This new and unique manufacturing technique reduces the fabrication time and cost.

• The design of the battery can revolutionize the use of bio-batteries as a power source in
remote, dangerous and resource-limited areas.

• These self-sustained, paper-based, point-of-care devices are vital for providing effective and
life-saving treatments in resource-limited settings.


• On one half of a piece of chromatography paper, the researchers placed a ribbon of silver
nitrate beneath a thin layer of wax to create a cathode.

• They then made a reservoir out of a conductive polymer on the other half of the paper, which
acted as the anode.

• Once properly folded with the addition of a few drops of bacteria-filled liquid, the cellular
respiration of microbes powers the battery.

• The device requires layers to include components such as anode, cathode and PEM (Proton
Exchange Membrane).

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• Different folding methods can significantly improve power and current outputs.

The scientists were able to generate 31.51 microwatts at 125.53 microamps with six batteries in
three parallel series. Moreover, they generated about 44.85 microwatts of power at 105.89
microamps in a 6x6 configuration.


A group of scientists from the McEwen Centre for Regenerative Medicine developed the first
functional pacemaker cells from human stem cells.

The invention will help in paving the way for alternate, biological pacemaker therapy.

The study was published in December 2016 the journal Nature Biotechnology.


 The scientists used a developmental-biology approach to ascertain a specific protocol

for generating the pacemaker cells.

 The study stated that sinoatrial node cardiomyocytes derived from human pluripotent
cells function as a biological pacemaker.

 It goes on to explain that human pluripotent stem cells can be manoeuvred in 21 days to
develop into pacemaker cells, which regulate heart beats with electrical impulses.

 The human pacemaker cells were tested in rat hearts. The electrical impulses that
trigger the contraction of the heart were activated, which helped it to function as a
biological pacemaker.

 Pluripotent stem cells hold the potential to differentiate into more than 200 different
cell types that make up every tissue and organ in the body.

 Sinoatrial node pacemaker cells are the heart's chief pacemaker. It controls the
heartbeat throughout life.


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 The biological pacemakers hold promising alternative to electronic pacemakers. The

human pacemakers can overcome drawbacks of electronic pacemakers, such as lack of
hormonal responsiveness and the inability to adapt to changes in heart size in pediatric

 This new technology can potentially be used use to make pacemaker cells from patients
suffering from pacemaker dysfunction.

 The patient-specific cells can also be used to study the "disease in a (petri) dish" and to
identify new drugs that will improve their pacemaker function.


Scientists discovered that tantalum carbide (TaC) and hafnium carbide (HfC) materials are
capable of resisting temperatures of nearly 4000 degrees Celsius.

A team of researchers from Imperial College London identified that the melting point of
hafnium carbide is the highest ever recorded for a material.

The researchers of the study developed a new extreme heating technique using lasers to test
the heat tolerance of the two materials. They used the laser-heating techniques to find the
point at which they melted, both separately and as mixed compositions of both.

The study was recently published in the journal Scientific Reports.


 Tantalum carbide and hafnium carbide are refractory ceramics, which mean that they
are extraordinarily resistant to heat.

 Their ability to bear extremely harsh environments means that refractory ceramics
could be used in thermal protection systems on high-speed vehicles and as fuel cladding
in the super-heated environments of nuclear reactors.

 However, there has not been any technology available to examine the melting point of
the two materials in the laboratory to determine how truly extreme an environment
they could function in.

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 The researchers of the study found that the mixed compound (Ta0.8Hf0.20C) was
consistent with previous research, melting at 3905°C.

 However, the two compounds on their own exceeded previous recorded melting points.

 Tantalum carbide melted at 3768°C while hafnium carbide melted at 3958°C.


 The heat resistance power of the two materials could pave way for them to be used in
extreme environments, like in heat resistant shielding for the next generation of
hypersonic space vehicles.

 TaC and HfC could potentially be used in nose caps for spacecraft, and as the edges of
external instruments that have to bear the most friction during flight.

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Solid waste from the Ghazipur landfill site will now be used for highway expansion projects by
the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).

The announcement comes as a relief to the residents living around the area, as with the foul
smell emanating from the decomposing garbage and frequent fires, the site had become a
major cause of health concern.


• The project is being initiated under the new Solid Waste Management Rules.

• It aims to remove, reuse and dispose of the solid municipal waste generated in the capital.

• The collected waste will be divided and then processed to make it usable.

• It will be utilized for the expansion of National Highway 24 and other highways.

• The leachate generated during the process will be transported for processing and disposal to
a sewage plant in Ghazipur itself.

The move comes after a study conducted by the Central Road Research Institute (CSIR) revealed
that the waste in the dump contains around 65-70% of soil components that can be segregated
and used for embankment construction.

It was followed by the signing of a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ between the Municipal

Corporation of Delhi, Union branches of Urban Development and Road, Transport and
Highways and the NHAI, according to which the dumping site will temporarily belong to the
NHAI. It will be returned to the civic body post completion of the project.

In the last decade, the dump at the site has turned into a mini mountain, reaching the height of
almost 50 metres, much above the permissible limit of 15-20 metres. The ground exhausted its
capacity to take in waste material way back in 2002.

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The United Nations Department of Field Support (DFS) on 29 November 2016 launched a new
strategy to maximize its peace operations' efficiency in the use of natural resources. The
strategy will also help in minimizing peace operations' risk to people, societies and ecosystems.

The step was taken to highlight the significance of environmental protection and management
in the work of peacekeeping missions.


• The strategy's aim is to reduce overall demand through increased efficiency, increase the
proportion of energy from renewable sources such as solar arrays and reduce the level of

• Also, the scheme aims at conserving water and reducing the level of risk to personnel, local
communities and ecosystems from wastewater management practices.

• The six-year long strategy is in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

• It identifies challenges and objectives based on five pillars. These pillars are energy, water and
wastewater, solid waste, wider impact and environmental management systems. It also
includes key performance indicators for these areas.

• The first phase of the strategy will be implemented through July 2020. It will focus on
improving environmental analytics to effectively monitor progress. The five pillars of the
strategy will then be reviewed. Thereafter, specific targets will be set for the second phase of
strategy implementation to conclude in June 2023.


• The United Nations Department of Field Support is dedicated to the support of peacekeeping
field missions and political field missions.

• The aim of the DFS is “Protecting and nurturing a fragile peace is a critical role of the United

• The DFS has been headed by Atul Khare since 2 March 2015.

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A weasel-like mammal (fisher) was spotted recently in the thick forest of Mount Rainier
National Park, where it had been missing for around 70 years.

Ten Pacific fishers, which were trapped in British Columbia, were set free at the park as a part
of a multiyear effort to reintroduce the
native species to its historical range.

Historically, fishers were found

throughout much of the forested areas
of the West Coast. However, they
declined in numbers due to trapping in
the 1800s and early 1900s, and also
due to the loss of forest habitats. By
the mid-1900s, the creatures were
eliminated from the state of

The dark-brown member of the weasel family with its lush fur and bushy tail was listed as state
endangered species in 1998.


 The fisher is a small carnivorous mammal native to North America.

 In some regions, the fisher is known as a pekan, derived from its name in the Abenaki

 It is a member of the mustelid family, commonly referred to as the weasel family.

 The species is a forest-dwelling creature. Its range covers much of the boreal forest in
Canada to the northern United States.

 It feeds on a wide variety of small animals and occasionally on fruits and mushrooms.
However, it prefers the snowshoe hare and is one of the few predators of porcupines.

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 Fishers have been trapped since the 18th century for their fur. Their pelts were in such
demand that they were wiped out from several parts of the United States in the early
part of the 20th century.


A team of researchers from University of Illinois discovered the existence of hot atomic
hydrogen (H) atoms in an upper layer of Earth's atmosphere, known as the thermosphere.

The finding was recently published in the report titled Nature Communications.

The discovery significantly changes current understanding of the distribution of hot atomic
hydrogen and its interaction with other atmospheric constituents.


 The discovery was enabled by the development of new numerical techniques and their
application to years' worth of remote sensing measurements acquired by
NASA's Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED)

 Atomic hydrogen efficiently scatters ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun. The
amount of scattered light sensitively depends on the amount of Hydrogen atoms that
are present in the atmosphere. As an outcome, remote observations of the scattered H
emission can be used to probe the abundance and spatial distribution of H.

 In order to extract information about the upper atmosphere from such measurements,
one needs to calculate exactly how the solar photons are scattered.

 The researchers, under support from the National Science Foundation and NASA,
developed a model of the radiative transfer of the scattered emission. This was done
along with a new analysis technique that incorporated a transition region between the
lower and upper extents of the H distribution.

 The analysis of the TIMED data led to the counter-intuitive finding that the temperature
of the H atoms in the thermosphere increases significantly with declining solar activity.

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The finding is in contrast to the ambient atmospheric temperature, which decreases

with declining solar activity.

 It was also found that the presence of such hot H atoms in the thermosphere
significantly affects the distribution of the H atoms throughout the entire atmosphere.


Hot H atoms had been theorized to exist at very high altitudes, above several thousand
kilometres. However, the new finding suggests that they exist as low as 250 kilometres. The
origin of such hot H atoms, previously thought not to be able to exist in the thermosphere, is
still a mystery.

The ongoing atmospheric escape of Hydrogen atoms is the reason why Mars has lost the
majority of its water.

H atoms play a critical role in the physics governing the Earth's upper atmosphere. Also, it
serves as an important shield for satellites in low-earth orbit against the harsh space


Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, on 9 December 2016 announced that his
government and the majority of Canada’s provinces had agreed on a national carbon pricing

PM Trudeau has been working on a national carbon pricing plan with the provinces for months.
He termed the framework agreement on the carbon tax as a historic pact. However, Canada's
10 provincial leaders are not unanimous in agreeing to Trudeau's carbon tax.

Brad Wall, Saskatchewan Premier, had refused to agree to the tax, while Manitoba’s premier
said he hasn’t signed on yet because it wants more money for health care. On the other hand,
British Columbia Premier Christy Clark hesitated at first before reaching a compromise.

As per reports, Trudeau wants to impose a national carbon tax which would rise to Canadian
dollar 50 (USD 38) by 2022.

Comment: Trudeau’s plan to come up with the national carbon pricing is being haunted with
the worries that the US is heading in an opposite direction. Worries are about the incoming

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administration of Donald Trump who ones called global warming a hoax. Trump said that he
carries plans to abandon the US commitment to reduce carbon emissions as part of the
international agreement signed in Paris in 2015.


The National Green Tribunal (NGT) put a temporary nationwide ban on the use of manja on 14
December 2016.

The order was passed by a bench chaired by NGT Chairperson Swatanter Kumar, who said that
the sharp glass coated manja used for flying kites poses a serious threat to humans, birds and
animals alike. The panel stated that the ban would apply on nylon, cotton and Chinese manjas
that are coated with glass and metal.

Apart from this, the Manja Association of

India has been told to submit a report on
the harmful effects of the kite strings to
the Central Pollution Control Board.

The move followed a plea by senior

advocate Sanjay Hedge and advocate
Shadan Farasat on the behalf of the
animal rights body -People for Ethical
Treatment of Animals (PETA)-seeking a
ban on the use of the kite strings,
especially since Makar Sankranti is
approaching and manja would be used then for flying kites.

The advocates also sought a ban on the manufacture, sale, import and use of the kite strings
and referred to Allahabad High Court’s November 2015 order, which banned the use of Chinese
manja in Uttar Pradesh, to support their case.

PETA in its petition had stated that the glass-coated string poses a great danger to both humans
and animals and causes numerous deaths every year. PETA also laid out the danger the string
poses when it comes in contact with live overhead electric wires, as it often acts as a good
conductor of electricity and can lead to the electrocution of the kite flyer or any passer-by who
comes in contact with the wire.

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The animal rights body also raised concerns regarding minors employed by the cottage industry
for manja manufacturing, as due to inhaling of harmful substances, they are more susceptible
to respiratory problems.

Acting on the same, the green tribunal had earlier issued notices to all state governments,
asking for their response on PETA’s plea.


Assam’s island district, Majuli will now become India's first ever Carbon neutral district by 2020.

The project titled ‘'Sustainable Action for Climate Resilient Development in Majuli' (SACRed,
Majuli) was launched by Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, A K Johari on 14
December 2016. It was initiated by Assam’s department of Environment and Forest to fight
against climate change and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

According to Johari, the project would start with afforestation, reforestation, and conservation
of the existing flora and fauna, followed by other methods to ensure sustainable development
over the next three years.

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The implementation of the project will happen in partnership with other departments of the
district, for which the government has created a special district level committee under the
leadership of the Majuli’s Deputy Commissioner Pallav Gopal Jha.

During the project’s launch meeting, Jha emphasised on the importance of climate-based
decision making and highlighted the need for low emission development strategy for Majuli.


• Situated on the Brahmaputra River, the district is the world’s largest river island and India's
first Island district.

• It is located towards the east of Assam’s largest city – Guwahati.

• It was formed due to change in the course of Brahmaputra and its tributaries.

• It is inhabited mostly by the members of Mising tribe, who migrated from Arunachal Pradesh
to the region centuries back.

• The sole mode of transportation that connects the district to the mainland is ferry service.

• Over the period, the district has modernised, especially with the setting up of medical centres
and educational institutions.


Carbon neutrality refers to achieving net zero carbon footprints by removing as much carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere as the amount released into it.


The World Wildlife Fund reports that a group of researchers discovered 163 new species in the
Greater Mekong region.

A rainbow-headed snake, a dragon-like lizard and a newt that looks like a Klingon from Star
Trek were among the 163 new species that were found in the region. In all, 9 amphibians, 11
fish, 14 reptiles, 126 plants and 3 mammals were described for the first time. Scientists also
discovered a rare banana species from Thailand.

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Between 1997 and 2015, there have been 2409 new species discovered in the Greater Mekong.
This adds to the over 430 mammal species, 800 reptiles and amphibians, 1200 birds, 1100 fish
and 20000 plant species already known to science.


 The Greater Mekong is an international region of the Mekong River basin in Southeast

 It holds irreplaceable natural and cultural riches and is considered one of the world's
most significant biodiversity hotspot.

 The region has a diverse geographic landscape including massifs, plateaus, limestone
karsts, lowlands, fertile floodplains and deltas, forests and grasslands.

 It encapsulates 16 of the WWF Global 200 ecoregions and habitats for an estimated
20000 plant species, 1300 fish species, 1200 bird species, 800 reptile and amphibian
species, and 430 mammal species.

 The region's biodiversity is ranked as a top-five most threatened hotspot by

Conservation International. The WWF also states that the region is particularly
vulnerable to global climate change.


Scientists have discovered a huge dead zone in the Bay of Bengal. The area, estimated to be
around 60000 square km, is reported to contain little or no oxygen.

The area is also said to host microorganisms, which remove a large amount of nitrogen from
the ocean. Though dead zones can be found in other oceanic bodies as well, there has been no
indication of nitrogen loss there.


• Researchers from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research’s National Institute of
Oceanography reported that though some amount of oxygen does exist in the Bay of Bengal,
the concentrations are lesser that what standard techniques could detect.

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• The oxygen level is stated to be around 10000 times lesser that the amount found in the air-
saturated surface waters.

• The microbes present in the Bay of Bengal are in fact capable of removing all the nitrogen
from the water but traces of oxygen stop them from doing so.

• Though there is some evidence of nitrogen-removing microorganisms existing in other well-

known dead zones well, they are reported to work at a much slower rate.

According to Wajih Naqvi, the former director of National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), if
the last amount of oxygen is removed from the ocean then, the bay would become a cause of
nitrogen removal from oceans across the world.

Complete removal of nitrogen could affect the nitrogen balance in marine life and also the rate
of their productivity.


• Dead zones are large areas in the ocean that have low oxygen concentration.

• The marine life in these areas mostly suffocates and dies or if they are mobile like the fish
then, they leave the area.

• Though at many times, dead zones occur naturally, scientists are also of the opinion that they
are created due to increased human activity.

• The main cause of the zones created by humans is nutrient pollution. Excess nutrients
(nitrogen and phosphorus) can result in the overgrowth of algae, which later decomposes in the
water consuming excess oxygen, depleting the supply available for the marine life.

Dead zones can be found in virtually every oceanic body, the largest encompassing almost the
whole bottom of the Baltic Sea. Another large dead zone is located in the Gulf of Mexico. Other
dead zones occur off the western coasts of North and South America and off the coast of
Namibia and western coast of India.

Global warming triggered by climate change is predicted to lead to an expansion of these dead
zones. However, it is not certain whether the climate change would lead to the removal of the
last traces of oxygen from the bay as well.

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The Delhi government has decided to reduce the fares of Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)
and cluster buses by almost 75%, starting 1 January 2017.

This move has been made in order to encourage more people to opt for public transport. Along
with this, the government has also decided to make DTC bus travel completely free for students
till the age of 21 years.


• The government’s plan includes introducing a flat fare of Rs 5 for non-AC buses and Rs 10 for
AC buses on trial basis for a month.

• The new rate will be far cheaper from the current one, which stands between Rs 10-25 for AC
buses and Rs 5-15 for non-AC buses.

• The rates of the monthly and daily bus passes have also been proposed to be brought down.

• The daily bus passes, which are currently available for Rs 40 for non-AC service and Rs 50 for
AC service will be brought down to Rs 20 for one month.

• The monthly bus passes on the other hand, which are currently issued at a rate of Rs 800 for
non-AC buses and Rs 1000 for AC buses, will be brought down to Rs 250 per month.

• At present, the DTC has around 4355 buses (Red and Green) and there are about 1600 cluster
buses (orange).

The main aim of the plan is to encourage people to choose public transport over their personal
bikes and cars and in turn help bring down vehicular pollution in the city.

Though the decision has already been made, it still awaits an official go-ahead from the
Cabinet, after which a formal notification will be issued. For the same, the Delhi Transport
Minister Satyendar Jain has directed the transport department to submit a draft note on the
decision, which will be introduced at the Cabinet meeting.

The formal notice is expected to be issued by the end of this week.


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China’s parliament on 25 December 2016 passed a law levying specific environmental

protection taxes on its heavy industry, effective from 1 January 2018. The law, first of its kind, is
an effort by the nation to renew its fight against pollution.

The move follows the utter failure of the government in tackling with issues related to pollution
including air, water and land pollution. Recently, a dangerous smog had enveloped almost
whole of northern China.

According to China’s finance ministry, tax revenue is an important economic way to promote
environmental protection.


• The tax rate would be 1.2 yuan per unit of atmospheric pollution, 5 yuan per ton of coal
waste, 1.4 yuan per unit of water pollution and 1000 yuan per ton of hazardous waste.

• Apart from this, 350 yuan will be levied per month on Industrial noise polluters if they cross
the limit by 1-3 decibels, 700 yuan for crossing 4-6 decibels and 11200 yuan for crossing the
limit by 16 decibels or more.

• This new law will replace all the earlier miscellaneous charges levied on emissions, which have
been regarded as too low to deter polluters.

According to the Chinese Environment Minister Chen Jining, the new policy has not been
created to increase the tax burden on enterprises but instead to improve the system and
encourage them to reduce emissions. From now on, the more these enterprises will emit the
more they will have to pay and the less they emit the less they will have to pay.

The law was passed after a series of delays as other departments of the Chinese Ministry –
Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration and local governments were worried
about losing revenue once the earlier charges on emissions got replaced.

Apart from this, some government researchers have pointed out the clear omission of carbon
dioxide from the levying list despite the fact that it is one of the major contributors to global

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Arunachal Pradesh State Co-operative Apex Bank on 7 December 2016 launched Mobile
Banking Service named SIMsePaY. The service was launched in collaboration with the Yes Bank

The SIMsePaY service was launched by the State Industries and Cooperation Minister Tamiya
Taga is aimed at helping bank customers’ in their cash crunch problem.

The SIMsePAY mobile service operates on simple phone handset on SMS without the internet.
It would be very helpful for rural areas where there is no internet network.

While launching the service, the minister also appealed its 1.75 lakh customers to use the
mobile banking service for payments of their utility bills, transfer of funds and other services for
hassle-free cashless business. He asked the bank management to adopt the technology and
provide efficient and effective services to its customers.

Besides, he also asked the bank to survey more areas in remote locations for opening new
branches. He advised the bank to offer small loans to self-employed people and launch the
vigorous drive for loan recovery.

Arunachal Pradesh State Co-operative Apex Bank is CBS enabled and extends various services
like DBT, ATM, NFF and RuPay Debit cards to its customers.


Earlier in the first week of December 2016, Yes Bank announced that it has plans to launch
digital banking services in various states, including Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar and Goa. It was
supposed to launch the same facility in association with the Taisys Technologies that started its
India operation a year ago. Taisys has indigenously developed the banking solution in
cooperation with Yes Bank.

The SIMsePAY service was launched in Dehradun on 30 November 2016.

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Assam’s Hailakandi district becomes the first in the state to pay wages to tea garden workers
through bank accounts.

The move follows Assam government’s directive of making cashless transactions to the
plantation workers. It has, however, come much before the set deadline of 15 December 2016.

Key Highlights

• Five correspondents from the Assam Gramin Vikash Bank assisted the payment process.

• It covered at least 504 plantation workers who are employed at the Burnie Braes tea estate.

They all received their wages through their individual bank accounts.

• The move was made possible through the efforts put in by the District Deputy Commissioner
Moloy Bora, who held back-to-back meetings with bank officials along with the tea garden
management and mobile service providers.

This move supports Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Cashless India drive, following the
shocking demonetization of old ₹500 and ₹1000 currency notes on 9 November 2016.

However, Assam is not the first Indian state to join the cashless drive, as Goa has already
announced its intention of going fully cashless. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar revealed
the same at a rally on 25 November 2016.

Dhasai, a small village in Maharashtra’s Thane District also became virtually cashless starting 2
December 2016. With a population of 5,000, it is the first village in the country to do so. The
feat was made possible through the installation of 150 Point of Sale (PoS) machines.


Sarbananda Sonowal, the Chief Minister of Assam, on 14 December 2016 inaugurated a Solar
Battery Station at Bindhakata Tengapukhuri village in Dibrugarh.

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The Solar Battery Station, which is one of the biggest projects in Assam, would help in fulfilling
the power requirements of 287 households of four villages of the area, namely Gerekigaon,
Mulukghat, Mirigaon and Tengabri.

Highlights of Solar Battery Station

• The project has installed two solar battery charging stations of 6-kilowatt capacity.

• The two central battery-charging stations have been installed in two different buildings with a
provision of two lights and one fan in each household along with one solar battery.

In addition to the solar battery station, the Chief Minister also inaugurated a Community
Development Centre in the city.

While inaugurating the two facilities in Dibrugarh, the Chief Minister said ‘the area is highly
affected by flood and erosion and his government is taking up the issue of dredging the
Brahmaputra with the Union Government.

He also reiterated his government’s commitment towards inclusive development with a prime
focus on rural areas. He stressed on maximum utilisation of Brahmaputra waterways for
expediting the growth of the state.


Assam’s island district, Majuli will now become India's first ever Carbon neutral district by 2020.

The project titled ‘'Sustainable Action for Climate Resilient Development in Majuli' (SACRed,
Majuli) was launched by Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, A K Johari on 14
December 2016. It was initiated by Assam’s department of Environment and Forest to fight
against climate change and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

According to Johari, the project would start with afforestation, reforestation, and conservation
of the existing flora and fauna, followed by other methods to ensure sustainable development
over the next three years.

The implementation of the project will happen in partnership with other departments of the
district, for which the government has created a special district level committee under the
leadership of the Majuli’s Deputy Commissioner Pallav Gopal Jha.

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During the project’s launch meeting, Jha emphasised on the importance of climate-based
decision making and highlighted the need for low emission development strategy for Majuli.


The Assam Government on 25 December 2016
launched the Atal Amrit Abhiyan health insurance
scheme. The scheme was launched by the State Chief
Minister Sarbananda Sonowal at a function held in the
conference hall of the Assam Secretariat.

With this launch, Assam joined other States that like

Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan that are implementing comprehensive health
insurance schemes.


• Its objective is to provide healthcare services to poor sections of the society.

• It covers all individuals in eligible families with an annual income below Rs 5 lakh. The scheme
doesn’t discriminate between the below poverty line (BPL) and above poverty line (APL)

• The scheme covers 437 diseases that were further segregated into six major disease groups.

• The six major disease groups that covered under this scheme are cardiovascular diseases,
cancer, kidney diseases, neo-natal diseases, neurological conditions and burns.

• The coverage under the scheme will be up to Rs 2 lakh annually for critical healthcare costs
and the payments will be made through cashless mode at the point of delivery.

• The beneficiaries of the scheme will be given a laminated health card with a unique
identification number to avail facilities.

• An independent society under the Department of Health and Family Welfare will be set up to
oversee the functioning of the scheme.

• The scheme will be implemented with a financial out lay of Rs 200 crore.

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• The scheme was launched on 25 December 2016 to mark the 92nd birth anniversary of
former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

• Atal Behari Vajpayee is one of the few prime ministers who made several painstaking efforts
to include the North East in the agenda of priorities of the Union Government.

• During the Vajpayee-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government, the Department of
North East Region (DoNER) was set up to coordinate the development projects in the region.

• Similarly, the Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR) initiative was launched by the
NDA government in 1998 to carry forward unspent balance in a given financial year.



The state government of Gujarat has passed a law proposing tough action against those who
illegally make, sell or transport alcohol in the dry state. The law also proposed to take strong
action against the corrupt officials who assist such criminals escape raids on liquor dens.

The move came after an ordinance seeking amendments in the Gujarat Prohibition Act was
approved by the state’s cabinet on 15 December 2016.

Key Highlights

• The ordinance sought an increase in penalty and jail term for those involved in the illegal sale,
purchase and transportation of liquor.

• Those found guilty of such charges will now have to serve a maximum jail term of 10 years
and pay a fine of Rs 5 lakh instead of the 3-years jail term stated under the current Act.

• Even the liquor den operators and those assisting them will face up to 10 years of maximum
jail term.

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• People who create a public nuisance after drinking will also now face a maximum jail term of
3 years and a minimum of one year. The punishment for the same according to the current law
is 3 months of jail term and a fine of Rs 200- 500.

• The corrupt officials assisting liquor peddlers escape raids will face up to 7 years of jail term
and a fine of Rs 1 lakh.

• Vehicles used for transporting liquor will also be confiscated permanently by the government.

Gujarat is the first Indian state to impose total prohibition on the consumption, storage,
manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages. The legislation was passed in 1958 after a number
of people lost their lives following the consumption of methyl alcohol.

However, the ban didn’t stop liquor consumption as illegal liquor dens flourished, leading to the
formation of a full-grown underground liquor business.



Haryana government in the first week of December 2016 banned the carrying of arms at
wedding functions. The ban was announced after several incidents of celebratory firing were
reported, including the death of an orchestra dancer in Bhatinda.

The ban was imposed under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code and as per an official
release firing in the air is also an offence, which is punishable by six months’ imprisonment.

Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Ram Niwas said it has been noticed that most often people
indulge in celebratory firing during the occasions of marriage. The incident occurs after they
consume alcohol. Thus, to make sure that such incidents don’t take place, the Police
Department has been directed to put a check on carrying of arms at wedding functions, it will
be done in the coordination of the concerned district magistrate.


The Government of Haryana on 14 December 2016 launched the Mahila Police Volunteer
initiative for the safety of women. The initiative was launched by Haryana Chief Minister
Manohar Lal Khattar.

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With this launch, Haryana has become the first State in the country to adopt the scheme. The
scheme is a part of a number of initiatives taken up by the Union Government to achieve
gender equality.

What is Mahila Police Volunteer Scheme?

• It is a joint initiative of the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development and Union
Ministry of Home Affairs.

• Its objective is to create a link between the police authorities and the local communities in

• To achieve this objective, specially trained women volunteers will be appointed by the State
government. The target is to appoint at least one volunteer in every village.

• The primary job of a volunteer is to keep an eye on situations where women in the village are
harassed or their rights and entitlements are denied.

• The volunteers are selected through a laid out procedure from among the empowered,
responsible, socially aware women who will facilitate police outreach on gender concerns.

• The volunteers are trained by the respective state police authorities on their role and

Steps taken by the Union Government to achieve gender neutrality are

• The National Policy for Women was unveiled in May 2016. The policy identified seven priority
areas for all round development of women.

• The seven priority areas are – Health including food security and nutrition, Education,
Economy, Governance and Decision Making, Violence against Women, Enabling environment
and Environment and Climate Change.

• Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao initiative was launched in October 2014 to address the issue of
declining child sex ratio.

• The Union Government advised the state governments to bring participation of women in the
police force to 33%.

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In a recent ruling, the Kerala High Court put a hold on the order relaxing dress norms at the
state’s Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple.

The ruling comes just days after the temple’s CEO K N Sateesh allowed women to enter the
temple wearing salwar suits. The move, which was taken in response to a petition lodged at the
high court by a woman advocate Riya Raje, hadn’t gone down well with the Temple’s senior
priest, Nedumpilli Tharanalloor Parameshwaran Namboodiripad.

The priest had expressed his staunch opposition to the decision, calling it a violation of the
temple’s age-old traditions. While his stand definitely had an effect on the high court’s earlier
decision, a writ petition filed by private parties challenging the Executive officer’s decision also
played a major role in the return of the old norms.

A division of bench of the court has ordered for the old norms to continue for the time being. It
comes as a huge blow to women, as like before they will be expected to wear only saris or
cover their salwar and churidar with a dhoti while entering the temple.

The decision to allow women wearing salwar kameez to enter the temple was officially made by
the temple CEO Sateesh on 29 November 2016. The administrative committee of the temple
had, however, frozen his order but the writ petition alleged that despite this, women wearing
churidar were allowed into the temple.

In July 2007, another prominent place of worship in Kerala- the Guruvayoor Shri Krishna temple
had amended its strict dress code for women devotees, allowing them to enter wearing salwar
kameez and traditional long skirts. The rule still continues to stand.


The Chief Minister of Kerala Pinarayi Vijayan on 8 December 2016 launched the Haritha
Keralam Mission in Thiruvananthapuram. It is a comprehensive programme to make the state
clean, protect its water sources and soil.

The Mission aims at creating new development perspectives by maximum utilization of

opportunities through waste management, water resources and agricultural development.

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Eminent Carnatic vocalist and playback singer K J Yesudas is the Brand Ambassador of the

Key highlights of the mission

 The project aims to clear and remove waste from all the water bodies in the state.

 It ensures disposal of solid waste and removal of waste water.

 The mission also targets at increasing the area of land under cultivation.

 As a part of the mission, the government will conduct a survey covering 60 lakh houses,
to collect data about existing waste management systems in the state.

 It is the first of the four mega missions planned by the Left Democratic Front
government. The health, housing and education missions will be launched subsequently.

 Among the immediate programs that will be launched include the cleaning of vacant
lands which will be used for vegetable cultivation.

 Also, a comprehensive waste management plan will be launched to collect, separate

and recycle waste in panchayats and municipalities.



Kerala’s Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan inaugurated the third edition of the Kochi-Muziris
Biennale (KMB) at an inaugural event in Parade Ground, Fort Kochi on 13 December 2016.

Titled ‘Forming in the pupil of an eye’, the three-month long festival will witness participation
from 97 artists from thirty-one countries across the world. The Biennale is considered to be one
of the largest celebrations of contemporary art in South Asia and similar to its last two editions,
this time also the venues of art display are scattered across Kochi.

In his speech, the Chief Minister acknowledged the rise in credibility of the Biennale in the
global contemporary art scene and stated that the government is looking to give it a permanent
home. He further added that the Biennale provides an ideal platform for the conglomeration of
global thoughts and expression and the free flow of culture.

Key Highlights

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• Popular contemporary artist Sudarshan Shetty was given the responsibility of overseeing this

• The inaugural ceremony saw a performance by singer Suman Sridhar and The Black Mamba.

• Among the 97 artists showcasing their work, 36 are Indians.

• Some of the Indian participants include cartoonist EP Unny, Malayalam litterateur Anand,
graphic artists Orijit Sen and Avinash Veeraraghavan, author Sharmistha Mohanty and theatre
artists Anamika Haksar and Kalakshetra Manipur.

• The festival will also host activities like poetry recitals and dance performances.

• The venues chosen for display of artwork include Aspinwall House, Cabral Yard, Pepper
House, David Hall, Durbar Hall, Kashi Art Café, Kashi Art Gallery, MAP Project Space, Anand
Warehouse, TKM Warehouse, Cochin Club and Kottapuram Fort.

• In addition to this festival, the state will also play host to a student’s Biennale, featuring works
of over 470 aspiring artists belonging to 55 schools from across the country.

Besides this, the Kochi-Muziris Biennale has also collaborated with an online portal Sahapedia
that documents India’s cultural heritage. So, together they will create a map featuring details of
over 150 sites in Kochi including places of worship, heritage sites, cultural centres and public



Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, on 11 December 2016 launched
Narmada Seva Yatra at Amarkantak. The yatra that will continue till 11 May 2017 (about five
months) aims at turning the River Narmada pollution free and unceasing.

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This Narmada Sewa Yatra that will cover more than 1900 kilometres (from Amarkantak to
Sondwa (Alirajpur)) in 16 districts will also help in making people aware about the conservation
of the river.

Before kick starting the campaign, Chouhan performed all religious rituals and invited religious
leaders to join the yatra. He said that he will join the campaign every week.

Highlights of the Narmada Sewa Yatra

• All villages that lie on the bank of the river will have its own Narmada Sewa Samiti, which will
undertake the follow-up action on measures for its preservation.

• Sewage water that flows into the river will be treated before being released into the river.

• Trees will be planted along the banks of the Narmada.

• During the 118 day, journey will be monitored by a core team of fifty persons.

• The yatra will comprise of workshops and public meetings.

Narmada Overview

• The Narmada, also called the Rewa, is the fifth largest river of the Indian subcontinent. It
originates from the peak of the Maikaal Mountain and converges in the Arabian Sea at Gulf of
Khambat, Gujarat. Its altitude from mean sea level is 3500 feet.

• It is the third longest river (1310 kilometres) that flows within India after the Godavari, and
the Krishna. It is also termed as the Life Line of Madhya Pradesh.

• Major Tributaries of River Narmada are Hiran, Tawa, Ganjaal, Goi, Karzan, Tendoni, Baarna,
Kolar, Banjar, Maan, Uri, Orsang, Budhner, Sher, Small Tawa, Shakkar, Dudhi, Kundi, Veda and

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• It is one of the only three rivers in India that runs from East to West. It is the longest west
flowing river in India.

• Other two rivers that flow towards West are the Tapti River and the Mahi River



Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on 20 December 2016 announced that a

separate Ministry will be created for Other Backward Classes (OBCs). This ministry will be
headed by an independent minister.

The announcement was made at the concluding session of the Kunbi Mahotsav at Shahapur in
Thane district of the state.

Besides, the Chief Minister also announced funds worth Rs 200 crore for gravity-based water
supply projects. These projects will help in fulfilling the need of the town and surrounding

He said that a policy will be prepared under which villages that provide land for dam projects
would be entitled to the water from that project.

In addition to this, he also directed the Zila Parishad of Thane to prepare a tourist circuit plan
for Murbad and Shahpur talukas. He assured that maximum funds will be provided for the
development of the plan.

The CM further said, in order to increase the green cover across the state, the government has
come up with a target of planting 50 crore saplings in next three years.

Earlier, on 19 December 2016, the state government adopted a resolution that seeks to boost
plantation drive to increase the green cover of the state. As per the resolution, four crore
saplings will be planted during the 2017 monsoon, which will be followed by planting 13 crore
saplings during the monsoon season of 2018. 33 crore saplings will be planted during the rainy
season of 2019.

Other Backward Classes (OBC)

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OBC is a collective term that is used the Union Government to classify caste that is socially and
educationally disadvantaged. The Mandal Commission report of 1980, found that the OBC list
comprises of 52 percent of the country’s population. The figure shrunk to 41 percent by 2006,
when the National Sample Survey Organisation took place.
They are entitled to 27 percent reservations in public sector employment and higher education.
Constitutionally, OBC is described as socially and educationally backwards class.

Status of Reservation of OBC in Various States

The status is based on information given by the Minister of State for Social Justice and
Empowerment, Sudarshan Bhagat in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha on 14 August

The list was prepared on the basis of the recommendations of the BP Mandal Commission that
was formed for the upliftment of backwards classes.

Here is the list of people who were benefitted from reservation system (The details obtained
from the DoPT are):

S.No. Year OBC

1 2007 196236

2 2008 390286

3 2009 410948

4 2010 447717

State wise list

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S. No. Name State/UT Reservation Quota for OBCs in States/UTs

1 Andhra Pradesh Reservation to OBCs in State aided Educational Institutions and

in State services is 29 percent. It is divided among five groups as

BC-A=7 percent, BC-B=10 percent, BC-C=01 percent, BC- D=07

percent, BC- E=04 percent.

2 Arunachal Pradesh There is no OBC population in the State. Hence there is no

reservation for OBCs in the State.

3 Assam Providing 27 percent reservation to OBCs in State services.

4 Bihar The OBCs reservation quota in the State is as follows:

BC-II- 12 percent

BC-I – 18 percent

OBCs Women- 03 percent

5 Chhattisgarh Providing 14 percent reservation to OBCs in State services.

6 NCT of Delhi 27 percent reservation in civil posts and services.

7 Goa Government of Goa has approved enhancement of OBC quota

from 19.5 percent to 27 percent.

8 Gujarat Providing 27 percent reservation to socially and educationally

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backward class in State services.

9 Haryana Providing 27 percent reservation in class III & IV and 10 percent

in class I & II to OBCs in State services.

10 Himachal Pradesh Providing reservation @ 12 percent in Class-I & II and 18

percent in Class-III & IV posts to the persons belonging to OBC
category, in the services of the State.

11 J&K Providing reservation to Socially and Educationally Backward

Classes in direct recruitment as under:

(i) Weak & Under Privileged Classes (social castes) 2 percent

(ii) Residents of Areas adjoining Line Actual

Line of Control (ALC) 3 percent

(iii) Residents of Backward Areas (RBA) 20 percent.

For appointment by promotion as under :

Resident of Backward Area – 10 percent

Actual Line of Control (ALC) – 02 percent

Weak and under privileged Classes – 01 percent

12 Jharkhand Providing 14 percent reservation to OBCs.

13 Karnataka Providing 32 percent reservation to OBCs for the purpose of

admission to Educational Institutions and in Employment in
State Civil Services and Government of Karnataka

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14 Kerala Providing 40 percent reservation to OBCs.

15 Madhya Pradesh Providing 14 percent reservation to OBCs in the State.

16 Maharashtra Providing reservation to OBCs in State services as under:

Special Backward Category 2 percent

Other Backward Classes 19 percent

17 Manipur Providing 17 percent reservation for OBCs in the State.

18 Meghalaya No community has been recognized as OBCs.

19 Mizoram There is no OBC in the State. Hence making reservation for OBC
in the State does not arise.

20 Nagaland State of Nagaland does not have OBC.

21 Odisha Provision for reservation of 27 percent for Socially and

Educationally Backward Classes in the posts and services in the

22 Punjab Providing 12 percent reservation to Backward Classes in direct

recruitment in government employment and 5 percent
reservation in educational institutions.

23 Rajasthan Providing 21 percent reservation to OBCs in State services.

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24 Sikkim Reservation in posts and services to be filled up by direct

recruitment by OBCs under the State Govt. & Public Sector
Undertaking is 21 percent.

25 Tamil Nadu Providing reservation to OBCs in the State level Services as


Backward Classes 26.5 percent

Backward Classes Muslim 3.5 percent

Most Backward Classes/Denotified Community 20 percent.

26 Tripura There is no reservation quota for OBCs in the State.

27 Uttar Pradesh Providing 27 percent reservation to OBCs.

28 Uttarakhand Providing 14 percent reservation to OBCs in State level


29 West Bengal 17 percent of the vacancies are reserved for OBCs in services
and posts under the Government of West Bengal.

30 A & N Islands Providing 38 percent reservation to OBCs.

31 Chandigarh Providing 27 percent reservation to OBCs in State services.

32 Daman & Diu Providing 27 percent reservation to OBCs in State services.

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33 Dadra & Nagar Providing 5 percent reservation to OBCs in State services.


34 Lakshadweep There is no OBC population in this Union Territory because

entire population is Muslim Scheduled Tribe. Hence Nil.

35 Puducherry Providing reservation to OBCs in State services as under :

Most Backward Classes (MBCs) 20 percent

Other Backward Classes (OBCs) 13 percent

Backward Tribes (BT) 1 percent

Total Backward Classes 34 percent



Nitin Gadkari, the Union Minister for Road Transport, Highways and Shipping laid the
foundation stones for 17 road projects on 11 December 2016 during two functions held at
Jiribam and Imphal. The project’s overall cost is estimated to be around Rs 1152 Cr.

Also present in the function at Jiribam was the Union Minister of Human Resource
Development- Prakash Javedkar along with other BJP leaders. The function at Imphal, on the
other hand, was attended by the Chief Minister of Manipur, O Ibobi.

Key Highlights

• Gadkari announced that the Union Government will be handing over the responsibility of
Imphal-Jiribam highway (NH 37) to National highways and infrastructure development
corporation Limited (NHIDCL) from the Border Roads Organisation of Indian Army.

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• The national highway was until now maintained mostly by transporters and people of

• The repair work will mainly focus on two bridges on the highway-Barak and Makru, as they
aren't strong enough to support heavy trucks and vehicles.

• The whole project is expected to be completed within three years at a cost of about Rs 141

• The Ministry-owned NHIDCL will also take over the Ukhrul -Toloi-Tadubi projects that cover a
stretch of 115 km, costing about Rs 64 Cr.

• Other projects that will be handed over to NHIDCL include Churachandpur- Singhat- Sinzawl-
Tuivai project and Tamenglong-Khongsang road. While the former covers a stretch of 162 km
with a total estimated cost of Rs 168 Cr, the latter covers 40 km at a cost of about Rs 19 Cr.

Besides this, the Ministry will also take up various other projects in the state through its Public
Works Department. Some of them include roads like Mao gate to Imphal city covering a stretch
of 90 km, Tipaikumkh, Imphal-Ukhrul-Jessami that stretches almost to about 71 km and
Khumbong-Nambol-Mayang Imphal-Kakching-Lamkhai that covers 15 km.




The Odisha Government recently decided to launch a new malaria control programme,
DAMAN, in remote tribal-dominated areas.

Odisha has 62 types of tribes including 13 primitive tribes that constitute 22.3 per cent of the
state's population. The population is under the high risk of malaria infection.

The annual expenditure for the programme will be Rs 24 crore from the state budget. The drive
aims at supplementing the routine malaria control activities and fill the gaps in case finding and
treatment among the high risk population of inaccessible villages of high endemic areas.

Key highlights of the programme

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 DAMAN stands for Durgama Anchalare Malaria Nirakaran (Malaria Control in

Inaccessible Areas).

 It will be implemented in 8000 villages of all 79 blocks of eight high malaria endemic
southern districts. These districts are Koraput, Malkangiri, Kalahandi, Rayagada,
Nabarangapur, Nuapada, Kandhamal and Gajapati.

 The programme incorporates mass screening for malaria with treatment of positive
cases along with intensified supervision, mosquito control measures and regular health
education activities throughout the year.

 The drive will continue for five years with a total expenditure of Rs 120 crore. The State
Government has already sanctioned Rs 10 crore to start the programme.

 Around 80 lakh high-risk population will benefit from the programme.

Present condition in Odisha

 As on 30 October 2016, around 69 persons died of malaria in Odisha, which is highest in


 As on 30 October 2016, total 3.71 lakh people tested positive for malaria, which is also
highest for any state in India.

 The districts covered in the programme contributed around 60 per cent cases and 56
per cent death to the state malaria burden in 2015-2016.

 The state contributes around 38 per cent of the reported malaria cases and 28 per cent
of deaths to the country's total burden.



The Punjab Government on 12 December 2016 launched country’s first amphibious bus project
at the Harike wetland near Amritsar. The project was launched nearly two years after it was

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The water bus, Punjab Harike Water Cruise, will enter the Harike Pattan wetland after
transversing on-road and off-road terrains. The project has cost the state government over Rs
11 crore.

This amphibious bus project was launched by Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal. After
launching the project, Badal took the inaugural ride of the bus with officials and media on
Satluj-Beas confluence. He informed that this amphibious bus can travel on land as well as

Details of the Amphibious Bus

• These amphibious busses will be run by the Punjab Tourism department.

• IT has a seating capacity of 34 people and is equipped with life jackets for everyone.

• At present, the route of the bus includes a 13-kilometer ride from Amritsar to the Harike
wetlands, which the bus is expected to traverse over 45 minutes. It will then traverse 4km on

Comment: It seems that these amphibious buses, dual mode of transport i.e. water and land,
will help in boosting tourism sector of the state.

Harike wetland

• Also known as Hari-ke-Pattan, Harike wetland is the largest wetland in north India

• It is a house of Harike Lake.

• The lake and wetlands were formed in 1953 by constructing head works across the Sutlej
River. These head works are located on the downstream of the confluence of Beas and Sutlej

• It is located along the border of Tarn Taran Sahib and Firozpur districts

• Due to its rich biodiversity and vast concentration of migratory fauna of waterfowls including
a number of globally threatened species, it was as a wetland by the Ramsar Convention in 1990.

• It is one of the Ramsar sites in India for conservation, development and preservation of the


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The Rajasthan High Court struck down Special Backward Classes (SBC) reservation given to
Gujjars and five other communities in the state.

The division bench of Justice MN Bhandari and JK Ranka on 9 December 2016 held that the
special reservation beyond the permissible limit of 50 percent cannot be made. It also said that
the OBC commission report of the state was calculated to favour these communities.

While terming the OBC commission’s report as favourable for these communities, the court
also held that it earlier asked (on 22 December 2012) the state to review the entire reservation
granted and not only a quantifiable report.


The Rajasthan Cabinet on 28 November 2012 decided to provide a separate 5 percent quota to
the SBCs without touching the 21 percent reservation which is available to other Backward
Classes. The decision took the overall reservation in jobs and education to 54 percent.

The community, currently enjoying OBC status, had initially demanded its inclusion in the
Scheduled Tribes and was later persuaded to accept the creation of a new reserved category for

Earlier in 2008, the state tried to increase five percent reservation over and above the
prescribed limit, which was stopped by the High Court.



O Panneerselvam was sworn-in as the Chief Minister of

Tamil Nadu on 5 December 2016. He succeeded
AIADMK supremo and former Tamil Nadu Chief
Minister who earlier died at the Apollo Hospital.

Governor Ch. Vidyasagar Rao administered the oath of

office and secrecy for Panneerselvam at a somber

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ceremony at the Raj Bhawan. Other 31 ministers of the erstwhile Jayalalithaa Cabinet were also

This was Panneerselvam’s third swearing-in as Chief Minister. Earlier, he had served Tamil Nadu
as its Chief Minster, during 2001-02 and 2014-15, after Jayalalithaa was unseated by the courts.

Tamil Nadu government has announced a seven-day State Mourning from 6 November 2016.
The government has also declared a three-day holiday for all educational institutions in the

O Panneerselvam

• Panneerselvam was born on 14 January 1951.

• He was once a tea stall owner and an agriculturist.

• He is a member of All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) party of Tamil Nadu.

• Panneerselvam served as the chairman of Periakulam municipality in 1996.

• He became the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu in September 2001 when then Chief Minister
Jayalalithaa was barred from holding office by the Supreme Court of India. He served the office
till 2002.

• He also served as the Finance Minister of Tamil Nadu in the Jayalalithaa cabinet from 2011 to

• He represents the Bodinayakanur Assembly constituency in the current assembly. The

constituency is located in Theni district.



The Uttarakhand High Court has directed the state government to impose a blanket ban on the
sale and consumption of liquor in three districts of the state.

The ruling came in response to a writ petition filed by Udit Narayan Tiwari, seeking a ban on a
bar serving liquor in Haridwar, stating that it violated the government order passed in February

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2002.The order had prohibited the sale and consumption of liquor in Haridwar given its
religious prominence.

The PIL was heard by a division bench comprising Justices Rajeev Sharma and Alok Singh who
ordered a complete ban on liquor in Rudraprayag, Chamoli, and Uttarkashi districts, effective
from next fiscal year.

These districts are home to the highly religious Char Dham temples. While Kedarnath and
Badrinath are located in Rudraprayag and Chamoli, Gangotri and Yamunotri are located in

The bench stated that though the sale of liquor is already prohibited in the area, a complete
ban is essential, especially considering the growing tendency of drinking among youngsters.
Along with this, the bench of justices also directed the state government to ban public drinking
and keep a check on ‘large drunken gatherings’.

The court was of the opinion that no one should create a nuisance or become violent after
being drunk in both public places as well as inside private homes. It also stated there should no
liquor shop within a kilometre of an educational institution or religious place of worship,
starting next fiscal year.

Tobacco also took a hit, as the court ordered the state government to ban the sale of tobacco in
areas that fall within the five-kilometre radius from Gurdwara Nanakmatta, Gurdwara Meetha
Reetha Sahib, and Gurdwara Hemkund Sahib.



Twelve more eminent personalities on 1 December 2016 were bestowed with the prestigious
Yash Bharti Award 2016 in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.

With this, a total of 77 personalities have so far received the highest award of the state for the
year 2016.

The personalities who received the award are:

 Lieutenant General (Retd.) AK Singh

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 Dr Manzur Hasan: Renowned cardiologist of the country

 Atul Tiwari: Film writer

 Dr Deen Muhammad Deen: Hindi litterateur

 Suhas LY: District Magistrate of Azamgarh. He also won gold medal in badminton at
Beijing Paralympics.

 Dr Abbas Raza Naiyyar: HOD of Urdu department of Lucknow University

 Murad Ali Khan: Trap shooter

 Naseeruddin Shah: Actor

 Archana Satish: Anchor

 Shikha Dwivedi: Anchor

 Rachna Govil: Sportsperson

 Pramod Kumar Choudhary: Social activist

About Yash Bharti Awards

 Yash Bharti Awards was instituted by Mulayam Singh Yadav Government in 1994.

 The award is conferred by the Uttar Pradesh Government for excellence in literature,
fine arts, folk and classical music and sports.

 The award carries cash prize of 11 lakh rupees, a citation and a shawl.

 The award was discontinued by the Bahujan Samaj Party Government from 2007-2013,
but later it was revived after a gap of six years.



The Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee announced on 6 December that the state
would be setting up a special panel to stop child trafficking.

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Chaired by Parliamentary Affairs minister Partha Chatterjee, the committees would constitute a
Chief Secretary, Home Secretary, DGP and officers and members of the opposition parties,
Congress and CPI (M).

The move follows a recent state CID operation, which brought to open a massive newborn
trafficking racket carried out by two private nursing homes, Baidya Clinic and Sohon Nursing

The nursing homes located in Baduria in North 24 Parganas district, mainly targeted poor
families and single mothers and used to sell their unwanted babies to childless couples. There
were often cases when the clinic made mothers believe that they had delivered stillborns and
then would smuggle their babies.

An NGO called Subodh Memorial Trust was also involved in the racket. Its owner Satyajit Sinha
was the one who trapped the childless couples.

The Chief Minister called the incident extremely unfortunate and worrisome and assured that
strong action had been taken. At least 20 people including doctors, facilitators, and traffickers
have been arrested and licenses of the two nursing homes and the NGO have been suspended.

While three newborns were rescued from biscuit containers in a raid conducted at Baduria in
North 24 Parganas district, 10 more newborn baby girls were found in an old age home in

Mamta Banerjee has directed the panel to meet at least once a month. Her proposal was
accepted by the house after a majority raised their hands in support.

Apart from this, the Chief Minister has also stated that humanitarian aid will be provided to the
poor who were forced to sell their children in exchange for money.

However, those who had done it purely out of greed would be handled strongly.

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The India-UK Conference on Ease of Doing Business concluded on 10 December 2016 in New
Delhi. This conference on Ease of Doing Business would act as an opportunity to enhance the
strategic bilateral partnership between the two nations to the next level.

The two-day conference was jointly inaugurated by Ramesh Abhishek, Secretary of Ministry of
Commerce and Industry and Dominic Asquith, the British High Commissioner.

This partnership on Ease of Doing Business of the two nations is important because it will play a
role that the business environment plays in encouraging trade, investment, innovation and
economic growth.

The conference that included discussion on regulatory reform, inspection reform, tax
administration and trade facilitation also brought together officials from state and central
Government with UK experts.

The conference was arranged in the backdrop of commitments made by UK Prime Minister
Theresa May and Prime Minister Narendra Modi in November 2016. The two committed to
provide a forum for experts from both countries to share best practices, which will lead to
further collaborations in the future.

During the UK Prime Minister’s visit to India in November 2016, both Prime Ministers Theresa
May and Narendra Modi witnessed the exchange of a Memorandum of Understanding on the
Ease of Doing Business. This MoU set out how the UK and India would work together to share
expertise and best practice.

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The Forbes’ magazine's annual list of World’s Most Powerful People was released on 14
December 2016. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was ranked among the top 10 most powerful
people in the world. He was ranked at 9th place on the list of 74 people.

The list was topped by Russian President Vladimir Putin for the fourth straight year. Putin is
followed by President-elect of the US Donald Trump (2nd), German Chancellor Angela Merkel
(3rd) and Chinese President Xi Jinping (4th).

Top 10 in the list are

Images Rank Name Country/Organisation

1 Vladimir Putin (64) Russia

2 Donald Trump (70) The United States

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3 Angela Merkel (62) Germany

4 Xi Jinping (63) China

5 Pope Francis (79) Roman Catholic


6 Janet Yellen (70) The United States

7 Bill Gates (61) Bill & Melinda Gates


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8 Larry Page (43) Alphabet

9 Narendra Modi (66) India

10 Mark Zuckerberg (32) Facebook


Rank Name Country/Organisation

10 Mark Zuckerberg (32) Facebook

43 Kim Jong-un (33) North Korea

64 Travis Kalanick (40) Uber Technologies Inc.

8 Larry Page (43) Alphabet

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30 Sergey Brin (43) Alphabet

66 Justin Trudeau (44) Canada

21 Elon Musk (45) Space Exploration

Technologies Corp.

45 Ma Huateng (45) Tencent Holdings

57 Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (45) Islamic State

40 Jay Y. Lee (48) Samsung Electronics

Five oldest in the list are 88-year-old Li Ka-Shing (rank 33) of CK Hutchison Holdings, 86-year-old
Warren Buffett (rank 15) of Berkshire Hathaway, 85-year-old Rupert Murdoch (rank 35) of
News Corp, 83-year-old Sheldon Adelson (rank 73) of Las Vegas Sands and 81-year-old Charles
Koch (rank 31) of Koch Industries.

Only six women’s were placed in Forbes magazine’s 'The World's Most Powerful People 2016'
list. Women’s in the list are Angela Merkel (rank 3) from Germany, Janet Yellen (rank 6) from
the United States, Theresa May (rank 13) of United Kingdom was, Christine Lagarde (rank 25) of
International Monetary Fund, Ginni Rometty (rank 61) of IBM and Mary Barra (rank 62) of
General Motors.

Apart from Narendra Modi, the other Indian who landed on the Forbes list was Mukesh Ambani
(59). He was placed at 38th position in the Forbes list of the world’s most powerful people.


• The list said, India’s populist Prime Minister remains hugely popular in his country of 1.3
billion people.

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• In recent years, he has raised his profile as a global leader during official visits with Barack
Obama and Xi Jinping.

• It says that Modi also emerged as a key figure in the international effort to tackle climate
change, as planetary warming will deeply affect millions of his country’s rural and most
vulnerable citizens. It also took note of his demonetisation decision.


FOR 2016
Merriam-Webster's dictionary on 19 December 2016 named surreal Word of the Year for 2016.

As per Merriam-Webster, the word surreal saw major spikes following Brussels terror attacks in
March 2016, the coup attempt in Turkey and the terrorist attack in Nice. However, the largest
spike in lookups for surreal was noticed after the U.S. election in November 2016.

The word surreal is relatively new word in English, only dating back to the 1930s, derived from
descriptions of the artistic movement of the early 1900s known as surrealism, which means “a
style of art and literature developed principally in the 20th century,” and “stressing the
subconscious or nonrational significance of imagery arrived at by automatism” or “the
exploitation of chance effects.”

What does the word mean?

 The definition of surreal on Merriam-Webster is “marked by the intense irrational

reality of a dream.” It is a word that is used to express a reaction to something shocking
or surprising.

Earlier in November 2016, the word ‘Post Truth’ was named as word of the year 2016
by Oxford Dictionaries. Later in the month, the website Dictionary.com named the word
'Xenophobia' as the Word of the Year for 2016.


India in the third week of December 2016 was ranked 4th in the Global Wind Power Installed
Capacity Index. The cumulative installed wind power generation capacity of India is 25088 MW.

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The Index was topped by China, followed by USA and Germany. The cumulative installed wind
power generation capacity of China is 145362 MW. The cumulative installed wind power
generation capacity of the USA is 74471 MW and that of Germany is 44947 MW.

The ranking were released on 19 December 2016 in the Global Wind Report: Annual Market
update, which was launched by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).

India and its wind power capacity

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 In 2015-2016, India installed 31472 solar pumps, which is higher than the total number
of pumps installed during last 24 years. As of 31 October 2016, 92305 solar pumps have
been installed in the country.

 During 2016-2017, 51 MW installations of biomass power plants were achieved against

a target of 400 MW.

 During 2016-17, against a target of 1.00 lakh biogas plants, 0.26 lakh biogas plant
installations have been achieved, making a cumulative achievement to 4.94 million
biogas plants as of 31 October 2016.

 A capacity addition of 14.30 GW of renewable energy was also reported during the last
2.5 years under Grid Connected Renewable Power, which include 5.8 GW from Solar
Power, 7.04 GW from Wind Power, 0.53 from Small Hydro Power and 0.93 from Bio-


A study involving over 1200 species of birds revealed that birds with evolved brains are more
capable of surviving in harsh environments where they have to hunt for food, shelter and at
times even protect themselves from predators.

Conducted by researchers and scientists from the University of Bath in the United Kingdom, the
study was published in the scientific journal, Nature Communications.

Findings of the study

• The researchers found that the birds living in highly seasonal environments such as the Polar
region have relatively larger brains in comparison to those living near the equator.

• They also found that birds living in areas with unpredictable climate, places that see extreme
fluctuation in weather also have larger brains in comparison to their overall body size.

• The researchers further predicted that since the frequency of extreme climatic events like
storms, droughts and floods is expected to only increase in the coming years, smarter creatures
would be able to adapt better with these changes than the ones with less brains.

• Hence, this result will have significant implications in the future.

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Bharti Airtel Limited on 5 December 2016 announced the appointment of Sunil Taldar as the
Chief Executive Officer and Director for its DTH business.

Taldar will take over from Shashi Arora who moved as Managing Director and CEO of Airtel
Payments Bank.

Taldar will be a member of the Airtel Management Board and will report to Gopal Vittal, Chief
Executive Officer at Bharti Airtel (India and South Asia).

As per Airtel, Taldar will be “responsible for driving growth and innovation for Airtel Digital TV,
which is a key growth driver within the company’s B2C portfolio.”

Previously, Taldar worked with Cadbury as India Sales Director. He had also worked with
Mondelez (Indonesia) as Country Head.


• Airtel digital TV is an Indian direct-broadcast satellite service provider.

• It is owned and operated by Bharti Airtel.

• It was launched in 2008.

• Its satellite service transmits digital satellite television and audio to households in India.

• At the end of the September 2016 quarter, Airtel digital TV had 12.4 million customers and
recorded revenue growth of 21 per cent.


AirAsia on 5 December 2016 announced the appointment of Amar Abrol as its Managing
Director in addition to his role as Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

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As per AirAsia, “Abrol was appointed as the Managing Director following the company's board
meeting held on 29 November 2016.” He was appointed as CEO of the airline in April 2016.

Abrol holds over two decades of experience in different markets including Hong Kong,
Singapore, the UK and Malaysia.


 AirAsia India is an Indian low cost carrier.

 The airline is a joint venture with AirAsia Berhad holding 49 per cent stake in the airline,
Tata Sons holding 40.06 per cent stakes and Arun Bhatia holding the remaining 10 per
cent through his company, Telestra Tradeplace.

 It is headquartered in Chennai.

 Air Asia India commenced operations on 12 June 2014 with Bangalore as its primary

 It is the first foreign airline to set up a subsidiary in India.

 It marked Tata's return to the aviation industry after 60 years, having ceded Air India in

 As of February 2016, AirAsia India is the fourth largest low cost carrier in India, after
IndiGo, GoAir and SpiceJet.


The Enforcement Directorate has summoned the officials of AirAsia India to investigate the
airline’s alleged violation of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) regulations

A case has been registered under Section 3 of the FEMA. The main focus of ED’s investigation
will be on the irregularities in the company’s transactions involving non-existent parties, alleged
to be located in India and Singapore.

The airline’s management and control are also under scanner. It is a joint venture between its
parent company AirAsia Berhad in Malaysia and Tata Sons who own 49% each. Remaining two
percent is divided between Chairman S Ramadorai and Director R Venkataramanan, who is
also the managing trustee of Tata Trusts.

The main instigator of the investigation has been Cyrus Mistry, who right after his ouster as
Tata Sons Chairman, reported fraud transactions worth Rs 22 crore at AirAsia through an email
to Tata Sons Boards. His revelation was followed up by an article written by BJP

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leader Subramanian Swamy and a forensic audit conducted by Deloitte based on the
allegations of misappropriation of funds by former company executives.

The Deloitte report brought to light an alleged payment of Rs 12 crore, which the airline made
to HNR Trading for consultancy service without any proper agreement for the transaction and
explanation on the nature of service provided.

Another questionable payment is of Rs 10 crore that the airline made to a company called Link
Media Immigration Services Pvt Ltd for media services, which after the investigation was found
to be non-existent.


It is an act of the Parliament of India with the main objective of facilitating external trade and
payments and promoting the orderly development and maintenance of foreign exchange
market in India.


Amazon, the American e-commerce company, has introduced Amazon Prime Video Service in
India, posing a tough competition to other online streaming services like Netflix and Hotstar.

Amazon Prime video will provide Amazon Prime users with the access to the largest collection
of ad-free new releases including Bollywood and Hollywood movies, television shows and
award-winning Amazon original series and kid’s programmes. The app is available for download
on both Google Play store and Apple app store.

The decision was announced by the Director and Country Head of Amazon Video India, Nitesh
Kripalani. The best part about this service is that it will be provided to the Prime members on
top of the unlimited free one-day and two-day delivery options that they have already been
given, with no extra charge. So, the Prime members can enjoy unlimited ad-free streaming by
just paying Rs 499 annually.

The website is also giving an option of a 30-day free trial to those who aren’t Prime members.
Users will be able to access Prime Video through multiple devices such as laptop, gaming
consoles, mobiles and smart TV.

With this, Amazon has come into direct competition with Netflix, the American online
streaming service, which launched in India in January this year. While a Netflix user has to pay
Rs 650 for a month’s subscription, Amazon Prime Video user will just have to pay Rs 499 for a

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While Amazon Prime Video definitely sounds more feasible for a cash sensitive market like
India, it will all come down to the kind of exclusive content both publish on their respective
platforms. Amazon has announced that its new Indian Amazon original series will feature top
Indian actors and filmmakers and it has also collaborated with various authors, writers,
producers and directors to develop more fresh shows.


Cyrus Mistry was on 14 December 2016 removed as
director from the Tata Teleservices Board. The
decision was taken at an extended general meeting
(EGM) of the company in Mumbai.

Tata Teleservices Maharashtra, the listed unit of Tata

Teleservices, communicated this decision to the stock

With this removal, the Tata Teleservices has joined

other Tata Group companies that removed Mistry from key positions.

Earlier, Tata Industries and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) removed Mistry as a director. In
November 2016, the Tata Global Beverages removed him as the Chairperson.

The slew of actions against Cyrus Mistry began with his removal as Tata Sons Chairman on 23
October 2016.

Though the specific reasons for Mistry’s removal are not clear, it is understood that differences
between Ratan Tata and Mistry on the core philosophy of the company led to his removal.


• It spearheads the Tata Group’s presence in the telecommunication sector.

• It is one of India’s leading mobile telecom service providers delivering mobile connectivity and
services to consumers across the country.

• It offers integrated telecom solutions to its customers across wireline and wireless networks
on GSM, CDMA and 3G platforms.

• It offers the services under two brand names – Tata Docomo and Tata Photon.

• The company’s promoters are Tata Sons and NTT Docomo. They own 36.17% and 26.5%
shares respectively.

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• Tata Group companies that own shares in Tata Tele are Tata Communications (9.33%), Tata
Power (6.97%), Tata Industries (5.46%), Tata Steel (1.37%) and Tata Capital Financial Services

• At present, Ratan Tata is its interim chairperson. He is also the interim chairperson of the Tata
Sons Ltd.


State Bank MobiCash Mobile Wallet was launched on 18 December 2016. MobiCash is a
product of State Bank of India (SBI) and Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL).

It was jointly inaugurated by Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, Arun Jaitley and
Minister of State for Communications (Independent charge) and Minster of State for Railways
Manoj Sinha.

While introducing the MobiCash Mobile Wallet service, Finance Minister appreciated the
broader vision of SBI and BSNL to bring a Wallet both for smart and feature phones.


• State Bank MobiCash will be the Mobile Wallet Service of the State Bank of India and includes
the service over the Application/USSD/SMS.

• In this case, bank means State Bank of India or any of its successors or assignees, while, wallet
means a mobile-based prepaid wallet registered with the Bank.

• Wallet Holder means the holder of State Bank MobiCash. This wallet service can be accessed
with the help of 6 digits Mobile Personal Identification Number (MPIN).

• These mobile wallets will be governed by RBI and Bank’s policy. The product will be available
to applicants having a valid Mobile number, identity proof and address proof.

Limits for the daily and monthly transaction under the MobiCash Wallet will be dependent on
KYC norms.


India’s largest private sector bank ICICI Bank on 23 December 2016 launched EazyPay mobile
application for merchants as an all-in-one acceptance payment platform.

The app will consolidate all the digital wallets, QR code, Unified Payments Interface (UPI), Debit
Card and Credit Card.

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With this, ICICI Bank becomes the first bank to roll out all-in-one payments platform in the


• It is a sustainable payment mode in comparison with other digital applications.

• It's open architecture makes it different from other digital platforms that are actually closed-
loop prepaid instruments.

• Customers can make payments by using this app through any bank account using UPI,
internet banking or by entering credit or debit card details on a link forwarded by the

• There is no issue of hitting the limit with this app as the money flows directly into the bank
account of merchant.

• Moreover, the app also has its in-built billing application for the merchants.

• It also allows merchants to receive the payments from ICICI Bank’s e-wallet Pockets.

• ICICI Bank will sell this app to all the merchants in 2300 towns and cities, where the bank has
its branches.


• The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) Bank is India’s largest private
sector bank and has around 2.8 million mobile bank customers.

• It was originally set up as an Indian financial institution at the initiative launched by the World
Bank in partnership with the Union Government and representatives of Indian industry.

• Initially, the institution only provided project financing to Indian businesses, however, later it
got the identity as the ICICI Bank, which was set up in 1994.

• Presently, ICICI Bank's presence spans across 18 countries, including India.

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Magnus Carlsen won the 2016 World Chess Championship on 30 November 2016 in New York
City, USA. Carlsen defeated Sergey Karjakin to retain the World Chess Champion title. It’s the
third time that Carlsen has won the championship. He has reigned as world champion since


• Magnus Carlsen is a Norwegian chess grandmaster.

• He became a chess Grandmaster in 2004, at the age of 13

years. This made him the third-youngest grandmaster in history.

• In November 2013, he became World Champion by defeating

Viswanathan Anand in the World Chess Championship.

• On the May 2014 FIDE rating list, he reached his peak rating of
2882, which is the highest in history.

• He successfully defended his title in November 2014 by

defeating Anand once again.

• In 2014, he also won the World Rapid Championship and the World Blitz Championship, thus
holding all three world championship titles.


• The World Chess Championship is played to determine the World Champion in chess.

• It is generally regarded to have commenced in 1886.

• From 1948 to 1993, the championship was administered by the World Chess Federation

• In 1993, the reigning champion (Garry Kasparov) broke away from FIDE, which led to the
creation of the rival PCA championship. The titles were unified at the World Chess
Championship 2006.

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In an unexpected move, Nico Rosberg announced his retirement from Formula One on 2
December 2016, just five days after he grabbed his first-ever F1 World Champion title in the
season’s final race at Abu Dhabi.

The 31-year-old, who beat his Mercedes team-mate and three-time world champion Lewis
Hamilton by five points, stated that he was retiring from the sport to spend more quality time
with his wife, Vivian and baby daughter, Alaia.

This is the first time that a reigning world champion has decided to quit the sport. Last time
something similar happened was in 1993 when Alain Prost announced his retirement after
winning his fourth driver’s title.


• He is the son of former F1 world champion, Keke Rosberg, who won the title in 1982.

• He won the 2005 GP2 series for the French motor racing team, ART

• He made his F1 debut at the Bahrain Grand Prix in 2006 for Williams, his father’s old team.

• He raced for the team from 2006- 2009 and then joined Mercedes from 2010 until 2016.

• He raced in 206 Grand Prix competitions and has 23 Formula one wins and 30 Formula one
pole positions to his name.

• He is also the fourth driver in the history of Formula one to win the Monaco Grand Prix thrice
in a row and to have 7 consecutive Grand Prix wins.

• He has also won the Lorenzo Bandini Trophy in 2011, FIA Pole Trophy in 2014 and DHL Fastest

Rosberg made the shocking announcement through a post on his social media account. His
departure does surely raise an important question of – who will take his position in the
Mercedes team. The popular names that cropped up were Sebastian Vettel, Pascal Wehrlein,
and Fernando Alonso. However, Vettel and Alonso are already to their tied to their respective
teams for another season.

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Nine-time Olympic champion Usain Bolt on 2 December 2016 won the IAAF male Athlete of the
Year award. He won the award for the record sixth time.

Ethiopia's Almaz Ayana won the IAAF women Athlete of the Year award. Ayana broke the
10000m world record by over 14 seconds in winning Olympic gold in Rio in 2016.

Other Awards:

• Male Rising Star: Canada’s Andre De Grasse

• Female Rising Star: Belgium’s Nafissatou Thiam

• Women in Athletics: Greece’s Polyxeni Argeitaki

• Coaching Achievement: USA’s Harry Marra

• President’s Award: Tegla Loroupe

About Usain Bolt

• Usain Bolt is a Jamaican sprinter.

• He is regarded as the fastest human ever timed.

• He is the first man to hold both the 100 metres and 200 metres world records since fully
automatic time became mandatory. He is also the world record holder as a part of the 4 × 100
metres relay. He is the reigning World and Olympic champion in these three events.

• He is an eleven-time World Champion.

• He is also known as "Lightning Bolt."

• His awards include the IAAF World Athlete of the Year, Track & Field Athlete of the Year and
Laureus World Sportsman of the Year.

About Almaz Ayana

• Almaz Ayana is an Ethiopian female long-distance runner.

• She competes in the 3000 metres, 5000 metres and 10000 metres events.

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• At the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, she set a new 10000 metres world record
and won the gold in the event.


• The IAAF Athlete of the Year award is a prize that can be won by athletes participating in
events within the sport of athletics organised by the International Athletic Foundation of the
International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).

• In 2015, United States’ Ashton Eaton won the IAAF male Athlete of the Year award. Ethiopia’s
Genzebe Dibaba won the IAAF women Athlete of the Year award.


India women’s cricket team on 4 December 2016 defeated Pakistan to win the 2016 Asia Cup
T20 at Bangkok, Thailand.

India defeated Pakistan in the final of the regional tournament by 17 runs. The win is India’s
sixth Asia Cup crown.

In the final, India, who remained undefeated during the tournament, batted first and scored

• Player of the Series: Mithali Raj (India)

• Most runs in the Series: 220 by Mithali Raj (India)

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• Most wickets in the Series: 12 by Sana Mir (Pakistan)

About Women's Asia Cup

• The Women's Asia Cup is an international One Day International and Twenty20 International
cricket tournament.

• It is contested by women's cricket teams from Asia.

• It has been played six times to date.

• In 2012, Indian had defeated Pakistan by 19 runs in the final of T20 in Guangzhou, China.


The Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) Committee on 7 December 2016 recommended limiting
bat size edges and depths along with many other suggestions.

The recommendations were made by the MCC’s World Cricket Committee, headed by former
England captain Mike Brearley, to bring about a balance between bat and ball.

The suggestions were made during a two-day meeting of the committee in Mumbai, which
hosts the fourth Test between India and England from 8 December 2016.

The recommendations will be sent to the main MCC Committee. If approved, these changes will
be implemented into the new code of the Laws of Cricket, which will be introduced on 1
October 2017.


 The committee has come up with a radical proposal of introducing a football-hockey-like

red card as punishment for violent acts on the cricket field.

 It deliberated on the ball-tampering laws, which it felt will remain unaltered.

 The committee was split vertically on the possibility of reducing Test cricket from a five-
day affair to a four-day one.

 It urged the International Cricket Council (ICC) to continue to work towards introducing
a World Test Championship and presenting the case for cricket at the Olympic Games
and changing the law on ball striking a fielder’s helmet.

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 It was announced that 60% of the world’s professional players supported the decision to
limit the bat size to 40 mm on edges and 67 mm for depths, including 7 mm for

 Also, umpires will be given the power to expel cricketers from a game for serious
disciplinary breaches. The player can be ejected for threatening an umpire, physically
assaulting another player, official or spectator or for any other act of violence on the
field of play.


 MCC is a cricket club based in London.

 It was founded in 1787.

 It was formerly the governing body of cricket both in England and Wales as well as

 In 1788, it revised the Laws of Cricket and continues to reissue them, and remains the
copyright holder.

 In 1993, many of its global functions were transferred to the International Cricket


Indian field hockey player PR Sreejesh on 8 December 2016 took over as goalkeeping mentor of
the India Under-21 team.

The decision was taken when the home team is all set to compete in the Junior World Cup title
after a prolonged 15-year wait.

Sreejesh, who is the captain of the senior national men’s team, will take charge of the role from
South African Dave Staniforth.

Staniforth was roped in by Hockey India to work with the junior goalkeepers for a short three-
week period keeping in mind the World Cup. He is set to leave for his home nation tomorrow.

About PR Sreejesh

 Born on 8 May 1986, Parattu Raveendran Sreejesh is an Indian field hockey player.

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 He plays as a goalkeeper in the Indian national team and is its current captain.

 He plays for Uttar Pradesh Wizards in the Hockey India League.

 In 2004, he made into the junior national team in a match against Australia in Perth.

 He made his debut in the senior national team at South Asian Games in Colombo in

 After India's victory at the 2008 Junior Asia Cup, he was awarded the Best Goalkeeper of
the Tournament.

 His second Best Goalkeeper of the Tournament award came at the 2013 Asia Cup, in
which India finished second in the tournament.

 He was the captain of the team that won the silver medal at the Hero Champions
Trophy 2016 held at London.

 On 13 July 2016, he was given the responsibilities of the captain of Indian hockey team.


Virat Kohli, India’s captain for Test
Cricket, on 11 December 2016 became
the fifth batsman in the world to score
three double-hundreds in a calendar
year. He scored his third double-
century in the first innings of the third
test match against England.

With this, Kohli, who fell on his

personal score of 235runs to Chris
Woakes, has joined the elite group of
cricketers like Michael Clarke (4
centuries) in 2012, Don Bradman (3
centuries) in 1930, Ricky Ponting (3
centuries) in 2003 and Brendon McCullum (3 centuries) in 2014, who had scored three or more
double hundreds in a calendar year.

His first double-ton was scored against West Indies, while the second came in Indore against
New Zealand. His third double test-century also made him the first batsman to score a double-

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century in three successive series in a year. He is also first Indian to score three double-tons in a

His score of 235 also became the highest score for an Indian captain in Test cricket. The
previous best score was 224, which was scored by Mahendra Singh Dhoni against Australia in
Chennai in 2013.

Beside this, Kohli is the only player to have an average of 50+ in all formats of the game. Beside
this, Kohli is the only player to have an average of 50+ in all formats of the game. His averages
in the three formats are

 Test: 50.53

 ODIs: 52.93

 Twenty20 internationals: 57.13

He is also the third captain to score three double centuries in a year. The other two are Clarke
(2012) and McCullum.

Till the first innings of the third test match, Kohli was successful in scoring 640 runs, which is the
highest score by any Indian batsman in a Test series against England. Last highest against
England in a series was 602runs, which was scored by Rahul Dravid in the four-Test series in
2002 in England.

This was the seventh time when an Indian batsman was able to score 600-plus runs in a test
series. Sunil Gavaskar and Dravid are among those who have done this twice.

At present, India is leading the five-match test series 2-0 against England. The third test match
is being played at Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai.


India’s ace cueist Pankaj Advani on 12 December 2016
won the World Billiards title. To win the title, he
defeated Peter Gilchrist of Singapore 6-3 in the summit
clash held in Bengaluru.

For Advani, it was the 11th world billiards champion

title in his over 15-year long international billiards

In early 2016, he won the Asian 6-Red snooker title in

May and a bronze medal at the IBSF World snooker

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championship in December.

Pankaj Advani is the only player in the world to win world titles in all formats of snooker and
billiards. So far, he won 16 titles in both the formats.


• He won the World Billiards Championship title for 8 times viz., 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012,
2014, 2015 and 2016.

• He was the IBSF World Snooker Champion in 2003 and 2015.

• He won the World Team Billiards Championship in 2014.

• He won gold medals in 2006 and 2010 Asian Games that were held in Doha and Guangzhou

• He won the Asian Billiards Championship for 5 times and Australian Open in 2008.

• He also won 24 titles at the national level in various formats of the game.

• For his excellence in the sport, the Union Government honoured him with Padma Shri (2009)
and Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna in 2006.


AB De Villiers stepped down from South Africa's Test captaincy with immediate effect on 12
December 2016. He endorsed Faf du Plessis’s name to take over his role permanently, which
was confirmed by Cricket South Africa.

While stepping down, de Villiers said he decided to step down from the position because
interest of the team should always be kept above the interests of any individual, including me.

He led the Proteas in two Test matches against England, before injury forced him to miss the
series against New Zealand and Australia.

Cricket South Africa Chief Executive, Haroon Lorgat said, ‘AB has always carried himself as a
true team player and his decision to step down confirms his attitude to put the team first’.

De Villiers, who stepped down as the captain of South African Cricket team, was appointed to
the post in January 2016. He succeeded Hashim Amla, who resigned from the position.

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Later, he was ruled out of the three-match Test series against Sri Lanka after he failed to
recover sufficiently from an elbow injury.

De Villiers Injury

He faced an elbow injury during in the Caribbean Premier League in July 2016 but was targeting
to join the team during the Sri Lanka Test series that will start on 26 December 2016. But, he
failed to do so after undergoing a surgery of his left elbow in October 2016. His surgeon
suggested three-month rehabilitation to him.


Portuguese football star Cristiano Ronaldo has won the esteemed 2016 Ballon d'Or award. The
decision was announced by France Football magazine in Ballon d'Or ceremony on 12 December

This is Ronaldo’s fourth Ballon d'Or award. He won

his first award in 2008, the same year in which he
won the FIFA World Player of the Year. He
subsequently won the 2013 and 2014 honours as
well. In 2015, he was beaten by Argentina’s Lionel

Key Highlights

• The voting was done by 200 respected football

journalists from across the world, each of whom
picked their top 3 from the 30 short-listed names.

• Ronaldo won by a good margin. Messi came

second followed by France’s Antoine Griezmann in
the third position. Luis Suarez and Neymar also
made it into the top 5.

• This is the third major honour for the footballer this year, as his club, Real Madrid won the
UEFA Champions League 2016 and his national team Portugal won the UEFA Euro 2016.

• He scored over 60 goals in a marathon season and his club finished just 1 point behind

• This was the 9th year in a row that either Messi or Ronaldo won the prestigious honour. The
last player to win the award before their domination began was Kaka in 2007.

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• It is an annual association football award presented by France Football, a French magazine.

• The award honours a male player, who has performed the best over the previous year.

• The voting is done by football journalists from across the world.

• The Ballon d'Or award was merged with the FIFA World Player of the Year award in 2010 and
was considered the most prestigious individual honour in world football.

• Messi won both the inaugural FIFA Ballon d'Or as well as the final one in 2015, after which
FIFA and France Football parted ways.

• The award was re-introduced in 2016 by France Football in its original format and FIFA
introduced ‘The Best FIFA Football Awards’.


India batswoman Smriti Mandhana was on 14
December 2016 named in the International Cricket
Council (ICC) Women's Team of the Year 2016.

With this inclusion, she became the first Indian woman

cricketer to figure in the prestigious list.


• The team will be captained by Stafanie Taylor of

West Indies.

• Besides the captain and Smriti, the team features three players from New Zealand, two
players each from Australia, England and South Africa.

• Other members of the team are - Suzie Bates, Rachel Priest and Leigh Kasperek (New
Zealand), Meg Lanning and Ellyse Perry (Australia), Heather Knight and Anya Shrubshole
(England) and Deandra Dottin and Sune Luus (South Africa).

• Rachel Priest of New Zealand is the wicket-keeper of the team.

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• Kim Garth of Ireland was included in the list as the 12th player.

• The 12-member team was selected based on their performance between 14 September 2015
and 20 September 2016.

• In the selection process, more weightage was given to players’ performance in ICC Women's
World Twenty20 and the ICC Women's Championship which were conducted in this period.

• The list was prepared by a panel consisting of Clare Connor (Chair), Mel Jones and Shubhangi

• The list was announced by ICC chief executive David Richardson at the ICC headquarters in


• Though the ICC has been announcing the Men’s Team of the Year for a while, this is for the
first time the ICC announced the Women’s Team of the Year.

• The ICC started the practise of announcing the team considering the growing quality and
depth of the women's game.


Indian cricketer Karun Nair on 19 December 2016
scored triple century in first innings of the fifth and
final test-match against England. The match is being
played at MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai.

With this, Nair became the second Indian batsmen to

score triple century in tests. Earlier, Virendra Sehwag
scored two triple centuries in test matches.

Karun Nair’s unbeaten 303 helped India to reach 759/7

score. This score also helped India to lead England by 282 runs.

In the first innings of the match England scored 477 runs.


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• 759 for 7 wickets (declared) is India’s highest score in Test cricket. Previous highest was 726
for nine (declared) in 2009 against Sri Lanka in Mumbai

• It is also highest first-innings deficit overcome by India in Tests versus England

• It is also highest total versus England in Tests

• Nair is the first Indian to convert a maiden hundred into a triple century. He is also the third
the batsman to convert his maiden century into the triple. Others are Garry Sobers (365 not out
in 1958) and Bob Simpson (311 in 1964).

• At the age of 25 years 13 days, Nair is also the youngest Indian to score a Test triple century

• His 303 not-out is also the highest score by an Asian as maiden Test century.

• He is also the first Indian batsman to score 300 from number 5 or lower.


• In the test cricket history, a triple century has been scored by 26 different batsmen on 30
different occasions.

• These triple centuries were scored by batsmen from eight of the ten test cricket playing
nations. No cricketer from Zimbabwe and Bangladesh has scored 300.

• The First cricketer to score a triple century was Andy Sandham of England. He scored the
triple century against West Indies in 1930 in a Test hosted by West Indies.

• Quickest Triple Century: It was scored by Wally Hammond of England in 1932-33 against New
Zealand in Auckland. He scored his triple century in 4 hours and 48 minutes.

• Fastest Test triple-century by a number of balls faced: Virendra Sehwag’s triple century in
278-balls against South Africa in the first Test of the Future Cup in Chennai in 2008 is the fastest
triple century by number of balls faced.

• Players to score triple century more than once are Donald Bradman of Australia, Brian Lara
and Chris Gayle of the West Indies, and Virender Sehwag of India.

• Lara's 400 not out against England in 2004, his second Test triple-century, is the highest score
in Test cricket and the only instance of a Test quadruple century.

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India on 20 December 2016 won the five-match test series against England, 3-0-1. In the fifth
and final test played at M. A. Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai, England wrapped up the
second innings at 207 in 88 overs.

Karun Nair’s triple century in first innings of the fifth test-match against England was the key
factor in the enormous win of India.

India's first innings total was its highest score in Tests and was the most runs made against
England by any team.

Series Report

1st Match: The first match was played from 9 to 13 November 2016 at Saurashtra Cricket
Association Stadium, Rajkot. The match was declared drawn. England’s Moeen Ali was declared
the Player of the Match.

2nd Match: It was played from 17 November to 21 November 2016 at Dr. Y.S. Rajasekhara
Reddy ACA-VDCA Cricket Stadium, Visakhapatnam. India won the match by 246 runs.
India’a Virat Kohli was the Player of the Match.

3rd Match: It was played from 26 to 30 November 2016 at Punjab Cricket Association IS Bindra
Stadium in Mohali. Indian won by 8 wickets. India’s Ravindra Jadeja was the Player of the

4th Match: It was played from 8 to 12 December 2016 at Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai. India
won by an innings and 36 runs. India’s Virat Kohli was the Player of the Match.

5th Match: It was played from 16 to 20 December 2016 at M. A. Chidambaram Stadium,

Chennai. India won by an innings and 75 runs. India's Karun Nair was declared as the Player of
the Match.


Atletico de Kolkata on 18 December 2016 was crowned the Indian Super League champions for
the second time in three seasons.

The team defeated the Kerala Blasters in a penalty shootout, 4–3, during the final. The match
had ended 1–1 after 90 minutes and extra time.

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About Atletico de Kolkata

 Atletico de Kolkata is an Indian Super League football franchise.

 It is based in Kolkata, West Bengal.

 It was established on 7 May 2014 as the first team in the league.

 The team is owned by Kolkata Games and Sports Pvt. Ltd., which consists of Sourav
Ganguly, Spanish La Liga club Atletico Madrid, alongside businessmen Harshavardhan
Neotia, Sanjiv Goenka and Utsav Parekh.

 The marquee player for the 2016 season was Portugal international forward Helder
Postiga. Spanish midfielder Borja Fernández served as the captain of the team.

About Indian Super League

 The Indian Super League is a men's professional football league in India.

 It was founded in 2013 in an effort to make football a top sport in India and to increase
the level of Indian football worldwide.

 The league currently features eight teams from around India.

 Since the inaugural season, three teams have been crowned the champions of the
Indian Super League.

 The winner of the 2015 Indian Super League was Chennaiyin.


India's Vijender Singh on 17 December 2016 knocked out Tanzania's Francis Cheka at the
Thyagaraj Stadium, New Delhi, to defend his WBO Asia Pacific Super Middleweight title.

Singh took less than 10 minutes to knock Cheka out in the third round itself to retain the title.

The Haryana boxer had won the title in July 2016 by defeating WBC European champion Kerry

On the other hand, the Indian boxers dominated the undercard fights as well. In the first fight
of the evening, Rajesh Kumar defeated Mubaraka Sseguya of Uganda in the Lightweight
category. In the same category, Kuldeep Dhanda outpunched Egy Rozten of Indonesia. Deepak
Tanwar emerged victorious in the Welterweight division by defeating Indonesian Sutriyono

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Bara Boys by technical knockout. In the Cruiserweight division, Dharmender

Grewal overpowered Ugandan Abasi Kyobe by unanimous decision.

About World Boxing Organization (WBO)

 The World Boxing Organization is a sanctioning organization, which recognizes

professional boxing world champions.

 The WBO's headquarters are located in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

 It is recognized by the International Boxing Hall of Fame (IBHOF) as one of the four
major world championship groups.

 The other three major world championship groups are the World Boxing Association
(WBA), the World Boxing Council (WBC) and the International Boxing Federation (IBF).


India on 18 December 2016 defeated Belgium 2-1 in the final to lift the 2016 Men's Hockey
Junior World Cup. The final was played at the Major Dhyan Chand Stadium in Lucknow, Uttar

The third place in the tournament went to Germany, who was defeated by Belgium in the semi-

Also, it was the first time that a host nation has won the Cup in 11 editions of the tournament.

Top scorer in the tournament: England’s Edward Horler (8 goals)

Best player in the tournament: Spain’s Enrique Gonzalez de Castejon

Best goalkeeper in the tournament: Belgium’s Loic Van Doren

About Men's Hockey Junior World Cup

 The Hockey Junior World Cup is an international field hockey competition.

 It is organised by the International Hockey Federation (FIH).

 The tournament was started in 1979.

 The tournament has been held every four years since 1985.

 Germany is the most successful team, having won the tournament six times followed by
India, having won the tournament two times. Argentina, Australia and Pakistan have
each won the tournament once.

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 The 2013 tournament was held in India from 2 November to 17 November 2013 in
which Germany emerged as the winner. .France had claimed its first ever medal in
tournament winning silver after losing to Germany.

 The 2016 Men's Hockey Junior World Cup was held in Lucknow from 8 December to 18
December 2016.


The International Boxing Association (AIBA) unanimously on 20 December 2016 granted full
membership to the Boxing Federation of India (BFI) at a meeting in Montreux, Switzerland.

The recently-formed BFI was voted to office in September 2016, which ended four years of
administrative logjam in the sport.


 AIBA is the sole worldwide governing body for the sport of boxing in all its forms.

 It is a non-profit international organization that succeeded the former Fédération

Internationale de Boxe Amateur in 1946.

 It has 196 Member Federations.

 It works on behalf of all levels of boxing to reinvigorate the sport’s grass roots, develop
youth and elite boxing.

 Its vision for boxing also embraces and adheres to the spirit and values of the Olympic

 It has been led by President Dr. Ching-Kuo Wu since 2006.


 The BFI is affiliated to the Union Sports Ministry. However, it is still is awaiting
recognition from the Indian Olympic Association.

 In 2012, the erstwhile Indian Amateur Boxing Federation (IABF) was suspended and later
terminated for “possible manipulation in elections“.

 The IABF made way for Boxing India in 2014. However, the body could not run the show
for even one year. It lost a no confidence motion moved by state units in 2015.

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 BFI was formed in September 2016 following elections conducted in the presence of
observers from the International Boxing Association and the Union Sports Ministry.


Praful Patel, President of the All India Football Federation (AIFF), announced on 21 December
2016 that Jeje Lalpekhlua has been nominated as the 2016 AIFF Player of the Year. The
announcement was made at the AIFF Annual General Body Meeting held at the AIFF Football
House in New Delhi.

Jeje will be presented a prize of Rs. 2.5 lakh along with a trophy.

On the other hand, Sasmita Malik was chosen for the 2016 AIFF Woman Footballer of the
Year. She will be bestowed with a prize of Rs. 2 lakh along with a trophy.

Also, AIFF selected Gurpreet Singh Sandhu and Uvena Fernandes for the 2016 AIFF Award for
Special Recognition awards. They will be bestowed with Rs. 1 lakh besides a trophy. Gurpreet is
the first Indian to feature in a Europa League fixture. He represented Stabaek FC in the Europa
League. On the other hand, Uvena is the first Indian Official to officiate in a World Cup final

The 2016 AIFF Emerging Player of the Year went to Rowllin Borges, whereas Sanju was
selected for the 2016 AIFF Emerging Women Footballer of the Year award.

The Punjab Football Association was honoured with the 2016 AIFF Award for Best Grassroots

The 2016 AIFF Award for long-time contribution to Indian Football was given to Nike.

Pranjal Banerjee from the Indian Football Association won the 2016 AIFF Award for Best
Referee. On the other hand, Joseph Tony was selected for the 2016 AIFF Award for Best
Assistant Referee.


 The AIFF manages the game of association football in India.

 It sees over the India national football team and also controls the I-League, India's
premier domestic club competition, besides other competitions and teams.

 It was founded in 1937.

 In 1948, it gained FIFA’s affiliation.

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Ravichandran Ashwin and Ravindra Jadeja on 21 December 2016 made it a rare instance of two
Indian bowlers topping the ICC Test rankings.

Jadeja’s maiden 10-wicket match haul against England in the Test match on 20 December 2016
in Chennai made him achieve the second position in the rankings. His performance earned him
66 points and brought him within eight points of Ashwin, who is grabbing the first position in
the rankings.

Interestingly, it is the second time that the top two spots in the ICC Player Rankings for Test
Bowlers are occupied by India players. In 1974, left-arm spinner Bishan Singh Bedi and leg-
spinner Bhagwath Chandrasekhar were ranked one and two in the rankings, respectively.

Also, Jadeja gained one place in the recent rankings to reach a career-best third rank in the list
of all-rounders, which is also led by Ashwin.


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Position Name Ratings Country Highest Rating

1 Ravichandran 887 India 904 on 12

Ashwin December 2016
against England

2 Ravindra Jadeja 879 India 879 on 12

December 2016
against England

3 Rangana Herath 867 Sri Lanka 867 on 10

November 2016
against Zimbabwe

4 Dale Steyn 844 South Africa 909 on 21

December 2014
against West Indies

5 James Anderson 810 England 884 on 31 May

2016 against Sri

6 Mitchell Starc 805 Australia 805 on 19

December 2016
against Pakistan

7 Josh Hazlewood 804 Australia 815 on 27

November 2016
against South

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8 Stuart Broad 803 England 880 on 18 January

2016 against South

9 Neil Wagner 755 New Zealand 760 on 31 August

2016 against South

10 Yasir Shah 754 Pakistan 878 on 18 July

2016 against


Ravichandran Ashwin on 22 December 2016 won the coveted Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy.

Ashwin was chosen for the award after being

adjudged the International Cricket Council
(ICC) Test Cricketer of the Year. With this, he
became the second Indian player after Rahul
Dravid to bag the two prestigious prizes in the
same year.

Ace cricketer Sachin Tendulkar was awarded

with the prestigious trophy in the year 2010.
The other recipients of the Sir Garfield Trophy
include Andrew Flintoff, Jacques Kallis, Ricky
Ponting, Shivnarine Chanderpaul, Mitchell
Johnson among others.


 Ravichandran Ashwin is a right-handed batsman and right-arm off break bowler.

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 He plays for the Rising Pune Supergiants in the IPL.

 Ashwin is the fastest Indian bowler to reach the 50-, 100-, 150- and 200-wicket mark in
Test cricket.

 He is the only bowler of recent times apart from Ajantha Mendis of Sri Lanka to bowl
the carrom ball.


 The Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy is a cricket trophy awarded annually by the ICC to its
chosen world player of the Year.

 It is named after former West Indies cricket captain Sir Garfield Sobers. The cricketer’s
name was chosen by a panel consisting of Richie Benaud, Sunil Gavaskar and Michael

 The trophy was first awarded in 2004 to Rahul Dravid.

 The leading international crystal manufacturer Swarovski has handcrafted the trophy.

 The design of the trophy features a red crystal cricket ball studded with over 4200
Swarovski crystal chantons, which rests on a brass hand extended from a gold-plated

 In 2015, the trophy was awarded to Steven Smith.


Sheva Keshavan, the Winter Olympian from India, won the gold medal at Asian Luge
Championship on 23 December 2016. He braved an injury to clinch the gold at the
championship in Nagano.

Keshavan who dominated the event finished the 2 heat race in 1:39.962 seconds. 103.4 km/hr
was his top speed in the race.

Tanaka Shohei of Japan clinched the silver medal in the event with a combined time of 1:44.874
seconds. His top speed was 124.6 km/hr. On the other hand, the bronze medal went to Chinese
Taipei’s Lien Te-An. He completed the race in 45.120 with a top speed of 126.3 km/hr.

Asian Luge Cup

• It is an annual Luge competition for Asian countries and it came into existence in 1998.

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• The competition is held in different formats, namely men’s and women’s single events and
men’s double events.

• All editions of the competition are held by Spiral bobsleigh luge, and skeleton track at
Nagano, Japan.

Injury of Keshavan

Earlier in the third week of December 2016, he suffered a crash and broke his sled and suffered
tendon damage on his left foot. He suffered the accident during a training in which he recorded
his best time (at over 130km/h) in training. Due to this injury, he was not able to participate in
the official training.

Apart from this, earlier in 2016, he was forced to withdraw his nomination from the 2016 World
Championships. He withdrew his name from the competition due to lack of funds.

As per reports, he is slated to participate in the 2017 World Championship that will be held in
Innsbruck, Austria. He will also compete on the World Cup circuit in the lead up to the
qualification process for the 2018 Olympic Winter Games in Korea.


India on 22 December 2016 defeated South Korea 3-0 to secure the bronze medal at the 4th
Women's U18 Asia Cup 2016 hockey tournament in Bangkok.

After the win, Hockey India announced cash rewards of Rs.1 lakh for each player. It also
announced Rs.50000 for each member of the support staff.

In the first half of the game, both teams played were goalless. The best chance of the half fell to
India’s Mahima Choudhary. India took the lead minutes after the break as Ritu scored the
opener off a penalty corner. Sangita Kumari scored in the 55th and 58th minutes.

China was the winner of the Women Under-18 Asia Cup. The country emerged victorious with a
4-2 victory over defending champions Japan in the final at the National Hockey Training Centre.


 The Asia Cup is an international men's and women's field hockey tournament governed
by the Asian Hockey Federation (ASHF).

 The Asian Hockey Federation was formed during the Asian Games of 1958 in Tokyo
when hockey was first played in the Games.

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 The first five member countries of the ASHF were India, Japan, Korea, Malaysian and

Earlier on 18 December 2016, India defeated Belgium 2-1 in the final to lift the 2016 Men's
Hockey Junior World Cup.


India on 23 December 2016 won the Asian Cricket Council Under-19s Asia Cup title. In the final
played at R Premadasa Stadium in Colombo, Sri Lanka, India defeated hosts Sri Lanka by 34

Opting first after winning the toss, India Under-19s team posted a competitive score of 273
runs for a loss of eight wickets in their 50 overs. In reply to it, the Sri Lankan side was bowled
out for a score of 239 in 48.4 overs.

Foundation of India’s total was based on the first five batsman, especially due to the score of 71
and 70 by Himanshu Rana and Shubham Gill respectively. Later, the fine bowling efforts by
Indian spinners helped the Indian side in dismissing the Under-19 team of Sri Lanka and clinch
the trophy.

Skipper Abhishek 4 for 37 produced a fine display of slow left-arm orthodox bowling and was
assisted ably by leg-spinner Rahul Chahar, who returned with impressive figures of three for 22
from his quota of 10 overs to dismantle the Lankans.
For Sri Lankan Under-19s team, pacer Nipun Ransika and left-arm spinner Praveen
Jayawickrama took three wickets each.

Man of the Match: Abhishek Sharma (India Under-19s)

Player of the series: HJ Rana (India Under-19s)

Youth ODI debuts: KL Nagarkoti, RD Chahar and HJ Patel (India Under-19s)

2016 Under-19s Asia Cup

The 2016 Under-19s Asia Cup was an international cricket tournament that was held in Sri
Lanka from 15 to 23 December 2016. It formed part of the qualification process for the 2018
Under-19 World Cup.

The tournament saw the participation of eight teams of which six Asian teams that were part of
the 2016 Under-19s World Cup.

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Meghalaya will host the 2022 National Games, which will coincide with the state’s 50
years of statehood. The state had pledged 5 crore rupees as the bid amount for the

With this, Meghalaya will become the third north-eastern state after Manipur and
Assam to host the National Games.

The news was announced on 27 December 2016 in the meeting of the Indian Olympic
Association (IOA) meeting held in Chennai. The IOA accepted Meghalaya's bid to host
the National Games overshadowing four other bidders, which were Andhra Pradesh,
Goa, Chhattisgargh and Uttarakhand.

The IOA accepted Meghalaya's bid to host the 2022 National Games following the
successful South Asian Games, which was co-hosted by Shillong and Guwahati earlier in

The next Nation Games will be hosted by Goa in November 2017.


 The National Games comprises various sports disciplines in which sportsmen from the
different states of India participate against each other.

 The country's first few Olympic Games, later christened as National Games, were held in
Delhi, Lahore, Allahabad, Patiala, Madras, Calcutta and Bombay.

 In 1924, a provisional Indian Olympic Association came and the Indian Olympic Games
were held in February 1924 in Delhi. The motive behind these games was to select
Indian competitors for the 1924 Antwerp Olympics.

 Thereafter, the games were held every two years.

 These games were later christened as National Games during the 9th Games in Bombay
in 1940.

 The 2015 National Games were held from 31 January 2015 to 14 February 2015 in
Kerala. It was the second time that Kerala hosted the National Games. It first hosted the
games in 1987. Sachin Tendulkar was the goodwill ambassador for the games.

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Samit Gohel, the Ranji player from Gujarat, who scored
359 not out runs in Ranji Trophy quarterfinal in Jaipur,
Rajasthan, has broken the 117-year-old record in first-
class cricket. He was able to create the world record
with 45 boundaries and one six in 723 balls.

Samit remained not out in his team’s score of 641,

which was the highest first-class score for team
Gujarat. With this score, Gujarat was able to enter into
the semi-final of the Ranji Trophy. It defeated the Ranji
team of Odisha.

One of his teammates Priyank Panchal has been the top scorer in this season's Ranji Trophy.

Samit, 26, registered the highest first-class 359 while carrying the bat in a match against Odisha
at the Sawai Man Singh Stadium. With his score, he also broke the first-class record held by an
Englishman, Bobby Abel. Surrey’s Bobby Abel scored 357 against Somerset way back in 1899 at
the Oval.

While Hanif Mohammed’s score of 499 remains the highest score by an opener in first-class

Some records created while scoring 359 carrying one's bat includes

• Highest score carrying the bat in first-class cricket

• Highest second-innings score in first-class cricket

• Longest innings by minutes in first-class cricket

• Joint 4th highest score of the Ranji Trophy

Samit Gohel

• He is an opening batsman of Gujarat team.

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• He is a government job seeker and has applied for sports quota job in Dena bank as well as
Income Tax department.

• He is also the first triple centurion opener in last 81 years in the first class cricket.

Carrying the bat

In cricket, the term carries one’s bat or carrying the bat refers to an opening batsman who
remains not out when the team innings is closed. The term is generally used in the case, where
all the 10 wickets have fallen.


India’s Test captain Virat Kohli on 27 December 2016 was named Cricket Australia’s ODI team of
the year.

Kohli was earlier also picked as the Captain of the ICC’s ODI team of the year.

Cricket Australia stated that Kohli played only 10 one-day matches in 2016; however, he
underlined his status as one of the best in the 50-over format. He scored back-to-back centuries
against Australia in January 2016 and then a 154 against New Zealand, which was more than
half of his team's total. At present, he averages an incredible 90.10 in 59 successful run chases
for India.

Cricket Australia’s ODI Team of Year:

 Virat Kohli (India, Captain)

 David Warner (Australia)

 Quinton de Kock (South Africa, Wicket Keeper)

 Steve Smith (Australia)

 Babar Azam (Pakistan)

 Mitchell Marsh (Australia)

 Jos Buttler (England)

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 Jasprit Bumrah (India)

 Imran Tahir (South Africa)



The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) on 27 December 2016 appointed Suresh Kalmadi and
Abhay Singh Chautala as its life presidents.

The IOA unanimously appointed the Kalmadi and Chautala to the post during its Annual General
Meeting in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

A life president of IOA is an honorary post with no voting rights or involvement in day-to-day
functioning of the body. In its 89-year old history, IOA has had 12 presidents, including the
current incumbent N Ramachandran.


 The Indian Olympic Association is the body responsible for selecting athletes to
represent India at the Olympic Games, Asian Games and other international athletic

 IOA acts as the Indian Commonwealth Games Association and is also responsible for
selecting athletes to represent India at the Commonwealth Games.

 India’s participation in the 1920 and 1924 Olympics created the backdrop for the
creation of the IOA. Therefore, it was formed in 1927. Since then, it is being officially
recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as India's national Olympic
organisation. However, the IOA was suspended in December 2012 on the basis of
corruption, government interference, and not following guidelines of the IOC. It was in
only May 2013 that IOC decided to lift the ban on IOA.

 In 1928, Maharaja Bhupindra Singh took over as the president of IOA.

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Konkan 16, the 2016 edition of the annual bilateral maritime exercise between the Indian Navy
and the Royal Navy of Britain was held in Mumbai and Goa, Konkan 16 commenced on 5th
December 2016 at Mumbai; while the concluding ceremony was held at Goa on 16th December

The 2016 edition of the bilateral maritime exercise familiarized both forces with each other’s
planning processes and enhanced synergy and inter-operability. The exercise played an
important role in the maritime interactions under the aegis of Konkan series.

In addition, participation of IN Marine Commandos (MARCOs) and Royal Marines addedanother

dimension to the exercise. It provided valuable opportunity for both navies to interact and
cooperate in the field of maritime security operations.


 The exercise was conducted in two phases at Mumbai and Goa.

 The first phase was held from 5 December to 9 December 2016.

 The first phase included a command planning exercise involving the two navies. The
planners from both sides undertook planning for combined maritime operations.

 The second phase of the exercise known as a LIVE EXERCISE (LIVEX). It was held from 12
December 2016 to 16 December 2016 at Goa.

 The second phase included interaction between the MARCOs and the Royal Marines.

 Both the phases involved sharing of best practices and lessons learnt from recent
operations, especially in the field of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR)
and Non-combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO).


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 Exercise Konkan is named after the Western coastal region of India.

 It was institutionalised in 2004.

 Successive editions of Konkan have built on past experiences and have enhanced
operational inter-operability between the two navies.


India on 5 December 2016 inked an agreement with Hanoi to train the pilots of Vietnam's fleet
of Russian-made Sukhoi Su-30MK2 'Flanker F' multirole combat aircraft.

The agreement was signed in New Delhi by Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar and his
Vietnamese counterpart, General Ngo Xuan Lich.


 As per the deal, the training of the fighter pilots from the Vietnam People's Army Air
Force (VPAAF) by Indian Air Force (IAF) instructors will commence in early 2017.

 The two air forces are expected to imminently work out the details on the number of
pilots to be trained, the scope of their instruction and the overall cost.

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 The overall cost will not be paid through the USD 500 million Line of Credit (LoC)
extended by Delhi to Hanoi for defence procurements.


Both India and Vietnam operate Russian Su-30 jets. However, the two countries’ models differ
slightly in their configuration. India operates over 200 Su-30MKI fighters and nine Kilo-class
diesel electric submarines.

Both the countries have been steadily enhancing their cooperation, especially in the defence
sector, against the backdrop of the growing assertiveness of China in the region.

Bilateral ties between Indian and Vietnam recently received a further impetus when Prime
Minister Narendra Modi visited Vietnam in September 2016.


The Indian Special Forces unit, National Security Guard may participate in the upcoming
Republic day parade for the very first time in the history.The decision was taken following a
meeting between the Union Home and Defence Ministries. The Special Forces unit, popularly
known as the ‘black cat’ commandos due to their black uniform, has already begun its
preparation for the parade.


•The NSG would have to choose a contingent of about 60 commandos.

•The contingent is expected to include personnel from both its army and paramilitary-based
•The commandos will for the first time display their prowess and commando-style fast march
past at the parade.

•The first clearances for NSG’s participation have been issued.

• The only commando force to take part in the Republic Day celebrations until now has been
the troops of Army’s Special Forces.

The inclusion of this force will indeed be a sight to see, as the commandos dressed in their
trademark black attire with black headgear, special assault rifles MP-5, dagger and perfect
manoeuvres will surely add a new level of energy to the day’s celebrations.

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• It is an Indian special forces unit that was created in 1984, following Operation Blue Star and
the assassination of the then Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi.

• It was formed to combat terrorist activities in exceptional situations and to protect states
against internal disturbances.

• The commandos of NSG are trained to conduct counter terrorist tasks including ones such as
counter hijacking tasks on land,


The Defence and Research Development Organization (DRDO) has successfully flight tested the
Smart Anti-Airfield Weapon (SAAW), from an Indian Air Force aircraft.

In a statement, the DRDO said, the flight test was conducted at the integrated test range in
Chandipur, Odisha. It was flight tested on 24 December 2016.


• Developed by DRDO, SAAW is an indigenously designed and developed the 120-kilogram class
smart weapon.

• This lightweight high precision-guided bomb is one of the world class weapons systems.

• The system is capable of engaging ground targets with high precision up to a range of 100

As per reports, SAAW’s captive and release trials were tracked by Radar and Telemetry ground
stations at Interim Test Range during the entire duration of the flight. An official release said,
“the performance of all systems were satisfactory with all the mission objectives achieved”.

The Rs 56.58 crore SAAW project was sanctioned by the Union Government in September
2013. Earlier in May 2016, the DRDO conducted the first test of the weapon system from
Indian Air Force Jaguar DARIN-II aircraft in Bengaluru.

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DRDO Chairman Dr S Christopher congratulated both DRDO and IAF team for the successful


India successfully test fired its home-grown long range intercontinental surface-to-surface
nuclear capable ballistic missile Agni-5. The missile was test-
fired from the Abdul Kalam Wheeler Island off Odisha coast
at 11:05 am on 26 December 2016.

As per an official release, this was the fourth developmental

and second test-trail of the long-range missile. Unlike other
missiles of Agni series, the Agni-5 is the most advanced
missile with new technologies. The technologies
incorporated in this version of Agni includes navigation and
guidance, warhead and engine.


• It is a three-stage propellant missile with nuclear warhead

carrying capacity of more than one tonne.

• It is capable of striking a target more than 5000 kilometres.

• It is about 17 meters long and 2 meter wide and has a launch weight of around 50 tonnes.

• Agni-5 has been developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation under
the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program.

The last test of Agni missile with striking capacity of more than 3500 km range was carried out
from the Wheeler Island in January 2015.

According to reports, after some more trials, the Agni-5 missile will be inducted into the
services. With induction, India will join the super exclusive club of nations with Inter-
Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) (missiles with a range of over 5,000-5,500 kilometre). The
other nations in the list are the US, the UK Russia, France and China.

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President Pranab Mukherjee on 11 December 2016 flagged off a ‘100 Million for 100 Million’
Campaign organised by the Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation. The Campaign aims at
mobilising 100 million youth and children for the upliftment of 100 million underprivileged
children across the world.

‘100 Million for 100 Million’ Campaign seeks to end child slavery, labour and violence and
promote the right of every child to be safe and educated, over the next five years.

The campaign was flagged off in presence of Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi and spiritual
leader Dalai Lama.

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11 December was celebrated as the 81st birth anniversary of President Pranab Mukherjee. On
the occasion of President Mukherjee's birthday, a number of programmes were organised by
the Rashtrapati Bhavan. Programmes included

 President Pranab Mukherjee, Vice President Hamid Ansari and Prime Minister Narendra
Modi released three books titled 'From Raj to Swaraj', 'Life at Rashtrapati Bhavan' and
'Indradhanush- Volume-2'.

 The President also inaugurated a new Museum for vintage tapestries and carpets and a
new Hall for encouraging innovation in the Rashtrapati Bhavan. The museum displays
Zardari canopies and spreads belonging to the early 1900s, for the 1911 Delhi Durbar of
King George VI, a collection of Buddhist art, paintings, carvings and assorted gifts
presented to different Presidents and much more.


Swasthya Raksha Programme: The programme was
launched by the AYUSH Ministry to promote health
and health education in rural villages.

The Swasthya Raksha Programme was in news on 16

December 2016 as the Minister of State (Independent
Charge) for AYUSH Shripad Yasso Naik provided
information about the programme in the Lok Sabha.

About Swasthya Raksha Programme

• It was launched by the Union Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and
Homoeopathy (AYUSH) in October 2015.

• The purpose of the programme is to promote health and health education in villages

• The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), the Central Council for
Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH)
and the Central Council for Research in Siddha (CCRS) are implementing the programme.

• The key objectives of the programme are -

1. To organize Swasthya Rakshan OPDs, Swasthya Parikshan Camps and hygiene awareness

2. To create awareness about cleanliness of domestic surroundings and environment

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3. To provide medical aid and incidental support in the adopted Colonies and villages

4. To document demographic information, food habits, hygiene conditions, seasons, lifestyle

and disease prevalence

5. To assess health status and propagation of ayurvedic concept of pathya-apathya and

extension of health care services.

In order to achieve the above objectives, the following initiatives were undertaken so far.

• Information, education and communication (IEC) material like banners, hoardings, posters
and handouts were developed in Hindi, English and 07 regional languages.

• Swasthya Rakshan OPDs were organized in each village on weekly basis for providing
treatment for various disease conditions.

• Swasthya Parikshan Camps organized on weekly basis.

• A Survey was undertaken in the identified villages to identify prevalent diseases. Individual
health screenings of people have been done.

• Mass campaigns were organised with a focus on personal, environmental and social hygiene.


‘Hour of Code’: Disney’s campaign in India to teach
computer programming to school students

To help kids imbibe technical skills at an early age,

Disney has launched its ‘Hour of Code’ campaign in
India. Under the campaign, the entertainment firm will
teach computer programming to school children
through its free online tutorial featuring characters
from its film Moana.

Presently, Disney is teaching coding to school students

in different states of India like Rajasthan, Gujarat and

Disney came to India with this campaign in its third global edition. Facts of the campaign

• It will teach the basics of coding to students aged 8 years and above

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• It is being taken in over 700 private and Public schools of these three states.

• The programme that aims to reach out to a million students in India is being carried under the
partnership with Next Education.

What the tutorial will offer?

• It will offer an introduction to the basics of computer science.

• It will also provide the basics of coding, featuring characters from Moana, the Disney
animated film.

• The tutorial revolves around the characters of the movie, namely Moana and Maui, who sails
across the Ocean. During this period, students will learn the coding commands to steer the

• Later, an attack on the two characters by the Kakamora – coconut-clad warriors will allow
students to use a visual programming language with blocks, which can be dragged and dropped
to write code.

• Meanwhile, the two sequences, the students will be introduced to conditions, loops and
sequences while they master the art of navigation.

Benefits of the tutorial: The students will learn the basic principles of coding, which is a long
run will lay the foundation for text-based programming for them.

Disney India Vice President Abhishek Maheshwari in a statement said that Hour of Code will
help students to bring their stories to life. He also said that storytelling, when combined with
technology, turns up to be one of the most powerful tools, which can be accessed by a child.

Hour of Code campaign

• The campaign was first started in 2013 by Code.org.

• Presently, the campaign has seen the participation of more than million students globally.

• Partners of the campaign include big names like Google and Microsoft.

• The previous two Hour of Code tutorial featured characters from movies like Star Wars and
Frozen. Under these tutorials, about 40 million students learnt the basics of coding.

This year, ‘Moana: Wayfinding with Code’ tutorial created in collaboration with Code.org will be
available in available in 23 languages in more than 180 countries.

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The World AIDS Day was on 1 December 2016 observed across the world with the theme Hands
up for #HIVprevention.

The campaign #HIVprevention explores different aspects of HIV prevention and how they relate
to specific groups of people, such as adolescent girls and young women, key populations and
people living with HIV.

On the 2016 World AIDS Day, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
hosted a special event on 30 November 2016 to commemorate the day and to reinforce the
commitment to move forward together to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the
Sustainable Development Goals.

Get on the Fast-Track: the life-cycle approach to HIV report by UNAIDS

• A report titled Get on the Fast-Track: the life-cycle approach to HIV by UNAIDS shows that
countries are getting on the Fast-Track, with an additional one million people accessing
treatment in just six months i.e. from January to June 2016.

• The report was launched on 21 November 2016 in Windhoek, Namibia, by the President of
Namibia, Hage Geingob and the Executive Director of UNAIDS, Michel Sidibé.

• The report showed that by June 2016, around 18.2 million people had access to the life-saving
medicines, including 910000 children. If these efforts are continued and amplified, the world
will be on track to achieve the target of 30 million people on treatment by 2020.

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Global statistics on HIV

• 18.2 million People were accessing antiretroviral therapy (June 2016)

• 36.7 million People globally were living with HIV (end 2015)

• 2.1 million People became newly infected with HIV (end 2015)

• Million people died from AIDS-related illnesses (end 2015)

• 78 million people have become infected with HIV since the start of the epidemic (end 2015)

• 35 million people have died from AIDS-related illnesses since the start of the epidemic (end

About World AIDS Day

• The idea to observe World Aids Day was conceived in 1987 by James Bunn and Thomas
Netter, who are the public information officers for the Global Programme on Aids at the World
Health Organisation.

• In 1996, the UNAIDS became operational and took over the planning and promotion of World

• First World AIDS Day was held in 1988 and is the first ever global health day.


The National Pollution Control Day 2016 was observed on 2 December 2016 in India with an
aim to make aware the people and industries about the need of Pollution Control Acts.

This day is observed every year to give honour to thousands of human beings who lost their
lives in 1984 due to the Bhopal gas tragedy and who were left severely affected due to leakage
of poisonous gas from Union Carbide plant in Bhopal.

This catastrophe was the worst in the world's industrial history and people there still continue
to witness physical and mental disabilities.

About Bhopal gas tragedy

Bhopal gas tragedy happened in the night of 2 December to 3 December 1984 due to the
discharge of the poisonous chemical Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) and other chemicals that released
from Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.

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Due to leakage, more than 500000 people were exposed to the poisonous gas of MIC and
around 2259 died immediately. Later, it was declared by Madhya Pradesh government around
25000 people died because of the gas-related diseases.

However, toxic waste lying in the obsolete plant of Union Carbide has still not been disposed


In an attempt to prevent pollution, the Union Government has continuously been charting out
various laws, rules and acts. National Pollution Control Board (NPCB) is the main governing
body that conducts checks on industries to know whether they are following environmental
regulations or not.

Moreover, efforts have also been made at the world stage. Recently in November 2016, the
Paris agreement on climate change entered into force marking the first time that governments
have agreed to control global temperature rises.


The International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) 2016 was observed across the world
on 3 December 2016. The theme for the day was Achieving 17 Goals for the Future We Want.

In 2016, the goal of the IDPD is assessing the current status of the Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and SDGs. The day also looks forward for laying the foundation
for a future of greater inclusion for persons with disabilities.

The observance of the 2016 International Day of Persons with Disabilities coincides with the 10-
year anniversary of the adoption of the CRPD. The CRPD is one of the most quickly and widely
ratified international treaties put forth by the United Nations till now.

About International Day of Persons with Disabilities

 The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is an international observance

promoted by the United Nations since 1992.

 The observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and
mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of specially-abled persons.

 The Day also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of
persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.

 Until 2007, it was originally called the International Day of Disabled Persons.

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45th Navy Day was observed on 4 December 2016 in India. The Day is celebrated to rejoice the
splendor, achievements and role of the naval force of India.

On the occasion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with President Pranab Mukherjee
extended greetings to all members of the Indian Navy and highly praised their dedication to
protect the maritime interests of nation.

About Navy Day

• The day commemorates the launch of Operation Trident by the Indian Navy against Pakistan
on 4 December 1971.

• The Indian Navy played a significant role in the bombing of the Karachi harbour during the
1971 India-Pakistan war. Karachi harbour was the stronghold of the Pakistani Navy.

• Indian Navy was successful in sinking four Pakistani vessels and in ravaging the Karachi
harbour fuel fields.

• In this operation, three missile boats of the Indian Navy- INS Nirghat, INS Nipat and INS Veer
were deployed.

• Operation Trident also resulted in first use of anti-ship missiles in the Arabian Sea region.


The International Anti-Corruption Day 2016 was
observed across the world on 9 December 2016
with the theme United against corruption for
development, peace and security.

The day was observed to raise public awareness

about corruption and what people can do to fight

On the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day, all the Governments, the private
sector, non-governmental organizations, the media and citizens around the world joined forces
to fight the crime.

The 2016 joint international campaign focuses on corruption as one of the biggest road blocks
to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Office on Drugs
and Crime (UNODC) are the main organisations that are at the forefront of these efforts.

About International Anti-Corruption Day

 On 31 October 2003, UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopted the United Nations

Convention against Corruption and designated the United Nations Office on Drugs and
Crime (UNODC) as secretariat for the Convention against corruption.

 The UNGA also designated 9 December as International Anti-Corruption Day. The

Convention entered into force in December 2005.


The Human Rights Day 2016 was on 10 December 2016 observed across the world.

The day aims at promoting and raising awareness of the two Covenants of Human Rights Day.
They are: International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

For the year 2016, the day calls on everyone to stand up for someone's rights. To
commemorate the day, a campaign "Stand up for someone's rights today” was launched to
encourage, support and amplify what one does in one’s everyday life to defend human rights.


 Human Rights Day commemorates the day on which the United Nations General
Assembly (UNGA) adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

 In 1950, the Assembly passed resolution 423 (V), inviting all States and interested
organizations to observe 10 December of each year as Human Rights Day.

 UNGA in December 1993 created the mandate of High Commissioner for the promotion
and protection of all human rights.

 The first Human Rights Day was celebrated in 1950.


The International Mountain Day 2016 was observed across the world on 11 December 2016
with the theme Mountain Cultures: Celebrating diversity and strengthening identity.

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This year celebrations are aimed at highlighting the Mountain Cultures. Mountains encompass
communities with ancient cultures and traditions and are places of importance for religious
worship and pilgrimage all over the world.

The concept of traditional heritage and culture is inherently linked with livelihoods of people in
the mountains.


• Mountains cover around 22 percent of the earth’s land surface and play important role in
moving the world towards sustainable economic growth.

• They not only provide sustenance and wellbeing to around 915 million mountain people
around the world, but moreover they also indirectly benefit billions of people who live

• They are the sources of springs and rivers and are valued as the home of deities throughout
history like in times of drought, the Kikuyu people faced Mount Kenya and asked the God Ngai
for rain. The Inca people constructed their temples on the highest peaks over 6000 metres in
the Andes.

• Mountains and mountain-protected areas are places of spiritual solace, inspiration, recreation
and relaxation.

• Mountains offer all sorts of possibilities to tourists ranging from skiing and climbing to visiting
the rock churches in Ethiopia and viewing mountain gorillas in Rwanda.

• According to UNESCO, 376 of the world’s 669 Biosphere Reserves contain mountain


National Mathematics Day was observed on 22 December 2016 across India. The day marks the
birth anniversary of Indian Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan.

This observation was first introduced by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on 26
February 2012. The announcement was made at Madras University on the occasion of 125th
birth anniversary of Ramanujan. The year 2012 was also observed as the National Mathematics

About Srinivasa Ramanujan

• He was born on 23 December 1887 in a Tamil Brahmin Iyengar family in Erode, Madras
Presidency in British rule. At present, Erode is a district of Tamil Nadu.

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• He was an autodidact (self-taught person) who lived during the British Raj.

• His contributions in Mathematics include number theory, mathematical analysis, infinite

series, and making formulas and equations.

• His discoveries in mathematics include Ramanujam Prime and Ramanujam theta. These
discoveries also propelled further research on the subject.

• As a mathematician, he compiled some 3900 mathematical results and equations. Maximum

of those equations’ and claims has been proven correct.

• He along with Godfrey Harold Hardy, a British Mathematician, discovered the smallest
number represented as sum of two cubes 1729. This number is known as Hardy–Ramanujan
number 1729.

• He was considered as a natural genius in mathematicians like Gauss and Euler.

• He died on 26 April 1920 at a young age of 32 years.

• Recognitions and honours conferred on Srinivasa Ramanujan include

a) His birthday is celebrated as 'State IT Day' in Tamil Nadu

b) In 1962 (his 75th birth anniversary), the Union Government released a stamp picturing the
great Indian Mathematician Ramanujan. Later, a new design of the stamp was released on 26
December 2011 by the India post.

Apart from this, an annual prize, named SASTRA Ramanujam Prize, is given by SASTRA
University of Tamil Nadu. In 2016, the awards were conferred on Maksym Radziwill of McGill
University, Canada and Kaisa Matomaki of University of Turku, Finland.

SASTRA Ramanujam Prize is annually given to a mathematician who is not more than 32 years
in age for his/her outstanding contributions in an area of mathematics influenced by


The 31st National Consumer Day was celebrated on 21 December 2016
across India with the theme Alternate Consumer Disputes Redressal.

To mark this occasion, the Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of

Consumer Affairs Food and Public Distribution organised a special event
at Vigyan Bhavan in New Delhi.

The event was inaugurated and presided over by the Union Minister of

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Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Ram Vilas Paswan.

In the event, the participants discussed on the theme Alternative Dispute Resolution, which is
already being practiced in resolving civil disputes.

About National Consumer Day

• The day is being celebrated annually on 24 December to mark the enactment of the
Consumer Protection Act, 1986 on 24 December 1986.

• Observance of this day provides an opportunity for individuals to highlight the importance of
the consumer movement and promote the basic rights and responsibilities of all consumers.

• The day also reminds the producers and distributors of goods and services about their
responsibility towards the protection of consumer rights.

Consumer Protection Act, 1986

• It was enacted with the objective of providing better protection of consumers’ interest.

• The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 provides safeguards to the consumer against various
types of exploitations and unfair dealings.

• It provides for the promotion and protection of rights of consumers such as Right to Safety,
Right to be informed, Right to Choose and Right to be heard.

• The act applies to all goods and services unless explicitly exempted. It covers the private,
public and cooperative sectors.

• It provides for speedy and inexpensive adjudication mechanisms to resolve disputes.

• At present, the Consumer Protection Bill, 2015 is pending in the Lok Sabha. After its
enactment by the Parliament, the bill will replace the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.

• The World Consumer Rights Day is observed on 15 March annually. The theme for the day in
2016 was - Antibiotics off the Menu.


Good Governance Day is being observed across India on 25 December 2016. The day is
observed to mark the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee who has
turned 92.

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To mark the occasion, a Good Governance campaign will be undertaken for 100 days. During
this campaign, ministers and members of Parliament will travel across India and attend
programmes that highlight the key initiatives of the government.

Besides, six major initiatives will be launched by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances
and Pensions. The initiatives include

• Immovable Property Return through Property Related Information System (PRISM)

• Recruitment Rules Formation, Amendment Monitoring System (RRFAMS)

• Announcement of E-Service Book

• Mandatory online filing of APAR by all All India Services and Central Group A Service Officers

• Launching of redesigned website of Department of Personnel and Training

The endeavour of the government is to improve delivery systems, to promote digital

transformation and take forward the connectivity revolution in all sectors.


The Good Governance Day was established in 2014 with an aim to honour former PM Vajpayee
by fostering awareness among Indians about the accountability of governance. The concept of
the day encompasses two fundamental elements accountability and transparency.



Senior IPS officer Rakesh Asthana was on 3 December 2016 appointed as the Interim Director of
Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). He was given this additional charge by the Union
Government following retirement of Anil Sinha.

This was the first time in last 10 years and second time in the CBI’s history that no new Director
was named to succeed an incumbent.

About Rakesh Asthana

• He is a 1984 batch Indian Police Service (IPS) officer of Gujarat Cadre.

• Before this appointment, he was serving as Additional Director in the Central Bureau of
Investigation itself.

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• He served as the commissioner of police of Vadodara and Surat region.

• He headed the Special Investigation Team (SIT) while it was probing the Godhra train incident
of February 2002.

About Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)

• It is the chief investigative police agency in India and derives its power from the Delhi Special
Police Establishment Act, 1946.

• It was established in 1941 as the Special Police Establishment and was later renamed as CBI in

• It has its headquarters in New Delhi and serve the motto of 'Industry, Impartiality, Integrity'.

• It is headed by Director who should be an IPS officer of DGP rank. The director is selected as
per the provisions of Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) Act, 2003.

• The CBI Director is selected by a collegium comprising Prime Minister, Chief Justice of India
and Leader of Opposition or leader of the largest party in opposition in Lok Sabha.


Chief Justice of India TS Thakur on 6 December 2016
recommended Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar’s name to
be the 44th Chief Justice of India. Justice Thakur wrote
a letter recommending the name of Justice Khehar,
who is the senior-most judge of the Supreme Court to
be his successor.

Justice Khehar, 64, will be sworn-in as the Chief Justice

of India on 4 January 2017. He will retire from his office on 27 August 2017, after serving the
nation as Chief Justice of India for over seven months.

He will be the first Chief Justice of India from the Sikh community and succeed CJI Thakur who
will be demitting office on 3 January 2017.

About Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar

 He led the five-judge constitution bench of the Supreme Court that struck down the
National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) Act for the appointment of judges.

 He also led the bench that in January 2016 set aside the imposition of President’s rule in
Arunachal Pradesh.

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 He also headed the bench that passed a verdict of equal pay for equal work for the
benefit of people engaged as casual and contractual employees who work like regulars
and daily wagers.

 He was a part of the bench that sent Sahara Chief Subrata Roy to jail after hearing the
matter relating to the refund of money invested by people in his two companies.


Antonio Guterres, who was the Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002, was sworn-in as
the UN Secretary General on 12 December 2016. He will succeed Ban Ki-moon as the ninth chief
of the organisation.

President of the UN General Assembly Peter Thomson administered his Oath of Office at a
special plenary meeting of the 193-member General Assembly at the United Nations. After the
sworn-in ceremony, Guterres, 67, also addressed the General Assembly.

Addressing the UN General Assembly, the new UN Secretary-General vowed to reform the 71-
year-old world body, making it decentralised and flexible to improve its ability to respond to
global crises. He said the organisation is the cornerstone of multilateralism and has contributed
to decades of relative peace, but the challenges are now surpassing our ability to respond.

Guterres was unanimously appointed by the General Assembly as the successor to Ban, after
the 15-nation Security Council had in October 2016 decided by acclamation to send his name to
the Assembly for final approval.

Guterres will assume his new role for a five-year tenure beginning 1 January 2017. He will serve
the organisation till ending 31 December 2021.

Antonio Guterres

• He served as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees from June 2005 to December 2015. He
was the 10th High Commissioner for Refugees.

• He was elected to the Portuguese Parliament in 1976, where he served for 17 years.

• During his seven-year tenure as the Prime Minister of Portugal, he was involved in the
international effort to resolve the crisis in East Timor.

• Born on 30 April 1949, Guterres spent more than 20 years in government and public service.

• He briefly presided over the European Council in early 2000.

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• He also founded the Portuguese Refugee Council in 1991.

• He graduated from the Instituto Superior Técnico with a degree in engineering in 1971.

Besides, Guterres is the first Secretary-General from Western Europe since Kurt Waldheim who
served the organisation from 1972 to 1981.

About United Nations Secretary-General

The United Nations (UN) Secretary is the head of the UN Secretariat, which is one of the
principle organs of the United Nations. He acts as de facto spokesperson and leader of the
United Nations.

The role of the UN Secretary-General and Secretariat is laid out by Chapter XV (Articles 97 to
101) of the United Nations Charter. The post lasts for five years and is limited to a maximum of
two terms.


Indian Actress Priyanka Chopra has been
appointed as United Nations Children’s
Fund’s (UNICEF) newest Global Goodwill

The decision was announced by the

world-renowned soccer player David
Beckham and British actress Millie Bobby
Brown on 12 December 2016 on the eve
of UNICEF’s 70th anniversary at United
Nations headquarters in New York. Also
present at the grand affair were other
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors such as
Orlando Bloom, Jackie Chan, Ishmael Beah, Kidjo and Femi Kuti.

While accepting the esteemed honour, the actor thanked UNICEF for the experience she had
gained through field trips to villages and centers across India and the work they had achieved in
the country. She further pledged to become a driver of change and work towards ensuring that
every child’s voice is heard and that their rights are protected and respected world over.

Priyanka was previously appointed as UNICEF’S National Ambassador in India in 2010 with the
responsibility of working on issues related to child rights and adolescence. She has also been

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associated with several other causes including that of women’s rights, environment, health and
education and most importantly gender equality and gender pay gap.

Her recent honour comes after her mega success internationally courtesy her American
television show Quantico. She will also be making her Hollywood debut with the
movie Baywatch, which also stars Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron. Besides this, her work in
Bollywood has been nothing less than exemplary.


Pulkit Trivedi was on 12 December 2016 appointed as
Industry Director of Facebook India for e-commerce,
retail, travel and financial services verticals.

Trivedi will lead in building and maintaining strategic

relationships with clients in India.

About Pulkit Trivedi

• Recently, Pulkit held the position of Head of Industry

and e-commerce at Google India.

• He has over 18 years of extensive industry

experience covering sales, business development and
partnerships in companies such as Google, Intel,
Microsoft IBM and HCL.

• He had been in Google since April 2012 and was responsible for driving a large business for
Google India.

• His first big break came in 2003 at IBM where he was given charge of a multi-million-dollar

• He also taught Consumer Behaviour at IIT Roorkee for four years.

• He is an MBA from BITS Mesra and was featured in the Hottest Young Business Leaders under
40 in India by Business Today in 2015.



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The US President-elect Donald Trump on 14 December

2016 appointed PepsiCo Chairman and CEO Indra Nooyi to
his Strategic and Policy Forum.

In this position, Indra Nooyi will advise Trump on policy

measures to improve job opportunities and productivity in
the industry.

Trump will sworn-in as the 45th President of the USA on 20

January 2017.

About Strategic and Policy Forum

• Donald Trump announced the formation of this forum on

11 December 2016.

• Its primary responsibility is to give policy inputs to the transition team in implementing the
economic agenda of the Trump.

• It has 19 members representing various sectors of the economy.

• Indra Nooyi is the only Indian-American executive included in the forum.

• The forum is headed by Stephen Schwartzman. He is the CEO of the Blackstone Group.

• Other prominent members of the group are - Jack Welch (Ex-CEO of General Electric), Elon
Musk (CEO of SpaceX and Tesla) and Travis Kalanick (Co-founder of Uber).

Who is Indra Nooyi?

• Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi is an Indian-born business executive. At present, she is a citizen of

the USA.

• She is the Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo, which is the second-largest
food and beverage company in the world in terms of net revenue.

• She is an alumna of Madras Christian College, IIM Calcutta and Yale School of Management.

• Prior to PepsiCo, she worked in Johnson & Johnson, Boston Consulting Group and Motorola.

• She joined the PepsiCo in 1994. In 2001 she became the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the
company and in 2006 she was elevated to the position of CEO.

• Forbes magazine included her in the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women for seven
consecutive years starting from 2008.

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Incoming United Nations (UN) Chief Antonio Guterres on 15 December 2016 appointed
Nigeria's Environment Minister Amina Mohammed as his Deputy Secretary-General.

Guterres was recently sworn in as the ninth male UN Chief. He pledged to reach gender parity
among senior leadership within his five-year term. He will take over from current Secretary-
General Ban Ki-moon on 1 January 2017.

Also, Guterres appointed Brazilian diplomat Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti as Chef de Cabinet and
South Korea’s Kyung-wha Kang as Special Adviser on Policy.

About Amina Mohammed

 On 11 November 2015, Amina Mohammed was appointed as the Minister of

Environment of Nigeria.

 Previously, she served as Founder and CEO of the Center for Development Policy

 She also served as an Adjunct Professor for the Master’s in Development Practice
program at Columbia University.

 Born in 1961, she was the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's Special
Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning. She was appointed to the position on 7
June 2012.

About Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations

 The Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations is the deputy to the Secretary-
General of the United Nations.

 The office was created to handle many of the administrative responsibilities of the

 The person appointed to the post also helps manage Secretariat operations and ensure
coherence of activities and programmes.

 The post was formally established by the General Assembly at the end of 1997.

 Sweden’s Jan Eliasson was named as Deputy Secretary-General by Secretary-General

Ban Ki-moon on 2 March 2012.

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Former Information and Broadcasting Secretary Sunil Arora was on 15 December 2016
appointed as the Director General and Chief Executive Officer of the Indian Institute of
Corporate Affairs (IICA).

Arora's appointment was approved by the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC). He
will serve the office for a period of five years or till attaining 65 years of age or until further
orders, whichever is the earliest.

IICA is a think tank that comes under the Union Ministry of Corporate Affairs. It focuses on
matters impacting the functioning of corporates. Moreover, it work towards capacity building
with various stakeholders including regulators and professionals.

About Sunil Arora

• He is an Indian Administrative Officer (IAS) of 1980-batch of Rajasthan cadre.

• Earlier this year, he retired as Information and Broadcasting Secretary.

• He is presently serving as an Advisor at Prasar Bharati.

• At the Centre, he worked in various Ministries such as Finance, Textiles and Planning

• He also served as Joint Secretary in Ministry of Civil Aviation during 1999-2002.

• In Rajasthan, besides district postings in Dholpur, Alwar, Nagaur and Jodhpur, he was
Secretary to the Chief Minister during 1993-1998.


The Vice Chief of Army Staff, Lt General Bipin Rawat will be the new Chief of Army Staff, while
Air Marshal BS Dhanoa, the next Chief of Air Staff. They will take charge in the afternoon of 31
December 2016.

Lt. Gen Rawat will replace General Dalbir Singh, who will retire from his office at the end of this
month. Air Marshal Dhanoa, will replace Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha.

Lt. General Bipin Rawat

• Over last three decades of his service, Lt. General Rawat has tremendous hands-on
experience of serving in combat areas, and at various functional levels in the Indian Army.

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• He has handled various operational responsibilities in many areas, including along the LAC
with China, the LoC with Pakistan and in the North-East.

• He is known for his balanced approach towards compassion, soldiering and connect with civil

• His experience as GOC-in-C Southern Army Command in Mechanised Warfare has been
focused towards the western borders, in coordination with the other two services.

As per reports, Lt. Gen Rawat was found the best suited among the Lt. Generals, to deal with
emerging challenges, including a reorganised and restructured military force in the north,
continuing terrorism and proxy war from the west, and the situation in the North-East.

Air Marshal Dhanoa

• He was commissioned into the fighter stream of the Air Force in June 1978.

• He has served in various squadrons, and also in the Intelligence Directorate of Air

Earlier in the day, Anil Dhasmana was appointed as the chief of Research and Analysis Wing
(RAW). Dhasmana will succeed Rajinder Khanna. In addition, Rajiv Jain was appointed as the
chief of Intelligence Bureau (IB). Jain will succeed Dineshwar Sharma.


The Union Government in the second week of December 2016 appointed V K Sharma as the
Chairman of Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) for a period of five years.

Before the appointment, Sharma was serving as the acting chief of LIC, India’s biggest insurer
and investor. He was appointed as the acting chief on 16 September 2016 after the resignation
of S K Roy.

Sharma has been serving as the Managing Director of the insurer since November 2013.

About Life Insurance Corporation of India

 Life Insurance Corporation of India is an Indian state-owned insurance group and

investment company.

 It is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

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 It is the largest insurance company in India with an estimated asset value of Rs 1560482

 LIC was founded in 1956 when the Parliament of India passed the Life Insurance of India
Act. The Act had nationalised the private insurance industry in India. More than 245
insurance companies and provident societies were merged to create the state owned
Life Insurance Corporation.

 The nationalisation of the life insurance business in India was a result of the Industrial
Policy Resolution of 1956. It had created a policy framework for extending state control
over at least 17 sectors of the economy.


The Uttar Pradesh Government on 20 December 2016 appointed Deepak Agarwal, CEO of
Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA), as the CEO of Noida Authority.

Deepak Agarwal will replace P K Agarwal, who was officiating as the CEO of Noida Authority. P K
Agarwal was given the charge of Noida after the Uttar Pradesh Government relieved senior IAS
officer Rama Raman from the post on 25 August 2016. However, P K Agarwal will continue to
function as the additional CEO of Noida Authority.

Who is Deepak Agarwal?

 Deepak Agarwal is a 2000-batch IAS officer of UP cadre.

 He has been the GNIDA chief since September 2015.

 From February 2009 to March 2013, he was posted as the district magistrate of GB

 He had suffered a bullet injury in his leg during the Bhatta Parsaul farmer-administration
clashes in May 2011.

 As District Magistrate, he was instrumental in reining in the sand mining mafia in the


The Additional Chief Secretary and Commissioner of Land Administration, Girija Vaidyanathan
has been appointed as the new Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu state, replacing P Rama Mohana

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The announcement was made through an official statement by the government of Tamil Nadu.
Along with being the Chief Secretary, Girija will also hold the position of Vigilance
Commissioner and Commissioner for Administrative Reforms.

This appointment follows the shocking removal of P Rama Mohana Rao from the top post. Rao
was sacked a day after an Income Tax raid seized hidden cash and gold from his residence and
other properties in Chennai on 21 December 2016.

A total of Rs 30 lakh cash in the new currency and 5 kg of gold was recovered during the raid,
following which opposition parties started demanding for his removal.

About Girija Vaidyanathan

• She is an officer of the 1981 batch of Indian Administrative Service (IAS) with a postgraduate
degree in physics.

• She has been serving as the Commissioner of Land Administration since the year 2013 and
was actively involved in the formation of rules for the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Act of 2013.

• She has previously also held the position of Health Secretary of the state for one year in 2011
under the AIADMK government.

• She played a significant role in the launch of the Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health
Insurance Scheme.

• Other positions that she has held include School Education Secretary from 2005 to 2006 and
Member of the State Planning Commission between the years 2007 and 2008.

• She still has around two and half years before taking up retirement.

Though there are reports suggesting that Rao would be facing suspension from service, no
official decision on the same has been announced.



Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, J Jayalalithaa who suffered a cardiac arrest , passed away on 5
December 2016. She was 68. AIADMK supremo breathed her last at 11:30 PM at Apollo
Hospital, Chennai.

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She was put on heart assist device following the attack and her condition was stated to be
critical by senior doctors at the Apollo hospital.

The minister was brought in with complaints of

temperature, dehydration, and congestion on 22
September 2016 but after the tests, it was revealed
that there was a collection of fluid in her lungs and she
was put under observation. UK critical care specialist
Richard Beale was specially flown in to evaluate
Jayalalitha’s reports. A three-member team of
specialists was also dispatched from AIIMS to provide
Amma with best medical care and opinion.

In a press release on 4 November, the Apollo Hospital

stated that she had fully recovered and was now
“conscious and aware of things around her. Though
she still stayed at the hospital, she didn’t neglect her duties as the CM and continued working
from there.

Of late, her conditions were said to be improving. In fact she was even cleared to go home on 4
December 2016, the same day she suffered a massive cardiac arrest, after which she was put on
Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation device (ECMO).

The 24 hours following the news of CM’s cardiac arrest were perhaps the most crucial for the
state. The state was put on high alert and thousands of police personnel were summoned to
the Apollo hospital to control the crowd and maintain law and order in case the situation
worsened. All police officers, regardless of their rank were asked to be on duty until further

With Apollo hospital and Dr. Richard Beale repeatedly stressing on the fact that the CM’s
condition is critical and extremely grave, an urgent AIDMK meeting was called to discuss the
future of the party leadership as well as the state. As final news of amma’s death spread,
tension gripped the city and condolences started pouring in from top leaders of parties from
across India.

All of Tamil Nadu has been brought to a standstill. A corridor of police personnel was formed
starting right from Apollo to Poes Garden, the residence of the former CM to provide a safe
passage to the CM's body. The state government has announced a seven-day State Mourning
from 6 December 2016. During this period, the national flag on all government buildings will be
flown at half-mast. The government also declared a three-day holiday for all educational
institutions in the state.

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Besides, the neighbouring union territory of Puducherry has also announced a holiday for all
government offices and educational institutions on 6 December 2016 as a mark of respect to

About J Jayalalithaa

• In the 1980s, she was made the propaganda secretary of AIADMK by founder-leader MG

• She entered the Rajya Sabha in 1984

• In 1989, she was elected to the Tamil Nadu assembly for the first time after which she
became the Chief Minister of the state in 1991

• She is the second female chief minister of Tamil Nadu after Janaki Ramachandran

• She is called Amma (Mother) and Puratchi Thalaivi (Revolutionary Leader) by her followers.

• The five-time Chief Minister, Jayalalithaa was a pioneer of several social sector schemes like

a) Cradle to baby scheme aimed at fighting the curse of female foeticide

b) Amma Canteens to provide low-priced food to the urban poor

c) Other similar pro-poor schemes launched by her included 'Amma salt', 'Amma water' and
'Amma medicines'.

• Before starting her political career, she acted in over 100 movies mostly in Tamil, Telugu and
Kannada. She also acted in few Hindi and English films.

• She made her debut in a Kannada movie at the age of 16.

• Some of her films included Vennira Aadai (her first Tamil movie), Pattikada Pattanama,
Aayirathil Oruvan (for which she won Filmfare Award for Best Actress in 1973) Sri Krishna Satya

• Her last film was the Nadhiyai Thedi Vandha Kadal (1980)

• She was born on 2 February 1948

What is ECMO?

• It is an advance life support system that helps provide oxygen to the body when the patient's
lungs or heart are unable to do so.

• It is generally put to use when the patient becomes unresponsive to conventional CPR or
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

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• It works by draining blood from a vein and connecting it to an oxygenator machine.

• A patient can be on the device for several days or even weeks. However the longer the
patient stays on the device, the less chances the person has of recovering fully.


Veteran journalist, political analyst and comedian Cho S Ramaswamy passed away on 7
December 2016 following a prolonged illness at Apollo Hospital in Chennai. He was 82. He is
survived by his wife, a son and a daughter.

He was the first to propose Narendra Modi as the

Prime Ministerial candidate. He was also known
to be very close to Late J Jayalalitha, CM of Tamil
Nadu who died earlier this week, and also
mentored her during her film career and
continued to do the same even after she entered
the politics.

About Cho S Ramaswamy

 Ramaswamy was a law graduate, a play

writer and a stage actor and also directed several
movies and was also a screen play writer.

 He practised law in the Madras High Court in 1957-63 and served as a legal adviser to
TTK & Co, group Companies, till 1978.

 He was a member of the BRC cricket club which played in the II division of Madras
Cricket Association (now Tamil Nadu Cricket Association) in the 1950's.

 He was nominated to the Rajya Sabha under the previous NDA government in 1999.

 He had acted in movies along with MG Ramachandran, Sivaji Ganesan, Jayalalithaa,

Kamal Hassan, Rajinikanth and others.

 He had written, directed and acted in over 20 Tamil plays which were performed over
5000 times.

 He also acted in 180 movies, scripted 14 and directed four.

 He founded and edited the political magazine Thuglak magazine.

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AT 95
Former US astronaut John Glenn, the first American to
orbit Earth, died on 8 December 2016. He was 95. The
ex-Marine and Senator had been in hospital in
Columbus, Ohio, for more than a week.

John Glenn was best known for circling the earth in

1962. He circled the planet aboard the Friendship 7
space capsule. This achievement of Glenn marked the moment the US caught up with the
Soviet Union in manned space exploration.

After returning to Earth, Glenn was elected in 1974 as a Democrat to the US Senate, where he
served for 24 years.

John Glenn

• He was the last of NASA's original seven astronauts to die.

• He circled the world three times on board the Mercury capsule "Friendship 7" before
splashing down in the Atlantic Ocean on 20 February 1962.

• At the age of 77, he also became the oldest person, worldwide, to fly into space. He went to
the orbit aboard the space shuttle Discovery.

• He was the colonel in the US Marine Corps and flew combat flights during the Second World
War and Korean War.

• He was a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honours
awarded by the United States and Congressional Gold Medal.

• In 1959, he was named as an astronaut. He was named as the astronaut after he set a
transcontinental speed record flying a jet to New York from California in three hours and 23

• Glenn served as an advisor to NASA until 1964.


Henry Judah Heimlich, inventor of life-saving Heimlich manoeuvre, passed away on 17
December 2016 in Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S. He was 96.

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Heimlich had graduated from New Rochelle High School in 1937. He earned a BA degree from
Cornell University in 1941. He received his M.D. from the Weill Cornell Medical College in 1943.

Heimlich also invented the Micro Trach portable oxygen system for ambulatory patients. He
was also the inventor of the Heimlich Chest Drain Valve, which drains blood and air out of the
chest cavity. The valve’s design allows air and blood to drain from the chest cavity in order to
allow a collapsed lung to re-expand.

What is Heimlich manoeuvre?

 Heimlich first published his views about the manoeuvre in an informal article in
Emergency Medicine titled Pop Goes the Cafe Coronary in June 1974.

 On 19 June 1974, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported that retired restaurant-owner

Isaac Piha used the procedure to rescue a choking victim, Irene Bogachus, in

 From 1976 to 1985, the choking-rescue guidelines of the American Heart Association
and of the American Red Cross taught rescuers to first perform a series of backblows to
remove the Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (FBAO). If backblows failed, then the
rescuers learned to proceed with the Heimlich maneuver.

 After American Heart Association conference in July 1985, backblows were removed
from choking-rescue guidelines.

 From 1986 to 2005, the published guidelines of the American Heart Association and the
American Red Cross recommended only the Heimlich manoeuvre as the treatment for

 The choking-rescue guidelines published by the American Heart Association in 2005

called the procedure as ‘abdominal thrusts.’

On 23 May 2016, Heimlich used the manoeuvre himself for the second time to successfully save
the life of a fellow resident of his senior living community. He had used it for the first time on a
man choking in a restaurant when he was about 80 years old.


Renowned environmentalist Anupam Mishra passed away on 19 December 2016 in Delhi
following a prolonged illness. He was 68.

His seminal work on water conservation 'Aaj Bhi Khare Hain Talab' fired the imagination of
common people and ecology warriors and gave wings to India's indigenous wisdom on this

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About Anupam Mishra

• Born in Wardha, Maharashtra, Mishra started his career as a writer-activist with the Gandhi
Peace Foundation in 1969.

• His first assignment was being part of a team negotiating the surrender of the dacoits of

• He wrote books including Aaj Bhi Khare Hain Talaab (Lakes are still Standing, 1993) and
Rajasthan Ki Rajat Boondein (Radiant Raindrops of Rajasthan, 1995).

• His work 'Aaj Bhi Khare Hain Talab' was born out of his involvement with the drought in
Rajasthan in 1987 and demonstrated how ponds nourished people living in the hinterland.

• First published in 1993, 'Aaj Bhi Khare Hain Talab' has seen 40 editions in about 10 languages
till date including a Braille edition. It has sold a staggering 200000 odd copies.

• He was the editor of the bi-monthly ‘Gandhi Marg’ published by the Gandhi Peace

• He opined that India had been a water-literate society in the past and harnessed traditional
knowledge to improve the present.

• He was the recipient of various awards including Jamnalal Bajaj Award, Amar Shaheed
Chandrashekhar Azad National Award and many others.


Ratnasiri Wickremanayake, former Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, passed away on 27 December
2016 in Colombo. He was 83.

Wickremanayake served as the Prime Minister in the Mahinda Rajapaksa Government in the
year 2005.

Wickremanayake earlier held the position of Prime Minister from August 2000 to December
2001, succeeding the then Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike.

About Ratnasiri Wickremanayake

 Ratnasiri Wickremanayake was a National List member of the Parliament of Sri Lanka.

 He entered politics in the year 1960 by winning the Horana seat in the March General
Election as a member of the Mahajana Eksath Peramuna (MEP).

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 He was appointed Deputy Minister of Justice in 1970.

 He served as the General Secretary of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) in 1977.

 He won the Kalutara District seat in the 1994 General Election. He was then appointed
as the Minister of Public Administration, Home Affairs and Plantation Industries and the
Leader of the House in President Chandrika Kumaranatunge’s Cabinet.


Dinanath Bhargava, the man who designed the National Emblem, passed away on 24 December
2016 following a prolonged illness. He was 89. He is survived by his wife and two sons.

He was the man who sketched and illuminated the National Emblem and extracted its motto
'Satyameva Jayate' (Truth alone triumphs) from Mundaka Upanishad in 1948 after an extensive

About Dinanath Bhargava

• Born in November 1927 at Multai in Betul district of Madhya Pradesh, Bhargava was chosen
by noted painter Nandlal Bose in the group for designing the pages of the Indian Constitution’s

• His work adorned the front page of the original first copy of the Indian Constitution.

• Later, the country adopted it as the national emblem on 26 January 1950.

• He ended up making the first 30 pages of the Constitution by the end of 1948.

• He was also instrumental in weaving the double decker loom and designing new Chanderi

• He started the carpet-making industry in Gwalior during the time of late Congress leader
Madhav Rao Scindia.

• He was also a renowned painter. His paintings were displayed in the Europe’s World Art Tour
in the 1950s, when he won the gold medal.

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The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on 30 November
2016 added Cuba’s rumba dance and Belgian beer to its coveted list of “intangible” heritage.

In addition, the UN body also included Portuguese pottery and Ugandan traditional music into
the list at the meeting in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. The Cuban delegation dedicated
the rumba’s selection to Fidel Castro, who passed away recently.

The UNESCO stated that the rumba evokes “grace, sensuality and joy”. As the rumba sprang
from poor communities in Cuba, the dance is an enduring “expression of resistance and self-
esteem”. While for the Belgian beer, it said “making and appreciating beer is part of the living
heritage... throughout Belgium”. The body stated that as Ugandan traditional music is dying out
partly, it requires materials from endangered species, as intangible heritage “in urgent need of
safeguarding”. For the Portuguese pottery, the UNESCO stated that the pottery is suffering
from “waning interest from younger generations and popular demand for industrial

About UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

• UNESCO lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage aims at ensuring the better protection of
important intangible cultural heritages worldwide and the awareness of their significance.

• The list was established in 2008 when the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the
Intangible Cultural Heritage took effect.

• The list now comprises 814 cultural sites, 203 natural ones and 35 with both natural and
cultural qualities.

• As of 2010, the programme compiles two lists. The longer is the Representative List of the
Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, which includes cultural "practices and expressions
that help demonstrate the diversity of this heritage and raise awareness about its importance."
The shorter one is the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding,
which comprises cultural elements that concerned communities and countries consider require
urgent measures to keep them alive.

List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in India

• Koodiyattam, Sanskrit Theatre, Kerala

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• Traditional brass and copper craft of utensil making among the Thatheras of Jandiala Guru,

• Mudiyett: a ritual theatre of Kerala

• Sankirtana, ritual singing, drumming and dancing of Manipur

• The Tradition of Vedic Chanting

• Buddhist chanting of Ladakh: recitation of sacred Buddhist texts in the trans-Himalayan

Ladakh region, Jammu and Kashmir, India

• Ramlila: the Traditional Performance of the Ramayana

• Chhau dance: a tradition from eastern India

• Ramman: religious festival and ritual theatre of the Garhwal Himalayas

• Kalbelia: folk songs and dances of Rajasthan


Yoga, India’s one of the ancient practices to keep
oneself healthy, has been inscribed on UNESCO’s
Representative List as the Intangible Cultural Heritage
of Humanity.

It was inscribed on the list during the 11th session of

the Intergovernmental Committee for the
Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage held in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The declaration describing Yoga
as a Human Treasure got unanimous support of the 24 members of the Committee.

With this, Yoga became the 13th intangible cultural heritage that has been listed from India so
far with UNESCO. The previous intangible cultural heritage list includes

 Chhau dance (inscribed in 2010)

 The Buddhist chanting of Ladakh (inscribed in 2012)

 Sankirtana - the ritual singing, drumming, and dancing of Manipur (inscribed in 2013)

 The traditional brass and copper craft of utensil making among the Thatheras of Jandiala
Guru, Punjab (inscribed in 2014)

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 Ramlila- the traditional performance of the Ramayana (inscribed in 2008)


 It is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India.

 Records suggest that Yoga originated in the pre-Vedic India, it is mentioned in the

 But it developed around the sixth and fifth Century BC, in ancient India's ascetic and
śramaṇa movements.

 It is practised in different schools of Yoga namely Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

 It was introduced in the west first by Swami Vivekananda and later in the 1980s by Yoga
gurus from India

 Earlier in 2014, the United Nations declared 21 June as the International Yoga Day.


The world’s first hospital train, Lifeline Express is all set to get two additional coaches for cancer
treatment. The decision was announced by the Ministry of Railways on 5 December 2016.

Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu along with Health Minister JP Nadda will be inaugurating the
new additions. The coaches are purely equipped for detection and control of oral, cervical and
breast cancer and prevention of stroke. They will be accompanied by three fully equipped
operation theatres.

These additions just add more strength to the existing life-saving services present on the five-
coach train, as it is already equipped to conduct surgeries for sight, hearing, clefts, burns,
broken bones and treatment of epilepsy and dental issues.

Around 10000 people are estimated to benefit from the project at each location.

About the Lifeline Express

 Funded by Impact UK, the project was developed by the Indian Railways and Union
health Ministry.

 It also receives funding from international charitable sources, Indian corporate houses,
and individuals.

 The train became fully functional on 16 July 1991.

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 The main objective behind the service was to provide immediate medical aid to disabled
adults and children living in remote and otherwise inaccessible areas of India, where
advanced medical services are not available.

 It has by far treated over one million disabled poor Indians living in the rural areas,
completely free of cost.

 The train’s staff comprises around 200,000 medical professionals from across the world,
all of whom have donated their services for the cause.

 The train has taken up almost 177 projects across the country and conducted more than
one lakh surgeries.

 The service’s 178th project will start at Satna, Madhya Pradesh from 15 December 2016
and will go on until 5 January 2017.

Besides providing instant medical aid, the service aims to improve the efficiency of existing
government body and health infrastructure and services in the remote areas. It also aims to
encourage the local bodies to gain more understanding on the programme and then provide
follow-up services once the train departs.


The Serendipity Arts Festival (SAF) is held from 16th to
23rd December 2016 in Goa. The festival witnessed a
stellar line-up of 33 global artists, who displayed their
work at the eight-day inspiration-packed festival.

More than 40 exciting projects and exhibitions

featuring famous artists, like Kabi Raj Lama, Bandu
Manamperi, Escif, Billy Chang, SP Pushpakanthan, Lisa Stertz and Paquito Gonzalees,
participated in this festival.

Focus areas of the festival

 Promoting patronage of the arts

 Creating a space for interdisciplinary exploration across the arts

 Being a driver for arts education

 Connecting young aspiring artists and students with the professional possibilities of the
art world in India

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 Connecting Indian arts community with international discourses in art

About the Serendipity Arts Festival

 The Serendipity Arts Festival held at the banks of River Mandovi in Goa.

 The festival is envisioned as a space, which brings together the visual, performing and
culinary arts.

 The festival is curated by a panel of artists and institutional figures.

 The festival is a long-term cultural project that hopes to affect positive change in the
arts in India on a large scale.

 It is a cultural experiment that hopes to affect the way Indians interact with art on a
daily basis by addressing issues such as arts education, interdisciplinary discourse,
accessibility of the arts and patronage culture.


Dr BR Ambedkar, the father of the Indian Constitution,
was in news on 6 December 2016. He came into news
on his 60th death anniversary.

On the occasion, lakhs of people converged at Chaitya

Bhoomi to pay homage to him. Chaitya Bhoomi is the
place where Ambedkar was cremated after his death
on 6 December 1956.

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) made adequate arrangements for pilgrims
who come to visit Chaitya Bhoomi on Mahaparinirvan Diwas. Details of preparation at Chaitya
Bhoomi by MCGM

 It set up 10 control rooms to guide visitors.

 About 11 ambulances were placed at service at various locations around Shivaji Park
and Chaityabhoomi.

 Around 750 workers have been put on duty round the clock at the venue and Dadar
Chowpatty beach, which has the book stalls.

 About 200 mobile toilets, water tankers, utility vehicles and fire engines were set up to
aid the visitors

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Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

 Born on 14 April 1891 at Mahu in Madhya Pradesh, Babasaheb, was an Indian jurist,
economist, politician and social reformer

 He inspired the Dalit Buddhist Movement and campaigned against social discrimination
against Untouchables (Dalits), while also supporting the rights of women and labour.

 He was Independent India's first law minister and the principal architect of the
Constitution of India.

 He earned doctorates in economics from both Columbia University and the London
School of Economics.

 In his early career, he was an economist, professor, and lawyer.

 Later, he turned up to be a political activist and involved himself in campaigning and

negotiations for India's independence

 In 1956 he converted to Buddhism, initiating mass conversions of Dalits.

 He was posthumously conferred with the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award in

 He died on 6 December 1956

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US President-elect Donald Trump was named as Person of the Year 2016 on 7 December 2016
by Time magazine. The magazine cited his role for the stunning victory in the US Presidential

The Time cover that features a photograph of the President-elect sitting on a chair
reads, “Donald Trump – President of the Divided States of America”.

Nancy Gibbs who announced the name of Time’s person of the year said that the real baron
and casino owner, Trump, who never spent a single day in public office, was elected as the 45th
President of the US.

Trump’s rival in the presidential elections and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was the first
runner-up for Person of the Year. Online hackers
were judged as the second runner ups.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was among the 11

candidates shortlisted by Time for its annual honour.
Meanwhile, Modi won the online readers' poll
conducted by Time magazine for Person of the Year
2016, the second time he emerged winner of the
reader's choice poll.

Other contenders for the Time Person of the year were

 The US gymnast Simone Biles

 UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage

 Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan

 CRISPR Scientists who developed a groundbreaking new technology that can edit DNA

 The Flint Whistleblowers who along with civil-engineering professor Marc Edwards and
local paediatrician Mona Hanna-Attisha blew the whistle on the lead-poisoned water in
Flint, Michigan

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 Singer Beyonce

 Russian President Vladimir Putin

 Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg

TIME's Person of the Year since 2000

This is an annual honour bestowed by Time magazine since 1927. It goes to the person who
most influenced the news during the year for better or worse.

 2000: George W Bush

 2001: Rudolph Giuliani, who was New York City's mayor on 9/11

 2002: The Enron Whistleblowers

 2003: The American soldier

 2004: George W. Bush

 2005: The Good Samaritans - Bono and Bill Gates

 2006: You - represented by the Internet

 2007: Vladimir Putin

 2008: Barack Obama

 2009: Ben Bernanke

 2010: Mark Zuckerberg

 2011: The Protester

 2012: Barack Obama

 2013: Pope Francis

 2014: Ebola fighter

 2015: Angela Merkel

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Kehkashan Basu, a 16-year-old UAE-based Indian teenager won the International Children’s
Peace Prize for her work towards climate justice and combating environmental degradation.

The award was conferred to her by Bangladesh’s Nobel peace prize winner Mohammad Yunus
at a ceremony held in The Hague. The teen in her award-winning speech stressed on the
importance of continuing the fight against climate change and focusing on creating a more
sustainable future.

Her speech comes not long after the new President-elect of the United States, Donald Trump
revealed his decision of withdrawing the U.S from a global agreement on climate change.

About Kehkashan Basu

• She was born in Dubai to Indian Parents.

• At the age of eight years, she planted her first tree and had started educating her neighbours
on the importance of saving the environment.

• She also brought together other children to collect and recycle waste.

• She founded Green Hope at the age of twelve. Through the organisation, she launched
several awareness campaigns and cleanup activities.

• The peace award is a symbol of recognition for her work involving the same organisation.

About Green Hope

• Founded by Basu , the organisation, which started as a small initiative has grown into a fully-
established International organisation.

• It has over 1000 volunteers and conducts activities in at least 10 countries across the world.

• It is run by children, who often consume their pocket money to fund their environmental

• Within just four years of its founding, the organisation completed several successful
environmental projects, some of which included planting 5,000 trees in Columbia, France,
Mexico, Nepal, Oman and the United States.

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• Aside from planting trees, Green Hope also indulges in other activities such as cleaning up
mangrove swamps around UAE, which is very significant, especially since their deforestation
rates are almost five times higher than average global forest loss.

The International Children’s Peace Prize is an annual award, which is conferred to those
children who fight courageously for children’s rights. The award also includes an investment
prize of $106000 for projects in the winner’s home country.

Basu was selected for the award from a total of 120 nominees from 49 countries. Some of the
previous winners of the prize include Liberian child rights activist Abraham M Keita, American
Neha Gupta for her NGO-Empower Orphans and Pakistani activist/ survivor Malala Yousafzai
who is also the youngest recipient of Nobel Peace Prize for her work towards female education.


Srinidhi Shetty, a girl from Mangalore, was
crowned Miss Supranational 2016 in the
first week of December 2016. She was
crowned at a ceremony held in Krynica
Zdroj, Poland. With this, India became the
first country to win Miss Supranational
twice in three years.

Along with the crown, Shetty, an engineer

by profession, also received the prize
amount of $30,000. In addition, she also won the title of Miss Asia-Oceania.

Other four finalists of the title were

• Venezuela's Valeria Vespoli (2nd)

• Suriname's Jaleesa Pigot (3rd)

• Sri Lanka’s Ornella Gunesekere (4th)

• Hungary's Korinna Kocsis (5th)

Process of selection

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Unlike other beauty pageants, Shetty or any other finalists were not asked any question from
the jury. Instead, the jury asked the five finalists to ask questions with each-others.

Shetty’s Question: The question that helped Shetty to claim the crown was asked by Valeria
Vespoli, the Venezuelan contestant. Vespoli’s question to Shetty was “what was her biggest
take away from the event”.

Shetty’s Reply: “Being a part of an arena of women from different countries and religions,
where all are competing for the same goal being happy under one roof, was an enriching

Shetty is the second Indian to win the title after Asha Bhatt. Bhatt clinched the title three years


Multimedia artist Helen Marten on 5 December 2016 won the Turner Prize, which is Britain’s
top award for contemporary art. The prize comes with a cash award of about USD 31800.

The Turner Prize is the second prize in a month for Marten, who also won the inaugural
Hepworth Prize.

The nominees for the 2016 Turner Prize were Michael Dean, Anthea Hamilton, Helen Marten
and Josephine Pryde.

Who is Helen Marten?

 Helen Elizabeth Marten is an English artist based in London.

 She works in sculpture, video and installation art.

 She studied at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art at the University of Oxford
from 2005 to 2008. Thereafter, she went to Central Saint Martins.

 Her work has been included in the 56th Venice Biennale and the 20th Biennale of

 She is the winner of the 2012 LUMA Award and the 2011 Prix Lafayette, among others.

About Turner Prize

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 The Turner Prize is an annual prize presented to a British visual artist under the age of

 It is named after the English painter J. M. W. Turner.

 Since its beginnings in 1984, the award has become the United Kingdom’s most
publicised art award.

 In 2015, the award was won by Assemble, which are a collective based in London who
work across the fields of art, architecture and design.


President Pranab Mukherjee on 9 December 2016 presented the Shilp Guru Awards and
National Awards to master craftspersons for the year 2015 at Rashtrapati Bhavan. The recipient
of the award included nine Shilp Gurus and 19 National Awardees.

The awards are given in recognition of excellent craftsmanship and the major role played by
them in continuing craft as a vital part of the traditional heritage.

List of Shilp Guru Awardees for the year 2015

Sl.No. Name & Address Craft State Region

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1. K Siva Prasada Reddy Kalamkari Andhra Pradesh Southern Region


2 Irshad Hussain Farooqi Calligraphy Delhi Northern Region

in wood

3 Rajender Parshad Bondwal Sandal Haryana Northern Region


4. Khatri Abdul Razak Mohmed Ajrakh Gujarat Western Region

Hand Block

5 Abdul Raouf Bidri Craft Karnataka Southern Region

6 Girish Kumar Rajsoni Thewa Madhya Pradesh Western Region


7 Pravakar Maharana Stone Odisha Eastern Region


8 Inder Singh Kudrat Enamel of Rajasthan Northern Region

silver &

9. Hari Charan Das Cane & Tripura North Eastern

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Bamboo Region

List of National Awardees for the year 2015

Sl.No. Name & Address Craft State Region

1. Punam Das Mithila Bihar Eastern Region


2. Ramrati Terracotta Delhi Northern Region

3. Zameer Ahmed Miniature Delhi Northern Region


4. Mohd. Yaqoob Metal Delhi Northern Region


5. Zahid Hussain Beig Papier Jammu & Northern Region

Machie Kashmir

6. M Ramamurthy Wood Karnataka Southern Region


7. Laxmidhar Subudhhi Palmleaf Odisha Eastern Region


8 Biswanath Swain Palm Leaf Odisha Eastern Region

Engraving &

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9. Jashobanti Meher Natural Odisha Eastern Region

Fiber Craft

10. Abdul Ghani, Block Rajasthan Northern Region


11. Vasudev Sharma Miniature Rajasthan Northern Region


12. Jugal Kishor Chandel Miniature Rajasthan Northern Region


13. Roop Kishor Soni Silver Rajasthan Northern Region


14. Akoju Venkateshwarlu Silver Telangana Southern Region


15. Munna Lal Soni Metal Craft Uttar Central Region


16. Israr Ahmed Bone Uttar Central Region

Carving Pradesh

17. Kunjbihari Singh Gulabi Uttar Central Region

Meenakari Pradesh

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18. Sohit Kumar Prajapati Black Uttar Central Region

Pottery Pradesh

19 Shri Haradhan Das Copper West Eastern Region

Engraving Bengal

Speaking on the occasion of the award ceremony, President Mukherjee said that proactive
steps are needed to realise the full potential of Indian handicraft sector. Promotion of the same
in both domestic and international markets would help in expanding the geographical reach.

As per reports, in the financial year 2015-16, the handicraft exports saw a growth of 16 percent.
This growth is an indication that Indian craftsmanship is important in the International market.

The Shilp Guru Award consists of a gold coin and two lakh rupees, a Tamrapatra, an
Angavastram and a certificate. On the other hand, the National Awards consist of one lakh
rupees, a Tamrapatra, an Angavastram and a certificate.

The Shilp Guru Awards were instituted to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the resurgence of
Handicrafts in India on 15 November 2002. On that occasion, the then President Late Dr APJ
Abdul Kalam honoured 10 masters of living traditions, responsible for the maintenance of the
living cultural heritage of India.

Since then, 117 artisans responsible for maintaining craft traditions have been selected for the

The Shilp Guru Awards, National Awards and National Merit Certificate are awarded to a
craftsperson only once in a lifetime. They are awarded to encourage master crafts persons to
maintain excellence in craftsmanship and keep alive our old tradition.


US Secretary of State John Kerry was on 11 December 2016 honoured as the Officer of the
Legion of Honour, the highest French civilian distinction for his contribution in peace effort.

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Kerry received the award from the French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault following the
high level talks on Syria’s war by both the sides.

Kerry has visited France countless times as Secretary of State for high-level diplomatic meetings
on Syria, Ukraine and other hotspots.

About the French Legion of Honour

 The French Legion of Honour is an order of distinction that was established by Napoleon
Bonaparte in May 1802.

 It is the highest decoration bestowed in France and is divided into five categories-
Knight, Officer, Commander, Grand Officer and Grand Cross.

 The highest degree of the Order of the Legion of Honour is that of Grand Master, which
is held by the sitting President of the Republic.

 Foreign nationals, who have served France in one way or the other, are eligible to
receive a distinction from the Legion of Honour.

 Today, there are around 93000 Legion of Honour recipients.

 Some of the American recipients include Generals Dwight D Eisenhower and Douglas
MacArthur, Admiral Michael Mullen and the United States Military Academy at West


The Indian Council of Food and Agriculture (ICFA) on 15 December 2016 presented 'Global
Agriculture Leadership Award 2016' to Ratan Tata in Mumbai.

Tata was conferred with the prestigious award for his transformational role in scaling Tata
Group as the globally admired group during his stint of 20 years as Chairman.

The Leadership Awards Jury was chaired by Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, pioneer of India's Green

About Indian Council of Food and Agriculture

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 The Indian Council of Food and Agriculture was launched as an apex body to act as think
tank, policy research, trade facilitation, development catalyst and monitoring centre for
food and agriculture sector.

 The body also serves as global platform for partnerships.

 It also focuses on farmers and agri-entrepreneurs towards helping them connect with
the market opportunities.

About Ratan Tata

 Ratan Naval Tata is an Indian businessman, investor and philanthropist.

 Currently, he is serving as an Interim Chairman of Tata Sons.

 He served as the chairman of Tata Group from 1991 till 2012.

 In 2000, he was conferred with Padma Bhushan.

 In 2008, he was honoured with the Padma Vibhushan.


Puerto Rico’s Stephanie Del Valle was crowned Miss World 2016 at the 66th edition of the
event held at MGM National Harbor, Maryland in the United States of America on 18 December

The competition saw a total of 117 contestants from countries across the globe. Stephanie Del
Valle beat runner-ups Miss Dominican Republic Yaritza Reyes and Miss Indonesia Natasha
Mannuela to grab the esteemed title. Other contestants who made it to the top five were Miss
Philippines Catriona Elisa Gray and Miss Kenya Evelyn Njambi.

19-year-old Dev Valle was crowned by Miss World 2015, Mireia Lalaguna Royo. With the win,
she becomes the second Puerto Rican to hold the title since the start of the competition in
1951. The first Puerto Rican to win the title was Wilnelia Merced in 1975. Dev Valle hopes to
use this victory to enter the entertainment industry.

Miss India Priyadarshini Chatterjee, fell out of the race after failing to qualify in the top 10. She
had initially made it into the top 20 and even into the top five for Beauty with a Purpose title,

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which was, however, later won by Miss Indonesia. The 20-year-old was the first candidate from
the North East region to represent India at the World pageant.

Other Winners

• Miss Cook Islands, Natalia Short won the sports challenge

• Miss China PR, Jing Kong won the Top Model competition

• Miss Mongolia, Bayartsetseg Altangerel was the winner of the Talent challenge

• Miss Philippines Catriona Gray won the Multimedia challenge

• Miss Indonesia Natasha Mannuela won the Beauty with a Purpose title.

All these five challenge winners automatically earned a place in the Top 20.

The country to hold the maximum number of winners is Venezuela with 6 Miss World titles,
followed by India and the United Kingdom with 5 wins and then South Africa, United States,
Iceland, Jamaica, and Sweden, all of whom are tied with 3 wins each.

The last Indian to have won the Miss World crown was Priyanka Chopra in the year 2000 and
before that it was Yukta Mookhey in 1999 and Diana Hayden in 1997. Reita Faria was the very
first Indian to grab the title in 1966 and decades later in 1994 the crown had again found its
way to India because of none other than Aishwarya Rai.

About Miss World Pageant

• It is the oldest surviving major international beauty pageant.

• It was created by Eric Morley in 1951 in the United Kingdom.

• It is being co-chaired by Julia Morley since the death of her husband in 2000.

• The main rivals of the competition are Miss Universe and Miss Earth, which are also equally
popular global beauty pageants.


Sahitya Akademi on 21 December 2016 announced the Sahitya Akademi Awards for the year
2016 in 24 languages. Eight books of poetry, seven books of short stories, five books of novel,

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two books of criticism, one book of essays and a book of play have won the prestigious awards
for the year.

The awards were recommended by distinguished jury members representing 24 Indian

languages and approved by the Executive Board of the Sahitya Akademi, under the
Chairmanship of Dr. Vishwanath Prasad Tiwari, President of the Akademy.

The prestigious award will be presented to the winners at a special function to be held on 22
February 2017 in New Delhi. The Award includes a casket containing an engraved copper-
plaque, a shawl and a cheque of Rs. 100000.

Complete list of winners:

Author Title of books Genre Language

Jnan Pujari Meghmalar Bhraman Poetry Assamese

Nrisinghaprasad Mahabharater Essay Bengali

Badhuri Astadahi

Anju (Anjali Narzary) Ang Maboroi Dong Poetry Bodo


Chhatrapal Cheta Short Story Dogri

Jerry Pinto Em and the big Hoom Novel English

Kamal Vora Anekek Poetry Gujarati

Nasira Sharma Paarijat Novel Hindi

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Boluwaru Mohammad Swatantryada Ota Novel Kannada


Aziz Hajini Aane Khane Criticism Kashmiri

Edwin J.F. D’souza Kale Bhangar Novel Konkani

Shyam Darihare Barki Kaki at Hotmail Short Story Maithili

Dot Com

Prabha Varma Shyamamadhavan Poetry Malayalam

Moirangthem Rajen Cheptharaba Short Story Manipuri


Asaram Lomate Aalok Short Story Marathi

Gita Upadhyay Janmabhumi Mero Novel Nepali


Paramita Satpathy Prapti Short Story Odia

Swarajbir Masia Di Raat Play Punjabi

Bulaki Sharma Murdjat Ar Dujee Short Story Rajasthani


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Sitanath Acharya Kavyanirjhari Poetry Sanskrit

Gobinda Chandra Nalha Poetry Santali


Nand Javeri Akhar Katha Poetry Sindhi

Vannadhasan Oru Siru Isai Short Story Tamil

Papineni Sivasankar Rajanigandha Poetry Telugu

Nizam Siddiqui Mabad-e-Jadidiat Se Criticism Urdu

Naye Ahed Ki
Takhliqiyat Tak

About Sahitya Akademi Award

 The Sahitya Akademi Award is a literary honour in India.

 It is conferred annually on writers of the most outstanding books of literary merit

published in any of the major Indian languages recognised by the Sahitya Akademi.

 The Award was established in 1954.

 Indian film-maker Satyajit Ray is designer of the plaque awarded by the Sahitya


The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) recently declared that actor Sunny
Leone is PETA’s Person of the Year.

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Leone will receive the award for her commitment for promoting the rescue of homeless dogs
and cats, as well as her compassion for abused animals.

Earlier in 2016, Leone featured in PETA’s ad

campaign, which encouraged people to "be
an angel" and adopt a homeless dog.

In 2015, Kapil Sharma was chosen for the

PETA’s Person of the Year award.

Past recipient of the award include Shashi

Tharoor, KS Panicker Radhakrishnan, Hema
Malini, R Madhavan, Jacqueline Fernandez
among others.

About People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is an American animal rights organization.

 It was founded in March 1980.

 It has more than 3 million members and supporters. It is the largest animal rights group
in the world.

 Its slogan is "animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or
abuse in any other way."

 It rejects speciesism and also disapprove of the use and abuse of animals in any way, be
it food, clothing, entertainment or research subjects.

 Each year, the organisation selects a Person of the Year, who has helped promote the
cause of animal rights. Previous PETA persons of the year include Bill Clinton, Russell
Simmons, Oprah Winfrey, and others.

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 President Pranab Mukherjee promulgated this ordinance for the fifth time on 23
December 2016 - The Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation) Ordinance

 This noted Bengali poet was conferred with the 52nd Jnanpith Award – Shankha Ghosh

 The theme of National Consumer Day 2016 is - Alternate Consumer Disputes Redressal

 The National title in 6-Red Snooker was won by - Pankaj Advani

 The 5th session of India - Kazakhstan Joint Working Group on Trade & Economic
Cooperation was held in – New Delhi

 National Mathematics Day was observed on 22 December 2016 across India to mark the
birth anniversary of - Srinivasa Ramanujan

 The Indian footballer who was recently selected for the 2016 AIFF Woman Player of the
Year award is - Sasmita Malik

 The Indian striker who recently selected for the 2016 AIFF Player of the Year award is -
Jeje Lalpekhlua

 The Indian bowler who occupied 1st place in the ICC Rankings for Test Bowlers is -
Ravichandran Ashwin

 The author of the poetry titled Kavyanirjhari who won the Sahitya Akademi Award 2016
for the Sanskrit language is - Sitanath Acharya

 The author of the novel titled Paarijat who won the Sahitya Akademi Award 2016 for the
Hindi language is - Nasira Sharma

 This civil servant has been appointed as the new Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu- Girija

 India won the bronze in the Women's U18 Asia Cup 2016 hockey tournament after
defeating - South Korea

 The winner of the 4th Women's U18 Asia Cup 2016 hockey tournament is - China

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 The winner of the Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy for ICC Cricketer of the Year 2016 is -
Ravichandran Ashwin

 The actor recently declared the PETA’s Person of the Year for 2016 is - Sunny Leone

 Country that launched the TanSat satellite recently to understand the climate change-

 Uber recently announced partnership to help customers book a cab without

downloading the application with- Micromax

 The world's first cloned goat bearing superfine Cashmere wool was born in- China

 This state government allotted land to NPCIL for setting up 6600 MW nuclear power
project in Kovvada – Andhra Pradesh

 This north-eastern state has decided to opt for cashless payment in all its public
transactions -Tripura

 The new service launched by Google to enhance public convenience is- Google Map
toilet locator

 The Tamil poet whose statue was recently inaugurated on the bank of River Ganga in
Haridwar is - Thiruvalluvar

 The United Nations Security Council voted to deploy UN observers to monitor

evacuations in the Syrian city of - Aleppo

 A rainbow-headed snake was recently discovered by the scientists in - Greater Mekong

 The ranking of India in the Global Wind Power Installed Capacity index is - Fourth

 This country unveiled a Charter on Citizen’s Rights to guarantee a number of rights such
as right to a fair trial, freedom of speech and freedom f movement – Iran

 The Central Board of Trustees of the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO)
reduced the interest rate payable on their PF savings for 2016-17 to - 8.65%

 For the first time in nearly 150 years, India's economy surpassed the economy of this
country – The United Kingdom

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 Famous environmentalist who passed away recently and authored the book 'Aaj Bhi
Khare Hain Talab'- Anupam Mishra

 Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar was appointed as the 44th Chief Justice of India by the
President Pranab Mukherjee. Justice Kehar will replace – Justice T S Thakur

 India on 3 December 2016 signed four agreements to boost the bilateral relations
between the two nations - Qatar

 The 6th Ministerial Conference of the Heart of Asia - Istanbul Process (HoA-IP) concluded
on 4 December 2016 after adopting - the Amritsar Declaration

 Phulel Singh Sujlana, who passed away recently, was the former international umpire of
- Hockey

 The Prime Minister of Uzbekistan who was recently elected as the President of
Uzbekistan is - Shavkat Mirziyoyev

 The bank that recently launched a digital banking service known as SIMsePay is - Yes

 The state that will be setting up a special panel to prevent child trafficking panel is-
West Bengal

 The chairman of the anti-child trafficking panel is- Partha Chatterjee

 The Supreme Court in the UK has begun the much-awaited hearing that will decide the
fate of – Brexit

 Lifeline Express to have 2 more coaches for - cancer treatment

 e-Commerce platform that launched the Launchpad Programme in India- Amazon

 District that became the first to pay wages to tea garden workers through bank
accounts- Hailakandi district

 Indian Navy Day is celebrated every year on- 4 December

 Theme of 2016 Heart of Asia (HoA) ministerial conference- Addressing challenges,

achieving prosperity

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 The Philippine Vice President, who resigned her Cabinet post after citing irreconcilable
differences with President Rodrigo Duterte, who had banned her from attending
Cabinet meetings, in a new political dilemma for the leader is - Leni Robredo

 He was sworn-in as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 5 December 2016 - O


 The state government that banned carrying of arms at wedding functions is - Haryana

 The IAS officer who was recently appointed as the Chief of the Directorate General of
Civil Aviation is - B.S. Bhullar

 Amar Abrol was recently appointed as the Managing Director of - AirAsia India

 Theme of 2016 International Volunteer Day (IVD)- Global Applause – give volunteers a

 First-ever International Gita Mahotsav will be held in- Haryana

 Amount that will be provided by NITI Aayog to every district to encourage digital
payment system- Rs 5 lakh

 Indian Railways recently announced Aadhaar-based ticketing system for- Senior Citizen

 Noted journalist who passed away recently and was the close ally of Late Jayalalitha-
Cho S Ramaswamy

 The winner of the 2016 Turner Prize is - Helen Marten

 Fisher recently made a comeback in the state of Washington, USA. The species belong
to the family of - Weasel

 Konkan 16 that recently commenced in Mumbai, Maharashtra is an annual maritime

exercise between - India and United Kingdom

 The Indian Navy’s offshore patrol vessel that is on a visit to Australia to strengthen
bilateral ties is - INS Sumitra

 Former Spanish footballer who recently announced retirement is - Alvaro Dominguez


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 India’s earth observation satellite that was successfully launched on 7 December 2016 is
- Resourcesat-2A

 Dr BR Ambedkar’s birthday, 14 April, will be observed as which day across India as –

Water Day

 He will succeed Justice TS Thakur as Chief Justice of India - Justice JS Khehar

 The New French Prime Minister is- Bernard Cazeneuve

 Cazeneuve’s position at the French Interior ministry will be taken over by - Bruno Le

 The court that declared the process of Triple Talaq as unconstitutional is - Allahabad
High Court

 Arunachal Pradesh State Co-operative Apex Bank 2016 launched Mobile Banking Service
named SIMsePaY in collaboration with - Yes Bank Ltd.

 He was named as Person of the Year 2016 by Time magazine - US President-elect

Donald Trump

 Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) flight PK-661 crashed with 47 people, including five
crew members and 42 passengers, on board into a mountain near the town of -
Havelian, in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan

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Q.1.Which Union Ministry is implementing the Swasthya Raksha Programme to promote health
education in villages?

a.Ministry of AYUSH

b.Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

c.Ministry of Rural Development

d.Ministry of Women and Child Development

Q.2. The e-Tourist Visa facility is extended to this many number of countries.





Q.3. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full
Participation) Bill, 2016 seeks to enhance reservation for Divyangs in government jobs from 3%

a.4 percent

b.5 percent

c.6 Percent

d.7 Percent

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Q.4. Who was selected for the SIES-Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswati National Eminence

a.N R Narayanmurthy

b.A S Kiran Kumar

c.K Chandra Shekhar Rao

d.Narendra Modi

Q. 5.Men’s Junior Hockey World Cup was played in this Indian city.





Q.6 .Which Brazilian city was accorded the UNESCO World Heritage Site status?


b.Rio de Janeiro



Q.7.Who was appointed as Director General and Chief Executive Officer of the Indian Institute
of Corporate Affairs?

a.Sunil Arora

b.Rajeev Mishra

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c.Pratha Sisodhia

d.Ranbir Singh

Q.8.What was India’s position in the vacation deprived country ranking as per 2016 Expedia
vacation deprivation report?





Q.9 Who was named as the 2016 Foreign Policy Global Thinker for Twitter diplomacy?

a.Narendra Modi

b.Mamata Banerjee

c.Arvind Kejriwal

d.Sushma Swaraj

Q.10.India’s largest indoor sports arena will come up in which of the following states?

a.West Bengal


c.Uttar Pradesh


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Q.11 Which state’s government has passed a law proposing tougher action against illegal liquor
sale and purchase?



c.Tamil Nadu


Q.12 India’s first island district, Majuli will now become the country’s first ever Carbon neutral
district by 2020. Which state is it located in?

a.Arunachal Pradesh




Q.13 The FCRA license of this NGO was cancelled by the Union Ministry of Home Affairs for
violating the law?

a. Greenpeace India

b. Centre for Health and Social Justice

c. North East Network

d. Digital Empowerment Foundation

Q.14. How many cities were identified by the Union Government under the Development of
Solar Cities Programme?

a. 30 cities

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b. 40 cities

c. 50 cities

d. 60 cities

Q. 15. Name the legendary horse jockey who died recently and was the rider of the Shergar?

a. Frankie Dettori

b. Mick Fitzgerald

c. Michael Stoute

d. Walter Swinburn

Q. 16.Which country launched the advanced weather satellite Fengyun-4 recently?


b.South Korea



Q.17. The Indian Oil Corporation recently announced how much discount on petrol and diesel
fuel purchases, if the payment is made using digital means?

a.0.25 percent

b.0.50 percent

c.0.75 percent

d.1.00 percent

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Q.18. Which multilateral agency halted two concurrent processes initiated by India and
Pakistan under the Indus Water Treaty?

a. World Bank Group

b. International Monetary Fund

c. Asian Development Bank

d. Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank

Q.19. Name the state that launched India’s first amphibious bus project.





Q.20. Name the person who was picked as Secretary of State by US President-elect Donald

a.Lee Raymond

b.John S. Watson

c.Jamie Dimon

d.Rex Tillerson

Q.21. Who won the World Billiards Championships title in Bengaluru?

a.Aditya Mehta

b.Geet Sethi

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c.Lucky Vatnani

d.Pankaj Advani

Q. 22.Who became the first Indian cricketer to score a century at No. 9?

a.Ravichandran Ashwin

b.Umesh Yadav

c.Jayant Yadav

d.Ishant Sharma

Q.23. Name the Canadian woman who became the first to appear on Canadian $10 banknote?

a.Viola Desmond

b.Elisha Cuthbert

c.Kim Cattrall

d.Harriet Tubman

Q.24. When is the International Mountain Day observed globally?

a.9 December

b.10 December

c.11 December

d.12 December

Q.25. whose search for new habitable planet was recently supported by NASA?

a.Mark Zuckerberg

b.Stephen Hawking

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c.Steve Jobs

d.Bill Gates

Q.26 The inaugural session of 28th State Information Ministers Conference, SIMCON 2016 was
held in


b.New Delhi



Q.27. Name the state that has decided to introduce new policy for providing permissions
through online for high-rise buildings and layouts.



c.Andhra Pradesh


Q.28. The Chief Minister of Kerala recently launched Haritha Keralam Mission to make the state
clean, protect its water sources and soil. Who is the Chief Minister of the state?

a.T K Nair

b.Oommen Chandy

c.Pinarayi Vijayan

d.V. S. Achuthanandan

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Q.29. Name the first American astronaut to Orbit Earth who passed away recently.

a. Alan Shepard

b. John Glenn

c. Buzz Aldrin

d. Guion Bluford

Q.30. Who was named as the Asian of the Year 2016 by The Straits Times?

a. Sachin Bansal

b. Mukesh Ambani

c. Sunil Mittal

d. Ratan Tata

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Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Haryana

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Bombay High Court

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