Scenario: Administrative Configuration: Description

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Lab 8
Scenario: administrative configuration


In this lab we will finish configuration of Pravail APS. These actions are
typically performed before the device is deployed in production mode.

After completing this lab, you will be able to do the following:
• Configure administrative settings of Pravail APS

The following equipment is required to complete this lab:

• web browser
When accessing training labs, you will be prompted for Training Portal
Authentication. Use following credentials:
• Login: student53

• Password: 93RGrEZY83

Estimated Completion Time

• The estimated completion time for this lab is 15 minutes.

Student 53 L8-1
Lab 8

Administrative configuration
While profile capture is ongoing, let’s finish administrative configuration

1. Navigate to Administration -> General

2. Change Default URL Hostname to
This will ensure that URLs in notification are correct
3. Navigate to Administration->Notifications and add Syslog destination
with IP address of, port 514. Select all available alert types.
4. Save configuration
5. Change the protection mode to inactive
Log into to check resulting syslog
6. Change the protection mode back to active
7. Navigate to Administration->Interfaces. Rename interface ext0 to
Internet and int0 to Data Center
8. Configure remote backup server. In order to do that, navigate to
Administration->Backup and Restore.
Edit Server Settings
Change server type to Remote
Set server to
Use port 22
Set backup directory to /home/student53/
Specify your student credentials for authentication
9. Create manual full backup
Click Backup Now
If prompted, select Full type
Type “Lab complete” as a description
Include Traffic Data into the backup
Wait until backup is complete
10. Configure scheduled backups:
Edit Schedule
Set Weekly Full Backups
Run them on Saturdays
At 03:00 AM
Set Daily Incremental Backups
Run them at 05:00 AM
Include Traffic Data into the backup
11. Navigate to Administration->Change Log and take a look at audit
log written

L8-2 Student 53 Pravail APS 5.6

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