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143 Volume 143 Supplement 2 October 2018 ISSN 0020-7292


International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics Vol. 143/S2 (2018) 1–158

International Journal of

International Journal of


Editor: R.M. Adanu (Ghana)
Editors Emeritus: T.R.B. Johnson (USA)
J.J. Sciarra (USA)

Regional representa ves:

Africa–Middle East: V. Boama (Qatar)
Asia–Oceania: V. Guinto (Philippines)
P.P. Fogarty (Malaysia)
Europe: M. Geary (Ireland)
Laࢼn America: C. Sosa (Uruguay)
North America: E. Stringer (USA)

Public Health Obstetric Consultant: E. Stringer (USA)

Ethical and Legal Issues in B. Dickens (Canada)

Reproduc ve Health: R. Cook (Canada)
C. Nwenga (South Africa)

Contemporary Issues in V. Boama (Qatar)

Women’s Health: M. Geary (Ireland)
V. Guinto (Philippines)
C. Sosa (Uruguay)

FIGO Cancer Staging: N. Bhatla (India)

Sta s cal Consultant: A. Vahra an (USA)

Managing Editor: Z. Nyakoojo (UK)

Manuscript Editor: S. Fitzpatrick (UK)
Editorial & Marke ng Assistant: H. Roberts (UK)

Editorial Office: FIGO Secretariat, FIGO House

Suite 3 - Waterloo Court, FIGO Cancer Report 2018
10 Theed Street,
London, SE1 8ST, UK Guest Editors: Neerja Bhatla and Lynette Denny
Tel: +44 20 7928 1166
Fax: +44 20 7928 7099

This journal is available online at Wiley Online Library. Visit to search the articles and register
for table of contents and e-mail alerts.

IJGO_v143_s2_cover.indd 1 31-08-2018 20:06:13

143 Volume 143 Supplement 2 October 2018 ISSN 0020-7292

International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics Vol. 143/S2 (2018) 1–158

International Journal of

International Journal of


Editor: R.M. Adanu (Ghana)
Editors Emeritus: T.R.B. Johnson (USA)
J.J. Sciarra (USA)

Regional representa ves:

Africa–Middle East: V. Boama (Qatar)
Asia–Oceania: V. Guinto (Philippines)
P.P. Fogarty (Malaysia)
Europe: M. Geary (Ireland)
Laࢼn America: C. Sosa (Uruguay)
North America: E. Stringer (USA)

Public Health Obstetric Consultant: E. Stringer (USA)

Ethical and Legal Issues in B. Dickens (Canada)

Reproduc ve Health: R. Cook (Canada)
C. Nwenga (South Africa)

Contemporary Issues in V. Boama (Qatar)

Women’s Health: M. Geary (Ireland)
V. Guinto (Philippines)
C. Sosa (Uruguay)

FIGO Cancer Staging: N. Bhatla (India)

Sta s cal Consultant: A. Vahra an (USA)

Managing Editor: Z. Nyakoojo (UK)

Manuscript Editor: S. Fitzpatrick (UK)
Editorial & Marke ng Assistant: H. Roberts (UK)

Editorial Office: FIGO Secretariat, FIGO House

Suite 3 - Waterloo Court, FIGO Cancer Report 2018
10 Theed Street,
London, SE1 8ST, UK Guest Editors: Neerja Bhatla and Lynette Denny
Tel: +44 20 7928 1166
Fax: +44 20 7928 7099

This journal is available online at Wiley Online Library. Visit to search the articles and register
for table of contents and e-mail alerts.

IJGO_v143_s2_cover.indd 1 31-08-2018 20:06:13

(Full guidelines are available online at h p://

FIGO Officers
President: C.N. Purandare (India)
Vice-President: S. Grenman (Finland) Only original manuscripts that are submi ed Please refer to the online instruc ons for full
President-Elect: C. Füchtner (Bolivia) exclusively to IJGO will be considered for publica on. details on how to structure your manuscript. All
Honorary Treasurer: R. Hale (USA)
The requirements of IJGO are in accordance with the submissions must be accompanied by a cover
Honorary Secretary: G.C. Di Renzo (Italy)
Officer: Yirgu G. Ferede (Ethiopia) “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submi ed to le er addressed to the Editor. The first page of the
FIGO Chief Execu ve J. Vos (UK)
Biomedical Journals” published by the Interna onal manuscript should contain the following: (1) tle; (2)
Commi ee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). full names of authors; (3) affilia ons of authors; (4)
FIGO Execu ve Board
Australia & New Zealand C. Tippe India H. Divakar Editorial processes will adhere to the Commi ee of full contact details of the corresponding author; (5)
Belgium J. Van Wiemeersch Japan T. Kimura Publica on Ethics guidelines. a list of up to 8 keywords for indexing and retrieval;
Bolivia D. Mostajo Flores Kenya R.J. Kosgie (6) a brief synopsis.
Brazil C.E. Fernandes Lebanon F. El-Kak SUBMISSION Clinical Ar cles and Review Ar cles require
Canada J. Blake Mexico E.C. Morales
Chile M. Cuello Fredes Norway M. Steinholt
IJGO will consider for publica on unsolicited an abstract of 200 words or fewer; Brief
Colombia J.D. Villegas Echeverri Peru A. Celis submissions of the following: Clinical Ar cles; Communica ons do not require an abstract.
Denmark A.T. Pedersen South Korea Y.T. Kim Review Ar cles; and Brief Communica ons Full length ar cles should be structured with
Egypt N.A. Darwish Sri Lanka H. Perera
United Kingdom D. Richmond
(including Case Reports). All manuscripts should the following headings: Introduc on; Materials
Ethiopia D. Negussie
France P. Descamps United States of America J.N. Mar n be prepared according to the author guidelines and methods; Results; Discussion; Author
Germany F. Louwen Uruguay J.G. Alonso Tellechea available online. Manuscripts are submi ed to the contribu ons; Acknowledgments; Conflicts of
For informa on about FIGO: The Secretariat of FIGO is at FIGO House, Suite 3, Waterloo Court, 10 Theed Street, London, SE1 8ST UK. Tel.: +44 20 7928 1166; journal via the online service Editorial Manager interest; and References. Brief Communica ons
fax: +44 20 7928 7099. Email: Website: All enquiries concerning FIGO may be sent to the Honorary Secretary at that address. ( Authors must first do not require headings for the main text, but
register for an account on Editorial Manager, ensuring should include the following sec ons: Author
that the details provided for the corresponding contribu ons; Acknowledgments; Conflicts of
ISSN: 1879-3479), is published monthly. US mailing agent: Mercury Media Processing, LLC, The Publisher, FIGO: The Interna onal Federa on of Gynecology and Obstetrics and Editors author are up-to-date so that all manuscript status interest; and References. Tables, figures, and
1850 Elizabeth Avenue, Suite #C, Rahway, NJ 07065 USA. Periodical postage paid at Rahway, cannot be held responsible for errors or any consequences arising from the use of informa on
NJ. contained in this journal; the views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of
no fica ons are successfully received. Authors can suppor ng informa on may also be submi ed.
the Publisher, FIGO: The Interna onal Federa on of Gynecology and Obstetrics and Editors, check the status of their manuscript during the
Postmaster: Send all address changes to INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OB-
STETRICS, John Wiley & Sons Inc., C/O The Sheridan Press, PO Box 465, Hanover, PA 17331
neither does the publica on of adver sements cons tute any endorsement by the Publisher,
FIGO: The Interna onal Federa on of Gynecology and Obstetrics and Editors of the products
review process by logging into Editorial Manager. MANUSCRIPT CONTENTS
USA. adver sed. Queries rela ng to the submission process or to Where appropriate, statements on clinical trial
Copyright and Copying Publisher journal procedures can be directed to the editorial registra on, Ethics Commi ee approval, and
Copyright © 2018 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. All rights INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS is published by John Wiley &
office at informed consent should be included in the
reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in Sons Ltd., 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1865 776868; fax: +44
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holder. Authorization to copy items for internal and personal use is granted by the Journal Customer Services: For ordering informa on, claims and any enquiry concerning your
JOURNAL REQUIREMENTS conducted should be given in the methods. In line
copyright holder for libraries and other users registered with their local Reproduction journal subscrip on please go to or contact your nearest Studies of pa ents, pa ent records, or volunteers with ICMJE standards, author contribu ons must be
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Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA (, provided the appropriate fee Americas: Email:; Tel: +1 781 388 8598 or +1 800 835 6770 (toll free
require Ethics Commi ee approval and informed listed and a conflicts of interest statement be made.
is paid directly to the RRO. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying in the USA & Canada). consent. In compliance with ICMJE requirements, References should be presented as per the journal’s
such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for
creating new collective works or for resale. Special requests should be addressed to:
Europe, Middle East and Africa: Email:; Tel: +44 (0) 1865 778315.
all clinical trials must be prospec vely registered style. The editors reserve the right to make any
Asia Pacific: Email:; Tel: +65 6511 8000. Japan: For Japanese speaking support, Email: in a public trials registry. Purely observa onal necessary editorial changes.
Delivery Terms and Legal Title Visit our Online Customer Help available in 7 languages at studies (those in which the assignment of the
Where the subscrip on price includes print issues and delivery is to the recipient’s address,
delivery terms are Delivered at Place (DAP); the recipient is responsible for paying any import
Produc on Editor: Ika Lestari (email:
medical interven on is not at the discre on of the LICENSING
Wiley’s Corporate Ci zenship ini a ve seeks to address the environmental, social, economic,
duty or taxes. Title to all issues transfers Free of Board (FOB) our shipping point, freight pre- and ethical challenges faced in our business and which are important to our diverse stakeholder
inves gator) will not require registra on. Authors On acceptance, authors have the op on of
paid. We will endeavour to fulfil claims for missing or damaged copies within six months of groups. Since launching the ini a ve, we have focused on sharing our content with those in wishing to use material that has already been publishing their manuscript under the terms of the
publica on, within our reasonable discre on and subject to availability. need, enhancing community philanthropy, reducing our carbon impact, crea ng global guide-
published must first obtain the permission of the journal’s standard copyright transfer agreement, or
Informa on for subscribers lines and best prac ces for paper use, establishing a vendor code of ethics, and engaging our
Internaࢼonal Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics is published in 12 issues per year. Ins tu onal colleagues and other stakeholders in our efforts. Follow our progress at copyright holder(s). Authors will be expected to under open access terms made available via Wiley
subscrip on prices for 2018 are: ci zenship provide the relevant documenta on on request. OnlineOpen.
Print & Online: US$4,792 (US and Rest of World), €4,358 (Europe), £3,217 (UK). Prices are ISSN 0020-7292 (Print)
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Back issues: Single issues from current and recent volumes are available at the current sin- OnlineOpen
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS is indexed by Academic OneFile (GALE Cengage); CAB Abstracts® (CABI); Centre for
gle issue price from Earlier issues may be obtained from Periodicals INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS accepts ar cles for Open Access Agriculture and Biosciences Interna onal (CABI); CINAHL: Cumula ve Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (EBSCO Publishing); Current
Service Company, 351 Fairview Avenue – Ste 300, Hudson, NY 12534, USA. Tel: +1 518 822- publica on. Please visit h p:// on/id-828081.html for fur- Contents: Clinical Medicine (Clarivate Analy cs); Embase (Elsevier); Family & Society Studies Worldwide (EBSCO Publishing); Gender Studies
9300, Fax: +1 518 822-9305, Email: ther informa on about OnlineOpen. Collec on (GALE Cengage); Gender Studies Database (EBSCO Publishing); InfoTrac (GALE Cengage); MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM); Science Cita on
Index Expanded (Clarivate Analy cs); SCOPUS (Elsevier); Web of Science (Clarivate Analy cs); Women’s Studies Interna onal (EBSCO Publishing).

IJGO_v143_s2_cover.indd 2 31-08-2018 20:06:14

(Full guidelines are available online at h p://

FIGO Officers
President: C.N. Purandare (India)
Vice-President: S. Grenman (Finland) Only original manuscripts that are submi ed Please refer to the online instruc ons for full
President-Elect: C. Füchtner (Bolivia) exclusively to IJGO will be considered for publica on. details on how to structure your manuscript. All
Honorary Treasurer: R. Hale (USA)
The requirements of IJGO are in accordance with the submissions must be accompanied by a cover
Honorary Secretary: G.C. Di Renzo (Italy)
Officer: Yirgu G. Ferede (Ethiopia) “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submi ed to le er addressed to the Editor. The first page of the
FIGO Chief Execu ve J. Vos (UK)
Biomedical Journals” published by the Interna onal manuscript should contain the following: (1) tle; (2)
Commi ee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). full names of authors; (3) affilia ons of authors; (4)
FIGO Execu ve Board
Australia & New Zealand C. Tippe India H. Divakar Editorial processes will adhere to the Commi ee of full contact details of the corresponding author; (5)
Belgium J. Van Wiemeersch Japan T. Kimura Publica on Ethics guidelines. a list of up to 8 keywords for indexing and retrieval;
Bolivia D. Mostajo Flores Kenya R.J. Kosgie (6) a brief synopsis.
Brazil C.E. Fernandes Lebanon F. El-Kak SUBMISSION Clinical Ar cles and Review Ar cles require
Canada J. Blake Mexico E.C. Morales
Chile M. Cuello Fredes Norway M. Steinholt
IJGO will consider for publica on unsolicited an abstract of 200 words or fewer; Brief
Colombia J.D. Villegas Echeverri Peru A. Celis submissions of the following: Clinical Ar cles; Communica ons do not require an abstract.
Denmark A.T. Pedersen South Korea Y.T. Kim Review Ar cles; and Brief Communica ons Full length ar cles should be structured with
Egypt N.A. Darwish Sri Lanka H. Perera
United Kingdom D. Richmond
(including Case Reports). All manuscripts should the following headings: Introduc on; Materials
Ethiopia D. Negussie
France P. Descamps United States of America J.N. Mar n be prepared according to the author guidelines and methods; Results; Discussion; Author
Germany F. Louwen Uruguay J.G. Alonso Tellechea available online. Manuscripts are submi ed to the contribu ons; Acknowledgments; Conflicts of
For informa on about FIGO: The Secretariat of FIGO is at FIGO House, Suite 3, Waterloo Court, 10 Theed Street, London, SE1 8ST UK. Tel.: +44 20 7928 1166; journal via the online service Editorial Manager interest; and References. Brief Communica ons
fax: +44 20 7928 7099. Email: Website: All enquiries concerning FIGO may be sent to the Honorary Secretary at that address. ( Authors must first do not require headings for the main text, but
register for an account on Editorial Manager, ensuring should include the following sec ons: Author
that the details provided for the corresponding contribu ons; Acknowledgments; Conflicts of
ISSN: 1879-3479), is published monthly. US mailing agent: Mercury Media Processing, LLC, The Publisher, FIGO: The Interna onal Federa on of Gynecology and Obstetrics and Editors author are up-to-date so that all manuscript status interest; and References. Tables, figures, and
1850 Elizabeth Avenue, Suite #C, Rahway, NJ 07065 USA. Periodical postage paid at Rahway, cannot be held responsible for errors or any consequences arising from the use of informa on
NJ. contained in this journal; the views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of
no fica ons are successfully received. Authors can suppor ng informa on may also be submi ed.
the Publisher, FIGO: The Interna onal Federa on of Gynecology and Obstetrics and Editors, check the status of their manuscript during the
Postmaster: Send all address changes to INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OB-
STETRICS, John Wiley & Sons Inc., C/O The Sheridan Press, PO Box 465, Hanover, PA 17331
neither does the publica on of adver sements cons tute any endorsement by the Publisher,
FIGO: The Interna onal Federa on of Gynecology and Obstetrics and Editors of the products
review process by logging into Editorial Manager. MANUSCRIPT CONTENTS
USA. adver sed. Queries rela ng to the submission process or to Where appropriate, statements on clinical trial
Copyright and Copying Publisher journal procedures can be directed to the editorial registra on, Ethics Commi ee approval, and
Copyright © 2018 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. All rights INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS is published by John Wiley &
office at informed consent should be included in the
reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in Sons Ltd., 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1865 776868; fax: +44
any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing from the copyright (0)1865 714591. manuscript. Details of any sta s cal analysis
holder. Authorization to copy items for internal and personal use is granted by the Journal Customer Services: For ordering informa on, claims and any enquiry concerning your
JOURNAL REQUIREMENTS conducted should be given in the methods. In line
copyright holder for libraries and other users registered with their local Reproduction journal subscrip on please go to or contact your nearest Studies of pa ents, pa ent records, or volunteers with ICMJE standards, author contribu ons must be
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Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA (, provided the appropriate fee Americas: Email:; Tel: +1 781 388 8598 or +1 800 835 6770 (toll free
require Ethics Commi ee approval and informed listed and a conflicts of interest statement be made.
is paid directly to the RRO. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying in the USA & Canada). consent. In compliance with ICMJE requirements, References should be presented as per the journal’s
such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for
creating new collective works or for resale. Special requests should be addressed to:
Europe, Middle East and Africa: Email:; Tel: +44 (0) 1865 778315.
all clinical trials must be prospec vely registered style. The editors reserve the right to make any
Asia Pacific: Email:; Tel: +65 6511 8000. Japan: For Japanese speaking support, Email: in a public trials registry. Purely observa onal necessary editorial changes.
Delivery Terms and Legal Title Visit our Online Customer Help available in 7 languages at studies (those in which the assignment of the
Where the subscrip on price includes print issues and delivery is to the recipient’s address,
delivery terms are Delivered at Place (DAP); the recipient is responsible for paying any import
Produc on Editor: Ika Lestari (email:
medical interven on is not at the discre on of the LICENSING
Wiley’s Corporate Ci zenship ini a ve seeks to address the environmental, social, economic,
duty or taxes. Title to all issues transfers Free of Board (FOB) our shipping point, freight pre- and ethical challenges faced in our business and which are important to our diverse stakeholder
inves gator) will not require registra on. Authors On acceptance, authors have the op on of
paid. We will endeavour to fulfil claims for missing or damaged copies within six months of groups. Since launching the ini a ve, we have focused on sharing our content with those in wishing to use material that has already been publishing their manuscript under the terms of the
publica on, within our reasonable discre on and subject to availability. need, enhancing community philanthropy, reducing our carbon impact, crea ng global guide-
published must first obtain the permission of the journal’s standard copyright transfer agreement, or
Informa on for subscribers lines and best prac ces for paper use, establishing a vendor code of ethics, and engaging our
Internaࢼonal Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics is published in 12 issues per year. Ins tu onal colleagues and other stakeholders in our efforts. Follow our progress at copyright holder(s). Authors will be expected to under open access terms made available via Wiley
subscrip on prices for 2018 are: ci zenship provide the relevant documenta on on request. OnlineOpen.
Print & Online: US$4,792 (US and Rest of World), €4,358 (Europe), £3,217 (UK). Prices are ISSN 0020-7292 (Print)
exclusive of tax. Asia-Pacific GST, Canadian GST/HST and European VAT will be applied at the ISSN 1879-3479 (Online)
appropriate rates. For more informa on on current tax rates, please go to www.wileyonlineli- Wiley is a founding member of the UN-backed HINARI, AGORA, and OARE ini a ves. They Typeset in India by SPS. The price includes online access to the current and all online back files to are now collec vely known as Research4Life, making online scien fic content available free Printed in the UK by Hobbs the Printers Ltd.
January 1st 2014, where available. For other pricing op ons, including access informa on or at nominal cost to researchers in developing countries. Please visit Wiley’s Content Ac- For submission instruc ons, subscrip on and all other informa on visit:
and terms and condi ons, please visit cess – Corporate Ci zenship site: h p:// on/id-390082.html
Back issues: Single issues from current and recent volumes are available at the current sin- OnlineOpen
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS is indexed by Academic OneFile (GALE Cengage); CAB Abstracts® (CABI); Centre for
gle issue price from Earlier issues may be obtained from Periodicals INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS accepts ar cles for Open Access Agriculture and Biosciences Interna onal (CABI); CINAHL: Cumula ve Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (EBSCO Publishing); Current
Service Company, 351 Fairview Avenue – Ste 300, Hudson, NY 12534, USA. Tel: +1 518 822- publica on. Please visit h p:// on/id-828081.html for fur- Contents: Clinical Medicine (Clarivate Analy cs); Embase (Elsevier); Family & Society Studies Worldwide (EBSCO Publishing); Gender Studies
9300, Fax: +1 518 822-9305, Email: ther informa on about OnlineOpen. Collec on (GALE Cengage); Gender Studies Database (EBSCO Publishing); InfoTrac (GALE Cengage); MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM); Science Cita on
Index Expanded (Clarivate Analy cs); SCOPUS (Elsevier); Web of Science (Clarivate Analy cs); Women’s Studies Interna onal (EBSCO Publishing).

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