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Is K Mondal’s Strength of Materials [contents Chapter ~ 1: Stress and Strain Chapter - 2 : Principal Stress and Strain Chapter - 3 : Moment of Inertia and Centroid Chapter - 4 : Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram Chapter - 5 : Deflection of Beam Chapter - 6 : Bending Stress in Beam Chapter - 7 : Shear Stress in Beam Chapter - 8 : Fixed and Continuous Beam Chapter - 9 : Torsion Chapter-10 : Thin Cylinder Chapter-11 : Thick Cylinder Chapter-12 : Spring Chapter-13 : Theories of Column Chapter-14 : Strain Energy Method Chapter-15 : Theories of Failure Chapter-16 : Riveted and Welded Joint Er. S K Mondal IES Officer (Railway), GATE topper, NTPC ET-2003 batch, 12 years teaching experienced, Author of Hydro Power Familiarization (NTPC Ltd) Page 1 429 Note |"Asked Objective Questions” is the total collection of questions from: |20 yrs IES (2010-1992) [Engineering Service Examination] |21 yrs. GATE (2011-1992) land 14 yrs. IAS (Prelim.) [Civil Service Preliminary] Copyright © 2007 S K Mondal Every effort has been made to see that there are no errors (lypographical or otherwise) in the material presented. However, it is still possible that there are a few errors (serious or otherwise). I would be thankful to the readers if they are brought to my attention at the following e-mail address: SK Mondal Page 2.0429 Stress and Strain 1.1 Stress (0) ‘When a material is subjected to an external fore, a resisting force is set up within the component, ‘The internal resistance force per unit area acting on a material or intensity of the forces distributed over a given section is called the stress ata point. © It uses original cross section area of the specimen and also known as engineering stress or conventional stress, ‘Therefore, © Pis expressed in Newton (N) and A, original area, in square meters (m), the stress @ wil be expresses in N/m‘, This unit is ealled Pascal (Pa). © As Poscal isa small quantity, in practice, multiples ofthis unit is used. 1 kPa = 108 Pa = 108 NI me (kPa= Kio Pascal) 1 MPa = 10° Pa: (MPa = Mega Pascal) (GPa= Giga Pascal © ‘The resultant of the internal forces for an axially loaded member is normal to a section cut perpendicular to the member axis. © The force intensity on the shown section is defined as the normal stress. AF and, IPA ma = R * Tensile stress (0) ese Ifo > 0 the stress is tensile. ie, The fibres of the component * tend to elongate due to the extemal force, A member aes subjected to an external force tensile P and tensile stross distribution due to the foree is shown in the given figure. Page 3.01429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's * Compressive stress (o.) Ifo <0 the stress is compressive, ie, The fibres of the component tend to shorten due to the external force. A q ‘member subjected to an external compressive fore P and ‘compressive stress distribution due to the foree is shown in the given figure, . , © Shear stress (T) When forces are transmitted from one part of a body to other, the stresses developed in a plane parallel to the applied force are the shear stress. Shear ‘stress acts parallel to plane of interest. Forces P is applied transversely to the member AB as shown. The corresponding internal forces act in the plane of saction Cand are called shearing "it, forces. The corresponding average shear stress (r)=—P— = Area 4.2 Strain (e) ‘The displacement per unit length (dimensionless) is known as strain, © Tensile strain (<1) ‘The elongation per unit length as shown in the figure is known as tensile strain, AUT. ‘tis engineering strain or conventional strain. ‘Here we divide the elongation to original length: not actual length (La + A1) © Compressive strain (= .) IF the applied force is compressive then the reduction of length per unt length is known a8 compressive strain. Itis negative. Then €. = (AL Le Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondar’ © Shear Strain (7): When a force P is upplied tangentially to the element shown. Its edge displaced to dotted line, Where Sis the lateral displacement of ‘the upper face of the element relative to the lower face and L is the distance between these faces. ‘Then the shear strain is (7) $ 1.3 True stress and True Strain ‘The true stress is defined as the ratio of the load to the cross section area at any instant. Where 7 and © is the engineering stress and engineering strain respectively. © True strain or engineering strain (©) =e" -1 The volume of the specimen is assumed to be constant during plastic deformation [AL = AL Itis valid til the neck formation. ‘* Comparison of engineering and the true stress-strain curves shown below Page 501429, Chapter-1 Stress and Strain (© The true stress-strain curve is also known as the flow curve. © True stress-strain curve gives a true indication of deformation characteristics because it is based on the instantaneous dimension of the specimen, © In engineering stress-strain curve, stress drops down after necking since it is based on the original area, © In true stress-strain curve, the stress however increases after necking since the eross- sectional area of the specimen decreases rapidly after necking, © The flow curve of many metals in the region of uniform plastic deformation can be expressed by the simple power law. or=K¢ere ‘Where K is the strength coefficient nis the strain hardening exponent, n=O perfectly plastic solid n= Lelastic solid For most metals, 0.1< n-<0.5 © Relation between the ultimate tensile strength and true stress at maximum load ‘The ultimate tensile strength (o,) 7" Cee 76 P cs Mae true stress at maximum load (o,), = Fa e HLiminatng Pos we get, (9), = “hem x my Where Pres = maximum force and A.= Original cross section area A= Instantaneous cross section area 2 P = f Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s 1.4 Hook’s law According to Hook’s law the stress is directly proportional to strain i. normal stress (o) anormal strain (e) and shearing stress (7) « shearing strain (+). o= Be and r= Gy ‘The co-lfcient Eis called the modulus of elasticty i. efficient G is called the shear modulus of elasticity or modulus of rigidity. its resistance to elastic strain. The co- 1.5 Volumetric strain («,) ‘A relationship similar to that for length changes holds for three-dimensional (volume) change. For volumetric strain, «,), the relationship is (c,) = (V-Vo)/Vo or =a £ (© Where Vis the final volume, Vo is the original volume, and AV is the volume change. © Volumetric strain is a ratio of values with the same units, so it also is a dimensionless ay Page 7420 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's © AV/V= volumetric strain =e. +e, + = e1 te +69 © Dilation: ‘The hydrustatie component of the total stress contributes to deformation by changing the area (or volume, in three dimensions) of an object. Area or volume change is called dilation and is positive or negative, as the volume increases or decreases, respectively. @= 2 Where pis pressure. K 4.6 Young’s modulus or Modulus of elasticity (E) 4.10 Relationship between the elastic constants E, G, K, 1 26 (14) =3(1-20) = 3S " Where K = Bulk Modulus, v= Poisson's Ratio, E= Young's modulus, G= Modulus of rigidity © Fora linearly elastic, isotropic and homogeneous material, the number of elastic. constants required to relate stress and strain is two. ie. any two of the four must be known. © If the material is non-isotropic (i.e. anisotropic), then the elastic modulil will vary with additional stresses appearing since there is a coupling between shear stresses and normal stresses for an anisotropic mater 1.11 Poisson’s Ratio (u) (Under unidirectional stress in x-direction) © The theory of isotropic elasticity allows Poisson's ratios in the range from -1 to 1/2. © Poisson's ratio in various materials Page 801429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s Steel 0.25 -0.33 Rubber 048-05 cr 028-027, Cork Nearly zero Conerete 0.2 Novel foam negative © We use cork in a bottle as the cork easily inserted and removed, yet it also withstand the pressure from within the bottle, Cork with a Poisson's ratio of nearly zero, is ideal in this application. 1.12 For bi-axial stretching of sheet antl } L, -Original length L, e= wo(Z2) LL, -Final length Initial thickness(t,) Final thickness (4) = A ES 4.13 Elongation © A prismatic bar loaded in tension by an axial force P For a prismatic har loaded in tension by an axial force P. The elongation of the bar can be determined as Elongation of composite body Uloingation oa bar of yg rvs etion A A 6 g[4-4 f LAA Asof lengths fy, lz. .n respectively. ‘¢ Elongation of a tapered body Elongation of a tapering rod of length 'L? due to load ‘P’ at the end FI cerca ‘You may remember this inthis way, 6= Page 100429, Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's ‘* Elongation of a body due to its self weight () Elongation of a uniform rod of length ‘L’ due to its own weight ‘W" WL 2AE ‘The doformation of a bar under its own weight as compared to that when subjected to ‘direct axial load equal to its own weight will be half. Gi) Total extension produced in rod of length ‘L’ due to its own weight ‘w" per with, length es " 2EA ii) Elongation of a conical bar due to its self weight jest 6E 24. 1.14 Structural members or machines must be designed such that the working stresses are less than the ultimate strength of the material. Working stress(a,)="" n=1.5 102 n factor of safety n, =2103 1.15 Factor of Safety: (n 1.16 Thermal or Temperature stress and strain © When a material undergoes a change in temperature, it either elongates or contracts depending upon whether temperature is increased or decreased of the material. © If the elongation or contraction is not restricted, i. e. free then the material does not experience any stress despite the fact that it undergoes a strain. © The’strain dus to temperature change Is called thermal strain and ia expressed. an, 6=a(AT) © Whore a is co-olficiont of thermal expansion, a material property, and AT is the change in temperature © The free expansion or contraction of materials, when restrained induces stress in the Page 12 429 ‘material and it is referred to as thermal stress Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s © Thermal stress produces the same effect in the material similar to that of mechanical stress. A compressive stress will produce in the material with increase in temperature ‘and the stress developed is tensile stress with decrease in temperature. Page 130429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's 1.17 Thermal stress on Brass and Mild steel combination A brass rod placed within a steel tube of exactly same length, The assembly is making in such a way that elongation of the combination will be same. To calculate the stress induced in the brass rod, steel tube when the combination is raised by t°C then the following analogy have to do. (@) Original bar before heating. Fen bt .—4 got (b) Expanded position if the members are allowed to ‘expand freely and independently after heating. (©) Expanded position of the compound bar ie. final position after heating. © Compatibility Equation: Assumption: B= 6,40 =0y,~Oyy LL Ly 2a,>a, 3. Steel Tension Brass ~Compression ¢ Equilibrium Equation: 2,4, =0,4, Where, 3 = Expansion of the compound bar = AD in the above figure. 0, Free expansion ofthe steel tube due to temperature rise C= a, Lt = AB in the above Bigure. 4, = Expansion of the steel tube due to internal force developed by the unequal expansion. = BD in the above figure, 8, = Free expansion of the brass rod due to temperature rise C= ayLt = AC in the above figure. 4,7 Compression ofthe brass rod duc to internal farce developed by the unequal expansion. = BD in the above figure. ‘And in the equilibrium equation ‘Tensile force in the steel tube = Compressive force in the brass rod Where, ¢,=Tensile stress developed in the steel tbe. = Compressive stress developed in the brass rod, A.= Cross section area of the steel tube, A,= Cross section area of the brass rod. Chapter-1 ‘Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s 4.18 Maximum stress and elongation due to rotation 6) on and (51) For remember: You will get Gi) by multiplying by 4 of (i) 1.18 Creep When a member is subjected to a constant load over a long period of time it undergoes a slow permanent deformation and this is termed as “creep”. This is dependent on temperature. Usually at clevated temperatures creep is high. © The materials have its own different melting point: each will creep when the homologous temperature > 0.5. Homologous temp = Testing temperature , 9 Melting temperature ‘A typical ereep curve shows three distinet stages With difforent ereop rates. After an initial rapid — jee nary hyo clongation e., the creep rate decrease with time until reaching the steady state. 1) Primary ereep is « period of transient ereep. ‘The creep resistance of the material increases due to material deformation, 2) Secondary creep provides @ nearly constant creep rate. The average value of the creep rate during this period is called the minimum creep rate. A stage of balance between competing, Strain hardening and recovery (softening) of the material. 8) Tertiary ereep shows a rapid increase in the creep rate due to effectively reduced cross: sectional area of the specimen leading to ereep rupture or failure. In this stage intergranular cracking and/or formation of voids and cavitios oveur. Creep rate =e: Creep strain at any time = zero time strain intercept + ereep rate xTime Heya" xt Where, ¢,€, are constants o = stress 1.19 If a load P is applied suddenly to a bar then the stress & strain induced will be double than those obtained by an equal load applied gradually. 1.20 Stress produced by a load P in falda height *h’ Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's aineefeB] « € being stress & strain produced by static load P & L=length of bar. Ain] fh 1.24 Loads shared by the materials of a compound bar made of bars x & y due to load W, pw AF _ . AE, +A,E, PL =W. AF, » AE FA4E, PL 4.22 Elongation of a compound bar, 6 = __ AE, +4, 1.23 Tension Test a ~® 4 Nocking a + Feeuce ‘ased on micro-strain measurement at strains on order of 2 * 10+. Very low i) True elastic limi value and is related to the motion of a few hundred dislocations. ii) Proportional limit: the highest stress at which stress is directly proportional to strain, is the greatest stress the material can withstand without any measurable after unloading. Elastic limit > proportional limit. Yield strength is the stress requived to produce a small specific amount of deformation, The offset yield strength can be determined by the stress — | /Grscr yield corresponding to the intersection of the stress-strain curve and a line |f! parallel to the elastic line offset by a strain of 0.2 or 0.1%. (¢ = 0.002 or |! 0.001), Page 16 of 429 Chapter-t Stress and Strain SK Mondal's ‘© ‘The offset yield stress is referred to proof stress either at 0.1 or 0.5% strain used for design and specification purposes to avoid the practical difficulties of measuring the elastic limit or proportional lit, ¥) Tensile strength or ultimate tensile strength (UTS) o,, is the maximum load Pros divided by the original cross-sectional area A» of the specimen. bak, vi) % Elongation, is chiefly influenced by uniform elongation, which is dependent on the strain-hardening capacity of the material A vil) Reduction of Area: q A © Reduction of area is move a measure of the deformation required to produce failure and its chief contribution results from the necking process. © Because of the complicated state of stress state in the neck, values of reduction of area are dependent on specimen geometry, and deformation behaviour, and they should not be taken as true material properties. © RA iis the most structure-sensitive ductility parameter and is useful in detecting quality changes in the materials. Stress-strain response of, Linear elastic Linear elastic-perfectly plastic i. Z. e e Linear elastic-hardening plastic Linear elastic-hardening plasticity with unloading 1.24 Elastic strain and Plastic strain ‘The strain present in the material after unlonding is called the residual strain or plastic str and the strain disappears during unloading is termed as recoverable or elastic strain. Equation ofthe straight line CB is given by & =Eey E~ Ease XE =Cepepe *E Carefully observe the following figures and understand which one is Elastic strain and which one is Plastic strain Page 17 of 429 ‘SK Mondal's Sie Rar Elastic strain strain Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s 1.25 Elasticity ‘This in the property of a material to regain its original shape after deformation when the external forces are removed. When 7 the material is in elastic region the steain disappears x completely after removal of the load, The stress-strain relationship in elastic region need not bo lineur and ean be non-linear (example rubber). The maximum stress value below which tha strwin in fully rmsaverabl is called the elastic limit, It is represented by point A in figure. All materials are elastic to some extent but the degree varies for example, both mild steol and rubber ave clastic matorils but stecl ia more elastic than rubber. 1.26 Plasticity When the stress in the material exceeds the elastic limit, the material enters into plastic phase where the strain ean no longer be completely removed. Under plastic conditions materials ideally deform without any increase in stress. A typical stress strain diagram for an elastic-perfectly plastic ‘material is shown in the figure. Mises-Henky criterion gives a . good starting point for plasticity analysis, 1.27 Strain hardening If the material is reloaded from point C, it will follow the B previous unloading path and line CB becomes its new elastic region with elastic limit defined by point B. Though the new elastic region CB resembles that of the initial elastic region OA, the internal structure ofthe material in the new state ha: changed. The change in the microstructure of the material is clear from the fact that the ductility of the material has come down due to strain hardening. Whon the material is reloaded, c : it follows the same path as that ofa vingin material and fails on reaching the ultimate strength which remains unaltered due to the intermediate loading and unloading proce Page 190429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's 1.28 Stress reversal and stress-strain hysteresis loop ‘We know that fatigue failure begins ata local discontinuity and when the stress at the discontinuity exceeds elastic limit there is plastic strain. The eyelic plastic strain results crack propagation and fracture. When we plot the experimental data with reversed loading and the true stress strain hysteresis loops is found as shown below. L Aspe deo 4e—+ True stress-strain plot with a number of stress reversals Due to eyelic strain the elastic limit increases for annealed steel and decreases for cold drawn steel, Here the stress range is Ao. Ary and Ae. are the plastic and elastic strain ranges, the total strain range being Ae. Considering that the total strain amplitude can be given as Ae=Aeyt Ace Page 20 0429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (GATE, IES, IAS) Previous 20-Years GATE Questions Stress in a bar due to self-weight GATE-, Two identical circular rods of same diameter and same length are subjected to same magnitude of axial tensile force. One of the rods is made out of mild steel having the modulus of elasticity of 206 GPa. The other rod is made out of east iron having the modulus of elasticity of 100 GPa. Assume both the materials to be homogeneous and isotropic and the axial force causes the same amount of uniform stress in both the rods. The stresses developed are within the proportional limit of the respective materials. Which of the following ‘observations is correct? [GATE-2003] (@) Both rods elongate by the same amount (b) Mild steel rod clongates more than the east iron rod (©) Cast iron rod elongates more than the mild steel rod. (@) As the stresses are equal strains are also equal in both the rods ae or ad and Ais samé GATB-1.Ans. (6) L=FE or AL [ASP L and Ais same] (aun _ Ear _ 100 a oe (> (Xe GATE-2, A steel bar of 40 mm x 40 mm square cross-section is subjected to an axial compressive load of 200 KN. If the length of the bar is 2 m and E = 200 GPa, the elongation of the bar will be: [GATE-2006] (@) 1.25 mm (2.70 mm (©) 4.05 mm 5.40 mm PL___(200%1000)x2 GATE. Ans. (@ 3. = FE= GagscoH) 200" 4.25mm True stress and true strain GATE-3. ‘The ultimate tensile strength of a material is 400 MPa and the elongation up to maximum load is 35%. If the material obeys power law of hardening, then the true stress-true strain relation (stress in MPa) in the plastic deformation range is: [GATE-2006] (a) 0 =5406° () 0 =775<°* (©) 7 =5406% — (@) = 7756" GATE-3. Ans. (6) ‘A true stress ~ true strain curve in a Strength co-efficient = 400 x 540 MPa Tensile strengh necking) é : Twos stesso) Elasticity and Plasticity GATE-4, An axial residual compressive stress due to a manufacturing process is present ‘on the outer surface of a rotating shaft subjected to bending. Under a given Page 21 of 423 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain ‘SK Mondal's bending load, the fatigue life of the shaft in the presence of the residual compressive stress IGATE.2003] (@) Decreased (b) Increased or decreased, depending on the external bending load (© Neither decreased nor increased @ Increased GATE-4. Ans. (d) Tonsile stress )i compensve =efome = A cantilever-loaded rotating beam, showing the normal distribution of surface stresses. (Ce., tension at the top and compression at the bottom) Js Residual sess i Sinan + OR Net stress pattern obtained when loading a surface treated beam. The reduced magnitude of the tensile stresses contributes to increased fatigue life. GATE-5. A static load is mounted at the centre of a shaft rotating at uniform angular velocity. This shaft will be designed for IGATE-2003] (a) ‘The maximum compressive stress (static) _(b) The maximum tensile stress (static) (©) Tho maximum bending moment (static) _(d) Fatigue loading GATE-5. Ans. (a) GATE-6. Fatigue strength of a rod subjected to axial force is less than that of a rotating beam of the same dimensions subjected to steady lateral force because (@) Axial stiffness is less than bending stiffness IGATE-1992] () Of absence of centrifugal effects in the rod (©) The number of discontinuities vulnerable to fatigue are more in the rod (@) Ata particular time the rod has only one type of stress whereas the beam has both. the tensile and compressive stresses. GATE-6. Ans. (d) Relation between the Elastic Modulii GATE7, A rod of length L and diameter D is subjected to a tensile load P. Which of the following is sufficient to calculate the resulting change in diameter? (@) Young's modulus ©) Shear modulus [GATE-2008] (© Poisson's ratio {@) Both Young’s modulus and shear modulus Page 22 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and St SK Mondal’s GATE-7. Ans. (d) For longitudinal strain we need Young's modulus and for calculating transverse strain we need Poisson's ratio, We may calculate Poisson's ratio from E = 2G(1 + y1)for that we need Shear modulus. GATE-8. In terms of Poisson's ratio the ratio of Young's Modulus (E) to Shear Modulus (G) of elastic materials [GATE-2004] 1 1 (a)2(1+ 2) (20-4) 70+) (@) 704) GATE-8. Ans. (a) jonship between Young's modulus (F), Bulk modulus (K) and Poisson's [GATE-2002] (@) E = 3K (1-2) K =3E (1-2n) @ E = 3K (I-n) @ K = 36 (I-x) GATE.9. Ans. (a) Remember = 26(1+ 4) =9K(1-2u Stresses in compound strut GATE-10. In a bolted joint two member are connecied with an axial tightening force of 2200 N. If the bolt used has metric threads of 4 mm pitch, then torque required for achieving the tightening force is (0) 0.7Nm (6) LONm (14Nm @28Nm fear aeg 0.004, GATE10. Ans. (¢) T=Fxr=2200%' =1.4Nm 18s sectional area. It is loaded GATE-11. The figure below shows a steel rod of 25 mm? e at four points, K, L, Mand N. [GATE-2004, TES 1995, 1997, 1998] Assume Eyice!= 200 GPa. The total change in length of the rod due to loading () tum (6) 10 um ©)16 um (@)-20 pm GATE-11. Ans, (b) First draw FED of all parts separately then Tal eange in eng = SP GATE-12. A bar having a cross-sectional area of 700mm* is subjected to axial loads at the positions indicated. The value of stress in the segment QR is: [GATE-2006] Page 23 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's 63 kN asin 40kN 21 kN P Q R 8 (@) 40 MPa (b) 50 MPa (©) 70MPa (@ 120 MPa GATE-12, Ans. (a) gan ey pu zy aun zu P a a Rg GATE-13. An ejector mechanism consists of a helical compression spring having a spring constant of K = 981 x 10! Nim. Tt is pre-compressed by 100 mm Mass from its free state. If it is used to Wile eject a mass of 100 ky held on it, the mass will move up through a distance of (@) 100mm (b) 500mm 981mm (@) 1000: YQ IID! GATE-13. Ans. (a) No calculation needed it is pre- compressed by 100 mm from its free state, So it can't move more than 100 ‘mm. choice (b) (€) and (@) out. GATE-14. The figure shows a pair of pin-jointed ‘ gripper-tongs holding an object weighing 2000 N. The co-efficient of fon (u) at the gripping surface is 0.1 XX is the line of action of the input force and YY is the line of application of gripping force. If the pinjoint is assumed to be ictionless, then magnitude of force F required to hold the weight is: ew (@) 1000 N () 2000 N (©) 2500 (@) 5000 N Y GGATE14, Ans. (Ht ce ried = 20008 Fore need oped 2008 inal fs tact = 290 ooo ‘So for each side we need (F;) = 10000N force Pee 24 0f 429 SPRING IGATE-2004] e——¥y [GATE-2004] Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s ‘Taking moment about PIN F, 50 _ 1000050 (00 100 F,x50=Fx100 or F = 5000N GATE-15. A uniform, slender cylindrical rod is made of a homogencous and isotropic material. The rod rests on a frictionless surface. The rod is heated uniformly. If the radial and longitudinal thermal stresses are represented by 0, and on respectively, then [GATE-2005] (ao, (bo, 40,0,-0 (co,=0,.0,40 (d)o, 40,0, 40 GATE-15, Ans. (a) Thermal stress will develop only when you prevent the material to contrast/elongate. As here itis free no thermal stress will develop, Tensile Test GATE-16. A test spe .en is stressed slightly beyond the yield point and then unloaded. Its yield strength will [GATE-1995] (@) Decrease () Increase (6) Remains same (@) Becomes equal to ultimate tensile strength GATE-16. Ans. (b) o B oc © GATE-17, Under repeated loading a e material has the stress-strain curve shown in figure, which of the following statements is true? (@) The smaller the shaded area, the better the material damping (b) The larger the shaded area, the 2 better the material damping (© Material damping is an independent material. property and does not depend on this (@) None of these [GATE-1999] GATE-17. Ans. (a) Previous 20-Years IES Questions Stress in a bar due to self-weight IES, A solid uniform metal bar of diameter D and length L is hanging vertically from its upper end. The elongation of the bar due to self weight is: [TES-2005] (a) Proportional to L and inversely proportional to D? () Proportional to 1? and inversely proportional to D= (©) Proportional of L but independent of D (@) Proportional of U but indeppggleat Bh Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's We WL 1 Ts.1.Ans.(a) 3=3e=—NE— soxt & oxy 22 ne 4 IES2. The deformation of a bar under its own weight as compared to that when subjected to a direct axial load equal to its own weight will be: [ES-1998} (a) The same (b) One-fourth (©) Halt (@) Double TBS-2. Ans. (c) IES-3. A rigid beam of negligible weight is supported in a horizontal position by two rods of steel and aluminum, 2m and 1 m long having values of cross - sectional areas 1 cm? and 2 em? and E of 200 GPa and 100 GPa respectively. A load P is, applied as shown in the figure [ES-2002] beeegeetee Lobb et 2m 1m Steel Aluminium aS Rigid Beam P If the rigid beam is to remain horizontal then (@) The forces on both sides should be equal () The force on aluminum rod should be twice the force on steel (©) The force on the steel rod should be twice the force on aluminum (@)_ The force P must be applied at the centre of the beam IBS-8. Ans. (b) Bar of uniform strength TES-4. Which one of the following statements is correct? TIES 2007] A beam is said to be of uniform strength, if (@) The bending moment is the same throughout the beam (©) The shear stress is the same throughout the beam (©) The deflection is the same throughout the beam (@)_ The bending stress is the same at every section along its longitudinal axis IBS-4. Ans. (d) IES-5. Which one of the following statements is correct? [ES-2006} Beams of uniform strength vary in section such that (@) bending moment remains constant (b) deflection remains constant (©) maximum bending stress remains constant (@) shear force remains constant TBS-5. Ans. (c) IES-6. For bolts of uniform strength, the shank diameter is made equal to [IES-2003] (@) Major diameter of threads () Pitch diameter of threads (©) Minor diameter of threads (@ Nominal diameter of threads IES-6. Ans. (c) IES-7. A bolt of uniform strength can be developed by [ES-1995] (@) Keeping the core diameter of threads equal to the diameter of unthreaded portion of the bolt Page 25 of 429 (©) Keeping the core diameter smaller than the diameter of the unthreaded portion Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s (© Keeping the nominal diameter of threads equal the diameter of unthreaded portion of the bolt (@ One end fixed and the other end free IES-7. Ans. (a) Elongation of a Taper Rod IES-8, Two tapering bars of the same material are subjected to a tensile load P. The lengths of both the bars are the same. The larger diameter of each of the bars D. The diameter of the bar A at its smaller end is D/2 and that of the bar B ‘D/3. What is the ratio of elongation of the bar A to that of the bar B? [IES-2006] (are 23 4:9 @13 IES-8, Ans. (b) Elongation ofa taper rod (el) =—F* Tage or (Shh _ (013) (al, “(4), “(o72) TES-9, A bar of length L tapers uniformly from diameter 1.1 D at one end to 0.9 D at the other end. The clongation due to axial pull is computed mean diameter D. What is the approximate error in computed elongation? [TES-2004] (a) 10% @)5' (1% @ 0.5% TES.9, Ans. (c) Actual elongation of the bar (1), Calculated elongation of the bar (al). Err (96) = (aa (Ma 4 (as TES-10. The stretch in a steel rod of circular section, having a length T’ subjected to a tensile load’ P" and tapering uni diameter dz at the other end, PI rmly from a diameter di at one end to a THES.-1995] 1. 4pl a @ (o) Pe 6 tad, © aead, IES-10. Ans. (d) Actual elongation of the bar (61),, (rk IES-11. A tapering bar (diameters of end sections being d: and d: a bar of uniform cross-section ’d’ have the same length and are subjected the same Both the bars will have the same extensio1 it (ae &) IES-11. Ans. (b) ial pull. a is equal to [TES-1993] of Poisson’s ratio IES-12. In the caso of an engineering material under unidirectional stress in the x- direction, the Poisson's ratio is equal to (symbols have the usual meanings) (IAS 1994, IES-2000] Page 27 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's 5 & 2, 2, os w= oe aoe TES-12, Ans. (a) IES-13. Which one of the following is correct in respect of Poisson's ratio (v) limits for an isotropic elastic solid? [ES-2004] @—2 10° Mpa (©) 0.8875 x 10°MPa (@) 0.9469 x 10°MPa |. Ans.(b) E = 2G(1+ 1) oF 1.25x10°= 26(1+0.34) or G = 0.4664 x 108 MPa Im a homogenous, isotropic clastic material, the modulus of clasticity E in terms of@ and K is equal to TIAS-1998, TES -1092] G+3K 3G+K 9KG 9KG (a) ) 3 oO @ 3 9KG 9KG G=3K +36 Ans. (c) What isthe relationship between the linear elastic properties Young's modulus @), rigidity modulus (@) and bulk modulus (K)? {1S-2008) 1083 23,4 @i-8s8 8-208 Ans, (A) E=26(1 1) =9K(1~241)= SAS What is the relationship between the liner elastic properties Young's modulus (€), rigidity modulus (G) and bulk modulus (K)? (IES-2009] 9KG 9KG 9KG ») E @E @ a K+G ? K+3G 3K+G 9KG. Ans. (€) E=26(1+ 1) =3K(1~2y) = XS (@) (1+ 40) (1-2) ‘+6 If E, G and K denote Young's modulus, Modulus of rigidity and Bulk Modulus, respectively, for an elastic material, then which one of the following can be possibly true? [ES-2005] (@)G=2K ()G=E OK=E aa Anse) E = 26(1+ 1) = 3K (1-21) = XS. AMEE ES ZO 4) "3K the va fp mtb betwen 0005 0 E never illo Git j= tn E=ksoans.ise Ifa material had a modulus of elasticity of 2.1 x 10° kgfem! and a modulus of rigidity of 0.8 x 10° kgf/cm! then the approximate value of the Poisson's ratio of the material would Page 20 of 429 [ES-1993] (0.26 (b) 0.31 (OAT os Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's TES-36, Ans. (b) Use E=2G(1+1) IES.37. The modulus of elasticity for a material is 200 GN/m* and Poisson's ratio is 0.25. What is the modulus of rigidity? 1ES-2004) (a) 80 GNim? (© 250 GNime (@) 820 GNim# TES-87. Ans. (a) E=26(1+ 1) or G=— © — = 200 ___gocnim? 2(t pw)” Bx(t+025) TES-38. Consider the following statements: [TES-2009] 1. ‘Two-dimensional stresses applied to a thin plate in its own plane represent the plane stress condition. 2. Under plane stress condition, the strain in the direction perpendicular to the plane is zero. 3. Normal and shear stresses may occur simultaneously on a plane. Which of the above statements is Jare correct? (a) Lonly @) tand2 (© 2and 3 (@) Lands IES-38. Ans. (4) Under plane stress condition, the strain in the direction perpendicular to the plane is not zero. It has been found experimentally that when a body is stressed within elastic limit, the lateral strain bears a constant ratio to the linear strain, [[ES-2009] Stresses in compound strut IES-39. Eight bolts are to be selected for fixing the cover plate of a cylinder subject to a maximum load of 980-175 KN. If the design stress for the bolt material 315 Nimm*, what is the diameter of each bolt? (1ES-2008] (@) 10mm (6) 22 mm (© 30 mm (@) 36mm, TES-39. Ans. (b) Total load(P)=8 0x22 ord= [P= | 280175 4 Bao \2rx318 125-40, For a composite consisting of a bar enclosed inside a tube of another material when compressed under a load ‘w' as a whole through rigid collars at the end of the bar. The equation of compatibility ls given by (suffixes 1 and 2) refer to bar and tube respectively {LES-1998] y, OM AW,=W OM eM, =Cons, (Mae yi AE, AE, ui TES-40, Ans. (c) Compatibility equation insists that the change in length of the bar must be ‘napatibe With the Boumalay conditions. Here, (fie alan correct het #4 equiibeien equation, 2.25mm TES-41, When a composite unit consisting of a steel rod surrounded by a cast iron tube is subjected to an axial load. {IES-2000] Assertion (A): The ratio of normal stresses induced in both the materials is ‘equal to the ratio of Young's moduli of respective materials. Reason (R): The composite unit of these two materials is firmly fastened together at the ends to ensure equal deformation in both the materials. (@) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (@) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (© Ais true but Ris false @ Ais false but Ris true TES-41. Ans. (a) IES-42. ‘The figure below shows a steel rod of 25 mm? cross sectional area. It is loaded at four points, K, L, Mand N. [GATE-2004, TES 1995, 1997, 1998] Page 31 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's t 500 mm 400 mm 1700 mm. Assume Eueci = 200 GPa. The total change in length of the rod due to loading is, (@) Tum )-10 um (16 um — @)-20 um IBS-42, Ans. (b) First draw FED of all parts separately then voref{ 0m sel ee Leen ‘Total change in length = oe IBS-43, The reactions at the rigid A B supports at A and B for c the bar loaded as shown in the figure are respectively. — 10 kN (@) 2008 KN, 10/3 kN (@) 10/8 KN, 2078 kN (5 KN, 5 im 2m (BKN,4kN >_> [ES-2002; IAS- 2003] IES-43. Ans. (a) Elongation in AC = length reduction in CB Rut _Ry x2 AE AE And Ra+ Ry= 10 IBS-44. Which one of the following is correct? [ES-2008} When a nut is tightened by placing a washer below it, the bolt will be subjected to (a) Compression only () Tension (©) Shear only (@ Compression and shear IBS-44. Ans. (b) IES-45, Which of the following stresses are associated with the tightening of nut on a bolt? [ES-1993} 1. Tensile stress due to the stretching of bolt 2, Bending stress due to the bending of bolt. 3. Crushing and shear stresses in threads 4. Torsional shear stress due to frictional resistance between the nut and the bolt. Select the correct answer using the codes given below Codes: (a) 1, 2and 4 (@) 1, 2and 3 ©@28and4 (@1,8and4 IBS-45, Ans. (d) Thermal effect TES-46. A 100 mm x 5 mm x 5 mm steel bar free to expand is heated from 15°C to 40°C. What shall be developed? (1ES-2008] (a) Tensile stress (b) Compressive stress (©) Shear stress (@) No stress TES-46. Ans. (d) If wo resist to expand then only stress will develop. IES-47. Which one of the following statements is correct? [GATE-1995; ES 2007] Ifa material expands freely due PORZAtA® it will develop Chapter-1 ‘Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s (a) Thermal stress (b) Tensile stress __(@) Compressive stress (@) Nostress IES-47. Ans. (d) IES-48. A cube having each side of length a, is constrained in all directions and is heated uniformly so that the temperature is raised to T°C. Ifa is the thermal coefficient of expansion of the cube material and E the modulus of elasticity, the stress developed in the cube is: TIES-2003] alE aE ate aTE @ Oy oe @ y (2) 2 (2) AV_a@=(p)_a'(1+aT) -a° 18-48, Ans, (by) 2 = 2 S18) _ 2 (eT) 3 OK = P or—2—=30r i127) TES-49. Consider the following statements: [Es-2002] ‘Thermal stress is induced in a component in general, when 1. A temperature gradient exists in the component, 2, The component is free from any restraint 3. Itis restrained to expand or contract freely Which of the above statements are correct? (a) Land 2 ©) 2and 3 (© Balone (@ 2 alone TES-49, Ans. (c) IES-50. A steel rod 10 mm in diameter and 1m long is heated from 20°C to 120°C, B= 200 GPa and a = 12 x 104 per °C. If the rod is not free to expand, the thermal stress developed i [IAS-2003, TES-1997, 2000, 2006] (a) 120 MPa (tensile) (&) 240 MPa (tensile) (©) 120 MPa (compressive) (@) 240 MPa (compressive) IES.50, Ans. (d) aEAt = (12x 10) (200% 10") «(120~20)=240MPa Tt will be compressive as elongation restricted. IES-51. A cube with a side length of 1 cm is heated uniformly 1° C above the room temperature and all the sides are free to expand. What will be the increase in ‘volume of the cube? (Given coefficient of thermal expansion is a per °C) (@) 3acm* 20cm (@acm* (@ zero {TES-2004] TES-51. Ans. (a) co-efficient of volume expansion (y) = 3%co — efficient of linear expansion(a) TES-52, A bar of copper and steel form a composite system. [TES-2004] ‘They are heated to a temperature of 40 ° C. What type of stress is induced in the copper bar (a) Tensile (b) Compressive _(@) Both tensile and compressive (@) Shear TES-52. Ans. (b) IES-53.a=12.5«10*/°C, E=200GPa If the rod fitted strongly between the supports as shown in the figure, is heated, the stress induced in it due to 20°C ‘temperature will be: {TES-1999] (0) 0.07945 MPa ——(b) 0.07945 MPa (©)-0.03972MPa ——(@) 0.03972 MPa Page 33 of 429 Chapter-1 TBS-58. An: IES-54, Stress and Strain SK Mondal's R= 50kN/m 's. (b) Let compression of the spring =x m ‘Therefore spring force = kx kN Expansion of the rod due to temperature rise = Laat hx) AE Reduction in the length due to compression force = (ho) AE Now Laat ~ | 0.5x12.5x10% x20 Or x= 0.125mm 50%0.5 ‘+ ooo 200«10° Compressive stress ‘The temperature stress is a function of [ES-1992] 1. Coefficient of linear expansion 2. Temperature rise 3. Modulus of elasticity ‘The correct answer is (@) Land 2only — (b) Land S only (©) 2and 3 only (@)1,2and3 TES-54, Ans. (d) Stress in the rod due to temperature rise = (ait) Impact loading IES-55, Assertion (A): Ductile materials generally absorb more impact loading than a brittle material [IES-2004] Reason (R): Ductile materials generally have higher ultimate strength than brittle materials (@) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (@) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris falee (@ Ais false but R is true IES-55. Ans. (c) IBS-56, Assertion (A): Specimens for impact testing are never notched. Reason (R): A notch introduces tri-axial tensile stresses which cause brittle fracture. (@) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A () Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistruo but Ris false (@ _ Ais false but Ris true TES-56, Ans. (d) A is false but R is correct, Page 34 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s Tensile Test IES-57. During tensile-testing of a specimen using a Universal Testing Machine, the parameters actually measured include [IES-1996] (a) True stress and true strain () Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus (6) Engineering stress and engineering strain (@) Load and elongation, IES-57. Ans. (d) IES-58. Ina tensile test, near the elastic limit zone [IES-2006] (a) Tensile stress increases at a faster rate (b) Tensile stress decreases at a faster rate (©) Tensile stress increases in linear proportion to the stress (@__ Tensile stress decreases in linear proportion to the stress IES-58. Ans. (b) IES-59. Match List-1 (Types of Tests and Materials) with List-l (Types of Fractures) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List List [IES-2002; TAS-2004] (Types of Tests and Materials) (Types of Fractures) A. Tensile test on CI 1. Plain fracture on a transverse plane B. Torsion test on MS 2, Granular helecoidal fracture €. Tensile test on MS. 2, Plain granular at 45° to the axis, D. Torsion test on CI 4. Cup and Cone 5. Granular fracture on a transverse plane Codes: A BC D A B Cc oD @ 4 2 8 4 @ 4 1 8B 2 ® 5 1 4 2 @ 5 2 4 4 IES-59. Ans. (d) TES-60. Which of the following materials generally exhibits a yield point? [TES-2003] (0) Cast iron (b) Annealed and hot-rolled mild stee! (6) Soft brass (@ Cold-rolled steel IES-60. Ans. (b) IES-61. For most brittle materials, the ultimate strength in compression is much large then the ultimate strength in tension. The is mainly due to [LES-1992] (a) Presence of flaws and microscopic cracks or cavities @) Necking in tension (©) Severity of tensile stress as compared to compressive stress (@)_ Nondinearity of stress-strain diagram IES-61. Ans. (a) TES-62, What is the safe static tensile load for a M36 % 4C bolt of mild steel having yield stress of 280 MPa and a factor of safety 1.52 THES-2005] ()285kN() 00 KN (2.5 4N @95KN THS-62, Ans. (6) 0, = Me or Wo, x2 4 Wg eM tree ios" fosx4 IES-63. Which one of the following properties is more sensitive to increase in strain rate? [HES-2000] (a) Yield strength () Proportional limit (¢) Elastic limit _(d)/Tensile strength IES-63. Ans. (b) Page 35 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's IBS-64. A steel hub of 100 mm internal diameter and uniform thickness of 10 mm was heated to a temperature of 300°C to shrink-fit it on a shaft. On cooling, a crack developed parallel to the direction of the length of the hub. Consider the following factors in this regar [ES-1994] 1, Tensile hoop stress 2. Tensile radial stress 8. Compressive hoop stress 4. Compressive radial stress ‘The cause of failure is attributable to (a) 1 alone (b) Land 3 ()1,2and4 (@ 2,3 and4 IBS-64, Ans. (a) A crack parallel to the direction of length of hub means the failure was due to tensile hoop stress only IES-65. If failure in shear along 45° planes is to be avoided, then a material subjected to uniaxial tension should have its shear strength equal to at least [IES-1994] (a) Tensile strength (®) Compressive strength () Half the difference between the tensile and compressive strengths, (@ Half the tensile strength. IBS-65. Ans. (d) TES-66, Select the proper sequence TES-1992] 1. Proportional Limit 2. Elastic limit 3.Yielding 4. Failure (@)2,3,1,4 21,54 L324 (1,234 TES-66, Ans. (d) True stress-strain curve Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Stress in a bar due to self-weight IAS-1. A henvy uniform rod of longth 'L’ and material density * hung vertically with its top end rigidly fixed. How is the total elongation of the bar under its own weight expressed? TAS.2007] : ove og VDE WL _(GAlg)L_ dP'g 24E 24E2E- © @ TAS-1. Ans. (d) Elongation due to self weight =. IAS2. A rod of length ‘I’ and cross-section area ‘A’ rotates about an axis passing through one end of the rod. The extension produced in the rod due to centrifugal forces is (w is the weight of the rod per unit length and @ is the angular velocity of rotation of the rod). TAS 1994] ont? ow? ow? 3g. @ w a = oF oor oF © OF 1AS-2. Ans. (b) Page 35 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s Elongation of a Taper Rod JAS-3. A rod of length, "/" tapers uniformly from a diameter "Dy' to a diameter "D:' and ‘carries an axial tensile load of "P*, The extension of the rod is (E represents the modulus of elasticity of the material of the rod) [IAS-1996] 4Pl 4PEL a) 6 © SEDD, © {Dp, TAS.3. Ans. (a) The extension of the taper ro Poisson’s ratio IAS-4. In the case of an engineering material under unidirectional stress in the x direction, the Poisson’s ratio is equal to (symbols have the usual meanings) [IAS 1994, TES-2000] w+ oe @2 o, ° IAS-4, Ans. (a) IAS.5. Assertion (A): Poisson's ratio of a material is a measure of its ductility. Reason (R): For every linear strain in the direction of foree, Poisson's ratio of the material gives the lateral strain in directions perpendicular to the direction of fore. (1AS-1999] (2) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and Rare individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (©) Ais true but Ris false (@) Ais false but Ris true ns. (d) 1As5, JAS-6. Assertion (A): Poisson's ratio is a measure of the lateral strain in all direction perpendicular to and in terms of the linear strai [AS-1997] Reason (R): The nature of lateral strain in a uni-axially loaded bar is opposite to that of the linear strain. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (@) Both Aand Rare individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (© Ais true but Ris false (@ Ais false but Ris true 1AS-6, Ans. (b) Elasticity and Plasticity TAS-7, A weight falls on a plunger fitted in a container filled with oil thereby producing a pressure of 1.5 N/mm? in the oil. The Bulk Modulus of oil is 2800 Nimmt. Given this situation, the volumetric compressive strain produced in the oil will be: {1AS-1997] (@) 400 x 108 () 800 x 108 (©) 268 x 10 (@) 535 x 106 P15 IAS-7. Ans. (d) Bull modulus of elasticity (1) 1510 Relation between the Elastic Modulii IAS-8, For a linearly elastic, isotropic and homogeneous material, the number of elastic constants required to relate stress and strain is: [TAS 1994; TES-1998], (a) Two () Three (© Four @ Six IAS-8, Ans. (a) Page 37 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain ‘SK Mondal's IAS-9. ‘The independent elastic constants for a homogenous and isotropic material are @EGKy OEGK OR, (EG (TAS-1995] TAS-9. Ans. (d) TAS-10. The unit of elastic modulus is the same as those of TAS 1994] () Stress, shear modulus and pressure () Strain, shear modulus and force (¢) Shear modulus, stress and force (@) Stress, strain and pressure, TAS-10. Ans. (a) IAS-11, Young's modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio of a material are 1.25 x 10° MPa and 0.34 respectively. The modulus of rigidity of the material is: TAS 1994, TES-1995, 2001, 2002, 2007] (@) 0.4025 > 10°MPa, () 0.4664 * 10°MPa (©) 0.8875 x 10°MPa (@) 0.9469 x 10°MPa TAS-11, Ans.(b) E =2G(1+ j1) of 1.25810° = 26(140.24) or G = 0.4664 x 10° MPa IAS-12, The Young's modulus of elasticity of a material is 2.5 times its modulus of rigidity. The Posson's ratio for the material will be: [IAS-1997] (a) 0.25 @)0.88 07 ee 1st nn) Eo20(ien) text, se IAS-13. In a homogenous, isotropic elastic material, the modulus of elasticity E in terms of G and K is equal to [IAS-1995, TES - 1999] @ G4+3K @ 304K @ ke @ 9KG 9KG 9KG GK K43G TAS-13. Ans. (c) IAS-14. The Elastic Constants E and K are related as (1 is the Poisson’s ratio) [TAS-1996] @B=2k(i-2¥) W)E=Sk (1-24) — @E=Sk+ 4) B=2KI +2) TAS-14. Ans. (b) E=2G (1+ )=3k (1-21) IAS-15. For an isotropic, homogeneous and linearly elastic material, which obeys Hooke's law, the number of independent elastic constant is: [AS-2000] (1 (by2 3 6 IAS-15. Ans. (b) E, G, K and y represent tho elastic modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus and poisons ratio respectively of a ‘linearly elastic, isotropie and homogeneous material.’ To express the stress ~ strain relations completely for this material; at least any two of the 9KG four must be known. E =2G(1+ 1) =3K (1-3, (+ #)=3K (1-39) =F IAS-16. The moduli of elasticity and rigidity of a material are 200 GPa and 80 GPa, respectively. What is the value of the Poisson's ratio of the material? [IAS-2007] (a) 030 (b) 026 (©) 025 @oz 26 0+) or wae 200 _1~0.25 TAS-16, Ans. (c) a Sane Stresses in compound strut IAS-17. The reactions at the rigid supports at A and B for the bar loaded as shown in the figure are respectively. [TES-2002; TAS-2003] (@) 20/3KN,10/3 Kn) 10/3 KN, 20/3KN SKN, SKN— (@) OKN, ARN Page 38 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s 1AS.17. Ans. (a) Elongation in AC length reduction in CB Ryxt_Ryx2 AE AE And Rat n= 10 Thermal effect JAS-18. A steel rod 10 mm in diameter and 1m long is heated from 20°C to 120°C, B= 200 GPa and a = 12 x 10* per °C. If the rod is not free to expand, the thermal stress developed is: [IAS-2003, TES-1997, 2000, 2006] () 120 MPa (tensile) (6) 240 MPa (tensile) (6) 120 MPa (compressive) (@) 240 MPa (compressive) TAS-18, Ans. (@) aEAt =(12x 10) «(200%10") x (120-20)=240MPa It will be compressive as elongation restricted, IAS-19, A. steel rod of diameter 1 em and 1m long is heated from 20°C to 120°C. Its @=12x10"/Kand E=200 GNim*. If the rod is free to expand, the thermal stress developed in it is: [1AS-2002] (a) 12 108 Nim (@) 240 kN/m= © x @ infinity IAS-19. Ans. (c) Thermal stress will develop only if expansion is restricted. 1AS.20. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched? (1AS-1999] (E = Young's modulus, a = Coefficient of linear expansion, T = Temperature rise, A = Area of cross-section, I= Original length) (a) Temperature strain with permitted expansion 5 = (aTl-68) Qrabemssaran Ge (errseeniss ces nk paiepi Siel-8) IAS-20. Ans. (a) Dimensional analysis gives (a) is wrong Impact loading TAS-21. Match List I with List IT and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: TTAS-1995] List I (Property) List I (Testing Machine) A Tensile strength, 41, Rotating Bending Machine B. Impact strength 2. Three-Point Loading Machine C. Bending strength 3. Universal Testing Machine D. Fatigue strength 4. Izod Testing Machine Codes A BC D A B Cc »D @ 4 3 2 1 @ 8 2 1 4 @ 2 1 4 @ 38 4 2 1 IAS-21. Ans. (€) Page 39 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's Tensile Test IAS-22, A mild steel specimen is tested in tension up to fracture in a Universal Testing TAS-22. TAS-23, Ina simple ten: TAS.23. TAS.24. Machine. Which of the following mechanical properties of the material can be evaluated from such a test? [1AS-2007] 1. Modulus of elasticity 2. Yield stress 3. Ductility 4. Tensile strength 5. Modulus of rigidity Select the correct answer using the code given below: (@)1,3,5and6 — (b)2,3,4and6 (1,2, 5and6 (@1,2,8and4 . Ans. (d) 1 test, Hooke's law is valid upto the [IAS-1993] (a) Blastic limit (b) Limit of proportionality (e) Ultimate stress (@) Breaking point Ans. (b) IAS-24. __Lueder’ lines on steel specimen under simple tension test is a direct indication of yielding of material due to slip along the plane [AS-1997] (a) OF maximum principal stress () Off maximum shear (©) Of loading (@) Perpendicular to the direction of loading Ans. (b) IAS.25, The percentage elongation of a material as obtained from static tension test depends upon the [1AS-1993] (@) Diameter of the test specimen ) Gauge length of the specimen TAS.35. (©) Nature of enc-grips of the testing machine (2) Geometry of the test specimen, 5. Ans. (b) TAS.26. Match List-I (Types of Tests and Materials) with ListIl (Types of Fractures) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list List I List-IT TIES-2002; TAS-2004] (Types of Tests and Materials) (Types of Fractures) A. Tensile test on Cl 1. Plain fracture on a transverse plane B. Torsion test on MS 2. Granular helecoidal fracture C. Tensile test on MS 8. Plain granular at 45° to the axis D. Torsion test on Cl 4. Cup and Cone 5. Granular fracture on a transverse plane Codes A BC D A BC OD @ 4 2 3 1 @ 4 1 3 2 ® 5 1 4 2 @ 5 2 4 1 TAS-26, Ans. (d) IAS-27. Assertion (A): For a ductile material stress-strain curve is a straight line up to the yield point. [AS-2003] Reason (R): The material follows Hooke's law up to the point of proportionality. (@) Both Aand R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A () Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false (@_ Aisfalse but Ris true TAS-27. Ans. (4) TAS-28, Assertion (A): Stress-strain curves for brittle material do not exhibit yield point. [IAS-1996] Reason (R): Brittle materials fail without yielding. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (@) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false @ Ais false but R is true TAS-28. Ans. (a) Up to elastic limit. Page 40 of 429 Chapter ‘Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s 1AS-29. Match List I (Materials) with List I (Stress-Strain curves) and select the ‘correct answer using the codes given below the THAS-2003] List I 8 A Mild Steet 1 Yo —. | B. Pure copper 2 / 3 = C. Cast iron 4 / q 7 4 D. Pure alumina Coles: A BC D A Bc oD @ 3 1 4 1 @ 8 2 4 2 © 2 4 8 1 @ 4 1 8 2 TAS-29. Ans. (b) IAS-30. ‘The stress-strain curve of an ideal elastic strain hardening material will be as I {— ! @ © © @ {1AS-1998] TAS-20. Ans. (4) JAS-31. Am idealised stress-strain curve for a perfectly plastic material is given by of or—_ © © « ee ¥ = TTAS-1996) IAS-31. Ans. (a) IAS-32, Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: [HAS-2002] List pais 420 A. Ultimate strength f Internal structure Chapter-1 Stress and Strain ‘SK Mondal's B. Natural strain 2. Change of length per unit instantaneous length C. Conventional strain 8. Change of length per unit gauge length D. Stress 4. Load per unit area A Bc D AB Cc D 1 2 38 4 @® 4 8 2 4 1 8 2 4 @ 4 2 8 1 TAS-82. Ans. (a) IAS-33. Whatis the cause of failure of a short MS strut under an axial load? (LAS-2007] (a) Fracture stress (b) Shear stress (©) Buckling (a) Yielding TAS-83. Ans, () In compression tests of ductile materials fractures is seldom obtained. Compression is accompanied by lateral expansion and a compressed eylinder ultimately assumes the shape of a flat disc. IAS.34. Match List I with List I and select the correct answer using the codes given the list TIAS-1995] Lisel List AL Right Perfetly plastic 1 ‘ ‘ Elastc-Perfecty plastic é e | € ° Rigid-Strain hardening a = D. Lineaty elastic 4 a Codes A BCD A Bc D @® 3 1 4 2 @® 1 3 2 4 ®3 1 2 4 @ 1 3 4 2 TAS.84, Ans (a) TAS85. Which one of the following materials is highly elastic? HAS-1995] (Rubber () Brass (Stel (@ Giass IAS-85. Ans. (e) Steel is the highly elastic material because it is deformed least on loading, and ‘regains its original from on removal of the load. ive law for a linear elastic material. TAS.36, Assertion (A): Hooke's law is the cons Reason (R) Formulation of the theory of elasticity requires the hypothesis that there exists a unique unstressed state of the body, to which the body returns whenever all the forces are removed. [IAS.2003] (@) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A () Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false (@ Ais false but Ris true TAS.36, Ans. (a) IAS-87. Consider the following statementage 42 01479 [LAS-2002) Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s ‘There are only two independent elastic constants. Elastic constants are different in orthogonal directions. Material properties are same everywhere. Elastic constants are same in all loading directions. ‘The material has ability to withstand shock loading. Which of the above statements are true for a linearly elastic, homogeneous and isotropic material? ()1,3,4and5 ()2, Sand 4 (1, 3and4 (@2and5 1AS-37. Ans. (a) TAS-38. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched? [TAS-1999] (0) Uniformly distributed stress Force passed through the centroid of the cross-section, (b) Elastic deformation Work done by external forees during deformation is dissipated fully as heat (© Potential energy of strain Body is in a state of elastic deformation (@) Hooke's law Relation between stress and strain TAS-38. Ans. (b) IAS-39. A tensile bar is stressed to 250 Nimm? which is beyond its elastic limit. At this stage the strain produced in the bar is observed to be 0.0014. If the modulus of clasticity of the material of the bar is 205000 Nimm? then the elastic component of the strain is very close to {1AS-1997] (a) 0.0004 (@) 0.0002 (©) 0.0001 (@) 0.00005 IAS-39. Ans. (b) Page 43 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question IES-2010 Q@ Ans. loading Ifa load of 60 KN is applied to a rigid bar suspended by 3 wires as shown in the above figure what force will be resisted by each wire? ylle The outside wires are of Al, cross- sectional area 300 mm? and length 4 Fie. dos m. The central wire is steel with area 200 mm and length 8 my Initially there is no slack in the wires E=2x10°N/mm! for Steel ToT = 0.667% 10°N / mm? for Aluminum eel | coun [2 Marks} Aluminium wire Steel wire P=60KN 2 4, =300mm? 14, =4m. ay =200mm* 1, = Eq) = 0.667x10°N /mm? Ey =2x10°N /mm* Force balance along vertical direction 2g + Fy = 60 KN a Elongation will be same in all wires because rod is rigid remain horizontal after Fadar _ Fed Tavdar 2 Faedae é. amEn aE Fax Fy x8 300x0.667%10° — 200x2x10° Fg, =1.0005 Fy ) Page 44 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s 60x10" From equation (1) Ry = £0%2" 219.99 kN or 20 kN Fay =20 KN Eq 220KN | Fe = 20KN f°" Conventional Question GATE Question: ‘The diameters of the brass and steel segments of the axially loaded bar shown in figure are 30 mm and 12 mm respectively. The diameter of the hallow section of the brass segment is 20 mm. Determine: (j) The maximum normal stress in the steel and brass (i) The displacement of the free end ; Take E,= 210 GN/m? and Es = 105 GNim? ta ane m—| 5 (02) =S8emm = 36210" Answers A (As)uo = * (30)? = 252mm? = 2251 <10°%m* (A.)eg = 4% (80° ~ 20°) = 1252 mm? = 125 «10m? () The maximum normal stress in steel and brass: 10x10" ageyiN ym? 2 0, = a «107 MIN/ m? = 88.42MN + 36x x10" = " 5x10" Signa i - %10°MIN/m? = 7.07MN/\ fe" Ber «10% " 2 10"°MN/ m? = 12.73MN /m? ) The displacement ofthe free end: A= (Aya +(Ay oc +(e Jeo 8842x015 | 7.07x0.2 | 12.73%0.125 (- 2) 21010" x10% 105x10°x10% © 105x10° x10 =9.178x10m = 0.09178 mm Conventional Question IES-1999 Question: Distinguish between fatigue strength and fatigue limit. Answer: Fatigue strength as the value of eyclic stress at which failure occurs after N cycles. And fatigue limit as the limiting value of stress at which failure occurs as N becomes very large (sometimes called infinite cycle) Conventional Question IES-1999 P20 4501429 Chapter-1 Question: Stress and Strain SK Mondal's List at least two factors that promote transition from ductile to brittle fracture, @ With the grooved specimens only a small reduction in area took place, and the appearance of the facture was like that of brittle materials. Gi) By internal cavities, thermal stresses and residual stresses may combine with the effect of the stress concentration at the cavity to produce a erack. The resulting fracture will have the characteristics of a brittle failure without appreciable plastic flow, although the material may prove ductile in the usual tensile teats. Conventional Question TES-1999 Question: Answer: Distinguish between creep and fatigue. Fatigue is a phenomenon associated with variable loading or more precisely to eyelic stressing or straining of a material, metallic, components subjected to variable loading get fatigue, which leads to their premature failure under specific conditions. When a member is subjected to a constant load over a long period of time it undergoes a slow permanent deformation and this is termed as "Creep". This is dependent on temperature. Conventional Question IES-2008 Question: Answer: What different stresses set-up in a bolt due to initial tightening, while used as a fastener? Name all the stresses in detail. @ When the nut is initially tightened there will be some elongation in the bolt so tensile stress will develop. Gi) While it is tightening a torque across some shear stress, But when tightening will be completed there should be no shear stress, Conventional Question IES-2008 Question: Answer: A Copper rod 6 cm in diameter is placed within a steel tube, 8 cm external diameter and 6 em internal diameter, of exactly the same length. The two pieces are rigidly fixed together by two transverse pins 20 mm in diameter, one at each end passing through both rod and the tube. Calculated the stresses induced in the copper rod, steel tube and the pins if the temperature of the combination is raised by 50°C. [Take Fe=210 GPa, a, = 0,0000115/" C ; Ee=105 GPa, a, 1.000017" C] ‘Steel tube Pin ( 20mm 6) CSS CSS CO SESE TS OSS LF rn’ G | SUNN ELLE TTT TSS TTS SSE 2.8274 x10" mi? sy _(6 i) (i) Rise in temperature, At = 50°C Free expansion of copper bar=a,Lat Free expansion of steel tube eqdasét 429 Area of steel tube (A,)= im? =2,1991x107 mi? Chapter-t Stress and Strain SK Mondal's Difference in free expansion =(a, —a,)Lat =(17-14.5)x10°° x1 x50=2.75%10%Lm A compressive force (P) exerted by the steel tube on the eopper rod opposed the extra expansion of the copper rod and the copper rod exerts an equal tensile force P to pull the steel tube. In this combined effect reduction in copper rod and inerease in length of steel tube equalize the difference in free expansions of the combined system. Reduction in the length of copper rod due to force P Newton= PE —__Ps__y AE, ~ (2.8275x107)(105 x10") Increase in length of steel tube due to force P PL PL (0b ).= (et aE, ~ Bapaimio ao)” Difference in length is equated (at), + (at), =2.75x10-L sol a Oe = 275 AOL (2.8275 x107)(105 x10") * (2.1991 10-*)(210 10") Or P= 49.695 KN Stress in copper rod, oc, =P - 49695 _ypa=t7.5eMPa A. 28275x10 P___49695 Stress in steel tube, 0, = 7 = 5 7957,.qg7MPa = 22.6MPa Since each ofthe pin isin double shear, shear stress in pins (Ty,) 3 P_-_ 49695 ope Apa 2x7 (0.02) Conventional Question IES-2002 Why are the bolts, subjected to impact, made longer? If we increase length its volume will increase s0 shock absorbing capacity will increased, Conventional Question IES-2007 Question: Explain the following in bri Effect of size on the tensile strength Effect of surface finish on endurance limit. ‘When size of the specimen inerenses tensile strength decrease. Tt is due to the reason that if size inereases there should be more change of defects (voids) into the material which reduces the strength appreciably. Gi) If the surface finish is poor, the endurance strength is reduced because of seratches present in the specimen. From the seratch crack propagation will start. Answer: Conventional Question TES-2004 Question: Mention the relationship between three elastic constants i.e. elastic modulus ®), rigidity modulus (G), and bulk modulus (K) for any Elastic material. How is the Poisson's ratio (11) related to these modulli? 9KG 3K+G E=3K(1—2) =2G0 +p) = 2S. Pal Gaon Answer: B= Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's Conventional Question IES-1996 Question: ‘The clastic and shear moduli of an elastic material are 2x10"! Pa and 8*10" Pa respectively. Determine Poisson's ratio of the material. Anawer, Welw tht B=204801) = 3K(1-24)= 28S E onttuaoe cope Ete 210" 025 2G 2x(8x10") Conventional Question IES-2003 Question: A steel bolt of diameter 10 mm passes through a brass tube of internal diameter 15 mm and external diameter 25 mm. The bolt is tightened by a nut so that the length of tube is reduced by 1.5 mm. If the temperature of the assembly is raised by 40°C, es before and after heating. Material properties for steel and brass are: By =2x10° N/mm? a, = 1.2107 /" C and B= 1X105Nimm? 0 =1.9*1019C. SS Answer: < AMIS Area of steel bolt (A,)=3 x(0.010)'m? = 7.854x<10-%m? Area of brass tube (A, }= (0.025) ~(0.015)}]=3.1416 10 Stress due to tightening of the nut Compressive force on brass tube= tensile fore on steel bolt 07, 6,A, = 0A, or, (AM A =0,A, Let assume total length (f)=1m (1.5x10") canto") .( Therefore (1*10° x10°)x x (3.1416 x10“) = 0, x7.854x10° or 7, = 600MPa (tensile) (a), = t ait ogo CAM (4) 15810 prs wisguarel cara) Page 48 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s So before heating Stress in brass tube (0,) = 150MPa (compressive) ‘Stress in steel boll(«,) = 600MPa (tensile) Stress due to rise of temperature Let stress 6, &6, are due to brass tube and steel bolt. Ifthe two members had been free to expand, Free expansion of steel = 0, xAf%! Free expansion of brass tube = ay, xd\f 1 Since a, >, free expansion of copper is greater than the free expansion of steel. But, they are rigidly fixed so final expansion of each members will be same, Let us assume this final expansion is "8', The free expansion of brass tube is grater than 6, while the free expansion of steel is less than 5. Hence the steel rod will be subjected to a tensile stress while the brass tube will be subjected to a compressive stress. For the equilibrium of the whole system, Aor, & =a,(at)x1— 1.2% 10") xA0x 14+ 92 = (1.91074) «401 = 8 i Onl 2x10") 40x aa edo apa From(i) & (i) we get 5 7 oF aan 28x10 or «, = 37.33 MPa (Tensile stress) or, 0,= 9.33MPa (compressive) ‘Therefore, the final stresses due to tightening and temperature rise Stress in brass tube =0,+0; 0+9.33MP 159.33MPa Stress in steel bolt =o, +0,= 600 + 37.33 = 637.33MPa. Conventional Question IES-1997 Question: ‘A Soli right cone of axial length h is made of a material having density p ity modulus E. It is suspended from its circular base. Determine its it. ‘Sco in the figure MNH is a solid right cone of length 'h! Let us assume its wider end of diameter'd fixed rigidly at MN, Now consider a small strip of thickness dy at a distance y from the lower end. Let 'ds' is the diameter of the strip. “Weight of portion weg SE yao 0 age 49 0 429 Chapter-1 ‘Stress and Strain ‘SK Mondal’s From the similar triangles MNH and UVH, M, N MN dé Wray force at UV 1 pyrady «Total extension of the bar = E 6E From stress-strain relation ship 38 8 qonde z Conventional Question IES-2004 Question: Answer: Which one of the three shafts listed hare has the highest ultimate tensile strength? Which is the approximate carbon content in each steel? () Mild Steel (i) cast iron Gii) spring steel Among three steel given, spring steel has the highest ultimate tensile strength, Approximate carbon content in @) Mild steel is 0.3% to 0.8%) Gi) Cost iron (2% to 4%) Gil) Spring steel (0.4% to 1.1%) Conventional Question IES-2003 Question: Answer: If a rod of brittle material is subjected to pure torsion, show with help of a sketch, the plane along which it will fail and state the reason for its failure. Brittle materials fail in tension, In a torsion test the maximum tensile test Occurs at 45° to the axis of the shaft. So failure will occurs along a 45 to the axis of the shaft. So failure will occurs along a 45° helix x | So failures will occurs according to%RO® pahée9 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s Conventional Question IAS-1995 Question: Answer: ‘The steel bolt shown in Figure has a thread pitch of 1.6 mm. If the nut is initially tightened up by hand s0 as to cause no stresa in the copper spacing tube, calculate the stresses induced in the tube and in the bole if spanner is then used to turn the nut through 90°.Take Ec and E. as 100 GPa and 209 GPa respectively. Given: p= 1.6 mm, E= 100 GPa ; F,= 209 CPa CeoPEr SPACIOD ste0i Dott 10 mm dia) b+ — 100 mm ———+ Stresses induced in the tube and the bolt, 0.07, 10) mn? aa o( 9.) «rseeco%n a |( 18 ¥ (412) ‘ (ea) (5) ‘Tensile force on steel bolt, P.= compressive force in copper tube, P.= P Also, Inrease in length of holt + decrease in length of tube = axial displacement of nut 90 " ie (A), +(81), =1.6x 22 -0.4mm=0.4.10%m be (A), +(31), = 1.6365 =0-4mm PL, Pl 14.14% 10°? oe PE onto or 2 ceo 000 || 785410" «20010 * 74.1410 x100% 10 or Pas . P3g6semPa and P =214.89MPa z R Conventional Question AMIE-1997 Question: Answer: A steel wire 2m long and 3 mm in diameter is extended by 0-75 mm when a weight W is suspended from the wire. If the same weight is suspended from a brass wire, 25 m long and 2 mm in diameter, it is elongated by 4 -64 mm. Determine the modulus of elasticity of brass if that of steel be 2.0 x 105 N/ Given, |, =2m,d,=3mm, dl, = 0 =2 mm dt, = 4.64m m and let modulus of elasticity of brass = mm; E,= 20% 109 NJ mmé; |, =2.5 m, ds Hook's aw gives, a1=-EL [Sybase meaning] Case I: For steel wire: Page 51 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's Pl. "AE, wr orae_—Po@=100) “0 Case Tl: For bass wire: Pl, ae Px«(25x 1000) aa 2x2) (e2}s (5-7) ex or Pad 64x (2x2?) x, x 4 2500 From (i) and (i), we get oree(S 20-10" 2000 ~ or E, =0.909%10°N/mm? so4s(Fx2!) Eas Conventional Question AMIE-1997 Question: Answer: A steel bolt and sleeve assembly is shown in figure below. The nut is tightened up on the tube through the rigid end blocks until the tensile force in the bolt is 40 kN. If an external load 30 KN is then applied to the end blocks, tending to pull them apart, estimate the resulting force in the bolt and sleeve. Steel bolt steel sleeve 25mm o 62.5mm 0D 50-omm ID WL, THz SWOT SS ASSSSSSSSY bY E Co Wm SSS SSS YY, lend block nd block ed yoann ———-f°"8 4 500mm 28.) 900% 10° (Ba) =. 908104 Area of steel bolt, Ay ‘(1000 ) (4000, Forces in the bolt and sleeve: @) Stresses due to tightening the nut: Lot oj, = stress developed in stool belt due to tightening the nut; and o7,= stress developed in steel sleeve due to tightening the nut, ‘Tensile force in the steel bolt = 40 kN = 0.04 MN’ al y Area of steel sleeve, A, [ 225) -( Et f 1.10410"? Page 52 of 429 Chapter-1 Stress and Strain SK Mondal's ox A, = 0.08 or 0, *4.908x10% =0.04 0.04 =81.5MN/m (tensile) 4.90810" Compressive force in steel sleeve = 0:04 MN @,xA, =0.04 or 9, x1.104x10" =0.04 0.04 '=36.23MN/m* (compressive) 104x107 i) Stresses due to tensile force: Let the stresses developed due to tensile force of 30 KN = 0.08 MN in steel bolt and sleeve be o', and o' respectively. Then, ox A, +0" A, = 0.03 yx 4.908 x10" + o',x 1.104107 = 0.03 ---@) In a compound system with an external tensile load, elongation caused in each will he the same. (Given, = 500mm =0.5) (Given, 100mm = 0.4) or a',=0.80', (Given, =E,) Substituting this value in (1), we get 0.80",»4.908 x10 + ax1.104%10° = 0.03 -20MN /m? (tensile) 8 «20 = 16MIN m (tensile) Resulting stress in steel bolt, (o,), =, +0', = 81.5 +16 =97.5MN/m? Resulting stress in steelsleeve, (2) (o,), =0, +0", = 36.23 ~20 = 16.23MN/m: (compressive) Resulting force in steel bolt,= (a), «A, 97.5% 4.908 10“ =0.0478MN( tensile) Resulting force in steelsieeve =(o,), 01 ;02= 0 Right side figure represents Bi-axial state of = stress ° © Triaxial stress: three non-zero e principal stresses, i.e. 0: > 02> aa e Right side figure represents Tri-axial state of stress, © Isotropic stress: three _ principal stresses are equal, Le. 0: = Right side figure represents isotropic state of stress. © Axial stress: two of three principal stresses are equal, ie. 01 = ov or 0: Right side figure represents axial state of Page 54 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain © Hydrostatic pressure: weight of column of fluid in interconnected pore spaces. Piydrsttie = pus gh (density, gravity, depth) © Hydrostatie stress: Hydrostatic: stress is ° used to describe a state of tensile or compressive stress equal in all directions within or external to a body. Hydrostatic stress causes a change in volume of a material. Shape of the body remains é unchanged ie. no distortion occurs in the = body 3 Right side figure represents Hydrostatic state of oT, stress, 2.2 Uni-axial stress on oblique plane rise to axial Let us consider a bar of uniform cross sectional area A under direct tensile load P gi normal stress P/A acting on a eross section XX. Now consider another section given by the plane YY inclined at @ with the XX. This is depicted in following three ways, Fig. (b) Fig. (c) Area of the YY Plane —_.; Let us assume the normal stress in the YY plane is ©, and there is cos a shear stress T acting parallel to the YY plane. Now resolve the force P in two perpendicular direction one normal to the plane YY = Pcos@ and another parallel to the plane YY = Poos@ Page 55 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's ‘Therefore equilibrium gives, and rx: or =F sindoosd or cos a © Note the variation of normal stress G, and shear stress T with the variation of. P normal stress 0, is maximum ie. (7)yq, = and shear stress = As @ is increased, the normal stress o, diminishes, until when@=0,0,=0. But if angle ‘increased shear stress T increases to a maximum value fp, diminishes to r=0 at @=90° © The shear stress will he maximum when sin20=1 or 0 = 45° P © And the maximum shear st2e88, fox = 2 2A © In ductile material failure in tension is initiated by shear stress ie. the failure occurs across the shear planes at 45° (where it is maximum) to the applied load. Page 85 0f 429 '* Complementary stresses [Now if we consider the stresses on an oblique plane YY" which is perpendicular to the previous plane YY. The stresses on this plane are known as complementary stresses. Complementary seereues streseite cf ot coemplomencary abeat aeveee tet! Tha Aanowtag guts ohowe al the four stresses. To obtain the stresses (7), and T' we need only to replace 0 by 0+90" in the previous equation. The angle 9+90° is known as aspect angle. © Sign of Shear stress For sign of shear stress following rule have to be followed: Page 57 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's ‘The shear stress Ton any face of the element will be considered positive when it has a clockwise moment with respect to a centre inside the clement, If the moment is counter. clockwise with respect to a centre inside the element, the shear stress in negative. soontenmwensamrininegtne PIE) ICI Page 58 of 429, Principal Stress and Strain 2.3 Complex Stresses (2-D Stress system) Le. Material subjected to combined direct and shear stress ‘We now consider a complex stress system below. The given figure ABCD shows on small element of material oy 5 A B Wo J _ @ on dp -+ t+ c = : jaca thendineniicent. aia rains ws ©, and G, are normal stresses and may be tensile or compressive, We know that normal stress ‘may come from direct force or bending moment. Ty, is shear stress. We know that shear stress may wre complementary and ‘comes from direct shear foree or torsion and t,, and T,, Ty the normal stress and is the shear stress on a plane at angle 0 let o, Considering the equilibrium of the element we can easily get i Above two equations are coming from considering ,gilibrium. They do not depend on material ‘properties and are valid for elastic and in clastic behavior. Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's + Location of planes of maximum stress (@) Normal stress, (0)... in 28 or - (2.-%,) 2 x (sin20)x2+r,,(0820)x2=0 or tan2 (b) Shoar stress, +... For ¢ maximum or minimum sin20-r, 60820 2 % (cos 20)x2-r,, (-sin20)x2=0 Page 60 of 429, Principal Stress and Strain ‘oy=15 MPa 2.4 Bi-axial stress Let us now consider a stressed element ABCD where 7,,=0, ie. only 0, and 0, is there, This type of stress is known as bi-axial stress. In the provious equation if you put r,,=0 we get Normal stress, G7, and shear stress, 7 ona plane at angle@. oy A o.-6, + ShearfTangential stress, r=" 7° sin 20 « Forcomplementary stress, aspect angle= 0+90° " + Aspect angle ‘0" varies from 0 to 2/2 e + Normal stress o,, varies between the values ¢,(0=0) & o,(0=2/2) Page 61 of 429 Principal Stress and Strain '3/=50 MPa © We may derive uni-axial stress on oblique plane from O,+0, 0,-6, 2 3 c0s20+7,, sin20 y sin20 - r,, 00820 Just put @, =O and r,,=0 ‘Therefore, 00820 = a aE 32 (19-00820)=2,0080 oF os 20= 5 sin20 2.5 Pure Shear © Pure shear is a particular case of bi-axial stress where Note: @, of g, which one is compressive that is immaterial but one should be tensile and other should be compressive and equal_-magnitude. If, =100MPathen @, mustbe=100MPa otherwise if o, = 100MPa then o, mustbe—100MPa.. © Incase of pure shear on 45° planes 3 6,=0 and of =0 ‘© We may depict the pure shear in an element by following two ways Page 62 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s (@) Tn a torsion member, as shown below, an clement ABCD is in pure shear (only shear ‘stress is present in this element) in this member at 45° plane an element A'B'C'D'is also in pure shear where @, =~c, but in this element no shear stress is there. (b) In a bi-asial state of stress a momber, as shown helow, an element ABCD in pure shear where , =-0, but in this element no shear stress is there and an element A’B'C'D' at 145» plane is also in pure shear (only shear stress is present in this element) : UN, : \ 4 " + 2.6 Stress Tensor © State of stress at a point (3-D) ‘Stress acts on every surface that passes through the point. We can use three mutually perpendicular planes to describe the stress state at the point, which we approximate as a cube cach of the three planes has one normal component & two shear components therefore, 9 components necessary to define stress at point 3 normal and 6 shear areas ‘Therefore, we need nine components, to define the state of stress at a point ote 4, For cube to be in equilibrium (at rest: not moving, not spinning) Page 69 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's If they don’ offset, block spins therefore, only six are independent, i ‘The nine components (six of which are independent) can be written in matrix form, Oy On| Of =| Fe ty fa fl te On On Fa ‘This is the stress tensor Components on diagonal are normal stresses; off are shear stresses © State of stress at an element (2-D) act's ay] el 0 re o—=— ec 2.7 Principal stress and Principal plane + When examining stress at a point it is possible to choose three mutually perpendicular planes on which no shear stresses exist in three dimensions, one combination of orientations for the three mutually perpendicular planes will eause the shear stresses on all three planes to go to zero this is the state defined by the principal stresses. Page 64 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s ‘© Principal stresses are normal stresses that are orthogonal to each other + Principal planes are the planes across which principal stresses act (faces of the cube) for principal stresses (shear stresses are 2ero) ‘+ Major Principal Stress ‘+ Minor principal stress ‘* Position of principal planes * Maximum shear stress Page 65 of 29 RelerencePlane BC Page 65 of 429, Principal Stress and Strain 2.8 Mohr's circle for plane stress ‘+ Tho transformation equations of plane stress can be represented in a graphical form which is popularly known as Mohr's eirele. ‘© Though the transformation equations are sufficient to get the normal and shear stresses on any plane at a point, with Mobr's circle one can easily visualize their variation with respect to plane orientation 8. '* Equation of Mohr's circle + a We know that normal stress, 6, = 7! pot 0520-1, sin20 6,-6, And Tangential stress, - sin20~£,, c0820 *c0820-+7,, sin20 4.40) 61-9, Rearanging we (« } 2 and t -sin28 - 1, c08 20. z by A litle consideration will show that the above two equations are the equations of a circle with 0, and + as its coordinates and 20 as its parameter. Ifthe parameter 20 is eliminated from the equations, (i) & (ji) then the significanee of them will become clear. Or (6,-6.4) +25 =R° tis the equation of a circle with centre, Page 67 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's and radius, * Construction of Mohr’s circle Convention for drawing © A Tyg that is clockwise (positive) on a face resides above the Canis; Ty anticlockwise (negative) on a face resides below O axis. '* Tensile stress will be positive and plotted right of the origin 0, Compressive stre will be negative and will be plotted left to the origin O. ‘© Am angle @ on real plane transfers as an angle 20) on Mohr’ circle plane We now construct Mohs circle in the following stress conditions I. Biaxial stress when Gand G, known and 7,20 TL. Complex state of stress (6,05, and Ty known) I. Constant of Mohr's irele for Bi-axial stress (when only G., and O,, known) * Construction of Mohr's circle for like stresses (when ©, and C, are same type of stress) Step-L: Label the element ABCD and draw all stresses. Step-II: Set up axes for the direct stress (as abscissa) i ordinate) ie. in Yoaxis| in x-axis and shear stress (as Page 68 of 429, Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s eT ‘Step-III: Using sign convention and some suitable scale, plot the stresses on two adjacent faces ©: AB and BC on the graph. Let OL and OM equal to 0, and Oy, respectively on the axis Oo. 2— Step-IV: Bisect ML at C. With C as centre and CL or CM as radius, draw a circle. It is the ‘Mohr’ circle, Step-V: At the centre C draw a line CP at an angle 2, in the same direction as the normal to the plane makes with the direction of OF, ..The point P represents the state of stress at plane ZB. 8 pz A ary, oy 2 Page 69 of 420 = Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain Step-VI: Caleulation, Draw a perpendicular PQ and PR where Pt [Note: In the examination you only draw final figure (which is in Step-V) and follow the procedure step by step 80 that no mistakes occur.] * Construction of Mohr’s circle for unlike stresses (when ©, and (., are opposite in sign) Follow the same stops which we followed for construction for ‘like stresses’ and finally will got the figure shown below. v-— a o ee ° "ox Note: For construction of Mohr's circle for principal stresses when (©, and Gis known) then follow the same steps of Constant of Mohr’s circle for Bi-axial stress (when only Gr, and Gy known) just change the O, = Oyand 0, = Op Page 700429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s IL. Construction of Mohr’s cirele for complex state of stress (O,,O, and Ty, known) Step: Label the element ABCD and draw all stresses. Ey ——, Fe ty | —— ty Step-II: Set up axes for the direct stress (as abscissa) ie, in axis and shear stress (as ordinate) ie. in Y-axis : Using sign convention and some suitable scale, plot the stresses on two adjacent faces ce, AB and BC on the graph. Let OL and OM equal to Gand respectively on the axis OF . Draw LS perpendicular to OO axis and equal to Ty ie. LS=Tyy . Here LS is downward as T,y on AB face is ( ive) and draw MT perpendicular to OO" axis and equal to Ty ie. MT=T, ny Here MT is upward as Ty, BC face is (+ ve). Page 71 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s Step-IV: Join ST and it will cut OO" axis at C. With Cas centre and C5 or CT as radius, draw circle, It is the Mohr's circle Step-V: At the centre draw a line CP at an angle 20 in the same direction as the normal to the plane makes with the direction of os A “on Step-VI: Calculation, Draw a perpendicular PQ and PR where PQ= T and PR= 0, 9g, +9, Centre, 0 2 Radius 0S= y(CLPx(Ls)2 = (* ot Jove =cT=cp Oxtoy ox-By PR =o, £0820 + ryy,sin20 2 2 Pa=r= XY (Note: In the examination you only draw final figurg {which is in Step-V) and follow the procedure step by step #0 that no mistakes occur.) sin20-tyy cos 28. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s Note: The intersections of OO axis are two principal stresses, as shown below. 2.9 Mohr's circle for some special cases: 4) Mohr’s circle for axial loading: y ie) le rr Ts HT Fe A e Ix ncn asiepat et ti) nthe casts ‘ Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's Fan =20, iv) A shaft compressed all round by a hub ‘ompressive (Pressure) -y) Thin spherical shell under internal pressure o-0,-2 2 vi) Thin cylinder under pressure 2D F (tonsitey 7 = PPP onsite) and 0, nsile) ir eo ) ra = as = Fee ) i) Bending moment applied at the free end of a cantilever uM oO Only bending stress, Page 74 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s 2.10 Strain Normal strain Let us consider an element AB of infinitesimal length 6x, After deformation of the actual body if displacement of end A isu, tha of end B is U+ 9x This gives an increase in length of element AB Change in length of an infinitesimal element, Shear strain Let us consider an element ABCD in x-y plane and let the displaced position of the element be ABCD’ This gives shear strain in x-y plane asy,, =< + where « is the angle made by the displaced live B'C’ with the vertical and fis the angle made by the displaced Tine A’D' with the ou Be horizontal. This gives sc = 2 — = an oy We may therefore write the three shear strain components as av, aw OY and 7, C7 ‘Therefore the stato of strain at a point can be completely described by the six strain components and the strain components in their turns ean be completely defined by the displacement components u,v, and w. ‘Therefore, the complete strain matrix can be written as Page 75 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's ‘Shear strain associated with the distortion of an infinitesimal element. Strain Tensor ‘The three normal strain components are au, oo ‘Te thee shear sian components re. Try _1{ du, ov 2 1% a} ‘Therefore the strain tensor is Constitutive Equation ‘The constitutive equations relate stresses and strains and in linear elasticity. We know from the Hook's taw (2) =E.e Page 7601429 Where Bis modulus of elasticity Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s Itis known that o, produces a strain of 2* in x-direction E and Poisson's effect gives —m > in y-direction and -Ftin z-direction, ‘Therefore we my write the generalized Hook's lw as e.-wle,+2,)], ¢=7[e,-n(e,+2,)] and .=F[e,-a(2, +0,)] It is also known that the shear stress, r= Gy, where G is the shear modulus and 7 is shear strain, ee Ky, Kip Kis Kye Kus Kyg |[ ey Koy Koa Kas Koy Kos Kae || 7 Jee Ka, Kap Kay Koy Ks Kae |} 0 P| | Kay Kuz Key Kar Kas Kao || hoy Pa | | Kor Keo Kay Kgs Kos Koy || 7, Yc} [Ker Kes Kes Kes Kes Kee [re . The number of elastic constant is 36 (For anisotropic materials) For isotropic material 1 Kylee Ke Ke = Kos = & A 6 Rest of all elements in K matrix are zero. For isotropic material only two independent elastie constant is there say E and G. © 1-D Strain Let us take an example: A rod of cross sectional area Ay is loaded by a tensile force P, It’ stresses a a) o,=0, and o, 1-D state of stress or Uni-axial state of stress a) tm 9 0) (a, 0 0 0 0 Olorz,=|0 0 o|=|0 00 0 00 0 00) lo 00 ‘Therefore strain components are Page 77 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's ="HE,; and © * 3-D Strain e=5[%,- u(o, +0,)| e=4{o.-u(o, +2,)] ” Taal! we, +u(e, +<)] Page 78 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s Tomine He +8] -u)e, +u(e,+¢,)] 2.12 An element subjected to strain components <,,¢, ae Consider an clement as shown in the figure given. The strain component In X-direction is €,, the strain component in Y-direction is ¢, and the shear strain component is 7, ‘Now consider a plane at an angle Owith X- axis in this plane a normal strain ¢,and a shear strain 7, . Then Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's ‘We may find principal strain and principal plane for strains in the same process which we {followed for stress analysis, In the principal plane shear strain is zero. ‘Therefore principal strains are «+6, 2 > ‘The angle of principal plane ts (e,-6,) tan20, ‘+ Maximum shearing strain is equal to the difference between the 2 principal strains ie Op Doce = -6 Mohr's Circle for circle for Plain Strain We may draw Mohr’s circle for strain following same procedure which we followed for drawing ‘Mohe’s circle in stress, Everything will be same and in the place of O°, write €,, the place of Ay ta spt Ty vcs Owrte Ey andin plat Fy, write Page 80 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s ey z 2 ty 2 2.15 Volumetric Strain ( + Rectangular block, AV +e, +6, ¥, ° Proof: Volumetric strain Lis) (ten) Tare) iE Before deformation, =e, +6, +e, Volume (V.) = 18 (neglecting second and third order torm, as vory small) ‘© Incase of prismatic bar, After deformation, Volume (V) = Ul+e,)xL (te, xb (t+e,) L Votan atin 6 (1-24) poco i> P Prost tre delomaton, the tune fhe P =P bar, V=AL After deformation, the length (L’)=L(1+ 2) ‘and the new cross-sectional area (A’) = A(1= us) mab tteat--) ‘Therefore nove volume(V") = All Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain AL(1+6)(1- pe) AL = (1-241) Av NY e(t-2n) vy 7e(t=2H) © Thin Cylindrical vessel & a OY ol € :*Longitudinal strain = 2. — yp 2 = PP (9, = EME oel 7) =Circumferential strain pe )=Cireumferential st e-n) AV. pr Fps-4 oh Hl © Thin Spherical vessels pr Pry Fala) Ber 2 =3e--701-n) w y © Incase of pure shear ‘Therefore 2.16 Measurement of Strain SK Mondal's Unlike stress, strain ean be measured directly. The most common way of measuring strain is by use of the Strain Gauge. Strain Gauge Page 82 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s A strain gage is a simple device, comprising of a thin clotie wire attached to an inwulating thin backing material suc asa bakit fel The {ol is expsed othe f | surlice of the meinen on which the strain ia to be sonar, “etre tao came Nos, surface and forces the gauge to shorten or elongate as if it were part of the specimen being strained. A change in length of the gauge due to longitudinal strain creates a proportional change in the electric resistance, tnd since a constant curent ia maintained in the gauge, a > proportional change in voltage. (V= TR) The voltage can be easily measured, and. through ie caltretion, tranafermed into the change in length ofthe original gauge length, i the ongtndinal strain along the STRAIN GAUGE gauge length, Strain Gauge factor (G.F) ‘Measured from Bridge voltage Given Calculated ‘The strain gauge factor relates a change in resistance with strain. Strain Rosette ‘The strain rosette is a device used to measure the state of strain at a point in a plane. It comprises three or more independent strain gauges, each of which is used to read normal strain at the same point but in a different direction. ‘The relative orientation between the three gauges is known as a, and & ‘The three measurements of normal strain provide sufficient information for the dotermination of the complete state of strain at the measured point in 2D. We have to find out ¢,, ¢,, and y,, form measured value ¢,, 6, and ¢, Page 83 of 429 2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's arrangement: ‘The orientation of strain gauges is given in the figure. To relate strain we have to use the following formula. cos2(a +f) + Pe sina(a +B) SF Leosa(a+ p+ 8)+2Bsin2(a +B+8) From this three equations and three unknown we may solve €,, €,, and, * Two standard arrangement of the of the strain rosette are as follows: () 45° strain rosette or Rectangular strain rosette. In the general arrangement above, put y f=45° and 5 =45" Putting the value we get 2 (i) 60°strain rosette or Delta strain rosette y In the general arrangement above, put f=60° ands =60° Putting the value we get Solving above three equation we get aS 4 2 72% 2.66) Page 84 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (GATE, IES, IAS) Previous 20-Years GATE Questions Stresses due to Pure Shear GATE-1. A block of steel is loaded by a tangential force on its top surface while the bottom surface is held rigidly. The deformation of the block is due to [GATE-1992] (a) Shear only (b) Bending only (©) Shear and bending. (@) Torsion GATE-L, Ans. (a) It is the definition of shear stress. The force is applied tangentially it is not a point lond so you cannot compare it with a cantilever with a point load at its free end. GATE-2. A shaft subjected to torsion experiences a pure shear stress T on the surface. ‘The maximum principal stress on the surface which is at 45° to the axis will have a value [GATE-2003], (@) Fos 45° () 2 €08 45° (©) F eos? 45° (@) 22 sin 45° cos 45° GATE-2. Ans. (@) , 2% cos20+ 1, sin20 GATE-3. The number of components in a stress tensor defining stress at a point in three dimensions is: [GATE-2002] @s wa os ws GATE-3. Ans. (d) Its well known that, Fay Fy Fan Fag AND Tye = Fy ‘so that the state of stress at a point is given by six components o,,.7, re A Taye Fale Principal Stress and Principal Plane GATE-4, A body is subjected to a pure tensile stress of 100 units. What is the maximum shear produced in the body at some oblique plane due to the above? [IES-2006] (@) 100 units (©) 75 units (©) 50 units (@) Ounit GATE-4. Ans. (€) fax GATE-5. In a strained material one of the principal stresses is twice the other. The maximum shear stress in the same case is T,,., -Then, what is the value of the maximum principle stress? [ES 2007) (8) Fa ) 2 Aa BE GATES. ANS. (©) Tra, gay OF T=20, GATE-6. A material clement subjected to a plane state of stress such that the maximum shear stress is equal to the maximum tensile stress, would correspond to [IAS-1998] Page 85 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's 2 $2 22 Ls» | I d ® ©) © @ GATES, GATE-7. A solid circular shaft is subjected to a maximum shearing stress of 140 MPs. ‘The magnitude of the maximum normal stress developed in the shaft is: [AS.1995] (@) 140 MPa () 80MPa (©) 70 MPa (a) 60. MPa GATE. Ans. () fgg, = 157% Masxisiass normal stress wll developed i 6, GATE-S. The state of stress at a point in a loaded member is shown in the figure. The magnitude of maximum shear stress is [MPa = 10 kg/em‘] TAS 1994] (@) 10 MPa () 30 MPa (©) 50 MPa (a) 100MPa 50 MPa cares it. 0 = 252] 0 GATE-9. A solid circular shaft of diameter 100 mm is subjected to an axial stress of 50 MPa. It is further subjected to a torque of 10 kNm. The maximum principal ‘stress experienced on the shaft is closest to IGATE-2003} (@) 41 MPa (b) 82 MPa (©) 164 MPa (@) 204 MPa 16T _ 16%10000 GATE-9. Ans. (b) Shear Stress (r=. Pa=50.93MPa a axOly ‘Maximum principal Stress MPa GATE-10. In a bi-axial stress problem, the stresses in x and y directions are (ox = 200 MPa and oy =100 MPa. The maximum prineipal stress in MPa, is: IGATE-2000] (@) 50 @) 100 (©) 150 (@) 200 GATE-10. Ans. (d) 9, Page 85 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s GATE-L. GATE-11. GATE-12. GATE-12. GATE-13. GATE-3. GATE-14. GATE. ‘The maximum principle stress for the stress state shown in the figure is @o @)20 (30 @150 [GATE.2001] at this point is 4MPa. The maximum principal stress at t (@) 16 MPa (14 MPa (UMPa a-5) 1012, [0-25 8. (€) 2, sg =122, (10-2) a t160mPa Ans tenn sPn Gt) oe, =A) Ina Mohr’s circle, the radius of the circle is taken as: _{TES-2006; GATE-1993] +(e) ‘Where, o: and oy are normal stresses along x and y directions respectively and ty is the shear stress Ans. (@) — A two dimensional fluid element rotates like a rigid body. At a point within the element, the pressure is 1 unit. Radius of the Mohr’s circle, characterizing the state of stress at that point, is: [GATE-2008] (2) 0.5 unit (@) 0 unit, © Lunit @ 2units Ans. (b) Page 87 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's GATE-15. The Mohr's circle of plane stress (MPa) for a point in a body is shown. ‘The design is to be done on the basis of the maximum shear stress theory for yielding. Then, yielding will just begin if the (MPa) designer chooses a ductile material whose yield strength “10 (@) 49 MPa (b) 50 MPa =e (©) 90MPa (@) 100 MPa [GATE-2005] GATE-15. Ans. (c) Given ¢,=-10MPa, 0, =-100MPa Maximum shear stresstheory give ru, = 5% = 40-(-100) = 90MPa GATE.16. The figure shows the state of stress at a certain point in a hn stressed body. The magnitudes of respectively. The radius of Z i mies aeixeneaiasy (a) 120 (b) 80 oe on [,, (GATE-2004] GATE-16. Ans. (e) 9, =100MPa, , =-20MPa Radius of Mohr'scircle Data for Q17-Q18 are given below. Solve the problems and choose correct answers. IGATE-2003] The state of stress at a point "P" in a two dimensional loading is such that the Mohr's cirele is a point located at 175 MPa on the positive normal stress axis. GATE-17. Determine the maximum and minimum principal stresses respectively from the Mohr's circle (@)+175 MPa, -175MPa () 4175 MPa, +175 MPa (©)0,-175 MPa 0,0 GATE-17. Ans. (b) +t GATE-18. Determine the directions of maximum and minimum principal stresses at the point “P” from the Mohr's circle '®0° 8° 9429 IGATE-2003} Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s (2) 0, 90° () 90°, 0 (6) 45", 135° (@) All directions GATE-18. Ans, (€) From the Moht's circle it will give all directions. Principal strains GATE-19. If the two principal strains at a point are 1000 * 10* and -600 x 104, then the ‘maximum shear strai (GATE-1996] (a) 800 x 10% (@) 500 x 10° (©) 1600 « 10% (@ 200 « 10° GATE-19. Ans. (c) Shear strain @gu~@q = {1000 -(-600)} x 10% =1600 x 10° Previous 20-Years IES Questions Stresses due to Pure Shear TES-1, If a prismatic bar be subjected to an axial tensile stress o, then shear stress induced on a plane inclined at @ with the axis will be: {HES-1992} (a)$sinz0 (b)Seos20 (c)eos'@ (a) sino TES.1, Ans. (a) TES-2. In the case of bi-axial state of normal stresses, the normal stress on 45° plane is equal to, (IES-1992] {@) The sum ofthe normal stresses__(b) Difference ofthe normal stresses (© Half the sum of the normal stresses (d) Half the difference of the normal stresses IES-2, Ans. (e) o, 1 60820 +¢,, sin20 Z 2 2 Ato = 45° ands, IES-3. In a two-dimensional problem, the state of pure shear at a point is characterized by (TES-2001] () €, =6, and y, =0 0) €,=-€, and y,, £0 (© 6, =26, andy, #0 (@ 4, =0.5e, and y, =0 IES-3. Ans. (b) IES-4. Which one of the following Mohr’ circles represents the state of pure shear? [1BS-2000] @ 0) © @ nS IES-4, Ans. (c) Page 89 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's TES-5. For the state of stress of pure shear ¢ the strain energy stored per unit volume in the elastic, homogeneous isotropic material having elastic constants E and v will be: [ES-1993} @) (14 @ S0+y) IBS. Ans. (a) 0, IES-6. ite at a point is pure shear, then the prineipal planes through that point making an angle of 45° with plane of shearing stress carries principal stresses whose magnitude is equal to that of shearing stress. Reason (R): Complementary shear stresses are equal in magnitude, but opposite in direction. [TES-1996] (@) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (@) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (© Aistrue but Ris false (@)_ Ais false but R is true TES-6. Ans. (b) IBS-7. Assertion (A): Circular shafts made of brittle material fail along a helicoidally surface inclined at 45° to the axis (artery point) when subjected to twisting. moment. [ES-1995} Reason (R): The state of pure shear caused by torsion of the shaft is equivalent to one of tension at 45° to the shaft axis and equal compression in the perpendicular direction. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A () Both Aand R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false (@_ Ais false but R is true IES-7. Ans. (a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A. IES-8. A state of pure shear in a biaxial state of stress is given by UES-1994] a 0 o 0 ot @ » © (@ None of the above oo 0-4, Tm TES-8. Ans.(b) 0,=7, a) TES.9. The state of plane stress in a plate of 100 mm thickness is given as [TFS-2000] x. = 100 Nimm!, 6,,= 200 Nimm?, Young's modulus = 300 Nimm, Poisson's ratio 0.3, The stress developed in the direction of thickness is: (a) Zero (6) 90 Nim? (©) 100 Nim: TBS-9. Ans. (a) (@) 200 Nim? TES-10. The state of plane stress at a point is described by o, =o, =candr, =0. The normal stress on the plane inclined at 45° to the xplane will be: __{IES-1998], (ajo (b) 20 ()3o (a)20 IBS-10. Ans. (a) 2, $1020 IBS-11. Consider the following statements: [ES-1996, 1998] State of stress in two dimensions at a point in a loaded component can be completely specified by indicating the normal and shear stresses on 1. Aplane containing the point 2, Any two planes passing through the point 3. Two mutually perpendiculdieplainis Passing through the point Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s Of these statements (@) 1, and 8 are correct () Zalone is correct (6) Lalone is correct (€) 3 alone is correct IES-11. Ans. (€) Principal Stress and Principal Plane TES-12, A body is subjected to a pure tensile stress of 100 units. What is the maximum shear produced in the body at some oblique plane due to the above? [TES-2006] (a) 100 units () 79 units (©) 50 units (@) Ounit TESA. Ans. (0) Fy, = 25% = 10 50 units, 2 IES.13. In a strained material one of the principal stresses is twice the other. The maximum shear stress in the same case is r,,,. Then, what is the value of the maximum principle stress? [IES 2007] ©) Tae 2a St on OBI o,-0; TES-18. Ans. (€) Tag = Fae OF O20; = AE gue TES-14. Ina strained material, normal stresses on two mutually perpendicular planes are 6. and a; (both alike) accompanied by a shear stress tx; One of the principal stresses will be zero, only if [IES-2006) (ty TES-4. Ans. (0) oy ta, =0 IES.15. ‘The principal stresses o;, 02 and 03 at a point respectively are 80 MPa, 30 MPa ‘and -40 MPa, The maximum shear stress is: (1ES-2001} (0) 25 MPa (©) 95 MPa (55 MPa @ 6oMPa WES15. Ans) cg = 1% 2 =) gy IES-16. Plane stress at a point in a body is defined by principal stresses 30 and 0. The ratio of the normal stress to the maximum shear stresses on the plane of [IES-2000] maximum shear stres: (@t 2 3 @a 2r, IES-16. Ans. (b) tan20=—""—>9=0 Bove ‘Major principal stress on the plane of maximum shear = 0, Page 91 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's IES-17. Principal stresses at a point in plane stressed element are 6, = 0, = S00kg/em*. ‘Normal stress on the plane inclined at 45° to x-axis will be: [ES-1993] @o (b) 500 kgiem* (©) 707 keglem* (@ 1000 kgiem* IBS-17. Ans. (6) When stresses are alike, then normal stress os on plane inclined at angle 45° is 1 o, (4) +0, (4) =s00] £4 ]-sooigien* IES-18, _ If the principal stresses corresponding to a two-dimensional state of stress are ©, and 6, is greater than G, and both are tensile, then which one of the following would be the correct criterion for failure by yielding, according to , 008° O+0, sin” the maximum shear stress criterion? TES-1993] (a,-0;)_ oy 6, a) — (6) (d) 2 ors - OF (d)o,=#20,, TES-18. Ans. (a) TES.19, For the state of plane stress. ro! Shown the maximum and fe vontey minimum principal stresses are: (a) 60 MPa and 30 MPa’ (>) 50 MPa and 10 MPa al MPa (© 40 MPa and 20 MPa (@) 70 MPa and 90 MPa 0005 Finny UES-1992] TES-19. Ans. (4) 0,2 og = AIO), [027) sae 2 Wz 30 Opa =70 ANG. Sn IBS-20, Normal stresses of equal magnitude p, but of opposite signs, act at a point of a strained material in perpendicular direction. What is the magnitude of the resultant normal stress on a plane inclined at 45° to the applied stresses? [ES-2005} (2p ps (@) Zoro IBS-20. Ans. (€) 2, P-P P+P. 245 = 0 TES-21, A plane stressed element is subjected to the state of stress given by , =1,, =100kgt/em* and o,= 0. Maximum shear stress in the element is equal to [1ks.1997] (a) Sov3kgtiem’ ——(b)100kgtfom* —(c) SOV kgticm* —_(d) 1S0kgfiem* Page 92 of 429 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s +0 1eS.21. Ans. (€) (6) B Maximum shear stress = IES-22, Match List I with List I and select the correct answer, using the codes given below the lists: (IES-1995] List I(State of stress) List II(Kind of loading) ——— 1 Combined bending and torsion of circular shalt B | 2. Torsion of circular shaft c i" 3, Thineylinder subjected 10 intemal pressure 4, Tie bar subjected to tensile force. Codes A BC D A Bc »D @ 1 2 8 4 @ 2 8 4 2 © 2 4 3s 1 @ 8 4 1 2 TES-22. Ans. (c) Mohr's circle TES22, Consider the Mohr's circle shown 7h above: What is the state of stress represented by thi cle? (@)o, = 6, #0.¢,,=0 ()e, +0, =0,5,, 20 = ->o, ()2, =0, 0, =, +0 (d)o, 20,4, 0 [1ES-2008] IES-23, Ans. (b) Itis a case of pure shear. Just put , =-0, IES-24. For a general two dimensional stress system, what are the coordinates of the centre of Mohr's circle? 22% 9 @)0, 2 , @ 0, 2 2 IES-24. Ans. (c) IES-25. Ina Mohr's circle, the radius of the circle is taken as: a GATE-1993] 2 -o, Jey = poneen OMGH8) a) wo Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's Where, 0: and oy are normal stresses along x and y directions respectively and ty is the shear stress. IHS-25. Ans. (a) oF TES.26. Maximum shear stress in a Mohr's Circle TES. 2008] (@) Is equal to radius of Mohr's circle (b) Is greater than radius of Mohr's eirele (Ts less than radius of Mohr's circle _(@) Could be any of the above IBS-26, Ans. (a) 1ES.27, Ata point in two-dimensional stress system ox = 100 Nimmo = ty = 40 Nm is the radius of the Mohr circle for stress drawn with a scale of, 1 em = 10 Nim Page 04420 [TES.2005} @)3em (b)4em ()5em (d) Gem Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's TES.27. Ans. (e) Radius ofthe Mohr circle + a4, J 7” ‘je | [oes 2 +40" |/10 =50/10 = 50m TES.28, Consider a two dimensional state of stress given for an element as shown in the diagram given below: (IES-2004) y 100 MPa 200 MPa 200 MPa What are the coordinates of the centre of Mohr's circle? (0,0 (b) (100, 200) (©) 200, 100) (@) 60, 0) ws en in ttc (9) (222) TES.29, Two-dimensional state of stress at a point in a plane stressed element is represented by a Mohr circle of zero radius. Then both prineipal stresses @) Are equal to zer0 TIES-2003] (b) Are equal to zero and shear streas ia also equal to zero (© Are of equal magnitude but of opposite sign (@) Are of equal magnitude and of same sign TES-29. Ans. (@) 50,0) IES-30. Assertion (A): Mohr's circle of stress can be related to Mohr's circle of strain by some constant of proportionality. [TES-2002] Reason (R): The relationship is a function of yield stress of the material. (a) Both A and Rare individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and Rare individually true but Ris NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false (@) Ais false but Ris true IES-30. Ans. (c) IES-31, When two mutually perpendicular principal stresses are unequal but like, the maximum shear stress is represented by [IES-1994] (a) The diameter of the Moht’s circle (b) Half the diameter of the Mohr's circle (©) One-third the diameter of the Mohr's circle (@ _ One-fourth the diameter of the Moh’ circle IES-31. Ans. (b) TES52, State of stress in a plane clement is shown in figure I. Which one of the following figuresIl is the correct sketch of Mohr's circle of the state of stress? _ IBS-1993, 1996] | f ROP~p = Page 95 of 429 Figure-T Figure-IT Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's TES-82, Ans. (c) Strain TES-88. A point in a two dimensional state of strain is subjected to pure shearing strain of magnitude y,, radians. Which one of the following is the maximum principal strain? [1ES-2008] © Ym ©) ryt © ral 27, IES-38. Ans. (c) IBS-34, Assertion (A): A plane state of stress does not necessarily result into a plane state of strain as well. [ES-1996] Reason (R): Normal stresses acting along X and Y directions will also result into normal strain along the Z-direction. (@) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (@) Both Aand R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false (@ Ais false but Ris true IBS-34. Ans. (a) Principal strains TES-35. Principal strains at a point are 100x10* and -200x 10". What is the maximum shear strain at the point? TTES-2006] (@) 300% 10-8 () 200 x 10 (6) 150% 10 (2) 10010 IES-85. Ans. (a) 7... = 65, =100-(-200)« 10 = 30010 don’t confuse withMaximumShearstess(r,,,) = 2% %.—% that is the difference. a8 Fs IES.36, The principal strains at a poi 100010 and -600 x 10-*, What in a body, under biaxial state of stress, are the maximum shear strain at that point? [TES-2009] (a) 200 x 10% (b) 800 x 10-¢ (©) 1000 x 10-6 (a) 1600 x 10- TES-36. Ans. (d) oe, to00<10*—(-s00.10")«1600«10° TES.87. The number of strain readings (using strain gauges) needed on a plane surface to determine the principal strains and their directions is: [ES-1994] (@t 2 3 wa TES.87. Ans. (c) Three strain gauges are needed on a plane surface to determine the prineipal strains and their directions, Principal strain induced by principal stress TES-88. The principal stresses at a in two dimensional stress system are o1 and c+ and corresponding principal strains are «, and ¢,. If E and y denote Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, respectively, then which one of the following is correct? [ES.2008] (@)o,=E4 ra = Eales] ve] ss -¥] Podfttisera Bl: Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s TES-38, Ans. (b) ¢5=— SE and c, = 72 — jet From theae two equation eliminate 2, TES-39. Assertion (A): Mohr’s construction is possible for stresses, strains and area moment of inertia. [IES-2009] Reason (R): Mohr's circle represents the transformation of second-order tensor. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A. (b) Both A and Rare individually true but R is NOT the correet explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false. (@) Ais false but Ris true. IES-39. Ans. (a) Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Stresses due to Pure Shear IAS. On a plane, resultant stress is inclined at an angle of 45° to the plane. If the normal stress is 100 N /mm*, the shear stress on the plane is: [1AS-2003] (a) 71.5 Nimmé — (b) 100 Nimm (©) 86.6 Nimm? (@ 120.8 Nimmé TAS-1. Ans. (b) Weknowa, = cos" and r=sin@cos0 100 = crcos*45 or 1 =200sin45.c0s4% JAS-2. Biaxial stress system is correctly shown in TTAS-1999] 304 yo 404 401 20 3.20 20, 20 20 19 9 yp x 2 2055 2 20 wy soh ho 40 44 @ © © @ 1AS-2, Ans. (c) IAS3. ‘The complementary shear stresses of ee £ intensity 7 are induced at a point in D the material, as shown in the figure. Which one of the following is the Corvestast Sfertentations ofprincpal = * planes with respect to AB? (@) 30° and 120° (©) 45° and 135° c a (© 60" and 150° (© TS agHe Gian “Tr TAs-1998] Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's TAS-8. Ans. (b) It is a ease of pure shear so principal planes will be along the diagonal. IAS-4. A uniform bar lying in the x-direction is subjected to pure bending. Which one of the following tensors represents the strain variations when bending moment is about the z-axis (p,q and r constants)? [IAS.2001] pw 0 0 py 0 0 @] 0 q 0 @/)0 wo oon 0 0 0 py 0 0 wo 0 @|0 py o @}0 a 0 00 py 0 0 w TAS-4, Ans. (4) Stress in x direction = 0: 6, Therefore 6, = 2 aes TASS. Assuming E = 160 GPa and G-= 100 GPa for a material, a strain tensor is given as TAS.2001] 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.004 0.003 0 000 0 0 ‘The shear stress, 1, i (@) 400 MPa (6) 500 MPa (© 800 MPa (@) 1000 MPa TAS.5. Ans. (e) % G 7, =10010" x(0,004x2)MPa=800MPa Principal Stress and Principal Plane IAS6. A material element subjected to a plane state of stress such that the maximum shear stress is equal to the maximum tensile stress, would correspond to aa r TAS-6. Ans. (d) 5, TAS-7, A solid circular shaft is subjected to a maximum shearing stress of 140 MPs. ‘The magnitude of the maximum pormal stress developed in the shaft is: Pare {TAS-1995] Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain (a) 140 MPa (0) 80 MPa (©) 70 MPa IAS-7. Ans. (8) fpas 2 Maximum normal stress will developed if ©, 2 IAS-8. The state of stress at a point in a loaded member is shown in the figure. The magnitude of maximum shear stress is [IMPa = 10 kg/em"] TAS 1994] (a) 10 MPa. (©) 30 MPa (50MPa (@ 100MPa ‘ \o, = 40MPa ——| 5, =300a @, =-40MPa| @, = -40MPa 1AS-9. A horizontal beam under bending has a maximum bending stress of 100 MPa ‘and a maximum shear stress of 20 MPa. What is the maximum principal stress im the beam? [HAS-2004] (a) 20 (50 (©) 50+ (2900 (@ 100 AS. Ans. (e) 1O0MP, 1-20 mP, 100, 100) 4. |, 100, (2) 4-20 = (50+ 2900) MPa oa) > +f | +2 2 2 IAS10. When the two principal stresses are equal and like: the resultant stress on any % a= 2 plane is: [HAS-2002] (a) Equal to the principal stress () Zero (©) One half the principal stress (@) One third of the principal stress 16 +9, é 2 2 [We may consider this as 1, =O] TAS-10. Ans. (a) 6, cos 20 a(say) Soo, forany plane TAS-11, Assertion (A): When an isotropic, linearly elastic material is loaded biaxially, the directions of principal stressed are different from those of principal strains, ITAS-2001] For an isotropic, linearly elastic material the Hooke's law gives dependent material properties. (a) Both A and Rare individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and Rare individually true but R is NOT the correet explanation of A (© Aistrue but Ris false @ Ais false but Ris true TAS-11. Ans. (d) They are same. Page 99 of 420 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's TAS-12, Principal stress at a point in a stressed solid are 400 MPa and 300 MPa respectively. The normal stresses on planes inclined at 45° to the principal planes will be: HAS.20001 (a) 200 MPa and 500 MPa (b) 350 MPa on both planes (©) 100MPaandGooMPa (@) 150 MPa and 550 MPa TAS-2. Ans. (b) wean oes 1007300 cos 245? = 350MPa IAS-13, The principal stresses at a point in an elastic material are G0N/mm® tensile, 20 ‘Niaun? tensile and 50 Némm? compressive. If the material properties are: 1 = 0.85 and B= 105 Nmm#, then the volumetric strain of the material is: {IAS-1997] (@)9* 105 @) 3x 104 (©) 10.5 x 102 (@ 21 «105 IAS-13. Ans. (a) ee) w(0-20 22522) (0228-88) 2.0.25 10° Mohr's circle IAS-14, Mate List (Mohr's Circles of stress) with ListII (Types of Loading) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: [IAS.2004] List List-I (Mohr's Circles of Stress) (Types of Loading) A ‘A shaft compressed all round by a hub o 2. Bending moment applied at the free end of a cantilever 4. Thin eylinder under pressure FE ole c. 8. Shaft under torsion Cc 0 0 5. Thin spherical shell under internal D. ¢ pressure Coles AB © D A Bc D @ 5 4 8 2 @ 2 4 1 8 @©4 38 2 5 @® 2 38 1 6 TAS-14. Ans. (@) Page 1000428 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s TAS-15. The resultant stress on a certain plane makes an angle of 20° with the normal to the plane. On the plane perpendicular to the above plane, the resultant stress makes an angle of @ with the normal. The value of @ can be: —_[IAS-2001] (a) 0° or 20° (&) Any value other than 0° or 90° (©) Any value between 0° and 20° (@ 20° only: TAS-15. Ans. (b) TAS-16. The correct Mohr's stress-circle drawn for a point in a solid shaft compressed by a shrunk fit hub is as (O-Origin and C-Centre of circle; OA = 0; and OB = 2) {TAS-2001] @ » el i/o @ o| 9 ABS lO IAS-16. Ans. (d) IAS-17. A Mohr’s stress circle is drawn for a body subjected to tensile stress /, and f, in two mutually perpendicular directions such that f, > /,. Which one of the following statements in this regard is NOT correct? [TAS-2000] +h (@) Normal stress ona plane at 45° to f, is equal to (©) Shear stress on @ plane at 450 to f, is equal to (© Maximum normal siress is equal to J, (@ Maximum shear stress is equal to LS, 1AS-17. Ans. (d) Maximum shear stress is TAS.18. For the given stress condition 0,=2 Nimm?, 0,=0 andr, =0, the correct Mobr's circle is: {1AS-1999] ¢ \ saves ( ee @ o TAS.18. Ans. (2 Corna® : “eh (2320) (10) f F ey oy radius = ff "5° +e = +051 TAS.19. For which one of the following two-d stress eirele degenerate into a point? @ rensional states of stress will the Mohr's TTAS-1996] Page 101 of 420 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain 4 @ © ot TAS-19, Ans. (c) Mohr's circle will be a point. Radius of the Mohr’s circle = Principal strains TAS.20, Tn an axisymmetric plane strain problem, let u be the radial displacement at r. ‘Then the strain components ,,¢,, Vy are given by [IAS-1995] oy, =e w 6-3 bo ae 30°" © Gro 1AS-20. Ans. (b) IAS-21, Assertion (A): Uniaxial stress normally gives rise to triaxial strain, Reason (R): Magnitude of strains in the perpendicular directions of applied stress is smaller than that in the direction of applied stress. [AS.2004] (@) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correet explanation of A (@) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false (@)__ Ais falco but Ris true TAS-21. Ans. (b) TAS-22, Assertion (A): A plane state of stress will, in general, not result in a plane state of strain, TAS.2002] ‘Reason (R): A thin plane lamina stretched in its own plane will result in a state of plane strain. (@) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A () Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (© Aistrue but Ris false (@) Ais false but R is true TAS.22. Ans. (c) R is false. Stress in one plane always induce a lateral strain with its orthogonal plane. Page 1020428 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question IES-1999 Question: What are principal in planes? Answer: The planes which pass through the point in such a manner that the resultant stress across them is totally a normal stress are known as principal planes. No shear stress exists at the principal planes, Conventional Question IES-2009 a The Mohr's circle for a plane stress is a circle of radius R with its origin at + 2R one Sketch the Mohs cirele and datermine man» Sins Sar (ayy, #7 this situation. [2 Marks} Ans. Here max = 3R i<___——> SR Conventional Question IES-1999 Question: Direct tensile stresses of 120 MPa and 70 MPa act on a body on mutually perpendicular planes. What is the magnitude of shearing stress that ean be applied so that the major principal stress at the point does not exceed 135 MPa? Determine the value of minor principal stress and the maximum shear stress. Answer: Let shearing stress is 'r* MPa. 7M The principal stresses are 2 yg = 120470, [12 2 Major principal stress is 120+70 i 70) 2 —3T— = 135(Given) or,r =31.2MPa. Tomo Page 1020428 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's inor principal stress is Conventional Question IES-2009 a ‘The state of stress at a point in a loaded machine member is given by the ple stresses: [2 Marks} 100 MPa, o) = andes =-600 MPa What is the magnitude of the maximum shear stress? What is the inclination of the plane on which the maximum shear stress acts with respect to the plane on which the maximum principle stress o, acts? Ans. @) Maximum shoar stress, 1-0; _ 600~-(-600) 2 7 2 =600 MPa Gi) At 0 =45° max. shear stress occurs with 6, plane, Since 6 and 6, are principle + stress does not contains shear stress, Hence max. shear stress is at 45° with principle plane, Conventional Question IES-2008 Question: A prismatic bar in compression has a cross- sectional area A = 900 mmm! and carries an axial load P = 90 kN. What are the stresses acts on (@) A plane transverse to the loading axis; Gi) A plane at 8= 60°to the loading axis? Answer: (i) From figure it is clear A’ plane transverse to loading axis, @=0° P os? @= 20000 Wy tne? Fcos? 0 OTN Ime 100 mn? ‘90000 xsin6=0 25900 and +=? sinzo=! 2A ii) A plane at 60° to loading axis, = 60"- 30° = 30" ‘90000 P vos? 2 2, = "008" 0= 900° > cos?30 Foes! cos’ =75N/ mnt Conventional Question IES-2001 Question: A tension member with a cross-se: mnal area of 30 mm? resists a load of 80 EN, Calculate the normal and shear stresses on the plane of maximum shear stress. P Answer: r=F.sin20 2A Page 104 420 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s For maximum shear stress sin20 = 1, or, 6 = 45° 10x10" og? P _ 80x10" x = 1333MP% en ane Cos" 45.=1333MPA ANd Tye, =a = Ma 1333MPa Conventional Question IES-2007 Question: At a point in a loaded structure, a pure shear stress state + = +400 MPa prevails on two given planes at right angles. (@ What would be the state of stress across the planes of an element taken at +45° to the given planes? (ii) What are the magnitudes of these stresses? Answer: (i) For pure shear 00. | i; 470 a4 WH q=0 a a-0 (Gi) Magnitude of these stresses -Sin20 = r,, Sin90° 400MPa and 7 =(—r,,c0s20)=0 Conventional Question IAS-1997 Question: Draw Mohr's circle for a 2-dimensional stress field subjected to (a) Pure shear (b) Pure biaxial tension (c) Pure uniaxial tension and (d) Pure uniaxial compression Answer: Mohr’s circles for 2dimensional stress field subjected to pure shear, pure biaxial tension, pure uniaxial compression and pure uniaxial tension are shown in figure below: 3 oe Conventional Question IES-2003 Question: A Solid phosphor bronze shafl.6Qgampdn diameter is rotating at 800 rpm and ‘transmitting power. It is subjected torsion only. An electrical resistance Chapter-2 Principal Stress and St strain gauge mounted on the surface of the shaft with its axis at 45° to the shaft axis, gives the strain reading as 3.98 x 10+. If the modulus of elasticity for bronze is 105 GNim? and Poisson's ratio is 0.3, find the power being transmitted by the shaft, Bending effect may be neglected. SK Mondal's Answer: 1 ar 2 Princip oss ang, LU VF = tani) ‘Thus magntude of the compressive strain along VM is Principal stress along, VM (compressive) (1+) =9.98x10- EB. 398110" (105510") a yp ‘Torque being transmitted (T) er = (92.15% 10%) x <0.06°=1963.5 Nm 0a 20200 Power being transmitted, Jw =t1423KW Conventional Question IES-2002 Question: ‘The magnitude of normal stress on two mutually perpendicular planes, at a point in an elastic body are 60 MPa (compressive) and 80 MPa (tensile) respectively. Find the magnitudes of shearing stresses on these planes if the magnitude of one of the principal stresses is 100 MPa (tensile). Find also the magnitude of the other principal stress at this point. Page 1080428 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s ‘Answer: Above figure shows stress condition assuming shear stress is 7 ote | Principal stresses votre ovo i —60+80 == 2 oro, = + +1; 2 2 JI coves +, [= 2-8) 422 2 ‘To make principal stress 100 MPa we have to consider +6, =100MPa=10+ J707 +73; of, 7, ‘Therefore other principal stress will be 6.STMPa = 60+80_ [=o 2 ie, 80MPa(compressive) J +(8657° Conventional Question IES-2001 Question: A steel tube of inner diameter 100 mm and wall thickness 5 mm is subjected to a torsional moment of 1000 Nm. Caleulate the principal stresses and orientations of the principal planes on the outer surface of the tube. 10. 110)* -(0.100)'| = 4.56% 10"%m* Answer: Polar moment of Inertia (J) rg ER _ 1000%(0.055) R J 456x10 = 12.07MPa gives 0, = 45°or 135° 1 y/Sin20 = 12.07 xsin90° 12.07MPa 12.07 sin270° =-12.07MPa and 6, Conventional Question IES-2000 Question: At a point in a two dimensional stress system the normal stresses on two mutually perpendicular planes are , and, and the shear stress is 7. At what value of shear stress, one of the principal stresses will become zero? Answer: Two principal stressdes are oe +23, 2 Page 107 of 420 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal's Considering (jive sign it may be zero a.t6, Conventional Question IES-1996 Question: A solid shaft of diameter 30 mm is fixed at one end. It is subject to a tensile fasce oe HN ands songae of 60 Nes at pola on the rorioe of the shat rine te principle deesees and te mationuns shear sees ssscon Seen aren plerreretrod tee Principal stresses(c,,0,) and maximum shear stress (r,., Tenste stess 0, <0, = 110" 44 15010'N/m! or 14.15 MN? 2 «0.032 __TR _ 60x0.015 Dap Zor Zx(0.03) =11.32«10°N/ m? or 14.32 MN/m? ‘The principal stresses are calculated by using the relations: cafe Here 9, =14.18MNImi,o, =0:7,, =7=11.32 MN/m* 14.15, [14.15 2 2 =7.07 £13.35 = 20.425 MN/m*,-6.275MN /m?. Hence, major principal stress, , = 20.425 MN/m” (tensile) Minor principal stress, «, = 6.275MN./m® (compressive) y + (11.32)° Maximum shear stresS,rpu. =13.35mm /m? Conventional Question IES-2000 Question: Two planes AB and BC which are at right angles are acted upon by tensile stress of 140 Nim! and a compressive stress of 70 N/mm! respectively and also by stress 35 Nimm®. Determine the principal stresses and principal planes. Find also the maximum shear stress and planes on which they act. Sketch the Mohr circle and mark the relevant data. Page 108 of 428 Chapter-2 Answer: Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s Given ronuront 5,=140MPa(tensile) © s /OMPa (compressive) | | sng ty =35MPa |40Nimet Principal stresses; 0,,0;; ‘~ We know that, 0,2 = MonTe Mos7e) +35" =354110.7 Therefore «,=145.7 MPa and o, =-75.7MPa Position of Principal planes #0, Bry __ 2x35 =o, 140+70 tan29, = 0.3333 _ 14547: 2 Mohr cir r Maximum shear stress, ta; =110.7MPa Ol=o, = 140MPa OM =o, =-70MPa 4 SM=LT =1, =36MPa i Joining ST that cuts at" \eal SN=NT=radius of Mohr circle =110.7 MPa X\ OV=5, = 145.7MPa OV =o, =-75.7MPa Conventional Question IES-2010 Qs. Ans, ‘The data obtained from a rectangular strain gauge rosette attached to a 120x100, and stressed steel member are) =-220x10%, ed €g) =220%10", Given that the value of E = 2x10°N/mm? and Poisson's Ratiou=0.3, caleulate the values of principal stresses acting at the point and their directions. [10 Marks} Avrectangular strain gauge rosette strain 6 a Bee 6 y= -220x10F —€,.9= 12010 egy= 220210 E= 2x10" N/m? poisson ratio 1=0.3 Find out principal stress and their direction, Let @,=€, €.=€ and 6, =e, We know that principal strain are _ (tere 120.00) 2 Be 120)+10)' +((120-220)10°)" => 50x10 54.40 10° 1 ae Page 109 of 420 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain ‘SK Mondal's x59 “502107 £250,610" €,=2.01x10 ¢,=-3.01x10" Direction can be find out tanz9,, 2207807 2120510 = 220 10 +220x 10 240 =O 0.55 20,9 = 28.81 0, = 14.45" clockwise form principal straint, Principal stress: B(€, +n) _ 2x10! (2+0,8(-8)x10~) oe 0s = 241.78x10°N/m* = -527.47x10°N/m* Conventional Question IES-1998 Question: Answer: When using strain-gauge system for stress/forceldisplacement measurements how are in-built magnification and temperature compensation achieved? Incbuilt magnification and temperature compensation are achieved by (@) Through use of adjacent arm balancing of Wheat-stone bridge. () By means of self temperature compensation by selected melt-gauge and dual element-gauge. Conventional Question AMIE-1998 Question: Answer: ‘A cylinder (500 mm internal diameter and 20 mm wall thickness) with closed ends is subjected simultaneously to an internal pressure of 0-60 MPa, bending moment 64000 Nm and torque 16000 Nm. Determine the maximum tensile the wall. 20 mm = 0-02 m; p = 0.60 MPa = 0.6 MNim®; 064 MNm; T= 16000 Nm = 0.016 MNm. Maximum tensile stress: First let us determine the principle stresses, and o, assuming this as a thin cylinder, We know, o Pd _ 06x05 “at 2x0.02 pd _0.6x0.5 at 4x0.02 Next consider effect of combined bending moment and torque on the walls of the cylinder, Then the principal stresses @", and a", are given by -SNIN | mi? and =3.75MN/m? Page 1100420 Chapter-2 Principal Stress and Strain SK Mondal’s Blasio] 28 lui] and 18 [0.064 + Vaa6s? +0516" ]=5.290N/ mn! 7x(05) ane 18_foces W064 +0.016"] x(05) ‘Maximum shearing stress, no. : a, +a, =3.75-0.08 =3.67MN/m? (tensile) 12.79-3.67 «4 cyan? Page 11 of 420 Moment of Inertia and Centroid Theory at a Glance (for IES, GATE, PSU) 3.4 Centre of gravity The centre of gravity of a body defined as the point through which the whole weight of a body may be assumed to act 3.2 Centroid or Centre of area ‘The centroid or centre of area is defined as the point where the whole area of the figure is assumed to be concentrated 3.3 Moment of Inertia (MO!) About any’ point the product of the force and the perpendicular distance between them is ‘known as moment ofa force or first moment of free. ‘This first moment is again multiplid by the perpendicular distance between them to obtain second moment of force. In the same way if we consider the area of the figure it is called second moment of area or fren moment of inertia and if we consider the mass ofa body itis called second moment of mass or mass moment of Inertia, Mass moment of inertia is the measure of resistance of the body to rotation and forms the basis of dynamics of rigid bodies. Area moment of Inertia is the measure of resistance to bending and forms the basis of strength of materials. 3.4 Mass moment of Inertia (MO!) T= Yimx z Notice that the moment of inertia T depends on the distribution of mass in the system. ‘The furthest the mass is from the rotation axis, the bigger the moment of inertia. For a given object, the moment of inertia depends on where we choose the rotation axis. In rotational dynamics, the moment of inertia T’ appears in the same way that mass m does tational dy a tin T apes that Page tt in linear dynamics, Chapter-3 Moment of Inertia and Centroid + Solid dise or eylinder of mass M and radius R, about perpendicular axis through its centre, 1= LMR 2 ‘+ Solid sphere of mass Mand radius R, about an axis through its centre, [= 2/5 M R® © Thin rod of mass M and length L, about a perpendicular avis through ies. r= ur B + Thin rod of mass M and length Z, about a perpendicular axis through its end. t-iMe 3 3.5 Area Moment of Inertia (MOI) or Second moment of area ‘+ To find the centroid of an area by the first moment of the area” about an axis was determined (/.x dA) inertia (J x*dA) © Consider the area (A) ‘+ By definition, the moment of inertia of the differential area + Intogral of the second moment of area is called moment of | about the x and y axes are dla, and dI,y 8 dlp =x%dA. 3.6 Parallel axis theorem for an area ‘The rotational inertia about any axis is the sum of second moment of inertia about a parallel axis through the C.G and total area of the body times square of the distance between the axes. Inw =Iee + Ah? Page 1130420 Chapter-3 ‘Moment of Inertia and Centroid 3.7 Perpendicular axis theorem for an area If x, y & 2 are mutually perpendicular axes as shown, then T.(d)=Ly +L, Z-axis is perpendicular to the plane of x — y and vertical to this page as shown in figure. o . © Tofind the moment of inertia of the differential area about the pole (point of origin) or z-axis, (x) is used. 0» is the perpendicular distance from the pole to dA for the entire area T= [rdA= | (28 +9 JAA = Ine + fy (Ginco 1? =x +y#) Where, J = polar moment of inertia 3.8 Moments of Inertia (area) of some common area (i) MOI of Rectangular area Y ‘Moment of inertia about axis XX which passes through centroid, ‘Take an element of width ‘dy’ at a distance y from XX axis, «'s Area of the element (dA) = bX dy. and Moment of Inertia of the element about XX es axis=dA x y*=by'dy #-Total MOL about XX axis (Note it is area ‘moment of Inertia) i rr’ . 1. = foray 2 foray att a fren] bn sc no Similarly, we may find, 1, = A Polar moment of inertia (J) = I+ Iy = PAY 4 ROY 2 12 Page 1140429 Chapter-3 Moment of Inertia and Centroid If we want to know the MOT about an axis NN passing » through the hottom edge or top edge. 47 7 Axis XX and NN are parallel and at a distance h/2. fe ‘Therefore Iyw=In+ Area X (distance)? =O sen BY B i 2 2) 73 Case-I: Square area 4 a t= “12 Case-Il: Square area with diagonal as axis 4 a L,=4 12 Case-III: Rectangular area with a centrally rectangular hole ‘Moment of inertia of the area = moment of inertia of BIG rectangle — moment of inertia of SMALL rectangle BH* _bh* a 12 12 Page 118 0f 420 Chapter-3 ‘Moment of Inertia and Centroid Gi) MOI of a Circular area ¥ The moment f inertia aout aa XX this pase through he cnto Ia very cay find polar moment nein about point“O. Take an element of with a’ ata distance |? \ trum conte. Tae, the ament of inna ofthis element sboat pla xi =a, +1,)= area ofsing = (ai" or Ah = Borden! ty Intograting both side we got ‘ aR\_ xD! 2S Due tosummetry 1, = =D 64 xD* andJ = aD* sind Therefore, I, I, = 1, = Case-I: Moment of inertia of a circular ‘Moment of inertia of the area = moment of inertia of BIG circle ~ moment of inertia of SMALL cirele. lem ot 6 =Aw'-«') andJ = 2(Dt-d') 2 Case-II: Moment of inertia of a semi- circular area, ar 3s i.e. distance of parallel axis XX and NN is (h) According to parallel axis theory Page 1180420 Chapter-3 Moment of Inertia and Centroid yy =o +Area x (distance)? se Th I,, = 0.11R* Case — ITT: Quarter circle area Ig = one half of the moment of Inertia of the Semi- circular area about XX. t *) = 01055 8" Tug = $x(0.11R!) = 0.090 Ty = 0.055 R! ‘one half of the moment of Inertia of the Semi- Is circular area about NN. 61 128 Gii) Moment of Inertia of a Triangular area (a) Moment of Inertia of a Triangular area of a axis XX parallel to base and passes through CG. okt 36 (b) Moment of inertia of a triangle about an axis passes through base 7 ele ww >To Page 117 0f429 Chapter-3 ‘Moment of Inertia and Centroid Gv) Moment of inertia of a thin circular ring: y Polar moment of Inertia (3) -R? xarea of whole ring. = Ri c2eRt=2aR't (v) Moment of inertia of a elliptical area Y 3.9 Radius of gyration Consider area A with moment of inertia Tx. Imagine that the area is concentrated in a thin strip parallel to Page 1180420 Chapter-3 ‘the x axis with equivalent Ie. he: =radius of gyration with respect to the x axis, Similarly me | Rak +k, Page 1190f420 Chapter-3 ‘Moment of Inertia and Centroid Page 1200420 Chapter-3 Moment of Inertia and Centroid OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (GATE, IES, IAS) Previous 20-Years GATE Questions Moment of Inertia (Second moment of an area) GATE-1. The second moment of a circular area about the diameter is given by (D is the diameter) (GATE-2003] aD =D =D! =D 7 oe © @ 32 64 GATE-L. Ans. (€) O) GATE-2, The area moment of inertia of a square of size 1 unit about its diagonal is: [GATE-2001] 1 1 @} @% GATE-2. Ans. (©) 1, Radius of Gyration Data for Q3-Q4 are given below. Solve the problems and choose correct A reel of mass “m” and radius of gyration “k” is rolling down smoothly from rest with one end of the thread wound on it held in the ceiling as depicted in the figure. Consider the thickness of the thread and its mass negligible in comparison with the radius “r” of the hub and the reel mass “m”. Symbol “g” represents the acceleration due to gravity. [GATE-2003] Page 1210f429 Chapter-3 ‘Moment of Inertia and Centroid thread reel - (bub sodius) GATES. The linear acceleration of the reel is: ® ak ark mgr @ o oo, @ a +e) (+e) ree) +e) GATE-3. Ans. (a) For downward linear motion mg - T = mf, where f = linear tangential acceleration = ra, a= rotational acceleration. Considering rotational motion Tr=Ta. f or, T= mk? x-L therefore mg ~T= mi gives f= fe tend 1 ge © GATE-4. The tension in the thread is: mar® mark @ ae. (oy er (Fs) (P+) 2,8 F(rsk) mah ®) Previous 20-Years IES Questions Centroid TES-1. Assertion (A): Inertia force always acts through the centroid of the body and is directed opposite to the acceleration of the centroi [ES-2001] Reason (R): It has always a tendency to retard the motion. (@) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (©) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (© Aistrue but Ris false (@)_ Ais false but R is true IES-1. Ans. (c) It has always a tendency to oppose the motion not retard. If we want to retard a motion then it will wand to accelerate. Page 1220420 Chapter-3 Moment of Inertia and Centroid Radius of Gyration TES.2, Figure shows a rigid body of mass m having radius of gyration ke about its contre of gravity. Itt to g be" replaced by an equivalent dlynamical-aystem of two masses placed at A'and B. The mass at A Shou bes oun y bm ons avb 4 yo @ Bt @ ee tea 3 3 SS [ES.2003] IES-2. Ans. (b) IES-3, Force required to accelerate a cylindrical body which rolls without slipping on a horizontal plane (mass of eylindrieal body is m, radius of the cylindrical surface in contact with plane is r, radius of gyration of body is k and acceleration of the body is a) i (TES-2001] (a) m(k Ir? Aa (©) (mk?) © mia @ (mk*/rsta IES-S. Ans. (a) IES-4. A body of mass m and radius of gyration k is to be replaced by two masses m and ‘m: located at distances hi and h: from the CG of the original body. An equivalent dynamic system will result, if (ES-2001) hth, Oh © hhh, IES-4. Ans. (c) @ hie Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Radius of Gyration LAS. A wheel of centroidal radius of gyration 't is rolling on @ horizontal surface with constant velocity. Tt comes across an obstruction of height hy Because of Telling aps WbGy Gooreccaes te oboteaociid To dascuannas aoe ial use the principle (s) of conservation of TAS 1994] (a) Energy (©) Linear momentum (©) Energy and linear momentum (@) Energy and angular momentum TAS. Ans. (a) Page 1220428 Chapter-3 ‘Moment of Inertia and Centroid Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question LES-2004 Question: When are Lsections preferred in engineering applications? Elaborate your Answer: Lsection has large section modulus. It will reduee the stresses induced in the material Since L-section has the considerable area are far away from the natural so its section ‘modulus inereased. Page 1240428 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram 4.1 Shear Force and Bending Momer ‘Moment and Shear Force Diagram ‘Shear Force (¥) = equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the algebraic sum (resultant) of the components in the direetion perpendicular to the axis ofthe beam ofall external loads and support reactions acting on either side ofthe section Bending Moment (ND equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the algebraic sum of the moments about (the centroid of the eross section of the beam) the section of all external loads and support reactions acting on either side of the section being considered. 4.2 Notation and sign convention * Shear force (V) Positive Shear Force ‘A shearing force having a downward direction to the right hand side of a section or upwards to the left hand of the section will be taken as ‘positive’. Tt is the usual sign conventions to be {followed for the shear force. In some book followed totally opposite sign convention. Page 1260420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's x P Boeesenesaeeeees| P| "The upward direction shearing ‘The downward direction force which is on the left hand shearing force which is on the of the section XX is positive right hand of the section XX is shear fore. positive shear force Negative Shear Force A shearing force having an upward direction to the right hand side of a section or downwards to the left hand of the section will be taken as ‘negative’. x IP The downward direction ‘The upward direction shearing shearing force which is on the force which is on the right left hand of the section XX is hand of the section XX is negative shear force. negative shear force * Bending Moment (M) Positive Bending Moment A bending moment causing concavity upwards will be taken as ‘positive’ and called as sagging bending moment. Page 127 of 420 Chapter-4 If the bending moment of If the bending moment of A bending moment causing the left hand of the section the right hand of the concavity upwards will be XXis clockwise then itisa section XX is anti- taken as ‘positive’ and positive bending moment. clockwise then it is a called as sagging bending positive bending moment. _ moment. Neative Bending Moment x ft \ Aa —) ay as / ( “ x Hogging Af the bending moment of If the bending moment of A bending moment causing the left hand of the the right hand of the convexity upwards will be section XX is anti- section XX is clockwise taken as ‘negative’ and called clockwise then it is a then it is a positive as hogging bending moment. positive bending moment. bending moment. Way to remember sign convention * Remember in the Cantilever beam both Shear force and BM are negative (-ive). 4.3 Relation between S.F (V,), B.M. (M,) & Load (w) TRAD vse ot cm asian ned at any pt inthe beam i ‘equal to the slope of the shear foree curve. (Note that the sign of this rule may change depending on the sign convention used for the external distributed load), of the bending moment curve Page 128 420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's 4.4 Procedure for drawing shear force and bending moment diagram Construction of shear force gram ‘+ From the loading diagram of the beam constructed shear force diagram, ‘+ First determine the reactions, ‘+ Then the vertical components of forces and reactions are successively summed from the left fend of the beam to preserve the mathematical sign conventions adopted. The shear at 2 section is simply equal to the sum of all the vertical forces to the left of the section. ‘The shear force curve is continuous unless there is a point force on the beam, The curve then “jumps” by the magnitude of the point force (+ for upward force) When the successive summation process is used, the shear force diagram should end up with the previously calculated shear (reaction at right end of the beam). No shear force acts through the beam just beyond the last vertical force or reaction. If the shear force diagram I caloulations. ie. The closes in this fashion, then it gives an important check on mathomati shear force will be zero at each end of the beam unless a point force is applied at the end. Construction of bending moment diagram © ‘The bending moment diagram is obtained by proceeding continuously along the length of beam from the left hand end and summing up the areas of shear force diagrams using proper sign convention. The process of obtaining the moment diagram from the shear force diagram by summation is, exactly the same as that for drawing shear force diagram from load diagram. © The bending moment curve is continuous unless there is a point moment on the beam. The curve then “jumps” by the magnitude of the point moment (+ for CW moment). © We know that a constant shear force produces a uniform change in the bending moment, resulting in straight line in the moment diagram. If no shear force exists along a certain portion of a beam, then it indicates that there is no change in moment takes place. We also know that AM/dx= Vs therefore, from the fundamental theorem of ealculus the maximum or ‘minimum moment occurs where the shear is zero © The bending moment will be zero at each free or pinned end of the beam. If the end is built, in, the moment computed by the summation must be equal to the one ealeulated initially for the reaction. 4.5 Different types of Loading and their S.F & B.M Diagram () A Cantilever beam with a concentrated load ‘P* at its free end. Page 1290420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram ‘SK Monda's Shear force: % ‘At a section a distance x from free end consider the forces to Pho the left, then (Vs) =-P (for all values of x) negative in sign ie: the shear fore to the eto the xeecton arein downward IZZIZZ Mf SF.Diagram | x Bonding Moment: PL ‘Taking moments about the section gives (obviously to the left Banoo of the section) Ms SF and BM diagram ‘moment on the left hand side of the portion is in the direction and therefore negative. ‘Px (negative sign means that the anticlockwise direetion and is therefore taken as negative according to the sign convention) so that the maximum bending moment occurs at the fixed end ie, Mna =~ PE (atx=L) Gi) A Cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load over the whole length When a cantilever beam is subjected to a uniformly Js 4 wiynit length distributed load whose intensity is given w funit length, Shear force: x Consider any cross-section XX which is at a distance of x from t the free end, If we just take the resultant of all the forces on the left of the X-section, then Va=-wax for all values of Atx=0, Vi Atx=L, Vo=-wL (ie, Maximum at fixed end) Plotting the equation V = -w.x, we get a straight line because itis a equation of a straight line y (Vo) = m(-w) x Bending Moment: Bending Moment at XX is obtained by treating the load to the S.F and BM diagram left of XX as a concentrated load of the same value (w.x) acting through the centre of gravity at 3/2. ‘Therefore, the bending moment at any cross-section XX is, ‘Therefore the variation of bending moment is according to parabolic law. ‘The extreme values of BM would be atx=0, M=0 andx= Page 130 of 420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal’s: wl? Another way to deseribe a cantilever heam with uniformly distributed load (UDL) over it’s whole length. oxi bntng women, My = sified ond w a A Cantilever beam loaded as shown below draw its S.F and B.M diagram Inthe region 0| m, Ve=-23 KN -82kN at atx=5m, Vi Bentng moment Mh) = ~(60 »{ 3) -20.6-2) So, the variation of bending force is parabolic. atx=2m, My = 31712220 «204m atx=6 m,Mi=- 1025 kNm Page 1320420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's ¥, 10 KN 3kNim (v) A Cantilever beam carrying uniformly varying load from zero at free end and wlunit length at the fixed end ]wiunit length be TA j-—_—_ . ——_> Consider any cross-section XX whieh is at a distance of x from the free end. At this point load (w,) Pld = SE ‘Therefore total load ax stato = d= ces Shear force (V,) = area of ABC (load triangle) x} wd a The shear force variation is parabolic. atx=0,V,=0 atx=L,V, a i.e. Maximum Shear force (Va) ata fixed end Page 1330420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's Bending moment (M, )=load distance from centroid of triangle ABC seat a3 6L Ti berthig merit variation ci atx=0, M,=0 atx=L, M, BMDiagram | Alternative way: ( Integration method) av.) We know that “Y) -_toag=—™. ox ordty, Integrating both side ‘fauw.y=- xox Page 1340420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal’s Integrating both side we get (at x= (vi) A Cantilever beam carrying gradually varying load from zero at fixed end and wlunit length at the free end 7 ]wiunit length 42—__ L ——_ >| Considering equilibrium we get, My “ and Reaction (R,) s Considering any cross-section XX which is at a distance of x from the fixed end. At this point load ow, Shear force (V,)=R, ~area of triangle ANM wt, 3(P+)x-% we ‘The shear force variation is parabolic. atx= “ i.e, Maximum shear force, Via. atx=L,V,=0 we! 2x Bending moment (M,)=Ryx- 8.2 moment (M,)=Ryc- we we? wit 2 a 8 =. The bending moment variation is cubic Le Maximum BM. (Myo, Page 138 of 420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram ‘SK Mondal's Wwiunit length ——L —+ Consider any cross-section XX which is at a distance of x from the free end, Shear force: V: = 0 at any point. Bending moment (M,) = -M at any point, ic. Bonding moment is constant throughout the length, XK wi a — : 7™ Vt, x M, Hox a7 M [Sean Diagram 1 (vi) A Simply supported beam with a concentrated load P Li2 Li2 P Considering eulibrium we get, Rp= Ry = Now consider any cross-section XX which is at a distance of x from left end A and section YY at a distance from left end A, as shown in Sys bee aoo Shear force: In the region 0 IGATE-2004] GATE-11. The beam is subjected to a maximum bending moment of (@) 3375 kN (©) 4750 KSppg62 01409 (©) 6750 kN (@) 8750 kNm. Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's carn. Ane ML = ME 28 kNm =3375kNm GATE-12. The value of mai (0) 98.75 mm (©) 88.75 mm (63.75 mm = bh? _0.12x(0.75)" ‘ GATE-12. Ans. (a) Moment of inertia () = 5 =" O1 i ow SLM 5p 12001015" gs 75mm "ow 38d El” 384" 200%10" x4.22«10> Statement for Linked Answer and Questions Q13-Q14: A simply supported beam of span length 6m and 75mm diameter carries a uniformly distributed load of 1.5 kNim IGATE-2006] GATE-13. What is the maximum value of bending moment? (a) 9kNm (b) 13.5 kNm (©) 81 kNm (@) 125 Nm wi 1.5x6% GATE-1. Ans. (0) My = 5-7 75kNm But not in choice. Nearest choice (a) GATE-14. What is the maximum value of bending stress? (0) 162.98 MPa () 325.95 MPa (©) 625.95 Mpa (@) 651.90 Mpa 3AM _32x6.75x10" GATE-14. Ans. (a) o = 544 - 524875210" pg - 162.08MPa rd’ 7x(0.075) Simply Supported Beam Carrying a Load whose Intensity varies Uniformly from Zero at each End to w per Unit Run at the MiD Span GATE-15. A simply supported beam is subjected to a distributed A Ne loading as shown in the diagram given below: What is the maximum shear force in the beam? (@) Ws WL © wus @wue — . —_7 {1ES-2004) GATE-16. Ans. (2) | TES.1998] TES-1. Ans. (a) TES-2. A beam subjected to a load P is shown in }e-1/2-eHe-L/2-+4 the given figure. The bending moment at 4A sis dope A atchn bean seb ~ ¥ @PL PLZ : Le (o2PL. (8) z0r0 “ HES-19971 PL A IES-2. Ans. (b) Load P at end produces moment — in 2 A lp anticlockwise direction, Load P at end produces moment of “PL in clockwise Py PLP direction. Net moment at AA is PL/2. Lr ad 2 PxL a IES-3. The bending moment (M) is constant over a length segment (I) of a beam. The shearing force will also be constant over this length and is given by [IES-1996] @MA @) M21 MAL (@) None of the above TES-8. Ans. (d) Dimensional analysis gives choice (@) TES-4, A rectangular section beam subjected to a bending moment M varying along its length is required to develop same maximum bending stress at any cross- section. If the depth of the section is constant, then its width will vary as [LES-1995] @M o VM (om im Tes4.Ans.(@) M=const. and 1-5 I 12 IES-5. Consider the following statements: TIES-1995] If at a section distant from one of the ends of the beam, M represents the bending moment. V the shear force and w the intensity of loading, then 1.dMidx. 2. dVidx = w 3. dwidx = y (the deflection of the beam at the section) Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (@) tand 3 (b) Tand 2 (©) 2and 3 (@1,2and3 IBS-5. Ans. (b) Page 1640428 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's Cantilever TES. The given figure shows a heam BC simply supported at C and hinged at B (free end) of a cantilever AB. The beam and the cantilever earry forces of 700 kg 100 kg, 100 kg and 200 kg respectively. The bending moment at B [IES-1995] (2) Zero () 100 kg-m (6/150 kg-m (2) 200 kg-m 1ES-6, Ans. (a) IES-7, Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: [IES-1993] a ending moment diagram) A. Subjected to bending moment at the 1. Triangle end of a cantilever B. Cantilever carrying uniformly distributed 2, Cubie parabola load over the whole length ©. Cantilever carrying linearly varyingload 8. Parabola from zero at the fixed end to maximum at the support D. _Abeam having load at the centre and 4, Rectangle supported at the ends Codes A BC D A B oc »D @ 4 1 2 8 ® 4 8 2 1 © 8 4 2 1 @ 8 4 1 2 1ES-7. Ans. (b) 1ES-8, If the shear force acting at every section of a beam is of the same magnitude and of the same direction then it represents a [IES-1996] (a) Simply supported beam with a concentrated load at the centre. (b) Overhung beam having equal overhang at both supports and carrying equal concentrated loads acting in the same direction at the free ends. (© Cantilever subjected to concentrated load at the free end. (@) Simply supported beam having concentrated loads of equal magnitude and in the ‘same direction acting at equal distances from the supports. IES, Ans. (e) Cantilever with Uniformly Distributed Load IES-9. A uniformly distributed load @ (in kNim) is acting over the entire length of a 3 m long cantilever beam. If the shear force at the midpoint of cantilever is 6 KN, what is the value of @? [1ES-2009] @2 ws 4 @s IES-9. Ans. (c) Shear force at mid point of cantilever ol 6 2 0x3 _g x2 =4kN/m age 150428 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram ‘SK Mondal's IBS-10, Match List-1 with List-I and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists: [ES-2009] set List-it (Cantilever (shear Porce Loading) Diagram) ® ky 2 LY & ha &. ) TES-10. Ans. (b) TES-11, The shearing force diagram for a beam is shown in the above figure. ‘The bending moment diagram is represented by which one of the following? [1ES-2003] — 7 IES-11, Ans. (b) Uniformly distributed load on cantilever beam. « © Page 16 0420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's TES.12, A cantilever beam having 5 m length is so loaded that it develops a shearing force of 20T and a bending moment of 20'T-m at a section 2m from the free end. Maximum shearing force and maximum bending moment developed in the beam under this load are respectively 50 T and 125 T-m. The load on the beam is: [IES-1995] (a) 25 'T concentrated load at free end. (b) 207 concentrated load at free end (©) 8T concentrated load at free end and 2T/m load over entire length (@ 101m udl over entire length TES-12. Ans. (4) Cantilever Carrying Uniformly Distributed Load for a Part of its Length IES-13. A vertical hanging bar of length L and weighing w N/ unit length carries a load W at the bottom. The tensile force in the bar at a distance Y from the support will be given by (1ES-1992] (a)Wewe — (b)WawE-yy (Ww yt (d) w+ G-y TES-13. Ans. (6) Cantilever Carrying load Whose Intensity varies IFS.14. A cantilever beam of 2m length supports a triangularly distributed load over its entire length, the maximum of which is at the free end. The total load is 37.5 cN.What is the bending moment at the fixed end? [IES 2007) () 50x10 N mm) 12.5% 106N mm (€) 100 x10°Nmm_—(@) 25x10 N mm TES.14. Ans. (a) Page 167 0f428 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram ‘SK Mondal's +——— »—— —— a] Simply Supported Beam Carrying Concentrated Load IBS.15, Assertion (A): If the bending moment along the length of a beam is constant, then the beam cross section will not experience any shear stress. __[TES-1998] Reason (R): The shear force acting on the beam will be zero everywhere along, the length. (@) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A () Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (© Ais true but Ris false (@ Ais false but R is true IBS-15, Ans. (a) IES-16, Assertion (A): If the bending moment diagram is a rectangle, it indicates that the beam is loaded by a uniformly distributed moment all along the length. Reason (R): The BMD is a representation of internal forces in the beam and not the moment applied on the beam. [IES-2003] (@) Both Aand R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (®) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false (@ Ais false but R is true IBS-16, Ans. (d) IES.17. ‘The maximum bending moment in a simply supported beam of length L loaded by a concentrated load W at the midpoint is given by [ES-1996] WL WL @ WL o> oF oy IBS-17. Ans. (c) IES-18, A. simply supported beam is Toaded as shown in the above figure. The maximum shear force in the beam will be (a) Zero ww aw @aw gee fe He [ES-1998] TBS-18, Ans. (c) IEs-19, If a beam is subjected to a constant bending moment along its length, then the shear force will [1ES-1997] (@) Also have a constant value everywhere along its length (@) Be zero at all sections along the beam (©) Be maximum at the contre and zero at the ends (@) zero at the centre and maximum at the ends TES-19. Ans. (b) Page 1680420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's TES-20. A loaded beam is shown in W w w the figure. The bending moment diagram of the beam is best represented as: [TES-2000] © ZN SO” © rc) ao TES-20. Ans. (a) IES-21. A simply supported beam has equal over-hanging lengths and carries equal concentrated loads P at ends. Bending moment over the length between the supports [IES-2003] (a) Is zero (6) Is a non-zero constant (©) Varies uniformly from one support to the other (@) Is maximum at mid-span IES-21. Ans. (b) Pp Pe Oy IES-22, ‘The bending moment diagram for the case shown below will be q as shown in W w [ES-1992] IES-22. Ans. (a) Page 1690420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram ‘SK Mondal's IES.23. Which one of the following Ww w portions of the loaded beam shown in the given figure is 4) 2 to subjected to pure bending? 4 gE @)AB (DE B c D (AB @pp I [1ES-1999] TBS-23. Ans. (d) Pure bending takes place in the section between two weights W IES24, Constant bending moment over span "U' will occur in [ES-1995] | pi t } « 4 t | a eh hy TES-24. Ans. (d) IBS-25. For the beam shown in the above P P figure, the elastic curve between the supports B and C will be: (@) Cireular () Parabolic (© Elliptic (@A straight line 2b a [ES-1993] IBS-25. Ans. (b) TES-26. A beam is simply supported at its ends and is loaded by a couple at its mid-span figure A. Shear force diagram for the beam is given by the figure. TES-1994] () (o) Tey @B we @p @E IBS-26, Ans. (d) IBS-27. A beam AB is hinged-supported at its ends and loaded by couple P.c. as @o WP © PL @PeeL Page 1781428 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's TES-27. Ans. (d) If F be the shearing force at section x (at point A), then taking moments about B, F x2L= Pe or F ‘Thus shearing force in zone x = 2L Simply Supported Beam Carrying a Uniformly Distributed Load TES-28. A freely supported beam at its ends carries a central concentrated load, and maximum bending moment is M. Ifthe same load be uniformly distributed over the beam longth, then what is the maximum bending moment? [LES-2009] @M ot ot (@)2M 2 3 x WE - IES-28. Ans. (b) om, = Wm Where the Load is UD.L. Maximum Bending Moment -(ELe) Boats Page 171 of 420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's Simply Supported Beam Carrying a Load whose Intensity varies Uniformly from Zero at each End to w per Unit Run at the MiD Span TES-29. A simply supported beam is subjected to a distributed W Nim loading as shown in the diagram given below: What is the maximum shear force in the beam? (@) WL3 (b) WL2 © WL (@) WG = 1 (ES-2004] IBS-29. Ans. (d) WL 1 Total load = 2st .w = otalload = 2 Simply Supported Beam carrying a Load whose Intensity varies IBS-30. A beam having uniform cross-section carries a uniformly distributed load of intensity q per unit length over its entire span, and its mid-span deflection is 6. ‘The value of mid-span deflection of the same beam when the same load is distributed with intensity varying from 2q unit length at one end to zero at the other end is: [ES-1995] (@) 186 ws 285 @s IES-20, Ans. (d) Simply Supported Beam with Equal Overhangs and carrying a Uniformly Distributed Load IES-81. A beam, built-in at both ends, carries a uniformly distributed load over its entire span as shown in figurel. Which one of the diagrams given below, represents bending moment distribution along the length of the beam? [IES-1996] Page 1720428 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's dt fpecececccacbanssasnrt Fig-t (b) AN a TES-31. Ans. (d) The Points of Contraflexure IES-32, The point: of contraflexure is a point where: [ES-2005] (2) Shear force changes sign (6) Bending moment changes sign (©) Shear force is maximum (@ Bending moment is maximum IES-32. Ans. (b) IES-33. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: [1ES-2000] List-T List-1T ‘A. Bending moment is constant 1. Point of contraflexure B. Bending moment is maximum or minimum 2. Shear force changes sign C. Bending moment is zero 8. Slope of shear force diagram is zero over the portion of the beam D. Loading is constant 4. Shear force is zero over the portion of the beam Cole: A BC D AB CD @ 4 1 2 8 @ 8 2 1 4 © 4 2 1 8 @ 8 1 2 4 TES-33. Ans. (b) Loading and B.M. diagram from S.F. Diagram IES-34. The bending moment diagram shown in Fig. I correspond to the shear force diagram in [TES.1999] > Figures @ oo) co) [ @ IES-34. Ans. (b) If shear force is zero, BM. will also be zero, If shear force varies linearly with length, BM. diagram will be curved line IES-35. Bending moment distribution in a built be am is shown in the given Page 1720429 Chaptor-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal’s c ‘The shear force distribution in the beam is represented by (WES-2001) «@ ® x q e e © Wx < © ~~ € 1ES-35. Ans. (a) TES6. The given figure shows the shear force diagram for the beam ABCD. A 8 z D Bonding moment in tho portion BC of the bean ES-1996) (0) ea non sato constant ) Iazero (© Varies linearly from B to C (4) Varies paraboically from B to C TES.86. Ans. (a) TES.87, Figure shown above represents the i BM diagram for a simply supported beam, ‘The beam is subjected to which one of the following? (2 eerie elt length { Pi ©) A uniformly distributed load over aes i itelength } i © Acouple at its midlength Li (@ Couple at 1/4 ofthe span from each . end TES-87. Ans.(e) TS88, If the bending moment diagram for a simply supported beam is of the form given below. ‘Then the load acting on the beam @ ® Aconcentrated foree at C A uniformly distributed load over the whole length of the beam (© Equal and opposite moments applied at A and B (@ Amoment applied at © TES-88, Ans. (d) A vertical line in contre of BM. IES-39, there. BM. Diagram [1ES-1994] jagram is possible when a moment is applied ‘The figure given below shows a bending moment diagram for the beam CABD: Page 1740f428 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's c A 5 Load diagram for the above beam will be: UIES-1993] (a) () [ ¢ a B . T ° . 4 iB . @ e a 8 ° IES-39. Ans. (a) Load diagram at (a) is correct because B.M. diagram between A and B is parabola which is possible with uniformly distributed load in this region. IES-40. The shear force diagram shown in the following figure is that ofa [TES-1994] (a) Frocly supported beam with symmetrical point load about mid-span. @) Freely supported beam with symmetrical uniformly distributed load about mid. span (© Simply supported beam with positive and negative point loads symmetrical about the mid-span (@) Simply supported beam with symmetrical varying load about mid-span be = Et IES-40, Ans. (b) The shear force diagram is possible on simply supported beam with symmetrical varying load about mid span, Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Shear Force (S.F.) and Bending Moment (B.M.) JAS-1, Assertion (A): A beam subjected only to end moments will be free from shearing force. [1AS-2004] Reason (R): The bending momagt yastiatipn along the beam length is zero. (@) Both A and Rare individually true and I is the correet explanation of A Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram ‘SK Mondal's (@) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false (@_ Ais false but Ris true IAS-L. Ans. (a) IAS2. Assertion (A): The change in bending moment between two cross-sections of a beam is equal to the area of the shearing force diagram between the two sections. [IAS-1993} Reason (R): The change in the shearing force between two cross-sections of beam due to distributed loading is equal to the area of the load intensity diagram between the two sections. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A () Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false @ Ais false but R is true TAS-2. Ans. (b) IAS-8. The ratio of the area under the bending moment diagram to the flexural rigidity between any two points along a beam gives the change in [IAS-1998], (@) Deflection (b) Slope (©) Shear force (d@) Bending moment TAS.3. Ans. (b) Cantilever TAS. A beam AB of length 2 L having a P concentrated load P at its mid-span is hinge supported at its two ends A and Bon two identical cantilevers as shown in the given figure. The gorrece value of bending moment at fet fe Le Lae bf (a) Zero PLZ PL (@2PL TAS-1995] IAS-4. Ans. (a) Because of hinge cupport betweon beam AB and cantilevers, the bending moment ‘can't be transmitted to cantilever. Thus bending moment at points A and B is zero. IAS-5. A load perpendicular to the plane of the handle is applied at the free end as shown in the given figure. The values of Shear Forces (S.F.), Bending Moment (BM) and torque at the fixed end of the handle have been determined respectively as 400 N, 340 Nm and 100 by a student. Among these values, those of [1AS-1999] (@) SR, BM. and torque are correct ©) SRland BM. are corect > 2 re (©) BM. and torque are correct, (@ _—S.B-and torque aro correct, TAS-5. Ans. (4) SF=400N and BM=400«(0.4+0.2)=240Nm Torque = 4000.25 = 100Nm Cantilever with Uniformly Distributed Load TAS-6. If the SF diagram for a beam is a triangle with length of the beam as its base, the beam is (AS-2007] (@)Acantilever with a concentrated load at its free end (>) Acantilever with udl over its whole span (© Simply supported with a concepigate drashat its mid-point (@ Simply supported with a ul over is whole span Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's TAS-6, Ans. (b) oF § 2 TAS-7. A cantilever carrying a uniformly distributed load is shown in Fig. I Select the correct R.M. diagram of the cantilever. [IAS-1999] lanenaenannanan Figure - 1 ees @ ” o @ TAS-7. Ans. (c) M, = -wx os IAS-8, A structural member ABCD is loaded B as shown in the given figure. The shearing force at any section on the length BC of the member is: pi ik (@) Zero oP (© Pale (@ Pha 7 f+ {TAS-1096] IAS. Ans. (a) Cantilever Carrying load Whose Intensity varies IAS.9. The beam is loaded as shown in Fig. I. Select the correct BM. diagram [TAS-1999] Page 177 of 420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram ‘SK Mondal's IAS-9. Ans. (a) Simply Supported Beam Carrying Concentrated Load TAS-10. ‘Assertion (A): Ina simply supported beam carrying a concentrated load at mid- span, both the shear force and bending moment diagrams are triangular in nature without any change in sign. [AS-1999] Reason (R): When the shear force at any section of a beam is either zero or changes sign, the bending moment at that section is maximum. (@) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (@) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false (@ Ais false but R is true TAS-10. Ans. (d) Ais false. TAS-11, SFD To BMD For the shear force to be uniform throughout the span of a simply supported ‘beam, it should carry which one of the following loadings? TIAS-2007] (@)Aconcentrated load at mid-span (©) Udlover the entire span (©) Acouple anywhere within its span (@)_ Two concentrated londs equal in magnitude and placed at equal distance from each support Page 1780420 Chapter-4 TAS-11, Ans. (d) Te is a case of pure bending. e ia Big ft! * ay IP 1as.12. for the loaded heam shown in the given figure I? Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram 1AS-12. Ans. (a) Which one of the following figures represents the correet shear force diagram (1AS-1998; IAS-1995] Simply Supported Beam Carrying a Uniformly Distributed Load 1AS.13. For a simply supported beam of length fl’ subjected to downward load of uniform intensity w, mateh ListI with ListII and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List AL Slope of shear force diagram B. Maximum shear force ©. Maximum deflection D. Magnitude of maximum bending moment Codes A BC D A @ 1 2 8 4 @ 38 © 3 2 1 PagerTBoiggp 2 (WAS-1997} Lista Swit 384E) aw wt 3! 8 a 2 Boe Dp PoE 4 hig Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram ‘SK Mondal’s TAS-13. Ans. (d) Simply Supported Beam Carrying a Load whose Intensity varies Uniformly from Zero at each End to w per Unit Run at the MiD Span IAS-14, A simply supported beam of length 'I' is subjected to a symmetrical uniformly varying load with zero intensity at the ends and intensity w (load per unit length) at the mid span, What is the maximum bending moment? _[LAS-2004] Bul? we Sw oo 4 12 @ TAS-14. Ans. (b) Simply Supported Beam carrying a Load whose Intensity varies 1AS.15. ply supported beam of span 1 is subjected to a uniformly varying load zero intensity at the left support and w Nim at the right support. The reaction at the right support is: TLAS-2003} wi wl wi wi at y we ow @ oF Os a 3 TAS.15. Ans. (@) Simply Supported Beam with Equal Overhangs and carrying a Uniformly Distributed Load TAS-16. Consider the following statements for a simply supported beam subjected to a couple at its mid-span: {AS-2004] 1. Bending moment is ero at the anda and maximum at the contre 2\ Bending moment is constant over the entire length of the beam 2. Shear force is constant over the entire length of the beam 4. Shear force is zero over the entire length of the beam Which of the statements given above are correct? (@) 1, 3and4 ()2, and 4 (© lands (a 2and4 TAS-16. Ans. (c) Page 1900f428 Chapter-4 1As.17. Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's 40Nm ON x > x x ont ———— tr % 10N SFD aMN ‘Match List-I Beams) with List-II (Shear force diagrams) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: [HAS-2001] List I List II re ys Sr my 2 Peres tT Pg ir ro 5 5 pPRe@teirt B. Po@er Codes A BC D A B Cc oD @ 4 2 5 38 ® 1 4 5 38 @ 1 4 8 8 @ 4 2 8 5 1AS-17. Ans. (d) The Points of Contraflexure TAS-18, A point, along the length of a beam subjected to loads, where bending moment ‘changes its sign, is known as the point of THAS-1996] G@)Inflexion "" (b) Maximum stress (@ Zero shearforce _(@) Contra flexure TAS-18. Ans. (d) IAS-19. Assertion (A): In a loaded beam, if the shear force diagram is a straight line parallel to the beam axis; then the bending moment is’ straight line inelined to the beam axis. [TAS 1994] Reason (Bt): When shear force at any section of a beam is zero or changes gm, the bending moment at that section is maximum, (a) ‘Beth Aand i are individu inthe cores explanation ofA OB) Bath A and are individual PAR ROP NOT the ome explanation ofA Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram ‘SK Mondal's © Aistrue but Ris false (@__ Ais false but R is true TAS-19, Ans. (b) Loading and B.M. diagram from S.F. TAS20, The shear force diagram of a 14KN Toaded beam is shown in the following figure: The maximum Bending Moment of 2kN the beam is: i (@) 16 EN @ukm A B (628 kN @skNm Be jiagram -19KN [AS-1997] TAS.20, Ans. (a) TAS-21, The bending moment for a loaded beam is shown below: [AS-2003] at ; TAS.21, Ans. (d) Page 182 420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's TAS.22, Which one of the given bending moment diagrams correctly represents that of the loaded beam shown in figure? [IAS-1997] 1 i 2 Al a 777. hy. TAS-22. Ans. (c) Bending moment does not depends on moment of inertia. TAS.23. The shear force diagram is shown * above for a loaded beam. The _| corresponding bending — moment [ > auageaitiamepeeaanion ay TAS-2003] @ Be ® f ’ + © = @ 1AS-23. Ans. (a) IAS-24. ‘The bending moment diagram for a simply supported beam is a rectangle over a larger portion of the span except near the supports. What type of load does the beam carry? [HAS-2007] (a) A uniformly distributed symmetrical load over a larger portion of the span except near the supports (b)Aconcentrated load at mid-span (© Two identical concentrated loads equidistant from the supports and close to mid- point of the beam Page 1830420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram ‘SK Mondal’s (@ Two identical concentrated loads equidistant from the mid-span and close to supports TAS-24. Ans. (d) Page 1840 420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question IES-2005 Question: A simply supported beam of length 10 m carries a uniformly varying load whose intensity varies from a maximum value of 5 kN/m at both ends to zero at the centre of the beam. It is desired to replace the beam with another simply supported beam which will be subjected to the same maximum "bending moment’ and ‘shear foree' as in the case of the previous one. Determine the length and rate of loading for the second beam if it is subjected to a uniformly distributed load over its whole length. Draw the variation of 'SF’ and 'BM' in both the cases. Answer: 5KNim 5KNIm Take a section X-X from B at a distance x. For 0< x <5m we get rate of loading + bx [as lineary varying] at x=0, w=5kN/m and atx=5,=0 These two bounday condition gives a = 5 and -* We know that shear force(V), x =-w orV= f—sed=— f 6 —x)dx =-8x +7 +6, at x= =12.5 KN (R,) 0c, =12.5 = x4 4125 2 It is clear that maximum S.F = 12.5 kN Page 1980428 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Sh Fora beam 2M — dx ir Force Diagram ‘SK Mondal's 2 Bt x! or, M= Vd = f(—Sx+ 1128) = + + 12.8x+C, at x= 0,M=O gives C, =0 M=12.5x-2.5x7 +x°/6 for Maximum bending moment at a 0 2 ort +125 =0 or,x* 10x +25 =0 or,x =5 means at centre. SO, Myy, =12.5%2.5—2.5%5? +5 /6 = 20.83 kNm LOK An _- a Ro \— Now we consider a simply supported beam carrying uniform distributed load ‘over whole length (« KN/m). Vipgx =12.5KN BMat section X-X We Wx? Mat x aM, WL 5} WL" —2083----(ii) ax 2 2 (12 8 Solving(i) & (ii) we get L=6.666m and .i=3.75kNIm Page 186 of 428 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's : oe KN Conventional Question IES-1996 Question: A Uniform beam of length L is carrying a uniformly distributed load w per unit length and is simply supported at its ends. What would be the maximum. bending moment and where does it occur? Answer: By symmetry each support wnt ron reaction equalie, ure 24 é cx BM at the section x-x is i Ls We Rew 5 mb we Ryowlle 2 For the BM to be maximum we Paraboke have to M4 <0 that gives Bending Moment Diagram Conventional Question AMIE-1996 Question: Caleulate the reactions at A and D for the beam shown in figure. Draw the bending moment and shear force diagrams showing all important values. Page 187 of 420 Chapter-4 Answer: Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram ‘SK Mondal's 4KN 0.5m 2m 2m 2m_j, im Equivalent figure below shows an overhanging beam ABCDF supported by a roller support at A and a hinged support at D. In the figure, a load of 4 kN is applied through ‘a bracket 0.5 m away from the point C. Now apply equal and opposite load of 4 KN at C. This will be equivalent to a anticlockwise couple of the value of (4 x 0.5) = 2 kNm acting at C together with a vertical downward load of 4 KN at C. Show U.D.L. (1 kN/m) over the port AB, a point load of 2 KN vertically downward at F, and a horizontal load of 2V3 KN as shown. 1 kNim akn 2kNm 2kNm B.M. diagram For reaction and A and D. Let ue assume Ra= reaction at roller A. [Roy vertically componont of the rogtion gt hg hinged support D, and Rou horizontal component of the reaction at the hinged support D. Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram S$ K Mondal’s Obviously Row=2V3 KN (>) In order to determine Ra, takings moments about D, we get Ry xO 2utat2n(Fe2e2) +2442 or Ry =3kN Also Ry +Roy =(1x2)+4+2=8 or Ryy = SkNvetrically upward Reaction at D, Ry = f(R’oy) + (Roa) = y8? +(2V8) = 6.08KN Inclination with horizontal= 0 =tan”’—&_ = 55.3° as ‘SF.Caleulation KN BMCalculation: M, =[-2(142)+5%2]+2=6kNm The ben 1g moment inereases from 4kNm in (ie.,-2(1+2) +52) to 6kNm as shown -2(1+2+2)+5(+2)-4x2+2=4kNm us ana[to2e2e2)es(aeaeyaa@eserntered 2.5kNm Conventional Question GATE-1997 Question: Construct the bending moment and shearing force diagrams for the beam shown in the figure. 20 kN/m 50 KN aon \ 100 kNm FOG (es m—e—§ 2 m —e— 1.5 m—+] 0.5 m 10.5 mje— ' ' Roof a ~ ' : ' voto Beam Answer: Page 1990428 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal’s 10KN 15KN 15kN ' B.M Diagram Caleulation: First find out reaction at B and E. ‘Taking moments, about B, we get Ry 4.5 +20x0.5x 8 or Re =55kN. Also, R, +R, =20x05+50+40 SKN [+ Re =55kN] SF. Calculation: or BMCalculation: M, =-40%4 + §5x3.5-50%2=-67.5kNM ‘The bending moment increases from ~62.5kNm to 100. 0s M, =-20%0.5x92 =-2.5kNm Conventional Question GATE-1996 Question: ‘Two bars AB and BC are connected by a frictionless hinge at B. The assembly is supported and loaded as shown in figure below. Draw the shear force and bonding moment diagrams for, the, combined beam AC. clearly labelling the Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's important values, Also indicate your sign convention. 100KN 100 kN Answer: ‘There shall be a vertical reaction at hinge B and we ean split the problem in two parts. ‘Then the FED of each part is shown below 100kKN 100 kN 125 kNm Calculation: Referring the FBD, we get, F,=0, and R,+R, =200kN From SM, =0,100x2+100x3-R, x4 =0 or Again, R, and M=75x1.5=112.5kNm. Page 191 of 428 Conventional Question IES-1998 Chapter-4 Question: Answer: Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram ‘SK Mondal's A tube 40 mm outside diameter; 5 mm thick and 1.5 m long simply supported fat 125 mm from each end carries a concentrated load of 1 kN at each extreme end. (@) Neglecting the weight of the tube, sketch the shearing force and bending moment diagrams; (ii) Calculate the radius of curvature and deflection at mid-span. Take the modulus of elasticity of the material as 208 GNim* 0.04m:; 4, =d, ~2t 108 <10°N/ me; 0.03m; 0.125m o B bee 5 =W ir , i Ry = W Beam w SF diagram w Wa’ Wa BM. diagram Calculation: Gi) Radius of coordinate R As per bending equation: |= W xa =1%10? «0.125 =125Nm E(ci-a) {(0.04 ie (0.03)"]}=2.59%10° m* Subsituting the values in equation(i), we get 208 x 10° x8.59x10* 125 Deflection at mid span: dy ae =142.9m eI Ny = —WX + W (x —vajermoida Wx Wa = WV Chapter-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram SK Mondal's Integrating we get ey ox When, When or At mid—spanjie., x=1/2 Wal (ay el” 2 Wal er |"8* 2 1x 1000 x 0.125, 15° 0.125" 0.1251: 208 x 10° x8.59x10"| & Fs 2 .001366m = 1.366mm {It will be in upward direction Conventional Question IES-2001 Question: What is meant by point of contraflexure or point of inflexion in a beam? Show the same for the beam given helow: 5kN/im 20kN: 4 fo | a Answer: In a beam if the bending moment changes sign at a point, the point itself having zero ‘bending moment, the beam changes curvature at this point of zero bending moment and this point is called the point of contra flexure. Page 1930420 Chapter-4 Bending Moment and She AZ.5kNir ae a ‘SK Mondal’s BMD From the bending moment diagram we have seen that itis between A & C. [If marks are more we should ealeulate exact point.) Page 194420 5.1 Introduction © We know that the axis of a beam deflects from its initial position under action of applied forces. ‘© In this chapter we will learn how to determine the elastic deflections of a beam, Selection of co-ordinate axes Why to calculate the deflections? © To provent cracking of attached brittle materials © To make sure the structure not deflect severely and to “appear” sale for its occupants © Tohel {ng statically indeterminate structures Ip Page 198 0f428 Chapter-5 Deflection of Beam SK Mondal's © Information on deformation characteristics of members is essential in the study of vibrations of machines Several methods to compute deflections in beam + Double integration method (without the use of singularity functions) + Macaulay's Method (with the use of singularity functions) © Moment area method + Method of superposition + Conjugate beam method + Castigliano’s theorem + Work/Energy methods Each of these methods has particular advantages or disadvantages, Methods to find deflection Double integration Energy Method Castiglian’s theorem Assumptions in Simple Bending Theory © Beams are initially straight + The material is homogenous and isotropic ie. it has a uniform composition and its ‘mechanical properties are the same in all directions +The stress-strain relationship is linear and elastic # Young's Modulus is the same in tension as in compression + Sections are symmetrical about the plane of bending * Sections which are plane before bending remain plane after bending Non-Uniform Bending «In the case of non-uniform bending of a beam, where bending moment varies from section to section, there will be shear force at each eross section which will induce shearing stresses + Also these shearing stresses cause warping (or out-of plane distortion) of the eross section 80 ‘that plane eross seetions do not remain plane even after bending Page 196 of 420 Chapter-5 Deflection of Beam SK Mondal’s 5.2 Elastic line or Elastic curve 2 d EI—==M, dx Proof: Consider the following simply supported beam with UDL over its length. Elastic line From elementary calculus we know that curvature of a line (at point Q in figure) fy R hay For small deflection, © ~0 ox where R =radius of curvature Page 197 of 428 Chapter-5 ‘SK Mondal's, Bending stress of the beam (at point Q) (M,)y EI From strain relation we get 12 _% and «, From the equation £1 = M, we may easily find out the following relations. @ Shear force density (Load) . te V, Shear force . af 2 = M, Bending moment dy + Ye9=stope dx e y= 5 = Deflection, Displacement Flexural rigidity = E/ 5.4 Double integration method (without the use of singularity functions) + We fede «Ms [yee = 0=Slope b, the maximum deflection will occur in the left portion of the span, to which equation (¥) applies. Setting the derivative of this expression equal to zero gives, x= fare) _ (every _ [P06 3 3 3 at that point a horizontal tangent and hence the point of maximum deflection substituting this value P.b(? by"? 9/3. ELL of x into equation (v), we find, Yuu, Case “I if sts tin it bea = f= LED a i.e. at mid point b= L2 then P(L2)x{u (U2)? pp on Yow (8) See ABE (vi) A simply supported beam with UDL (Uniformly distributed load) A simply supported beam AB carries a uniformly distributed load (UDI, of intensity wianit length aver its whole span Las shown in figure. We want to develop the equation of the elastic curve and find the maximum deflection & at the middle of the span | ‘Taking co-ordinate axes x and y as shown, we have for the bending moment at any point x Baqg?09 429 Chapter-5 Deflection of Beam SK Mondal’s Again Integrating both side we get wh ew xt Bly SE At Where A and B are integration constants. To evaluate these constants we have to use houndary. conditions, at x=0,y=0 gives B=0 cap DW, we at x= 12, SF=0 gives A=-57 ‘Therefore the equation of the elastic curve we 2EI = MTP arse a’ = agep LE 2b? +") ‘The maximum deflection at the mid-span, we have to put x = L/2 in the equation and obtain _ 5wL' 384E/ "And Maximum slope 0, =0, at the left end A and at the right end b is same putting x= 0 orx=L. a — recieve sie a (vii) A simply supported beam with triangular distributed load (GVL) gradually varied load. A simply supported beam carries a triangular distributed load (GVL) as shown in figure below, We have to find equation of elastic curve and find maximum deflection(3) In this (GVL) condition, we got Page 209 of 428 Deflection of Beam SK Mondal's i) Ail) wil) eeliv) (v) Where A, B, C and D are integration constant. Boundary conditions atx=0, = My= y=o atx=L, .¥=0 gives Thorlo y=- MA [TU AOL +344} (nepeivesgn indicate downward defection) ” . dy Tofind maximum defection’, we have And it gives x= 0.519 L and maximum deflection (3)=0. ves (viii) A simply supported beam with a moment at mid-span A simply supported beam AB is acted upon by a couple M applied at an intermediate point distance ‘a’ from the equation of elastic curve and deflection at point where the moment acted. 7 Mi Ra we Considering equilibrium we get Ry=™ and Ry ‘Taking co-ordinate axes x and y as shown, we have for bending moment Indergin Oxse, Moll 5 Inineregon asst, M,=Meom So we obtain the difference equation for the elastieeave Deflection of Beam SK Mondal’s for0; (a ) A Maximum defection (3) = % (F)G) : we ie (at free end) EI 31 (ii) A cantilever beam with a point load not at free end Pa? y, ‘Area of BM diagram (A)= LxaxPa =P pL, Therefore x Maximum slope(0) Pat Cat free end) L—4 eI Maximum deflection (3) = * EP ES) ve ~ EI *2e BM Diagram a {- 3) (at free end) (iii) A cantilever beam with UDL over its whole length ‘Area of BM diagram (A) +4 a) awe e Thorolore wt EI” Ge! Min afecton (= (e }: (i) 6 4 wit RE et tee end (iv) A simply supported beam with point load at mid-spam Maximum slope(9) (at free end) Page 2190428 Chapter-5 Deflection of Beam SK Mondal's Area of shaded BM diagram. % PL_PL? M A PLP au} 2" 6 oh A "Therefore . The AL PL — Maximum slope(#) === === (at each ends) Maximum deflection (5) = BLM Diagram (v) A simply supported beam with UDL over its whole length Area of BM diagram (shaded) % (a)=2 (5 ()- we (" wiunitlength Ue) ae A ‘ b,x ‘Therefore emt. i wh Maximum siope(a)= A= (at cach ends) “ee iat EI” 24€1 Maximum deflection (6) (Se) El 3 Parabolic (at mid point) BM Diagram 9. Method of superposition Assumptions: + Structure should be linear + Slope of elastic line should be very small + The deflection of the beam should be small such that the effect due to the shaft or rotation of the line of action ofthe load is neglected Principle of Superposition: + Deformations of beams subjected to combinations of loadings may be obtained as the linear ‘combination of the deformations from the individual loadings + Procedure is facilitated by tables of solutions for common types of loadings and supports. Example: w For the beam and loading shown, determine the slope and deflection at point B. het wy wll Page 220 of 428 Chapter-5 Deflection of Beam SK Mondal’s Superpose the deformations due to Loading Tand Loading IT as shown, ont Lonling It ies) —" Pia Paine Loading 1 ee, n, +—,__| o] Loading tt 7 a“ ow Colusa tn beam sezmeut CB, the beading moment is zero and te elastic cue i a staight ine, aha =(6ch 85 =(a); +a va=O2);+8)n 10. Conjugate beam method In the conjugate beam method, the length of the conjugate beam is the same as the length of the actual beam, the loading diagram (showing the loads acting) on the conjugate beam is simply the bending-moment diagram of the actual beam divided by the flexural rigidity EY of the actual beam, and the corresponding support condition for the conjugate beam is given by the rules as shown below. Corresponding support condition for the conjugate beam Page 210429 Chapter-5 Deflection of Beam ‘SK Mondal's Existing support condition | Corresponding support condition of the actual beam for the conjugate beam Rule 1 | Fixed end Free end Rule 2 Fixed end | Rule 3 | Simple support at the end ‘Simple support atthe end Rule 4 Simple support nor at the end | Unsupported hinge Rule 5 | Unsupported hinge Simple support Conjugates of Common Types of Real Beams Conjugate beams for statically determinate Conjugate beams for _Statically real beams indeterminate real beams . coon Bo ” ae By the conjugate beam method, the slope and deflection of the actual beam can be found by using the following two rules: ‘The slope of the actual beam at any cross section is equal to the shearing force at the corresponding eross section of the conjugate beam, ‘The deflection of the actual beam at any point is equal to the bending moment of the conjugate beam at the corresponding point. Procedure for Analysis Construct the M/ ET diagram for the given (real) beam subjected to the specified (real) loading. Ifa combination of loading exists, you may use M-diagram by parts Determine the conjugate beam corresponding to the given real beam Apply the M/ EI diagram as the load on the conjugate beam as per sign convention Calculate the reactions at the supports of the conjugate beam by applying equations of equilibrium and conditions Determine the shears in the conjugate beam at locations where slopes is desired in the real beam, Veoas = Ore Determine the bending moments in the conjugate beam at locations where deflections is, desired in the real beam, Meow = yeu P0*77201428 Chapter-5 Deflection of Beam SK Mondal’s ‘The method of double integration, method of superposition, moment-area theorems, and Castigliano’s theorem are all well established methods for finding deflections of beams, but they require that the boundary conditions of the beams be known or specified. If not, all of them become helpless. However, the conjugate beam method is able to proceed and yield a solution for the possible deflections of the beam based on the support conditions, rather than the boundary conditions, of the beams. (Acar at its free end. ver beam with a point load For Real Beam: At a section a distance ‘x’ from free end consider the forces to the left. Taking moments about the section gives (obviously to the left of the section) Ms = -P.x x (nogative sign means that the moment on the left hand side L of the portion is in the anticlockwise direction and is M,! therefore taken as negative according to the sign convention) x so that the maximum bending moment occurs at the fixed end ie. Mies =~ PE (at x= 1) M Diagram ]wiunit tength L ——_+| Considering equilibrium we get, My = “ and Reaction (Ry, Considering any cross-section XX which is ata distance of x from the fixed end At this point load (WY, Shear force (V,) = Ry ~atea of triangle ANM The shear force variation is parabolic. a st ra atx=0,V, atx=L,V, Bending moment (M,) Page 223 of 420 Chapter-5 ‘SK Mondal's wg Wot wl 2 6L 3 ‘The bending moment variation is cubic ae ieMaximum BM. (Mya, Page 2240428 Chapter-5 Deflection of Beam SK Mondal’s OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (GATE, IES, IAS) Previous 20-Years GATE Questions Beam Deflection GATE-1, A lean elastic beam of given flexural rigidity, EI, is loaded by a single force F era F as shown in figure. How many boundary conditions are necessary to determine the deflected centre line of the beam? position 5 4 Ms \ 3 @2 “in [GATE-1999] JUDE ULL GATE-1. Ans. (2) EISL=M. Since itis second order differential equation so we need two boundary conditions to solve it. GATE-2, A simply supported beam carrying a concentrated load W at mid-span deflects by 6 under the load. If the same beam carries the load W such that it is distributed uniformly over entire length and undergoes a deflection 6: at the mid span. The ratio 6: By is: [ES-1995; GATE-1994] (21 @) V2s1 ut @u2 (ty _ swe we -2, Ans. (d) 6,=-e-= and 6-12 = GATES Ame hte goer SU ge “gaae ‘Therefore 6: GATE-3. A simply supported laterally loaded beam was found to deflect more than a specified value, [GATE-2003] Which of the following measures will reduce the deflection? (a) Increase the area moment of inertia (b) _Inerease the span of the beam (©) Select a different material having lesser modulus of elasticity (@ Magnitude of the load to be increased we 4861 ‘To reduce, 6, increase the area moment of Inertia, GATE-8. Ans. (a) Maximum deflection (6) = Page 2280428 Chapter-5 Deflection of Beam SK Mondal's Previous 20-Years IES Questions Double Integration Method IBS-1. Consider the following statements: [ES.2003] Ina cantilever subjected to a concentrated load at the free end 1. The bending stress is maximum at the free end 2. The maximum shear stress is constant along the length of the beam. 3. ‘The slope of the elastic curve is zero at the fixed end Which of these statements are correct? G@izands ty 2and 3 (1anas (@rana2 18S.1. Ans.) TES2, A cantilever of length L, moment of inertia T. Young's modulus E carries a Concentrated load W at the middie of its length. The slope of cantilever at the free end is: {1ES-2003) oe 4 we = @ Me tw ME ot @ HE DET ae SEI 16ET " 3) we 1ES-2. Ans. (¢) 9= 12). WE 2EI~ BEI IES8. The two cantilevers A and B. shown in the 5 figure have the same uniform croeescetion ed tn ‘mame meter ors Free end deflection of cantilever Ais 6. (WES-2000) ‘The value of mid- span deflection of the cantilever (a) $6 (28 (6 (a)26 Wer (WL), _ swe? 3E El Yea owL EI EI IES-4. A cantilever beam of reetangular cross-section is subjected to a load W at its free end. If the depth of the beam is doubled and the load is halved, the deflection of the free end as compared to original deflection will be: [TES-1999] (@) Halt (b) One-eighth (©) One-sixteenth, (@) Double WE _ WE x12 _ an SEI 3Eah’ Eah® 4W1 1 awe 2Ba(2h) 16” Bal? IES-8. Ans. (c) 2El IES-4. Ans. (¢) Deflectionin cantilever = If his doubled, and W is halved, New deflection = IES-5. A simply supported beam of constant flexural rigidity and length 2L carries a concentrated load 'P' at its mid-span and the deflection under the load isd. If a cantilever beam of the same flexural rigidity and length ‘L’ is subjected to load 'P' at its free end, then the deflection at the free end will be: [ES-1993] (a)38 (>) 5 pagezabflees (ase Chapter-5 IES-5. Ans. (c) 6 forsimply supported beam: TES. IES.6, Ans. (d) When a B. Mis applied at the free end of cantilever, @="—" = TES. Deflection of Beam SK Mondal’s: W(2L) _ we 48EI — 6EI and deflection for Cantilever = 2 3ET ‘Two identical cantilevers are ~ P loaded as shown in the respective figures. If slope at t— L the free end of the cantilever in figure E is 8, the slope at free MRCS and of the cantilever in figure Figure F F will be: ES-1997] wie wre ©20 oe °3 2 O3 ML_(PLI2)L El EL When a cantilever is subjected toa single concentrated Toad at free end, then @ = = EL A cantilever beam ca) a load W uniformly distributed over its entire length. If the same load is placed at the free end of the same cantilever, then the ratio ‘of maximum deflection in the first case to that in the second ease will he: [LES-1996} (a) 388 was (oars @ss wes-7. Ans, gy HE BET IES-8. The given figure shows a p cantilever of span 'L’ subjected to ‘a concentrated load 'P! and a moment 'M' at the free end. Deflection at the free end is \r given by (1ES-1996] PL, Mt 1 ME, PL Otte YG spe @ 2EI 3EL 2EL * 3ET BEI" ET 2EI ” 48ET TES-8, Ans. (b) 1ES-9, For a cantilever beam of length 'L', flexural rigidity EI and loaded at its free ‘end by a concentrated load W, match List I with List Il and select the correct answer. UIES-1996] List List ‘A. Maximum bending moment 1 WI B. Strain energy 2. WPRET C. Maximum slope 3. WINSEL D. Maximum deflection 4. WHFIGEL Coes: A BC D AB Cc D @ 1 4 38 2 @® 1 4 2 8 @4 2 1 8 @ 4 38 1 2 TES-9, Ans. (b) 1Es.10. Maximum deflection of a capt yam of length ‘I carrying uniformly distributed load w por unit leit oe TIES. 2008} Chapter-5 Deflection of Beam ‘SK Mondal's, (@) wl ED, @) wi (AED) (wv (SED (@ wt 884 ED, [Where E = modulus of elasticity of beam material and I= moment of inertia of beam cross-section) IBS-10. Ans. (c) IES-11. A cantilever beam of length ‘I is subjected to a concentrated load P at a distance of US from the free end. What is the deflection of the free end of the beam? (ET is the flexural rigidity) [ES.2004] 2Pr 3Pr 14Pr 1sPr @) = w © @ S1zT 81EI SIET SILL IBS-11. Ans. (d) Moment Area method gives us IES.12, TES-12, Ans. (c) Reaction force on B and C is same 100/2 ave, 23 13)-(a°8) 6 EL mae ee “el*o"e"a1el Wat eI Alternatively Ygac= 100 kf and is simply supported at its ends by two cantilevers AB= 1 m long and 5 milong as shown in thefigure. = AG—O, The shear force at end A of the cantilever AB will be felms}—2 m —ste— 2m A (@) Zero ©) 40 kg (© 50ks @ 60kg [ES.1997] 50 kg. And we know that shear force is ‘same throughout its length and equal to load at freo ond. TES-13. Assertion (A): In a simply supported beam subjected to a concentrated load P at span, the elastic curve slope becomes zero under the load. [ES.2003] Reason (R): The deflection of the beam is maximum at mid-span. (@) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (@) Both Aand B are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false @ Ais false but R is true IBS-13. Ans. (a) IBS-14, At a certain section at a distance from one of the supports of « simply oct alas toa nde ar tsstag basing mucin fea ake eee ES 'W;, Mx and Vx respectively. If the intensity of loading is varying continuously along the length of the beam, then the invalid relation is: (LES-2000} Pi ¥ (2)Stope0, (=e (oq = (au, =4 IES-14. Ans. (a) Page 228 of 420 Chapter-5 Deflection of Beam SK Mondal’s TES-15. ‘The bending moment equation, as a function of distance x measured from the left end, for a simply supported beam of span L m carrying a uniformly distributed load of intensity w Nim will be given by. [IES-1999] (a) Z(ux)yNm (8) “Ey Za)" Nm (c)M TES.15. Ans. (b) SZ (Lx) ~F(La)' Nm (a)M IES-16. A simply supported beam with width 'b' and depth ’d’ carries a central load W and undergoes deflection 8 at the centre. If the width and depth are interchanged, the deflection at the contre of the beam would attain the value 2 5 8 (TES-1997] ws offs ogo alge 1ES-16, Ans. (b) Deflection at center 3= WE. _Wh__ 48EI oe (DP 12 Insecond case, deflection =, aoe se ase( ane( OP 2 (12 1ES-17. A simply supported beam of rectangular section 4 cm by 6 cm carries a mid- span concentrated load such that the 6 cm side lies parallel to line of action of loading; deflection under the load is 8. If the beam is now supported with the 4 em side parallel to line of action of loading, the deflection under the load will be: [TES-1993] (a) 0.446 0675 156 (2.258 IES-17. Ans. (d) Use above explanation IES.18. A simply supported beam carrying a concentrated load W at mid-span deflect: by 6: under the load. If the same beam carries the load W such that it is distributed uniformly over entire length and undergoes a deflection 62 at the mid span. The ratio 5: 8: [TES-1995; GATE-1994] @2a oa 1 @uz Ww sag site el 48E & 384El TES.18. Ans. (a) 5, Moment Area Method IES.19. Match I with List-I and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: [1ES-1997] List-l List-I AL Toughness 1. Moment area method B. Endurance strength 2. Hardness . Resistance to abrasion 8. Energy absorbed before fracture in ‘a tension test D. Deflection in a beam 4. Fatigue loading Cole: A BC D A BC D @ 4 3 1 2 @® 4 8 2 1 © 3 4 2 1 @ 38 4 1 2 IES-19. Ans. (c) page 22901426 ion of Beam ‘S$ K Mondal's Chapter-5 Defle Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Slope and Deflection at a Section IAS-1. Which one of the following is represented by the area of the S.F diagram from ‘one end upto a given location on the beam? [AS-2004] (@) BM. at the location (b) Load at the location (©) Slope at the location (@) Deflection at the location TAS-1. Ans. (a) Double Integration Method TAS-2. Which one of the following is the correct statement? [AS-2007] itor eam 2 frites length amis canto (@) Free from any load (b) Subjected to a concentrated load at its free end (©) Subjected to an end moment _(d) Subjected to a udl over its whole span TAS-2. Ans. (e) udl or point load both vary with x. But if we apply Bending Moment (M) = const dM y Ww anat 9 w es posheadacad Yt t ¥ TASS. Ina cantilever beam, if the length is doubled while keeping the cross-section and the concentrated load acting at the free end the same, the deflection at the freo end will increase by TIAS-1996] (@) 2.6 times (@) Btimes (0 6 times (@) 8 times IAS-3. Ans. (d) I Conjugate Beam Method TAS-4. By conjugate beam method, the slope at any section of an actual beam is equal [1AS-2002] @ EI times the S.F. of the conjugate beam (b) El times the B.M. of the conjugate beam (©) SF. of conjugate beam (d) B.M. of the conjugate beam TAS-4. Ans. (c) TAS, 75 x 10 mt $120.5 m k— ——— E=200GPa Determine the stiffuess of the J] beam shown in the above figure a (@) 12 « 1000 Nim 1 (@) 10 * 10 Nim (©) 4 10 Nim (@8x109Nim [ES-2003] TAS-5, Ans, (c) Stifness means required load fog unit gefasmation, BMD of the given beam ab tae Chapter-5 Deflection of Beam SK Mondal’s iW 2k. ‘ Loading diagram wi ) ‘The deflection at beam of conjugate beam ‘. the free end of the actual beam = HM of the at fixed point of conjugate poh Mca} L b+ (cen (e+ -98 3 *t2ei 2) tae) hs | zr 2x (200 x 10°) x(375x10-* Bet _ 2x(200%10%)x(975%10) 4 sye/m 3b 3x(0.5)" Page 231 of 420 Chapter-5 ‘SK Mondal's Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question GATE-1999 Question: Consider the signboard mounting shown in figure below. The wind load acting perpendicular to the plane of the figure is F = 100 N. We wish to limit the deflection, due to bending, at point A of the hollow cylindrical pole of outer diameter 150 mm to 5 mm. Find the wall thiekness for the pole. [Assume E=2.0X 10" Nim‘) im Answer: — Given: P= 100 N; do= 150 mm, 0.15 my = 5 mm; E=2.0X 10" Nim? Thickness of pole, t ‘The system of signboard mounting can be considered as a cantilever loaded at A ie. W 100 N and also having anticlockwise moment of M= 100 x 1 = 100 Nm at the free end, Deflection of cantilever having concentrated load at the free end, ME ME “SET” 261 surg? 100%5" 10045 Bx2Z0x10" x1” 2x2.0x10"%1 1 100 «5° 100x 5° mt —100%5° , —100%8" | s gt7 107 lit But =2(e- ju ale-4) 5.417 «10° = = (0.18'— 64 or d.=0.141mor 141mm t= 150-141 ggg 2 2 Conventional Question IES-2003 Question: Find the slope and deflection at the free end of a cantilever beam of length 6m as loaded shown in figure below, using method of superposition. Evaluate their numerical value using B= 200 GPa, T= 1x10+m‘ and W=1KN. Page 2320428 Chapter-5 Deflection of Beam SK Mondal’s: ‘Answer: We have to use superposition theory, pe ow weonsider A = PE (QW)x2 _ sw J__m jc §& «SEI SEI CET 0, = PL _ (3W).2" _ ow. 2Ei2EI ET . BW OW 4 32W Defiection at A due to this load\s,) = 8. + 8.082) =" + ex 4 = Ep consider: r 5, -2W)x4 _120W . 36. SET . 9, OW )x# _ 16H x f e2EI EL Se! Deflection at A due to this load(6,) & 5s gx(6-4y 28 3EI 3 cons w wxe_72W (id= 84 SEE A wxe?_18w 1 2E) El 1.0 (@)ox/on depends on the shape of cross-section My IBS-1. Ans. (d) Bending stress "MY, y and both depends on the ‘Shape of cross~ section so “A. depends on the shape of cross~ section IBS-2. If the area of cross-section of a circular section beam is made four times, keeping the loads, length, support conditions and material of the beam unchanged, then the qualities (List-D) will change through different factors (List-Il). Match the ListI with the List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists: [ES-2005] List Page 240 of datst-IT A. Maximum BM Ls Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam SK Mondal’s B, Deflection 21 C. Bending Stress 3. Us D. Section Modulus 4. 1n6 Codes A BC A B Cc »D @ 3 1 2 ® 2 4 38 4 © 3 4 2 @ 2 1 38 iameter will be double, A. Maximum BM will be unaffected IES-2, Ans. (b) 1B. deflection ratio #-(3) z=, (a) m(a/2) ©. Bending stress a 4 or Bending stress rat IES-3. Consider the following statements in ease of beams: [HES-2002] 1. Rate of change of shear force is equal to the rate of loading at a particular section 2. Rate of change of bending moment is equal to the shear force at a particular suction. 3. Maximum shear force in a beam occurs at a point where bending moment either zero or bending moment changes sign Which of the above statements are correct? (2) 1 alone () 2alone (land 2 (@1,2and3 IES-3. Ans. (c) TES4, Mate List below the Lis List I (State of Stress) List-Il (Kind of Loading) — List-II and select the correct answer using the code given [TES-2006] 1. Combined bending and torsion of circular A it ~ — 2. Torsion of circular shaft BS Load t 3. Thin cylinder subjected to internal Cc pressure 4, Tie har subjected to tensile force Codes A BC D A B oc D @ 2 1 8 4 @® 8 4 2 1 © 2 4 8 1 @ 8 1 2 Page 241 of 420 Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam SK Mondal's Section Modulus TES5. Two beams of equal cross-sectional area are subjected to equal bending moment. If one beam has square cross-section and the other has cireular section, then [ES.1999] (@) Both beams will be equally strong () Circular section beam will be stronger (©) Square section beam will be stronger (@ The strength of the beam will depend on the nature of loading IES-5. Ans. (b) If D is diameter of circle anda’ the side of square section, fa ad 320 ar TES.6, A beam cross-section is used in two different orientations as shown in the given figure Bending moments applied to the beam in both eases are same. The }*—— 6 ——*| maximum bending stresses induced in cases (A) and (B) are related as: bye @o,=40, Wo, ‘for circular sectior o-2 @o,-2 ery a4 UES-1997] WES-6. Ans. (0) Zfor rectangular section io OS x 6 2B MnZ,0,-2y0, oF 24 TES-7, A horizontal beam with square cross-section Is simply supported with sides of the square horizontal and vertical and carries a distributed loading that produces maximum bending stress a in the beam. When the beam is placed one of the diagonals horizontal the maximum bending stress will be: [TES-1993] L @ bo © Vo (@) 20 v2 M TES-7. Ans. (@) Bending stress = “4 © ie Zz For rectangular eam with sides horizontal and vertical, = © For same section with diagonal horizontal, Z=—" “ 6v2 *. Ratio of two stresses = V2 TES-8. Which one of the following combinations of angles will carry the maximum load as a column? (ES-1994] Page 242 of 420 Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam SK Mondal’s aE IES'8, Ans. (a) IES.9. Assertion (A): For structures steel I-beams preferred to other shapes. [IES-1992] Reason (R): In -beams a large portion of their cross-section is located far from the neutral axis. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (@) Both A and Rare individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Ais true but Ris false (@) Ais false but Ris true IES-9, Ans. (a) Combined direct and bending stress IES.10. Assertion (A): A column subjected to eccentric Ioad will have its stress at centroid independent of the eccentricity. [TES-1994] Reason (R): Eecentric loads in columns produce torsion. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correet explanation of A (© Aistrue but Ris false (@ Ais false but Ris true IES-10. Ans. (c) A is true and Ris false IES-11. For the configuration of loading shown in the given figure, the stress in fibre AB is given by: [IES-1995] P_Pes a) PIA onsite za (Compressive (a) PIA (tensile) of aT. ir pr ) P_ Pes © (E45) (Compressive (PIA Compresive) 54 Pp Pp t e=1 x fx 1.1 10 ali a B (compressive), o, = =P (ensite) TES-11, Ans. (b) 0, = Page 243 0428 Chapter-6 TES.12, 1es1a Ans nope sana cb=12 Nam’ “(1 68) Bending Stress in Beam ‘SK Mondal's A columm of square section t@ mm 40 p mm, fixed to the ground carries an # socatri Lia af 000 Naas the Figure If the stress developed along the edge (co te a Naming ha ‘nba slain eaige AB willbe: (a) -1.2 Nimm? (>) +1. N/mm* (© 108 Nim ? (08mm Apter D -- --|40mm B C- 40mm (IES-1999] 4 ~1600(°* 20 or £~ 02. sostressat 4p =—1600 (1, 1600 6 0.2) =-0.8 Nimm*(com) subjected to an eccentri at an eccentricity e. To avoid tensile stress in the short column, the ‘eccentricity ¢ should be less than or equal to: @ wiz ©) We © ws (@ wa el es b aul beh [ES.2001] TBS-18. Ans. (b) IES-14, A short column of external diameter D and internal diameter d carries an ‘eccentric load W. Toe greatest eccentricity which the load can have without producing tension on the cross-section of the column would be: [ES-1999] Ded Did Ded @ 8 ® 8d © 8D 8 (a) TES-14. Ans. (c) Page 24¢of 420 Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam SK Mondal’s: Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Bending equation TAS-1. Consider the cantilever loaded as shown below: {IAS-2004] a w kNim bbeyd Cross-section of the cantilever What is the ratio of the maximum compressive to the maximum tensile stress? @ 10 (2.0 25 @a0 rass.ane cy ol esi, Mas = (2Batoerent (2) super TAS-2, A 0.2 mm thick tape goes over a frictionless pulley of 25 mm diameter. If E of the material is 100 GPa, then the maximum stress induced in the tape TAS 1994] () 100 MPa (©) 200 MPa (©) 400 MPa (@ 800 MPa 25 = mm=12.5x 10m 2 IAS-3, A pipe of external diameter $ em and internal diameter 2 cm and of length 4m is supported at its ends. Tt carries a point load of 65 N at its centre. The sectional modulus of the pipe 9@INHio"42 THAS-2002] Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam ‘SK Mondal's 652 65m 65m 5 65ns @) = = @ = a oun oom om Open TAS-8. Ans. (c) Section modulus(z) Se em TAS-4. A Cantilever beam of rectangular cross-section is Im deep and 0.6 m thick. If ‘the beam were to be 0.6 m deep and Im thick, then the beam would. [TAS-1999] (@) Be weakened 0.5 times () Be weakened 0.6 times (©) Bestrengthened 0.6 times (@ Have the same strength as the original beam because the cross:sectional area remains the same TAS-4. Ans. (b) IAS. A T-beam shown in the given figure is subjected to a bending moment such that plastic hinge forms. The distance of the neutral axis from D. inmm) (@) Zero @) 109 mm © 125mm @ 170 mm [AS.2001} TAS-5. Ans. (b) IAS-6. Assertion (A): I, T and channel sections are preferred for beams. __[LAS-2000] Reason(R): A beam cross-section should be such that the greatest possible ‘mount of area is as far away from the neutral axis as possible. (@) Both Aand R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (@) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (© Aistrue but Ris false (@__ Ais false but R is true IAS-6, Ans. (a) Because it will increase area moMOMCMH#ERia, ic. strength of the beam. Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam SK Mondal’s IAS7. If the T-beam cross-section shown in the given figure has bending stress of 30 MPa in the top fiber, then the stress in the bottom fiber would be (G is centroid) (a) Zero (b) 30 MPa ore (©) -80MPa (@) 50 Mpa [1AS-2000] As top fibre in tension so bottom fibre will be in compression, JAS-8, Assertion (A): A square section is more economical in bending than the circular [IAS-1999] Reason (R): The modulus of the square section is less than of circular section of same area of cross-section. Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A ‘Ais true but Ris false ‘Ais false but Ris true Strip IAS-9, A straight bimetallic strip of copper and steel is heated. It is free at ends. The strip, will: [1AS-2002] (a) Expand and remain straight (©) Will not expand but will bend (©) Will expand and bend also (@) Twist only TAS-9, Ans. (c) As expansion of copper will be more than steel Combined direct and beni 1AS-10. A short vertical column having a square crose-section is subjected to ‘an axial compressive force, centre of pressure of which | passes through point R as shown in the P above figure. Maximum compressive stress oceurs at point @ s mQ OR @P ig stress [1AS-2002] TAS-10. Ans. (a) As direct and bending both the stress is compressive here. TAS-11, A strut’s cross-sectional area A is subjected to load P a point S (h, k) as shown in the given figure. The stress at the point Q (x, y) is: [1AS-2000] Page 2470428 Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam SK Mondal's TAS-11. Ans. (b) All stress are compressive, direct stress, (Gamat, 2, s 7 (compressive) and «= FEE (compressive) Page 248 of 428 Chapter-6 Bending Stress in Beam SK Mondal’s: Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question IES-2008 Question: A Simply supported beam AB of span length 4 m supports a uniformly istributed load of intensity q = 4 kNim spread over the entire span and a concentrated load P = 2 kN placed at a distance of 1.5 m from left end A. The beam is constructed of a rectangular cross-section with width b = 10 em and depth d = 20 cm. Determine the maximum tensile and compressive stresses developed in the beam to bending. Answer: Ryt R= 2 #44.) Ryx4 + 2x(4-1.5) + (B4)x2 Ail) or R,= 9.25 KN, R,=18-R,= 8.75 KN ifO ae TES-6. _ A beam having rectangular cross-section is subjected to an external loading. ‘The average shear stress devEF9p2! d@to the external loading at a particular Chapter-7 Shear Stress in Beam SK Mondal's cross-section is t,.. What is the maximum shear stress developed at the same cross-section due to the same loading? [ES.2009] = ©) ba 24, PT Ee Alli tS UB TB t 7 | fool Shear stress in a rectangular Shear stress in a circular beam, the beam, maximum shear stress, maximum shear stress, wt 2 IBS-6. Ans. (e) oF ets 44 nat = Bp 7 1-5 Femnae) ‘ Bop 7B Tense) axi¢ a TES7, ‘The transverse shear stress 9 p—— » —={ acting in a beam of rectangular cross-section, subjected to a UA... | > transverse shear load, is: tT (@) Variable with maxim at the , bottom of the beam | () Variable with maximum at the 4 y-}--4—-——--}-* - top of the beam (© Uniform (@) Variable with maximum on the neutral axis [1ES-1995, GATE-2008, TES-7, Ans (@) Tay TESS. A cantilever is loaded by a concentrated load P at the free end as shown. The shear stress in the element LMNOPQRS is under consideration. Which of the following figures represents the shear stress directions in the cantilever? [TES.2002] Page 250 of 420 Chapter-7 s Shear Stress in Beam SK Mondal’s » IES-8. Ans. (@) IES-9, In [Section of a beam subjected to transverse shear force, the maximum shear stress is developed. (LES. 2008] (a) At the centre of the web (b) At the top edge of the top flange (6) At the bottom edge of the top flange (@ None of the above IES-9, Ans. (a) IES-10. The given igure (all, «= f+ 00 dimensions are in mm) shows an [Section of the beam. The Pp shear stress at point P (very close to the bottom of the Q flange) is 12 MPa. The stress at ee} point Q in the web (very close » 80} to the flange) is: nfo @ Indeterminable due to incomplete data ©) 60MPa (© 18MPa @ 12MPa ar k-——— 100 TIES-2001] TES-10. Ans. (b) IES-1. Assertion (A): In an [Section beam subjected to concentrated loads, the shearing force at any section of the beam is resisted mainly by the web portion. Reason (R): Average value of the shearing stress in the web is equal to the value of shearing stress in the flange. [HES-1995] (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (@) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correet explanation of A (©) Ais true but Ris false (@ Ais false but Ris true IES-11. Ans. (c) Shear stress distribution for different section IES-12, The shear stress distribution over a beam eross- section is shown in the figure above. The beam is of (a) Equal flange Section (b) Unequal flange Section (© Circular cross-section (@ Tseetion Page 251 of 420 [HES-2003] TES.12. Ans. (b) Chapter-7 Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Shear Stress Variation IAS-1. Consider the following statements: [AS.2007} ‘Two beams of identical cross-section but of different materials carry same bending moment at a particular section, then 1. The maximum bending stress at that section in the two beams will be 2. ‘The maximum shearing stress at that section in the two beams will be 8. Maximum bending stress at that section will depend upon the elastic modulus of the beam material. 4. Curvature of the beam having greater value of B will be larger. Which of the statements given above are correct? (@)tand2only — (b)1, Sand 4 ©4,2and3 (@2,3and4 TAS. Ans (a) Bending stress = M2 and shear stress (r) =/4? both of them doesnot depends I ‘on material of beam. IAS.2. In a loaded beam under bending [AS.2003] (@) Both the maximum normal and the maximum shear stresses occur at the skin fibres (@) Both the maximum normal and the maximum shear stresses occur the neutral axis (©) The maximum normal stress occurs at the skin fibres while the maximum shear stress occurs at the neutral axis @ The maximum normal stress occurs at the neutral axis while the maximum shear stress ooeurs at the skin fibres TAS.2. Ans. (e) Shear Stress Distribution {IE-v8) inten prt iin hur sre sre th ron section, Shear stress distribution for different section TAS-8. Select the correct shear stress diajrthaiem diagram for a square beam with a diagonal in a vertical position: TAS-2002] Chapter-7 Shear Stress in Beam SK Mondal’s « o ; = IAS3. Ans. (€) IAS-4, The distribution of shear stress of a eam is shown in the given figure. The cross-section of the beam is: [1AS-2000] @ 1 ® T © @Zs 4 IAS-4, Ans. (b) TAS.5. A channel-section of the beam shown in the given figure carries a uniformly distributed load. [TAS-2000] ws Nim Assertion (A): The line of action of the load passes through the centroid of the cross-section. The beam twists besides bending. Reason (R): Twisting occurs since the line of ai through the web of the beam. (a) Both A and R are individuaHygtiee ant is the correct explanation of A (@) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A ion of the load does not pass Chapter-7 Shear Stress in Beam ‘SK Mondal's © Aistrue but Ris false (@ Ais false but R is true IAS-5. Ans. (¢) Twisting occurs since the line of action of the load does not pass through the shear. Page 254 of 420 Chapter-7 ‘Shear Stress in Beam ‘SK Mondal's Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question IES-2009 Q@ (@A cantilever of circular solid cross-section is fixed at one end and carries a concentrated load P at the free end. The diameter at the free end is 200 mm and increases uniformly to 400 mm at the fixed end over a length of 2 m. At what distance from the free end will the bending stresses in the cantilever be maximum? Also calculate the value of the maximum bending stress if the concentrated load P= 30 kN [15-Marks} Ans. Wenave 52M yl ‘Taking distance x from the free end we have M= 30x kNam = 30x x 10° Nm ) y= 100+ 3 (200-100) =100+50x mm = mt and 1= 3 Let d be the diameter at x from five end. 64 _x(2004+100x)! - 64 From equation (), we have e (100+50x) x10" 30x10" Gq (200+ 100%)" x10 260% (2001003)"* X10? sw Gi) 960s =P (2004100) * x10" For max o, <2 =0 10 x 960 a [=(-8)(100)(200 + 100%)" +1.(200+100)"] = -800x + 200 + 100: => [k= Im] Page 2680428 Chapter-7 Shear Stress in Beam, ‘SK Mondal's SOkN ed ZO00m 2m) Hence maximum bending stress oceurs at the midway and from equation (i), maxiraum bending stress = 282 (1)(200+100)* x10"? * 2 = 26010 11.32 MPa (300) Conventional Question TES-2006 Question: A timber beam 15 em wide and 20 cm deep carries uniformly distributed load over a span of 4 mand is simply supported. It the permissible stresses are 30. Nim? longitudinally and 3. Nimm# transverse shear, calculate the maximum load which can be carried by the timber beam. Min NA\ 2gcm ant Answer: Moment of nesta ) = 2% = (018)<(020)" 2 2 om Distance of neutral axis from the tp surfice y = 22 =10em = 0.1m Weknow that Mia Soe a Ty T ‘Where maximum bending moment due to uniformly MOTof2 spans aay > Areas of free B.M.D. Sadi; Distance of free B.M.D. from the end supports, or outer supports (Aand ©) Bs. Suand 3: > are. sinking or settlements of support from their initial position. Page 271 of 420 Chapter-8 Fixed and Continuous Beam Page-270 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (GATE, IES, IAS) Previous 20-Years IES Questions Overhanging Beam IBS-1. An overhanging beam ABC is supported at points A and B, as shown in the above figure. Find the maximum bending moment and the point where it occurs. [ES.2009] (@) 6 kN-mat the right support 2kN 6xN (©) 6 KN-mat the left support 4 ai (© 4.5 kN-mat the right support 2 @ 45 kNem at the midpoint im 1m between the supports : mn TRS.1. Ans. (a) Taking moment about A V2 (201) + (6x3) > 2M, =2+18 = Vp =10 KN Va + Vp = 2+6 = SKN V, = 8-10 =-2 kN ‘Maximum Bending Moment = GKN-m at the right support TES-2. A beam of length 4 I. is simply supported on two supports with equal overhangs of L on either sides and carries three equal loads, one each at free ends and the third at the mid-span. Which one of the following diagrams represents correct distribution of shearing foree on the beam? [ES.2004} ” oy © — @ ro —~ IBS-2. Ans. (d) Page 2720428 Chapter-8 IES-3. Fixed and Continuous Beam Page-271 IP Pp x iP ro ; fen vd Ip2 PAI P ‘They use opposite sign conversions but for correct sign remember SF & BM of cantilever is Qive. A horizontal beam carrying uniformly distributed load is supported with equal *@ overhangs as shown in the given figure ‘The resultant bending moment at the mid-span shall be zero if afb is: [IES-2001] (ay a 213 1 @ys »—$—obreal TES:3. Ans. (c) Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Overhanging Beam 1Asa, TASA. Ans. (¢) R= R, = P+ 1As2, If the beam shown in the given figure is to have zero bending moment at its middle point, the overhang x should be: TTAS-2000] (o) wh /4P ©) wP OP (© wE ISP. @ wP /12P wl 2) Bending moment at mid point ( Seb Rah P(x 5 Oat = A beam carrying a uniformly distributed load rests on two supports 'b! apart with equal overhangs ‘a’ at each end. The ratio b/a for zero bending moment at mid-span is: (TAS-1997] 1 3 @> 1 ws @e 2 Page 2730428 2 Chapter-8 Fixed and Continuous Beam Page-272 TAS-2. Ans. (d) @ —_Bysimilarity in the BM diagram a must be b/2 (By formula M ge “| Ogivesa=b2 2|4 TASS. A beam carries «uniformly disteibuted load and is supported with two equal overhangs as shown in figure 'A'. Which one of the following correctly shows ha bialig abet atsgeamn etna baat TAS 1994] Fig A fa) co 3 ) a ® = A IAS-3. Ans. (a) Page 2740f 429 Chapter-8 Fixed and Continuous Beam Page-273 Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question IES-2006 Question: What are statically determinate and in determinate beams? Illustrate each case through examples. Beams for which reaction forces and internal forces can be found out from static Answer: equilibrium equations alone are ealled statically determinate Beam, Example: : R SOX, =O30Y, =0 and 7M =0 is sufficient to calculate R, & R, Beams for which reaction forces and internal forces cannot be found out from statle equilibrium equations alone are called statically indeterminate beat. ‘This type of ‘beam requites deformation equation in addition to stati equilibrium equations to solve for unknown forces Rxamiple: P P A. Ra 7 Ro Page 2750428 Torsion Theory, at a Glance (for IES, GATE, PSU) In machinery, the general term “shaft” refors to a momber, usually of circular crose- seetion, which supports gears, sprockets, wheels, rotors, ete,, and which is subjected to torsion and to transverse or axial loads aeting singly or in combination. + An “axle” is a rotating/non-rotating member that supports wheels, pulloys,... and carries no torque, © A“pindte" isa short shaft, Terms such as lineshafl, headshaft, stub shoft, transmission (@) 67.72 MPa GATE-1, Ans. (a) GATE-2, Maximum shear stress developed on the surface of a solid cireular shaft under pure torsion is 240 MPa. If the shaft diameter is doubled then the maximum. shear stress developed corresponding to the same torque will be: [GATE-2003] (@) 120 MPa (0) 60 MPa (©)30 MPa @ 15 MPa GATE-2, Ans. (¢) ¢= 31, 240 = 137 if diameter doubled d= 24, then «= GATE-3. A steel shaft A’ of diameter 'd! and length 'l is subjected to a torque ‘T” Another shaft 'B’ made of aluminium of the same diameter 'd’ and length 0.51 is also subjected to the same torque 'T’. The shear modulus of steel is 2.5 times the shear modulus of aluminium. The shear stress in the steel shaft is 100 MPa. The shear stress in the aluminium shaft, in MPa, [GATE-2000] oo oo ‘1 ai GATE 3 Ann (0) 25 ef tha same vie same GATE4, For aci Jar shaft of diameter d subjected to torque T, the maximum value of the shear stress is: IGATE-2006] 64T 32r 16T sr os 0) OF Om GATE-4. Ans. (e) Power Transmitted by Shaft GATES. ‘The diameter of shaft A is twice the diameter or shaft B and both are made of the same material. Assuming both the shafts to rotate at the same speed, the maximum power transmitted by Bis: THES-2001; GATE-1994] (@) The same as that of A (b) Halfof A (oe ot A (@ Va ot A 2a 461 md GATE-S. Ans. (¢) Power, P=Tx22% and or 60 a 16 Combined Bending and Torsion GATE-6, A solid shaft can resist a bending moment of 3.0 kNm and a twisting moment of 4.0 kNm together, then the maximum torque that can be applied is: [GATE-1996] (2) 7.0 kNm (6) 8.5 kn 202 0f420 (0)4.5 kN (@)5.0kNm GATE-6. Ans. (d) Equivalent torque (T,)= YE +1? = V3° +4? = SkNm Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondal's Comparison of Solid and Hollow Shafts GATE-7, The outside diameter of a hollow shaft is twice its inside diameter. The ratio of wcity to that of a solid shaft of the same material and the same outside diameter is: IGATE-1993; 1ES-2001] 15 3 l 1 a) ws @t @t 16 9 3 16 GATE. Ans. (a) T=S2eF of T= ris const T a J Unk R a{p_(O) 4 2D) er 20" Shafts in Series GATE-8. A torque of 10 Nm is transmitted through a stepped shaft as shown in figure. ‘The torsional stiffness of individual sections of lengths MN, NO and OP are 20 Nm/rad, 30 Nmv/rad and 60 Nuvrad respectively. The angular deflection between the ends Mand P of the shat i IGATE-2004] +5 (0) 0.5 rad (©) 10 rad (©)5.0rad (@) 100 rad GATE’. Ans. (b) We know that @= 7° or T =o (let k-= tional stiffness) Tau Te, Tor 10 10,10 Kw Kno n+ ho + Ap Orad ‘op 20°30” 60 Shafts in Parallel GATE-9, The two shafts AB and BC, of equal Iength and diameters d and 2d, are made of the same material. They are coupling 94 while the ends A and C are built-in L 5 (cantilevered). A twisting moment T is }-—_ —_.__—_ applied to the coupling. If Ta and Te A B Cc ind C, respectively, then IGATE-2005] a 0) Te=8 Ts (@ TAxi6 Te or ita. Tele Gh Golo Previous 20-Years IES Questions Torsion Equation TES, Consider the following statements: (TES. 2008] Maximum shear stress induced in g.poeg tggnsmitting shaft is 1. Directly proportional to torque being transmitted. 2 Inversely proportional to the cube of its diameter. Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondar's 1ES-1, IES, IES2, TES-3. IES, IES-4, TES. IES5. IES, IES, TES. IES. IES. IES, 3. Directly proportional to its polar moment of inertia, Which of the statements given above are correct? GL 2and3 @land3only (Zand only Land Zonly Tat 167 Ane (ay = TE HOT A solid shaft transmits a torque T. The allowable shearing stress is r. What is the diameter of the shaft? {18-2008} efit oP cog cot Ans. (a) Maximum shear stress developed on the surface of a solid circular shaft under pure torsion i= 240 MPa If the shaft diameter is doubled, then what is the Trainin shonr stress developed corresponding to the samme torque?’ [IES 2009] (a) 120MPa (b) 60 MPa (©) 30 MPa (@) 15 MPa Ans, (¢) Maximum shear stress = "2h = 240MPa=* ‘Maximum shear stress developed when diameter is doubled 16 118) + _ 240 ~ 16r__ 1/16T) _ + _ 240 _aompa x(2d) 8\ad') 8 8 The diameter of a shaft is increased from 30 mm to 60 mm, all other conditions its torque carrying capacity TTES-1995; 2004] G@) 2 times times © 8times @ 1 times Ans (¢) += 18 or T=2 for came material r= const. 16 B_(ay ey (a) “bo A circular shaft subjected to twisting ssocsent results in maxititin shear stress of 60 MPa. Then the maximum compressive stress in the material [IES-2003] (@) 30 MPa, (b) GO MPa. (©) 90 MPa (@ 20MPa Ans. (b) Tad or Angle of twist of a shaft of diameter ‘d’ is inversely proportional to [TES-2000] @d oe oa @at Ans. (@) {A solid circular shaft is subjected to pure torsion. The ratio of maximum shear to maxim normal stewne at any point would bet ES. @il ) 1:2 (oul w2s ‘Ans. (a) Shear stress = 167 and normal stress = 222 ad ad Ratio of shear stress and normal stress = 1:2 Assertion (A): In a composite shaft having two concentric shafts of different materials, the torque shared by cach shaft is directly proportional to its polar moment of inertia. [ES-1999] Reason (R): In a composite shaft having concentric shafts of different Is, the angle of twist for each shaft depends upon its polar moment of (@) Both Aand R are individually true and Ris the correct explanation of A () Both A and Rare individually true but Ris NOT the correct explanation of A (© Aistruebut Risfale Page 28501420 (@ Ais false but Ris true Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondal’s TESS. Ans. (c) IES9. A shaft is subjected to torsion as shown. [ES-2002] Which of the following figures represents the shear stress on the element LMNOPQRS ? 8 ; @ IES9, Ans. (€) TES10. A round shaft of diameter ‘d’ andy Iength 'T fixed at both ends ‘A’ and c ‘BI is subjected to a twisting moment A B 'T at 'C’, at a distance of 1/4 from A (see figure). The torsional stresses in Me the parts AC and CB will be: @) Baval beivam (b) Inthe ratio 13 -— (© Inthe ratio 3-1 @) Indeterminate ES-19971 1 TES.10. Ans. (©) ret Hollow Circular Shafts TES-11, Onechalf length of 50 mm diameter stec! rod while the remaining half i r TES-11, Ans. (@) & ws hollow having a bore of 25 mm. The rod is subjected to equal and opposite torque at its ends. If the maximum shear stress in solid portion is t or, the maximum shear stress in the hollow portion is: [ES-2003] 15 16 @er wr @or 16 15 r sort tidy wd, ort y, Page 2960428 Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondar's Ley (is) 2 1 Epa’) [-(3) | Power Transmitted by Shaft TES-12. In power transmission shafts, if the polar moment of inertia of a shaft is doubled, then what is the torque required to produce the same angle of twist? [ES-2006} (a) 1/4 of the original value (b) 172 of the original value (©) Same as the original value (@ Double the original value IBS-12, Ans. (4) T_Go_r Th FSP. Fo Q= Ze it disconst Ta J iis doubled then Tis also doubled IES-13, While transmitting the same power by a shaft, if its speed is doubled, what should be its new diameter if the maximum shear stress induced in the shaft sonnei? 11s-2006) 1 1 «) “Lotte original diameter 0) othe original diameter () 2 igi b) B igi © Zot the original diameter @ Lottie original diameter Qy TES-13. Ans. (4) Power (P) = torque(T) xangular speedo) ot 1 yt tPisconttat nT or P= (1/2) ate WT er) e(rI2) fe ad (ay «(3) proportional to: (1ES-2005] “eG ld 2eN 16T rod same nal ated ee of 6 IES-15. A shaft can safely transmit 90 kW while rotating at a given speed. If this shaft is replaced by a shaft of diameter double of the previous one and rotated at half the speed of the previous, the power that can be transmitted by the new shaft is: [ES-2002] (a) 90 kW (b) 180 kW (©) 360 kW (@ 720 kW, TES-15. Ans. (c) IES-16, The diameter of shaft A is twice the diameter or shaft B and both are made of the same material. Assuming both the shafts to rotate at the same speed, the maximum power transmitted by Bis: [ES-2001; GATE-1994), (@) The same as that of A () Half of A (6) U8 of A @ Ua of A 2eN 16T ad! FN and 1 ASE or T= Page 287 of 420 IES-16. Ans. (c) Power, P= Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondal’s IES-17, When a shaft transmits power through gears, the shaft experiences [IES-1997] (a) Torsional stresses alone () Bending stresees alone (© Constant bending and varying torsional stresses (@ _ Varying bending and constant torsional strosses TES-17. Ans. (d) Combined Bending and Torsion TES-18. The equivalent bending moment under combined action of bending moment M and torque ' is [IES-1996; 2008; IAS-1996] @ Mer © 3 [Mi] © 3[M+r] @ ier | TES-18. Ans. (b) TES.19. A solid circular shaft is subjected to a bending moment M and twisting moment ‘T. What is the equivalent twisting moment T. which will produce the same maximum shear stress as the above combination? ITES-1992; 2007] (@) Me+T @M+T © WweT (@M-T (ear IES20. A shaft is subjected to fluctuating loads for which the normal torque (I) and bending moment (M) are 1000 N-m and 500 N-m respectively. If the combined shock and fatigue factor for bending is 1.5 and combined shock and fatigue factor for torsion i TES.19, Ans. (c) T. 2, then the equivalent twisting moment for the shat i UES-1994] (a) 2000N-m. (b) 2050N-m (©) 2100N-m (@) 2136 Nem (1.5 300)° + (21000) = 2136Nm TES-21, A member is subjected to the combined action of bending moment 400 Nm and torque 300 Nm. What respectively are the equivalent bending moment and TES.20. Ans. (@) T,, equivalent torque? [TES-1994; 2004] (a) 450 Nm and 500 Nm (0) 900 Nm and 350 Nav (©) 900 Nm and 500 Nm (2) 400 Nm and 500 Nv TES-21. Ans. (a) Equivalent Bending Moment(M,) = 4508 MsVME=T? _ 400+ 400" +300" 2 2 Equivalent torque (T,) = VF 1 = J400" + 300 = 500Nm TES22, A shaft was initially subjected to bending moment and then was subjected to torsion. If the magnitude of bending moment is found to be the same as that of the torque, then the ratio of maximum bending stress to shear stress would be: [ES-1993] (0.25 0.50 20 @40 TES-29. Ans. (e) Use equivalent bending moment formula, 1 ease: Equivalent bending moment (M,) = M 264 ease: Equivalent bending momentttAge}280of42%-—— OsOer 7 2 2 Chapter-9 IES-23. Torsion SK Mondar's A shaft is subjected to simultaneous action of a torque T, bending moment M and an axial thrust F. Which one of the following statements is correct for this situation? [ES-2004] (@) One extreme end of the vertical diametral fibre is subjected to maximum compressive stress only (©) The opposite extreme end of the vertical diametral fibre is subjected to tensile/compressive stress only (©) Every point on the surface of the shaft is subjected to maximum shear stress only (@) Axial longitudinal fibre of the shaft is subjected to compressive stress only IES.23. Ans. (a) IBS-24. TES-24, Ans. (d) Bending Moment, M IES.25. IBS-25, Ans. (a) o = 922) IES.26. For obtaining the maximum shear stress, induced in the shaft shown in the given figure, the torque should be equal to (@T — (b)WI+T ony (22) «@ {ur} ar] 2 ES.1999) wh 2 Wt of Shaft: Wer Unit Length —_g Gear 1) Poraue Acting 7) I We of Gear: W I | w+ Bending moment M and torque is applied on a solid circular shaft. If the maximum bending stress equals to maximum shear stress developed, them M is, ‘equal to: [ES-1992] (@) = (©) 2r @ 47 32M A circular shaft is subjected to the combined action of bending, twisting and direct axial loading. The maximum bending stress 6, maximum shearing force 3c and a uniform axial stress o{compressive) are produced. The maximum compressive normal stress produced in the shaft will be: [ES-1998] (@30 20 oo (@) Zero IBS-26, Ans. (a) Maximum normal stress = bending stress 0 + axial stress (0) = 20 1ES.27. We have to take maximum bending stress o is (compressive) Which one of the following statements is correct? Shafts used in heavy duty speed reducers are generally suubjectediten UES-2004) (@) Bending stress only Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondal’s (©) Shearing stress only (© Combined bending and shearing stresses (® Bending, shearing and axial thrust simultaneously TES.27. Ans. (e) Comparison of Solid and Hollow Shafts THS.28, The ratio of torque carrying capacity of a solid shaft to that of a hollow shaft is given by: [TES-2008] (a(t-K*) w(K" (Kt (@isks Whar K-=2L; D+ Inde meter of ll shal dD, Ot oer li shat, Shafter ithe ame uaa sou sed bane roto so ia t = £_& = Z(0s-0") 1,” be oF zOey! TES29, A hollow shaft of outer dia 40 mm and inner dia of 20 mm is to be replaced by a solid shaft to transmit the same torque at the same maximum stress. What should be the diameter of the solid shaft? UES 2007) (@) 30mm (&) 35 mam (©) 10% (60)! mm (@) 10% (20)! mm TES-29. Ans. (c) Section modules will be same ah sor 0-2) on at ao ad 2 2 or, d= (10) x60. or d= 104/60 mm IES-30, ‘The diameter of a solid shaft is D. The i shaft of same material and length are —~ spectively. What is the ratio of the weight of the hollow shaft to that of the solid shaft? (TS 2007] @ia wrs3 12 1s 4D) D £2 Ph ixpxe, Aus, (wy We 2 AA 33D ED xLxpx Z PXE TES31, What is the maximum torque transmitted by a hollow shaft of external radius R and internal radius r? THES-2006] Kipp? 2 (pte (Rt R ) 2(R-P) sf, 0 Z(Rt-r4 © A(R-r), ws OER )L El ye oF )f oa (Jf, = maximum shear stress in the shaft material) TES-31. Ans. (b) £=© of T 2 20) (R=), Enea eR R aR i TES-32. A hollow shaft of the same cross-£@etiA&\“@¥ea and material as that of a solid shaft transmits: [TES-2005] Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondar's (a) Same torque (b) Lesser torque (©) More torque (@ Cannot be predicted without more data TES-82, Ans. (e) B= 21 where n= Du Ts nvn?=1 4, IES-38. The outside diameter of a hollow shaft is twice its inside diameter. The ratio of id shaft of the same material and the IGATE-1993; TES-2001] 1 1 > a es oF IES.83, IES-34, ‘Two hollow shafts of the same material have the same length and outside diameter. Shaft 1 has internal diameter equal to one-third of the outer diameter and shaft 2 has internal diameter equal to half of the outer diameter. If both the shafts are subjected to the same torque, the ratio of their twists 6, /O, will be equal to: ITES-1998] (@ 1681 (ser 1927 21ses6 ~_(d,/\ &{Y4) as TES. Ans. (@) Qoot- IES35. Maximum shear stress in a solid shaft of diameter D and length L twisted through an angle @ is x. A hollow shaft of same material and length having outside and inside diameters of D and D/2 respectively is also twisted through the same angle of twist 8. The value of maximum shear stress in the hollow shaft will be: [IES-1994; 1997] 1 8 4 “ b) = 2, d (a) 1s (b) $+ (4 (@r e535. Ans (@) TaS%02 or ¢2SR2 4 ots coats @ R and outer diameter seme in tth aoe eT Note ogi torque willbe diferent IES.26, A solid shaft of diameter 'D’ carries a twisting moment that develops maximum shear stress +. If the shaft is replaced by a hollow one of outside diameter 'D’ and inside diameter D/2, then the maximum shear stress will be: [IES-1994) (@) 1.067 v L148 4 (©) 1.3384 @2u it Tisconst ra + a IES.36. TES.87. A solid shaft of diameter 100 mupctingtls 1000 mm is subjected to a twisting moment 'T The maximum shear stress developed in the shaft is 60 Nimm*. A hole of 50 mm diameter is now drilled throughout the length of the shaft. To Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondal’s develop a maximum shear stress of 60 Nimm* in the hollow shaft, the torque "T” must be reduced by: [ES-1998) on or oma ante rest. nn (op r,- 2-1 TMI, TIS Jord g—(d/2) T 16 L Reduction: 16 TES-38, Assertion (A): A hollow shaft will transmit a greater torque than a solid shaft of the same weight and same material. [ES-1994] Reason (R): The average shear stress in the hollow shaft is smaller than the average shear stress in the solid shai (a) Both A and R are individually true and Ris the correct explanation of A (b) Both A.and R are individually true but R'is NOT the correct explanation of A (6) Ais true but R is false @ Ais false but Ris true TES-88. Ans. (a) TES-89. A hollow shaft is subjected to torsion. The shear stress variation in the shaft slong the radius is given by: [ES-1996] follow shaft Parabolic (a) TES-39, Ans. (e) Shafts in Series TES-40, What is the total angle of twist of the stepped shaft subject to torque T 2g shown in figure given sbove? mK, 167, 387, @ 5 @ Oy 2 a (*r Gd" Gd" 647, [ES-2005] Shafts in Parallel IES-(1, For the two shafts connected in parallel, find which statement is true? (0) Torque in each shaft is the same [TES-1992] (b) Shear stress in each shaft is the same (©) Angle of twist of each shaft is the same (@ Torsional stiffness of each shaft is the same TES-41. Ans. (e) Page 2920428 Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondar's IES-12, A circular section rod ABC is fixed at ends A and C. It is subjected to torque T at B, AB = BC=L and the polar moment of inertia of portions AB and BC are 2 Jand J respectively. If G is the modulus of rigidity, what is the angle of twist at point B? TES.2005} TL TL are S b @) © 56 o ( IBS-42, Ans. (a) A T c 2n, i B ee i 13 IES-43, A solid cireular rod AB of diameter D and length L is fixed at both ends. A torque T is applied at a section X such that AX = L/4 and BX = $L/4. What is the ‘maximum shear stress developed in the rod? TIES-2004] ler ir ar a os a oD D> oD TES-43, Ans. (b) A us 3u4 of T, = 97, or Ty = 3 toxdsT sar 03 IES-44, Two shafts are shown in e989 the above figure. These two shafts will be torsionally equivalent to each other if their (@) Polar moment of inertias are the same () Total angle of twists are the same (©) Lengths are the same (@ Strain energies ae the t1ns.1998) TES-14, Ans. (b) Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Torsion Equation IAS1, _Ansection. (A): In theory of tention, shearing strain inctwase radically sway from the longitudinal axis of thedyaze3 of 429, TIAS-2001] Boaton (R}: Plane tranaveree weetions belie loading remain plane after the torque is applied. Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondal’s (@) Both A and R are individually true and Ris the correct explanation of A (©) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Ais true but R is false (@_ Ais false but Ris true TAS. Ans. (b) JAS-2, ‘The shear stress at a point in a shaft subjected to a torque is: AS-1995] (@) Directly proportional to the polar moment of inertia and to the distance of the point form the axis, () Directly proportional to the applied torque and inversely proportional to the polar moment of inertia, (©) Directly proportional to the applied torque and polar moment of inertia (@ inversely proportional to the applied torque and the polar moment of inertia T TAS.2. Ans. (b) OF R IAS.3, If two shafts of the same length, one of which is hollow, transmit equal torque and have equal maximum stress, then they should have equal. [AS-1994] (@) Polar moment of inertia (b) Polar modulus of section (6) Polar moment of inertia (@) Angle of twist 193 Ans 6) L= tt? & ra sans hs sme ple mt ction be same, Hollow Circular Shafts IAS4. A hollow circular shaft having outside diameter ‘D' and inside diameter ‘a’ subjected to a constant twisting moment 'T’ along its length. If the maximum. shear stress produced in the shaft is 0, then the twisting moment 'T’ is given by {1As-19901 wo, peak 8° Dp “pt 1.00.5 IAS4. Ans. (b) 5= = Ra) Torsional Rigidity IAS. Match List- with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given helow the lists: [IAS-1996] List-I (Mechanical Properties) List-IT ( Characteristics) A. Torsional rigidity 1. Product of young’s modulus and second ‘moment of area about the plane of bending B. Modulus of resilience 2. Strain onorgy per unit volume ©. Bauschinger effect 3. Torque unit angle of twist D. Flexural rigidity 4. Lose of mechanical energy due to local yielding Codess A BC D A B Cc D @ 1 3 4 2 ® 8 2 4 21 @ 2 4 + 38 @ 8 1 4 2 IAS. Ans. (b) TAS, Assertion (A): Angle of twist per unit length of uniform diameter shaft depends upon its torsional rigidity. (AS-2004] Reason (R)The shafts are subjectga t oxiy, {i Bol A and ore sulidualy WoO ets art eplansion ot (Both Aand ave individually true but Ris NOT the correct explanation of A Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondar's (©) Ais true but Ris false (@) Ais false but Ris true IAS. Ans. (c) Combined Bending and Torsion 1AS-7, A shaft is subjected to a bending moment M = 400 N.m alld torque T = 300 Nam ‘The equivalent bending smmiment ie HAS-2003] @) 900. 0) 700 Nm (500 N.m (@s30Nm IAS-7. Ans. (d) Me MAAMENT AOE EO, au +300 450Nm 2 Comparison of Solid and Hollow Shafts TASS, A hollow shaft of length I is fixed at its both ends. It is subjected to torque T at a distance of £ from one end. What is the reaction torgue atthe other end of the shaft? [1As-2007] ot wet of @t OF "9 3 a TASS. Ans. (c) Bs T 1AS-9. A solid shaft of diameter d is replaced by a hollow shaft of the same material and length. The outside diameter of hollow shaft # while the inside diameter a is “. What is the ratio of the torsional stiffness of the hollow shaft to that of 3B 2 3 5 all) 0) LK zy 3 32 IAS.10, Two steel shafts, one solid of diameter D and the other hollow of outside diameter D and inside diameter D/2, are twisted to the same angle of twist per unit length. The ratio of maximum shear stress in solid shaft to that in the hollow shaft is: [AS-1998] te w Se ose @r 9 7 15 FES or 72 OR as outside diameter of shaft is D so ris 18.10, Ans. (@) T=£=S2 oy = SO ‘side diameter of both the shaft is D ‘same for both the cases. Page 2980428 Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondal’s Shafts in Series IAS-11, Two shafts having the same length and material are joined in series. If the ratio of the diameter of the first shaft to that of the second shaft is 2, then the ratio of the angle of twist of the first shaft to that of the second shaft is: [IAS-1995; 2003] @i6 ws 4 @2 1AS.AL. Ans (a) Anglo of twist is proportional to 40 IAS.12, A circular shaft fixed at A has diameter D for half of its length and diameter Diz over the other half, What is the rotation of C relative of B if the rotation of B relative to A is 0.1 radian? [AS-1994] (0) 0.4 radian (6) 0.8 radian (©) 16 radian (8.2 radian A B ce > be 2 ole — 2 (1,L and C remaining same in both cases) or @=1.6 radian a1 @ay Shafts in Parallel TAS.18, A stepped solid circular shaft shown in the given figure is built-in at its ends and is subjected to a torque Ts at the shoulder section. The ratio of reactive torque T; and Ts at the ends is (Ji and Jz are polar moments of inertia): bes oe 1, ot n¢ > THAS-2001] 1AS-13, Ans. (e) or TAS.14, Steel shaft and brass shaft of same length and diameter are connected by a flange coupling. The assembly is rigidity held at its ends and is twisted by a torque through the coupling. Modulus of rigidity of steel is twice that of brass. If torque of the steel shaft is 500 Nm, then the value of the torque in brass shaft will be: TTAS-2007] (@250Nm 0) 354. Nm (0.500Nm (@ 708 Nm TAS4, Ans @) 0,=0,0r te Thy ork Ge. Z_a50Nm ai G. ri 2 TAS5. A steel shaft with bult-in ends is subjected to the action of a torque Mt applied st an intermediate cross-section ‘mu! ag shown in the given figure. [1AS-1997] Chapter-9 SK Mondar's Assertion (A): The magnitude of the twisting moment to which the portion BC is subjected is “4 a+b Reason(R): For geometric compatibility, angle of twist at 'mn' is the same for the portions AB and BC. (a) Both A and R are individually true and Ris the correct explanation of A (@) Both A and Rare individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false (@ Ais false but Ris true IAS-15, Ans. (a) 1AS-16, 1AS-16. Ans.(b) 0, = 8, oF A steel shaft of outside diameter 100 mm is solid over one half of its length and hollow over the other half. Inside diameter of hollow portion is 50 mm. The shaft if held rigidly at two ends and a pulley is mounted at its midsection ie., at ‘the junction of solid and hollow portions. The shaft is twisted by applying torque on the pulley. If the torque carried by the solid portion of the shaft is 16000kg-m, then the torque carried by the hollow portion of the shaft will be: [TAS-1997] (100° — 50° Ft00*) T Th Page 297 of 420 Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondal’s Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question IES 2010 Q Ans. A hollow steel rod 200 mm long is to be used as torsional spring. The ratio of inside to outside diameter is 1: 2. The required stiffness of this spring is 100 Nam /degree. Determine the outside diameter of the rod. Value of G is 8x10" Nimm?. [10 Marks} Length of a hollow steel rod = 200mm Ratio of inside to outside diameter= 1: 2 Stiffness of torsional spring = 100 Nm /degree Rigidity of modulus (G) = 8x10" N J mm? Find outside diameter of rod :- We know that T_GO 729.578 N mlrad Where T = Torque 4 polar moment @ = twist angle in rad L ength of rod diag gpa x8 8104 10°N/m? 5729.578Nm J rad = xd} x15 02 32 5729.578x.2%32 _ “8x10 xnx15 93x10 m. 93mm. 9.93 19.86mm Ans. Conventional Question GATE - 1998 Question: Answer, A component used in the Mars pathfinder can be idealized as a circular bar clamped at its ends. The bar should withstand a torque of 1000 Nm The component is assembled on earth when the temperature is 30°C. Temperature on Mars at the site of landing is -70°C. The material of the bar has an allowable shear stress of 300 MPa and its young's modulus is 200 GPa. Design the diameter of the bar taking a factor of safety of 1.5 and assuming a coefficient of thermal expansion for the material of the bar as 12 x 10-4PC. Given: Page 2080428 Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondar's 70°C; Targntie = 300MPA 12x10" °C Trax =1000Nm; te = 30°C; ty E=200GPa, FOS=15, « Diameter of the bar,D Change in length, dL = L « At, where L = original length. m. ‘Change in lengthat Mars = Lx1210* x[30-(-70)]=12*10"L meters Change in length _12«10“L ‘original length L ,, = axial stress = E xlinearstrain = 200 10° x12 «10° From maximum shear stress equation. we have Linear strain =12x107 2.4 10°N/m’ where, Tac 00MPa FOS 15 ‘Substituting the values, we get 4x10" = (eaey +(12x10°) or 181000 oa 16x1000 \* o0-( Son] =1.6x10° .03169 m=31.69 mm Conventional Question IES-2009 Q@ Ans, In a torsion test, the specimen is a hollow shaft with 50 mm external and 30 mm internal diameter. An applied torque of 1.6 kN-m is found to produce an angular twist of 0.4° measured on a length of 0.2 m of the shaft. The Young's modulus of elasticity obtained from a tensile test has been found to be 200 GPa, Find the values of Modulus of rigidity. Gi) Poisson's ratio. [10-Marks] We have T_t_Ge work ‘Where J = polar moment of inertia Rpt _at wl? -a‘) = 5 (50° -30') x10" 838x107 .6 KN ~m=1.6x10" Nom e= 04" 1=0.2m E=200 x 10° Nim* Ge L From equation (i) Page 299 of 428 Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondal’s 3 Gxfoaxt saat__ 6*[*4* ih 1 5.338 x1077 0.2 x10" Ode xx 5.3981 =85.92 GPa We also have E G(l+y) 4: 200 = 2 x 85.92 (1+) 3 l+v=1.164 = v=0.164 2G Conventional Question IAS - 1996 Question: A solid circular uniformly tapered shaft of length T, with a small angle of taper is subjected to a torque T. The diameter at the two ends of the shaft are D and 1.2 D. Determine the error introduced of its angular twist for a given Jength is determined on the uniform mean diameter of the shaft. Answer: For shat of tapering’ section, we have =2TL[RE+RR, +Ri| _32TL(D? +DD, +0: 3Gr| RE 3Gz D:D; gate [(12) +12<1+(1" ee D,=D and D,=1.20] Sh (1.2) «(1 t 1 32m "se" 2.1065 Now, , or 2TL,[9(0-10)']_ gare, 3 327.» cao 3Gr | (Ly | 3Gz *(12)'D* 3620 Error= 20" _ 2 1065= 2.049 _ 9 0973 or 2.73% 2.1085 Conventional Question ESE-2008 Question: A hollow shaft and a solid shaft construction of the same material have the same length and the same outside radius. The inside radius of the hollow shaft is 0.6 times of the outside radius, Both the shafts are subjected to the same torque. @ What is the ratio of maximum shes solid shaft? Gi) What is the ratio of angle of twist in the hollow shaft to that of solid shaft? stress in the hollow shaft to that of Solution: Inside radius (r) ” Sor side R08 aNd T. =T =T ER gives ; For hollow shaft (r,) = — (R*—r') Give ane 0048 Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondar's TR x ZR 2 and for solid shaft (7. 9, Therefore = pez os Conventional Question ESE-2006: Question: Two hollow shafts of same diameter are used to transmit same power. One shaft is rotating at 1000 rpm while the other at 1200 rpm. What will be the nature and magnitude of the stress on the surfaces of these shafts? Will it be the same in two cases of different? Justify your answer. Answer: We know power transmitted (P) = Torque (T) rotation speed (.) PD, nesinarenssey TEE Pe ‘Teofore 7 5 as P Dand date constant So the shaft rotating at 1000 xpm will experience greater stress then 1200 rpm shaft. Conventional Question ESE-2002 Question: A.5 em diameter solid shaft is welded to a flat plate by 1 em filled weld. What will be the maximum torque that the welded joint can sustain if the permissible shear stress in the weld material is not to exceed 8 kNiem*? Deduce the expression for the shear stress at the throat from the basic theory. Answer: Consider a cixeular shaft connected to a plate by means of a fillet joint as shown in figure. If the shat is subjected to a torque, shear stress develops in the weld. ‘Assuming that the weld thickness is very small compared to the diameter of the shaft, the maximum shear stress oceurs in the throat area. Thus, for a given torque ‘the maximum shear stress in the weld is Where = Torque applied. outer diameter of the shaft throat thickness lar moment of area of the throat Page 201 of 420 Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondal’s [As t <<] then Tra Given & t=tem=0.1m =80MPa=80%10°N/ mi? 142kNm 2 Conventional Question ESE-2000 Question: Answer: The ratio of inside to outside diameter of a hollow shaft is 0.6, If there is a solid shaft with same torsional strength, what is the ratio of the outside diameter of hollow shaft to the diameter of the equivalent solid shat. Tet D=external diameter of hollow shaft So d=0.6D internal diameter of hollow shaft And D.=diameter of solid shaft From torsion equation (0.80)*) rx 32—______torhollow sha Se rornotiow snet =p! ane ret9.2 sp 58s coewomaanen A so? tye BD D4 (0.81) = 7 223 angi. 3 Conventional Question ESE-2001 Question: Answer: A cantilever tube of length 120 mm is subjected to an axial tension P= 9.0 kN, A torsional moment T = 72.0 Nm and a pending Load F = 1.75 KN at the free end. The material is aluminum alloy with an yield strength 276 MPa. Find the thickness of the tube limiting the outside diameter to 50 mm. so as to ensure a factor of safety of 4. Polar moment of inertia (J) =2aRt = a Page 2020428 Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondal's TR_1_ 1D _ oF 2x72___ 18936 J 2s 5 aD t adit ex(0.050Fxt ain 9000 9000 _ 57296 A” xdt ~ x(0.060)t ft Direct stress (6, Md, Maximum bending stress (c, Es NZ, Me v=2) 1750%0.120%0.050.4 _ 106952 xx (0.080)°t t Total longitudinal stress («,) = 0, +0, = 184248 t Maximum principal stress Soy oe) 2 164248 ‘erzan), (908) 276 x10" 2 2 at 2t t 4 or,t=2.4x10"'m =2.4mm Conventional Question ESE-2000 & ESE 2001 Question: Answer: A hollow shaft of diameter ratio 3/8 required to transmit 600 kW at 110 rpm, the maximum torque being 20% greater than the mean. The shear stress is, not to exceed 63 MPa and the twist in a length of 3 m not to exceed 14 degrees. Determine the diameter of the shaft. Assume modulus of rigidity for the shaft material as 84 GN/m?. Let d= internal diameter of the hollow shaft ‘And D = external diameter of the hollow shaft (given) d= 3/8 D=0.375D Power (P= 600 kW, speed (N) =110 rpm, Shear stress(}= 63 MPa. Angle of twist (0 JP1.4*, Length (() =3m , modulus of rigidity (G)= 84GPa oN 60 60x P _ 60%(600%10") 2aN 2xnxt10 Tyg, = 12% T = 1252087 =62504 Nm First we consider that shear stress is not to exceed 63 MPa We know that, (P) =P. = [Tis average torque] or T= 52087Nm. ae iain EE orp aTh TD T 2r 62504%D or £[D* -(0375D)']= 32 2x(63x10°) or D=0.172Tm=172.Imm——~~{i) Second we consider angle of twist is not exceed 1.4” VIX tian Page 2030420 Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondal’s G8 mavenanae tO sili : oh 0 62504 x3 axis 5 weir] or D=0.1755m =175.5mm— (ii) So both the condition will satisfy if greater of the two value is adopted 0 D=175.5 mm Conventional Question ESE-1997 Question: Determine the torsional stiffness of a hollow shaft of length L and having outside diameter equal to 1.5 times inside diameter d. The shear modulus of the material is G. Answer: — Quiside diameter (D) =1.5 4 ee ee Polar modulus of the shaft (J) = —(D* —d’ US 1 a= 5 )=Haas'—p We know that = 1 =? RoL Goa". (6 or =o On Bees Conventional Question AMIE-1996 Question: ‘The maximum normal stress and the maximum shear stress analysed for a shaft of 150 mm diameter under combined bending and torsion, were found to be 120 MN/m? and 80 MNim! respectively. Find the bending moment and torque to which the shaft is subjected. If the maximum shear stress be limited to 100 MNim#, find by how much the torque can be increased if the bending moment is kept constant. Answer: Given: dng, = 120MN/M*; Fg, = BOMN /m?:d = 150mm = 0.1m. Part-1: MT We know that for combined bending and torsion, we have the following expressions: le iF] ) ad and gy = 28 [AES ‘Substituting the given values in the above equations, we have es " Sia | -— ---(iv) aoe oar eT = B08FAO15) og o5_ Page 204 of 420 (v) Chapter-9 Torsion SK Mondal's ‘Substituting this values in equation 120-6 _ *(0.150") M=0.0265MNm_ [m+0.053] ‘Substituting for M in equation(v), we have ((0.0265)' +1" =0.053 or T=0.0459MNm Part i [pas = 100MN J?) Increase in torque Bending moment (M) to be kept cons tant = 0.0265MNm = 0.004391 or (0.0256)' vf feeeagossr) 16 T=0.0607 MNm The increased torque = 0.0807 - 0.0459 = 0.0148MNm. Conventional Question ESE-1996 Question: A solid shaft is to transmit 300 KW at 120 rpm. If the shear stress is not to exceed 100 MPa, Find the diameter of the shaft, What percent saving in weight would be obtained if this shaft were replaced by a hollow one whose internal diameter equals 0.6 of the external diameter, the length, material and maximum allowable shear stress being the same? Answer: Given P=300 kW, N= 120 rpm, 7=100 MPa, d,, =0.6D,, Diameter of solid shaft, Di ip , Welknow that P= 287 gy ggg = 22812047" yy 7293873 Nm 01000 601000 We know that 7 = 7 JOR or, D.= 0.1067 m =106.7mm Percentage saving in weight: Page 208 of 428 Torsion SK Mondal’s (0.60,)* _ ps Dd, : D. 106.7 Dy ae = ° Yrr06) Vi-0.64 =111.8mm (228) 0.97 = 0.702 106.7 Percentage savings in weignta|i-¥e}. 100 = (1-0.702)*100 = 29.8% Page 206 of 428 Page 207 of 428 Thin Cylinder Theory at a Glance (for IES, GATE, PSU) 1. Thin Rings Uniformly distributed loading (radial) may be due to either ‘+ Internal pressure or external pressure ‘© Centrifugal force as in the case of a rotating ring Case-I: Internal pressure or external pressure © s=ar Where q= Intensity of loading in kg/em of O* 1 =Mean contreline of radius ‘= circumferential tension or hoop’s tension (Radial loading ducted outward) * Unitstress, 0-5 = © aA © Circumferential strain, ¢, AE + Diametral strain, (¢, ) = Circumferential strain, (€, ) Case-I: Centrifugal foree wor? ‘+ Hoop's Tension, ¢ Where w = wt. per unit length of circumferential element @ = Angular velocity ‘+ Radial loading, © Hoop's stress, o = 2. Thin Walled Pressure Vessels For thin cylinders whose thickness may be considered small compared to their diameter. Inner dia of the cylinder (d,) wall thickness(t) >15 0r20 Page 2080428 Chapter-10 Thin Cylinder ‘SK Mondat's 3. General Formula G42-2 RoR Ft Where 0) =Meridional stress at A o =Circumforential / Hoop's stress Intensity of internal gas pressure/ fluid pressure {t= Thickness of pressure vessel 4. Some cases: Gylindrical vessel a Scio eee 2 4 & Spherical vessel «<0, 22 lt 4t © Conical vessel /< _—e PYRE, oc) and ay i jh \. Notes: — ei * Volume 'V’ of the spherical shell, V- ma-(8y Design of thin cylindrical shells is based on hoop's stress 5. Volumetric Strain (Dilation) + mocap Ee, 6, 6 + Oylindrical pressure vessel a pr € Longitudinal strain = 2 — 2 — P" [241 * EME 2g 2d €,=Cireumferential strain Pr BM Edel 2A] : av pr pd ‘olumetrie Strain, me, 4+2e,=—P™ [5 dy] = ps4 omer Stn, =e, #Des= oS Al ISA) i.e. Volumetric strain,(<,) = longitudinal strain(<,) +2» circumferential strain (=, © Spherical vessels Page 2090 428 Chapter-to Thin Cylinder SK Mondal's AV _y__3er 3-H Y ze Al 6. Thin cylindrical shell with hemispherical end Condition for no distortion at the junction of cylindrical and hemispherical portion ae Where, = wall thicknes ofelindricl portion Baw t= wal thickness of hemisphevieal portion 7. Alternative method Consider the equilibrium of forces in the z-direction acting on the part cylinder shown in figure. Force due to internal pressure p acting on area 7 D/A =p. # D#/4 Foree due to longitudinal stross sL. acting on area Dt o,2Dt Equating: p. #D24= 0,2 Dt pd _pr Oa Ot Now consider the equilibrium of forces in the x-direction acting on the sectioned cylinder shown in figure, It is assumed that the circumferential stress @, is constant through the thickness of the cylinder. Foree due to internal pressure p acting on area Dz= pDz Forve due to circumferential stress o, acting on area 2tz= o,2tz Equating: pDz=o, 212 pD _ pr at or Page 3100420 Chapter-10 Thin Cylinder SK Mondal's OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (GATE, IES, IAS) Previous 20-Years GATE Questions Longitudinal stress GATE, ‘The maximum principal strain in a thin cylindrical tank, having a radius of 25 ‘em and wall thickness of 5 mm when subjected to an internal pressure of IMPa, is (taking Young's modulus as 200 GPa and Poisson's ratio as 0.2) [GATE-1998] (225 10" (225 (9225 104 @» GATE-1. Ans. (a) Circumferential or Hoop stress (0, nee 5OMPa Longitudinal nn (a) = = 26§Pa 0, =e ph SOHO gg, 251995 x40 EE” 200x107" 200%10 Maximum shear stress GATE2, A thin walled cylindrical vessel of well thickness, t and diameter d is fitted with gas to a gauge pressure of p. The maximum shear stress on the vessel wall will then be: IGATE-1999], (a) 2 (a : & wns. (@) 0, = GATE. Ans. () 0, = e Change in dimensions of a thin cylindrical shell due to an internal pressure Statement for Linked Answers and Questions 3 and 4 A cylindrical container of radius R = 1 m, wall thickness 1 mm is filled with water up to a depth of 2 m and suspended along its upper rim. The density of water is 1000 kg/m! and acceleration due to gravity is 10 mist. The self weight of the cylinder is negligible. The formula for hoop stress in a thin-walled cylinder ean be used at all points along the height of the cylindrical ae a IGATE-2008} GATE-S. The axial and circumferential stress (0,,,) experienced by the cylinder wall at mid-depth (1 mas shown) are (@) (10,10) MPa (0) (6,10) MPa (0005) MPa @G65Mra GATE. Ans. (a) Pressure (P)= hp ¢= 1100010 = 10 kPa Axial Stross (¢1,)=>07, x2aRt = pg x AR? L = PERL _1000%10 11 _ or 9, “11 _1oMPa t lo PR ees kira Circumferential Stress( o_)= ers) Chapter-10 Thin Cylinder SK Mondal’s GATE-4, If the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of the container material are 100 GPa and 0.3, respectively, the axial strain in the cylinder wall at mid-depth i (a) 2% 10 (6) 6x 105 (7 105 (@) 12x 108 109310 EE 00x10" 100x107 GATE-4. Ans. (©) &, =7x107 Previous 20-Years IES Questions Circumferential or hoop stress IES, Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer: [IES-2002] List List (2D Stress system loading) {Ratio of principal stresses) A. Thin cylinder under internal pressure 1.3.0 B. Thin sphere underinternal pressure 2.1L. ©. Shaft subjected to torsion a -10 4.20 Codes A BC A B ¢ @ 4 2 3 @® 1 38 2 © 4 3 2 @ 1 2 3 TES-1, Ans. (a) IES2. A thin cylinder of radius r and thickness t when subjected to an internal hydrostatic pressure P causes a radial displacement u, then the tangential strain caused is: TES-2002] du L du u 2u io (b) © a) st oF of ws TES.2, Ans. (e) IES-3. A thin cylindrical shell is subjected to internal pressure p. The Poisson's ratio of the material of the shell is 0.3. Due to internal pressure, the shell is subjected strain to TES-2001] (a) 0.425 2.25 (0225 @ 425 Ce -8. Ans, (d) Circumferential strain, €, = 22 — i= PE (g— TRS. Ans. (4) Cirvumforential strain, @, = FEF = FE (2- xm) Longitudinal strain, € TES4. A thin cylindrical shell of diameter d, length ‘T and thickne: tis subjected to an internal pressure p. What is the ratio of longitudinal strain to hoop strain in [TES-2004] 2m+2 @ Page 3120429 Chapter-10 Thin Cylinder SK Mondar's IES‘. hoop stress (o, When a thin cylinder of diameter ‘d’ and thickness 't’ is pressurized with an internal pressure of 'p', (I/m = 11 is the Poisson's ratio and E is the modulus of clasticity), then [IES-1998] pel 1a f) The circumferential strain will be equal to 4 ® a ue \2 mi Sl") ) The longitudinal strain will be equal to P4{ ° et? EU lm (©The longitudinal stress will be equal to 2 (@) ‘The ratio of the longitudinal strain to circumferential strain will be equal to 2m-1 IES-5. Ans. (d) Ratio of longitudinal strain to circumferential strain IES, A thin cylinder contains fluid at a pressure of 500 Nim?, the internal diameter of the shell is 0.6 m and the tensile stress in the material is to be limited to 9000 \Nim#. The shell must have a minimum wall thickness of nearly TES.2000] @ 9mm © 1mm ©17 mm @21 mm TES-6. Ans. (c) IES-7, A thin cylinder with closed lids is subjected to internal pressure and supported at the ends as shown in figure. ‘The state of stress at point X is as represented in ox rr [ES-1999] @ | © | @ CAL AL [reste 7 + Chapter-10 Thin Cylinder SK Mondal’s TES-7. Ans. (a) Point 'X’ is subjected to circumferential and longitudinal stress, ie. tension on all ‘faces, but there i no shear stress because vessel is supported freely outside, TES. A thin cylinder with both ends closed is subjected to internal pressure p. The longitudinal stress at the surface has been calculated as oy, Maximum shear stress at the surface will be equal to: [TES-1999] (a)2o, (b) 150, (Jo, (4) 050, TESS. Ans. (€) Longitudinal stress =o, and hoop stress = 20, Max. shear stress =~! TES-9. A metal pipe of Im diameter contains a fluid having a pressure of 10 kgf/em*. If is 200 kgfiem?, then the thickness of the permissible tensile stress in the meta the metal required for making the pipe would be: (ES-1993] oem See am stm wes2.ans op sess = 2 gto oy aa TES.0. Circumferential stress in a cylindrical steel boiler shell under internal pressure is 80 MPa. Young's modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio are respectively 2 x 10% MPa and 0.28. The magnitude of cireumferential strain in the boiler shell will be: TIES-1999] at 10 3.84% 104 (4x 104 4.56 %10-+ TES-10, Ans. (a) Circumferential stra Le, -10,) Since circumferential stress 6, = 80 MPa and longitudinal stress 0 = 40 MPa ircumnferential strain = ———' [80 -0.28 40] 10° = 3.44 x10" 2x10 x10" TES.11. A penstock pipe of 10m diameter carries water under a pressure head of 100 m. If the wall thickness is 9 mm, what is the tensile stress in the pipe wall in MPa? ts 00 Where, P = pgH = 980000N/ m? Tonsie sess» 800000 4g a4st0TWint= S44 4M = 48 4aPa TES.12, A water main of 1 m diameter contains water at a pressure head of 100 metres. ‘The permissible tensile stress in the material of the water main is 25 MPa. What is the minimum thickness of the water main? (Take = 10 m/s"). TES: 2009] @) 10mm © 20mm (50mm @ 0mm TES-12. Ans. (b) Pressure in the main = pgh = 1000101000 = 10° N/mm* = 1000 KPa Hoop stress = «, = 24 Pp =.= oF Pa (0) 4 20mm 20, 2x25x10° 50 Page 3140428 Chapter-10 Thin Cylinder ‘SK Mondal's Longitudinal stress IES-13. Hoop stress and longitudinal stress in a boiler shell under internal pressure are 100 MN/m? and 50 MN/m? respectively. Young's modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio of the shell material are 200 GN/m? and 0.3 respectively. The hoop strain in boiler shell is: [ES-1995} (@) 0.425107 (60.5 x10" ©0585 «107 (a)0.75 «10° [100-0.3:50]= 0.425107 TES-13. Ans. (a) Hoopstrain zl 4 H0;) = 2001000 IES-14. In strain gauge dynamometers, the use of how many active gauge makes the dynamometer more effective? TIES 2007] (@) Four (0) Three (© Two (@ One IBS-14. Ans. (b) Volumetric strain TES-15, Circumferential and longitudinal strains in a cylindrical boiler under internal steam pressure are ¢, and ¢, respectively. Change in volume of the boiler cylinder per unit volume will be: [IES-1993; IAS 2003] (a) +28, (b)ee (c)26, +8, (det. TES-15, Ans, (c) Volumetric stream = 2 x circumferential strain + longitudinal strain TES.16. Tho volumetric strain in case of a thin cylindrical shell of diameter d thickness t, subjected to internal pressure p is: [IES-2003; IAS 1997] pd pd pd pd a) (3-2) ow PE (4-3 @ PA (say) Ph (A-sy © xe a) xe | “) © ve | i“) © 16 ) (Vere K = Modus of elasticity. n= Poisson's ratio forthe shell materia IES-16, Ans, (¢) Remember Spherical Vessel TES.17. For the same internal diameter, wall thickness, material and internal pressure, the ratio of maximum stress, induced in a thin cylindrical and in a thin spherical pressure vessel will be: [ES.2001] we wu oA (aa IES-17. Aus. (a) IES.18, From design point of view, spherical pressure vessels are preferred over cylindrical pressure vessels because they HES-19971 (a) Ave cost effective in fabrication () Have uniform higher ci (©) Uniform lower circumferential stress (@)_ Have a larger volume for the same quantity of material used TES-18. Ans. (4) cumferential stress Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Circumferential or hoop stress JAS-1. The ratio of circumferential stress to longitudinal stress in a thin cylinder subjected to internal hydrostatic pressure is: TAS 1994] @ir () 1 Page 31s0r429 (0) 2 @4 IAS-1, Ans. (e) Chapter-10 Thin Cylinder SK Mondal’s IAS2. A thin walled water pipe carries water under a pressure of 2 Nimm! and discharges water into a tank. Diameter of the pipe is 25 mm and thickness is 2-5 mm. What is the longitudinal stress induced in the pipe? AS-2007] @o )2.Nimmt (05 Nimm? @ 10 Nimm# TAS2. Ans. (€) = 2 = 28125 _ 5 Nim? 2x25 IAS. A thin cylindrical shell of mean diameter 750 mm and wall thickness 10 mm has 's ends rigidly closed by flat steel plates. The shell is subjected to internal fluid pressure of 10 Nimm? and an axial external pressure Pi. If the longitudinal stress in the shell is to be zero, what should be the approximate value of Pi? THAS-2007] (@) 8Nimm? (©) 9 Nimm? (© 10Némm? (@) 12 Nimm? we TAS.3. Ans. (c) Tensile longitudinal stross due to internal fhid pressuse (5) «= —S——4 2 @ * " (065 575010 tensile. Compressive longitudinal stress due to external pressure pi (0 De = ax ( ax is —* compressive. For zer0 longitudinal stress (6 9) .= (5 exT50=10 = TAS-4. Assertion (A): A thin cylindrical shell is subjected to internal fluid pressure that induces a 2-D stress state in the material along the longitudinal and circumferential directions. TAS-2000] Reason(R): The circumferential stress in the thin cylindrical shell is two times the magnitude of longitudinal stress. (@) Both A.and R are individually true and Ris the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R'is NOT the correct explanation of A (Ais true but R is false (@ Ais false but Ris true Pr u TAS-4. Ans. (b) For thin cell &, IAS.5, Match ListI (Terms used in thin cylinder stress analysis) with ListII (Mathematical expressions) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: TAS-1998] List List A. Hoop stress 1. palit B. Maximum shear stress 2 pale €. Longitudinal stress 3 palo D. Cylinder thickness 4. pais Codess A BoC D A B Cc D @ 2 3 1 4 @ 2 8 4 4 O22 4 8 1 @ 2 4 1 8 TASS. Ans. (€) Longitudinal stress JAS-6. Assertion (A): For a thin cylinder under internal pressure, At least three strain gauges is needed to know the stref#@tdl€éiipletely at any point on the shell. Chapter-10 Thin Cylinder SK Mondar's Reason (R): If the principal stresses directions are not know, the minimum. number of strain gauges needed is three in a biaxial field. [148-2001] (@) Both A and Rare individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (@) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false (@ Ais false but Ris true TAS-6, Ans. (d) For thin cylinder, variation of radial strain ie zero, So only cireumferential and longitudinal strain has to measurer so only two strain gauges are needed. Maximum shear stress IAS7, The maximum shear stress is induced in a thin-walled cylindrical shell having an internal diameter 'D' and thickness't’ when subject to an internal pressure 'p' is equal to: [TAS-1996] G@) pDn ©) pret ppite (@ pis IAS-7, Ans, (d) Hoop stress(o,) a4. Volumetric strai 1AS-8, Circumferential and longitudinal strains in a cylindrical boiler under internal steam pressure are 6, and 6, respectively. Change in volume of the boiler cylinder per unit volume will be: [TES-1993; 1AS 2003] (ays, +26, (bye (©)26, +8, Weze, IAS-8. Ans. (c) Volumetric stream = 2 x circumferential strain + longitudinal strain. 1AS9, ‘The volumetric strain in case of a thin cylindrical shell of diameter d, thickness + subjected to internal pressure p is: [TES-2003; IAS 1997] @) Sry) PL (4-3 @ Pt (5-4 a) PE (4—syp @ FFG) OFE-3) OTE (-4H) MT A-5u) (Whore E = Modulus of elasticity, » = Poiscon's ratio for the sholl material) TAS.9. Ans. (c) Remember it IAS.10. A thin cylinder of diameter ‘d’ and thickne pressure 'p' the change in diameter is (where E ‘tis subjected to an internal the modulus of elasticity and pis the Poisson's ratio) [1AS-1998) @ ey w2Ha e 2 (@) ‘ME Hw) FE +H) © @ ME 2+ 4) TAS-10. Ans. (a) IAS-11. The percentage change in volume of a thin cylinder under internal pressure having hoop stress = 200 MPa, E = 200 GPa and Poisson's ratio = 0-25 is: TAS.2002] (@) 0.40 (030 © 025 020 Pr 1 TAS.11. Ans. (@) Hoop stress(¢,) 200x10°P, Page 317 0f428 Chapter-10 Thin Cylinder SK Mondal’s Volumetric strain (e, Fi(S-4u) 440.28) =795 IAS-12, A round bar of length J, elastic modulus E and Poisson's ratio yt is subjected to an axial pull 'P", What would be the change in volume of the bar? {1AS-2007] PL Pl, Pl PL @ —_ PIC?) oF @— (-2E E E HE TAS-12. Ans. (b) pe{) EP 2, P +6, +6, = 22(1-24) =—(I-2, or 6, =6, +6, +6, = (I-24) = —(I-2n) PL Al= = (1-2) 26,0 TAS.13, Ifa block of material of length 25 em. breadth 10 em and height 5 em undergoes a volumetric strain of 1/5000, then change in volume will be: TAS-2000] (2) 0.50 em? (6) 0.20 em" (4) 0.75 em TAS.A3. Ans. (b) Volume change(6V) Volumetricstrain(s, ) Initial volume(V) 1 x25x10%5=0.2Sem" or (80) =6, x" (hes, 5000 Page 318 of 420 Chapter-10 Thin Cylinder SK Mondar's Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question GATE-1996 Question: A thin cylinder of 100 mm internal diameter and 5 mm thickness is subjected to an internal pressure of 10 MPa and a torque of 2000 Nm. Calculate the magnitudes of the principal stresses. Answer: Given: d= 100 mm =0.1 m;t=5 mm = 0.005 m; 0.11 mp=10MPa, 10 x 10°Nim#; T= 2000 Nem pd _ 10x10" x0.1 4t 40.005 10x10" x0. 2t-2x0.005 ‘To find the shear stress, using Torsional equation, =d+2t= 142 0.005 = Longitudinal stress, 6, = 0, (0 10°N/ mi? = SOMN J m? Cireumforential stress, 0, =o, = 100MN Im? .we have R__TsR = 70000050008) 3 sayin? Zlo-t) — Z(o.1t-01) Principal stresses are: +o [ 50+100 (= 2 Wo 2 =75 34,75 = 109.75 and 40.25MN/m? c,, (Major principal stress) = 109.75MN/m?; (minor principal stress) = 40.25MN/m"; y + (24.147 Conventional Question IES-2008 Question: A thin cylindrical pressure vessel of inside radius ‘r’ and thickness of metal ‘t is subject to an internal fluid pressure p. What are the values of () Maximum normal stress! ii) Maximum shear stress? Anawer: —Cireumferontnl (Hoop) stross(, pr 2t Longitudinal stress (7) "Therefore (ii) Maximum shear stress, (7 wus) = Conventional Question IES-1996 Question: A thin cylindrical vessel of internal diameter d and thickness t is closed at both ends is subjected to an internal pressure P. How much would be the hoop and longitudinal stress Answer: For thineylinder we know that in the material? Page 3190428 Chapter-10 Thin Cylinder SK Mondal’s Pd Heo iene sire (6,)= 22 ° )-% An ogi e(,)= 2 4 ‘Therefore 6, = 20, Conventional Question IES-2009 a Ans. Accylindrical shell has the following dimensi Length = 3m Inside diameter = 1m Internal pressure = 1.5 MPa Caleulate the change in dimensions of the shell and the maximum intensity of shear stress induced. Take E= 200 GPa and Poisson's ratio V=0.3. —_[15-Marks} We ean consider this as a thin eylinder, pd Hoop stresses, 6 or 2 Longitudinal stresses, 6, 1-8 2 =Pd "st Hence from the given data 1.51081 2x10x10~ =75 MPa _ 1.510" x1 4x10x10 Shear stres 0.75 x 10° oe =37.5x10° =37.5 MPa 8, Hoop strain 1 41 = 5 (01 - vor) = Pa (e_y) 4 1.5x108 x1 att (2-089) Taro w10 nao ( sx108 375210 (g 200% 10° = 0.31875 x10 aa d change in diameter, Ad = 1 « 0.31875 «107% m = 0.31875 mm ) 0.3) 8187 x10 Page 2200428 Chapter-10 Thin Cylinder Logitudinal strain, 6 «= PA (20) 237.5% 10° 20010" 7.5%10% (1-2x0.3) Maasx10% 1 or Al =7.5x10 x3 25x10 m = 0.225mm_ => Change in length =: pd _ 1.5%10°x1 o= Pa, 15x10 x1 Bt 8x10x10 8.75 MPa 225 mm and maximum shear stress, Conventional Question IES-1998 Question: A thin eylinder with closed ends hi SK Mondar's an internal diameter of 50 mm and a wall thickness of 2.5 mm. It is subjected to an axial pull of 10 kN and a torque ‘of 500 Nm while under an internal pressure of 6 MN/m’ (® Determine the pri stress. «i Answer: Axial pull, P = 10 kN; T= 500 Nm; p () Principal stresses (o,.) in the tube and the maximum shear stres (tha pd P _ 6x10°x0.05 10x10" 4 dt 4x25x10" 7x0.05x2.5x10" = 3010" + 25.510" = 55.5% 10°N/m? 6x10" 0.05 1 pegs Oxo Principal stresses are: one(282) [rg ——9 Use Torsional equation, - “ ---(i) where J= (Dt a") = | (0.058) -(0.08)* ]=2.848«10-'m* jpal stresses in the tube and the maximum shear Represent the stress configuration on a square element taken in the load (J=polar moment of inertia) ‘Substituting the values in(i), we get Page 321 of 420 Chapter-10 Thin Cylinder SK Mondal’s sor 2848x407 (0.05572) 500%(0.055/2) 49 09. 498 or 2.848x 107 Nin Now, substituting the various valaas in oqa,(), we bave (sees poms), =; 60x10 )Hes20c07 = 57.7510" + 48.33 x10° = 106.08MN/[m?,9.42MIN/m? Principal stresses are ‘7, = 106.08MN /m?; c, = 9.42MN/m* Masur sear ste gg = 2% = 10808842 «yg acre? (i) Stress configuration on a square element Po 2t y P Square (pd, P (Bt 3%) | lament at tam) x a 2t Page 3220 428 Thick Cylinder Theory at a Glance (for IES, GATE, PSU) 1. Thick cylinder Inner dia of the eylinder (4,) <15 020 wall thickness(t) 2. General Expression fs —— a ax : ~ Rl ye me WA re Sat ¢ «tee, @ (b) 3. Difference between the analysis of stresses in thin & thick cylinders + In thin cylinders, it is assumed that the tangential stress @, is uniformly distributed over the eylinder wall thickness, In thick eylinder, the tangential stress ¢, has the highest magnitude at the inner surface of the cylinder & gradually decreases towards the outer surface. ‘+ The radial stress @, is neglected in thin eylinders while it is of significant magnitude in case of thick eylinders. 4. Strain du dr + Radial strain, + Circumferential /Tangential strain. ¢,=“ + Awial strain, ©. Page 2230428 Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondal’s 5. Stress © Axial stress, @, + Radia ireco, P + Circumferential Tangential stress, [ayaa P [Nota: Radial stress always compressive co its magnitude aliaye ~ive. ut in come books they B assume that compressive radial stress is positive and they use, 6, -Al 6. Boundary Conditions 8. Cylinders with internal pressure (p;) i.e. p, =0 (a) At the inner surface of the cylinder @ r= je, Git) 9) Tae (®) At the outer surface of the cylinder Page 2240f428 Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondar's (©) Radial and circumferential stress distribution within the cylinder wall when only internal pressure acts. 9. Cylinders with External Pressure (p.) ie. p, =0 @ aw Gi) (6) At the outer surface of the eylinder @ ren «i Gi) (©) Distribution of radial and circumferential stresses within the cylinder wall when only external pressure acts Page 2280428 Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondal’s 10. Lame's Equation [for Brittle Material, open or closed end] ‘There is a no of equations forthe design of thick cylinders. The choice of equation depends upon two parameters. + Cylinder Material (Whether brittle or ductile) + Condition of Cylinder ends (open or closed) When the material ofthe eylinder is brite, such as cast iron or cast steel, Lame's Equation is used to determine the wall thickness. Condition of eylinder ends may open or closed. It is based on maximum principal stress theory of failure. ‘There principal stresses at the inner surface of the eylinder are as follows: (i) (i) & (ii) Wo, =-p, +g, isthe criterion of design * Foran st [oP -| (Lame's Equation) 11. Clavarino's Equation [for cylinders with closed end & made of ductile material] When the material of a eylinder is ductile, such as mild steel or alloy steel, maximum strain theory of failure is used (St. Venant’s theory) is used. ‘Three principal stresses at the inner surface of the eylinder are as follows (i) (it) & (ii) Page 2260428 Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondar's + Oro= , - Ma, +0). Where 0° fos +o isthe criterion of design los —200p, 5 Vo-+wep, =ntt ra er (Clavarion's Equation) 12. Birne's Equation [for cylinders with open end & made of ductile material] When the material ofa cylinder is ductile, such as mild steel or alloy steel, maximum strain theory of failure is used (St. Venant's theory) is used. © For ‘Three principal stresses at the inner surface of the eylinder are as follows (i) (i) & (ii) (o,=-2, (ao, (iio, =0 + o=0,-y0, where o= 2 +o isthe criterion of design ne fexd=wp, n Yo-U+u)p, 4 [oxd—wp, “We-d+np, age 27 of 420 © Forn=ntt | (Bimnie's Equation) 13. Barlow's equation: [for high pressure gas pipe brittle or ductile material] Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondal’s tor IGAIL exam 2004], %, Where o, =" for ductile material fos = 22 for brittle material fos 14. Compound Cylinder (A cylinder & A Jacket) When two cylindrical parts are assembled by shrinking or press-fitting, a contact pressure is created between the two parts. If the radii of the inner eylinder are a and e and that of the outer cylinder are (c- 5) and b, 6 being the radial interference the contact pressure is given ‘The inner diameter of the jacket is slightly smaller than the outer diameter of eylinder When the jacket is heated, it expands sufficiently to move over the eylinder ‘As the jacket cools, it tends to contract onto the inner eylinder, which induces residual compressive stress, ‘Thore is a shrinkage prossure 'P" between the cylinder and the jacket, ‘The pressure ‘P' tends to contract the cylinder and expand the jacket ‘The shrinkage pressure 'P" can be evaluated from the above equation for a given amount of interference 5 ‘The resultant stresses in a compound cylinder are found by supervision losing the 2- stresses 1 stresses due to shrink fit stresses due to internal pressure Derivation: Due to interference let us assume 8, of jacket and 6, crease in inner diameter jecrease in outer diameter of cylinder. so =(6,| +5,| i.e, without sign. Page 328 of 420 Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondar's tangential strai ircumferential stress pib?+c?) ee) (radialstress) _ plc? +2%)} ‘And in similarway 3, =<. ¢ +h 7 — 16, |C (e-2) lo, =-p =e ee.,| (i) Here “ve signrepresents contraction ‘Adding (i) & (i) (6 — 0" fc? 20 += 16. Autofrettage Autofrettage is a process of pre-stressing the cylinder before using it in operation, We know that when the eylinder is subjected to internal pressure, the circumferential stress at the inner eurface limits the pressure carrying eapacity of the eylinder. In autofrettage pre-stressing develops a residual compressive stresses at the inner surface, When the cylinder is actually loaded in operation, the residual compressive stresses at the inner surface begin to decrease, become zero and finally become tensile as the pressure is gradually increased. ‘Thus autofrettage increases the pressure carrying capacity of the cylinder. 16. Rotating Disc ‘The radial & circumferential (tangential) stresses in a rotating dise of uniform thickness are given by Where R.= Internal radius R= External radiue lensity of the dise material @ = Angular speed Page 229 of 428 1 Poisson's ratio. Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondal’s ons 0 =(22*) poo] (254) po" -8"] Radial stress, 6, Page 330 of 420 Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondal's OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (GATE, IES, IAS) Previous 20-Years GATE Questions Lame's theory GATE-1. A thick cylinder is subjected to an internal pressure of 60 MPa. If the hoop stress on the outer surface is 150 MPa, then the hoop stress on the internal surface [GATE-1996; TES-2001] (@) 105 MPa (&) 180 MPa (0210 MPa (@) 135 MPa GATE-1. Ans. (c)Ifinternal pressure = p. External pressure = zero Fi Circumferential or hoop stress (6 At p,=60MPa, 0, =150MPa and 150 = 60-_| oe Previous 20-Years IES Questions Thick cylinder IES-1, If a thick cylindrical shell is subjected to internal pressure, then hoop stress, radial stress and longitudinal stress at a point in the thickness will be: (a) Tensile, compressive and compressive respectively [IES-1999] ©) Allcompressive (© Alltensile (@)__ Tensile, compressive and tensile respectively TES-1, Ans. (@) Hoop stress ~ tensile, radial stress ~ compressive and longitudinal stress ~ tensile Distribution of radial and circumferential stresses within the cylinder wall when only external pressure acts Radial and cireumferential stress distribution within the eylinder wall when only internal pressure acts IES2, Where does the maximum hoop stress in a thick cylinder under external pressure occur? TES-2003] (@) At the outer surface () At the inner surface (©) At the mid-thickness (@) At the 2/8" outer radius Page 231 of 428 Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondal’s TES-2. Ans. (b) Cireumforential or hoop stross = 0, IES3. —_ Ina thick cylinder pressurized from inside, the hoop stress is maximum at (a) The centre of the wall thickness () The outer radius [TES-1998] (©) The inner radius (@ Both the inner and the outer radii TES. Ans. (c) IES-4. Where does the maximum hoop stress in a thick cylinder under external pressure occur? TES-2008] (a) At the outer surface () At the inner surface (6) At the mid-thicknoss (@) At the 235 outer radius TES-4, Ans. (a) Maximum hoop stress in thick eylinder under external pressure occur at the outer surface. TES-5. A thick-walled hollow cylinder having outside and inside radii of 90 mm and 40 mm respectively is subjected to an external pressure of 800 MNim?, The maximum cireumferential stress in the cylinder will occur at a radius of [IES-1998] (40 mm (©) 60. mm (65 mm @ 90mm TESS. Ans. (a) IES. Ina thick cylinder, subjected to internal and external pressures, let ri and r be the internal and external radii respectively. Let u be the radial displacement of a material clement at radius r, 45 > r>r;. Identifying the cylinder axis as z axis, [ES-1996] (a) we We (© dulde (@) deo TES.6. Ans. (c) The strains e, and s may be given by the radial strain component é,, is Page 3320420 Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder ‘SK Mondar's Roprosentation of radial and circumferential strain. Lame's theory IES-7. A thick cylinder is subjected to an internal pressure of 60 MPa. If the hoop stress on the outer surface is 150 MPa, then the hoop stress on the internal surface is: [GATE-1996; TES-2001) (a) 105 MPa (6) 180 MPa (©) 210 MPa (@) 135 MPa IBS-7, Ans. (¢) If internal pressure = pi External pressure = zero Circumferential or hoop stress (: At p,=60MPa, o,=150MPa and IES-8, A hollow pressure vessel is subject to internal pressure. [ES-2005} Consider the following statements: 1. Radial stress at inner radius is always zero. 2. Radial stress at outer radius is always zero. 3, The tangential stress is always higher than other stresses, 4. The tangential stress is always lower than other stresses. Which of the statements given above are correct? (@) and 3 (by Land 4 (© 2and3 (@2and 4 TES-8, Ans. (0) IES, A thick open ended cylinder as shown in the figure is made of a material with permissible normal and shear stresses 200 MPa and 100 MPa respectively. The ratio of permissible pressure based on the normal and shear stress is: [a= 10 em; da = 20 em) @ 95 oss ©15 4s {1ES-2002] IES-9, Ans. (b) Longitudinal and shear stress IES-10. A thick cylinder of internal radius and external radius a and b is subjected to internal pressure p as well as external pressure p. Which one of the following statements is correct? Page 33 of 420 TES.2004} ‘The magnitude of circumferential stress developed is: (@) Maximum at radius r=a (b) Maximum at radius r= b Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondal’s (@) Maximum at radius r= Jab (@ Constant TES-10, Ans. (€) IES-11. Consider the following statements: [ES-2007] Ina thick walled cylindrical pressure vessel subjected to internal pressure, the Tangential and radial stresses are: 1. Minimum at outer side 2. Minimum at inner side 3. Maximum at inner side and both reduce to zero at outer wall 4, Maximum at inner wall but the radial stress reduces to zero at outer wall Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (@) Land 2 (b) Land 3 () Land 4 (@) 4only TES-11. Ans. (c) TES.12, Consider the following statements at given point in the case of thick cylinder subjected to fluid pressure: [ES-2006] Radial stress is compressive Hoop stress is tensile Hoop stress is compressive Longitudinal stress is tensile and it varies along the length Longitudinal stress is tensile and remains constant along the length of the eylinder Which of the statements given above are correct? (a) Only 1,2and4 (Only Sand4 (©) Only L2and5 —_(@) Only 1,3 and 5 IBS-12. Ans. (c) 3. For internal fluid pressure Hoop or circumferential stress is tensile 4. Longitudinal stress is tensile and remains constant along the length of the cylinder. IFS.13, A thick cylinder with internal diameter d and outside diameter 2d is subjected to internal pressure p. Then the maximum hoop stress developed in the cylinder is: [ES-2003] 5 @ w=, o> 2 » 3P 5P > TES-13. Ans. (c) In thick cylinder, maximum hoop stress Compound or shrunk cylinder TES-14, Autofrettage is a method of: [ES-1996; 2005; 2006) (@) Joining thick cylinders (®) Relieving stresces from thick eylinders (6) Pre-stressing thick eylinders (4 Increasing the life of thick eylinders TES-14, Ans. (e) TES.5. Match Li 1 with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: [TES-2004] List List A. Wire winding 1. Hydrostatic stress B. Lame’s theory 2 Strengthening of thin eylindrical shell €. Solid sphere subjected to uniform pag softy s3prensthening of thick eylindrical shell pressure on the surface D. Autofrettage 4. Thick cylinders Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondar's Coeds A BC D A B oc D @ 4 2 1 8 ® 4 2 8 1 @ 2 4 8 1 @ 2 4 1 38 TES-15. Ans. (a) TES-16. If the total radial interference between two cylinders forming a compound cylinder is 6 and Young's modulus of the materials of the cylinders is E, then the interface pressure developed at the interface between two cylinders of the same material and same length is: [TES-2005] (a) Directly proportional of E x 6 (b) Inversely proportional of E 6 {© Directly proportional of 2/8 {@) Inversely proportional of E18 TES-16. Ans. (a) p,|_ 20:(05-0) D: E | [(05-02) 05-07) Paes Atematively if E tthen P 7 andif 57 thenPt soP @ E6 Ds TES-17. A compound cylinder with inner radius 5 cm and outer radius 7 em is made by shrinking one cylinder on to the other cylinder. The junction radius is 6 em and the junction pressure is 11 kgficm+, The maximum hoop stress developed in the inner cylinder is: [ES-1994] (a) 36 kgffem? compression lkgflem? tension (6) 72 kgtlem? compression kgflem? tension, IES-17. Ans. (¢) Thick Spherical Shell TES-18, The hemispherical end of a pressure vessel is fastened to the cylindrical portion of the pressure vessel with the help of gasket, bolts and lock nuts. The bolts are subjected to: 11ES-2003] G@) Tensile stress ¢b) Compressive stress (@) Shear stress (@) Bearing stress TES-18. Ans. (a) Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Longitudinal and shear stress JAS.1. A solid thick cylinder is subjected to an external hydrostatic pressure p. The state of stress in the material of the cylinder is represented as: [1AS-1995] Page 2380428 Chapter-11 (ay o IAS-1. Ans. (e) Thick Cylinder P—} }e—P ” @ = SK Mondal’s —P Distribution of radial and circumferential stresses within the cylinder wall when only external pressure acts, Page 336 of 420 Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondar's Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question IES-1997 The pressure within the cylinder of a hydrauli ‘Thickness of the eylinder: Using te equator, =p °% we have or Conventional Question IES-2010 Q A spherical shell of 150 mm internal diameter has to withstand an internal pressure of 30 MNim*, Calculate the thickness of the shell if the allowable stress is 80 MN/m. Assume the stress distribution in the shell to follow the law Bande, [10 Marks) F ‘Ans. Aspherical shellof 150 mm intornal diameter intraal pressure = 30 MPa. Aomable stress = 80 MINIs F canara, ax! At internal diameter () Page 227 of 428 Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondal’s =-30N/mm* 2 ON /mm oe Bb (oy 80=a+ 75)" Soluing eq” (i) & (ii) 110x75" 130 3 At outer Radius (R) radial stress should be zero b 2b o=-a—2b z Sh AO TE 2b _ 2110%75" _713949.3077 a 130 3130 R=89.376mm There fore thickness of cylinder = (R -r) 14.376mm Conventional Question IES-1993 Question: A thick spherical vessel of inner ‘radius 150 mm is subjected to an internal pressure of 80 MPa. Calculate its wall thickness based upon the (@ Maximum principal stress theory, and Gi) Total strain energy theory. Poisson's ratio = 0.30, yield strength = 300 MPa Answer: Given’ f,= 180mm; p(z,)=80MPa=80.10°N/m?; 300MPa = 300%10°N/ m? Wall thickness t ())Maximum principal stress theory: (K2t)se ea or 8oxto*( +t ea or K2 1.314 or 314 We know that,c, 3001" ie 1.314 of r, =1, «1.914 =150 «1.314 =197.1mm Metal thickness, =197.1-150= 47.1mm Gi) Total strain energy theory Use a} +03 -— 10,0, <0; Page 38 of 420 Chapter-11 Thick cyliner 8K Mondats ote LK +H) +(1-0)] way (0000 = 22(60107 [i (1+08)+(0-0)) . (ey or 300°(K? =1)° =2%80°(1.3K*+0.7) gives K = 1.86 or 0.59 itis clear that > 4 2K =1.964 or = 1,364 or F, = 1501.64 = 204.6 mm 104.6 - 150 = 54.6 mm Conventional Question ESE-2002 Question: Answer: What is the difference in the analysis of think tubes compared to that for thin tubes? State the basic equations describing stress distribution in a thick ‘tube. ‘The difference in the analysis of stressos in thin and thick cylinder: (Tn thin eylinder, it is assumed that the tangential stress is uniformly distributed over the eylinder wall thickness. In thick eylinder, the tangential stress has highest ‘magnitude at the inner surface of the cylinder and gradually decreases towards the outer surface. Gi) The radial stross is neglected in thin eylindors, while it is of significant magnitude in ease of thick eylinders. ‘Basie equation for describing stress distribution in thick tube is Lame’s equation, 8 8 o,=Z-A and o,=Z+A r r Conventional Question ESE-2006 Question: Answer: What is auto frettage? How does it help in increasing the pressure carrying capacity of a thick cylinder? Autofrettage is a process of pro-stressing the cylinder before using it in operation, We know that when the eylinder is subjected to internal pressure, the cireumferential stroas at the inner surface limits the pressure carrying capacity of the cylinder. In autofrettage pre-stressing develops a residual compressive stresses at the inner surface. When the eylinder is actually loaded in operation, the residual compressive stresses at the inner surface begin to decrease, become zero and finally become tensile fas the pressure is gradually increased. Thus autofrettage increases the pressure carrying capacity of the eylinder. Conventional Question ESE-2001 Question: When two cylindrical parts are assembled by shrinking or p contact pressure is created between the two parts, If the radii of the cylinder are a and c and that of the outer cylinder are (c- 6) and b, 6 being the radial interference the contact pressure is given by: B8|(6? —¢*)(¢* a") c| 2¢(b—a’) Where E is the Young's mod@lgscofathe= material, Can you outline the steps involved in developing this important design equ Chapter-11 Answer: Thick Cylinder SK Mondal’s CYLINDER JACKET) I oD GD | a = CYLINDER JACKET Rane 2b Due to interference let us assume 8, = increase in inner diameter of jacket and 8, = decrease in outer diameter of cylinder. so 6={5,| +[5,| i.e. without sign. Now 8, =€,¢ |e,= tangential strain] = Blo, -u0,|e |o,=circumferential stress| p(b*+c*) (e) \o,=-p(radialstress) cP +e pic? +2°) (-2) lo, =-p —~(ii) Here -ivesignrepresentscontraction Adding (i) & (i) |+p1- 2} _2o%(o*—a*) Ele _ FB|(b? -c* Ne" - 2°)] 2c*(b° — a") or P Prowgds40 ot 420 Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondar's Conventional Question ESE-2003 Question: A steel rod of diameter 50 mm is forced into a bronze casing of outside diameter 90 mm, producing a tensile hoop stress of 30 MPa at the outside diameter of the easing. Find () The radial pressure between the rod and the casing Gi) The shrinkage allowance and Gil) The rise in temperature which would just eliminate the force ft. Assume the following material prope E.= 2x105 MPa, ji =0.25 , a, =1.2X10°/°C x10MPa, f4,=0.3, Jy, = 1.9107" C Answer: Pp Brénze casin Steel bod Bronze casing 9 ‘hee ls a ssinageprscre P beeen the sel oa he bono ening, The Prenoe inn toot tse anf xpd sh roe ang @) Consider Brouse casing, According ta Lames theory 2a whore a= 2= A =1|MPa=33.6MPa ‘Therefore the radial pressure between the rod and the casing is P= 33.6 MPa. Gi) The shrinkage allowance: Let 6 j= increase in inert diameter of bronze casing, 8 c=decrease in outer diameter of steel rod 1+ consider bronze casing: ‘Tangential stress at the inner surface(a,), 2 +A 2 ri nef)" ie Lar) 63.6MPa ee Page 341 of 420 A Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondal’s and radial stress(o,), -33.6MPa longitudial stress(a,), Therefore tangential strain (3), = 2[o,),~wo.),] 1 1*10° 8, =(6), xd, = 7.968 x10 x 0.050= [63.6 +03 33.6] =7.368%10 .03684mm. 264 Consider steel rod: Circumferential stress (o,), and radial stress (¢,), 1 (xd, Ello. we). |xa, PA, y_y = -388%0.050 é, e 2x10" [1—0.3] = -0.0058amm [reduction] Total shrinkage =[6,|+[0,|=0.04272mm(iis diametral] = 0.02136mm [radial Gi) Let us temperature rise is (At) As a, >a, due to same temperature rise steel not will expand less than bronze casing, When their difference of expansion will be equal to the shrinkage then force fit will eliminate. d, xa, xAt=d, xa, x At = 0.04272 0.04272 _ 0.04272 t= To, a4] SOX[TOXIO = 122°C BAO] Conventional Question AMIE-1998 Question: A thick walled closed-end cylinder is made of an Al-alloy (E = 72 GPa, 0.33), has inside diameter of 200 mm and outside diameter of 800 mm. ‘The cylinder is subjected to internal fluid pressure of 150 MPa. Determine the principal stresses and maximum shear stress at a point on the inside surface of the cylinder. Also determine the increase in inside diameter due to fluid pressure. 200 Answer: Given: f,=—>~ = 100mm = 0.1m: = 150MPa = 150MN/m*; 33=" Principal stress and maximum shear stress: Using the condition in Lame’s equation: Substituting the values in the above equation we have Page 3420420 Chapter-11 Thick Cylinder SK Mondal's b ape 8 _ From(iand(ii), weget a=10 and b=16 -(i) ‘The circumferential (or hoop) stress by Lame’s given by b pea r (0) 8 (=) = 0-1 4 +10=170MN/m? (tensile), and (out r=.) =0.4m= 25. +10 20MN /m (tensile) Principal stresses are 170 MN/m? and 20MN/m? (ena (en _ 170-20 Maximum shear stress, au: = 75MIN /m? Increase in inside diameter, 64, We know,longitudinal(or axial) stress, o, = Pit, = 190*(-1)_ sonan ym? Eo (04) (01) Circumferential (or hoop)strain at the inner given by ula, a) = ap Sag [170=10" +-0.33(160 - 10)x10"]= 0.003 or 0.003 = $4 654, = 0,003 0.1 = 0.003m or OPA? ot 420 Spring Theory at a Glance (for IES, GATE, PSU) 1. A spring is a mechanical device which is used for the efficient storage and release of energy. 2. Helical spring - stress equation Let us a close-coiled helical spring has coil diameter D, wire diameter d and number of turn n. The D spring material has a shearing modulus G. The spring index,C =. Ifa forve ‘P’ is exerted in both ends as shown. ‘Tho work done by the axial force 'P' is converted into strain energy and stored in the spring, average torque) (angular displacement) =149 2 TL From the figure we get, @ ==> PO Torque (N= length of wire (L)=1Dn Polar moment of neriauy= 2 Therefore us 420° Gal According to Castigliano's theorem, the displacement corresponding to force P is obtained by partially differentiating strain energy with respect to that foree, wu 8 fe oe 8PD'n ‘Therefore ‘ap dP| Ga" | Ga" 8PD'n Axial deflection | 6 = Spring stiffness or spring constant (I) Chapter-12 SK Mondar's ‘The torsional shear stress in the bar, 1, P__4P _8PD(0.5d) ‘The direct shear stress in the bar, near al) 4 oD oe Where k, =1+ 252 D is correction factor for direct shear stress. 3. WahI’s stress correction factor AC=1 9818). known ae Wah’ stress correction factor 4C-4 Where K -( Hore K = K:Ko; Where K, is correction factor for direct shear stress and Ke is correction factor for stress concentration du to curvature Note: When the spring is subjected to a static force, the effect of stress concentration is neglected Aue to eae yielding So we wil use, Fa, SD 4. Equivalent stiffness (keg) Spring in series (5, =, +3,) Spring in Parallel(5, =8,~3,) 4K, ms | x. pj —» WW K+K; Page 345 of 420 Spring SK Mondal’s 4K, 5. Important note ‘* Lfa spring is cut into‘n’ equal lengths then spring constant of each new spring = nk When a closed coiled spring is subjected to an axial couple M then the rotation, 64MDn, Ed® 6. Laminated Leaf or Carriage Springs BPR 8Enbe 3PL # Maximum bending stress, Gy ==——> 2nbr Where P = load on spring L= total length between 2 points lickness of one plate. 7. Belleville Springs 455 6 2 CD [e+-ofe-g}re ] Where, E = Modulus of elasticity = Linear deflection H=Poisson’s Ratio Load, tor for Belleville spring Do= outside diamerer = Deflection required to flatten Belleville spring ‘+ Total stiffness of the springs k= stiffness per spring No of springs In a leaf spring ratio of stross between full length and graduated leaves = 1.5 Conical spring- For application requiring variable stiffness Belleville Springs -For application requiring high capacity springs into small space Page 246 of 420 Chapter-12 Spring SK Mondal's OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (GATE, IES, IAS) Previous 20-Years GATE Questions Helical spring GATE-1, If the wire diameter of a closed coil helical spring subjected to compressive load is increased from 1 em to 2 em, other parameters remaining same, then deflection will decrease by a factor of: IGATE-2002] @) 16 8 4 @2 8PDN GATE-1. Ans. (a) 5="G oe GATE-2, A compression spring is made of music wire of 2 mm diameter having a shear strength and shear modulus of 800 MPa and 80 GPa respectively. The mean coil diameter is 20 mm, free length is 40 mm and the number of active coils is 10. If the mean coil diameter is reduced to 10 mm, the stiffness of the spring is IGATE-2008] (b) Decreased by 2 times (6) Increased by 2 times (@) Increased by 8 times GATE-2. Ans. (4) Spring constant (K) (2, (20) K, 10 GATE-S. Two helical tensile springs of the same material and also having identical mean coil diameter and weight, have wire diameters d and d/2. The ratio of their stiffness [GATE-2001] @. was (64 @ 128 P_Ga' a GATE-2, Ans. (¢) Spring constant (K) ‘Therefore ko 2 (©) Spring =a 7 GATE-4, A uniform stiff rod of length 300 mm vant and having a weight of 300 N is N pivoted at one end and connected t0 459 5 a spring at the other end. For keeping the rod vertical in a stable position the minimum value of Yn spring constant K needed is: @ (@) 300 Nim () 400Nim 150 m0 to (2) 1000 Nim Icare-2004 GATIEA, Ans, (Inlined it fo avery Tow angle, 40 For equilibrium taking moment about hinge! 1 aa) 0 ork- W300 _ w(t} aay t=0 ark 28 son GATE. A weighing machine consists of a 2 kg pan resting on spring. In this condition, with the pan resting on the spring, the length of the spring is 200 mm. When a mass of 20 kg is placed on the pan,,the length of the spring becomes 100 mm. For the spring, the un-deformed lett and the spring constant k (stiffness) are: IGATE-2005) Chapter-12 Spring SK Mondal’s @k = 1862 Nim (©) = 210 mm, k= 1960 Nim ob: 1960 Nim @) =200 mm, k= 2156 Nim GATE-5. Ans. (b) Initial length = Lm and stiffness = k Nim 2xg=k(|,-0.2) 2xg+20«g=k(l, -0.1) Just solve the above equations Springs in Series GATE.6, The deflection of a spring with 20 active turns under a load of 1000 N is 10 mm, ‘The spring is made into two pieces each of 10 active coils and placed in parallel under the same load. The deflection of this system is: IGATE-1995) G@) 20 mm () 10 mm 5mm @25mm GATE-6, Ans. (d) When a spring is cut into two, no, of coils gets halved. ffnoss of each hal gots doubled. Whon those are connected in parallel, stifnss = 2k + 2k = 4k ‘Therefore deflection wll be % times. Previous 20-Years IES Questions Helical spring TES, A helical coil spring with wire diameter ‘a’ and coil diameter 'D' is subjected to external load, A constant ratio of d and D has to be maintained, such that the extension of spring is independent of d and D. What is this ratio? —_(1ES-2008] (aot (eye? ot or ee 8PD'N Gat a TaFx> TESA, Ans. (a) 5 = a v-X(2) (6) “cer @U__ 8FD"N Gd IES-2. Assertion (A): Concentric cylindrical helical springs are used to have greater spring force in a limited space. HES.2006] Reason (R): Concentric helical springs are wound in opposite directions to prevent locking of coils under heavy dynamic loading. (a) Both Aand R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A () Both Aand R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (© Ais true but Ris false (@__ Ais false but Ris true TES-2, Ans. (b) IES-3. Assertion (A): Two concentric helical springs used to provide greater spring force are wound in opposite directions. TIES-1995; 1AS-20041 Reason (R): The winding in opposite directions in the case of helical springs prevents buckling. (a) Both Aand R are individually teR®082442the correct explanation of A () Both Aand R are individually true but K is NOT the correct explanation of A Chapter-12 Spring SK Mondar's (©) Ais true but Ris false (@) Ais false but Ris true IES.8. Ans. (¢) It is for proventing locking not for buckling IES-4. Which one of the following statements is correct? _[IES-1996; 2007; IAS-1997] Ifa helical spring is halved in length, its spring stiffness (Oltemain came) Hae bowtie” rts TES. Ans () Sines of spin h)= S240 ko! anda IES-5. A body having weight of 1000 N is dropped from a height of 10 em over a close- coiled helical spring of stiffness 200 N/em. The resulting deflection of spring is nearly [ES-2001] (a) em (©) 16em (©)35em (@ 100 em 1594. Aan ) gto) = at IES-6. A close-coiled helical spring is made of 5 mm diameter wire coiled to 50 mm mean diameter. Maximum shear stress in the spring under the action of an axial force is 20 Nimm’, The maximum shear stress in a spring made of 3 mm diameter wire coiled to 30 mm mean diameter, under the action of the same force will be nearly [ES-2001] (2) 20 Nimm? (6) 83.3 Nimm? (©) 55.6 Nimm® (d) 92.6 Nimm® 1ES-6, Ans. (c) User =k, PO " aoe IES-7. A elosely-coiled helical spring is acted upon by an axial force. The max shear stress developed in the spring is 7. Half of the length of the spring off and the remaining spring is acted upon by the same axial force. The ‘maximum shear stress in the spring the new condition will be: UES-1995] @%r (7 zr @47 8PD TES-7. Ans. (b) User =k, “E> its independent of mamber of tara TES-8, The maximum shear stress occurs on the outermost fibers of a circular shaft under torsion, Ina close coiled helical spring, the maximum shear stress occurs on the TIES-1999] (@) Outermost fibres (b) Fibres at mean diameter _(¢) Innermost fibres () End coils IES-8, Ans. (c) IES-8. A helical spring has N turns of coil of diameter D, and a second spring, made of same wire diameter and of same material, has N/2 turns of coil of diameter 2D. If the stiffness of the first spring is k, then the stiffaess of the second spring will [ES-1999] (a) Wa (ee x (@) 4k Ga* Ga* k TES.9, Ans, (a) Stiffness (k) ‘econd spring, stiffness (k.) CARD 4 64(2a) a 1ES-10. A closed-coil helical spring is subjected to a torque about its axis. The spring wire would experience a TTES-1996; 1998] (@) Bending stress () Direct tensile stress of uniform intensity at its cross-section (©) Direct shear stress (@) Torsional shearing stress IES-10. Ans. (a) IES-11. Given that: TES-1996] d= diameter of spring, K = mean radius of coils, n = number of coils and G = igidity, the stiffness of the close-coiled helical spring subject to an axial load Wis equal to Papasan Chapter-t2 Spring SK Mondal's oS Sf ann orn 32m Rn TRS.11. Ans. (@) TES.12, A closely coiled helical spring of 20 em mean diameter is having 25 coils of 2 em diameter rod. The modulus of rigidity of the material if 10° Niem?. What is the stiffness for the spring in Nem? (1ES-2004] (@) 50 (@) 100 (0250 (@) 500 Gat _10°(N/om')<2*(om*) BO" 820° (em) x25 TES-12. Ans. (b) Stiffness of sprin(k TES-13. Which one of the following expresses the stress factor K used for design of closed eoiled helical spring? TIES-2008] 4c—4 40-1 0515 40-4 0615 4c-1 @ oie © eee ont act Where C= spring index TES-13. Ans. (b) TES-14. In the calculation of induced shear stress in helical springs, the Wabl's correction factor is used to take care of [TES-1995; 1997] (a) Combined effeet of transverse shear stress and bending stresses in the wire. (b) Combined effect of hending stress and curvature of the wire. (©) Combined effect of transverse shear stress and curvature of the wire. (@ Combined effeet of torsional shear stress and transverse shear stress in the wire TES-14, Ans. (e) IFS.15. While calculating the stress induced in a closed coil heli spring, Wahl's factor must be considered to account for [ES-2002] (a) The curvature and stress concentration effect (8) Shock loading (©) Poor service conditions (@) Fatigue loading TES.A5. Ans. (a) IESG. Cracks in helical springs used in Railway carriages usually start on the inner side of the coil because of the fact that UES-1994] (a) Ttis subjected to the higher stress than the outer side, (b) Its subjected to a higher eyelic loading than the outer side (¢) It is more stretched than the outer side during the manufacturing process, (@ _Tthasa lower curvature than the outer side. TES-16. Ans. (a) IES.17, Two helical springs of the same material and of equal circular cross-section and length and number of turns, but having radii 20 mm and 40 mm, kept concentrically (smaller radius spring within the larger radius spring), are compressed between two parallel planes with a load P. The inner spring will carry a load equal to [TES-1994] are w2r8 ori ware Ww, R (2Y 1 W, W, IES-17. Ans. (a) — 2) ot =” sows ter or ORR (3) 8 gs TES.18, A length of mm diameter steel wire is coiled to a close coiled helie: having 8 coils of 75 mm mean diameter, and the spring has a stiffness K. If the same length of wire is coiled to 10 coils of 60 mm mean diameter, then the spring stiffness will be: UES-1993] @K ) 125K (156K @ 195K Ga* IES-18, Ans. (c) Stiffinessof spring (k Where G and d_issame OAR n Page 350 of 428 Chapter-12 Spring SK Mondal's Theresore * ! 1 J k (RY(n @)(§) 156 RB) \m) \oo) Uo TES-19. A spring with 25 active coils cannot he accommodated within a given space. Hence 5 coils of the spring are cut. What is the stiffness of the new spring? Eicene aia uspa aes Gp anes he sage ang TS 2004) Coe eee ee paz tue tocol ering tes.18, ns. (sites of rng k)= SE oka! orks Bats TES-20. Wire diameter, mean coil diameter and number of turns of a closely-coiled steel spring are d, D and N respectively and stiffness of the spring is K. A second spring is made of same steel but with wire diameter, mean coil diameter and number of turns 2d, 2D and 2N respectively. The stiffness of the new spring is: TIBS-1998; 2001] @K 2K ouK @sK Gat TES.20. Ans. (a) stifess of spring (k) = FS TES-21, When two springs of equal lengths are arranged to form cluster springs which of the following statements are the: [ES-1992] 1, Angle of twist in both the springs will be equal 2. Deflection of both the springs will be equal 3, Load taken by each spring will be half the total load 4, Shear stress in each spring will be equal (@) Land 2only — (b) 2 and 3 only (©) Band 4only (@ 1, 2and 4 only IBS-21. Ans. (a) IES22, Consider the following statements: TES.2009] ‘When two springs of equal lengths are arranged to form a cluster spring 1. Angle of twist in both the springs will be equal 2. Deflection of both the springs will be equal 3. Load taken by each spring will be half the total load 4. Shear stress in each spring will be equal Which of the above statements is/are correct? (@) Land 2 () Band 4 (02 only @Aonly IES-22, Ans. (a) Same as (IES-1992] Page 351 of 420 Chapter-12 SK Mondal’s Close-coiled helical spring with axial load IES-23. Under axial load, each section of a close-colled helical spring is subjected to (@) Tensile stress and shear stress due to load [ES-2003] (©) Compressive stress and shear stress due to torque (©) Tensile stress and shear stross due to torque (@) Torsional and direct shear stresses TES-23. Ans. (d) IES-24, When a weight of 100 N falls on a spring of stiffness 1 kN/m from a height of 2 1m, the deflection caused in the first fall is: [ES-2000] (a) Equal to 0.1m (b) Between 0.1 and 0.2 m (6) Equal t0 0.2 m (@ More than 0.2 m 1ES24, Ans. (d) use mg(h+ x) = a Subjected to 'A: TES25, A closed coil h | twist’ 1 spring of mean coil ameter 'D' and made from a wire of diameter 'd' is subjected to a torque 'T’ about the axis of the spring. What is the maximum stress developed in the spring wire? [ES-2008] 8T 16T 327 eat. oy oF oF Oe TES-25. Ans. (b) Springs in Series TES.26. When a helical compression spring is cut into two equal halves, the stiffness of each of the result in springs will be: [ES-2002; 1AS-2002] (@) Unaltered (©) Double (© One-half (€) One-fourth TRS-26. Ans. (b) Page 352 of 420 TES27, If a compression coil spring is cut into two equal parts and the parts are then used in parallel, the ratio of the spring rate to its initial value will be:[IES-1999] Chapter-12 Spring SK Mondar's Gt 2 4 (@ Indetorminable for want of sufficient data 1ES-27. Ans. (c) When a spring is cut into owo, no. of coils gets halved. Stiffness of each half gets doubled. When these are connected in parallel, stiffness = 2k + 2 Springs in Parallel TES28. The equivalent spring stiffuess for the system shown in the given figure (S is the spring stiffuess of each of the three springs ) 8i3 (©) 288 @s [TES-1997; IAS-2001], TES-28. Ans. (c) 2s IES29. Two coiled springs, each having stiffness K, are placed in parallel. The stiffness of the combination will bi [TES-2000] (ax (2x OF oy 18.29. Ans. (6) W= Oko IES-30, A mass is suspended at the bottom of two springs in series having stiffness 10 N/mm and 5 Nimm, The equivalent spring stiffness of the two springs is nearly [TES-2000] @)03 Nimm (0)3.3 Némm ©5Nom @ 15 Nom 1830. Ans. 6) 1=1 41 ors, =10 So t0ts SZ page asnctaen Chapter-12 Spring SK Mondal’s TES31, Figure given above shows a spring- ‘mass system where the mass m is fixed in hetween two springs of stiffness S: and S:. What is the equivalent spring stiffness? (@) Sr () Sit Se (©) Gir Sofi Se @ Gr SiSs [TES-2005] TES31, Ans. (b) TES82, Two identical springs labelled as Land 2 are @ @ arranged in sories and subjected to force F we shown in the given Bgore Assume that each spring constant is K. The strain energy stored in spring 1 is: THES-2001] f of Pp a) 0 @ xR ) aK OR 16K 1 kx? /2=1xck,x{ | 12 and here total 2 2a" force Fis supported by both the spring 1 and 2 therefore key =k TES-52, Ans. (c) The strain energy stored per spring 1ES-33. What is the equivalent stiffness (ie. spring 7 constant) of the system shown in the given Saar ™ * 10 Coils ‘Nim (b) 16 Nimm K,=8N/mm @4Nimm @)6.8 Nim K, 3 5 Coils “ pes.1997) TES-83, Ans, (a) Stiffness Ki of 10 coils spring = 8 Nimm_ Stiffness Ke of 5 coils spring = 16 Nam ‘Though it looks like in series but they are in parallel combination. They are not subjected to same force. Equivalent stiffness (J) = ky + ke = 24 N/mm. Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Concentric cylindrical helical springs which are used to have greater spring force in a limited sjfaet%# #6%ind in opposite directions. Chapter-12 Spring SK Mondar's Reason (R): Winding in opposite directions prevents locking of the two coils in case of misalignment or buckling. [AS-1996} (@) Both A and Rare individually true and R is the correct explanation of A () Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false (@) Ais false but Ris true 1AS-1. Ans. (a) 1AS-2, An open-coiled helical spring of mean diameter D, number of coils N and wire diameter d is subjected to an axial force' P. The wire of the spring is subject to: [AS-1995] () direct shear only (b) combined shear and bending only (©) combined shear, bending and twisting (@) combined shear and twisting only TAS-2, Ans. (4) IAS, Assertion (A): Two concentric helical springs used to provide greater spring force are wound in opposite directions. (ES-1995; 1AS-2004) Reason (R): The winding in opposite directions in the case of helical springs prevents buckling. (@) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correet explanation of A (b) Both A and Rare individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false (@__ Ais false but Ris true IAS-3. Ans, (c) It is for preventing locking not for buckling. IAS-4, Which one of the following statements is correct? __{TES-1996; 2007; IAS-1997] Ifa helical spring is halved in length, its spring stiffaess (a) Remains same (6) Halves, (©) Doubles (@) Triples TAS-4, Ams. (¢) stiffness of sprin(k) = So 20 kod anyon TAS.5, A closed coil helical spring has 15 coils. If five coils of this spring are removed by cutting, the stiffuess of the modified spring will [AS-2004} (a) Increase to 2.5 times (b) Increase to 1.5 times (©) Reduce to 0.66 times. (@) Remain unaffected 185. Ans Ko wy IAS-6, A close-coiled helical spring has wire diameter 10 mm and spring index 5. If the spring contains 10 turns, then the length of the spring wire would be: [IAS-2000] (a) 100. mm () 157 mm (©) 500 mm (@ 1570 mm TAS. Ans, (€) = 2Dn=2(cd) n= 2%(5%10) «10 =1570mm IAS-7. Consider the following types of stresses: [AS-1996] 1. torsional shear 2. Transverse direct shear 3. Bending stress The stresses, that are produced in the wire of a close-coiled helical spring subjected to an axial load, would include (@) Land 3 (b) Land 2 (©)2and3 (@1,2and3 TAS-7. Ans. (b) IAS8. Two close-coiled springs are subjected to the same axial force. If the second spring has four times the coil diameter, double the wire diameter and double the number of coils of the first spring, then the ratio of deflection of the second spring to that of the first will be: TAS-1998] ws on o ve Page 355 of 420 Chapter-12 Spring SK Mondal’s = 24 ln) e-2., oe? TASS. Ans. (a) 5 = TAS9. A block of weight 2 N falls from a height of Im on the top of a spring’ If the spring gets compressed by 0.1 m to bring the weight momentarily to rest, then the spring constant would be: TAS 2000] (a) 50 Nim (b) 100 Nim (©) 200N/m (4) 400Nim IAS.9. Ans. (d) Kinetic energy of block = potential energy of spring L Wh kx? or k= NJm=400N/m or Wh : 2 OF TAS10. The springs of a chest expander are 60 cm long when unstretched. Their stiffness is 10 N/mm. The work done in stretching them to 100 cm is: [TAS-1996] (a) 600 Nm () 800 Nm () 1000 Nm (@) 1600 Nm TAS-10. Ans. (b) ;00Nm TAS-11, A spring of stiffness 'k’ is extended from a displacement x: to a displacement xz the work done by the spring is: [1AS-1999] ) @ias >a! a Rae) SRC 2 1 2 at Oars? — @ zt TAS-11 An (Work done yeh spngin 2a’ Set TAS-12, A spring of stiffness 1000 Nim is stretched initially by 10 cm from the undeformed position. The work required to stretch it by another 10 em is: TIAS-1995] (@)5Nm ()7Nm @10Nm = @15Nm. TAS-12, Ans, (d) E +1000 {0.208 -0.10°) = 15Nm When a helical compression spring is cut into two equal halves, the stiffness of cach of the result in springs will be: (WES-2002; 1AS-2002] («) Unaltered (b) Double (€) One-halt (@) One-fourth TAS.13. Ans. (b) IAS.14. The length of the chest-expander spring when it is un-stretched, is 0.6 mand its stiffness is 10 Nimm. The work done in stretching it to 1m will be: [LAS-2001] (a) 800 J (b) 1600 J (@) 32005 (@) 6400 J TAS-14. Ans. (a) (10N S).0-06 2° Umm 10N Work done =2k.x <0 4m? = 800 Page 356 of 428 Chapter-12 SK Mondar's Springs in Parallel Spring 1AS-15. The equivalent spring stiffness for the system shown in the given figure (S is the spring stiffuess of each of the three springs) is: @se sis (2818 @s [TES-1997; TAS-2001] 1sis.dns.(9 b= L+E ors, =25 ene a is Ss 2s Rigid bar Es s 1AS.16. ‘Two identical springs, each of stiffuess K, are assembled as shown in the given figure. The combined stiffness of the assembly i @ ke 2K OK @ ay 3, [AS-1998] IK. Due to applied force one spring will be under tension and TAS-16. Ans. (b) Eifective stiffnes another one under compression go total resistance force will double. Flat spiral Spring IAS.17. Mach List-I (Type of spring) with ListII (Application) and select the correct answer! [LAS-2000} List List-I A. Leaf/Helical springs 1. Automobiles/Railways coachers B. Spiral springs 2. Shearing machines ©. Belleville springs 3, Watches Codes: AB AB Cc @ 1 2 ® 1 3 2 oO 3 1 @ 2 8 1 1AS-17. Ans. (b) Page 257 of 428 Chapter-12 Spring SK Mondal’s Semi-elliptical spring IAS-18. The ends of the leaves of a semi-elliptical leaf spring are made triangular in plain in order to: AS 1994) () Obtain variable | in each leaf (b) Permit each leaf to act asa overhanging beam (© Have variable bending moment in each leaf (@) Make Mil constant throughout the length ofthe leaf IAS-18, Ans. (@) The ends ofthe leaves of a semi-eliptical leaf spring are made rectangular in plan in order to make Mil constant throughout the longth of the leaf Page 2580428 Chapter-12 Spring SK Mondar's Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Convent tional Question ESE-2008 Question: A close-coiled helical spring has coil diameter D, wire diameter d and number Answer: the spring, U=(average torque) (angular displacement) ty oho 1 From the figure we get, @ = PD Torque (7) Conven Q@ Ans. of turn n, The spring material has a shearing modulus G. Derive an expression for the stiffness k of the spring. "The work done by the axial force P is converted into strain energy and stored in length of wire (L)=1Dn Polar moment of Inertia(J)=™ 32 Therefore u= 4-2-0 Ge According to Castigliano's theorem, the displacement corresponding to force P is obtained by partially differentiating strain energy with respect to that force, tional Question ESE-2010 A stiff bar of negligible weight transfers a load P to a combination of three helical springs arranged in parallel as shown in the above figure. The springs are made up of the same material and out of rods of equal diameters. They are of same free length before loading. The number of coils in those three springs are 10, 12 and 15 respectively, while the mean coil diameters are in ratio of 1: 1.2: 14 respectively. Find the distance ‘x’ as shown in figure, such that the stiff har remains horizontal after the application of load P. [10 Marks} = ‘Same free length of spring before loading Chapter-12 Spring SK Mondal’s “The number of cols in the spring 1,2 and 3 is 10, 12 and 15 mean diameter of spring 1,2 and 3 in the ratioof 1: 1.214 Find out distance x+0 that rod remains horizontal after loading. Since the rod is rigid and remains horizontal after the Toad p is applied therefore the deflection of eaeh spring will be same 5,=8,=8)=8 (say) Spring are made of same material and out of the rods of equal diameter G,=G,=G,=G and d,=d,=d,=d Load in spring 1 Gas Gd's Gas GARIn, GAR} x10 G40R? Load in spring 2 Gis Gd G's ol) 2 G4xRin, G4x(1.2))x12R}1327.10R ‘@ Load in spring 3 Gal's cats __ ats 8) 8° GARIn, 64x(1.4)'x15R} 2634.2R} From eq® (1) & @) _ 640 1327.1 | P, =0.482P, from eq” (1) & (3) 640 P, =0.2430P, 1634.2 ‘Taking moment about the line of action P, P,xL+P,x2L=Px 0.4823 P,L.+0.2430 P, x2L= Px 4823 +0.486)P,L —eEeeeorvre (4) ¥ total load in the rod is P=P,+P, +P, P=P, +.4823P, +0.2430P, P=1.725 P, @) Equation (4) & (5) x=0.5613 L Conventional Question ESE-2008 Question: Answer: A close-coiled helical spring has coil diameter to wire diameter ratio of 6. The spring deflects 3 cm under an axial load of 500N and the maximum shear stress is not to exceed 300 MPa. Find the diameter and the length of the spring wire required. Shearing modulus of wire material = 80 GPa. P_ Gat Stifiness.K === am Page 36001428 Chapter-12 Spring SK Mondar's 10°) x or, 500 _ (80 0°)xd 003° 8x6*xn or.d =3.6x10n———(i) For static loading correcting factor(k) 1405) -(+ c D ven c= = 6} (or gna ke| We know that (7: KPC [ a 5.252 10m = 5.252mm So D=cd=6%5.252mm=31.513mm From, equation (i) n=14.59 = 15 Now length of spring wire(L) =xDn =x x 31.513*15 mm =1.485 m Conventional Question ESE-2007 Question: Answer: A coil spring of stiffness ‘k’ is cut to two halves and these two springs are assembled in parallel to support a heavy machine. What is the combined stiffness provided by these two springs in the modified arrangement? When it cut to two halves stiffness of each half will be 2k. Springs in parallel Total load will be shared 0 ‘Total load = W+W ¥ iS or &K,, =8.(2k)+8.(2k) Conventional Question ESE-2001 Question: Answer: A helical spring B is placed je the coils of a second helical spring A having the same number of coils and free axial length and of same mate The two springs are compressed by an axial load of 210 N which is shared between them. The mean coil diameters of A and B are 90 mm and 60 mm and the wire diameters are 12 mm and 7 mm respectively. Calculate the load shared by individual springs and the maximum stress in each spring. i Gat ‘The stiffness of the spring (k) =. pring (k) = ay Here load shared the springs are arranged in paralle! Equivalent stifiness (k,)=K, +k, Chapter-t2 Spring SK Mondal's Load shared by spring'A'(F,) = K,xx= 7210-210 si fee] f +z) Load shared by spring'A'(F,)= K,, xx =(210—151)=59N 05)8PD adi For static load: 0.5 | 8x151x0.090 (7 Jpg, = flr} A = 21.362MPa (eas 2} xx(0.012)" = |g 25 | 8%59%0.060 _ 97 816 MPa "4 xx(0.007) Conventional Question AMIE-1997 Question: A close-coiled spring has mean diameter of 75 mm and spring constant of 90 N/m. It has 8 coils. What is the suitable diameter of the spring wire if maximum shear stress is not to exceed 250 MN/m:? Modulus of rigidity of the spring wire material is 80 GN/m?, What is the maximum axial load the spring can carry? Answer: Given D=75mm; r= 250MN/m?; G = 80GN/m? = Diameter of the spring wire, Torx (whereT =PxR) 16 We know, P0.0375 = (250%10")x a° ---(i) Also. P=ko or P= 80x10? x5 ---(ii) Using the relation: _8PD'n _ 8Px(0.075)' x8 _ wn P Gd Bont xg TSN TEMON Ge Substituting for 5 in equation(i), we get iP 80x10" «33.75 x10" geod ‘Maximum axial load the spring can earry P: From equation (i), we get Px 0.0375 =(250%10°) * 7g" (0.0128); P =2745.2N=2.7452kN 0128m or 12.8mm_ Page 2620428 Page 3630420 Theories of Column Theory at a Glance (for IES, GATE, PSU) 4. Introduction Strut: A member of structure which carries an axial compressive Toad. Colum the strut is vertical itis known as column. A long, slender column becomes unstable when its axial compressive load reaches a value called the critical buckling load. Ifa beam element is under a compressive load and its length is an order of magnitude larger than either ofits other dimensions such a beam i called a columns Due to its size ite axial displacement is going to be very small compared to its lateral deflection called buckling. Buckling does not vary linearly with Toad it occurs suddenly and is therefore dangerous Slenderness Ratio: The ratio between the length and least radius of gyration Elastic Buekling: Buckling with no permanent deformation. Buler buckling is only valid for long, slender objects in the elastic region. For short columns a different set of equations must be used, 2. Which is the critical load? At this value the structure is in equilibrium regardless of the magnitude of the angle (provided it stays small) Critical load is the only load for which the structure will be in equilibrium in the disturbed position At this valuo, restoring effect of the moment in the spring matches the buckling effect of the axial load represents the boundary between the stable and unstable conditions. If the axial Toad is less than Pos the effect of the moment in the spring dominates and the structure returns to the vertical position after a small disturbance ~ stable condition. If the axial load is larger than Pos the effect of the axial force predominates and the structure buckles ~ unstable condition, Because of the large deflection caused by buckling, the least moment of inertia J can be Ake expressed as, Where: A is the eross sectional area and r is the radiue of gyration of the cross sectional area, Page 364 428 Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondar's ‘© Note that the smallest radius of gyration of the column, ie. the least moment of inertia I should be taken in order to find the eritical stress, I/ k is called the slenderness ratio, it is a measure of the column's flexibility. 3. Euler’s Critical Load for Long Column Assumptions: (i) The column is perfectly straight and of uniform cross-section Gi) The material is homogenous and isotropic (ii) The material behaves elastically (iv) The load is perfectly axial and passes through the centroid of the column section, (0) The weight of the column is neglected. Euler's critical load, Where ¢.=Equivalent length of columa (1* mode of bending) 4. Remember the following table Both ends hinged/pinned rH oa oth ends fixed eel e 2 | Page 268 0428 One end fixed & other end free | ] wEL 2€ Wve ae Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondal’s One end fixed & other end pinned | | ringed Jeast radius of gyration Slendemess Ratio = “= 6. Rankine's Crippling Load Rankine theory is applied to both ‘* Short strut /column (valid upto SR-40) ‘+ Long Column (Valid upto SR 120) nit oud Perl Grp slendemess ratio 5, Construction of cokurmn fare nes + Slenderness ratio (6, =entcalstessy- 4 = 9.4 vex) k where k' = Rankine constant os depefs 3A théfrial & end conditions z Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondar's , = crushing stress + Forsteel columns for both ends fixed 25000 1 t = <1 fo one end fixed & other hinged 20< 12500 " k <100 7. Other formulas for crippling load (P) + Gordon's formula, As, ol + Johnson Straight line formula, b=a constant, d= least diameter or breadth of bar Po, 4r-c{%}| c= aconstant depending on material 4 inst parabolic emia 4 where the value of index b’ depends on the end conditions. «intemal p Ae.r=)- (ee) 209, PEL (4) 8. Eccentrically Loaded Columns + Secant formula Pie. Le Ee “y Sau =O] 14 Pe sec( e) }P we aL eae NEA 7 | {Where 6,,,=maximum compressive stress -———' P=load where, 6. = | Page 267 of 420 Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondal’s A= Area of els Y_= Distance of the outermost fiber in compression from the NA Eccentricity of the load Equivalent length k= Radius of gyration =f E= Modulus of elasticity of the material M=PesSec| £. | P 2VEA Where M = Moment introduced ‘+ Prof, Perry’s Formula _P__Load “A clsarea P._Euler’s load eA els area e'= Versine at mid-length of column duc to initial curvature Becentricity of the load e=e't 120 {y= distance of outer most fiber in compression form the NA Radius of gyration If Oy, is allowed to go up to 6,(permssible stress) ‘+ Perry-Robertson Formula van Chapter-13 Theories of Column 9. ISI’s Formula for Columns and Struts For “=0 10 160 k . pe Lis 160 aso este) k 4E sg a rc a apes (=A hn OGL ihre Been ¢, = Guaranteed minimum yield stress = 2600 kg/em? for mild steel fos = factor of safety = 1.68 Slenderness ratio = or > 160 Page 3690 420 Modulus of elasticity = 2.045% 10° kg / cm? for mild steel SK Mondar's Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondal's OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (GATE, IES, IAS) Previous 20-Years GATE Questions Strength of Column GATE. The rod PQ of length L and with = flexural rigidity EI is hinged at both ends. For what minimum P force Fis it expected to buckle? ‘EL rt @* oy rel uv Z © z Z 45° \Q 4 F [GATE-2008] GATE. Ans, (b) Axial component ofthe force Fra=F Sin 45# We know for both end fixed column buckling load (P) & PEI and Fsin4S?=P or Equivalent Length GATE. The ratio of Euler's buckling loads of columns with the same parameters having (i) both ends fixed, and (ii) both ends hinged is: IGATE-1998; 2002; 1BS-2001] @2 wa 6 @s GATE-2, Ans. (b) Euler's buckling loads of eolumas (1) both ends sixea = 4! (2) both ends hinged Euler's Theory (For long column) GATES. A pin-ended column of length L, modulus of elasticity E and second moment of the cross-sectional area I is loaded centrically by a compressive load P. The critical buckling load (P..) is given by: IGATE-2006] @ p= p, == et @ * El f= GATE-8. Ans. (d) GATE, What is the expression forthe crippling load fora colum of length‘! with one tnd fixed and other end free? THES-2006; GATE-1998) 2H oy p=Z repeal @ Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondar's GATE-t, Ans. (b) 21. The piston rad of diameter 20 mm and length 700 mm in a hydraulic cylinder is subjected to a compressive force af 10 KN due to the internal pressure. The end conditions for the rod may be assumed as guided at the piston end and hinged at the other end. The Young's modulus is 200 GPa. The factor of safely for the piston rod is (068 (©) 275 (0) 582 (6) 11,0 [GATE-2007] 21. Ans. (¢) Previous 20-Years IES Questions Classification of Column TES-1, A structural member subjected to an axial compressive force is called THES.2008] (a) Beam (b) Column (©) Frame (d) Strut TES.1, Ans. (d) A machine part subjected to an axial compressive fore is called a etrut, A strut may bo horizontal, inclined or even vertical, But n vertical strut is known as a column, pillar or stanchion. ‘The term column is applied to all such members except those in which failure would be by simple or pure compression, Columns can be categorized then as Long column with central loading Tntermediateclength columns with central Toading Columns with eccentric loading Struts or short colmmne with oscontris loading IES2. Which one of the following loadings is considered for design of axles? (@) Bending moment only ES-1995] (b) Twisting moment only (©) Combined bending moment and torsion (@) Combined action of hending moment, twisting moment and axial thrust IES-2. Ans. (a) Axle is a non-rotating member used for supporting rotating wheels etc. and do not ‘transmit any torque. Axle must resist forces applied laterally or transversely to their axes, Such members are called beams, Page 371 of 420 Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondal’s TES3. The curve ABC is the Buler's curve for stability of column. The horizontal line DEF is the strength limit. With reference to this figure Match List-I with List- II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists List Lista egions) (Column specification) AR 1. Long, stable BR 2 Short ck Medium at oor . ae ES-1997] Codes: A B CD A B cD @ 2 4 3 1 @ 2 8 1 4 @r 2 4 8 @ 2 1 8 4 TES-3. Ans. (b) TES-4, Mach List-1 with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: HIAS-1999] ‘List List-1 ‘A. Polar moment of inertia of section 1. Thin cylindrical shell B. Bucking 2 Torsion of shafts . Neutral axis 5. Columns 1D. Hoop stress 4. Bending of beams Codes AB OC) OD AB CD @ 3 2 4 0m 2 8 4 1 @8 2 4 1 @ 2 8 41 4 TES-4. Ans. (b) Strength of Column TES.5. " Slenderness ratio of a column is defined as the ratio of its length to its (a) Least radius of gyration (b) Least lateral dimension [ES-2003] (©) Maximum lateral dimension —_—_(q) Maximum radius of gyration TESS. Ans. (a) TES-6. Assertion (A: A long column of square cross section has greater buckling stability than a similar column of circular cross-section of same length, same material and same area of cross-section with same end conditions. Reason (R): A circular cross-section has a smaller second moment of area than a square cross-section of same area. [TES-1999, TES-1996] (a) Hoth A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (o) Ais true but Ris false (@ Ais false but Ris true TES-6. Ans. (a) Equivalent Length TES7. Four columns of same material and same length are of rectangular eross- section of same breadth b. The depth of the cross-section and the end conditions are, however different are given as follows: [ES-2004] Column, ‘Depth End conditions 1 065 Fixed-Fixed 2 sb Fixed-hinged 3 0b Hinged-Hinged 4 26d Fixed-Free Which of the above columns Euler buckling load maximum? (a) Column 1 (b) Columnrge 272 of 42de) Column 3 (@) Column 4 IES-7. Ans. (b) Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondar's TES-8. Match List-I (End conditions of columns) with List-IT (Equivalent length in terms of length of hinged-hinged column) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: TES-2000] List-I List-I A. Both ends hinged LL B. One end fixed and other end free a2 C. One end fixed and the other pin-pointed 3.2L D. Both ends fixed 42 Code: A BO OC) OD AB Cc oD @ 1 3 4 2 @ 1 8 2 4 O38 1 2 4 @ 3 1 4 2 IBS-8, Ans. (b) IES-9, The ratio of Euler's buckling loads of columns wi having (i) both ends fixed, and (ii) both ends hinged the same parameters [GATE-1998; 2002; 1ES-2001] 2 wa os @s IBS-9, Ans. (b) Euler's buckling loads of columns (1) both ends fixed = 4&1 (2) both ends hinged = = Euler's Theory (For long column) IES-10. What is the expression for the crippling load for a column of length T with one end fixed and other end free? [ES-2006; GATE-1994), 2x EL EL (@ P= oP cy IES-10. Ans. (b) © IES-11, Euler's formula gives 5 to 10% error in crippling load as compared to experimental results in practice because: [ES-1998} (a) Effect of direct stress is neglected () Pin joints are not free from friction (6) The assumptions made in using the formula are not met in practice (@) The material does not behave in an ideal elastic way in tension and compression IES-11, Ans. (0) TES-12, _ Buler's formula can be used for obtaining crippling load for a M.S. column with hhinged ends. satisfied? [(ES-2000) i i L i @5 k 8 ) 'e 18 @19 k 40 Oy 80 IES-12. Ans. (d) TES-13, If one end of a hinged column is made fixed and the other free, how much is the critical load compared to the original value? [ES-2008} a % 4 (©) Twice (4) Four times IES-13. Ans. (a) Critical Load for both ends hinged = 2 2E1/ [2 And Critieal Load for one end fixed, and other end free = “EAP IES-14. [fone end of a hinged column is made fixed and the other froe, how much is the critical load compared to the original value? [ES-2008] @% (©) Twice (@) Four times Page 3730428 IES-14. Ans. (a) Original load. Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondal’s When one end of hinged column is fixed and other free. New Le = 2L. New kad = 281-72 4 .oygnal vue (fay 44 IESL16, Match List with List and solct the correct anewor using the code given Micy asta Ts isch aureiansera Tine T cong Catummy Lise tt (tical bond) A Bathends hinged Leese Os Sea hand ras eo © Bochende ed sanaie 1 Ou sn iad id thor ot Wigs teen Codes nD a ot PP? wt & 2 2 O23 4 1 Of 3 2 4 TES-15. Ans. (b) TESAG. The ra of the compressive critical load for a long column fixed at both the ends and a column with one end fixed and the other end free is: {IES-1997] (1:2 (byt Ors (@ 1:16 TES-16. Ans. (d) Critical Load for one end fixed, and other end free is 721/472 and both ends fixed isd RUT? TES.17. The buckling load will be maximum for a column, if [TES-1993] (a) One end of the column is clamped and the other end is free (b) Both ends of the column are clamped (©) Both ends ofthe column are hinged (@__ One end of the column is hinged and the other end is free TES-17. Ans. (b) Buckling load of a column will be maximum when both ends are fixed TES.18, If diameter of a long column is reduced by 20%, the percentage of reduction in Euler buckling load is: UES-2001] aa ©) 36 19 (a59 eat rE) 4. (088) L059 TES.18. Ans. (@) P= “7 Peal oF Pood or TES.19. A long slender bar having uniform rectangular cross-section 'B x H' is acted upon by an axial compressive force. The sides B and H are parallel to x- and y- axes respectively. The ends of the bar are fixed such that they behave as pin- Jointed when the bar buckles in a plane normal to x-axis, and they behave as built-in when the bar buckles in a plane normal to y-axis. If load capacity in either mode of buckling is same, then the value of H/B will be: [LES-2000] @2 or 8 @ 6 es.19, Ans. (a) 2, ==! ana p, =4& Eas p, =P, then 1=a4l or BH = 43cHB° gg “SE oe ” 7242 IES20, The Euler's crippling load for a 2m long slender steel rod of uniform eross- section hinged at both the ends is 1 EN. The Euler's crippling load for 1 m long. steel rod of the same cross-section and hinged at both ends will be: [1ES-1998] (2) 0.25 kN (©) 0.5 KN (2KN (@ kN 1 TES-20, Ans, (d) For column with both ends hinged, P = If Tis halved, P will be 4 times. TES21. Ifo. and E denote the crushing stress and Young's modulus for the material of a column, then the Euler formula can be applied for determination of cripping Toad of a column made of this mate al ifits slenderness ratio is: (a) More than 2 fE To, P20° th) fess than JE 7a, TIES-2005] Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondar's covman x(2} cormon (2) o.) oO, wEl PEAK? fe) _ rE le og EM on efile or Bs Ta, TES-22. Four vertical columns of same material, height and weight have the same end conditions. Which cross-section will earry the maximum load? TES.2009] (a) Solid circular seetion (b) Thin hollow circular section (6) Solid square section (@) Lsection TES-22, Ans. (b) Rankine's Hypothesis for Struts/Columns TES-23, Rankine Gordon formula for buckling is valid for TES-1994] (a) Long column, () Short column () Short and long eoluma (@) Very long columa TES-23, Ans. (c) Prof. Perry's formula TES-24, Match ist with ListII and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists: [ES-2008} List-I (Formula/theoren/ method) List-II (Deals with topic) A. Clapeyron's theorem 1. Deflection of beam B. Maculay’s method. 2. Becentrically loaded column ©. Perry's formula 8. Riveted joints 4. Continuous beam Code: A BC A B oc @ 3 2 1 ® 4 1 2 @4 1 8 @ 2 4 3 TES-24. Ans. (b) Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Classification of Column IAS-1, Mach List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: [IAS-1999] List Listt ‘A Polar moment of inertia of section 1. Thin evlindrical shell B. Buckling 2. Torsion of shafts ©: Neutral axis 3. Columns . Hoop stress 4. Bending of beams Codes A BOO a ar) @ 3 2 1 4 @ 2 8 4 19 @ 3 2 1 @ 2 8 4. 4 IAS-1, Ans. (b) Strength of Column IAS2, Assertion (A): A Iong column of square cross-section has greater buckling stability than that of a column of circular cross-section of same length, same sane ond conditions and same area of cross-section. TIAS-1998] Reason (B) The second momen of prog af column of clreular eroseeection is Smaller than hat ofa colunm of Sates Seon section having the same are {@) Both And Rare individually te and Ri the correct explanation of A Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondal’s (b) Both A and R are individually true but Ris NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Ais true but Ris false (@ Ais false but Ris true TAS-2. Ans. (a) IAS.3. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? THAS-2003] (a) Slenderness ratio: ‘The ratio of length of the column to the least radius of gyration (b) Buckling factor: ‘The ratio of maximum load to the permissible axial load on the ‘column (©) Short column A column for which slenderness ratio < 32 (@ Strut A member of a structure in any position and carrying an axial compressive load TAS.8. Ans. (b) Buckling factor: The ratio of equivalent length of the column to the least radius of evration, Equivalent Length IAS-4. A column of length ‘I’ is fixed at its both ends. The equivalent length of the column is: TAS-1995] @2t @)05T wz @!r IAS-4. Ans. (b) TAS.5. Which one of the following statements is correct? [TAS-2000] (a) Euler's formula holds good only for short columns (©) A short column is one which has the ratio ofits Iength to least radius of gyration groater than 100 (© Acolumn with both ends fixed has minimum equivalent or effective length (@) The equivalent length of a column with one end fixed and other end hinged is half of'its actual length, TAS-5. Ans. (c) A column with both ends fixed has minimum equivalent effective length (/2) Euler's Theory (For long column) TAS-6. For which one of the following columns, Euler buckling load =. jv bl, (a) Column with both hinged ends TTAS-1999; 2004] (b) Column with one end fixed and other end free (©) Column with both ends fixed (@ Column with one end fixed and other hinged TAS-6. Ans. (c) IAS7. Assertion (A): Buckling of long columns causes plastic deformation. [LAS-2001] Reason (R): In a buckled colunm, the stresses do not exceed the yield stress, (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Ais true but Ris false (@ Ais false but Ris true TAS 1. Ans. (d) And Critical Load for one end fixed, and other end free = 7 EVP IAS8, Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given helow the Lists: [IES-1995; 2007; IAS-1997] List-I (Long Column) List-1I (Critieal Load) ‘A. Both ends hinged Page 376 of ag HEL/AM B. Ono ond fixed, and other end free 24 2B TE Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondar's C. Hoth ends fixed 3.2 EYE D. One end fixed, and other end hinged 4 EWE Code: A BC D A B Cc D @m 2 1 4 8 M4 1 2 8 @®2 38 4 1 @4 3 2 1 TAS-8, Ans. (b) Page 37 of 420 Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondal’s Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question ESE-2001, ESE 2000 Question: Differentiate between strut and column. What is the general expression used for determining of their critical load? Answer: Strut: A member of structure which earries an axial compressive Lond. Column: Ifthe strut is vertical itis known as column, Compressive force For strut failure due to compression or 0, " ‘ ‘Area Ifo, > 0,- it fails, WEL Euler's formula for calumn(P.) Conventional Question ESE-2009 @ ‘Two long columns are made of identical lengths ‘’ and flexural rigidities ‘EV’. Column 1 is hinged at both ends whereas for column 2 one end is fixed and the other end is free. (Write the expression for Euler's buckling load for column 1. (ii) What is the ratio of Euler’s buckling load of column 1 to that column 2? [2 Marks] Ans. op 4 PEL, » WEL, “ppt Pen gg (right) Forcolumnl, both end hinged| La aw» ai P, Conventional Question ESE-2010 Q The piston rod of diameter 20 mm and length 700 mm in a hydraulic cylinder is subjected to a compressive force of 10 KN due to internal pressure. The piston end of the rod is guided along the cylinder and the other end of the rod is hinged at the cross-head. The modulus of elasticity for piston rod material is 200 GPa. Estimate the factor of safety taken for the piston rod design. [2 Marks} WEL Phy a AE other end is hinged) Pe=Buler Crippling load Compressive load, P, =o, xArea = 10 kN 2? 200310") x(n0.020" /64) (considering one end of the column is fixed and Euler's load, P, = ae = 63.278 KN Euler's load Compressiveload 63.27 Page 3780428 Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondar's Conventional Question ESE-1999 Question: State the limitation of Euler's formula for calculating critical load on columns Answer: Assumptions: @ The column is perfectly straight and of uniform cross-section (i) The material is homogenous and isotropie (Gi) The material behaves elastically (iv) The load is perfectly axial and passes through the centroid ofthe column section (8) The weight ofthe column is neglected, Conventional Question ESE-2007 Question: What is the value of Buler's buckling load for an axially loaded pin-ended (hinged at both ends) strut of length 'T and flexural rigidity EI’? What would he order of Euler's buckling load carrying capacity of a similar strut but fixed at both ends in terms of the load carrying eapacity of the earlier one? Answer: From Euler's buckling load formula, wEl Critical load (P,) = "> Equivalent length (¢,. for both end hinged = {% for both end fixed. So for both end hinged (P.)s., a REI 4x°El and for both fixed (P.)eer we Conventional Question ESE-1996 Question: Euler's critical load for a column with both ends hinged is found as 40 kN. What would be the change in the critical load if both ends are fixed? Answer: We know that Euler's eritical laod, El Pra [Where E = modulus of elasticity, I = least moment of inertia ¢, = equivalent length } For both end hinged (£. [And For both end fixed (€)= ¢/2 (Peaer doen 1OkN(Given) and (Pee er 4x TEx 40 = 160K Conventional Question ESE-1999 Question: A hollow cast iron column of 300 mm external diameter and 220 mm internal ‘diameter is used as a column 4 m long with both ends hinged. Determine the safe compressive load the column can carry without buckling using Euler's formula and Renkine's formula E=0.7%105Nimms, FOS = 4, Rankine constant (a) = 1/1600 Crushing Stress (0) = 567 Nimm* Anawer: Given outer diameter of colunin (D) = 300 m Inner diameter ofthe column (2) = 220 mm ‘Length of the column (£) = 4m End conditions is both ends hinged. Therefore equivalent length (0) Yield crushing stress (6, )= 567 MPa = 567%106 Nim? 1/1600 aap eae Nimo 0.3m, 22m, Rankine constant (a) 109 Nimt Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondat’s Momentofinertia() = = (D* ~4*) = 2 [0.3 0.22] = 2.626% 10~m* a2) aa 7 ree fos os +027 _ occa Area(a) = (0? - 0°) = 5 (0.3? - baz) = 0.03267 m? (0) Euler's buckling load, Pa. Pag = REL _ F A(TO%10") (2.62610) _ 49 944 q 4 Safe load = Fase — 122 _ 3.05 yy tos 4 (iRankine's buckling load, Pranin oA __ (867%10*) 0.03267 Panne = 024 = EDIE JSODSIST = 8.59 MN anaes 1600 {0.093 2.148MPa tral P, Safe load = Fesstn=, safe loa 3 Conventional Question ESE-2008 Question: Answer: ‘A both ends hinged cast iron hollow cylindrical column 3 m in length has a itical buckling load of P kN. When the column is fixed at both the ends, its critical buckling load raise by 300 kN more. If ratio of external diameter to internal diameter is 1.25 and E= 100 GPa determine the external diameter of column. “ For both end fixed column +300: ny Dividing (ji) by (i) we get +300 4 of P=100kN Moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder c/s is Pe we 64 (10010*)3® x x x100x10° (D* -d* ual orb* —d' 1.857710 Page 380 of 428 Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondar's D D iven © = 4.25 ord =P oven g 1255 or ot} -( 4] = 1.857710 125 or D=0.0749 m = 74.9 mm Conventional Question AMIE-1996 Question: A piston rod of steam engine 80 em long in subjected to a maximum load of 60 KN. Determine the diameter of the rod using Rankine’s formula with permissible compressive stress of 100 Nimm*. Take constant in Rankine’s formula as [for hinged ends. The rod may be assumed pa 1 sa ially fixed with length coefficient of 0-6. Answer: Given: |=80 om = 800mm ;P = 60KN=60x10°N, a, 1 7600 JOON / mm’, a= =.—- for hinged ends; length coefficient = 0.6 To find diameter of the rod, d: Use Rankine’s formula ala 5 * 7600 E 74 | Solving the above equation we gt the value of a Nota: Unit of d comos out from the equation will ba mm as we put the equivalent length in mim. or d=3323mm Conventional Question ESE-2005 Question: A hollow cylinder CI column, 3 m long its internal and external diameters as 80 mm and 100 mm respectively. Calculate the safe load using Rankine formula: (i) Both ends are hinged and (ii) Both ends are fixed. ‘Take crushing strength of material as 600 V/ mn", Rankine constant 1/1600 and factor of safety = 3. = .1'—0.08" Fy (0-1 — 0.08") Answer: Moment of Inertia (| 2.89810 m* Page 381 of 420 Chapter-t3 Theories of Column SK Mondal’s Area(A) = ©(0.4° -0.08") = 2.827410? 2.898%4 Radius of gyration (k) = /+ = | 208% 10 — lus of gyration 2.8274x10 A 0.032m Presee= —S°7 i [C= equivalent length] ital +a{ (600 x10*) x(2.8274x10-*) @ ar ae ee m for both end hinged] 14f— |] 3 +{;e00) local =2.61026kN Safe load (P)=Pexue — 26126 _ 57 ook FOS 3 (ii) For both end fixed, ¢, = 5m (600x10°) (2.8274 x10") rane 5 =714.8KN wot (os%s] 1600 “|0.032 Pressing _ 714.8 Safe load (P)="ete. = TES = 238.27 KN Conventional Question AMIE-1997 Question: A slender column is built-in at one end and an eccentric load is applied at the free end. Working from the first principles find the expression for the maximum length of column such that the deflection of the free end does not exceed the eccentricity of loading. Answer: Above figure shows a slender column of length ‘T. The column is built in at one end B and eccentric load P is applied at the free end A. Let y be the deflection at any section XX distant x from the fixed end B. Let 5 be the deflection at A. ‘The bending moment at the section XX is given by Page 2820428 Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondar's 2 pore =| Elgg Plo +e-y) @ ay dy PPO. EISY py =P(s+ Py Pos, get Py=P(S+8) oF Cat ey=E(F+e) ‘The solution to the above differential equation is roe lecafe ier. 0 Where C, and C, are the constants. At the end B, and y=0 C, cos 0+C, sind+(5 +e) (s+e) Differentiating equation (i) we get 6, /P fe poe os EF) ax yer (Ver |* Cres [Yer Again,at the fixed end B, or gy when x=0,22 1x Oa P iF o=(6+e) 4 «040, [F coso o G0 At the free end AX= y= ‘Substituting for x and y in equation (i), we have Coren | (e+e) liste Tt is mentioned in the problem that the deflection of the free end does not exceed the eccentricity. It means that 6=e ‘Substituting this value in equation (ii), we have cx | tat a ore 2 Conventional Question ESE-2005 Question: A long strut AB of longth '¢' is of uniform section throughout. A thrust P is applied at the ends eccentrically on the same side of the centre line with eccentricity at the end B twice than that at the end A. Show that the maximum bending moment occurs at a distance x from the end A, oskt 4 [P sink wel Page 383.0428 Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondal’s Anawer: Let at a distance 'x from end A deflection of the [P given am CX ofthis differential oquation y= Acos kx+ B sin kx, Where A & B constant, Tris elearat x=0, y Andat x=, y=2e e=A. i) 2e=Acosk(+Bsinkc or B=|2—2008Kr sink? 2e—ecoské = ecoskx + |P2— 2 COSKL sin py ¥ +P sinks | Where bending moment is maximum, the deflection will be maximum so = 0 yy 2e-ecoski} p _ = ek indo +k PPE cos kx =0 or tankx = 2—CO8KE sinke Conventional Question ESE-1996 Question: The link of a mechanism is subjected to axial compressive force. It has solid circular cross-section with diameter 9 mm and length 200 mm, The two ends of the link are hinged. It is made of steel having yield strength = 400 N/mm? and elastic modulus = 200 kN/imm®. Calculate the critical load that the link can carry. Use Johnon's equation. Answer: According to Johnson's equation », =6, A= Hear A=; 2 _63.62mm* ee | least radius of gyration (k ory == 255mm fF) For both end hinged n=1 | 400 20 Pa 40036362 — oo aos 28] 15262KN Conventional Question GATE-1995 Question: Find the shortest length of a hinggd-etogksplumn having a rectangular cross- section 600 mm x 100 mm, for which the elastie Euler formula applies. Take Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondar's yield strength and modulus of elasticity value for steel as 250 MPa and 200 GPa respectively. Answer: Given: Cross-section, (= bx d) = 600 mm x 100 mm = 0.6 m x 0.1 m=0.06 m#; Yul wagh= © 2509 = 204 = 200 GPa 2010°H a Length of the column, L : Leastareamomentof inertia, = 4 = 95*0.1 _ 5 -19-¢m* 2 12 1 _ 5x10 Also, 8.33310" m? A” 06x04 [- [= AK? (where A= area of cross-section, k = radius of gyration)] From Euler's formula for column, we have FEI _ «El Te For bothendhinged type of column, t= L Crushing load, —P, or or or ‘Substituting the value, we get ® x 200 x10” x 0,0008333 & 25010" L=2565m Conventional Question GATE-1993 Question: Determine the temperature rise necessary to induce buckling in a Im long circular rod of diameter 40 mm shown in the Figure below. Assume the rod to be pinned at its ends and the coefficient of thermal expansion as20x10" /° C Assume uniform heating of the bar. 40mm dia. rod Answer: —_Letusassumethe buckling load be'P’. Page 2880428 Chapter-13 Theories of Column SK Mondal’s é, Where At is the temperature rise. or Also, ——— (where L, =equivalentlength) or [QL,=L Forbothendhinged] or eh x LALx Fan ‘Substituting the values, we get x= x(0,040)" — 84 2 49.38°C (1° «3 x(0.040)* «20107 So the rod will buckle when the temperature rises more than 49.35°C. Temperature rise af Page 386 of 428 Strain Energy Method Theory at a Glance (for IES, GATE, PSU) 4. Resilience (U) ? + Resilience is an ability of a material to absorb energy when elastically deformed and to return it when unloaded. Arcana 6) + The strain energy stored in a specimen when stained within the elastic Limit is known aa resilience, a S_xVolume| or 2E 2. Proof Resilience + Maximum strain energy stored at elastic limit. ie, the strain energy stored in the body upto clastic limit. ‘+ This is the property of the material that enables it to resist shock and impact by storing energy. The measure of proof resilience is the strain energy absorbed per unit volume. 3. Modulus of Resilience (u) ‘The proof resilience per unit volume is known as modulus of resilience. If 6 is the stress due to ‘gradually applied load, then or 4. Application eae eeeneaaene ‘Strain energy becomes smaller & smaller as the cross sectional area of bar is increased over more & more ofits length ie. AT, UL 5. Toughness + This is the property which enables a material to be twisted, bont or stretched under impact Toad or high stress before rupture. Te 889° B@\Aldered to be the ability of the material to Chapter-14 Strain Energy Method SK Mondal’s absorb energy in the plastic zone. The measure of toughness is the amount of energy absorbed after being stressed upto the point of fracture. + Toughness is an ability to absorb energy in the plastic range, ‘+ The ability to withstand occasional stresses above the yield stress without fracture ‘© Toughness = strength + ductility ‘+ The materials with higher modulus of toughness are used to make components and structures that will he exposed to sudden and impact loads. Modulus of Toughness 2 ° +The ability of unit volume of material eae to absorb energy in the plastic range. Set ---7 «The amount of work per mit value wai that the material can withstand without failure. © The area under the entire stress strain ® & diagram is called modulus of toughness, which is a measure of energy that ean u=xu3) be absorbed by the unit volume of material due to impact loading before it fractures. 6. Strain energy in shear and torsion ‘© Strain energy per unit volume. (u,) Tr ri bu =a] + Total Strain Energy (U) for a Shaft in Torsion ¢ i . or © Cases *Solid shaft U, =" x77 L UG ‘Hollow shaft, U, Page 388 of 420 Chapter-14 Strain Energy Method SK Mondar's Thin walled tube, U, = 4G xslt where 5= Length of mean centre line saa} -2 =) Rda (R= Radius) ds * Conical spring, Us oar J Reda: (R varies with ) 3( PL ‘Cantilever beam with load 'p' at end, U, = “ Wah seiy (aa) Helical spring , U, = a " (:L=2aRn) 7. Strain energy in bending. Me i + Angle subtended by are, 0= J a © Strain energy stored in beam, © Cantilever beam with a end load P, Us (© Simply supported with a load P at centre, U, + Important Note © For pure bending Mis constant along the length 'L + on Mt El we ifMisknown = 2 curvature IL isknown + Us © For non-uniform bending Strain enorgy in shear is neglected Strain enorgy in bending is only considered. 8. Castiglione’s theorem Page 389 of 428 Strain Energy Method SK Mondal’s Lp ay (Me El) *\ ep © Strain energy, stored due to direct stress in 3 coordinates u=Z1Ley-2Lse,] © Ifo, =0, =4,,in case of equal stress in 3 direction then 307 e i U=Felt-2il= 57 (volume strain energy) Page 390 of 428 Chapter-14 Strain Energy Method SK Mondar's OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (GATE, IES, IAS) Previous 20-Years GATE Questions Strain Energy or Resilience GATE-1, The strain energy stored in the beam with flexural rigidity EI and loaded as shown in the figure is: IGATE-2008} are 3EI is IGATE-1993] (a) py) Ft 3H ET GATE-2, Ans, (b) We may do it taking average PY) PL PL Strain energy = Average foree x displacement = (> " “ ° (er 3EI GET 1 Alternative method: In a funny way you may use Castiglione’s theorem, 6= "=. Then Iternative met Wy way you may tial P PL. OP Partially integrating with respect to P we Ej UP Partially integrating with respect to P we get Page 291 of 428 Chapt strain Energy Method SK Mondas GATE-3. The stress-strain behaviour of a 1 sat aiee i teed ae Tailicnes tnd toughaves, Mewes, tre reapectvely fe hot ie (a) 28% 108, 7 () 28 % 108, 48 108 () 14 x 10%, 90 x 10" (@ 76x :10' 0.008 00 Stra (maven IGATE-2000) our: A Mss Wass ee Np OLN = $0.004.<70.10° =14<10° Noi! 14107040" s(0012-0004)- (9012-0004 120-70) Nm’ 00st! Nett same bar is then used as a cantilever beam and subjected to all end load P. The ratio of the strain energies, stored in the bar in the second case to that stored in the first cast IGATE-1998] @i6 (b) 400 (© 1000 (a) 2500 a GATE-4, Ans. (d) U,= wal al 2 ja U= Ge Fray Aza eel ( 2 u, a a uy ae ats Toughness GATE-5, The total area under the stress-strain curve of a mild steel specimen tested up to failure under tension is a measure of IGATE-2002) (a) Ductiity(b) Ultimate strength © Stiffness (@) Toughness GATE-5. Ans. d) Previous 20-Years IES Questions Strain Energy or Resilience TES.1. What is the strain energy stored in a body of volume V with stress ¢ due to gradually applied load? [TES-2006] ok cE a a) SF ) © @) F oF 5 © @ Where, E = Modulus of elastic 1a TRS. Ans. (2) Strain Energy =5.5xV TES-2. A bar having length L and uniform cross-section with area A is subjected to hoth tensile force P and torque ApekéAérigothe shear modulus and E is the Young's modulus, the intornal strain energy stored in the bar is: [IES-2003] Chapter-14 Strain Energy Method SK Mondar's @ r'L. PL 2G) 2AE A, 1 1 1, PL1,,.7L TES. Ans. J pselrg tp Phy lp Te (©) Internal strain energy = 5P5+570= P+ 5T oe TES, Strain energy stored in a body of volume V subjected to uniform st (1ES-2002] @sEIV wevv own @ eae TES-3. Ans. (d) TES-4, A ber of length L and of uniform cross-sectional area A and secondd moment of area 1’ is subjected to a pull P. If Young's modulus of elasticity of the bar tmatorial is E, the expression for strain energy svored in the bar will be T1ES-1999] P Pl PI PL —— (b)—— (d) DAE OE OcE OnE TES-4, Ans, (a) Strain energy = +x stress x stain x volume=4x{ ?)f? 4) (an) = PE 2 2\4 AE. 2AE IES5. Which one of the following gives the correct expression for strain energy stored in a beam of length L and of uniform cross-section having moment of inertia T and subjected to constant bending moment M? [ES-1997] ML ML ML N a) by (e) = (ay Oe eR OF (Vom TESS. Ans, (@) IES-6, A steel specimen 150 mm’ in cross-section stretches by 0:05 mm over a 50 mm gauge length under an axial load of 20 kN. What is the strain energy stored in the specimen? (Take E = 200 GPa) [TES-2009] (a) 0.75 N-m (b) 1.00 N-m (©) 1.50 Nm (@) 3.00N-m TES-6, Ans. (a) Strain Energy stored in the specimen se(P) PAL __(30000)’ «50x10 AE)” 2AE ~ 2150x107 x200%10° =0.75N-m IES-7, What is the expression for the strain energy due to bending of a cantilever beam (length L. modulus of elasticity E and moment of inertial)? —_[TES-2009] PE PL Pe PL (ay a FE oft @ § SET 6EI 4ér A8ET LPN af pa TES-7, Ans, () Strain Bnorgy Stored = (PALM. P(X Y . PL V2 “zea,” eet TES, The property by which an amount of energy is absorbed by a material without plastic deformation, is called: {LES-2000) {@) Toughness (B) Impact strength (© Dustility (@) Resilience TES, Ans. (@) IES-9, 30 C 8 steel has its yield strength of 400 Nimm and modulus of elasticity of 2 10° MPa. Assuming the material to obey Hooke's law up to yielding, what is its proof resilience? [LES-2006] () 08 Nimm? (6)0.4 Nim? (©)06 Nimm? (0:7 Nimm*? 1 @? _ 1, (400) ER g eta JAN mm TES.9, Ans, (b) Proof resilience (R, Chapter-14 Strain Energy Method SK Mondal’s Toughness TES-10. Toughness for mild steel under uni-axial tensile loading is given by the shaded portion of the stress-strain diagram as shown in [1ES-2003] fa) () ° ~™ © Fracture 7 = TES.10, An&. (d) Toughness of material is the total area under stress-strain curve, Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Strain Energy or Resilience IAS-1. Total strain energy stored in a simply supported beam of span, ‘L’ and flexural ty ‘El ‘subjected to a concentrated load W" at the centre is equal to: TAS-1995] wee Ww wee ) yy WE © a © (OE © CoE © S6BI : beede # 1 Pre WER TAS-L. Ans. (6) Strain energy = [MS «25 f Mie 1S (WRY ay 2 tostnincmna = Papa? [ere] Owe tortie method tna fnny wap yn may wo Castine hone, 8 20 = ap ow ~48ET We know that for simply supported beam in concentrated Ioad at mid span. au. ou _ wet pw? ‘Then = «ua fou LAW partially integrating with ap a ~ ager = J = | aug mosis starve was respect to Wwe got U= ™ fee O6EI TAS.2, If the cross-section of a member is subjected to a uniform shear stress of intensity ‘q’ then the strain energy stored per unit volume is equal to (G = modulus of rigidity). [AS-1994] (a) 2926 2G (a2 2G @G2q@ IAS2. Ans. (c) TAS8. The strain energy stored in the beam with flexural rigidity ET and loaded as shown in the figure is: IGATE-2008] Page 294 0f428 Chapter-14 Strain Energy Method SK Mondal's P P e+ 2 Ww Pe re ae are (ay PE ) o © Er SEI Og ET eMed TAS. Ans. (e © ‘ zy Meds ie 5p Cae +fege- Peet Je SEI IAS-4, Which one of the following statements is correct? {1As-2004) ‘The work done in stretching an elastic string varies (G0 Ab tha square ofthe extension (@) As the square rot of tha extansion (© Linearly withthe extension (@) As the cube root of the extension ete _ slo TAS, Ans. (a) 2 = 3 : Toughness JAS. Match List with ListIl and select the correct answer using the cades given below the lis TAS-1996] List (Mechanical properties) Listll (Meaning of properties) A. Ductile 1. Resistance to indentation B. Hardnese 2 Ability to abvorb onorgy during plastic ©: Malleability doformstion D. Toughness 3, Peroontage of elongation 4 Ability tobe rolled into flat product Codes A RB CD AR CD @ 1 4 8 2 @ 8 2 4 2 ® 2 8 4 1 @ 3 1 4 2 @ IAS6, Match List (Material properties) with List (Technical definition/requirement) and select the correct answer using the codes below the lists [AS-1999] List-I1 1, Pereontage of elongation B. Toughnoss 2. Resistance to indentation C. Mallenbility 3. Ability to absorb energy during plastic deformation D, Ductility 4. Ability to be rolled into plates Codes A BC D AB C oD @ 3 2 1 4 @ 2 8 4 1 ® 2 4 3 1 @ 1 8 4 2 (o) IAS7, A truck weighing 150 KN and travelling at 2m/sec impacts which a buffer spring which compresses 1.25em per 10 KN. The maximum compression of the oping ie Page 05 of 420 TAS-1995] Chapter-14 Strain Energy Method SK Mondal’s (2) 20,00 em () 22.85 em (©) 27.66 em 150KN TORRENT (@) 30.00 em 0. TAS 7. Ans. (c) Kinetic energy of the truck = strain energy of the spring 02") Jinv? = te? orx = | = Soar) 2 2 k 101000 “0.0125 = 0.2766m = 27.66em Page 396 of 428 Chapter-14 Strain Energy Method SK Mondar's Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question IES 2009 a Ans. A close coiled helical spring made of wire diameter d has mean coil radius R, number of turns n and modulus of rigidity G. The spring is subjected to an axial compression W. () Write the expression for the stiffness of the spring. @) What is the magnitude of the maximum shear stress induced in the spring wire neglecting the curvature effect? [2 Marks] W_ Ga! (1 Spring stiffness, K= = TS swD (2) Maximum shear stress, xa? Conventional Question IES 2010 a Ans. A semicircular steel ring of mean radius 300 mm is suspended vertically with the top end fixed as shown in the above figure and carries a vertical load of 200 Nat the lowest point Calculate the vertical deflection of the lower end if the ring is of rectangular cross- section 20 mm thick and 30 mm wide, Value of Elastic modulus is2x10° N/mm, Influence of circumferential and shearing forces may be neglected. [10 Marks} 3 Pe. ap Toad applied, Mean Radius, R istic modules, E = 210° Nimm? Inertia of moment of eross — section ba® b=20mm > Influence of circumferential and shearing force are noglected strain energy at the section, Page 297 of 428 Chapter-14 Strain Energy Method SK Mondal’s TM'RdO » R for 210 ‘ Ver a M=FxRsin@ = Mersino au _fERteint@ 4g _, ERY wr aER? __2x200x(300)" 2EL 2x2%10° «45000 14107 mm. Conventional Question GATE-1996 Question: Answer: A simply supported beam is subjected to a single force P at a distance b from one of the supports. Obtain the expression for the deflection under the load using Castigliano’s theorem. How do you calculate deflection at the mid-point of the beam? Let load P acts at a distance b from the support B, and I. be the total length of the beam. Reaction tA, R="? and Reaction at A, 2 Pe —a Se A cc 8 L Pb Pa iL - Strain energy stored by beam AB, U= Strain energy stored by AC (U 10) + strain energy stored by BC U ns) “(2 ea (Pa) de _ Piva, Pita! he BET ‘OT GEILE L _Pibia® Piva? _ P*( fea 0 >6, Then 9, -¢, ‘+ Failure by slip (yielding) occurs when the maximum shearing stress, 1,., exceeds the yield stress z,a8 determined in a uniaxial tension test, ‘+ This theory gives satisfactory result for ductile material. Ls ee y Failure surface according to maximum shear stress theory 4, Strain Energy Theory (Haigh’s Theory) ‘The theory associated with Haigh ‘This cheory is based on the assumption that strains are recoverable up to the elastie limit, and the energy absorbed by the material at failure up to this point is a single valued function independent of the stress aystom causing it. The strain energy per unit volume eausing failure is equal to the strain energy atthe elastic limit in simple tension, 1 g, = ho? +02 +02 -2u(a,0, +040, +050,) |= Uns e[ai +0f +03 -2u (a0, +0,0, + 0,04)]= 5 0} +0} +03 ~2u (00. + 0405 +0,0,)= 07 For 3D- stress bP FeR=2jaey=e2 — For 2D-stross 5. Shear Strain Energy Theory (Distor Theory or Von-Misses Theory)-Ductil Von-Mises Criterion: n Energy Theory or Mises-Henky Material © Also known as the Maximum Energy of Distortion erterion + Based on a more complex view ofthe role SFORAPRALPal stress differences, Chapter-15 Theories of Failure SK Mondar's ‘© In simple terms, the von Mises criterion considers the diameters of all three Mohr’s circles as contributing to the characterization of yield onset in isotropic materials. ‘+ When the criterion is applied, its relationship to the uniaxial tensile yield strength is: n¥ +(0,—24) +(0,—,) = 205 + Fora state of plane stress (04 =0) of -0,0, +0 =07 + It is often convenient to express this as an equivalent stress, @« | 7 re llevan +004 rs) + (05 ora, 9,2 +, - 0, + (0, -oF +005, +73, +75) 1 #le. «in ralaing he ire theory we wid eralized Honk’ wr anionic stra s0 the theory given is only applicable to those materials but it can be generalized to aninirnie mater ‘= The von Mises theory is a little Tess conservative than the Tresca theory but in most eases there is little difference in their predictions of failure, Most experimental results tend to fall ‘on or between these two theories, + Tegives very good result in ductile material. oo Mines 6. Maximum Prin According to this theory al Strain Theory (St. Venant Theory) jelding will occur when the maximum prineipal strain just exceeds the train at the tentile yield peintin either simple taion or wonmpresdion. Fes anid ex dro maximum and sxinimum principal strains corresponding to; and o, a the Limiting case 1 4=2(,-v0;) — al2le: zlr-v2) eile} 2=2@-v) [6/216] This give Ex, =0)-v0 =t0y Ee) =0)-vo, Page 403 of 420 Chapter-15 ‘Theories of Failure SK Mondal’s Yield surface corresponding to maximum principal strain theory 7. Mohr’s theory- Brittle Material Mohr's Theory Mobr's theory is used to predict the fracture of a material having different properties in tension and compression. Criterion makes use of Mohs circle In Mohr's circle, we note that. depends on o, or 7 = /(o). Note the vertical line PC represents states of stress on planes with same o but differing 7, which means the weakest plane is the one with maximum 7, point P. Points on the outer circlo are tho weakest planes. On these planes the maximum and ‘minimam principal stresses are sufficient to decide whether or not failure will cur. Experiments are done on a given material to determine the states of stress that result in failure, Each state defines a Mohr’s circle. If the data are obtained from simple tension, simple compression, and pure shear, the three resulting circles are adequate to construct an envelope (AB & A'B) Mobr's envelope thus represents the locus of all possible failure states, ie Plo.t) Failure envelope Higher shear stresses are to the left of origin, since most brittle materials have higher strength in compression 8. Comparison A-comparison among the different failure theories can be made by superposing the yield surfaces as shown in figure Page 404 of 420 Chapter-15 Theories of Failure SK Mondar's Page 408 of 428 Chapter-tS Theories of Failure SK Mondal’s OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (GATE, IES, IAS) Previous 20-Years GATE Questions Maximum Shear stress or Stress Difference Theory GATE-1, Match 4 correct pairs between list I and Li ions IGATE-19941 II for the que: List List-II (a) Hooke's law 1. Planetary motion (b) St. Venant’s law 2. Conservation Energy (©) Kepler's laws. 3. Elasticity (@) Tresca's eriterion 4. Plasticity (©) Coulomb's laws, 5. Fracture (9 Griffith's law 6. Inertia GATE-L, Ans. (a) -3, (3-1, (@)-5, (€)-2 Venant's law: Maximum principal strain theory GATE-2, Which theory of failure will you use for aluminium components under steady loading? IGATE-1999] (a) Principal stress theory () Principal strain theory (©) Strain energy theory (@) Maximum shear stress theory GATE-2, Ans. (d) Aluminium is a ductile material so use maximum shear stress theory Shear Strain Energy Theory (Distortion energy theory) GATE-8. According to Von-Mises' distortion energy theory, the distortion energy under three dimensional stress state is represented by IGATE-2006] 1 @ xgl0f +93 +03-a(e,0; +0302 +0403] 1-2) oa [oF +0} +03 +(0,02 +0307 +9;03)| Lovie 2a 8. to) Sof +08 +08 (aya, +030; +0395)] ll o2eo2+a? @ (2% +03 +03 - Wo,02 -0;02 +0495)] GATES. Ans. (@) =0,)° +(a2-03)' +(0-0,)'} Where E = 2G(1+ 1) simplifyand getresult GATE-4. 1 section of a component is in a bi-axial state of stres# with the two principal stresses being 360 MPa and 140 MPa, The ‘maximum working stress according to Distortion Energy Theory is: IGATE-1997] (@) 220 MPa () 110 MPa (314 MPa (@) 330 MPa GATE-4. Ans, (¢) According to distortion energy theory if maximum stress (0) then or = 960* + 140* 360.140 ora, =314 MPa Page 40s of 428 Theories of Failure Previous 20-Years IES Questions Chapter-15 SK Mondar's Maximum Principal Stress Theory MES-1, Match List (Theory of Failure) with List-ll (Predicted Ratio of Shear Strew to Dinect Stross at Vield Condition for Steel Speclmen) and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists: [ES-2006] ict Listtt 1 Mximam shear sro theory Lio Maximum dtrtion entre Choory Losi . Masinam prised set theory howe D.Macimom prncpa stain fear 050 Code Be a Be bp @ 7 2 4 3 @ 4 3 1 3 o 1 i 2 @® t 24 TES-1. Ans. (d) 1ES.2, From a tension test, the yield strength of atcel is found to be 200 Nim. Using taster of eafety o€ und applying sax-innin principal stress theory of falas, the permissible stress in the steel shaft subjected to torque will be: _ [TES-2000] ON WET Ninae 860. Nima 100 Nim 1ES-2, Ans (@) For pute shear r=, TES2, A cirowlar solid shaft iv subjected to a bending moment of 400 kN and « {wisting moment of 200 LNew On the basis of the muriommn principal stress theory. the direct stress no and according to the maximum shenr stress theory, the shear stress is r. The ratio of r is: [LES-2000} 1 3 9 u 5 3 (02 Oe esa, Ans (0) 0= 29 (Ma dAPaT?) and r= 18 (iP) a _MsVMaT _ 44 eee 8 Therefore Z t WMT eae 5 TES-4. A transmission shaft subjected to bending loads must be designed on the basis of, [ES-1996} (a) Maximum normal stress theory (b) Maximum shear stress theory (©) Maximum normal stress and maximum shear stress theories (@) Fatigue strongth IBS-4. Ans. (a) TES.5. Design of shafts made of brittle materials is based on [ES-1993] (a) Guest's thoory (b) Rankine’s thoory (@) St. Venant’s theory (d) Von Mises theory TES.5. Ans. (b) Rankine's theory or maximum principle stress theory is most commonly used for brittle materials, Maximum Shear stress or Stress Difference Theory IES.6, Which one of the following figures represents the maximum shear stress theory or Tresea eriterion? IES-1999] @ Sem (6) oy, ov, age set AS ly (a) 21 Chapter-15 ‘Theories of Failure SK Mondal’s TES-6. Ans. (b) TES7. According to the maximum shear stress theory of failure, permis [ES-1998: ISRO-2008] wr wT oF @ar IES-7. Ans. (d) Given r= s “F Principalstresses for only this shear stress are oe +r maximum principal stress theory of failure gives, 16(2T) maxfe,.a,]= 0, = ae TESS. Permissible bending moment ii ‘cular shaft under pure bending is M according to maximum principal stress theory of failure. According to maximum shear stress theory of failure, the permissible bending moment in the same shaft is [IES-1995] (@ 12M. o)M @v2M @ 2M 1858.ans. 0) 0-28 (Wea SP) and c= 18 AF =P) pur r=0 ae ad 32M 32M 46M oy _ (nd?) _ 16M and r “SS ThereforeM' =M ne 2” 2 ae ae TES-9. A rod having cross-sectional area 100 x 10°* m* is subjected to a tensile load. Based on the Tresca failure criterion, if the uniaxial yield stress of the material is 200 MPa, the failure load is: UES-2001] (@) 10KN (b) 20 kN (©) 100 kN (@) 200 kN TES-9. Ans. (b) Tresca failure criterion is maximum shear stress theory. Po ‘Weknowthat,r = OFF = 5R =e OF P A IFS.10. A cold roller steel shaft is designed on the basis of maximum shear stress theory. The principal stresses induced at its critical section are 60 MPa and - 60 MPa respectively. If the yield stress for the shaft material is 360 MPa, the factor of safety of the design is: [ES-2002] @2 3 4 @6 TES.10, Ans. (b) IES.11, A shaft is subjected to a maximum bending stress of 80 Nimm! and maximum shearing stress equal to 30 N/mm* at a particular section. If the yield point in tension of the material is 280 N/mm, and the maximum shear stress theory of failure is used, then the factor of safety obtained will be: TIES-1994] @25 28 (a0 @ss TRS. Ans.) Masimu hearse =f SON/mm? ¢, According to maximum shear stress theory,r = 2. 2a 2 2x50 TES12, For a two-dimensional state stress (a, > 0,0) > 0,0, <0) the designed values are mort conservative ifwhich one ofthe following failure theorla were used? ties 9) (a)Aasimum principal strain theory () Maxam distortion ener theory (O)Marimam heer sts theor” py, Magjoam prince res Yaory TES-12. Ans. (c) Peo sta Chapter-15 Theories of Failure SK Mondar's ‘Maxinnm principal strain theory ‘Maxinum shear stress theory ‘Maxinuum principal stress theory Graphical comparison of different failure theories Above diagram shows that ¢;>0,0, Tresea ‘Maximum principal stress theory > Rankine ‘Maximum principal strain theory > St. Venant ‘Maximum shear strain energy theory > Mises Henky IES-15. The maximum distortion energy theory of failure is suitable to predict the failure of which one of the following types of materi [ES-2004} (@) Brittle materiale (b) Ductile materials (¢) Plastics (@) Composite materials IBS-15. Ans. (b) IES.16. If 9, is the yield strength of a particular material, then the distortion energy theory is expressed as [TES-1994] (@) (o,-0;)' +(0;-0,) +(a,-0, & (6) -03 +03) -24o\0, + 0,0, +00) (0 (0-2, +(a,-5)' +(a-@ @ (1-2n)(0, +0, +0,)' =2(1+2) TES-16. Ans. (a) IES-17. Ifa shaft made from ductile material is twisting moments, calculations based on which one of the following failure theories would give the most conservative value? HES-1996] (a) Maximum principal stress theory (b) Maximum shear stress theory (@ Maximum strain energy theory (@) Maximum distortion energy theory TES-17. Ans. (b) Page 409 of 428 Chapter-15 Theories of Failure SK Mondal’s ‘Maxinnm principal strain theory | anim distortion eneray theory v Maxum shear stress theory ‘Maxinum principal stress theory “ ge Maximum Principal Strain Theory TES.18. Match List-I (Failure theories) with List-II (Figures representing boundaries of these theories) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: TES-1997] List List-1 A Maximum principal stress 2 theory 1 e; LE B. Maximum shear stress theory a _ C. Maximum. octahedral stress theory D. Maximum shear strain energy theory 3 Code: A BoC D Bc D @ 2 1 8 4 4 3 1 © 4 2 3 @ 11 TES-18. Ans. (d) Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Maximum Principal Stress Theory TAS. For 0, #0, and os = 0, what is the physical boundary for Rankine failure theory? [AS-2004] (a) Arectangle —_ (b) Anellipse (©) Asquare (@)A parabola Page 4100428 Chapter-15 Theories of Failure SK Mondar's TAS-1. Ans. (c) Rankine failure theory or ‘Maximum principle stress theory Shear Strain Energy Theory (Distortion energy theory) IAS2, Consider the following statements: TAs.20071 1. Experiments have shown that the distortion-energy theory gives an accurate prediction about failure of a ductile component than any other theory of failure. 2 According to the distortion-energy theory, the yield strength in shear is less than the yield strength in tension. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) Lonly (b) 2 only (©) Both 1 and 2 (@ Neither 1 nor 2 °, 1AS2. Ans. (e) 1, = iB IAS3. Consider the following statements: [AS-2003} 1. Distortion-energy theory is in better agreement for predicting the failure of ductile materials. 2, Maximum normal stress theory gives good predi brittle materials. 3. Module of elasticity in tension and compression are assumed to be different stress analysis of curved beams. Which of these statements islare correct? =0.5770, m for the failure of (a) 1, 2and3 () Land 2 (©) Boaly @ Lands TAS-8, Ans. (b) IAS-4. Which one of the following graphs represents Mises yield criterion? [JAS- 1996] @ 3) IAS-4, Ans. (@) Maximum Principal Strain Theory TAS.5. Given that the principal stresses o>, >, and o: is the elastic limit stress in simple tension; which one of the following must be satisfied such that the clastic failure does not occur in accordance with the maximum principal strain theory? TIAS-2004] @ Ze. Page 411 of 428 Chapter-15 ‘Theories of Failure SK Mondal’s @ S>( Bp Bey OE ETE HE JAS.5. Ans. (b) Strain at yield point>principal strain Page 4120428 Chapter-15 Theories of Failure ‘SK Mondal's Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question ESE-2010 @ Ans. 0 Gi) ai, ww) The stress state at a point in a body 6, =60N/mm* & o, =-36N/ mm’ If the allowable stress for the material in simple tension or compression is 100 Nimm¥ calculate the value of factor of safety with each of the following criteria for failure (@ Max Stress Criteria Gi) Max Shear Stross Criteria Gi) Max strain criteria Gv) Max Distortion energy eriteria [10 Marks] plane with ‘The stress at a point in a body is plane ¢,=60 N/mm? a, = -36 N/mm? Allowable stress for the material in simple tension or compression is 100, Nim? Find out factor of safety for Maximum stress Criteria : - In this failure point occurs when max principal stress teaches the limiting strength of material ‘Therefore. Let F'S factor of safety ¢ (allowable) * FS Ans. ‘Maximum Shear stress criteria : - According to this failure point occurs at a point in a ‘member when maximum shear stress reaches to shear at yield point 100 N/mm* _ 8-5 6036 98 48 N/m FS=1.042 Ans. Maximum Strain Criteria ! - In this failure point occurs at a point in a member when ‘maximum strain in a bi ~ axial stress system reaches the limiting value of strain (.e strain at yield point) of tot —3y0,0, ={ Telbmatte i a a ( FOS J FOS=1.27 (u=0.3assume) ‘Maximum Distortion energy criteria !~ In this failure point oceurs at a point in a ‘member when distortion strain energy per unit volume in a bi—axial system reaches the limiting distortion strain energy at the of yield Page 413 of 420 Chapter-15 67 +63-9, x0, 60° + (36)" ~»60%-96-( ‘Theories of Failure SK Mondal’s FS=119 Conventional Question ESE-2006 Question: Answer: A mild steel shaft of 0 mm diameter is subjected to a beading moment of 1.5 Nm and torque T. If the yield point of steel in tension is 210 MPa, find the maximum value of the torque without causing yielding of the shaft material according to @ Maximum principal stress theory Gi) Maximum shear stress theory. 32M We know that, Maximum bending stress (c,) 167 aa? and Maximum shear stress (7) Principal stresses are given by a, fa), 18 — Oya = Sh [3] + = [weer] (i) According to Maximum principal stress theory Maximum principal sress=Maximum stress at elastic limit ( or a2 a oF] =2t0x0" oe 1915004 SOFT |= 210.108 (0.050) or T = 3332 Nm = 3.332 KNm (i) According to Maximum shear stress theory a=, _9, or, 0 = on, 2 SSF = 210510" or, T= 2086 m= 2086 kn Conventional Question ESE-2005 Question: Answer: Illustrate the graphical comparison of following theories of failures for two- dimensional stress system: @ Maximum normal stress theory Gi) Maximum shear stress theory (iii) Distortion energy theory Page 414 01429 Chapter-15 Theories of Failure SK Mondar's (+ Maximum distortion energy theory Maximum shear stress theory ‘Maximum principal stress theory Conventional Question ESE-2004 Question Answer: Conv Question: Answer: State the Von- Mises's theory. Also give the naturally expression. ‘According to this theory yielding woul! cecur when total distortion energy absorbed ‘er unit aime’ Yue bpplid loads excoous the dtoriia eaargy charted per wait olume at th teil yield point. The fire criterion ia (,~2)' + (02-3) +(03—8,)" = 20% [symbols has usual meaning] tional Question ESE-2002 Derive an expression for the distortion energy per unit volume for a body subjected to a uniform stress state, given by the ,and, with the third principal stress 0, being zero. According to this theory yielding would occur when total distortion energy absorbed per unit volume due to applied loads exceeds the distortion energy absorbed per unit volume at the tensile yield point. Total strain energy Er and strain energy for volume change By can be given as Ee $(o8, +28 +058) and Ey = 20, ‘Substituting strains in terms of stresses the distortion energy can be given as 20+v) Ey= Er Ey = “EM (o,240,' +05"—o40)-0:0~050)) At ths tonal yield point, =o, 0: = 01= 0 which pres 2d+v. B, 209? “! 6E ‘The failure criterion is thus obtained by equating Fa and Fa, , which gives 2 2 2 (o,-62)' +(0,-03)° +(03-0) =20, Ina 2D situation ifo 0, the criterion reduces to 6 +6," — 0,5, =6,” Conventional Question GATE-1996 Question: Answer: ‘A cube of 5mm side is loaded as shown in figure below. (Determine the principal stresses 0,,0;,03- (ii) Will the cube yield if the yield strength of the mater Von-Mises theory. aguante Yield strength of the material o_ = 70 MPa = 7 5 70 MPa? Use (0 MNim? or 70 Nimm? Chapter-15 ‘Theories of Failure SK Mondal’s 1000N *—5 mm —1 ()Principal stress 0, [us = 60+ (20) +(32) =97.74, 22.26 97.74Nimm*, or 97.74 MPa and a, =22.96N/mm? or 22.96 MPa oy = 0, =20Nimm? or 22 MPa (ii) Will the cube yieldornot? According to Von-Mises yield criteria, yielding will occur if (oon) +(02-05)' +(05 04)" 220% Now — (a,~0,) +(0;-03) +(0.-04)° (97.74 ~ 22.96) + (22.96 -20}' + (20-97.74)* 1745.8 -(i) and, 203, = 2x(70)' = 9800 —(ii) Since 11745.8 > 9800 so yielding will occur. Conventional Question GATE-1995 Question: A thin-walled circular tube of walll thickness t and mean radius r is subjected to an axial load P and torque T in a combined tension-torsion experiment. (@) Determine the state of stress existing in the tube in terms of P and T. ii) Using Von-Mises - Henky failure criteria show that failure takes place oF £37 =04, where o, is the yield stress in uniaxial tension, @ and 7 are respectively the axial and torsional stresses in the tube. when Answer: — Mean radius of the tul Wall thickness of the tub Axial load = P, and aso Neen Page 416 of 420 (The state of stress in the tube: Chapter-15 Theories of Failure SK Mondar's ‘Duo to axial load, the axial stress in the tube ox Due to torque, shear stress, Tr Tr J 2st {r +t} 2 » The state of stress in the tube is, o, Gi) Von Mises-Henky failure in tension for 2-dimensional stress is =0i +03 -a0 Conventional Question GATE-1994 Question: Find the maximum principal stress developed in a cylindrical shaft. 8 em in diameter and subjected to a bending moment of 2.5 kNm and a twisting moment of 42 kNm. If the yield stress of the shaft material is 300 MPa. Determine the factor of safety of the shaft according to the maximum shearing stress theory of failure. Answer: Given: d= 8 cm = 0,08 m; M= 2.5 kN =300 MPa = 300 MNim? Equivalent torque, T, = VM? +T? = (2.5) + (4.2) =4.888kNm Maximum shear stress developed in the shaft, AGT _ 16% 4.88810" ad x(0.08)" 300 = 1604MNI? = 2500 Nm; T= 4.2 kNm = 4200 Nm Css (ye x10°* MNim? = 48.62MNim? Permissible shear stress Face of sey = 250,285 Chapter-15 Theories of Failure SK Mondal’s Page 418 0f428 Page 419 of 420 Riveted and Welded Joint Theory at a Glance (for IES, GATE, PSU) Types of Rivets FIGURE DESCRIPTION > LARGE BUTTON HEAD a NARROW BUTTON HEAD <= NARROW BUTTON HEAD BUTTON HEAD WITH SPLINED SHANK ES LARGE BUTTON HEAD =s- CCOUNTERSUNK HEAD = FLATHEAD THIN NARROW BUTTON HEAD, SEMITUBULAR COUNTERSUNK FLAT HEAD, SEMITUBLLAR, FLAT HEAD, SEMITUBULAR Page 4200f428 Chapter-16 Riveted and Welded Joint SK Mondar's FLATHEAD SEMITUBULAR, SHOULDER FLAT HEAD, TUBULAR, FLAT HEAD, TUBULAR, FLAT HEAD THREADED, TUBULAR, DouTy FLAT HEAD, CLOSED END, ‘THREADED TUBULAR HEXAGON FIGURE DESCRIPTION HEXAGON THREADED FLAT HEAD HEXAGON CLOSE END THREADED FLAT HEAD RIVETS ‘THREADED HEXAGON FOR ‘AUTOMATED ASSEMBLY ‘SQUARE THREADED FLAT HEAD Peuuo BUTTON HEAD, TAPING Page 421 of 420 Chapter-16 Riveted and Welded Joint SK Mondal’s OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (GATE, IES, IAS) Previous 20-Years GATE Questions Failure of riveted joint GATE-1, Bolts in the flanged end of pressure vessel are usually pre-tonsioned Indicate which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? IGATE-1999] (a) Prestensioning helps to seal the pressure vessel (b) Pre-tensioning increases the fatigue life of the bolts (©) Pro-tensioning reduces the maximum tensile stress in the bolts (@ Pre-tensioning helps to reduce the effect of pressure pulsations in the pressure vessel GATE-L, Ans. (e) Statement for Linked Answers and Questions Q2 and Q3 A steel bar of 10 x 50 mm is cantilevered with two M12 bolts (P and Q) to support a static load of 4 KN as shown in the figure. 100:_400 100) — « 17m Gf ie) LT 4kN GATE-2, The primary and secondary shear loads on bolt P, respectively, are: IGATE-2008] (8) 2kN, 20 kN (B)20 kN, 2kN (© 20kN 08 () OkN, 20 kN GATE-2. Ans, (a) Primary (Direct) Shear load = ay =2kN GATE. The resultant stress on bolt P is closest to IGATE-2008] (9) 182 MPa (8) 159 MPa (© 178MPa (0) 195 MPa GATE-s. Ans. (b) GATE-4, A bolted joint is shown below. The maximum shear stress, in MPa, in the bolts at A and B, respectively ar IGATE-2007] Page 422 0f 429 Chapter-16 Riveted and Welded Joint SK Mondar's 3 holes of M10 x 1.75 mm bolts — {all dimensions in the figure are in mm) @) 202.6, (6) 425.5, 242.6 ©4258, 425 (@) 242.6, 2126 GATE-4, Ans. (a) GATE-5. A bracket (shown in figure) is rigidly mounted on wall using four rivets. Each rivet is 6 mm in diameter and has an effective length of 12mm. [GATE-2010] je— 32 —sfe— 32 —5} be 12- 14 — 401412 1 Direct shear stress (in MPa) in the most heavily loaded rivet is: (aaa ss 176 @a52 GATE-5. Ans. (b) 1000, F_ 250 Fa =250N and = =8.8MPa Efficiency of a riveted joint GATE-6, If the ratio of the diameter of rivet hole to the pitch of rivets is 0.25, then the tearing efficiency of the joint is: [GATE-1996] (a) 0.50 (b) 0.75 (©) 0.25 (@) 0.87, GATE-6. Ans. (b) Page 4230428 Chapter-16 Riveted and Welded Joint SK Mondal’s GATE-7. 4 _., f, «150 MPa p 7 028 P-d wee (QD) = 75% A manufacturer of rivets claims that the failure load in shear of his product is 500 + 25 N. This specification implies that IGATE-1992] (a) No rivet is weaker than 475 N and stronger than 525 N (b) The standard deviation of strength of random sample of rivets is 25 N (©) There is an equal probability of failure strength to be either 475 Nor 525 N (@ There is approximately two-tone chance that the strength of a rivet lies between (75N to.525.N GATE-7. Ans, (a) Previous 20-Years IES Questions Failure of riveted joint TEs. TES. Ans. (b) IEs2, An eccentrically loaded riveted joint is shown with 4 rivets at P, Q, Rand 5. Which of ‘the rivets are the most loaded? (a) P and Q () Qand R (Rand (@ Sand P [ES-2002] A riveted joint has been designed to support an eccentric load P. The load generates value of F; equal to 4 KN and Fs equal to 3 KN. The cross-sectional area of each rivet is 500 mm Consider the following statements: 1. The stress in the rivet is 10 N/mm* 2. The value of eccentricity L is 100 mm 3. The value of load P is 6 kN 4. The resultant force in each rivet is 6 KN Which of these statements are correct? (a) Vand 2 (b)2and 3 (3 and 4 (@) Land 3 ES-2003] TES.2. Ans. (€) Page 424 0f 429 Chapter-16 Riveted and Welded Joint SK Mondar's IES3, P=2F,=2x3=6KN Fy Pp and PL= Fl + Fl=2 FI or 6L = 2x 41 = 81 L_& or 255 16 Resultant force on rivet, R=/F, = ¥(4) +3) +2x4x3cos0 =5kN ¢. Shearstresson rivet, R__ 5x10 =10 Nimm? plates of joint through a pin an shown in. the given figure is 200 MPa, then the width w will be @) 15mm 0) 18 mm (920mm @ 25mm [TES-1999] IBS-3, Ans. (a) (w ~ 10) x 2 x 10%% 200 x 10*= 2000 N; or w= 15 mm. IES-4, For the bracket bolted as shown in the figure, the bolts will develop (a) Primary tensile stresses and secondary shear stresses (b) Primary shear stresses and secondary shear stresses (© Primary shear stresses and secondary tensile strosses (@ Primary tensile stresses and secondary compressive stresses [ES-2000] IBS-4, Ans. (a) TESS. Assertion (A): In pre-loaded bolted joints, there is a tendeney for failure to ‘occur in the gross plate section rather than through holes. [TES-2000] Reason (R): The effect of pre-loading is to create sufficient friction between the assembled parts so that no slippage occurs. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually tgue but Ris NOT the correct explanation of A. (© Aistrne but Ris false Page 425 01 428 (@) Ais false but Ris true Chapter-16 Riveted and Welded Joint SK Mondal’s TES-5. Ans. (a) IES6. ‘Two rigid plates are clamped by means of bolt and nut with an initial force N. After tightening, a separating force P (P < N) is applied to the lower plate, which in turn acts on nut, The tension in the bolt after this is: [ES-1996} (+P) NP) oP @n IES-6. Ans. (a) Efficiency of a riveted joint TES7. Which one of the following structural joints with 10 rivets and same size of plate and material will be the most efficient? [ES-1994] IES-7. Ans. (b) IES-8. ‘The most efficient riveted joint possible is one which would be as strong in tension, shear and bearing as the original plates to be joined. But this can never be achieved beeause: [1ES-1993] (a) Rivets cannot be made with the same material (b) Rivets are weak in compression (@) There should be at least one hole in the plate redueing its strength (@ Clearance is present between the plate and the rivet TES-8. Ans. (c) Riveted joint can't be as strong as original plates, because there should be at least ‘one hole in the plate redueing its strength. Advantages and disadvantages of welded joints IES-9, Assertion (A): In a boiler shell with riveted construction, the longitudinal seam is, jointed by butt joint. [ES-2001] Reason (R): A butt joint is stronger than a lap joint in a riveted construction. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Ais true but R is false (@) Ais false but R is true TES-9. Ans. (c) Page 426 0f428 Chapter-16 Riveted and Welded Joint SK Monda's Previous 20-Years IAS Questions Failure of riveted joint 1AS-1, Two identical planks of Pitch distance wood are connected by 20cm bolts at a pitch distance of 20 em The beam is subjected to a bending See gala ae fiom ee eae tone J (a) Zero () 0.1 kN aaa Sorin Boks je msse0n IAS-1. Ans. (a) TAS-2. with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists: {LAS-2007] Sint "aca (Sites Lenton) cent teleasen Lenses) Seta Sete bce ring under ait ad zener Sa nr ee eee 5 a nee aoe 2 SP we FF FS O33 4 7 84 t 3 3 IAS-2. Ans. (c) Page 427 of 428 Chapter-16 Riveted and Welded Joint SK Mondar's Previous Conventional Questions with Answers Conventional Question GATE-1994 Quest Answer: ‘The longitudinal joint of a thin cylindrical pressure vessel, 6 m internal diameter and 16 mm plate thickness, is double riveted lap point with no staggering between the rows. The rivets are of 20 mm nominal (diameter with a pitch of 72 mm, What is the efficiency of the joint and what would be the safe pressure inside the vessel? Allowable stresses for the plate and rivet materials are; 145 MNim? in shear and 230 MN/m? in bearing. Take rivet hole diameter as 1.5 mm more than the rivet diameter. Given; Diameter of rivet = 20 mm Diameter the pressure vest, Thickness ofthe plate, t= 16 mm ‘Type of the joint: Double riveted lap joint Allowable stresses ISMN Im"; 1 =120MN Imn":o, = 280.MN/ m* 72-(2«215)]_ 16 Strength of plate in tearing/piteh, R =| —E**9)), 18 45 ‘ath ot teh [ 1000 |" 1000 = 0.06728 MN = (20) trength of rivert in tearinglpiteh,2, = 2x" x «120 " oe 1 (eos) = 0.0754 MN 20 16 Strength of plate in erushing/piteh,2, =2{ 2. 18 \..230 ‘ath ot wich R, (seas 1000. = 0.1472 MN From the above three modes of failure it can be seen that the weakest element is the plate as it will have tear failure at 0.06728 MNipitch load itself, Stresses acting on the plate for an inside pressure of pN/m? is shown in figure. pd px6 * Hoop stress = 22 - _P*6 __ 87.55 ° 2 2x(0.016) " 6 Longitudinal stress —P*6_soa75p “4 45(0.016) " ‘Maximum principal stress acting on the plate only (e187 p)as there is no choar stross, or 1875p s 9.06728 _—_ (0.016) (ors) [ 1000 or 50.7733 MN /m* or 0.7733 MPa 28.1429 nowt 0.0678 4688 pea, ~ (0.072) (0.016) x11 Chapter-18 Riveted and Welded Joint SK Mondar's Conventional Question GATE-1995 Question: Answer: Determine the shaft diameter and bolt size for a marine flange-coupling transmitting 3.75 MW at 150 r.p.m. The allowable shear stress in the shaft and bolts may be taken as 50 MPa. The number of bolts may be taken as 10 and bolt pitch circle diameter as 1.6 times the shaft diameter. Given, P= 3.75MW; N= 150r-p.m; 125 =50MPa; | n=10, D,=16D Shaft diameter, D pa2eN? 60 Also, or 238732 = 50 «10° x pt 6 29879216 D=[238782x16) _ 928m or 290 mm. (Gass) Bolt sized, Bolt pitch citvle diameter, D, =1.6D 6x0.29=0.464m Now oe sae7a2~10<£d «50.40? . dy #00512 m or 512mm Page 429 of 428

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