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Book 2, Part 2: FX
Alternity Rules System
Fantasy Campaign Settings
Table of Contents
Chapter 4: Shared Magic 95
Shared Magic Skills 95
Abjuration 96
Black Magic 100
Divination 109
Earth Magic 112
Fire Magic 118
Rune Magic 122
Spirit Magic 128
Water Magic 134
Wind Magic 139
Chapter 4: Shared Magic

Shared Magic FX represents those spells that are shared by Commune with the Earth 2 -
both Arcane and Faith Adepts. This means that both types of Conjure Earth Elemental 2 -
characters have access to them as well as do Talents. The Dig 3 0
manner in which the skills work for either an Arcanist or a Distance Distortion 2 -1
Believer is the same as if the skills belonged to the Arcane or Elemental Bonding 3 +1
Faith Magic FX categories. This means that an Arcanist would Magic Stone 1 -
study Fire Magic spells where a Believer would pray for the same Passwall 3 +1
spells. Therefore, Believers can ignore the ‘Learn’ column Transmute Earth 3 -
entries. Tremors 4 +1
Of the nine broad skills presented Abjuration and Divination
are the two most likely to be used by an Arcanist or a Believer. Fire Magic (Personality) 7 +1
The Elemental broad skills follow next in commonality but Aura of Fire 3 -
Arcanists use these skills more often. Black Magic and Spirit Body of Fire 2 -
Magic are far less common to either type of Adept as these skills Commune with Flames 4 -
not only provide spells but also shape who the character is in a Conjure Fire Elemental 2 -
greater degree than many other broad skills, with the exception Elemental Bonding 3 +1
of Wild Magic. The Runes & Symbols broad skill is similar to Fire Attack 1 -
Spirit Magic but it does represent a way for any Adept to access Fire Charm 2 0
the power of universal magic. Fire Seeds 4 +2
Fire Trap 2 +1
Quench 3 0
Shared Magic Skills Rune Magic (Will) 4 +2
Hegemony 5 +2
Cost Learn Legerdemain 3 -
Abjuration (Will) 5 0 Runes of Victory 4 +1
Circle of Warding 3 -
Dispel 2 - Spirit Magic (Personality) 7 +3
Forbid 3 - Bind 4 +2
Free Action 2 - Call 1 -
Magic Resistance 4 0 Charm Spirit 3 0
Obscure 3 - Circle of Warding 2 -
Protection 2 - Exaction 3 -
Sphere of Security 4 +1 Exorcise 3 -
Journey 4 +2
Black Magic (Constitution) 8 +1 Mana Weapon 2 -
Black Hand 4 -1 Spirit Sight 1 -
Blight 2 - Spiritual Alacrity 4 +1
Circle of Gloom 2 -
Curse 2 - Water Magic (Will) 7 +1
Darkness 1 - Acid Storm 4 +2
Death Spell 3 +1 Aura of the Deep 3 -
Embellish Undead 2 0 Body of Water 2 -
Nightmare 3 0 Commune with the Waters 4 -
Power of the Undead 3 +1 Conjure Water Elemental 2 -
Scourge 4 - Create Water 1 +1
Spectral Steed 2 -1 Elemental Bonding 3 +1
Undead Mastery 2 0 Reflecting Pool 3 +2
Unholy Guidance 2 - Saturate 2 -
Waveform 3 -
Divination (Intelligence) 6 0 Vaporize 3 0
Contact Other Plane 4 +1
Detect 1 - Wind Magic (Dexterity) 7 +1
Know 2 - Aura of the Winds 3 -
Locate 2 - Body of Air 2 -
Medium 1 - Breath 2 -
Scry 3 0 Command Winds 2 +1
Sixth Sense 3 -1 Commune with the Breeze 4 -
Conjure Air Elemental 2 -
Earth Magic (Constitution) 7 +1 Elemental Bonding 3 +1
Animate Earth 3 +1 Resonance 2 -
Aura of the Earth 3 - Vacuum 3 0
Body of Earth 2 - Vapors 4 +1
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
The circle automatically defends against all beings
belonging to the selected category however the Adept can state
that certain beings are not effected. Therefor an elemental
Abjuration (cost 5, learn 0) ward could exclude air elementals (i.e. allowing them to enter
and act without penalty), or one set against Outsiders could
This broad skill is a group of specialized protective spells. allow those of the forces of good to enter without penalty as
Each is used to prevent or banish some magical or non-magical well. The circle cannot be specified against more than one type
effect or creature. While being similar to the Guardian broad skill of creature at a time, as has already been stated.
under faith magic, these spells protect against a greater range of If time allows and materials are at hand the Adept can also
enemies and threats. form a physical circle with a substance of some type. The
Abjuration is a very friendly and easy to use group of spells. substance need not be magical or exotic (like the ashes of a
Aside from the numerous protections the broad skill offers most vampire destroyed by sunlight) but must be difficult to find
of the specialty skills can be used at the broad skill level of use. naturally in large quantities. Some suggested substances and
what type of creature they may effect are given below.
Circle of Warding (cost 3)
Duration: 5 Combat Rounds Creature Type Substance
Type: Personal Elementals Opposite element or Flower petals
Resist: Resolve-physical resolve Outsiders Mercury, Obsidian Dust or Powdered Silver
Spirits Blood or Items owned by the Adept
Range: Centered on Adept
Summoned Beings Powders or Herbs
Trappings: See below Undead Salt or Garlic
Complexity: Simple
Marginal: No Forming a circle with a substance requires 1 phase per 2
Description: When cast this spell creates a 5-meter radius circle meters of circle drawn and assumes that there is enough of the
around the Adept that prevents entry by a specified type of substance to complete the circle however using this option
creature. The circle can be specified to defend against allows for larger or smaller circles than the standard spell. At
Elementals, Undead, Spirits, Outsiders, or Summoned no time during the formation of the circle or after it has been
creatures. This spell may also be used against creatures, either laid can the circle be broken else all of the magic is lost and the
mundane or supernatural, that have either a positive, negative, substance cannot be used for further, similar applications. The
or neutral Moral Attitude. When used against a type of Moral use of the substance increases the resistance of the circle by 1
Attitude however only the basic option of the spell can be used. step. Of course once the circle is formed it cannot be moved
The other two options (forming the circle with a substance or and if the Adept steps outside of it, the circle loses all
drawing the circle) cannot be used against a Moral Attitude. resistance and magic. The circle can be made and used later if
Moral Attitudes are defined in the following fashion. desired, but the circle must remain unmolested during the
Positive Neutral Negative If even more time is available the circle can be drawn as
Ethical Anti-Authority Corrupt well. Doing so requires a complex skill check requiring one
Gallant Apathetic Despicable check for every 2 meters of circle drawn. One check is allowed
Honorable Conformist Selfish per minute. The quality of the complex skill check grants a –1,
Virtuous Just Unscrupulous 2, or 3 step bonus to the actual casting of the spell. In addition
Worldly to this the resistance of the circle is increased by 1 step. While
ink may be used for this option, chalk or charcoal is a more
Once in place any creature of a specified type must pass a likely option. As with the substance option above once the
Resolve-physical resolve check at a +1, +2, or +3 penalty circle is formed it cannot be moved and if the Adept steps
based on the quality of the spell check. A critical failure on the outside of it, the circle loses all resistance and magic. The
target’s roll means that the being flees for 2d4 rounds. Even if circle can be drawn and used later if desired, but the circle
this check is passed any such creature within the circle suffers must remain unmolested during that time.
the same penalty to all actions and Action Checks. If the spell is Both of the substance and drawn circle options may also
cast while a creature of the type defended against is in the area be used to create a circle that encloses a circular area that
of effect, that creature does not have to roll to enter the circle. excludes the Adept. This use is focused towards summoning or
However the penalty to actions still applies. Note that the trapping a being in the circle. In such a case all spell checks
Magic Resistance of a target does not effect the strength or and rules for the circle remain the same. After the circle is
ability of the circle. The Adept can have only one Circle of complete the summoning spell can be cast. Such summoning
Warding in existence at any one time. If a second Circle of circles have an additional +1 to resistance but if the being
Warding spell is cast it replaces the previous one however escapes, the circle is spoiled and loses its magic. Beings that
several Adepts could have several versions of the spell in effect are inside the circle cannot make direct attacks outside of the
and in the same area simultaneously. circle nor may they tamper with the circle directly. If a being is
The protection granted by the spell requires that the summoned that has a specific name, and that name is said
Adept not take certain offensive actions against the warded aloud during the casting of this spell, then the creature must
creatures. If the Adept attacks a warded creature with a melee pass a consecutive physical and mental resolve (assuming all
or unarmed attack then the spell immediately ends. This same current penalties) skill check in order to escape.
condition occurs if the Adept forces the ward on a creature in At no point are any of the circles proof against physical
such a manner that the creature cannot avoid it. Ranged intrusion of an ‘Impact’ origin. The defense effects the being's
attacks, ranged spells, or telepathic assaults do not cause the willpower and resolve but is not a barrier against accidents
circle to prematurely end.
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
like a person throwing a warded being into the circle. In other same rules for the standard use of the spell. Regardless of its
words the spell does not create a force field. However a success the shield ends after one use. This effect can be
creature would not willingly allow itself to be thrown into the dispelled itself and if another ‘Dispelling Shield’ is cast on the
circle unless a physical resolve were passed (and in that case it same person, the new shield overrides the old (i.e. a person
could cross the circle under it’s own power anyway). cannot have two or more of them at once).
⊗ Ranks 3, 6, 9, & 12 - Increased Duration: At the indicated ranks ⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12- Improved Duration: At the indicated rank the
the duration increases to 15 rounds (3 minutes), 50 rounds duration die rolled increases to a d6, 2d4, and 2d6 for effects
(10 minutes), 150 rounds (30 minutes), and 300 rounds (1 that only null for a duration.
hour).  Rank 6- Dispelling Zone: At rank 6 the Adept can effect an
entire area with this option. In this case the Adept need not
Dispel (cost 2) know of any existing magical effect. The spell range remains
The effects of this spell may be Held the same and Adept can target a 10-meter cubic area of effect.
Duration: Instantaneous When done so the Adept need only roll one check at normally
Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct step modifiers. The quality of the spell check determines the
Resist: Magic Resistance results. For spells in effect the quality of the spell check must
Range: Rank by 10/20/30 meters (Modifiers: 0/+1/+2) be equal to or greater than the spells to be eliminated. If so
Trappings: None then they are dispelled.
Complexity: Simple For innate powers or FX items with either Active or
Marginal: No Permanent qualities the rules change a bit. A being or item
Description: This powerful abjuration grants the Adept the ability targeted is allowed a Resolve-physical resolve or a Durability
to ‘undo’ another spell or innate ability that is also magical in check to resist the spell. However they need only produce a
nature. Every 2 ranks of difference between the target spell success that is equal or greater in quality.
and the Adept’s Abjuration-dispel rank applies either a 1 step The dispelling zone cannot differentiate between friend
bonus or penalty to the roll. If the target is a person with and foe nor can it specify certain magic to ignore. On the other
magical resistance then that penalty applies as well. If the hand it does target all magic in the cube. Each of the abilities
check succeeds then the spell ends immediately. The Adept must be rolled separately. If the Game Master and player agree
always succeeds when using this spell against his own magic. some persons, beings, or items may make one ‘all or nothing’
If the spell check succeeds then the target spell is ended, roll to save time.
as stated before, but for how long is the real question. Any  Rank 9- Anti-Magic Zone: At rank 9 the Adept can create a zone
spell cast by an arcane or faith talent ends and is permanently that causes all magic to cease to function out to 10 from his
removed from the game (unless cast again of course) however person. The duration of this effect is 10 minutes per degree of
innate powers of creatures and FX items are handled success. The zone is mobile as the Adept moves, but is
differently. centered on the character and cannot be cast at a distance.
If the spell or ability requires FX points or charges to
invoke than it to is dispelled as if cast by an Adept. ‘Active’ Forbid (cost 3)
powers and permanent abilities are only negated for a period Duration: 10 minutes per degree of success
of time. In such a case the effect is negated for 1d4 time units Type: Influential-Ranged by Accuracy
based on the degree of success: Ordinary, in combat rounds; Resist: Resolve-mental resolve and Magical Resistance
Good, in minutes; and Amazing, in 10 minute increments. In Range: 5 meters per rank.
these cases a rank score may not always be available. If the Trappings: An object to be effected
‘Active’ power belongs to a creature then either its Stamina- Complexity: Simple
endurance or Resolve-physical resolve ranks can be used to Marginal: Yes
modify the dispel result. In the case of neither being available Description: Forbid creates a magical barrier that can surround
(which usually involves FX items) then use the previous an object or entrance as long as it is no larger than 2 cubic
options of the item’s wielder or no modifier, pro or con, exists. meters per rank of the Adept. Once in place the accuracy of the
The spell can target only one effect per casting. The effect spell’s casting (including Marginal results) imposes a modifier
must also be in range and must be known by the Adept. towards the Resolve-mental resolve skill check of any being
Therefor an Adept cannot come across a monster and dispel a that attempts to touch or pass through the object.
random power he doesn’t know about nor can he do the same A success is required to by-pass the spell but the result of
to another person who may have some spell in effect. This the Resolve check must also be of equal or greater value of the
spell has no effect on psionic powers of any sort or innate spell’s casting. Any failure indicates that the being cannot
abilities that are not magical. This includes natural adaptations approach closer than one meter of the object. Only one check
to GRAPHs, thermal vision, cultural benefits, or attacks like is allowed per being that attempts to approach the object. If
poison or other hazards producing attacks (which include failed then that being cannot make another attempt to
breath weapons). This also includes mutations as well unless approach the object while protected by this casting of the spell.
specifically stated as being magical. The Adept can assign a ‘password’ with the spell that will
 Rank 3- Dispelling Shield: A ‘Dispelling Shield’ is a skintight allow those who know it to approach the warded object. Even
field of magical energy that surrounds the Adept, or person if a password is not assigned, the Adept can always approach
touched. The duration of the effect is permanent until the the object unhindered.
shield attempts to dispel an incoming magical influence. If the This spell cannot be placed on living beings. If the spell is
person is attacked by a spell that the Abjuration-dispel ability cast on an object that is held, worn, or that is within 1 meter of
could nullify then the shield will attempt the same. In such a a being then he can immediately make a mental resolve check
case the shield uses the Adept’s skill score and follows the (at no penalties) per round to avoid the effects.

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
⊗ Ranks 3, 6, & 9 - Improved Duration: At the indicated ranks the ⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Increased Duration: At the indicated ranks
duration increases to 1 day per degree of success, 1 week per the duration of the spell increases to 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 4
degree of success, or is permanent until dispelled. hours per degree of success.
 Rank 6 – Bite of Forbiddance: At rank 6 the Adept can also
grant the ward the ability to cause damage to those who fail
the mental resolve check. The damage sustained is based on
both the Moral Attitude of the Adept and the other being. If
both persons have the same attitude in terms of positive and
negative and independent and associative then no damage is Magic Resistance (cost 4, learn 0)
taken. If the attitudes differ in terms of independent or This skill cannot be used untrained
associative then the being suffers 1d4+1w in damage, which is Duration: 10 minutes per degree of success
treated as En/O. If the attitudes differ in terms of positive and Type: Personal
negative then 2d4+1w is taken instead. If the attitudes differ Resist: None
in both ways then 2d4+1w is taken and the being must also Range: Touch
roll a check against fatigue damage using the standard rules. In Trappings: None
the case of the fatigue check the accuracy of this spell’s casting Complexity: Simple
does not apply. Armor and other protections can defend Marginal: No
against the damage. Description: The casting of the Magic Resistance spell grants the
Moral Attitudes are defined as being positive, negative, Adept, or another person touched, with a +/-1, 2, or 3
independent, or associative as shown on the tables below. Resistance Modifier against magical attacks and influences.
Specific rules for Magic Resistance is given in Chapter 8:
Positive & Negative Attitudes Gamers in Action of Book 1. This spell does not grant any
Positive Negative benefit from Attack type spells that create ‘Hazard’ conditions
Ethical Corrupt nor does it have any effect on psionic powers.
Gallant Despicable ⊗ Ranks 3, 6, 9, & 12 – Anti-Magic Shell: At the indicated ranks the
Honorable Selfish spell can also have an area of effect centered on the Adept or
Virtuous Unscrupulous the person protected by the spell. The area of effect is equal to
the rank the Adept has in the spell in meters (3-meter radius at
Associative & Independent Attitudes rank 3, 6-meter radius at rank 6, and so on).
Associative Independent ⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 - Spell Immunity: At the indicated ranks the
Conformist Anti-Authority Adept can specify a single Arcane, Faith, or Shared magic
Corrupt Apathetic specialty skill against which he is immune. The Adept can
Ethical Despicable specify 2 at rank 8 and a total of 3 at rank 12. The immunity is
Gallant Selfish complete unless the spell is cast at a rank higher than the rank
Honorable Unscrupulous of this spell.
Just Worldly  Rank 6 - Spell Turning: At rank 6 the Adept can cause a spell
Virtuous cast at him to in turn attack the caster of the spell. In order to
do this, the Adept must completely avoid the spell and must
then roll a success using this spell score. If successful the spell
returns to the caster at one degree of quality less than it was
originally. Every spell beyond the first that is cast at the Adept
Free Action (cost 2) in the same phase, and is one the Adept attempts to turn,
Duration: 10 minutes per degree of success imposes a cumulative +2 penalty.
Type: Personal  Rank 9 – Major Spell Turning: This benefit has the same effect
Resist: None as the Spell Turning benefit above with the exception that the
Range: 10 meters per rank. returned spell has the same quality as when it was cast.
Trappings: None
Complexity: Simple Obscure (cost 3)
Marginal: No Duration: 10 minutes per rank
Description: Free Action protects a character from effects that Type: Personal
hinder movement or those that apply penalties to Action Resist: None
Checks. During the duration any effect or condition that Range: None
hinders either or both of these factors is reduced in penalty by Trappings: None
1, 2, or 3 steps based on the spell’s success. If percentages are Complexity: Simple
used then they are also modified by a similar number of steps Marginal: No
based on the scale of possible outcomes for varying degrees of Description: The casting of this spell makes the use of detection
success. This benefit also applies to effects and conditions that powers more difficult when applied against the Adept. The
are already in effect. The only area that this spell does not Adept need not know the nature of the other spell or power; it
protect is person is the effect of encumbrance or penalties for effects all of them equally. When cast the Adept imposes a +1,
heavy armor. 2, or 3 step penalty to the use of any Divination spell upon him.
In no way can the step modifiers be turned into bonuses as This includes FX items with detection abilities as well.
they only remove penalties.  Rank 4 - Obscure Other: At rank 4 the Adept can cast this spell
on another person. If they are resistant to the effect the
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
target’s Will Resistance Modifier can apply a penalty. The The defense covers any one selected effect above (or others
range of this option is 10 meters per rank of the Adept. the Game Master allows) with modifiers indicated. The spell
 Rank 8 - Isolate: At rank 8 the spell will also render a person or does not prevent attacks or the ability of beings to approach the
thing effected by the Obscure spell invisible as well. This Adept with the exception of the benefits stated above. The Adept
implies the usual +4 penalty to being detected and uses other can cast this spell on another person instead however it cannot
rules associated with the Illusion/Phantasm-invisibility spell. be cast on unwilling persons or on objects of any type.
The duration however remains the same as with the standard ⊗ Rank 2 - Shared Protection: Beginning at rank 2 the Adept can
spell but an effected person does not become visible if he grant the same protection to other persons. The number of
attacks. Other senses aside from sight are effected by the +4 other person is equal to as many ranks as he has with this spell
penalty as well. as long as they are within 5 meters of the Adept when the spell
 Rank 12 – Illusionary Veil: This option allows the Adept to is cast.
create an illusion that is 100 cubic meters in area. The illusion  Rank 4 - Scroll of Protection: At rank 4 the Adept can pen the
can be of anything that the Adept desires but once cast the area protective qualities of the spell on to a scroll, or other writing
of effect cannot be moved however any movement of the surface, so that it can be cast by others who may or may not
illusions within the area is allowed. The Adept can also dictate have FX abilities. Writing the scroll follows the standard rules
that some elements in the area cannot be seen as well. for writing a magical one as described in Chapter 12: FX Items
Therefor the Adept could cast the spell over a mountain pass of this book. There are no magical or arcane formulae involved
so that it appears empty while an army is actually moving in the writing and the spell can be cast by any one who can
through it. He could also specify that only one out of every read the Adept’s own language or that of which the scroll is
three men is seen or that the army appears as invading Orcs written in. When cast the reader uses his own Will score but
instead of infantry of another species. gains the rank of the scroll’s author. While this allows for
Attempts to scry the area, or the use of detection powers, varying results the scroll must be specified against one attack
automatically detect the illusions as though they were real. form (i.e. a Scroll of Fire Protection and the like). If a Marginal
This means that the illusionary Orcs would also register as result is generated then the spell still functions at the Ordinary
having negative Moral Attitudes or that the pass is also quiet. level but the duration is halved. If a Critical Failure is rolled
Direct observation (i.e. the use of Awareness-perception, then the reader suffers 1 point of fatigue damage and the scroll
Intelligence checks, and so on) may allow the illusion to be is spoiled. Scrolls of protection can only be used once.
seen for what it is by using the rules for Illusion/Phantasm-
illusion spell. Other clues that are obvious or suspicious are to
be handled as the Game Master sees fit.
Sphere of Security (cost 4, learn +1)
Protection (cost 2) This skill cannot be used untrained
Duration: 10 minutes per rank. Duration: Special (see below)
Type: Personal Type: Personal
Resist: None Resist: None
Range: Touch Range: 10 meters
Trappings: None Trappings: None
Complexity: Simple Complexity: Simple or Complex
Marginal: No Marginal: No
Description: This spell is similar to the Circle of Warding and Description: This powerful Abjuration spell allows the Adept to
Magic Resistance spells above with a few major exceptions. protect all friendly persons within 10 meters. The spell grants
First the spell cannot defend against magic that is Influential in all persons a +1 bonus to both strength and dexterity
type. Secondly it cannot ward beings away. However the spell Resistance Modifiers and a +2 Resistance Modifier against
grants a +1, 2, or 3 Resistance Modifier and/or a similar step Influential magic and psionic attacks.
bonus against almost any other attack or effect. The protection In addition to this the Adept can select as many as five
spell can be used to defend against the following effects: specific protection effects that are useable with the Abjuration-
1)Positive moral attitudes or Negative moral attitudes protection at a rank equal to the score with this spell. Each
2)Curses protective quality of the sphere however requires two more
3)Life/Ability draining attacks skill checks changing the casting of the spell from simple to
4)Fire and Heat complex. One check can be made every phase and the overall
5)Energy attacks (other than lightning, fire, heat, or cold) quality of the complex check determines the quality of the
6)Cold spell. Therefor if the Adept wanted to add three protective
7)Poison abilities to the sphere then the spell would require 7 skill
8)Acid checks to complete. All protective elements of the spell have
9)Lightning the same quality of the spell itself.
10) Wood This spell is taxing to maintain and requires a lot of FX
11) Metals energy to use. The spell costs 1 FX point to initiate however
12) Paralytic attacks and effects this only powers the spell for the remainder of the round it is
13) Telepathic Intrusion cast in and for all of the next round. Another FX point is
14) A specific type of creature like Undead, Dragons, required per combat round thereafter to maintain the spell per
Constructs, Beasts, etc. (as described in Book 3) combat round.
 Rank 6 - Easier Complexity: At rank 6 the Adept can cast this
spell with less complexity. Adding one protective spell

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
requires 2 checks and only one more check is required per effects also. Horses may be spooked in the presence of the Adept,
additional protection added. dogs may bark, and cats may flee. If the Game Master wishes to
use this element of the game then the animals Awareness-
intuition skill can be used.
One aspect that is special about this broad skill is that it
allows an Arcane Adept to use certain Faith Feat options.
However it is important to note that several Faith feats are
changed by the Adept’s nature. How each feat is changed and
which type of Adept can use a given feat is shown below.

Black Magic (cost 8, learn +1)

Feat Type Arcane Adept Faith Adept
Black magic is the entryway into damnation. Those who Atonement No No
practice this kind of magic are vile, conniving, and baneful. Magic Create a Holy Symbol No Yes
of this sort calls upon dark energy to power its spells and this Create Holy Water No No
pact with the forces of darkness eventually leads to defilement Focus No Yes
and corruption. The practice of this magic is an affront to all that Identify FX Item Yes Yes
is good and pure and as such the Game Master may not allow Outreach No Yes
players to select this broad skill. Prayer for Power Yes Yes
As one can imagine only persons with the following Moral Ring of Hands Yes Yes
Attitudes may purchase and use this broad skill: Selfish, Worldly, Sanctify Yes Yes
Corrupt, Unscrupulous, or Despicable. This is true for willing Uplift No No
participants in the dark arts, however it should be noted that
innocent or naïve persons may be lulled into using Black Magic Atonement: There is no atonement to be given to either the Adept
only to discover the error of their ways a little too late. In fact or others in the eyes of the dark lords.
powerful Arcanists and Believers are targets for the beings that Create Holy Symbol: Faith Adepts can use this option normally.
direct such power and are likely to send their minions to tempt Create Holy Water: Adepts who use Black Magic cannot make
and beguile such a character. holy water. There is no ‘unholy water’ known.
The specialty skills available fall into several categories. Focus: Faith Adepts may use this option normally.
First are those that are directed at harming other persons. Spells Identify FX Item: Faith Adepts may use this option normally.
like Black Hand, Blight, and Nightmare have these qualities. Arcane Adepts may only identify objects dedicated to Black
Other spells act as focuses for evil power and effect whole areas, Magic. The use of the Identify benefit under Arcane Magic
people’s attitudes, and even life forces. Curse, Death Spell, and remains unchanged.
Ring of Woe describe these types of spells. The final common Outreach: Faith Adepts may use this option normally.
types of spell found here are those that effect the undead. The Prayer for Power: Both types of Adepts may use this option
connection between the powers of darkness and undead normally however Arcanists may only use this option with
creatures are undeniable, as undeath is a force that corrupts the Black Magic spells.
natural cycle of life to death and life again. Spells like Embellish Ring of Hands: Re-titled as ‘Ring of Woe’ both Arcane and Faith
Undead, Power of the Undead, and Undead Mastery falls in to this Adepts may use this option normally. However, a Arcanist
category. must have the Faith perk in order to do so. Another note to
Black Magic is easily confused with the Necromancy broad this spell is that it does not effect the Cosmos-quell undead
skill. While the two seem similar, it should be noted that spell (being that neither Adept can have it). Instead the bonus
Necromancy, like most other FX skills, could be used for either can be applied to Black Magic spells in general.
benefit or ill will. Black Magic’s sole purpose is to cause and Sanctify: Both Arcane and Faith Adepts may use this option
spread misery and the power of he who wields it. normally. However, a Arcanist must have the Faith perk in
Characters who use this form of magic also make use of the order to do so.
Conjuration, Enchantment, and Illusion broad skills if the Uplift: With the Black Magic-curse spell and the fact that
character is an Arcanist. Believers tend to combine this dark art combined effort involving helping one another is not a
with the Animal, War, and Weather skills. Both types also make common trait among practitioners of Black Magic, this option
use of Elemental magic as well as the Divination, and Spirits cannot be used. Instead both Adept types have access to the
broad skills. This being said, Black Magic acts as the primary skill Black Magic-ring of woe spell.
group with other broad skills defining the character’s role. Writing Scrolls: An Arcane Adept may write arcane scrolls
Using this type of magic forces the character to wear a normally.
mantle that shapes all other aspects of the character. In fact it
could be said that this broad skill more defines a character than
any other skill in the game. Aside from the specialty skills
involved there are three qualities that are unique to this broad The Sacrifice
skill - the sacrifice, the price, and dark gifts. The latter two of The foul energies that grant this magic provide the Adept
these effects are detailed in Appendix 4: Black Magic Effects of with spells of extreme power and veracity. But these negative
this book. The sacrifice is detailed below. forces are selfish and require a sacrifice on the part of the Adept.
The duration of any Black Magic spell will detect as a When any Black Magic spell is cast it automatically drains 1 stun
negative moral attitude through out the duration of any spell. point of damage. This lost point does not count as a point of
This fact also includes abilities that detect evil intentions. As in damage per se, it rather lowers the Adept’s durability score
many horror movies, animals may also be sensitive to these maximum. Therefor an Adept with a stun score of 12 who casts a

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
Black Magic spell will now be only able to take 11 points of stun touch opponents if desired and the duration remains the same.
damage before passing out. This lowered score also lowers the The attack appears as a black beam of pencil thin light. The
character’s threshold for dazed penalties as well. If the Adept’s range of the spell is 10/20/30 meters by the Adept’s rank with
stun score should reach zero in this fashion he passes out range modifiers of 0/+1/+2.
normally. Recovering lost stun points and raising the maximum
amount of stun that can suffered occur by raising the character’s Blight (cost 2)
durability score back to normal first. Duration: One minute per rank
The Adept can also sacrifice fatigue, wound or mortal points Type: Influential-Melee by Direct
as well. Doing so incurs the greater danger of lowering the Resist: STR
character’s ability to take damage for each durability score but Range: Touch
grants a –1, -2, or –3 step bonus to casting the spell for sacrificing Trappings: None
a wound, fatigue, or mortal point. This point loss and recovery Complexity: Simple
works exactly as for the loss of stun damage however recovery of Marginal: No
the wound and mortal point maximums has a separate period of Description: Blight imposes a malady on a person who is touched
time required before recovery can begin. Fatigue points are by the Adept’s hands while the spell is in effect. The Adept
recovered once per hour. Raising the wound level can only be attacks with the Unarmed Attack-brawl skill and gains a –1
attempted once per day using a Resolve-physical resolve check. Situation Modifier as only a touch is required. When a person
Raising the mortal can only be done once every three days using is successfully touched the Adept curses them with sensory
the same skill. In both cases the result of the die roll recovers a deprivation, mental weakness, or physical weakness. In all
number of points equal to that of fatigue damage. If the Adept in cases the duration of the spells effect on the target is Hours,
reduced to zero mortal points, in any combination of lowered Days, or Months for an Ordinary to Amazing result. This
scores and true damage, the character dies. duration is then equal to the Adept’s rank in this spell.
The sacrifice only effects living beings. Undead spell casters Therefor if an Adept of rank 6 scored a Good touch on a victim
or Outsiders do not suffer from this effect, as they are non-living, he would suffer the result for 6 days.
immortal, or some combination of both. The sacrifice also grants Sensory deprivation includes deafness or blindness as
the Adept a tool to aid in casting these spell, all costs included. well as the other three senses. The penalties for such a malady
are the same as described in Chapter 8: Gamers in Action of
Book 1. For the purposes of this spell a person so effected is
Black Hand (cost 4, learn -1) rendered totally blind, deaf, or so on (i.e. there are no degrees
This skill cannot be used untrained of penalty save the most extreme).
Duration: One combat round per rank Mental weakness makes the use of Intelligence, Will, or
Type: Attack-Melee by Direct Personality skill and feat checks more taxing on the character.
Resist: Strength When any such check is rolled, a failure or marginal result
Range: Touch requires the character to roll an immediate fatigue check.
Trappings: None Recovery of fatigue points lost in this fashion follows the
Complexity: Simple normal rules.
Marginal: No Physical weakness is similar to the mental weakness
Description: When this spell is cast the Adept empowers his option above except that it applies to Strength, Dexterity, and
hands into life draining weapons. For the duration of the spell Constitution skill and feat checks and only occurs after
the Adept’s touch causes 1d4+1s/1d6+1s/1d4f in damage by lengthened periods of exertion. If the character engages in an
the degree of success using the Unarmed Attack-brawl skill. activity that last longer than 1 combat round a fatigue check
The attack gains a –1 Situation Modifier because only a touch is must be rolled. Examples include combat, climbing a wall,
required and armor offers no protection against it. Certain trailblazing, swimming, or picking a lock. The Game Master
spells and other magical defenses may protect the target may also determine that performing several actions
however. A noted exception to the armor rule is the use of consecutively also imposes this penalty as well.
some FX items like cloaks and rings, which can aid the armor These effects are magical in nature and can be removed by
value or the Resistance Modifier. Magical resistance may also Abjuration-dispel or by Aid-cure. When the duration ends the
apply. effect ends as well.
Every point of damage suffered by the target is granted to ⊗ Rank 3 - Insanity: If this option is used the character effected
the Adept. Every stun point absorbed grants the Adept 1 point suffers a form of insanity specified by the Adept. The actual
of healing and every fatigue point absorbed grants 4 points of effects of the insanity are left to the player’s design and the
healing. The Adept can immediately heal a stun point of Game Master’s discretion however a penalty of +1 to +3 could
damage per point absorbed, a wound point for every two be imposed based on the quality of the spell.
points absorbed, or either a mortal or fatigue point for every ⊗ Rank 6 – Ranged Attack: At rank 6 the spell can be also be used
four points absorbed. If the Adept has not lost any durability as a ranged attack. In this circumstance the target uses the
then excess points can be stored following the rules for a Held Dexterity Resistance Modifier instead. The Adept can also
spell. In no way can the points increase the Adept’s durability touch opponents if desired and the duration remains the same.
scores above their normal maximums. The attack appears as a black beam of pencil thin light. The
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Damage Increase: At each indicated rank the range of the spell is 10/20/30 meters by the Adept’s rank with
damage increases by +1 point of damage. range modifiers of 0/+1/+2.
 Rank 9 - Enervation: At rank 9 the spell can be also be used as a ⊗ Rank 9 - Wither: At rank 9 the Adept’s touch can cause a limb
ranged attack. In this circumstance the target uses the effected by the ‘Physical Weakness’ option to wither and
Dexterity Resistance Modifier instead. The Adept can also become useless. The target is allowed a Resolve-physical

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
resolve to determine the outcome. If the check succeeds with between persons. Only members of the group remain
an Ordinary or Good result then the limb remains withered for unaffected however ex-members attempting to reenter the
2d6 minutes after which time it returns to normal. If a Failure circle may take damage as with anyone else.
is generated then the effect is permanent but may be remedied ⊗ Rank 8 - The Black Circle: At rank 8 each member gains 1 FX
by the Aid-cure spell. If a Critical Failure is rolled then the limb point per quality of bonus that can used to hurl a fist-sized
turns to dust and Aid-regeneration or other similar power is globe of dark energy towards a target. The Athletics-throw
required to recover it. Amazing results avoid the effects of this skill is used and any strike will cause the target roll a Resolve
spell. This option will not effect the torso or the head of a check or suffer damage as per the ‘Line of Destruction’ rank
target, only limbs and other extremities. benefit above. The FX point cannot be spent on other spells or
powers and disappears when the spell benefits cease, whether
used or not.
⊗ Rank 12 – Unholy Circle: In addition to the benefits of the ‘The
Black Circle’ option, ‘The Unholy Circle’ heals members of
damage from points of damage suffered by others who are
Circle of Gloom (cost 2) fighting the group. Damage healed can be spread out favoring
Duration: Special those who need it the most. If no member has lost any wound
Type: Personal points then stun points are healed instead. All healing is done
Resist: None on a point for point basis, however this effect cannot heal
Range: The participating group mortal or fatigue damage.
Trappings: None
Complexity: See below Curse (cost 2)
Marginal: No Duration: 10 minutes per degree of success
Description: It is rare that a group of vile persons will act in Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct
accord, but when they do the results can be deadly. The circle Resist: See below
of gloom spell allows a body of persons who have the Moral Range: 10 meters per rank
Attitude eligible to cast Black Magic (the Faith perk is not Trappings: The target must be considered an enemy
required however) to pool their hatred and disgust for what is Complexity: Simple
good and right into an area of dark magic. To cast the spell the Marginal: No
Adept, and as many as 1 to 10 others, must complete a complex Description: This spell cannot be cast on any random person.
skill check. Each member other than the Adept rolls a Resolve- Instead this spell can only be cast on a being who has raised
mental resolve or a Faith perk check. Then the Adept rolls a the ire of the Adept or one who is identified as a distinct enemy
complex skill check to harness the power. Each member’s (which is usually not hard to do with evil spell-casters).
Resolve check cumulatively modifies the Adept’s complex When the spell is cast all enemy targets that are within a
checks by +2/0/-1/-2/-3 for Critical Failures to Amazing 10 meter area of each other, and who are within spell range,
successes. suffer a +1 penalty to all actions including Action Checks. The
For a complex check requiring 2 success the spell grants a Abjuration-dispel, Spirits-exaction spells or the Metapsionics-
–1 Situation Modifier to any actions and a +1 Resistance psychic aura power can remove this effect. If the Game Master
Modifier against attacks that occur during the duration to all allows other spells may also remove the curse if they seem
members of the ring. If the Adept desires he may continue to appropriate. There is no standard resistance to this spell aside
roll complex checks. For 5 success the bonuses increase to +/- from Magic Resistance or the Abjuration-protection and magic
2 respectively. For 10 successes to bonuses increase to +/-3. resistance spells.
The level of bonus need not be stated and as long as the ring is ⊗ Rank 2 - Defile: The ‘Defile’ option places a curse on a location
sustained the Adept can try for a better result. If three failures rather than a person (or persons). If the location is one that
are generated then all bonuses are lost. If the Adept rolls a has been effected by the ‘Sanctify’ faith feat then this spell
Critical Failure at any time while casting this spell all persons lowers that bonus by +1, 2, or 3 steps by the degree of success
involved are effected by a Black Magic effect as detailed in when casting the spell. The location sanctified does gain the
Appendix 4 of this book. step bonus to resist the attack however and the duration of this
The effects of the spell remain as long as at least two effect is 1 hour per rank of the Adept who casts the spell. The
members remain in a close proximity of each other (at least 4 area of effect for this option is the same as the sanctified area.
meters). Members who leave the area for any reason lose the The duration of this effect can only be canceled prematurely if
benefits and must roll a Faith perk check to receive them again the Adept himself ends the spell or the Adept is killed.
once they return to the group. Using the Faith perk in this In other, non-sanctified, locations the spell warps the
fashion still follows the standard rules for that perk. The terrain with an aura of evil. Everything, including all persons
effects are also negated for a member if he attacks another will detect as having evil intentions and any force or effect that
member, whether under control by another party or by ones relies on the power of goodness is either cancelled or suffers a
own intentions. penalty equivalent to that imposed to a sanctified location. The
⊗ Rank 4 - Line of Destruction: At rank 4 any person who duration of this type of effect is permanent as long as the Adept
approaches the group within 4 meters of any member must maintains it. This means that he cannot recover the FX
roll a Resolve-physical resolve skill check. Failure indicates point(s) spent in casting the spell. The same criteria as before
that the person suffers 1d4+1 wounds in damage. The damage can end this spell’s effects. This option has an area of effect
cannot be absorbed by armor however magical barriers and equal to 100 square meters per rank of the Adept. After every
spells that grant armor-like benefits do apply as do other spells month, week, or day (based on the degree of success) that this
that protect from such attacks. This attack does not distinguish effect remains the Adept can roll a Standing check. Any success

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
indicates that elements of the terrain begin to change in favor doing so requires long-term devotion and Standing checks. If a
of evil. This includes a bonus to casting Black Magic spells, an check is passed then the hex is lifted but only one check may be
increased likelihood of evil creatures seeking shelter there, a allowed every year or so. In addition to this the character must
greater chance that undead will appear, and so on. The Game also maintain his faith and still do good by the aiding deity or
Master is free to use this consideration however he feels fit but the same curse, or one even worse, may be placed on the
it is best used to create a background for the adventure rather character instead. This powerful curse cannot be removed by
than act as an ‘attack’ spell. spells like Abjuration-dispel or Spirit Magic-exaction.
Black Magic Adepts may also use the ‘Sanctify’ option While it may seem likely that a Faith Adept who is
described in Chapter 2: Arcane Magic of this Book, and that targeted by this spell may petition his god to lift it, this is not
effect and this spell are two separate, non-cumulative, effects. always the case. Standing checks are still required. This is not
⊗ Rank 4 - Greater Curse: At rank 4 the Adept can cast a more to say that the deity invites the trauma on the character but
powerful curse but only at one target per casting of the spell. they do have many believers who each have their own
Unlike the standard version of the spell the target of the spell problems as well. Some deities may even see the hex as a way
may use its Will Resistance Modifier against the attack. for the character to show true devotion by remaining faithful
If an Ordinary check is rolled then the target suffers a +2 for the curses duration. In addition to these considerations,
penalty to all actions and Action Checks. If a Good check is the hex is granted by powerful and evil beings and the
rolled the target must roll a Dexterity feat check every phase or character’s god may be reluctant to start a metaphysical war
drop whatever he or it is holding. More than one roll may be over one person. The best advise to a Game Master about a
required if items are held in each hand. If a shield is held then hexed Believer is the Quest. Put the responsibility of removing
an Armor Optimization-shields check may be more appropriate the curse in the character’s hands by creating a challenging
and the item is not dropped but is unusable that phase. If an adventure.
Amazing result is generated then one of the targets ability
scores is reduced to a score of 4. If the Adept passes a Darkness (cost 1)
Personality feat check then he may select the ability effected, Duration: By degree of success (see below)
otherwise roll for it randomly. An Adept who rolls a Good or Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct
Amazing effect may opt for a ‘lower’ result if desired. The Resist: None
duration of this effect is the same as for the standard version of Range: 10 meters per rank
the spell. The Game Masters is encouraged to develop more Trappings: None
options for this rank benefit. Complexity: Simple
⊗ Rank 8 - The Evil Eye: At rank 8 the Adept can use the rank 4 Marginal: Yes
option above but may effect more than one person. During the Description: When this spell is cast an area of complete darkness
phase that the spell is cast the Adept empowers his eyes with appears anywhere with in the spells range. The darkness is
the ability to cast the spell. After this phase any person who absolute and obscures all vision including Thermal Vision
meets the Adept’s gaze are attacked by the curse. This spell abilities. The darkness covers a 4 meter radius area and once
option remains in effect for only 1 minute per degree of cast cannot be moved from that location.
success however the effects of a curse remain unchanged as The duration of the spell is permanent unless a marginal
before. result is generated. In that case the spell lasts for one combat
The Adept must be able to make eye contact with the round per rank of the Adept.
target and must also be within 2 meters of the target as well. Darkness can be undone by use of Abjuration-dispel or it
The target, if aware of the origin of an attack, may attempt to can also be countered with either Alteration-gleaming or
avoid the gaze attack as per the rules in Chapter 8: Gamers in Cosmos-starlight. In the case of the latter two spells the check
Action of Book 1. result needs only succeed (as opposed to being equal or
⊗ Rank 12 - Hex: The most powerful version of this spell is the greater in quality as with dispel) however it only modifies light
Hex. This option has no set duration or area of effect but is conditions for its area of effect. Therefor either spell could
rather fulfilled in a manner similar to a Conjuration-wish spell. partially brighten an area without completely removing the
Before the spell can be cast the Adept must be in close darkness.
proximity and in full view of a person or being that he hates  Rank 3 – Fixed Darkness: This optional casting of the spell
above all others (at least for the moment anyway). The casting allows the Adept to fix the darkness to a solid or non-corporeal
of the spell is the utterance of the curse itself and the victim is object. Doing so against a free-willed being or a held item
fully aware of what will transpire. causes the spell to function as a Ranged by Accuracy spell. The
Whatever the Adept states will become reality, at least target can use a Dexterity feat check, an Acrobatics-dodge
eventually, as the spell can only be stated as some affliction check, or Resolve-physical resolve check to avoid the spell.
that occurs as tragic events in the target’s life. Examples Even if the spell is avoided it still has its normal effect as long
include: wild fires destroying their home, never having a male as an ordinary or better result is generated. In such a
child, being unlucky in business dealings, plagues destroying circumstance the target may still be enshrouded in the
crops, ghosts or spirits haunting the target’s home or lands, or darkness, however it is fixed to a specific location as per the
being reduced to a life of squalor. These possible effects never normal rules of the spell.
take effect immediately but rather occur after months or even If a specific location like the eyes are targeted then a base
years. The target as well as all of those who descend from him +2 penalty applies to the casting of the spell.
shares this hex. ⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Increased Area of Effect: At the indicated
The hex can be removed if the character kills the Adept ranks the area of effect increases to 10, 20 and 50 meters in
who cast it or if the Adept removes the hex. If the Adept dies radius as described above.
by other causes then neither of these options can apply. The
effected character may also petition a deity to lift the hex but
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
 Rank 6 – Black Light: This variation of the standard spell allows nature and turns to silt and dust. This defilement extends to
the Adept and as many people as he has in ranks to see in the 1/10th a meter below the surface of the ground per rank of the
magically darkened area as if the darkness did not exist. Adept and encompasses the area of effect.
Otherwise the spell is that same as before. If a Critical Failure is generated while casting this spell the
 Rank 9 – Deep Dark: This nasty version of the standard spell Adept suffers a number of wound points equal to the number
can be used any previous rank benefit. The darkness of stun spent. If wound points are spent then mortal points of
generated by this spell only lasts for one combat round per damage are caused instead. If the Adept passes a Personality
rank of the Adept regardless of success however all persons in feat check then a Black Magic Effect (described in appendix 3
the darkness must pass Stamina-endurance check or suffer of this book) may apply instead.
fatigue damage as normal for those rules. The quality of the ⊗ Rank 3 - Finger of Death: At rank 3 the spell can now be used at
spells casting applies a modifier to this check as for the rules of a range equal to 10/20/30 meters, per rank of the Adept, for
‘by Accuracy’ spells. One check is called for at the end of each short to long range. Range modifiers are 0/+1/+2. The target
round in which a character was in the darkness. If the may use his Dexterity Resistance Modifier to worsen the result.
character was in the darkness for 2 phases then a +1 penalty The target must then pass a Resolve-physical resolve skill
applies. This penalty increases to a +2 or a +3 if the character check or lose all remaining mortal points. If an Ordinary result
was is in the darkness for 3 or 4 phases. is rolled he suffers 1d6+1w, if a Good result is rolled then he
The Adept is immune to these effects as well as a number suffers 1d4w. An Amazing result avoids any ill effects.
of pre-designated persons no greater than the Adept’s rank. Only one target may be selected per casting of this option.
Constructs, Elementals, Outsiders, Spirits, and Undead are also This option also calls for a sacrifice of one wound point instead
immune to the fatigue checks as well. This spell otherwise of the normal stun point for Black Magic spells.
behaves as the standard version of the darkness spell. ⊗ Rank 5 - Increased Power: At rank 5 the ratio improves to 1:2,
Death Spell (cost 3, learn +1) 1:3, and 1:4 respectively. If wounds are converted to mortal
This skill cannot be used untrained points of damage then the ratios are the same as for stun to
Duration: Instantaneous wound as per the standard use of the spell.
Type: Attack-Ranged by Accuracy ⊗ Rank 7 - Death Shroud: At rank 7 the Adept may cast this option
Resist: None which surrounds the Adept, or another person touched, with
Range: Centered on Adept an aura of negative energy. For the spells duration any person
Trappings: None who touches or is touched by the person with the Death
Complexity: See below Shroud suffers damage as the negative energy drains their life
Marginal: No force. The spell is treated as an Attack-Melee by Accuracy spell
Description: Perhaps the most feared spell known to mortals, and has a duration of 10 minutes per degree of success.
Death Spell is exactly as it sounds – a spell that causes death. On a successful attack the target is allowed a Resolve-
By casting this spell the Adept releases a quantity of negative physical resolve skill check to resist the damage. If a Good or
energy in an area around him that drains life in a way that is Amazing result is generated then the target suffers no ill
similar to how a sponge absorbs water. The quality of the effects. For Ordinary to Critical Failure results damage is
spell’s casting effects the results however the Adept must make 1d6+1w/2d4+1w/1d4+1m. The resolve check is effected by
a larger sacrifice than is usual for a Black Magic spell. Each the quality of the spell so that Good and Amazing spells impose
stun point spent during the spells casting is equivalent to the a +1 or +3 penalty.
number of wound points of damage that are caused to those in The melee or unarmed attack can also cause damage to
the area. The quality of the spell result converts the stun either party involved as appropriate. The shroud may be
points to wound points using the following ratios: Ordinary removed by a successful casting of the Conjuration-wish spell
1:1; Good 1:2; Amazing 1:3. This means that if an Adept (4 successes recommended) or by the Abjuration-dispel or
sacrifices 3 stun points and rolls a Good result then 6 wound Aid-heal spells as well. In the case of dispel and heal the result
points is caused to all in the area of effect. Points of damage generated must be equal to or greater than the quality of this
lost to this spell may be recovered normally or by magical aid. spell.
If the Adept wishes he could sacrifice wound points for ⊗ Rank 10 - Slay: At rank 10 the stun points now convert to
mortal points however the ratio is determined as 2:1, 1:1, and mortal points of damage instead of wound. The ratio remains
1:2 respectively. If only one wound point is spent and an the same as for the rank 8 benefit above.
Ordinary result is rolled then no damage is caused, however ⊗ Rank 12 – Death Ward: At rank 12 the Adept can place the
the point is still lost. power of the death spell over or around a portal so that if a
The area of effect is centered on the Adept and extends being passes through it and does not speak a word of
outwards to a radius of 5 meters per rank of the Adept. The command the power of death is released. The creation of the
spell can effect all creatures except those that are Constructs, ward is difficult, as it requires carved symbols of death to
Elementals, Outsiders, Spirits, or Undead. Non-living materials, adorn it and special ink to be used in the creation of the ward.
even those of plants origins, are similarly unaffected. The spell The ink itself requires the Adept to have at least rank 4 in
does not pick favorites nor does it choose sides; all in the area Alchemy-concocting and the ink itself is treated as Amazing
are effected equally. quality scroll ink as found in the ‘Art of Making’ section of
Plants that are ambulatory or sentient are effected as Chapter 12: FX Items of this book. The ingredients of the ink
stated before however normal plants in the area rot and wilt. must include the poisons and blood of venomous creatures and
Large plants like trees or masses of vines may show some signs the ichor of creatures from extra-planar realms of damnation.
of decay but repeated applications of the spell would be Once the ink is made the symbols must be carved. This
required to destroy them. In additional to all of this any requires the use of the Creativity skill with stone carving or
natural earth and soil in the area of effect losses its life bearing sculpting being good specialty skills to have. The number of

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
checks required is described below and one check is allowed better than these then they are not lowered. However if
per hour of work. anyone of them are better the undead gains those effects that
The complexity of the engraving is equal to how powerful can benefit them.
the Adept wishes the ward to be. For every mortal point of ⊗ Rank 3 – Undead Spell Focus: When this spell option is cast any
damage the ward will cause one check is required. When the undead who are in range of the spell may act as a spell focus.
ward is complete the Adept casts this spell. The quality of the This means that any future spell cast by the Adept may
casting multiplies the resulting mortal points by x1, x2, or x3 originate from the undead creature. Any side effects of Critical
for an Ordinary to an Amazing result. This means that the Failures or FX point costs are still incurred by the Adept. This
ward can potentially cause anywhere from 1 to 30 points of spell can also be used to grant ‘touch’ attacks by various spells
mortal damage until the magic is used up. as if the undead were the Adept. For this option to be used the
Any living being that passes through the portal must pass undead must be within the spells range from the Adept and
a Resolve-physical resolve skill check or suffer enough mortal must also be in sight of the Adept as well.
damage to completely kill him. The nature of the spell causes it ⊗ Rank 4 – Resist Turning: When cast this option grants all
to stop ‘attacking’ after the person has died so that the undead within range of the spell a +1, 2, or 3 Resistance
remainder of points can be used later, against other intruders. Modifier against the Cosmos-quell undead spell or other
As long as mortal points remain in the ward, the duration is powers that mimic the same.
permanent. When the last point is used then the magic ceases. ⊗ Rank 6 - Regenerate: This spell option allows the Adept to heal
The ward cannot be recharged. wound and mortal damage suffered by an undead creature that
Characters can detect the Death Ward through a is within range of the spell. The spell heals damage as per the
combination of Metaphysics-magic theory and Investigate- spells result as follows: Ordinary – 2w/0m; Good – 4w/2m;
search. As the engraved symbols are obvious, no penalty is Amazing – 6w/3m.
generally applied to such checks. Game Masters can also allow ⊗ Rank 8 - Disguise: The Disguise option places an illusion over
other skills to discover the ward. The ‘Death Ward’ can be some or all undead within 5 meters per rank of the Adept
removed by Abjuration-dispel but each success removes only which makes them appear as normal people. Their movements
1, 2, or 3 points of mortal damage the ward can cause. The appear normal as do their facial expressions however other
Game Master is free to allow other methods of removing or senses like smell may still detect them normally (i.e. animals
dispelling the ward as he sees fit, but the canceling of the ward may still feel uneasy around them). This spell does not grant
should be based on the mortal points it has available instead of the undead with the ability to speak and the illusion cannot be
the quality of the ward itself. changed once cast. It also goes without saying that Ghosts who
fly or pass through walls may also give themselves away as
Embellish Undead (cost 2, learn 0) being abnormal.
This skill cannot be used untrained Otherwise the undead appear as the Adept intends them
Duration: 1 minute per rank to. A +1, 2, or 3 penalty is applied to detecting the illusion
Type: Influential-Ranged by Accuracy based on the casting of the spell.
Resist: Resolve-physical resolve ⊗ Rank 9 – Dark Junction: By using this option the Adept can
Range: 10 meters per rank combine the Cloak Undead, Undead Alacrity, Undead Spell
Trappings: Undead to be effected Focus, or Resist Turning options above by casting this spell.
Complexity: Simple The Adept can combine 2, 3, or all 4 of the options for an
Marginal: No Ordinary to Amazing result.
Description: The purpose behind this spell is to enhance the ⊗ Rank 10 - Imbue: This option allows the Adept to empower one
power of undead in the area. Like many other spells these undead creature with the ability to cast a spell. The spell must
effects vary as the Adept gains ranks, granting more options known by the Adept and the result of this spell check
that can be used. As usual the statistics for the spell act as a determines the power the spell will be released at. Once cast
base and individual rank benefits may modify them on a case- the undead is aware of the power granted to it and may release
by-case basis. At times some undead may not wish to be it when desired. Spells cannot be given to mindless undead.
effected by this spell. If that is the case then the Resolve- The spell acts as a ‘Held’ spell and the Adept cannot regain the
physical resolve skill can be used to avoid it. Otherwise (and in FX point cost of this spell until the spell is cast.
most cases) the undead willingly except the benefits of this ⊗ Rank 11 - Undead Enlightenment: This option can be cast with
spell. any previous option available. When the embellish undead
⊗ Rank 1 – Cloak Undead: Beginning at rank 1 the Adept can spell is cast all undead in the area gain the Adept’s Intelligence
cause as many undead that are within a 5 meter radius around score and may use any Intelligence or Will based skill at the
the Adept to become invisible. This radius is increased by 5 ranks indicated for the Adept.
more meters per rank gained. The invisibility is treated as per ⊗ Rank 12 - Free the Will: This powerful option bonds a spirit to a
the rules detailed in Chapter 8: Gamers in Action of Book1 and mindless undead creature making it ‘free-willed’. By virtue of
the Illusion/Phantasm-invisibility spell in Chapter 2: Arcane the spell only spirits with negative Moral Attitudes are bonded
Magic of this book. The invisibility lasts until the undead however no allegiance is automatically gained. The spirit can
creature attacks or 24 hours have elapsed. Once the spell cast attempt to use any skills it had in life and may also use any FX
each undead remains invisible or becomes visible individually. ability as well.
⊗ Rank 2 – Undead Alacrity: When this spell is cast all undead The process of freeing an undead’s will requires a complex
within 5 meters per rank of the Adept gain the Dexterity score skill check of 6 success. One check is allowed every hour. If the
of the Adept, the Adept’s Action Check score, and the Adept’s Adept desires he may attempt to bond a specific spirit to the
combat movement rate (excluding easy swim, swim, glide, or undead creature however 2 more success are required to do
fly unless already possessed). If any of the undead have scores so. If the spirit possessed any manner of FX ability that can be
used then 2 more additional checks are required.
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
The level of a random spirit is determined by the quality like killing a sleeping friend, may also invoke the Will or
of the complex skill check as described in Book 3 and in the Resolve check to awaken the victim from the sleepwalking.
Spirit Magic section of this chapter. Using this consideration As has been stated in old wives tales, a person who wakes
apply the quality ratings for NPCs as detailed in Chapter 7: from sleepwalking can be traumatized. If the victim wakes up
Campaigns in Book 1 as guide for levels, skills, and he must pass a physical resolve check or suffer 1 point of
backgrounds. wound per quality of this options casting.
 Rank 12 - Night Hag: At rank 12 the Adept may opt instead to
Nightmare (cost 3, learn 0) summon a Night Hag who is described in Book 3. This spell
This skill cannot be used untrained option always requires 10 successes to complete. If a Critical
Duration: Special Failure is generated during the complex check the Night Hag
Type: Attack-Ranged by Accuracy turns its attention towards the Adept and may either ‘ride’ him
Resist: Resolve-mental resolve or may require some task with threat of retaliation in the
Range: 1 Kilometer per rank Adept’s dreams.
Trappings: Must be cast at night and the victim must also be If successfully cast the Night Hag targets the victim
asleep. normally and persists in attacks as per its rules. In a sense the
Complexity: Varies, see below Adept summons the hag’s attention and directs it towards the
Marginal: No victim. Unlike the Night Hags description this spell can compel
Description: This wicked spell draws on the spirits of torment the creature to attacks persons without a negative Moral
and terror to victimize a sleeping person with a nightmare of Attitude.
lethal proportions. In order to afflict a person with this spell,
the victim must first be asleep. The Adept may then begin the
casting but the victim must remain asleep throughout the
casting as well. The complexity of the spell check is based on
the power of the nightmare desired. If Ordinary then 4 checks
are needed, if Good then 7, and 10 checks for Amazing. One
check is allowed every 5 minutes and the Adept must remain
undisturbed during this time.
Ordinary nightmares cause the victim to gain no rest. FX Power of the Undead (cost 3, learn +1)
points can not be recovered nor can any lost fatigue points be This skill cannot be used untrained
recovered as well. Good quality nightmares cause the effects of Duration: 1 combat round per rank
an Ordinary one and also inflict 1d4w to the victim. Armor Type: Attack-Melee by Direct
cannot avoid this damage however certain mind protecting Resist: STR and/or Magical Resistance
powers can like Ego-mental barrier, or the like. Amazing Range: Touch
quality nightmares have the effects of both previous versions Trappings: None
and also cause the victim to suffer Critical Failure results on Complexity: Simple
both a 19 and a 20 as well a +1 step penalty to all skill and feat Marginal: Varies by rank benefit
checks for the following day. Description: The power of this spell grants the Adept with
The effects of the Nightmare can be avoided with a abilities shared by undead creatures. For the most part the
successful mental resolve check but either a +1 or +3 penalty energy of undeath is in the Adept’s touch but several rank
is applied to the check for Good and Amazing versions of the benefits offer other uses of negative energy. As with many
spell. Also, in order to use this spell the Adept must know the spells this one is chiefly defined by each rank benefit given
person to be effected and must have looked him in the eyes at below with the statistics above acting as a guide. The Adept
least once. may have multiple versions of the spell in effect at once but
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 - More Victims: At the indicated ranks the those that rely on touch can only be used on one target at a
Adept can involve more persons in the nightmare as long as all time. Therefor an Adept could have ‘Chill Touch’ and ‘Mummy
the targets are within spell range. The total number of persons Touch’ in effect at the same time but could only use one or the
increases to 3, 5, and 10 persons at the ranks indicated. other on any one target in the same phase. It is possible to use
 Rank 6 - Sleepwalker: At rank 6 the Adept can cause a person to both in a phase if two actions are taken however.
rise from his slumber and perform a stated action (declared As a note, remember that touching a target (as opposed to
during the casting of the spell) while remaining completely striking) offers a –1 step bonus to the attempt.
asleep. This option is cast in the same way as the standard ⊗ Rank 1 - Chill Touch: This rank benefit empowers the Adept’s
version of the spell and mental resolve checks can avoid as hands with the chill of the grave. The target may defend with
normal for those rules. This spell option can effect only one his or its Strength Resistance Modifier and damage caused is
person and the Adept must remain in deep concentration d6s/d6+2s/d4w of type En/O. The damage is cold based and
during the perpetration of the act as well. any defenses of the target against such attacks do apply.
As the person is not fully aware of what he is doing, all However if 1 or more points of primary damage are caused the
skill, feats, and action checks suffer a +2 penalty if applicable. target, if successfully touched, must also roll a Constitution feat
If the victim is struck, shaken vigorously, or has water thrown check (modified by the spell quality at 0/+1/+3) or lose 1
in his face then he may awaken by passing a Will feat check or point of strength. This strength loss is recovered in the same
a mental resolve check. If this is not the case, and the mission manner as fatigue damage.
is completed the victim returns to bed with no knowledge of ⊗ Rank 2 - Ghoul Touch: This touch attack causes no damage
what has transpired except that he had a dream of performing however it forces the target to roll a Constitution feat check or
the act. The Game Master is free to consider that some acts, become paralyzed. A successful touch attack, modified by any

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
Melee Resistance Modifiers, is required and the duration of the food the spell spoils as many as 5 kilograms of edible stuff per
paralysis is based on the quality of the attack so that the target point of Will the Adept has.
is paralyzed for 1d4/1d6+1/2d4 combat rounds. This When used on liquids the Adept can change as many as 1
condition can be corrected early by the use of Abjuration- liter per point of Will into a Hemotoxin, a Neurotoxin, a
dispel or Aid-cure. Necrotoxin, or a Paralytic poison. The poison must be ingested
⊗ Rank 4 - Mummy Touch: A person touched by the Adept must to have effect. The Adept can decide what type f poison is
pass a Constitution feat check or become Ill as described in on created by the spell. The success generated by the spells
page 57 of the Alternity Gamemaster's Guide. The disease casting determines the Strength, Onset Time, and Duration of
takes effect immediately and has a strength rating equal to the the poisons as shown on the following table.
spells casting. The character rolls his condition as per those
rules and remains between Ill and Terminally Ill without the Strength Onset Time Duration
ability to recover naturally (i.e. Good and Amazing results for Marginal -1 10 Minutes 1 Day
Ill conditions do not allow the character to recover). This Ordinary 0 1 Minute 12 Hours
condition persists until the character dies, the effected is Good +1 1 Round 6 Hours
dispelled, or the successful use of the Aid-cure spell. The Amazing +3 1 Phase 1 Hour
disease is magical and must be treated accordingly.
⊗ Rank 6 - Lich Touch: This powerful option combines the effects When cast on a person he or she becomes infected with a
of both the ‘Chill Touch’ and ‘Ghoul Touch’ options above. The disease. All elements of the disease (strength and incubation)
attack follows the same rules as the ‘Chill Touch’ until the are equal to the quality of the spell when cast. The disease is
target rolls against the loss of strength. Instead the specific to that individual and cannot be spread.
Constitution feat check is made against the paralyzing effect of ⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 - Increased Effect: At rank 4 the volume as
the ‘Ghoul Touch’ option. material or liquid is increased by x2. This increases to x3 at
⊗ Rank 8 - Vampires Touch: This touch attack grants the Adept rank 8 and x4 at rank 12. If the spell is used to cause a disease
with a vampire-like touch that drains durability from a target then result of the Constitution feat check has the following
and grants those points to the Adept. The target defends with effect: Amazing result – no effect; Good or Ordinary result – Ill;
his Strength Resistance Modifier as normal and the damage Failure result – Extremely Ill; Critical Failure result –
caused is 1d6s/1d4w/1d4+1w of type En/O. The Adept can Terminally Ill. At rank 8 Failure results become Terminally Ill,
add the points of damage suffered to his own durability score Ordinary results become Extremely Ill, and Good results
and may exceed any one score by 50% of its normal maximum. become Ill. At rank 12 Ordinary results become terminal, Good
Points of damage suffered by the Adept are taken from these results become Extremely Ill, and Amazing results become Ill.
points first. The longevity of the drained points is based on the  Rank 6 - Pestilence: At rank 6 any person who comes within 1
quality of the spell when it is first cast: Ordinary, 1 hour; Good, meter of the target must also roll a Constitution feat check after
1 day; Amazing, permanent until lost. The Adept can still cause the Onset Time. The person must have been near the victim
damage to a target even if the maximum amount of damage for at least several minutes and if he or it came in physical
that he can absorb is achieved. contact with the victim the feat check suffers a +1 penalty.
⊗ Rank 10 - Ghost Touch: This nasty attack ages the target This option can be used with the Increased Effect rank benefit
unnaturally. When a target is touched by the Adept the quality above.
of the touch ages the target by 1d4x2/1d4x5/1d4x10 years.  Rank 9 - Ghoul Gauntlet: This wicked spell option can be
The target may make a Constitution feat check to avoid this against only one person. Once successfully used the spells
result. power ends. When the Adept using this option touches a
⊗ Rank 12 - Wail of the Banshee: Not a touch attack at all, this person he is effected by a powerful illness that cannot normally
spell allows the Adept the ability to scream the deadly keening be cured or recovered from. The Strength and Onset Time of
of the banshee. Casting this spell options requires 4 successes. the disease is equal to the quality of the touch attack.
One check is allowed per action and on the phase that the Constitution feat checks are made normally however the
check is complete a dreadful scream is released. At the character cannot achieve a result that betters the condition.
culmination of this most horrid option all living creatures This option does not gain the Increased Effect rank benefits
within 10 meters of the Adept to roll a Resolve-physical above.
resolve skill check or die. Those who pass the check are Only the Aid-cure spell can stop the disease and even then
unharmed. The scream is loud and may be heard for over a a success equal to or greater than the quality of the touch must
kilometer away however the power to kill is limited to the be rolled. If the character dies while infested with the disease
stated area of effect. he will rise as a Ghoul. The creature uses all statistics for that
entry with optional powers or the chance to free-willed being
Scourge (cost 4)
Duration: Permanent
Type: Influential-Ranged by Accuracy Spectral Steed (cost 2, learn -1)
Resist: Special This skill cannot be used untrained
Range: Rank by 10/20/30 meters (Modifiers: 0/+1/+2) Duration: Permanent
Trappings: A substance or person to be effected. Type: Influential
Complexity: Simple Resist: None
Marginal: Yes Range: 10 meters
Description: Similar to both Black Hand and Blight, the Scourge Trappings: A corpse of a large-sized Beast
spell is geared towards infestation and poison. When used on Complexity: 4, 6 if magical (check per minute)
Marginal: No

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
Description: When cast this spell raises the body of any Beast that  Rank 3 - Animate Dead: When this spell option is cast the Adept
is of large size as a Zombie. The beast must be of a type that may also animate as many dead bodies as he may summon
can be used as a mount. The limit of large size assumes a undead as in the spells basic description. Only zombies and
medium-sized rider. If the Adept has another size then skeletons may be animated and skeletons are only allowed if
variations may be cast, as the spell is subjective to terms of the the present bones are devoid of flesh for the most part. The
‘rider’ definition. The beast retains its physical statistics but range of the spell remains the same and the Adept may
acquires the mental attributes as a Zombie. Other statistics use alternate some, all, or none of the number of undead allotted to
those rules found in Book 3. If the Beast had Spell-Like or either summoning or animation. This means that if the Adept
Super Power FX abilities they may be retained using those is near two zombies and a fallen enemy he can ‘summon and
rules, however the complexity becomes a 6. control’ the zombies and ‘animate and control’ the corpse.
 Rank 5 - Skeletal Steed: At rank 5 the Adept can raise the Corpses and bones offer no revenant modifiers. Other
skeleton of a beast as a mount. The new creature uses those modifiers common to undead mastery remain the same.
statistics for a skeleton as found in Book 3. Bodies and skeletons that are animated can make action checks
 Rank 10 - Phantom Steed: At rank 10 the Adept can summon on the following round. The effect of animation is permanent
forth the monster called a Nightmare to serve as a mount. To however the duration of control is not.
do so the Adept must sacrifice an item personally owned by  Rank 6 - Ghost: In a manner similar to the ‘Animate Dead’
either the Adept or a person the Adept intends to pursue. The option above, the Adept may raise the soul of a newly dead
Nightmare will remain with the Adept for 1d4+1 days with a body as a ghost. Only one soul may be effected per casting of
cumulative roll for Good and Amazing results. While the spell the spell and the person cannot have died more than 1 combat
binds the Nightmare to servitude it still retains its own round per rank of the Adept before the spell is cast. The
thoughts and can either advise or contradict the Adept. The successful use of the spell binds the spirit of the deceased to
Nightmare will also not sacrifice its own life for the Adept the material world however no control is granted by this
unless properly provoked to do so through the situation, role- casting of the spell. Control can be gained by casting the spell
playing, or encounter skills. Nightmares are described in again. New ghosts generally follow the rules as per their entry
Chapter 9: Outsiders in Book 3. in Book 3. The Game Master can make exceptions if the
circumstances prevail and may also assign salient powers to
the ghost or other effects following those rules.
 Rank 9 - Master Undead: At rank 9 the Adept’s ability to control
undead is increased. The Adept now gains a –2 step bonus that
applies against an undead’s revenant score. Free-willed
Undead Mastery (cost 2, learn 0) undead still gain a Resolve-mental resolve attempt to avoid the
This skill cannot be used untrained effect however a success equal to or greater than that of the
Duration: 10 minutes per degree of success spell must be rolled or the attempt fails. In addition to this the
Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct time of control is lengthened to days instead of minutes.
Resist: Revenant modifier  Rank 12 - Undead Plague: At rank 12 the Adept can now cause
Range: 100 meters per rank the bodies and skeletons of all humanoid dead in a 1000
Trappings: One or more undead creatures square meter area to rise as one and serve the Adept. If the
Complexity: Simple area is a battlefield or graveyard (either new or ancient) will
Marginal: No yield 10 zombies or skeletons for every 10 meter square area.
Description: For those Adepts who favor the use of undead as Long inhabited areas will yield 3 for every 10 meter square
puppets and soldiers this is the spell they need. When cast this area, and wilderness locations will yield 1 per 10 meter square
spell has a two-fold effect. First it will summon any undead in area. The range of the spell is one kilometer and the duration
the area to the Adept’s vicinity and secondly it will place a is permanent, as is the control of these undead creatures. The
magical yoke of obedience on them. control aspects of this spell option do not effect other undead
If undead are in the area the spell will summon up to three in the area. The Game Master is free to limit the maximum
undead per rank of the Adept. The area of effect is the range of number of undead created by this spell based on assumed
the spell itself. Each undead that can be summoned uses its populations and other factors. In either case the spell cannot
revenant score to resist. If the undead are in the Adept’s direct raise more than 1000 undead zombies and skeletons to serve
line of sight, he gains a –1 Situation Modifier to the spell check. the Adept.
The result of the spells casting is modified by each undead’s
resistance independently, each modifying the control die. This Unholy Guidance (cost 2)
means that the control die for the spell is rolled and each type Duration: Special
of undead applies the modifier of its revenant score as a Type: Personal
Situation Modifier. In this fashion the actual die result for the Resist: None
spell could be a failure, but once modified by lesser undead it Range: None
could result in a success. Free-willed undead also receive a Complexity: Simple
Resolve-mental resolve skill check to completely avoid the Marginal: No
effects as well. Description: This special divination magic allows the Adept to
All of those undead that are charmed are under the seek advice. When this spell is cast the Adept gains a –1, a –2,
Adept’s direct control for the duration of the spell. No or a –3 Situation Modifier to an Intelligence, Will, or
concentration is required (at least in terms of using an action) Personality skill or feat checks. The bonus applies to a skill
and control is established by thought alone and the dark link that is used to ascertain knowledge about a subject or event
between the Adept and the undead. that is relevant to the completion of the Adept’s goal and the

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
purposes of the faith. The duration of the spell remains as long
as the skill it applies to is being used for the stated purpose of
the benefit and the bonuses mentioned do apply to each step of
Divination (cost 6, learn 0)
a complex skill if need be. Being one the more utilitarian broad skills, Divination
The spell can also be used to jog an Adept’s memory about encompasses the accumulation of information through various
a particular event, a person’s name, a secret hand signal, and mediums and the ability to enhance and extend the senses. Other
the like. In the latter case the degree of success determines specialty skills accomplish similar ends with Commune-divine
how clear the answer is. An Ordinary result may be cryptic guidance and Invocation-projection being good examples,
while an Amazing result would be easy to understand. In no however no broad skill is as dedicated to intelligence as this one.
case can either use of the spell divine the future except in the
case of a bonus applying to the Metaphysics-prophesy skill. Contact Other Plane (cost 4, learn +1)
As with any Black Magic spell, a sacrifice is called for. This skill cannot be used untrained
However in this case the loss of a wound point is common as Duration: Special
opposed to a stun point. This point loss is in the form of a Type: Personal
bloodletting on the Adept’s part. An exception to the rule is to Resist: None
sacrifice the blood of another. Doing so requires a mortal point Range: 0
of that individual’s blood however. Trappings: See below
 Rank 2 - Augury: At rank 2 the Adept can ask the gods of Complexity: Complex
darkness one question about the near future. The question Marginal: No
must be stated in a ‘Yes or No’ fashion and the answer will be Description: By casting this spell the Adept sends his mind to
given as either ‘Weal’ or ‘Woe’. The Game Master determines another plane of existence in a search for advice or
the answer based on the ultimate end that he predicts for the information. The spell grants the Adept contact with a
characters. If the characters have two doors to choose from, powerful being of a plane of the Adept’s choice. Powers resent
and must pass one, the Adept can use this spell to hopefully this kind of intrusion and answers to questions are usually
receive a meaningful answer. There are no degrees to ‘Weal or brief. To establish the link the Adept must first pass a complex
Woe’ nor are there increased benefits for Good or Amazing skill check based on the plane and/or intelligence of the power
results. to be contacted. One check is allowed per minute. The casting
 Rank 4 - Genius: At rank 4 the Adept can receive an answer to of the spell always costs 1 FX point and follows the standard
one question per casting of the spell. The question can be rules for complex skill checks.
about any event occurring at the moment and must be related Once this is complete the Adept may ask as many
to an evaluation of the current situation. A question like “What questions of the power as he has in ranks with this spell.
are theses monsters” is ok but one like “What’s on the other Asking each question requires a separate skill check (using this
side of the door” is not because it is speculation of the future. spells score) but does not cost any additional FX points. The
The answer will be of no more than two words for an ordinary quality of the check determines the quality of the answer.
result, five for a Good, and ten for an Amazing. Ordinary results are answered with single word statements
 Rank 6 - Scry Future: At rank 6 the Adept can gain insight of the like Yes, No, Maybe, Irrelevant, and so on. Good results grant
best manner to proceed with an impending action. The answer answers that are the length of short sentences or perhaps
is cryptic but may be as long as an entire sentence. The clarity archaic phrases. Amazing results can be answered with full
of the answer is not based on the result of the check. The paragraphs of information or as much detail as the Game
answer is based on the desires of the faith or deity and the Master is willing to allow. Failure results grant no answer and
course of action given will always be towards the ends of the waste one of the Adept’s questions.
faith if they apply. Rest assured however that is rare that a god If a Critical Failure result is rolled at anytime during the
will give advice to further the faith that also places the Adept in use of the spell then the Adept becomes stricken with insanity.
a position of doom and destruction. However if the quest at This can be avoided with a successful Standing check
hand is of a dire nature the Adept may be deemed a necessary (Personality feat check with the appropriate modifier). The
sacrifice as a last resort. duration of the insanity is given on the table below and the
 Rank 8 - Commune: At rank 8 the Adept can ask a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ effects are equivalent to the most extreme examples of Flaws
question of the gods about any event past, present, or future. like Obsession, Phobia, or even Forgetful. In addition to this
No cryptic answers will be given and the answer will be as true affliction the Adept must also roll a Resolve-physical resolve
as possible based on the wording of the question itself. check. If the result is a Critical Failure then the Adept dies
 Rank 10 - Revelation: When this benefit is cast the Adept gains immediately. If an Amazing result is rolled then the listed
extraordinary divinatory powers. The spell’s duration is 1 duration of the insanity is halved. Once the insanity runs its
hour per point of Standing and during that time the Adept course the Adept can remember any learned information.
gains the following insights. The first the ability to see things
as they really are as per the rank 6 Divination-ESP benefit Complexity Situation Insanity
‘True Seeing’. Next is an instant awareness of any lie being told Plane Contacted Required Modifier Duration
if the Adept can hear the speaker and the speaker is intentional Elemental 2 +2 1 Week
Astral or Ethereal 3 +1 2 Weeks
lying. Also the Adept gains the ability to be understood by any
Outer Planes, Int 15 3 0 3 Weeks
creature. And finally the Adept gains a –1 Situation Modifier to Outer Planes, Int 16 4 -1 1 Month
all Action Checks during the duration thanks to a split second Outer Planes, Int 17 6 -2 3 Months
insight into the future. Outer Planes, Int 18 8 -3 6 Months
Outer Planes, Int19+ 10 -4 1 Year

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
The table details the type of plane contacted and includes The player must also decide whether the spell is Active
the intelligence of outer planar beings. The ‘Complexity or Passive in application. The Active version of Detect allows
Required’ entry describes the number of successes needed to the character to automatically ‘see’ the intended effect as long
establish contact. The ‘Situation Modifier’ column gives the step as it is within his normal line of sight. If a Marginal success is
modifier for questions asked of that power however this modifier generated then the sense is not automatic however, the
is not applied to the complex skill check used to establish the link. character can detect the anomaly with an Intuition check with
At the Adept’s option, a specific power maybe questioned. a –2 Situation Modifier. This optional use of the spell is
Doing so includes the Adept’s Standing modifier as it applies to blocked by either 0.1 meters of stone or metal and 1 meter or
that god or goddess. Of course those who have a step penalty more of wood.
with that deity never use this option. The modifier for Standing The Passive version has the range indicated above and
can apply to both the complex skill check and each question provides the character with the ability to sense the effect
asked. regardless of physical (but not always magical) barriers. This
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Easier Contact: The Adept may lower the option does not require line of sight to have effect. This is
complex skill to establish contact by one check at the indicated expressed as a bonus to the character’s Intuition check as no
ranks. bonus for a Marginal check, -2 for an Ordinary check, -4 for a
 Rank 9 - Vision: At rank 9 the Adept may attempt a simple Good check, and Amazing checks are automatic.
check to establish contact instead. Only one question may be ⊗ Ranks 1 to 12 – Increased List: Starting at rank 1 a character
asked and the answer is based on the quality of the check. can add one new effect to the list. Each rank past the first
Ordinary to Amazing results are the same as for the standard allows the same. New additions to the list should be in the
use of the spell. If a Failure is rolled the Adept becomes insane same vain as those shown.
for 1d20 weeks. If a Critical Failure is rolled then he must pass ⊗ Rank 4, 8, & 12 – Multiple Detection: At rank 4 the caster can
a Resolve-physical resolve check or die. If the resolve check detect an additional anomaly as well with the casting of the
succeeds then he is rendered insane as per a Failure result. same spell. This number increases to three effects at rank 8
As this option quickly seeks an answer there is no decision and four at rank 12.
as to what plane or power is contacted. Therefor the Adept
cannot use his Standing score to modify the results nor do the Know (cost 2)
elements of the table above apply to this spell option. The effects of this spell may be Held
Duration: Instantaneous
Detect (cost 1) Type: Personal
Duration: Standard if Active, 10 Minutes if Passive Resist: None
Type: Personal Range: Special
Resist: Will Trappings: Something to ‘know’
Range: Standard if Active, 100 Meter Radius if Passive Complexity: Simple
Trappings: None Marginal: No
Complexity: Simple Description: While Detect tunes the Adept’s senses to a specific
Marginal: Yes phenomenon, Know grants the Adept a brief insight into
Description: Detect allows the caster to name and then be able to something as described below. Each casting of the spell allows
perceive an effect, a state of being, or metaphysical anomaly the Adept to ‘know’ anyone of the following things:
that would not normally register to the character’s senses. I. The exact number of specific things in a group. This could
With this spell the caster can attempt to detect the following: include the number of jellybeans in a jar, the number of
I. Positive or Negative intentions (based on Moral trees in a groove, or the number of men in an army.
Attitude). II. The ‘balance’ of forces in the area. This could include the
II. Magical Auras. strength of various political factions, the flow of a battle,
III. Psionic Auras. or the presence of either good or evil influences in the
IV. Scrying attempts on the caster or the immediate area. local area the Adept is in.
V. Intentional Lies and Deceptions. III. The direction of travel that is required to arrive at a
VI. Poisons. location the Adept is aware of. The Game Master may
VII. Traps and Potential Ambushes. apply a modifier to this check based on the Adept’s
VIII. Charmed and unnaturally Influenced persons. familiarity with the intended location. This option may
IX. A specific type of creature (as described in Book 4). also include the locations of water, food, or a specific race
X. Invisible being or objects. of being.
XI. Extra-dimensional effects and/or creatures using such IV. The customs of a cultural that the Adept is experiencing.
abilities. This option focuses on the elements of a culture the Adept
is experiencing at the time and can be used to provide
At the time of casting, the player states which one of the insight into what the Adept must do in order to ‘fit in’.
aforementioned effects is desired and only that effect can be V. The exact time that it is now (in terms of the character’s
detected by that use of the spell. While the detail to be home plane) or how much time has elapsed since
detected may be more specific than that mentioned, the effect something occurred.
cannot be broader. This means that a character could state VI. The exact age of someone or something.
that he wishes to detect dragons but could not say that he VII. The Moral Attitude of a being.
wishes to detect dragons and elementals. Multiple effects can
be detected but only after casting multiple versions of this

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
As indicated above this spell is of the ‘Held’ variety. This effected to be located. This can be determined by an
means that when cast the Adept ‘holds’ the spell until he wishes Awareness-perception or intuition check and the check gains a
to ‘know’ something about someone or something. –1 bonus for a Good spell result or –3 for an Amazing. As noted
⊗ Ranks 1 to 12 – Increased List: Starting at rank 1 a character this option only costs 1 FX point and is assumed to be in use
can add one new effect to the list. Each rank past the first during the general casting of the spell. However the Adept
allows the same. Each added effect must remain within the must state the desire to detect a deception in order for it to
same faith of rules as the other options. have any effect.
⊗ Rank 6 – Uncover: At rank 6 the Adept can determine if some
manner of illusion or other deception is masking the effected Medium (cost 1)
to be ‘known’. This can be determined by an Awareness- Duration: Special
perception or intuition check and the check gains a –1 bonus Type: Personal
for a Good spell result or –3 for an Amazing. As noted this Resist: Special
option only costs 1 FX point and is assumed to be in use during Range: Special
the general casting of the spell. However the Adept must state Trappings: See below
the desire to detect a deception in order for it to have any Complexity: Simple (spell is cast in conjunction with other
effect. Divination spell)
⊗ Rank 9 - Legend Lore: At rank 9 the Adept may use this option Marginal: No
to learn exactly who someone or something is. This discovery Description: This specialty skill is similar to the Component
is limited by the history surrounding the person or thing. If Trappings option discussed in Chapter 1: FX Rules of this book.
they are famous there is much to learn, if they are not then As one may have noticed the specialty skills in this group offer
there may be nothing to learn at all. If the item is magical the fewer ‘Range’ and ‘Use’ benefits than other broad skills. While
Adept may learn of some properties associated with the device this may seem a drawback, by purchasing this specialty skill
in terms of what it can do, however the spell does not give those benefits may be gained for any Divination spells.
gaming statistics for the device. This means that a Wand of In order to use the spell effectively the Adept must posses
Fire could be described as “the wand that spat angry flames some manner of device that is to aid in the use of a Divination
from heaven upon it’s opponents” as opposed to a Wand of Fire specialty skill. In addition to this each item possessed must
with rank 6 in Invocation-magic fire. The better the success also be attuned to a specific option for any spell as well. This
the more that is learned but all information should be means that the Adept could chose a wand to aid in the location
delivered as a narrative. of specific creature or may use a spyglass to ‘know’ the number
of persons in a standing army. The exact nature of the object is
Locate (cost 2) not always important and neither does it need to be
Duration: 1 Minute per rank empowered in anyway but once it has been used to aid a spell
Type: Personal it becomes bonded to that effort. The FX point cost for this
Resist: None spell is paid only once when the item is first used to aid a spell.
Range: 100 meters After that no additional FX points are required for that item.
Trappings: Something to find When this spell is cast the quality of the result grants a –1,
Complexity: Simple -2, or a –3 step bonus to the casting of another Divination
Marginal: No specialty skill. Both rolls are made during the same action and
Description: While similar in some ways to the Know spell above, spell casting. This means that the Adept cannot keep rolling
Locate is more exact but is also limited in range and scope. until he rolls a result they like.
When the spell is cast the Adept may attempt to determine the If a Critical Failure is ever rolled for the medium then it
exact location of any of the following as long as it is within the becomes useless and must be ‘re-initiated’ as if being used for
spells range: the first time.
I. Traps and Ambushes. ⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Shared Item: At rank 4 the Adept may use
II. A specific species of creature. one item for all options in one specialty skill. At rank 8 the
III. A specific object. Adept may use the same item for any two selected Divination
IV. The safest path to travel. specialty skills. At rank 12 the item may be used for all
V. A specific person if his name is known. Divination specialty skills known.
VI. Food or drink.
Scry (cost 3, learn 0)
The spell provides the Adept with an internal compass so This skill cannot be used untrained
that he is constantly aware of the item or person’s location Duration: 1 round per rank
through the duration of the spell. Should the item or person Type: Personal
move beyond the range of the spell then the Adept can no Resist: None
longer locate them. However the spell duration does not end Range: Special, see below
and if that item or person moves back into range the Adept Trappings: A location or person to be scryed upon.
may once again locate them. Complexity: Simple
⊗ Ranks 1 to 12 – Increased List: Starting at rank 1 a character Marginal: No
can add one new effect to the list. Each rank past the first Description: This spell allows the Adept to extend his sight or
allows the same. Each added effect must remain within the hearing to a far off location. The use of the spell is based on
same faith of rules as the other options. knowledge of either a person or a specific place. The Adept can
⊗ Rank 6 – Detect Deception: At rank 6 the Adept can determine if select either and his knowledge of that person or place applies
some manner of illusion or other deception is masking the

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
a Situation Modifier to the spell check as shown on the table ‘transmitted’ by the target mind instead of actually entering
below. the mind to gain knowledge. The range of this option is 10
meters per rank of the Adept. This spell option cannot be cast
Location/distance Modifier on others only the Adept himself.
Location is familiar -1 Using the ability requires a spell check and can be effected
Unfamiliar location none by the targets Will Resistance Modifier. This use does require
1 –10 meters -1 an action to perform and the target must be within the spell
11 – 100 meters none range as well. The Adept may use the mind read on as many
101m – 1 km +1 persons desired and all uses of the mind read require an
2 – 10 km +2 action. The Adept cannot re-roll a previous result for the same
11 – 100 km +3 mind with the same casting of the spell. To gain a better result
101 – 10,000 km +4 the Adept must recast the spell and hope for a low roll.
High orbit +5 The quality of the mind read check (which is the same as
for this spell) determines the quality of information garnered
The area to heard or seen must be unobstructed (not from the target mind. If an Ordinary check is rolled then the
inside a solid object) and once cast the scrying cannot be moved Adept learns only part of the thought. If a Good check is rolled
to another location without re-casting the spell. The effect does then all of the thought is received. If an Amazing check is
not grant additional sensory abilities however it does include rolled then the Adept also becomes aware of background
those in the possession of the Adept (dark vision, night vision, thoughts that are apart of the original thought. These
other spell effects, etc.). background thoughts could include intended deceptions,
The effects of the spell work in tandem with the Adept’s misgivings, emotions, or remembrances. The ESP ability is
normal senses. If he opens his eyes he’ll see double vision, if he stopped by either 50cm of stone or rack and 5cm of metal of
does not cover his ears he’ll hear in both places at once. This any type.
effect can ⊗ Rank 4 – Moment Reading: At rank 6 the Adept may also
 Rank 3 - Eye of the Adept: At rank 3 the Adept can create an attempt to ‘read the moment’. This means that the Adept, or
extra-sensory organ that is both invisible and intangible. The recipient of the spell, becomes associated with time and space
‘eye’ begins no more than 2 meters from the Adept and can and the flow of action or conversation around him. When cast
move a number of meters per phase equal to the Adept’s Will the Adept gains a –1, -2, or –3 step bonus to action checks for
score. As with the standard use of the spell, the eye of the the remainder of the spells duration. This effect is not
Adept does not grant any additional sensory powers. At the cumulative with the ‘mind reading’ ability above.
player’s option he may also use the ‘Ear of the Adept’ option as ⊗ Rank 6 - True Seeing: When this option is cast the Adept, or the
well. All rules remain the same. The ‘eye’ can travel as far as it recipient of the spell, can see things as they actually are. The
can during the spell duration. spell penetrates natural or magical darkness, secret doors are
⊗ Ranks 4, 8 & 12 - Increased Duration: At the indicated ranks the plain, and the exact location of displaced things is apparent.
duration of the spell increases to minutes, 5 minutes, and 10 Illusions and apparitions are seen through (but not
minutes per rank respectively. phantasms), polymorphed creatures and enchanted objects are
 Rank 6 – Change of Perspective: At rank 6 the Adept can cause obvious (the real form of a creature is superimposed on the
the scry to move to another location without spending another apparent form). The character may also see up to 10 meters
FX point. Doing so does require a successful spell check. A into the ethereal plane and the bordering area of adjacent
failure means that the location or being cannot be scryed upon planes and may also determine a person’s Moral Attitude with
with this casting of the spell. Modifiers to the spell check are a successful Awareness check. The maximum range of this
based on the distance to the new location from the original. effect is 30 meters.
The Adept can perform this feat any number of times during ⊗ Rank 9 - Foresight: This powerful option grants the Adept
the spell duration. instantaneous warnings of danger and impending doom and is
an improvement on the rank 4 ‘Moment Reading’ option above.
Sixth Sense (cost 3, learn -1) As such the Adept gains the benefits of that rank benefit and of
This skill cannot be used untrained course gains the bonus to Awareness and Investigate checks as
Duration: 10 minutes per rank well. In addition to this the Adept gains a bonus Last Resort
Type: Personal or Influential-direct point that must be used before the spell expires, the Adept
Resist: Will Resistance Modifier cannot be surprised, and the Adept gains a bonus +1
Range: 10 meters per rank Resistance Modifier against melee and ranged attacks. In the
Trappings: None case of attacks or dangers related to traps or other things that
Complexity: Simple-Held do not normally call for an Action Check the Adept can
Marginal: No completely avoid the danger if an Action Check is rolled and
Description: The Sixth Sense spell attunes the Adept’s awareness generates an ordinary or better result.
of the world around him. The quality of the spell always grants This effect can be cast o another willing person whom
a –1, 2, or 3 step bonus to all Awareness and Investigate skill then gains all of the stated benefits. The Adept may also relate
checks. This benefit always applies regardless of the use of his premonitions to others as well but doing so requires that
other rank benefits that the Adept may gain with this spell. the Adept must be able to communicate to the endangered
⊗ Rank 2 – Mind Reading: At rank 3 the Adept can garner person and if so that person is not surprised (no other benefits
perceptions about a target character’s intentions by reading are gained).
their surface thoughts. This mind reading ability works in a
passive fashion as the Adept’s mind ‘receives’ thoughts

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Extended Duration: At the indicated ranks
Earth Magic (cost 7, learn +1) the duration of the spell for animated objects increases to
5minutes, 10 minutes, and 1 hour increments.
The power of this FX broad skill calls on the powers and  Rank 6 - Earth Spray: At rank 6 the Adept may cause any loose
spirits of the elemental plane of earth to protect the caster, heal dirt, stones, or shattered glass to whirl in a storm at a specific
damage caused by elemental attacks, and to rearrange the target. The Adept can effect an area around him that is 2
landscape. Earth magic is based on the users Constitution score meters per rank. In addition the spray has a range of 10
as it represent the character’s internal fortitude, a quality that meters per rank which is as wide as the area of effect itself. All
creatures of the earth respect. beings in the area, except the Adept himself may suffer
damage. Each beings rolls a Dexterity feat check or an
Animate Earth (cost 3, learn +1) Acrobatics-dodge check, the results of which determines the
This skill cannot be used untrained damage. For a Critical Failure to an Ordinary result damage is
Duration: One minute per degree of success 2d4+1w/1d6+1w/1d4w. Good and amazing results avoid the
Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct effect. The damage is considered Hi/O in type and the
Resist: None Duration of the effect is Instantaneous.
Range: 30 meters  Rank 8 – Freedom of Movement: At rank 8 the animated object
Trappings: An object made of earth, stone, or metal no longer suffers the +1 penalty to attacks. In addition the
Complexity: Simple walk rate of the object increases to 6.
Marginal: No  Rank 10 - Whirlpool of Doom: This option causes an area of
Description: By employing the animate earth spell an Adept can natural and solid ground to swirl as if a whirlpool. In order to
cause any earth, stone, or metal object to move. The Adept can use this spell the Adept must fully concentrate on it. If the
effect no more than 2 cubic meters of such material per rank. Adept’s concentration is broken then the spell ends
The object must be separate from its surroundings or immediately.
foundation and it can attack, break objects, lift things, or simply The area of effect can be as small as 2 meters in diameter
move. The spell does not allow the Adept to change the shape and no larger than 2 meters in diameter per rank of the Adept.
of the object nor can he cause appendages that do not exist to All beings in the area that must rely on land movement
appear. This fact may limit the use of the object. immediately begin to sink and be pulled down into the earth.
The object will follow, to the letter, any spoken command Once the spell is cast the area of effect cannot be moved.
given it by the Adept but it does not have a mind of its own. Each phase, after the spell is cast, all beings can roll a
Once animated the object will follow that last command given Movement-trailblazing, Movement-swim, Athletics-jump, or
unless a new command is stated during the spell duration. Athletics-climb skill check. Otherwise a Constitution feat check
While the Game Master decides the exact details of the or a Strength feat check will work as well. The result of the
object is they usually follow these considerations: Armor – check determines how far into the ground the person sinks. On
1d6+1, Toughness – Good, Durability – base of 4 + 1 per cubic a Critical Failure results the being sinks to 50% of his height
meter, Damage – 1d6s/1d6+2s/1d4+1w; + 1 point of damage into the whirlpool. A failure indicates that he sinks to 25% of
per 6 cubic meters. Attacks by objects of 12 cubic meters or their height and an Ordinary result sinks the person by 10%.
greater cause Good power damage. These statistics can vary Good results indicate that the being does not sink and the
based on the material itself and the manner that the object being may move at his walk movement rate. On an Amazing
would be able to attack. How fast the object can move is result the being may move at their run movement rate. If the
relative to its shape however most have only a walk rate of 4. movement rate allows the being to leave the area of effect then
If the object is a statue and has a weapon then that they are exempt from further checks.
weapons statistics should be referenced. If the object attacks For every 25% increment that a being sinks into the
then it uses the Adept’s best Melee Weapons of Unarmed ground he suffers a cumulative +1 penalty to future attempts
Attack rank (the skill that best reflects the attack). The to escape the whirlpool. Every phase that a person sinks into
Strength of the object is usually a base of 10 + 1 point for every the ground they suffer one-tenth of the total percentage sunk
2 cubic meters in size. This score acts as a base for the attack (rounded up) in stun damage. This means a character that is
plus the any ranks owned by the Adept, however a +1 penalty 50% submerged into the whirlpool suffers 5 points of stun
is assumed do to the slower speed of the object. Animated damage. While this damage is only Ordinary in quality armor
objects act on the Adept’s next action one phase after the spell cannot block it nor can spells that provide armor with the
has been cast. exception of the Earth Magic-body of earth spell. Once a being
 Rank 3 - Appendage: At rank 3 the Adept may cause a duplicate sinks to 100% or greater then they also begin to suffocate
of his hand to arise from any solid earthen foundation. The following those rules given in the Alternity Gamemaster's
reach of the object is no greater than the Adept’s own natural Guide. Game Masters need to track the amount of % each
limb and has his strength + 2. The Adept must concentrate on individual sinks and track damage phase by phase accordingly.
the limb in order for it to act. This requires no action on the
Adept’s part however if the limb grabs a person it may Aura of the Earth (cost 3)
maintain a hold even if concentration ceases. The spell Duration: 10 minutes per degree of success
duration does not end if concentration is cancelled however an Type: Personal
action must be spent in order for the limb to act again. Resist: None
The limb can attack at no penalty but uses the brawl skill Range: Touch
to do so. This casting is separate from the standard use of the Trappings: None
spell but the Adept may cause the appendage to appear from Complexity: Simple
an animated earthen object if desired. The duration of this Marginal: No
option is always 1 round per rank of the Adept.
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
Description: This spell surrounds the caster with a skin-tight, as the elemental’s Strength score if it is higher than the Adept’s.
centimeter thick dull gray aura. During the spells duration the In addition the Adept gains the elemental’s method of attack.
caster gains a +2 Resistance Modifier vs. melee and ranged Any FX abilities inherent to the elemental are gained and are
attacks by creatures from the plane of earth and a +1 vs. any treated as Super Power FX abilities for the Adept.
other elemental creature. This bonus also acts as a Magic The Adept retains his other ability scores, action check
Resistance against Elemental Magic at those values stated. In score, and his number of actions, last resorts, and skills. This
addition the caster gains a –1 Situation Modifier to the casting includes FX abilities, however psionic powers suffer a +1
of any Earth Magic spell. penalty to their use with the exception of Ego skills in the
In addition to this benefit the Adept may ignore natural ‘Internal Ego’ category. The elemental Adept can move only its
earth and can move through solid earth and stone at his walk walk rate as determined normally for a character.
movement rate. If the spell duration expires and the Adept is Casting this option is a simple action and the result of the
still within solid earth or stone then the effects of the ‘Sink’ spell check determines the quality of elemental the Adept
option below immediately apply to the Adept. becomes. If desired, the Adept can attempt to transform into a
Only one Aura can exist for a character at one time. This specific quality of elemental by making a complex skill check.
includes auras from the other elemental magic. If a new The number of successes required is 4, 7, and 10 for Ordinary
version of the same Aura is cast, or a one of a different element to Amazing quality. One check is allowed per phase of casting.
is cast, both cannot exist at the same time. In any case the best In no way can an Adept become a Greater or more powerful
result assumes position. If a new Aura is cast but is not equal type of elemental.
to or greater than that in effect, the spell has no effect and the After the initial FX points are paid to cast the spell the
FX points are spent normally. This rule includes any effect, Adept must expend an additional FX point at the beginning of
positive or negative, that may apply by rank benefits from this the next round, and each following round to maintain the
spell as well. effect. Otherwise the duration of this option is permanent.
 Rank 2 – Fist of Stone: In addition to the previous benefits the This spell may also be cast on another but in order to so
Adept can use this spell to turn his clenched fist into solid the ‘Shared Aura’ option of this spell must first be cast. The use
stone. When used in unarmed combat a punch uses a ‘d6’ of this option also requires the Adept to pay FX points to
instead of a ‘d4’ to determine damage. maintain the spell and 1 FX point must be paid for each person
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 - Earth Well: At rank 4 the spell also grants the involved per round.
Adept 1, 2, or 3 bonus FX points (determined by the degree of
success) that can be used to power Earth Magic spells only. Body of Earth (cost 2)
These points disappear, if unused, when the spell duration Duration: Special
ends. At rank 8 the bonus points gained are doubled and at Type: Personal
rank 12 they are tripled. Resist: None
 Rank 6 - Shared Aura: At this rank the power of the aura can be Range: Touch
cast on another person. Other persons receiving this benefit Trappings: A person to be protected
do not gain any FX points even if they could benefit from them Complexity: Simple
nor do they gain the ‘Fist of Stone’ benefit either. The duration Marginal: Yes
of this option is the same as for the standard use of the spell. If Description: This spell calls on the magic of the earth to protect a
a person resists being touched then they may impose their character. When the spell is cast, the Adept, or anyone person
Strength Resistance Modifier against the results of the spell. touched, receives a number of magical points that are used to
 Rank 8 - Sink: This optional benefit causes any touched being absorb either Low Impact or High Impact damage. The quality
to sink into the earth. Of course the target must be standing on of the casting determines how many points are gained:
solid ground and there must be sufficient space for them to be Marginal, 1d4 points; Ordinary, 1d4+1 points; Good, 1d6+1
encased in. If the ground is simple earth or dirt then the effects points; Amazing, 2d4+1 points. When a character is
of suffocation take effect immediately. If the area the target successfully hit by an attack of the low impact or high impact
sinks into is stone or metallic ore then the target also suffers variety one point is drained if the hit is Ordinary in quality. If
1d4s per phase. Creatures from the elemental plane of earth the attack is Good then two points are lost, and three are lost
are immune to this effect. If the effect is cast on creatures from against an Amazing attack. In addition to this if the power of
the other elemental planes then they suffer 1d4w per phase the attack is Good then the points lost are doubled and if the
instead regardless of the ground’s composition. power is Amazing then the loss is tripled. While this spell does
The power of this spell may also be used to call on the not protect the character from energy damage, those attacks
healing power of the earth as well. If so the Adept or another do drain the same number of points as any other attack type.
person that is touched can willingly sink into the earth and In addition Impact damage or that from slow and continuous
immediately heal all lost stun points. In addition to this they sources (constriction or crushing pressure) cause normal
may also heal 1d4w per round. This effect can benefit damage and do drain points appropriately.
creatures from the elemental plane of earth. If the character suffers an attack that removes more points
The effects of either option last for only 1 combat round than he currently has, the attack is degraded by the number of
per degree of success. When this time elapses the individual is points remaining to the next attack value. For example if a
returned to the surface, whether living or dead. character has two points remaining and is hit by an Amazing
 Rank 12 – Elemental Form: At rank 12 the Adept is so attuned attack, the attacks strength would be reduced to Ordinary in
to the power of this spell that the aura of earth transforms him quality.
into an earth elemental. When in the elemental form the Adept If this spell is cast on a person who already has protective
gains the elemental’s Armor values, Magic Resistance if any, points from this spell in place, the new points override the old
immunities to Hazards and environmental effects, the ability to regardless of the number or either.
ignore penalties from stun, wound, and mortal damage, as well
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
⊗ Ranks 3, 6, 9, & 12 – Increased Protection: At the indicated the complexity of the spell as stated above. Therefor if an
ranks the Adept may grant a cumulative +1 point to the die Adept wanted to summon an Ordinary elemental then 4
roll. successes are required.
 Rank 4 – Body of Stone: At rank 4 the protective benefits of this The Game Master may allow a character to stop a
spell are not lost to attacks that the points cannot block. This summoning process in order to procure an elemental of less
means that while an energy attack can still cause damage it quality than was originally intended. This means that if the
does not drain any protective points in the process. Adept wished to summon a Good quality elemental and feared
 Rank 8 – Body of Iron: At rank 8 the protective benefits of this producing a third failure then he could instead immediately
spell can now be used to block Energy (En) damage as well. summon forth one of Ordinary quality. However this must be
done when the forth check (or a single result that exceeds it) is
Commune with the Earth (cost 2) successful. If the Adept rolls further the he is committed to
Duration: Special summoning the good quality elemental.
Type: Personal Once the complex skill check is successful the elemental
Resist: None will take form and be able to act the next phase. The
Range: None summoning lasts as indicated above based on the overall
Trappings: Solid and natural earth to commune with. quality of the complex check (the highest of anyone result with
Complexity: Special ties going to the lower quality). A summoned elemental
Marginal: No regards the Adept with a Hostile attitude and will attack him if
Description: This spell grants the Adept with the ability to ask the it is able. While this is the automatic starting attitude, it can be
spirits of the earth questions that they would know about the changed through the use of Encounter skills as well as FX
immediate surroundings or lore of the earth itself. Answers to abilities that effect the same.
questions are given in short sentences but are exact and simple If the Adept concentrates on controlling the elemental
in nature. then it is compelled to perform, as the Adept desires. If the
The spirits will answer what is asked of them but do not Adept is unable to concentrate (taking damage or rendered
elaborate the answer nor they do they offer hinted unconscious) the elemental will move to engage the Adept.
information, or guess at questions that the Adept might intend. The Adept can regain control with a success Resolve-mental
Therefor if an Adept asks the spirits at a cave entrance if 10 resolve check. An elemental can be controlled up to 30 meters
Orcs have passed this way the answer would be ‘no’ if only 9 per rank from the Adept and while the Adept cannot sense
Orcs had. If the same questions simply stated “have Orcs what the elemental can the control does not require line of
passed this way” then the answer would be ‘yes’. sight.
The Adept may attempt as many skill checks as he has in If a Critical Failure is generated during the summons the
ranks. Each check result will allow answers for 1, 2, or 3 desired quality of elemental appears but cannot be controlled
questions for the quality of the spell check. Failures offer no by means of this spell. This uncontrolled elemental remains on
answers and three failures prematurely end the spell as with the Adept’s plane for 1d4 minutes and then can return home if
normal complex skill checks. A Critical Failure at any time also and when it is ready to do so. The spell lasts until the duration
ends the spell. expires, the elemental dies, or the Adept successfully casts
One check is allowed per minute and assumes the time to Abjuration-dispel on the elemental. As concerns the last
ask the question(s) and receive the answer(s). The Adept parameter a +1 cumulative penalty is applied per quality of the
must be in full concentration and/or prayer while using this elemental starting with marginal.
spell. Any distraction, even listening to another person for  Rank 2 - Earth Maul: At rank 2 the Adept can use the conjuring
advice, immediately ends the spell. power of this spell to reach into the ground and pull forth a
As concerns lore about the earth itself, the spirits of earth maul made of solid stone. The maul has these statistics:
will never divulge information that could harm the power of
earth or its balance in the grand scheme of things. Damage 1d12s/1d8+2w/1d6+1m
Accuracy 0
Actions 1
Mass 6
Skill Melee Weapons-bludgeon
Conjure Earth Elemental (cost 2)
Duration: By quality of complex skill check: Marginal, one Minute; The Adept may add his Strength damage modifier to any
Ordinary, ten Minutes; Good, one Hour; Amazing, one Day. damage caused and the maul also adds +2 points of damage
Type: Influential-Ranged by Accuracy when used against inanimate objects or creatures composed of
Resist: Special stone, earth, or metal. The earth maul remains for the duration
Range: 10 meters indicated for the standard use of the spell. The maul is magical
Trappings: The caster must on solid ground. and resists all FX powers with a +1 Resistance Modifier even if
Marginal: See below the effect is beneficial.
Complexity: 2, 4, 7, or 10 checks required, one check allowed per  Rank 4 - Earth Wall: At rank 4 the Adept may create a wall of
phase. earth and stone in any open area as long as the wall is no
Description: This powerful spell allows the caster to summon an greater than 10 meters squared per rank of the Adept. The
earth spirit to the prime material plane. In order to do so a earth wall can be no thinner than 2 meters at any given point
sufficient amount of earth must be present and it cannot be in but can be shaped into any geometric configuration however
any refined or worked form. Before the spell is cast the Adept hemispheres and exact shapes are not possible. The Durability
must determine the quality of the elemental that is to be of the wall is equal to one-half of the Arcanist’s skill score with
summoned. The quality of the elemental desired determines this spell, Armor is 1d6+1 vs. all attack types, and the
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
Toughness is Good against all attack types. The wall has as further than 10 meters from the Adept but the actual terminus
many sections as twice the caster’s level. This spell is of the spell effect is variable. Any opening, orifice, or tunnel
effectively permanent however the wall can be dispelled at any created by this spell can be no smaller than 1 meter.
time. If an existing cavity or cavern or hole is reached by use of
 Rank 6 - Conjure Earth: At rank 6 the Adept may summon forth this spell then it terminates at that junction. If the Adept wants
raw material from the plane of earth. This material cannot be a meter wide tunnel, but is unaware of an opening, the hole
formed in any specific shape and the area it enters must not be will proceed in that direction. Should an opening be
occupied by anything else. The Adept may conjure forth any encountered the hole will venture around it, following the path
type of unworked ore, stone, or mineral desired and the total of least resistance (like water flowing down hill), and will
mass of the conjured element cannot exceed 100 kilograms per return to its previous course as soon as possible. The Adept
rank of the Adept. The conjured material may appear can ‘override’ this feature of the spell by simply stating so
anywhere with 30 meters of the Adept. however.
Using this ability to summon forth any type of material This spell may also be used as an attack against creatures
other than dirt, sand, or soil is cause for a loss of Standing and composed of earth (earth elementals, stone golems, etc.).
any other penalties that the loss may imply. Though the When cast the creature must be within 10 meters of the Adept
resources of the earth may seem limitless, the wanton or and if so it receives 1d4+1w/1d6+1w/1d4m points of damage
squandering uses of the earth’s resources angers those spirits. for an ordinary to an amazing success. This effect is
The loss to Standing can be avoided as long as such material is instantaneous and cannot be used in tandem with the standard
summoned for a cause that furthers the earth’s goals. This use of the spell.
does not include making the Adept rich.
 Rank 8 - Stone Wall: The ‘Stone Wall’ option is the same as the Distance Distortion (cost 2, learn -1)
‘Earth Wall’ spell above with the following exceptions. The This skill cannot be used untrained
wall can now be as thin a 1-meter at any given point, can be Duration: One combat round per rank
shaped into any geometric configuration including a Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct
hemisphere or even a staircase, and Armor is 2d4+1 vs. all Resist: Magic Resistance only
attack types. Range: 30 meters
 Rank 10 - Creature of Earth: At rank 10 the Adept may call forth Trappings: An enclosed passage or tunnel
creatures from the plane of earth other than its native spirits. Complexity: Simple
Creatures mentioned in Book 3, in the Elementals chapter, Marginal: No
include Dao, Pech, Xorn, and Sandlings. The limit on what can Description: This spell causes an enclosed passage or tunnel that
be summoned is only limited by the Adept’s knowledge of is no longer than 10 meters per rank of the Adept to magically
those beings. The aforementioned beings are considered expand it’s dimensions so that it is x2, x3 or x5 longer in depth.
known and can be readily summoned. The diameter of the tunnel cannot be greater than 5 meters per
Casting the spell requires a total of 6 skill checks with one rank of the Adept however this diameter does subtract from
check allowed per minute. Once the spell is complete the the maximum effective range of the spell.
quality of the complex skill check applies a 0/+2/+4 modifier All persons in the tunnel or passage move and otherwise
to the desired being’s Resolve-mental resolve check. If this react to the alteration as if it were real. This means that if the
check fails then the creature is summoned and acts as if Fanatic spell were cast on a 10 meter long area and a good result
in attitude towards the Adept. If the check succeeds then the achieved the area would act as if it were 30 meters long. A like
creature avoids the spell and does not appear. The creature, if division (#/2, #/3, #/5) may also shorten the distance if a
summoned, remains in this world for a length of time equal to distant location was desired to be closer. While this is
the standard use of this spell with Elementals. beneficial to escape or other maneuvers, certain terrain
 Rank 12 - Iron Wall: The ‘Iron Wall’ option is the same as the features like cliffs, chasms, or traps cannot be avoided by
‘Stone Wall’ spell above with the following exceptions. The shrinking a tunnels distance.
wall can now be as thin as 10th of a meter at any given point, This effect is dimensional in nature and can be effected by
can be shaped into any geometric configuration including spells that manipulate such things. Also, the spell cannot
spiked protrusions and razor sharp edges, and Toughness is manipulate distances or objects that already alter dimensions
Amazing. or provide access to other worlds or dimensions. In such a
case the effect ends where the dimensional anomaly begins.
Dig (cost 3, learn 0) This spell cannot be selective about who it effects however the
This skill cannot be used untrained Adept may end the spell at anytime.
Duration: One phase per rank
Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct Elemental Bonding (cost 3, learn +1)
Resist: None This skill cannot be used untrained
Range: 10 meters Duration: Instantaneous
Trappings: Solid ground to be affected Type: Personal
Complexity: Simple Resist: Magic Resistance
Marginal: No Range: Touch
Description: The Dig spell takes earth on this plane and returns it Trappings: A person wounded by an elemental force
to the plane of earth leaving a void that mortals call tunnels. Complexity: Simple
Once cast this spell allows the Adept to make disappear a mass Marginal: No
of natural earth and stone equal to 2 square meters per rank Description: This spell allows the Adept to heal damage caused to
per phase. The beginning point of earth removal must be no a being by an elemental force. This includes just about any
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
type of naturally occurring damage like being burned, does not render the character immune to attacks even from
suffocation, drowning, or being caught in an avalanche. The stone weapons, it merely allows the character to phase into
spell can heal all such damage caused but only by one source. natural stone and earth for the duration. If the duration
Therefor if a character had suffered 4 points of wound damage expires and the character is still in the earth or stone then
by fire and then fell for 6 wound points of damage, the Adept 2d4w are suffered (Li/O) unless a Constitution feat check or a
could heal all the damage caused by either the fire or the fall. Stamina-endurance check are passed.
Damage caused by creatures, poisons, disease, any type of ⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Increased Duration: At the indicated ranks
weapon, or magical energy cannot be healed by this spell. the duration of the spell increases to 2 hours, 3 hours, and 5
However GRAPH effects that cause damage can be healed as hours per degree of success.
stated above.  Rank 9 - Phase Door: This spell causes an area of a wooden,
If a Good success is generated the Adept may heal up to stone, or plaster wall to become intangible and thus passable
two elemental effects that caused damage. If the result is by solid beings. The Adept can effect an area no greater than
Amazing then up to three effects can be healed. 16 cubic meters (a 2x2x4 passage). This area can be increased
This spell may also be used to heal Elementals of any type with multiple castings of the spell. The effect of the spell does
of damage. In this case the quality of the success heals 1d4-1, not alter the use of the area. This means that cave-ins are
1d4, or 1d4+1 mortal points of damage. If all mortal points are avoided, as are structural collapses. The spell does not
healed then the remaining points heal wound, and then stun if disallow specific persons or beings from using the passage. If a
all wounds are healed. person suspects that such a passage exists, an Investigate-
search check can be used made to find it.
Magic Stone (cost 1)
Duration: Special Transmute Earth (cost 3)
Type: Influential-direct Duration: See below
Resist: None Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct
Range: Touch Resist: None
Trappings: Natural, small stones Range: 30 meters per rank
Complexity: Simple Trappings: An earth based substance to be effected.
Marginal: No Complexity: Simple
Description: This spell causes small rocks to become deadly Marginal: No
missiles. When cast the Adept can effect 1, 2, or 3 stones by Description: This spell allows an Adept to change earth based
degree of success per rank (i.e. 1 to 36 stones). When thrown substances in one, two, or even three major ways. The first
each stone causes damage as a club and are considered Hi/O in change can be the size and mass of the object, the second is the
type. The duration of the spell is permanent for each stone item’s shape and features, and finally the Arcanist can modify
until they are thrown at which time the stone becomes normal the items earthen composition.
again regardless of a hit or miss. The real crux of this spell is determining what the Adept
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 - Increased Damage: At the indicated ranks the wants to do and then applying a modifier based on the changes
damage caused increases by +1. desired. Each change is detailed below but it is important to
 Rank 6 – Stone of Sharpening: This optional use of the spell can note that several changes can apply to one item with only one
effect as many whetstones as per the normal use of the spell. casting of the spell. For each change beyond the first a
When done so, and the stone is used to sharpen a bladed cumulative +1 penalty is applied to the spell. Additional
weapon, a weapon causes +1 point of damage. This bonus penalties may apply depending on each individual change as
remains in effect for 1 day per degree of success of the spells described below. This spell cannot modify the temperature of
casting. a substance however. Therefor the Adept cannot change a rock
into molten lava.
Passwall (cost 3, learn +1) The duration of this spell is based on the result of the
This skill cannot be used untrained skill check. Ordinary results last for 1 Minute per rank, Good
Duration: 1 hour per degree of success results last for 1 Hour per rank, and Amazing results are
Type: Influential-direct permanent. The effect is magical however and can be dispelled
Resist: None and can also be reversed by the Adept at any time. The Adept
Range: 10 meters can change one item per casting of the spell that has a mass no
Trappings: A solid wall to be made passable greater than 100 kg or a 2 meter cube per rank. The three
Complexity: Simple types of modifications (and any incumbent Situation
Marginal: No Modifiers) are detailed next.
Description: This spell creates a visible opening in a wooden, 1)Size and mass modifications apply no penalty as long as the
stone, or plaster wall, but not other materials. The spell causes item is not enlarged or reduced to 10% or it’s original
a 12 meter cubic opening to appear. No dimension of the cube mass or size per rank of the caster. Every 10% beyond
may be less than 2 meters. If dispelled the passage closes away this imposes a cumulative +1 penalty to the casting of the
from those in it ejecting them out of the area. If a Dexterity feat spell. Every 10% increases or decreases the items
check or an Acrobatics-dodge check is failed then the ejected Durability score by 1 point to a minimum of 1. Toughness
person(s) suffers 2d4 points of stun damage (Li/O). and Armor remain unchanged.
 Rank 3 - Meld into Stone: This spell option allows the Adept to 2)Features and shapes never impose a penalty. The restriction
meld his body into natural stone or earth. The duration of this of this option is that no complex or moving parts can be
effect is 1 minute per rank of the Adept and this option may added to the new shape. If the Adept attempts to create a
only benefit the Adept or another person touched. This effect stone image of someone or something the Game Master

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
may require a Creativity-sculpting check, or other related Adept’s hand in turns into a boulder as does damage as if
ability, to add any specific details. All new shapes must hurled from a Heavy Catapult. The Adept may also include
remain with the original mass of the object or a +1 base another pebble in the spell for each rank above 7th. These
penalty is applied as for a size/mass modification as additional pebbles must also be thrown in consecutive phases
detailed above. by the next available action or their magic is lost as well.
3)Mineral conversions are based on a penalty or bonus applied ⊗ Ranks 4, 8 & 12 – Easier Casting: At the indicated ranks the
to the spell check which is determined by the type of Adept gains a cumulative 1 step bonus to the modifiers on the
conversion involved. Earth includes soil, dirt, sand, and conversion table above. In no case can this modifier improve
other non-solid deposits. Stone includes all hard and soft the situation to a –1 or better step.
minerals like granite, quartz, obsidian, agate, and crystal.  Ranks 4, 8 & 12 - Glass: At rank 4 the Adept can effect a mineral
Precious Stone include amethyst, jade, opals, rubies, conversion into glass which applies no modifier to the spell
diamonds, and topaz. Metals are basic ores with iron ore unless sand or stone are the subject, which applies a –1
most common however copper and other non-smelted Situation Modifier to the check. Flesh cannot be turned into
metals are available. Rare Metals include mithral, silver, glass. At rank 8 any allowed mineral may be converted into
gold, as well as smelted metals like bronze and steel. glass however it still retains its normal strength. At rank 12
Wood is allowable only with non-living examples. Living normal glass can be made as hard as steel.
trees cannot be effected by this spell. Flesh as an option is ⊗ Ranks 6 & 12 - Increased Duration: At rank 6 all Good results
limited to any single being that qualifies by the amount of are permanent and Ordinary results last for one hour per
mass that can be effected. The target receives a Resolve- degree of success. At rank 12 any success is permanent.
physical resolve check to avoid the spell which is modified
on a by accuracy basis. If a mineral is turned into flesh Tremors (cost 4, learn +1)
then a non-living body is formed in the case of a statue This skill cannot be used untrained
while other minerals create an unidentifiable meat that Duration: Special
quickly rots. Bodies from statues have no ‘assigned’ soul Type: Influential-Ranged by Accuracy
and grant a –2 Situation Modifier to animation or Resist: See below
possession magic. Range: 30 meters per rank
Once turned to stone the target uses its normal Trappings: Solid ground within the area of effect
durability score however armor and toughness are than of Complexity: See below
the substance turned into. The character suffers any damage Marginal: No
normally. If arms or other limbs are broken off can be Description: This spell allows the Adept to create tectonic
healed by Aid-regenerate once the character is returned to vibrations within the ground in the area of effect. This spell is
his normal form. All possession that are on the target, or very demanding and is exhausting to use. The initial use of the
those that are in hand, are turned into the selected mineral spell requires the Adept to spend a full-uninterrupted combat
as well. Flesh cannot be turned into Earth nor can it be round (12 seconds) in concentration. At the end of this time a
turned into another type of flesh. spell check is rolled and 1 FX point is expended. Any success
causes tectonic vibrations within 10 meters of the point
Conversion to E S PS M RM W F
selected. If a failure is rolled the Adept must immediately roll a
Earth 0 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Stone 0 0 +1 +1 +2 +3 +4
fatigue check and 2 FX points are paid. If a Critical Failure is
Precious Stone -1 0 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 rolled 3 FX points are paid, 1 fatigue is automatically assumed
Metal 0 0 0 0 +2 +3 +4 and a fatigue check is also required.
Rare Metal +1 0 0 0 0 +3 +4 Once successfully cast the Adept may then opt to continue
Wood +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 0 +2 with spell. If this is done the spell check must be made the next
Flesh n/a +4 +4 +4 +4 +2 n/a phase. If so then a successful check expands the area of effect
by 10 more meters. This costs another FX point and if a failure
It goes without saying that multiple castings of this spell is rolled the ability to continue the spell is terminated. Failure
may be used on any one subject. Each separate change and Critical Failure results are determined as stated above.
however has its own duration and may create some interesting All persons in the area of effect and who are on the ground
situations as each transmutation wears off. When the duration must roll an Acrobatics-fall or Dexterity feat check per phase
ends (or when the effect is dispelled) the item returns to its against Impact damage for an Extremely Short fall. Damage is
normal state unless it is destroyed (i.e. losing all of its mortal considered High Impact in nature. Modifiers are based on the
points). Even modifications like turning someone’s sword into last success generated so that an Ordinary result imposes no
sand will return the sword when the duration ceases even penalty, a Good result imposes a +1 penalty, and an Amazing
though the logic of the situation would seem that the sand result imposes a +3 penalty. This changes from phase to phase
would spread out and could be dispersed. Don’t worry about as the spell is continued. Regardless of damage a person who
logic too much, it is after all magic. The effects that this spell fails a check is considered prone (-2 bonus to attackers) and
may have on magical items varies but is detailed in Chapter 12: those that generate an ordinary or good results are
FX Items. sitting/kneeling (-1 bonus to attackers). Characters who roll
 Rank 4 - Pebble to Boulder: Similar to the magic stone spell, this Amazing results suffer no ill effects. Earth elementals and
option allows the Adept to empower a pebble to turn into a creatures from that plane are immune to these effects and may
boulder once hurled. After the phase the spell is cast the act normally. Objects, buildings, and walls roll Durability
pebble must be thrown on the next available action or the checks against the Impact damage as determined for
magic is lost. Range and accuracy are determined by the characters.
Adept’s Athletics-throw skill. When the pebble leaves the

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
If the Adept desires cracks and fissures may also appear. by an Attack-accuracy spell. These benefits lasts until
Doing this allows a crack to appear within the area of effect for successfully used in an attack. At the caster’s option, an FX
every additional FX point spent. Cracks and fissures may be up point can be spent and the gauntlet can be reinstated as long as
to 2 meters wide and may be widened with by 2 more meters the spell is still in effect.
per FX point spent. The fissure runs the length of the existing ⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 - Fire Conjunction: At rank 4 the spell also
area of effect. Avoiding a fissure requires a Dexterity feat grants the Adept 1, 2, or 3 bonus FX points (determined by the
check or an Acrobatics-dodge check. A penalty equal to +2 or degree of success) that can be used to power Fire Magic spells
+1 is applied if the person is Prone or sitting/kneeling as only. These points disappear, if unused, when the spell
explained above. duration ends. At rank 8 the bonus points gained are doubled
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Increased Area of Effect: At the indicated and at rank 12 they are tripled.
ranks the initial area of effect increases to 15, 20, and 30  Rank 6 - Shared Aura: At this rank the power of the aura can be
meters. Maintaining the spell still only increases the area by cast on another person. Other persons receiving this benefit
10 meters for future checks. do not gain any FX points even if they could benefit from them
⊗ Ranks 6 & 12 – Increased Damage: At rank 6 damage is nor do they gain the ‘Fire Gauntlet’ benefit either. The
considered as if a Short fall. At rank 12 damage is treated as if duration of this option is the same as for the standard use of
a Medium fall. The penalties associated with being prone or in the spell. If a person resists being touched then they may
a sitting/knelling position remain the same. impose their Strength Resistance Modifier against the results
of the spell.
 Rank 8 - Blaze: This optional benefit causes any target within
Fire Magic (cost 7, learn +1) 30 meters of the caster to erupt in flames. The target takes
1d6+1 points of wound (En/G) every phase until the spell
Fire magic calls on the spirits of flame to aid the caster or to ends. Armor protection does apply to each phase’s damage.
attack his enemies. Being as voracious as fire itself, the spells in The flames are very magical in nature and cannot be
this group are more attack oriented as most can cause direct extinguished by mundane means. Only Abjuration-dispel,
damage to those unfortunate enough to be down range. Invocation-ice, Elemental magic and creatures of varying types,
Many of these spells require that a fire of varying size is or other similar FX powers can effect the attack. Psionic
present. This is no different than earth of but both of those powers cannot effect the blaze in any way. The duration of this
elements are rather easy to come by. Fire is common but burns option is 2 phases per degree of success.
itself out rather easy and for this reason Adepts who use this  Rank 12 – Elemental Form: At rank 12 the Adept is so attuned
broad skill usually have the means to start a fire in short order. to the power of this spell the aura of fire transforms him into a
fire elemental. When in the elemental form the Adept gains the
Aura of Fire (cost 3) elementals Armor values, Magic Resistance if any, immunities
Duration: 10 minutes per degree of success to Hazards and environmental effects, the ability to ignore
Resist: None penalties from stun, wound, and mortal damage, as well as the
Range: Touch elementals Dexterity score if it is higher than the Adept’s. In
Trappings: None addition the Adept gains the elementals method of attack. Any
Complexity: Simple FX abilities inherent to the elemental are gained and are
Marginal: No treated as Super Power FX abilities for the Adept.
Description: This spell surrounds the caster with a skin-tight, The Adept retains his other ability scores, action check
centimeter thick flickering red aura. During the spells duration score, and his number of actions, last resorts, and skills. This
the caster gains a +2 Resistance Modifier vs. melee and ranged includes FX abilities, however psionic powers suffer a +1
attacks by creatures from the plane of fire and a +1 vs. any penalty to their use with the exception of Ego skills in the
other elemental creature. This bonus also acts as a Magic ‘Internal Ego’ category. The elemental Adept can move only its
Resistance against Elemental Magic at those values stated. In run and walk rate as determined normally for a character.
addition the caster gains a –1 Situation Modifier to the casting Casting this option is a simple action and the result of the
of any Fire Magic spell, and a Good toughness vs. Fire spells spell check determines the quality of elemental the Adept
and hazards for the spell duration. becomes. If desired, the Adept can attempt to transform into a
Only one Aura can exist for a character at one time. This specific quality of elemental by making a complex skill check.
includes auras from the other elemental magic. If a new The number of successes required is 4, 7, and 10 for Ordinary
version of the same Aura is cast, or a one of a different element to Amazing quality. One check is allowed per phase of casting.
is cast, both cannot exist at the same time. In any case the best In no way can an Adept become a Greater or more powerful
result assumes position. If a new Aura is cast but is not equal type of elemental.
to or greater than that in effect, the spell has no effect and the After the initial FX points are paid to cast the spell the
FX points are spent normally. This rule includes any effect, Adept must expend an additional FX point at the beginning of
positive or negative, that may apply by rank benefits from this the next round, and each following round to maintain the
spell as well. effect. Otherwise the duration of this option is permanent.
 Rank 2 – Fire Gauntlet: At rank 2 the caster can use this spell This spell may also be cast on another but in order to so
(in addition to its other benefits) to create a nimbus of flames the ‘Shared Aura’ option of this spell must first be cast. The use
around one of the caster’s hands and any weapon in that hand. of this option also requires the Adept to pay FX points to
The flame inflicts d4w/d6w/d8w (En/O) in addition to any maintain the spell and 1 FX point must be paid for each person
other damage the character would normally cause. The caster involved per round.
may also attempt to ignite a target with a successful attack. In
the case damage is not rolled, rather the victim rolls a Body of Fire (cost 2)
Constitution feat check vs. a fire hazard which is modified as if
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
Duration: 10 minutes per degree of success. Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct
Type: Personal Resist: Special
Resist: Strength Range: 10 meters
Range: Caster or person touched. Trappings: A fire that is at least 1 meters cubed in size must be in
Marginal: Yes range.
Description: This spell surrounds the spell caster with a shroud of Marginal: See below
flame. In addition to protecting the caster from GRAPH heat Complexity: 2, 4, 7, or 10 checks required, one check allowed per
categories ranging from H1 to H4 the armor also provides phase.
protection of +1/+1/+3 vs. Li, Hi, and En damage. Anyone Description: This powerful spell allows the caster to summon a
who successfully strikes a person who has this shield in effect fire spirit to the prime material plane. In order to do so a fire
with a melee or unarmed attack automatically takes 1d4+1 that is at least 1 meters in all dimensions must be within spell
points of wound damage that is type En/O. The caster cannot range. Before the spell is cast the Adept must determine the
use the shield in melee to cause damage however, and neither quality of the elemental that is to be summoned. The quality of
can it ignite combustible materials. the elemental desired determines the complexity of the spell as
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Cleansing Flame: At rank 4 the spell allows stated above. Therefor if an Adept wanted to summon an
the Adept to re-roll all feat checks against poison as long the Ordinary elemental then 4 successes are required.
poison is causing damage of some type. Such results cannot be The Game Master may allow a character to stop a
worsened by the re-roll. At rank 8 the Adept automatically summoning process in order to procure an elemental of less
heals 1d4+1 wound or stun when first cast. At rank 12 all quality than was originally intended. This means that if the
poisons are eliminated from the Adept’s system and the spell Adept wished to summon a Good quality elemental and feared
heals 1d4+1 mortal, wound, or stun. producing a third failure then he could instead immediately
⊗ Ranks 5 & 10 – Increased Protection: At the indicated ranks the summon forth one of Ordinary quality. However this must be
Adept the protection of the spell increases to +2/+2/+4 at done when the forth check (or a single result that exceeds it) is
rank 5 and to +3/+3/+5 at rank 10. successful. If the Adept rolls further the he is committed to
summoning the good quality elemental.
Commune with Flames (cost 4) Once the complex skill check is successful the elemental
Duration: Special will take form and be able to act the next phase. The
Type: Personal summoning lasts as indicated above based on the overall
Resist: None quality of the complex check (the highest of anyone result with
Range: None ties going to the lower quality). A summoned elemental
Trappings: A burning fire. regards the Adept with a combative attitude and will attack
Complexity: Special him if it is able. If the Adept concentrates on controlling the
Marginal: No elemental then it is compelled to perform, as the Adept desires.
Description: This spell grants the Adept with the ability to ask the If the Adept is unable to concentrate (taking damage or
spirits of fire questions that they would know about the rendered unconscious) the elemental will move to engage the
immediate surroundings or lore of fire itself. Answers to Adept. The Adept can regain control with a success Resolve-
questions are given in short sentences but are exact and simple mental resolve check. An elemental can be controlled up to 30
in nature. meters per rank from the Adept and while the Adept cannot
The spirits will answer what is asked of them but do not sense what the elemental can the control does not require line
elaborate the answer nor they do they offer hinted of sight.
information, or guess at questions that the Adept might intend. If a Critical Failure is generated during the summons the
Therefor if an Adept asks the spirits of a campfire if 10 Orcs desired quality of elemental appears but cannot be controlled
have passed this way the answer would be ‘no’ if only 9 Orcs by means of this spell. This uncontrolled elemental remains on
had. If the same questions simply stated “have Orcs passed the Adept’s plane for 1d4 minutes and then can return home if
this way” then the answer would be ‘yes’. and when it is ready to do so.
The Adept may attempt as many skill checks as he has in The spell lasts until the duration expires, the elemental
ranks. Each check result will allow answers for 1, 2, or 3 dies, or the Adept successfully casts Abjuration-dispel on the
questions for the quality of the spell check. Failures offer no elemental. As concerns the last parameter a +1 cumulative
answers and three failures prematurely end the spell as with penalty is applied per quality of the elemental starting with
normal complex skill checks. A Critical Failure at any time also marginal.
ends the spell.  Rank 2 – Fire Blade: At rank 2 the Adept can use the conjuring
One check is allowed per minute and assumes the time to power of this spell to reach into a fire and pull forth a blade
ask the question(s) and receive the answer(s). The Adept composed of solid flame. The blade has these statistics:
must be in full concentration and/or prayer while using this
spell. Any distraction, even listening to another person for Damage 1d4+1w/2d4w/1d4+1m
advice, immediately ends the spell. Accuracy 0
As concerns lore about fire itself, the spirits of fire will Actions 3
never divulge information that could harm the power of fire or Mass 2
its balance in the grand scheme of things. Skill Melee Weapons-blades

The Adept may add his Strength damage modifier to any

Conjure Fire Elemental (cost 2) damage caused and the blade and the blade causes +2 points
Duration: By quality of complex skill check: Marginal, one Minute; of damage against any creature composed of water or ice. The
Ordinary, ten Minutes; Good, one Hour; Amazing, one Day. fire blade may also be used to catch inanimate objects on fire
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
as well. The attack gains a –1 Situation Modifier if the item is Fireball is that the area of effect is equal to a Wall of Fire for
only touched (no damage weapon damage caused) and if the that Adept.
item is worn or held the defender may apply his strength
Resistance Modifier the attack. If hit the item must roll a Elemental Bonding (cost 3, learn +1)
Durability check against a Heat hazard. This roll is modified by This skill cannot be used untrained
+2 if the attack is Good or by +4 if Amazing. Duration: Instantaneous
The fire blade remains for the duration indicated for the Type: Personal
standard use of the spell. The blade is magical and resists all Resist: Magic Resistance
non-psionic FX powers with a +1 Resistance Modifier even if Range: Touch
the effect is beneficial. Trappings: A person wounded by an elemental force
 Ranks 4 - Wall of Fire: This spell option creates a wall of Complexity: Simple
roaring flames that encompasses a total area of 20 square Marginal: No
meters. The wall can have any shape that the caster desires Description: This spell allows the Adept to heal damage caused to
however the minimum dimension of any part of the wall is 1 a being by an elemental force. This includes just about any
meter. This option does not have effect on a Marginal result. type of naturally occurring damage like being burned,
The wall provides light cover (+1 penalty) to all who suffocation, drowning, or being caught in an avalanche. The
attack through the wall and any who come into contact with spell can heal all such damage caused but only by one source.
the wall must roll a Constitution feat check against a fire Therefor if a character had suffered 4 points of wound damage
hazard. Those who actually pass through it suffer a +1 penalty by fire and then fell for 6 wound points of damage, the Adept
to the roll. could heal all the damage caused by either the fire or the fall.
The wall remains as long as the Adept maintains Damage caused by creatures, poisons, disease, any type of
concentration on it. If the concentration end the wall lasts for weapon, or magical energy cannot be healed by this spell.
5 combat rounds per degree of success. As with the standard However GRAPH effects that cause damage can be healed as
version of this spell a fire of no less than 1 meter cube must be stated above.
present in order to conjure a wall of fire. If a Good success is generated the Adept may heal up to
 Rank 6 - Conjure Fire: At rank 6 the Adept may summon forth two elemental effects that caused damage. If the result is
fire from that plane. The Adept may conjure forth a total area Amazing then up to three effects can be healed.
of 2 cubic meters worth of pure flame per rank and the This spell may also be used to heal Elementals of any type
conjured fire may appear anywhere within 10 meters of the of damage. In this case the quality of the success heals 1d4-1,
Adept. The area may be occupied. All beings and objects in 1d4, or 1d4+1 mortal points of damage. If all mortal points are
such an area must roll Constitution feat checks against a fire healed then the remaining points heal wound, and then stun if
hazard. Fire spirits could care less what the Adept conjures the all wounds are healed.
fire for and as such there is no risk of losing Standing for
wanton or excessive use of this option.
Unlike the standard rules of the spell no fire need be Fire Attack (cost 1)
present when casting this spell. The duration of this option is Duration: Instantaneous
Instantaneous and all fire conjure will vanish unless material in Type: Attack-Ranged by Direct
the area is set on fire. This additional fire(s) will burn Resist: DEX
normally. Range: Rank by 10/20/30 meters (Modifiers: 0/+1/+2)
 Ranks 8 & 12 – Greater Wall of Fire: At rank 8 the total area of Complexity: Simple
the spell increases to 40 meters and all penalties for feat Trappings: None
checks are at a base of +1. At rank 12 the area increases to 80 Marginal: No
meters and penalties are at a base of +3. Description: This spell forms a sphere of fire in the caster’s open
 Rank 10 - Creature of Fire: At rank 10 the Adept may call forth hand that can be cast at a target with in the spell’s range. The
creatures from the plane of fire other than its native spirits. damage caused is (En/O) and does d4+1w/d6+1w/d4m.
Creatures mentioned in Book 3, in the Elementals chapter, Despite the nature of the sphere it does not have sufficient
include Effreti, Salamander, Fire Snake, and Azer. The limit on strength to cause a fire hazard however any object struck by
what can be summoned is only limited by the Adept’s the sphere must roll a durability check against heat and can
knowledge of those beings. The aforementioned beings are possibly be set ablaze.
considered known and can be readily summoned. Casting this spell costs only 1 FX point regardless of the
Casting the spell requires a total of 6 skill checks with one result generated. If a miss is rolled then it is possible for other,
check allowed per minute. Once the spell is complete the near by targets may be struck. If a Critical Failure is rolled the
quality of the complex skill check applies a 0/+2/+4 modifier spell only costs 2 FX points.
to the desired being’s Resolve-mental resolve check. If this ⊗ Ranks 4 & 8 - Multiple Spheres: At rank 4 the spell creates a
check fails then the creature is summoned and acts as if fanatic second sphere that may be cast at the same target or at another
in attitude towards the Adept. If the check succeeds then the at no penalty for doing so. At rank 8 the spell creates three
creature avoids the spell and does not appear. The creature, if spheres.
summoned, remains in this world for a length of time equal to ⊗ Rank 12 – Power Increase: At rank 12 the spheres’ damage type
the standard use of this spell with Elementals. increases to En/G.
 Rank 12 - Firestorm: This rank benefit option is an
improvement on the ‘Conjure Fire’ option above and behaves
exactly as the rank 5 ‘Fireball’ benefit for the Invocation-magic
fire spell. The sole exception between this spell option and

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
Fire Charm (cost 2, learn 0) Use the Armor Optimization-heavy armor skill to determine
This skill cannot be used untrained how quickly a suit of armor may be removed.
Duration: One minute per degree of success  Rank 6 - Everburning: This spell option causes any naturally
Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct existing fire to never burn out its fuel source. The effect is
Resist: None magical and can be dispelled. If this is the case the fire will
Range: 30 meters proceed to burn out normally again.
Trappings: A fire that is at least 1 cubic meter in size.  Rank 8 - Animate Fire: By casting this option the Adept can
Complexity: Simple animate a fire to spread. In one phase the fire can move in a
Marginal: No line no longer than 1 meter per rank of the Adept. The width of
Description: When first learned the Adept may increase the the line is equal to the width of the source itself. The duration
amount of light produced by a fire by 1, 2, or 3 degrees as per of any fire spread is equal to one phase per rank of the Adept
the rules for illumination in Chapter 8: Gamers in Action of and the Adept may also have the flames continue spreading
book 1. This increase also effects the heat of the fire so that during this duration if desired. The intensity of the fire, and
checks against fire damage suffer a +1, 2, or 3 penalty. This subsequent damage caused, is the same as for the source.
increased heat may cause the fire to burn out its fuel source Therefor if a candle flame is the source then damage would be
faster as determined by the Game Master. During the duration the same as if touching it. The same holds true for a bonfire.
the Adept may lower or raise the intensity of the fire at will as Fire created by this spell does not require a fuel source to
long as the increase does not exceed that determined by the burn nor does it diminish the original flame in any way.
spells casting. The Adept may cause a fire to extinguish if Therefor lines of fire may move across ice or even water with
desired, however this option cannot be used on fires not in out extinguishing and such a surface would remain relatively
control of the Adept himself. This includes other spells in this unharmed.
broad skill like the Wall of Fire option under Conjure Fire  Rank 10 - Incendiary Cloud: This spell effect is an improvement
Elemental. on the ‘Pyrotechnics’ option for the standard use of the spell.
The spell may also be used for a more dramatic effect to When cast this option changes the hazard of the smoke and
cause any fire that produces smoke to cloud an area with heat to that of fire. All other aspects of the spell remain the
smoke and cinders in a blinding flash. All beings who are same.
within 30 of the flash must roll a Resolve-physical resolve
check or be blinded as for the rules for ‘flash blinding’ in
Chapter 8: Gamers in Action of book 1. This effect also rapidly Fire Seeds (cost 4, learn +2)
fills an area equal to 10, 20 or 30 times the size of the fire itself. This skill cannot be used untrained
Al those in the area of the smoke must roll a Constitution feat Duration: Special
against Heat and Smoke per phase. This effect remains for one Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct
phase per rank of the Adept. Resist: DEX
Using the second option, often called Pyrotechnics, Range: Touch
extinguishes the fire source used. Magical sources, regardless Trappings: Living seeds or fruit pits.
of origin cannot be used to fulfill this spell. The smoke may be Complexity: Simple
dispersed by winds or may linger longer if in an enclosed area. Marginal: No
 Rank 2 - Moths to the Flame: This option causes a fire to Description: This spell causes seeds or fruit pits to become deadly
glimmer and gossamer so that any person who sees it suffers a missiles. When cast the Adept can effect 1 seed or pit per
+1, 2, 3 penalty to resist encounter skills or FX powers that do degree of success. When thrown each seed is treated as if a
the same (Enchantment spells, telepathic Mind Control powers, Fiery Grenade as described in Chapter 4: Weapons and Armor
etc.). This modifier may also apply as a bonus to the use of in book 1. The duration of the spell is permanent for each seed
those same abilities as long as only one application of the until they are thrown at which time the seed returns to normal
bonus or penalty is used in the same phase or situation. if a miss occurs.
The intensity of this option is such that player characters ⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 - Increased Damage: At the indicated ranks the
are guided in action by the results of their die rolls, not by damage caused increases by +1. At rank 12 the damage is also
stating that they wish to resist as can be the case with torture considered Amazing in power.
or interrogations. The spell ends if dispelled, the duration
expires, or if the fire is extinguished. Fire Trap (cost 2, learn +1)
 Rank 4 - Heat: This spell option causes any inanimate object to This skill cannot be used untrained
begin to heat up. Doing so requires that the Adept Duration: One hour or until the trap is sprung.
concentrates and if concentration is broken the spell ends. Type: Attack-special
Regardless of rank or degree of success the Heat option uses its Resist: None
own scale to determine damage. On the first phase after the Range: Touch
spell is cast the object rolls a durability check at a –2 bonus Trappings: An object to be trapped
against a heat hazard. On the following phases this modifier Complexity: 4 success, one check allowed per round
lowers per phase by 1 step until a +2 penalty is reached. At Marginal: Yes
that point the process reverses until a –2 modifier is reached Description: This spell allows the caster to place a magical trap on
again and the spell ends. any closeable item or object that is no larger than 2 cubic
If the object is held or worn (like armor or a helmet) the meters in size. The next time the object is opened the trap
wearer must also roll a Constitution feat check using the same explodes inflicting d4m points of damage to anyone within
modifiers against heat as well. While swords and helms may contact within, d6+2 points of wound damage to all within 2
be removed or dropped easily armor may be another matter. meters, and d4+2 points of wound damage to all within 4
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
meters. All damage is En/O. The object also suffers d4 points The Skill/FX Cost column shows the number of FX points
of mortal damage as well. At the end of the spell’s casting, the used or the number of Skill points that the Runecaster must pay
character can opt to spend an additional FX points to extend in order to empower the rune. In the case of FX points the cost
the duration to one month however the Adept cannot regain indicated applies to any successful result. If a Critical Failure or
that point until the spell is triggered. three Failures are rolled during the complex check then the FX
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, &12 - Increased Duration: At rank 4 the spells points are spent and the symbols have no power. FX points
duration increases to 2 hours or 2 months depending on the cannot be recovered as long as the runes they were spent on are
option that the caster chooses. At rank 8 the spells duration still in effect. After the rune runs it course or is destroyed then
increases to 3 hours or 3 months. At rank 12 the spells the Runecaster may recover those points normally.
duration increases to 4 hours or 4 months. In the case of Skill point cost the number given shows the
amount of skill points the Runecaster must pay to use the rune or
Quench (cost 3, learn 0) totem. These points can only come from the character’s ‘Saved’
This skill cannot be used untrained point pool. This means that the points can only come from a pool
Duration: One phase per rank of skill points that can, but have not yet been spent. If sufficient
Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct points are not present then the rune or totem cannot be used.
Resist: None Skill point lose is permanent. However if a Failure results then
Range: 10 meters there is no FX point or skill point cost. On a Critical Failure the
Trappings: An area that contains fire character losses the skill point, or points, and the rune has no
Complexity: Simple effect.
Marginal: No Runes can gain benefits from the Creativity-engraving and
Description: The Quench spell takes fire on this plane and returns the Lore-rune lore skills using the rules of skills aiding other
it to the plane of fire. Once cast this spell allows the Adept to skills. The Game Master can allow other skills to be used as well
make disappear an area of natural fire equal to 2 square if they fit the profile of a specific rune. An example could be using
meters per rank per phase. The beginning point of the the Lore-beast lore skill to aid in carving a Totem of Change,
quenching must be no further than 10 meters from the Adept which is found under the Legerdemain specialty skill.
but the actual terminus of the spell effect is variable. Any path While the runes draw upon the universal magic that resides
or opening created by this spell can be no smaller than 1 meter in a world, the power of a rune can be dispelled with Abjuration-
in area. dispel. Doing so involves the comparison of rank vs. rank as well
This spell may also be used as an attack against creatures as requiring the achievement of a success equal to or greater than
composed of fire (fire elementals, salamanders, etc.). When that of the rune’s quality. At the Game Master’s option other
cast the creature must be within 10 meters of the Adept and if ‘removal’ type spells may be used if they counter act the effects of
so it receives 1d4+1w/1d6+1w/1d4m points of damage for an the rune in question. In such cases the rules stated above for the
ordinary to an amazing success. This effect is instantaneous dispel ability still apply.
and cannot be used in tandem with the standard use of the
spell. (Note: This broad skill was added to the game after the
creation of chapters 2 and 6 of book 1. As such it is not included
in the descriptions of character careers or in the NPC templates
Rune Magic (cost 4, learn +2)
provided. Any primitive or barbaric character may have access
to it. In addition it should also appear as an allowed skill for the
Carved and inked symbols can have a tremendous amount of Nature Priest as well. An individual Game Master is encouraged
power when crafted by an Adept. This broad skill allows the to fit this skill in where he or she feels it fits best. It is also
Adept to tap into the universal power of magic to provide for a important to note that Rune Magic is popular among both
variety of effects. Use of this broad skill is often found among Dwarves and Giants, and both races have Adept characters that
primitive cultures and is seen by some as a lesser cousin to Spirit specialize in this form of FX)
Magic. However any talent could potentially learn it, regardless
of his or her background. Crafting New Runes
Unlike other broad skills, Believers and Faith Talents must Each specialty skill describes the nature of a new rune
also learn this broad skill in the same manner as an Arcanist. introduced into the game. If a player wishes to create a new rune
Being able to have the broad skill also requires the character to then they must craft it first. This includes that the new rune is
have the Lore-rune lore specialty skill before learning can begin. drawn or carved with the intent of immediate use. As the new
The ability to read and write is not mandatory for this broad skill, rune is undiscovered territory, the Game Master before hand sets
as the runes are a special language unto themselves, and the rune the complexity and FX/Skill cost but does not tell the character
lore skill can be used to decipher runes carved by other these factors. In addition to this one more success is required
practitioners of this magic. In any case most persons who make and a base +1 penalty is applied.
use of this power are often referred to as Runecasters. Once a new rune has been crafted and successfully employed
Each specialty skill has multiple runes and symbols that can it may be called on again at a later time without the increase in
be used. All such symbols use the score for that specialty skill complexity of penalty as stated before. The Adept also knows the
during the complex skill check phase, however each individual complexity and cost of the rune as well.
rune has its own complexity, cost, and effect. If a Critical Failure is rolled during this initial period then
Each type of rune is described on the tables below for each that Adept cannot create the rune as intended. Three Failures
specialty skill, but all of them have common terminology. The indicate that the rune must be created again to have effect.
Complexity column gives the number of success required to Crafting a new rune requires the use of the Lore-rune lore or
correctly grant the symbols power. Unless otherwise stated, one the appropriate Rune Magic specialty skill. Creativity can also aid
check is allowed per minute.
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
in the crafting as per the rules of Skills aiding Skills. As the new night the person sleeps above the rune he or she must roll a
rune is undiscovered territory the time increment between Resolve-mental resolve check. If passed the rune has no effect
checks is increased from the increment that will be attributed to that night. If the check is failed then the person views the
that rune. Increments are measured in Minutes, Hours, Days, other named person with an attitude equal to Fanatic.
Weeks, Months, and Years. Individual Game Masters can The magic in the rune is permanent but if discovered and
elaborate on these increments as it suits their campaign. known for what it is, the magic is broken and attitudes return
to normal. Also, the rune must remain where it was placed. If
Lore-rune lore (cost 1) not the magic is also lost.
This skill allows a character to read and write runes. While Dead Rune: This dark and potent rune allows the Adept to speak
it requires the Rune Magic broad skill to provide actual magical with the spirits of the departed. When the rune is created it
power to them the ability to understand runes can be very must name the specific person the Adept wishes to speak to. If
helpful, especially in locations where they are often used. While the person was buried the rune must be placed at that site. If
no spell power is granted by this skill, a character can read and the person was lost then it must be cast into the sea. If the
understand the nature of magical runes. If a command word or person was burned on a pyre then the rune must also be
event can trigger the runes, then that information is also learned burned.
and can be used. Understanding the rune also allows the When the rune is placed, burnt, or thrown, a word of
character knowledge as to who the runes where designed to beckoning is spoken. The spirit then appears before the Adept,
effect and how (as in the cases of the Totem of Curses). and all others present, and can then be asked questions.
Adepts with the Rune Magic broad skill must also have this Before this however the Adept must use an encounter skill to
skill at rank 1. For these characters, rune lore acts with Rune determine the Starting Attitude of the spirit, which can dictate
Magic as read/write does for an Arcanist and arcane and shared the outcome of following events. If the spirit was an ally of the
magic spells. In all cases the rank of the rune lore skill applies Adept then the attitude starts at Friendly, otherwise it is
benefits and hindrances as any other Knowledge-language skill Neutral. If the modified attitude becomes Hostile the spirit
does. leaves, answering no questions. If the Adept rolls a Critical
Failure during the attitude check the spirit manifests in
physical form as a Wraith or Specter (as described in Book 3).
Hegemony (cost 5, learn +2) Otherwise the Adept, and only the Adept, may ask the
This skill cannot be used untrained spirit three questions. Answers are usually cryptic or poetic,
Duration: Varies by application but are truthful and exact. If the Adept asks a question about
Type: Varies by application dark or hidden lore or about the gods then a new attitude may
Resist: Varies by application have to be determined. Otherwise the answers are exactly
Range: Varies by application right.
Trappings: Varies by application Disease Rune: This wretched rune is employed in the same
Complexity: Varies by application manner as the Charm Rune above except that it names only
Marginal: Varies by application one person. Each night the person sleeps on top of the rune he
Description: Hegemony means power and authority, and that’s or she must roll a Stamina-endurance check against disease.
what these runes provide. If they are not powers over life and The disease is magical and cannot be cured by mundane means
death, then they grant power over people. Kingdoms and once in effect. The strength of the disease is equal to the
civilizations that have regular use (FX Level 2+ as per Chapter quality of the complex skill check used to carve it. Once the
7: Campaigns of Book 1) of Rune Magic often have lords victim contracts the disease or the rune is broken it loses its
employing Adepts with this skill. power, however the disease remains of course.
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Easier Complexity: At the indicated ranks the Fortune Rune: This rune allows the Adept to determine the fate of
complexity required for a rune or symbol is lowered by one an event or person(s) named in the rune. Once completed the
check. In no case can the complexity be lowered below one rune (carved on wood) is burned in a fire. Gazing into the fire
check. the Adept can see the future of events, as they will unfold
naturally. The images seen are not dream-like but they may be
Rune/Totems Complexity Skill/FX Cost as vague as the Game Master sees fit, considering the runes
Charm Rune 4 Skill 1 quality of course.
Dead Rune 6 Skill 1 Observing the future in this manner requires an
Disease Rune 4 FX 3 Awareness-intuition check on the Adepts part to accurately
Fortune Rune 3 Skill 2 decipher what is seen. The breadth of information sought after
Life Rune 8 Skill 2 can apply a penalty or bonus of 1 or 2 steps as the Game
Lore Rune 5 FX 3 Master feels necessary. The rune can only be used once as it is
Standing Stones See below See below burned during its use.
Totem of Curses 10 Skill 5 Life Rune: This difficult rune seeks to grab the departed spirit of a
New Rune ? ? deceased person and reacquaint it with the dead party. In
other words it can return a person to life.
Any runes on this table use the rank of its parent specialty Aside from the complexity of the rune, a cumulative
skill for any and all rolls that determine effect or quality. penalty of one step applies for each day the person has been
dead. The body must be whole and the death could not have
Charm Rune: When this rune is carved it must include the names occurred by a means that leaves the cadaver in a condition that
of two persons who are to have a deep trust and love for each it couldn’t hold the life once returned to it. If the rune is used
other. When the rune is completed it must be placed under the and such a condition exists, the body will be returned into
bed or mattress of one of the persons stated in the rune. Every
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
undeath, rising as a ghoul, wight, revenant, or other corporeal
undead creature. Single Stone Powers
The rune is special in that it must be drawn on the body of Rune Power Complexity Cost
the deceased. Any ink or stain can be used, but it must be Elemental Guardian 6 (days) Skill 3
durable to some degree and must also resist rain or streaking Petrified Entity 4 (hours) Skill 2
in extremely moist conditions (i.e. oil based). When the rune is Speaking Stone 7 (days) Skill 1 to 3
successfully completed the Adept calls forth the spirit of the Spell Store Varies (hours) FX 2
character to return to his or her body. The Adept can use any
Encounter skill that the Game Master feels is appropriate for Elemental Guardian: This rune works in tandem with the
the deceased character. The Adept can apply a 1, 2, or 3 step various conjure elemental spells (as found under each
bonus to the check based on the quality of the original complex elemental broad skill) and allows the Adept to create a
spell check result. On any success the spirit returns and the permanent elemental guardian as long as the Adept has rank
character recovers all mortal and wound damage, however all 1 or higher in the selected conjure elemental spell. After the
of the subjects fatigue points are lost. Fatigue points must be runes are successfully crafted the Adept casts the conjure
recovered on a daily basis, as opposed an hourly basis. If a elemental spell upon them, bonding an elemental to the
Critical Failure is generated then the spell has no effect, it stone. The quality of the elemental can be determined in the
cannot be used on the character later, and the skill point cost is same manner as per the normal use of any conjure elemental
still paid. spell. The elemental can be summoned when a specific
If Failure results from the Encounter skill check then the command word is spoken (specified when the runes are
returning spirit is accompanied by 1d6+1 ordinary quality carved) or when a certain event or circumstance takes place.
Poltergeists (see Book 3) who try to steal the spirit and take it The appropriate element must be present in order to
back to the great beyond. On the round after the Encounter facilitate the runes and unlike the Petrified Entity rune
skill check the Poltergeists materialize and begin the process of below, the stone does not change into the elemental but
removing the spirit. To do this they need to achieve as many rather the rune summons the elemental forth. The
successes as the revived character has in mortal points, using elemental that is summoned cannot move further than 30
their Unarmed Attack score. Of course the character’s allies meters from the stone. While the elemental, by virtue of the
can aid by fighting the Poltergeists. Each Poltergeist slain runes, seeks to protect the location it is in, the runes do not
increases the complex check they need to steal the spirit by provide any level of control over the elemental. However if
one more success. Regardless of the number of Poltergeists the site is sacred or holy then all persons with a Standing of
present, only one ‘attack’ is made per action to steal the spirit. 1 or higher in that faith are safe and will be protected if need
Regardless of success or failure, this magic may only be be. All others, or elementals summoned forth in other
used once for any one person or being. Also if the subject of locations, are all considered a threat to the elementals
the power is an animal and a Failure is generated on the location. The sole exception to this is the Adept who carved
Encounter check, then 1d6+1 animal spirits of the same type the runes. This person can control the elemental at will, an
appear to steal the spirit instead. act that does not require concentration.
Lore Rune: This rune allows the Adept to seek the answer to a Petrified Entity: This option can only be used on a being that
single question. The Adept forms the question into the runes has been permanently transformed into stone, as with the
and carves them on a stone. If the rune is formed correctly the use of the Earth Magic-transmute earth spell or other power.
answer will come to the Adept in the form of a dream in 1d6 When these runes are carved on to the ‘body’ of that being
nights. Like most prophetic answers, the vision will be full of the being can then be transformed back into flesh by
strange and confusing terms for the Adept to investigate and speaking a keyed word of command. At the Adept’s option,
decipher. Aside from the theatrics of the dream, the this power of the runes may also initiate the transformation
information is exact and is correct based on the rune’s under certain specified circumstances. The transformation
inscription and the Adept’s request. lasts for one hour if the runes are Ordinary in quality, one
Standing Stones: Standing stones are large shaped stones that rise day if Good, and one Week if Amazing. After this time
from the ground to towering heights. Normally stones with elapses the being returns to stone.
graven images can be found in a multitude of cultures and most The power of the runes is permanent however an
of them act as ceremonial sites, astronomical observatories, individual most remain in stone form for at least as long as
gates into locations, or as boundary markers. In the case of the being had last been changed back into flesh, allowing the
Rune Magic however a skilled Adept can create a single or runes time to recharge. This is a magical effect and can be
series of standing stones that can have a variety of magical removed by Abjuration-dispel or any other powers that can
effects. While the idea of the Standing Stones invokes images remove curses or change auras.
of Stonehenge, many cultures made use of monumental stones Speaking Stone: This rune simulates the commune with nature
in various arrangements to suit different needs. Egyptians spell under the Plant broad skill. After the runes are carved,
certainly did, and in fantasy settings Dwarves are very likely to the Adept can decide whether to spend 1, 2, or 3 skill points
make use of this option if available. on the rune. Each skill point spent represents the number of
Standing stones come in two common varieties: single questions that can be asked of the stones per week. While
works, or multiple stones formed in a specific arrangement. the runes may need to recharge, the power of the runes is
Single stones can have the following effects, as selected by the permanent.
Adept at the time of carving the runes onto the stone. It is also The Adept can also bind a spirit to the stones as well. If
important to note that the time increment for checks is successfully done, the spirit will be compelled to answer any
measured in Hours, Days, Weeks, or Months. Each type of rune question asked of it as truthfully as it can. Bound spirits can
gives this information in parenthesis next to the complexity of be asked as many questions as are standard for this rune as
the rune.
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
described above. Needless to say, spirits do not like this Spirit Magic-exorcise, or the like. Only one spell or skill can
kind of treatment. gain the bonus, which ranges from one to three steps based
Spell Store: Using this optional rune an Adept can store the on the quality of the runes. No skill check is required to
power of a faith, arcane, or shared magic spell in the runes. access the bonus, however it does cost 1 FX point (arcane or
The complexity of the runes is equal to the rank the spell will faith only) per step bonus gained; a cost incurred by the
be cast at plus one-half of the spells base cost, rounded up. person invoking the power.
The cost of the rune is 2 FX points. Any person who invokes the power must now the
When the runes are successfully crafted the Adept then command phrases that need to be spoken. If they are not
casts the desired spell on to them. The quality of the runes known they can be learned by reading the stones and
indicates the maximum quality of the spell once released. passing a successful Lore-rune lore check. Persons without
When the word of command is spoken (specified during the FX points suffer 1 fatigue point for each FX point required.
creation of the runes) the speaker is bestowed with the spell No roll in granted to resist this effect.
and is aware of the nature of the ability. If the spell has a set Trilithon Gate: This rune must be carved on two stones that are
effect then those factors are based on the spells quality. If to be linked through space and time. The complexity and
the spell requires a roll to use, as with an attack type spell, cost of the rune is for each individual gate. When one gate is
then the rank it was stored at acts as an add-on the successfully completed the other gate can be created. When
appropriate ability score. When the spell is released from both gates are successfully created then a designated
the runes and cast by the recipient, the FX points can then be command word can be used to create a portal between the
recovered. gates.
If the Adept is able then MetaMagic-permanency may The gates can be in any location or time, even on other
also be cast on this rune. Doing so makes the magic planes however both must be created by the same Adept and
permanent however it can only be accessed once per week. no more than a week can transpire between works or a +1
penalty is assumed per day of delay. The gate can be
Multiple Stone Powers activated once per month when the command word is
Rune Power Complexity Cost spoken. The gate will remain open for as long as five
Peaceful Stones Varies (months) Skill 2 minutes unless the Adept or person speaking the command
Power Focus See below (months) Skill 3+FX words concentrates on the gate. In such a case the gate
Trilithon Gate 8 (weeks) Skill 2 remains open until concentration ceases. The gate can be
activated more than once per month however doing so costs
A note on multiple stones: A large system of runes can the Adept 1 FX point that cannot be recovered. Characters
cover an area no less than 10 square meters or no more than a who are not arcane or faith adepts, or those without such FX
square kilometer. In either case, one large stone must be in points cannot activate the gate.
every 10 square meters or, if arranged in circles, the stones While the gate is open individuals on both sides of the
must enclose the area and all inner rings must be no less than gate can pass through. Environmental effects from either
50 meters from outer rings. Other geometric shapes are side of the gate may also pass through as well. Gates of this
allowed but they must always complete a full shape. This type are often used by Druids to maintain a link between
means that no gaps in the can exist. The Game Master can their orders on a given world. Other persons also make use
make exceptions for certain shapes, like horseshoes, but these of such gates to advance knowledge on worlds that are far
shapes must be symmetrical. removed, and some even use them as a means of travel and
The magic infused in these runes cover large areas and as conquest between planets, dimensions, and times.
such they are very difficult to dispel. To destroy the magic
involved at least one-half of the stones must have their magic The various runes above can be combined in any manner
dispelled or the stones themselves must be cleaved into pieces the player desires, and the Game Master allows. Therefor a set
to so that the runes are defaced. If an attempt is made to of stones could have the Peaceful Stones option in effect while
destroy the magic but the Game Master does not feel the effort any number of individual stones in the group could have Single
qualifies, the magic will slowly repair the stones and return the Stone Powers. Here ends the details of Standing Stones.
power back to the wounds. This process is equal to one stone
or rune replaced per day. During this time however the magic Totem of Curses: Perhaps the most feared of all runes, this totem
is temporarily unusable. places a powerful curse on a person who has gained the enmity
of the Adept. When created the totem must state the name of
Peaceful Stones: This elaborate rune creates a protected area the person to be cursed, and it must also state why. The rune
where all those in the area and the land itself, shares an ends with the nature of the curse that is to be enacted. When
enhanced resistance against harsh environments. The the rune is complete the Adept must display it in some location
quality of the runes acts as both the Guardian-stabilize and that is no less than 1 kilometer away from the target’s current
the Weather-weatherproof spells as regards their effects on home or base of operation.
nature and weather and is equal in quality to the runes When the totem is in place and the Adept speaks a word of
themselves. The effects are permanent within the ring or command a curse is born that follows the rules for the rank 12
area of stones. ‘Hex’ option for the Black Magic-curse spell. Unlike that spell
Power Focus: This set of stones provides a boost to the skill option however, this curse takes effect immediately and has
score of a certain, specified skill that is carved onto the greater personal and outwardly physical signs than the Black
runes. The bonus usually applies to skill, both mundane and Magic-curse spell. A man who offends a shaman by spitting on
FX, that aid the crafting persons in some pursuit or him may find that he constantly and uncontrollably drools. A
endeavor. Examples include Cosmos-divine guidance, person who abuses animals may find one day that all animals
Metaphysics-prophesy, Nature-meteorology, Lore-beast lore, are Combative towards him and attack on sight. While the
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
nature and effect of the curse is open-ended, Game Masters Beast Totem: This totem allows the Adept to understand the
must not let this power be used as a super charged attack spell. speech of one particular animal. When shaped the totem must
In other words, the curse should fit an offense committed name and must also be a carving of a particular beast. A type
against the Adept or something he cares about. of animal (“any bear”) is not sufficient; an exact identification
Carving this rune is not an act taken lightly by the powers must be provided (“the bear that lives in the big cave at the
that be. When a Totem of Curses is created the Adept must mouth of the Red River”). Once the rune is carved, the Adept
suffer a game effect. This can range from a negative Standing can converse with that animal as if by normal speech, both man
score with an existing power in the campaign, a mandatory and animal understanding each other as if both had rank 3 in a
Taboo as described under Spirit Magic, or a special quest that special language.
must be completed by the Adept alone that removes him from The effects are permanent, however the totem must be on
the group for a long period of time. Game Masters may allow the Adept when he converses with the beast or it must be
the player to select or propose the effect, or he may simply buried and no further than 1 kilometer from the beast named
assign it as best fits the curse. on it.
If a Critical Failure is rolled during the crafting of the Help Rune: This valuable rune can be fashioned to cure diseases,
totem then the Adept may suffer from a Black Magic Effect as including those caused by magical means. When shaped the
described in that appendix at the end of this book. The method Adept must know the name and symptoms of the sufferer by
of determining the effect follows the normal rules. use of Medicine, Knowledge-first aid, or other similar skill. The
New Hegemony Rune: Other runes can exist under this broad rune is then carved on a plank and placed under the ailing
skill. New runes should fit he character of those that it is person.
coupled with. Runes not found on the table above, but are Each morning the sufferer rolls a Stamina-endurance
introduced later, must be learned using the Lore-rune lore skill check. If successful the disease is reduced a grade (Terminally
with success based on the parameters of this specialty skill. Ill to Extremely Ill, Extremely Ill to Ill, and so on) and some of
Once learned the rune can be used at the character’s current the symptoms vanish. This process continues until the person
rank. is cured. Note however that this is an on-going battle against
the illness and the patient must also roll checks to prevent the
Legerdemain (cost 3) illness from becoming worse as well. In addition the patient
Duration: Varies by application must rest on the rune for an entire day for it to have effect (i.e.
Type: Varies by application no activity).
Resist: Varies by application Limb Rune: This useful rune can be used to heal injuries,
Range: Varies by application particularly those suffered in battle. To be effective, the rune is
Trappings: Varies by application shaped with the injured person’s name and then is carved into
Complexity: Varies by application a living tree. Blood from the wounded person must then be
Marginal: Varies by application touched to the carved letters. When successfully completed
Description: This specialty skill grants the Adept with an array of the patient recovers 1d4+1, 1d6+1, or 2d4+1 points of mortal
useful runes that mimic many common arcane spell effects. damage (based on the quality of the complex skill check). If no
Legerdemain (which means magic) include runes with an mortal damage remains then left over points apply to wound
array of ability allowing primitive Shaman and other Believers damage instead. This power cannot help with stun or fatigue
to mimic some spells effects of Arcanists. damage.
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Easier Complexity: At the indicated ranks the Quench Rune: This rune allows the Adept to extinguish any single
complexity required for a rune or symbol is lowered by one fire. The rune must state the location that it will have effect on
check. In no case can the complexity be lowered below one and it must be carved on a piece of wood. When the rune is
check. thrown into a fire at that location is automatically extinguishes
any single fire up to the size of a small building. If the rune is
Rune/Totems Complexity Skill/FX Cost thrown on an elemental creature from the plane of fire then it
Ale Rune 4 Skill 1 acts as the Fire Magic-quench spell, causing damage equal to
Beast Totem 6 Skill 2 the quality of the rune. These runes can also be used to protect
Help Rune 4 FX 3 ships and other vessels.
Limb Rune 6 Skill 1 Rune of Opening: When this rune is carved it will cause any door,
Quench Rune 3 FX 1 lock, or other man-made closure to open as long as it is not
Rune of Opening 3 FX 1 magically held shut. To use the rune the Runecaster must be
Sight Rune 3 FX 2 able to see the closure and must break the rune or destroy the
Totem of Change 7 FX 3 rune for it to have effect. If the opening of a door or seal is
Water Rune 8 Skill 2 physically contested the spell acts as if it had a strength score
equal to the Runecaster’s score with this spell, or the minimum
Any runes on this table use the rank of its parent specialty strength that would be needed to open the closure.
skill for any and all rolls that determine effect or quality. Sight Rune: When this rune is carved, stating the name of a
specific person, and worn by that person, it allows him or her
Ale Rune: This rune protects a person from potential treachery in to ‘see’ things that would not normally register to the senses.
the form of poisoned drink. When the runes are inscribed on a The effect is equal to the Divination-detect spell and the person
drinking horn, mug, or cup it will immediately shatter if a named in the rune can decide what it is that he wishes to ‘see’.
substance is poured into it that would cause the drinker harm The effect lasts for one hour and the power of the rune fades
(aside from alcoholic beverages of course). The magic remains after that time or until the rune is destroyed. The rune must be
until such an event takes place. held at all times in order for the person to receive its benefits.

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
Totem of Change: When this powerful rune is crafted it allows the Armor Rune 5 FX 1
Runecaster to change into a specified type of beast. The beast Berserk Rune 3 FX 2
can be of any type naturally found in the environment that the Catch Rune 6 FX 2
Adept is in. While in the form of a beast all the rules for the Luck Rune 6 FX 3
Alteration-shape change spell apply. The limitations are that Sea Rune 3+ Skill 2
the new form must be a Beast (as described in Book 3) and the Shield Rune 5 FX 2
Adept cannot use any Super Power FX or innate magical Strength Rune 5 Skill 1
abilities, however other effects like toughness, poison attacks, Triumph Rune 6 FX 2
and Active Super Power abilities can be used. Also unlike the
spell none of the Adept’s personal belongings change with him. Any runes on this table use the rank of its parent specialty
The one exception to this is the Adept’s holy symbol if a skill for any and all rolls that determine effect or quality.
Believer or his fetish if he uses Spirit Magic.
One special feature of this power is that the Adept may Armor Rune: This potent rune is greatly valued by warriors and
cast any Arcane, Faith, or Shared Magic spells as if a Sorcerer adventurers. When carved on a wooden amulet and worn by
while in the form. This means that the beast form does not the person stated in the rune, he or she suffers 1 less point of
need to provide hands for the Adept to cast further spells. primary damage suffered from any attack. The amulet must be
Some spells that have mandatory Trappings, and that do donned as soon as it is crafted, only one may be made per
require the use of hands or faculties not available to the form, person, and the magic remains as long as it is worn and the
might not be useable as determined by the Game Master. recipient does not die (i.e. losses all of his or her mortal
To activate the power the Adept completes a totem points).
dedicated to the beast he wishes to change into. This totem is Berserk Rune: This rune can be used to incite berserk rage in a
then displayed proudly in or near that beast’s natural habitat. person. This rune must be carved on the grip, hilt, or shaft or a
When this is done the Adept may change into the beast at weapon. The runes must name an individual as well as a set
anytime. The duration of the power is permanent until either piece battle or duel that is known to the Adept. Once the runes
the totem is burned or destroyed, or the Adept changes back are shaped the named wielder of the weapon automatically
into his original form. goes berserk and gains those benefits for the Berserk Rage
Water Rune: This helpful rune is used to protect a person during perk as shown in Chapter 1: Hero Creation of Book 1. The
voyages at sea or when they are in water. The rune is shaped power lasts until the character uses another weapon, the
on a stone or piece of wood, naming the protected person. The character is slain, retreats, or is out of combat for more than
rune is then cast into the sea. From that point forward the two combat rounds.
protected person gains a one step bonus to rolls concerning If the Adept desires, this rune can also act as the Berserk
drowning, may swim at his Swim rate even without the Rage flaw as well.
Movement-swim skill, and will naturally float in a way that Catch Rune: This must be tooled into the palms of a pair of leather
allows them to breath if they are rendered unconscious. The gloves. When the rune is shaped, the wearer, place, and time
magic ends if the rune is burned (if carved on wood) or must be specified (i.e. “these gloves are for Drixil in his fight
crushed (if carved in stone). with the Drow whom we are about to fight”). The runes
New Legerdemain Runes: Other runes can exist under this broad remain effective for the entire conflict named and allow the
skill. New runes should fit he character of those that it is character to attempt a Dexterity or Strength feat check to catch
coupled with. Runes not found on the table above, but are any thrown or fired weapon as long as it is not of the High
introduced later, must be learned using the Lore-rune lore skill Impact or Energy damage types. Doing so does not cost the
with success based on the parameters of this specialty skill. character an action however only one such item can caught per
Once learned the rune can be used at the character’s current phase. Arrows and crossbow bolts may also be caught but a
rank. base +2 penalty applies to the attempt. In addition is the
attack is Good in quality a +1 penalty is applied, and a +3 if the
Runes of Victory (cost 4, learn +1) attack is Amazing.
This skill cannot be used untrained Game Masters may also allow other skills to be used if the
Duration: Varies by application character has one (Athletics-specific or throw, or Acrobatics-
Type: Varies by application specific) that seems appropriate.
Resist: Varies by application Luck Rune: This rune, carved on a stick or other wooden surface,
Range: Varies by application gives a person a free last resort point. The shaping of the rune
Trappings: Varies by application requires the name of the person who gains the lucky charm.
Complexity: Varies by application The rune must be held or worn to have effect, it must be used
Marginal: Varies by application within 24 hours of its creation, and losses its power once used.
Description: These runes focus magical energy to aid in battle or Sea Rune: This highly prized rune is used during the construction
on quests. Their use centers on making a person capable of of a sea-going vessel to make more controllable and sea-
achieving his or her goals by enhancing defense, offense, and worthy. The complexity of the rune is never less than three
luck. and is equal to the number of compartments if greater than
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Easier Complexity: At the indicated ranks the three. In the case of this rune the complexity can be above the
complexity required for a rune or symbol is lowered by one usual limit of ten.
check. In no case can the complexity be lowered below one Once the rune is carved on the interior of the prow and aft
check. any one at the helm or rudder gains a one step bonus to regain
control. In addition to this all crewmembers gain a one step
Rune/Totems Complexity Skill/FX Cost bonus to the use the Ship Operation-sails skill. When the ship
is in danger of taking on water the ship receives a 1 step bonus
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
to its Seaworthy check as described in Chapter 5: Goods and as for an Arcanist and only in this circumstance do the rules
Services of Book 1. change for the Believer. Any failure generated during the
Once the rune is carved its effects are permanent until the learning process lowers the Believer’s Standing score by one
vessel is destroyed or sinks. Only one such rune can be placed point. If a Critical Failure is rolled the Believer’s Standing is
on any one ship. If the Game Master allows this rune may be reduced to zero and can only be restored by some quest or the
applied to other vehicles. This would include the need to Atonement faith feat.
purchase a separate specialty skill under this broad skill and By whatever means that the Adept gains this broad skill he
generally would only allow a one step bonus to regain control. must have a Standing score with the spirit world. For a character
As a further option aircraft may gain the one step bonus vs. with the Shaman career this is easy enough, as this is the only
Impact damage, land vehicles may gain it to general durability Standing they have to start with. Other characters must have a
checks, and spelljamming crafts may gain the bonus to the special Standing score for the spirit world in addition to any
situations given for both aircraft and sea-going ships. other they may or may not have. If the Adept’s score is lowered
Shield Rune: This protective rune is similar to the Armor Rune by any means then a +1 penalty is suffered per point that the
above. When the name of a person is carved on to this amulet, new score is below the original. If the score ever reaches zero
and as long as it is worn, that person gains a +1 Resistance then the ability to cast Spirit Magic is lost until some great quest
Modifier to Strength, Dexterity, Will, Magic Resistance, or is performed to reestablish the character in the eyes of the spirit
Psionic Resistance as stated in the runes. A person may have world.
several amulets but only one of each type. A Standing score for this circumstance is established and
Strength Rune: This rune is designed to greatly increase the maintained by the selection of taboos, rituals, and/or a fetish.
named person’s strength score. The rune is carved on a piece These can vary per character based on the campaign and the type
of wood or stone and is then driven into the earth. When the of spirits the character desires to focus on. An Adept must select
named person touches the runes the power takes effect. For he one of each type (a taboo, a ritual, and a fetish) in order to
next 24 hours the named characters Strength score increases establish a Standing score.
by 1d4 points to a minimum of 13. The score can exceed the
character’s standard racial maximum. Taboos
It goes with out saying that other ability scores could Taboos are acts that the Adept must or must commit. These
similarly be effected. Each would require its own specialty can include never cutting one’s hair or fingernails, always sitting
however. facing a certain direction, never eating meat, or never
Triumph Rune: This special rune is crafted for one person for an apologizing. Players are free to choose the taboo but it must
event or battle that is forth coming. When worn the person always be some manner of sacrifice or burden on the character’s
named in the rune gains a one step bonus to all attack, part, whether physically or socially.
defensive, and other combat-related skill checks and feats
rolled during the specified event. When the situation ends the
magic fades. Rituals
New Victory Runes: Other runes can exist under this broad skill. Rituals are small ceremonies that must be performed at
New runes should fit he character of those that it is coupled certain times to appease the spirits. The ritual can involve
with. Runes not found on the table above, but are introduced prayer, dance, chanting over a small fire, or any creative
later, must be learned using the Lore-rune lore skill with combination that seems appropriate. The times a ritual is best
success based on the parameters of this specialty skill. Once are after achieving a victory, after a successful hunt (i.e.
learned the rune can be used at the character’s current rank. apologizing to the animal spirits), the death of person close to the
character and/or an enemy, or rituals performed during specific
calendar events (like eclipses, solstices, changing of seasons,
Spirit Magic (cost 7, learn +3)
etc.). As a general rule, the less often a ritual is called for, the
more elaborate the ritual must be. Therefor if a ritual need be
The Spirit Magic broad skill invokes a sense of the primitive performed only once a year then it may need to last for an entire
shaman speaking to the spiritual ancestors of a tribe or seeking week!
advise from the spirits of animals and nature. This is perhaps the
most common use of this skill however it is not unheard of for Fetishes
more civilized Adepts to make use of spirit magic. Some Adepts The Fetish is the last factor in the character’s Standing. A
may have discovered the secrets of spirits magic while visiting fetish is either a routine gift to the spirits or a token or totem that
primitive cultures or they may come from advanced societies must worn and maintained. A gift can consist of a small portion
whose religion is based on ancestor and natural spirits. Oriental of food set aside for the spirits at each meal or screaming the
societies are good examples of the latter. Regardless of how a name of a famous hero after defeating a foe. Tokens are items
character accesses this broad skill there are some common rules that are personal to the Adept and must fit the criteria of a ‘Focus
to its use, and like Black Magic or Wild Magic this broad skill Trapping’ as described in Chapter 1: FX Rules of this book.
further defines a character. Totems are built and must be adorned with images of the spirits
the Adept is closest to. The Totem may be built at a stationary
Gaining Spirit Magic location, taken with the Adept, or forgotten and rebuilt wherever
Believers may only purchase this broad skill if it is available the Adept goes. Totems may also be tattoos and other body art.
to them based on their faith (see Book 1, Chapter 2: Careers)
however they may attempt to learn it in the same manner as an As stated before an Adept must select one of each type of
Arcanist if it is not. This means the believer must research effect in order to establish a positive Standing. These effects can
writings and symbols and otherwise engross himself in the lore be combined in a way that they form one action as long as each
of spirits to learn it. The rules for this progression are the same type of effect is observed. An example could be a Nordic warrior
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
who screams the name of a famous Norse hero every time an Use of this broad skill also follows very closely with the
opponent is slain (the fetish), then smears a line of the opponents details of Spirits in Book 3. Types of spirits, as well as individual
blood across his face (the ritual), and cannot wash off any blood spirits, include rules and options for their interactions with
used in this manner (the taboo). In any case be creative, these characters and the real world.
effects should be fun and helpful in the definition of a character.
There are many types of spirits that can be involved in these
spells and Adepts are generally free to choose the type of spirits
they consort with. Similarly there is no outright bonuses Bind (cost 4, learn +2)
incurred for dealing with only a select few, as can be the case This skill cannot be used untrained
with the Animal broad skill for faith magic. All spirits are Duration: Special
described in terms of being Marginal to Amazing in quality. Type: Influential-Ranged by Accuracy
Marginal spirits are easy to manipulate and control but have a Resist: Special
corresponding weakness in their ability to effect the physical Range: Rank by 5/10/20 meters (Modifiers: 0/+1/+2)
world. Ordinary spirits are the most commonly summoned. Trappings: A spirit to be bound and the item, location, or person
They are strong enough to influence the real world but are it is to be bound to.
manageable by a skilled Adept. Good quality spirits are usually Complexity: Complex, see below
the most powerful of spirits summoned and have considerably Description: This spell binds a spirit to a physical object, a
more power but are much harder to control. Amazing quality location, or a living being. A target spirit that is to be subjected
spirits are usually dealt with only in times of great need. Only the to this spell must be in range. Only one spirit may be effected
most skilled of Adepts can hope to control them and Amazing per spell casting. The type of spirit, based on quality, is cross-
spirits may interact with the real world with devastating effect. referenced with the object it is to be bound to producing a
The types of spirits and how they interact with the game is Situation Modifier for the spell check as shown on the next
discussed in Book 3. page.

The Spirit Mind Spirit Binding Table

As a by-product of understanding the Spirit World the Adept Bonded to  Object Location Being
who purchases this broad skill automatically gains an Awake Marginal -3 -2 -1
Persona (see chapter 10 of this book). Having this broad skill Ordinary -1 0 +1
also acts as the Persona broad skill and the Adept may purchase Good 0 +1 +2
those skills freely. No psionic FX points are gained and the Adept Amazing +5 +4 +5
cannot purchase Ego or Mind Control powers unless other
measures are taken. In addition he cannot use any Persona skills The duration of the binding is based on the quality of the
that allow the Persona or any mental effect to leave his own complex spell check result and the complexity of the spell
Persona or Ego zones as with the Psyche-awaken skill. Persona check. The Adept can predetermine how many checks he
powers may be no greater than Ordinary in quality. To achieve a wishes to achieve in order to bind a spirit, however if a simple
higher ability in mental/spiritual defense the Adept of Spirit complexity is selected then a base +1 step penalty is applied to
Magic would have to purchase the Psyche-awaken specialty skill. the roll.

Non-Believers Binding Duration Table

While the above information readily applies to Faith Talents, Complex Check Result
the rules can vary for other character types. As it is not necessary Complexity Ordinary Good Amazing
for a character to have the Faith perk to purchase Spirit Magic the Simple (1 check) 1 round 2 rounds 3 rounds
standard rituals, taboos, and fetishes can be ignored. However Marginal (2 checks) 1 minute 5 minutes 10 minutes
because the character does not have the close connection to the Ordinary (4 checks) 1 day 10 days 1 month
spirit world, as do ‘true believers’ they do not gain the Persona Good (7 checks) 1 month 3 months 1 year
broad skill or an Awake Persona. Amaz. (10 checks) 5 years 25 years Permanent

A Note on Spirits and Spirit Magic Once a spirit is bound to an object it cannot leave it until
the duration expires or the Spirit Magic-exorcise spell is
This broad skill contains spells that directly effect spirits.
successfully used on it. If the spirit may effect the outside
These spells call them, bind them, free them, influence their
world then it may still do so but is otherwise unable to leave
reactions, or even heal them. Many features of shamanism may
the object, area, or person it is bound to on its own.
seem to belong here but are in fact found in another broad skill
If the spirit is bound to a location it can freely manifest
like Travelers, Animal, or Weather. As the name of this broad
itself within the logical confines of the determined location,
skill implies these spells focus on magic that directly effects
which can be no larger than 100 square meters per rank or less
than a 10 meter square area.
Having said all of that it should also be pointed out that with
If the spirit is bound to a person it can engage in telepathic
creative input from the player these spells alone can provide for a
combat with that person. In this circumstance the two minds
multitude of benefits not readily described in any initial
share the same Persona Zone and need not cross a center to
descriptions. An Adept could Call a spirit, charm it, and then
enter either mind’s Ego. Resolution of telepathic combat can
convince his new friend to possess him so as to enhance a skill.
determine who controls the target’s body. Aside from the
Similarly the Adept could do the same with an animal spirit and
change of the mental terrain, the rules for telepathic combat
gain movement abilities or other traits specific to the type of
remain the same.
animal emulated.
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
If the spirit is bound to an object then it gains all the  Rank 6 - Summon Council: This unique version of the spell calls
properties of an Ego Item as described in Chapter 12: FX Items forth a group of similar or like minded spirits that would have
in this book. In this case the bound spirit’s Center becomes some reason to be summoned in unison.
physical contact with the object involving a sentient being. In most cases the summoned council is from the Adept’s
The Adept who cast this spell can lift he binding at race, culture, or tribe. If so then the council has a Friendly
anytime with only a word. However the Adept must be on the attitude towards the Adept. If a council from another race or
same plane as the spirit for the dispelling to have effect. culture is summoned then the starting attitude is determined
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 - Increased Skill: At the indicated ranks the randomly. Therefor an Adept who summons a council of
Adept gains a cumulative –1 step bonus when casting this spell. dragon spirits to inquire about dragon weaknesses may find
himself hated or may instigate a debate and open discussion on
Call (cost 1) the topic.
Duration: Instantaneous  Rank 9 - Beacon: The ‘Beacon’ option allows the Adept to apply
Type: Personal a simple casting of the Call spell to himself. Once cast the
Resist: None Adept becomes a curiosity to local spirits and they will
Range: N/A naturally come to investigate the Adept, usually manifesting in
Trappings: The Adept’s fetish, ritual, and taboo the process.
Complexity: 2, 4, 7, or 10 successes required
Marginal: No Charm Spirit (cost 3, learn 0)
Description: Call is the most basic of spells and it is a good idea to This skill cannot be used untrained
buy a rank or two in this skill early in one’s career. There are Duration: 10 minutes per degree of success
times when a spirit may be encountered but as is explained in Type: Influential-direct
Book 3 this is rare. What’s more spirits are by nature very Resist: WIL or INT
elusive and hard to pin down if they wish to leave. The Call Range:
spell draws forth the spirit the Adept wishes to confront. If the Trappings: Spirits must be present
spirit has manifested in the real world then the Adept must Complexity: Simple
adhere to the spell range given above. Otherwise the spirit Marginal: No
may potentially be called from anywhere. Description: This spell allows the Adept to increase the likelihood
When the spell is cast the Adept describes the spirit he of success for encounter skills used with spirits. The quality of
wishes to call forth. On any success the spirit appears. On a the spell check grants a –1, -2, or –3 to all such rolls. In
Critical Failure the spirit appears but has a Combative attitude addition, while the spell is in effect, the initial reaction of
towards the Adept. A complex skill check is called for and is spirits is improved by one place (Combative to Hostile or
equal to the quality of the spirit called as follows: Marginal, 2 Charmed to Fanatic). While the Resistance Modifier for
checks; Ordinary, 4 checks; Good, 7 checks; Amazing, 10 Intelligence or Will may apply against encounter skills, only a
checks. magical resistance can defeat the adjustment to the initial
The starting attitude of the spirit is determined normally reaction. In this case a modifier that lowers the spell check to a
as with any other being or creature, with the exception of a Failure does not cause the spirit’s reaction to shift.
Critical Failure result. Encounter skills can also be used to ⊗ Ranks 4, 8 & 12 – Improved Initial Reaction: At rank 4 the initial
ward bad feelings. How the spirit reacts to the Adept and the reaction of spirits are improved by two steps. At rank 8 all
calling is determined by the starting attitude, the Game Master, spirits automatically begin with at least a Friendly reaction. At
and the nature of the campaign. In general spirits have no rank 12 all spirits in range automatically start with a reaction
universal abhorrence of such summoning as elementals do, and of Charmed.
reactions can vary greatly.  Rank 6 – Spirit Mask: At rank 6 the Adept can craft a special
 Rank 3 - Ghost Pack: This special version of the spell allows the ceremonial mask that is to be worn when facing a certain
Adept to call forth a pack of spirit animals. All of the animals spirit. The creation of the mask usually requires on day to
must be of the same type and a complex skill check is still complete and either a Crafting or Creativity skill check to
required normally. Once the result of the casting is determined complete. Once the mask is made and is apart of the successful
a pack of specified animal spirits will appear within the Adept’s use of the charm spirit spell the spirit will perform whatever
field of vision. task the Adept asks of it without question. The duration of the
While the casting of the spell determines the overall spell remains the same. When the normal spell expires the
quality of each individual spirit called, a Personality feat check, mask losses its power and the spirit is immediately aware of
which is modified by Standing, determines the actual number the manipulation. When a new attitude is rolled the spirits
appearing. A base die roll of 2d4 is normal with a modifier of – attitude is worsened by two shifts regarding the Adept.
4/-2/0/+2/+4 applying for a Critical Failure to an Amazing
result on the feat check. Regardless of the result, at least two Circle of Warding (cost 2)
spirits will be summoned if the spell is successfully cast. Duration: 5 Combat Rounds
By virtue of the spell the ghost pack will follow the Adept’s Type: Personal
commands however the duration is limited to 1 minute for Resist: Resolve-physical resolve
every rank the Adept possesses. Range: Centered on Adept
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 - Decreased Checks: At rank 4 the complexity Trappings: See below
for the spell decreases to 1, 3, 6, and 8. At rank 8 they decrease Complexity: Simple
further to 1, 2, 4, and 6. Finally at rank 12 the complex check Marginal: No
required is reduced to only 1, 2, 3, and 4 successes needed. Description: When cast this spell creates a 5-meter radius circle
around the Adept that prevents entry by a specified type of
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
creature. The circle can be specified to defend against substance to complete the circle however using this option allows
Elementals, Undead, Spirits, Outsiders, or Summoned for larger or smaller circles than the standard spell. At no time
creatures. This spell may also be used against creatures, either during the formation of the circle or after it has been laid can the
mundane or supernatural, that have either a positive, negative, circle be broken else all of the magic is lost and the substance
or neutral Moral Attitude. When used against a type of Moral cannot be used for further, similar applications. The use of the
Attitude however only the basic option of the spell can be used. substance increases the resistance of the circle by 1 step. Of
The other two options (forming the circle with a substance or course once the circle is formed it cannot be moved and if the
drawing the circle) cannot be used against a Moral Attitude. Adept steps outside of it, the circle loses all resistance and magic.
Moral Attitudes are defined in the following fashion. The circle can be made and used later if desired, but the circle
must remain unmolested during the interim.
Positive Neutral Negative If even more time is available the circle can be drawn as
Ethical Anti-Authority Corrupt well. Doing so requires a complex skill check requiring one
Gallant Apathetic Despicable check for every 2 meters of circle drawn. One check is allowed
Honorable Conformist Selfish per minute. The quality of the complex skill check grants a –1,
Virtuous Just Unscrupulous 2, or 3 step bonus to the actual casting of the spell. In addition
Worldly to this the resistance of the circle is increased by 1 step. While
ink may be used for this option, chalk or charcoal is a more
Once in place any creature of a specified type must pass a likely option. As with the substance option above once the
Resolve-physical resolve check at a +1, +2, or +3 penalty circle is formed it cannot be moved and if the Adept steps
based on the quality of the spell check. A critical failure on the outside of it, the circle loses all resistance and magic. The
target’s roll means that the being flees for 2d4 rounds. Even if circle can be drawn and used later if desired, but the circle
this check is passed any such creature within the circle suffers must remain unmolested during that time.
the same penalty to all actions and Action Checks. If the spell is Both of the substance and drawn circle options may also
cast while a creature of the type defended against is in the area be used to create a circle that encloses a circular area that
of effect, that creature does not have to roll to enter the circle. excludes the Adept. This use is focused towards summoning or
However the penalty to actions still applies. Note that the trapping a being in the circle. In such a case all spell checks
Magic Resistance of a target does not effect the strength or and rules for the circle remain the same. After the circle is
ability of the circle. The Adept can have only one Circle of complete the summoning spell can be cast. Such summoning
Warding in existence at any one time. If a second Circle of circles have an additional +1 to resistance but if the being
Warding spell is cast it replaces the previous one however escapes, the circle is spoiled and loses its magic. Beings that
several Adepts could have several versions of the spell in effect are inside the circle cannot make direct attacks outside of the
and in the same area simultaneously. circle nor may they tamper with the circle directly. If a being is
The protection granted by the spell requires that the summoned that has a specific name, and that name is said
Adept not take certain offensive actions against the warded aloud during the casting of this spell, then the creature must
creatures. If the Adept attacks a warded creature with a melee pass a consecutive physical and mental resolve (assuming all
or unarmed attack then the spell immediately ends. This same current penalties) skill check in order to escape.
condition occurs if the Adept forces the ward on a creature in At no point are any of the circles proof against physical
such a manner that the creature cannot avoid it. Ranged intrusion of an ‘Impact’ origin. The defense effects the beings
attacks, ranged spells, or telepathic assaults do not cause the willpower and resolve but is not a barrier against accidents
circle to prematurely end. like a person throwing a warded being into the circle. In other
The circle automatically defends against all beings words the spell does not create a force field. However a
belonging to the selected category however the Adept can state creature would not willingly allow itself to be thrown into the
that certain beings are not effected. Therefor an elemental circle unless a physical resolve were passed (and in that case it
ward could exclude air elementals (i.e. allowing them to enter could cross the circle under it’s own power anyway).
and act without penalty), or one set against Outsiders could ⊗ Ranks 3, 6, 9, & 12 - Increased Duration: At the indicated ranks
allow those of the forces of good to enter without penalty as the duration increases to 15 rounds (3 minutes), 50 rounds
well. The circle cannot be specified against more than one type (10 minutes), 150 rounds (30 minutes), and 300 rounds (1
of creature at a time, as has already been stated. hour).
If time allows and materials are at hand the Adept can also
form a physical circle with a substance of some type. The Exaction (cost 3)
substance need not be magical or exotic (like the ashes of a Duration: Special
vampire destroyed by sunlight) but must be difficult to find Type: Influential-Ranged by Accuracy
naturally in large quantities. Some suggested substances and Resist: See below
what type of creature they may effect are given below. Range: 5 meters
Trappings: An area, item, or being that is cursed
Creature Type Substance
Elementals Opposite element or Flower petals
Complexity: See below
Outsider Mercury, Obsidian Dust or Powdered Silver Marginal: No
Spirits Blood or Items owned by the Adept Description: The Exaction spell is used to remove curses that
Summoned Beings Rare Powders or Herbs have been placed on locations, items, or persons. The use of
Undead Salt or Garlic the spell acts as the Abjuration-dispel spell in that a spell check
that is equal or greater than that of the effect that created the
Forming a circle with a substance requires 1 phase per 2 original curse must generated in order for it to be removed. In
meters of circle drawn and assumes that there is enough of the addition to this if the Black Magic-curse spell was used (or

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
other similar spell) a +/- 1 penalty is applied as a modifier for type of power then the complexity needed is based on the
every two ranks of difference between Adepts. quality generated. Spirits can naturally possess sentient beings
If the curse was placed by a spell or feat check that and their removal is based directly on how powerful a spirit
involved a Standing modifier then the Adept casting this spell they are. Telepathic Persona who are in another mind’s
must modify the result with his Standing modifier as well. Persona or Ego zone can be removed with a simple success. In
Certain curses (like the rank 12 benefit ‘Hex’ for the Black this case this spell acts exactly like the Ego-eject telepathic
Magic-curse spell) may not be removable by this spell. power as described in Chapter 10: Telepathy of this book. The
Whether this spell can be used or not depends strictly on who Persona could have originated from any source and can include
placed the curse. If an immortal inflicted the curse or it is the the likes of Outsiders that are telepathic, Ego Weapons, and
result of the ‘Hex’ option then this spell has no effect. Other normal telepathic persons and creatures. Telepathic Powers
curses imposed by non-deities can be removed as stated are treated in the same manner as spells. In all cases the
before. invading entity uses its Will Resistance Modifier to resist the
Aside from removing a curse the Adept may also use this spell, apply the adjustment for each check rolled.
spell to identify a curse as well. Any simple success will reveal The invading entity cannot be bound to the target, as
if a curse is indeed on a location, person, or thing. If the result would be the case with the Spirit Magic-bind or the
of the skill check is Good then the Adept may also learn the Necromancy-life force spells. This means that the possession
nature an effect of the curse. If an Amazing result is generated must be deliberate on the part of the invader or this spell has
then the Adept also learns who placed the on the no effect.
anathematized target. The first use of this option costs no FX The quality of the complex skill check (as described in
points regardless of the result. If further checks are deemed Chapter 3: Skills of book 1) determines the power of the
necessary then the standard spell costs are incurred. banishment. If the result is Ordinary then the invading entity
 Rank 6 - Transfer Curse: If the curse is placed one a location, is removed from the host but can act normally on its next
item, or being by use of a common spell then the Adept may action. If the result is Good then the invading host cannot
also use this rank 6 option. Transfer Curse allows the Adept to attempt to re-possess the same host for one day per rank of the
place a successfully removed curse on to or in to another Adept. On an Amazing complex skill check the entity cannot
target. attempt to possess the host it was cast out of for one month per
Immediately following the standard use of this spell, the rank of the Adept. In the case of simple complex checks (like
Adept can internalize the curse and release it as an attack later. those used to remove a Persona) these considerations do not
This absorbed curse must be recast no longer than 1 minute apply and the Ego-eject power should be used as a guide.
per rank of the Adept. Any success places the curse at its  Rank 6 - Unbind: This optional use of the spell can used to
original level of power into the target using any rules specific unbind a spirit from a location, item, or being that it has been
to that curse. If a Marginal result is generated the curse bound to by use of the Spirit Magic-bind or the Necromancy-
remains with the Adept. If three Failures are rolled, a Critical life force spells. As with the Abjuration-dispel ability and an
Failure is rolled, or the time expires the Adept is himself the equal or greater success must be generated to free the spirit.
victim of the curse. If this happens, the curse can be removed In addition to this every two ranks difference between the
normally but imposes a base +1 penalty to any such checks. Adept using exorcise and the Adept that bound the spirit
applies a +/- 1 step modifier to the spell casting.
Exorcise (cost 3) This option may also be used to free or unbind Egos that
Duration: Instantaneous bonded with a weapon or item as is the case with Ego Weapons
Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct and Psionic Items. See Chapter 12: FX Items of this book for
Resist: WIL more information on such items.
Range: 5 meters
Trappings: An invading entity and its host Journey (cost 4, learn +2)
Complexity: See below Duration: Special
Marginal: No Type: Personal
Description: Exorcise functions exactly as its name implies by Resist: None
removing a possessing spirit from a physical host. This of Range: None
course applies to invading spirits, but can also be used on other Trappings: None
mental possessions as well including telepathic combatants Complexity: Simple
and invading Person. The type of invading entity determines Marginal: No
the complexity required in exorcising it from the host. Description: This spell allows the Adept to enter and associate
with the spirit world. The description of this location, as well
Possessor Type Complexity Required how this effects the Adept who enters it, is given in the chapter
Arcane/Faith Magic Equal to spell’s quality on Spirits in book 3. Normally this spell only allows the Adept
Outsider Amazing (10 successes) and his personal gear to make the trip. If however, the Adept is
Spirit Equal to Spirit’s quality in the company of or is riding a beast that is of Animal
Telepathic Persona Simple (1 success) intelligence then it too may join in the trip.
Telepathic Power Equal to power’s quality The spell lasts as long as the Adept desires, unless some
force expels him. While the spell is in effect the character
Arcane/Faith Magic refers to any spell used to dominate or enters a trance-like state which is as deep as normal sleep.
control a person against their will. Outsiders with the ⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 - Hunting Party: At rank 4 the Adept can bring
‘Possession’ Super Power FX ability can only be removed with along a number of persons equal to one-half of his Will score
10 successes. If they do not have that ability or use another

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
(rounded up). At rank 8 this number doubles, and at rank 12 removing any penalties due. In no case can these modifiers
this number triples. produce a step bonus less than zero. In most cases Awareness
 Rank 6 - Travel: At rank 6 the Adept can physically cease to and Investigate skills can be used normally.
exist in the ‘real’ world and travel fully to the Spirit World. In  Rank 3 - Past Life: With this option the Adept can determine
such a case the Adept exists only dreams. Otherwise the who or what the character was in his past lives. On an
duration is standard as stated above. ordinary success the Adept can only determine the most recent
incarnation. On a Good result the Adept can learn the identity
Mana Weapon (cost 2) of as many previous incarnations as the Adept has in points of
Duration: 1 Day per rank Will. An Amazing result allows the Adept to learn of as many
Type: Personal previous incarnations as desired. Information about past lives
Resist: None and incarnations are discussed in Chapter 10: Spirits of book 3.
Range: None Once an incarnation is known the Adept can Call the spirit
Trappings: A specially designed melee weapon from the spirit world. The attitude that the Adept has with the
Complexity: See below spirit is identical to that of the subject of the spirit sight spell.
Marginal: No The traits, flaws, skills, and moral attitude of the incarnation
Description: The Mana Weapon is a special tool used by a can be imprinted on the subject character with the use of the
character to attack or intimidate spirits. The weapon is Spirit Magic-bind spell. While that spell can accomplish the
invisible and intangible to all save the Adept and spirits. same end, using a character’s previous incarnation grants a
However it can harm anyone when used in an attack. step modifier as shown on the table below.
Creating a Mana Weapon requires that the Adept craft a
special weapon (usually a spear or hand ax) and adorns the
weapon with symbols of his faith. When this is completed (as Spirit Binding Table
determined by the rules in Chapter 3: Skills of book 1) the Spirit Quality Modifier
Adept places the weapon under his bedroll, blanket, or buries Marginal -4
it in the ground beneath him. During the next full nights sleep Ordinary -2
this spell casts itself. The result determines the FX cost Good 0
normally. Any success indicates that the Adept wakes in the Amazing +2
morning to find the weapon invisible to all with the exception
of himself, spirits, and those who can see into the spirit world.
In the case of a success only one FX point is spent but it cannot Also modifying the rules for the Bind spell is the duration
be recovered until the spell expires, the weapon is destroyed, of the binding as determined by the complex check desired by
or the Adept ends the spell, which would return the weapon the Adept.
back into its normal form.
When the weapon is employed against spirits it ignores
any Resistance Modifiers the spirit has and the spirits armor Binding Duration Table
value vs. Low Impact damage is halved. In addition the Complex Check Result
weapon is treated as if a magical weapon with its Magnitude Complexity Ordinary Good Amazing
(see Chapter 4: Weapons and Armor of Book 1) being equal the Simple (1 check) 1 minute 2 minutes 3 minutes
result of the spell check and grants the Adept a –1 step bonus Marginal (2 checks) 1 hour 1 day 1 week
against those who cannot see the weapon. In this one Ordinary (4 checks) 1 month 3 months 6 months
exception to the general rules of Magnitude, the weapon does Good (7 checks) 1 year 5 years 10 years
not have to have an equal or better quality than the Magnitude Amaz. (10 checks) 25 years Permanent Permanent
Because of the affinity shared with the character and his
Spirit Sight (cost 1) or her past incarnations, certain flaws, skills, and perks may be
available to that character once the spirit is bound to him.
Duration: 1 Combat Round per rank
Based on the quality of the simple or complex check the
Type: Personal
character can access 1, 2, or 3 perks or skills that they do not
Resist: None
have. In addition to this 1, 2, or 3 mind based flaws (i.e. those
Range: Special
based on INT, WIL, or PER) can be reduced or ignored during
the duration.
Complexity: Simple
It should be noted however that when perks or flaws are
Marginal: No
exchanged any come as a ‘whole package’. This means that a
Description: When this special divination is cast the Adept is able
incarnation may grant a perk, but also grants any flaws that it
to see both the real world and the Spirit World simultaneously.
had in life. For example: Felicia has a phobia to water. Her
Visual range is normal for the terrain the Adept is in. During
Shaman companion finds a past life that did not have this
the spell duration the Adept can see anything having to do with
phobia and after a successful bonding her phobia is removed.
the Spirit World, the Ethereal Plane, or the Astral Plane. The
However, this past life had the Forgetful flaw so Felicia now
Adept cannot see magical effects, dimensional or temporal
suffers from that flaw instead.
anomalies (unless they access the aforementioned planes),
It should also be said that the Moral Attitude of a past life
psionic effects, invisible creatures, or hidden doors or traps.
may also impact the character as well. If the past life has a
If there are features or beings that are attempting to
Moral Attitude that distinctly different than that of the
remain unknown or are magically masked in some way, the
character (like Virtuous vs. Selfish) the character feels the urge
quality of the spells casting grants a 1, 2, or 3 step bonus in
to behave in that moral fashion. This is best enforced through
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
the role-playing bonus and it should not be granted if the for an Amazing. The damage is treated as En/O and armor may
character refuses to role-play elements of the new attitude. absorb some or all of the damage.
While this may seem harsh, it does allow the player to make ⊗ Rank 5 - Corrosive Torrent: At rank 5 the hazard is changed to
the decision concerning his characters actions. ‘Acid Immersion’.
Game Masters should reference Chapter 10: Spirits of ⊗ Rank 10 - Dissolving Torrent: At rank 10 the damage for the
book 3 about past lives and are free to develop the attributes of hazard increases to Good in power.
those incarnations and spirits as he sees fit.
Aura of the Deep (cost 3)
Spiritual Alacrity (cost 4, learn +1) Duration: 10 minutes per degree of success
This skill cannot be used untrained Type: Personal
Duration: Permanent Resist: None
Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct Range: Touch
Resist: None Complexity: Simple
Range: 10 meters Marginal: No
Trappings: A spirit or persona in need of healing Description: This spell surrounds the caster with a skin-tight,
Complexity: Simple centimeter thick shimmering blue aura. During the spells
Marginal: No duration the caster gains a +2 Resistance Modifier vs. melee
Description: This spell allows for the healing of spirits. An aside and ranged attacks by creatures from the plane of water and a
benefit of this spell is that it also heals Awake Persona as well. +1 vs. any other elemental creature. This bonus also acts as a
When the spell is cast any one spirit or persona within 10 Magic Resistance against Elemental Magic at those values
meters of the Adept heals 2 stun + 1 wound, 4 stun +2 wound, stated. In addition the caster gains a –1 Situation Modifier to
or 4 stun and wound + 2 mortal points of damage for an the casting of any Water Magic spell.
Ordinary to Amazing result. While this spell is in effect the Adept may breath water as
⊗ Ranks 4, 8 & 12 – Increased Healing: At the indicated ranks the if it were air. He may also move at his swim rate regardless of
Adept can heal one more spirit or persona. The Adept can whether the skill is known or not. If it is of consideration, the
select which being gains the benefits of this spell. character may also descend to a depth of 500 meters.
Only one Aura can exist for a character at one time. This
includes auras from the other elemental magic. If a new
Water Magic version of the same Aura is cast, or a one of a different element
is cast, both cannot exist at the same time. In any case the best
While often seen as being a more benign element to draw result assumes position. If a new Aura is cast but is not equal
power from, the force of water can be great. As with any to or greater than that in effect, the spell has no effect and the
elemental magic there are some common spells. In addition FX points are spent normally. This rule includes any effect,
there are few attack type spells with Acid Storm and Waveform positive or negative, that may apply by rank benefits from this
being common for this purpose. Water Magic is also highlighted spell as well.
by its various healing abilities, as water is often associated with  Rank 2 – Water Walk: In addition to the previous benefits the
health and well being. Adept may also rise to the surface of a body of liquid and stand
and walk as if on solid ground. If the Adept suffers
Acid Storm (cost 4, learn +2) encumbrance penalties for gear carried then the modifier to
This skill cannot be used untrained movement also indicates how much of the Adept’s body is
Duration: Instantaneous the following phase below the surface of the water.
Type: Attack-Ranged by Accuracy ⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 - Water Tap: At rank 4 the spell also grants the
Resist: CON Adept 1, 2, or 3 bonus FX points (determined by the degree of
Range: 10 meters per rank success) that can be used to power Water Magic spells only.
Trappings: An area with at least 50% humidity These points disappear, if unused, when the spell duration
Complexity: Simple ends. At rank 8 the bonus points gained are doubled and at
Marginal: No rank 12 they are tripled.
Description: This spell is a very nasty use of elemental power and  Rank 6 - Shared Aura: At this rank the power of the aura can be
calls on the most extreme of watery compositions in its cast on another person. Other persons receiving this benefit
employment. When cast a vaporous cloud appears over any do not gain any FX points even if they could benefit from them
location within spell range. The spell filters out either acidic or nor do they gain the ‘Water Walk’ benefit either. The duration
basic elements found in those natural vapors. In other words of this option is the same as for the standard use of the spell. If
the spell forces out those elements present that determine the a person resists being touched then they may impose their
‘pH’ balance. The result is a minor rainstorm of a highly Strength Resistance Modifier against the results of the spell.
corrosive nature.  Rank 8 - Drown: This optional benefit causes any target within
When cast a vaporous cloud appears 10 meters or so 30 meters of the caster to become encased in a skin of water.
above an area that can be no larger than 4 meters in radius per This spell option only lasts for as many phases as the Adept has
rank of the Adept. On the phase following that casting of the ranks, but target immediately begins to drown until the spell
spell a misty rain descends on the area of effect. All creatures ends. The effect is magical and can be dispelled however no
and objects in the area must roll a Constitution feat check mundane methods of rescue are possible, except in
against an ‘Acid Splash’ hazard with damage remaining as extraordinary circumstances. The size of the target can be no
indicated. The feat check suffers the normal +1 penalty for a greater than Huge.
feat check that is increased to a +2 for a Good result or a +4

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
 Rank 12 – Elemental Form: At rank 12 the Adept is so attuned Resist: None
to the power of this spell the aura of the deep transforms him Range: None
into a water elemental. When in the elemental form the Adept Trappings: Any body of water larger than 100 liters.
gains the elemental’s Armor values, Magic Resistance if any, Complexity: Special
immunities to Hazards and environmental effects, the ability to Marginal: No
ignore penalties from stun, wound, and mortal damage, as well Description: This spell grants the Adept with the ability to ask the
as the elemental’s Strength score if it is higher than the Adept’s. spirits of the water questions that they would know about the
In addition the Adept gains the elemental’s method of attack. immediate surroundings or lore of the deeps itself. Answers to
Any FX abilities inherent to the elemental are gained and are questions are given in short sentences but are exact and simple
treated as Super Power FX abilities for the Adept. in nature.
The Adept retains his other ability scores, action check The spirits will answer what is asked of them but do not
score, and his number of actions, last resorts, and skills. This elaborate the answer nor they do they offer hinted
includes FX abilities, however psionic powers suffer a +1 information, or guess at questions that the Adept might intend.
penalty to their use with the exception of Ego skills in the Therefor if an Adept asks the spirits at a waterfall if 10 Orcs
‘Internal Ego’ category. The elemental Adept can move only its have passed this way the answer would be ‘no’ if only 9 Orcs
run and walk rate as determined normally for a character. had. If the same questions simply stated “have Orcs passed
Casting this option is a simple action and the result of the this way” then the answer would be ‘yes’.
spell check determines the quality of elemental the Adept The Adept may attempt as many skill checks as he has in
becomes. If desired, the Adept can attempt to transform into a ranks. Each check result will allow answers for 1, 2, or 3
specific quality of elemental by making a complex skill check. questions for the quality of the spell check. Failures offer no
The number of successes required is 4, 7, and 10 for Ordinary answers and three failures prematurely end the spell as with
to Amazing quality. One check is allowed per phase of casting. normal complex skill checks. A Critical Failure at any time also
In no way can an Adept become a Greater or more powerful ends the spell.
type of elemental. One check is allowed per minute and assumes the time to
After the initial FX points are paid to cast the spell the ask the question(s) and receive the answer(s). The Adept
Adept must expend an additional FX point at the beginning of must be in full concentration and/or prayer while using this
the next round, and each following round to maintain the spell. Any distraction, even listening to another person for
effect. Otherwise the duration of this option is permanent. advice, immediately ends the spell.
This spell may also be cast on another but in order to so As concerns lore about the deeps itself, the spirits of water
the ‘Shared Aura’ option of this spell must first be cast. The use will never divulge information that could harm the power of
of this option also requires the Adept to pay FX points to the deep or its balance in the grand scheme of things.
maintain the spell and 1 FX point must be paid for each person
involved per round.

Body of Water (cost 2)

Duration: 10 minutes per degree of success Conjure Water Elemental (cost 2)
Type: Personal Duration: By quality of complex skill check: Marginal, one Minute;
Resist: None Ordinary, ten Minutes; Good, one Hour; Amazing, one Day.
Range: Touch Type: Influential-special
Trappings: A person to be protected Resist: Special
Complexity: Simple Range: 10 meters
Marginal: Yes Trappings: The caster must on solid ground.
Description: This spell calls on the magic of the deep to protect a Marginal: See below
character. When the spell is cast, the Adept, or anyone person Complexity: 2, 4, 7, or 10 checks required, one check allowed per
touched, gains a bonus of +2/+1/+1 to armor. This bonus is phase.
also the amount of secondary damage that is absorbed as well. Description: This powerful spell allows the caster to summon a
This spell also grants the recipient a –1 Situation Modifier water spirit to the prime material plane. In order to do so a
against any kind of mundane or magical poison. sufficient amount of water must be present and it cannot be
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Increased Protection: At the indicated ranks brackish or diluted. Before the spell is cast the Adept must
the protection granted by the spell increases to +2/+2/+2 at determine the quality of the elemental that is to be summoned.
rank 4; +3/+2/+2 at rank 8; and +3/+3/+3 at rank 12. The quality of the elemental desired determines the complexity
⊗ Ranks 6 & 12 – Poison Resistance: At the indicated ranks the of the spell as stated above. Therefor if an Adept wanted to
Adept may grant an additional -1 Situation Modifier against summon an Ordinary elemental then 4 successes are required.
poisons. The Game Master may allow a character to stop a
summoning process in order to procure an elemental of less
quality than was originally intended. This means that if the
Adept wished to summon a Good quality elemental and feared
Commune with the Waters (cost 4) producing a third failure then he could instead immediately
Duration: Special summon forth one of Ordinary quality. However this must be
Type: Personal done when the forth check (or a single result that exceeds it) is

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
successful. If the Adept rolls further the he is committed to For the purposes of logistics the wall has as many sections
summoning the good quality elemental. as twice the caster’s rank. The wall remains as long as the
Once the complex skill check is successful the elemental Adept maintains concentration on it. If the concentration end
will take form and be able to act the next phase. The the wall lasts for 5 combat rounds per degree of success.
summoning lasts as indicated above based on the overall  Rank 6 - Conjure Water: At rank 6 the Adept may summon forth
quality of the complex check (the highest of anyone result with pure water. The total amount of water conjured cannot exceed
ties going to the lower quality). A summoned elemental 10 liters (or 2.6 gallons) per rank of the Adept. The conjured
regards the Adept with a combative attitude and will attack water may appear anywhere with 30 meters of the Adept.
him if it is able. If the Adept concentrates on controlling the Though the resources of the deep may seem limitless, the
elemental then it is compelled to perform, as the Adept desires. wanton or squandering uses of the deep’s resources angers
If the Adept is unable to concentrate (taking damage or those spirits and is cause for a loss of Standing and any other
rendered unconscious) the elemental will move to engage the penalties that the loss may imply. The loss to Standing can be
Adept. The Adept can regain control with a success Resolve- avoided as long as such water is summoned for a cause that
mental resolve check. An elemental can be controlled up to 30 furthers the deep’s goals or if the water is summoned to
meters per rank from the Adept and while the Adept cannot enhance a situation where water is sorely needed.
sense what the elemental can the control does not require line ⊗ Ranks 8 & 12 – Greater Wave Wall: At rank 8 the total area of
of sight. the spell increases to 40 meters and a –2 Situation Modifier
If a Critical Failure is generated during the summons the applies to the wall’s attacks. At rank 12 the area increases to
desired quality of elemental appears but cannot be controlled 80 meters and attacks gain a Situation Modifier of –3.
by means of this spell. This uncontrolled elemental remains on  Rank 10 - Creature of Water: At rank 10 the Adept may call
the Adept’s plane for 1d4 minutes and then can return home if forth creatures from the plane of water other than its native
and when it is ready to do so. spirits. Creatures mentioned in Book 3, in the Elementals
The spell lasts until the duration expires, the elemental chapter, include Marid, Water Weirds, Nereid, and Tritons. The
dies, or the Adept successfully casts Abjuration-dispel on the limit on what can be summoned is only limited by the Adept’s
elemental. As concerns the last parameter a +1 cumulative knowledge of those beings. The aforementioned beings are
penalty is applied per quality of the elemental starting with considered known and can be readily summoned.
marginal. Casting the spell requires a total of 6 skill checks with one
 Rank 2 - Trident of the Deep: At rank 2 the Adept can use the check allowed per minute. Once the spell is complete the
conjuring power of this spell to reach into the water and pull quality of the complex skill check applies a 0/+2/+4 modifier
forth a trident made of coral. The trident has these statistics: to the desired being’s Resolve-mental resolve check. If this
check fails then the creature is summoned and acts as if fanatic
Damage 1d4+1w/1d6+1w/1d4+1m in attitude towards the Adept. If the check succeeds then the
Accuracy 0 creature avoids the spell and does not appear. The creature, if
Actions 3 summoned, remains in this world for a length of time equal to
Mass 2 the standard use of this spell with Elementals.
Skill Melee Weapons-pole arms  Rank 12 – Flood: At rank 12 the Adept may conjure forth water
as per the rank 6 benefit ‘Conjure Water’ save that the amount
The Adept may add his Strength damage modifier to any is greatly increased. Instead of a liter measure the Adept now
damage caused and the maul also adds a +1 Resistance determines the volume by cubic area. This area is equal to the
Modifier to the Adept’s strength. The trident remains for the Adept’s skill score cubed. This means that a score of 14 is
duration indicated for the standard use of the spell. The equal to 14 cubic meters of water. This base amount is
trident is magical and resists all non-psionic FX powers with a multiplied by 3 for a Good result and by 5 for an Amazing. All
+1 Resistance Modifier even if the effect is beneficial. other rules and descriptions of this ability as the same as for
⊗ Rank 4 - Wave Wall: At rank 4 the Adept may create a rolling the ‘Conjure Water’ rank benefit above.
wall of water in any open area as long as the wall is no greater
than 10 meters squared per rank of the Adept. The wave wall Create Water (cost 1, learn +1)
can be no thinner than 2 meters at any given point but can be This skill cannot be used untrained
shaped into any geometric configuration however hemispheres Duration: Permanent
and exact shapes are not possible. Type: Influential-direct
Within the area of effect the wave wall rises and falls in Resist: None
itself as a never-ending wave. If anyone attempts to pass Range: 10 meters
through the wall it attacks immediately using the Adept’s spell Trappings: A drop of water and suitable containers
score as both the strength of the wave and the score for its Complexity: 4 success required, one check per round
attack. The wave wall always uses the overbearing rules, gains Marginal: No
a base –1 Situation Modifier to the attack, and always seeks to Description: This spell allows the Adept to change a single drop of
use the Maul option. Suffocation is also a factor and is water into a large quantity. When the spell is cast the Adept
considered a danger once the target is successfully attacked. can create 15 liters (or 4 gallons) of water per rank in this
Escaping the wave wall uses the same rules as for escaping an spell. The water automatically appears in designated
overpowering attack. If a person only penetrates the wave containers within 10 meters of the Adept as desired. Each
wall with a single limb then the –1 Situation Modifier the wall container will fill to its capacity but will only overflow if the
gains is lost. It should also be said that beings larger than the Adept directs it to do so.
wall are immune to this effect, however their movement is The nature of this spell prevents water from appearing
temporarily slowed by one-half. outside of a container. This is due to the fact that the spell is

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
provided by the spirits of water to quench the thirsts of those a location or person that is known to him. The spell receives a
in need or the used for utilitarian purposes. During the first modifier based on the criteria on the table below.
minute of the water’s existence it is still magical and can be
dispelled. After this time it becomes normal but can still be Location/distance Modifier
lost if spilled or evaporated. Location is familiar -1
 Rank 3 - Curing Draft: At rank 3 the water grants a –1, -2, or –3 Unfamiliar location none
Situation Modifier to rolls against disease or radiation for an 100 meters -1
entire day after the water has been consumed. 10 kilometers 0
 Ranks 4, 8, &12 - Increased Amount: At the indicated ranks the 100 kilometers +1
base amount of water created increases to 25, 35, and 50 liters 10,000 km +2
per level of the Adept. Same Planet +3
 Rank 6 - Healing Draft: At rank 6 the water contains a healing Beyond planet n/a
property that immediately removes all stun and fatigue
damage once a sufficient amount of the water has been The Adept can see and hear anything in the watched area.
consumed. Each person also heals 1d4 points of wound The view cannot be moved if the Adept selects an area to watch
damage after the first drought of the water. This benefit can however it can move if the target is a person. In this case the
only aid one person per casting of the spell and even then only scry always moves automatically with that person. This
once per day scrying activity may be detected by the Divination-detect spell
 Rank 9 - Dust to Water: At rank 9 the Adept may turn either using those rules.
dust or sand into water instead of the spell’s standard trapping. The Adept cannot cast spells through the pool however
divination magic other similar effects that enhance the Adept’s
Elemental Bonding (cost 3, learn +1) senses can have normal effect. Concentration need not be
This skill cannot be used untrained maintained for the pool to useable and others aside from the
Duration: Instantaneous Adept may see through it. This means that the Adept may
Type: Personal leave the pool and come back to it later to see what is going on
Resist: Magic Resistance with that place or person.
Range: Touch  Rank 6 - Watery Double: An odd application for a divinatory
Trappings: A person wounded by an elemental force spell, this option creates a booby trap in a body of water.
Complexity: Simple When any one other than the Adept looks into the pool and
Marginal: No sees his reflection a watery duplicate of himself rises and
Description: This spell allows the Adept to heal damage caused to attacks. The double appears as the being but uses the statistics
a being by an elemental force. This includes just about any for an Ordinary, Good, or Amazing water elemental, which is
type of naturally occurring damage like being burned, determined by the success of the spell.
suffocation, drowning, or being caught in an avalanche. The Once cast the trap will lay dormant indefinitely and can
spell can heal all such damage caused but only by one source. prove dangerous to anyone. The watery double attacks until
Therefor if a character had suffered 4 points of wound damage destroyed, the character that has been duplicated moves more
by fire and then fell for 6 wound points of damage, the Adept than 100 meters from the watery double, or if the double is
could heal all the damage caused by either the fire or the fall. dispelled.
Damage caused by creatures, poisons, disease, any type of ⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Increased Duration: At the indicated ranks
weapon, or magical energy cannot be healed by this spell. the spell duration increases to 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 1 hour
However GRAPH effects that cause damage can be healed as increments.
stated above. Saturate (cost 2)
If a Good success is generated the Adept may heal up to Duration: Instantaneous
two elemental effects that caused damage. If the result is Type: Personal
Amazing then up to three effects can be healed. Resist: None
This spell may also be used to heal Elementals of any type Range: 5 meters per rank
of damage. In this case the quality of the success heals 1d4-1, Trappings: One target within range
1d4, or 1d4+1 mortal points of damage. If all mortal points are Complexity: Simple
healed then the remaining points heal wound, and then stun if Marginal: No
all wounds are healed. Description: When cast this spell ‘fills’ a target suffering from
fatigue with elemental water. The result is a removal of 1d4-1
Reflecting Pool (cost 3, learn +2) points of fatigue damage (minimum of 1 point) for an ordinary
This skill cannot be used untrained success. A good success removes 1d4 fatigue and an amazing
Duration: One minute per rank removes 1d4+1. Any points that are unspent may also be used
Type: Personal to remove any remaining stun damage as well. This effect can
Resist: None only be used on one person per day. If the Adept does cast it
Range: Special on the same person within the same day he may lose a point of
Trappings: A still, calm pool of water or other clear liquid Standing unless a successful Standing check is passed.
Complexity: Simple This spell may also be cast on natural earth or rock, which
Marginal: No turns up to 10 cubic meters per rank of the Adept into mud or
Description: The reflecting pool spell is very similar to the quicksand. This effect is permanent but it may be dispelled at
Divination-scry spell mentioned earlier. In effect the Adept anytime and evaporation will naturally undo the effect in time
casts the spell over a still pool of water and may then scry upon
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
if applicable. The Adept cannot ‘undo’ the spell however he also opt to use Movement-swim to do the same. The waveform
may automatically do so by casting the Abjuration-dispel spell. may also pull a target under the water with an overbearing
A final option is the spells use against fire. This option attack using the Adept’s score with spell.
works in a manner similar to Abjuration-dispel in that a result Aside from damaging a ship using the rules previously
equal to or greater than the quality of the fire must be mentioned a watercraft might also be capsized if the area of
generated. Most normal, non-magical fires are ordinary effect is at least equal to that of the craft. In that case a result
however bonfires may be considered good in quality and a fire equal to or greater than that rolled for a Vehicle Operation-
as large as a burning house may be considered amazing. The watercraft check must be achieved. The spell may also be used
Game Master may also divide a fire into logical section (as in a in an Instantaneous fashion causing damage to creatures of
‘Wall of Fire’ created by the conjure fire elemental spell). In elemental water as with the vaporize spell below.
this case the Adept can potentially extinguish as many sections ⊗ Ranks 3 & 9 - Increased Damage: At rank 3 the damage caused
as he has in ranks. to targets is treated as a medium fall. At rank 9 this increases
While there are many possible expansions to this spell in to a long fall.
the form of additional rank benefits, the saturate spell provides ⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 - Increased Area: At the indicated ranks the
only the above options. area of effect increases to 20, 50, and 100 cubic meters per
Waveform (cost 3)  Rank 6 - Suspended Duration: At rank 6 the waveform
Duration: One combat round per rank continues as last directed for one round per rank of the Adept
Type: Influential-Ranged by Accuracy from the time that concentration ends. In addition to this the
Resist: None spell remains in effect as long as the Adept maintains
Range: 30 meters concentration.
Trappings: A body of water to be manipulated
Complexity: Simple – one full round to cast. Vaporize (cost 3)
Marginal: No This skill cannot be used untrained
Description: By means of this spell the Adept is able to shape and Duration: One phase per rank
direct the patterns of natural or magical water currents Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct
allowing him to mold liquids into a variety of forms. The spell Resist: None
effects a quantity of water no greater than 10 cubic meters per Range: 10 meters per rank
rank. If cast onto a larger body, like an ocean or a lake, the Trappings: An area that contains water
spell effects only the water within the area of effect. Complexity: Simple
After casting waveform, the Adept can form the water into Marginal: No
any desired shape. The spell does not bind the liquid together Description: The vaporize spell takes water on this plane and
in any fashion; it is still limited by its fluid properties and returns it to the plane of water. Once cast this spell allows the
gravity. Thus, an Adept could not use the spell to create a Adept to make disappear an amount of water equal to 2 cubic
humanoid creature with arms and legs and direct it to walk meters per rank per phase. This ability can effect all water that
across land. He could, however, create a roughly human shape is both known and unknown to the Adept as long as it is in
with flowing arms that rises out of the water, crashes forward range and does not exceed the amount allowed by rank.
in a huge splash, then rises and repeats the process. Other This spell may also be used as an attack against creatures
possible shapes include gigantic waves, geysers, whirlpools, composed of water (water elementals, water weirds, etc.).
and troughs. The shape takes form during the spells casting, When cast the creature must be within 10 meters of the Adept
which consists of a full round. At the phase the spell is begun and if so it receives 1d4+1w/1d6+1w/1d4m points of damage
the waveform takes effect on the Adept’s next action. for an ordinary to an amazing success. This effect is
Concentration must be maintained else the form and instantaneous and cannot be used in tandem with the standard
magic are lost. The form can be directed to travel in any use of the spell.
direction at a rate of 12 meters per phase. If the waveform  Rank 3 - Thirst: At rank 3 the Adept may evaporate fluids in a
moves into or through a body of water, the form loses no living creates body thus forcing an immediate fatigue check.
intensity. However, if the wave is moved over dry ground, it The check against fatigue is modified by a +1 for a Good check
loses a point of any damage caused per 2 meters crossed (i.e. a or by +3 for an Amazing as this option use the ‘accuracy’ rules
1d4w becomes 1d4-1w). If propelled against a target, the for casting. The duration of this option is Instantaneous.
waveform causes impact damage of a short fall against all  Rank 6 - Mud to Stone: This spell option turns up to 10 cubic
creatures in its path. The attack can be directed against meters per rank of the Adept of mud or quicksand into rock or
creatures above or below the surface of the water. Those sand. This effect is permanent but it may be dispelled at
attacked can roll either a Dexterity feat check or an Acrobatics- anytime. The area effected could of course be introduced to
dodge skill check to avoid damage. Once damage is caused a water and become mud or quicksand again. The Adept cannot
Stamina-endurance or Acrobatics-fall check determines the ‘undo’ the spell, however he may automatically do so by
amount using the impact damage table. If the targets are in or casting the Abjuration-dispel spell. The duration of this option
on a body of water, the shape will sweep them along. is Instantaneous and Permanent.
Creatures of Small size are carried with the form, moving at its  Rank 9 - Horrid Wilting: This powerful option evaporates
speed. Medium and Large size creatures are swept along at moisture from all living things that are within the area of effect
half the waters speed. Creatures Larger than this resist to of the spell. The area effected is equal to a 2 meter radius per
movement in normal circumstances. Those caught in the rank of the Adept and may be cast within the spells normal
current can attempt a Strength contest, using the Adept’s score range. All creatures and living plants in the area must roll a
in this spell as the form’s strength, to break free. Players may Stamina-endurance feat check as if against a Caustic Agent on

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
the poisons hazards table. This roll is modified as with any nor do they gain the ‘Zephyr’ benefit either. The duration of
‘accuracy’ spell. Creatures from the plane of water and living this option is the same as for the standard use of the spell. If a
plants also suffer a base +2 penalty to roll. The duration of this person resists being touched then they may impose their
option is Instantaneous. Strength Resistance Modifier against the results of the spell.
 Rank 8 - Ride the Wind: This option is cast on one being that is
within spell range. When cast the spell causes that being to
Wind Magic (cost 7, learn +1) become as light as air and is subject to the movement of winds
around him. Magic resistance may apply a penalty to the spell
The plane of air is a wild and chaotic place with no up or casting and the target may also roll a Resolve-physical resolve
down and no solid ground larger than free-floating skill check to avoid the effects.
mountaintops. Elemental magic requires quick reflexes and The total mass of the target cannot exceed 100 kilograms
timing and as such it is based on the Adept’s dexterity score. per rank of the Adept. If the mass exceeds this limit then the
spell automatically fails.
Aura of the Winds (cost 3) Affected targets can control their altitude with a
Duration: 10 minutes per degree of success successful Dexterity feat check or with an Acrobatics-flight skill
Type: Personal check and may rise or fall at a rate equal to their walk move
Resist: None rate or their fly move rate as either applies to that target’s
Range: Touch situation.
Trappings: None Unless the target holds on to something he is subject to
Complexity: Simple the current winds and moves at the wind speed in the area. If
Marginal: No no wind is present then the spell has no immediate effect.
Description: This spell surrounds the caster with a skin-tight, Impact damage is almost always certain with the damage
centimeter thick hazy white aura. During the spells duration sustained being based on the force of the wind. Information on
the caster gains a +2 Resistance Modifier vs. melee and ranged wind speed and effect is discussed in Chapter 8: Gamers in
attacks by creatures from the plane of air and a +1 vs. any Action of book 1.
other elemental creature. This bonus also acts as a Magic  Rank 12 – Elemental Form: At rank 12 the Adept is so attuned
Resistance against Elemental Magic at those values stated. In to the power of this spell the aura of the winds transform him
addition the caster gains a –1 Situation Modifier while using into an air elemental. When in the elemental form the Adept
any Wind Magic spell. While the spell is in effect, the caster can gains the elemental’s Armor values, Magic Resistance if any,
fly at his ‘Fly’ movement rate or can simply walk in the air if immunities to Hazards and environmental effects, the ability to
desired. Any checks required of flying using the Acrobatics- ignore penalties from stun, wound, and mortal damage, as well
flight skill, a skill that can be learned and advanced in by as the elemental’s Dexterity score if it is higher than the
persons who make use of this ability. Adept’s. In addition the Adept gains the elemental’s method of
This benefit also makes the caster immune to impact attack. Any FX abilities inherent to the elemental are gained
damage from falls regardless of whether he is conscious or not. and are treated as Super Power FX abilities for the Adept.
The caster also gains a –1 Situation Modifier to the casting of The Adept retains his other ability scores, action check
any Wind Magic spell as well as the Acrobatics-flight skill. score, and his number of actions, last resorts, and skills. This
While this aura is in effect the character cannot be suffocated. includes FX abilities, however psionic powers suffer a +1
Only one Aura can exist for a character at one time. This penalty to their use with the exception of Ego skills in the
includes auras from the other elemental magic. If a new ‘Internal Ego’ category. The elemental Adept can move at its
version of the same Aura is cast, or a one of a different element fly and glide rates as determined normally for a character.
is cast, both cannot exist at the same time. In any case the best Casting this option is a simple action and the result of the
result assumes position. If a new Aura is cast but is not equal spell check determines the quality of elemental the Adept
to or greater than that in effect, the spell has no effect and the becomes. If desired, the Adept can attempt to transform into a
FX points are spent normally. This rule includes any effect, specific quality of elemental by making a complex skill check.
positive or negative, that may apply by rank benefits from this The number of successes required is 4, 7, and 10 for Ordinary
spell as well. to Amazing quality. One check is allowed per phase of casting.
 Rank 2 – Zephyr: At rank 2 the Adept gains a friendly wind that In no way can an Adept become a Greater or more powerful
sends forth a spiral of air to help speed and aim ranged and type of elemental.
thrown weapon attacks. The degree of success grants the After the initial FX points are paid to cast the spell the
character a –1, 2, or 3 Situation Modifier on the character’s Adept must expend an additional FX point at the beginning of
ranged attacks for the duration of the spell. Once used the the next round, and each following round to maintain the
Zephyr is gone, however the Adept can call another Zephyr to effect. Otherwise the duration of this option is permanent.
aid him by spending an FX point. No roll is required to call This spell may also be cast on another but in order to so
another Zephyr. the ‘Shared Aura’ option of this spell must first be cast. The use
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 - Air Conduit: At rank 4 the spell also grants of this option also requires the Adept to pay FX points to
the Adept 1, 2, or 3 bonus FX points (determined by the degree maintain the spell and 1 FX point must be paid for each person
of success) that can be used to power Wind Magic spells only. involved per round.
These points disappear, if unused, when the spell duration
ends. At rank 8 the bonus points gained are doubled and at Breath (cost 2)
rank 12 they are tripled. Duration: See below
 Rank 6 - Shared Aura: At this rank the power of the aura can be Type: Personal
cast on another person. Other persons receiving this benefit Resist: None
do not gain any FX points even if they could benefit from them
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
Range: 10 meters per rank is considered to have Good toughness and have a base armor
Trappings: None value of 1d4+1 against attack forms. Against fire and lightning
Marginal: Yes attacks however Toughness is reduced to Ordinary.
Complexity: Simple FX items and spells that grant bonuses to armor or
Description: This spell can effect how a living creature breathes. resistance can still have effect, but physical armor (magical or
When cast on a subject, or the caster himself, the spell extends not) and Bracers of Defense do not help. The character is
the duration required between Stamina-endurance checks for immune to gas attacks and to poisons however they can still be
suffocation as detailed on page 61 of the Alternity effected by Influential powers and spells.
Gamemaster's Guide. Endurance checks are extended by 2 While in gaseous form the Adept can move at his walk rate
rounds for a Marginal result; 1 minute per check for an and can pass through any opening that is airtight. However the
Ordinary result; 5 minutes per check for a Good result; and 10 Adept can only move as by walking and cannot fly, even if he is
minutes per check for Amazing. able to do so in his normal form, unless some other magic is
 Rank 3 - Water Breathing: At rank 3 the Adept can grant a used to grant that ability (like Wind Magic-aura of the winds).
number of people equal to twice his rank the ability to breath
water as if it were air. The duration of the spell is 10 minutes Command Winds (cost 2, learn +1)
per degree of success. All recipients of this benefit must be Duration: Special
within 10 meters of the Adept when the spell is cast but may Type: Influential-Ranged by Accuracy
move freely afterwards without disrupting the benefit. Resist: None
 Rank 6 - Airy Element: At rank 6 the Adept can create an Range: Self or 20 meters per rank
effervescent effect in another element, primarily earth and Trappings: An area where wind can blow
water. In either element the spell creates a breathable Complexity: Simple or Complex (see below)
substance out of the native (or ever present) element that Marginal: No
extends 10 meters away from the Adept or any other Description: This spell seeks to take control of the winds in an
designated person who must be touched at the time of the area and either increase or decrease the wind speed. The
spell’s casting. Anyone or thing in the area can breath Adept can effect a 10 meter square area per rank in this spell.
normally as long as they can breath like the Adept. This For each degree of success the Adept can increase or decrease
option’s duration is 10 minutes per degree of success. the wind speed based on those factors shown on the Wind
The Adept may also cast this spell on a specific location Speed and Effect table in Chapter 8: Gamers in Action of book
within spell range. If so the effect cannot be moved once cast. 1. The Adept can shift the wind speed by one, two, or three
 Rank 9 - Suffocate: At rank 9 the Adept can cast the aura on shifts per degree of success. The Adept can choose a smaller
another person pulling the air from around that target person. area of effect and/or a lesser modification to the wind speed
The end result is suffocation. The duration of the spell is 2 effected.
rounds per degree of success. At the end of each round the The duration of this spell is special and can be exhausting
target must roll a Constitution feat with the following damage to the Adept. The spell takes effect on the phase following the
occurring: Critical Failure: 4 stun; Failure: 3 stun; Ordinary: 2 successful casting of the spell and will remain in effect for a
stun; Good: 1 Stun; and Amazing: no stun. After each round number of phases equal to the Adept’s rank. Spending 1 FX
beyond the first the victim suffers a cumulative +1 penalty to point can extend this duration by a like number of phases.
the feat check. However, extending the duration in this manner requires a
Stamina-endurance check by the Adept against fatigue damage.
Body of Air (cost 2) Fatigue damage suffered is normal as per the rules in the
Duration: 10 minutes per degree of success Alternity Players Handbook.
Type: Personal The winds will always blow in the direction the Adept is
Resist: None facing, and change direction based on the Adept’s movements,
Range: Touch if the Adept centers the spell on himself. If the effect is cast in a
Trappings: A person to be protected location at a range then the direction of the wind remains as it
Complexity: Simple originally was.
Marginal: No  Rank 3 - Whispering Wind: At this rank the Adept can opt to
Description: Once cast this spell grants the Adept, or another create a small breeze with his voice that will carry his spoken
person, a cloak of winds which redirects physical attacks. The word to the ear of a person or being designated during the
quality of the spells casting grants a +1, +2, or a +3 Resistance spell casting. The range of the spell is 100 meters per rank of
Modifier against melee and ranged attacks for the spell the Adept and the target does not have to be in his line of sight.
duration. The length of the message delivered depends on the quality of
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Parry: At the indicated ranks the protected the casting. On an ordinary result only a few words can be
person may make 1, 2, or 3 parry attempts per combat round relayed. With a good check the Adept may transfer a sentence
against melee or ranged attacks. Unlike other parry actions worth of information. On an amazing result the Adept can send
this one costs no actions. The parry attempt uses the Adept’s several sentences no larger than a small paragraph in
score in this spell to determine success. communication to the receiver. If the Adept can see the target
 Rank 6 – Gaseous Form: This option allows the Adept to then a -1 bonus is granted to the casting of the spell.
transform his body into a gaseous form. While in this form the Only the person or being receiving the whispering wind
Adept is invisible and imposes a +4 penalty to Awareness can hear it however others may feel a slight breeze. The Adept
checks to detect him and the penalty to melee and ranged can use any language known to him however this can hinder
attacks as well. While the Adept does not gain the benefit of the spells effectiveness if the listener does not know that
Resistance Modifiers for high strength and dexterity scores he tongue. This spell option is Instantaneous in duration.

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
⊗ Ranks 5 & 10 - Increased Duration: At rank 5 the initial check is made each phase the object or person is in the area of
duration of the spell is measured in combat rounds. At rank 10 effect. If successful the above actions are followed normally.
the initial duration is measured in minutes. Spending Attack: This score determines attack results against standing
additional FX points to sustain the winds however does so for structures like castles, walls, or houses. An attack is made per
one phase per rank after the initial duration. phase against each section of any building or edifice in the area
 Rank 9 - Cyclone: At this rank the Adept can call forth a cyclone of effect. These attacks are separate and in addition to those
if Strong Winds or greater exist within range of the spell. If the for wind speed conditions as they may apply.
command winds spell creates these winds then this option can Damage: The die type indicated is used to determine damage
be included in the initial spell casting. caused to structures and concerns an Ordinary attack. Good
The duration of this effect depends on the manner in and Amazing attacks increase the damage by +3 and +6. The
which the cyclone was summoned. If existing winds are power of the attack is equal to the cyclone’s Toughness.
sufficient to sustain the cyclone then it lasts for as many Power: This entry indicates the Power of a cyclone’s attack
rounds as the Adept has in ranks. If the cyclone is produced by strength if required.
increased winds created by the command winds basic use then
the cyclone is dependent on the Adept’s continued A cyclone created by this spell is different from an air
maintenance of the effect. elemental. It is not a living creature nor is it a spirit inhabiting
The table below describes the basic statistics of each type a natural effect. It has no mind, feels no pain, and cannot be
of cyclone summoned and is based on the created or existing ‘killed’ in any sense, after all it is a true force of nature like an
wind speed. The Adept does not have to summon the strongest avalanche or raging river. Because of this a cyclone is
possible cyclone available and can opt to call forth one of lower extremely resistant to attack. Most weapons, magical or
strength. The cyclone is controlled directly by the Adept and if otherwise, are ineffectual against a cyclone. Most spells are
concentration is not maintained then the cyclone will travel in inadequate in harming them as well.
a random direction at one-half of its available movement rate. Certain spells may effect them however. Invocation-force
The cyclone always uses all-out movement and can attack, lift, field could be used to create an impassable wall or Earth
or throw any number of persons or things in its area of effect. Magic-tremors could create an impassable chasm. By and large
however a cyclone does not suffer damage. The best and
Strong Wind Gale Hurricane Tempest perhaps only defense is to avoid it all together.
FX Cost 1 2 3 4 However they do have their weaknesses. Their first
Area 4 meters 10 meters 20 meters 30 meters weakness is their dependence on current wind speeds. If wind
Movement Skill Skill x 2 Skill x 3 Skill x 4 speed is reduced then the type of cyclone present is reduced to
Strength Skill Skill x 1.5 Skill x 2 Skill x 3
Attack Skill Skill + 4 Skill + 8 Skill + 12
that value. If wind speeds are reduced below Strong Wind then
Damage 1d8 2d4 2d6 2d12 the cyclone losses all strength and disappears. This means that
Power Good Good Amazing Amazing its greatest threat is the very spell that creates it. Another
* Skill is based on the Adept’s score with this spell. Multipliers increase weakness could also include another Adept using this spell
this number as indicated. option to take control of the cyclone itself. Doing so calls for a
skill contest with the highest roll winning control. Ties go to
Defining the Table the Adept who created the cyclone.
FX Cost: This indicates the base cost incurred for summoning a Aside form using Command Winds to eliminate the great
specific type of cyclone. On a failure result a one more FX point threat a cyclone poses, three other spells can also help. The
is spent and on a Critical Failure 2 more are spent. If the use of Abjuration-dispel spell can dispel a cyclone created by this
this option includes the use of the command winds basic ability spell. This is because the cyclone does exist due the magic of
to increase the wind speed, the FX cost mentioned is not the spell involved. Weather-weatherproof can also be used
assumed while maintaining the effect. and the step modifier given for that spell effects the cyclone’s
Area: Area indicates the area of effect for the cyclone. The ability to lift or otherwise attack the protected character. The
number of meters given is a diameter or square and Game final spell of note is the Rune Magic-hegemony rune using the
Masters may determine it best to mark a central point to ‘Peaceful Stones’ option. This acts as the weatherproof spell
determine area of effect on game maps. above but protects the entire area.
The height of a cyclone is equal to twice the area of effect
and the cyclone can ‘attack’ normally to its natural height.
While some cyclones are conical in shape, most are cylindrical.
Movement: Movement indicates the maximum movement rate of
the cyclone. Uncontrolled cyclones move at one-half of this Commune with the Breeze (cost 4)
move rate. Cyclones do not suffer movement-related penalties Duration: Special
regardless of their speed during a phase. Type: Personal
Strength: This score indicates the cyclone’s strength in regards to Resist: None
its ability to lift objects that are not sufficiently secured. Lifting Range: None
an object uses those modifiers given in Chapter 3: Skills of Trappings: An area with a breeze or wind
book 1 under Strength Skills. The natural tendency of the Complexity: Special
cyclone is to first lift an object and then to throw it. Both Marginal: No
actions use the strength score to determine success. Unless the Description: This spell grants the Adept with the ability to ask the
Adept controls the cyclone, the direction an object is thrown is spirits of the air questions that they would know about the
randomly determined. If an object is secured to the ground immediate surroundings or lore of the air itself. Answers to
then the cyclone automatically attempts to break it loose. This

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
questions are given in short sentences but are exact and simple meters per rank from the Adept and while the Adept cannot
in nature. sense what the elemental can the control does not require line
The spirits will answer what is asked of them but do not of sight.
elaborate the answer nor they do they offer hinted If a Critical Failure is generated during the summons the
information, or guess at questions that the Adept might intend. desired quality of elemental appears but cannot be controlled
Therefor if an Adept asks the spirits of a valley breeze if 10 by means of this spell. This uncontrolled elemental remains on
Orcs have passed this way the answer would be ‘no’ if only 9 the Adept’s plane for 1d4 minutes and then can return home if
Orcs had. If the same questions simply stated “have Orcs and when it is ready to do so.
passed this way” then the answer would be ‘yes’. The spell lasts until the duration expires, the elemental
The Adept may attempt as many skill checks as he has in dies, or the Adept successfully casts Abjuration-dispel on the
ranks. Each check result will allow answers for 1, 2, or 3 elemental. As concerns the last parameter a +1 cumulative
questions for the quality of the spell check. Failures offer no penalty is applied per quality of the elemental starting with
answers and three failures prematurely end the spell as with marginal.
normal complex skill checks. A Critical Failure at any time also  Rank 2 - Air Blade: At rank 2 the Adept can use the conjuring
ends the spell. power of this spell to produce an invisible blade composed of
One check is allowed per minute and assumes the time to solid wind. The blade has these statistics:
ask the question(s) and receive the answer(s). The Adept
must be in full concentration and/or prayer while using this Damage 1d4+1w/1d6+1w/1d4m
spell. Any distraction, even listening to another person for Accuracy -1
advice, immediately ends the spell. Actions 4
As concerns lore about the air itself, the spirits of the wind Mass 1
will never divulge information that could harm the power of Skill Melee Weapons-blades
air or its balance in the grand scheme of things.
The Adept may add his Strength damage modifier to any
Conjure Air Elemental (cost 2) damage caused and the blade causes. While held in hand the
Duration: Marginal, one Minute; Ordinary, ten Minutes; Good, one Air Blade encourages grace and enhances coordination
Hour; Amazing, one Day. granting the wielder a –1 Situation Modifier to Action Checks.
Type: Influential-special The air blade remains for the duration indicated for the
Resist: Special standard use of the spell. The blade is magical and resists all
Range: 10 meters non-psionic FX powers with a +1 Resistance Modifier even if
Trappings: A place where winds are blowing the effect is beneficial.
Marginal: See below  Ranks 4 – Wind Wall: This spell option creates an area of
Complexity: 2, 4, 7, or 10 checks required, one check allowed per violent winds that encompasses a total area of 20 square
phase. meters. The winds can cover an area in any shape that the
Description: This powerful spell allows the caster to summon an caster desires however the minimum dimension of any part of
air spirit to the prime material plane. In order to do so the the wall is 1 meter. This option does not have effect on a
Adept must be in a location where the winds are blowing. Marginal result.
Before the spell is cast the Adept must determine the quality of The wall is of considerable strength and is strong enough
the elemental that is to be summoned. The quality of the to blow away any birds smaller than an eagle or to tear light
elemental desired determines the complexity of the spell as materials from a person’s hands. Insects cannot pass the
stated above. Therefor if an Adept wanted to summon an barrier and loose materials fly upward when caught in the
Ordinary elemental then 4 successes are required. wall. Arrows and crossbow bolts are deflected upward and
The Game Master may allow a character to stop a miss while thrown weapons suffer a +2 penalty to the attack
summoning process in order to procure an elemental of less roll. Gases and vapors are similarly deflected and cannot pass
quality than was originally intended. This means that if the the wind wall either. Creatures from the elemental plane of air
Adept wished to summon a Good quality elemental and feared however are immune to these effects and can pass through the
producing a third failure then he could instead immediately wall as if it were not there.
summon forth one of Ordinary quality. However this must be The wall remains as long as the Adept maintains
done when the forth check (or a single result that exceeds it) is concentration on it. If the concentration end the wall lasts for
successful. If the Adept rolls further the he is committed to 5 combat rounds per degree of success. As with the standard
summoning the good quality elemental. version of this spell a wind of at least Light Wind properties
Once the complex skill check is successful the elemental must be present in order for this option to have effect (see
will take form and be able to act the next phase. The Wind Speed and Effect in Chapter 8: Gamers in Action of book
summoning lasts as indicated above based on the overall 1).
quality of the complex check (the highest of anyone result with  Rank 6 - Conjure Wind: At rank 6 the Adept may summon forth
ties going to the lower quality). A summoned elemental wind and air from that plane. The Adept may conjure forth a
regards the Adept with a combative attitude and will attack total area of effect of 2 cubic meters worth of air per rank and
him if it is able. If the Adept concentrates on controlling the the conjured air may appear anywhere within 10 meters of the
elemental then it is compelled to perform, as the Adept desires. Adept. All beings and objects in such an area must roll a
If the Adept is unable to concentrate (taking damage or Strength feat check against the strength of the wind, which is
rendered unconscious) the elemental will move to engage the equal to the Adept’s score with this spell. If failed the target(s)
Adept. The Adept can regain control with a success Resolve- must then roll a Dexterity feat check or a Acrobatics-fall skill
mental resolve check. An elemental can be controlled up to 30 check or be knocked prone and suffer damage as if an
Extremely Short fall. Beings larger than the area of effect are
Chapter 4: Shared Magic
immune. Wind spirits could care less what the Adept conjures 1d4, or 1d4+1 mortal points of damage. If all mortal points are
the wind for and as such there is no risk of losing Standing for healed then the remaining points heal wound, and then stun if
wanton or excessive use of this option. all wounds are healed.
Unlike the standard rules of the spell no wind need be
present when casting this spell. The duration of this option is Resonance (cost 2)
Instantaneous and the wind ceases after it has effect. However Duration: 1 minute per rank
the wind can replenish fouled air or provide air in places that Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct
have none. In such a case the Game Master may determine a Resist: Magic Resistance
volume vs. volume percentage of fresh provided. Range: 10 meters per rank
⊗ Ranks 8 & 12 – Greater Wind Wall: At rank 8 the total area of Trappings: Any location with an atmosphere
the spell increases to 40 meters and all penalties for feat Complexity: Simple
checks are at a base of +1. At rank 12 the area increases to 80 Marginal: No
meters and penalties are at a base of +3. Description: Resonance allows the Adept to manipulate the
 Rank 10 - Creature of Air: At rank 10 the Adept may call forth manner in which air acts as a medium for sound. The quality of
creatures from the plane of air other than its native spirits. the check result allows the Adept to change sounds in intensity
Creatures mentioned in Book 3, in the Elementals chapter, by 1, 2, or 3 shifts on the Sound Table in Chapter 8: Gamers in
include Djinn, Sylphs, Aerial Servants, and Invisible Stalkers. Action for the duration of the spell.
The limit on what can be summoned is only limited by the The Adept can alter sounds occurring in a diameter of 10
Adept’s knowledge of those beings. The aforementioned meter radius per rank and up to a range of 10 meters per rank.
beings are considered known and can be readily summoned. Alternately the Adept can apply the spell to himself or another.
Casting the spell requires a total of 6 skill checks with one When applies to himself he can elect to increase the sound of
check allowed per minute. Once the spell is complete the his voice or to decrease the sounds he makes while moving and
quality of the complex skill check applies a 0/+2/+4 modifier perform activities. If applied to another person then the target
to the desired being’s Resolve-mental resolve check. If this may apply any Magic Resistance they may have. Such
check fails then the creature is summoned and acts as if fanatic applications include increasing the noise they make or
in attitude towards the Adept. If the check succeeds then the decreasing the sound of their voice.
creature avoids the spell and does not appear. The creature, if  Rank 3 - Voices: At this rank the Adept can manipulate the air
summoned, remains in this world for a length of time equal to in such a way as to produce what seems to be voices. Any
the standard use of this spell with Elementals. success allows the Adept to create voices with intensity
 Rank 12 - Sirocco: At rank 12 the Adept may summon forth a ranging from Moderate (shallow breathing) to Ordinary
greater version of the Conjure Wind option above. The total (normal conversation). If the Adept concentrates on the effect
area of effect increases to 4 cubic meters per rank and may then he can determine what the voices say. If not then the
appear anywhere within 10 meters of the Adept. Beings larger voices repeat a statement pre-stated during the spell casting
than the area of effect are immune. In all other regards this throughout the standard duration of the spell or the last series
rank benefit acts like the Conjure Wind rank benefit above with of comments ‘spoken’.
the exception that damage is treated as a Short fall instead. The voices can only speak in languages the Adept knows
or they can speak complete gibberish if desired. If the Adept
Elemental Bonding (cost 3, learn +1) knows other voice related skills, like Outdoors-animal noise, or
This skill cannot be used untrained Creativity-voice mimicry then these skills may also be used. In
Duration: Instantaneous addition the Game Master may allow the Entertain-
Type: Personal ventriloquism skill to aid this skill with a bonus. While the
Resist: Magic Resistance Adept can have as many voices ‘talking’ as desired the intensity
Range: Touch created must be within the intensities stated above.
Trappings: A person wounded by an elemental force If the basic use of this spell can be used to increases sound
Complexity: Simple intensity to Good or Amazing then the ‘Voices’ that emanate
Marginal: No from the area can be of that intensity. Doing this however
Description: This spell allows the Adept to heal damage caused to requires two separate castings of the spell.
a being by an elemental force. This includes just about any  Rank 5 – Blast of Sound: Similar to the Voices option above, this
type of naturally occurring damage like being burned, option allows the Adept to create a momentarily deafening
suffocation, drowning, or being caught in an avalanche. The blast of sound. The range and area of effect for the basic use of
spell can heal all such damage caused but only by one source. the resonance spell remain the same. Those in the area are
Therefor if a character had suffered 4 points of wound damage allowed a Resolve-physical resolve check with the results
by fire and then fell for 6 wound points of damage, the Adept indicating the damage for an Amazing to a Critical Failure
could heal all the damage caused by either the fire or the fall. result: No Damage/1d4s/1d4+2s/2d4s/2d6s. This attack is
Damage caused by creatures, poisons, disease, any type of considered Li/O however armor offers one-half of its defensive
weapon, or magical energy cannot be healed by this spell. value rounded down unless specifically stated as protecting
However GRAPH effects that cause damage can be healed as against sound-based or sonic attacks.
stated above. The sound produced by this option is Instantaneous in
If a Good success is generated the Adept may heal up to duration and is considered as a Good intensity sound.
two elemental effects that caused damage. If the result is  Rank 8 - Air Fist: This option allows the Adept to turn the force
Amazing then up to three effects can be healed. of sound into a single punching blow. The target(s) is allowed
This spell may also be used to heal Elementals of any type to use any Dexterity Resistance Modifier available and the
of damage. In this case the quality of the success heals 1d4-1,

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
attack (ranged by direct) is the Adept’s rank by 10/20/30 This spell may also be used to directly attack creatures
meters with 0/+1/+2 modifiers for range. composed of air (air elementals, aerial servants, etc.). When
The Air Fist can strike all targets within 2 meter radius cast the creature must be within 10 meters of the Adept and if
and the attack causes 1d6+3s/1d8+3s/1d12+3s of Li/G so it receives 1d4+1w/1d6+1w/1d4m points of damage for an
damage. Armor can defend normally against this attack. ordinary to an amazing success. This effect is instantaneous
The attack of the Air Fist occurs in the same phase as the and cannot be used in tandem with the standard use of the
casting of the spell. Therefor if the control die indicates a spell.
success the Adept does not suffer a 2 point FX cost even if ⊗ Ranks 5 & 10 - Sustain: At rank 5 the vacuum persists for one
Resistance Modifiers cause the spell to miss. phase per rank of the Adept after the last phase of the spells
 Rank 12 - Thunderclap: This Amazing intensity sound is the big standard duration. At rank 10 the vacuum is sustained for one
brother of the Blast of Sound option above and acts as that round per rank after the standard duration.
option in all ways except as noted below. The damage caused
is No Damage/1d6+1s/1d6+4s/2d4+2s/2d6+2s for an Vapors (cost 4, learn +1)
Amazing to a Critical Failure result on a Resolve-physical This skill cannot be used untrained
resolve check. Range and area of effect are also determined as Duration: 10 minutes per degree of success
the Blast of Sound option. Type: Influential-Ranged by Accuracy
Resist: None
Vacuum (cost 3, learn 0) Range: 10 meters per rank
This skill cannot be used untrained Trappings: None
Duration: One phase per rank Complexity: Simple
Type: Influential-Ranged by Direct Marginal: No
Resist: None Description: This spell causes a misty vapor to arise around the
Range: 5 meters per rank caster. The effect applies a +2 penalty to Awareness checks to
Trappings: An area that contains air those within the area and vision, including Thermal Vision, is
Complexity: Simple reduced to 2 meters. The effect covers a radius of 4 meters per
Marginal: No rank. The vapors can achieve a height no greater than the
Description: This spell takes air on this plane and returns it to the radius, but may be lower than that if desired. The vapors may
plane of air leaving a void that is often called a vacuum. Once cast up to 10 meters away per rank if desired, or it can be
cast this spell allows the Adept to make disappear an amount centered on the Adept.
of air sufficient to fill 10 cubic meter per rank per phase as long Winds or varying strength can disperse the vapors by
as concentration is maintained. If the concentration ends for draining time off of the spell duration. This effect is shown on
any reason then the spells effect ends immediately. the table below.
As existing air will immediately rush in to fill the void this
power must be used each phase on the same area to sustain Type of Wind Time Drain Frequency
the vacuum. However the area is expandable per phase as Light Wind 1 minute 1 round
well. For example an Adept who is rank 3 with this spell could Strong Wind 5 minutes 1 round
create a vacuum that is 30 cubic meters in size. The following Gale 5 minutes 1 phase
phase this area could be expanded to 60 cubic meters and then Hurricane 10 minutes 1 phase
to 90 cubic meters on the third and final phase of the spell. If Tempest 30 minutes 1 phase
the Adept changes the dimensions or location of the vacuum in
following phases then air will fill that vacuum. The Time Drain column indicates how much time is
During any phase that the vacuum is in effect all fires are drained off of the spell duration. The Frequency column shows
extinguished. Gunpowder and explosives are also rendered how often the time drain is applied. This means that if vapors
inert. Fire and air elementals in the area also suffer damage as is cast at Good quality (20 minute duration) and was exposed
if attacked by the Quench spell with damage being based on the to a Strong Wind the vapors duration would degrade by 5
quality of the initial casting of this spell, which is minutes every round. This degradation is in addition to the
1d6+1s/1d8+1s/1d4+1w. There is no defense against this normal countdown of the spell duration.
damage. Sound is also impossible and sound or sonic based Fire burns the vapors away immediately, but only in the
attacks or abilities are rendered useless. area the fire covers. Vapors can move to fill the area but this
Beings in the area that breath air must roll an immediate will reduce the overall size of the cloud.
Stamina-endurance check or suffer stun damage due to the If desired the vapors can be made to move by allowing
shock of not being able to breath. Based on the results a them to follow natural slopes. This effect only allows the
character suffers 4 stun for Critical Failure; 3 stun for a vapors to move down however and all such movement follows
Marginal result, 2 stun for an Ordinary; 1 stun for a Good the terrain as it exists, not as it may be perceived. Therefor the
result; and no damage for an Amazing result. For each round vapors could descend into a pit covered by an illusion,
beyond this initial roll another is called for using a cumulative appearing to disappear in the floor.
+1 penalty. Persons prepared for effect can hold their breath  Rank 2 - Stinking Cloud: At rank 2 the vapors created have the
as per those rules in the Alternity Gamemaster's Guide. effect of an Irritant Poison to all within the cloud. The
When the spell runs its course air fills the vacuum on the Constitution feat check is modified by an additional +1 if the
next phase. Game Masters can be creative with this effect and casting is Good, or by +3 for Amazing. This poison has an
it is possible that large fires or those with smoldering fuel onset time of 1 round and has a duration equal to the spell
sources may re-ignite with the rush of fresh air. duration.

Chapter 4: Shared Magic
All other attributes of the Stinking Cloud are the same as  Rank 12 - Death Fog: This horrible option uses the rules for the
for the standard use of this spell. ‘Cloud Kill’ option above except that damage is determined
 Rank 3 - Solid Fog: At rank 3 the Adept can create vapors that using the Acid Immersion hazard.
have a solid nature to them. The vapors cause any being within
them, who are of a physical and corporeal nature, to reduce
their maximum speed to one-half of their Walk move rate. The
Movement-trailblazing skill can increase this rate by 1, 2, or 3
meters per phase per degree of success.
Melee or Unarmed attacks suffer a base +1 penalty due to
the dense nature of the fog and all Thrown or Ranged attacks
have their distance divided by 10 per range category. Range
modifiers apply normally.
All other attributes of the Stinking Cloud are the same as
for the standard use of this spell. The only exception is that the
solid fog reduces winds that would drain its duration by
shifting them two steps lower on the table above. This means
that Solid Fog is immune to Strong Winds, Gales are treated as
Light Winds, Hurricane force winds are equal to Strong Winds,
and Tempest force winds have Gale force.
 Rank 5 - Cloud of Purification: This cloud of vapors draws upon
the healing properties of the plane of air. The duration of the
spell is equal to the Adept’s rank in rounds. All within the
cloud heal wound and stun damage at a rate of 1, 2, or 3 points
each for each full round spent in the cloud. The cloud has no
effect on mortal or fatigue damage.
The cloud can also aid in fighting poison or disease. Each
round spent in the cloud allows a person suffering from either
(or both) to roll a new Constitution feat check each round. The
best feat check replaces old results. While obtaining a better
result does not undo damage caused by the disease or poison,
the clouds healing ability can using the rules stated above. The
feat checks gain a one, two, or three step bonus per check
based on the quality of the cloud.
 Rank 6 - Cloud Form: At this rank the Adept can call forth a
Solid Fog but can have it form a specific shape. The dimensions
of the form can be no larger than one-half of that used for the
standard use of this spell cubed (i.e. 2 cubic meters per rank).
This cloud form is as dense as stone and has the same
properties for durability, armor, and toughness (see Chapter 8:
Gamers in Action). If the Adept concentrates on the cloud form
it can be made to move at a rate equal to the Adept’s score with
this spell (rounded to the next highest even number). Even
though the form is as dense as stone it can also fly using that
same move rate as stated above. In this manner an Adept
could form a boat and have it fly across a chasm or over a river.
The Cloud Form has the same resistance to winds as with
the Solid Fog option above.
 Rank 8 - Cloud Kill: At rank 8 the vapors have an acidic quality
that causes damage as a Caustic Agent. The same modifiers
apply as per the ‘Stinking Cloud’ option above however it
includes a base +1 penalty to resist, and it has an onset time of
one phase. Any person who does not vacate the vapors by the
end of the next round must roll again and that damage is
cumulative with the initial damage.
 Rank 10 - Freezing Fog: This cloud draws on the areas of the
plane of air that contain freezing winds and ice. This cloud has
the features of the Stinking Cloud option except that all
persons in the cloud must roll a Constitution feat check each
phase or suffer damage as follows:
2d6w/2d4w/1d6+1w/1d4+1w for a Critical Failure to a Good
result. Amazing results avoid any damage for that check.
Checks are called for each phase that a being is in the cloud and
the cold attacks as En/O in type and power.


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