MB-339A User Manual

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Version 2.

COPYRIGHT ................................................................................................................................................................ IV
CREDITS ...................................................................................................................................................................... V
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................................................... V
HOW TO READ THIS MANUAL .................................................................................................................................... VI
FEATURES OF THIS MOD ........................................................................................................................................... VII
ASSIGNMENT OF CONTROLS .................................................................................................................................... VIII
HOW TO USE THE MULTI CREW FEATURE .................................................................................................................. IX
MISSION PREPARATION ....................................................................................................................................................... IX
SLOT SELECTION AND IN-GAME OPERATIONS ............................................................................................................................. X
If you are the pilot ...................................................................................................................................................... X
If you are the instructor.............................................................................................................................................. X
MULTI CREW KNOW ISSUES .................................................................................................................................................. XI
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
MB-339 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................. 3
MB-339 DEVELOPMENT ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Airframe limits ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Net performances ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Mission data............................................................................................................................................................... 8
General data .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Structural limits ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
THE AIRFRAME .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Wing ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Empennages ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Fuselage ................................................................................................................................................................... 18
ON-BOARD SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Engine system .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Fuel system............................................................................................................................................................... 28
Landing gear system ................................................................................................................................................ 30
DC electrical power system ...................................................................................................................................... 37
AC electrical power system ...................................................................................................................................... 39
Hydraulic power supply system ................................................................................................................................ 41
Cabin pressurization and air conditioning system ................................................................................................... 43
Windshield demisting system................................................................................................................................... 46
Windshield ice and rain protection system .............................................................................................................. 46
Canopy ..................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Individual escape system.......................................................................................................................................... 49
Oxygen system ......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Anti-G system ........................................................................................................................................................... 51
Avionic and communication system ......................................................................................................................... 51
Weapon system........................................................................................................................................................ 52
Lights system ............................................................................................................................................................ 56
MAIN FLIGHT INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................................ 69
Pitot-static system.................................................................................................................................................... 69
Altimeter .................................................................................................................................................................. 69
Version 2.0

Mach-airspeed indicator .......................................................................................................................................... 69

Vertical velocity indicator......................................................................................................................................... 69
Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) .............................................................................................................................. 71
Stand-by Attitude Indicator AG-5 (Stand-by Horizon) .............................................................................................. 71
Accelerometer .......................................................................................................................................................... 74
Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) ......................................................................................................................... 74
Stand-by compass .................................................................................................................................................... 75
Angle of Attack indicator (AOA) ............................................................................................................................... 84
Clock ......................................................................................................................................................................... 84
FLIGHT CONTROLS .....................................................................................................................................................87
CONTROL STICK ................................................................................................................................................................. 87
AILERONS CONTROL SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................................ 88
ELEVATOR CONTROL SYSTEM................................................................................................................................................ 89
RUDDER CONTROL SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................................. 89
GUST LOCK DEVICE............................................................................................................................................................. 92
FLAP CONTROL SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................................................... 93
SPEEDBRAKE CONTROL SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................................ 93
THROTTLE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 94
NORMAL PROCEDURES ..............................................................................................................................................95
GROUND ENGINE START PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................................................... 95
Starting engine ......................................................................................................................................................... 95
RESTART IN FLIGHT ............................................................................................................................................................ 96
TAXIING........................................................................................................................................................................... 99
TAKE OFF ....................................................................................................................................................................... 101
Pre-takeoff checks .................................................................................................................................................. 101
Normal take-off ...................................................................................................................................................... 102
Cross-wind take-off ................................................................................................................................................ 105
Take-off from wet runways .................................................................................................................................... 105
Instrument take-off ................................................................................................................................................ 105
CLIMB ........................................................................................................................................................................... 107
CRUISE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 108
DESCENT ....................................................................................................................................................................... 108
INSTRUMENT APPROACH ................................................................................................................................................... 109
Holding, penetration and TACAN approach (typical) ............................................................................................. 109
Radar approach (typical)........................................................................................................................................ 111
ILS approach (typical) ............................................................................................................................................. 113
Approach and landing ............................................................................................................................................ 115
AFTER LANDING .............................................................................................................................................................. 120
ENGINE SHUT-DOWN ....................................................................................................................................................... 120
MAXIMUM GLIDE DISTANCE............................................................................................................................................... 121
CDU OPERATION ............................................................................................................................................................ 122
WEAPON SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................................................125
MISSION DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................................................................... 125
Ground attack – cannons or machine guns............................................................................................................ 125
Ground attack - rocket delivery .............................................................................................................................. 126
Dive bombing ......................................................................................................................................................... 127
Level bombing ........................................................................................................................................................ 128
Low angle bombing ................................................................................................................................................ 129
Aerial attack – guns or machine guns .................................................................................................................... 131
ARMAMENT SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND CONTROLS ................................................................................................................. 131
ARMAMENT CONTROLS..................................................................................................................................................... 131
Version 2.0

ARMAMENT CIRCUIT BREAKERS .......................................................................................................................................... 132

ARMAMENT ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................ 137
ARMAMENT RELAY BOXES ................................................................................................................................................. 137
GUNSIGHT AND GUN CAMERA SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................. 138
Gunsight system ..................................................................................................................................................... 138
Gun camera system................................................................................................................................................ 141
Gunsight and gun camera system controls ............................................................................................................ 142
THE MB339A PAN VERSION .....................................................................................................................................145
DESCRIPTION AND FUNCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 145
The aircraft ............................................................................................................................................................. 145
Engine throttle ....................................................................................................................................................... 146
Stick ........................................................................................................................................................................ 146
Fuel system............................................................................................................................................................. 146
Fuel quantity indication ......................................................................................................................................... 148
Fuel/smoke tanks configuration ............................................................................................................................ 148
Gear down signal transmission system .................................................................................................................. 148
Indication lights...................................................................................................................................................... 148
Weapon system...................................................................................................................................................... 148
Smoke system......................................................................................................................................................... 148
Smoke system: controls and indicators .................................................................................................................. 149
GARMIN GPSmap 495 ............................................................................................................................................ 153
AEROBATIC MANOEUVRES ......................................................................................................................................155
GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................................................... 155
PRE-AEROBATICS AND POST-AEROBATICS CHECKS................................................................................................................... 156
Pre-acrobatics checks ............................................................................................................................................. 156
Post-acrobatics checks ........................................................................................................................................... 156
COORDINATED MANOEUVRES ............................................................................................................................................ 156
Wingover ................................................................................................................................................................ 157
Aileron roll .............................................................................................................................................................. 160
Barrel roll ............................................................................................................................................................... 161
Looping................................................................................................................................................................... 163
Immelmann ............................................................................................................................................................ 166
Spin......................................................................................................................................................................... 168
Fiesler ..................................................................................................................................................................... 172
Schneider turn ........................................................................................................................................................ 173
PHOTO GALLERY ......................................................................................................................................................175

Version 2.0

The information contained in this work are property of Aermacchi® and over the years has become
in the public domain.
All the documents used for its drafting, such as pictures and technical data, can be purchased and/or
available on the web.
This document was conceived for non-commercial purposes and attached to the additional aircraft
MB339 developed by the Frecce Tricolori Virtuali group for the flight simulator DCS World®.
However, the whole mod, including this manual, is considered a “work in progress” and many
information and features contained in this manual have not been implemented. However, it was
decided to insert them with a view to future implementation.
The release to the public of this package is to share the great passion that connects thousands of
people to the aeronautical world and, in particular, the great passion for this great little aircraft that
brings the Italian Tricolour up around the world.

Version 2.0

Frecce Tricolori Virtuali – Copyright 2019
People who worked on this mod (since the beginning of this project):

· Camillo Perinciolo (3D model and project focal point)

· Luca Cirillo (3D model and textures)
· Lorenzo Venturi (Textures)
· Luca Viero (3D model)
· Michele Benini (Textures)
· Fabio Grasso (Textures, installer, mod structure)
· Roberto Scolari (SFM, C++ systems, lua systems)
· Alvio Costantini (C++ contributor)
· Erik Dattilo (C++ systems)
· Giuseppe Didiano (SFM, EFM, C++ systems, Manual)
· Roberta Unida (Manual)
· Roberto Petrizzo (SFM, EFM contributor)
· Francesco Brunetti (SFM, EFM contributor)
· Luca Sodano (Sounds)
· Ian Hargreaves (Manual – English version)

A special acknowledgement to Sidney “Tango” Christen of the Virtual PC-7 Team, which helped
and supported us from the beginning of this project.
Another acknowledgement to Silent Eagle, which helped us to understand the suspensions logic for
Furthermore, we want to say thank you to Angelo M., which wrote a wonderful article on “Rivista
Aeronautica” (the official Italian Air Force magazine) about our MOD and our virtual team.
An acknowledgement to Giacomo A. and Sandro S., MB-339 pilots in real life which tested our
MOD making particular attention to the flight model providing us precious information about the
aircraft in-flight behaviours.
At last but not at least, another special acknowledgement to the Sim Skunk Works and Dino
Cattaneo (owner of IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations) for their support in a difficult moment.

Version 2.0

As said before, the manual and the entire MOD have to be considered a “work in progress”. The
information (tables, pictures, text) which differs from the previous versions of this document, will
be highlighted by vertical bars located on the side page (e.g. the vertical bar located on the left side
of this page).

Inside of this manual, there are boxes containing the wordings “WARNING”, “CAUTION”,
“NOTE” and “ATTENTION”. Their definitions are reported below:
· WARNING: Operative procedure, flight technique or action which, if not properly
performed, can cause virtual fatality of the pilot.
· CAUTION: Operative procedure, flight technique or action which, if not properly
performed, can cause damages to the on-board equipment or to the aircraft.
· NOTE: Operative procedure, flight technique or action which requires a proper clarification
and/or description.
· ATTENTION: general notice which requires particular attention.

Version 2.0


In order to avoid error and/or conflicts inside DCS, we recommend you install the mod BEFORE
you launch the simulator.

With respect the previous version (v 1.0), with the version 2.0 we introduces several big
improvements. The version 1.0 has the following characteristics:

· MB339 version A and PAN.

· Clickable Cockpit.
· Versions Post Mod PTA-322 (only external model) and MLU.
· Instructor view (F4 key) with main working flight instruments (in multiplayer also).
· Weapon system (simplified Jettison).
· GPS (simplified) e ILS.
· Custom sounds.
· Custom lights.
· 4 different liveries.
The version 2.0 has the following characteristics:

· EFM with the following features:

§ Adverse yaw.
§ Stall and spin.
§ The weapons release affects the flight dynamics.
§ Payloads drag is based on the “Drag Index” information reported on the MB339
performance manual.
§ Ground effect during take-off and landing.
§ The compressibility effects acts on the aerodynamic data.
§ Buffeting due to stall and due to high speed (Mach > 0.78).
§ Pitching moment and cockpit shaking due to extension of speed brake, landing gear
and flaps.
§ Enhanced rolling friction based on the real MB339 take off times.
§ Added anti-skid.
§ Multi crew feature (currently without systems synchronization).
§ The engine performances are based on the data of the real Viper 632-43 (thrust, fuel
consumption, exhaust gas temperature).
· Miscellaneous:
§ New details added such as:
- Access steps
- Landing light
- Landing gear hydraulic hoses
- Tires deformation due to aircraft weight
- New 3D pilots model
- Fences and antennas are now correctly placed on the 3D model
- Ejection animation
§ New high definition liveries
Version 2.0

- 2x armada (Killmark and Yellow Strips)

- 2x camo (Day Glo and without)
- 1x light gray
- 2x “Marlboro” (S-001 and SVBIA)
- 1x Emirates
- 1x Malaysia
- 1x 313° G.A.A. Frecce Tricolori (PAN – Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale)
§ New ejection seat 3D model
§ Real MB339 landing gear warning sound
§ Possibility to switch from front to back seat in single player
§ Working Airspeed Indicator with Mach Meter and Maximum Speed Indicator
§ New high definition cockpit textures (WIP)
§ Some internal sounds revised and tuned
· Bug fix:
§ Nuclear explosion after ground impacts
§ Unused commands on the menu options have been removed
§ Gunsight test animation
§ Corrected slip ball behaviour
§ Corrected the operations of the Airspeed Indicator below 50 kts
§ G-meter now shows actual values
§ Vertical speed indicator now shows real values
§ The gunsight connectors are now not available when it is not present on the aircraft
· Other:
§ English flight manual (the Italian version is no longer maintained)
§ Instant action
§ Mission
· Future works (in a random order) which will be coded in C++:
§ Electrical system with working circuit breakers
§ Fuel system with fuel dump
§ Environmental control system
§ Hydraulic system
§ Navigation system
§ Damage model and related failures
§ In-flight relight and engine shut down due to negative G
§ Random Failures / Other minor systems


To be able to use flaps, set keys of your choice for the following commands:

· Flaps Down: lower the flaps one position at a time.

· Flaps Up: the flaps one position at a time.
· Airbrake: set a button for this command.
NOTE: “airbrake on” and “airbrake off”.
· Wheel Brake On/Off: set this command if you want to use a key.
· 1: switch to front cockpit (only in single player)
· 2: switch to rear cockpit (only in single player)
· J: ask the flight controls (for pilot student) / take the flight controls (for instructor) (only in
Version 2.0

· Select Reticle: selects the reticle you want to use.

NOTE: refer to “Weapon system” for more details.
· White smoke: activates the white smoke
· Color smoke: activates the color smoke
NOTE: refer to “Smoke system” for the complete system description.

Although in DCS it is possible to use different type of priority for the online multi crew, we choose
to use only the “pilot student + instructor” option since the MB339 is a trainer aircraft.

Mission preparation
1. Open the Mission Editor and place a MB339 on the map, then choose the “Aircraft control
2. Mark “Solo Flight” if you want to fly the mission “solo” (the instructor 3D model will
3. Create your own mission and then launch it in multiplayer.
See the two figures below as example.
NOTE: the figures below may differs from the current version of the mod.

Version 2.0

Slot selection and in-game operations

If you are the pilot
1. Enter in the MP server, select a slot as “pilot” and then enter into the cockpit.
2. Accept the “join request” as soon as the window show below appears on the left side of the
monitor. To accept the join request follow the steps below:
· Click on your friend’s name who wants to share the aircraft;
· Click “ACCEPT” (or “DENY ALL” if you prefer to fly alone).

If you are the instructor

1. Enter in the MP server, wait your fried be ready in the cockpit and then select the slot as
“instructor” in which you want to join.
2. Wait until your friend accepts your “join request” then enter into the cockpit.

Version 2.0

NOTE: bear in mind that you are the instructor, so you can take the aircraft control whenever you
want by pressing the “J” key. Until you press “J” key, the aircraft will execute your friend’s
If you have the flight controls and your friend will press the “J” key, a window with the following
message will appear on the left side of your monitor:
“<your friend’s name> wants to manage.”
Press “ALLOW” giving him the flight controls or “DENY” if you want to keep them.

Multi crew know issues

When you fly in MP with the multi crew feature, probably you will experience several
synchronization issues regarding the on-board system set. To synchronize them, it is necessary to
use a code reserved to the official 3rd Party Devs or to bypass the system by means an external
program. Currently, we have not planned the development of this program, but we do not exclude
its development in the future.
For now our advice is to be coordinate with your friend while flying, i.e. doing the same actions.
For example, if your friend pulls the gear up/down, extracts/retracts the speedbrakes,
activates/deactivates the smoke system and so on, to the same action to avoid abnormal flight
behaviours when you get the flight control.

Version 2.0

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Version 2.0

The MB339 aircraft was designed by the Engineer Ermanno Bazzocchi (Tradate (IT), March 27,
1914 – Tradate (IT), July 7, 2005) who, in addition to the MB339, worked at the Aeronautica
Macchi of Varese (IT) as a designer of the aircraft series such as MB.308, the MB-323 and the MB-
326 (characterized by the initials MB - Macchi Bazzocchi).

Figure 1. Eng. Ermanno Bazzocchi

Before the MB339 project, a trainer jet engine was developed and officially presented on March
The industry of Varese (IT) proposed a small jet in a two-seat tandem configuration to be used for
the first two flight instruction periods, the initial one and the basic one. On April 1956, the program
was approved by the Italian Ministry of Defense and the Macchi received the order for the
construction of two prototypes.

Figure 2. MB-326 prototype

The first of these prototypes flew on December 10, 1957, piloted by the Chief Test Pilot of the
Aeronautica Macchi, the Commander Guido Carestiato. Subsequently, on November 1958, the
prototypes passed to the Experimental Flight Department of Pratica di Mare (IT), where the
operational testing phase was started. This experimental period lasted until 1960, when the Air
Force defined an initial contract for 100 production aircraft. The first training course with the MB-
326 began on March 1962. In the meantime, the aircraft conquered numerous world records of
speed in circuit and ascent approved by the FAI.
After the Italian Air Force, Macchi got Alitalia as its first and only civil customer. On February
1963, Alitalia purchased four MB-326 in the "D" version for its civil flight school in Brindisi (IT).
Understanding the great market potential in the trainer sector, Macchi dedicated most of its
resources to study and produce aircraft for this specific use. Two years later, the first foreign
Version 2.0

contract from Tunisia was signed. After the evaluation of a "B" version of the aircraft with fixed
(two 7.62 mm machine guns in semi-submerged sub alar pods) and free fall (400 kg in four wing
pilings) weapons, Tunisia ordered eight aircraft.
Another nation, the Ghana, bought the MB-326F which was similar to the "B" version but equipped
with a more sophisticated avionic, greater fuel capacity thanks to the larger size of the tip tanks and
an automatic extinguishing system in the engine compartment. From the MB-326B derives a further
version, the "E" one, developed for the needs of the Italian Air Force.
During the 1965, Macchi recorded the first significant results in sales by starting production under
license with South Africa and Australia.
South Africa chose the "M" version - which was "improved" - modified and strengthened compared
to previous versions and equipped with a slightly more performing Rolls Royce Viper engine and
with substantial modifications to the communication and radio-navigation systems. The aircraft
were called Impala Mk.l.

Figure 3. Australian Aerobatic Team with the MB-326

However, Australia decided for a batch of MB-326 version "H", with a new on-board
instrumentation and a more powerful engine.
The 1967 was the year of a later version called "G". With this last one, it was adopted a new
turbojet of the Viper family, the Model 540 with 1540 kg (3400 lb) of thrust, and the aircraft was
characterized by a more significant payload capacity. The first order of this version came from
Argentina with 12 aircraft in the subseries "GB" equipped with simplified avionics. After, Brazil
required 112 aircraft in the subseries "GC", designated AT-26 Xavante to be built under license at
the Embraer plant of San José do Campos. Followed also the orders of Zaire, the current Congo and
Zambia, in the "GB" subseries. The last variant was the MB-326K version. Its first flight was on
August 22nd 1970 (conducted by the Commander Guido Carestiato) and it was developed to
optimize the war potential of the aircraft. The aircraft was built in a single-seat configuration and,
although intended for operational training, it could be used for ground support. The main features of
this version concern the installation of a Rolls Royce Viper 632-43 turbojet with 1815 kg (4000 lb)
of thrust, a reinforced structure, an increased fuel capacity and a fixed armament based on two 30
mm ADEN or DEFA automatic cannons. This single-seat version aroused considerable interest by
the Air Forces of some foreign countries such as Dubai, Tunisia, Zaire and Ghana, which later
confirmed the purchase order together with the two-seater version called "L". In 1975, South Africa
renewed the construction license for the aircraft that, like the "G" version, foresaw the installation
of a Viper turbojet of the 540 series instead of the 632 version as in the "K" version. The aircraft
was called Impala Mk.2. In all, the production of the MB-326 totaled over 800 specimens.

Version 2.0


Figure 4. MB-339A in DCS World

MB-339 development
In the mid-seventies, Macchi decided to develop a successor of 326: the MB-339. This model,
despite preserving the basic setting of the previous one, it represented a significant evolution. It is
best known by the public in its PAN version, since for many years it is the aircraft of the Italian
National Aerobatic Team, the famous Frecce Tricolori, which performs its shows in Italy and all
around the world. In the aviation world, the name of the Aeronautica Macchi is closely linked to the
great sporting activities of the hydrocorsa of the '20s and' 30s and to the production of some of the
best Italian fighters of the second world war. The MB-339 model is the latest in the Aeronautica
Macchi series.
The general configuration of the MB339 derived from the desire to obtain a modern trainer,
completely in line with the latest specifications regarding visibility and manoeuvre performance and
avionics, maintaining a certain overall simplicity at low cost.
The MB339 is a basic ab-initio training aircraft with close air support capability. It has a two-seat
configuration and the rear seat is raised to provide better visibility. The aircraft has a turbojet engine
R.R.-FIAT Viper 632-43 with 1815 kg (4000 lb) of static thrust. This engine retains all the
characteristics of simplicity, robustness and low cost of the Viper family. Engine management and
re-ignition qualities remain above the high standards made famous by previous Viper engines.
The structure incorporates a reinforced wing that joins the side members of the two axles to the two
sides of the fuselage as developed for the MB-326K. The ailerons are hydraulically servo-driven
with mechanical return, the elevators and the rudder function mechanically.
The cockpit provides an excellent view both front and side for both crew members and in addition
the width of the roof allows the lateral movement of the head. The visibility from both places
exceeds the requirements of the MIL-STD-850B.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 5. Aircraft forward visibility

The effectiveness of the mission is guaranteed thanks to a complete set of new generation flight
instruments (ADI, HSI, FLIGHT DIRECTOR), and the choice of a high reliability modern
electronic avionics. The aircraft has very good flight performance characteristics, among which the
field performance is very significant, i.e. it has a very low speed condition of both approach and
take-off (below 100 kts) and a very short take-off run and landing (in the order of 1500 ft). In
addition, the MB339 can effectively perform armed training and ground attack missions using 6
sub-wing strong points, also for its "A" version. The production of this version was destined for
In the summer of 1976 the first of the two MB339 prototypes, the MB-339X, was brought in flight
by Commander Franco Bonazzi while the second one flew only on May 20 of the following year.
Furthermore, a third aircraft was built for static and fatigue stress tests.

Figure 6. MB-339X

On July 20th, 1978, the flight baptism of the "A" version took place. The first foreign customer was
Argentina who ordered 10 aircraft in 1980. The deliveries of this version began in early 1981 at the
14th Fighter Wing of Pratica di Mare (IT). Peru followed in the "AC" version, Malaysia in the
"AM" version, Nigeria and Ghana in the "AF" version and Dubai in the "NAT" version (National
Aerobatic Team) converted into 10 aircraft similar to the PAN for the acrobatic team of the United
Arab Emirates Al Fursan. In the same year the MB-339A started their activity at the SVBAA in
Lecce-Galatina (IT).

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 7. Typical Argentinian livery of the MB-339

The 1982 is the official year for the introduction of the PAN version that replaced the Fiat G-91 of
the 313th AA Group of Rivolto (IT).
Then, there was another version called MB-339K Veltro II. It represents the single-seat fighter
version of its predecessor, flew for the first time on May 30, 1980. It was also equipped with a Rolls
Royce Viper 632-43 engine with 1815 Kg (4000 lb) of thrust and two 30 mm DEFA M552
cannons. The expected payload was 1800 kg (3968 lb) divided on six wing pylons and provided for
numerous combinations of rockets, bombs, missiles and pods. His roles included operational
training, tactical support and ground attack.
An argument that deserves to be described concerns version C and its sub-categories. The 1988 is
the year of the birth of the first aircraft of this version equipped with an improved engine.
The design of this new system is aimed at obtaining excellent safety characteristics, simplicity and
promptness than the basic version of the aircraft. The adoption of a general system architecture
based on a relatively low cost avionics and with a modern technology makes it possible to obtain
maintenance costs and features completely in line with the class of the aircraft. The 339C is a
single-engine aircraft with a two-seat configuration, also designed to be a basic ab-initio training
aircraft. Its characteristics make the role of close air support possible. The avionics includes the
latest generation main systems (HUD, HOTAS, inertial sensor, navigation and attack computers,
telemeter radar, etc.) which allow the best training techniques in modern missions. This aircraft is
developed from the MB339B, an version with improved engine and a lot of fuel capacity compared
to the MB339A and to each other air force in the world. Its turbojet engine R.R.-FIAT Viper 680-43
has maximum static thrust of 1995 kg (4400 lb).
As for the "A" version, the structure incorporates a reinforced wing that merges the longerones of
the two wings to the two sides of the fuselage as developed for the MB-326K. The ailerons are
hydraulically servo-driven with mechanical return, the elevators and the rudder function
mechanically. The cockpit provides an excellent view both front and side for both crew members
exceeding the requirements of the MIL-STD-850B. The aircraft has very good flight performance
characteristics, among which the field performance is very significant.
In 1990 there was the first order of the MB-339 in the "CB" version by New Zealand (training for
laser designation, radar detection, ability to use AIM-9L and AGM-65 Maverick-17 – these aircraft
are still existing and operative at the US company "Draken International").
The 1991 was the year of foreign deliveries that saw Eritrea as the protagonists with the sub-
category "CE", Malaysia with "CM" and New Zealand with the "CB" and around 1992 we saw the

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

creation of the MB- 339 T-Bird II (Lockheed T-Bird II), a version made to specifications of the US
JPATS call.
The final variant was the MB-339CD, whose the prototype flew on April 24, 1996. The
development of the modern front line of the aircraft provides a radically innovative philosophy in
the human-machine interface. We are talking about new computerized systems that modify the
traditional aircraft-pilot relationship and that requires special skills in the new management
techniques of modern systems and data. It is a single engine aircraft, two-seat advanced trainer and
optimized for the conversion of the pilot to the latest generation of operational aircraft. This version
is not only characterized by the adoption of a Rolls Royce Viper 680-43 engine with 2080 kg (4586
lb) of thrust, but also by a substantial revision of the avionics and the cockpit that becomes fully
digital with three multifunction screens and two Head-up Display (HUD) for both pilots, a HOTAS
system, inertial reference system and mission computer. This version is enabled to cover the role of
The engine, in its versions, is equipped with an eight-stage axial compressor, single shaft, with two-
stage turbine and an annular combustion chamber. The engine ignition is electric by means of on-
board batteries or by an external power source. The BFCU and A/FRC fuel control system allows
unlimited engine management in almost all of the aircraft's operating envelope: speed, altitude, and
angle of attack. A bulkhead separates the compressor from the combustion chamber, while a
ventilation system provides air circulation throughout the engine platform.
The MB-339CD has derived an export version, substantially similar, characterized by the initials
FD (Full Digital).
In April 1997, Aermacchi reached the significant milestone of 200 aircraft delivered.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Technical characteristics
This section contains a brief description of the manufacturing characteristics, systems and on-board
systems of the Aermacchi MB339A aircraft. The design and integration of these systems largely
reflect the construction, philosophy and experience gained with the MB326 aircraft family.

Figure 8. Main aircraft dimensions

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Airframe limits
Maximum velocity (VNE – Velocity Never Exceed) .......................................... 500 KIAS /.82 Mach
Load factor .......................................................................................................................... +7,33 / -4,0
T/O weight (clean configuration) (T.O.M.) .............................................................. 4400 kg (9700 lb)
Landing weight with 10% of fuel ............................................................................. 3425 kg (7550 lb)
Dry weight ................................................................................................................ 3125 kg (6883 lb)
Internal oil and fuel (unusable) ......................................................................................... 15 kg (33 lb)
Empty weight ............................................................................................................ 3140 kg (6916 lb)
Maximum take-off weight (with external payloads)............................................... 5900 kg (13000 lb)
Internal fuel (usable) ................................................................................................. 1100 kg (2423 lb)

Net performances
Take-off run .................................................................................................................. 550 m (1805 ft)
Distance above 15 m (50 ft) obstacle during T/O ......................................................... 700 m (2296 ft)
Rate of Climb (R/C) ........................................................................................... 33,5 m/s (6500 ft/min)
Time of climb at 9144 m (30000 ft) (ISA)................................................................................. 7,1 min
Service max ceiling (R/C = 100 ft/min) .................................................................. 14020 m (46000 ft)
Maximum level flight speed at sea level (clean configuration) ................................................. 485 kts
Maximum level flight speed at service max ceiling .................................................................. 496 kts
Maximum speed at 9144 m (30000 ft) ............................................................................... ~ 0,77 mach
Maximum sustained load factor ..................................................................................................... 5,9 g
Maximum rate of sustained turn at 4572 m (15000ft ) ......................................................... 12 deg/sec
Approach speed with obstacle at 15m (50 ft) ............................................................................ 102 kts
Landing speed .......................................................................................................................... 89 KIAS
Landing run ................................................................................................................... 480 m (1575 ft)
VLE - Maximum Gear Extension Speed ............................................................................... 175 KIAS
VS – Stall speed:
clean configuration and 200 kg (385,81 lb) of fuel.................................................................. 96 KIAS
with maximum fuel 1400kg (3086,47 lb) .............................................................................. 107 KIAS
T/O configuration ................................................................................................................... 103 KIAS
landing configuration ............................................................................................................. 100 KIAS
VY - Best Rate-of Climb Speed – at sea level ....................................................................... 280 KIAS
3048 m (10000 ft) .................................................................................................................. 265 KIAS
6096 m (20000 ft) ............................................................................................. 0,55 mach (255 KIAS)
9144 m (30000 ft) ............................................................................................. 0,55 mach (210 KIAS)
12192 m (40000 ft) ........................................................................................... 0,55 mach (160 KIAS)
Maximum speed with flaps extended:
take-off (T/O) ......................................................................................................................... 175 KIAS
landing (DOWN).................................................................................................................... 150 KIAS
speedbrake ............................................................................................................................ NO LIMIT

Mission data
crew ............................................................................................................... 2 pilots – 160 kg (352 lb)
maximum range (clean configuration) ..................................................................... 1760 km (950 nm)
maximum range (transfer configuration with underwing tanks) ........................... 2110 km (1140 nm)
maximum endurance (clean configuration at 9144 m (30000 ft)) ............................................... 2h 50’
maximum endurance (transfer configuration with underwing tanks at 7620 m (25000ft)) ......... 3h 45’

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

General data
Section Details Unit of measure
Wing area (including ailerons, flap,
2,687 m2 (28,92 ft2) of 19,30 m2 (207,74 ft2)
aspect ratio (A/R) 5,26
wing sweep at 25% chord 8° 29’

airfoil wing section (root) NACA 64A-114 mod.

airfoil wing section (tip) NACA 64A-212 mod.
Flap area 2,552 m2 (27,47 ft2)
Flap travel:
take-off position 28 deg
landing position 64 deg
aileron area 1,378 m2 (14,83 ft2)
aileron travel +18° / -11°
Horizontal tail total area (including elevators
and 0,604 m2 (6.50 ft2) of 4,359 m2 (46.92 ft2)
aspect ratio 4,08
wing sweep at 25% chord 8° 47’
airfoil wing section NACA 64A-009
elevators area 0,979 m2 (10,54 ft2)
elevators travel +23°/ -13°30’
Vertical tail total area 2,980 m2 (32,08 ft2)
aspect ratio 1,45
wing sweep (at leading edge) 36°
airfoil wing section NACA 64A-009 mod.
rudder area 0,610 m2 (6.57 ft2)
rudder travel +25° / -25°
Speedbrake total area 0,520 m2 (5,60 ft2)
maximum travel 57°
Usable fuel internal volume 1413 litri (1100 kg)
Landing gear tire dimension of the main 545 x 175 – 10 12PR (21,5 X
landing gear 7,0 - 10)
Tire dimension of the nose 380 x 150 – 4 6PR (6,00 - 4)
landing gear

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Structural limits

Cruise conditions
The maximum allowed acceleration during symmetrical acceleration are +8g and -4g for aircrafts in
clean configuration with the following conditions:
a. Without tip tanks;
b. With elliptical tip tanks;
c. Without cylindrical tip tanks containing until 195 kg (429,9 lb) of fuel (for post-mod. PTA-
180 aircraft without kit C modification);
d. Without elliptical tip tanks containing until 260 kg (573 lb) of fuel (for post-mod. PTA-180
aircraft with kit C modification).
For post-mod PTA-180 aircraft with kit C modification equipped with cylindrical tip tanks
containing more than 260 kg (573 lb) of fuel, the maximum allowable accelerations are +7g and -
3g. For post-mod PTA-180 aircraft without kit C modification equipped with cylindrical tip tanks
containing more than 195 kg (429 lb) of fuel, the maximum allowable accelerations are +6g and -
Refer to Figure 9 for the manoeuvre envelope diagram. The corresponding acceleration limits for
concurrent manoeuvre of roll and pitch are -1g and 2/3 of the allowable limit for symmetrical
For the allowable maximum acceleration with external payloads during symmetrical manoeuvres
refer to Figure 10 and Figure 11.

Landing conditions
The maximum allowable acceleration with flaps in TAKE OFF and DOWN position is from 0 g to
4 g.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 9. Envelope diagram, clean configuration – cruise condition

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 10. Envelope diagram with external paylods under 600 kg – cruise condition

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 11. Envelope diagram with external paylod up to 600 kg – cruise condition

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

The airframe
The airframe of the MB339 can be divided into three main sections: the wing, the empennages and
the fuselage. Different types of aluminum and steel alloys are widely used throughout the structure.
The use of alloys which contain magnesium has been reduced to a minimum and do not include
structural parts, while the entire structure has been treated an anti-corrosion treatment.

Figure 12. MB339PAN on the parking area

The criterion of its structural design is based on the MIL-A-008860 spec requirements. The aircraft
has a positive load factor in a clean configuration of 8 g while the speed limit of the structure is 500
KIAS or 0.85 Mach. The cockpit structure is dimensioned to withstand at least 40000 pressurization
cycles and aerodynamic flutter characteristics in clean configuration are absent for the entire flight
The structure of the aircraft is designed for a lifetime of 7000 flying hours and 12000 landings in
ground attack configuration. The MB339PAN version is instead limited to 4500 flight hours and
9000 landings. All the transparent parts and their supporting structure have been calculated to
withstand the impact of a bird having a mass of 0.9 kg (1.98 lb) with an aircraft flying at a speed of
430 kts at sea level.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

The wing consists of left and right wing, two tip tanks as fixed structures and flaps and elevators as
control surfaces.

Wing structure
The wing is trapezoidal type with a sweep angle 11 deg and the airfoil is NACA 64A laminar type.
The wing structure is composed by ribs connected to a single main longeron and to a false longeron
which allows the covering to be resistant to torsion. A steel comb linkage allows to connect the
wing to the centre fuselage section by means two bolts. The main landing gear support is placed on
the main longeron, in correspondence of the compartments realized to house the landing gear
structure and doors. The wing incorporates six attaching points for the external pylons to carry
weapons or auxiliary fuel tanks.
On the structure of the false longeron are placed the attaching points for ailerons and flaps.
On the wing tip are placed the attaching points for the tip tanks: these fuel tanks can be elliptic or
cylindrical depending the required mission profile. The flaps are “Single-Slotted” type and are
operated by means a single hydraulic actuator placed in the fuselage which moves rods and gears.
The ailerons are hydraulically servo-actuated by means an actuator which allows the aerodynamic
balance and are provided of a tab which reduces the strength on the stick in case of malfunction or
loss of the hydraulic actuator.

Figure 13. Detail of the wing tip section

Tip tanks
The tip tanks can be of two different types: elliptical or cylindrical section. The tip tanks are
composed of preformed aluminium alloy panels linked on the internal structure also realized in
aluminium alloy. The internal structure is impervious and resistant to fuel by sealing. Both tip tanks
type are equipped with overpressure relief valve and a fuel dump system.

The empennages is composed by horizontal and vertical stabilizers as fixed structures and by rudder
and elevators as control surfaces.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Vertical stabilizer
The vertical stabilizer structure is composed by two longerons, ribs, covering panels and a tip.

The rudder structure is composed by a single “C -ection” type longeron, ribs, covering panels, a
leading edge and a tip. The rudder is statically balanced and is equipped with a trim tab electrically

Horizontal stabilizer
The horizontal stabilizer, cantilever beam type, is attached to the rear fuselage section by means two
connections and two struts. The horizontal stabilizer structure is composed by two longerons, ribs,
covering panels and tip. The frontal longeron is composed by two “L-section” covering and a
canvas. The rear longeron is “C-section” type.

The elevator is composed by two surfaces interconnected by means a torsion bar. Its structure is
characterized by a “C-section” type longeron, ribs, covering panels, a trailing edge and a tip. The
elevator is statically balanced and is equipped with a trim tab electrically actuated.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 14. Exploded view of the aircraft airframe

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

The fuselage is divided in two sections: the front section and the rear one.
The fuselage front section is the area between the front bulkhead on which the nose cone is installed
and the main rear bulkhead on which the main engine attach points are located.
The fuselage structure is composed by “C-section” type ribs linked by means “C-section” type
longerons, several “L-section” type reinforcements and covering panels.
The nose area is divided by the cabin by means a pressurized bulkhead; this is a truncated cone
structure divided in two compartments: the lower compartment and the upper compartment. In the
lower compartment contains the nose landing gear, the upper compartment contains the avionic bay.

Figure 15. Fuselage – front section

The fuselage portion in which is located the cabin is totally sealed and it is composed by the
ejection seat vanes, the windshield and the canopy: these last ones are in transparent plastic
material. The windshield is built in a unique piece of acrylic material with a thickness of 19,5 mm
and it is linked to the fuselage by means a light alloy structure. The canopy is realized in a unique
piece of acrylic material with a thickness of 8,0 mm. It is linked to the fuselage by means a fixed
hinge on the right longeron. The support of the canopy structure holds an external inflatable seal in
its edge which guarantees the cockpit pressurization.
The cabin ends with the rear pressurized bulkhead which divides the front fuselage section in two
different parts: on the rear part of the pressurized bulkhead are placed the two internal fuel tanks.
The engine vane it is located under the main fuel tank. In the upper part is located the rear avionic
bay reachable and inspection by means a door which can be open on the fuselage left side. On the
two fuselage sides, are placed two bays reachable by means two doors which hosts, on the left side,
the main electrical panel and the GCUs with the electric power generation controls while, on the left

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

side, is located the aircraft hydraulic system control. In the lower part of the front fuselage section,
in centre of gravity position, it is placed the speedbrake.

Figure 16. Fuselage – rear section

The rear fuselage section starts from the engine bulkhead to the tail cone and it is totally realized in
aluminium alloy. The complete fuselage assembly it is connected to the front section by means four
bolts to grants a simply and rapid link for the engine removal procedures.
A fire-proof bulkhead in stainless steel, isolates the front part of the engine compartment from the
rear fuselage section which comprises the combustion chamber and the engine nozzle. The tail cone
is realized in stainless steel, except the covering panels of the vertical stabilized which are realized
in aluminium alloy.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 17. Fuselage – Front section

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 18. Fuselage – Rear section

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

On-board system description

In this section will be provided a general description of the aircraft's on-board systems, such as
propulsion, fuel, landing gear, air conditioning, rescue, oxygen and armament systems. The cockpit
and the instruments will be treated in a separate chapter.

Figure 19. Aircraft overall view

Engine system

Figure 20. Engine general scheme with its main parts

The aircraft is equipped with a Rolls-Royce FIAT Mark 632-43 engine mounted in the fuselage
compartment immediately after the main fuel tanks. The engine is an evolution of the Rolls-Royce
Viper turbojet family that started with the model 11 to continue with the 500 and 600 series. The
engine is powered by two air inlets symmetrically positioned at the wing/fuselage interface and
converging towards the compressor through a structural element connecting the flow. The leading
edges of the air intakes and the inlet ducts are equipped with an electrically powered anti-icing

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

system. The engine exhaust gases are expelled through an annular conduit entirely covered by
thermal insulation panels.
The engine compartment is divided into two bays separated by a steel baffle bulkhead mounted
between the central section of the engine and the "hot" part of the combustion chamber. To increase
the protection of the fuselage structure and keep the temperatures within the expected safety limits,
the aircraft is equipped with NACA type air intakes that serve to ventilate the engine compartment.
The two main mounts of the engine are located on each side of the central fuselage section and are
made up of two half-rings which enclose two semi-spherical bearings to which the motor supports
are fixed. A third connection point is located on the left side of the engine and is connected to the
fuselage by an push-rod for longitudinal alignment of the engine. The thrust of the turbojet and
therefore the engine speed regime are controlled by a throttle located on the left side of each pilot
compartment. The throttle also incorporates the function of "H.P. Cock ". Engine start-up is electric
and takes place using the main batteries or an external power source. The aircraft is equipped with a
set of tools to check engine condition and performance such as an engine rpm indicator (Engine N%
RPM), a flue gas temperature indicator (EGT Temp.), a fuel flow indicator (F/F Ind.) and an oil
pressure gauge (Eng. Oil Press Ind.). The aircraft also has a jet temperature control and limitation
system (JPT Limiter).

Figure 21. Lateral view of the Rolls Royce 632-43 Viper

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Engine characteristics
The Rolls Royce FIAT Viper 632-43 engine is an axial flow turbojet that allows a static thrust of
1800 kg (4000 lb) at sea level. At the military level (102%) the boost reaches 1960 kg (4320 lb).
The general engine architecture consists of an eight-stage axial compressor connected directly to a
two-stage turbine. The rotation shaft on which the compressor and turbine stages are installed is
mounted on three main bearings.

Figure 22. Frontal view of the Rolls Royce 632-43 Viper

A direct flow annular combustion chamber incorporates 24 injectors (Burners) which directly feed
the combustion. The fuel is conveyed to the injectors via a variable-flow pump that is part of the
fuel control system. The fuel, before feeding the injectors, is atomised thermally and mixed with
superheated air coming from the compressor. Two starting glow plugs and six atomisers controlled
by a solenoid valve are used exclusively during engine start-up.
The engine lubrication system consists of a main tank located on the right side of the engine. The
system does not provide a cooling radiator or a closing valve for the circuit.
The main oil pump lubricates the front bearing and the accessory box. Two secondary pumps are
mounted on the return circuit of the main pump and instead lubricate the central and rear bearings.
The air intake of the engine, as well as the first stage of the compressor stator, have the anti-ice
protection guaranteed by the hot air tapped from the last stage of the compressor. The same air is
used to heat the Air/Fuel Ratio Control (A/FRC) and for the operations of the pneumatic system and
air conditioning of the aircraft.
All the components of the fuel system, the lubrication system and the transmission of the control
parameters are mounted in the "cold" zone, which is isolated from the "hot" zone by the flame
arrester bulkhead.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 23. Rear view of the Rolls Royce 632-43 Viper

The JPT Limiter system automatically monitors the fuel supply flow when the maximum jet
temperature at the exhaust is reached to prevent overheating of the exhaust pipe. The system
consists of four thermocouples, a signal amplifier and an electromechanical control unit called the
Electro Pressure Controller (E.P.C.) installed on the motor. The E.P.C. system it can be deactivated
by the pilot through the switch with protection cap signed JPT/FUEL DIP.

Figure 24. View of the nozzle of a MB339A PAN: in the foreground the pipes of the smoke plant

The nozzle releases the gases produced by the combustion that generate the thrust. It is made of
corrosion-resistant steel and is entirely covered with thermally insulating pillows. The jet tube is
connected to the engine exhaust through a flange and has some drainage points. Approximately half
of its length are the thermocouple housings for EGT recording. On the terminal part a variable
number of "trimmer" is installed to reduce the diameter of the exhaust and allow a better flow yield
and consequently the thrust characteristics of the engine.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 25. Diagram of the engine supply system

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

The starting/ignition system is used to start the engine on the ground and for its re-ignition during
the "windmilling" phase. The system consists mainly of a starter-generator, a starter relay, a
solenoid fuel valve, two ignition boxes and two starter glow plugs. The starting is obtained by
supplying a 28 V direct current (DC) power to the starter-generator, which allows the compressor to
run through the reduction gears of the accessory box. The starter-generator is powered by direct
current (DC) 28V 800A through the external power source or from the batteries of the aircraft. In
case the batteries are used, they are automatically connected in series during the start-up phase. The
switches for the starter sequence are grouped on the left side of the front passenger compartment
console. The engine is restarted in flight using the "RELIGHT" button located on both handcuffs in
the passenger compartment.

Fire detection system

The engine compartment is equipped with an overheating and fire warning system. The system uses
a sensor wire that is sensitive to thermal variations and consists of two completely separate circuits.
A first circuit is installed in the front part of the engine compartment and in the event of an
overheating signal, the red warning light "FIRE" lights up. The second control circuit is located in
the rear area of the engine compartment and activates in case of overheating of the zone, the yellow
warning signal "OVERHEAT". The fire control and warning system is based on the requirements of
the MIL-F-7872C specification.

Engine Control system

The engine control system consists of a throttle connected rigidly by a mechanical transmission to
the throttles in the pilot compartment. Then, through a series of referrals and rods, the connection
goes to the engine control box (Engine Control Box Unit) and then to the control levers of the
barometric flow control system (BFCU - Barometric Flow Control Unit).

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Fuel system

Fuel tanks arrangement

The fuel system of the MB339A aircraft consists of three tanks: a main tank consisting of two cells
is installed in the fuselage and two end tanks with an elliptical or cylindrical section that are
installed at the ends of the wings. In addition to these, two detachable external tanks can be installed
to the sub-air pylons of stations 2 and 5. The main fuselage tank is composed of two rubber cells
with self-sealing foaming protective plastic material while the end tanks they are in metal with a full
seal. The total amount of fuel that can be used in the fuselage tank is 1031 liters, while the fuel
contained in the cylindrical end tanks is 500 liters for each and a further 850 liters can be used in the
additional detachable tanks. As a result of gravity, the fuel arrives in the front cell of the central
tank from the rear and through a transfer circuit from the end tanks and the sub-tanks.
From the front cell of the main fuselage tank, the fuel feeds the engine directly via an electrically
powered "Booster Pump". The refueling of the aircraft can be carried out by pressure through a
centralized supply point located on the left side of the fuselage or manually by pistol (or gravity)
through the caps located on the top of each tank. The sub-air tanks can only be replenished
manually. In flight the amount of fuel contained respectively in the fuselage tank, in the left or right
end tank, or the total quantity (TOT QTY) is indicated to the pilot by a single dial indicator
positioned on the right of the instrument panels.

Engine supply system

The engine fuel system supplies fuel at low pressure. This circuit consists of an electric immersion
pump, a sump power supply box complete with a non-return valve system and an electrically
controlled "Shut-Off" valve.
The "Booster Pump" function is controlled by the "ENGINE MASTER" switch located on the left
console of the front passenger compartment. The fuel pressure at the outlet of the electric
immersion pump is 122.5 kPa (17.8 Psi). During inverted flight, the cockpit used for this function
holds enough fuel to ensure engine power for about 20-25 seconds. The "Shut-Off" valve is
electrically controlled by a switch with a protective cap called "FUEL SHUT OFF" located on the
left side console of the passenger compartment. The actuation of this valve completely stops the
fuel supply to the engine in case of emergency or for maintenance operations.
A fuel flow transmitter provides the right indications to the relevant indicators in the cabin. The
system consists of a transmitter mounted downstream of the engine's high-pressure pump, a
computer that processes and amplifies the data received from the transmitter and two indicators
mounted on both instrument panels.

Fuel transfer system

The main function of this system is to transfer fuel from sub-tanks and end tanks into the rear cell of
the main fuselage tank. The system consists of a pressure reducing valve, two electrically controlled
"Shut Off" valves, two "Shuttle Valves", a "Transfer Valve" with its control system and a certain
number of non-return valves (Check Valve) . The pressurized air used for the pressurization circuit
and for the fuel transfer operations is provided by the air bleeding from the eighth stage of the
engine compressor. The pressure reducing valve maintains the air necessary for the operation of the
transfer system at a pressure of approximately 30 kPa (4.35 psi).
Through the switch called "FUEL TRANSFER" located on the left side of the pilot console, in the
two positions "PYL / TIP" you can select from which tank you want to carry out the fuel transfer.
The "Transfer Valve" is installed in the upper part of the fuselage at the rear of the central tank,
which is electrically operated by means of a float switch positioned near the valve itself. When the

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

fuel level in the fuselage tank falls below a certain limit, the float switch gives consent to the
opening of the "Transfer Valve" and positions the transfer valves in the open position.
In these conditions the fuel contained in the selected tanks is obliged by the pressurization of the
system to move to the rear cell of the fuselage tank. When the fuel level reaches the full condition,
the float switch stops the consent and closes the "Transfer Valve" and the transfer valves, ending
the operation automatically. The fuel is transferred symmetrically from the wing and end tanks.

Figure 26. General description of the fuel system

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Landing gear system

The aircraft landing gear is designed to operate in all conditions that provide typical situations for
an aircraft intended for school and training activities that include heavy landing, asymmetrical
landing or side loads. The landing gear is also equipped with low pressure tires for operations on
semi-prepared runs, up to the maximum certified take-off weight.
The landing gear can remain extended up to a maximum speed of 175 KIAS. The extension and
retraction of the landing gear takes place through hydraulic pressure while its control is electrically.
The landing gear is completely retractable and is provided with closing doors for the respective
compartments. The retraction system consists of a main selection valve (Landing Gear Selector
Valve), a selection valve for the doors of the compartments (Doors Selector Valve) and a series of
actuators and hydraulic jacks for the movement of the landing gear legs and hatchbacks. The
electrical energy for the operation of the landing gear system derives directly from the 28V DC bus
bar, while the hydraulic supply is supplied by the main system.
The sequence of operations concerning the retraction and extension of the landing gear takes place
through the control lever positioned on the left side of the instrument panel of both cockpits and
through a series of microswitches operated in sequence by the movement of the landing gear legs
and the doors. The landing gear system also has an emergency extension circuit which is completely
independent from the main circuit, a system for indicating the position and warning of a "locked
landing gear" and a system for releasing the control lever in emergency conditions.
The nose landing gear has an electro-hydraulic steering system.
In the event that the main hydraulic system has a pressure loss or if there is a problem in the power
supply, the extension of the landing gear would still be possible through the emergency extension
circuit. The hydraulic energy required for the emergency extension operation is given by the
emergency power supply circuit. The retraction of the landing gear on the ground with the weight of
the aircraft which is still resting on the wheels is preventively inhibited by an electromechanical
device which blocks the actuation lever of the landing gear in the "DOWN" position. The lever
locking system consists of a micro switch positioned on the left main fork leg and a relay connected
to a solenoid mechanism that mechanically locks the control lever travel.
A button called "DOWNLOCK OVERRIDE", installed at the side of the control lever of the
landing gear, allows, in an emergency, to release the lever and allow the retraction of the landing
gear when the aircraft is on the ground.

Landing gear position indicator and Warning System

The position of the landing gear is indicated by three lights located on the landing gear control
lever. The indicators show the position of the respective leg and are controlled by micro switches
actuated by the movement sequence of the landing gear actuators and the relative hatches. The
control lever incorporates a red light into the handle which, together with the audio signal in the
headphones, warns the pilot that the position of the landing gear is not consistent with the position
of the control lever. This warning, whether light or sound, is activated even when the throttle is
moved to the "IDLE" position at a flight altitude of less than 3048 m (10000 ft) and when the
indicated speed is equal to or less than 165 KIAS.

How the landing gear system works

A button called "WARNING SILENCE" also positioned on the control lever of the landing gear
allows to silence the audio signal in the headphones when manoeuvres are performed that require
the positioning of the throttle in "IDLE" without the need to extend the landing gear. The landing
gear warning system can also be used as a confirmation signal of a "landing gear locked" (Gear-
Down Confirmation Signal). For this function a button is available on the throttle that can be
operated by the pilot in each flight phase. Furthermore, this command can be used upon request of
MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

the ground control. If the landing gear is correctly extracted and locked, the actuation of the button
inserts a two-tone signal into the transmission channel which can be heard not only by the pilot, but
also by the ground receive.

Breaking system
The braking system of the MB339A aircraft is composed of a hydraulic circuit which allows
progressive pressure to be applied to the pistons on the discs of a braking group installed on each
wheel of the main landing gear. Braking modulation makes it possible to decelerate, stop or steer
the aircraft on the ground in the event that the electro-hydraulic steering unit of the front landing
gear does not work properly.
The system consists of two braking groups which include three disks each (Triple Disk Type Brake
Assemblies) applied to the wheels of the main landing gear, two brake pumps for each passenger
compartment and an auxiliary brake pump. Pushing the top of each pedal, the hydraulic pressure is
applied directly to the wheel brake units. Each pedal acts directly on a single pump that modulates
the pressure to the respective brake. The left pedals control the braking group of the left main wheel
and the right pedals the right braking group. The system has an anti-skid system (Anti-Skid System)
that is electrically controlled and can be deactivated only from the front passenger compartment via
the "ANTI SKID" switch located on the left console. The hydraulic pressure for the wheel brake
system is directly derived from the main hydraulic system, while the hydraulic pressure for
emergency operations is provided by the emergency hydraulic system through the emergency
hydraulic system accumulator and can act on the brakes only through the emergency brake pump
which is controlled by the handle located on the left side of the front and rear instrument panel.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Main landing gear

The main landing gear is a complex entirely machined from a cast of high strength steel. The upper
side of the leg incorporates the fastening and rotation pin to the structure and the connection to the
operating hydraulic jack. The fixing pin and rotation is connected to the main wing spar. The lower
part of the main landing gear structure is provided with the connection of the wheel fork through
two bolted pins. The fork is of the tilting type and is made of a single casting in light alloy. The
shock absorber connects to the fork through a hinged link in the center of the fork. In the terminal
part there are the seats for the bearings and for the wheel fixing axis.

Figure 27. Operation diagram of the landing gear

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Main components of the main landing gear

The shock absorber (Main Landing Gear Shock Absorber) is housed inside the main landing gear
The main body of the shock absorber remains inserted into the housing inside the leg, while the
stem is connected to the fork. The shock absorber is of the single air/oil chamber type and consists
mainly of two components: an elastic component consisting of a chamber preloaded with inert gas
(nitrogen) and a sliding inner part designed to absorb the load which, during the sliding, allows the
leakage of a small amount of oil through a calibrated hole in the upper chamber. This allows to
guarantee the correct cushioning function of the assembly.

Figure 28. Detail of the main carriage

Main components of the nose landing gear

The main body of the nose landing gear is made of aluminum alloy cast that incorporates the steel
bushings for fixing to the fuselage connecting pins, the actuating hydraulic jack and the connecting
rods to the closing doors of the nose landing gear compartment. The steering actuator is installed on
the upper part of the nose leg. The turning radius of the aircraft is +/- 55° and the movement is
proportional to the movement of the pedal board. Always on the leg are the connections for the taxi
headlight and the centering and alignment spring of the nose landing gear.
In the lower part of the nose leg, the wheel fork and the tow bar attachments are connected via a
floating pin. The fork is also made of an aluminum alloy cast and has seats for housing the wheel
bearings and the shock absorber connection.
The damper of the nose landing gear is a single air/oil chamber type and the operating principle is
similar to that described for the main landing gear.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 29. Main components of the front landing gear

Nose Wheel Steering system

The steering system (Nose Wheel Steering - NWS) is powered by the main hydraulic system and is
electrically controlled.
The main function of the system is to ensure the directional manoeuvreability of the aircraft on the
ground, provide directional control and anti-shimmy action at low taxi speeds. The engagement of
the system takes place through the switch positioned on the control bar that is the same used in
flight for operations with the photographic pod. When the button is activated, the system is
activated, the nose landing gear is engaged by the steering actuator and can be controlled by moving
the pedal unit. The system can be switched off by pressing the button on the joystick again. The
system can only be used on the ground as a control micro switch positioned on the landing gear
allows the activation of the control valve. The control box is located in the front avionic
compartment, which also allows the system operation and verification tests to be carried out.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Wheels, brakes and tires

The tires of the wheels are "tubeless" type and are composed of two magnesium alloy semi-rims
connected by means of through bolts. Each rim of the main wheels has three thermal fuses arranged
circularly at 120° and calibrated to guarantee the deflation of the tire in case the overheating of the
brakes reaches a temperature of approximately 155°C. The brakes are of the multiple disc type
according to the requirements of the MIL-W-5013G specification. Both braking assemblies are
designed to have the capacity to absorb a total kinetic energy of 876000 kgm and to operate even on
semi-prepared terrains.
The wheels have tires of the following type:
· Main landing gear: 545 x 175-10 (21.5 x 7.0- 10) 12 tubeless PR.
· Nose landing gear: 380 x 150-4 (6.00-4) 6 PR tubeless (chines installed)
The nose wheel tire is manufactured with a conductive compound to ensure the static current
discharge accumulated by the aircraft during flight and has "whiskers" along the circumference to
limit water splashes during taxiing on wet pavements.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 30. Turning radius and distance from the ground

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

DC electrical power system

The electric system of the aircraft is direct current (DC) and consists essentially of a generator of 9
kW that also performs the function of the engine starter, connected in parallel with a second
generator of 6 kW and two batteries 24V 22Ah nickel-cadmium. The batteries are automatically
connected in series only during start-up operations. The generation of direct current is controlled by
means of three switches called "BATT", "GEN1" and "GEN2" located on the right side of the
instrument panel of the front passenger compartment. Two load gauges allow to control the flow of
output current from the generators towards the main bus. If one of the generators fails, the pilot is
warned by the yellow warning light "No.1 DC GEN" and "No.2 DC GEN" in the Master Warning
The distribution of the electric power to the various systems of the aircraft takes place through five
· Primary Bus;
· Secondary Bus;
· Essential Bus;
· Armament Bus;
· Monitor Bus.
The above are powered only when both generators are in generation and in line. In case of failure of
both generators, the "Essential Bus" is the only bar that is powered directly by the two batteries.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 31. Diagram of the DC system

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

AC electrical power system

Alternating current at 115V AC and 26V AC is supplied to the aircraft through a circuit consisting
essentially of two 600 VA single phase static inverters (600 VA Single-Phase Static Inverter). The
system is controlled via the “AC POWER” switch, which is also located on the right side of the
instrument panel. The distribution of the current takes place through three distribution bars at 115V
AC and three bars at 26V AC. For both voltages a “Primary AC Bus Bar”, an “Essential AC Bus
Bar” and a “Secondary AC Bus Bar” are available. During normal operating conditions, the “AC
POWER” switch is set to the “NORM” position. In this way both inverters (Main and Stan-By) are
active and supply all six AC distribution bars.
If the main inverter (Main) fails, moving the “AC POWER” switch to the “EMERG” position
disconnects the “Secondary AC Bus Bar” and automatically connects the Standby Inverter to the
“Primary AC Bus Bar” distribution bar and to the “Essential AC Bus Bar”.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 32. Diagram of the AC system

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Hydraulic power supply system

The hydraulic power supply system operates at a nominal pressure of approx. 176 ± 14 bar (2553 ±
200 psi) and consists of a main system and an emergency system. The main system provides the
pressure necessary to operate the following circuits: landing gear, wheel brakes, nose wheel
steering, flaps, speedbrake and aileron servo control.
The main supply system consists of : a fluid reservoir, an engine-driven variable-flow hydraulic
pump, two filters, a relief valve, a pressure accumulator and a “zero setting” selector valve (for
ground operation only). The pressure generated in the accumulator from the initial charge pressure
of 59 bar (860 psi) during normal operation, provides sufficient power for the extension of the
landing gear and the flaps, for operation of the wheel brakes and the temporary operation of the
aileron servo-control in case of hydraulic pump failure.
The emergency system provides the pressure required for the landing gear emergency extension and
operation of the emergency brake. This system is composed by a solenoid-operated separation valve
set to operate at108 bar (1566 psi) and controlled by a switch located on the left leg, a pressure
accumulator, fitted with a pressure gauge and charged to an initial charge of59 bar (860 psi) and a
“zero setting” selector valve (operable on the ground only). Both the main and the emergency
systems are fitted with a pressure indicating system connected to two gauges labeled “MAIN” and
“EMER” located on the two instrument panels.

Operation of hydraulic power supply system

When the engine is running, hydraulic fluid is pumped out of the pressurized reservoir by the
engine-driven hydraulic pump and delivered into the main supply system. When 108 bar pressure
value is exceeded, the solenoid-operated separation valve between the main and emergency systems
permits fluid to be directed from the main to the emergency system, until it reaches the operating
At this stage both the “MAIN” and “EMER” pressure gauges in the cabin will read the same
maximum value which is the hydraulic pump setting value. This value will be constantly restored as
it is decreased by a hydraulic load applied. The same operating pressure is also available in the two
pressure accumulators of the main and emergency systems with a reserve of fluid sufficient to carry
out a few manoeuvres in the event the hydraulic pump should fail.
This balance condition between the pressures in the two systems takes place only when the valve is
energized, i.e. when the micro-switch on the left landing gear leg is energized (aircraft weight is on
When the aircraft gets airborne, the main gear extension de-energizes the solenoid-operated
separation valve which closes and isolates the emergency system from the main hydraulic system.
This precludes the possibility that a failure in either system may jeopardize the operation of the
other system and ensures sufficient pressure and fluid for an emergency extension of the landing
gear and braking of the aircraft after landing.

NOTE: pressure decreasing of the emergency hydraulic system during a fast climb is normal. This
is due to the cooling of the emergency accumulator resulting in a nitrogen pressure drop. The
correct pressure is restored as soon as the aircraft reaches lower and thus warmer altitudes.
In the event of a quick pressure drop in the emergency system in other flight conditions, a nitrogen
or hydraulic fluid leakage is likely to be present.

When the aircraft is on ground with weight on wheels, the landing gear switch again energizes the
separation valve, and the valve sets to open. Under this condition all pressure stored in the
accumulator is available in the emergency system to permit brake application by the emergency
MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

handle. If, however, pressure should decrease below the valve setting value (because of an
excessive number of brake applications or circuit losses), a passage of pressurized fluid will take
place from the main to the emergency system, ensuring full brake availability.

Figure 33. Operating diagram of the hydraulic system

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Cabin pressurization and air conditioning system

Cabin pressurization system

The cabin pressurization system is composed by a Cabin Pressure Regulator and a Cabin Over-
pressure Dump Valve. Furthermore, the system consists of a Pressurization Cock Valve controlled
by the “CABIN PRESS” circuit breaker which allows to intercept the air flow bled from the
compressor for cabin pressurization.
The aircraft, is equipped with a Cabin Pressure Altimeter which allows the pilot to compare the
cabin height withe the actual one and it is present in each cockpit.
The pressurization system cannot be adjusted by the crew: its operation is totally automatic since
the “CABIN PRESS” circuit breaker is “ON” and the “RAM AIR SCOOP” lever is placed on
From 0 m (0 ft) to 2440 m (8000 ft) of height, the cabin pressure regulator maintains the differential
pressure between the external pressure and the cabin one at a value of 0 kPa (0 psi). Raising above
2440 m (8000 ft) of height, the regulator maintains the cabin pressure at an equivalent value of 2440
m (8000 ft) of height until 5490 m (18.000 ft) of height. Above this height until the maximum
ceiling altitude, the differential pressure is regulated at a value of 24,0 kPa (3,5 psi). The Cabin
Over-pressure Dump Valve is calibrated to prevent the cabin pressure exceeds the limit value of
25,5 kPa (3,7 psi) due to pressure regulator failure. Furthermore, during the fast descend, this valve
prevent the formation of dangerous negative differential pressures in the cockpit.

Figure 34. Cabin pressure vs flight altitude pressure

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Air conditioning system

The air conditioning system allows the pilots to regulate the desired cabin temperature. The system
is composed by an Air Conditioning Selector Valve, a Turbo-refrigerator Unit and several delivery
and distribution nozzles of the air conditioning placed on pilot feet and face level.
The hot air bled from the eighth compressor stage is delivered, by means the Pressurization Cock
Valve to the Air Conditioning Selector Valve. This valve is operated by the pilot by means the
“CABIN TEMP” selector placed on the right console of the front cockpit and allows the hot air
coming from the compressor to be mixed with the cold air coming out the exhaust turbo-
The hot air quantity passing towards the Air Conditioning Selector Valve can be adjusted in order to
obtain the desired cabin temperature.
A Water Separator placed on the entry line of the air conditioning allows to eliminate the
condensation generated during the cooling process of the turbo-refrigerator, the dirty and the dust
present in the air. Then, the air conditioning is distributed towards several delivery and distribution
nozzles placed in different positions inside the cabin.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 35. Functioning scheme of the pressurization and conditioning system

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Emergency cabin ventilation system

This system provides for cabin ventilation if the air bled from the compressor becomes
contaminated due to oil leaks or to other defects in the engine. The system consists of a ram air
scoop and of an electrical circuit controlling the opening of the cabin overpressure-dump valve.
The ram air scoop is located on the right side of the nose and manually operated through the “RAM
AIR SCOOP” handle. A non-return valve in the ram air scoop ensures sealing when the scoop is
closed and the cabin is pressurized.
At altitudes below 2440 m (8000 ft) (initial pressurization altitude), the handle may be pulled out at
any time and ventilation is immediate since the overpressure-dump valve is held open by the
pressurization system altitude switch and air is free to circulate in and out the cabin.
At altitudes above 2440 m (8000 ft), the cabin is pressurized and cabin pressure must be reduced to
atmospheric by first operating the “CABIN PRESS” switch; the “RAM AIR SCOOP” handle may
be pressed only after this has been done. Operation of this handle automatically opens the
overpressure-dump valve and allows a free flow of ventilation air to enter the cabin through two
ventilation outlets and to flow out from the open valve. The two ventilation outlets located on the
right side in each cockpit, can be moved to direct the airflow in the desired direction.
The electrical power required for operation of the cabin ventilation system is supplied from the 28
V DCS essential bus.

Windshield demisting system

The conditioning air which enters the cabin at the desired temperature is used, through ports at the
base of the windshield and canopy, to prevent mist formation resulting from the cooling of the
transparencies due to outside temperature decrease with increase of altitude. When, the demisting
action of the conditioning air is insufficient, because of particularly unfavourable conditions, the
pilot can operate the “WINDSHIELD/DEMIST” switch. This switch opens a cock which exhausts
hot air, directly bled from the compressor, into the ports at the base of the windshield. This boosts
the demisting action on the windshield.

Windshield ice and rain protection system

Hot air, directly bled from the engine compressor, can be directed to a nozzle located at the outer
base of the windshield by operating the “WINDSHIELD/RAINRMVL” switch. The system is
mainly used for anti-icing but may also be used during flight and ground operation to remove rain
from the windshield and thus improve visibility. The system is powered from the 28 V dc main bus
via the “WSHLD DEM” circuit breaker.

The access to the cabin is possible raising the transparent canopy which is hinged on the right side
of the fuselage. The canopy closure is performed by means eight latches interconnected by a rigid
transmission and controlled by a handle located on the internal left side of the canopy. The canopy
is balanced in its closing by a jack placed on the main frame of the cabin, in front of the rear
cockpit. The canopy is equipped with a device that locks in open position the jack. A “CANOPY”
warning light, connected to the closing kinematics, advice the crew that the canopy in unlocked.
This light starts flashing when the throttle is moved forward to obtain more than 90% RPM.

Canopy seal
The canopy is fitted with a seal to ensure cabin air tightness. The seal inflates by means the air bled
from the engine compressor which by means a pressure regulator allows to maintain the differential
cabin pressure of 24,0 kPa (3,5 psi). The Canopy Seal Inflation Valve operates automatically by
means the position electrical breaker located on the left landing gear. When the weight is on wheel
MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

and the engine is running or during the taxi, the valve intercepts the avoiding the seal inflation. As
soon as the aircraft is airborne, the micro-switch located on the left landing gear is activated and
then the valve is opened allowing the seal inflation. The aircraft is equipped with an explosive
device which allows to separate, by means a detonating cordon located along the perimeter both
transparent sections. The detonation of this cordon allows the instantaneous separation of the
transparent from the canopy frame. This device can be used by the crew to escape by the aircraft
and it can be activated by the crew or by the ground operators. In case the crew must escape by the
aircraft by means the ejection seats, the transparent is broke by the headrest of the ejection seat.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 36. Main components of the canopy

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Individual escape system

Martin Baker MK IT-10F ejection

The MB339 is equipped with a
Martin Baker Type MK IT-
10F ejection seat totally
automatic which allows a safe
ejection from 0 m (0 ft) to
15240 m (50000 ft) of height,
from “0” to maximum aircraft
speed. The ejection seat is
launched towards the
transparent of the canopy
which is destroyed by means
the frame located on the
headrest. The pilot separation
and the parachute opening are
totally automatic.
The ejection seat is composed by three main components: the Ejection Gun Assembly, the seat
structure and the seat. The ejection gun provides the initial azimuthal movement of the entire
ejection seat out of the cockpit. The seat structure runs along two guides attached to the ejection gun
during the initial ejection sequence. The structure is normally locked but it unlocks as soon as the
ejection sequence starts. The parachute together the extractor parachute and the stabilizer one are
normally stored in the rigid storage which is used as headrest; on the headrest are attached the seat
belts and the pilot strapping. An automatic strapping constriction system guarantees a perfect
adherence of the pilot to the ejection seat during the ejection sequence in order to avoid that the
incorrect posture can cause his injury. The strapping can be disconnected by the constriction system
during the flight phases by means a lever located on the right of the ejection seat.
Few instants after the ejection seat has started to go out from the cockpit, in function of the ejection
height, the pressure systems activates the automatic sequence which allows the activation of an
extractor cannon, located on the right of the headrest, to extract automatically the extractor
parachute. The extractor parachute allows the extraction of the stabilizer parachute which allows the
displacement of the main parachute. The same pressure system inhibits the pilot separation from the
seat structure until he reaches altitudes which allows his surviving (circa 2440 m (8000 ft)).
In the seat is located the survival pack connected to the pilot strapping by means a flexible cordon.
When the separation from the seat occurs, the survival pack remains connected to the pilot
guaranteeing the availability of survival materials and the dinghy.
Furthermore, the ejection seat is provided of a height regulation device by using an electrical
actuator to adjust the seat depending the pilot height. Furthermore, it is available a system which
regulates the thrust center of the ejection rockets in function of the pilot weight. The weight
regulation can be done acting on a graduated selector placed on the left side of the ejection seat.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 37. Ejection seat

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Oxygen system
The oxygen supply system for the crew is a low pressure system “on demand” type. The system has
an initial operating pressure of 2,8 MPa (400 psi). The installation is composed by two
interconnected tanks, a “on demand” regulator placed in each cockpit and an external connection to
refill the gas quantity in the two tanks. Furthermore, the system is provided by a pressure
transmitter connected to the “OXY LOW” warning light located on the Master Warning Panel. A
complete sequence of flexible hoses complete of a Quick-Release Coupling comes out from each
pressure regulator to be connected to the pilot mask.
The first quick-release coupling allows the flexible hose disconnection in case of ejection. The
second quick-release coupling is normally used to connect the pilot mask and it is disconnected
during the pilot separation from the ejection seat.
The system capacity guarantees an enough oxygen availability to the pilots even during long
transfer missions (Ferry Mission). The system total capacity is 3600 litres at 1850 psi.

Oxygen system of the ejection seat

The ejection seat is equipped with an emergency oxygen supply system. In case of high altitude
ejection, the system provides pure oxygen until the pilot reaches altitudes which guarantees his
survival. The system controller is placed on the left side of the ejection seat.

Anti-G system
The Anti-G system protects the pilots by the high acceleration effects which occur during the flight
manoeuvres. The system consists, for each cockpit, of a flexible hose, an Anti-G valve and a quick-
release coupling. The air needed for inflation of the pilots anti-G suit is provided by the windshield
anti-ice supply system. The pressure provided by the suit which acts on the pilot it is automatic
regulated by the anti-G valve depending by the instantaneous acceleration of the aircraft.
The valve is equipped with a push-button test and the quick-release coupling is disconnected as
soon as the ejection sequence starts.

Avionic and communication system

The aircraft is equipped with an avionic which include equipment and systems for communication,
identification and navigation. Furthermore, the aircraft is equipped with an integrate system of
instruments and display which allow to obtain all necessary information required for the navigation
and for shooting range operation. The system composition is the following:
o Audio controller;
o Rockwell-Collins Italiana ICS-200;
o UHF Transceiver;
o UHF Rockwell-Collins AN/ARC-159(V)-2;
o VHF AM/FM Transceiver;
o VHF Rockwell-Collins AN/ARC-186(V).
o IFF communication;
o FIAR/Bendix AN/APX-100(V).
o TACAN Transceiver;
o Rockwell-Collins AN/ARN-118(V)1;
o VOR/ILS Receiver;
o Rockwell-Collins 51 RV-4C;
o ADF Receiver;
MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

o Rockwell-Collins DF-206;
o UHF ADF Receiver;
o Rockwell-Collins AN/ARA-50;
o Marconi-Elliot AD-262C.

Weapon system
The MB339A is designed to be used as armed platform for the close air support and for real
shooting training. In addition to the predisposition for a gyro gunsight installation in each cockpit,
the weapon system is composed by six underwing station for external payloads equipped with a
control system and safety circuits.
On the underwing station no. 2 and 5 can be installed two pod built by Aermacchi for an automatic
cannon Giat DEFA 553 cal. 30 mm with 120 shots. The underwing pylons have the predisposition
to support several combination of payloads for a maximum of 1820 kg (4000 lb). Each underwing
pylon incorporates a suspension box MA-4A type which is fitted with NATO standard hooks
spaced 14 inches as described by the MIL-A-8591D spec.
The underwing pylons no. 2; 3; 4 and 5 have a load capacity of 454 kg (1000 lb) while the external
pylons no. 1 and 6 have an individual capacity of 340 kg (750 lb). Even in the station no. 2 and 5,
alternately to the 30 mm cannon pod can be installed two underwing pod for machinegun AN/M-3
cal. 12,7 mm with circa 300 shots.
The weapon system has the following circuit breakers for its control and operation:
· (Salvo Mode) Store Emergency Release Circuit;
· Gun Firing Circuit;
· Podded Gun Firing Circuit;
· Rocket Firing Circuit;
· Bombs and Special Loads Release;
· Gunsight Power Supply Circuit;
· Gun Camera Power Supply Circuit.
The weapon system operation will be described in a dedicated chapter.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 38. Position of the components of the armament system

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 39. Scheme of operation of the armament system

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Gunsight system
The aircraft has the predisposition on each cockpit for the installation of the gyro gunsight system
Aeritalia-SAAB RGS2. The gunsight is connected to the Computer Gyro Unit installed in the front
avionic compartment and allows to perform air-to-air shooting having a precomputed deflection
value on two distances: 600 m for cannon shooting, 300 m for machinegun shooting.

Figure 40. SAAB RGS2 gyro gunsight and Teledyne gun camera

In the same way, the gunsight computes automatically the value of the depression angle for the air-
to-ground shooting.
The gunsight has a 4 inches optical display for the binocular vision and the pilot can select four
different reticle types (two for air-to-air and two for air-to-ground) and its light intensity to increase
or decrease the contrast.
The gunsight can be equipped with an automatic gun camera Teledyne TCS 116-2 which allows to
record the gunsight reticle and the target during the fire sequence on a photographic film.
The gunsight operation will be described in the weapon system operation chapter.

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Lights system

Interior lights
The interior lights system consists of control panel lights, instrument lights, red and/or white spot
lights and white flood lights for illumination of the consoles.
The spot lights are four: one on each side of each cockpit. They are normally pointed at the
instrument panel but can be detached from their supports to be used as required and permitted by
the length of the electric cord. Rotation of the knurled ring to a fixed reference generates, on the
small white or red dot, a white or red diffused light.
Light intensity is adjusted by rotating the red knurled knob. Pressing the push-button on the same
knob will instantaneously give full brightness.
An intermittent operation of the button, with the light detached from its support, will enable
“Morse” signals to be transmitted when necessary.
The white flood lights are six in the front cockpit and five in the rear cockpit. The flood lights can
partially swivel to direct the light beam as necessary.
Except for the spot lights which are controlled independently, the interior lighting system is
controlled by the “LIGHTS” control panel located on the right console of each cockpit, by means of
the “CONSOLE” controls for the control panel interior lights, “FLOOD” for the cockpit lights and
“INST” for the instrument interior lights. Except for the lights on the consoles, which are supplied
by the 28 V dc primary bus, all the other interior lights are supplied by the 28 V dc essential bus.

Exterior lights
The exterior lights (Figure 41) consist of five navigation lights, an anti-collision light, six formation
lights, a landing light and a taxi light. The navigation lights comprise: two wingtip lights (red on the
left, green on the right), a white light on the tail fairing and two white lights located one on the
upper side of the fuselage mid-section and one on the lower side of the front fuselage.
The formation lights, all of electroluminescent type, include two lights on the nose sides, one light
in correspondence of each tip tank and two lights on the sides of the rear fuselage. The anti-collision
light is installed on the fin. The retractable landing light is installed under the left wing; the taxi
light is on the nose landing gear.
The exterior lighting system is controlled by the “LIGHTS” control panel located on the right
console of the front cockpit and by the “LDG LT/TAXI LT” switch on the left side of the
instrument panel.
The system is supplied by the 28 V dc primary bus.

NOTE: The illumination of the landing light depends on the landing gear control lever position (it
must be on LG DOWN position), whereas for the taxi light the illumination occurs only if the
landing gear is lowered. The switching off of the landing and taxi lights (including the retraction of
the landing light) occurs automatically, (even if the switch of the landing and taxi lights is at LDG
LT or TAXI LT) respectively with the landing gear control lever at LG UP and with the retraction
of the landing gear

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Figure 41. Exterior light

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Light system controls

The lights system controls and indicators are described and illustrated in Figure 42.

Figure 42. Lights controls and indicators

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

Nomenclature Function
1. “LDG LT/TAXI LT” switch LDG LT – Causes extension and illumination of
the landing light.
OFF – Causes landing light retraction and
switching off or taxi light switching off.
TAXI LT – Causes illumination of the taxi light.
2. “CONSOLE” knob BRT – Rotated clockwise – Turns on the control
panel lights and adjusts their brightness.
OFF – Turns off the control panel lights.
3. “FLOOD” knob BRT – Rotated clockwise – Turns on the
cockpit lights and controls their brightness.
OFF – Turns off the control panel lights.
4. “BCN” anti-collision light switch ON – Turns on the anti-collision light.
OFF – Turns off the anti-collision light.
5. “NAV BRT/OFF/DIM” switch BRT – Turns on the navigation lights with
maximum brightness.
OFF – Turns off the navigation lights.
DIM – Turns on the navigation lights and dims
their brightness.
6. “NAV STEADY/FLASH” switch STEADY – Selects a steady illumination of the
navigation lights.
FLASH – Causes the tail and wingtip navigation
lights to flash.
7. “INST” knob BRT – Rotated clockwise – Turns on the
instrument lights and adjusts their brightness.
OFF – Turns off the instrument lights.
8. “WARN” switch BRT – Increases the brightness of the warning,
caution and advisory lights.
DIM – Dims the brightness of the warning,
caution and advisory lights
9. “FORM LIGHTS” knob BRT – Turns on the formation lights and adjusts
their brightness.
OFF – Turns off the formation lights.
10. Spot light red knob Rotated clockwise – Turns on and controls the
brightness of the spot light.
11. Spot light momentary red push-button Pressed – Momentary position – Causes the spot
light to illuminate only as long as the button is
held pressed. The spot light can thus be used for
intermittent light signals.
12. Knurled ring Rotated clockwise – Brings a red screen across
the lamp changing the light color from white to
red (so as to obtain a more or less attenuated

MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

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MB-339 general description
Version 2.0

The MB339 cockpit is realized in order to allow the pilots to reach comfortably all
primary/secondary flight controls, instruments and mission controls.
The instruments layout, such as the functional system controls, has been studied to allow an
immediate and sure interpretation by the crew. Furthermore, the crew has enough space to store the
Nav documentation while the maps can be stored in the four compartments inside the cockpit.
The cockpit is provided by mirrors in accordance with MIL-M-5755B Spec. The access to the
cockpit is allowed by means of three retractable steps placed on the fuselage left.

Figure 43. Position of the retractable steps for access to the cockpit

The cabin crew is designed in accordance with the MIL-STD-1333 Spec that establish to place
comfortably a pilot with a complete flight suit from a minimum height of 1,61 m (5,28 ft) (1st
USAF percentile) to maximum of 1,902 m (6,24 ft) (99th USAF percentile).
The on-board visibility is studied to provide to the crew an external vision in accordance with the
MIL-STD-850A and STANAG 3622 requirements.

Version 2.0

Figure 44. Typical configuration of the front pilot station

Version 2.0

Figure 45. Front instrument panel

Version 2.0

Figure 46. Front side panels

Version 2.0

Figure 47. Side panels of the front pilot position

Version 2.0

Figure 48. Typical configuration of the rear pilot station

Version 2.0

Figure 49. Rear instrument panel

Version 2.0

Figure 50. Side panels of the rear pilot station

Version 2.0

Main flight instrument description

Pitot-static system
The Pitot-static system (Figure 51) operates the Mach-airspeed indicator, the altimeter and the
vertical velocity indicator. The Pitot heads, located on the fuselage immediately forward of the
windshield, supply the pressure for operation of the instruments on the two instrument panels,
respectively the left Pitot supplies the front instrument panel, and the right Pitot the rear instrument
panel. The static ports are located on the left and right sides of the rear part of the fuselage. The
Pitot heads can be electrically heated to prevent ice formation.

The altimeter (Figure 51) provides indication of the aircraft altitude from -305 m (-1000 ft) to
15240 m (50000 ft) through a 3-digit counter and a pointer.
The instrument is connected to the static pressure system and is fitted with a vibrator which
smoothes the pointer movement. A knob in the lower left corner of the instrument is used to set the
reference level to zero when the ground barometric pressure is comprised between 950 and 1050
The instrument located in the front cockpit also supplies an altitude coded signal for transmission to
the ground through the IFF transponder. When the encoder is not supplied with power, a
“CODEOFF” flag comes in view on the dial.

Mach-airspeed indicator
The Mach-airspeed indicator (Figure 51) provides indication of the indicated airspeed and Mach
number. This instrument is operated by the static and dynamic pressure. A pointer indicates the
airspeed on a fixed dial, calibrated from 40 to 650 knots, and the corresponding Mach number on a
moving scale calibrated from Mach. 3 to Mach 1.2.
A moving red and black striped pointer indicates, in terms of indicated airspeed, the maximum
allowable equivalent airspeed (EAS) of the aircraft in clean configuration. A knob, in the lower
right corner of the instrument, may be used to set a triangular shaped visual reference marker,
sliding on the dial bezel, to the desired value.

Vertical velocity indicator

The vertical velocity indicator (Figure 51) is connected to the static pressure system and indicates
the value of the aircraft speed vertical component. This value is indicated by a single pointer
moving on a scale with zero on the horizontal mean line. The scale permits more accurate readings
close to zero. The limit of indication is 6000 ft/min.

Version 2.0

Figure 51. Pitot-Static System description

Version 2.0

Attitude Director Indicator (ADI)

The instrument (Figure 52) consists of an attitude indicator, turn and slip indicator, glide slope
indicator, pitch and bank steering bars, and provides lateral and longitudinal aircraft attitude
indications, turn rate information and the ILS glide slope position relative to the aircraft. Visual
display of the flight path is given by a vertical bar (bank) and a horizontal bar (pitch).
The two steering bars are controlled by the FDS (Flight Director System) computer (see paragraph
“Flight Director System (FDS)” in this Section), and provide (in the horizontal and vertical planes)
the steering information required for the aircraft to attain and maintain the flight conditions selected
on the HSI and the “FLT DIR” control panel. A red warning flag appears below the glide slope
indicator if indication is unreliable.
If power fails in the ADI or the information is unreliable, an OFF flag and the flag associated with
the Flight Director computer will come in view. This last flag will appear also when power fails in
the computer or when the GS, LOC, VOR/TACAN signals are unreliable.
The attitude director indicator is powered from the 115 V ac primary bus via the “AHRS” circuit

Operation of ADI
The attitude indicator in the ADI is operated by a separate vertical gyro. The aircraft attitude is
shown accurately through 360 degrees of roll and plus or minus 82 degrees of pitch. Pitch and roll
attitudes of the aircraft are shown by the circular motion of a sphere displayed as the background
for a miniature reference aircraft. The miniature reference aircraft is always in proper physical
relationship to the simulated earth, horizon and sky areas of the background sphere. The horizon is
represented on the sphere by a solid line, the sky by a light gray area and the earth by a dull black
area. Horizontal markings with 5 degrees increments on the face of the sphere show accurate
aircraft attitudes up to 82 degrees of climb or dive.
Bank angles are read on a semicircular bank scale on the lower half of the instrument. The
adjustment knob, on the lower right side of the instrument, permits displacement of the horizon line
in relation to the fixed miniature reference aircraft to correct for pitch attitude changes. The window
in the lower left corner of the instrument shows “OFF” whenever the instrument is not operating or
the vertical gyro is out. The “OFF” flag will be in view (for a period of about 1 minute) during
warm-up of the vertical gyro and during fast erection.

Stand-by Attitude Indicator AG-5 (Stand-by Horizon)

The instrument (Figure 52) is used to provide lateral and longitudinal attitude indications in the
event of failure of the attitude director indicator (ADI). Operation of the indicator is provided by an
incorporated vertical gyro, directly powered by the 28 V dc essential bus bar via the “FWD STBY
ATT IND” circuit breaker (“AFT STBY ATT IND”, for the instrument mounted on the rear
panel).The vertical gyro is connected to a sphere divided by the horizon line in two quadrants: gray
(sky) and black (earth).This sphere is marked with lines in 5 degrees increments corresponding to
climb and dive angles. The gyro erects automatically at a rate of 2.5 degrees per minute and it can
be manually caged for gyro stabilization.
A caging knob, marked “PULL TO CAGE”, is located in the lower right corner of the indicator for
manual gyro caging. The knob can be pulled approx. 60 seconds after current is applied to the
indicator circuit by turning the “BATT” switch to ON. The same knob can be pulled and rotated to
maintain the gyro locked. The knob must be pulled also after aerobatic manoeuvres to realign the
sphere to the horizon.

Version 2.0

Pulling the caging knob brings the OFF flag in view on the indicator. This flag will appear also in
the event of a power failure. After starting and ground caging of the gyro, the indicator will display
accurate attitude information within 3 minutes.
When the caging knob is not pulled out (normal position), the miniature aircraft on the indicator can
be adjusted through a +10 degrees -5 degrees pitch range by rotating the knob clockwise or counter-
clockwise. The indicator is a reliable alternate attitude reference with the following characteristics:
after a power failure, the indicator can provide a usable attitude reference up to 4minutes even
though the OFF flag is visible.

Figure 52. ADI and Stand-by Attitude Indicator

Nomenclature Function
1. Sphere Used together with the miniature aircraft to
indicate the aircraft attitude with respect to the
2. Flight director flag In view – Indicates that the indications of the
steering bars are unreliable.
3. Vertical steering bar Displays the direction and the amount of control
input required to be applied in order to reach
and maintain the course or the heading selected
on the HSI, depending upon the mode selected
on the Flight Director.

Version 2.0

Nomenclature Function
4. Horizontal steering bar Displays the direction and the amount of control
input required to be applied in order to reach
and maintain the altitude or the glide slope,
depending upon the mode selected on the Flight
5. Miniature aircraft Used together with the sphere to indicate the
aircraft attitude with respect to the horizon.
6. Horizon line adjusting knob Adjusts in pitch the position of the horizon line
on the instrument to correct for pitch attitude
changes resulting in the level flight attitude of
the aircraft from mass and speed variations.
7. Bank scale Permits the bank index to provide indication of
the aircraft bank angle.
8. Slip indicator Indicates, when the ball is not centered, that the
aircraft manoeuvre is not correctly coordinated
(yaw or sideslip).
9. Rate-of-turn indicator Indicates the direction and rate of turn of the
aircraft around the vertical axis.
10. Bank index Indicates the bank angle on the bank scale.
11. “OFF” flag In view – Indicates that the attitude indicator is
unreliable due to a failure or, momentarily,
because of a “FAST ERECT” action
12. Glide slope scale Permits the glide slope indicator to indicate the
amount of deviation from the glide slope beam.
Each dot represents approximately 1/4 degree.
13. Glide slope indicator Indica la posizione del glide slope sulla scala
relativa dell’aereo, rappresentato dalla miniatura
di contorno
14. Glide slope warning flag In view – Indicates that the signal from the glide
slope receiver is weak or unreliable for correct
operation of the glide slope indicator.
15. “PULL TO CAGE” knob Rotated – Adjusts in pitch the position of the
miniature aircraft in relation to the horizon line.
Pulled – Permits fast erection of the gyro to
restore the level flight indication.
Pulled and rotated clockwise – Maintains the
knob in the pulled position, i.e. the gyro remains
16. “OFF” flag In view – Indicates that the stand-by attitude
indicator is unreliable due to a failure or a lack
of power supply..

Version 2.0

The accelerometer provides indication of the “normal” inertial forces (accelerations along the
aircraft vertical axis expressed in “g” units). Besides the conventional index, the instruments
includes two pointers for maximum values (one for positive “g” values and one for negative “g”
values) which remain in the maximum position reached thus providing the maximum acceleration
experienced by the aircraft.
Reset to normal position (1 g) is obtained by means of the push-button located at the lower left
corner of the instrument.

Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)

The HSI indicator (Figure 53) is powered from them 115 V ac primary bus via the “HSI” circuit
breaker and the 26 V ac primary bus via the “HSI COMD” circuit breaker.
This instrument allows the pilot to define the aircraft position in relation to the selected TACAN or
VOR station and to the steerpoint. The magnetic heading is indicated by a rotating compass card
read against a fixed lubber line on the instrument dial face.
The compass card is operated by the AHRS/GPS system. The “HEADING SET” knob in the lower
left corner of the instrument, permits a double heading marker to be set to the desired heading. This
marker rotates on the compass card outer periphery.
The selected heading value is to be read against the compass card. The selected course is set by
means of the “COURSE SET” knob mounted in the lower right corner of the instrument, and is
indicated by the arrow located in the center section of the dial face. This value is read against the
compass card.
The course value is also indicated by a three-digit indicator (“COURSE”) located in the upper right
corner of the instrument dial. A lateral drift to the right or to the left of the center portion of the
course arrow, defined as deviation bar from the selected course, indicates an opposite deviation of
the aircraft from the selected course.
The inner dot indicates a 5-degree deviation from the selected course, the outer dot a 10-degree
deviation. When used with ILS, each dot indicates a 1¼ degree deviation from the “Localizer”. A
red alarm flag which appears in a display window under the head of the arrow indicates an invalid
deviation reading.
The distance from the TACAN or VOR/TAC station, or from the RNAV steerpoint, according to
which the navigation set has been selected, is indicated by a three-digit indicator (“MILES”) in the
upper left corner of the dial face. If the system is not operating or is in a search condition, a red and
white striped flag drops across the numerals of this indicator.
When a VOR station is tuned, the distance indicator does not operate. A triangular shaped small
pointer (To-From) appears under the front or the rear part of the course arrow. When the “TO-
FROM” indicator appears under the front part of the course arrow, this means that the course
selected, if properly intercepted and flown, will take the aircraft to the station, and vice versa. The
magnetic bearing of the station is indicated by pointer “1” (pointer “2” does not operate on this
aircraft; it is aligned to pointer “1” and moves with it), located on the outer periphery of the
compass card. The tail of this pointer “1” indicates the selected station radial.
A red warning flag marked “OFF” appears in a display window below the numerical indicator to
indicate lack of ac power to the HSI instrument.
A “TACAN/VOR/RNAV” control panel permits the selection by push-button lights of the
information source for the HSI deviation bar which can consistently be slaved to a TACAN or VOR
station, or to waypoint data processed by the AHRS/GPS system . In the latter case, the “MILES”
distance read on the HSI is the “horizontal” distance and not the “slant range”.
Version 2.0

Notes on HIS use

A few examples on the use of the HSI, to determine the aircraft position or to intercept a course to
or from a station, are given in Figure 54, Figure 55, Figure 56 and Figure 57. Depending upon the
navigation equipment used and the selection made on the “Flight Director” control panel, the HSI
provides the information indicated in the tables of Figure 58 and Figure 59. If the heading
information is wrong or unreliable, the HSI can provide the value of the radial the aircraft is flying
in manual and non-automatic mode. In this case in fact the bearing pointer will provide unreliable
information since affected by the heading signal. To obtain the correct value of the aircraft radial,
turn the “COURSE SET” knob until the deviation bar is centered and a “FROM” indication is
obtained. The value read on the “COURSE” window will be the correct aircraft radial.
During an ILS approach, the HSI deviation bar provides the lateral deviations from the localizer
even if the course selected value “COURSE SET” is wrong.
It must also be noted that, still in an ILS approach, information on deviations (to the right or to the
left) with respect to the localizer are obtained by setting the magnetic bearing of the runway to be
used in the “COURSE” window. Should this bearing be 180 degrees displaced, the deviation bar
information (to right or to left) will be inverted (always refer to the head of the course arrow).

Stand-by compass
A conventional magnetic gear stand-by compass is located on the right side of the front instrument

Version 2.0

Figure 53. HSI and controls

Version 2.0

Nomenclature Function
1. “MILES” distance indicator Indicates the distance in nautical miles (slant
range) to the selected TACAN or VOR/TAC
station, or the horizontal distance to away point
(RNAV) depending up on the selected
navigation set.
2. Selected heading reference Is set by the “HEADING SET” knob.
3. Course arrow Indicates the course selected with the
“COURSE SET” knob.
4. Fixed lubber line Permits reading of the aircraft magnetic
5. Compass card Indicates the aircraft heading in degrees at the
fixed lubber line (direction).
6. Baring pointer “2” (tail) (Inoperative) – Aligned with the bearing pointer
7. “COURSE” window The value of course selected by the “COURSE
SET” knob appears in the window.
8. OFF flag In view – Indicates that no power is supplied to
the instrument.
9. Bearing pointer “1” (tail) Indicates the radial flown to the selected
TACAN or VOR station or to the steer point.
10. “COURSE SET” knob Selects the desired course. The relevant
information appears in the “COURSE” window
and is indicated by the course arrow.
11. Course deviation scale Allows the deviation bar to indicate the amount
of deviation from the radial. Every dot
represents a 5-degree deviation from the
TACAN or VOR radial or 1 ¼ degree of
deviation from the “Localizer” in ILS.
12. Course deviation bar Lateral displacement of this bar indicates the
amount and direction of the deviation from the
selected radial.
13. Bearing pointer “2” (head)” (Inoperative) – Aligned with the bearing pointer
14. “HEADING SET” knob Sets heading reference.
15. Miniature aircraft Reference to compare the HSI readings with the
aircraft position.
16. Bearing pointer “1” (head) Indicates the bearing of the selected TACAN or
VOR station or the steer point.
17. To/From indicator When the indicator trains toward the front part
of the coursearrow, this means that the selected
course, if properly intercepted and “flown”, will
take the aircraft to the selected station.
When the indicator trains toward the rear part of
the course arrow, this means that the selected
course, if properly intercepted and “flown”, will
Version 2.0

take the aircraft away from the selected station.

18. Deviation bar flag (red) In view – Indicates that the indications of the
course deviation bar, of the course arrow and of
the To/From indicator are unreliable.
19. Distance flag (white and red stripes) In view – Covers the distance indication when
the information is unreliable and when the REC
position is selected on the TACAN set.
20. “CONTROL SHIFT-NAV” push-button Pressed and illuminated – Provides control of
light the “RNAV” control panel and of the HSI
controls, that is “HEADINGSET” and
“COURSE SET” knobs.

NOTE: The control cannot be shifted back to

the other pilot (by operating again the same
push-button), but it is necessary that the pilot
who wants control presses his own push-button.
21. “RNAV” push-button light Pressed and illuminated – Displays the
information provided by the AHRS/GPS
22. “VOR” push-button light Pressed and illuminated – Displays on the HSI
the information provided by the VOR/ILS
23. “TACAN” push-button light Pressed and illuminated – Displays on the HSI
the information provided by the TACAN

Figure 54. HSI operation - 1

Version 2.0

Figure 55. HSI operation – 2

Version 2.0

Figure 56. HSI operation – 3

Version 2.0

Figure 57. HSI operation – 4

Version 2.0

Figure 58. Information table provided by ADI and HSI – 1

Version 2.0

Figure 59. Information table provided by ADI and HSI – 2

Version 2.0

Angle of Attack indicator (AOA)

The AOA (Angle of Attack) indicator system consists of a differential pressure transmitter located
on the aircraft right side and of an indicator mounted on each instrument panel. The instrument
provides the angle-of-attack value in relative units. The max angle-of-attack corresponds to the max
lift with flaps down: indicated value 1.The null angle-of-attack corresponds to the vertical dive:
indicated value 0.
The instrument comprises some special-shape fixed indexes (not adjustable by the pilot) which are
used to indicate the best angle of attack for the different flight conditions (Figure 61). The angle-of-
attack indications during the final approach phase are shown in Figure 62. The system is powered
from the 28 V dc primary bus via the “AOA” circuit breaker.
If power supply to the instrument is interrupted, an “OFF” warning will appear on the dial. The
AOA system transmitter is fitted with a heating element to prevent ice formation (see paragraph
“Anti-icing System”).

The clock is located on both instrument panels. A knurled knob, located at the lower left corner, is
used to wind the clock, when placed in its normal position, while it sets the clock hands when
pulled out. The instrument contains a elapsed-time mechanism using two hands, one for the minutes
and one for the seconds.
A knob on the upper right corner of the instrument is used to start, stop and return the elapsed-time
mechanism to the initial position.

Figure 60. Instrument panel of the MB339 aircraft within DCS World

Version 2.0

Figure 61. Marker of angle of attack indicator

Version 2.0

Figure 62. Values of the AoA indicator during the final approach

Version 2.0

The aircraft is equipped with conventional flight control surfaces moved by means push-rods and
electrically and hydraulically slaved.
The control of ailerons and elevators is allowed by a flight control stick located on each cockpit.
Two sets of pedals (with brakes control) allow the control of the rudder. The pedals can be adjusted
by moving them forward or backward depending the pilot needs for better comfort.
The main flight controls consist of ailerons, elevators and rudder. The secondary flight controls
consist of flap and speedbrake.

Control stick
On the control stick are located the trim switch, the rocket firing or bomb release button, the trigger,
the gun camera operation/nose wheel steering button the radio transmission button. The trim switch
controls the aileron and elevators trim tabs reducing the strength of the flight controls for the pilot.

Figure 63. Stick control

Flight controls
Version 2.0

Ailerons control system

The ailerons, hinged on the false longeron of the wing, allow the lateral control (roll) of the aircraft
and are equipped with trim tabs.
The ailerons control system consists of a mechanical link, a servo-hydraulic circuit and a trim
system. The aileron movement is controlled by means two conventional sticks located in each
cockpit and linked by means of rods to two servo-actuated cylinders.
The servo-hydraulic circuit reduces the strength that the pilot has to apply on the stick to move the
ailerons. The circuit consists of a shut-off valve, a pressure transmitter and two servo-hydraulic
cylindrical actuators.
The shut-off valve is controlled by means the “AIL SERVO” switch located on the left console of
each cockpit and allows the servo-control disconnection. The pressure transmitter provides the
indication by means the “AIL SERVO” caution light when the hydraulic pressure is not available
on the servo-hydraulic circuit or when the pressure is or too low for normal operations.
When the circuit pressure is under a determinate value, the servo-control is automatically locked on
The aileron control linkage incorporates an artificial feeling device which reproduces the
proportional forces on the stick depending of the aileron deflection in order to provide the pilot the
lateral control feeling and to bring the aileron in central position.
The aileron trim system consists of a trim switch located on each stick and of a linear electro-
mechanical actuator. The trim switch moves the electrical power from the primary bus bar to the
actuator which, changing the neutral application point of the artificial feeling system, provides a
lateral correction of the aircraft.
A “aileron take-off trim” circuit provides to the pilot the neutral position of the aileron trim during
the take-off.

Figure 64. Aileron control system

Flight controls
Version 2.0

Elevator control system

The elevators allow the aircraft longitudinal control (pitch) and are equipped with a trim tab.
The elevator control system consists of a mechanical linkage, a return spring and a trim system.
The elevator movement is controlled by means two sticks located in each cockpit and mechanically
linked by means pushing-rods
The elevator trim system consists of a trim switch located on each stick, a linear electro-mechanical
actuator placed on the left stabilizer and a linkage which connect the trim tab to the actuator. The
longitudinal trimming is affected by the flap position by means a micro-switch unit. When the flaps
are in “TAKE-OFF” or “DOWN” position, the maximum deflection of the trim tab is +6 deg (up) /
-3 deg (down). With flaps up, the trim deflection is limited to +3 deg up while the down deflection
is unchanged.
An indication system of the longitudinal trim provides the indication of the correction applied to the
trim tab to obtain the correct longitudinal trimming.

Rudder control system

The rudder allows the aircraft directional control (yaw) and consists of a mechanical linkage and a
trim system.
The rudder movement is controlled by two pedals located on each cockpit and are mechanically
connected by means pushing-rods to the torsion bar of the rudder. The pedals can be adjusted
according to the legs length of the pilot by means a protruding wheel from the central rack located
under the instrument panel. The auto centering of the rudder is provided by means a spring device
incorporated in the mechanical linkage of the rudder control system.
The rudder trim system consists of a trim switch of center-off position located on the left console, a
linear electro-mechanical actuator and a linkage which connect the trim tab to the actuator. The trim
switch moves the electrical power from the primary bus bar to the actuator which mechanically
moves the rudder trim tab providing a directional correction of the aircraft.
A “rudder take-off trim” circuit provides to the pilot the neutral position of the rudder trim during
the take-off.

Flight controls
Version 2.0

Figure 65. Primary and secondary flight controls and indicators

Flight controls
Version 2.0

Nomenclature Function
1. “TAKE OFF TRIM – AIL” light Illuminated – Indicates that the aileron actuator
is in neutral position.

NOTE: The light comes on only when the

aircraft weight is on wheels..
2. “TAKE OFF TRIM – RUD” light Illuminated – Indicates that the rudder trim tab
is in neutral position.

NOTE: The light comes on only when the

aircraft weight is on wheels.
3. Longitudinal trim indicator Indicates, through the miniature aircraft, the
trim position of the elevator trim tab.
4. Rudder pedals Moving either pedal consistently deflects the
rudder surface.
5. Control stick When moved controls aileron and elevator
6. Trim switch Moved to right or to left – Operates the actuator
which moves the aileron neutral point to obtain
lateral trimming of the aircraft.
Moved forward or aft – Operates the actuator
which controls the elevator trim tab to obtain
longitudinal trimming of the aircraft.
7. “AIL SERVO” caution light Illuminated – Indicates low pressure or lack of
pressure in the aileron servo control circuit
and/or that switch “AIL SERVO” is in OFF
8. “PEDAL ADJ” knob Rotated clockwise (to FWD) – Moves the
rudder pedals away from the pilot.
Rotated counter clockwise (to AFT) –
Approaches the rudder pedals toward the pilot.
9. “AIL SERVO” switch ON (guard down) – The aileron servo control
circuit is operative.
OFF (guard up) – The aileron servo control
circuit is disconnected.
10. “RUDDER TRIM” switch LH – Momentary position – Connects power to
the actuator controlling the trim tab on the
rudder to obtain directional trimming of the
aircraft to left.
RH – Momentary position – Connects power to
the actuator controlling the trim tab on the
rudder to obtain directional trimming of the
aircraft to right.

NOTE: The control switch located in the rear

cockpit overrides the control switch located in
Flight controls
Version 2.0

the front cockpit. When released, the switch

automatically returns to the center-off position.

Gust lock device

The elevator and rudder controls can be locked on the ground by means of a device located under
the front instrument panel. This device consists of a lever hinged at the top, which is normally held
in the vertical position by a spring and a spring loaded latch locking the lever in rest position.
When locking of flight controls is required, the latch is disengaged and the lever moved out of its
position and engaged with the locking pin on the control stick base. This operation concurrently
locks the elevator control and the rudder pedals as a pin engages in the rudder pedals fulcrum.

Figure 66. Gust lock device

Flight controls
Version 2.0

Flap control system

The flap control system consists of an electrical circuit, a hydraulic circuit and a mechanical linkage
connected to the two “single-slotted” flap hinged on the false longeron of the wing.
The electrical power to the flap circuit is provided by the 28V DC essential bus bar, while the
hydraulic power is provided by the hydraulic supply system.
The flaps are moved by the lever located on the left console of each cockpit next to the throttle; it
incorporates a selection switch which electrically actuates a hydraulic selector. The hydraulic
selector controls the function of the hydraulic cylindrical actuator which is linked to the two flaps
by means rods and gears. The flaps can have three different positions:
· Cruise - UP (0 deg)
· Take-off - T/O (28 deg)
· Landing - DOWN (64 deg).
A unit called “travel limit switch”, connected by means a rod and a lever on the flaps control line,
sets the intermediate position.
A flap position indication system provides to the pilot the visual information of the flaps actual
position. The flaps can be downed to “T/O” position until 180 KIAS and to “DOWN” until 150

Speedbrake control system

The speedbrake, located under the fuselage in gravity center position, when open it extends towards
down-forward until maximum 57 deg. It is hydraulically-operated and electrically controlled.
The electrical power provided to the speedbrake becomes from the 28V DC bus bar while the
hydraulic power is provided by the hydraulic supply system.
The speedbrake is actuated by a center-off type selector-switch located on each throttle. The
speedbrake is extended or retracted moving the switch in “OUT” or “IN” position.
The switch electrically acts on a hydraulic selector which controls the cylindrical actuator directly
linked on the speedbrake panel.
A “travel limit switch” unit, located in the speedbrake compartment, is actuated by means a rod
linked to the speedbrake panel. A switch contained inside the landing gear box is actuated by the
landing gear lever (down position) which retract the speedbrake in partial closed position (approx.
28 deg) when the landing gear is extended.
A speedbrake position indication system provides to the pilot a visual indication on the speedbrake
actual position.
The speedbrake has not limitations in its actuation and causes acceptable variations on the aircraft
longitudinal trimming.

Flight controls
Version 2.0


Figure 67. Throttle description

Flight controls
Version 2.0


Ground engine start procedure

The starting procedure can be executed only from the front cockpit. The “ENGINE/MASTER”
switch, when ON, connects the electrical power to the engine circuit and to the booster pump,
creating a pressure to the engine-driven HP pump inlet (the “FUELPRESS” warning light switches
When the “ENGINE/STARTER” button is pushed, the automatic starting sequence starts: the
starter rotates the engine, the high pressure pump (piloted by the engine) supplies the engine fuel
system, the starting fuel solenoid valve opens to provide fuel to the engine burner and the high
energy units provides engine injection.
Reaching the 10% RPM, the throttle have to be moved on IDLE position in order to open the high
pressure fuel cock integrated in the Barometric Flow Control Unit (BFCU).
After 4 ÷ 12 seconds from cycle start, the engine is auto sustained. If the engine does not start, the
automatic starting cycle stops within 25 seconds when the starting valve closes and the high energy
unit and the starter are disconnected.
When the engine reaches the auto sustained speed, the electrical power is disconnected from the
starter and it starts to operate as DC generator. When the starting cycle stops, the engine is
stabilized on IDLE at 40 ÷ 41% RPM in ISA condition. This speed varies depending the barometric
pressure and the air flow ingested by the compressor engine to supply the aircraft on board system.
The engine heating is not required, the throttle can be moved depending the needs that the speed is
stabilized on IDLE and the oil pressure is on a normal value.

Starting engine
1. Engine throttle - STOP
2. STARTER and TIME hack - Press for 2 seconds and release.
3. When reaching 10% RPM - Engine throttle set to IDLE. The engine normally lights up
within 4 to 12 seconds.
4. Flowmeter - Positive indication.
5. Jet Pipe Temperature - Check for normal increase.
6. Engine speed -Check for normal RPM increase.
7. Oil pressure - Check for normal indication.
9. Hydraulic pressure - Increasing.
11. Caution lights - OUT.
12. External power - Disconnected (if plugged in).

If the exhaust temperature rises too quickly and reaches the maximum limit, immediately return the
engine throttle to STOP. Allow the engine to shut down and cool down.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

If after 15 seconds after moving the engine throttle on IDLE the engine does not start (referring to
the exhaust temperature and engine speed), return the engine throttle to STOP and the "ENG
MSTR" switch to OFF.

Wait 5 minutes before starting the engine again to allow the starter to cool and to drain the engine.

NOTE: the “AIL SERVO” light goes off late, ie when the hydraulic pressure exceeds 85/90 bar.

Restart in flight
With the throttle on IDLE and the engine in windmilling condition (the minimum RPM required is
8-10% RPM, but this value is normally 13% RPM), press the "RELIGHT" button on the throttle to
open the starting fuel solenoid valve which conveys the fuel to the combustion chamber through
atomizers. At the same time, the high energy units are energized for as long as the "RELIGHT"
button is pressed.
Any increase in JPT and RPM will indicate that the engine is restarted. The "RELIGHT" button can
be released when 40% RPM is reached or how much JPP has peaked and started to shrink or after
30 seconds.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Figure 68. Engine controls and indicators

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Nomenclature Function
1. “ENGINE MASTER” switch ON – Energizes the ignition and starting circuits
and the booster pump.
OFF – De-energized position.
2. “ENGINE/JPT LMTR” switch ON – Prevents maximum jet pipe temperature
(JPT) (756 °C) from being exceeded by
energizing the jet pipe temperature limiter
OFF – Disconnects the limiter system. The jet
pipe temperature may exceed the maximum
value if not controlled by the pilot.
3. “ENGINE/STARTER” push-button Pressed – Commences the engine starting cycle.
4. Tachometer (“PERCENT RPM”) Indicates engine RPM in percentage of the
maximum nominal speed.
5. Jet pipe temperature indicator (“EXH Indicates the exhaust temperature in degrees
TEMP”) Celsius.
6. Fuel flow indicator (“FUEL FLOW”) Indicates the rate of flow in kg/min.
7. Engine oil pressure indicator (“OIL Indicates the oil pressure (in bars) at the pump
PRESS”) outlet.
8. “FUEL PRESS” caution light Illuminated – Indicates that the fuel pressure at
the engine pump inlet has dropped below the
minimum permissible value (0,2 bar).
9. “OIL PRESS” caution light Illuminated – Indicates that the pressure at the
engine oil pump outlet has dropped below the
minimum permissible value (0,4 bar).
10. “JPT LMTR” caution light Displayed when “JPT LMTR” switch is ON and
the main bus is connected – Indicates that
JPTLA, during self-test, has detected a
malfunction and has disconnected the jet pipe
temperature limiter system.
Displayed when “JPT LMTR” switch is on OFF
– Indicates that the jet pipe temperature limiter
system is not operating.
11. Engine throttle STOP – Closes the HP fuel cock thus
preventing fuel supply to the engine.
IDLE – Operates the engine at idling RPM.
FULL – Operates the engine at maximum RPM.
12. “RELIGHT” push-button Pressed – Activates the in-flight relighting
system(as long as kept pressed).
13. Finger lift Raised – Permits engine throttle to be retarded
from IDLE to STOP.
14. Friction lever (forward throttle only) Moved forward increases the friction of both
throttle levers.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

At an ambient temperature below 6 ° C with relative humidity above 50%, ice may form on the
motor. More severe conditions of ice formation will occur in fog operations with visibility less than
500 m (1640 ft). During ground runs under these conditions, the "ANTI-IC / ENGINE" switch must
be set to ON and taxiing time must be minimized, especially when using RPMs above IDLE.
Before starting the taxiing procedure, carry out the following checks:
1. Stand-by attitude indicator – Released and aligned.
2. Load meter “LOAD/GEN 1” – Check that the value is less or equal to 1.

Keep the engine throttle on IDLE if the value of the load meter "LOAD / GEN 1" is greater than 1.

3. Load meter “LOAD/GEN 2” – It has to show a value lesser than the loadmeter
“LOAD/GEN 1” one.

NOTE: load meters provide identical indications only when RPMs are over 60%.

4. “TCN” control panel – As required.

5. “VOR/ILS” control panel – PWR.
6. “IFF” control panel – MASTER STBY.
8. ADI – Check for Flag OFF out and ADI aligned.
9. HSI – Check the indication with the compass one. If required, set the alignment.
10. Speedbrake – Retracted. Check the instrument.
11. Flaps – Up, then set TAKE OFF position. Check the instrument.
12. Hydraulic pressure – Check the indication within the limits.
13. Stick control – Free movements and correct elevator and aileron response.
14. Rudder pedals – Free movements and correct rudder response.
15. Canopy – As required: closed or partially closed.

The Blind Flying Hood, if installed, must be left open during take-off in order to ensure a safe
ejection in case of emergency.

16. With aircraft with tip tanks and pylon tanks.

17. Radio call – As required.

During the taxiing phase, the roof must be closed or partially opened and locked in the
intermediate position. Taxiing with the roof completely open is not permitted.

Before to start the taxi procedure, be sure that the area around the aircraft is free of obstalces. When
taxiing following another aircraft, be sure to mantain a safe distance of 25 m (82 ft) from the
aircraft exhaust.
To perform a correct taxiing procedure, proceed as follows:
Normal procedures
Version 2.0

1. “ANTISKID” switch – ON.

2. Have the wheel chocks removed.
3. Press the push-button for nose wheel steering engagement. Check for “STEER” light: ON.
4. PARK & EMER. BK - Release.
5. Brakes - Test for proper response.
6. Taxi at idle and at safe speed (about 15 kts). Approx. 60% RPM is required to start the
aircraft moving. Once the aircraft is moving it can be taxied with the throttle at IDLE on a
hard level surface at a safe speed.

NOTE: fuel consumption is about 5 kg/min (11,02 lb/min) with the engine at 40% RPM and 29
kg/min (63,94 lb/min) at max RPM.

7. Maintain directional control of the aircraft by use of nosewheel steering. The minimum
steering radius is shown in Figure 30.

Do not steer the aircraft with brakes with Nose Wheel Steering engaged because damage could be
caused to the nosewheel steering system

8. Oxygen diluter lever– As required.

9. Flight and navigation instruments – Check. Check the ADI, the stand-by attitude indicator
and the HSI for correct indications during turns while taxiing.
10. PARK & EMER. BK– Check operation.
11. BCN – Temporarily to OFF, if required.

NOTE: At night, switch the “BCN” to off in proximity of other aircraft to avoid blinding effects.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Take off
Pre-takeoff checks
Before to perform the takeoff, proceed as follows:

If all tanks are refueled, the correct sequence to be performed is as follows:
a) PYL (underwing tanks) up to complete empty.
b) TIP (tip tanks).

NOTE: To optimize the longitudinal attitude of aircraft fitted with 500 l (132,1 US gal) cylindrical
tip tanks, underwing fuel tanks and single pilot, the following tank selection sequence is suggested:
a) PYL (underwing tanks) only during starting to check leakages.
b) TIP (tip tanks) For take-off and the first climbing phase until the tip tank fuel residual
quantity is approx. 300 kg (660 lb)
c) PYL until underwing fuel tanks are empty.
d) TIP.


3. Aileron, rudder and longitudinal trim – Neutral position.
4. FLAPS – TAKE OFF (second mark).
5. Speedbrake – Fully retracted (first mark).
6. Canopy closed and locked (“CANOPY” light out).
7. Seat safety pin – Check that it is removed and put in the appropriate housing on the canopy.
8. Flight instruments – Check.
a. ADI – Check for correct indications and coherence with stand-by attitude indicator.
b. HSI – Check that indication is consistent with the runway magnetic heading.
9. Oxygen:
a. Pressure – Check.
b. OXY FLOW – Check fo correct “blinker” operation.
c. Oxygen diluter lever – As required.
10. Hydraulic systems – Pressures within the limits.
11. Caution and warning lights – OUT.
12. Interior and exterior lights – As required.
13. Safety checks:
a. Quick-release fitting for correct locking of the belts.
b. Shoulder harness for locking.
c. Helmet chin straps for correct locking.
d. Helmet visor in down position.
e. Garters and leg restraint garters for correct position.
14. Take-off briefing – Before the take-off run, review the “Take-off Data” and mentally go
through the “Abort-Overrun barrier engagement” procedure.
15. IFF Master – NORM. Check codes entered.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Normal take-off

Engine test
1. With the engine throttle at IDLE, check that all warning and caution lights are out and
engine oil pressure and idle RPM are within the limits.
2. Slam the engine throttle to FULL. The engine must accelerate smoothly without any stall or
surge phenomenon.
3. When the engine parameters are stabilized, check::
a) Engine RPM – Within limits.
b) JPT – Within limits.
c) Oil pressure – In normal range.
d) Warning and caution lights – OUT.
4. After a minimum time of 5 seconds with the engine throttle on FULL, chop (less than 1
second) to IDLE. The engine must decelerate without abnormal stall, undershoot, vibrations,
roughness and noise..

System test
5. Engine throttle – 60% RPM.
6. “GEN1” and “GEN2” loadmeters – Check that the max difference between the two readings
does not exceed 0,1..
7. ANTI-ICE/ENGINE – TEST (as required). Check for proper operation with:
a) “ANTI-ICE/ENG” indicator is ON.
b) “GEN 1” and “GEN2” loadmeter indicators values increased.
Then check that:
· By moving the switch to OFF the indicators show OFF, and the two loadmeters
show again normal indication.
· When the switch is moved to ON, the indicator is striped and the two loadmeters do
not show value increases.
9. Engine throttle - FULL.

10. Disengage nosewheel steering – Check “STEER” indicator light is OUT.
11. Release the brakes.
12. Maintain directional control by differential braking. The rudder becomes effective at
approximately 45 to 50 KIAS.

Do not re-engage steering during the take-off run.

13. At approximately 10 KIAS below the calculated lift off speed, raise the nose.
14. After lift-off and with positive rate of climb, proceed as follows:
a) Landing gear lever – LG UP. Check that the green landing gear position lights and
the red light in the lever grip are out. Retraction of the landing gear requires approx.
5 seconds.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

The landing gear should be completely up and locked before the limit airspeed (175 kias) is
reached. Excessive aerodynamic loads may damage the landing gear doors and prevent their
successive operation.

b) Flap control lever - UP. Between 120 and 175 KIAS. The trim change is negligible.
Check for retraction.

To prevent structure overstressing, the flaps shall be raised before the airspeed limit (175 kias) is

15. Hydraulic pressures – Check within limits.

16. Engine data readings – Check within limits.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Figure 69. Normal take-off

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Cross-wind take-off
During a cross-wind take-off, use the same procedure as for normal take-off. It is however
recommended that the control stick be moved upwind to improve the aircraft control. Durante la
corsa al suolo l’aereo tende ad avere un “effetto banderuola”. During ground run the aircraft tends
to weathervane. After the nosewheel leaves the ground, act as necessary on the rudder to remain
along the centerline track during the take-off run and following take-off. After breaking ground, be
prepared to counteract the aircraft drift..

Take-off from wet runways

A. Take-off from wet runways may result in compressor stalls or flame out due to ingestion of
water splashed by the nose wheel into air intakes. To prevent such occurrences, following
precautions should be taken:
B. Taxi at the lowest possible speed, avoiding puddles and water-covered areas.
C. During the take-off run and until lift-off, hold the “RELIGHT” push-button pressed.
D. Lift the nose wheel from the ground as soon as possible.

Instrument take-off
Carry out the normal take-off procedure up to the steering disengagement then proceed as follows:
1. With the “HEADING SET” knob of the HIS control panel, set a heading consistent with the
aircraft heading when aligned for the take-off.
2. Press the “HDG” push-button light on the “FLT DIR” panel and check that the ADI vertical
stick is centered.
3. Release the brakes.
4. Maintain direction by differential braking up to approx. 50 KIAS using runway markings
and lights.
5. At a speed of approximately 10 KIAS less than the calculated lift off speed, set a nose-up
attitude of 7 degrees on the ADI.
6. Once lift off speed with 7 degrees nose up has been reached, the aircraft will become
airborne. Maintain lateral and longitudinal control by using the ADI as main reference.
7. When the vertical velocity indicator indicates climb and the altimeter indicates altitude
increase, retract the landing gear. Between 120 and 175 KIAS retract the flaps.
8. Maintain the attitude and allow the aircraft to accelerate up to 275 KIAS. Standard turns
(max bank angle of 30 degrees) can be performed during acceleration provided airspeed is
above 150 KIAS and altitude is above 500 feet AGL.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Figure 70. Instrument take-off

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Maintain the best climb speed for minimum time to altitude.
1. Start climb at 275 KIAS: engine as required.
2. Altimeter setting – As required.
3. Engine readings – Within limits.
4. HSI – Correct indication.

In all flight phases the operation of the ADI should be cross-checked with the stand-by attitude
indicator. In case of inconsistent indications it is of the utmost importance to read the other flight
instruments in order to define which one provides the correct indications.

5. ADI and stand-by attitude indicator – Correct operation.

6. Cabin pressurization – Check the cabin altimeter above 8000 ft. A brief check of the
pressurization system can be carried out by checking the cabin altimeter and proceeding as
· From 8000 to 16000 ft (actual altitude), the cabin altimeter reading should remain
almost constant at 8000 ft.
· Between 16000 ft and 24000 ft the cabin altimeter should read half the aircraft
altitude ± 500 ft.
· Above 24000 ft the cabin altimeter should read half the aircraft altitude plus 1000 to
2000 ft.
7. Fuel transfer and quantity – Check..
8. Oxygen:
a) Pressure – Check.
b) OXY FLOW – Check operation.
c) OXY diluter level – As required.
9. Pitot and AOA heating – Check ON indication.
10. Hydraulic pressures – Within limits.

NOTE: The decrease of pressure of the emergency hydraulic system during a fast climb is normal.
This is due to the cooling of the emergency accumulator resulting in a nitrogen pressure drop. The
correct pressure is restored as soon as the aircraft reaches lower altitudes. In the event of a quick
pressure drop in the emergency system in other flight conditions, the cause could be a nitrogen or
hydraulic fluid leakage.

11. Electric loadmeters – Normal readings.


Normal procedures
Version 2.0

The engine throttle, when necessary, can be slammed open to obtain a fast acceleration, but the
engine life and characteristics will be maintained longer the throttle is operated slowly and abrupt
RPM variations are kept to a minimum..

During engine RPM setting ensure that the throttle is not moved beyond idle position.

1. Every 10 to 15 minutes, check the following:

a. Engine instruments – Within limits.
b. Electric load meters – Check load.
c. Hydraulic pressures – Within limits.
d. Oxygen – Check..
e. Cabin pressurization – Within limits.
f. CABIN TEMP – As required.

NOTE: during flight with fixed throttle setting, changes of RPM may occur (RPM creep) by
varying speed and/or altitude. This phenomenon is an acceptable characteristic of the engine fuel

During engine RPM setting ensure that the idle detent is not engaged and the throttle is not moved
beyond idle position.


NOTE: To prevent the formation of misting on the windshield and canopy interior surfaces during
rapid descents from high altitude, several minutes before to starting a descent adjust the cabin temp
to maximum temperature by using the manual control.

2. ANTI-ICE/ENGINE – As required.
3. Navigation systems – As required.
4. LDG LT/TAXI LT – As required.
5. ADI e HSI – Check for correct indications and compare to with the stand-by instruments.
6. Altimeter setting – Adjust.
7. ANTI-ICE/PITOT – Indication ON.
8. Fuel – Check quantity.
9. Hydraulic pressures – Check.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Instrument approach
Holding, penetration and TACAN approach (typical)

Holding pattern (Any Altitude)

1. Configuration – Cruise.
2. Speed – 180 KIAS.
3. Engine – 75% to 80% RPM.

Penetration descent and turn

4. Airspeed – 250 KIAS/.6 Mach.
5. Speedbrake – OUT.
6. Engine – 75% RPM.

7. Below 175 KIAS:
a. Landing gear – LG DOWN.
b. Speedbrake – IN.
c. Flap – TAKE OFF position.
d. Airspeed – 140 KIAS.
e. Throttle - As required to maintain speed (approx. 80% RPM).

Final approach
8. Flaps – DOWN (when starting descent).
9. Airspeed – 115 KIAS plus corrections (.45AOA).
10. Landing gear – Check DOWN (three green lights on).
11. Speedbrake – Check retracted.
12. Engine – As required (75% to 80% RPM).

1. Engine throttle – FULL.
2. Speedbrake – IN.
3. Attitude – 7 degrees nose-up, wings level.
4. Landing gear – LG UP (with positive climb indications).
5. Flaps – UP between 120 and 150 KIAS.
6. Throttle - Retard as necessary approaching 200 KIAS. Maintain this speed to regain the
missed approach altitude.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Figure 71. Holding, penetration and TACAN approach (tipico)

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Radar approach (typical)

1. Configuration – Cruise.
2. Speed – 200 KIAS.
3. Engine – 75% to 80% RPM.
4. Speedbrake – Retracted.

Base leg
5. Speedbrake – OUT.
6. At 175 KIAS:
a. Landing gear – LG DOWN.
b. Speedbrake – IN.
c. Flaps – TAKE OFF.
d. Airspeed – Reduce to 140 KIAS.
7. Engine – As required to maintain 140 KIAS (approx. 80% RPM).

Final turn
8. Airspeed – 140 KIAS.
9. Landing gear – Check DOWN (three green lights on).
10. Flaps – Check TAKE OFF.
11. Speedbrake – Check retracted.
12. Engine - As required to maintain 140 KIAS (approx. 80% RPM).

Final approach (Glideslope)

13. Flap – DOWN (starting descent).
14. Speed – 115 KIAS plus corrections (.45 AOA)..
15. Landing gear – Check DOWN (three green lights on).
16. Speedbrake – Check IN.
17. Engine – As required to maintain the airspeed (75% to 80% RPM).

1. Engine throttle – FULL.
2. Speedbrake – IN.
3. Attitude – 7 degrees nose-up, wings level.
4. Landing gear - LG UP (with positive climb indications).
5. Flaps - UP between 120 and 150 KIAS.
6. Throttle - Retard as required approaching 200 KIAS. Maintain this speed to regain the
missed approach altitude..

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Figure 72. Radar approach (typical)

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

ILS approach (typical)

Approach to glideslope
1. Speedbrake – OUT..
2. At 175 KIAS:
a. Landing gear – LG DOWN.
b. Speedbrake – IN.
c. Flaps – TAKE OFF.
d. Airspeed – Reduce to 140 KIAS..
3. Throttle – As required to maintain 140 KIAS.
4. Maintain speed and configuration until the glideslope is intercepted..

Final approach (Glideslope)

5. Flaps – DOWN (starting descent).
6. Airspeed – 115KIASplus corrections (.45AOA).
7. Landing gear – Check down (three green lights on).
8. Speedbrake – Check IN.
9. Engine – As required tomaintain airspeed (75% to 80% RPM).

1. Engine throttle – FULL..
2. Speedbrake – IN.
3. Attitude – 7 degrees nose-up, wings level.
4. Landing gear - LG UP (with positive climb indications).
5. Flaps - UP between 120 and 150 KIAS.
6. Throttle - Retard as required attaining 200 KIAS. Maintain this speed to regain the missed
approach altitude.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Figure 73. ILS approach (typical)

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Approach and landing

For a normal landing procedure refer to Figure 74.

Entering pattern
1. Airspeed – 250 KIAS.
2. Altitude – 1500 ft AGL.
3. ANTI-ICE/ENGINE – As required.

4. Engine – 60% RPM.
5. Speedbrake – OUT.

6. Landing gear – LG DOWN (below 175 KIAS). Check that the three green lights are on..

NOTE: the illumination of the taxi light is conditional on the correct locking of the landing gear in
the down position. To permit the control tower check for landing gear down, move the “LDG
LT/TAXI LT” switch to TAXI LT.

7. Speedbrake – IN. Check the indicator.

8. Flap – TAKEOFF (below 175KIAS). Check the flap indicator for corresponding position.
9. Pressioni idrauliche – Controllare.

Zero pressure indication in the emergency hydraulic system may be caused by a leak of hydraulic
fluid in the emergency system. In the presence of such failure condition, after contact with
runaway, if a pressure decrease happens also in the main hydraulic system, it is necessary to
perform a full stop landing as before the total loss of hydraulic pressure.

10. Engine – As required to maintain 140 KIAS.

Base turn - Final

11. Before starting base turn: flap DOWN (below: 150 KIAS). Check full extension of flaps on
the indicator.
12. Base turn speed - Maintain 130 KIAS plus corrections.

NOTE: On approach (until landing is assured) it is recommended that at least 60% RPM be
maintained in order to obtain optimum engine acceleration time in the event of go-around. The
acceleration time increases by approx. 0.5 second for every 5% RPM below 60%.

13. Level wings at 400 ft AGL.

14. On final – Maintain 115 KIAS plus corrections (optimum AOA).
15. LDG LT/TAXI LT – As required.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0


16. Threshold speed – 110 KIAS plus corrections.

17. Engine throttle – IDLE.
18. Touchdown speed – 95 to 100 KIAS plus corrections.

NOTE: increase standard speeds 1,5 KIAS every 100 kg (220 lb) in excess of 3700 kg (8157 lb).

Normal landing
During landing use the AOA indicator as the primary reference throughout the final approach
If the runway length and conditions permit, aerodynamic braking may be carried out to conserve
brakes and tires. To perform aerodynamic braking, increase the aircraft nose-up attitude after touch-
down by gradually pulling the control stick back to the full aft position. Lower the aircraft nose and
bring the nose-wheel in contact with the runway before the elevator becomes ineffective (at about
70 KIAS). Maintain directional control during the landing roll by use of rudder. Do not engage nose
wheel steering. At a speed below 50 KIAS maintain directional control by differential braking. At
the end of the landing run, engage the nose wheel steering (“STEER” indicator light on), then use
the rudder pedals combined with this control.

Prior to engaging the steering control, ensure that the rudder pedals are centered.

Cross-wind landing
Cross-wind landings may be performed by using the normal landing procedures. However, while
using normal approach speeds, counteract drift by the crab method, by the wing down method or by
a combination of both, to keep the aircraft track aligned with the runway, leveling the wings just
before touchdown.
In case of strong crosswind and/or with gusty wind with possibility of wind shear, it is
recommended to maintain the flaps in the TAKE OFF position during landing, to improve the
aircraft lateral control and to obtain, if needed, a quicker increase of airspeed with engine thrust.
After touchdown, keep the control stick upwind and lower the nose wheel smoothly to the runway
as soon as practical, maintaining a centerline track with rudder and, if needed, moderate use of

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Landing at high mass

When a landing at high mass must be performed, bear in mind that the maximum sinking speed at
touchdown, in order not to effect the aircraft structural integrity, is much lower with increased
weight than with normal landing weight. A straight-in approach should therefore be flown using
power to control the sinking rate. Flare should be gradual and touchdown smooth. A stall prior to
touchdown could result in an abrupt and incontrollable increase of the sinking speed with possibility
of exceeding the permissible limits.

The vertical velocity indicator readings are subject to lag; therefore they are reliable during an
approach under constant conditions but not in transient phases such as flare and touchdown.

Use of brakes with anti-skid system on dry runway

During a normal landing, the use of maximum aerodynamic braking and of the full length of the
runway to stop the aircraft will conserve the wheel brakes and tire. However, when a minimum
landing run is required, after touchdown, the nose wheel should be quickly lowered. Apply the
brakes firmly and fully and allow the anti-skid system to provide the maximum deceleration. The
anti-skid system will operate to give maximum performance braking.

Use of brakes without anti-skid system on dry runway (anti-skid disconnected or inoperative)
In order to obtain optimal braking performance without anti-skid system, operate the brakes in a
single smooth application with a constant increase of the pedal pressure. Extreme care should be
used in applying brakes at high speed to prevent locking and skidding of the tires. When there is
still a significant wing lift it is sufficient to apply a minimum braking pressure to cause a tire
If skidding occurs, momentarily release pressure and again gradually increase brake pressure. This
procedure will provide the shortest stop distance in the absence of the anti-skid system.

Use of brakes with anti-skid system on wet/icy runway

The wet or icy runway landing technique is essentially the same as a normal landing. As for a
normal landing, reduce the engine speed to IDLE immediately after the contact, and lower the nose
wheel to the runway. Apply decisively the brakes when the nose wheel comes in contact with the
runway then gradually move the control stick fully backward to obtain the maximum braking effect
during landing run. The anti-skid system will avoid locking the wheels by efficiently producing the
maximum possible deceleration in safe conditions depending on the existing conditions of the
runaway. During the high-speed part of the landing run the deceleration obtained will be minimum
as the braking capacity is very low. As the speed decreases, the braking effectiveness will
consequently increase and the antiskid system will increase the deceleration.
In case of cross-wind use the technique recommended for this cases.

Use of brakes without anti-skid system on wet/icy runways (anti-skid disconnected or inoperative)
In case of disconnected or inoperative anti-skid the braking on wet or icy runways will require
further attentions. The more effective technique is to apply the brakes in an intermittent way. When
a skidding is perceived, the brakes must be momentarily released and re-applied. This procedure
Normal procedures
Version 2.0

will provide the shortest stop distance for braking with inoperative anti-skid system. In case of wet
or icy runaway and without anti-skid system the wheels can be easily locked.

Landing on short runways without anti-skid system

For landings on short runways, without anti-skid, the prescribed speed values for approach and
touchdown shall be strictly adhered to. After touchdown, lower the aircraft nose by bringing the
nosewheel in contact with the runway and move flaps to UP position.
Gradually operate the brakes, in a single application with a constant and progressive increase of the
pedals pressing as the speed decreases, by avoiding the tire skidding. Gradually move the control
stick fully backward to obtain the maximum braking effect during landing run.

Before touchdown:
1. Engine throttle – FULL.
2. Speedbrake – IN, if extended.

NOTE: Continue a normal approach (or the descent) until the engine is at the full throttle and the
airspeed increases. If the touchdown is made, slightly lower the nose and accelerate to takeoff
speed, then give the aircraft the take-off attitude and allow it to fly off the ground.

Touch and go
The following procedure is to be adopted when a normal landing has been attempted, the wheels are
in contact with the runway and it is found necessary to take-off again immediately, before allowing
the aircraft to stop:
1. Engine throttle – FULL.
2. Speedbrake – IN, if extended.
3. Engine instruments – Check.
4. Leave the flaps in the position selected for landing.
5. Accelerate to take-off speed then establish the take-off attitude.

After take-off
1. Landing gear – LG UP (with positive climb indications).
2. Between 120 KIAS and 150 KIAS – Flaps UP.
4. Check the landing gear, speedbrake and flaps indicators.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Figure 74. Landing and go-around (typical)

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

After landing
After completion of the landing roll and when clear of the runway:
1. Flaps – UP.
2. Speedbrake – IN.
3. Hydraulic pressures – Within limits.
4. Trims – In neutral position.
5. Landing light - OFF (if ON).
6. Taxi light - As required.
7. Stand-by attitude indicator - Caged.
8. IFF – OFF.
10. VOR/ILS – OFF.
13. Seat safety pin – In place.
14. Canopy – As required.

During taxiing, the canopy must be closed or open and locked in the intermediate position but not
fully open.

Engine shut-down
1. LDG LT/TAXI LT – OFF (if ON).
2. Parking brake – Applied.
3. Speedbrake – OUT.
4. Flaps – DOWN.
5. Engine throttle – Approx. 60% RPM.
6. Engine throttle – STOP.
7. UHF (COMM1) and VHF (aircrafts pre-mod. PTA -322) or V/UHF (COMM2) (aircraft
postmod. PTA -322) - OFF.
8. IN GPS – OFF:
9. Gunsight – OFF (if installed).
10. BCN – OFF.
11. When the engine stops:
b. GEN 1 and GEN 2 – OFF.
c. BATT – OFF.
12. Wheel chocks – In place.
13. PARK & EMERBK – Released, if previously set.
14. Move the oxygen supply lever to OFF.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Maximum glide distance

In case of in-flight engine shut down due to failures or out of fuel, refer to Figure 75.

Figure 75. Maximum glide distance

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

CDU operation
In this section are reported the CDU functions implemented in the MOD.

NOTE: the procedures listed below are different than the actual ones, so the CDU reproduced in
this MOD can be used only for waypoints set and navigation purposes.

Flight plan setting

Waypoint set
1. Turn ON the “IN GPS” switch located
on the right side of the CDU. Wait untili
it is ready.
2. MANUAL – Push.
3. Select the waypoint you want to edit.
4. N – Push.
5. Select “CLR” button to delete the
default setting.
6. Insert your latitude.
7. E – Push.
8. Insert your longitude.
9. Select “ENT” button to accept.
10. Proceed as indicated from steps 3) to 9).

Select a preset airport

1. Push the “MODE” button to go into the
waypoint list.
2. Press the “+” button to open the list of
the preset airports.
3. Select the airport you want to reach.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

Mark set
While you are flying a point:
1. MARK – Press.
2. STORE – Press.

Normal procedures
Version 2.0

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Normal procedures
Version 2.0


Mission description
Ground attack – cannons or machine guns
The gun or machine gun attack (Figure 76) against surface targets (strafing), is the most versatile
and accurate method of delivering ordnance against a target, and therefore is highly effective
against a wide variety of targets that are vulnerable to aircraft ammunition.
The strafing attack is easily performed and may be initiated with a minimum of preplanning from an
angle-off or straight-ahead approach. The dive angle may be varied dependent upon the attack
tactical requirements. The lower dive angles (5 to 15 degrees) are generally more effective due to
ease in tracking. The main concern during strafing is firing at the proper slant range where bullet
impact is coincident with the pipper position.
If firing is to be accomplished beyond the planned ranges, the value of depression to be inserted in
the sight should be increased or the pipper held above the target.
Although the effect is small, wind does affect strafing and must be compensated for in range and
direction especially on pin-point targets.

Figure 76. Ground attack – guns or machine guns

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Ground attack - rocket delivery

Ground attack with rocket delivery (Figure 77) basically requires the same roll-in, wind correction
and pullout manoeuvers as dive bombing. Under the Aermacchi pylons fitted to any of the six
underwing stations, there can be suspended launchers for any type of approved rocket.

Figure 77. Ground attack - rockets

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Dive bombing
The dive bombing (Figure 78) is usually divided in three categories: high angle, medium angle and
low angle.
The importance of a correct roll-in plan cannot be overemphasized since strict consistency with the
parameters of altitude, airspeed, engine setting and distance from target is required to place the
aircraft at the predetermined release altitude and range with the airspeed and dive angle selected fir
Due to the bomb long time of fall, the wind effect is determinant for trajectory of accuracy, and it is
therefore important that the pilot has knowledge of and takes into account the effects of the
crosswind and rangewind components (primarily the wind velocity at release altitude). The optical
sight is used in conjunction with the altimeter to determine the release point. To obtain the total
value of the depression to be inserted in the sight, the following must be added to the depression
· Zero sight line angle of attack
· Parallax correction corresponding to slant range.
· Windshield refraction correction angle (for MB-339A aircraft this angle is zero).
Several factors must be considered when determining an indicated release altitude:
· Altitude lost during pullout.
· Altimeter lag.
· Fragment envelope clearance.
· Fuze arming time.
· Altimeter position error.
· Target height.
The altimeter will be set according to the QNH (corrected altitude with respect to sea level), of the
target area.
Immediately following bomb release, a pullout is to be initiated with an acceleration of 3 to 4 g
attained in 2 seconds after release.

Figure 78. Dive bombing

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Level bombing
The level bombing (Figure 79) consists of a level, low or very low altitude approach to the planned
release point at predetermined airspeed and altitude.
Altitude and speed must be constant throughout the approach phase to target. A flight path to the
target will be maintained by crabbing into the wind so that after release the aircraft will be flying
directly over the target (low drag bombs).
An additional correction may be required to take into account the location of the bomb in relation to
the aircraft centerline.
For high drag bombs, it is still necessary to correct the approach path upwind due to the increased
time of flight, thence to wind effect during bomb fall.
Crabbing the aircraft to have the bomb line of flight on the target will cause the aim-point to be
offset upwind.

Figure 79. Level bombing – fire bombs

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Low angle bombing

· Do not fly over or near burst area within 20 seconds of detonation of live fragmentation bombs
as aircraft damage can result from flying debris. During training mission at least 20 seconds
spacing between aircraft must be observed to prevent a bomb-to-aircraft collision in the event
of bomb ricocheting after impact.
· Do not fly through fire bomb smoke within 20 seconds of burst as compressor stall or engine
flame-out might occur.

The low angle bombing consists of a shallow-dive angle approach to the release point while
maintaining a predetermined release speed and dive angle. The considerations in delivering fire
bombs during a low angle bomb attack are essentially the same as in dive bombing.
The aircraft will be flown to attain a position at a predetermined release altitude, slant range from
the target, and release velocity in order to have an accurate bomb impact.
The sight line (optical sight depression), will be corrected for rangewind. Correction for crosswind
requires an offset aim-point. Wind corrections can be applied in the same manner as for low drag

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Figure 80. Low angle bombing and Aerial attack

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Aerial attack – guns or machine guns

In air-to-air firing, the gun bore sight line (GBSL) must be offset ahead of the sight line by an angle
called “prediction angle” in order to obtain projectile collision with the target in the “predicted point
of collision”. Figure 80 shows the three components of the prediction angle, namely:
· Lead angle.
· Gravity drop angle.
· Velocity jump angle.
The projectile starts out along a trajectory deviating from the gun bore sight line (GBSL) by the
amount of the velocity jump angle, the nit falls along the true vertical line by the amount of the
gravity drop (gravity force minus projectile lift).
The gyro computing sight installed in the MB-339A aircraft automatically sets in the lead angle
correction and fully corrects for velocity jump, gravity drop, etc., at two range values (300 to 500
m), with attack airspeeds between 330 and 350 KTAS, 290 KTAS target speed, 10000 ft flight
altitude, 20° angle off and pursuit curve flown at 2,5 g (66° bank), aircraft mass of 4090 kg (9000
lb). Residual errors for non-standard attack conditions are very small.

Armament system description and controls

The aircraft is equipped for the use of different types of armament: guns, machine guns, rockets,
bombs, etc.
The armament can be installed under six underwing stations (some stores can be suspended directly,
others by use of pylons).
An Aeritalia SAAB RGS2 gyro gunsight is fitted on the front instrument panel. The rear instrument
panel carries a complete provision for the installation of a repeater gunsight identical to the front
one, but with no possibility of reticle depression control.
A panel with the armament control is mounted on the front instrument panel, while a repeater panel
is fitted to the rear instrument panel to reproduce all armament selection carried out on the front
panel. Store release and/or firing selections are carried out from the armament control panel in the
front cockpit only.
Gun and machine gun fire is controlled by a trigger located on the control stick, rocket launching
and bomb release by a push-button still on the front control stick.
An armament lock-out switch on the armament repeater panel in the rear cockpit enables the
instructor to stop the student’s firing action in any moment. Each pilot also has available a “SALVO
JETTISON” push-button for the simultaneous release of all stores in an emergency. A “SEL JETT”
push-button for selective jettisoning of stores is provided on the front armament panel only. Both
controls are powered from the essential bus bar via the “STORE JETT” circuit breaker.
The operation of both controls is conditional upon the aircraft being airborne since a safety
microswitch on the left landing gear leg prevents the two circuits from operating when the aircraft
weight is on the wheels.

Armament controls
The armament controls are described and illustrated in Figure 83.

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Armament circuit breakers

The only armament circuit breakers accessible in flight are:
· “SIGHT” (3 A) – Located in circuit breaker box No. 1 in the front cockpit and powered
from the 115V AC primary bus bar; it controls the AC power supply to the gyro-computer.
· “ARM SEL” (5 A) – Located in circuit breaker box No. 2 in the front cockpit and powered
from the 28V DC essential bus bar. It controls the store selection circuit.
· “STORE JETT” (15 A) – Located in circuit breaker box No. 2 in the front cockpit and
powered from the 28 V DC essential bus bar. It controls the simultaneous store jettison
circuit in the two cockpits and the selective jettison circuit of the front armament control
· “SIGHT” (7 ½ A) – Located in circuit breaker box No. 4, it is accessible in flight only when
the rear cockpit is occupied. It is powered from the 28 V DC primary bus bar. It controls the
aircraft DC supply circuit to the gyro-computer and the gunsight reticle illumination.
All other armament circuit breakers are installed in the front portion of the “CKT BKR BOX No 3”
housed in compartment No. 2 (door 5113-1), on the fuselage left side, as shown in Figure 81.
· “ARMT MSTR” (5 A) – Main armament circuit breaker powered from the 28 V DC
secondary bus bar. It controls power supply to the ARMAMENT BUS BAR. The following
circuit breakers are connected to the above 28 V DC armament bus bar:
o “ARMT” (15 A) – Controls the gun and the machine gun firing circuits.
o “L BSTR MOTOR” (20 A) – Controls the machine gun munition belt booster motor
in the left pod.
o “R BSTR MOTOR” (20 A) – Controls the machine gun munition belt booster motor
in the right pod.
o “L WING GUN HTR” (15 A) – Controls the electrical heating of the weapon in the
left pod.
o “R WING GUN HTR” (15 A) – Controls the electrical heating of the weapon in the
right pod.
o “FUZES” (15 A) – Controls the circuit of the bomb fuze safety solenoids (on the 6
o “STORES IND” (5 A) – Controls the store indicator circuit on the two armament
o “GUNS” (7 ½ A) – Controls the trigger control circuit.

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Figure 81. Location of armament system components

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Figure 82. Armament system block diagram

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Figure 83. Armament system controls

Nomenclature Function
1. “SEL JETT” push-button Pressed – Causes simultaneous safe release of
any selected external stores carried under the

NOTE: Release occurs only when the aircraft is

2. “BOMB FUZE” switch SAFE – Nose and tail fuzes are not armed.
NOSE TAIL – Both nose and tail fuzes are

Weapon system
Version 2.0

TAIL ONLY – Tail fuzes only are armed.

3. “SEQUENCE” switch RPL – All rockets are fired in the automatic
sequence set by the launcher intervalometer.
SGL – A single rocket is fired from each
selected rocket launcher.
4. “MASTER ARMT” switch Down position (OFF) – All armament circuits
are de-energized, except for the circuits
connected to the “SALVO JETTISON” and
“SEL JETT” push-button.
Up position (ON) – If the aircraft is in flight
with the landing gear control lever UP, this
position energizes all armaments circuits.
5. External store indicator (one for each Displays the indication corresponding to the
underwing station) store carried under the pylon in a window
arranged in the same position as the
corresponding underwing station in the aircraft:
- RKT (rocket launcher).
- BOMB (bomb).
- GUN (gun-machine gun pod).
- DISP (container with at least 1 store still to
be dropped).
- EMPTY (entirely empty).
- TANK (underwing pylon tank).
When no indication appears in the windows
(black background), no external store is
suspended under the pylon.
6. Arming push-button lights (green) Pressed and illuminated – The selected stores in
place under the pylons are armed for release or
7. Rocket firing or bomb release pysh-button Pressed – Permits firing or release of all stores
selected and armed throught the control panel.
8. Gun or machine gun firing trigger Pressed – Permits firing with the guns or
machine guns selected throught the control
panel. The trigger has two detent positions:
First detent position – Operation of gun
Second detent position – Operation of
gun camera and firing of guns or
machine guns.
9. “SALVO JETTISON” push-button Pressed – Causes immediate and simultaneous
safe release of all external stores carried under
the pylons.
NOTE: release occurs only when the aircraft is
airborne. Please, note also that in this mod this
function releases also the tip tanks. This is not a
bug, it is due to the fact that DCS sees the tip
tanks as jettisonable items.

Weapon system
Version 2.0

10. “FIRE” switch ON (guard down) – The rear pilot permits the
use of the armament control in the front cockpit.
OFF (guard and toggle up) – The use of the
armament controls (except for the “SALVO
JETTISON” and the “SEL JETT”), is precluded
in the front cockpit.
11. “BOMB FUZE” indicator Displays the position the “BOMB FUZE”
switch on the front control panel is set to.
12. “SEQUENCE” indicator Displays the position the “SEQUENCE” switch
on the front control panel is set to.
13. “MASTER ARMT” caution light ON – Indicated that the “MASTER ARMT”
switch on the front control panel is set to.
14. Selection lights ON – Provide the same indications as given by
the corresponding lights on the front control

Armament electrical system

The armament electrical system consists of the following circuits:
· External store emergency release circuits (comprising a simultaneous release circuit and a
selective jettison circuit)
· Gunsight gyro computer, reticle illumination and gun camera operation circuit.
· Gun pod firing circuit.
· Machine gun pod firing, ammunition belt driving and weapon heating circuits.
· Rocket firing circuit.
· Bomb release and fuze solenoid supply circuits.
· Container armament release circuit.

Armament relay boxes

Two boxes containing the armament relays are located in the wings. Each box contains the relays
necessary for operation of the armament stores installed or designed for installation under the
corresponding wing.

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Gunsight and gun camera system

Gunsight system
The Aeritalia-SAAB RGS2 gunsight is of a gyroscopic type with illuminated reticle focused at
The reticle position for the different firing/release conditions is determined by a computer-gyro unit
separated from the sight haed.
The block diagram of the gunsight system is shown in Figure 84.
The sight system is capable of controlling one or two gunsights in parallel through the CGU
(Computer Gyro Unit). The control panel mounted beneath the front gunsight permits the pilot to
set the gyro computer into operation, to select one of the two reticle lights, to adjust the reticle
image light intensity and to set the reticle depression value required by the mission (into the
Light illumination and rear gunsight reticle brightness only can be controlled from the rear cockpit.
The mode and deflection of the rear reticle are conversely a repetition of the image projected on the
front gunsight.
The computer (CGU) and the gunsights can be selected for the following operating modes by
rotating the mode selector knob on the engine throttle in the front cockpit:
· MODE 1 – Air-to-ground firing, without roll control.
· MODE 2 – Air-to-ground firing, with roll control.
· MODE 3 – Air-to-air firing, 500 m range.
· MODE 4 – Air-to-air firing, 300 m range.
The reticle size is as shown in Figure 86.Figure 86 The signals fed to the CGU from the outside are:
· Roll angle derived from the AHRS.
· Reticle depression angle set from the gunsight control panel.
· Selected mode set by the knob on the engine throttle.
· Aiming adjustments set by the potentiometers on the front gunsight control panel.
· Reticle follow-up derived from the gunsight.
The CGU internal signals are derived from 3 rate gyros mounted along the aircraft X, Y and Z axes,
which measure the aircraft rotation rate about 3 axes. It ensues that the CGU is capable of:
1) Determing the prediction angle.
2) Determing the gravity drop along the true vertical.
3) Adding to the two above vectors a fixed velocity jump value (calculated for the standard
pursuit curve, with a load factor of +2,5 g, 350 KTAS attack airspeed, 10000 ft altitude and
4090 kg mass), and measured along the aircraft Z axis. The vertical sum of (1) + (2) + (3)
calculated by the computer determines the lead angle (4) as shown in preceding Figure 80.
The operating principles of the sight head are shown in Figure 87.

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Figure 84. Gunsight system block diagram

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Figure 85. RGS2 gunsight operating modes

Figure 86. Reticle size

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Figure 87. Gunsight operating principles

Gun camera system

The Teledyne TCS 116-2 gun camera can be fitted to the front gunsight by use of an adapter
incorportaing the power connector and an event maker.
The gun camera is of the magazine type containing up to 75 ft (25 m) of 16 mm film and operates at
a speed of 16 frames per second. Each magazine can record events up to a total of 90 seconds and
can be easily replaced in flight by the pilot with one hand only. A “TEST” push-button permits
testing the gun camera operation both on the ground and in flight. The gun camera electronic
module permits an overrun time ranging from 1 to 10 seconds to be set prior to flight to record the
effects of a firing action after the firing trigger has been released. The overrun time adjustment
screw is located close to the “TEST” push-button on the gun camera sight side.
The gun camera body comprises the film drive motor, the film drive mechanism, the frame locating
pin, the rotary shutter and the electronic control module. The periscope (with 90° prism) and the
fixed-focus lens are mounted on the gun camera front face by a flange. The lens has a focal length
Weapon system
Version 2.0

of 32 mm (35 mm upon request). The electronic module controls the film speed, the overrun time
and the event marker.
The event marker projects a bright dot on frame upper right corner only when the firing trigger is
squeezed to the second detent or the rocket firing/bomb release push-button is operated.

Gunsight and gun camera system controls

The gunsight and gun camera system controls are described and illustrated in Figure 88.

Figure 88. RGS2 gunsight and gun camera controls

Weapon system
Version 2.0

Nomenclature Function
1. Lens aperture control lever Rotated – Permits the shutter aperture to be
adjusted to suit the ambient light conditions.
NOTE: the lever can be selected to the DULL,
NORM, BRIGHT positions and to the two
intermediate positions.
2. “% FILM REMAINING” indicator Provides percentage indication of the available
3. “TEST” switch Pressed – Permits the gun camera to be tested
for correct operation through the noise produced
and the film-run indicator.
4. Rocket firing or bomb release push-button Pressed – Operates the gun camera and the
event marker.
5. Firing trigger Pulled to the first detent position – Operates the
gun camera.
Pulled to the second detent position – Engages
the event marker.
6. Mode selector knob Rotated to one of the four available positions –
Permits operation of the gunsight in one of the
four selectable firing conditions.
7. “PWR” switch OFF – De-energized position.
L1 – Operates the gunsight gyro and selects one
of the two lamps for reticle illumination.
L2 – Operates the gunsight gyro and selects the
second lamb (stand-by lamp).
8. Reticle illumination knob Rotated toward BRT – Reticle brightness is
changed continuously from min to max value.
9. “TEST” push-button Pressed – Tests gunsight operation. The reticle
moves diagonally down from center to right.
10. “DEPRESSION MILS” thumb switches Rotated – Permit selection of the required
depression values.

Weapon system
Version 2.0

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Weapon system
Version 2.0


Description and function

The aircraft of the National Aerobatic Team (in Italian “Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale” (P.A.N.))
“Frecce Tricolori” MB339A PAN is equal to the aircraft described in the previous chapters, except
for some differences reported in this chapter.

The aircraft
The MB-339A for the P.A.N. is equipped with a smoke system supplied by two tanks for
fuel/smoke type NDR T4D7400-01 placed on the station 3 and 4. Furthermore, the aircraft is not
equipped with tip tanks.
The maximum dimensions of the aircraft are:
· Wing span: 10,25 m (33,56 ft)
· Length: 10,97 m (35,99 ft)
· Maximum height to vertical tail tip: 3,99 m (13,09 ft)
The base empty weight of the aircraft is about 3200 kg (7055 lb).
The total mass in the configuration with one pilot and fuel/smoke tanks is 4250 kg (9370 lb).

Figure 89. The aircraft MB339A PAN in DCS World

The MB339A PAN version
Version 2.0

Engine throttle
On the engine throttle of the front cockpit the
push-button for gear down signal transmission is
used for the colored smoke emission when the
“MASTER” and “COLOR” switches, located on
the “SMOKE” control panel, are ON.
With the switches OFF, the gear down signal
transmission function is restored.

On the forward stick the weapon release push-
button is used for the white smoke when the
“MASTER” and “WHITE” switched, located on
the “SMOKE” control panel, are ON.
With the switches OFF, the weapon release
function is restored

Fuel system
The fuel is contained in the fuselage tank and, if installed, in the two underwing fuel/smoke tanks
(Figure 90).
In order to increase the endurance in transfer configuration, the aircraft can be equipped on the
underwing stations 2 and 5 auxiliary fuel tanks and 500 liters cylindrical tip tanks.
In the tip tanks configuration, the underwing fuel/smoke tanks have not be supplied with fuel since
they are disconnected from the fuel system.
The fuel system in 500 liters cylindrical tip tanks configuration is shown in Figure 90.
In fuel/smoke tanks configuration, the air necessary to pressurize the fuel section is provided by the
holes which in the traditional version of the aircraft pressurize the tip tanks
If not differently required, with the auxiliary fuel tanks (transfer fight case), “FUEL TRANSFER”
switch must be placed on “TIP” position.

The MB339A PAN version
Version 2.0

Figure 90. Fuel system schema

The MB339A PAN version
Version 2.0

Fuel quantity indication

In the configuration with fuel/smoke tanks, when the selector placed on the fuel quantity indicator is
in PYL L or PYL R position, the instrument provides the fuel quantity contained in the relevant fuel
section of the left and right underwing tank.

Fuel/smoke tanks configuration

The “FUEL TRANSFER” switch must be placed on “TIP” position to allow the fuel pressurization
and transfer from the fuel section of the underwing tanks and then to pressurize the main fuselage
fuel tank.

Gear down signal transmission system

In PAN configuration, this system is disabled in the front cockpit since the gear down signal
transmission push-button is used to enable/disenable the colour smoke emission. However, in the
rear cockpit this function in still available.

Indication lights
In addition to the normal indication lights, the aircraft is provided by two different green lights
located on the front cockpit which indicate the normal operation of the smoke system.

Weapon system
All the functions of this system are disabled when the “MASTER” switch located on the “SMOKE”
control panel is ON.

Smoke system
The smoke system (Figure 91) allows the white or color smoke emission by the aircraft tail.
The system is composed by two underwing fuel/smoke tanks installed on the stations 3 and 4 and
electro-pneumatic circuits for the smoke emission and control.
The tank located on the left wing (station No. 3) have to be filled with fluid for colored smoke while
the one located on the right wing (station No. 4) have to be filled with fluid for white smoke.
The system consists of two push-button for white and color smoke, located on the stick and on the
throttle, a “SMOKE” control panel and two indication lights for smoke emission.
On the “SMOKE” panel are located the “MASTER” switch which allows the operation of the
smoke system or weapon system and two switches for smoke enable with two positions: OFF, ON.
The indication lights are placed on the two sides of the gun sight location and indicate:
· left indication light – color smoke emission;
· right indication light – white smoke emission.
The indication light are green and their operation can be controlled by means the “WARN LT
TEST” push-button located on the warning lights panel.
The electrical circuit of the smoke system is supplied by the Secondary Bus Bar 28V DC by means
the automatic “CAMERA CONTR” circuit breaker.

The MB339A PAN version
Version 2.0

Smoke system: controls and indicators

The controls and indicators of the smoke system are described and shown in Figure 92.
“SMOKE” control panel set:
1. “MASTER” switch – ON;
2. “COLOR” switch – ON;
3. “WHITE” switch – ON.
For color smoke emission proceed as follows:
1. Push-button located on the engine throttle – Push;
2. Indication light (left) for colored smoke – Illuminated;
3. To stop the smoke emission push again the push-button located on the engine throttle and be
sure that the indication light is OFF.
For white smoke emission proceed as follows:
1. Push-button located on the stick – Push;
2. Indication light (right) for white smoke – Illuminated;
3. To stop the smoke emission push again the push-button located on the stick and be sure that
the indication light is OFF.

The MB339A PAN version
Version 2.0

Figure 91. Smoke system schema

The MB339A PAN version
Version 2.0

Figure 92. Smoke system control and indications

Nomenclature Function
1. Color smoke Pressed – Interrupts the washing of the exhaust
push-button circuits of the white and smoke fluid and
activates the color smoke emission.
Pressed again – Interrupts the color smoke
emission and restore the washing of the exhaust
circuit of the white and color smoke fluid.
2. Color smoke emission Illuminated – Green color – Indicates that the
indication light color smoke push-button has been pressed.

The MB339A PAN version
Version 2.0

Nomenclature Function
3. White smoke emission Illuminated – Green color – Indicates that the
indication light white smoke push-button has been pressed.
4. White smoke Pressed – Interrupts the washing of the exhaust
push-button circuits of the white and smoke fluid and
activates the white smoke emission.
Pressed again – Interrupts the white smoke
emission and restore the washing of the exhaust
circuit of the white and color smoke fluid.
5. “WHITE” switch ON – Activates the white smoke circuit
pressurizing the smoke fluid tanks and the pre-
washing valves of interception of the smoke
OFF – Deactivates the white smoke circuit,
interrupts the smoke fluid tanks pressurization
and the pre-washing valves of the smoke fluid.
6. “COLOR” switch ON – Activates the color smoke circuit
pressurizing the smoke fluid tanks and the pre-
washing valves of interception of the smoke
OFF – Deactivates the color smoke circuit,
interrupts the smoke fluid tanks pressurization
and the pre-washing valves of the smoke fluid
7. “MASTER” switch ON – The push-button (4) located on the stick is
used to activate the white smoke.
OFF – The push-button (4) located on the stick
is used for weapon release.

The MB339A PAN version
Version 2.0


The GARMIN GPSmap 495 (not reproduced in this mod) is a navigation system usually used for
general aviation purposes and, due to this, can be used only as support to navigation and cannot
replace the on-board flight instruments of the MB-339A PAN (AT-339A).
The system has a color display which shows the Jappesen maps with information regarding the
radio-navigation stations, CTR, ATZ, TMA, airways, points for VFR and IFR. The aeronautical
information and the maps can be upgraded.
The unit has a keyboard on the right side of the display and it is equipped with an integrate antenna
(removable) and a supply port, jack type, to recharge the batteries on ground.
The GPS is installed on the gun sight location on the front seat on a proper mechanical support.
The installation characteristics don not allows the presence of the GPS and gun sight at the same
time since the two object have to be installed on the same location. Then, the two configurations
have to be intended as mutually exclusive.

The MB339A PAN version
Version 2.0

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The MB339A PAN version
Version 2.0


The aerobatic flight consists in coordinate manoeuvres which are always kept under control by the
pilot and causes strong variation in attitude, speed and altitude. Their purpose is to help the pilot to
develop a certain confidence, sensitivity, coordination and an automatism in the reactions and
corrective actions that are required to move from one position to another one in the space, in
simplest and most rational possible way.
The acrobatics became the basis for the best performances of all the attacks and also the defensive
manoeuvres foreseen in the operational role.

Figure 93. The Frecce Tricolori Virtuali (FTV) team in DCS World

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

Pre-aerobatics and post-aerobatics checks

Before performing any type of acrobatic manoeuvre it is necessary for the pilot to carry out some
· Check the space where you will perform the manoeuvre;
· Check the aircraft (internally and externally).
Student pilots must follow the following checks, completing them quickly but carefully:

Pre-acrobatics checks
· Height and position;
· Fuel;
· LND Gear, Speedbrake, Flaps – UP and OK;
· Narrow harness, bound shoulders;
· Engine instrument – Correct operations;
· NO free objects in cockpit.

Post-acrobatics checks
· LND Gear, Speedbrake, Flaps – UP and OK;
· HSI coherent with STBY compass;
· ADI coherent with STBY-ADI;
· Engine instrument – Correct operations;
· Fuel;
· Position, height;
It is necessary to carry out the checks described above out verbally, in its entirety and not saying a
simple OK.
For example, the engine instrument check will be:
“Engine 96%, 715°, 20, 2 bar, 225 kg” which means: RPM 96%, jet pipe temperature 715°C, Fuel
flow 20 kg/min, oil pressure 2 bar, fuel 225 kg.

Coordinated manoeuvres
These are the manoeuvres performed to allow the pilot to clearly identify the aircraft's features in
accordance with external references, such as “roll, pitch and speed” and also to redefine the feeling
in aircraft control when the speed changes rapidly.

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

Through this manoeuvre the aircraft changes its heading 180 ° describing a trajectory continuously
and progressively changing with respect to the three fundamental reference axes.
The pilot must visualize and describe a parabolic trajectory above the horizon.
The wingover consists of large and continuous variations in roll attitude, pitch, direction of
movement, speed and altitude.
The purpose of this manoeuvre, in the initial flight training phase, is:
1. help the pilot become familiar with wide variations in attitude and speed by teaching him to
identify the successive positions reached by the aircraft with respect to the pre-selected
external reference points;
2. train the pilot on the coordination of the structures according to the target to be reached
(reaching specific speeds, quotas etc.);
3. allow the pilot to develop the desired confidence in visual flight: this derives from his
familiarity with the characteristics of the aircraft and his knowledge of it;
4. prepare the pilot for a specific acrobatic manoeuvre and fly in formation.
· After the pre-acrobatic checks, choose a section line that is easily identifiable on the ground
(road, coast line, etc.) and a point on the horizon at 90 ° to the initial direction of the
manoeuvre, on the side selected for the manoeuvre . With 87% power, it positions the
aircraft parallel to the selected reference line and reaches a speed of 260 KIAS, if necessary,
by lowering the nose of the aircraft.
· Apply the controls gradually with the command requested, as a function of the possible
initial set-up with the nose facing down, so as to cross the horizon at the selected speed and
with a small pitch variation.

Figure 94. Diagram of execution of the wingover- 1

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0


Figure 95. Diagram of execution of the wingover- 2

Apply a back pressure on the stick and, still keeping the wings level, recall 30 ° -40 ° (depending on
the initial manoeuvring speed).At this point act on the stick gradually and without delay to start
changing the roll attitude with a moderate roll rate, to reach the 90 ° -110 ° of bank and 100 KIAS
on the upper part.
Apply the convenient pressure on the stick and act in a coordinated way so as to overcome the
horizon on the selected reference point.
If the recommended technique has been correctly applied the aircraft will reach the maximum nose-
up position of 70 ° -80 ° after about 70 ° of turn, the speed on the upper part will be 90-100 KIAS
and the use will cross the horizon in proximity of the reference point to 90 °.

When you are in the upper part of the manoeuvre, avoid sudden actions on the controls that could
lead to shaking or even stalling.

The descent phase is symmetrical to the ascent phase. From the beginning it is necessary to act
continuously on the stick to allow the aircraft to point the nose downwards.
Subsequently, it is necessary to intervene simultaneously on the roll and pitch attitude to complete
the "wing leveling" and the "pull up" with respect to the initially selected rectilinear reference, at
the desired speed.

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

· When the manoeuvre is performed for training-assessment purposes, the roll rate for entry
and recovery must be the same (within a range of values already specified).
· When the manoeuvre is not performed for training-evaluation purposes, the parameters are
chosen according to the discretion of the pilot, while remaining linked to each other.
· Throughout the manoeuvre the aircraft must be subjected to positive accelerations and the
use of controls must be constantly fluid, gradual, continuous and coordinated.
· It is a mistake to change the pitch and roll attitude separately, i.e. without coordination.

"To Pull" rather than "To Bank" should be the first considerations to make. Remember to visualize
a parabolic path on the horizon and act so that the nose of the aircraft follows it precisely. Every
error (whether it is of setting or parameters), observed on the initial manoeuvres, must be
subsequently corrected going to modify the previous parabolic path described (high parabola, low
parabola etc.).

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

Aileron roll
This is an acrobatic manoeuvre during which the aircraft describes a whole roll around a parallel
axis and very narrow with respect to its longitudinal axis.
The control surface that guarantees the performance of this manoeuvre is the aileron: the rudder and
the balancer serve to keep the direction and restore the normal flight attitude of the aircraft.
· After completing the pre-acrobatic checks, carry out a correct turn with 87% RPM and
select a far reference point on the horizon and a straight reference line on the aircraft side.
Nose down at 20° below the horizon.
· The initial manoeuvring speed must be between 250-300 KIAS.
· Recall the aircraft at about 20 ° -30 ° on the horizon, smoothly bring the stick into a neutral
position so as not to perceive that the pitch variation has stopped.
· Move the stick sideways to the side you have chosen to perform the roll. As a result of the
wing deflection, the aircraft will begin to roll around the longitudinal axis.
· As the inversion approaches, increase the lateral pressure on the stick to keep the roll
constant. At this stage, if the nose of the aircraft tends to fall below the horizon (low roll
speed) it will be necessary to push the stick slightly forward to keep the nose upwards. In the
last 90 ° of roll, if the nose of the aircraft still tends to go below the horizon, we integrate
with some pressure on the rudder in the side of the roll.
At the end of the manoeuvre the controls must be in the central position: This is therefore necessary
with the advantage of avoiding abrupt movements that lead to a sudden stop of the aircraft roll. In
the last 45 °, begin to bring the controls backwards with respect to the central roll position to ensure
that the manoeuvre is completed when the levelling of the wings is reached (if necessary, act with
coordination on the rudder via pedals).
You can see that under the same conditions as IAS, the roll speed depends on the lateral
displacement of the stick; the speed with which the stick is moved only affects the initial speed.

Figure 96. Diagram of execution of the aileron roll

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

Barrel roll
The barrel roll is a manoeuvre during which the aircraft describes a rotation of 360° around its
longitudinal axis while the nose describes a circle around a point just above the horizon.
The purpose of the barrel roll is to coordinate changes in attitude while the aircraft describes a
circular path around a distant point positioned 30° above and 30° on the side of the X axis of the

1. Perform pre-acrobatic checks;
2. Select a clearly visible reference point. Make a correct turn and bring the aircraft at an angle
of 30° in respect of the reference point (30° on the right to perform the barrel on the left and
vice versa);
3. Set the power to 87% and head towards the selected side reference by lowering the nose as
required to cross the horizon line with a speed of 270 KIAS.
4. At this point (point 4 of Figure 97), pull the stick to reach the maximum pitch attitude at the
reference point (6) with 90° of bank. It is specified that in this phase the back pressure on
the stick should be greater than the aileron pressure to avoid an excessively flat development
of the manoeuvre that occurs at high speed in the subsequent phase inversion.
5. Continue to roll to bring the aircraft in the inverted flight situation (7), wing parallel to the
horizon, at 30° from the selected reference point and a speed between 130 and 160 KIAS. In
this phase, release the back pressure on the stick and increase the pressure on the aileron to
maintain the constant roll rate.
6. After 270° of rotation (8), the nose of the aircraft should be below the central reference point,
with the nose below about 30° and 90° of bank.
7. From this point on, coordinate the pressure on the stick and rudder (pro-roll pedals) to cross
the horizon with the wings levelled at a speed of 270 KIAS and with the initial manoeuvring

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

The reference is a line on the ground that represents the axis of the envelope cylinder, on this image,
vertically and above the horizon of a point P.

Figure 97. Diagram of execution of the barrel roll

It is specified that in the last phase the back pressure on the stick should be greater than the pressure
on the wing to avoid an excess of speed foreseen to complete the manoeuvre.
Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

It is a manoeuvre during which the aircraft describes a circular trajectory in the vertical plane and a
rotation about its pitch axis.

NOTE: the trajectory in reality consists of two successive half spirals, one up and then one down.

The combination of these two movements generates the manoeuvre called LOOP. If the load factor
g is always applied, the reduction in speed would "reduce" the radius of the loop based on the


R is the radius of the loop;
V is the true airspeed;
a is the centripetal acceleration.
As the loop descends, the increasing speed increases the radius of the loop.

Figure 98. Diagram of execution of the looping

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

To make the loop rounder (although it will never be perfectly circular), it is necessary to decrease
the load factor as a function of the decrease in speed (from 3.5 g to 1 g) and increase it when the
speed increases (from 1 g to 3.5 g).
The demonstration of the fact that the loop is not circular is given by the horizontal distance
between the initial and final point. The rotation speed around the pitching axis changes considerably
during the loop, from 3° per second at the beginning to around 15° per second in the phase
· To follow a trajectory in a vertical plane, select references that guarantee to remain in this
plane as for example: a reference line on the ground (road, coast, railway, etc.) located
slightly on the side of the trajectory that is being travelled, to continuously monitor the
direction, and a reference point in the sky (a series of small clouds or cirrus clouds) that
guarantee to maintain the direction when the underlying soil is not visible.
After performing the pre-acrobatic checks, perform a correct turn (normal or vented turn) to sweep
the adjacent space and roll to the selected reference. Apply 90% of power and start to beat about
20° - 30° (as a function of the increase in IAS required) to reach the speed of 300 KIAS.
With an advantage of around 5-10 kts on the specified speed, start recalling so as to cross the
horizon at 300 KIAS with perfectly levelled wings.

Figure 99. Looping execution scheme - 1

In the initial phase of the manoeuvre, when the nose is above the horizon ready to reach the first
100° of pitch, apply a high pressure on the stick until a load factor of 3.5g is reached, while
carefully looking for the symmetrical position of the tip tank with respect to the horizon; if the
position is not symmetrical, the aircraft is more or less in an inclined plane different from the
vertical plane of the manoeuvre.

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

To continue the manoeuvre satisfactorily, correct the roll attitude and bring the aircraft into a plane
parallel to the initial plane and checking that the tip tanks are in a symmetrical position with respect
to the horizon. To maintain the expected load factor in the initial phase and to climb with an attitude
of 100°-110° nose up, as the IAS progressively decreases, the stick displacement increases, without
changing the applied pressure.
· After completing the first phase, which is the most important for a satisfactory completion
of the manoeuvre, release the pressure on the stick to have a load factor of 1g in the
inversion phase.

In the event of an abnormal decrease of the IAS due to a piloting error, interrupt the manoeuvre
and recall the aircraft in the same way as a recovery from an unusual attitude with the nose too

· When approaching the upside down position, pull your head back as far as you can until you
see the horizon (check leveled wings) and the selected references (check alignment).
· If the alignment has been lost, act on the stick to close on it.
· Complete the upper phase without relaxing the back pressure on the stick otherwise it would
be like prolonging the upside-down flight phase, going to meet an excessive decrease of the
IAS. On the other hand, due to the low speed reached, avoid pulling too much so as not to

Figure 100. Looping execution scheme - 2

· At the beginning of the dive (after the inverted levelled phase with the nose below the
horizon), increase a back pressure on the stick in order to the IAS remains low, in this way,
a sudden increase in speed will be avoided with consequent need to pull too many g at the
end of the manoeuvre.
As the IAS increases, the effectiveness of the control surfaces increases: the initial displacement to
back of the stick must be reduced, but the pressure on the stick has to be increased.
If the aircraft rapidly increases speeds (due to a piloting error), proceed in the same way for a
recovery from an unusual attitude with a low nose.

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

· During the dive, check that the nose follows the selected reference (or that it is parallel to
this) and apply a counter-pressure on the stick to regain the entry speed of 300 KIAS with a
continuous and fluid manoeuvre.
· Don't pull many more g's throughout the manoeuvre.
· The experience will lead to the execution of loops at lower initial speeds than the established
300 KIAS and speed in the upper part of the manoeuvre under the 130 KIAS (about 110

It is a manoeuvre during which the aircraft describes half a circumference in the vertical plane and
then performs a 180° rotation in the upper part of the manoeuvre (roll off the top), i.e. it performs a
half loop and a half roll, roll that occurs in the opposite direction compared to the source of the

Figure 101. Scheme of execution of the Immelmann

1. Perform pre-acrobatic checks and perform a correct turn by bringing the aircraft parallel or
over a straight reference line with a pitch attitude of about 20° - 30° above the horizon and
90% RPM. Pull up the aircraft to cross the horizon at a speed of 320 KIAS.
2. Apply a back pressure on the stick to change the pitch attitude in the same way as the loop
(or slightly more). At this stage, check that the wing is parallel to the terrestrial horizon.

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

Apply sufficient back pressure to the bar to avoid reaching the reverse attitude at the same
low speed. If this error is made, do not continue the manoeuvre and perform a loop.
3. When in the inverted flight the nose of the aircraft is about 20° above the horizon release the
back pressure on the bar so when the roll has started, move the bar slightly forward: this
must be done to avoid the combined effect of the balancer and the ailerons which tend to
turn the aircraft and therefore change direction.
4. Check the reference to the ground and start rolling the aircraft: this second phase of the
manoeuvre is very similar to the aileron roll but the speed is much lower. It will therefore be
necessary to move the controls gently and apply a pro-roll rudder (both to maintain direction
and assist the roll phase
5. When in the inverted phase the speed should be around 150-160KIAS, and about 130KIAS
at the end of the manoeuvre. In this last phase, the stick must have a big displacement due to
the low speed of the aircraft and the consequent reduced effectiveness of the surface
6. If the relative speed in the inverted phase is lower than 130KIAS continue the manoeuvre
but be careful to perform the aileron roll with a pitch attitude different from the optimal set
up (in extreme conditions, even slightly above the horizon).

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

It is a deep stall during which the aircraft describes a spiral path in the direction of the ground.
During the spin the internal wing is subject to a more pronounced stall than the wing outside the
spiral. At this point the internal wing has more resistance and constitutes a steeper spiral, has less
thrust and therefore increases the side bank.

Figure 102. Diagram of execution of the spin - 1

The aircraft is forced downward by rolling and yawing, with the nose lower and lower until it
stabilizes when the inertial forces of the masses in the fuselage and in the wing balance the
aerodynamic forces. Inertial forces tend to flatten the rotation while aerodynamic forces tend to
make them steep. The MB339A spin stabilizes after about three rotations with the nose low at about
During the spin the use of the ailerons must be avoided. In fact the ailerons, which lower instead of
increasing the lift of the wing, aggravate the stall condition and "brake": from there moving the bar
on the side opposite the spin induces the screw to become steeper.
The opposite is achieved with the ailerons in favour of the spin.
The MB339A starts the spin only intentionally and has excellent recovery characteristics: this is to
say that it shows a marked tendency to exit a spin by itself if the commands are left free.
The spin is mainly taught as an experience for the future, to train pilots to recognize it promptly and
to proceed automatically to recovery.
Being able to easily recover from the spin when confidence in the aircraft increases and improve the
ability to navigate in unusual settings.
Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

The spin is the result of the composition of movements such as:

· translation forward and down (gravity);
· rotation around the axis of descent;
· pitch: oscillation around the lateral axis;
· roll: oscillation around the longitudinal axis
· yaw: swing around the Z axis.
The control of the aircraft can be recovered through the use of the rudder and the elevator.


Student pilots are not allowed to intentionally run a spin with fuel in tip tanks.

Since the spin can only be considered stabilized after three rotations, the teaching of recovery can
be completed upon completion of the third round.
A recovery before the third round is safe but the behavior of the aircraft will change over time. If
the recovery is performed after the third round, the behavior of the aircraft will always be the same.

The intentional spin

1. Before executing an intentional spin it is suggested to make a correct stall to evaluate
exactly the stall IAS.
2. Perform pre-acrobatic checks, check that the tip tanks are empty and at the same time trim
the aircraft as required for level flight.
3. Delay the throttle IDLE position but do not bring the power below 60%, extend the
speedbrake and provide a correct turn of 180°± 45° with 45° bank in the direction of the
spin. After the first 90 ° round, do not lose altitude as in this case, in the presence of low
deceleration, the aircraft can leave the area clean or start the spin below the minimum safety
level. In addition, do not climb to prevent the aircraft from entering a spin with too much
nose up.
4. The entry into the spin will be carried out at 110 KIAS (or at a speed of 10 kts above the
stall speed if a stall will be executed) by applying the entire rudder in the desired direction
of the spin and almost simultaneously moving the bar completely backwards. For a correct
entry into the spin, it is necessary to simultaneously give the stick and pedal at the end of the
5. During the manoeuvre, keep the controls in the spin entry position (stick and pedal at the
end of the stroke) making sure to have the ailerons in neutral position. Keep in mind that the
oscillations of the aircraft during autorotation tend to shift the controls, so apply adequate
pressure to avoid unwanted movement.
6. Be careful not to inadvertently operate the trims during the manoeuvre since a trim change
could cause difficulty in recovering the manoeuvre.
7. During the spin, check and count the rotations referring to a known reference point.
8. Recovery will begin upon completion of the third rotation. Apply rudder all the way in the
opposite direction to the direction of rotation and at the same time bring the stick to the
neutral position. The rudder will stop the autorotation while the elevator will reduce the
excessive angle of attack. As soon as the autorotation stops, move to the neutral position the

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

rudder and start a uniform to return the aircraft to level flight.

As soon as the nose reaches the horizon, give timely power to restore the flight parameters.
9. During the return to level flight, forward stick shifts that can bring the plane into negative G
conditions must be avoided.
10. As soon as the rotation stops, neutralize the controls to avoid a fall in the spin in the
opposite direction during the consequent return to level flight.
11. During the return to level flight, act uniformly on the control stick to avoid a possible "G"
stall. If this occurs, it is sufficient to release the pressure applied to the control stick and
proceed with a new more uniform return to level flight. At the end of a correct return to
level flight, the speed should not exceed 240 KIAS.
12. In the case of involuntary entry into a spin, recovery must be made as soon as the nose
moves below the horizon, without waiting for the three rotations to complete: in addition,
the throttle must be moved to IDLE as soon as possible.
13. In the case of disorientation, it is advisable to leave the controls so that they return alone in
neutral condition. With this simple action the aircraft should come out of the spin in
maximum two rotations.
14. Any spin performed for training purposes must be started at an altitude exceeding 4570 m
(15000 ft). If you reach 1800 m (6000 ft) and the aircraft is still in uncontrolled flight, eject.
NOTE: recovery from a spin with empty tip tanks generally takes place within half a rotation, i.e. at
about 180° with respect to the starting point of the recovery manoeuvre..

Spin with nose at high pitch angle

1. Perform pre-acrobatic checks and make a correct turn.
2. Bring the throttle to IDLE and recall up to about 50 ° above the horizon, directing the
aircraft towards a distant and well-known visual reference.
3. At 125 KIAS, entering the spin by acting on the controls a little more quickly than the
standard spin.
4. The aircraft will make a first rotation similar to a steep climbing aileron roll; the second
rotation will be almost on the horizon line, the third will be with the nose down.
5. During the spin, keep the controls in the bottom position positively.
6. After three rotations, perform the recovery following the standard procedure.

Upside down spin

The intentional upside down spin is an advanced acrobatic manoeuvre forbidden to student pilots.
The chances that the aircraft may accidentally enter a reverse spin due to incorrect piloting at very
low speed are negligible and the simple release of the controls, even if not in a neutral position,
causes the aircraft to exit the manoeuvre in a spontaneous.

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

Figure 103. Diagram of execution of the spin - 2

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

It is a low speed turn performed in the vertical plane after a zoom.

1. Perform pre-acrobatic checks;
2. Select a reference line and bring the aircraft parallel to it;
3. 90% RPM. Set a pitch down attitude (20 °);
4. Start to pull up at 290 KIAS to cross the horizon at 300 KIAS and 3.5g;
5. Perform the first part of the manoeuvre in the same way as for the loop;
6. With 80°-85° of pitch, push the stick forward enough to keep the nose up very close to 90 °
but no more.
7. The speed will decrease rapidly. At 150 KIAS, reduce the power to the IDLE quickly but
not in an accentuated manner. At 115 KIAS apply all rudder in the direction of the turn. The
aircraft will rotate in the vertical plane of 180°.

NOTE: to bring the aircraft into the vertical plane it is necessary to apply lateral pressure on the
stick in the direction opposite to the turn.

8. Return the rudder to the center just before the aircraft reaches the vertical position. Begin to
pull the stick first gently and then resolutely starting from 150 KIAS with an altitude of
about 85° with the nose down. If necessary, remove the speedbrake above the 200 KIAS.
9. Apply power and retract speedbrakes when the aircraft is almost levelled and stabilize at 250

Figure 104. Fiesler execution scheme

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

Schneider turn
It is an extremely steep turn with a load factor of 5 g or more. Start the manoeuvre at 100% RPM
and at least 360 KIAS, side bank at about 78° and the relative speed decreases during the turn. The
altitude will be maintained by rapid increase and decrease of bank while a back pressure is applied
on the stick to keep the load factor from 5 to 5.5g.
The turn will be completed at 12°-15° per second with a radius of about 800 m (2625 ft). The
manoeuvre is complete after 360° of turn without loss or gain of altitude.

Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

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Aerobatic manoeuvres
Version 2.0

In this chapter, we want to share with you some of our in-game screenshots of our aerobatic
We hope you like them!

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Version 2.0

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Version 2.0

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Version 2.0

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Version 2.0

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Version 2.0

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Frecce Tricolori Virtuali


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