Money Can Buy Happiness

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Money Can Buy Happiness

Happiness is a difficult word to define. Everyone possesses different perspectives

of happiness from their own experience. Some people would say money can buy
you happiness because they presume money could give them power, while others
disagree. If there were no money in the world, it would have been replaced with
another method of relating one item to a different one and estimating is value.
However, we do live in a world where money exists and just about everything you
can think of, requires money to acquire.

We live in a material world and most of our lives depend on materials for
happiness and comfort. All of these materials have to be purchased and so on a
very basic level, without money, you cannot survive, at least not very
comfortably. This is the very first level of money buying happiness, money can
buy things necessary for survival and without life, their is no happiness.

On the other hand, if one has everything they need to survive, a home, food ,
clothing, their happiness may depend on other things, like job success or family.
Money can buy these things but only to a certain degree, for instance you could
bribe someone into giving you the job you desire but then, only if they are willing
to accept a bribe.

Families cost money to maintain and after acquiring enough money to enable you
to have one, you are not guaranteed to have the family you desire. People change
and so can their desires, even if your family does suit your needs, you may
outgrow that feeling and so you will find that money did not buy you happiness.

Happiness is not as straight forward as a it sounds, one person’s happiness can

bring despair to someone else.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that money could not bring eternal joy into your
life because purchasing materials will only result in a limited amount of
satisfaction. Money can make life easier, for example, you can buy a fancy car to
get you to places faster but an average car will achieve the same thing, however,
it may not be as pretty or fast but it still achieves its ultimate goal; to get you to
your destination. In the long run, money cannot buy happiness because the most
valuable things in life cannot be bought with money, they have to be earned such
as friendship and love.


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